This Week in the News

Merkel’s Views on Europe, Britain, the USA and Russia

The Guardian wrote on June 26:

“As the rotating presidency of the EU council passes to Germany on 1 July, the country’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, sat down for an interview…

“‘It is very much in all the member states’ own interests to maintain a strong European internal market and to stand united on the world stage. In such an extraordinary situation, I rely on the member states having a great interest in the things that unite us… It is in Germany’s interest to have a strong internal market and to have the European Union grow closer together, not fall apart. As ever, what’s good for Europe is good for us…

“‘Without a doubt, European law has precedence over national law – but that does not tell us where the realm of European law begins and ends. The essence of the European Union lies in the member states transferring powers

“‘It would, of course, be in Britain’s and all EU member states’ interests to achieve an orderly departure. But that can only happen if it is what both sides want. What matters is not our wishes but only the reality before us, in other words first of all what Britain wants. With Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the British government wants to define for itself what relationship it will have with us after the country leaves. It will then have to live with the consequences, of course, that is to say with a less closely interconnected economy. If Britain does not want to have rules on the environment and the labour market or social standards that compare with those of the EU, our relations will be less close… We need to let go of the idea that it is for us to define what Britain should want. That is for Britain to define – and we, the EU27, will respond appropriately….

“‘We in Germany know that we have to spend more on defence; we have achieved considerable increases in recent years, and we will continue on that path to enhance our military capabilities. American troops in Germany help to protect not only Germany and the European part of Nato but also the interests of the United States of America… There are compelling reasons to remain committed to a transatlantic defence community and our shared nuclear umbrella. But of course Europe needs to carry more of the burden than during the cold war. We grew up in the certain knowledge that the United States wanted to be a world power. Should the US now wish to withdraw from that role of its own free will, we would have to reflect on that very deeply….

“‘… we recognise hybrid warfare, methods of destabilisation, as a Russian behaviour pattern. On the other hand, there are good reasons to keep engaging in constructive dialogue with Russia…’”

In her usual “diplomatic” way, Angela Merkel expresses very timidly Europe’s concern about America’s lack of reliability. The following articles express this concern in much more drastic ways. But what we should also glean from this interview is the strong desire for European strength and power. This will also be expressed more clearly in the articles to follow.

“The World Is Putting America in Quarantine”

The Week wrote on June 25:

“Europe… is looking at America with slackjawed horror… Around the world, it is beginning to sink in how profoundly rotten the United States is. Unless America manages to turn things around, it will slide from the center of the international order to a peripheral, mistrusted basketcase

“When faced with a problem, most top politicians in both parties think first about how they can shift blame to others or appear the victim of circumstance…”

Trust in the USA Is Gone

The Local wrote on June 29:

“Some 63 percent of Italians, 61 percent of French people, and 52 percent of Spaniards said that the EU has not lived up to its responsibilities… But that did not mean there is an increased desire to see the European project fail. In fact a majority in all countries surveyed believed there was a need for greater European cooperation after the pandemic ‘The share of respondents who held this belief was as high as 91 percent in Portugal and 80 percent in Spain… In France, Sweden, and Denmark, more than half of respondents approved of greater cooperation at the European level. In Italy, 77 percent did,’ read the survey…

“Strikingly the survey also revealed a steep deterioration in the European perception of Donald Trump’s America. More than 60 percent of respondents in Germany, France, Spain, Denmark and Portugal said they had lost trust in the United States as a global leader… ‘Now, Europeans’ trust in Trump’s America is gone…’ the study wrote. ‘Europeans have accepted the fact that Trump’s America is not necessarily a friend of Europe in a time of need. Europeans’ view of China has also worsened since the pandemic….”

This European perception regarding the USA will have terrible consequences.

Most US Travelers Barred from EU

MSN wrote on June 26:

“The European Union will bar most travelers from the United States, Russia and dozens of other countries considered too risky because they have not controlled the coronavirus outbreak…

“The exclusion of the United States, an important source of tourism to the European Union, represented a stinging rebuke to the Trump administration’s management of the coronavirus scourge… The list will be updated every two weeks, raising the possibility that excluded countries will be added… officials said the United States and other nations had been lobbying intensely to get on the safe list.

“The United States, which banned most EU travelers in March when the virus was raging in Europe, has not eased its own restrictions since then… Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, asked Thursday about the prospect of a prolonged ban on American travel to Europe, struck a conciliatory tone but said that many European countries were eager to admit American visitors… ‘We’ve heard from a dozen or more countries that have very different views about their willingness to open up their borders to anyone, not only folks from the United States of America,’ he said…

“While the new list is not legally binding, member states that open up to excluded countries face the risk that their EU partners will close their borders to them… Seven million Americans visited Europe between June and August last year…

“The full list finalized Friday includes Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, Andorra, San Marino, Monaco and the Vatican. China will be included if it also opens its borders to EU travelers, as reciprocal reopening is one of the criteria used to make the final selection for the safe list. Britain, despite having left the EU, is still being considered part of the bloc until year’s end, and so was not part of the discussion over outside visitors.”

In spite of the fact that some European countries depend heavily on American tourists, the EU wants to exclude the USA in obvious retaliation for Trump’s many political actions and pronouncements which the EU rejects. The pandemic concerns are a welcome “justification” for European politics.

Breitbart wrote on June 30:

“European politicians claimed that the decision was not political… While the EU has maintained the ban was made based on which countries had worse containment of the virus, the movement may be seen as a move towards a tit-for-tat spat with the United States. In March, President Donald Trump banned travel from the European Union over the bloc’s failure to contain the spreading Chinese virus… Eurocrats reacted with anger, claiming that President Trump had treated the continent as a ‘scapegoat’, blaming ‘nationalism’ for provoking the U.S. travel ban…”

European Lawmakers Strongly Oppose Israel and USA

JTA wrote on June 25:

“More than 1,000 lawmakers from throughout Europe signed a letter opposing Israel’s plans to annex parts of the West Bank and calling for ‘commensurate consequences.’ More than 240 of the signers are British legislators… Other lawmakers come from 25 countries including Belgium, Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.

“The letter, which was sent to the countries’ foreign ministers, says the lawmakers ‘share serious concerns about President Trump’s plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the imminent prospect of Israeli annexation of West Bank territory.’ The letter adds: ‘Failure to adequately respond would encourage other states with territorial claims to disregard basic principles of international law. The rules-based global order is central to Europe’s own long-term stability and security.’…

“On Wednesday, seven European countries said in a statement in the United Nations that annexation of any part of the West Bank ‘would have consequences for our close relationship with Israel and will not be recognized by us,’ The Jerusalem Post reported. The statement was signed by the five European nations that are currently members of the Security Council — France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Estonia — and the incoming Security Council members, Ireland and Norway.

“The Trump peace plan allows for Israel to annex up to 30% of the West Bank and calls for negotiations toward a Palestinian state. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will put annexation into motion after July 1.”

Europe is outing itself more and more against Israel and the USA. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz emphasized that the annexation has been planned for some time “after July 1,” not “on” July 1.

Vatican Gets Involved

Breaking Israel News wrote on July 2:

 “The Vatican announced that it had summoned the envoys of both Israel and the United States on Wednesday for meetings to oppose Israel’s plans to assert sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria within the framework of Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’. In two separate meetings on Tuesday, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin warned US Ambassador Callista Gingrich and Israeli Ambassador Oren David of the possibility of war… ‘regarding possible unilateral actions that may further jeopardize the search for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the delicate situation in the Middle East.’”

Iran and Turkey to Attack Israel?

Breaking Israel News wrote on June 28:

“The notion of a joint Iran-Turkey invasion of Israel is a realistic scenario according to several Middle East experts… Both Ankara and Tehran have been cooperating in various Middle East conflicts including their opposition to American involvement in Syria as well as battling Kurdish dissident groups. And the once rivals also now share a hatred of Israel combined with the support of Hamas which could translate into a united front in a potential war against Israel…

“One example is how Turkey’s Religious Affairs Ministry has threatened to mobilize the Muslim community against Israel to protect Jerusalem against annexation. Similar sentiments have been heard from Tehran as Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, called for ‘armed resistance’ (against Israel) on May 21… Hamas is currently funded by Turkish-backed Qatar and the two maintain very close diplomatic ties….

“Turkey and Iran were diametrically opposed due to their religious differences with Iran being strongly Shia and Turkey being strongly Sunni… ‘Sometimes, Sunni and Shia cooperate against a common enemy,’ Dr. Kedar said, noting that Iran, fanatically Shia, funds Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, fanatically Sunni, against Israel, the small devil, and the US, the great devil.’… ‘For economic and trade, Iran and Turkey can get along quite well,’ Dr. Aviv said. ‘In Turkish culture, there are no “friends”. There are only common interests. This is especially true of foreign powers. They have an expression that there is no friend for a Turk other than another Turk. There are agreements, agendas, and goals but no real alliances. This allowed Turkey to stay out of World War II until the very end. This allows them to be a member of NATO but still buy Russian military hardware when it suits them… What this means for the US, Israel, and other countries is that… if their interests suddenly demand, they can become an enemy overnight.’”

Turkey will turn out to become a violent and mean enemy of the state of Israel and the USA.

EU and Germany Should Threaten Military Intervention in Libya

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 29:

“The European Union should threaten to intervene militarily in the Libyan civil war if necessary, Wolfgang Ischinger, the head of the Munich Security Conference, said in an interview on Monday. ‘Europe could throw its military weight into the equation in order to achieve a cease-fire,’ Ischinger told newspapers of the Funke media group. ‘Diplomacy often remains mere rhetoric if you are unable to use the threat of military action as leverage in international conflicts.’

“As Germany prepares to take on the rotating EU presidency on July 1, the bloc must speak ‘the language of power’ to better represent its interests. ‘This requires Germany, too, to learn the language of power,’ he said… Germany’s diplomatic appeals were largely ignored, because for the acting powers in the conflict, such as Russia, Turkey and Egypt, ‘whoever is in charge of the military is the one in charge,’ said Ischinger.”

Europe, under German leadership, WILL speak the language of power very soon… resulting in the Great Tribulation.

Ukrainians for Putin

The Associated Press reported on June 29:

“Residents of separatist-controlled regions in eastern Ukraine who have Russian citizenship are travelling to Russia to vote on constitutional amendments that would allow President Vladimir Putin to remain in power until 2036… Some of the voters told The Associated Press that the constitutional changes would boost the powers of the Russian authorities and bring peace to the separatist region in eastern Ukraine. Others expressed hope that the changes would allow separatist republics to become part of Russia

“Over 220,000 Ukrainians living in areas held by Russia-backed rebels received Russian passports last year, after Putin signed a decree expediting citizenship applications from residents of the self-proclaimed republics… More than 150,000 residents of eastern Ukraine have expressed a desire to cast a ballot in the vote on the constitutional reform…”

Ukraine WILL become part of Russia, or at least collaborate with Russia AGAINST Europe.

Larger and More Aggressive Military Force in Australia

ABC News reported on June 30:

“Australia will build a larger and more aggressive military focused on its immediate backyard, including new long-range missiles [as well as cyber capabilities and a high-tech underwater surveillance system], signalling a major shift in the nation’s defence strategy… Prime Minister Scott Morrison [emphasized] a greater focus on the Indo-Pacific region, warning Australia needs to prepare for a post-COVID-19 world that is ‘poorer, more dangerous and more disorderly’…

“‘The strategic competition between China and the United States means that there’s a lot of tension in the cord and a lot of risk of miscalculation,’ Mr Morrison [said]… ‘And so we have to be prepared… to respond and play our role to protect Australia, defend Australia… When they talk about the bad behaviour that’s happening in the region, the annexation of territory, coercion, the influencing of domestic politics, the use of cyber attacks – it’s really only one country which is doing that at industrial levels, and that’s the People’s Republic of China.’”

Breitbart added on July 1:

“China has warned its students and tourists against going to Australia, slapped trade sanctions on Australian goods and sentenced an Australian citizen to death for drug trafficking. Beijing has laughed at Australia’s long alliance to the U.S. through war and peace, deriding it as something to be ridiculed.”

Bleak Picture of Global Economy

The Hour wrote on June 24:

“The International Monetary Fund on Wednesday painted a bleak portrait of the global economy, saying the coronavirus pandemic has caused more widespread damage than expected and will be followed by a sluggish recovery. The global economy will shrink this year by 4.9%, worse than the 3% decline predicted in April, the IMF said. No major economy is escaping the pandemic. The U.S. economy, the world’s largest, is expected to shrink this year by 8%. Countries that use the single European currency are headed for a decline of more than 10%… By the end of next year, the pandemic will have cost the global economy $12.5 trillion in lost output, she added…

“Fund officials blamed the darker forecast on the effects of social distancing; scarring to global production capacity from the lockdown of activity; and the productivity cost of new safety and hygiene rules… The forecast assumes countries will not reimpose comprehensive lockdowns even if the pandemic flares up again…”

As we can see from this report, measures employed in fighting the coronavirus have been causing a terrible global economic downfall.

Cuomo and de Blasio Church Lockdown Orders Knocked Down by Federal Judge

Newsmax wrote on June 26:

“An order by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio to limit the size of church services has been struck down by a federal judge. The preliminary injunction pointed out that Cuomo and de Blasio undercut their claim that lockdown orders were ‘generally applicable’ by encouraging large protests against police brutality while discouraging large church gatherings… [The judge] said that… de Blasio couldn’t make a ‘legitimate’ claim that he isn’t biased against people of faith.

“‘Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio could have just as easily discouraged protests, short of condemning their message, in the name of public health and exercised discretion to suspend enforcement for public safety reasons instead of encouraging what they knew was a flagrant disregard of the outdoor limits and social distancing rules’ [the judge] wrote. ‘They could have also been silent. But by acting as they did, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio sent a clear message that mass protests are deserving of preferential treatment.’”

Indeed they have done so, and the court decision is just and fair.

Abortion Activists Win Before US Supreme Court

The Associated Press wrote on June 29:

“The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law regulating abortion clinics, reasserting a commitment to abortion rights over fierce opposition from dissenting conservative justices in the first big abortion case of the Trump era. Chief Justice John Roberts joined with his four more liberal colleagues in ruling that the law requiring doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals violates the abortion right the court first announced in the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973…

“In dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote, ‘Today a majority of the Court perpetuates its ill-founded abortion jurisprudence by enjoining a perfectly legitimate state law and doing so without jurisdiction.’ President Donald Trump’s two appointees, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, were in dissent, along with Justice Samuel Alito…

“Roberts’ vote was a bit of a surprise because he voted in [another] case to uphold [such] clinic restrictions… Roberts didn’t write anything explaining his position at the time, but he had never before cast a vote on the side of abortion rights.”

 John Roberts is clearly becoming THE political voice for the liberal US Supreme Court justices.

Catholic Archbishop Condemns Abortion Decision

Breitbart wrote on June 30:

“The chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ committee for pro-life activities denounced Monday’s Supreme Court decision that perpetuates the ‘cruel precedent’ of prioritizing the abortion industry over women’s health and well-being… ‘Abortion violently ends the life of a child, and often severely harms women,’ writes Kansas City Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann in a statement… ‘As Catholics, we condemn abortion as a grave injustice that denies the fundamental human right to life…’

“In his powerful dissent to the ruling, Justice Clarence Thomas not only criticized the court’s decision, he also said that the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade that trampled states’ rights and imposed abortion-on-demand on the entire country needs to be revisited and overturned, a position echoed by the U.S. bishops… ‘Roe is grievously wrong for many reasons, but the most fundamental is that its core holding—that the Constitution protects a woman’s right to abort her unborn child—finds no support in the text of the Fourteenth Amendment,’ he noted.

“The Court’s grotesque judicial travesty in Roe v. Wade is further exacerbated by Monday’s ruling, the bishops contend. ‘The Court’s failure to recognize the legitimacy of laws prioritizing women’s health and safety over abortion business interests continues a cruel precedent,” Archbishop Naumann declares… ‘We will not rest until the day when the Supreme Court corrects the grave injustice of Roe and Casey and recognizes the Constitutional right to life for unborn human beings,’ the archbishop concludes.”

Racial Discrimination in California

The Wall Street Journal published the following article on June 25:

“… while deploring racism, the Democratic Legislature in California has voted to codify racial discrimination in state law. On Wednesday the state Senate voted for a constitutional amendment, ACA 5, that would reintroduce racial preferences for who gets a state job or contract, or who is admitted to a state university.

“The state Assembly previously passed the measure, which means the amendment will be on the November ballot. It would repeal Proposition 209, which voters approved in 1996 and outlawed racial bias in state policy. The repeal effort received a boost from the killing of George Floyd, no matter the irony of voting for discrimination by race in the name of eliminating discrimination by race.”

The Fight against Racism

Newsmax reported on June 28:

“Princeton will remove President Woodrow Wilson’s name from its prestigious public policy school and a residential college [because of his “racist” and “segregationist views”]… ‘The Simpsons’ will no longer have white actors voicing the roles of non-white characters… part of a push by animated shows to be more sensitive to matters of race and avoid stereotypes… leaders of Orange County’s Democratic Party are pushing to drop film legend John Wayne’s name, statue and other likenesses from the county’s airport because of his racist and bigoted comments…”

The Daily Mail wrote on June 29:

“Donald Trump bashed Princeton University’s trustees on Monday for their decision to nix the 28th president’s name from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs… He also claimed Democrats are being ‘stupid’ in pushing for actor John Wayne’s name and statue to be removed from an airport in Orange County, California. ‘Can anyone believe that Princeton just dropped the name of Woodrow Wilson from their highly respected policy center,’ the president tweeted Monday morning. ‘Now the Do Nothing Democrats want to take off the name John Wayne from an airport. Incredible stupidity!’”

JTA wrote on June 26:

“Amid the nationwide movement to take down memorials to Confederacy figures, two Charlotte synagogues are calling for the removal of a downtown monument to Judah Benjamin, a Jewish politician who served as a Cabinet member for the Confederate government.”

Sharpton’s Views on Confederate Monuments

Newsmax wrote on June 25:

“Al Sharpton said… that public statues featuring Confederate soldiers are insulting to African Americans, who along with all taxpayers, are footing the bill for the upkeep of the public monuments… Sharpton said the Confederate monuments should be replaced with statues of people who ‘fought and defeated them, not the ones who were defeated.’

“He then posed a question to World War II veterans in order to explain how many Blacks are feeling. ‘How would a World War II veteran feel about paying taxes to have a statue of Mussolini or Hitler in their public square?’ Sharpton asked.”

Napolitano’s Views on Historical Monuments

On June 25, Newsmax published the following article by Judge Andrew Napolitano:

“I am amazed at the efforts around the country to remove and destroy painful mementos of our history…

“When a statue is erected to an historical figure, the erection is a statement about the balance of the person’s life worth. It is not a claim of perfection. The Father of our Country owned more than 100 slaves. When the Capital of the U.S. was in Philadelphia, at a time when all slaves were deemed by Pennsylvania law to be freed after six months of their entry into the state, George and Martha Washington — he, the president of the United States at the time — rotated their slaves into and out of the state, so that none would qualify for freedom. The same man who wrote in the Declaration of Independence that ‘all men are created equal’ also fathered numerous children with one of his 600 slaves.

“Do you think Sally Hemings was free to reject a years-long sexual union with Thomas Jefferson, the man who owned her? And the author of the Constitution, who owned at least 100 slaves, defended his exploitation of them into his presidency. The same James Madison who artfully and articulately defended natural rights for white people, hardly considered Blacks to be in the same category. Should we really forget the three of them?…

“The police brutality of Blacks in America today is the natural progression and extension of the government hypocrisy that brought about and protected slavery. We need to reverse that progression. But we cannot reverse the memory of it. We need to be reminded from time to time of our horrible past so that we can labor mightily to avoid repeating it. Does this mean changing the names of federal institutions? Does it mean tearing down statues of the long-dead because we finally realized that there was more evil than good in some of them?… Once we start pulling down statues — whether of Robert E. Lee or Christopher Columbus or Theodore Rooseveltthere will be no end.

“… pretending that these figures never existed, or eradicating the memory of the good they performed, will continue the march toward… self-delusion that escapes reality. We must live in the real world where bad men did good things and good men did bad things — and intelligent people recognize this. You… cannot escape the consequences of escaping reality. Those consequences will be the inevitable repetition of a past we should never forget.”

Indeed, not learning from the mistakes of the past means that they will have to be repeated.

The Term “Lightening” Racially Offensive?

Fox News reported on June 27:

“Industry-leading French cosmetics company L’Oreal announced they will be removing words like ‘whitening’ and ‘lightening’ from their products after a number of beauty brands received backlash for their skin-lightening products amidst ongoing protests for racial equality. ‘The L’Oreal Group has decided to remove the words white/whitening, fair/fairness, light/lightening from all its skin evening products,’ the company said in a statement..

“L’Oreal’s promise for change comes a day after consumer products leader Unilever announced they’d be changing the name of their ‘Fair & Lovely’ cream that is popular in Asia for skin lightening. The product reportedly generated $500 million in revenue in India last year… but the brand says they are working to acknowledge how their terminology and branding perpetuates racist stereotypes… Still, the company holds that the Fair & Lovely range ‘has never been, and is not, a skin bleaching product.’”

Pretty soon, with that rationale and extreme way of thinking, few words will be left which will not in some way and in the minds of some “perpetuate racial stereotypes” in one form or another. Note the following:

The Daily Mail wrote on June 30:

“A historic 400-year-old British pub named ‘The Black Boy’ is set to be renamed in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests. The pub in Sevenoaks, Kent, will soon be called ‘The Restoration’ in a nod to King Charles II – who was restored as the monarch in 1660 following the period of Oliver Cromwell’s Commonwealth. The pub name ‘The Black Boy’ is believed to be a reference to the 17th century monarch who is said to have been nicknamed ‘Black Boy’ by his mother, Henrietta Maria of France, due to his dark hair and complexion.”

In addition, reported that “Australia’s taxpayer funded public broadcaster ABC is facing ridicule after announcing it would host a debate asking if chess is racist because the white team traditionally gets to go first under the rules of the game.”

Violent Riots in Oregon

The Associated Press wrote on June 26:

“The mayor and newly appointed police chief of Portland, Oregon, on Friday sharply criticized protesters who set fire to a police precinct and vandalized businesses the night before, saying continued violence at protests is preventing the city from moving forward with meaningful reform. Early Friday, a group of several hundred demonstrators set fire to the North Precinct building while people were inside and barricaded the doors after they were unable to break in through a garage… Police in riot gear used CS gas, a type of tear gas, around 2:15 a.m. to disperse the crowd….

“Newly appointed Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is black, also criticized protesters’ tactics in a tweet Friday. He said earlier this week that demonstrations have cost the city $6.2 million so far and that cost does not include straight-time pay for officers pulled from other jobs to work at protests…

Thousands of people have turned out every night for nearly a month in this liberal Pacific Northwest city since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Most protesters are peaceful, but smaller numbers of people break away most nights and set small fires, tear down fences and statues and clash with police, Lovell said…

“The nonprofit Don’t Shoot Portland and two protesters sued the city, seeking to ban the use of tear gas to disperse large crowds. A federal judge on June 9 issued a 14-day court order barring the launching of the riot-control agent except when a life is at risk. The judge extended the temporary order through July 24.”

These kinds of riots are taking place all over the country and in other parts around the world (note the next article). They are placing police officers in an untenable and unmanageable position.

The Daily Mail wrote on June 29:

A guillotine has been set up by protesters outside the Washington DC home of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos demanding the company he founded be abolished. A number of videos have been posted to social media that show an old fashioned piece of apparatus commonly used for beheading during the French Revolution. A sign placed underneath read: ‘Support our poor communities. Not our wealthy men.’”

Britain’s BLM Problems

Douglas Murray wrote in Mail on Sunday on June 27:

“Depressingly, what is happening to our police is symbolic of wider social unrest. It is as if Britain is suffering a mental breakdown – with all the values and links that bind us together being torn apart… The violent lawlessness last week followed disturbances across the country as protesters acting under the banner of Black Lives Matter brought the worst and most divisive aspects of American identity politics to the UK. They ushered in the disturbing sight of it seeming to be completely acceptable for people to get away scot-free with defacing or destroying any public monument that isn’t to their liking.

“Despite strong words of condemnation, ministers shamefully stood by and allowed this to happen. Unprotected by the Government, police chiefs felt obliged to hold back – or even in some cases watch as their under-attack officers ran away. … At the core of this pressure-cooker atmosphere is… a shocking failure of nerve by almost everybody in a position of authority –from politicians, the police, our religious leaders and broadcast media.”

Now note in the next article the shocking failure of nerve—or worse—by the head of the Church of England.

England’s Head of Church of England Recommends to Reconsider Jesus

 The Daily Mail wrote on June 26:

“In a wide-ranging interview, [the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England] revealed he would be reviewing statues at Canterbury Cathedral [and] urged the West to reconsider its prevailing mindset that Jesus was white, and pointed to different portrayals of Christ as Black, Middle Eastern and Chinese in different countries.”

The Daily Mail wrote on June 30:

“A painting of the Last Supper featuring a black Jesus will replace a Nativity scene at St Albans Cathedral to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter. The Dean has agreed to install the 9ft piece of artwork on the altar after conceding that the church is in a weak position to preach about racial justice. Titled A Last Supper, the painting reworks Da Vinci’s renowned 15th century mural by casting a Jamaican-born model as Christ.”

What incredible insanity and blasphemy! Christ was a JEW!

Obama and Biden Celebrate Gay Pride Month

Breitbart wrote on June 26:

“Barack Obama and Joe Biden took part Friday in a virtual Gay Pride Month celebration… They were joined by prominent A-list celebrities including Taylor Swift, Ellen DeGeneres, George Takei, and Katy Perry… ‘You know, Pride is particularly poignant this year,’ the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said.

“‘Even as the LGBTQ+ rights continue to be attacked, the Supreme Court has affirmed protections for the LGBTQ+ people against unemployment discrimination. Even as the lives of trans individuals,  especially black trans women, are under threat, we’re reminded that Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera helped bring life to the movement… Against the backdrop of the pandemic and historic protests against systematic injustice and racism, we are reminded of those courageous individuals who first marched decades ago and renewed our hope.’…

“Barack Obama appeared in a separate segment in which the former president encouraged people to protest as a way of illuminating ‘injustice.’ He also noted that the Stonewall riots paved the way for gay marriage, which the Supreme Court made legal five years ago. As a presidential candidate, Obama was opposed to gay marriage, saying in 2008 I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.’ As president, Obama later changed his view on the controversial topic, saying that he was in favor of it. ‘The struggle and triumph for LGBTQ rights shows how protest and politics go hand in hand, how we’ve got to both shine a light on injustice and translate those aspirations into specific laws and institutional practices,’ he said Friday.”

Shining an approving light on what is wrong in God’s eyes is not what the Bible means when it tells us to be lights in the world. But there seem to be no limits for spiritual lawlessness. Note the next article.

“Burger Queer” in Honor of “Pride Month”

Unilad wrote on June 27:

“Burger King Mexico has changed its name to Burger Queer and adopted new, rainbow-patterned branding in support of Pride Month. The social media pages for the Mexican branch of the fast food chain changed their look yesterday, June 26, in an effort to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and recognise the month-long event, which takes place in June. The company incorporated the celebration into its own branding as it posted a new Facebook cover photo, patterned with multi-coloured moustaches in the same shape of that on the face of the Burger King logo, and with the words ‘your way’ written in Spanish over the top…

“Alongside their new branding, the company encouraged people to come in and order one of its products in order to ‘receive the crown of the #BurgerQueer Pride in a very special packaging.’”

Man’s ways are not God’s ways.

The Guardian reported on June 29: “Thousands of protesters marched in central London to celebrate the black trans community…”

When does it end?

The American Decline

Bloomberg published the following opinion piece by Noah Smith on June 29, 2020:

“The U.S.’s decline started with little things that people got used to. Americans drove past empty construction sites and didn’t even think about why the workers weren’t working, then wondered why roads and buildings took so long to finish. They got used to avoiding hospitals because of the unpredictable and enormous bills they’d receive. They paid 6% real-estate commissions, never realizing that Australians were paying 2%…

“When writers speak of American decline, they’re usually talking about international power… To most Americans, those are distant and abstract things that have little or no impact on their daily lives…

“In addition to worrying about their jobs and livelihoods, Americans must now be subjected to months of images of Italians casually walking around on the streets while they cower in their houses. It’s a painful and stark demonstration of national decline. Even more galling, [U.S.] citizens can no longer travel freely around the world…

“But the consequences of U.S. decline will far outlast coronavirus. With its high housing costs, poor infrastructure and transit, endemic gun violence, police brutality and bitter political and racial divisions, the U.S. will be a less appealing place for high-skilled workers to live. That means companies will find other countries in Europe, Asia and elsewhere a more attractive destination for investment, robbing the U.S. of jobs, depressing wages and draining away the local spending that powers the service economy. That in turn will exacerbate some of the worst trends of U.S. decline — less tax money means even more urban decay as infrastructure, education and social-welfare programs are forced to make big cuts. Anti-immigration policies will throw away the country’s most important source of skilled labor and weaken a university system already under tremendous pressure from state budget cuts.

Almost every systematic economic advantage possessed by the U.S. is under threat… The U.S. has long enjoyed a so-called exorbitant privilege as the financial center of the world, with the dollar as the lynchpin of the global financial system. That means the U.S. has been able to borrow money cheaply, and Americans have been able to sustain their lifestyles through cheap imports. But if enough investors — foreign and domestic — lose confidence in the U.S.’s general effectiveness as a country, that advantage will vanish.

“If capital begins to abandon the U.S. and the dollar in large amounts, the currency will crash and Americans will find themselves paying much more for everything from cars to televisions to gasoline to imported food. Interest rates will be raised in an attempt to lure back investment capital, and the country might undergo a period of stagflation worse than the 1970s. Large-scale unrest would undoubtedly result and — in the worst-case scenario — the U.S. could collapse like Venezuela.

“This is an outcome… that is no longer out of the realm of possibility… If the U.S. goes from rich, world-straddling colossus to floundering dysfunctional developing nation…, it will be one of the most spectacular instances of civilizational decline in world history…”

But it IS prophesied to happen. The USA is destroying itself from the inside. It will also be destroyed from the outside.

Coronavirus Causes Delirium?

The New York Times wrote on June 29:

“To a startling degree, many coronavirus patients are reporting [strange] experiences. Called hospital delirium, the phenomenon has previously been seen mostly in a subset of older patients, some of whom already had dementia, and in recent years, hospitals adopted measures to reduce it… Now, the condition is bedeviling coronavirus patients of all ages with no previous cognitive impairment. Reports from hospitals and researchers suggest that about two-thirds to three-fourths of coronavirus patients in ICUs have experienced it in various ways. Some have ‘hyperactive delirium,’ paranoid hallucinations and agitation; some have ‘hypoactive delirium,’ internalized visions and confusion that cause patients to become withdrawn and incommunicative; and some have both…

“When [a patient] was first placed on the ventilator, doctors used a lighter sedative, propofol, and dialed it down for hours so he could be awake and know where he was… But then [his] respiratory failure worsened. His blood pressure plummeted, a condition propofol intensifies. To allow the ventilator to completely breathe for him, doctors had him chemically paralyzed, which required heavier sedatives to prevent the trauma of being conscious while unable to move. So [the patient’s] sedation was switched to midazolam, a benzodiazepine, and fentanyl, an opioid — drugs that exacerbate delirium.”

From this article, it seems that it is not the coronavirus which causes delirium and worse, but the treatments and medications given to the patient.

500,000 Confirmed Deaths, 10 Million Confirmed Cases

The Associated Press wrote on June 29:

“The world surpassed two sobering coronavirus milestones Sunday — 500,000 confirmed deaths, 10 million confirmed cases — and hit another high mark for daily new infections as governments that attempted reopenings continued to backtrack and warn that worse news could be yet to come…

“The true death toll from the virus, which first emerged in China late last year, is widely believed to be significantly higher. Experts say that especially early on, many victims died of COVID-19 without being tested for it… Overall the US still has far and away the most total cases. At more than 2,450,000 – roughly twice that of Brazil…”

But are these figures accurate and true? Note the next articles.

Coronavirus–A Created “Pandemic”?

On June 26, the Ron Paul Institute published the following article:

“… the CARES act does direct a 20% bonus Medicaid payment to hospitals for every diagnosis of Covid19, and a greater payment again for the use of a ventilator… The CARES act channeled $175bn dollars into the ‘fight’ against coronavirus, including $15 billion purely for treating COVID patients without insurance…. You couldn’t blame a doctor for gaming the system to get a little for his struggling, under-funded clinic… for labelling some unknown respiratory illness ‘Covid 19’  or re-ordering a test known to create false-positives until he gets the result which may pay a nurse’s salary, or re-stock a pharmacy.

“If a few thousand doctors do that a few hundred times each, you’ve created a ‘pandemic’ out of nowhere, with a comparatively small outlay and 99% of those involved believing they’re doing the right thing. The American medical system is broken, of course. Has been for decades…”

Bild Online wrote on June 25:

“New Study: 85 percent of all those infected with coronavirus did not even notice it. Did we overemphasize the virus-danger?… Is the coronavirus not as dangerous as we always assumed?”

Is the Mass Media Lying to Us?

Dr. Ron Paul wrote the following on June 29 in his weekly column in the Ron Paul Institute:

“… from the peak in April, deaths had decreased by 90 percent and were continuing to crash… With massive increases in testing, the ‘case’ numbers climbed. This is not rocket science: the more people you test the more ‘cases’ you discover. Unfortunately our mainstream media is only interested in pushing the ‘party line.’ So the good news that millions more have been exposed while the fatality rate continues to decline – meaning the virus is getting weaker – is buried under hysterical false reporting of ‘new cases.’ Unfortunately many governors… are incapable of resisting the endless lies of the mainstream media. They are putting Americans again through the nightmare of forced business closures, mandated face masks, and restrictions of Constitutional liberties based on false propaganda.

“In Texas the ‘second wave’ propaganda has gotten so bad that the leaders of the four major hospitals in Houston took the extraordinary step late last week of holding a joint press conference to clarify that the scare stories of Houston hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid cases are simply untrue. Dr. Marc Boom of Houston Methodist said the reporting on hospital capacity is misleading. He said, ‘quite frankly, we’re concerned that there is a level of alarm in the community that is unwarranted right now.’

“In fact, there has been much reporting that the ‘spike’ in Texas cases is not due to a resurgence of the virus but to hospital practices of Covid-testing every patient coming in for any procedure at all. If it’s a positive, well that counts as a ‘Covid hospitalization.’ Why would hospitals be so dishonest in their diagnoses? Billions of appropriated Federal dollars are being funneled to facilities based on the number of ‘Covid cases’ they can produce… And that’s why we are getting more Covid cases… Even though we know hospitals have falsely attributed countless deaths to ‘Covid-19’ that were deaths WITH instead of FROM the virus, we are seeing actual deaths steadily declining over the past month and a half…”

Who is right and who is wrong? You decide. But decide you should!

Totalitarianism the New Normal?

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on June 30:

“We cannot go back to the pre-coronavirus world, they tell us. Everything has changed and we must accept a ‘new normal.’ What does this ‘new normal’ look like? It looks a lot like a dystopian horror film, where privacy is destroyed, property is subject to political whim, surveillance is to be accepted, medical treatments can be forced on people. Should we accept totalitarianism as our ‘new normal’?”

Case in point. Note the following statement by California Governor Gavin Newsom, as quoted by CBS SF on June 30:

“The framework for us is this:  if you’re not going to stay home and you’re not going to wear masks in public, we have to enforce and we will… We’ve got Fourth of July weekend coming up. One of the areas of biggest concern… remains family gatherings… Where family members or rather households — immediate and extended family members — begin to mix and take down their guard. They may walk into that barbecue with masks on; then they put the cooler down and the mask comes off, they have a glass of water, and all of a sudden nieces and nephews start congregating.’”

And so, the state-ordered destruction and separation of families is supposed to continue?

Fauci: Need to Fight Strong Resistance to Vaccination

Newsmax wrote on June 29:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci said it’s ‘unlikely’ the United States would reach herd immunity from the coronavirus even if a successful vaccine is developed because of strong resistance to getting inoculated… [He] noted there is a good chance a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus will be available by the end of this year or early next year.

“He added later, however, that pushback to getting a vaccine —some polls say as many as one-third of Americans would refuse to be vaccinated — could result in a lack of herd immunity. ‘I doubt seriously that any vaccine will ever be 100% protective. The best we’ve ever done is measles, which is 97 to 98% effective. That would be wonderful if we get there, I don’t think we will,’ Fauci said.

“‘I would settle for a 70, 75% effective vaccine because that would bring you to that … herd immunity level… ‘We have a lot of work to do because as you well know … there is a general anti-science, anti-authority, anti-vaccine feeling among some people in this country — an alarmingly large percentage of people, relatively speaking.’”

Vaccines won’t come cheaply. The Wall Street Journal reported on June 29: “Covid-19 Drug Remdesivir to cost $3,120 for [a] typical patient on private insurance. Gilead Sciences, remdesivir’s maker, said its price will depend on who is paying and how long a patient takes the drug.”

Senator Rand Paul (Son of Ron Paul) Rips into Anthony Fauci

The New York Post wrote on June 30:

“Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday ripped into Dr. Anthony Fauci… during a hearing on COVID-19 response…

“‘It is a fatal conceit to believe any one person or small group of people has the knowledge necessary to direct an economy or dictate public health behavior. I think government experts need to show caution in their prognostications,’ Paul, a Republican and libertarian, [said.]

“‘It’s important to realize that if society meekly submits to an expert and that expert is wrong, a great deal of harm may occur when we allow one man’s policy or one group of small men and women to be foisted on an entire nation,’ Paul continued… ‘We shouldn’t presume that a group of experts somehow knows what’s best for everyone. Only decentralized power and decision-making based on millions of individualized situations can arrive at what risk and behaviors each individual will choose. That’s what America was founded on, not a herd with Washington telling us what to do and like sheep we blindly follow

“‘Dr. Fauci, every day we seem to hear from you things we can’t do…’”

The Daily Beast added on June 30:

“During a tense exchange on Capitol Hill, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Tuesday blasted the nation’s top public health experts… He went on to call America’s public health community ‘fatally’ arrogant

“Paul specifically berated Dr. Anthony Fauci… for his recent statements on spectator sports, herd immunity, and other subjects. Though Fauci had couched his words in caveats, he said that ‘it would be very hard to see how football is able to be played this fall’ and that, even with a working vaccine, herd immunity might be difficult to accomplish if Americans aren’t willing to take it.

