The Minority / Does Your Suffering Last TOO Long?

On October 6, 2021, Michael Link will present the first split sermon, titled, “The Minority,” and Norbert Link will present the second split sermon, titled, “Does Your Suffering Last TOO Long?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

Political Earthquakes in Virginia and New Jersey

The New York Post wrote on November 3:

“Election Day Tuesday ended with races that should have been easy wins for Democrats.

“Most dramatically, Republican Glenn Youngkin easily beat Democrat Terry McAuliffe to be governor of Virginia, a state Biden carried by 10 percentage points last year… Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) predicted Youngkin’s victory ‘could be a political earthquake.’

“Gubernatorial election results hung in the balance early Wednesday in New Jersey, a state Biden carried by 16 points a year ago. Incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy — expected to be a shoo-in for the Democrats — remained virtually tied with Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli on Wednesday morning, with the pair less than a percentage point apart and 97 percent of precincts reporting. [In the meantime, The Associated Press projected Murphy to be the winner, but Ciattarelli has so far refused to concede.]

“While former President Donald Trump gave credit to his supporters for the upset in Virginia, political commentators appeared certain that Biden’s disastrous leadership, especially in trying to pass his extreme spending plans, was to blame. ‘The Democratic Party and Joe Biden were elected to solve problems, and all they’re doing is fighting about price tags,’ Doug Herman, a lead strategist for Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns, told Politico…

“Despite potential catastrophe for him in the US, Biden clung to the belief that he had at least been a success in Europe, even while nodding off at important events.”

But China, the largest emitter of greenhouse gas, and Russia did not even participate at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland. Biden added that at least the USA “showed up.” Some “commitments” were made by the countries in attendance, which might not be worth the paper they were written on.

The Guardian wrote:

“… the US was clearly piqued at how little the relentless diplomacy of John Kerry, Biden’s climate envoy, had done to extract deeper emissions cuts from leading carbon polluters. ‘…the Biden administration seems to be turning its back on reality and throwing climate leadership into the toilet,’ said Jeremy Nichols, climate and energy program director for WildEarth Guardians.”

Regarding the prior G20 Meeting in Rome, it also ended without a successful breakthrough.

AFP wrote on October 31:

“The G20 major economies committed on Sunday to the key goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but disappointed leaders warned that more was needed to make a success of UN climate talks, beginning in Glasgow. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the host of the COP26 summit that opened on Sunday, said the pledge from world leaders after two days of talks in Rome was ‘not enough,’ and warned of the dire consequences for the planet… saying the G20 commitments were ‘drops in a rapidly warming ocean.’

“UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also expressed disappointment at the outcome of the G20 summit, saying he left Rome ‘with my hopes unfulfilled — but at least they are not buried.’”

Even accepting that there is something like man-made global warming, nothing will change as the countries which are allegedly mostly responsible will not alter their behavior.

Demoralized Democrats

CNN wrote on November 3:

“Demoralized Democrats need a reckoning after a rough election night that sent serious warning signs that they have misjudged the nation’s mood as their window closes before next year’s midterms.

“While the party feuds over its vast social spending agenda, Republicans are highlighting issues that preoccupy voters more immediately, like a sluggish economy, high gas prices, expensive groceries, crime rates and concerns about the rights of parents to influence what is taught in schools. Those concerns in many cases have been exacerbated by a prolonged pandemic, which President Joe Biden declared all but over in July but that spiked over the summer in a new blow to an exhausted nation’s morale.

“Virginia’s government race especially was seen as a one-year referendum on Biden’s presidency

“In New Jersey… Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy’s squeaker reelection race…  reinforced a sense that the President’s party has lost the country’s confidence

“Biden endured a wretched summer, including a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan that shook confidence in his leadership and dented his approval ratings. It likely hasn’t helped that progressives… have been a dominant force in the party in Washington, playing into GOP claims that the President is hostage to far-left influences in his own party…

“McAuliffe, Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and ex-President Barack Obama all appear to have miscalculated by reasoning that the best way to down Youngkin was to paint him as a Trump clone…”

Reasons why Youngkin Won

Newsmax wrote on November 3:

“Six factors have been key to Glenn Youngkin’s win over former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe; meanwhile, they also help explain why Republican Jack Ciattarelli has come within a hair’s breadth of besting once-popular New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

“Here are the six keys to the GOP’s successes:

“1. Voters reject COVID mask and vaccination lockdowns. Both Republican candidates made clear they opposed harsh lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations and mask requirements. Murphy ordered every child over 2 to mask up, which didn’t sit well with voters.

“2. Black voters didn’t turn out. Black voters were said to be crucial for McAuliffe’s victory, and they did not turn out as they did in 2020. Why? One reason may be mandatory vaccinations. Blacks have been hesitant to take the vaccine…

“3. Biden’s approval numbers have collapsed. The debacle in Afghanistan, a southern border in crisis, soaring inflation and questions about Joe Biden’s age and mental capacity, have created a brew of disenchantment among voters who are giving the president a thumb’s-down rating in approval polls.

“4. Critical race theory backfired. Cultural issues like CRT and gender politics played a major role in the Virginia race. McAuliffe’s claim that parents shouldn’t play a role in what their children are taught, coupled with the recent alleged assault of one female student by a male in a skirt — are issues that rubbed suburban voters who don’t accept ‘woke’ culture the wrong way.

“5. It’s the economy, stupid! Massive supply shortages and soaring inflation may be having a more significant impact on voters’ minds than had been supposed. People are seeing gasoline prices jump, and the party in power is paying the price.

“6. Trump helped Republicans. McAuliffe and Murphy attempted to paint their Republican challengers as puppets of Donald Trump. Trump did not prove a liability at all, though, and he may have even helped. Voters are clearly feeling buyer’s remorse with Biden, as Trump’s own rising poll numbers suggest.”

Another reason why Youngkin won had to do with issues specifically of interest for Virginians, such as substantial reduction of taxes propagated by Youngkin.

Pope Francis: Abortion-Supporter Biden a Good Catholic

Life Site News reported on October 29:

“After their much-anticipated meeting in the Vatican, President Joe Biden said to reporters Pope Francis had told him to ‘keep receiving Communion,’ despite the politician’s continued, public support for abortion and LGBT ideology. Biden [also] asserted that the pontiff ‘was happy I’m a good Catholic,’… As for whether the issue of abortion came up during the meeting, Biden said ‘it didn’t.’…

“News of the Pope’s alleged comments have caused instant consternation amongst Catholics…

“Brother Martin of the Oblates of St. Augustine… wrote briefly, ‘When the Divine Moral Law is treated beneath the authority of any bishop, he has placed himself above God.’

“Matt Gaspers, managing editor of  Catholic Family News, stated: ‘… I wholeheartedly… absolutely condemn the diabolical notion that Biden is “a good Catholic” and “should continue receiving Communion”’… U.K. commentator and author Deacon Nick Donnelly was equally critical of the news, stating that the Pope ‘tells pro-abortion Biden to keep receiving Holy Communion. Thereby, damning Biden and himself.’…

“Rhode Island’s Bishop Thomas Tobin was also swift to react, commenting that ‘I fear that the Church has lost its prophetic voice. Where are the John the Baptists who will confront the Herods of our day?’ Tobin had previously written to the Pope on Twitter, asking him to ‘challenge’ Biden for his support for abortion, which ‘is an embarrassment for the Church and a scandal to the world.’”

The question is: If it is true and not a lie that the topic of abortion did not come up and that Francis told Biden to continue receiving communion (something which some prominent Catholics question on both counts while the Vatican remains suspiciously silent), then who of the two would be the greater hypocrite?

Biden a Pathological Liar?

Breitbart wrote on October 30:

“Catholic League President Bill Donohue said Friday he maintains a ‘healthy skepticism’ about President Joe Biden’s unconfirmed claim that Pope Francis called him a ‘good Catholic’ and encouraged him to ‘keep receiving Communion.’… Donohue writes that ‘Biden is a pathological liar,’ which makes his account of the meeting dubious at best.

“The president’s promiscuous relationship with the truth goes back over 50 years, Donohue observes, and involves repeated episodes of plagiarism, reversal of facts, misremembering, and arrant tale-telling, all of which have been confirmed by left-wing outlets like Slate and the Washington Post, which are firmly in Biden’s corner…

“The Washington Post documented a series of lies Biden told about his academic credentials… More recently, the Post also published a list of 78 false or misleading statements Biden had made in his first 100 days in office….”

To be fair, Pope Francis also made some controversial statements in the past which the Vatican subsequently retracted or “clarified.”

Biden—the Weak Beggar-in-Chief?

The New York Post wrote on October 30:

“Another week, another series of fumbling, mumbling and disasters. How low can Joe Biden go? Once again, the common theme was weakness. At home and abroad, he is shrinking the presidency before our eyes. The diminished commander in chief visited his party members in Congress Thursday and was reduced to pleading for them to save his bacon… It was an extraordinary moment for a president, the ostensible leader of his party, but in reality this one is a beggar-in-chief. His focus was on the fate of two massive pieces of legislation, worth $3 trillion combined, even though the larger of the two hadn’t been written and major issues, including whose taxes would be raised, were still hotly disputed.

“Nonetheless, with his job approval tanking and needing anything he could call a victory… the president was desperate for signs of progress. Even a mere promise that both bills would eventually be passed would have been something he could boast about. Instead… Sanders, the Vermont socialist, flatly rejected the president’s request to pass the separate infrastructure deal first and urged his fellow travelers in the House to say no, which they promptly did.

“So the man who is supposed to be the leader of the free world cannot even lead his own party, meaning Biden headed for Europe bearing nothing except embarrassment.

“On Friday in Rome, he was again the pleader-in-chief, this time seeking forgiveness from French President Emmanuel Macron after a rupture in relations over a nuclear submarine deal in which Australia backed out of a deal with France and switched to one with the US and Great Britain. [Biden] called events around the Australian deal ‘clumsy’ and confessed he was not up to speed when the deal was announced.

“… Even live coverage of Biden’s meeting with the pope was canceled by Vatican TV with a few minutes airing later. Why not show the whole thing?… Friday brought a disaster of another sort in the form of a report on the administration’s plan to pay up to $1 billion to illegal migrant families separated at the border by the Trump administration…”

Biden’s presidency has been nothing but disaster and failure.

Pope Francis a Warrior for Peace?

npr wrote on October 29:

“Biden gave Francis a challenge coin with the seal of the United States on one side and the insignia of the president’s late son Beau Biden’s Delaware National Guard unit on the other. The president told the pontiff that such coins are given to ‘warriors and leaders.’

“‘You are the most significant warrior for peace that I have ever met, and with your permission, I’d like to be able to give you a coin,’ Biden said.”

Even though Biden ostensibly referred to the Pope as a warrior for the fight for peace (where there is no peace) and against climate change, calling the pope a “warrior” brings back many dark memories of the Catholic Church’s misconduct in times past.

Poland Preparing for War

The Associated Press wrote on October 26:

“Poland’s ruling party leader presented plans Tuesday for a bill to ‘defend the fatherland,’ legislation he said is aimed at ‘radically’ strengthening the military as the country faces migration pressure from its eastern neighbor Belarus. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who holds the position of deputy prime minister but is undisputedly the most powerful politician in Poland, said… ‘If we want to avoid the worst, that is war, we have to act according to the old rule: “If you want peace, prepare for war.”’

But preparing for war will NEVER lead to peace.