“But Paul said such statements have caused ‘undue fear’ in pockets of the country and cautioned the public not to trust the words of top infectious disease professionals in the country, saying: ‘… We just need more optimism.’”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 931

Do Your Best / TEST Your Conversion

On July 4, 2020, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Do Your Best,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “TEST Your Conversion.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

In this Editorial, I want to look at what has been an ongoing media obsession – that of Covid19 – the coronavirus. It is a terrible disease that has caused much heartache around the world, and in no way am I minimising the tragic effect that this will have had on so many families in so many nations around the world, even though some, if not many, feel that the numbers have been grossly over reported, but I will be addressing the media obsession with this matter.

On the website we read that “Despite the coronavirus spreading rapidly across China early this year, media and search interest remained nearly non-existent until around January 21st when the first case on U.S. soil was reported.”

It must be evident to everyone who looks at news programmes that there has been a relentless barrage of coronavirus news every day and this may, we are told, raise anxiety levels.

Psychology Today had an article in March 2020, entitled “Media, Fear, and the Coronavirus Outbreak.”

They state: “Fear influences how we react to media coverage of health hazards. Fear of disease and contamination is particularly relevant when it comes to epidemics like the coronavirus. A certain amount of healthy respect for disease and contamination is adaptive. But at a certain point, somewhere in the moderate to high range of fear, concern about disease and contamination generates excessive personal distress and interference in daily functioning. It’s for these people that the barrage of threatening media coverage about the coronavirus outbreak may have the most negative impact.”

In fact, it seems to me that the coverage from mid to late January 2020 up until more recently has been obsessive. Collins Dictionary defines obsessing as follows: “If something obsesses you or if you obsess about something, you keep thinking about it and find it difficult to think about anything else.” To me that sums up the general media coverage that we have been subjected to and they have been so caught up in their own world of reporting and analysing that they appeared to have lost all sense of proportionality. The news had become out of kilter.

Until recently, it seemed to be a long time since I last saw any other news of any great importance. We are now starting to see other news being reported on in the UK in spite of the obsession that has gripped the television media in particular. Back on their agenda are news items about other matters but you would have been hard pressed to find such details until more recently.

For the last several months, we have had a daily diet of non-stop information and statistics; we have seen hundreds of people being interviewed, almost always staring at us on our television screens through skype, facetime (and similar), these being scientists, medical specialists, politicians, NHS workers, care home staff and any and every other person that could give even the faintest amount of input on this crisis, admirably aiding the news outlets to fill the 24 hours a day news reports.

It is not unfair to say that once the media in general get their teeth into a story, they can be like a dog with a bone and find it very difficult to let go of. There can be sensationalism and fear can sell. It can cause fear, and bad news can always draw viewers to the television news and internet news outlets.

Television schedules were revamped in the UK to allow the daily governmental update from Downing Street to be screened with a minister, scientists and health officials taking part as were deemed appropriate, and although this was discontinued just last week, we had several months of this. The media are there to report the news but, at times, you could be forgiven for thinking that they are more intent on making the news!

As time passes on, other crises will occur as we rapidly approach the Great Tribulation, and the news-baton will pass from the coronavirus to other serious matters, no doubt, with the usual obsessive approach.

Yes, we do need to know what is going on in the world as we are told to “watch” (compare Matthew 24:36, 42-44) as we approach the end of this age, but let us never be obsessed with what the general media wants to tell us, but rather let us access news in the light of biblical prophecy.

Our weekly Update will continue to keep us all informed with the news that we need to hear about, and in a fair and objective way.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with articles showing the ongoing alienation between Europe and the USA on many different levels, as well as Europe’s, Iran’s and Turkey’s opposition to Israel. We also report on recommendations to Europe to use military power in Libya and the desire of eastern Ukrainians to belong to Russia.

We point out fears of global damage for the economy; a federal court’s decision holding New York’s Church Lockdown Orders to be illegal; and the US Supreme Court’s decision supporting abortionists.

We publish numerous articles containing different viewpoints on the fight against racism, violent riots, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and the demolition of historical statues and monuments. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Is America Destroying Itself?”

We focus on “Gay Pride Month” celebrations and address the ongoing controversy regarding the accuracy of statistics about the coronavirus and the prospects of safe vaccinations.   

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Merkel’s Views on Europe, Britain, the USA and Russia

The Guardian wrote on June 26:

“As the rotating presidency of the EU council passes to Germany on 1 July, the country’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, sat down for an interview…

“‘It is very much in all the member states’ own interests to maintain a strong European internal market and to stand united on the world stage. In such an extraordinary situation, I rely on the member states having a great interest in the things that unite us… It is in Germany’s interest to have a strong internal market and to have the European Union grow closer together, not fall apart. As ever, what’s good for Europe is good for us…

“‘Without a doubt, European law has precedence over national law – but that does not tell us where the realm of European law begins and ends. The essence of the European Union lies in the member states transferring powers

“‘It would, of course, be in Britain’s and all EU member states’ interests to achieve an orderly departure. But that can only happen if it is what both sides want. What matters is not our wishes but only the reality before us, in other words first of all what Britain wants. With Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the British government wants to define for itself what relationship it will have with us after the country leaves. It will then have to live with the consequences, of course, that is to say with a less closely interconnected economy. If Britain does not want to have rules on the environment and the labour market or social standards that compare with those of the EU, our relations will be less close… We need to let go of the idea that it is for us to define what Britain should want. That is for Britain to define – and we, the EU27, will respond appropriately….

“‘We in Germany know that we have to spend more on defence; we have achieved considerable increases in recent years, and we will continue on that path to enhance our military capabilities. American troops in Germany help to protect not only Germany and the European part of Nato but also the interests of the United States of America… There are compelling reasons to remain committed to a transatlantic defence community and our shared nuclear umbrella. But of course Europe needs to carry more of the burden than during the cold war. We grew up in the certain knowledge that the United States wanted to be a world power. Should the US now wish to withdraw from that role of its own free will, we would have to reflect on that very deeply….

“‘… we recognise hybrid warfare, methods of destabilisation, as a Russian behaviour pattern. On the other hand, there are good reasons to keep engaging in constructive dialogue with Russia…’”

In her usual “diplomatic” way, Angela Merkel expresses very timidly Europe’s concern about America’s lack of reliability. The following articles express this concern in much more drastic ways. But what we should also glean from this interview is the strong desire for European strength and power. This will also be expressed more clearly in the articles to follow.

“The World Is Putting America in Quarantine”

The Week wrote on June 25:

“Europe… is looking at America with slackjawed horror… Around the world, it is beginning to sink in how profoundly rotten the United States is. Unless America manages to turn things around, it will slide from the center of the international order to a peripheral, mistrusted basketcase

“When faced with a problem, most top politicians in both parties think first about how they can shift blame to others or appear the victim of circumstance…”

Trust in the USA Is Gone

The Local wrote on June 29:

“Some 63 percent of Italians, 61 percent of French people, and 52 percent of Spaniards said that the EU has not lived up to its responsibilities… But that did not mean there is an increased desire to see the European project fail. In fact a majority in all countries surveyed believed there was a need for greater European cooperation after the pandemic ‘The share of respondents who held this belief was as high as 91 percent in Portugal and 80 percent in Spain… In France, Sweden, and Denmark, more than half of respondents approved of greater cooperation at the European level. In Italy, 77 percent did,’ read the survey…

“Strikingly the survey also revealed a steep deterioration in the European perception of Donald Trump’s America. More than 60 percent of respondents in Germany, France, Spain, Denmark and Portugal said they had lost trust in the United States as a global leader… ‘Now, Europeans’ trust in Trump’s America is gone…’ the study wrote. ‘Europeans have accepted the fact that Trump’s America is not necessarily a friend of Europe in a time of need. Europeans’ view of China has also worsened since the pandemic….”

This European perception regarding the USA will have terrible consequences.

Most US Travelers Barred from EU

MSN wrote on June 26:

“The European Union will bar most travelers from the United States, Russia and dozens of other countries considered too risky because they have not controlled the coronavirus outbreak…

“The exclusion of the United States, an important source of tourism to the European Union, represented a stinging rebuke to the Trump administration’s management of the coronavirus scourge… The list will be updated every two weeks, raising the possibility that excluded countries will be added… officials said the United States and other nations had been lobbying intensely to get on the safe list.

“The United States, which banned most EU travelers in March when the virus was raging in Europe, has not eased its own restrictions since then… Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, asked Thursday about the prospect of a prolonged ban on American travel to Europe, struck a conciliatory tone but said that many European countries were eager to admit American visitors… ‘We’ve heard from a dozen or more countries that have very different views about their willingness to open up their borders to anyone, not only folks from the United States of America,’ he said…

“While the new list is not legally binding, member states that open up to excluded countries face the risk that their EU partners will close their borders to them… Seven million Americans visited Europe between June and August last year…

“The full list finalized Friday includes Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, Andorra, San Marino, Monaco and the Vatican. China will be included if it also opens its borders to EU travelers, as reciprocal reopening is one of the criteria used to make the final selection for the safe list. Britain, despite having left the EU, is still being considered part of the bloc until year’s end, and so was not part of the discussion over outside visitors.”

In spite of the fact that some European countries depend heavily on American tourists, the EU wants to exclude the USA in obvious retaliation for Trump’s many political actions and pronouncements which the EU rejects. The pandemic concerns are a welcome “justification” for European politics.

Breitbart wrote on June 30:

“European politicians claimed that the decision was not political… While the EU has maintained the ban was made based on which countries had worse containment of the virus, the movement may be seen as a move towards a tit-for-tat spat with the United States. In March, President Donald Trump banned travel from the European Union over the bloc’s failure to contain the spreading Chinese virus… Eurocrats reacted with anger, claiming that President Trump had treated the continent as a ‘scapegoat’, blaming ‘nationalism’ for provoking the U.S. travel ban…”

European Lawmakers Strongly Oppose Israel and USA

JTA wrote on June 25:

“More than 1,000 lawmakers from throughout Europe signed a letter opposing Israel’s plans to annex parts of the West Bank and calling for ‘commensurate consequences.’ More than 240 of the signers are British legislators… Other lawmakers come from 25 countries including Belgium, Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands.

“The letter, which was sent to the countries’ foreign ministers, says the lawmakers ‘share serious concerns about President Trump’s plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the imminent prospect of Israeli annexation of West Bank territory.’ The letter adds: ‘Failure to adequately respond would encourage other states with territorial claims to disregard basic principles of international law. The rules-based global order is central to Europe’s own long-term stability and security.’…

“On Wednesday, seven European countries said in a statement in the United Nations that annexation of any part of the West Bank ‘would have consequences for our close relationship with Israel and will not be recognized by us,’ The Jerusalem Post reported. The statement was signed by the five European nations that are currently members of the Security Council — France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Estonia — and the incoming Security Council members, Ireland and Norway.

“The Trump peace plan allows for Israel to annex up to 30% of the West Bank and calls for negotiations toward a Palestinian state. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will put annexation into motion after July 1.”

Europe is outing itself more and more against Israel and the USA. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz emphasized that the annexation has been planned for some time “after July 1,” not “on” July 1.

Vatican Gets Involved

Breaking Israel News wrote on July 2:

 “The Vatican announced that it had summoned the envoys of both Israel and the United States on Wednesday for meetings to oppose Israel’s plans to assert sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria within the framework of Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’. In two separate meetings on Tuesday, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin warned US Ambassador Callista Gingrich and Israeli Ambassador Oren David of the possibility of war… ‘regarding possible unilateral actions that may further jeopardize the search for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the delicate situation in the Middle East.’”

Iran and Turkey to Attack Israel?

Breaking Israel News wrote on June 28:

“The notion of a joint Iran-Turkey invasion of Israel is a realistic scenario according to several Middle East experts… Both Ankara and Tehran have been cooperating in various Middle East conflicts including their opposition to American involvement in Syria as well as battling Kurdish dissident groups. And the once rivals also now share a hatred of Israel combined with the support of Hamas which could translate into a united front in a potential war against Israel…

“One example is how Turkey’s Religious Affairs Ministry has threatened to mobilize the Muslim community against Israel to protect Jerusalem against annexation. Similar sentiments have been heard from Tehran as Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, called for ‘armed resistance’ (against Israel) on May 21… Hamas is currently funded by Turkish-backed Qatar and the two maintain very close diplomatic ties….

“Turkey and Iran were diametrically opposed due to their religious differences with Iran being strongly Shia and Turkey being strongly Sunni… ‘Sometimes, Sunni and Shia cooperate against a common enemy,’ Dr. Kedar said, noting that Iran, fanatically Shia, funds Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, fanatically Sunni, against Israel, the small devil, and the US, the great devil.’… ‘For economic and trade, Iran and Turkey can get along quite well,’ Dr. Aviv said. ‘In Turkish culture, there are no “friends”. There are only common interests. This is especially true of foreign powers. They have an expression that there is no friend for a Turk other than another Turk. There are agreements, agendas, and goals but no real alliances. This allowed Turkey to stay out of World War II until the very end. This allows them to be a member of NATO but still buy Russian military hardware when it suits them… What this means for the US, Israel, and other countries is that… if their interests suddenly demand, they can become an enemy overnight.’”

Turkey will turn out to become a violent and mean enemy of the state of Israel and the USA.

EU and Germany Should Threaten Military Intervention in Libya

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 29:

“The European Union should threaten to intervene militarily in the Libyan civil war if necessary, Wolfgang Ischinger, the head of the Munich Security Conference, said in an interview on Monday. ‘Europe could throw its military weight into the equation in order to achieve a cease-fire,’ Ischinger told newspapers of the Funke media group. ‘Diplomacy often remains mere rhetoric if you are unable to use the threat of military action as leverage in international conflicts.’

“As Germany prepares to take on the rotating EU presidency on July 1, the bloc must speak ‘the language of power’ to better represent its interests. ‘This requires Germany, too, to learn the language of power,’ he said… Germany’s diplomatic appeals were largely ignored, because for the acting powers in the conflict, such as Russia, Turkey and Egypt, ‘whoever is in charge of the military is the one in charge,’ said Ischinger.”

Europe, under German leadership, WILL speak the language of power very soon… resulting in the Great Tribulation.

Ukrainians for Putin

The Associated Press reported on June 29:

“Residents of separatist-controlled regions in eastern Ukraine who have Russian citizenship are travelling to Russia to vote on constitutional amendments that would allow President Vladimir Putin to remain in power until 2036… Some of the voters told The Associated Press that the constitutional changes would boost the powers of the Russian authorities and bring peace to the separatist region in eastern Ukraine. Others expressed hope that the changes would allow separatist republics to become part of Russia

“Over 220,000 Ukrainians living in areas held by Russia-backed rebels received Russian passports last year, after Putin signed a decree expediting citizenship applications from residents of the self-proclaimed republics… More than 150,000 residents of eastern Ukraine have expressed a desire to cast a ballot in the vote on the constitutional reform…”

Ukraine WILL become part of Russia, or at least collaborate with Russia AGAINST Europe.

Larger and More Aggressive Military Force in Australia

ABC News reported on June 30:

“Australia will build a larger and more aggressive military focused on its immediate backyard, including new long-range missiles [as well as cyber capabilities and a high-tech underwater surveillance system], signalling a major shift in the nation’s defence strategy… Prime Minister Scott Morrison [emphasized] a greater focus on the Indo-Pacific region, warning Australia needs to prepare for a post-COVID-19 world that is ‘poorer, more dangerous and more disorderly’…

“‘The strategic competition between China and the United States means that there’s a lot of tension in the cord and a lot of risk of miscalculation,’ Mr Morrison [said]… ‘And so we have to be prepared… to respond and play our role to protect Australia, defend Australia… When they talk about the bad behaviour that’s happening in the region, the annexation of territory, coercion, the influencing of domestic politics, the use of cyber attacks – it’s really only one country which is doing that at industrial levels, and that’s the People’s Republic of China.’”

Breitbart added on July 1:

“China has warned its students and tourists against going to Australia, slapped trade sanctions on Australian goods and sentenced an Australian citizen to death for drug trafficking. Beijing has laughed at Australia’s long alliance to the U.S. through war and peace, deriding it as something to be ridiculed.”

Bleak Picture of Global Economy

The Hour wrote on June 24:

“The International Monetary Fund on Wednesday painted a bleak portrait of the global economy, saying the coronavirus pandemic has caused more widespread damage than expected and will be followed by a sluggish recovery. The global economy will shrink this year by 4.9%, worse than the 3% decline predicted in April, the IMF said. No major economy is escaping the pandemic. The U.S. economy, the world’s largest, is expected to shrink this year by 8%. Countries that use the single European currency are headed for a decline of more than 10%… By the end of next year, the pandemic will have cost the global economy $12.5 trillion in lost output, she added…

“Fund officials blamed the darker forecast on the effects of social distancing; scarring to global production capacity from the lockdown of activity; and the productivity cost of new safety and hygiene rules… The forecast assumes countries will not reimpose comprehensive lockdowns even if the pandemic flares up again…”

As we can see from this report, measures employed in fighting the coronavirus have been causing a terrible global economic downfall.

Cuomo and de Blasio Church Lockdown Orders Knocked Down by Federal Judge

Newsmax wrote on June 26:

“An order by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio to limit the size of church services has been struck down by a federal judge. The preliminary injunction pointed out that Cuomo and de Blasio undercut their claim that lockdown orders were ‘generally applicable’ by encouraging large protests against police brutality while discouraging large church gatherings… [The judge] said that… de Blasio couldn’t make a ‘legitimate’ claim that he isn’t biased against people of faith.

“‘Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio could have just as easily discouraged protests, short of condemning their message, in the name of public health and exercised discretion to suspend enforcement for public safety reasons instead of encouraging what they knew was a flagrant disregard of the outdoor limits and social distancing rules’ [the judge] wrote. ‘They could have also been silent. But by acting as they did, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio sent a clear message that mass protests are deserving of preferential treatment.’”

Indeed they have done so, and the court decision is just and fair.

Abortion Activists Win Before US Supreme Court

The Associated Press wrote on June 29:

“The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law regulating abortion clinics, reasserting a commitment to abortion rights over fierce opposition from dissenting conservative justices in the first big abortion case of the Trump era. Chief Justice John Roberts joined with his four more liberal colleagues in ruling that the law requiring doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals violates the abortion right the court first announced in the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973…

“In dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote, ‘Today a majority of the Court perpetuates its ill-founded abortion jurisprudence by enjoining a perfectly legitimate state law and doing so without jurisdiction.’ President Donald Trump’s two appointees, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, were in dissent, along with Justice Samuel Alito…

“Roberts’ vote was a bit of a surprise because he voted in [another] case to uphold [such] clinic restrictions… Roberts didn’t write anything explaining his position at the time, but he had never before cast a vote on the side of abortion rights.”

 John Roberts is clearly becoming THE political voice for the liberal US Supreme Court justices.

Catholic Archbishop Condemns Abortion Decision

Breitbart wrote on June 30:

“The chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ committee for pro-life activities denounced Monday’s Supreme Court decision that perpetuates the ‘cruel precedent’ of prioritizing the abortion industry over women’s health and well-being… ‘Abortion violently ends the life of a child, and often severely harms women,’ writes Kansas City Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann in a statement… ‘As Catholics, we condemn abortion as a grave injustice that denies the fundamental human right to life…’

“In his powerful dissent to the ruling, Justice Clarence Thomas not only criticized the court’s decision, he also said that the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade that trampled states’ rights and imposed abortion-on-demand on the entire country needs to be revisited and overturned, a position echoed by the U.S. bishops… ‘Roe is grievously wrong for many reasons, but the most fundamental is that its core holding—that the Constitution protects a woman’s right to abort her unborn child—finds no support in the text of the Fourteenth Amendment,’ he noted.

“The Court’s grotesque judicial travesty in Roe v. Wade is further exacerbated by Monday’s ruling, the bishops contend. ‘The Court’s failure to recognize the legitimacy of laws prioritizing women’s health and safety over abortion business interests continues a cruel precedent,” Archbishop Naumann declares… ‘We will not rest until the day when the Supreme Court corrects the grave injustice of Roe and Casey and recognizes the Constitutional right to life for unborn human beings,’ the archbishop concludes.”

Racial Discrimination in California

The Wall Street Journal published the following article on June 25:

“… while deploring racism, the Democratic Legislature in California has voted to codify racial discrimination in state law. On Wednesday the state Senate voted for a constitutional amendment, ACA 5, that would reintroduce racial preferences for who gets a state job or contract, or who is admitted to a state university.

“The state Assembly previously passed the measure, which means the amendment will be on the November ballot. It would repeal Proposition 209, which voters approved in 1996 and outlawed racial bias in state policy. The repeal effort received a boost from the killing of George Floyd, no matter the irony of voting for discrimination by race in the name of eliminating discrimination by race.”

The Fight against Racism

Newsmax reported on June 28:

“Princeton will remove President Woodrow Wilson’s name from its prestigious public policy school and a residential college [because of his “racist” and “segregationist views”]… ‘The Simpsons’ will no longer have white actors voicing the roles of non-white characters… part of a push by animated shows to be more sensitive to matters of race and avoid stereotypes… leaders of Orange County’s Democratic Party are pushing to drop film legend John Wayne’s name, statue and other likenesses from the county’s airport because of his racist and bigoted comments…”

The Daily Mail wrote on June 29:

“Donald Trump bashed Princeton University’s trustees on Monday for their decision to nix the 28th president’s name from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs… He also claimed Democrats are being ‘stupid’ in pushing for actor John Wayne’s name and statue to be removed from an airport in Orange County, California. ‘Can anyone believe that Princeton just dropped the name of Woodrow Wilson from their highly respected policy center,’ the president tweeted Monday morning. ‘Now the Do Nothing Democrats want to take off the name John Wayne from an airport. Incredible stupidity!’”

JTA wrote on June 26:

“Amid the nationwide movement to take down memorials to Confederacy figures, two Charlotte synagogues are calling for the removal of a downtown monument to Judah Benjamin, a Jewish politician who served as a Cabinet member for the Confederate government.”

Sharpton’s Views on Confederate Monuments

Newsmax wrote on June 25:

“Al Sharpton said… that public statues featuring Confederate soldiers are insulting to African Americans, who along with all taxpayers, are footing the bill for the upkeep of the public monuments… Sharpton said the Confederate monuments should be replaced with statues of people who ‘fought and defeated them, not the ones who were defeated.’

“He then posed a question to World War II veterans in order to explain how many Blacks are feeling. ‘How would a World War II veteran feel about paying taxes to have a statue of Mussolini or Hitler in their public square?’ Sharpton asked.”

Napolitano’s Views on Historical Monuments

On June 25, Newsmax published the following article by Judge Andrew Napolitano:

“I am amazed at the efforts around the country to remove and destroy painful mementos of our history…

“When a statue is erected to an historical figure, the erection is a statement about the balance of the person’s life worth. It is not a claim of perfection. The Father of our Country owned more than 100 slaves. When the Capital of the U.S. was in Philadelphia, at a time when all slaves were deemed by Pennsylvania law to be freed after six months of their entry into the state, George and Martha Washington — he, the president of the United States at the time — rotated their slaves into and out of the state, so that none would qualify for freedom. The same man who wrote in the Declaration of Independence that ‘all men are created equal’ also fathered numerous children with one of his 600 slaves.

“Do you think Sally Hemings was free to reject a years-long sexual union with Thomas Jefferson, the man who owned her? And the author of the Constitution, who owned at least 100 slaves, defended his exploitation of them into his presidency. The same James Madison who artfully and articulately defended natural rights for white people, hardly considered Blacks to be in the same category. Should we really forget the three of them?…

“The police brutality of Blacks in America today is the natural progression and extension of the government hypocrisy that brought about and protected slavery. We need to reverse that progression. But we cannot reverse the memory of it. We need to be reminded from time to time of our horrible past so that we can labor mightily to avoid repeating it. Does this mean changing the names of federal institutions? Does it mean tearing down statues of the long-dead because we finally realized that there was more evil than good in some of them?… Once we start pulling down statues — whether of Robert E. Lee or Christopher Columbus or Theodore Rooseveltthere will be no end.

“… pretending that these figures never existed, or eradicating the memory of the good they performed, will continue the march toward… self-delusion that escapes reality. We must live in the real world where bad men did good things and good men did bad things — and intelligent people recognize this. You… cannot escape the consequences of escaping reality. Those consequences will be the inevitable repetition of a past we should never forget.”

Indeed, not learning from the mistakes of the past means that they will have to be repeated.

The Term “Lightening” Racially Offensive?

Fox News reported on June 27:

“Industry-leading French cosmetics company L’Oreal announced they will be removing words like ‘whitening’ and ‘lightening’ from their products after a number of beauty brands received backlash for their skin-lightening products amidst ongoing protests for racial equality. ‘The L’Oreal Group has decided to remove the words white/whitening, fair/fairness, light/lightening from all its skin evening products,’ the company said in a statement..

“L’Oreal’s promise for change comes a day after consumer products leader Unilever announced they’d be changing the name of their ‘Fair & Lovely’ cream that is popular in Asia for skin lightening. The product reportedly generated $500 million in revenue in India last year… but the brand says they are working to acknowledge how their terminology and branding perpetuates racist stereotypes… Still, the company holds that the Fair & Lovely range ‘has never been, and is not, a skin bleaching product.’”

Pretty soon, with that rationale and extreme way of thinking, few words will be left which will not in some way and in the minds of some “perpetuate racial stereotypes” in one form or another. Note the following:

The Daily Mail wrote on June 30:

“A historic 400-year-old British pub named ‘The Black Boy’ is set to be renamed in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests. The pub in Sevenoaks, Kent, will soon be called ‘The Restoration’ in a nod to King Charles II – who was restored as the monarch in 1660 following the period of Oliver Cromwell’s Commonwealth. The pub name ‘The Black Boy’ is believed to be a reference to the 17th century monarch who is said to have been nicknamed ‘Black Boy’ by his mother, Henrietta Maria of France, due to his dark hair and complexion.”

In addition, reported that “Australia’s taxpayer funded public broadcaster ABC is facing ridicule after announcing it would host a debate asking if chess is racist because the white team traditionally gets to go first under the rules of the game.”

Violent Riots in Oregon

The Associated Press wrote on June 26:

“The mayor and newly appointed police chief of Portland, Oregon, on Friday sharply criticized protesters who set fire to a police precinct and vandalized businesses the night before, saying continued violence at protests is preventing the city from moving forward with meaningful reform. Early Friday, a group of several hundred demonstrators set fire to the North Precinct building while people were inside and barricaded the doors after they were unable to break in through a garage… Police in riot gear used CS gas, a type of tear gas, around 2:15 a.m. to disperse the crowd….

“Newly appointed Police Chief Chuck Lovell, who is black, also criticized protesters’ tactics in a tweet Friday. He said earlier this week that demonstrations have cost the city $6.2 million so far and that cost does not include straight-time pay for officers pulled from other jobs to work at protests…

Thousands of people have turned out every night for nearly a month in this liberal Pacific Northwest city since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Most protesters are peaceful, but smaller numbers of people break away most nights and set small fires, tear down fences and statues and clash with police, Lovell said…

“The nonprofit Don’t Shoot Portland and two protesters sued the city, seeking to ban the use of tear gas to disperse large crowds. A federal judge on June 9 issued a 14-day court order barring the launching of the riot-control agent except when a life is at risk. The judge extended the temporary order through July 24.”

These kinds of riots are taking place all over the country and in other parts around the world (note the next article). They are placing police officers in an untenable and unmanageable position.

The Daily Mail wrote on June 29:

A guillotine has been set up by protesters outside the Washington DC home of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos demanding the company he founded be abolished. A number of videos have been posted to social media that show an old fashioned piece of apparatus commonly used for beheading during the French Revolution. A sign placed underneath read: ‘Support our poor communities. Not our wealthy men.’”

Britain’s BLM Problems

Douglas Murray wrote in Mail on Sunday on June 27:

“Depressingly, what is happening to our police is symbolic of wider social unrest. It is as if Britain is suffering a mental breakdown – with all the values and links that bind us together being torn apart… The violent lawlessness last week followed disturbances across the country as protesters acting under the banner of Black Lives Matter brought the worst and most divisive aspects of American identity politics to the UK. They ushered in the disturbing sight of it seeming to be completely acceptable for people to get away scot-free with defacing or destroying any public monument that isn’t to their liking.

“Despite strong words of condemnation, ministers shamefully stood by and allowed this to happen. Unprotected by the Government, police chiefs felt obliged to hold back – or even in some cases watch as their under-attack officers ran away. … At the core of this pressure-cooker atmosphere is… a shocking failure of nerve by almost everybody in a position of authority –from politicians, the police, our religious leaders and broadcast media.”

Now note in the next article the shocking failure of nerve—or worse—by the head of the Church of England.

England’s Head of Church of England Recommends to Reconsider Jesus

 The Daily Mail wrote on June 26:

“In a wide-ranging interview, [the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England] revealed he would be reviewing statues at Canterbury Cathedral [and] urged the West to reconsider its prevailing mindset that Jesus was white, and pointed to different portrayals of Christ as Black, Middle Eastern and Chinese in different countries.”

The Daily Mail wrote on June 30:

“A painting of the Last Supper featuring a black Jesus will replace a Nativity scene at St Albans Cathedral to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter. The Dean has agreed to install the 9ft piece of artwork on the altar after conceding that the church is in a weak position to preach about racial justice. Titled A Last Supper, the painting reworks Da Vinci’s renowned 15th century mural by casting a Jamaican-born model as Christ.”

What incredible insanity and blasphemy! Christ was a JEW!

Obama and Biden Celebrate Gay Pride Month

Breitbart wrote on June 26:

“Barack Obama and Joe Biden took part Friday in a virtual Gay Pride Month celebration… They were joined by prominent A-list celebrities including Taylor Swift, Ellen DeGeneres, George Takei, and Katy Perry… ‘You know, Pride is particularly poignant this year,’ the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said.

“‘Even as the LGBTQ+ rights continue to be attacked, the Supreme Court has affirmed protections for the LGBTQ+ people against unemployment discrimination. Even as the lives of trans individuals,  especially black trans women, are under threat, we’re reminded that Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera helped bring life to the movement… Against the backdrop of the pandemic and historic protests against systematic injustice and racism, we are reminded of those courageous individuals who first marched decades ago and renewed our hope.’…

“Barack Obama appeared in a separate segment in which the former president encouraged people to protest as a way of illuminating ‘injustice.’ He also noted that the Stonewall riots paved the way for gay marriage, which the Supreme Court made legal five years ago. As a presidential candidate, Obama was opposed to gay marriage, saying in 2008 I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.’ As president, Obama later changed his view on the controversial topic, saying that he was in favor of it. ‘The struggle and triumph for LGBTQ rights shows how protest and politics go hand in hand, how we’ve got to both shine a light on injustice and translate those aspirations into specific laws and institutional practices,’ he said Friday.”

Shining an approving light on what is wrong in God’s eyes is not what the Bible means when it tells us to be lights in the world. But there seem to be no limits for spiritual lawlessness. Note the next article.

“Burger Queer” in Honor of “Pride Month”

Unilad wrote on June 27:

“Burger King Mexico has changed its name to Burger Queer and adopted new, rainbow-patterned branding in support of Pride Month. The social media pages for the Mexican branch of the fast food chain changed their look yesterday, June 26, in an effort to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and recognise the month-long event, which takes place in June. The company incorporated the celebration into its own branding as it posted a new Facebook cover photo, patterned with multi-coloured moustaches in the same shape of that on the face of the Burger King logo, and with the words ‘your way’ written in Spanish over the top…

“Alongside their new branding, the company encouraged people to come in and order one of its products in order to ‘receive the crown of the #BurgerQueer Pride in a very special packaging.’”

Man’s ways are not God’s ways.

The Guardian reported on June 29: “Thousands of protesters marched in central London to celebrate the black trans community…”

When does it end?

The American Decline

Bloomberg published the following opinion piece by Noah Smith on June 29, 2020:

“The U.S.’s decline started with little things that people got used to. Americans drove past empty construction sites and didn’t even think about why the workers weren’t working, then wondered why roads and buildings took so long to finish. They got used to avoiding hospitals because of the unpredictable and enormous bills they’d receive. They paid 6% real-estate commissions, never realizing that Australians were paying 2%…

“When writers speak of American decline, they’re usually talking about international power… To most Americans, those are distant and abstract things that have little or no impact on their daily lives…

“In addition to worrying about their jobs and livelihoods, Americans must now be subjected to months of images of Italians casually walking around on the streets while they cower in their houses. It’s a painful and stark demonstration of national decline. Even more galling, [U.S.] citizens can no longer travel freely around the world…

“But the consequences of U.S. decline will far outlast coronavirus. With its high housing costs, poor infrastructure and transit, endemic gun violence, police brutality and bitter political and racial divisions, the U.S. will be a less appealing place for high-skilled workers to live. That means companies will find other countries in Europe, Asia and elsewhere a more attractive destination for investment, robbing the U.S. of jobs, depressing wages and draining away the local spending that powers the service economy. That in turn will exacerbate some of the worst trends of U.S. decline — less tax money means even more urban decay as infrastructure, education and social-welfare programs are forced to make big cuts. Anti-immigration policies will throw away the country’s most important source of skilled labor and weaken a university system already under tremendous pressure from state budget cuts.

Almost every systematic economic advantage possessed by the U.S. is under threat… The U.S. has long enjoyed a so-called exorbitant privilege as the financial center of the world, with the dollar as the lynchpin of the global financial system. That means the U.S. has been able to borrow money cheaply, and Americans have been able to sustain their lifestyles through cheap imports. But if enough investors — foreign and domestic — lose confidence in the U.S.’s general effectiveness as a country, that advantage will vanish.

“If capital begins to abandon the U.S. and the dollar in large amounts, the currency will crash and Americans will find themselves paying much more for everything from cars to televisions to gasoline to imported food. Interest rates will be raised in an attempt to lure back investment capital, and the country might undergo a period of stagflation worse than the 1970s. Large-scale unrest would undoubtedly result and — in the worst-case scenario — the U.S. could collapse like Venezuela.

“This is an outcome… that is no longer out of the realm of possibility… If the U.S. goes from rich, world-straddling colossus to floundering dysfunctional developing nation…, it will be one of the most spectacular instances of civilizational decline in world history…”

But it IS prophesied to happen. The USA is destroying itself from the inside. It will also be destroyed from the outside.

Coronavirus Causes Delirium?

The New York Times wrote on June 29:

“To a startling degree, many coronavirus patients are reporting [strange] experiences. Called hospital delirium, the phenomenon has previously been seen mostly in a subset of older patients, some of whom already had dementia, and in recent years, hospitals adopted measures to reduce it… Now, the condition is bedeviling coronavirus patients of all ages with no previous cognitive impairment. Reports from hospitals and researchers suggest that about two-thirds to three-fourths of coronavirus patients in ICUs have experienced it in various ways. Some have ‘hyperactive delirium,’ paranoid hallucinations and agitation; some have ‘hypoactive delirium,’ internalized visions and confusion that cause patients to become withdrawn and incommunicative; and some have both…

“When [a patient] was first placed on the ventilator, doctors used a lighter sedative, propofol, and dialed it down for hours so he could be awake and know where he was… But then [his] respiratory failure worsened. His blood pressure plummeted, a condition propofol intensifies. To allow the ventilator to completely breathe for him, doctors had him chemically paralyzed, which required heavier sedatives to prevent the trauma of being conscious while unable to move. So [the patient’s] sedation was switched to midazolam, a benzodiazepine, and fentanyl, an opioid — drugs that exacerbate delirium.”

From this article, it seems that it is not the coronavirus which causes delirium and worse, but the treatments and medications given to the patient.

500,000 Confirmed Deaths, 10 Million Confirmed Cases

The Associated Press wrote on June 29:

“The world surpassed two sobering coronavirus milestones Sunday — 500,000 confirmed deaths, 10 million confirmed cases — and hit another high mark for daily new infections as governments that attempted reopenings continued to backtrack and warn that worse news could be yet to come…

“The true death toll from the virus, which first emerged in China late last year, is widely believed to be significantly higher. Experts say that especially early on, many victims died of COVID-19 without being tested for it… Overall the US still has far and away the most total cases. At more than 2,450,000 – roughly twice that of Brazil…”

But are these figures accurate and true? Note the next articles.

Coronavirus–A Created “Pandemic”?

On June 26, the Ron Paul Institute published the following article:

“… the CARES act does direct a 20% bonus Medicaid payment to hospitals for every diagnosis of Covid19, and a greater payment again for the use of a ventilator… The CARES act channeled $175bn dollars into the ‘fight’ against coronavirus, including $15 billion purely for treating COVID patients without insurance…. You couldn’t blame a doctor for gaming the system to get a little for his struggling, under-funded clinic… for labelling some unknown respiratory illness ‘Covid 19’  or re-ordering a test known to create false-positives until he gets the result which may pay a nurse’s salary, or re-stock a pharmacy.

“If a few thousand doctors do that a few hundred times each, you’ve created a ‘pandemic’ out of nowhere, with a comparatively small outlay and 99% of those involved believing they’re doing the right thing. The American medical system is broken, of course. Has been for decades…”

Bild Online wrote on June 25:

“New Study: 85 percent of all those infected with coronavirus did not even notice it. Did we overemphasize the virus-danger?… Is the coronavirus not as dangerous as we always assumed?”

Is the Mass Media Lying to Us?

Dr. Ron Paul wrote the following on June 29 in his weekly column in the Ron Paul Institute:

“… from the peak in April, deaths had decreased by 90 percent and were continuing to crash… With massive increases in testing, the ‘case’ numbers climbed. This is not rocket science: the more people you test the more ‘cases’ you discover. Unfortunately our mainstream media is only interested in pushing the ‘party line.’ So the good news that millions more have been exposed while the fatality rate continues to decline – meaning the virus is getting weaker – is buried under hysterical false reporting of ‘new cases.’ Unfortunately many governors… are incapable of resisting the endless lies of the mainstream media. They are putting Americans again through the nightmare of forced business closures, mandated face masks, and restrictions of Constitutional liberties based on false propaganda.