Build-up of Russian Troops at Ukraine Border

The Washington Post wrote on October 30:

“A renewed buildup of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border has raised concern among some officials in the United States and Europe who are tracking what they consider irregular movements of equipment and personnel on Russia’s western flank… The renewed movements of Russian forces in the area come as the Kremlin embraces a harder line on Ukraine. Russian officials from President Vladimir Putin on down have escalated their rhetoric in recent months, attacking Kyiv’s Western ties and even questioning its sovereignty. Putin has warned that any expansion of NATO military infrastructure on Ukrainian territory represents a ‘red line’ for Moscow.

“The situation also comes as the simmering 7½-year conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists in the eastern Donbas region enters a new stage. On Oct. 26, Ukraine’s military confirmed it had used a Turkish-made drone against a position in Donbas, the first time Kyiv has employed the technology in combat, prompting an outcry from Moscow.

“Relations between Moscow and NATO are especially tense. Russia suspended its mission to NATO in Brussels on Oct. 18 after the alliance expelled eight members of the Russian mission on accusations of espionage. What the Russian forces gathering near the Ukrainian border are doing is unclear… Officials in the United States and Europe began noticing the movements particularly in recent weeks, after Russia concluded a massive joint military exercise with Belarus known as Zapad 2021 on its western flank in mid-September.

“… satellite imagery shows that forces from Russia’s 41st Combined Arms Army, normally based in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, didn’t return to Siberia after the exercises, and instead linked up with other Russian forces near the Ukrainian border… imagery appears to show that Russia’s 1st Guards Tank Army, an elite unit based outside Moscow, is moving personnel and materiel toward Ukraine… the number of Russian troops deployed around the Ukrainian border [is estimated] at 80,000 to 90,000, not including the tens of thousands stationed in Crimea…

“Putin said formal NATO membership for Ukraine may never happen, ‘but military expansion on the territory is already underway, and this really poses a threat to the Russian Federation.’ Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president and now the deputy head of Russia’s security council, called Ukraine a ‘vassal state’ that is ‘under direct foreign control’…”

Ultimately, Ukraine will be collaborating with Russia against Europe.

Russia’s Major Attack on Europe

Express wrote on November 3:

“VLADIMIR PUTIN has stopped gas deliveries and drastically cut back on other supplies in what has been described as ‘a major attack on Europe.’

“Since Saturday, ’state-owned Russian gas supplier Gazprom has not been delivering gas to Germany through its Yamal pipeline via Poland. And since Sunday, Putin’s gas giant has only been transporting half as much gas through Ukraine to Austria and southern Germany.  The situation is becoming more and more critical for German and other European consumers, with a lack of supplies pushing up prices

“The resulting consequences of the action could see the pressure on the network drop, causing the entire pipe system in Ukraine to become unusable. Ukrainian presidential advisor Andrij Yermak warned of a collapse of the Ukrainian gas network to Europe, as the pressure on the pipelines is now simply too low. ‘Ukraine’s transit capacity is only 19 percent full. If the reduction in flows continues, the EU will lose the reliable Ukrainian route forever,’ said Mr Yermak.”

In the future, frightening rumors from Russia and other Far Eastern countries will prompt a united Europe to attack those regions militarily.

EU—the authoritarian Empire

Express wrote on October 27:

“Calling the EU an ‘authoritarian empire’, the Deputy Research Director and Head of Transport at the Institute for Economic Affairs Richard Wellings retweeted an article claiming the EU was ‘treating Poland like a Colony’. He said: ‘The EU is becoming an authoritarian empire, threatening and blackmailing member states that defy the elite’s agenda.

“‘The coercion will get far worse once the EU Army is in place’, he added.”

That is undoubtedly true.

Europeans’ “Need” to Act Together

The Diplomat wrote on October 28:

“Wars… seldom appear as thunderbolts from a clear sky; they are usually preceded by expressed intentions to use force if necessary, combined with the steady build-up of military capabilities. There is no question that China is becoming increasingly assertive on the global stage and increasingly aggressive in its own region…

“Europe must define what collective defense would look like without the United States, especially now that the U.S. is no longer able to carry out a ‘Two-War Strategy,’ the simultaneous waging and winning of wars against two great powers on different continents.

“… the choice between either supporting the United States or staying away from confrontation will affect Europe’s security and prosperity for decades. A decision on this must therefore be taken long before a crisis erupts… and should be coordinated by European states. As a first step, this subject must be included on the European Council agenda in the near future. A decision of this magnitude is too important to be left to politicians in the middle of the night.”

European states WILL coordinate their defense, and it will not be in support of the USA.

Europe’s Fight Against the Jews

JTA wrote on October 27:

“The highest court in Greece has ruled against allowing ritual slaughter, fulfilling fears that some Jewish leaders voiced last year after the European Union’s top court ruled in support of such bans. Last December, the EU’s highest court upheld the bans imposed in regions of Belgium against slaughtering animals for meat without stunning them first. The ruling meant that slaughter in accordance with Jewish law, which requires animals be conscious when their necks are cut, would be prohibited in those regions, as it is in some other parts of Europe…

“In 2011, the Netherlands briefly joined several EU countries where ritual slaughter is illegal, including Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Slovenia. The Dutch Senate reversed the ban in 2012, citing freedom of worship. Poland also outlawed the practice in 2013 but has since scaled back the ban to include only meat for export.

“The bans on kosher slaughter, or shechitah, are part of a struggle across Europe between animal welfare activists and Muslim and Jewish community representatives… A similar fight is unfolding around nonmedical circumcision of boys, or brit milah in Jewish tradition.”

Anti-Semitism raises its ugly head, at first, in little steps, but it will grow and is only a matter of time…

Boris Johnson’s Sick and Bizarre “Joke”

Express wrote on October 26:

“In a bizarre exchange with children on Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson… attacked the plastics industry, called for more eating of synthetic meat, and even suggested feeding humans to animals...

“In response to the comments, Brexit leader Nigel Farage questioned if the Prime Minister had started drinking again, saying that the PM seems to have ‘lost his marbles’… While Mr Johnson was apparently making the comments in jest, the green movement has long called for population control as a means of reducing carbon emissions and thereby supposedly saving the world from climate change.”

The fight against so-called (unproven) man-made climate change or global warming produces more and more bizarre ideas.

USA and EU the “Closest” of Friends?

Express wrote on October 30:

“Joe Biden announced in a speech at the end of the G20 Summit in Rome the US and the European Union had agreed to a carbon-based arrangement on aluminium and steel. President Biden also confirmed tariffs introduced on such traded goods under his predecessor Donald Trump in 2018 would be removed. Mr Biden remarked the deal with the ‘closest of friends’ marked an important step in the US relationship with the bloc… Under the new agreement, to run for two years, the Trump-era tariffs will remain but only for imports of the metals exceeding set quotas…

“European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis, who oversees trade for the 27-nation bloc, described the deal as a pause rather than an end to the dispute. ‘It’s a major step in the right direction… but it’s really not the final destination, which should be a complete withdrawal of the tariffs,’ he told a media briefing.

“The deal should also bring to an end EU retaliatory tariffs on products ranging from U.S. bourbon to Harley Davidson motorbikes. The EU had planned to double many of the tariffs in December.”

Joe Biden’s naivety is astounding, if he is honest in his remarks and if he is not just using common political rhetoric without any substance. In any event, Britain was quick in pointing out that according to Biden, the EU, and not the UK, is America’s “closest” friend.

Germans Skeptical of Vaccines

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 29:

“In most German cities, you have to be vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 recently in order to enjoy indoor activities like eating at a restaurant or going to the cinema… A poll carried out by the research firm Forsa on behalf of the German Health Ministry found that 65% of the unvaccinated have no plans to get their COVID-19 jab in the next two months; A further 23% would ‘probably not’ do so; Just 2% said they planned to get a vaccine but hadn’t been able to yet. 89% accused the media of ‘one-sided’ reporting about the pandemic

“Some of the reasons included the feeling that they were being coerced into doing so or a perceived lack of clarity over whether vaccines are safe for people who are pregnant or trying to conceive. The biggest concern amongst the unvaccinated, at 34%, was what they called the lack of ‘long-term’ studies into possible side effects

“66.5% of Germans are fully vaccinated…”

The concerns of many Germans should not be dismissed outright. However, Angela Merkel just said that her past decision to lock down the people was correct, and she warned about an indifferent attitude or a “certain recklessness” of many Germans towards corona. Health Minister Jens Spahn is promoting booster shots, for which he was heavily criticized by the Union of Doctors (“Ärzteschaft”) as being completely unnecessary and constituting “blind actionism” (“blinder Aktionismus”). The political propaganda in Germany is ongoing.

Huge Profits for Big Pharma

Reuters reported on November 2:

Pfizer Inc on Tuesday said it expected 2021 sales of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with German partner BioNTech SE to reach $36 billion and forecast another $29 billion from the shot in 2022… Analysts have said that Pfizer and other COVID-19 vaccine makers stand to reap billions of dollars from annual vaccine boosters over the next few years.”

And now, with the FDA’s approval and the CDA’s subsequent endorsement of Pfizer’s Covid vaccinations for 28 million children as young as 5 years old, the profits of Big Pharma will undoubtedly rise astronomically.

Gender Neutral Nonsense

npr wrote on October 30:

“In Germany, the debate about gender-neutral and inclusive language is complicated by grammar. Just as in many other languages, gender in German isn’t denoted by personal pronouns alone. German nouns that refer to people have traditionally been masculine or feminine. So, a male citizen is a Bürger and a female citizen is a Bürgerin. But in the plural, the masculine is traditionally used by default — a point that’s been contentious at least as far back as the second wave of feminism in the 1960s.

“In 2018, a new federal law stipulated that all forms of ID — from birth certificates to passports — must include three options: male, female and diverse, all of which can even be left blank.

“Since then, gender-neutral language has become more commonplace. German airline Lufthansa recently ditched the phrase ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ German scholars are preparing a gender-neutral edition of the Bible and in some cities — like Hanover — there’s an official directive about using gender-neutral words…

“In 2019, Hanover became the first state capital to mandate the use of gender-neutral language in all official communication, from emails to brochures and posters. It deployed what’s known as the ‘gender star,’ an asterisk placed within a noun to indicate it refers to men, women and nonbinary people alike. For instance, the word for all citizens became Bürger*innen.”

Of course, this utter nonsense is not limited to Germany.

npr reported on October 27:

“The U.S. State Department has issued the first official passport with the gender marker ‘X,’ a change the Biden administration promised this year in order to make the documents more inclusive for people who identify as nonbinary, intersex or gender-nonconforming… Also, in June the department announced that it would immediately start allowing applicants to select ‘M’ or ‘F’ as their gender without providing any medical certification if their choice doesn’t match their gender on other documents…

“The change brings the U.S. in line with several other nations that already issue passports with gender markers other than just ‘F’ or ‘M,’ including Canada, Australia, India, Malta, Nepal and New Zealand.

It is interesting that many of these nations are either descendants of the ancient House of Israel or that they were once colonies and part of the British Commonwealth. No wonder God is very angry with all of them.

Teaching of White Privilege “Racist” and “Extremist”

The Daily Mail wrote on October 31:

“MPs have been warned that the teaching of ‘white privilege’ is ‘rife’ in schools following a dossier that revealed pupils are being given ‘politically based’ lessons on police, racism and colonialism. Teachers are facing accusations of introducing pupils to ‘politically based’ learning materials in lessons about racism, colonialism and the police.

“Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi[‘s] intervention came in response to a report by the Commons education committee, which said that teaching white privilege could be against the Equality Act. The report added that telling children they are different because of their race is unlawful.

“Tory MP Jonathon Gullis said earlier this month that the phrase ‘white privilege’ was ‘racist and extremist.’”

The idea is, white people should apologize for being white. What lunacy!

The New Global Order

Life Site wrote on October 29:

“The label on the political party in power may say ‘Democrat’ or ‘Republican’ but what’s happening all around you? If you see friends and relatives in what’s supposed to be a free society being fired from their jobs – critical jobs like nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, soldiers and truck drivers – because they won’t concede to having an unknown experimental substance injected into their bodies, then you should not hesitate to take this at face value….

“We are living in a critical juncture in history. A relatively small cadre of very wealthy, very powerful elites are pushing us hard to accept a new system of corporate communism, actually more like fascism, in which an insanely bloated government has teamed up with big business to force the people to accept an agenda that many feel uncomfortable with. These elites, with their buddies in the corporate media, use fear-based propaganda to stir up hatred for the non-compliant, while pressuring everyone – man, woman and child – to submit to the ‘new normal.’… the message coming from Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Religion and Big Government is simple and direct – conform or get left behind.

Pope Francis and powerful evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham are also on board with this new global order, rebranded by the World Economic Forum as the Great Reset. So are the most important political leaders of both parties. In fact, any leader of people who pushes the idea of mandated universal injections is on board…

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the NIH funded a barbaric experiment at the University of Pittsburgh that involved grafting the scalps of 5-month aborted babies onto ‘humanized’ mice and rats. He funded another study at a North African lab in Tunisia in which 44 Beagle puppies were infected with disease-causing parasites, after which some had their vocal chords removed so scientists could work on them without having to endure their incessant barking as they died slow, painful deaths.

“This is the same Dr. Fauci who parents are being asked to trust for advice regarding the vaccination of their children. He appears daily in the big corporate media outlets making it his top priority to deceive parents into offering up their children to the COVID-vaccine experiment. He says he wants every child injected by the end of the year with his gene-altering ‘vaccine,’ despite the data showing children under 18 have a 99.998 percent statistical chance of surviving COVID. He’s making the rounds on all the major media spreading lies about the dangers of COVID to children and how safe and effective the experimental mRNA serum will be for kids ages 5 to 11…

“Dr. Richard Besser, a pediatrician and former acting director of the CDC, told CNN on October 22 that U.S. pediatricians will ‘push much harder’ for the COVID vaccines in children than in most other countries…  the pressure for parents to comply will be intense…”

The comparison with the rise of fascism in the USA and elsewhere is remarkable. The term “Nazi” is actually an abbreviation for “national socialism.”

US Government Funds Terrible Experiments

In the Ron Paul Institute, the Ron Paul Weekly Column stated on November 1:

“If people who torture animals are psychopaths, then what are government officials who use taxpayer dollars to fund animal torture? Many are asking this question in the wake of revelations that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci… funded medical ‘research’ involving the torture of puppies. This led… People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to call for his resignation.

“The puppy torture story was followed by disclosures that the federal government funded the testing of experimental AIDS vaccines on orphans. Many of the orphans used as human guinea pigs subsequently died, and nurses who assisted in these experiments reported that many children got sick immediately after receiving the vaccines.

“Testing dangerous drugs on orphans and torturing puppies in the name of ‘science’ is certainly shocking, but is it really surprising that [the] government would fund these types of activities?…”

Sadly, no. Satan is the god of this world and as the prince of darkness, he is ruling and deceiving mankind.

The Attacks on Religious Liberty

The New York Post wrote on October 30:

“Up until roughly April 2021, between 60 and 80 percent of US states had either numeric or percentage cap restrictions on houses of worship. In some cases, the restrictions were so severe that church meetings, regardless of size, were not permitted… 39 percent of households were not able to attend worship regularly as of August 2020 (that’s about 128 million Americans)…

“These restrictions may seem unique to the pandemic, but they’re not. They come at a time when, by various measures, religious liberty is being attacked… The United States experienced a 35.1 percent decline in religious freedom overall between 2006 and 2018

“That trend is not unique to just the United States. In fact, the decline in religious freedom is concentrated among countries that historically have ranked high in economic freedom…

“These indefinite restrictions on freedom contradict the ideals on which America was founded — and we now have the data to prove they deteriorate social capital and mental health, too.”

But it will only get worse, not better. And when religious freedom is restored in some way, it will be the false religion.

Like in Nazi Germany

JTA wrote on October 30:

“A prominent rabbi in the Netherlands compared her country’s COVID-19 safety measures to the policies of Nazi Germany… Tamarah Benima, an outspoken 71-year-old Reform rabbi from Amsterdam, made the comparison on Thursday in a speech in the northern Dutch city of Leeuwarden. ‘Scientists worldwide apparently allowed themselves over the past 1 and a half years to be led toward totalitarian thinking,’ she said of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in December 2019. ‘What doesn’t fit their perspective must be silenced… as a Jew, what happened in Nazi Germany is a warning to me… don’t play with fire by setting aside people in our society as “a danger to public health,” as Health Minister Hugo De Jonge regularly does.’…

“At least three Dutch Jewish groups have condemned Benima’s statements. The Central Jewish Board of the Netherlands, the country’s largest Jewish umbrella group, said her comparison is ‘contrary to our values and shows a complete lack of realism.’ The Netherlands Association for Progressive Judaism ‘strongly rejects the irresponsible and offensive comparisons,’ that group said in a statement.

“Comparisons between COVID-19 public health measures and Nazism have proliferated in recent months throughout Europe and beyond. The wearing of yellow stars at protests against COVID-19 measures in Europe specifically have drawn sharp condemnations by Jewish groups.”

These Jewish groups are as blind as the rest, being (willfully?) ignorant as to what is happening in the world…

The Stupidity of Witch-Hunts

The Daily Mail wrote on October 30:

“Showbiz people are always keen on saving the planet – but private jets don’t count because everybody knows that only dirty commercial flights cause pollution. Rather like food not really having calories if you eat it standing up… Now the transgender crusade has struck a chord in Hollywood… America has Hollywood; the UK has the BBC… Hollywood and the BBC both fetishise diversity of colour while quashing diversity of views.

“For the BBC, the transgender debate was a glorious dawn… asking its staff to declare preferred pronouns in email signatures, be they ‘she/her’, ‘he/him’ or ‘they/them’… It turned on itself in a racism-routing fit of zealotry, removing episodes of… excellent comedy shows…

“In the past decade or so many words have changed their meaning. ‘Brave’, for instance, once meant rescuing orphans from burning buildings, but now means talking about one’s troubles in public. How is it brave to have a miscarriage? It’s sad and awful – but brave? If miscarrying is brave, what are firefighters?

“The word ‘diversity’ once meant a pleasingly wide range of viewpoints, but now means a selection of variously hued people all parroting the same liberal establishment platitudes…

“Did the long and splendid story that began with the invention of the printing press around 1436 really have to end up here? With publishing employees – who would seemingly be happier burning books than editing them – crying because they didn’t like the words?… And, amid the stupidity of these witch-hunts, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 995

The Minority / Does Your Suffering Last TOO Long?

On October 6, 2021, Michael Link will present the first split sermon, titled, “The Minority,” and Norbert Link will present the second split sermon, titled, “Does Your Suffering Last TOO Long?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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For the Good of All

by Rene Messier (Canada)

I was watching a science fiction movie where the two main actors were willing to sacrifice their lives in response to a technical threat to the entire planet. They did it without reservation for the good of mankind which had been greatly reduced by this advanced machine technology.

About two thousand years ago, a Man faced an angry crowd, inspired by Satan, demanding His crucifixion, even though He had done no wrong. He did not cry out to profess His innocence; He did not whine or complain, but He took it all in stride because He knew that His sufferings and death were preordained and necessary for the ultimate good of mankind. That Man was Jesus Christ. He was rejected, persecuted, mocked, scorned, spit upon, punched, scourged, crucified and eventually killed by a Roman soldier’s spear which pierced His side—knowing that all of this was prophesied long before His death.

Why would He do that, since He had done no wrong and was innocent of the charges laid against Him?

He did it for the good of mankind, even though the world then or today did not and does not understand the scope or grasp the significance of His sacrifice. He did it so that man could ultimately fulfill his destiny to become God beings—to offer salvation by His blood for mankind, which was and is totally unappreciated at this time.

He attained perfection as a man through the things He suffered—learning how He could stay obedient in the face of trials. Not that He was ever disobedient, but He had to experience what it is like to be a man and not to sin. As a spirit being and the second member of the God Family prior to becoming a man, He never had to go through these kinds of physical sufferings to “learn” obedience.

As a man, He set a perfect example for us and gave us an important lesson, in that we are perfected through trials and suffering.  If you look at a silver bar, you will see stamped into it 99.9999 %, which means, almost all the impurities have been removed from it. As silver ore, it is melted down and the dross comes to the surface, which are the impurities within it, and they are skimmed off. This process may be done several times to achieve the 99.9999 percentage state.

As Psalm 66:10 clearly states: “For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined.”

Our trials and our sufferings which we face are purifying us towards perfection, so that we can become immortal God beings in the God Family. Furthermore, we will receive a golden crown, gold being the most perfect metal in the physical existence. We will achieve the gold standard, and we will also be given a white robe, signifying righteousness or our righteous acts, because at that time we will be perfect and totally righteous before our God.

I know, trials are not easy, and some of us have gone through quite some serious ones since observing the Feast of Tabernacles, but if you look at them as being perfected towards becoming a God being, they are easier to bear.

Paul said the sufferings in this world were all worth it to attain salvation in the Kingdom of God, so let us not let trials affect us in any negative way, but let us look forward to being in the Kingdom because the current trials and sufferings are preparing us to become God beings.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with reports on the political earthquakes in Virginia and New Jersey [please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Political Earthquakes in Virginia and New Jersey” ]; the unsuccessful G20 meeting in Rome and the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow; and the controversial meeting between President Biden and Pope Francis as well as Biden’s other [dangerous] embarrassments. We address troublesome developments involving Poland, Russia and Ukraine; and we speak on the authoritarian and persecuting conduct by the European Union. We also point out inappropriate statements by Boris Johnson and some silly comments by Joe Biden, causing immediate rebuke from the Brits.

We address the skepticism of many Germans regarding more vaccines; Big Pharma’s huge profits; and the “gender-neutral” and “white privilege” nonsense. We continue with extremely troubling articles on the “new global order”; governmental funding of despicable experiments; and the attacks on religious liberty.

We conclude with frightening [overlooked] warnings of the resurgence of the Nazi culture; and the stupidity of modern witch-hunts.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Political Earthquakes in Virginia and New Jersey

The New York Post wrote on November 3:

“Election Day Tuesday ended with races that should have been easy wins for Democrats.

“Most dramatically, Republican Glenn Youngkin easily beat Democrat Terry McAuliffe to be governor of Virginia, a state Biden carried by 10 percentage points last year… Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) predicted Youngkin’s victory ‘could be a political earthquake.’

“Gubernatorial election results hung in the balance early Wednesday in New Jersey, a state Biden carried by 16 points a year ago. Incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy — expected to be a shoo-in for the Democrats — remained virtually tied with Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli on Wednesday morning, with the pair less than a percentage point apart and 97 percent of precincts reporting. [In the meantime, The Associated Press projected Murphy to be the winner, but Ciattarelli has so far refused to concede.]

“While former President Donald Trump gave credit to his supporters for the upset in Virginia, political commentators appeared certain that Biden’s disastrous leadership, especially in trying to pass his extreme spending plans, was to blame. ‘The Democratic Party and Joe Biden were elected to solve problems, and all they’re doing is fighting about price tags,’ Doug Herman, a lead strategist for Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns, told Politico…

“Despite potential catastrophe for him in the US, Biden clung to the belief that he had at least been a success in Europe, even while nodding off at important events.”