“In Texas the ‘second wave’ propaganda has gotten so bad that the leaders of the four major hospitals in Houston took the extraordinary step late last week of holding a joint press conference to clarify that the scare stories of Houston hospitals being overwhelmed with Covid cases are simply untrue. Dr. Marc Boom of Houston Methodist said the reporting on hospital capacity is misleading. He said, ‘quite frankly, we’re concerned that there is a level of alarm in the community that is unwarranted right now.’

“In fact, there has been much reporting that the ‘spike’ in Texas cases is not due to a resurgence of the virus but to hospital practices of Covid-testing every patient coming in for any procedure at all. If it’s a positive, well that counts as a ‘Covid hospitalization.’ Why would hospitals be so dishonest in their diagnoses? Billions of appropriated Federal dollars are being funneled to facilities based on the number of ‘Covid cases’ they can produce… And that’s why we are getting more Covid cases… Even though we know hospitals have falsely attributed countless deaths to ‘Covid-19’ that were deaths WITH instead of FROM the virus, we are seeing actual deaths steadily declining over the past month and a half…”

Who is right and who is wrong? You decide. But decide you should!

Totalitarianism the New Normal?

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on June 30:

“We cannot go back to the pre-coronavirus world, they tell us. Everything has changed and we must accept a ‘new normal.’ What does this ‘new normal’ look like? It looks a lot like a dystopian horror film, where privacy is destroyed, property is subject to political whim, surveillance is to be accepted, medical treatments can be forced on people. Should we accept totalitarianism as our ‘new normal’?”

Case in point. Note the following statement by California Governor Gavin Newsom, as quoted by CBS SF on June 30:

“The framework for us is this:  if you’re not going to stay home and you’re not going to wear masks in public, we have to enforce and we will… We’ve got Fourth of July weekend coming up. One of the areas of biggest concern… remains family gatherings… Where family members or rather households — immediate and extended family members — begin to mix and take down their guard. They may walk into that barbecue with masks on; then they put the cooler down and the mask comes off, they have a glass of water, and all of a sudden nieces and nephews start congregating.’”

And so, the state-ordered destruction and separation of families is supposed to continue?

Fauci: Need to Fight Strong Resistance to Vaccination

Newsmax wrote on June 29:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci said it’s ‘unlikely’ the United States would reach herd immunity from the coronavirus even if a successful vaccine is developed because of strong resistance to getting inoculated… [He] noted there is a good chance a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus will be available by the end of this year or early next year.

“He added later, however, that pushback to getting a vaccine —some polls say as many as one-third of Americans would refuse to be vaccinated — could result in a lack of herd immunity. ‘I doubt seriously that any vaccine will ever be 100% protective. The best we’ve ever done is measles, which is 97 to 98% effective. That would be wonderful if we get there, I don’t think we will,’ Fauci said.

“‘I would settle for a 70, 75% effective vaccine because that would bring you to that … herd immunity level… ‘We have a lot of work to do because as you well know … there is a general anti-science, anti-authority, anti-vaccine feeling among some people in this country — an alarmingly large percentage of people, relatively speaking.’”

Vaccines won’t come cheaply. The Wall Street Journal reported on June 29: “Covid-19 Drug Remdesivir to cost $3,120 for [a] typical patient on private insurance. Gilead Sciences, remdesivir’s maker, said its price will depend on who is paying and how long a patient takes the drug.”

Senator Rand Paul (Son of Ron Paul) Rips into Anthony Fauci

The New York Post wrote on June 30:

“Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Tuesday ripped into Dr. Anthony Fauci… during a hearing on COVID-19 response…

“‘It is a fatal conceit to believe any one person or small group of people has the knowledge necessary to direct an economy or dictate public health behavior. I think government experts need to show caution in their prognostications,’ Paul, a Republican and libertarian, [said.]

“‘It’s important to realize that if society meekly submits to an expert and that expert is wrong, a great deal of harm may occur when we allow one man’s policy or one group of small men and women to be foisted on an entire nation,’ Paul continued… ‘We shouldn’t presume that a group of experts somehow knows what’s best for everyone. Only decentralized power and decision-making based on millions of individualized situations can arrive at what risk and behaviors each individual will choose. That’s what America was founded on, not a herd with Washington telling us what to do and like sheep we blindly follow

“‘Dr. Fauci, every day we seem to hear from you things we can’t do…’”

The Daily Beast added on June 30:

“During a tense exchange on Capitol Hill, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Tuesday blasted the nation’s top public health experts… He went on to call America’s public health community ‘fatally’ arrogant

“Paul specifically berated Dr. Anthony Fauci… for his recent statements on spectator sports, herd immunity, and other subjects. Though Fauci had couched his words in caveats, he said that ‘it would be very hard to see how football is able to be played this fall’ and that, even with a working vaccine, herd immunity might be difficult to accomplish if Americans aren’t willing to take it.

“But Paul said such statements have caused ‘undue fear’ in pockets of the country and cautioned the public not to trust the words of top infectious disease professionals in the country, saying: ‘… We just need more optimism.’”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Why was the religious establishment usually at odds with Jesus? (Part 5)

We discussed in previous instalments the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the scribes and the elders. In this instalment, we will address the Sanhedrin. Depending on the Bible translation, the Sanhedrin is also referred to as the “Council.”

According to Young’s Analytical Concordance under “council,” we read that “Sanhedrin” means “a sitting together.”

The Wikipedia Encyclopaedia elaborates:

“The Sanhedrin (… Greek… synedrion, ‘sitting together,’ hence ‘assembly’ or ‘council’) were assemblies of either twenty-three or seventy-one elders… appointed to sit as a tribunal in every city in the ancient Land of Israel.

“There were two classes of Jewish courts called Sanhedrin, the Great Sanhedrin and the Lesser Sanhedrin. A lesser Sanhedrin of 23 judges was appointed to each city, but there was to be only one Great Sanhedrin of 71 judges, which among other roles acted as the Supreme Court, taking appeals from cases decided by lesser courts. In general usage, ‘The Sanhedrin’ without qualifier normally refers to the Great Sanhedrin, which was composed of the Nasi, who functioned as head or representing president, and was a member of the court; the Av Beit Din or chief of the court, who was second to the nasi; and sixty-nine general members (Mufla)…

“In the Second Temple period, the Great Sanhedrin met in the Temple in Jerusalem, in a building called the Hall of Hewn Stones. The Great Sanhedrin convened every day except [during] festivals and the sabbath day (Shabbat).”

The website of explains:

“During the time of Roman governors such as Pontius Pilate, the Sanhedrin had jurisdiction only over the province of Judea. The Sanhedrin had its own police force that could arrest people, as they did Jesus Christ. While the Sanhedrin heard both civil and criminal cases and could impose the death penalty, in New Testament times it did not have the authority to execute convicted criminals. That power was reserved for the Romans, which explains why Jesus was crucified—a Roman punishment—rather than stoned, according to Mosaic law…”

In other words, at the time of Christ, the Sanhedrin could find a person guilty and give the death sentence, but they could not carry it out. Only the Romans could put a person to death.

Continuing with

“Caiaphas was the high priest or president of the Sanhedrin at the time of Jesus’ trial and execution. As a Sadducee, Caiaphas did not believe in the resurrection. He would have been shocked when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Not interested in the truth, Caiaphas preferred to destroy this challenge to his beliefs instead of supporting it…

“The Great Sanhedrin was comprised not only of Sadducees but also of Pharisees, but it was abolished with the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple in 66-70 A.D.”

Since that time, there has been no Jewish high priest, for national sacrifices ceased with the destruction of the Second Temple. However, the Bible reveals that sacrifices will be given again shortly before Christ’s return, and a Third Temple will be built.

The Wikipedia Encyclopaedia states:

“The Sanhedrin is traditionally viewed as the last institution which commanded universal authority among the Jewish people in the long chain of tradition from Moses until the present day. Since its dissolution in 358 CE, there has been no universally recognized authority within Jewish law (Halakha).”

The website of adds:

“Despite their small numbers, the Sadducees were able to maneuver themselves politically to positions of power within the Sanhedrin… and allied themselves with the Romans…” has some interesting comments about the Pharisees and Sadducees uniting with their disagreements with Jesus, stating as follows:

“The majority of the [71] seats of the Sanhedrin were filled by Sadducees with a minority filled by the Pharisees… because the Pharisees had the majority of the Jewish population under their influence, the Pharisees often swayed the decisions in the Sanhedrin….

“Even though the Sadducees and Pharisees were diametrically opposed to each other regarding their belief system within Judaism, they were forced to work together… One person that united these two factious groups was the person of (Jesus).

“… the chief priests and the Pharisees convened a council, and were saying, ‘What are we doing? For this man is performing many signs. If we let Him go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.’ But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, ‘You know nothing at all, nor do you take into account that it is expedient for you that one man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish.’ Now he did not say this on his own initiative, but being high priest that year, he prophesied that (Jesus) was going to die for the nation, and not for the nation only, but in order that He might also gather together into one the children of God who are scattered abroad. So from that day on they planned together to kill Him. – John 11:47-53….

“In the above scenario, we read about the chief priests and the Pharisees. The chief priests would be from the group of the Sadducees. Therefore when we read about the chief priests and the Pharisees working together we are actually reading about the Sadducees and Pharisees working together. We also see the connection between the priests and the Sadducees explained in context in the book of Acts: ‘But the high priest rose up, along with all his associates (that is the sect of the Sadducees), and they were filled with jealousy’ (Acts 5:17). The priests and those associated with the priests were generally from the sect of the Sadducees…”

It so often happens that when a situation arises, former adversaries can put aside their personal differences in order to achieve a common aim. This was certainly the case with the religious opponents of Jesus.

The Website of neverthirsty writes:

“The Sanhedrin Council was also called the ‘Senate,’ gerousia, which means ‘the Council of the Elders.’ The Council was the supreme political and religious body of Israel. In John 3:1 we are introduced to a man called Nicodemus, a Pharisee. In that verse he is called a ‘ruler of the Jews.’ Then in verse 10 of the passage he is called ‘the teacher of Israel.’… Both passages reveal that Nicodemus was a political ruler of Israel and a religious teacher. This reveals the Council was a political and religious body…

“The Sanhedrin Council is referred to twenty-one times in the New Testament… Luke 22:66 reveals that the Sanhedrin Council at the time of the New Testament… included [the elders,] the chief priests and scribes. Acts 23:1-7 reveals that the Council was composed of Pharisees, Sadducees and chief priests…

“Acts 5:34-35 indicates that the famous rabbi Gamaliel was a member of the Council and made an eloquent plea for justice for Peter and the apostles. The only other members of the Council named in the New Testament… are Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea…

“The gospel records… report that the Council tried to force Christ to lie. We assume that Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea did not or were not in attendance. One wonders if the great rabbi Gamaliel attended this mockery of a trial…”

Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, is mentioned in three places in the Gospel of John. He first visits Jesus one night to discuss Jesus’ teachings (John 3:1–21). In Luke 23:50, we learn that Joseph of Arimathea was a part of the Council or Sanhedrin as well. However, we read that Joseph was opposed to the Council’s decision and was in fact a secret follower of Jesus.

We may wonder whether Paul, named Saul before his conversion, was a member of the Sanhedrin.

Bible Questions Answered [] states:

“… it [is] likely that Paul was at one time, a member of the Sanhedrin Council: Paul ‘cast his vote against’ the saints [Acts 26:10-11]… Paul consented to the execution of Stephen, a decision made by the Sanhedrin [Acts 20:22]… Paul advanced in Judaism beyond many of his own age [Galatians 1:13-14].”

As the Sanhedrin consisted of Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes and elders, it is no surprise that they conspired together to kill Christ.

Below are a few examples of the word “Sanhedrin” being used in the New International Version (NIV), but, generally, the word is translated as “Council”. There is no doubt that they were one and the same.

Matthew 26:59 states: “The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death” [NIV].

Mark 14:55 adds: “The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find any” [NIV].

Acts 6:12 reads: “So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin” [NIV].

Acts 6:15 states: “All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel” [NIV].

As Jesus faced the Sanhedrin (the subtitle in the New King James Bible), we read in Mark 14:55: “Now the chief priests and all the council sought testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, but found none.”

And in Mark 15:1, we read: “Immediately, in the morning, the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council; and they bound Jesus, led Him away, and delivered Him to Pilate.”

In both of the above Scriptures, the word “council” is translated “Sanhedrin” in the NIV.

We read that Jesus appeared before the council or Sanhedrin in Matthew 26:59-68; Mark 14:55-65; Luke 22:66-71 and John 18:19-24.

The “trial” of Jesus Christ was without legal precedent. He was convicted and executed even though Pilate found Him innocent! Let us notice many of the outstanding reasons why the arrest, “trial,” and conviction of Jesus were illegal.

  1. There was no legal basis for Jesus’ arrest, because no one had presented a formal charge of any crime; He was simply taken. Moreover, those who went with Judas to have Jesus arrested included the priests and elders—His judges (Luke 22:52)—among whom were the ones who bribed Judas!
  2. Jesus was subject to a secret preliminary examination at night (John 18:12-14, 19-23). Jewish law permitted only daylight proceedings.
  3. The indictment against Jesus was illegal, because the judges themselves brought up the charge without any prior testimony by witnesses. The Sanhedrin was not allowed by law to originate charges.
  4. The Sanhedrin illegally proceeded to hold its trial of Jesus before sunrise so that no one would be available to testify on his behalf.
  5. The trial began on a day before an annual Sabbath (John 18:28) even though Jewish law did not permit the trial of a capital offence to begin on a Friday or on the day before an annual Sabbath. Jesus was arrested and tried on the 14th of Nisan, the day before the first annual Sabbath, the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
  6. Jesus’ trial was concluded in one day. Jewish law says: “If a sentence of death is to be pronounced, it [a criminal charge] cannot be concluded before the following day” (Mishna, “Sanhedrin” IV, 1). This was done to allow sufficient opportunity for any witnesses in support of the accused to present themselves. Jesus’ trial was conducted in private and completed in less than nine hours!
  7. Two false witnesses charged Jesus with saying He would destroy the temple made with hands (Mark 14:58); yet He was condemned by the court on another false charge – that of blasphemy. He was condemned on His own testimony (Luke 22:67-71). But according to Jewish law, a person could not be condemned on his own testimony.
  8. The merits of Jesus’ defence were not considered. Despite Deuteronomy 13:14, the high priest did not “inquire, and make search, and ask diligently” to see whether Jesus’ statement was blasphemous. The law in the Mishna says, “The judges shall weigh the matter in sincerity of their conscience” (Sanhedrin IV, 5). Instead, the court pronounced a sentence instantly and unanimously!
  9. Those who would have voted against condemnation were apparently not at Jesus’ trial. Joseph of Arimathaea was a member of the court, yet he had not consented to the verdict (Luke 23:50-51). Jesus’ opponents had made sure that only those who hated Him would be there.
  10. The sentence was pronounced in a place forbidden by law. The trial took place at the high priest’s house (Luke 22:54). According to the law, a death sentence could be pronounced only in the court’s appointed place.
  11. Most of the judges were not legally qualified to try Jesus. Some had bought their way into office, according to Josephus. Since they were known enemies of Jesus, Jewish law required that they disqualify themselves so He could be tried by impartial judges.
  12. The court illegally switched the charges from blasphemy to treason before Pilate. Jesus’ opponents wanted Him killed. So they charged Him with treason (Luke 23:2) – a Roman crime – so the Romans would be responsible for His death. No evidence was presented (John 18:29-30). Pilate, after a brief interview, saw that Jesus was not guilty (John 18:38; 19:4; Matthew 27:18). Fearing the crowd, however, he allowed the crucifixion of an innocent man. Pilate did not even pronounce Him guilty; He merely turned Him over to the soldiers. In fact, as Pilate pronounced Him to be innocent, He had to be released, according to the law, at that moment.

What a mockery of justice this trial was! All this illegality, in addition to His crucifixion, Jesus willingly suffered to pay the penalty of sins in our stead!

In the foreword in the book “The Trial of Jesus” by J C McRuer, Chief Justice of the High Court for Ontario, Canada, the following comments are made about the author: “Never have I seen the evidence of injustice in the trial of Jesus so well collated and united, and the cumulative effect of violation after violation of injustice and illegality is most profound.”

In our free booklet, “Jesus Christ—a Great Mystery!”, under Part 4, we discuss numerous additional reasons which show that His arrest, “trial” and crucifixion were illegal and that He was murdered by the Romans and the Sanhedrin. For instance, even after the sentence had been issued, the Sanhedrin had the legal duty to reconvene if a new witness in favour of the accused showed up. Judas was that new witness. He said, “I have betrayed innocent blood.” The Sanhedrin, however, violated that legal duty as well.

Quoting from our above-mentioned booklet, we say this:

“The Bible confirms that Christ was murdered. It was not an execution of a legally charged and legally convicted person. It was a state-approved and state-commanded murder. His disciples were not afraid to say so.” We then quote among other passages Acts 5:27-30 and Acts 7:51-52, where Peter and the apostles and Stephen accused the Sanhedrin of having murdered Jesus.

But we also explain in great detail WHY Christ was willing to be wrongfully captured and accused by the Sanhedrin, tortured and subsequently murdered, and what this means for you and for me.

In conclusion, we read in The Wikipedia Encyclopaedia:

“Over the centuries, there have been attempts to revive the institution, such as the Grand Sanhedrin convened by Napoleon Bonaparte, and modern attempts in Israel. In October 2004… a group of rabbis representing varied Orthodox communities in Israel undertook a ceremony in Tiberias, where the original Sanhedrin was disbanded, in which it claimed to re-establish the body according to the proposal of Maimonides and the Jewish legal rulings of Rabbi Yosef Karo… As of March 2010, that effort is ongoing and is supported by The Temple Institute.”

It would be interesting if such a Grand Sanhedrin would be re-established prior to Christ’s return, as most Jews will reject Christ when He returns. So will professional Christianity as well.

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writers: Brian Gale (United Kingdom) and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

The YouTube channel for the Church of the Eternal God presents past videos for StandingWatch programs along with sermonettes, sermons and promotional videos. These are also available on our website:

“Is America Destroying Itself?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

This program contains many examples proving that America is deeply divided, and division leads to destruction. One author wrote that the US collapse would be one of the most spectacular instances of decline in world history. The sad truth is that we are doing it to ourselves, and it has been prophesied to occur.

The German translation of our most recent booklet, “Obeying God rather than men,” has been sent to our Graphic Designer, Shelly Bruno, for finalization. The German title  is: Man muss Gott mehr gehorchen als den Menschen”.

“Der kommende Untergang Deutschlands,” is the title of a new German sermon for this Sabbath, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Title in English: “Germany’s Coming Destruction.”

“Both Feet In,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Since our calling to the truth, we have had a foot in the door. To bring our other foot in was our choice to get baptized and to live God’s way of life. Even though we still go through struggles, what do we need to do to keep both feet in, and what does God promise to all who remain faithful until the end?

“The Destruction of Germany,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In the Old Testament book of Nahum, the destruction of the ancient city of Nineveh—capital of the Assyrian Empire—is described in vivid detail. But the prophet Nahum is foremost speaking about the coming destruction of modern Germany. The specific description of Germany’s fate is sobering. At the same time, it reveals much about God’s character.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Do Your Best / TEST Your Conversion

On July 4, 2020, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Do Your Best,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “TEST Your Conversion.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 930

Both Feet In / The Destruction of Germany

On June 27, 2020, Michael Link will present the sermonette, titled, “Both Feet In,”  and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “The Destruction of Germany.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Pressing Towards Our Goal

by Robb Harris

It has never been more important to push towards eternal salvation than right now. While that statement is completely true for those of us presently called, it equally applied to Christians living throughout the history of the true Church.  Our calling hinges on choices we make today.  We cannot change our past actions nor can we direct our future with absolute precision. But today, we can point ourselves in a righteous direction and be assured, through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit, that our path will lead to success.

Our decision to change and commit ourselves must not be with any reservations.  When Lot’s wife turned back, she lost her means to escape sin because she wasn’t fit for a life leading to Godly freedom.  From His disciples, Jesus required (and requires today) complete submission to His lead.

When Jesus walked the earth, many flocked to Him with a desire to become His disciples.  But He required proof of commitment above just simple desire. “Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, ‘Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.’ And Jesus said to him, ‘Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.’ Then He said to another, ‘Follow Me.’ But he said, ‘Lord, let me first go and bury my father.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God.’ And another also said, ‘Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house.’ But Jesus said to him, ‘No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.’” (Luke 9:57-62).

The apprehension and wavering in their willingness to commit most likely cost those men a place as the firstborn of God.  But they weren’t alone in a reluctance, especially when difficulties arose in understanding.  When Christ talked about the necessity of eating of His flesh and drinking of His blood, “…many of His disciples, when they heard this, said, ‘This is a hard saying; who can understand it?… From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more” (John 6:60,66).

When given the opportunity to change, we must have the willingness to do it today.  We cannot put our salvation on the back-burner, hoping to get to it when we feel better equipped.  We must have the same courage and zeal to change that the core disciples of Christ demonstrated.  “And as He [Christ] walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’ They immediately left their nets and followed Him. When He had gone a little farther from there, He saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the boat mending their nets.  And immediately He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went after Him” (Mark 1:16-20).

These men, by faith, stepped away from everything and followed Christ.  God is faithful and patient (see 2 Peter 3:9), but we must not test His patience in our own unwillingness to change. We must keep stride with Christ because His lead is all we have as a guide in this ungodly world.  Paul summed up this immediacy quite well, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit” (Galatians 5:25 NIV).  Let us all demonstrate our zeal today, as though our choices determine our entrance into the Kingdom of God, because they do.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with a short article containing serious warnings of coming global massive disasters—far worse than the coronavirus; address Israel’s announced annexation of the West Bank; report on Austrian leader Sebastian Kurz’s strong support for Israel and his friendship with Benjamin Netanyahu; Hezbollah’s threat against Israel; the modern Sodom of Tel Aviv; and fears of anti-Israel legislation in Europe.

We continue with an unprecedented civil war-like riot in Germany and the discussion about a European nuclear bomb.

We address the contemplated withdrawal of American troops from Germany and former US ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell’s, “revengeful” involvement in the matter; Americans’ fear of the future; the uncertain destination for DACA; and announcements of more visa restrictions.

We address Anthony Fauci’s attack on “anti-science beliefs” and the “anti-vaccination movement”; and we publish several articles on the highly controversial mandate of wearing face masks, which is dividing the country; the growing movement of destroying America’s heritage under the disguise of “fighting against racism”; and attempts of prohibiting freedom of speech; and address the destruction of America’s monuments and statues. In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “The Paradox of BLM and the Fight against Racism.”

We conclude with an eye-opening powerful piece discussing the extremely troublesome agenda and conduct of the “Black Lives Matter Movement” in the UK.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Coming… Massive Disaster Worse than Covid-19?

Market Watch wrote on June 19:

“Analysts [at Deutsche Bank] say there is at least a one-in-three chance that at least one of four major tail risks will occur within the next decade: a major influenza pandemic killing more than two million people; a globally catastrophic volcanic eruption; a major solar flare; or a global war… Earthquakes were omitted from the numbers on the grounds that they are more local events…

“Another point made is that these major events tend to have ripple effects as well, just as the current COVID-19 crisis has led to fraying ties between the U.S. and China.”

Massive disasters are prophesied to occur soon.

US Republican Leadership Support Annexation

Breaking Israel News reported on June 22:

“Republican leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives has been circulating a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in support of Israel expected to annex parts of Judea and Samaria, also known as the West Bank… The letter, signed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and House Republican Conference chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), emphasizes support for Israel and its right to make its own decisions

“The Israeli government plans to enact annexation starting July 1.”

Israel’s Planned Annexation

The Times of Israel wrote on June 19:

“Though Israel’s planned annexation of parts of the West Bank hasn’t happened yet, on the ground its tremors are already being felt. The first victim of the fracas around annexation is the security coordination between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, halted last month…

“Fatah’s militant offshoot the Tanzim, the slumbering beast that fueled the Second Intifada in its early days, is starting to wake up and exhibiting a growing presence in the West Bank. Tanzim members have increasingly been seen operating in Qalqilya and Hebron, and they are very present in the area surrounding Jerusalem, with East Jerusalem residents reporting hearing increased gunfire in the area’s villages and refugee camps.

“It was not actually annexation that awakened the beast, but rather the pandemic: Fatah leaders who sent the field operators into villages, often armed, in order to enforce COVID-19 discipline, are now finding it difficult to remove them again. In isolated locations such strongmen can claim more and more autonomy, engage in criminal activities and become a nuisance for both residents and Israeli security forces…

“… There are [allegedly] already 12 or 13 European states that are willing to recognize a Palestinian state under occupation in the event of an Israeli annexation…”

In addition, Breaking Israel News wrote on June 24:

“The E.U. states against Israeli sovereignty are Luxembourg, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Malta and Finland, while on the pro-Israel side are Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Greece, Latvia, Cyprus and Poland, the report said, citing E.U. diplomats, cables and meeting transcripts.

“France and Spain are siding against Israel but are not being as vocal about it, and Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy are in the middle.”

The list might not be totally accurate. It does not appear correct to say that Germany or France are in the middle. They would be better listed as being against Israel. 

It is indeed to be expected that certain European countries will support the Palestinians against Israel. However, Austria might not be one of them. Note the next article.

Sebastian Kurz’s Strong Support for Israel

JTA wrote on June 19:

“Austria is led by one of the country’s most remarkable politicians in recent decades: Sebastian Kurz, who was elected chancellor in 2017 at just 31 years old. Kurz is immediately striking for a world leader…

“Following a scandal in an allied party last year that collapsed Kurz’s parliament coalition and forced a new election, the People’s Party came back even stronger, winning nine new parliament seats…

“One of the fellow world leaders Kurz feels closest to is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. That could help explain why Kurz has reversed his country’s stance toward Israel during his tenure from very critical to very supportive. Austria is the only Western European nation whose government is actively shielding the Jewish state from sanctions by the European Union over Netanyahu’s plan to annex parts of the West Bank. New sanctions would require complete consensus among its 27 members…

“In March, he was the only world leader to congratulate Netanyahu on what Kurz termed Netanyahu’s ‘clear election victory’ earlier that month… The chancellor’s biggest homage to Netanyahu came during the coronavirus crisis, when Kurz publicly credited the prime minister for advice on how Austria should handle the pandemic.

“In a March interview with the German Bild daily, Kurz… added a note: ‘…Thank God for Bibi Netanyahu…’

“In a 2017 video speech for the American Jewish Committee, Kurz recalled Austria’s incorporation into Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany, calling it the darkest period in our history. ‘But it also guides my political work today,’ he said. This means ‘a zero-tolerance approach’ to anti-Semitism and that ‘we have to be a strong partner of Israel’

“Kurz was among a handful of European leaders who publicly chided Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for saying in 2018 that Israel’s land should be ‘returned to the owners.’ Austria’s parliament this year passed a resolution calling the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel a form of anti-Semitism. It has also labeled Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

“Those who know Kurz in Austria and Israel told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that his pro-Israel policies offer him few political dividends, but he adheres to them in any case because of his convictions and values….”

This would almost certainly rule out Sebastian Kurz as the prophesied end-time European anti-Israeli leader. In addition, Ahval News reported on June 22: “Kurz said Austria was in favour of ‘close cooperation among EU countries’ but not a European army…”

The prophesied end-time European military leader will of course be an ardent supporter of a strong and powerful European army.

Hezbollah Threatens Israel with Precise Missile Attacks

“The Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group on Saturday released a video threatening to strike major Israeli cities with precision guided missiles and claiming that it has the capability to hit ‘very precise targets’ anywhere in Israel… Hezbollah is believed to have over 150,000 missiles… Israel fears in a future war, the terror group could use a barrage of precision missiles to attack sensitive facilities and overwhelm its air defense array…

“Hezbollah was formed in the early 1980s with assistance from Iran to counter and harass Israel, which occupied southern Lebanon following the 1982 First Lebanon War… Over the years — and with ample Iranian training, funding and support — the terror group turned from a small guerrilla outfit… into a more powerful terrorist organization with thousands of simple rockets that it rained down on northern Israel and advanced anti-tank guided missiles that it fired at IDF positions in southern Lebanon. A full-scale war erupted in 2006.

“Iran-backed Hezbollah… fights alongside the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad in the neighboring country’s civil war. It is Tehran’s most potent proxy on the regional scene and also wields significant influence in Lebanese politics.”

Hezbollah’s terrorists are a continuing threat to the safety of Israel.

Tel Aviv… modern Sodom?

Times of Israel wrote on June 21:

“The Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality on Sunday said it would allow cohabiting couples to register their relationship and enjoy marital rights, in a protest of the government’s refusal to recognize same-sex couples or those not wed under the state’s religious authorities. Tel Aviv-Jaffa Mayor Ron Huldai said the move, coinciding with the country’s Pride Week, makes those who register eligible for housing tax discounts, as well as easing enrollment of their children in public daycares and schools. ‘In honor of Pride Week, we decided to challenge the government and allow couples to register on the basis of a declaration,’ said the mayor…

“Though same-sex marriage is not technically illegal in Israel, there is no institution authorized to carry it out. In a system inherited from Ottoman times, people can only marry in Israel through their religious institutions: Jewish couples must marry through the Chief Rabbinate, which refuses to carry out same-sex or interfaith marriages; and Christians, Druze and Muslims all marry through their own state-sanctioned and publicly funded religious legal systems…”

Even though interfaith marriages are included, the gist of the move deals with same-sex marriages.

“Curbing Religious Freedom With Ban on Kosher Slaughter”

The Algemeiner wrote on June 22:

“One of Europe’s top rabbis has warned that Jews on the continent may no longer be able to consume kosher meat because of legislation targeting ‘shechita’ — the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for human consumption. ‘Shechita is a vital religious practice within the Jewish faith that forms an inherent part of our religious identity, without which Jews would be deprived of the ability to eat meat,’ Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt — president of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) — said in a statement on Monday.

“Goldschmidt was speaking ahead of a hearing at the European Court of Justice in July that is expected to rule on the legality of the ban on Jewish and Muslim slaughter methods adopted by Belgium in January 2019. The hearing had originally been scheduled for April 21, but was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. Goldschmidt said that the supply chain of kosher meat in Europe was not strong enough to rely solely on imports. ‘In recent months, and particularly over the recent Passover holiday, which of course came at the height of the pandemic in Europe, the supply chain was simply not robust and many communities in Belgium — and indeed throughout Europe — suffered a shortage of meat due to the lack of supplies,’ he stated…

“If the ban was to be upheld, Goldschmidt remarked, the ‘message would be clear: Jews are not welcome.’ He continued: ‘Such a notion is abhorrent and so I implore the judges to look at the evidence in front of them and do not allow the processes to be hijacked by intolerance under the guise of a concern for animal welfare regulations.’”

However, Europe’s left-liberal anti-Jewish judges might very well issue a prohibition of “shechita.”

Unprecedented Civil War-Like Riots in Germany

 Deutsche Welle wrote on June 21:

“Police in Stuttgart have arrested 24 suspects over rioting and looting that erupted in the German city early Sunday morning… Police said hundreds of mainly young people who had gathered there started throwing stones and bottles at authorities, smashing patrol cars and breaking shop windows. They then tore through the main shopping district. Officers estimated that up to 500 people were involved in the unrest, which took several hours to bring under control.

“Police President Frank Lutz said the level of violence against officers was ‘unprecedented’… ‘These are incredible events that have left me stunned, and that I’ve never experienced in all my 46 years of police service,’ he said…

“Winfried Kretschmann, the premier of the state of Baden-Württemberg where Stuttgart is located, condemned ‘this brutal outbreak of violence’… Sascha Binder, a regional politician from the center-left SDP, described the violence as ‘civil war-like scenes.’”

People are getting more and more upset and violent. Terrible times lie ahead.

A European Nuclear Bomb?

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 20:

“Days after US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of roughly one third of US troops stationed in Germany, the shock still lingers. Politicians at every level are grappling with the consequences… Germany’s foreign minister is worried about the further deterioration of relations with the US… Germany has been a key component of the US defense strategy in Europe for decades, with US nuclear weapons — to be delivered by German fighter jets in a moment of crisis — stationed here…

“‘It is entirely unclear where this journey is heading and what security risks lie ahead,’ said Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, vice president of the Berlin-based German Marshall Fund… He told DW the weakening of ties between Germany and the US is damaging to the whole of Europe… ‘Europe will have to take on more responsibility,’ said Roderich Kiesewetter, a former military officer who is now a parliamentary foreign policy expert for Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party…

“[Is] Germany ready for a paradigm shift — working toward a Europe that can protect itself, without the US? Should that… option be the secret desire of German politicians, it would no doubt bring out every last EU political and military heavyweight between Berlin and Paris. And it would also put the spotlight on an uncomfortable issue for the Germans: their stance on nuclear weapons — which are, after all, considered the last guarantor of independent sovereignty… Still, the issue of whether or not to create a European nuclear umbrella could well arise should Trump complete a US withdrawal from Europe that started long before he came to office…

“The one seemingly intractable conflict inherent in the idea of a ‘European bomb,’ however, is the question of who would decide to use it when a split-second decision is needed. In France, that duty falls to the president, who is closely followed everywhere he goes by an officer carrying the nation’s nuclear codes… Germany will likely have to get used to the French nuclear mindset in the coming years…”

Ten European nations or groups of nations will have a powerful army with nuclear weapons, and it will indeed be the “beast”—a political and military leader—who will have authority to decide as to when to use them.

German Leadership Needed

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 23:

“NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg touted the importance of German leadership, following US President Donald Trump’s controversial move to announce the withdrawal of 9,500 US troops from Germany. ‘The world needs more German leadership,’ Stoltenberg told DW. ‘NATO needs German leadership. We all need Germany to play an even more important role because Germany is the largest economy in Europe.’

“In the interview, Stoltenberg highlighted an increase in Germany’s defense budget as significant. ‘I value Germany as a very strong and important ally. And Germany is now actually investing significantly more in defense… Germany now has the largest defense budget with the European Union, and third in NATO behind the United Kingdom and the United States…’”

And so, Germany WILL lead Europe militarily very soon.

Trump Rally in Tulsa

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 22:

“During his speech Trump appeared to make light of the coronavirus, which has claimed at least 120,000 lives in the US, by referring to it as the ‘kung flu.’ He also said he had instructed people to slow down coronavirus testing because more tests lead to a higher case count. In his remarks Trump singled out Germany, saying it owed the US $1 trillion (€890 billion).

“‘We’re supposed to protect Germany from Russia, but they are paying billions of dollars to Russia for a brand new pipeline,’ he said, referring to the Nord Stream 2 project. He described German Chancellor Angela Merkel as ‘a very nice woman, very good negotiator’ but accused Germany of ‘ripping off’ the US.”

Trump added that this is the reason why he will withdraw American troops from Germany. Germany—and Europe—hotly dispute the notion that Germany owes the US or anybody any money, stating that this is not how the arrangement with NATO works.

Trump’s Former Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, Gets His Revenge

Der Spiegel wrote on June 15:

“… when the news made the rounds in late May that Donald Trump’s ambassador to Germany, Richard ‘Ric’ Grenell, would be leaving his posting early, the reactions ranged from glee to relief. Former Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) described Grenell’s departure as ‘an act of kindness.’ He joked that Trump must still have a soft spot for the Germans after all. ‘Over generations, every ambassador I have met left Germany as a friend and respected partner,’ writes Andreas Nick, a lawmaker with Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) specializing in foreign policy. Grenell, he says, behaves like ‘the representative of a hostile power.’

“Grenell reacted in his own way to the jubilation. In late May, he tweeted: ‘You make a big mistake if you think the American pressure is off. You don’t know Americans.’ It sounded like a threat. It’s now clear that it was. On Friday of last week, shortly after Grenell left Berlin, it became known in Washington that Trump was planning to drastically reduce the number of U.S. troops in Germany… the decision was made extremely quickly by a circle of three men: the president, his security advisor Richard O’Brien – and Grenell

“Grenell is seen as the driving force behind the withdrawal plans… According to officials in the German government, the reduction of U.S. troops won’t have grave consequences for Germany’s security. But the symbolic damage to the German-American relationship, which has already been battered under Trump, is severe. Since the end of the Second World War, the presence of U.S. soldiers in Germany has been an important symbol of the closeness between the two countries

“[Grenell] was a pariah in Berlin’s political circles. Even Merkel steered clear of the diplomat. In summer of 2019, Grenell threatened to withdraw U.S. troops if the German government didn’t accede to American calls to raise the defense budget to 2 percent of gross national product (GNP), as NATO members had pledged to do by 2024… Officials in Berlin were shocked by the tone.

“At the time, Trump was also considering reducing the contingent of U.S. troops… Trump backed away from the plan, apparently partly because the proposal didn’t get a very positive reaction from Republicans in Congress or at the Department of Defense… Trump was annoyed that Merkel ruined his plan to hold a G-7 Summit in Washington…”

It appears that both Trump and Grenell are acting, at least in part, because of revenge. Whatever the motive, the irreparable harm towards the relationship between the USA and Europe continues.

“U.S. Likely to Be Left out of Europe”

The Los Angeles Times wrote on June 24:

“The headline in a leading German newspaper [Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] put it succinctly: ‘Cuba yes, USA no.’ With the European Union moving toward reopening external borders on July 1, travelers from the United States could be among those excluded… No decision has yet been made. But for the holders of dark-blue American passports and even U.S. green cards, such a restriction would mark a humbling reversal — and to some, a symbol of Washington’s slipping prestige…

“In European countries long counted as among America’s closest allies, the news of the U.S. potentially being left off the travel list is drawing mixed emotions — sympathy and unease, hard-nosed realism and in some quarters a touch of scorn. Many staunch supporters of transatlantic ties genuinely mourn any fresh distancing from a country that is warmly remembered for helping the continent back to its feet after the devastation of World War II…

“Germany’s Der Spiegel newsmagazine said EU internal discussions centered on two key criteria: the level of new infections in a given country, and also reciprocity–if EU citizens are not allowed in, that country’s chances of its own citizens being allowed in are low, it said. In a summer season already blighted by the pandemic, U.S. visitors would be sorely missed…”

Americans Very Stressed over America’s Future

Study Finds wrote on June 19:

“The year 2020 feels like a crossroads for the United States. With a pivotal election just around the corner, protests in the streets, and a deadly virus that refuses to disappear, our nation hasn’t felt this vulnerable and divided in ages…  A staggering 83% say that worrying about the future of the United States is a big source of personal stress. Also, 72% believe this is the lowest point in the country’s history that they’ve ever been alive to see.

“…66% of respondents say that the government’s ongoing response to the coronavirus continues to stress them out on a daily basis. Among that group, 84% are mostly worried about the federal government’s response. More than… 72% are concerned about their state leaders. Another 64% feel unstrung over their local government…”

It won’t get better.

The Uncertain Future of DACA

Newsmax wrote on June 19:

“President Donald Trump, claiming nothing was lost or won by the Supreme Court’s ruling on his efforts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, says he will submit ‘enhanced papers’ to try again. The high court on Thursday ruled that Trump improperly ended DACA in 2017. Chief Justice John Roberts joined the four liberal justices in the 5-4 majority, while the conservative justices called DACA illegal… On Thursday [Trump] ripped the high court for ‘horrible and politically charged decisions.’…

“Trump could still take away the ability for hundreds of thousands of them to live and work legally in the United States. With no legislative answer in sight, that means the uncertainty of the last eight years isn’t over for many who know of nowhere else as home. Activists… face a White House that’s prioritized immigration restrictions and a divided Congress that’s unlikely to pass legislation giving them a path to citizenship anytime soon…

“While Republicans protested that now, if ever, was the time for Congress to clarify the immigration system, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it clear that Democrats were done with their legislation before the summer break…”

It is terrible when political maneuvering decides the fate of thousands of innocent people.

New Visa Restrictions Coming

Reuters wrote on June 20:

“President Donald Trump said on Saturday he would announce new restrictions on visas… to block the entry of certain foreign workers and protect Americans struggling with a job market devastated by the coronavirus pandemic…

“Critics have said Trump looked set to use the pandemic to achieve his longstanding goal of limiting immigration into the United States. His tough stance on immigration is central to his pitch to voters as he runs for re-election. Major American companies, particularly in the tech sector, have urged Trump to refrain from blocking the flow of foreign workers into the United States, saying it would hurt the economy

“In April, he ordered a temporary block on some foreigners from permanent residence in the United States. He also… virtually cut off access to the U.S. asylum system. At the same time, he announced the land borders with Canada and Mexico would be closed to non-essential crossings, a measure that has been extended several times.”

To be clear, we do not support open borders. The USA, or any country for that matter, cannot just let in hard-core criminals or those who want to destroy the country. Some inquiries and measures of protection are certainly necessary. But arbitrary restrictions are to be rejected, such as prohibitions of chain migration (legal residents and US citizens would be unable to bring their parents into the country, or vice versa) or preventing legal residents from obtaining a green card or truly persecuted aliens from being granted asylum;  nor would deportations of those innocent aliens be justified who entered the USA under DACA.

As it turned out, Trump’s visa restrictions this time were relatively mild. Subsequently, Trump, by executive order, extended the 60-day ban on certain foreign work visas. Tech executives did not like this decision.

IBT wrote on June 23:

“The new restrictions will come into effect on June 24, and are expected to block 219,000 temporary workers from entering the U.S…. Companies like Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Microsoft and industry bodies, such as the Internet Association (IA), Information Technology Industry Council and Information Technology Industry Council, have also strongly opposed the move…

“‘IA condemns the administration’s latest executive order that will limit the number of high-skilled foreign workers from entering the country through the end of the year. The diverse and accomplished H-1B visa holders in the U.S. create American jobs and help our economy grow. All industries benefit from a visa system that allows U.S. companies to attract the best and brightest…’”

Fauci Attacks “Anti-Science Beliefs” and “Anti-Vaccination Movement”

The Huffington Post wrote on June 19:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci… said Thursday he was troubled by the rise in ‘anti-science’ beliefs throughout the country, saying such ill-founded sentiments could be ‘a problem’ as the nation seeks to move past the coronavirus pandemic… ‘That’s unfortunate because, you know, science is truth,’ he added…

“Fauci touted efforts across the United States to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus… But he also warned that the anti-vaccination movement could undermine such efforts… ‘It’s the same thing that gets people who are anti-vaxxers, who don’t want people to get vaccinated, even though the data clearly indicate the safety of vaccines. That’s really a problem.’”

The problem is that, in spite of Fauci’s claims, even vaccines in general are not as safe as some “scientists” want us to believe. But that would be especially true in the case of a rushed-through vaccine against the coronavirus.

Vaccinating Children to Help the Adults?

The Guardian wrote on June 23:

“Lords committee told children may have to be immunised to protect their grandparents.

“A vaccine against Covid-19 may not work well in older people who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill and dying from the disease, say scientists, which may mean immunising others around them, such as children…

“Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at Oxford University, who is heading its Covid-19 vaccine research, told the Lords committee that none of the 140 vaccines in development was likely to be perfect, but said a useful vaccine did not have to be 100% effective…

“As the numbers of people infected with coronavirus fall in England and the rest of the UK, it becomes more difficult to trial vaccines there, so she and colleagues have embarked on a trial in Brazil, where the numbers are high, and are about to start in South Africa as well. Astra Zeneca, to whom the vaccine is licensed, is setting up a trial of 30,000 people in the US, she said.”

Masks Mandated

Breitbart wrote on June 18:

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Thursday signed an order making wearing face coverings mandatory while in public or high-risk settings… Californians will be required to wear a mask while in line or inside public spaces, at the workplace, and when waiting for or while riding public transportation… People engaged in hiking, running or bicycling do not need to wear a mask. Children under two-years-old and individuals with medical conditions are also exempt from the order. ‘Science shows that face coverings and masks work,’ Newsom said in a statement.”

According to many scientists, science does NOT show that face coverings and masks work. Newsom’s new order also prohibits having parties at home, involving people outside one’s household, including pool or cocktail parties, but it was reported that police won’t (be able to) enforce those “guidelines.”

Reuters wrote on June 19:

“Resistance to face masks took on a partisan edge after President Donald Trump opposed them, telling the Wall Street Journal in an interview published on Thursday that some people wear them to show opposition to him. But… masks are becoming commonplace in the United States….”

USA Today wrote on June 19:

“[Arnold] Schwarzenegger said [Newsom’s] decision is ‘100% the right move. This will help us beat this terrible virus,’ tweeted Schwarzenegger, the state’s governor from 2003 to 2011. ‘The science is unanimous… It’s not a political issue. Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read.’

“Newsom’s new requirement waded into the growing national divide over face masks, which are often cast as either a common courtesy to stem the spread of coronavirus or an infringement on personal freedom. It has led to tense confrontations, particularly in Southern California. Mask matters have been rendered political after President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, who have been pushing for a fast restart of the U.S. economy, refused to wear masks in a number of public settings.”

The truth is, science is NOT unanimous on the issue at all. Our advice to Mr. Schwarzenegger: Since you are no longer state governor, stick to your movies and stop libeling people by calling them illiterate morons who may disagree with your hotly debated viewpoint. Note the next section.

Breitbart explained on June 19:

“But far from being ‘unanimous,’ public health officials have issued confusing and sometimes contradictory statements about the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.  Near the beginning of the global outbreak, U.S. experts discouraged people from wearing masks. But now, many are urging the opposite.

“As a result, masks have become a political football…”

npr added on June 19:

“… [Newsom’s order] is likely to be met with resistance, pitting the governor against local government leaders who have dropped mandatory mask-wearing measures. In many such counties and cities, residents and business owners eager to return to pre-pandemic life have challenged the need for the widespread use of face coverings…”

Nevada City Mayor Suggests Citizens Ignore California Mask Order

SF Gate wrote on June 21:

“The mayor of Nevada City suggested citizens do not need to follow California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide mask mandate in a Facebook post Saturday. ‘As you go about your day today, KNOW there is NO LAW that Orders you to Wear a Mask. Our Governor does NOT have that unilateral power to make such orders…’ [she wrote].

“‘Again, THERE IS NO LAW THAT STATES YOU MUST WEAR A MASK. Ask our local Police chief or officers. They will not, and cannot, cite ANYBODY for not wearing a mask because the law does not exist. When you come across Newsom’s orders’ online, you will see it’s linked to a page that does not lead you to his Executive Order, BUT to the California Department of Public Health GUIDELINES! Again, NOBODY can be forced to wear a mask outside, in a business, or as an employee or customer.’”

A country or a state divided cannot and will not stand and survive…

When Face Masks Could be Hazardous to your Health

The British paper, “The Conversation,” wrote on June 15:

“… a mask makes it harder to inhale the quantity of air needed to perform at the highest levels… Exercise invariably leads to faster and harder breaths, so wearing a mask during exercise places a further strain on airflow

“When we do heavy exercise (“fencing” was given as an example), our muscles produce lactic acid, which causes that burning sensation. It is then converted to carbon dioxide and exhaled. But what happens if the carbon dioxide is trapped by the mask? As you move from moderate to heavy exercise, you may be re-breathing carbon dioxide, which can reduce cognitive function and increase breathing rate. There may also be less oxygen in the recycled air… So it is important we gain a better understanding of the limitations of heavy exercise with a face mask.

“The need for this understanding is growing, given the story… of two teenage boys in China dying within a week of each other during compulsory physical education examinations while wearing face masks. With gyms looking to reopen and sports clubs wanting to resume, before anyone recommends wearing a face mask, research urgently needs to be undertaken to ensure the safety of the sporting community, regardless of any underlying conditions.”

Wise counsel. Before mandating wearing face masks to combat coronavirus, other health concerns stemming from wearing masks must not be ignored.

Blacks Exempt in Oregon

Fox News reported on June 24:

“Amid ‘heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment,’ a county in Oregon is allowing its residents of color to be in public without coronavirus face coverings… ‘No person shall intimidate or harass people who do not comply,’ health officials said.

“‘For many black people, deciding whether or not to wear a bandanna in public to protect themselves and others from contracting coronavirus is a lose-lose situation that can result in life-threatening consequences either way,’ ReNika Moore, director of the ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, said.”

This is the epitome of hypocrisy.

Eliminating the Aunt Jemima Brand of Pancake Mix and Syrup?

Breitbart reported on June 18:

“A great-grandson of ‘Aunt Jemima’ says that his family legacy will be ‘erased’ now that Quaker Foods plans to eliminate the Aunt Jemima brand of pancake mix and syrup. ‘This is an injustice for me and my family. This is part of my history, sir,’ said Larnell Evans Sr. to ‘The racism they talk about, using images from slavery, that comes from the other side — white people.’

“The great-grandson went on to say that ‘it hurts’ to know that Quaker Foods’ answer to current events in America is to ‘erase my great-grandmother’s history.’ Evans, a 66-year-old Marine Corps veteran, is the great-grandson of Anna Short Harrington, who portrayed Aunt Jemima after the death of Nancy Green — the first Aunt Jemima who made her debut at Chicago’s World’s Fair in 1893.

“Harrington was born on a South Carolina plantation where her family worked as sharecroppers and was later discovered in 1935 by a Quaker Oats representative at the New York State Fair while serving pancakes, reports The report added that Harrington later became a national celebrity as her likeness was seen on products and ads while she traveled the country serving pancakes dressed as Aunt Jemima. ‘She worked for that Quaker Oats for 20 years,’ said Evans. ‘She traveled all the way around the United States and Canada making pancakes as Aunt Jemima for them. This woman served all those people, and it was after slavery.’ ‘She worked as Aunt Jemima. That was her job,’ he added. ‘How do you think I feel as a black man sitting here telling you about my family history they’re trying to erase?’

“On Wednesday, Quaker Foods announced that it will be eliminating Aunt Jemima in order ‘to make progress toward racial equality.’ The Aunt Jemima brand has been around for the last 130 years.”

This decision is ridiculous and shows what happens when a false spirit of supposedly “fighting racism” overtakes the world. Note the next articles with more counter-productive nonsense.

Prohibiting “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”?

 The Daily Mail wrote on June 18:

“The RFU [Rugby Football Union] are conducting a review into how rugby can end institutional racism. ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ [was] written by a black slave in the American South during the nineteenth century, the song was first belted out by supporters when two black wingers – Martin Offiah and Chris Oti – became sporting heroes on the pitch at the end of the 1980s.”

Are these people for real?

Freedom of Speech in America?

Newsmax wrote on June 17:

“A Catholic chaplain at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has stepped down after sending an email that read George Floyd ‘had not lived a virtuous life’… Daniel Patrick Moloney sent the note out on June 7 to the Catholic community at MIT. ‘George Floyd was killed by a police officer, and shouldn’t have been. He had not lived a virtuous life. He was convicted of several crimes, including armed robbery, which he seems to have committed to feed his drug habit. And he was high on drugs at the time of his arrest. But we do not kill such people,’ Moloney said.

“The email continued, ‘In the wake of George Floyd’s death, most people in the country have framed this as an act of racism. I don’t think we know that. Many people have claimed that racism is a major problem in police forces. I don’t think we know that.’

“Moloney continued in his email by saying police officers ‘deal with dangerous people and bad people all the time, and that often hardens them.’ Suzy Nelson, MIT’s vice president and dean for student life, called Moloney’s email ‘deeply disturbing’ in a message to students on Friday. ‘By devaluing and disparaging George Floyd’s character, Father Moloney’s message failed to acknowledge the dignity of each human being and the devastating impact of systemic racism,’ Nelson wrote.

“The Boston Archdiocese asked Moloney to step down. ‘While Fr. Moloney’s comments should not reflect on the entirety of his priestly ministry, they nonetheless were wrong and by his resignation he accepts the hurt they have caused,’ archdiocese officials said…”

The hype following George Floyd’s unjustifiable murder has reached unjustifiable extremes.  During the televised memorial service for him, a huge blasphemous painting was shown throughout the ceremony, portraying him as an angel with wings and with a halo or a gloriole.

Mount Rushmore Won’t Escape

Breitbart wrote on June 23:

“There is no way Mount Rushmore can survive… We have crossed the Rubicon and there is no going back… Before the… [r]iots, as a country, on the right and left, we all agreed there was one line that could never be crossed; that we could never, ever, ever condone or encourage violence of any kind

“Gandhi and… Martin Luther King understood… [c]ivilization could be made to see the light through peaceful resistance and civil disobedience… On the left today, most especially in the media, that culture King and Gandhi knew it could appeal to, is dead… violence is acceptable now

“The modern left’s goals, the modern media’s goals, the goals of… Antifa and Black Lives Matter are immoral, are the authoritarian goals of tyrants who want to tell us how to think and what to believe, what we can and cannot say… They want total control of our children by way of a failed school system, they want total control of that which shapes our culture by way of an entertainment institution that blacklists those who think different, they want total control of political speech…

“We now live in a world where a very public Black Lives Matter organizer, Shaun King, can openly call for the destruction of Christian churches while Twitter allows the call for mob violence to remain published [while they place a warning message on Trump’s tweets for “threat of harm” or “abusive behavior” against DC protestors. Trump had tweeted: “There will never be an ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Washington, D.C., as long as I’m your President. If they try they will be met with serious force!”] and the media protect King and Black Lives Matter by ignoring it.

“We now live in a world where Democrat politicians are doing nothing to stop the violence in their own cities, where the police are obviously being told to stand down as lawless mobs gleefully stream the statues they topple and monuments they desecrate, where a big city mayor sides with [those] who occupied six city blocks filled with hundreds of businesses and private residences. We now live in a world where violence against President Trump and his supporters is openly encouraged by the media….

“In this environment Mount Rushmore cannot survive. All four men carved into the Black Hills of South Dakota hills have been labeled ‘problematic’ by the left and media, this includes Abraham Lincoln. Already the location of Mount Rushmore is considered ‘problematic’ because it was once land that belonged to the American Indian

“The… Riots are here to stay. The media and the Democrats who run America’s major cities see Antifa and Black Lives Matter as… their way to political power…”

We omitted the most “controversial” verbiage in the article.

In addition, to exemplify the ridiculous ignorance of certain protestors, statues of former President Ulysses S. Grant and lyricist Francis Scott Key were among those toppled Friday night in Golden Gate Park. Key wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and Grant led the Union army to victory against the Confederacy as a general and fought for African American voting rights as president. Both men were slave owners.

The Troublesome Black Lives Matter Movement in the UK

Esther Krauke wrote the following in the Sunday Mail on June 21:

“When I first moved to the UK from Ghana with my family in my early teens, the country that welcomed me was one where multiculturalism flourished and neighbours were warm and unassuming. Your achievements were not prefaced by the colour of your skin… It was a Britain where confidence trumped victimhood.

“But, much to my dismay, the tone has shifted entirely, and worryingly, over the past five years… I have grown increasingly concerned about the methods and the wider far-Left political agenda of the Black Lives Matter movement here in the UK. I have been horrified to watch this ridiculous campaign of tearing down statues and relics of British heritage escalate. It is a campaign that has yet to make any progress in tangibly helping me as a black person. And in recent weeks I have been increasingly vocal on Twitter about my concerns. But in doing so I have become targeted by a wave of vile online abuse… Most of this abuse was seemingly coming from black supporters of Black Lives Matter, including a significant amount from African-Americans, although I have also been abused by white liberals…

“What I have received this last week online has given me a glimpse into the darkest part of the human soul – the part that can muster up the most awful hatred… The slogan of this campaign is indisputable. Of course black lives matter. They matter in the same way that everyone’s life, by virtue of being human, matters. Every individual, of whatever skin colour, should have the right to pursue happiness and live free from prejudice. And where racial discrimination and injustice exists in this country, it should be stamped out.

“But a simple glance at the ‘Who We Are’ section on its online fundraising page demonstrates that this organisation is about much more than ‘black lives’. The group’s GoFundMe page explains that it intends to be ‘guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world’. What on earth does ‘defending black lives’ have to do with dismantling capitalism – a system that has lifted millions of people out of absolute poverty in just this century alone? How would the tearing down of wealth creation benefit black lives?…

“There are also growing questions surrounding this organisation’s funding. BLM UK has raised over a million pounds in recent weeks… The group… appears determined to spend the money on a string of Marxist initiatives, which according to its GoFundMe page, includes ‘developing and delivering training, police monitoring and strategies for the abolition of police’… If we abolish the police, what do we replace it with?…

“We need to wake up and see that people are trying to divide this country and are using minority groups to do it. First it was statues, then it was a potential ban on Swing Low, Sweet Chariot being sung at rugby matches. When will this end? This small faction of Left-wing activists will never stop trying to tear this country apart and shaming every aspect of British heritage… My parents taught me the value of hard work, honesty, humility and standing up for the truth. I was taught to judge individuals on the content of their character, and I will never surrender to race baiters who try to bully me into submission…”

Very wise and true words indeed. The situation in the USA does not seem to be any different… perhaps even worse.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Why was the religious establishment usually at odds with Jesus? (Part 4)

In the fourth part of this series, we will focus on “the Elders” and show their hostility toward Jesus Christ.

There are many references in the Bible to elders both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament references, the word elder is translated as “old, aged, aged as to days, bearded and grey headed.” The inference seems to be that with age and maturity there is wisdom to be had.

We read in Genesis 50:7: “So Joseph went up to bury his father; and with him went up all the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders (old, aged, bearded) of the land of Egypt.”

We read in Numbers 11:16-17: “So the Lord said to Moses: ‘Gather to Me seventy men of the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people and officers over them; bring them to the tabernacle of meeting, that they may stand there with you.  Then I will come down and talk with you there. I will take of the Spirit that is upon you and will put the same upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, that you may not bear it yourself alone.’”

Here we read that the elders would receive from God some of the same Spirit that was given to Moses in order to help them in the duties that they were chosen to perform. (The word “elder” is again translated as “old, aged and bearded.”) points out:

“In general, then, we can say that, while through the long history of Israel the role of the elder no doubt changed, they were the older men of the community who, because of their wisdom in counsel and the natural honor due to them (Leviticus 19:32), became the official administrators or leaders of the community.

“In the Judaism of Jesus’ day the elders of Israel were still dominant. The most frequent use of the word ‘elder’ in the New Testament refers to the Jewish elders who opposed Jesus during his lifetime. Within the gospels and Acts ‘elders’ are most often viewed as forming a closely knit group with the ‘chief priests.’ Again and again we read of ‘the chief priests and elders of the people’ (Matthew 21:23; 26:3,47; 27:1 etc.). The term elder was probably very broad and would include members of the scribes as well as the Pharisees and Sadducees (cf. ‘traditions of the elders’ (Matthew 15:2; Acts 22:6)).” writes the following:

“In the New Testament, elders (of the people, of Israel, etc.) were older men who represented the people and who exercised a certain amount of authority over them. Existing at least as far back as the time of Moses, they were the governing foundation of different groups in the Bible. Elders were the first ones told, by Moses, about God’s plan to free the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage (Exodus 3:16). The Old Testament elders asked the prophet Samuel to place a human king (instead of God) over all the people (1 Samuel 8:5).

“Old Testament elders could represent a city or town (Deuteronomy 19:12, 1 Samuel 16:4), the people of a particular tribe (Numbers 22:7, Deuteronomy 31:28, 2 Samuel 19:11), a family (2 Samuel 12:17) or a country (Joshua 9:11). They were eligible to sit on the Sanhedrin, or properly the Great Sanhedrin, which met in Jerusalem and was the supreme council of the Jews.”

“The word translated as elder in the New Testament is the Greek word presbuteros (Strong’s Concordance #G4245), which generally is used to refer to older men respected by others as leaders and role models. The elders of the people were some of the most vehement adversaries against Jesus and his teachings. It was known, in advance, that the elders would play a big part in causing the suffering and death of Jesus (Matthew 16:21, Mark 8:31, Luke 9:22). They, along with the chief priests and scribes, challenged Jesus’ authority just days before the crucifixion (Matthew 21:23, Luke 20:1-2).”

In Matthew 15:1-11 and Mark 7:1-13, Christ is challenged with the question as to why His disciples were “transgressing” the “tradition of the elders,” referring to eating clean meat with ritually “unwashed” hands. Christ responded by asking them why they were transgressing God’s commandment and making it “of no effect,” so that they could uphold their own traditions. He specifically referred to the tradition of “Korban” which allowed them to dishonour their parents. states the following:

“Jesus and his disciples had violated the ‘traditions of the elders’…  as if those traditions were now authoritative and could be sinned against… the traditions of men had been elevated to the status of Scripture, so that one could be guilty of violating them…

“They could pronounce a vow on their things with the word, ‘Korban,’ meaning it is a gift… If because of greed, for example, a man did not want to help support his aging parents, he would announce ‘Korban.’ That would mean the money was frozen, and could not be used for taking care of the parents. Thus, they could use their traditions to get out of taking care of their father and mother (which the Law required). Then, they might find a way of nullifying the vow so they ended up keeping the money…”

Let us review additional Scriptures that clearly show that the involvement of the elders (and others) was complicit in accusations of and evil intentions towards Jesus, leading to His torture and murder.

Matthew 26:3-4 reads: “Then the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders of the people assembled at the palace of the high priest, who was called Caiaphas, and plotted to take Jesus by trickery and kill Him.”

This was just before the Passover where they were assembled together at the High Priest’s palace and where they tried to devise ways in order to kill Jesus. You do have to wonder what their “religion” really meant to them when they proposed to trick Jesus Christ and looked to having Him killed. This is even more remarkable as they would be keeping the Passover which should have reminded them as to how God saved the Israelites from death in Egypt. Those were hardly the actions of good and righteous men, even if they did disagree with His teaching. Rather, it showed their incredible hypocrisy and their spirit of murder.

Judas Iscariot “with a great multitude with swords and clubs, came from the chief priests and the elders of the people” (Matthew 26:47). However, it went even further than that as we read in Matthew 27:3-4: “Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, ‘I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.’ And they said, ‘What is that to us? You see to it!’”

After they had agreed with Judas to betray Jesus, they tried to deny any responsibility.

In Matthew 27, we read about the release of Barabbas when Pilate offered to free a prisoner. “But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus” (Matthew 27:20).

In addition, we read in Matthew 27:41: “Likewise the chief priests also, mocking with the scribes and elders, said, ‘He saved others; Himself He cannot save.  If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him.’”

Here we have the scenario of someone dying in agony on the cross, and they, having been part of the conspiracy to murder Him, mock, incite and ridicule Him. Their religious approach was so open to ridicule by those who would expect better from their religious leaders!

Within a short space of time, they were further compounding their previous errors with bribery. Matthew 28:11-15 states: “Now while they were going, behold, some of the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests all the things that had happened. When they had assembled with the elders and consulted together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, saying, ‘Tell them, “His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.”  And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will appease him and make you secure.’ So they took the money and did as they were instructed; and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.”

In a very short space of time, the elders, along with the scribes and Pharisees were involved in trickery, releasing a criminal, paying 30 pieces of silver for information, mocked a dying man who was in agony on the cross and then paid money to bribe soldiers to lie about Christ’s disciples and to deny Christ’s resurrection. That is a shocking list of actions from supposedly “religious” men.

Their opposition to early Christianity didn’t stop there, and they continued their opposition by taking every opportunity that they could to destroy the early Christian movement. In Acts 4:5-7, we read: “And it came to pass, on the next day, that their rulers, elders, and scribes,  as well as Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the family of the high priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem.  And when they had set them [the early apostles] in the midst, they asked, ‘By what power or by what name have you done this [that is, healing a sick man]?’”

The apostle Peter then addressed the “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel” (verses 8-12). Subsequently, the apostles were forbidden to speak in the name of Jesus (v 18.) “But Peter and John answered and said to them, ‘Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard’” (verses 19-20).

We read in Acts 6 that Stephen was accused of blasphemy, and we see the religious hierarchy, including the elders, inciting those prepared to lie and accuse: Then they secretly induced men to say, ‘We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.’ And they stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the council.  They also set up false witnesses who said, ‘This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law’” (Acts 6:11-13).

In the following chapter, after his address, we see that Stephen was stoned to death.  The religious leaders may have felt vindicated with the result, even though they clearly understood that even by human standards, they committed murder, but it is something that they will have to answer for in the judgment.

Perhaps just one more example will again show how much the elders were involved in the persecution of the early Christians. In Acts 23, we read of a plot against the apostle Paul, who himself had persecuted the early church but had repented of that course of action after his conversion on the road to Damascus.

Some Jews “banded together and bound themselves under an oath, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul” (verse 12). In verse 14, “They came to the chief priests and elders, and said, ‘We have bound ourselves under a great oath that we will eat nothing until we have killed Paul.’” The elders and the chief priests were the ones they approached. The elders continued to be among those who persecuted the people of God after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The discussion of the hypocritical “religious elders” at the time of Jesus must not be confused with the office of an ordained elder in the Church of God.

We state the following in our Q&A, “What is the meaning of the Biblical term, ‘elder’?”:

“Addressing now the word ‘elder’ within the confines of the Church of God, Peter called himself a ‘fellow elder.’ But he was also an apostle. In addition, John, who was also one of the original apostles, called himself ‘the elder’ (2 John 1; 3 John 1). However, we also read about a clear distinction, at times, between apostles and elders (Acts 15:4, 6, 22, 23; 16:4)…

“On the other hand, the word ‘bishop’ simply means ‘overseer.’ The Greek word is ‘episkopos’ and is applied to ‘elders’… (compare again Acts 20:17 with Acts 20:28, and Titus 1:5 with Titus 1:7, describing ‘elders’ as ‘bishops’ or ‘overseers’–in Greek, ‘episkopos.’). 1 Timothy 3:2 and Titus 1:7 describe the qualification of a ‘bishop’ or an ‘overseer’–that is, an elder. In its ultimate sense, the word ‘bishop’ is also applied to Jesus Christ (as is the word ‘Apostle’; compare Hebrews 3:1), as we read about Christ’s FUNCTION as a ‘Bishop’ in 1 Peter 2:25: ‘For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and OVERSEER [Greek, ‘episkopos,’ i.e. Bishop] of your souls.’…

“Paul and Peter… fulfilled several functions, roles and responsibilities, including the function of ‘prophet,’ ‘preacher,’ ‘teacher’ and ‘elder’…”

In our Q&A on Ephesians 4:11-12, we state:

“… the Bible speaks of the rank and office of Elder in numerous places.

“James 5:14 states: ‘Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.’

“Acts 14:23 writes: ‘So when they had appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.’

“Compare also 1 Timothy 5:17 and 1 Peter 5:5; and note 1 Timothy 4:14, referring to ‘the laying on of hands of the eldership.’”

Regarding the office and function of an elder in the church, we need to explain that the original definition of being “old, aged, aged as to days, bearded and grey headed” does not necessarily apply. Rather, the emphasis is on spiritual maturity, not being a novice in the faith (1 Timothy 3:6). For instance, Christ who was called an elder, was only 30 years old when He began to preach publicly. Paul warns that members should not despise the evangelist Timothy because of his youth (1 Timothy 4:12). It does not appear that any of the early apostles were “grey headed or aged.”  When He was dying, Christ asked that His mother Mary would be treated by John as his mother.

Returning to the religious “elders” at the time of Christ who opposed Christ so that they could uphold their own traditions, this should be a warning to all of us in God’s true Church today, and especially elders in the ministry, not to replace God’s Law with our own concepts and ideas which are based on man’s philosophies and customs. One area where this could happen might be the commandment of God to keep the Sabbath. Our free booklets, “God’s Commanded Holy Days,” and “How to Keep the Sabbath,” explain in detail how to observe God’s weekly and annual Sabbath Days, while avoiding falling into the trap of human traditions and ideas.

Lead Writers: Brian Gale (United Kingdom) and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“The Paradox of BLM and the Fight against Racism,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Do the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement and violent riots and protests against racism really help the black community, or do they hurt them and others? Do they in fact contribute to the destruction of the USA and the UK? In this program, we will examine many examples to give you the indisputable answers to these questions. 

“Sind Sie ein eitler Windhauch?” is the title of a new German split sermon for this Sabbath, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. The title in English: “Are You a Vain Breath of Wind?” 

“Tun oder Sterben,” is the title of a new German split sermon for this Sabbath, presented by Michael Link. The title in English: “Do or Die.” 

Last week’s German sermonette by Daniel Blasinger (“Vom Wesen der Freundschaft”) and the German sermon by Thilo Hanstein (“Ein Leben im Reich Gottes in der Zeit des Millenniums”) were also posted.

“Success With the Right Tools,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Mankind has been duped into believing that following ALL of God’s Laws is burdensome. But you cannot find success in following God if you aren’t willing to use ALL of the Laws He has provided us to know Him. We can only be transformed into children of God if our every action and thought is a reflection of His commandments.

“HEBREWS—Spoken to Us!” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Book of Hebrews offers us a sweeping view of God’s salvation for us—for the firstfruits. The greatness of our calling at this time and the dire consequences if we fall away are messages by which we are now being judged. Will we hear what God is saying?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Both Feet In / The Destruction of Germany

On June 27, 2020, Michael Link will present the sermonette, titled, “Both Feet In,”  and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “The Destruction of Germany.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

Coming… Massive Disaster Worse than Covid-19?

Market Watch wrote on June 19:

“Analysts [at Deutsche Bank] say there is at least a one-in-three chance that at least one of four major tail risks will occur within the next decade: a major influenza pandemic killing more than two million people; a globally catastrophic volcanic eruption; a major solar flare; or a global war… Earthquakes were omitted from the numbers on the grounds that they are more local events…

“Another point made is that these major events tend to have ripple effects as well, just as the current COVID-19 crisis has led to fraying ties between the U.S. and China.”

Massive disasters are prophesied to occur soon.

US Republican Leadership Support Annexation

Breaking Israel News reported on June 22:

“Republican leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives has been circulating a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in support of Israel expected to annex parts of Judea and Samaria, also known as the West Bank… The letter, signed by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and House Republican Conference chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), emphasizes support for Israel and its right to make its own decisions

“The Israeli government plans to enact annexation starting July 1.”

Israel’s Planned Annexation

The Times of Israel wrote on June 19:

“Though Israel’s planned annexation of parts of the West Bank hasn’t happened yet, on the ground its tremors are already being felt. The first victim of the fracas around annexation is the security coordination between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, halted last month…

“Fatah’s militant offshoot the Tanzim, the slumbering beast that fueled the Second Intifada in its early days, is starting to wake up and exhibiting a growing presence in the West Bank. Tanzim members have increasingly been seen operating in Qalqilya and Hebron, and they are very present in the area surrounding Jerusalem, with East Jerusalem residents reporting hearing increased gunfire in the area’s villages and refugee camps.

“It was not actually annexation that awakened the beast, but rather the pandemic: Fatah leaders who sent the field operators into villages, often armed, in order to enforce COVID-19 discipline, are now finding it difficult to remove them again. In isolated locations such strongmen can claim more and more autonomy, engage in criminal activities and become a nuisance for both residents and Israeli security forces…

“… There are [allegedly] already 12 or 13 European states that are willing to recognize a Palestinian state under occupation in the event of an Israeli annexation…”

In addition, Breaking Israel News wrote on June 24:

“The E.U. states against Israeli sovereignty are Luxembourg, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Malta and Finland, while on the pro-Israel side are Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Greece, Latvia, Cyprus and Poland, the report said, citing E.U. diplomats, cables and meeting transcripts.

“France and Spain are siding against Israel but are not being as vocal about it, and Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy are in the middle.”

The list might not be totally accurate. It does not appear correct to say that Germany or France are in the middle. They would be better listed as being against Israel. 

It is indeed to be expected that certain European countries will support the Palestinians against Israel. However, Austria might not be one of them. Note the next article.

Sebastian Kurz’s Strong Support for Israel

JTA wrote on June 19:

“Austria is led by one of the country’s most remarkable politicians in recent decades: Sebastian Kurz, who was elected chancellor in 2017 at just 31 years old. Kurz is immediately striking for a world leader…

“Following a scandal in an allied party last year that collapsed Kurz’s parliament coalition and forced a new election, the People’s Party came back even stronger, winning nine new parliament seats…

“One of the fellow world leaders Kurz feels closest to is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. That could help explain why Kurz has reversed his country’s stance toward Israel during his tenure from very critical to very supportive. Austria is the only Western European nation whose government is actively shielding the Jewish state from sanctions by the European Union over Netanyahu’s plan to annex parts of the West Bank. New sanctions would require complete consensus among its 27 members…

“In March, he was the only world leader to congratulate Netanyahu on what Kurz termed Netanyahu’s ‘clear election victory’ earlier that month… The chancellor’s biggest homage to Netanyahu came during the coronavirus crisis, when Kurz publicly credited the prime minister for advice on how Austria should handle the pandemic.

“In a March interview with the German Bild daily, Kurz… added a note: ‘…Thank God for Bibi Netanyahu…’

“In a 2017 video speech for the American Jewish Committee, Kurz recalled Austria’s incorporation into Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany, calling it the darkest period in our history. ‘But it also guides my political work today,’ he said. This means ‘a zero-tolerance approach’ to anti-Semitism and that ‘we have to be a strong partner of Israel’

“Kurz was among a handful of European leaders who publicly chided Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for saying in 2018 that Israel’s land should be ‘returned to the owners.’ Austria’s parliament this year passed a resolution calling the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel a form of anti-Semitism. It has also labeled Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

“Those who know Kurz in Austria and Israel told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that his pro-Israel policies offer him few political dividends, but he adheres to them in any case because of his convictions and values….”

This would almost certainly rule out Sebastian Kurz as the prophesied end-time European anti-Israeli leader. In addition, Ahval News reported on June 22: “Kurz said Austria was in favour of ‘close cooperation among EU countries’ but not a European army…”

The prophesied end-time European military leader will of course be an ardent supporter of a strong and powerful European army.

Hezbollah Threatens Israel with Precise Missile Attacks

“The Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group on Saturday released a video threatening to strike major Israeli cities with precision guided missiles and claiming that it has the capability to hit ‘very precise targets’ anywhere in Israel… Hezbollah is believed to have over 150,000 missiles… Israel fears in a future war, the terror group could use a barrage of precision missiles to attack sensitive facilities and overwhelm its air defense array…

“Hezbollah was formed in the early 1980s with assistance from Iran to counter and harass Israel, which occupied southern Lebanon following the 1982 First Lebanon War… Over the years — and with ample Iranian training, funding and support — the terror group turned from a small guerrilla outfit… into a more powerful terrorist organization with thousands of simple rockets that it rained down on northern Israel and advanced anti-tank guided missiles that it fired at IDF positions in southern Lebanon. A full-scale war erupted in 2006.

“Iran-backed Hezbollah… fights alongside the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad in the neighboring country’s civil war. It is Tehran’s most potent proxy on the regional scene and also wields significant influence in Lebanese politics.”

Hezbollah’s terrorists are a continuing threat to the safety of Israel.

Tel Aviv… modern Sodom?

Times of Israel wrote on June 21:

“The Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality on Sunday said it would allow cohabiting couples to register their relationship and enjoy marital rights, in a protest of the government’s refusal to recognize same-sex couples or those not wed under the state’s religious authorities. Tel Aviv-Jaffa Mayor Ron Huldai said the move, coinciding with the country’s Pride Week, makes those who register eligible for housing tax discounts, as well as easing enrollment of their children in public daycares and schools. ‘In honor of Pride Week, we decided to challenge the government and allow couples to register on the basis of a declaration,’ said the mayor…

“Though same-sex marriage is not technically illegal in Israel, there is no institution authorized to carry it out. In a system inherited from Ottoman times, people can only marry in Israel through their religious institutions: Jewish couples must marry through the Chief Rabbinate, which refuses to carry out same-sex or interfaith marriages; and Christians, Druze and Muslims all marry through their own state-sanctioned and publicly funded religious legal systems…”

Even though interfaith marriages are included, the gist of the move deals with same-sex marriages.

“Curbing Religious Freedom With Ban on Kosher Slaughter”

The Algemeiner wrote on June 22:

“One of Europe’s top rabbis has warned that Jews on the continent may no longer be able to consume kosher meat because of legislation targeting ‘shechita’ — the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for human consumption. ‘Shechita is a vital religious practice within the Jewish faith that forms an inherent part of our religious identity, without which Jews would be deprived of the ability to eat meat,’ Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt — president of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) — said in a statement on Monday.