But China, the largest emitter of greenhouse gas, and Russia did not even participate at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland. Biden added that at least the USA “showed up.” Some “commitments” were made by the countries in attendance, which might not be worth the paper they were written on.

The Guardian wrote:

“… the US was clearly piqued at how little the relentless diplomacy of John Kerry, Biden’s climate envoy, had done to extract deeper emissions cuts from leading carbon polluters. ‘…the Biden administration seems to be turning its back on reality and throwing climate leadership into the toilet,’ said Jeremy Nichols, climate and energy program director for WildEarth Guardians.”

Regarding the prior G20 Meeting in Rome, it also ended without a successful breakthrough.

AFP wrote on October 31:

“The G20 major economies committed on Sunday to the key goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but disappointed leaders warned that more was needed to make a success of UN climate talks, beginning in Glasgow. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the host of the COP26 summit that opened on Sunday, said the pledge from world leaders after two days of talks in Rome was ‘not enough,’ and warned of the dire consequences for the planet… saying the G20 commitments were ‘drops in a rapidly warming ocean.’

“UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also expressed disappointment at the outcome of the G20 summit, saying he left Rome ‘with my hopes unfulfilled — but at least they are not buried.’”

Even accepting that there is something like man-made global warming, nothing will change as the countries which are allegedly mostly responsible will not alter their behavior.

Demoralized Democrats

CNN wrote on November 3:

“Demoralized Democrats need a reckoning after a rough election night that sent serious warning signs that they have misjudged the nation’s mood as their window closes before next year’s midterms.

“While the party feuds over its vast social spending agenda, Republicans are highlighting issues that preoccupy voters more immediately, like a sluggish economy, high gas prices, expensive groceries, crime rates and concerns about the rights of parents to influence what is taught in schools. Those concerns in many cases have been exacerbated by a prolonged pandemic, which President Joe Biden declared all but over in July but that spiked over the summer in a new blow to an exhausted nation’s morale.

“Virginia’s government race especially was seen as a one-year referendum on Biden’s presidency

“In New Jersey… Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy’s squeaker reelection race…  reinforced a sense that the President’s party has lost the country’s confidence

“Biden endured a wretched summer, including a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan that shook confidence in his leadership and dented his approval ratings. It likely hasn’t helped that progressives… have been a dominant force in the party in Washington, playing into GOP claims that the President is hostage to far-left influences in his own party…

“McAuliffe, Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and ex-President Barack Obama all appear to have miscalculated by reasoning that the best way to down Youngkin was to paint him as a Trump clone…”

Reasons why Youngkin Won

Newsmax wrote on November 3:

“Six factors have been key to Glenn Youngkin’s win over former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe; meanwhile, they also help explain why Republican Jack Ciattarelli has come within a hair’s breadth of besting once-popular New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

“Here are the six keys to the GOP’s successes:

“1. Voters reject COVID mask and vaccination lockdowns. Both Republican candidates made clear they opposed harsh lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations and mask requirements. Murphy ordered every child over 2 to mask up, which didn’t sit well with voters.

“2. Black voters didn’t turn out. Black voters were said to be crucial for McAuliffe’s victory, and they did not turn out as they did in 2020. Why? One reason may be mandatory vaccinations. Blacks have been hesitant to take the vaccine…

“3. Biden’s approval numbers have collapsed. The debacle in Afghanistan, a southern border in crisis, soaring inflation and questions about Joe Biden’s age and mental capacity, have created a brew of disenchantment among voters who are giving the president a thumb’s-down rating in approval polls.

“4. Critical race theory backfired. Cultural issues like CRT and gender politics played a major role in the Virginia race. McAuliffe’s claim that parents shouldn’t play a role in what their children are taught, coupled with the recent alleged assault of one female student by a male in a skirt — are issues that rubbed suburban voters who don’t accept ‘woke’ culture the wrong way.

“5. It’s the economy, stupid! Massive supply shortages and soaring inflation may be having a more significant impact on voters’ minds than had been supposed. People are seeing gasoline prices jump, and the party in power is paying the price.

“6. Trump helped Republicans. McAuliffe and Murphy attempted to paint their Republican challengers as puppets of Donald Trump. Trump did not prove a liability at all, though, and he may have even helped. Voters are clearly feeling buyer’s remorse with Biden, as Trump’s own rising poll numbers suggest.”

Another reason why Youngkin won had to do with issues specifically of interest for Virginians, such as substantial reduction of taxes propagated by Youngkin.

Pope Francis: Abortion-Supporter Biden a Good Catholic

Life Site News reported on October 29:

“After their much-anticipated meeting in the Vatican, President Joe Biden said to reporters Pope Francis had told him to ‘keep receiving Communion,’ despite the politician’s continued, public support for abortion and LGBT ideology. Biden [also] asserted that the pontiff ‘was happy I’m a good Catholic,’… As for whether the issue of abortion came up during the meeting, Biden said ‘it didn’t.’…

“News of the Pope’s alleged comments have caused instant consternation amongst Catholics…

“Brother Martin of the Oblates of St. Augustine… wrote briefly, ‘When the Divine Moral Law is treated beneath the authority of any bishop, he has placed himself above God.’

“Matt Gaspers, managing editor of  Catholic Family News, stated: ‘… I wholeheartedly… absolutely condemn the diabolical notion that Biden is “a good Catholic” and “should continue receiving Communion”’… U.K. commentator and author Deacon Nick Donnelly was equally critical of the news, stating that the Pope ‘tells pro-abortion Biden to keep receiving Holy Communion. Thereby, damning Biden and himself.’…

“Rhode Island’s Bishop Thomas Tobin was also swift to react, commenting that ‘I fear that the Church has lost its prophetic voice. Where are the John the Baptists who will confront the Herods of our day?’ Tobin had previously written to the Pope on Twitter, asking him to ‘challenge’ Biden for his support for abortion, which ‘is an embarrassment for the Church and a scandal to the world.’”

The question is: If it is true and not a lie that the topic of abortion did not come up and that Francis told Biden to continue receiving communion (something which some prominent Catholics question on both counts while the Vatican remains suspiciously silent), then who of the two would be the greater hypocrite?

Biden a Pathological Liar?

Breitbart wrote on October 30:

“Catholic League President Bill Donohue said Friday he maintains a ‘healthy skepticism’ about President Joe Biden’s unconfirmed claim that Pope Francis called him a ‘good Catholic’ and encouraged him to ‘keep receiving Communion.’… Donohue writes that ‘Biden is a pathological liar,’ which makes his account of the meeting dubious at best.

“The president’s promiscuous relationship with the truth goes back over 50 years, Donohue observes, and involves repeated episodes of plagiarism, reversal of facts, misremembering, and arrant tale-telling, all of which have been confirmed by left-wing outlets like Slate and the Washington Post, which are firmly in Biden’s corner…

“The Washington Post documented a series of lies Biden told about his academic credentials… More recently, the Post also published a list of 78 false or misleading statements Biden had made in his first 100 days in office….”

To be fair, Pope Francis also made some controversial statements in the past which the Vatican subsequently retracted or “clarified.”

Biden—the Weak Beggar-in-Chief?

The New York Post wrote on October 30:

“Another week, another series of fumbling, mumbling and disasters. How low can Joe Biden go? Once again, the common theme was weakness. At home and abroad, he is shrinking the presidency before our eyes. The diminished commander in chief visited his party members in Congress Thursday and was reduced to pleading for them to save his bacon… It was an extraordinary moment for a president, the ostensible leader of his party, but in reality this one is a beggar-in-chief. His focus was on the fate of two massive pieces of legislation, worth $3 trillion combined, even though the larger of the two hadn’t been written and major issues, including whose taxes would be raised, were still hotly disputed.

“Nonetheless, with his job approval tanking and needing anything he could call a victory… the president was desperate for signs of progress. Even a mere promise that both bills would eventually be passed would have been something he could boast about. Instead… Sanders, the Vermont socialist, flatly rejected the president’s request to pass the separate infrastructure deal first and urged his fellow travelers in the House to say no, which they promptly did.

“So the man who is supposed to be the leader of the free world cannot even lead his own party, meaning Biden headed for Europe bearing nothing except embarrassment.

“On Friday in Rome, he was again the pleader-in-chief, this time seeking forgiveness from French President Emmanuel Macron after a rupture in relations over a nuclear submarine deal in which Australia backed out of a deal with France and switched to one with the US and Great Britain. [Biden] called events around the Australian deal ‘clumsy’ and confessed he was not up to speed when the deal was announced.

“… Even live coverage of Biden’s meeting with the pope was canceled by Vatican TV with a few minutes airing later. Why not show the whole thing?… Friday brought a disaster of another sort in the form of a report on the administration’s plan to pay up to $1 billion to illegal migrant families separated at the border by the Trump administration…”

Biden’s presidency has been nothing but disaster and failure.

Pope Francis a Warrior for Peace?

npr wrote on October 29:

“Biden gave Francis a challenge coin with the seal of the United States on one side and the insignia of the president’s late son Beau Biden’s Delaware National Guard unit on the other. The president told the pontiff that such coins are given to ‘warriors and leaders.’

“‘You are the most significant warrior for peace that I have ever met, and with your permission, I’d like to be able to give you a coin,’ Biden said.”

Even though Biden ostensibly referred to the Pope as a warrior for the fight for peace (where there is no peace) and against climate change, calling the pope a “warrior” brings back many dark memories of the Catholic Church’s misconduct in times past.

Poland Preparing for War

The Associated Press wrote on October 26:

“Poland’s ruling party leader presented plans Tuesday for a bill to ‘defend the fatherland,’ legislation he said is aimed at ‘radically’ strengthening the military as the country faces migration pressure from its eastern neighbor Belarus. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who holds the position of deputy prime minister but is undisputedly the most powerful politician in Poland, said… ‘If we want to avoid the worst, that is war, we have to act according to the old rule: “If you want peace, prepare for war.”’

But preparing for war will NEVER lead to peace.

Build-up of Russian Troops at Ukraine Border

The Washington Post wrote on October 30:

“A renewed buildup of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border has raised concern among some officials in the United States and Europe who are tracking what they consider irregular movements of equipment and personnel on Russia’s western flank… The renewed movements of Russian forces in the area come as the Kremlin embraces a harder line on Ukraine. Russian officials from President Vladimir Putin on down have escalated their rhetoric in recent months, attacking Kyiv’s Western ties and even questioning its sovereignty. Putin has warned that any expansion of NATO military infrastructure on Ukrainian territory represents a ‘red line’ for Moscow.

“The situation also comes as the simmering 7½-year conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists in the eastern Donbas region enters a new stage. On Oct. 26, Ukraine’s military confirmed it had used a Turkish-made drone against a position in Donbas, the first time Kyiv has employed the technology in combat, prompting an outcry from Moscow.

“Relations between Moscow and NATO are especially tense. Russia suspended its mission to NATO in Brussels on Oct. 18 after the alliance expelled eight members of the Russian mission on accusations of espionage. What the Russian forces gathering near the Ukrainian border are doing is unclear… Officials in the United States and Europe began noticing the movements particularly in recent weeks, after Russia concluded a massive joint military exercise with Belarus known as Zapad 2021 on its western flank in mid-September.