“Goldschmidt was speaking ahead of a hearing at the European Court of Justice in July that is expected to rule on the legality of the ban on Jewish and Muslim slaughter methods adopted by Belgium in January 2019. The hearing had originally been scheduled for April 21, but was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. Goldschmidt said that the supply chain of kosher meat in Europe was not strong enough to rely solely on imports. ‘In recent months, and particularly over the recent Passover holiday, which of course came at the height of the pandemic in Europe, the supply chain was simply not robust and many communities in Belgium — and indeed throughout Europe — suffered a shortage of meat due to the lack of supplies,’ he stated…

“If the ban was to be upheld, Goldschmidt remarked, the ‘message would be clear: Jews are not welcome.’ He continued: ‘Such a notion is abhorrent and so I implore the judges to look at the evidence in front of them and do not allow the processes to be hijacked by intolerance under the guise of a concern for animal welfare regulations.’”

However, Europe’s left-liberal anti-Jewish judges might very well issue a prohibition of “shechita.”

Unprecedented Civil War-Like Riots in Germany

 Deutsche Welle wrote on June 21:

“Police in Stuttgart have arrested 24 suspects over rioting and looting that erupted in the German city early Sunday morning… Police said hundreds of mainly young people who had gathered there started throwing stones and bottles at authorities, smashing patrol cars and breaking shop windows. They then tore through the main shopping district. Officers estimated that up to 500 people were involved in the unrest, which took several hours to bring under control.

“Police President Frank Lutz said the level of violence against officers was ‘unprecedented’… ‘These are incredible events that have left me stunned, and that I’ve never experienced in all my 46 years of police service,’ he said…

“Winfried Kretschmann, the premier of the state of Baden-Württemberg where Stuttgart is located, condemned ‘this brutal outbreak of violence’… Sascha Binder, a regional politician from the center-left SDP, described the violence as ‘civil war-like scenes.’”

People are getting more and more upset and violent. Terrible times lie ahead.

A European Nuclear Bomb?

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 20:

“Days after US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of roughly one third of US troops stationed in Germany, the shock still lingers. Politicians at every level are grappling with the consequences… Germany’s foreign minister is worried about the further deterioration of relations with the US… Germany has been a key component of the US defense strategy in Europe for decades, with US nuclear weapons — to be delivered by German fighter jets in a moment of crisis — stationed here…

“‘It is entirely unclear where this journey is heading and what security risks lie ahead,’ said Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, vice president of the Berlin-based German Marshall Fund… He told DW the weakening of ties between Germany and the US is damaging to the whole of Europe… ‘Europe will have to take on more responsibility,’ said Roderich Kiesewetter, a former military officer who is now a parliamentary foreign policy expert for Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union party…

“[Is] Germany ready for a paradigm shift — working toward a Europe that can protect itself, without the US? Should that… option be the secret desire of German politicians, it would no doubt bring out every last EU political and military heavyweight between Berlin and Paris. And it would also put the spotlight on an uncomfortable issue for the Germans: their stance on nuclear weapons — which are, after all, considered the last guarantor of independent sovereignty… Still, the issue of whether or not to create a European nuclear umbrella could well arise should Trump complete a US withdrawal from Europe that started long before he came to office…

“The one seemingly intractable conflict inherent in the idea of a ‘European bomb,’ however, is the question of who would decide to use it when a split-second decision is needed. In France, that duty falls to the president, who is closely followed everywhere he goes by an officer carrying the nation’s nuclear codes… Germany will likely have to get used to the French nuclear mindset in the coming years…”

Ten European nations or groups of nations will have a powerful army with nuclear weapons, and it will indeed be the “beast”—a political and military leader—who will have authority to decide as to when to use them.

German Leadership Needed

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 23:

“NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg touted the importance of German leadership, following US President Donald Trump’s controversial move to announce the withdrawal of 9,500 US troops from Germany. ‘The world needs more German leadership,’ Stoltenberg told DW. ‘NATO needs German leadership. We all need Germany to play an even more important role because Germany is the largest economy in Europe.’

“In the interview, Stoltenberg highlighted an increase in Germany’s defense budget as significant. ‘I value Germany as a very strong and important ally. And Germany is now actually investing significantly more in defense… Germany now has the largest defense budget with the European Union, and third in NATO behind the United Kingdom and the United States…’”

And so, Germany WILL lead Europe militarily very soon.

Trump Rally in Tulsa

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 22:

“During his speech Trump appeared to make light of the coronavirus, which has claimed at least 120,000 lives in the US, by referring to it as the ‘kung flu.’ He also said he had instructed people to slow down coronavirus testing because more tests lead to a higher case count. In his remarks Trump singled out Germany, saying it owed the US $1 trillion (€890 billion).

“‘We’re supposed to protect Germany from Russia, but they are paying billions of dollars to Russia for a brand new pipeline,’ he said, referring to the Nord Stream 2 project. He described German Chancellor Angela Merkel as ‘a very nice woman, very good negotiator’ but accused Germany of ‘ripping off’ the US.”

Trump added that this is the reason why he will withdraw American troops from Germany. Germany—and Europe—hotly dispute the notion that Germany owes the US or anybody any money, stating that this is not how the arrangement with NATO works.

Trump’s Former Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, Gets His Revenge

Der Spiegel wrote on June 15:

“… when the news made the rounds in late May that Donald Trump’s ambassador to Germany, Richard ‘Ric’ Grenell, would be leaving his posting early, the reactions ranged from glee to relief. Former Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) described Grenell’s departure as ‘an act of kindness.’ He joked that Trump must still have a soft spot for the Germans after all. ‘Over generations, every ambassador I have met left Germany as a friend and respected partner,’ writes Andreas Nick, a lawmaker with Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) specializing in foreign policy. Grenell, he says, behaves like ‘the representative of a hostile power.’

“Grenell reacted in his own way to the jubilation. In late May, he tweeted: ‘You make a big mistake if you think the American pressure is off. You don’t know Americans.’ It sounded like a threat. It’s now clear that it was. On Friday of last week, shortly after Grenell left Berlin, it became known in Washington that Trump was planning to drastically reduce the number of U.S. troops in Germany… the decision was made extremely quickly by a circle of three men: the president, his security advisor Richard O’Brien – and Grenell

“Grenell is seen as the driving force behind the withdrawal plans… According to officials in the German government, the reduction of U.S. troops won’t have grave consequences for Germany’s security. But the symbolic damage to the German-American relationship, which has already been battered under Trump, is severe. Since the end of the Second World War, the presence of U.S. soldiers in Germany has been an important symbol of the closeness between the two countries

“[Grenell] was a pariah in Berlin’s political circles. Even Merkel steered clear of the diplomat. In summer of 2019, Grenell threatened to withdraw U.S. troops if the German government didn’t accede to American calls to raise the defense budget to 2 percent of gross national product (GNP), as NATO members had pledged to do by 2024… Officials in Berlin were shocked by the tone.

“At the time, Trump was also considering reducing the contingent of U.S. troops… Trump backed away from the plan, apparently partly because the proposal didn’t get a very positive reaction from Republicans in Congress or at the Department of Defense… Trump was annoyed that Merkel ruined his plan to hold a G-7 Summit in Washington…”

It appears that both Trump and Grenell are acting, at least in part, because of revenge. Whatever the motive, the irreparable harm towards the relationship between the USA and Europe continues.

“U.S. Likely to Be Left out of Europe”

The Los Angeles Times wrote on June 24:

“The headline in a leading German newspaper [Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] put it succinctly: ‘Cuba yes, USA no.’ With the European Union moving toward reopening external borders on July 1, travelers from the United States could be among those excluded… No decision has yet been made. But for the holders of dark-blue American passports and even U.S. green cards, such a restriction would mark a humbling reversal — and to some, a symbol of Washington’s slipping prestige…

“In European countries long counted as among America’s closest allies, the news of the U.S. potentially being left off the travel list is drawing mixed emotions — sympathy and unease, hard-nosed realism and in some quarters a touch of scorn. Many staunch supporters of transatlantic ties genuinely mourn any fresh distancing from a country that is warmly remembered for helping the continent back to its feet after the devastation of World War II…

“Germany’s Der Spiegel newsmagazine said EU internal discussions centered on two key criteria: the level of new infections in a given country, and also reciprocity–if EU citizens are not allowed in, that country’s chances of its own citizens being allowed in are low, it said. In a summer season already blighted by the pandemic, U.S. visitors would be sorely missed…”

Americans Very Stressed over America’s Future

Study Finds wrote on June 19:

“The year 2020 feels like a crossroads for the United States. With a pivotal election just around the corner, protests in the streets, and a deadly virus that refuses to disappear, our nation hasn’t felt this vulnerable and divided in ages…  A staggering 83% say that worrying about the future of the United States is a big source of personal stress. Also, 72% believe this is the lowest point in the country’s history that they’ve ever been alive to see.

“…66% of respondents say that the government’s ongoing response to the coronavirus continues to stress them out on a daily basis. Among that group, 84% are mostly worried about the federal government’s response. More than… 72% are concerned about their state leaders. Another 64% feel unstrung over their local government…”

It won’t get better.

The Uncertain Future of DACA

Newsmax wrote on June 19:

“President Donald Trump, claiming nothing was lost or won by the Supreme Court’s ruling on his efforts to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, says he will submit ‘enhanced papers’ to try again. The high court on Thursday ruled that Trump improperly ended DACA in 2017. Chief Justice John Roberts joined the four liberal justices in the 5-4 majority, while the conservative justices called DACA illegal… On Thursday [Trump] ripped the high court for ‘horrible and politically charged decisions.’…

“Trump could still take away the ability for hundreds of thousands of them to live and work legally in the United States. With no legislative answer in sight, that means the uncertainty of the last eight years isn’t over for many who know of nowhere else as home. Activists… face a White House that’s prioritized immigration restrictions and a divided Congress that’s unlikely to pass legislation giving them a path to citizenship anytime soon…

“While Republicans protested that now, if ever, was the time for Congress to clarify the immigration system, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made it clear that Democrats were done with their legislation before the summer break…”

It is terrible when political maneuvering decides the fate of thousands of innocent people.

New Visa Restrictions Coming

Reuters wrote on June 20:

“President Donald Trump said on Saturday he would announce new restrictions on visas… to block the entry of certain foreign workers and protect Americans struggling with a job market devastated by the coronavirus pandemic…

“Critics have said Trump looked set to use the pandemic to achieve his longstanding goal of limiting immigration into the United States. His tough stance on immigration is central to his pitch to voters as he runs for re-election. Major American companies, particularly in the tech sector, have urged Trump to refrain from blocking the flow of foreign workers into the United States, saying it would hurt the economy

“In April, he ordered a temporary block on some foreigners from permanent residence in the United States. He also… virtually cut off access to the U.S. asylum system. At the same time, he announced the land borders with Canada and Mexico would be closed to non-essential crossings, a measure that has been extended several times.”

To be clear, we do not support open borders. The USA, or any country for that matter, cannot just let in hard-core criminals or those who want to destroy the country. Some inquiries and measures of protection are certainly necessary. But arbitrary restrictions are to be rejected, such as prohibitions of chain migration (legal residents and US citizens would be unable to bring their parents into the country, or vice versa) or preventing legal residents from obtaining a green card or truly persecuted aliens from being granted asylum;  nor would deportations of those innocent aliens be justified who entered the USA under DACA.

As it turned out, Trump’s visa restrictions this time were relatively mild. Subsequently, Trump, by executive order, extended the 60-day ban on certain foreign work visas. Tech executives did not like this decision.

IBT wrote on June 23:

“The new restrictions will come into effect on June 24, and are expected to block 219,000 temporary workers from entering the U.S…. Companies like Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Tesla, Microsoft and industry bodies, such as the Internet Association (IA), Information Technology Industry Council and Information Technology Industry Council, have also strongly opposed the move…

“‘IA condemns the administration’s latest executive order that will limit the number of high-skilled foreign workers from entering the country through the end of the year. The diverse and accomplished H-1B visa holders in the U.S. create American jobs and help our economy grow. All industries benefit from a visa system that allows U.S. companies to attract the best and brightest…’”

Fauci Attacks “Anti-Science Beliefs” and “Anti-Vaccination Movement”

The Huffington Post wrote on June 19:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci… said Thursday he was troubled by the rise in ‘anti-science’ beliefs throughout the country, saying such ill-founded sentiments could be ‘a problem’ as the nation seeks to move past the coronavirus pandemic… ‘That’s unfortunate because, you know, science is truth,’ he added…

“Fauci touted efforts across the United States to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus… But he also warned that the anti-vaccination movement could undermine such efforts… ‘It’s the same thing that gets people who are anti-vaxxers, who don’t want people to get vaccinated, even though the data clearly indicate the safety of vaccines. That’s really a problem.’”

The problem is that, in spite of Fauci’s claims, even vaccines in general are not as safe as some “scientists” want us to believe. But that would be especially true in the case of a rushed-through vaccine against the coronavirus.

Vaccinating Children to Help the Adults?

The Guardian wrote on June 23:

“Lords committee told children may have to be immunised to protect their grandparents.

“A vaccine against Covid-19 may not work well in older people who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill and dying from the disease, say scientists, which may mean immunising others around them, such as children…

“Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at Oxford University, who is heading its Covid-19 vaccine research, told the Lords committee that none of the 140 vaccines in development was likely to be perfect, but said a useful vaccine did not have to be 100% effective…

“As the numbers of people infected with coronavirus fall in England and the rest of the UK, it becomes more difficult to trial vaccines there, so she and colleagues have embarked on a trial in Brazil, where the numbers are high, and are about to start in South Africa as well. Astra Zeneca, to whom the vaccine is licensed, is setting up a trial of 30,000 people in the US, she said.”

Masks Mandated

Breitbart wrote on June 18:

“California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Thursday signed an order making wearing face coverings mandatory while in public or high-risk settings… Californians will be required to wear a mask while in line or inside public spaces, at the workplace, and when waiting for or while riding public transportation… People engaged in hiking, running or bicycling do not need to wear a mask. Children under two-years-old and individuals with medical conditions are also exempt from the order. ‘Science shows that face coverings and masks work,’ Newsom said in a statement.”

According to many scientists, science does NOT show that face coverings and masks work. Newsom’s new order also prohibits having parties at home, involving people outside one’s household, including pool or cocktail parties, but it was reported that police won’t (be able to) enforce those “guidelines.”

Reuters wrote on June 19:

“Resistance to face masks took on a partisan edge after President Donald Trump opposed them, telling the Wall Street Journal in an interview published on Thursday that some people wear them to show opposition to him. But… masks are becoming commonplace in the United States….”

USA Today wrote on June 19:

“[Arnold] Schwarzenegger said [Newsom’s] decision is ‘100% the right move. This will help us beat this terrible virus,’ tweeted Schwarzenegger, the state’s governor from 2003 to 2011. ‘The science is unanimous… It’s not a political issue. Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read.’

“Newsom’s new requirement waded into the growing national divide over face masks, which are often cast as either a common courtesy to stem the spread of coronavirus or an infringement on personal freedom. It has led to tense confrontations, particularly in Southern California. Mask matters have been rendered political after President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, who have been pushing for a fast restart of the U.S. economy, refused to wear masks in a number of public settings.”

The truth is, science is NOT unanimous on the issue at all. Our advice to Mr. Schwarzenegger: Since you are no longer state governor, stick to your movies and stop libeling people by calling them illiterate morons who may disagree with your hotly debated viewpoint. Note the next section.

Breitbart explained on June 19:

“But far from being ‘unanimous,’ public health officials have issued confusing and sometimes contradictory statements about the efficacy of masks to prevent the spread of the Chinese coronavirus.  Near the beginning of the global outbreak, U.S. experts discouraged people from wearing masks. But now, many are urging the opposite.

“As a result, masks have become a political football…”

npr added on June 19:

“… [Newsom’s order] is likely to be met with resistance, pitting the governor against local government leaders who have dropped mandatory mask-wearing measures. In many such counties and cities, residents and business owners eager to return to pre-pandemic life have challenged the need for the widespread use of face coverings…”

Nevada City Mayor Suggests Citizens Ignore California Mask Order

SF Gate wrote on June 21:

“The mayor of Nevada City suggested citizens do not need to follow California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s statewide mask mandate in a Facebook post Saturday. ‘As you go about your day today, KNOW there is NO LAW that Orders you to Wear a Mask. Our Governor does NOT have that unilateral power to make such orders…’ [she wrote].

“‘Again, THERE IS NO LAW THAT STATES YOU MUST WEAR A MASK. Ask our local Police chief or officers. They will not, and cannot, cite ANYBODY for not wearing a mask because the law does not exist. When you come across Newsom’s orders’ online, you will see it’s linked to a page that does not lead you to his Executive Order, BUT to the California Department of Public Health GUIDELINES! Again, NOBODY can be forced to wear a mask outside, in a business, or as an employee or customer.’”

A country or a state divided cannot and will not stand and survive…

When Face Masks Could be Hazardous to your Health

The British paper, “The Conversation,” wrote on June 15:

“… a mask makes it harder to inhale the quantity of air needed to perform at the highest levels… Exercise invariably leads to faster and harder breaths, so wearing a mask during exercise places a further strain on airflow

“When we do heavy exercise (“fencing” was given as an example), our muscles produce lactic acid, which causes that burning sensation. It is then converted to carbon dioxide and exhaled. But what happens if the carbon dioxide is trapped by the mask? As you move from moderate to heavy exercise, you may be re-breathing carbon dioxide, which can reduce cognitive function and increase breathing rate. There may also be less oxygen in the recycled air… So it is important we gain a better understanding of the limitations of heavy exercise with a face mask.

“The need for this understanding is growing, given the story… of two teenage boys in China dying within a week of each other during compulsory physical education examinations while wearing face masks. With gyms looking to reopen and sports clubs wanting to resume, before anyone recommends wearing a face mask, research urgently needs to be undertaken to ensure the safety of the sporting community, regardless of any underlying conditions.”

Wise counsel. Before mandating wearing face masks to combat coronavirus, other health concerns stemming from wearing masks must not be ignored.

Blacks Exempt in Oregon

Fox News reported on June 24:

“Amid ‘heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment,’ a county in Oregon is allowing its residents of color to be in public without coronavirus face coverings… ‘No person shall intimidate or harass people who do not comply,’ health officials said.

“‘For many black people, deciding whether or not to wear a bandanna in public to protect themselves and others from contracting coronavirus is a lose-lose situation that can result in life-threatening consequences either way,’ ReNika Moore, director of the ACLU’s Racial Justice Program, said.”

This is the epitome of hypocrisy.

Eliminating the Aunt Jemima Brand of Pancake Mix and Syrup?

Breitbart reported on June 18:

“A great-grandson of ‘Aunt Jemima’ says that his family legacy will be ‘erased’ now that Quaker Foods plans to eliminate the Aunt Jemima brand of pancake mix and syrup. ‘This is an injustice for me and my family. This is part of my history, sir,’ said Larnell Evans Sr. to ‘The racism they talk about, using images from slavery, that comes from the other side — white people.’

“The great-grandson went on to say that ‘it hurts’ to know that Quaker Foods’ answer to current events in America is to ‘erase my great-grandmother’s history.’ Evans, a 66-year-old Marine Corps veteran, is the great-grandson of Anna Short Harrington, who portrayed Aunt Jemima after the death of Nancy Green — the first Aunt Jemima who made her debut at Chicago’s World’s Fair in 1893.

“Harrington was born on a South Carolina plantation where her family worked as sharecroppers and was later discovered in 1935 by a Quaker Oats representative at the New York State Fair while serving pancakes, reports The report added that Harrington later became a national celebrity as her likeness was seen on products and ads while she traveled the country serving pancakes dressed as Aunt Jemima. ‘She worked for that Quaker Oats for 20 years,’ said Evans. ‘She traveled all the way around the United States and Canada making pancakes as Aunt Jemima for them. This woman served all those people, and it was after slavery.’ ‘She worked as Aunt Jemima. That was her job,’ he added. ‘How do you think I feel as a black man sitting here telling you about my family history they’re trying to erase?’

“On Wednesday, Quaker Foods announced that it will be eliminating Aunt Jemima in order ‘to make progress toward racial equality.’ The Aunt Jemima brand has been around for the last 130 years.”

This decision is ridiculous and shows what happens when a false spirit of supposedly “fighting racism” overtakes the world. Note the next articles with more counter-productive nonsense.

Prohibiting “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”?

 The Daily Mail wrote on June 18:

“The RFU [Rugby Football Union] are conducting a review into how rugby can end institutional racism. ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ [was] written by a black slave in the American South during the nineteenth century, the song was first belted out by supporters when two black wingers – Martin Offiah and Chris Oti – became sporting heroes on the pitch at the end of the 1980s.”

Are these people for real?

Freedom of Speech in America?

Newsmax wrote on June 17:

“A Catholic chaplain at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has stepped down after sending an email that read George Floyd ‘had not lived a virtuous life’… Daniel Patrick Moloney sent the note out on June 7 to the Catholic community at MIT. ‘George Floyd was killed by a police officer, and shouldn’t have been. He had not lived a virtuous life. He was convicted of several crimes, including armed robbery, which he seems to have committed to feed his drug habit. And he was high on drugs at the time of his arrest. But we do not kill such people,’ Moloney said.

“The email continued, ‘In the wake of George Floyd’s death, most people in the country have framed this as an act of racism. I don’t think we know that. Many people have claimed that racism is a major problem in police forces. I don’t think we know that.’

“Moloney continued in his email by saying police officers ‘deal with dangerous people and bad people all the time, and that often hardens them.’ Suzy Nelson, MIT’s vice president and dean for student life, called Moloney’s email ‘deeply disturbing’ in a message to students on Friday. ‘By devaluing and disparaging George Floyd’s character, Father Moloney’s message failed to acknowledge the dignity of each human being and the devastating impact of systemic racism,’ Nelson wrote.

“The Boston Archdiocese asked Moloney to step down. ‘While Fr. Moloney’s comments should not reflect on the entirety of his priestly ministry, they nonetheless were wrong and by his resignation he accepts the hurt they have caused,’ archdiocese officials said…”

The hype following George Floyd’s unjustifiable murder has reached unjustifiable extremes.  During the televised memorial service for him, a huge blasphemous painting was shown throughout the ceremony, portraying him as an angel with wings and with a halo or a gloriole.

Mount Rushmore Won’t Escape

Breitbart wrote on June 23:

“There is no way Mount Rushmore can survive… We have crossed the Rubicon and there is no going back… Before the… [r]iots, as a country, on the right and left, we all agreed there was one line that could never be crossed; that we could never, ever, ever condone or encourage violence of any kind

“Gandhi and… Martin Luther King understood… [c]ivilization could be made to see the light through peaceful resistance and civil disobedience… On the left today, most especially in the media, that culture King and Gandhi knew it could appeal to, is dead… violence is acceptable now

“The modern left’s goals, the modern media’s goals, the goals of… Antifa and Black Lives Matter are immoral, are the authoritarian goals of tyrants who want to tell us how to think and what to believe, what we can and cannot say… They want total control of our children by way of a failed school system, they want total control of that which shapes our culture by way of an entertainment institution that blacklists those who think different, they want total control of political speech…

“We now live in a world where a very public Black Lives Matter organizer, Shaun King, can openly call for the destruction of Christian churches while Twitter allows the call for mob violence to remain published [while they place a warning message on Trump’s tweets for “threat of harm” or “abusive behavior” against DC protestors. Trump had tweeted: “There will never be an ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Washington, D.C., as long as I’m your President. If they try they will be met with serious force!”] and the media protect King and Black Lives Matter by ignoring it.

“We now live in a world where Democrat politicians are doing nothing to stop the violence in their own cities, where the police are obviously being told to stand down as lawless mobs gleefully stream the statues they topple and monuments they desecrate, where a big city mayor sides with [those] who occupied six city blocks filled with hundreds of businesses and private residences. We now live in a world where violence against President Trump and his supporters is openly encouraged by the media….

“In this environment Mount Rushmore cannot survive. All four men carved into the Black Hills of South Dakota hills have been labeled ‘problematic’ by the left and media, this includes Abraham Lincoln. Already the location of Mount Rushmore is considered ‘problematic’ because it was once land that belonged to the American Indian

“The… Riots are here to stay. The media and the Democrats who run America’s major cities see Antifa and Black Lives Matter as… their way to political power…”

We omitted the most “controversial” verbiage in the article.

In addition, to exemplify the ridiculous ignorance of certain protestors, statues of former President Ulysses S. Grant and lyricist Francis Scott Key were among those toppled Friday night in Golden Gate Park. Key wrote “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and Grant led the Union army to victory against the Confederacy as a general and fought for African American voting rights as president. Both men were slave owners.

The Troublesome Black Lives Matter Movement in the UK

Esther Krauke wrote the following in the Sunday Mail on June 21:

“When I first moved to the UK from Ghana with my family in my early teens, the country that welcomed me was one where multiculturalism flourished and neighbours were warm and unassuming. Your achievements were not prefaced by the colour of your skin… It was a Britain where confidence trumped victimhood.

“But, much to my dismay, the tone has shifted entirely, and worryingly, over the past five years… I have grown increasingly concerned about the methods and the wider far-Left political agenda of the Black Lives Matter movement here in the UK. I have been horrified to watch this ridiculous campaign of tearing down statues and relics of British heritage escalate. It is a campaign that has yet to make any progress in tangibly helping me as a black person. And in recent weeks I have been increasingly vocal on Twitter about my concerns. But in doing so I have become targeted by a wave of vile online abuse… Most of this abuse was seemingly coming from black supporters of Black Lives Matter, including a significant amount from African-Americans, although I have also been abused by white liberals…

“What I have received this last week online has given me a glimpse into the darkest part of the human soul – the part that can muster up the most awful hatred… The slogan of this campaign is indisputable. Of course black lives matter. They matter in the same way that everyone’s life, by virtue of being human, matters. Every individual, of whatever skin colour, should have the right to pursue happiness and live free from prejudice. And where racial discrimination and injustice exists in this country, it should be stamped out.

“But a simple glance at the ‘Who We Are’ section on its online fundraising page demonstrates that this organisation is about much more than ‘black lives’. The group’s GoFundMe page explains that it intends to be ‘guided by a commitment to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures that disproportionately harm black people in Britain and around the world’. What on earth does ‘defending black lives’ have to do with dismantling capitalism – a system that has lifted millions of people out of absolute poverty in just this century alone? How would the tearing down of wealth creation benefit black lives?…

“There are also growing questions surrounding this organisation’s funding. BLM UK has raised over a million pounds in recent weeks… The group… appears determined to spend the money on a string of Marxist initiatives, which according to its GoFundMe page, includes ‘developing and delivering training, police monitoring and strategies for the abolition of police’… If we abolish the police, what do we replace it with?…

“We need to wake up and see that people are trying to divide this country and are using minority groups to do it. First it was statues, then it was a potential ban on Swing Low, Sweet Chariot being sung at rugby matches. When will this end? This small faction of Left-wing activists will never stop trying to tear this country apart and shaming every aspect of British heritage… My parents taught me the value of hard work, honesty, humility and standing up for the truth. I was taught to judge individuals on the content of their character, and I will never surrender to race baiters who try to bully me into submission…”

Very wise and true words indeed. The situation in the USA does not seem to be any different… perhaps even worse.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 929

Success with the Right Tools/ HEBREWS—Spoken to Us!

On June 20, 2020, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Success with the Right Tools,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “HEBREWS—Spoken to Us!”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Finding Balance

by Eric Rank

One of the joys that I’ve had over the past three months as I have adapted to work from home is my morning routine. I wake up between six and seven in the morning, normally with just enough time to get dressed before our twin toddlers begin calling out our names. With my day barely started, my morning routine begins to incorporate their adventurous whims.

Every day is a little bit different, but it always involves play and breakfast. I get to engage with them in the role playing they have with their plastic toy figures, jumping and flying, while I creatively try to direct their attention to changing out of their pajamas. We eventually make it downstairs where we prepare breakfast. Most of the time they insist on helping to cook, which I oblige by giving them the simplest task possible. Fortunately, they are satisfied by pouring cups of water and oats into a pot. Once breakfast is prepared and on the table I lead a prayer together before our meal, after which they add a prayer of their own – they’re so independent! With the twins, it takes twice as long to prepare in the morning than it normally would, but the opportunity to peer into the world of toddlers’ imaginations is well worth it.

In this age when it is so easy to find reasons to complain, it is important to remember to enjoy the gifts that we are blessed with. Life abounds with things we need to take seriously, but if we remain in a mode where everything we choose to do triggers a stress response, it would serve us well to evaluate our balance in life. As Solomon observes, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven… A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4). By recognizing when the time is right to take a break from the world of problems and obligations that surround us, we will find renewed strength. A moment laughing at something silly, or dancing in the kitchen, or even better – doing both at the same time, can be a breath of fresh air when we may desperately need it.

As playtime and breakfast in the morning with my little ones eventually comes to an end, my workday begins. Laughter subsides, and I get down to the business of the day. It is normally not as fun, but it is also very important. If we neglect to take important events in life as seriously as we should or otherwise avoid difficult circumstances that we really need to face, once again, it would serve us well to evaluate our balance in life. God expects us to face our difficulties and work with dedication. “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17). The Christian character we develop includes facing challenges that will not be as enjoyable as laughter and dancing, but a full life requires it.

Finding balance takes time and self-evaluation. Catching ourselves when we lose balance and correcting ourselves requires careful discernment. By recognizing when to laugh and when to cry; when to play and when to work; we will grow into the people that God is training us to be. Fortunately for us, we have the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us in our search for balance in life. It is up to us to use it.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with articles regarding Israel’s anticipated annexation of West Bank lands and the “final” decision not to extend Brexit negotiations beyond 2020. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why the UK’s Downfall Is Certain!” We also address controversial comments by Pope Francis and Poland’s stance against the “LGBT Ideology.” We also report on a controversial and stunning decision by the US Supreme Court regarding the LGBT community; as well as a decision by a federal appeals court regarding the beginning of life, and the US Supreme Court decision on DACA.

We publish articles from doctors who are highly critical about governmental restrictions pertaining to the fight against the coronavirus, and address further contemplated measures which, if adopted, might very well create civil unrest and possibly civil war.

We speak on the end of any “friendly” relationship between the USA and North Korea; travel restrictions in Europe; the push for a coronavirus app in Germany; ineffective travel restrictions in the UK; the deteriorating relationship between Germany and the USA; the rush towards the development of vaccines; the dubious role of the Big Pharma industry; and the attempted goal of enforcing vaccinations for school children.

We speak on the terrible locust plague; address worldwide protests with the accompanying goal of destroying confederate monuments and of banning popular movies and TV shows; and we conclude with an article from the United Kingdom, discussing the perceived connection between protests by left-wing radicals and the desire for autocratic governmental control.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Christianity to Punish Israel… What’s Wrong with that Picture?

The Times of Israel wrote on June 11:

“The World Council of Churches [WCC] is asking European diplomats to punish Israel with sanctions if it annexes West Bank lands…. [The WCC] is an umbrella body established in 1948 that now has 350 member churches with about 500,000 followers among them. The Catholic Church is not a member.

“If Israel annexes land, the letter said, ‘the EU must surely suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement,’ a reference to a 1995 contract that promotes trade between the bloc and the Jewish state. In addition, the EU should apply sanctions on Israel ‘at least commensurate with those adopted by the EU in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea.’

“The EU has blacklisted hundreds of Russian individuals and firms over alleged involvement in the Crimea annexation from 2014, subjecting them to entry bans and freezing of EU properties.”

What’s wrong with this picture? Everything! The political and religious collaboration against Israel is obvious.

Turkey: “Israel will Cross the Red Line”

The Algemeiner wrote on June 12:

“Israel’s plan to extend its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria, will ‘destroy all hopes’ for lasting peace in the Middle East, Turkey’s top diplomat said on Wednesday. If the occupying power [Israel] crosses the red line, we [Muslim countries] must show that this will have consequences,’ Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said…

“Cavusoglu went on to say that ‘the annexation of the Jordan Valley by Israel and illegal settlements’… would turn Israel into a ‘racist’ state.”

“Racism” seems to be the word of the day. According to the Bible, Turkey (Esau) will collaborate with Europe in an upcoming war with Israel and will behave in a most mean and violent fashion against his “brother” Jacob.

Hypocrisy in Israel?

ABC News wrote on June 14:

“Israel said Sunday it was deporting the son of American media magnate Shari Redstone for violating the country’s coronavirus quarantine rules while paying a secret visit to his model girlfriend.

“Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority said it had granted Brandon Korff an exceptional permit to enter the country on Friday to visit his brother, who is serving in the Israeli military….

“Israel banned entry to non-citizens or residents in March in an effort to clamp down on the spread of the novel coronavirus. Israel requires all individuals entering the country to remain in quarantine for two weeks following their arrival.

“Last week, Israel’s deputy director of the Health Ministry came under fire after an Israeli billionaire businessman was granted an exemption from the isolation orders. Teddy Sagi was then spotted attending a party with Israeli celebrities.”

Hypocrisy reigns.

Germany Commemorates Anne Frank’s Birthday “Amid Rising Antisemitism”

The Algemeiner wrote on June 13:

“Schools across Germany commemorated what would have been the 91st birthday on Friday of Anne Frank — the young German Jewish girl who kept a diary of her family’s time in hiding from the Nazis while in the Netherlands, where they were eventually captured and deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp

“Born on June 12, 1929, Anne Frank had just turned 15 when she was sent to Auschwitz, where she was forced to work as a slave laborer. Both Anne and her sister Margot were transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany in October 1944. Both women died during a typhus epidemic that swept through the camp only a few weeks before it was liberated by British soldiers on April 15, 1945.”

The house where Anne Frank hid from the Nazis can be visited as a museum in Amsterdam.

UK Won’t Ask for Brexit Extension

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 12:

“London ‘formally’ ruled out asking for an extension that would allow its representatives more time to reach a permanent deal with the EU on their post-Brexit relationship… European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said the bloc was taking the UK’s extension decision ‘as a definitive one.’…”

The EU has responded that they will not push for an extension either. On Monday, June 15, 2020, both sides signed and issued a joint statement, saying, “The transition period will therefore end on 31 December 2020, in line with the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement.”

Prepare for a No-Deal-Arrangement

The Guardian wrote on June 17:

“Germany is urging the EU to draw up contingency plans for Brexit ‘no deal 2.0’… The German government document, dated 15 June, reads: ‘… Britain is already escalating threats in Brussels, wants to settle as much as possible in the shortest possible time and hopes to achieve last-minute success in the negotiations…

“‘It is therefore important to preserve the unity of the 27 [and] to make it clear that there will be no agreement at any price…’”

The prophesied fate of the UK will be sealed soon.

Pope Francis Admonishes American Catholics

The Hawk Eye wrote on June 12:

“… the degree to which [Pope] Francis and the Vatican have seized on Floyd’s killing is unusual and suggests a coordinated messaging strategy aimed at a national church [in the USA] that Francis has long criticized for its political and ideological partisanship…

“Last week, Francis denounced the ‘sin of racism’ and twice identified Floyd as the victim of a ‘tragic’ killing… It was a clear effort to call out some conservative [American] Catholics for whom the abortion issue is paramount, while other ‘life’ issues dear to Francis — racism, immigration, the death penalty and poverty — play second fiddle at the ballot box….”

Maybe American Catholics see something which the Pope is unable or unwilling to recognize?

Pope Francis Lives in a Different World

Breitbart wrote on June 13:

“Pope Francis urged Christians Saturday to live in hope despite the many serious troubles and sorrows that plague our world. ‘Bad news fills the pages of newspapers, websites and television screens, to the point that evil seems to reign supreme. But that is not the case,’ the pope said…”

Really? In what world does the pope think he lives? This IS Satan’s world—not God’s—and therefore evil DOES reign supreme. This will CHANGE when Christ returns to establish the government of GOD on this earth.

Poland Wants to Fight LGBT Ideology

The Associated Press wrote on June 12:

Polish President Andrzej Duda… told his supporters that his parents’ generation did not struggle to cast off communism only to now accept ‘an ideology’ that he thinks ‘is even more destructive to the human being.’

“The president said that during Poland’s communist era, regimes ensured survival by indoctrinating the youngest generation. ‘That was Bolshevism. It was the ideologizing of children,’ he said. ‘Today, there are also attempts to push an ideology on us and our children, but different. It’s totally new, but it is also neo-Bolshevism.’ …

“Many conservative politicians in Poland say they are not against gay men and lesbians as individuals, but insist they oppose the goals of a civil rights movement they claim is imported from abroad and threatens to sexualize young people…”

Quite different from the USA. Note the next article.

US Supreme Court Sides with LGBT Community

The Associated Press wrote on June 15:

“The Supreme Court ruled Monday that a landmark civil rights law protects gay, lesbian and transgender people from discrimination in employment, a resounding victory for LGBT rights from a conservative court.

“The court decided by a 6-3 vote that a key provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 known as Title VII that bars job discrimination because of sex, among other reasons, encompasses bias against LGBT workers. ‘An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex,’ Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote for the court…

“Justices Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas dissented. ‘The Court tries to convince readers that it is merely enforcing the terms of the statute, but that is preposterous,’ Alito wrote in the dissent. ‘Even as understood today, the concept of discrimination because of “sex” is different from discrimination because of “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.”’

“Kavanaugh wrote in a separate dissent that the court was rewriting the law to include gender identity and sexual orientation, a job that belongs to Congress

“The cases were the court’s first on LGBT rights since Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement… Kennedy was a voice for gay rights and the author of the landmark ruling in 2015 that made same-sex marriage legal throughout the United States…”

LifeSiteNews wrote on June 15:

“The majority’s reasoning flies in the face of both the plain statutory meaning of ‘sex’ in 1964 and the clear legislative intent of the lawmakers who drafted and passed the Civil Rights Act, as explained by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) senior counsel John Bursch. ‘There is little dispute that, in 1964, the term “sex” was publicly understood, as it is now, to mean biological sex: male and female,’ he writes…

“Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented, panning the majority opinion as ‘legislation’ written under the ‘deceptive’ guise of ‘interpreting a statute,’ reminding the majority that the court’s duty ‘is limited to saying what the law is’ rather than adding to it…

“Conservatives warn that today’s ruling will not merely protect homosexual or gender-confused Americans from tangible harm. Rather, it will require churches to recognize same-sex ‘marriages’; force photographers, florists, and bakers to participate in same-sex ‘weddings’; compel employers to fund drugs and surgeries to help people imitate members of the opposite sex; and make women and girls to share sleeping quarters, showers, changing areas, and restrooms with gender-confused males (or men simply claiming trans status to get close to vulnerable women)…

“Today’s ruling also largely relieves congressional Democrats of the need to enact the so-called Equality Act, a bill that would legislatively impose those same requirements on the country…”

The US Supreme Court has become more and more an institution that is heavily influenced by political considerations.