“… satellite imagery shows that forces from Russia’s 41st Combined Arms Army, normally based in the Siberian city of Novosibirsk, didn’t return to Siberia after the exercises, and instead linked up with other Russian forces near the Ukrainian border… imagery appears to show that Russia’s 1st Guards Tank Army, an elite unit based outside Moscow, is moving personnel and materiel toward Ukraine… the number of Russian troops deployed around the Ukrainian border [is estimated] at 80,000 to 90,000, not including the tens of thousands stationed in Crimea…

“Putin said formal NATO membership for Ukraine may never happen, ‘but military expansion on the territory is already underway, and this really poses a threat to the Russian Federation.’ Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president and now the deputy head of Russia’s security council, called Ukraine a ‘vassal state’ that is ‘under direct foreign control’…”

Ultimately, Ukraine will be collaborating with Russia against Europe.

Russia’s Major Attack on Europe

Express wrote on November 3:

“VLADIMIR PUTIN has stopped gas deliveries and drastically cut back on other supplies in what has been described as ‘a major attack on Europe.’

“Since Saturday, ’state-owned Russian gas supplier Gazprom has not been delivering gas to Germany through its Yamal pipeline via Poland. And since Sunday, Putin’s gas giant has only been transporting half as much gas through Ukraine to Austria and southern Germany.  The situation is becoming more and more critical for German and other European consumers, with a lack of supplies pushing up prices

“The resulting consequences of the action could see the pressure on the network drop, causing the entire pipe system in Ukraine to become unusable. Ukrainian presidential advisor Andrij Yermak warned of a collapse of the Ukrainian gas network to Europe, as the pressure on the pipelines is now simply too low. ‘Ukraine’s transit capacity is only 19 percent full. If the reduction in flows continues, the EU will lose the reliable Ukrainian route forever,’ said Mr Yermak.”

In the future, frightening rumors from Russia and other Far Eastern countries will prompt a united Europe to attack those regions militarily.

EU—the authoritarian Empire

Express wrote on October 27:

“Calling the EU an ‘authoritarian empire’, the Deputy Research Director and Head of Transport at the Institute for Economic Affairs Richard Wellings retweeted an article claiming the EU was ‘treating Poland like a Colony’. He said: ‘The EU is becoming an authoritarian empire, threatening and blackmailing member states that defy the elite’s agenda.

“‘The coercion will get far worse once the EU Army is in place’, he added.”

That is undoubtedly true.

Europeans’ “Need” to Act Together

The Diplomat wrote on October 28:

“Wars… seldom appear as thunderbolts from a clear sky; they are usually preceded by expressed intentions to use force if necessary, combined with the steady build-up of military capabilities. There is no question that China is becoming increasingly assertive on the global stage and increasingly aggressive in its own region…

“Europe must define what collective defense would look like without the United States, especially now that the U.S. is no longer able to carry out a ‘Two-War Strategy,’ the simultaneous waging and winning of wars against two great powers on different continents.

“… the choice between either supporting the United States or staying away from confrontation will affect Europe’s security and prosperity for decades. A decision on this must therefore be taken long before a crisis erupts… and should be coordinated by European states. As a first step, this subject must be included on the European Council agenda in the near future. A decision of this magnitude is too important to be left to politicians in the middle of the night.”

European states WILL coordinate their defense, and it will not be in support of the USA.

Europe’s Fight Against the Jews

JTA wrote on October 27:

“The highest court in Greece has ruled against allowing ritual slaughter, fulfilling fears that some Jewish leaders voiced last year after the European Union’s top court ruled in support of such bans. Last December, the EU’s highest court upheld the bans imposed in regions of Belgium against slaughtering animals for meat without stunning them first. The ruling meant that slaughter in accordance with Jewish law, which requires animals be conscious when their necks are cut, would be prohibited in those regions, as it is in some other parts of Europe…

“In 2011, the Netherlands briefly joined several EU countries where ritual slaughter is illegal, including Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Slovenia. The Dutch Senate reversed the ban in 2012, citing freedom of worship. Poland also outlawed the practice in 2013 but has since scaled back the ban to include only meat for export.

“The bans on kosher slaughter, or shechitah, are part of a struggle across Europe between animal welfare activists and Muslim and Jewish community representatives… A similar fight is unfolding around nonmedical circumcision of boys, or brit milah in Jewish tradition.”

Anti-Semitism raises its ugly head, at first, in little steps, but it will grow and is only a matter of time…

Boris Johnson’s Sick and Bizarre “Joke”

Express wrote on October 26:

“In a bizarre exchange with children on Monday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson… attacked the plastics industry, called for more eating of synthetic meat, and even suggested feeding humans to animals...

“In response to the comments, Brexit leader Nigel Farage questioned if the Prime Minister had started drinking again, saying that the PM seems to have ‘lost his marbles’… While Mr Johnson was apparently making the comments in jest, the green movement has long called for population control as a means of reducing carbon emissions and thereby supposedly saving the world from climate change.”

The fight against so-called (unproven) man-made climate change or global warming produces more and more bizarre ideas.

USA and EU the “Closest” of Friends?

Express wrote on October 30:

“Joe Biden announced in a speech at the end of the G20 Summit in Rome the US and the European Union had agreed to a carbon-based arrangement on aluminium and steel. President Biden also confirmed tariffs introduced on such traded goods under his predecessor Donald Trump in 2018 would be removed. Mr Biden remarked the deal with the ‘closest of friends’ marked an important step in the US relationship with the bloc… Under the new agreement, to run for two years, the Trump-era tariffs will remain but only for imports of the metals exceeding set quotas…

“European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis, who oversees trade for the 27-nation bloc, described the deal as a pause rather than an end to the dispute. ‘It’s a major step in the right direction… but it’s really not the final destination, which should be a complete withdrawal of the tariffs,’ he told a media briefing.

“The deal should also bring to an end EU retaliatory tariffs on products ranging from U.S. bourbon to Harley Davidson motorbikes. The EU had planned to double many of the tariffs in December.”

Joe Biden’s naivety is astounding, if he is honest in his remarks and if he is not just using common political rhetoric without any substance. In any event, Britain was quick in pointing out that according to Biden, the EU, and not the UK, is America’s “closest” friend.

Germans Skeptical of Vaccines

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 29:

“In most German cities, you have to be vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 recently in order to enjoy indoor activities like eating at a restaurant or going to the cinema… A poll carried out by the research firm Forsa on behalf of the German Health Ministry found that 65% of the unvaccinated have no plans to get their COVID-19 jab in the next two months; A further 23% would ‘probably not’ do so; Just 2% said they planned to get a vaccine but hadn’t been able to yet. 89% accused the media of ‘one-sided’ reporting about the pandemic

“Some of the reasons included the feeling that they were being coerced into doing so or a perceived lack of clarity over whether vaccines are safe for people who are pregnant or trying to conceive. The biggest concern amongst the unvaccinated, at 34%, was what they called the lack of ‘long-term’ studies into possible side effects

“66.5% of Germans are fully vaccinated…”

The concerns of many Germans should not be dismissed outright. However, Angela Merkel just said that her past decision to lock down the people was correct, and she warned about an indifferent attitude or a “certain recklessness” of many Germans towards corona. Health Minister Jens Spahn is promoting booster shots, for which he was heavily criticized by the Union of Doctors (“Ärzteschaft”) as being completely unnecessary and constituting “blind actionism” (“blinder Aktionismus”). The political propaganda in Germany is ongoing.

Huge Profits for Big Pharma

Reuters reported on November 2:

Pfizer Inc on Tuesday said it expected 2021 sales of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with German partner BioNTech SE to reach $36 billion and forecast another $29 billion from the shot in 2022… Analysts have said that Pfizer and other COVID-19 vaccine makers stand to reap billions of dollars from annual vaccine boosters over the next few years.”

And now, with the FDA’s approval and the CDA’s subsequent endorsement of Pfizer’s Covid vaccinations for 28 million children as young as 5 years old, the profits of Big Pharma will undoubtedly rise astronomically.

Gender Neutral Nonsense

npr wrote on October 30:

“In Germany, the debate about gender-neutral and inclusive language is complicated by grammar. Just as in many other languages, gender in German isn’t denoted by personal pronouns alone. German nouns that refer to people have traditionally been masculine or feminine. So, a male citizen is a Bürger and a female citizen is a Bürgerin. But in the plural, the masculine is traditionally used by default — a point that’s been contentious at least as far back as the second wave of feminism in the 1960s.

“In 2018, a new federal law stipulated that all forms of ID — from birth certificates to passports — must include three options: male, female and diverse, all of which can even be left blank.

“Since then, gender-neutral language has become more commonplace. German airline Lufthansa recently ditched the phrase ‘ladies and gentlemen,’ German scholars are preparing a gender-neutral edition of the Bible and in some cities — like Hanover — there’s an official directive about using gender-neutral words…

“In 2019, Hanover became the first state capital to mandate the use of gender-neutral language in all official communication, from emails to brochures and posters. It deployed what’s known as the ‘gender star,’ an asterisk placed within a noun to indicate it refers to men, women and nonbinary people alike. For instance, the word for all citizens became Bürger*innen.”

Of course, this utter nonsense is not limited to Germany.

npr reported on October 27:

“The U.S. State Department has issued the first official passport with the gender marker ‘X,’ a change the Biden administration promised this year in order to make the documents more inclusive for people who identify as nonbinary, intersex or gender-nonconforming… Also, in June the department announced that it would immediately start allowing applicants to select ‘M’ or ‘F’ as their gender without providing any medical certification if their choice doesn’t match their gender on other documents…

“The change brings the U.S. in line with several other nations that already issue passports with gender markers other than just ‘F’ or ‘M,’ including Canada, Australia, India, Malta, Nepal and New Zealand.

It is interesting that many of these nations are either descendants of the ancient House of Israel or that they were once colonies and part of the British Commonwealth. No wonder God is very angry with all of them.

Teaching of White Privilege “Racist” and “Extremist”

The Daily Mail wrote on October 31:

“MPs have been warned that the teaching of ‘white privilege’ is ‘rife’ in schools following a dossier that revealed pupils are being given ‘politically based’ lessons on police, racism and colonialism. Teachers are facing accusations of introducing pupils to ‘politically based’ learning materials in lessons about racism, colonialism and the police.

“Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi[‘s] intervention came in response to a report by the Commons education committee, which said that teaching white privilege could be against the Equality Act. The report added that telling children they are different because of their race is unlawful.

“Tory MP Jonathon Gullis said earlier this month that the phrase ‘white privilege’ was ‘racist and extremist.’”

The idea is, white people should apologize for being white. What lunacy!

The New Global Order

Life Site wrote on October 29:

“The label on the political party in power may say ‘Democrat’ or ‘Republican’ but what’s happening all around you? If you see friends and relatives in what’s supposed to be a free society being fired from their jobs – critical jobs like nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, soldiers and truck drivers – because they won’t concede to having an unknown experimental substance injected into their bodies, then you should not hesitate to take this at face value….

“We are living in a critical juncture in history. A relatively small cadre of very wealthy, very powerful elites are pushing us hard to accept a new system of corporate communism, actually more like fascism, in which an insanely bloated government has teamed up with big business to force the people to accept an agenda that many feel uncomfortable with. These elites, with their buddies in the corporate media, use fear-based propaganda to stir up hatred for the non-compliant, while pressuring everyone – man, woman and child – to submit to the ‘new normal.’… the message coming from Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Religion and Big Government is simple and direct – conform or get left behind.