US Supreme Court’s DACA Decision

 AFP wrote on June 18:

“The high court said Trump’s 2017 move to cancel his predecessor Barack Obama’s landmark Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was ‘arbitrary and capricious’ under government administrative procedures. The judgement on a five-to-four vote, with Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the court’s four liberal members, stressed that it was not an assessment of the correctness of the 2012 DACA program itself. Instead, they said the Trump administration had violated official government procedures in the way they sought to quickly rescind DACA in September 2017 based on weak legal justifications. The ruling suggested there are legal administrative methods Trump could cancel DACA, putting the onus back on the administration if it wants to pursue the issue.

McClatchy wrote:

“The DACA program allowed children who were brought to the United States illegally by their parents, called DREAMers, to avoid deportation. More than 700,000 people are part of the program, according to the Supreme Court ruling. Responding to the ruling, [Trump tweeted:] ‘These horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people that are proud to call themselves Republicans or Conservatives. We need more Justices or we will lose our 2nd. Amendment & everything else. Vote Trump 2020!’ Two minutes later, Trump tweeted, ‘Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?’”

The Associated Press wrote:

“The court’s four conservative justices dissented. Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justices Gorsuch and Samuel Alito, wrote that DACA was illegal from the moment it was created under the Obama administration in 2012. Thomas called the ruling ‘an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision.’…”

Whatever position one wants to take on the issue, it is clear that this decision was also strictly a political rendering, since Congress had failed to enact comprehensive migration reform. 

Life Begins at Conception

LifeSiteNews wrote on June 10:

“States may inform women that life begins at conception before they go through with an abortion, a federal appeals court said this week… That information is included in the Missouri informed consent booklet, which abortion facilities must offer women prior to an abortion… ‘… a state is free to use “its voice … to show its profound respect for” life,’ the appeals court ruled, quoting a U.S. Supreme Court decision…

“Further, the appeals court said: ‘Roe v. Wade implies no limitation on the authority of a State to make a value judgment favoring childbirth over abortion.’

“Abortion activists often try to dismiss the fact that life begins at conception as a religious or moral belief, but it is based on science. Numerous medical textbooks, prominent scientists and even some abortion activists admit that life begins at conception and abortions kill human beings….

“34 states require informed consent counseling prior to an abortion, and 29 require that specific information be part of that counseling. Of the 34, 32 require that a woman be told the gestational age of her unborn baby, and 28 require information about the unborn baby’s development.”

A correct decision which must be applauded.

No More Shutdown in America

The Sun wrote on June 11:

“Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin… said Americans have ‘learned that if you shut down the economy, you’re going to create more damage

“‘Not just economic damage, but there are other areas and we’ve talked about this: medical problems and everything else that get put on hold. We can’t shut down the economy again.’”

If the USA imposes new restrictions, then civil unrest WILL BE the consequence.

Drones to Monitor Social Distancing and Face Masks in California?

Reuters wrote on June 12:

“Airspace Systems [a California company]… released new software for monitoring social distancing and face-mask wearing from the air.

“The software analyzes video streams captured by drones and can identify when people are standing close together or points where people gather in clusters. The software can detect when people are wearing masks… Airspace aims to sell the system to cities and police departments….

“Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst with the American Civil Liberties Union’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, said… ‘Do we want to be in a world where machine security guards are watching our every move and blowing the whistle on every petty violation of every law, rule, statute or guideline?’ Stanley said. ‘That’s potentially a nightmare vision.’”

It sure is. When will this total nonsense stop????

“Lockdown Was Unnecessary, Claims German Virologist”

The Telegraph wrote on June 10:

“One of Germany’s most prominent virologists has said the country’s lockdown was unnecessary to defeat the coronavirus. ‘We went into lockdown too quickly…’ Prof Hendrik Streeck said.

“‘We are seeing a lot of… infections with no consequences…’”

Dr. Streeck made clear that he does not believe in a “second wave,” thereby contradicting Dr. Fauci (see article below). He also spoke out against the concept of wearing masks. In an interview with the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, he pointed out that originally, warnings were issued AGAINST wearing masks. He stated that the same reasons still exist today even though they “seem to have no more relevance.”

Dr. Streeck stated that a person who had been infected with the coronavirus will have obtained immunity for up to two years. He added that if there was a rise in infections, the German government would be too afraid to issue the same restrictions as before. 

THAT, however, remains to be seen!

No More Friendly Relationship with North Korea

Daily Star wrote on June 12:

“North Korean leader Kim Jong un has no interest in maintaining a good relationship with US President Donald Trump… the despotic regime has announced it sees no improvement in relations and says US policies prove Trump’s administration remains a long-term threat to the secretive state and its people.”

NBC News wrote on June 13:

“North Korea officially declared an end Friday to its diplomatic alliance with the U.S… Kim never stopped building nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them…

“Now, on the second anniversary of that first Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, North Korea is renouncing the diplomacy while promising to expand its weapons program, even as experts say it is ever closer to perfecting a long-range missile capable of reaching and destroying an American city

“[The] government made clear that any agreement with Trump was now null and void…”

Bloomberg added on June 13:

“The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said it is ‘high time’ to break relations with South Korean authorities, adding the next action against the ‘enemy’ will come from the army.”

North Korea will ultimately collaborate with Russia and China militarily and become part of the prophesied Far Eastern power bloc, called the “Kings of the East.” It remains to be seen what role South Korea will play.

Germany’s Travel Warnings

Deutsche Welle reported on June 16:

“The German government announced on Wednesday that it was extending travel warnings for over 160 countries outside of the EU, including Turkey, through the end of August. The travel warnings advise against ‘non-essential tourist travel’ due to the risks posed by the coronavirus.

“On Thursday, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas had said talks would take place with individual states to discuss the possibility of lifting restrictions sooner. Such decisions will depend on the number of infections, the strengthening of healthcare systems, and the health and hygiene measures implemented on flights to and from the country as well as on the ground, he said.”

The Associated Press reported that restrictions for tourists from the USA are not lifted at this point, and that details as to when that might happen are unclear.

 In addition, Deutsche Welle wrote on June 17:

“Germany will extend its ban on large events, including fairs, until at least the end of October, broadcaster n-tv has reported, citing a document readied for a meeting of Chancellor Angela Merkel and the premiers of the country’s 16 states…”

Germany’s Push for Coronavirus Warning App

The Guardian wrote on June 16:

“The German government has appealed to its citizens to download a newly available coronavirus warning app as it launched what it insisted was its most sophisticated tool yet for tackling the pandemic.

“The app… will alert users whether and for how long they have been in contact at a distance of 2 meters or less with someone who has tested positive for the virus.

“Contact data will… be saved… on the smart phones… Users have been assured their private data will not be compromised and neither will the app drain a phone’s battery.

“Use of the app, which cost €20m to develop, is voluntary but virologists say 60% of Germans must download it for it to become effective.

“Public health leaders, computer hackers and government ministers, all of whom had been involved in its development, introduced the app to the public in Berlin on Tuesday morning… It has been backed by a massive advertising campaign across broadcasters and on billboards involving leading DAX companies…

“The German app has an open source program code, meaning it can be potentially copied and updated by other countries… The next step, [Jens Spahn, the health minister], said, would be to build a system that would work across Europe. Currently, if a German user travels abroad, the app will not work….”

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 17:

“Germany’s smartphone app to help trace infections has been downloaded some 6.5 million times in the 24 hours since it was launched yesterday.”

Prophecies of Dr. Fauci

Bloomberg wrote on June 14:

“A lifting of the ban on travel to the U.S. from Great Britain could still be months away, and in a worst case may not come until a coronavirus vaccine is available, Dr. Anthony Fauci told a U.K. newspaper.

“[Dr. Fauci] made the comment in a wide-ranging interview with The Telegraph on Sunday, in which he also expressed hope that one or more of the vaccines now in development could be ready by the end of 2020 or early 2021…

“Fauci, a member of the now mostly mothballed White House coronavirus task force, continued to warn against a second wave of Covid-19 infections in the U.S…. ‘I would hope to get to some degree of real normality within a year or so. But I don’t think it’s this winter or fall,’ Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the newspaper.”

Dr. Fauci has been terribly wrong before. Let’s hope he is wrong again, and that political leaders do not follow his recommendations.

Britain’s New Travel Advice

Express wrote on June 16:

“Though holidays are on hold for now, the government has issued updated travel advice for Britons who are jetting off in the future, or who need to travel for ‘essential’ purposes. Travellers are now being asked not to collect their own suitcases from the baggage belt at arrivals, and instead pay for a delivery service….

“… baggage delivery services often come with an added cost, and could mean travellers facing expensive fees to get their suitcases from the airport to their accommodation and back again…

“According to the government, passengers should avoid taking hand luggage into the cabin and should instead check items into the hold… However, the advice was rejected by Irish-airline Ryanair… [It] said passengers could, and in fact, should focus on taking hand luggage as this [is] actually safer…

“Ryanair has also tackled the government in recent weeks on its 14-day quarantine rule… Michael O’Leary, CEO of Ryanair, described the new rule as ‘ineffective’… Mr O’Leary believes the move is simply a ‘political stunt’ that threatens terrible consequences. ‘What it is going to do is bring untold devastation. Not just to the airlines but to British tourism and thousands of hotels,’ he stated.”

When the blind lead the blind…

A Socialist Perspective of Trump’s Withdrawal of Troops from Germany

WSWS wrote on June 13:

“The Trump administration’s announcement that 9,500 of the nearly 35,000 US soldiers stationed in Germany might be withdrawn… has been met with defiant criticism and calls for a more independent German-European military policy…

“Tobias Lindner, defence policy spokesman for the Greens… threatened that the US ‘should not be surprised’ if it ‘suddenly becomes very lonely internationally. …’ Lindner promoted the ‘long-term goal of a European army’ last year in a guest article for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“In the economic stimulus package passed last week by the grand coalition government of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, 10 billion euros have been earmarked for the armament of the Bundeswehr

“In an angry commentary titled ‘Madness without method,’ the… editor of Die Zeit, Joseph Joffe, said the US would cut not only its ‘own flesh’ with a withdrawal of troops… the danger of war is growing…”

We have quoted from this article, published by the World Socialist Website, but have tried to stick to the facts, as reported, while ignoring the alleged anti-German “imperialist” polemic. But the facts do speak for themselves, which the next articles confirm.

Push for Tighter EU Defense amid US Tension

Bloomberg wrote on June 15:

“France and Germany are pushing for the European Union to boost its joint defense capabilities, adding to signs that the pandemic-induced crisis could lead the bloc to deeper integration. A policy paper… calls for ‘fostering the EU’s capacity to act as a security provider.’ The document… is also backed by Italy, Spain and other nations…

“The move comes during a particularly difficult period in the transatlantic relationship, and after a rocky few weeks when President Donald Trump was said to be mulling the removal of almost 10,000 U.S. troops from Germany, authorized sanctions against the International Criminal Court and again threatened to hit Europe’s auto industry with import tariffs

“… the Franco-German policy paper on defense is another example of the commitment of the EU’s two biggest economies to an ever closer union. Back in 2018, German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined French President Emmanuel Macron in calling for a ‘real, true European army.’ It seemed unrealistic at the time. But since then the U.K. has left the bloc and NATO’s weaknesses have become apparent, with Macron going as far as calling it ‘brain dead.’”

And so, a “real, true European army” will be established much sooner than many may think. In this light, please read the next article.

Trump Confirms Withdrawal of US Troops from Germany

BBC News wrote on June 15:

“US President Donald Trump has confirmed plans to withdraw 9,500 American troops from bases in Germany. He accused Germany of being ‘delinquent’ in its payments to Nato, and said he would stick with the plan unless Berlin changed its course…

“In formally acknowledging plans for a sizeable US troop cut-back in Germany… President Trump has taken a step that will deeply concern the German government and will also alarm many of Washington’s other Nato allies.

“The conventional view up to now, voiced by Germany’s ambassador to the US, Emily Harber, is that US troops were in Europe not so much to defend Germany, as to defend trans-Atlantic security.

“Analysts also point out that the sizeable US presence in Germany also affords the US an important transit and jumping off point for operations in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. Strategic experts see this as a step that can only benefit Russia and weaken Nato as a whole. And it’s a move that will be closely watched by Washington’s allies way beyond Europe, many of whom already see the Trump Administration as an unpredictable and increasingly unreliable partner at a time of growing great power competition.

“Speaking to reporters on Monday, he also accused Germany of treating the US ‘very badly on trade’… He also claimed that Germany was profiting from having the troops there because soldiers spent their money in the country….”

The Guardian wrote on June 17:

“The centre-right newspaper Die Welt, one outlet that has consistently criticised German governments’ reluctance to increase defence spending, described Trump’s plans as shortsighted and counterproductive.

“‘Trump’s partial withdrawal weakens Nato, it weakens America’s position in Europe and damages the relationship to its important if at times irritating ally Germany,’ the foreign affairs commentator Clemens Wergin wrote on Wednesday. ‘Trump is displaying the same strategic shortsightedness that he is rightly accusing the Germans of.’”

Trump even added that “until they pay, we’re removing a number of our soldiers, by about half.”

The withdrawal of US troops from “sleepy” Germany has been ongoing. “The U.S. troop strength in Germany has dwindled to about 34,500 from a peak of 274,000 during the 1960s,” according to Newsmax, dated June 15.

Rushing Developments of Vaccines

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 13:

“Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands signed an initial deal with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca [working with the University of Oxford] for over 300 million doses of a promising coronavirus vaccine currently still in the experimental phase… Doses of the vaccine would be distributed to countries relative to their population as soon as it is ready, the ministry said, adding that all EU members can participate in the program. The vaccine is expected to be finished by the end of 2020…

“Italy’s health minister Robert Speranza… commented on the deal on Facebook, writing that as many as ‘400 million doses of the vaccine’ would be available ‘for the entire population of Europe.’ According to the World Bank, the population of the EU is around 447 million.

“The European Commission on Friday spoke out in favor of advance purchase contracts… As laboratories scramble to find a COVID-19 in record time—12 to 18 months instead of the standard multi-year timeline—advance payments provide for stronger investment in production.”

While vaccines are being rushed through, safety concerns will be ignored, and vaccine-producing companies are going to profit tremendously.

Deep-Seated Corruption within Big Pharma

Natural News wrote on June 12:

“New evidence has emerged to suggest that deep-seated corruption within the Big Pharma establishment is having a detrimental impact on the quality of information published by highly esteemed medical journals such as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine…

“A leaked, closed-door discussion between the editors-in-chief of these two journals has revealed that the pharmaceutical industry is so massive and powerful that it can basically procure ‘science’ that says anything the industry wants it to, and often goes undetected…

“Big Pharma puts tremendous financial pressure on medical journals to publish studies that are favorable to its drugs and vaccines… the results of many studies that suggest drugs and vaccines are safe and effective could be flat-out false because the drug industry tweaked them to arrive at favorable conclusions when they otherwise would not have…

“There is really no telling how deep the rabbit hole goes in terms of Big Pharma corruption and criminal influence over what gets published in major medical journals…”

The article refers to the publication of a study that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective for treating covid-19. This study caused the WHO to stop testing the drug for effectiveness. It was found soon afterwards that the study was totally fraudulent and was meant to push a patented new expensive drug.

The Ron Paul Institute added on June 16:

Big pharma is thrilled today after the FDA has rescinded permission for the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19. This after two ‘prestigious’ medical journals have recently been forced to withdraw publication of articles critical of the use of hydroxychloroquine.

“The trials cited by the FDA did not include the critical component zinc according to critics, and was thus doomed to fail. That leaves enormously expensive new drugs in trial and the elusive vaccine as the ‘only way’ to end the coronahysteria.”

On the other hand, according to UPI, dated June 5, British researchers found no benefit for hydroxychloroquine in the coronavirus. Nevertheless, this does not excuse the above-mentioned medical journals to intentionally disseminate what they thought to be false information to help the Big Pharma industry. 

Colorado Bill Would Require “Re-Education” Classes for Parents Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine

LifeNews wrote on June 9:

“Radicals just passed a bill through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children. This bill offers ‘online education modules’ for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the state demands. Submitting a ‘certificate of completion’ from the re-education classes is one way to receive the state-sanctioned vaccine exemption.

“In addition, the bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe it would not be in that child’s best interest…

“The bill requires schools to publicly report what percentage of their students are vaccinated or exempted and gives schools explicit goals to reach—goals stipulating that five percent or less of students are to be exempt.

“Currently, New York, California, Mississippi, West Virginia, and Maine deny all vaccine exemptions based on religious belief. Legislators in Illinois are also pushing a bill to eliminate all religious exemptions…

“Making vaccines mandatory is a direct attack on our God-given, constitutionally protected religious liberty. And it is spreading across our nation far faster than the coronavirus!”

Locusts Return

Breaking Israel News reported on June 9:

“The swarms of locusts that covered Africa last year returned, pushing several nations into a food crisis… a new round of hatching could result in swarms that are 8,000 times larger than swarms earlier this year. The locusts normally live for three months but unseasonal rains have led to massive breeding and multiple generations, prolonging the season in which the locusts normally swarm. Erratic weather systems have aided the spread of the swarms.

“The current mega-swarm, the worst in many decades, originated in Yemen but now threatens 13 countries including Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, India, Uganda, Pakistan, and southern Iran. The infestation threatens the food security of some 40 million people, many of whom are already in danger of starvation.”

This locust plague is unparalleled in its dimension.

npr wrote on June 14:

“… when environmental conditions are right — usually when there’s a lot of rainfall and moisture… the creatures undergo a remarkable transformation…  Their brain changes, their coloration changes, their body size changes

“Right now, the most effective way to fight outbreaks involves mass aerial sprays of pesticides to kill locusts… that’s not ideal, given the adverse effect such chemicals have on biodiversity and human health.

This exemplifies again man’s inability to fight his problems.

The Fall of the Dollar

Bloomberg wrote on June 8:

“The era of the U.S. dollar’s ‘exorbitant privilege’ as the world’s primary reserve currency is coming to an end…U.S. living standards are about to be squeezed as never before…

“The coming collapse in the dollar will have… key implications… the fall of the almighty dollar will cast global economic leadership of a saving-short U.S. economy in a very harsh light…”

Business Insider wrote on June 16:

“The US dollar’s dominance faces major threats as the post-pandemic global economy emerges, Stephen Roach, former chairman at Morgan Stanley Asia, said Monday… its winning streak has faded in recent weeks as investors prepare for record borrowing to fund trillions of fiscal and monetary stimulus.

“A sinking national savings rate also stands to drag on the dollar… ‘These problems are going to go from bad to worse as we blow out the fiscal deficit in the years ahead’ [Roach said].”

The Euro is bound to become a more powerful currency than the dollar.

Removing “Gone with the Wind” a “No-Brainer”????

Breitbart wrote on June 12:

“WarnerMedia chairman Bob Greenblatt defended the decision to remove the American Civil War classic Gone With the Wind (1939) from HBO Max, describing the decision to do so as a ‘no-brainer.’

“HBO Max, which is owned by WarnerMedia, announced on Tuesday that they would be blacklisting the film, regarded by audiences and many critics as the greatest film of all time, on the grounds that it ‘depicts some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that have, unfortunately, been commonplace in American society.’

“… Greenblatt [added] that they would bring the film back once the network had provided a disclaimer about its content

“Justifying the decision, which was taken as a response to the wave of violent Black Lives Matter protests sweeping America and other parts of the world, an HBO spokesperson argued that such ‘racist depictions were wrong then and are wrong today…’

“HBO’s pandering to demands to blacklist the film has led to widespread criticism from viewers, many of whom responded by going out and buying the film, making it a best-seller on Amazon.

“The network’s decision to remove Gone With the Wind is all the more extraordinary given the performance of Hattie McDaniel, for which she won Best Supporting Actress Oscar of 1940. In doing so, she became the first black actor or actress to be nominated, let alone win, an Oscar category of any category.”

This is utter nonsense. All those who advocate and promote these radical concepts have become instruments and tools of Satan in his attempt to destroy the USA from the inside and the outside. Note the next mind-blowing articles.

Removing Confederate Monuments

npr wrote on June 8:

“On Monday, Alabama’s flagship state university took down memorials to Confederate soldiers. The University of Alabama removed plaques honoring students who served in the Confederate Army and student cadet corps… Earlier, two of Alabama’s largest cities – Birmingham and Mobile – took down Confederate monuments that were focal points for civil unrest…

“In Virginia, the state started work to remove a huge statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond, the state capital. And city leaders say they want to take down another four Confederate memorials along Monument Ave…

“Pressure is also mounting in Mississippi over the state flag. Adopted in 1894, the design incorporates the Confederate battle flag – a red background with a blue X lined with white stars…”

The Hill added on June 12:

“Congressional Democrats launched a new push this week to remove [11] Confederate statues from the Capitol grounds. Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for the removal Wednesday by saying the statues, donated by states, pay ‘homage to hate, not heritage.’”

Daily Press wrote on June 17:

“Demonstrators in Richmond tore down another Confederate statue in the city Tuesday night… The Howitzers Monument located near Virginia Commonwealth University’s Monroe Park campus was toppled…

“It’s the third Confederate statue, and the fourth monument, to be torn down by demonstrators in Virginia since international protests erupted… Statues of Confederate president Jefferson Davis (the civil war adversary to Abraham Lincoln, both from Kentucky) and Confederate Gen. Williams Carter Wickham as well as of Christopher Columbus were toppled by demonstrators in recent weeks…”

Breitbart wrote on June 17:

“A statue of 15th-century explorer Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella will be removed from California’s Capitol Rotunda at the direction of top lawmakers… The marble statue, which has been in the Capitol for over 100 years, will be taken down after a monument of settler John Sutter was removed near the Sacramento hospital named after him.”

Others want to remove statues of George Washington and, in England, of Winston Churchill. In Portland, Oregon, protesters tore down the “racist” statue of Thomas Jefferson. It is clear that under the disguise of fighting against racism, a spirit of destruction and obliteration of history is sweeping English-speaking countries.

Tucker Carlson Speaks Out… Again

Breitbart wrote on June 12:

“Friday on Fox News Channel’s ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight,’ host Tucker Carlson… referenced 2017 remarks from CNN contributor Angela Rye, who at the time said all statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee needed to come down. Carlson questioned, if successful, how that would improve quality of life for Americans…

“‘It’s about political power — political power achieved by the oldest means of all, force… a violent mob is forcing its agenda down the throat of our country. Our leaders… are too cowardly to resist them…’”

Coronavirus, Governmental Control and Violent “Protests” by the Radical Left

The Daily Mail published on June 14 the following article by Peter Hitchens:

“What we now face is regime change. That is why these strange crowds have begun to gather round ancient and forgotten monuments, demanding their removal and destruction… This is why the memorial to Winston Churchill [was] shamefully boarded up on Thursday night… This time, as ignorant armies seek the final abolition of Britain, it is very frightening…

“I had an instinctive fear of very bad things to come when the country began its mad, wild shutdown in March… And now we have the Dictatorship of Fear… The numbers of dead are grossly inflated by an incredibly lax recording system, which does not distinguish between those who died of Covid-19 and those who died of other things but may have been infected by it…

“It is as if some establishments, including our own, wanted a crisis and used their control of information to achieve one. And still it continues. As of tomorrow, in a symbolic moment never to be forgotten, users of trains and buses will be compelled to wear muzzles or forbidden to travel.

“The legal basis for this is highly doubtful. The medical basis for it is more doubtful still… I am fairly sure these measures, like the house arrest and sunbathing bans which came before, have another purpose. They accustom us to being told what to do

“Not only can the Government now tell us where we must live and when or if we can go out… It can now even tell us what to wear… formerly great institutions and forces – the church, Parliament, the police, the armed services, much of Fleet Street, the universities – submitted to it without so much as a sigh. So did what remained of our great industrial and commercial companies….

“They were discontented but not allowed to protest against the thing which was oppressing them, the shutdown, since from every quarter they were told it was justified. Almost any spark could have ignited this rich mixture. As it happens, it was the death in Minneapolis, a city most British people will never even see, of George Floyd. Seeing the surging crowds, the rioting and the looting in the USA, the British radical Left grew jealous.

“They imported the protest, converted it into outrage against some mouldering statues, and set the streets alight… They have already helped to make it very hard for traditional, normal, Christian conservative and patriotic opinions to be expressed at all. By using social media as a form of discipline, they have made everyone… fear them…

“For the past few weeks have also demonstrated that all the pillars of British freedom and civilisation are hollow and rotten… The Left are already in control of every lever of power and influence…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Why was the religious establishment usually at odds with Jesus? (Part 3)

In the first two parts of this series, we discussed the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  We saw that both influential groups were opposed to Jesus, but oftentimes for different reasons. They did not agree among themselves on important religious teachings, but were united in their rejection of Jesus.

In this third installment, we will focus on the scribes.

According to Young’s Analytical Concordance of the Bible, there are a total of 114 references to the word “scribe”; 53 in the Old Testament and 61 in the New Testament, i.e., 19 in the book of Matthew, 22 in Mark, 15 in Luke, 1 in John and 4 in the book of Acts.

The first mention of the scribes in the Bible is in 2 Samuel 8:17 where Seraiah was the scribe in King David’s administration which was around 3,000 years ago. states the following:

“As in other parts of the world, scribes were considered honored professionals whose modern day equivalent would be judges or lawyers. They were generally the most educated men in the nation and as such became influential. In fact, since writing was practiced only by those with a certain level of intelligence, scribes were often considered wise men (1 Chronicles 27:32). They were also eligible to be elected to the Sanhedrin (the supreme and highest council of the Jews).”

The Encyclopaedia Britannica adds:

“In the 1st century, scribes and Pharisees were two largely distinct groups, though presumably some scribes were Pharisees. Scribes had knowledge of the law and could draft legal documents (contracts for marriage, divorce, loans, inheritance, mortgages, the sale of land, and the like). Every village had at least one scribe. Pharisees were members of a party that believed in resurrection and in following legal traditions that were ascribed not to the Bible but to ‘the traditions of the fathers.’ Like the scribes, they were also well-known legal experts: hence the partial overlap of membership of the two groups. It appears from subsequent rabbinic traditions, however, that most Pharisees were small landowners and traders, not professional scribes.”

The Encyclopaedia Judaica gives a very comprehensive description of the origin, role and function of the scribes. We can see from the quotes below that the scribes had adopted and followed many human traditions which were not derived from the Bible, when copying the Old Testament Scriptures:

“… the scribe was a professional expert in the writing of Torah scrolls…  These have to be written with a feather quill in indelible ink, in straight lines, and on specially prepared parchment… The profession of scribe was indispensable to the Jewish community, and according to the Talmud… a scholar should not dwell in a town where there is no scribe… The scribe writing a Torah scroll must devote utmost attention and care to the writing; he is forbidden to rely on his memory and has to write from a model copy… His guide is the professional compendium for scribes… which contains the traditional text of the Torah, the specific rules concerning the decorative flourishes… on certain letters, the regulations as to the spacing of certain Torah sections… and the rules for writing Torah scrolls in which each column begins with the Hebrew letter vav… Only the Scroll of Esther may be adorned with artistic illustrations but not the Torah scroll…

“When writing a Torah scroll a scribe must especially prepare himself so that he writes the names of the Lord with proper devotion and in ritual purity. It is, therefore, customary that he immerse himself in a ritual bath… before beginning his work…

“Scribes also acted as recording clerks and court secretaries… They wrote legal documents such as bills of divorce and contracts… there are established rules as to who pays the scribe’s fee…”

Even though they went far beyond the command of God to copy the Holy Scriptures (Exodus 17:14; Deuteronomy 17:18; 31:24-26; Joshua 8:32; 24:26; Hosea 8:12), their methodology guaranteed that the Old Testament was preserved unaltered throughout all generations (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:23). For further information in this regard, please read our free booklet, “The Authority of the Bible,” and especially chapters 3-5.

God’s Word First International adds the following:

“Scribes in ancient Israel belonged to an elite class of wealthy families. As such, they were well educated in language and mathematics. Whereas the working class folks had the equivalent of a modern 6th grade education, the Scribes were college level graduates.

“Scribes were distinguished professionals who copied all types of documents, not just the holy scrolls. Sometimes they would also exercise higher functions we would associate with lawyers, government ministers, judges, or even bankers.

“As highly trained, well paid, and respected professionals, they generally had an over inflated sense of self worth. As such, they were pompous and frequently displayed in public an arrogant righteousness.

“The Jewish scribes used the following process for creating copies of the Torah and other books in the Tanakh.

  1. They could only use clean animal skins, both to write on, and even to bind manuscripts.
  2. Each column of writing could have no less than forty-eight, and no more than sixty lines.
  3. The ink must be black, and of a special recipe.
  4. They must say each word aloud while they were writing.
  5. They must wipe the pen and wash their entire bodies before writing the most Holy Name of God, YHVH every time they wrote it.
  6. There must be a review within thirty days, and if as many as three pages required corrections, the entire manuscript had to be redone.
  7. The letters, words, and paragraphs had to be counted, and the document became invalid if two letters touched each other. The middle paragraph, word and letter must correspond to those of the original document.
  8. The documents could be stored only in sacred places (synagogues, etc.).
  9. As no document containing God’s Word could be destroyed, they were stored, or buried.

“Scribes still exist today. Known as a ‘Sofer’ they are among the few scribes that still perform their trade by hand on parchment. Renowned calligraphers, they produce the Hebrew Torah scrolls and other holy texts by hand to this day.”

got writes this:

“Scribes in ancient Israel were learned men whose business was to study the Law, transcribe it, and write commentaries on it. They were also hired on occasions when the need for a written document arose or when an interpretation of a legal point was needed. Ezra, ‘a teacher well versed in the Law of Moses,’ was a scribe (Ezra 7:6).

“The scribes took their job of preserving Scripture very seriously; they would copy and recopy the Bible meticulously, even counting letters and spaces to ensure each copy was correct…

“In the New Testament era, scribes… were widely respected by the community because of their knowledge, dedication, and outward appearance of Law-keeping.

“The scribes went beyond interpretation of Scripture, however, and added many man-made traditions to what God had said. They became professionals at spelling out the letter of the Law while ignoring the spirit behind it. Things became so bad that the regulations and traditions the scribes added to the Law were considered more important than the Law itself. This led to many confrontations between Jesus and the Pharisees and scribes… Jesus shocked His audience by declaring that the righteousness of the scribes was not enough… He thoroughly condemned the scribes for their hypocrisy… They knew the Law, and they taught it to others, but they did not obey it…” adds:

“At the time of Christ many of the scribes adhered to the teachings of the Pharisees… With the chief priests, Sadducees, and Pharisees, the scribes composed the Jewish aristocracy of the time; and many were members of the Sanhedrin.

“The scribes… are also associated with the chief priests and elders in causing Jesus’ death… The lawyers condemned in Luke 11:45–52 for their hypocrisy are also to be identified with the scribes. Their spiritual descendants were the rabbis whose teachings are recorded in the Talmud.”

From the many references in the New Testament to the scribes, we can see the attitude that they had towards Jesus. The scribes were among Christ’s most watchful and determined opponents. Their many accusations were continually recorded in the gospel accounts. Let us review some of these.

Matthew 16:21: “From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.”

The same warning is repeated in Mark 8:31 where Jesus predicted His death and resurrection. We read: “And He began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.”

Mark 2:16: “And when the scribes and Pharisees saw Him eating with the tax collectors and sinners, they said to His disciples, ‘How is it that He eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?’” (Also see Luke 5:30, 15:2).

When Jesus forgave and healed a paralytic, we read in Mark 2:6-7: “And some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, ‘Why does this Man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but God alone?’”

Mark 3:22: “And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, ‘He has Beelzebub,’ and, ‘By the ruler of the demons He casts out demons.’”

It is obvious from the record that whatever Jesus did, they would find fault in some way.   They were like many today, those who are just waiting to be offended! They would persecute Jesus because He did not live and behave in the way that they thought He should, based on their traditions. They even accused Him of blasphemy and of being possessed by Satan.

The scribes and others questioned Jesus’ authority, as we read in Mark 11:27-28: “Then they came again to Jerusalem. And as He was walking in the temple, the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders came to Him.  And they said to Him, ‘By what authority are You doing these things.’”  Jesus knew that they were bent on mischief and answered them with a question which they were not prepared to answer (compare verses 29-33).

After Jesus had cleansed the Temple, we read in Mark 11:18: “And the scribes and chief priests heard it and sought how they might destroy Him; for they feared Him, because all the people were astonished at His teaching.”

Because Christ opposed the human unbiblical traditions which were practiced in the Temple, they were willing to destroy Him, as He knew, and they waited for an opportune time, fearing the people who held Christ in high esteem.

Luke 6:7: “So the scribes and Pharisees watched Him closely, whether He would heal on the Sabbath, that they might find an accusation against Him.”

When He did perform a miracle on the Sabbath, Luke 6:11 tells us: “But they were filled with rage, and discussed with one another what they might do to Jesus.”

Again, they were willing to kill Him because He did not keep the Sabbath in accordance with their traditions.

Later, after Jesus had been arrested and brought before Herod, Luke 23:10 tells us: “And the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused Him.”

John 8:3,6: “Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst… [they tested] Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.”

They were trying to test Him so that they could accuse Him of violating the Law. But they themselves were guilty as they had not brought the adulterous man to Jesus—just the woman—and as they were not without sin and therefore unwilling to cast the first stone. This is what the Saviour of mankind had to contend with as He taught the Truth to tax collectors and sinners, cleansed the Temple and healed people, and yet His authority was continually questioned.

In Matthew 23:2-3, Christ said: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.”

Here we read that Jesus acknowledged their authority to teach God’s Word to the people; however, they were not to follow their example which was contrary to their teaching. Jesus acknowledged as well that they would many times not teach God’s Word, but their own contradictory traditions; He did not tell the people to follow them in that regard, but only insofar as they taught the Word of God. No wonder Jesus called them hypocrites!

In the following verses in Matthew 23, Jesus finally utters a series of eight woes on both the scribes and the Pharisees (verses 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 25, 27 and 29). In fact, this chapter is an expose on their appalling behaviour as religious teachers!

After Christ’s resurrection, we read in the book of Acts that “the rulers, elders, scribes and others” (Acts 4:5-6) heard the testimony of Peter and “commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus” (verse 18). However, Peter and John refused (verse 20). We read further in Acts 6:12 that the elders and scribes seized Stephen.  They were certainly opponents of Jesus in His lifetime and after His death.

We have already seen the constant hostility from the Pharisees and Sadducees that Jesus had to deal with, and the scribes were a further part of the religious life of the Jews who were bent on His destruction.

got says:

 “The scribes, whose stated goal was to preserve the Word, actually nullified it by the traditions they handed down… the scribes were hypocrites at heart. They were more interested in appearing good to men than they were in pleasing God… The lesson every Christian can learn from the hypocrisy of the scribes is that God wants more than outward acts of righteousness. He wants an inward change of heart that is constantly yielding in love and obedience to Christ.”

(To be Continued)

Lead Writers: Brian Gale (United Kingdom) and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Why the UK’s Downfall Is Certain!” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

A no-deal Brexit is becoming more and more a strong possibility, and attempts of obtaining help from Germany may fail. A thought-provoking article in the Daily Mail suggests that we are observing the final abolition of Britain, and that “all the pillars of British freedom and civilization are hollow and rotten.” Does the Bible confirm this assessment?

A new German AufPostenStehen program, covering the same topic, has been produced as well. The German title is: “Der Untergang Grossbritanniens ist sicher!” 

A new Member Letter (June 2020) has been written by Elder Robb Harris. This letter is a reminder that persecution of Christians is growing, and our relationship with God must become stronger and stronger in order to face what lies ahead.

A monthly Tech Meeting was conducted on Sunday, June 14, 2020. Hosted by Elder Eric Rank, much focus was given to our use of YouTube and Facebook in our promotional videos and other technology-related items were presented.

“Was für ein Wahnsinn,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Deacon Johann Schell, is now posted. Title in English: “What nonsense!”

“Sind Sie ein wahrer Christ?”, the sermon presented last Sabbath in Germany by Elder Christoph Sperzel is now posted. Title in English: “Are you a true Christian?”

“The Language of Violence,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

With protests and anger dominating the news, we see escalating emotions, rhetoric, and violent action taking place around us. It seems that the only way that people can be heard in the world requires this kind of confrontation. Is there a better way? There is, and God commands it.

“The Yoke of Sainthood,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

When we stepped out from our watery grave, a yoke of obedience to God was placed upon our shoulders. Submission to Gods laws appears easier when life is full of blessings and peace abounds. But we weren’t called out from the world for idle pursuits. Instead, we have been chosen to fight for truth because Godliness draws the attention from this world’s king. We must be preparing today as chaos grows deeper all around us.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Christianity to Punish Israel… What’s Wrong with that Picture?

The Times of Israel wrote on June 11:

“The World Council of Churches [WCC] is asking European diplomats to punish Israel with sanctions if it annexes West Bank lands…. [The WCC] is an umbrella body established in 1948 that now has 350 member churches with about 500,000 followers among them. The Catholic Church is not a member.

“If Israel annexes land, the letter said, ‘the EU must surely suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement,’ a reference to a 1995 contract that promotes trade between the bloc and the Jewish state. In addition, the EU should apply sanctions on Israel ‘at least commensurate with those adopted by the EU in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea.’

“The EU has blacklisted hundreds of Russian individuals and firms over alleged involvement in the Crimea annexation from 2014, subjecting them to entry bans and freezing of EU properties.”

What’s wrong with this picture? Everything! The political and religious collaboration against Israel is obvious.

Turkey: “Israel will Cross the Red Line”

The Algemeiner wrote on June 12:

“Israel’s plan to extend its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, and parts of Judea and Samaria, will ‘destroy all hopes’ for lasting peace in the Middle East, Turkey’s top diplomat said on Wednesday. If the occupying power [Israel] crosses the red line, we [Muslim countries] must show that this will have consequences,’ Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said…

“Cavusoglu went on to say that ‘the annexation of the Jordan Valley by Israel and illegal settlements’… would turn Israel into a ‘racist’ state.”

“Racism” seems to be the word of the day. According to the Bible, Turkey (Esau) will collaborate with Europe in an upcoming war with Israel and will behave in a most mean and violent fashion against his “brother” Jacob.

Hypocrisy in Israel?

ABC News wrote on June 14:

“Israel said Sunday it was deporting the son of American media magnate Shari Redstone for violating the country’s coronavirus quarantine rules while paying a secret visit to his model girlfriend.

“Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority said it had granted Brandon Korff an exceptional permit to enter the country on Friday to visit his brother, who is serving in the Israeli military….

“Israel banned entry to non-citizens or residents in March in an effort to clamp down on the spread of the novel coronavirus. Israel requires all individuals entering the country to remain in quarantine for two weeks following their arrival.

“Last week, Israel’s deputy director of the Health Ministry came under fire after an Israeli billionaire businessman was granted an exemption from the isolation orders. Teddy Sagi was then spotted attending a party with Israeli celebrities.”

Hypocrisy reigns.

Germany Commemorates Anne Frank’s Birthday “Amid Rising Antisemitism”

The Algemeiner wrote on June 13:

“Schools across Germany commemorated what would have been the 91st birthday on Friday of Anne Frank — the young German Jewish girl who kept a diary of her family’s time in hiding from the Nazis while in the Netherlands, where they were eventually captured and deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp

“Born on June 12, 1929, Anne Frank had just turned 15 when she was sent to Auschwitz, where she was forced to work as a slave laborer. Both Anne and her sister Margot were transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany in October 1944. Both women died during a typhus epidemic that swept through the camp only a few weeks before it was liberated by British soldiers on April 15, 1945.”

The house where Anne Frank hid from the Nazis can be visited as a museum in Amsterdam.

UK Won’t Ask for Brexit Extension

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 12:

“London ‘formally’ ruled out asking for an extension that would allow its representatives more time to reach a permanent deal with the EU on their post-Brexit relationship… European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic said the bloc was taking the UK’s extension decision ‘as a definitive one.’…”

The EU has responded that they will not push for an extension either. On Monday, June 15, 2020, both sides signed and issued a joint statement, saying, “The transition period will therefore end on 31 December 2020, in line with the provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement.”

Prepare for a No-Deal-Arrangement

The Guardian wrote on June 17:

“Germany is urging the EU to draw up contingency plans for Brexit ‘no deal 2.0’… The German government document, dated 15 June, reads: ‘… Britain is already escalating threats in Brussels, wants to settle as much as possible in the shortest possible time and hopes to achieve last-minute success in the negotiations…

“‘It is therefore important to preserve the unity of the 27 [and] to make it clear that there will be no agreement at any price…’”

The prophesied fate of the UK will be sealed soon.

Pope Francis Admonishes American Catholics

The Hawk Eye wrote on June 12:

“… the degree to which [Pope] Francis and the Vatican have seized on Floyd’s killing is unusual and suggests a coordinated messaging strategy aimed at a national church [in the USA] that Francis has long criticized for its political and ideological partisanship…

“Last week, Francis denounced the ‘sin of racism’ and twice identified Floyd as the victim of a ‘tragic’ killing… It was a clear effort to call out some conservative [American] Catholics for whom the abortion issue is paramount, while other ‘life’ issues dear to Francis — racism, immigration, the death penalty and poverty — play second fiddle at the ballot box….”

Maybe American Catholics see something which the Pope is unable or unwilling to recognize?

Pope Francis Lives in a Different World

Breitbart wrote on June 13:

“Pope Francis urged Christians Saturday to live in hope despite the many serious troubles and sorrows that plague our world. ‘Bad news fills the pages of newspapers, websites and television screens, to the point that evil seems to reign supreme. But that is not the case,’ the pope said…”

Really? In what world does the pope think he lives? This IS Satan’s world—not God’s—and therefore evil DOES reign supreme. This will CHANGE when Christ returns to establish the government of GOD on this earth.

Poland Wants to Fight LGBT Ideology

The Associated Press wrote on June 12:

Polish President Andrzej Duda… told his supporters that his parents’ generation did not struggle to cast off communism only to now accept ‘an ideology’ that he thinks ‘is even more destructive to the human being.’

“The president said that during Poland’s communist era, regimes ensured survival by indoctrinating the youngest generation. ‘That was Bolshevism. It was the ideologizing of children,’ he said. ‘Today, there are also attempts to push an ideology on us and our children, but different. It’s totally new, but it is also neo-Bolshevism.’ …

“Many conservative politicians in Poland say they are not against gay men and lesbians as individuals, but insist they oppose the goals of a civil rights movement they claim is imported from abroad and threatens to sexualize young people…”

Quite different from the USA. Note the next article.

US Supreme Court Sides with LGBT Community

The Associated Press wrote on June 15:

“The Supreme Court ruled Monday that a landmark civil rights law protects gay, lesbian and transgender people from discrimination in employment, a resounding victory for LGBT rights from a conservative court.

“The court decided by a 6-3 vote that a key provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 known as Title VII that bars job discrimination because of sex, among other reasons, encompasses bias against LGBT workers. ‘An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex,’ Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote for the court…

“Justices Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas dissented. ‘The Court tries to convince readers that it is merely enforcing the terms of the statute, but that is preposterous,’ Alito wrote in the dissent. ‘Even as understood today, the concept of discrimination because of “sex” is different from discrimination because of “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.”’

“Kavanaugh wrote in a separate dissent that the court was rewriting the law to include gender identity and sexual orientation, a job that belongs to Congress

“The cases were the court’s first on LGBT rights since Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement… Kennedy was a voice for gay rights and the author of the landmark ruling in 2015 that made same-sex marriage legal throughout the United States…”

LifeSiteNews wrote on June 15:

“The majority’s reasoning flies in the face of both the plain statutory meaning of ‘sex’ in 1964 and the clear legislative intent of the lawmakers who drafted and passed the Civil Rights Act, as explained by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) senior counsel John Bursch. ‘There is little dispute that, in 1964, the term “sex” was publicly understood, as it is now, to mean biological sex: male and female,’ he writes…

“Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented, panning the majority opinion as ‘legislation’ written under the ‘deceptive’ guise of ‘interpreting a statute,’ reminding the majority that the court’s duty ‘is limited to saying what the law is’ rather than adding to it…

“Conservatives warn that today’s ruling will not merely protect homosexual or gender-confused Americans from tangible harm. Rather, it will require churches to recognize same-sex ‘marriages’; force photographers, florists, and bakers to participate in same-sex ‘weddings’; compel employers to fund drugs and surgeries to help people imitate members of the opposite sex; and make women and girls to share sleeping quarters, showers, changing areas, and restrooms with gender-confused males (or men simply claiming trans status to get close to vulnerable women)…

“Today’s ruling also largely relieves congressional Democrats of the need to enact the so-called Equality Act, a bill that would legislatively impose those same requirements on the country…”

The US Supreme Court has become more and more an institution that is heavily influenced by political considerations.

US Supreme Court’s DACA Decision

 AFP wrote on June 18:

“The high court said Trump’s 2017 move to cancel his predecessor Barack Obama’s landmark Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was ‘arbitrary and capricious’ under government administrative procedures. The judgement on a five-to-four vote, with Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the court’s four liberal members, stressed that it was not an assessment of the correctness of the 2012 DACA program itself. Instead, they said the Trump administration had violated official government procedures in the way they sought to quickly rescind DACA in September 2017 based on weak legal justifications. The ruling suggested there are legal administrative methods Trump could cancel DACA, putting the onus back on the administration if it wants to pursue the issue.

McClatchy wrote:

“The DACA program allowed children who were brought to the United States illegally by their parents, called DREAMers, to avoid deportation. More than 700,000 people are part of the program, according to the Supreme Court ruling. Responding to the ruling, [Trump tweeted:] ‘These horrible & politically charged decisions coming out of the Supreme Court are shotgun blasts into the face of people that are proud to call themselves Republicans or Conservatives. We need more Justices or we will lose our 2nd. Amendment & everything else. Vote Trump 2020!’ Two minutes later, Trump tweeted, ‘Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?’”

The Associated Press wrote:

“The court’s four conservative justices dissented. Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justices Gorsuch and Samuel Alito, wrote that DACA was illegal from the moment it was created under the Obama administration in 2012. Thomas called the ruling ‘an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision.’…”

Whatever position one wants to take on the issue, it is clear that this decision was also strictly a political rendering, since Congress had failed to enact comprehensive migration reform. 

Life Begins at Conception

LifeSiteNews wrote on June 10:

“States may inform women that life begins at conception before they go through with an abortion, a federal appeals court said this week… That information is included in the Missouri informed consent booklet, which abortion facilities must offer women prior to an abortion… ‘… a state is free to use “its voice … to show its profound respect for” life,’ the appeals court ruled, quoting a U.S. Supreme Court decision…

“Further, the appeals court said: ‘Roe v. Wade implies no limitation on the authority of a State to make a value judgment favoring childbirth over abortion.’

“Abortion activists often try to dismiss the fact that life begins at conception as a religious or moral belief, but it is based on science. Numerous medical textbooks, prominent scientists and even some abortion activists admit that life begins at conception and abortions kill human beings….

“34 states require informed consent counseling prior to an abortion, and 29 require that specific information be part of that counseling. Of the 34, 32 require that a woman be told the gestational age of her unborn baby, and 28 require information about the unborn baby’s development.”

A correct decision which must be applauded.

No More Shutdown in America

The Sun wrote on June 11:

“Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin… said Americans have ‘learned that if you shut down the economy, you’re going to create more damage

“‘Not just economic damage, but there are other areas and we’ve talked about this: medical problems and everything else that get put on hold. We can’t shut down the economy again.’”

If the USA imposes new restrictions, then civil unrest WILL BE the consequence.

Drones to Monitor Social Distancing and Face Masks in California?

Reuters wrote on June 12:

“Airspace Systems [a California company]… released new software for monitoring social distancing and face-mask wearing from the air.

“The software analyzes video streams captured by drones and can identify when people are standing close together or points where people gather in clusters. The software can detect when people are wearing masks… Airspace aims to sell the system to cities and police departments….

“Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst with the American Civil Liberties Union’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, said… ‘Do we want to be in a world where machine security guards are watching our every move and blowing the whistle on every petty violation of every law, rule, statute or guideline?’ Stanley said. ‘That’s potentially a nightmare vision.’”

It sure is. When will this total nonsense stop????

“Lockdown Was Unnecessary, Claims German Virologist”

The Telegraph wrote on June 10:

“One of Germany’s most prominent virologists has said the country’s lockdown was unnecessary to defeat the coronavirus. ‘We went into lockdown too quickly…’ Prof Hendrik Streeck said.

“‘We are seeing a lot of… infections with no consequences…’”

Dr. Streeck made clear that he does not believe in a “second wave,” thereby contradicting Dr. Fauci (see article below). He also spoke out against the concept of wearing masks. In an interview with the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, he pointed out that originally, warnings were issued AGAINST wearing masks. He stated that the same reasons still exist today even though they “seem to have no more relevance.”

Dr. Streeck stated that a person who had been infected with the coronavirus will have obtained immunity for up to two years. He added that if there was a rise in infections, the German government would be too afraid to issue the same restrictions as before. 

THAT, however, remains to be seen!

No More Friendly Relationship with North Korea

Daily Star wrote on June 12:

“North Korean leader Kim Jong un has no interest in maintaining a good relationship with US President Donald Trump… the despotic regime has announced it sees no improvement in relations and says US policies prove Trump’s administration remains a long-term threat to the secretive state and its people.”

NBC News wrote on June 13:

“North Korea officially declared an end Friday to its diplomatic alliance with the U.S… Kim never stopped building nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them…

“Now, on the second anniversary of that first Trump-Kim summit in Singapore, North Korea is renouncing the diplomacy while promising to expand its weapons program, even as experts say it is ever closer to perfecting a long-range missile capable of reaching and destroying an American city

“[The] government made clear that any agreement with Trump was now null and void…”

Bloomberg added on June 13:

“The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said it is ‘high time’ to break relations with South Korean authorities, adding the next action against the ‘enemy’ will come from the army.”

North Korea will ultimately collaborate with Russia and China militarily and become part of the prophesied Far Eastern power bloc, called the “Kings of the East.” It remains to be seen what role South Korea will play.

Germany’s Travel Warnings

Deutsche Welle reported on June 16:

“The German government announced on Wednesday that it was extending travel warnings for over 160 countries outside of the EU, including Turkey, through the end of August. The travel warnings advise against ‘non-essential tourist travel’ due to the risks posed by the coronavirus.

“On Thursday, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas had said talks would take place with individual states to discuss the possibility of lifting restrictions sooner. Such decisions will depend on the number of infections, the strengthening of healthcare systems, and the health and hygiene measures implemented on flights to and from the country as well as on the ground, he said.”

The Associated Press reported that restrictions for tourists from the USA are not lifted at this point, and that details as to when that might happen are unclear.

 In addition, Deutsche Welle wrote on June 17:

“Germany will extend its ban on large events, including fairs, until at least the end of October, broadcaster n-tv has reported, citing a document readied for a meeting of Chancellor Angela Merkel and the premiers of the country’s 16 states…”

Germany’s Push for Coronavirus Warning App

The Guardian wrote on June 16:

“The German government has appealed to its citizens to download a newly available coronavirus warning app as it launched what it insisted was its most sophisticated tool yet for tackling the pandemic.

“The app… will alert users whether and for how long they have been in contact at a distance of 2 meters or less with someone who has tested positive for the virus.

“Contact data will… be saved… on the smart phones… Users have been assured their private data will not be compromised and neither will the app drain a phone’s battery.

“Use of the app, which cost €20m to develop, is voluntary but virologists say 60% of Germans must download it for it to become effective.

“Public health leaders, computer hackers and government ministers, all of whom had been involved in its development, introduced the app to the public in Berlin on Tuesday morning… It has been backed by a massive advertising campaign across broadcasters and on billboards involving leading DAX companies…

“The German app has an open source program code, meaning it can be potentially copied and updated by other countries… The next step, [Jens Spahn, the health minister], said, would be to build a system that would work across Europe. Currently, if a German user travels abroad, the app will not work….”

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 17:

“Germany’s smartphone app to help trace infections has been downloaded some 6.5 million times in the 24 hours since it was launched yesterday.”

Prophecies of Dr. Fauci

Bloomberg wrote on June 14:

“A lifting of the ban on travel to the U.S. from Great Britain could still be months away, and in a worst case may not come until a coronavirus vaccine is available, Dr. Anthony Fauci told a U.K. newspaper.

“[Dr. Fauci] made the comment in a wide-ranging interview with The Telegraph on Sunday, in which he also expressed hope that one or more of the vaccines now in development could be ready by the end of 2020 or early 2021…

“Fauci, a member of the now mostly mothballed White House coronavirus task force, continued to warn against a second wave of Covid-19 infections in the U.S…. ‘I would hope to get to some degree of real normality within a year or so. But I don’t think it’s this winter or fall,’ Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told the newspaper.”

Dr. Fauci has been terribly wrong before. Let’s hope he is wrong again, and that political leaders do not follow his recommendations.

Britain’s New Travel Advice

Express wrote on June 16:

“Though holidays are on hold for now, the government has issued updated travel advice for Britons who are jetting off in the future, or who need to travel for ‘essential’ purposes. Travellers are now being asked not to collect their own suitcases from the baggage belt at arrivals, and instead pay for a delivery service….

“… baggage delivery services often come with an added cost, and could mean travellers facing expensive fees to get their suitcases from the airport to their accommodation and back again…

“According to the government, passengers should avoid taking hand luggage into the cabin and should instead check items into the hold… However, the advice was rejected by Irish-airline Ryanair… [It] said passengers could, and in fact, should focus on taking hand luggage as this [is] actually safer…

“Ryanair has also tackled the government in recent weeks on its 14-day quarantine rule… Michael O’Leary, CEO of Ryanair, described the new rule as ‘ineffective’… Mr O’Leary believes the move is simply a ‘political stunt’ that threatens terrible consequences. ‘What it is going to do is bring untold devastation. Not just to the airlines but to British tourism and thousands of hotels,’ he stated.”

When the blind lead the blind…

A Socialist Perspective of Trump’s Withdrawal of Troops from Germany

WSWS wrote on June 13:

“The Trump administration’s announcement that 9,500 of the nearly 35,000 US soldiers stationed in Germany might be withdrawn… has been met with defiant criticism and calls for a more independent German-European military policy…

“Tobias Lindner, defence policy spokesman for the Greens… threatened that the US ‘should not be surprised’ if it ‘suddenly becomes very lonely internationally. …’ Lindner promoted the ‘long-term goal of a European army’ last year in a guest article for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“In the economic stimulus package passed last week by the grand coalition government of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, 10 billion euros have been earmarked for the armament of the Bundeswehr

“In an angry commentary titled ‘Madness without method,’ the… editor of Die Zeit, Joseph Joffe, said the US would cut not only its ‘own flesh’ with a withdrawal of troops… the danger of war is growing…”

We have quoted from this article, published by the World Socialist Website, but have tried to stick to the facts, as reported, while ignoring the alleged anti-German “imperialist” polemic. But the facts do speak for themselves, which the next articles confirm.

Push for Tighter EU Defense amid US Tension

Bloomberg wrote on June 15:

“France and Germany are pushing for the European Union to boost its joint defense capabilities, adding to signs that the pandemic-induced crisis could lead the bloc to deeper integration. A policy paper… calls for ‘fostering the EU’s capacity to act as a security provider.’ The document… is also backed by Italy, Spain and other nations…

“The move comes during a particularly difficult period in the transatlantic relationship, and after a rocky few weeks when President Donald Trump was said to be mulling the removal of almost 10,000 U.S. troops from Germany, authorized sanctions against the International Criminal Court and again threatened to hit Europe’s auto industry with import tariffs

“… the Franco-German policy paper on defense is another example of the commitment of the EU’s two biggest economies to an ever closer union. Back in 2018, German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined French President Emmanuel Macron in calling for a ‘real, true European army.’ It seemed unrealistic at the time. But since then the U.K. has left the bloc and NATO’s weaknesses have become apparent, with Macron going as far as calling it ‘brain dead.’”

And so, a “real, true European army” will be established much sooner than many may think. In this light, please read the next article.

Trump Confirms Withdrawal of US Troops from Germany

BBC News wrote on June 15:

“US President Donald Trump has confirmed plans to withdraw 9,500 American troops from bases in Germany. He accused Germany of being ‘delinquent’ in its payments to Nato, and said he would stick with the plan unless Berlin changed its course…

“In formally acknowledging plans for a sizeable US troop cut-back in Germany… President Trump has taken a step that will deeply concern the German government and will also alarm many of Washington’s other Nato allies.

“The conventional view up to now, voiced by Germany’s ambassador to the US, Emily Harber, is that US troops were in Europe not so much to defend Germany, as to defend trans-Atlantic security.

“Analysts also point out that the sizeable US presence in Germany also affords the US an important transit and jumping off point for operations in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. Strategic experts see this as a step that can only benefit Russia and weaken Nato as a whole. And it’s a move that will be closely watched by Washington’s allies way beyond Europe, many of whom already see the Trump Administration as an unpredictable and increasingly unreliable partner at a time of growing great power competition.

“Speaking to reporters on Monday, he also accused Germany of treating the US ‘very badly on trade’… He also claimed that Germany was profiting from having the troops there because soldiers spent their money in the country….”

The Guardian wrote on June 17:

“The centre-right newspaper Die Welt, one outlet that has consistently criticised German governments’ reluctance to increase defence spending, described Trump’s plans as shortsighted and counterproductive.

“‘Trump’s partial withdrawal weakens Nato, it weakens America’s position in Europe and damages the relationship to its important if at times irritating ally Germany,’ the foreign affairs commentator Clemens Wergin wrote on Wednesday. ‘Trump is displaying the same strategic shortsightedness that he is rightly accusing the Germans of.’”

Trump even added that “until they pay, we’re removing a number of our soldiers, by about half.”

The withdrawal of US troops from “sleepy” Germany has been ongoing. “The U.S. troop strength in Germany has dwindled to about 34,500 from a peak of 274,000 during the 1960s,” according to Newsmax, dated June 15.

Rushing Developments of Vaccines

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 13:

“Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands signed an initial deal with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca [working with the University of Oxford] for over 300 million doses of a promising coronavirus vaccine currently still in the experimental phase… Doses of the vaccine would be distributed to countries relative to their population as soon as it is ready, the ministry said, adding that all EU members can participate in the program. The vaccine is expected to be finished by the end of 2020…

“Italy’s health minister Robert Speranza… commented on the deal on Facebook, writing that as many as ‘400 million doses of the vaccine’ would be available ‘for the entire population of Europe.’ According to the World Bank, the population of the EU is around 447 million.

“The European Commission on Friday spoke out in favor of advance purchase contracts… As laboratories scramble to find a COVID-19 in record time—12 to 18 months instead of the standard multi-year timeline—advance payments provide for stronger investment in production.”

While vaccines are being rushed through, safety concerns will be ignored, and vaccine-producing companies are going to profit tremendously.

Deep-Seated Corruption within Big Pharma

Natural News wrote on June 12:

“New evidence has emerged to suggest that deep-seated corruption within the Big Pharma establishment is having a detrimental impact on the quality of information published by highly esteemed medical journals such as The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine…

“A leaked, closed-door discussion between the editors-in-chief of these two journals has revealed that the pharmaceutical industry is so massive and powerful that it can basically procure ‘science’ that says anything the industry wants it to, and often goes undetected…

“Big Pharma puts tremendous financial pressure on medical journals to publish studies that are favorable to its drugs and vaccines… the results of many studies that suggest drugs and vaccines are safe and effective could be flat-out false because the drug industry tweaked them to arrive at favorable conclusions when they otherwise would not have…

“There is really no telling how deep the rabbit hole goes in terms of Big Pharma corruption and criminal influence over what gets published in major medical journals…”

The article refers to the publication of a study that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective for treating covid-19. This study caused the WHO to stop testing the drug for effectiveness. It was found soon afterwards that the study was totally fraudulent and was meant to push a patented new expensive drug.

The Ron Paul Institute added on June 16:

Big pharma is thrilled today after the FDA has rescinded permission for the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of Covid-19. This after two ‘prestigious’ medical journals have recently been forced to withdraw publication of articles critical of the use of hydroxychloroquine.

“The trials cited by the FDA did not include the critical component zinc according to critics, and was thus doomed to fail. That leaves enormously expensive new drugs in trial and the elusive vaccine as the ‘only way’ to end the coronahysteria.”

On the other hand, according to UPI, dated June 5, British researchers found no benefit for hydroxychloroquine in the coronavirus. Nevertheless, this does not excuse the above-mentioned medical journals to intentionally disseminate what they thought to be false information to help the Big Pharma industry. 

Colorado Bill Would Require “Re-Education” Classes for Parents Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine

LifeNews wrote on June 9:

“Radicals just passed a bill through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children. This bill offers ‘online education modules’ for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the state demands. Submitting a ‘certificate of completion’ from the re-education classes is one way to receive the state-sanctioned vaccine exemption.

“In addition, the bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe it would not be in that child’s best interest…

“The bill requires schools to publicly report what percentage of their students are vaccinated or exempted and gives schools explicit goals to reach—goals stipulating that five percent or less of students are to be exempt.

“Currently, New York, California, Mississippi, West Virginia, and Maine deny all vaccine exemptions based on religious belief. Legislators in Illinois are also pushing a bill to eliminate all religious exemptions…

“Making vaccines mandatory is a direct attack on our God-given, constitutionally protected religious liberty. And it is spreading across our nation far faster than the coronavirus!”

Locusts Return

Breaking Israel News reported on June 9:

“The swarms of locusts that covered Africa last year returned, pushing several nations into a food crisis… a new round of hatching could result in swarms that are 8,000 times larger than swarms earlier this year. The locusts normally live for three months but unseasonal rains have led to massive breeding and multiple generations, prolonging the season in which the locusts normally swarm. Erratic weather systems have aided the spread of the swarms.

“The current mega-swarm, the worst in many decades, originated in Yemen but now threatens 13 countries including Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, India, Uganda, Pakistan, and southern Iran. The infestation threatens the food security of some 40 million people, many of whom are already in danger of starvation.”

This locust plague is unparalleled in its dimension.

npr wrote on June 14:

“… when environmental conditions are right — usually when there’s a lot of rainfall and moisture… the creatures undergo a remarkable transformation…  Their brain changes, their coloration changes, their body size changes

“Right now, the most effective way to fight outbreaks involves mass aerial sprays of pesticides to kill locusts… that’s not ideal, given the adverse effect such chemicals have on biodiversity and human health.

This exemplifies again man’s inability to fight his problems.

The Fall of the Dollar

Bloomberg wrote on June 8:

“The era of the U.S. dollar’s ‘exorbitant privilege’ as the world’s primary reserve currency is coming to an end…U.S. living standards are about to be squeezed as never before…

“The coming collapse in the dollar will have… key implications… the fall of the almighty dollar will cast global economic leadership of a saving-short U.S. economy in a very harsh light…”

Business Insider wrote on June 16:

“The US dollar’s dominance faces major threats as the post-pandemic global economy emerges, Stephen Roach, former chairman at Morgan Stanley Asia, said Monday… its winning streak has faded in recent weeks as investors prepare for record borrowing to fund trillions of fiscal and monetary stimulus.

“A sinking national savings rate also stands to drag on the dollar… ‘These problems are going to go from bad to worse as we blow out the fiscal deficit in the years ahead’ [Roach said].”

The Euro is bound to become a more powerful currency than the dollar.

Removing “Gone with the Wind” a “No-Brainer”????

Breitbart wrote on June 12:

“WarnerMedia chairman Bob Greenblatt defended the decision to remove the American Civil War classic Gone With the Wind (1939) from HBO Max, describing the decision to do so as a ‘no-brainer.’

“HBO Max, which is owned by WarnerMedia, announced on Tuesday that they would be blacklisting the film, regarded by audiences and many critics as the greatest film of all time, on the grounds that it ‘depicts some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that have, unfortunately, been commonplace in American society.’

“… Greenblatt [added] that they would bring the film back once the network had provided a disclaimer about its content

“Justifying the decision, which was taken as a response to the wave of violent Black Lives Matter protests sweeping America and other parts of the world, an HBO spokesperson argued that such ‘racist depictions were wrong then and are wrong today…’

“HBO’s pandering to demands to blacklist the film has led to widespread criticism from viewers, many of whom responded by going out and buying the film, making it a best-seller on Amazon.

“The network’s decision to remove Gone With the Wind is all the more extraordinary given the performance of Hattie McDaniel, for which she won Best Supporting Actress Oscar of 1940. In doing so, she became the first black actor or actress to be nominated, let alone win, an Oscar category of any category.”

This is utter nonsense. All those who advocate and promote these radical concepts have become instruments and tools of Satan in his attempt to destroy the USA from the inside and the outside. Note the next mind-blowing articles.

Removing Confederate Monuments

npr wrote on June 8:

“On Monday, Alabama’s flagship state university took down memorials to Confederate soldiers. The University of Alabama removed plaques honoring students who served in the Confederate Army and student cadet corps… Earlier, two of Alabama’s largest cities – Birmingham and Mobile – took down Confederate monuments that were focal points for civil unrest…

“In Virginia, the state started work to remove a huge statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond, the state capital. And city leaders say they want to take down another four Confederate memorials along Monument Ave…

“Pressure is also mounting in Mississippi over the state flag. Adopted in 1894, the design incorporates the Confederate battle flag – a red background with a blue X lined with white stars…”

The Hill added on June 12:

“Congressional Democrats launched a new push this week to remove [11] Confederate statues from the Capitol grounds. Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for the removal Wednesday by saying the statues, donated by states, pay ‘homage to hate, not heritage.’”

Daily Press wrote on June 17:

“Demonstrators in Richmond tore down another Confederate statue in the city Tuesday night… The Howitzers Monument located near Virginia Commonwealth University’s Monroe Park campus was toppled…

“It’s the third Confederate statue, and the fourth monument, to be torn down by demonstrators in Virginia since international protests erupted… Statues of Confederate president Jefferson Davis (the civil war adversary to Abraham Lincoln, both from Kentucky) and Confederate Gen. Williams Carter Wickham as well as of Christopher Columbus were toppled by demonstrators in recent weeks…”

Breitbart wrote on June 17:

“A statue of 15th-century explorer Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella will be removed from California’s Capitol Rotunda at the direction of top lawmakers… The marble statue, which has been in the Capitol for over 100 years, will be taken down after a monument of settler John Sutter was removed near the Sacramento hospital named after him.”

Others want to remove statues of George Washington and, in England, of Winston Churchill. In Portland, Oregon, protesters tore down the “racist” statue of Thomas Jefferson. It is clear that under the disguise of fighting against racism, a spirit of destruction and obliteration of history is sweeping English-speaking countries.

Tucker Carlson Speaks Out… Again

Breitbart wrote on June 12:

“Friday on Fox News Channel’s ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight,’ host Tucker Carlson… referenced 2017 remarks from CNN contributor Angela Rye, who at the time said all statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee needed to come down. Carlson questioned, if successful, how that would improve quality of life for Americans…

“‘It’s about political power — political power achieved by the oldest means of all, force… a violent mob is forcing its agenda down the throat of our country. Our leaders… are too cowardly to resist them…’”

Coronavirus, Governmental Control and Violent “Protests” by the Radical Left

The Daily Mail published on June 14 the following article by Peter Hitchens:

“What we now face is regime change. That is why these strange crowds have begun to gather round ancient and forgotten monuments, demanding their removal and destruction… This is why the memorial to Winston Churchill [was] shamefully boarded up on Thursday night… This time, as ignorant armies seek the final abolition of Britain, it is very frightening…

“I had an instinctive fear of very bad things to come when the country began its mad, wild shutdown in March… And now we have the Dictatorship of Fear… The numbers of dead are grossly inflated by an incredibly lax recording system, which does not distinguish between those who died of Covid-19 and those who died of other things but may have been infected by it…

“It is as if some establishments, including our own, wanted a crisis and used their control of information to achieve one. And still it continues. As of tomorrow, in a symbolic moment never to be forgotten, users of trains and buses will be compelled to wear muzzles or forbidden to travel.

“The legal basis for this is highly doubtful. The medical basis for it is more doubtful still… I am fairly sure these measures, like the house arrest and sunbathing bans which came before, have another purpose. They accustom us to being told what to do

“Not only can the Government now tell us where we must live and when or if we can go out… It can now even tell us what to wear… formerly great institutions and forces – the church, Parliament, the police, the armed services, much of Fleet Street, the universities – submitted to it without so much as a sigh. So did what remained of our great industrial and commercial companies….

“They were discontented but not allowed to protest against the thing which was oppressing them, the shutdown, since from every quarter they were told it was justified. Almost any spark could have ignited this rich mixture. As it happens, it was the death in Minneapolis, a city most British people will never even see, of George Floyd. Seeing the surging crowds, the rioting and the looting in the USA, the British radical Left grew jealous.

“They imported the protest, converted it into outrage against some mouldering statues, and set the streets alight… They have already helped to make it very hard for traditional, normal, Christian conservative and patriotic opinions to be expressed at all. By using social media as a form of discipline, they have made everyone… fear them…

“For the past few weeks have also demonstrated that all the pillars of British freedom and civilisation are hollow and rotten… The Left are already in control of every lever of power and influence…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Success with the Right Tools/ HEBREWS—Spoken to Us!

On June 20, 2020, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Success with the Right Tools,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “HEBREWS—Spoken to Us!”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 928

The Language of Violence / The Yoke of Sainthood

On June 13, 2020, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “The Language of Violence,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Yoke of Sainthood.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Divided Are We

by Kalon Mitchell

As I look at this nation, it is divided, on so many levels. The nations around us are mocking us because of the division and the lack of unity. And this is as God has prescribed would happen if we wandered away from seeking after Him and obeying His laws.

One of the easiest ways to defeat a group of people is to separate them, to cut them off and then pick them off one at a time. Satan knows this. And he is not afraid to use this method to take us out of the Church. Christ gave a strong warning in Luke 11:14-23, quoting the last verse: “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.”

The New Testament is filled with instruction and correction that warn us to not be divided but rather to be seeking ways to build each other up.

We find in 1 Corinthians, chapter 3, that there was a schism in the Church because some people “followed” one minister, while others preferred another one, and then boasted about it. But Paul’s caution was that it was all one building that was being built.  They were all doing different parts of the Work which GOD had ordained. Of course, Paul was referring to true ministers who acted in a way that was pleasing to God; he was not addressing false ministers or those who did not have or manifest the Philadelphia spirit. Continuing this theme in chapter 12, he goes on to say that when we complain about other members of the Body, because we disagree or don’t like something that someone else is doing, even though what they are doing is not against God’s Will, we are pursuing discord. Instead, we should not allow, or participate in, division and talking behind people’s backs. Paul states in verse 25: “… that there may be NO SCHISM [or DIVISION] in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.”

God has placed members in the Body as He sees fit. This includes the ministry. And an even greater responsibility and a higher standard and stricter judgement are placed upon ordained ministers (James 3:1).

A minister has to be careful in using the gifts that God has granted him (Romans 12:3-8). We also teach that when men are ordained to a higher rank within the ministry, they receive more of a portion of the Holy Spirit to enable them to accomplish the task before them.

Of course, one always has to look at the fruits. We know that there have been many in the ministry who have not held on to the Truth and have led people astray, because these ministers and members were following a person and not God. This then also leads to the responsibility of ministers and members to be diligently studying, praying and remaining close to God.

One of the Scriptures that makes the hair on my arms rise is Matthew 24:10-12: “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” This is talking about those who are in the Body of Christ.

Let’s think about what offends us. Deception at this time is prophesied to become stronger and stronger. The only way we will be able to see clearly is to continually anoint our eyes with eye salve (Revelation 3:17-19).  It is easy to get offended. It is easy to get sidetracked. It is easy to get off on pet peeves or things that we think the ministry should or should not say. But when we start passing such judgement, we think we know better and act against the Will of God.

If we find issues with the ministry (or with anyone for that matter), we are to try to get clarification if it bothers us that much. And we must do so with a humble non-judgmental attitude and a willingness to learn. Yet so many times it is easier to point fingers, play the blame game, or talk to others instead of going straight to the source. And what is to gain? Often times it has been the experience of the ministry that when being approached, one’s mind has already been made up and there is no talking, but rather accusation and fault finding (2 Timothy 3:1-8). Notice when this Scripture really comes into play: It refers to “…the last days”. We should pay particular note and attention to what has been written. We should take some time and meditate and we should make sure our hearts and our minds are NOT embracing any of these ways. We should perhaps also read a couple of different translations and notice the words that are used. Do any of those attitudes or ways apply to us? So much is said about not allowing our hearts to become hardened. Hebrews 3 shows us that the possibility to do so is VERY real. Rather than allowing this to happen, we are told to “exhort one another DAILY” (verse 13). Exhort means to “strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.”

We find that the words of a friend can be useful (Proverbs 27:5-6) and needed. We are told that through honest communication, we can become stronger (Proverbs 27:17). We have to be of a different mindset than that of this world. Colossians 3:12-15 says: “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.”

Hebrews 10:23 encourages us to “hold fast.” We are to consider each other, NOT to stir up deception, arguments, anger, hate, resentment, fear, loathing. But rather, “to stir up LOVE and GOOD WORKS, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” This includes assembling in person, whenever possible, on the weekly Sabbaths and the annual Holy Days.

The ministry of the Church of the Eternal God and its corporate affiliates are asking you for your continued prayers that we may effectively continue to do the Work of preaching the Gospel and to continue watching and warning the world as we are commissioned to do (Romans 15:30-33; 2 Corinthians 1:10-11; Ephesians 6:19-20; Philippians 1:19-20; Colossians 4:2-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2; Philemon 22). And we in turn definitely keep you all in mind in our prayers, especially when we hear of problems and issues that arise.

We are all in this together until the return of Christ, and we must stick together, where God placed us, and uphold the Truth as given to us by our Savior Jesus Christ.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with eye-opening articles (for those comparatively few who HAVE eyes to see) regarding Germany’s total disapproval of President Trump and the ongoing and ACCELERATING deterioration of the relationship between Germany and the USA, due to America’s latest announcement to withdraw about 9,500 troops from Germany. In this regard, please view our new program, “Hostility between Germany and the USA Continues—Comments on News and Prophecy, June 6, 2020.” 

Among other developments that are covered in this section, we address the deteriorating relationship between the USA and Russia and China; and the fear that the special relationship between the USA and the UK might also end soon. There are even loud voices to be heard in Israel questioning Trump’s friendship with Israel.

We are focusing on the ongoing protests in the USA regarding the killing of George Floyd; violent movements trying to hijack peaceful demonstrations; the sudden hypocritical shift of opinion by medical experts regarding the danger of the coronavirus and the need to violate “social distancing” regulations; and the irony of aiding and abetting criminals by insisting on wearing face masks. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled  “Do You Disobey God While Accepting the Mark of the Beast?”

We conclude with articles about the certainty of the reelection of Donald Trump in spite of developments which, just based on a human perspective, would seem to make it impossible that Trump would stay in power.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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The Germans Have Had It with Trump

Business Insider wrote on June 3:

“Intelligence and law-enforcement officials among America’s allies in Europe and the Middle East told Insider they were aghast at the heavy-handed tactics and rhetoric used by US police generally, and by the president specifically, to suppress demonstrations against police abuses of African Americans. ‘It has been chilling watching the United States devolve into the same strongman-style policing and rhetoric we have been opposing together as allies in the Middle East and Eastern Europe,’ a NATO military intelligence official… told Insider. [This] view is widely held. Some European officials have started to side openly with the protesters….

“Another senior law-enforcement official for a European Union member said the visuals of peaceful American protesters and media being repeatedly attacked by police and security forces over the past week has forced Europe into formally addressing a fear that has lurked behind the US-EU relationship for over three years: The US president is not an ally of European democracy…  The Germans are openly done with this president. This is why [German Chancellor] Angela Merkel refused Trump’s offer to host the G7 at the White House this fall…”

The relationship between the USA and Germany has never been as bad since the end of World War II.

“Democracy on the Defensive in Trump’s America”

Der Spiegel wrote on June 5:

“Coronavirus, economic collapse and now mass demonstrations for racial equality: The United States is facing a trio of deep crises. Instead of offering leadership, President Donald Trump is exacerbating divisions and showing authoritarian tendencies… Trump, it seems, needs the chaos. He feeds off it.