Pope Francis and powerful evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham are also on board with this new global order, rebranded by the World Economic Forum as the Great Reset. So are the most important political leaders of both parties. In fact, any leader of people who pushes the idea of mandated universal injections is on board…

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division of the NIH funded a barbaric experiment at the University of Pittsburgh that involved grafting the scalps of 5-month aborted babies onto ‘humanized’ mice and rats. He funded another study at a North African lab in Tunisia in which 44 Beagle puppies were infected with disease-causing parasites, after which some had their vocal chords removed so scientists could work on them without having to endure their incessant barking as they died slow, painful deaths.

“This is the same Dr. Fauci who parents are being asked to trust for advice regarding the vaccination of their children. He appears daily in the big corporate media outlets making it his top priority to deceive parents into offering up their children to the COVID-vaccine experiment. He says he wants every child injected by the end of the year with his gene-altering ‘vaccine,’ despite the data showing children under 18 have a 99.998 percent statistical chance of surviving COVID. He’s making the rounds on all the major media spreading lies about the dangers of COVID to children and how safe and effective the experimental mRNA serum will be for kids ages 5 to 11…

“Dr. Richard Besser, a pediatrician and former acting director of the CDC, told CNN on October 22 that U.S. pediatricians will ‘push much harder’ for the COVID vaccines in children than in most other countries…  the pressure for parents to comply will be intense…”

The comparison with the rise of fascism in the USA and elsewhere is remarkable. The term “Nazi” is actually an abbreviation for “national socialism.”

US Government Funds Terrible Experiments

In the Ron Paul Institute, the Ron Paul Weekly Column stated on November 1:

“If people who torture animals are psychopaths, then what are government officials who use taxpayer dollars to fund animal torture? Many are asking this question in the wake of revelations that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci… funded medical ‘research’ involving the torture of puppies. This led… People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to call for his resignation.

“The puppy torture story was followed by disclosures that the federal government funded the testing of experimental AIDS vaccines on orphans. Many of the orphans used as human guinea pigs subsequently died, and nurses who assisted in these experiments reported that many children got sick immediately after receiving the vaccines.

“Testing dangerous drugs on orphans and torturing puppies in the name of ‘science’ is certainly shocking, but is it really surprising that [the] government would fund these types of activities?…”

Sadly, no. Satan is the god of this world and as the prince of darkness, he is ruling and deceiving mankind.

The Attacks on Religious Liberty

The New York Post wrote on October 30:

“Up until roughly April 2021, between 60 and 80 percent of US states had either numeric or percentage cap restrictions on houses of worship. In some cases, the restrictions were so severe that church meetings, regardless of size, were not permitted… 39 percent of households were not able to attend worship regularly as of August 2020 (that’s about 128 million Americans)…

“These restrictions may seem unique to the pandemic, but they’re not. They come at a time when, by various measures, religious liberty is being attacked… The United States experienced a 35.1 percent decline in religious freedom overall between 2006 and 2018

“That trend is not unique to just the United States. In fact, the decline in religious freedom is concentrated among countries that historically have ranked high in economic freedom…

“These indefinite restrictions on freedom contradict the ideals on which America was founded — and we now have the data to prove they deteriorate social capital and mental health, too.”

But it will only get worse, not better. And when religious freedom is restored in some way, it will be the false religion.

Like in Nazi Germany

JTA wrote on October 30:

“A prominent rabbi in the Netherlands compared her country’s COVID-19 safety measures to the policies of Nazi Germany… Tamarah Benima, an outspoken 71-year-old Reform rabbi from Amsterdam, made the comparison on Thursday in a speech in the northern Dutch city of Leeuwarden. ‘Scientists worldwide apparently allowed themselves over the past 1 and a half years to be led toward totalitarian thinking,’ she said of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in December 2019. ‘What doesn’t fit their perspective must be silenced… as a Jew, what happened in Nazi Germany is a warning to me… don’t play with fire by setting aside people in our society as “a danger to public health,” as Health Minister Hugo De Jonge regularly does.’…

“At least three Dutch Jewish groups have condemned Benima’s statements. The Central Jewish Board of the Netherlands, the country’s largest Jewish umbrella group, said her comparison is ‘contrary to our values and shows a complete lack of realism.’ The Netherlands Association for Progressive Judaism ‘strongly rejects the irresponsible and offensive comparisons,’ that group said in a statement.

“Comparisons between COVID-19 public health measures and Nazism have proliferated in recent months throughout Europe and beyond. The wearing of yellow stars at protests against COVID-19 measures in Europe specifically have drawn sharp condemnations by Jewish groups.”

These Jewish groups are as blind as the rest, being (willfully?) ignorant as to what is happening in the world…

The Stupidity of Witch-Hunts

The Daily Mail wrote on October 30:

“Showbiz people are always keen on saving the planet – but private jets don’t count because everybody knows that only dirty commercial flights cause pollution. Rather like food not really having calories if you eat it standing up… Now the transgender crusade has struck a chord in Hollywood… America has Hollywood; the UK has the BBC… Hollywood and the BBC both fetishise diversity of colour while quashing diversity of views.

“For the BBC, the transgender debate was a glorious dawn… asking its staff to declare preferred pronouns in email signatures, be they ‘she/her’, ‘he/him’ or ‘they/them’… It turned on itself in a racism-routing fit of zealotry, removing episodes of… excellent comedy shows…

“In the past decade or so many words have changed their meaning. ‘Brave’, for instance, once meant rescuing orphans from burning buildings, but now means talking about one’s troubles in public. How is it brave to have a miscarriage? It’s sad and awful – but brave? If miscarrying is brave, what are firefighters?

“The word ‘diversity’ once meant a pleasingly wide range of viewpoints, but now means a selection of variously hued people all parroting the same liberal establishment platitudes…

“Did the long and splendid story that began with the invention of the printing press around 1436 really have to end up here? With publishing employees – who would seemingly be happier burning books than editing them – crying because they didn’t like the words?… And, amid the stupidity of these witch-hunts, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Who Will Resurrect the Dead?

The Resurrection of the dead is one of the basic and fundamental doctrines (Hebrews 6:1-2). The Bible teaches that there is more than just one resurrection. For instance, Revelation 20:5 speaks of the “first” resurrection, necessitating at least a second resurrection. In fact, there will be three resurrections, and our free booklets, The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation,” and, Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever,” explain this fact in much more detail.

The first resurrection will occur when Christ returns, and those who have died in Christ will be resurrected to eternal life. The second resurrection or the Great White Throne Judgment is a resurrection to physical life and includes those who have died without ever having been granted the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. They will be given that opportunity then, and, at the end of their judgment period, they will be given eternal life if they have qualified. The third resurrection is to physical life as well, but it is composed of those who have committed the unpardonable sin before they died. They will be thrown into the lake of fire to be burned up and extinguished.

Who, exactly, will resurrect those who have died? Who will bring them back to life?

The short answer is that God will do it. There is no biblical evidence that angels, let alone Satan and his demons, would have the power to resurrect the dead.

But since God is a Family, consisting of the Father and the Son, who within the God Family will bring about the resurrection?

We know from the Bible that it was the Father who raised Christ from the dead.

Galatians 1:1 says:

“Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead)…”

Note that it was the Father, not the Son or the “person” of the Holy Spirit, who resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead. Nor did the dead Jesus resurrect Himself. The teaching that God is a Trinity, consisting of three persons, is false. The teaching that the Son of God, as being part of the unalterable Trinity, stayed alive in heaven when Jesus died, is equally false and constitutes parts of the teaching of the spirit of antichrist. The idea that the Son of God resurrected Jesus is blasphemous, because Jesus WAS and IS the Son of God. When Jesus died, the Son of God died. And it was the Father who resurrected the Son of God—Jesus Christ—from the dead.

As God the Father raised up Christ, so He will raise us up as well.

1 Corinthians 6:14 states very clearly: “And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power”—the power of His Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:11 adds: “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit [which] dwells in you.”

2 Corinthians 1:2,9 says: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ… Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead.” Paul speaks in this passage of God the Father who raises the dead.

2 Corinthians 4:14 adds to this: “… knowing that He who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus, and will present us with you.”

Some commentaries have considerable difficulty with this last passage, since it says that “He”—the Father—will raise us up “with” Jesus. Due to the fact that most teach the Trinity, they have a problem with saying that the above-quoted Scripture states that the Father and the Son will raise up the dead, since the Holy Spirit is not mentioned. They therefore conclude that this passage does not even talk about the coming resurrection of the dead, but that it describes here a figurate resurrection to a new life and the community which we have with Christ today.

In this context, one might think of Ephesians 2:4-6 which states: “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus…”

Another passage, which might come to mind, would be Colossians 2:8-12:

“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.”

However, an obvious difference should be noticed between passages such as Ephesians 2:4-6 and Colossians 2:8-11 (quoted above), and the above-quoted passage in 2 Corinthians 4:14, as Paul speaks in 2 Corinthians 4:14 about the future (He “will also raise us up”), whereas Ephesians 2:4-6 and Colossians 2:8-12 address the past and the presence. While those passages convey indeed a figurative concept, 2 Corinthians 4:14 does not.

Some say that 2 Corinthians 4:14 should be translated in this way: “… Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise us up also by Jesus…” (Authorized Version). The German Schlachterbibel and the Lutherbibel of 1891 and of 1964, and the Neue Lutherbibel 2009, all say that God the Father will raise us up “through Jesus.”

Before addressing this alternate translation, let us explore as to whether there is any biblical evidence that Jesus will resurrect us.

John 6:39-40, 44, 54 quotes Jesus as follows:

“This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day… No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day… Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”

According to this passage, it is the Father’s Will that Christ should raise up or resurrect man… beginning with the first resurrection. Christ clearly said repeatedly in the above-quoted passage that HE will raise up those who died.

John 11:23-25 adds to this, when addressing the death of Lazarus and his sister Martha’s reaction: “Jesus said to her, ‘Your brother will rise again.’ Martha said to Him, ‘I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.’ Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.’”

Jesus is addressing here those who will be resurrected to eternal life. But Jesus’ words must not be misunderstood by concluding that it is He, alone, who will resurrect us. This would contradict the passages, quoted above, which show us that the Father is involved in the resurrection of man. Rather, the Truth is that the Father and Christ will act in complete harmony. Their Will to resurrect man, and whom at what time, is totally identical. In that sense, the Father and the Son are “one” (John 10:30; 17:11,20). They are of a completely identical mindset (compare John 5:19).

John 5:21 tells us: “For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will.”

To understand all of these quoted Scriptures correctly, we conclude that Christ will be the Person within the God Family who will actually raise man from the dead, but He will be doing it in complete harmony and agreement with the Father. In fact, it will still be the Father, as the highest in the God Family (John 10:29), who will resurrect us through Jesus Christ, as it was the Father who created everything through Jesus Christ (Revelation 4:11; Acts 4:24; 14:15; 17:24-31; Hebrews 1:1-2; 2:10; John 1:3, 10; Colossians 1:15-16; Ephesians 3:9).

John 5:25, 28-29 says:

“Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live… Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth–those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation [better: judgment].”

Gill’s Exposition of the Bible explains this passage in this way:

“It will be the voice of the Son of God that will quicken and raise the dead.”

The Father is greater than Christ (John 14:28). Whatever Christ does is in submission to God the Father. (Compare also in this context 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, which says that at the end, Jesus will deliver the kingdom to God the Father). Christ would never act in any way contrary to the Father’s Will. And so, when He resurrects someone to eternal life, it is in accordance with the Father’s Will as well. It is still the Father who directs and does it, but He does it through or by Jesus Christ. As the Father created man through Jesus, He will also resurrect man through Jesus.

Returning to 2 Corinthians 4:14 and the question as to whether the Father will resurrect us “with” or “by” or “through” Jesus, let us note some concepts as brought forth by several commentaries:

The Jamieson Fausset and Brown commentary says:

“… shall raise up us also—at the resurrection (1Co 6:13, 14) by Jesus—The oldest manuscripts have ‘with Jesus.’”

The Pulpit Commentary agrees, stating:

“By Jesus–The reading supported by nearly all the best manuscripts is ‘with Jesus.’”

Even translating it in this way (“with Jesus”) would not negate Christ’s role or the Father’s role in the resurrection. Rather, the thought would be expressed that God the Father, together with Jesus, will resurrect us.

Barnes Notes on the Bible explains this passage as follows:

“By Jesus – By the power or the agency of Jesus. Christ will raise up the dead from their graves, John 5:25-29.”

We would agree with these conclusions, as it is indeed the Father who will resurrect man through Jesus Christ, as it was the Father who made man through Jesus Christ.

This then may pose an interesting question: God the Father resurrected Christ and gave Him eternal life and the glory which He used to have before He became a man; and the Father will raise the dead through Jesus. Could this indicate, then, that we, who will be resurrected by the Father through Jesus and receive eternal life in the God Family, will also have a part in resurrecting others in the second resurrection, especially our loved ones who died without having been given the opportunity for salvation? We will of course always be subject to the Will of God the Father and of Jesus Christ, as Christ is also always subject to the Will of the Father. To state it differently, the Will of Christ is and always will be IDENTICAL with the Will of the Father. Likewise, our Will—the Will of immortal God beings in God’s Family—will always be totally identical with the Will of the Father and of the Son. And as the Holy Spirit, like living waters, flows out of the Father and the Son, so the Holy Spirit—God’s power—will also flow out of us as well (John 4:13-14; 7:37-39).

The Bible does not say what part we will have in the second resurrection, if any; but it is most certainly an intriguing thought to contemplate that we might be right there to greet our relatives and friends when they come out of their graves in the second resurrection. We will have to wait however until God reveals to us what He has in store for us.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Political Earthquakes in Virginia and New Jersey,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: 

The debacle for President Biden and the Democrats in Virginia and New Jersey cannot be underestimated. But what are the reasons? To a large extent, President Biden’s failing leadership in many respects and what he supports are blamed for the defeat in those states,  but he does not accept any responsibility, while blaming others and doubling down on unpopular issues. What does God have to say in His Word about the leadership in our English-speaking countries? 

Our new German booklet on Predestination was posted on our website and is being printed in Germany.

The final text for the German booklet on Born Again has been translated and sent to graphic artist Shelly Bruno in preparation for printing.

“Wer wird die Toten auferwecken?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Who Will Resurrect the Dead?”

“Wünsche, Erkenntnis und Einsicht,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Robert Kintzi, is now posted. Title in English: “Desires, Knowledge and Insight.”

“Providence,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Whenever we may have doubts about the difficulties that we face in life, we can find absolute reassurance that everything in our life is purposed by none other than God Himself. What is the wonderful end of His purpose for us and how does His plan work in our lives?

“As We Forgive,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

There will arise times in our lives when we have the opportunity, the responsibility and the power to forgive others. HOW to forgive is set forth in the Word of God.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Update 994

Providence / As We Forgive

On October 30, 2021, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Providence,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “As We Forgive.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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What IS Our Position?

by Norbert Link

We are sometimes asked why we are publishing certain articles about corona measures in our Current Events section, which do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint expressed by the mass media. The suggestion is made that we might be political, anti-vaxxers, corona deniers, etc. Others feel that we do not oppose governmental measures strongly enough, and that we should tell our membership and the entire world that we must resist and that we must not get vaccinated or wear masks under any circumstances. At times, the mandate to get vaccinated or wear masks is associated with the mark of the beast.

I’d like to use this Editorial to make the Church’s position on these matters very clear. I refrain from discussing here what my own preference is or would be, as this is irrelevant in the context of this Editorial.

We said this in a recent Q&A about the mark of the beast:

“Wearing or not wearing a mask, or getting or not getting vaccinated is not, per se, tantamount to accepting the mark of the beast, as long as they do not prevent us from worshipping God in the right way (However, wearing a mask in church services might very well prevent us from worshipping God in a proper way). Otherwise, these are personal decisions, based on one’s individual situation. If a minister ought to travel overseas to visit the church or baptize or preach the gospel, but could only do so if he is vaccinated first, then vaccination does not prevent him from worshipping God and fulfilling his job as a minister; in fact, it might enable him to do so. If air travel in such a case would require the wearing of a mask [or to be fully vaccinated], and if there was no other way to travel, then doing so would not constitute accepting the mark of the beast. This does not mean however that he must travel under those circumstances, because additional considerations, personal and otherwise, might have to be taken into account.

“These principles… do not just apply to ministers. If one has to wear a mask or has to be vaccinated to be able to keep his or her job or to go shopping, then a decision to do so would not constitute the acceptance of the mark of the beast, as it has nothing to do with worshipping or not worshipping God in the right way.

“In this Q&A, we are primarily addressing the concept of the mark of the beast, and what it does and does not constitute. We are not speaking, in general, about the advisability or inadvisability of wearing a mask or becoming vaccinated. In particular, we are not addressing here whether or not vaccinations are safe; whether or not they will cause short-term or long-term (genetic) side effects; whether or not it is advisable to become vaccinated because of one’s health or age; or whether or not vaccinations are morally and ethically questionable because they were originally developed from cells of aborted fetuses…

“A decision to get vaccinated or not is an individual decision, but it must be based on one’s individual conscience and conviction, because whatever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23). We must be persuaded or fully convinced in our own mind (Romans 14:5). It is important, however, that our conviction is based on a sound mind and not on speculation, unproven narratives or political propaganda. (For instance, a concept that wearing a mask is our patriotic duty or responsibility is as wrong as the idea that wearing a mask is sinful and constitutes acceptance of the mark of the beast.)

“However, God commands us to work, earn money and support our family, and we should consider in this context whether or not a commanded activity, enabling us to do so, is ‘neutral’ in that it does not violate God’s command to worship Him properly. Health concerns should be taken into consideration as well, when it comes, for instance, to wearing masks or getting vaccinated, such as difficulties with breathing, allergies, a compromised immune system, reactions to vaccinations, etc. But health concerns must not become our main priority if this means neglecting other and perhaps even more demanding duties. We read, for example, that Epaphroditus became sick because he worked so hard in the Work of God (Philippians 2:25-30). Paul said: ‘For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s’ (Romans 14:8).

“It is true, of course, that we are not to put God to the test. On the other hand, we must also recognize that time and chance do not rule over a Christian, but that he is in God’s hands. It is therefore important that we always pray to God for His lead, guidance, inspiration and protection (Psalm 48:14; Proverbs 16:9; Jeremiah 10:23 and Isaiah 58:11), and that we do not judge or condemn anyone who might decide in a way other than what our preference would be, because our situation might be quite different from the situation of our next-door neighbor, relative or friend.

“Whatever our individual decision will be, especially when it comes to getting or not getting vaccinated, God’s Church will back us up, honoring our individual conviction, based on our circumstances. Wearing a mask or getting vaccinated is not tantamount to accepting the mark of the beast, nor do they constitute sinful conduct (unless wearing a mask prevents us from worshipping God in a proper and righteous way.) Neither is it sinful conduct not to get vaccinated.”

One of the reasons, then, why we are publishing certain articles on vaccinations, wearing masks, etc., is to enable the reader to come to balanced conclusions, also in reliance on viewpoints which the mass media might reject and label as “fake news.” This does not mean, however, that we necessarily endorse these viewpoints—they are presented to help the reader in conducting his or her own proper research and reach an individual decision based on his or her circumstances. In fact, we always state the following in our Current Events section: The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction.”

When the Church is approached by members for support of an individual application for religious exemption against vaccinations, the Church will most certainly support such an application, if it is based on sincerely held religious convictions, because whatever is not of faith is sin. The Church would not take the position, however, that vaccinations are sinful per se, and that they must therefore be rejected.

When focusing on the concept that the Church, or individual members, must stand up in unison with others in a concerted effort to resist governmental mandates, it is important to understand what the role of the Church is. We said this in one of our Q&As on slavery:

“… it has never been the role, function and responsibility of the Church of God to change the world now, or to undermine the systems and governments of this world. True Christians don’t participate in the wars of this world, nor do they vote in governmental elections nor participate in any attempts to overthrow the government… Christians are ambassadors of Christ and representatives of a better world–the heavenly kingdom–to be set up on this earth within a few years from now… This is NOT God’s world, but Satan’s (compare Matthew 4:8-9); Christians are not here for the purpose of ‘improving’ Satan’s rotten evil world (Galatians 1:4)–of trying to make this evil world a better world. They know that this world will be REPLACED by a better world (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 11:15-18)–attempts to IMPROVE or change THIS Satan-ruled world for the better are doomed to fail.”

This is not to say that we must never object, individually, or stand up to governmental conduct which affects us or our loved ones personally. Our free booklet, Obeying God Rather Than Men,” gives many examples in this regard. Nor do we say that the Church must not speak out against dangerous governmental measures or wrong governmental conduct—the opposite is the case, and we prove this fact weekly in our Current Events section.  As God’s Church, it is our duty and responsibility to cry aloud and spare not and show the people, including governmental officials, their sins and transgressions against God’s Law. But the Church has never endorsed the concept that our members should participate in demonstrations for or against governmental measures, as demonstrations, far too often, end up in violence or are being manipulated by extreme radical factions.

One most important reason for many articles in our Current Events section, over the years, dealing with governmental actions worldwide in general and measures regarding Covid-19 in particular, is to unmask the propaganda and the push of Big Pharma for [costly] vaccinations, thereby omitting to even address any potential dangers, while ignoring natural immunity. It is a fact that once you have had corona, there is no need for vaccinations. Many scientists admit that natural immunity is at least as effective as vaccinations. But natural immunity does not make Big Pharma rich. We also observe the prophesied development of worldwide dictatorships by adopting governmental measures even in democracies, which would have been thought of as totally unacceptable a few years ago. Far too often, this development is accompanied by the constant pressure and verbal and sometimes even actual persecution of the unvaccinated through doctors, governmental agencies, the mass media, relatives and friends, making them scapegoats, not unlike the Jews were made scapegoats in the past, speaking of a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and ignoring, omitting or under-reporting the cases where people got sick even though [or because?] they were fully vaccinated.

In the past, it was said that when you have an underlying condition, you should not get vaccinated—especially the elderly. Now, this was all turned around because this approach does not make Big Pharma rich. Also, they are going after our children now, even though the chance they get corona is very slim, and if they do, the symptoms are very mild and brief. But again, not vaccinating kids does not put money into and fill the coffers of Big Pharma.

So, we are warning in our Updates of governmental control, including the unconstitutional and illegal push for mandatory vaccinations, censorship and suppression of medical opinions which are not in conformity with governmental directives, Big Pharma or the mass media, and, most importantly, we are addressing the blindness of the masses following whatever the mass media and doctors paid by Big Pharma are telling them, even though some of it has been proven to be untrue, showing thereby how easy it will be for the vast majority to follow the coming beast and to accept its mark.

Paul warns you not to be deceived with empty words (Ephesians 5:6), and he is telling you that you must be “fully convinced” in your “own mind” (Romans 14:5). We try to help you to reach, for yourself, this unshakable personal conviction, which will be pleasing in God’s sight.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with articles about Vladimir Putin’s recent comments on “cancel culture” and gay and transgender rights; the ongoing military collaboration between Russia and China; and new developments in Turkey and Poland.