“Few other democratically elected leaders have as much power as the U.S. president, a reality that can lead to abuse… In his farewell address on January 11, 1989, Ronald Reagan spoke of a ‘shining city upon a hill,’ admired not only for its prosperity but for its richness in ideas, its goodness and cosmopolitanism…

“This notion of American exceptionalism also came up in Trump’s inauguration speech in January of 2017…  Three and a half years later, there are no signs of victory. The defeat in the war in Afghanistan, the longest in U.S. history, is now as good as certain. The war will soon have lasted 19 years and cost the lives of 2,400 U.S. soldiers and Trump is eager to withdraw from the country, though there is little doubt that the Taliban will take over in Kabul when he does, much like the Communists overran Saigon after the last GIs left Vietnam…”

Der Spiegel is the most popular magazine for Germany’s intellectuals. Their viewpoint on Trump is remarkable and shows Germany’s ongoing rejection of America’s leader.

Trump Withdraws US Troops from Germany

The Guardian wrote on June 5:

“Donald Trump has ordered the US military to remove nearly 9,500 troops from Germany in a move likely to raise concerns in Europe about the US commitment to the region. The move would reduce US troop numbers in Germany to 25,000, compared with the 34,500 currently there, a senior US official said.

“The official said the move was the result of months of work by America’s top military officer, General Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and had nothing to do with tensions between Trump and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel…

“The move is the latest twist in relations between Berlin and Washington, which have often been strained during Trump’s presidency. Trump has pressed Germany to raise defence spending and accused Berlin of being a captive of Russia due to its energy reliance.

“About 17,000 US civilian employees support the US troops in Germany. It is believed the United States also has nuclear warheads there. In May, the then US ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, accused Berlin of undermining Nato’s nuclear deterrent, taking aim at Merkel’s junior coalition partners after some of their leaders called for nuclear disarmament.”

Few in Germany believe that America’s sudden announcement of withdrawal of American troops had nothing to do with Trump’s ongoing rift with Merkel.  Now, many in Germany are asking the question: Who is really undermining NATO? Note the next articles.

German Reactions—Purely Political and an Act of Revenge

Deutsche Welle added on June 6:

“Washington’s alleged plan to transfer about 9,500 troops out of its German bases is a symbolic gesture that is likely to weaken US military operations and ‘further deteriorate’ trans-Atlantic ties, conservative lawmaker Andreas Nick told DW on Saturday… ‘the decision is purely politically motivated and not made by experts,’ he said.

“… the ties between Berlin and Washington have been deteriorating steadily over geopolitical, financial, and environmental issues since Donald Trump took office in January 2017…

“On Saturday, senior German conservative Johann Wadephul said the withdrawal of troops would be yet another wake-up call for Europeans to take their fate in their own hands. ‘The plans show once again that the Trump administration is disregarding an elementary task of leadership: the involvement of allies in the decision-making process,’ said Wadephul,  who serves as the deputy head of the parliamentary group for Angela Merkel’s  CDU party…”

The Guardian added on June 6:

“Norbert Röttgen, one of the CDU politicians in the running to succeed Merkel as chancellor when she steps down next year, criticised the plans. ‘Such a withdrawal would be regrettable from every point of view… ‘I cannot see a rational ground for such a withdrawal.’”

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 7:

“‘This would break transatlantic bridges,’ exclaimed Peter Beyer, coordinator for transatlantic relations for the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel. ‘It’s not just about 9,500 soldiers, but also their families, an estimated 20,000 Americans,’ Beyer [said].”

The Local wrote on June 7:

“German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said… the transatlantic relationship had become ‘complicated’ under Trump…

“Rolf Muetzenich, leader of the parliamentary group of the centre-left SPD, Merkel’s junior coalition partner, told the Funke newspaper group that the US plan could lead to ‘a lasting realignment of security policy in Europe’.

“Former US Army Europe commander Ben Hodges… said a US drawdown would be ‘a colossal mistake’ and ‘a gift’ for Russian President Vladimir Putin… The headquarters for US forces in Europe and Africa are both based in Stuttgart, while the US air base in Ramstein plays a major role in transporting soldiers and equipment to Iraq and Afghanistan. The US military hospital in Landstuhl, near Ramstein, is the largest of its kind outside the United States.”

Breitbart wrote on June 8:

“Germany’s special coordinator for Transatlantic ties… Peter Beyer told the Rheinische Post the White House left Germany in the dark before reports of the decision began to emerge… ‘This is completely unacceptable, especially since nobody in Washington thought about informing its NATO ally Germany in advance,’ Beyer, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives, told the newspaper.”

The Algemeiner wrote on June 8:

“Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, vice president at the German Marshall Fund of the United States which promotes US-European ties, said the decision ‘does smack a bit like revenge.’ ‘I’ve followed this relationship for the last 35 years of my professional life — I cannot remember a lower point of the relationship than this… Donald Trump seems to see Angela Merkel, not anybody else, as his systemic rival.’”

The relationship between the USA and Germany (Europe’s leader) is incurably damaged. It will get worse and worse to the point of an outright WAR.

Travel Restrictions to Be Lifted?… Not Really!

The Associated Press wrote on June 5:

“All but essential travel into Europe from the outside is restricted until June 15, but many ministers suggested Friday that they want this deadline extended until early July…

“German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, whose country plans to lift its remaining border checks on June 15 like many other EU countries, said ‘the internal border controls will be over in all of Europe at the end of June.’…

“Visitors from the United States, Russia or Brazil… would only be allowed back into Europe based on how those nations have brought the spread of the virus under control, he said…”

It was subsequently announced by the EU that Europeans would not be able to travel to the United States until the end of August. We pray that this ridiculous restriction will be abandoned as soon as possible. The antagonism between Europe and the USA can even be seen in the mutual travel bans between these two power blocs (with Russia and Brazil being added for appearance’s sake, to make this scheme less obvious). Again, Satan wants to prevent God’s people from the USA from traveling to Germany or Europe to keep the Feast of Tabernacles there.

Supporting WHO?

Breaking Israel News wrote on June 5:

“President Trump removed US funding from the World Health Organization (WHO). Many people criticized the decision but a closer look shows that not only is the WHO incompetent at performing the function for which it was created but it has side agendas that are shocking indeed…

“The WHO Collaborating Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health, established in 2003 at the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) focused on establishing standards for sexuality education, providing guidance for implementation and support [for] the implementation of training programs for educators. The program has been translated into several languages and used internationally… It has been used in at least 14 countries to develop or adapt curricula for sexuality education and/or for advocacy towards decision-makers.

“The WHO curriculum suggests that children ages four to six, be given information ‘about friendship and love towards people of the same sex’ and ‘same-sex relationships’ (i.e. homosexuality), and be guided to develop ‘an open, non-judgmental attitude.’ As per this program, children under the age of four are introduced to masturbation including ‘playing doctor’ (i.e. sexual activity with another person of unspecified age)…

“The WHO also removes the authority of the parents in such matters, establishing its standards as superseding those… In 2018, Andrew MacLeod, the former chief of operations at the UN’s Emergency Co-ordination Center claimed that an estimated 60,000 cases of sexual exploitation had been committed over the last decade by 3,300 pedophiles working in the organization.

“‘Child rape crimes are being inadvertently funded, in part, by United Kingdom tax-payers,’ he said in an interview with British tabloid The Sun. At the same time, UN Secretary-General António Guterres admitted that the UN had ‘wrestled for many years with the issue of sexual exploitation and abuse,’ as reported by the British newspaper The Times. In early 2017 the United Nations Secretary-General admitted to 145 incidents involving 311 victims in 2016 alone, mainly in peace operations….”

The WHO’s recommendation of teaching our children “sexuality education” in school—even against the wishes of their parents—is an abomination in the eyes of God. The consequential incidents of sexual abuse of children within the organization speak for themselves.  

Russia and China vs. the USA

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on June 4:

“Russian hopes dashed: Whatever hopes Russian President Vladimir Putin may have had for a more workable relationship with the Trump administration have been ‘trumpled,’ so to speak. This came through loudly and clearly in acerbic remarks by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov… Ryabkov lamented the sad state of Russia-US relations, while pointing, not very subtly, to China as Russia’s ace in the hole…

“‘We don’t believe the US in its current shape is a counterpart that is reliable, so we have no confidence, no trust whatsoever. So our own calculations and conclusions are less related to what America is doing… we cherish our close and friendly relations with China. We do regard this as a comprehensive strategic partnership in different areas, and we intend to develop it further’…”

It is prophesied that China and Russia and other Far Eastern countries will combine their efforts and forces. They are referred to in the Bible as the “kings from the East.”

Russia Threatens with Nuclear War

Breaking Israel News wrote on June 7:

On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin signed into effect a new Russian military doctrine, allowing him to order a nuclear weapons strike in response to an attack using conventional weapons.

“The new rules also allow the Russian military to use its nuclear weapons if it gets ‘reliable information’ about the launch of ballistic missiles targeting its territory or its allies. As per the longstanding policy, the president can order a retaliatory nuclear strike in response to an attack using nuclear weapons…”

A nuclear war will break out between Russia with their far Eastern allies and the European power bloc under German leadership.

Special Relationship between USA and UK to End Soon?

The Guardian wrote on June 8:

“The UK’s special relationship with the US may end…

“Rory Stewart, the former Conservative international development secretary, said in one assessment: ‘… If we were to move away from the US, and Trump obviously poses the challenge that that may have to happen, we are going to find ourselves in a situation in which much of our Foreign Office infrastructure had been predicated on working very closely with the US for a very long time… it will involve a much bigger shift in national security infrastructure than we have ever experienced. Almost since Suez, they have been our default.’…

“Sir John Sawers, the former head of M16 and a former UK ambassador to the UN… said… ‘There is no doubt President Trump is the most difficult president for us to deal with… He does not really feel that sense of being part of that transatlantic community, he does not really believe in alliances… We are seeing in this pandemic for the first time what a crisis is like without American leadership…’

“Many senior former UK ambassadors are desperately hoping Washington will lead again. One said: ‘… If we get another four years of this leadership, then some of the bonds and some of the cement that holds the west together, and holds Europe and America together will be broken forever…’”

The Bible indicates that the special relationship between the USA and the UK will indeed end soon… but only after important prophetic events have been fulfilled.

Trump No Friend of Israel?

Times of Israel wrote on June 5:

“Jerusalem and Heritage Minister Rafi Peretz said Friday that he would oppose parts of the Trump administration’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan amid a growing chorus of right-wing opposition to the Palestinian state outlined in the plan… Peretz, who heads the right-wing Jewish Home faction, in a Facebook post said he would not accept the establishment of a Palestinian state, which is included in the outline…

“Some politicians and top settler leaders have publicly come out against the US plan in recent days, led by Jordan Valley Regional Council head David Elhayani, who told the Haaretz daily on Wednesday that Trump and his senior adviser Jared Kushner have shown through their peace proposal that ‘they are not friends of the State of Israel.’… If Trump wants to establish a Palestinian state near the heart of Israel, between Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea, he said, addressing the US president, ‘then you are not a friend.’ Such a state, he stressed, ‘is a danger to Israel.’…

“The comments drew harsh rebuke from Netanyahu and other right-wing leaders. However, Elhayani… rebuffed accusations that he was being ungrateful to Washington as it offers to recognize Israeli sovereignty, [saying] he was concerned not just for the safety of settlements in the Jordan Valley and other areas of the West Bank, but for the safety of all of Israel’s citizens….”

Even though the almost universal movement against Israel’s planned annexation is growing stronger, Trump and Kushner would lose face and all credibility, if they were not to “allow” Israel to go forward with the annexation. The same could be said about Netanyahu who, after promising annexation by July 1, could not really afford not to go ahead with the annexation, as his political survival is on the line.

“Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance”

Politico wrote on June 4:

“For months, public health experts have urged Americans to take every precaution to stop the spread of Covid-19—stay at home, steer clear of friends and extended family, and absolutely avoid large gatherings. Now some of those experts are broadcasting a new message: It’s time to get out of the house and join the mass protests against racism…

“It’s a message echoed by media outlets and some of the most prominent public health experts in America, like former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Tom Frieden, who loudly warned against efforts to rush reopening but is now supportive of mass protests…

“But their messages are also confounding to many who spent the spring strictly isolated on the advice of health officials, only to hear that the need might not be so absolute after all. It’s particularly nettlesome to conservative skeptics of the all-or-nothing approach to lockdown, who point out that many of those same public health experts… widely criticized activists who held largely outdoor protests against lockdowns in April and May, accusing demonstrators of posing a public health danger.

“Conservatives, who felt their own concerns about long-term economic damage or even mental health costs of lockdown were brushed aside just days or weeks ago, are increasingly asking whether these public health experts are letting their politics sway their health care recommendations

“Those protests against stay-at-home orders ‘not only oppose public health interventions, but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives,’ according to the letter’s nearly 1,300 signatories. ‘Protests against systemic racism, which fosters the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on Black communities and also perpetuates police violence, must be supported.’…”

This is SO ridiculously mind-boggling, offensive and utterly hypocritical.

Violence Breeds Violence

The Guardian wrote on June 6:

“The nationwide anti-police brutality protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd in the US have been marked by widespread incidents of police violence, including punching, kicking, gassing, pepper-spraying and driving vehicles at often peaceful protesters in states across the country. The actions have left thousands of protesters in jail and injured many others, leaving some with life-threatening injuries.

“From Minnesota to New York, Texas, California, Washington DC and many places beyond, from small towns to big cities, police officers have demonstrated just how problematic law enforcement is in the US, drawing condemnation from international groups as well as domestic civil rights organizations…

“Numerous incidents of police violence have been exposed in disturbing videos and press accounts in recent days… At [a] New York protest, an officer yanked a facemask from an African American man who was standing with his hands in the air, then pepper-sprayed him into the face.

“In Buffalo… two officers shoved a 75-year-old man to the ground. A video showed the man hitting his head on the ground, causing his blood to spill on the sidewalk. He is now gravely ill in hospital…

“On Thursday, a video posted to Twitter showed a group of police beating peaceful protesters in Philadelphia… In one incident police shot paint canisters at a woman who was standing on the porch of her own home…

“On the west coast, a police car drove into protestors in Los Angeles, briefly trapping them underneath the engine, and police used teargas to dispel a demonstration in Santa Monica. In Los Angeles, as in other cities in the US, police have also repeatedly fired rubber bullets at protesters…

“Even medical workers have not been immune… Among those abused in Washington DC were a pair of Australian journalists, who were reporting on a protest… Frequently journalists have been met with the same aggressive policing as demonstrators…”

A newsletter of the LA Times added on June 6:

“Among overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations, there was also violence and some looting. Some business owners criticized police for failing to protect their businesses…”

On the other hand, there were quite a few reported incidents when police officers sided with demonstrators, embraced them, engaged with them in minutes of silence, took a knee in front of them, and even marched with them.

In addition, left-wing radicals and groups such as Antifa have been blamed for resorting to violence and to kidnap and hijack peaceful demonstrations to follow their evil agenda. But as the next article shows, the same goes for right-wing radicals (It reminds us of events in Germany after World War I, when left- and right-wing extremists were fighting for dominance):

Extremists Try to Hijack Peaceful Protests

The Times of Israel wrote on June 6:

“There are men showing up to the George Floyd protests in body armor and Hawaiian shirts and they want to start a civil war. They call themselves the Boogaloo Bois. This isn’t a joke, but a very real network of anti-government extremists who want to leverage the protests to incite a wider uprising against police, the army and the state. Last week, three of them were arrested by the FBI for conspiracy to destroy federal and private property.

“The arrests are the most visible example so far of the Boogaloo network, whose armed adherents yearn for a second civil war between ordinary Americans and a federal government they consider oppressive…. Boogaloo Bois who have shown up at protests against police brutality are often sympathetic with the Black Lives Matter movement because the Boogaloo extremists hate the police.”

In addition, the article shows that the demarcation line between right and left extremists might be confusing. It points out:

“… white supremacist activity has been uncovered during some of the protests during the past two weeks. Members of the white nationalist group VDARE posed as reporters for the publication Vice and tried to get anti-racist demonstrators to publicly identify themselves… NBC reported that a Twitter account posing as part of the anti-fascist Antifa network was actually run by a white nationalist group called the American Identity Movement.”

White House Fenced In and Heavily Fortified

The Week wrote on June 5:

“… the White House has been transformed into a veritable fortress… with tall security fencing and concrete barriers erected to keep protesters from an expanded secure zone… Armed guards and sharpshooters and combat troops are omnipresent… the new fencing stretches about 1.7 miles around the White House.

“The White House is now so heavily fortified that it resembles the monarchical palaces or authoritarian compounds of regimes in faraway lands — strikingly incongruous with the historic role of the executive mansion… known as ‘the People’s House’…”

The picture presented to the world of the USA as being in turmoil and the White House as a helpless fortified and barricaded “palace” under siege is unheard of and extremely damaging to America’s reputation (whatever is still left of it).   

George Floyd Looking Down From Heaven Rejoicing over Job Reports???

The Guardian wrote on June 5:

“The president attempted to take a victory lap after a better-than-expected jobs report showed the national unemployment rate falling to 13.3% last month, with 2.5m jobs gained… Trump declared: ‘Today is probably, if you think of it, the greatest comeback in American history.’… Trump suggested that Floyd… would be happy about the figures… ‘Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying this [is] a great thing that’s happening for our country,’ he said. ‘There’s a great day for him… There’s a great, great day in terms of equality.’”

“The comment earned swift opprobrium… Michael Steele, who is African American, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee, told the MSNBC network: ‘It’s not only tone deaf, it’s borderline blasphemous in light of what happened to Mr Floyd… Again, it speaks to just how out of step this man [Trump] is with real life. This reality television presidency is incompatible with democracy, it’s incompatible with governing, it’s incompatible with everyday people trying to realise the American dream.’

“Defenders of Trump argued that he was being willfully misconstrued… [and] that his remark was taken ‘out of context’ [pointing out that Trump was emphasizing “equality”].

“The surprise increase in jobs came after economists had predicted a rise in unemployment to 20% as America reels from the coronavirus pandemic and nationwide lockdowns. But the new rate of 13.3% is still far higher than previous peak unemployment, which was 10.8% in 1982… Most of the 2.5m jobs gained over the month were in hospitality and leisure, an industry that lost 7.5m jobs in April as states went into quarantine…

“Although the unemployment rate for white people decreased from 14.2% to 12.4%, the rate for African Americans went up from 16.7% to 16.8%…”

Apart from the ill-received attempt to connect the “better-than-expected” job reports with the death of George Floyd—whether taken out of context or not—the very notion that Floyd is looking down from heaven is ridiculous and unbiblical. The Bible (which Trump had in his hand during his recent photo-op in front of the St. John’s Episcopal Church), teaches that people, when they die, are dead in their graves, without conscience; that they are not in heaven (or hell); and that God will resurrect them from the dead in their due time, which has not occurred yet for ANYONE—with the only exception of Jesus Christ, the “firstborn” from the dead.

Vatican Archbishop Praises Trump

Newsmax wrote on June 7:

“Influential Vatican Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Papal Nuncio to Washington, D.C., has written to President Trump, praising his leadership during a critical juncture in his presidency as he faces harsh criticism for his handling of the coronavirus and the George Floyd protests… Viganò writes that the President’s enemy is ‘the children of darkness – whom we may easily identify with the deep state which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days . . .’

“The Archbishop indicated that the ‘Covid emergency’ will likely be viewed in the future as a ‘colossal operation of social engineering.’ ‘We will also discover that the riots in these days were provoked by those who, seeing that the virus is inevitably fading and that the social alarm of the pandemic is waning, necessarily have had to provoke civil disturbances, because they would be followed by repression which, although legitimate, could be condemned as an unjustified aggression against the population,’ Viganò wrote. The Archbishop claimed that ‘the same thing is also happening in Europe, in perfect synchrony.’”

Even though some of his statements are remarkable and note-worthy, especially regarding the coronavirus and the civil disturbance, he constitutes a lone voice, as most Catholic priests and bishops reject Trump’s leadership. And so does the Pope.

Face Masks—the Criminal’s Best Friend

The Ron Paul Institute reprinted the following article on June 5 which appeared first in the Washington Times:

“America’s youth have taken to the streets in Santa Monica, in Minneapolis, in Los Angeles, in New York City, in Washington, D.C., and more, in protest of the horrible police killing of George Floyd, and they’re setting fires, burning businesses — burning St. John’s Church, the historic place of worship for American presidents — looting stores, smashing glass, tossing Molotov cocktails and fighting police.

“And they’re doing it with the aid and assistance of mandated, recommended or acceptably worn facial coverings. A face mask is a looter’s equivalent of a lucky day. Thanks be to the coronavirus crisis: Every criminal, would-be criminal and aider and abettor to a criminal can carry out his or her criminal act in broad daylight, in bold openness, in brash disregard for law and order, all while disguising identity.

“Oh what happy times COVID-19 and the government’s random, unscientific, politically motivated and factually questionable response to the virus has been for Antifa and Antifa’s thuggish types. Most cities, counties and communities have local safety provisions in place that make it illegal to wear facial coverings and hoods with intent to disguise — and if not prohibited by ordinances, the locals at least frown on the full-face coverings, making it odd and suspicious to see them worn in public…

“Now ‘cover thy face’ has become national policy… Many, if not most [criminals] will walk away scot-free, laughing into their face masks, confident the local cameras and locals in the area can’t identify them. And just think: If these face masks become part of America’s ‘new normal’ — so will the anonymous crimes. Face masks aren’t just a hindrance and a virtue signal of supposed COVID-19 concern for others. They’re cover for criminals. They’re a criminal’s new best friend.”

Very true as it convincingly describes the nonsense and the DANGER of having to wear face masks.

Defunding the Police?

Newsmax wrote on June 8:

“President Donald Trump early Monday tweeted a call to oppose defunding police departments in the wake of the death of a black man in Minneapolis police custody. ‘LAW & ORDER, NOT DEFUND AND ABOLISH THE POLICE,’ Trump tweeted Monday. ‘The Radical Left Democrats have gone Crazy!’…

“The demand to defund police gained traction in Minneapolis  Sunday, when a veto-proof majority of the City Council pledged to ‘begin the process’ of dismantling its police force. Council members… said they didn’t have immediate plans for what would replace the force but would consult with the community on a new structure for public safety…

“Voters nationwide said by a 2-to-1 margin that they are more concerned by police actions in Floyd’s death than violence at some protests… 57% of Americans believe police generally treat white people better than black people. The public disapproved of Trump’s handling of the protests and the events surrounding Floyd’s killing by an 11-point margin…

“Almost two-thirds of Americans oppose cutting… police funding and just 16% of Democrats and 15% of Republicans support the idea…”

Trump a Long Way from Beaten

The Guardian wrote on June 6:

“Voter disapproval of Donald Trump’s handling of the George Floyd protests and the Covid-19 pandemic, plus the accompanying economic meltdown, have undoubtedly hurt the president’s re-election chances. But it’s unclear whether the damage is fatal…

“Things are looking bad for Trump right now… Yet Trump has been written off before… One thing is certain: he’s a long way from beaten.”

Indeed. And that is true even though from a human standpoint, it does not appear that, mainly due to his perceived lack of competent leadership, Trump would be reelected. But note the next article which discusses his modus operandi over the years.

Why Trump Will Stay in Power…

The Daily Mail wrote on June 5:

“After the anarchic and deeply troubling scenes of recent days, many will surely conclude that, in overwhelming numbers, the American people will kick Donald Trump out of the White House in November’s election… Our country is in flames… Twelve major cities have declared curfews, 17,000 troops have been activated, governors in at least 24 states called in the National Guard and more than 11,000 people have been arrested…

“Millions of people have lost their jobs already, and millions more are expected to join them in a recession – even a depression – following the pandemic. Little wonder that many of Trump’s most ardent supporters are subdued on the subject of ‘four more years’.

“But I have studied Trump for 32 years, having first met him in 1988 when I investigated his casino operations in Atlantic City and uncovered his friendships with the Mafia. I know the man, his motivations and his modus operandi well. Let me tell you that it would be a huge mistake to assume he has lost the 2020 election. In fact, there are many reasons to believe that what is happening now will deliver him that second term.

“Critical as I have long been of him, I’ve always admired his ability to convince millions of people that he is a modern Midas, a ‘very stable genius’, to use his own phrase — and the only person who can save America. That these claims are nonsense doesn’t matter as long as enough people believe them. Despite his many flaws, Trump is remarkably resilient.

“To retain the White House, he faces three challenges.

“First, he must persuade Americans that China is responsible for the coronavirus deaths, and feckless state governors and local mayors — rather than his own chaotic administration — mishandled the pandemic. If fatalities, as expected, are falling after the summer, he will benefit. Should a reliable treatment have emerged by then, this will help further.

“Second… Trump will claim it was his tough law-and-order policies that crushed the violence that erupted after Mr Floyd’s death…

“His third challenge is the economy. This is the easiest one for him. Even with more than a quarter of American workers on jobless benefits — and after a slightly uptick in employment numbers yesterday — Trump can argue the fastest way to revive the economy is to cut taxes further and jettison yet more business regulations. Most of the big corporations don’t want the Democrats back in power, with the prospect of higher taxes and more red tape…

“Meeting these challenges is achievable. And it is of a pattern with a man whose life has been characterised by turning setbacks that would destroy the careers and reputations of anyone else into triumphs. Trump never admits error. His late mentor, the notorious political fixer and mafia consigliere Roy Cohn (who was disbarred as a lawyer for trying to defraud his own client), taught him to attack law enforcement and make them the bad guys. Whenever a judge rules against him, Trump calls the jurist a bigot, an idiot, corrupt or a ‘hater’…

“All his life, Trump has always enjoyed stunning success in damage avoidance, and not only when he cheats on his wives. He dodged any fallout in the 1980s when both his personal helicopter pilot and the provider of his fleet of casino aircraft, were caught running an international drug-trafficking ring. Trump continued to employ the pilot after he had been indicted, later urging the judge to impose a lenient sentence.

“Three decades ago, his lawyers negotiated an extraordinary private settlement in which his empire shed a total $3 billion debt — over $800 million of which he had personally guaranteed — without being forced, as he would normally be expected to, to declare personal bankruptcy. That was followed by four corporate bankruptcies when he was CEO of a casino company — even as it paid him at least $83 million.

“Finally, in Trump’s favour, there is the peculiar way American presidents are elected. Trump is the fourth president out of 45 who lost the popular vote — the total number of votes cast nationally — but won the White House anyway. Presidents are voted in not by the citizens of the country as a whole, but by ‘electors’ in each state, through a process called the Electoral College… Unfortunately, the arrangement does not work perfectly, which is why a man like Trump… win office even when most Americans do not want him there…The lesson for November’s election is clear. Don’t — for a single moment — write him off.”

A truly damaging and eye-opening article (even though it does not contain that many surprising revelations for those who have carefully followed objectively the news and developments surrounding Trump). We have even omitted some of the author’s dicey comments. But the author is correct in his conclusions: Trump WILL stay in power but NOT because God is approving of his conduct and politics.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Why was the religious establishment usually at odds with Jesus? (Part 2)

In the first part of this series, we focused on the Pharisees. This group, although relatively small in numbers, was very influential. We saw that they rejected Jesus Christ and God’s commandments so that they could uphold their own traditions.

Another important influential religious group at the time of Jesus was the Sadducees.

Young’s Analytical Concordance has this to say about the Sadducees: “A sect of the Jews, denying the resurrection and the existence of angels and spirits, who derived their origin from Sadok, a follower of Antigonus of Socho B.C.250, a President of the Sanhedrin.”

A review of the Sadducees will give us some insight into the sort of religious environment that Jesus was born into and with what He had to endure during His ministry.

The website of “difference between” points out the following:

“While the Sadducees believed in the authority of the Torah, they were also more supportive of prevailing rulers… This is because they understood that they could benefit, in a political and economic sense, from maintaining peaceful relations with the ruling government.

“The Sadducees… were exposed to a more secular education than the Pharisees, and even acknowledged Hellenism (Hellenism is the term used to describe the influence of Greek culture on the peoples the Greek and Roman Empires conquered or interacted with). The main difference between the Pharisees and Sadducees concerned the understanding of the function of the Torah in Jewish society. Most of the Sadducees operated as priests and were members of the Sanhedrin… The Sadducees maintained that the first five books of the Bible, otherwise known as the Torah, were the greatest authority on God’s will for the Jews. For the Sadducees, all other laws or texts outside the sacred Torah could not be counted as part of the Law…

“The Sadducees did not believe that man would experience resurrection after physical death… They endeavored to preserve their priestly caste, and actively took part in political discourse to maintain their influence over their fellow Jews… The Sadducees held political power and religious clout as an integral part of temple government…

“Their founder, Tzadok (or sometimes spelled Zadok, in Hebrew meaning ‘Righteous’), was a priest descended from Eleazar the son of Aaron, who aided King David during the revolt of his son Absalom, and was consequently instrumental in bringing King Solomon to the throne.

“After Solomon’s building of The First Temple in Jerusalem, Zadok was the first High Priest to serve there. In any event, the name Tzadok could be indicative of their aristocratic status in society in the beginning of their existence due to their close relationship with the monarchy and King Solomon. The Sadducees derive their name from the Hebrew name of Tzadok, the ‘Tz’ is pronounced with an ‘s’ sound. Sadducees would then roughly mean, ‘The righteous ones of Tzadok’…”

According to Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, the Sadducees were a hereditary and ancient priestly class. They constituted the nobility of the Jewish people and thus we find many high priests coming from the Sadducean party. Annas was a Sadducee.

The website of “difference between” continues:

“The Sadducees believed that the souls of men died with their bodies. They did not believe in the resurrection of the body nor retribution in a future life. Neither did they believe in predestination, but ‘that good and evil are the choice of man who can do one or the other at his discretion’ and consequently that God exercises ‘no influence upon human actions, and that man is therefore the cause of his own prosperity and adversity.’”

Emil Schurer, A History of the Jewish People, confirming the foregoing, states the following:

“In addition to the doctrinal differences between the Sadducees and the Pharisees over the immortality of the soul, there was a fundamental difference over what constituted the law of the Jews. The Sadducees acknowledged only the written Torah as binding and rejected the entire traditional interpretation as well as the further development that the law had undergone during the course of centuries at the hands of the scribes.”

James C. McRuer, The Trial of Jesus, writes this:

“It is not unfair to say that the Sadducees were really more concerned with the political power that their ecclesiastical offices gave them than with the spiritual affairs of the people. To make themselves secure in this power during the Herodian-Roman period, it was necessary for them to accommodate their views to those of the Pharisees.”

There are just 13 verses where the Sadducees are mentioned, as opposed to around 84 for the Pharisees, and only five of the verses mention just the Sadducees which are as follows:

Matthew 22:23: “The same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him and asked Him…”

Mark 12:18: “some Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him…”

Luke 20:27: “Then some of the Sadducees, who deny that there is a resurrection, came to Him…”

It is interesting that the three Scriptures quoted above are about the resurrection which they denied, and these are the only ones in the four gospel accounts where only the Sadducees were noted as those asking the question.

In addition, the following two verses refer to the Sadducees in conjunction with the high priest:

Acts 4:1: “Now as they spoke to the people, the priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees came upon them…”

Acts 5:17: “Then the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees), and they were filled with indignation…”

These last two references show the concern that they had about the message that the apostles were preaching, and arrests and imprisonment were the outcome.

In the remaining eight verses, the Pharisees are also mentioned as well as the Sadducees.

The first of these verses is in Matthew 3:7: “But when he [John the Baptist] saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, ‘Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?’”

In spite of the Pharisees being mentioned much more often than the Sadducees, they were both reprimanded in no uncertain terms. In this regard, note the following four passages:

Matthew 16:1: “Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from heaven.”

Matthew 16:6: “Then Jesus said to them [His disciples], ‘Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.’”

Matthew 16:12: “Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”

Matthew 22:34: “But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together.”

Both sects wanted to see a sign but Jesus warned His disciples of their leaven, meaning their doctrine.

Note also the last three verses:

Acts 23:6: “But when Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, ‘Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged!’”

Acts 23:7: “And when he had said this, a dissension arose between the Pharisees and the Sadducees; and the assembly was divided.”

Acts 23:8: “Sadducees say that there is no resurrection—and no angel or spirit; but the Pharisees confess both.”

Again, in these three verses, the difference in doctrine is clear with the Pharisees believing in the resurrection and the existence of angels and demons, and the Sadducees denying all of it.

It is obvious from the foregoing that Jesus would have to clash with the viewpoints of the Sadducees on numerous occasions. He upheld God’s Word which teaches the resurrection from the dead and the existence of holy and fallen angels, and He emphasized that the entire Old Testament was godly inspired… not only the first five books of Moses or the Torah.  But even then, He refuted their argument that there is no resurrection from the dead, when quoting from the Torah.

In our Q&A on Matthew 22:23-30, we say the following:

“As the Sadducees did not believe in the inspiration of the Old Testament apart from the first five books of Moses, Jesus quoted, as proof for a resurrection, from the first five books of Moses, mentioning the burning bush episode, as recorded in the book of Exodus. He continued to say that God was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and that God was not the God of the dead, but of the living.

“Some commentaries erroneously conclude that Jesus was saying here that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were ALIVE when Jesus spoke these words–and that Jesus was therefore upholding the concept of the immortal soul which teaches that the immortal soul goes to heaven when man dies–a teaching which the Sadducees rejected.

“However, Jesus did not believe in the false concept of the immortal soul. He taught that death was a sleep out of which man must be awakened (compare John 11:11-14, 43-44). He said to the Sadducees that God is a God of the living, because He will awaken Abraham, Isaac and Jacob out of their sleep of death through a resurrection from the dead. Remember, Jesus answered the Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection. He proved that there is a resurrection from the dead by saying that God is the God of the living.

“The dead will live because God WILL RAISE them up in the resurrection (compare John 5:25, 28-29)–and God looks at future events, which are certain, as if they had already occurred. (Compare Romans 4:17, in the Living Bible: ‘That is what the Scriptures mean when they say that God made Abraham the father of many nations. God will accept all people in every nation who trust God as Abraham did. And this promise is from God himself, who makes the dead alive again and speaks of future events with as much certainty as though they were already past.’)”

On the other hand, Jesus recognized that the Sadducees were in charge of the Temple service, and that they were correct in their understanding as to when to sacrifice the Passover lamb. While they did so at the beginning of the 14th of Nisan, the Pharisees sacrificed it one day too late, at the end of the 14th or the beginning of the 15th of Nisan. Most Jews follow today the wrong lead of the Pharisees and keep the Passover one day too late, by confusing it with the Night to Be Much Observed.

Please note our Q&A discussing the correct time as to when the Passover lamb had to be slain, with the title: “Why does the Church of God keep the annual Passover one day earlier than the Jews?” 

The Sadducees also determined correctly when to keep Pentecost, while the Pharisees kept Pentecost many times on the wrong day. Many Jews today follow the wrong Pharisaic thought and keep Pentecost often on the wrong day as well.

In our Q&A about how to count Pentecost, we stated the following:

“There was a controversy, according to the Jewish historian Josephus of the first century, between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. While the Sadducees counted the 50 days correctly from the Sunday which falls within the Days of Unleavened Bread and which follows the WEEKLY Sabbath, the Pharisees counted it from the day after the ANNUAL Sabbath—the first day of Unleavened Bread. But we should note… that the Temple service was entrusted to the Sadducees, not the Pharisees. Their determination as to when to celebrate Pentecost was conclusive and decisive for the public celebration, as long as the Second Temple existed.

“However, modern Judaism has adopted the view of the Pharisees, thereby celebrating Pentecost ALWAYS on the SIXTH DAY OF SIVAN (which could fall on any day of the week).  In passing, we should notice as well that most modern Jews have also adopted the view of the Pharisees (contrary to the view of the Sadducees) that one must observe Passover on the 15th of Nisan, which is the wrong day and one day too late, erroneously claiming that the Passover lamb was sacrificed at the end of the 14th day of Nisan, while it was actually sacrificed at the beginning of the 14th day of Nisan, ‘between the two evenings’—the time span between sunset and nightfall.”

got summarizes nicely as to why Jesus would be at odds with the religious establishment, including the Sadducees:

“Jesus had more run-ins with the Pharisees than with the Sadducees, probably because of the former’s giving pre-eminence to oral tradition. ‘You ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition,’ Jesus told them. Because the Sadducees were often more concerned with politics than religion, they ignored Jesus until they began to fear He might bring unwanted Roman attention and upset the status quo. It was at that point that the Sadducees and Pharisees set aside their differences, united, and conspired to put Christ to death (John 11:48-50; Mark 14:53; 15:1).”

(To be Continued)

Lead Writers: Brian Gale (United Kingdom) and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Obeying God Rather Than Men,” is the title of a new video promoting our new booklet by the same name. Produced by Michael Link, this promo is also featured in our newest StandingWatch program—as described below:

“Do You Disobey God While Accepting the Mark of the Beast?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

In this time of confusion, many may unknowingly accept the mark of the beast without which they cannot buy or sell. Some point out that you can’t go shopping without wearing a mask or practicing social distancing; that you might be forced to become vaccinated or to accept some tracking device or a microchip with medical data. What about this? And whom do you obey when there is a real conflict between the laws of God and the injunctions of men?

“Hostility between Germany and the USA Continues (Comments on News and Prophecy, June 6, 2020),” the first message during last Sabbath’s service and presented by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Angela Merkel refused to join the G7, to be hosted by Donald Trump at the end of June, who reacted with anger and postponed the entire summit until this fall. Germany sided with the protests in the USA against police brutality and racial discrimination and openly declared that they are done with Trump. In response, Trump announced that he will withdraw about 9,500 American troops from Germany, causing a sharp rebuke from German governmental officials. Germany also announced that while they will be allowing Europeans to travel freely throughout Europe by June 15, this will not include Americans. Where will this continuing alienation and hostility lead?

“The Tools of God,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

It is important to have the proper tools when you are working in order to be able to create or to build any thing worthwhile. In all areas of life we find that those who wield tools properly help to build up and support others in what they do. Having tools is one thing, but knowing how to use them skillfully is another. As Christians, what tools are at our disposal? And how do we use them effectively and powerfully to accomplish the Work of God, for which we have been called?

The German sermonette, which was given last Sabbath by Dmitrij Niemann, has been posted. It is titled: Beständiger Kampf” (in English, “Continuous Battle”).

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2024 Church of the Eternal God