We continue focusing on violence in Israel and Israel’s controversial banishment of six Palestinian groups as well as America’s objections to Israel’s settlement plans; the new (or old) dictatorship in Austria; proposed plans for corona measures in Germany; the coming European Army; and the nationalistic decision of  French President Emmanuel Macron pertaining to domestic flights.

We point out the disaster of Joe Biden’s townhall meeting last week, and address specifically his divisive comments on Taiwan (which might have been made because of confusion, accidentally or intentionally); his call for the National Guard to deal with the supply chain crisis; his blatant misrepresentation regarding his alleged visit of the southern border; his scorn for American freedom; and his and the White House’s participation in the despicable claim that concerned parents are to be treated as domestic terrorists. (Please view our StandingWatch program in this regard, titled, “America Is Breaking Down.”). As a consequence, it was reported that Biden’s popularity is worse than it has been for any president since World War II.

We address the latest controversy regarding Dr. Fauci, for having allegedly lied to Congress and for funding despicable experiments with dogs.

We conclude with articles on vaccinations for children; religious objections to vaccinations; and the indecisive decision of the US Supreme Court regarding abortion.

Please also view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Why People Love Halloween.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Putin Tells the West

The Washington Post wrote on October 22:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin again attacked Western liberalism in a fiery address on Thursday, blasting so-called cancel culture and advances in gay and transgender rights… he said the notion that children are ‘taught that a boy can become a girl and vice versa’ is monstrous and ‘on the verge of a crime against humanity.’

“He also suggested that transgender rights supporters were demanding an end to ‘basic things such as mother, father, family or gender differences.’…”

The Daily Mail added on October 21:

“Putin has regularly faced criticism for his crackdown on the LGBT community in Russia, where same-sex marriage and ‘gay propaganda’ is banned… Russia’s constitution now says that marriage can only exist between a man and a woman, and also prevents trans people from adopting children. “

Shameful that Putin must tell the Western European nations how wrong they are.

Military Collaboration between Russia and China

Reuters wrote on October 23:

“Russian and Chinese warships held their first joint patrols in the Western part of the Pacific ocean on October 17-23, Russia’s defence ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

“Moscow and Beijing, which staged naval cooperation drills in the Sea of Japan earlier in October, have cultivated closer military and diplomatic ties in recent years at a time when their relations with the West have soured…”

This kind of military collaboration will end up with the biblically prophesied emergence of the “kings of the East.”

Russia vs. Turkey

Express wrote on October 22:

“VLADIMIR PUTIN rejected calls for the UN Security Council to dramatically reform as he warned the organisation would ‘die’ in a showdown with Turkey. The Russian President said on Thursday that depriving permanent members of the United Nations Security Council of their veto rights would destroy the world body. Russia is one of five permanent veto powers at the UN…

“Speaking at the annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi, he said: ‘If we remove the veto right of the permanent members, the UN would die the very same day – it would turn into the League of Nations. It would simply become a discussion platform…’

“The comments came as a response to Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s calls to change the rules of the organisation. Speaking in Angola on Monday, on his tour of Africa, Mr Erdogan said ‘the world is bigger than five’, referring to the number of UN powers holding veto rights. He added: ‘The fate of humanity should not be left to the mercy of a handful of countries that won World War Two.’…

“Earlier last month, Erdogan was quoted as saying on his return from a visit to New York that US-Turkish relations were not healthy and their current direction ‘does not bode well.’”

In spite of the present collaboration, in general, between Turkey and Russia, ultimately, according to biblical prophecy, Turkey will align with Europe against Israel and the USA.

Fight between Poland and the EU Is Heating Up

Deutsche Welle reported on October 27:

“The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ordered Poland to pay a fine of €1 million ($1.2 million) per day on Wednesday over its decision to ignore an EU ruling on Warsaw’s judicial reforms.  The top EU court imposed the penalty as Poland has not suspended the disciplinary chamber of the Supreme Court. The ECJ had ruled in July that the chamber did not guarantee impartiality.

“The ECJ said in a press release the fine was ‘necessary in order to avoid serious and irreparable harm to the legal order of the European Union and to the values on which that Union is founded, in particular that of the rule of law.’… On Twitter, Poland’s Deputy Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta called the fine ‘usurpation and blackmail.’… Earlier this month, Poland’s constitutional court ruled Polish law supersedes EU law when there is a conflict between the two.

“Last week, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told the European Parliament the disciplinary chamber will be abolished, but he gave no timeline for when that would occur and no draft law has been introduced… The EU asserts Poland has politicized the judiciary with the placement of judges loyal to the ruling Law and Justice Party.”

Express added on October 27:

“Poland argues that the European Union is overstepping its mandate and, in a Financial Times interview published on Sunday, the ruling nationalist Law and Justice Party’s (PiS) Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, accused the European Commission of holding a ‘gun to our head’. The Polish leader warned the EU Commission was at risk of starting a third world war by making demands on the rule of law… He added:  ‘If they start the third world war, we are going to defend our rights with any weapons which are at our disposal.

“Brussels is currently withholding recovery funds against Poland until the dispute is resolved.”

Violence Flares in Israel

Israel Today wrote on October 22:

“Hamas, Turkey, the Palestinian Authority and Islamist activists are fanning the flames in Jerusalem using the pretext of ‘Israeli settlers storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque’ as an excuse to incite the masses. In reality, however, no Israeli Jews have been entering the mosque as they only come to visit the site where the two Jewish Temples once stood before they were destroyed, and sometimes briefly recite a prayer….

“[Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud] Abbas said during a meeting of the PLO’s Executive Committee this week that ‘a real confrontation with the occupation’ had become necessary, and then cited the charge of ‘repeated settler attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque’ as one of the excuses for his incitement…

“Incitement by the two Palestinian entities [Palestinians and Hamas] in Israel is not the only reason why the situation in Jerusalem has become so explosive and violent. The activities of Islamist organizations that are supported by the regime of Turkey’s President… Erdogan are another factor in the enduring violence… Erdoğan regards what is now Israel as Ottoman property and that’s why he last year said that Jerusalem was, in fact, a Turkish city.”

Israel Outlaws Six Palestinian Groups

The Algemeiner wrote on October 22:

“The Israeli government on Friday outlawed six Palestinian NGOs charged with having links to one of the most extreme and violent factions of the PLO… All six groups receive funding from the European Union (EU) or from individual European countries, as well as church groups and foundations including the US-based Rockefeller Brothers Fund…

“[Defense Minister Benny] Gantz’s executive order was strongly condemned by Palestinians and left-wing Israeli groups… International NGOs Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International — both of which have accused Israel in the past of pursuing polices based on ‘apartheid’ and ‘racism’ — issued a joint statement condemning what they called ‘an attack by the Israeli government on the international human rights movement.’…

“Later on Friday, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said the US had not received prior notice about the move, and planned to seek clarification from Israel…”

Israel responded that they HAD given the USA prior notice.

USA Opposed to Israel’s Settlement Plans

Reuters and The Algemeiner wrote on October 26:

“The United States on Tuesday said it strongly opposed Israel’s plans for more settlement units in the West Bank as ‘inconsistent with efforts to lower tensions’ and damaging to the prospects of a two-state solution advocated by Washington. ‘We are deeply concerned about the Israeli government’s plan to advance thousands of settlement units tomorrow, Wednesday, many of them deep in the West Bank,’ State Department spokesperson Ned Price told a briefing…

“Israel on Sunday published tenders for about 1,300 new settlement homes in the West Bank and authorities are also expected to discuss proposals for another 3,000 homes.”

Austria’s New Dictator

The Hill wrote on October 23:

“Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg says he is considering imposing a lockdown on people who are not vaccinated against the coronavirus if case numbers continue to rise… In a meeting with state-level leaders on Friday, Schallenberg said the country would limit entrance into businesses to those who are vaccinated if the number of COVID patients in intensive care reaches 25 percent of the country’s total ICU capacity, which is 500.

“Unvaccinated residents would only be allowed to leave their homes for specific reasons if the number of patients in intensive care reaches 600, or one-third of total capacity… Schallenberg said… ‘We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

“Just over 65 percent of Austrians have had at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, while 62 percent are fully vaccinated…”

Schallenberg or Kurz… the (historical) Austrian dictatorship continues.

Germany’s Plans of the Proposed Coalition regarding Covid

The Local wrote on October 27:

“Mandatory masks, restricted entry to bars and restaurants and Covid tests in schools could all be scrapped next spring under plans unveiled by Germany’s ‘traffic light’ coalition parties on Wednesday. In a joint statement by the parliamentary leaders, the SPD, Greens and the FDP also ruled out future lockdowns over autumn and winter, and said they don’t plan to force people to return to home office working… If the coalition talks succeed, the future government would instead bring in laws to allow state governments to implement rules like mandatory masks, tests in schools, social distancing and restrictive entry to public places and events until spring next year… However, this new legislation would expire on March 20th, 2022, ‘at the latest’, the draft proposals say, meaning nationwide Covid restrictions would also fall away on this date unless new legislation was brought in down the line.  That means that mandatory masks and regulations like ‘3G’ (access only for vaccinated, recovered and people with negative tests) and ‘2G’ (entrance only for vaccinated and recovered people) could all be coming to an end

“The German Bundestag first enacted special pandemic powers, which fall under a clause declaring the country to be in an ‘epidemic situation of national importance’, in March 2020… the fact that they allow governments to set laws without parliamentary oversight has been controversial… With the emergency legislation due to run its course on November 25th, the three ‘traffic light’ coalition parties also said on Wednesday that they were unwilling to extend them further.

“Instead, the parties would introduce the bridging legislation detailed above to allow state governments to implement Covid measures… they would allow states to introduce measures like alcohol bans, contact tracing, health passes and masks on public transport in response to infection and hospitalisation rates until March 2022

“In order to increase the vaccination rate and make progress with so-called ‘booster’ jabs, the traffic light parties have also laid out plans for an expert commission on vaccination coverage. With the commission in place, ‘we will work together with practitioners to find ways to significantly accelerate the progress of vaccinations,’ their draft proposals state.”

We should note that this is a draft proposal by three potential coalition partners who have to agree to a coalition in the first place. But even then, some of the proposed measures are still highly problematic.

The EU Army

France 24 wrote on October 22:

“US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed strengthening European defenses in a telephone call Friday, the White House said as Washington seeks to mend ties after a bitter row over submarine contracts.

The Telegraph added on October 22:

“France’s armed forces minister [Florence Parly] told Nato partners not to be ‘afraid’ of an EU army as she urged her international counterparts to embrace the prospect… EU plans for a rapid-reaction military unit, designed to operate independently of the United States, sparked fears that the bloc would be in competition with Nato…

“Paris wants to pool resources to develop weapons and new battlefield technologies. Brussels is hoping to agree on a EU-wide military strategy next year, which President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to champion as part of France’s six-month presidency of the bloc, starting in January.”

After Biden botched the matter regarding submarine contracts, he is now trying to appease France by granting their wishes for a European army. And even though it is claimed that such an army would not be in competition to NATO, but rather, that it would strengthen the alliance, the opposite should be obvious.

France Bans ALL Domestic Flights… except for Air France

Express wrote on October 24:

“THE BOSS of budget airline Ryanair has hit out at French President Emmanuel Macron in a row over ‘flight-shaming’. Michael O’ Leary criticised France’s decision to ban some domestic flights… in a move it said it would help limit air pollution. However, Mr O’Leary said there was no public support for a flight ban in a fiery tirade against Macron’s policy…

“‘France is banning all domestic flights that are under 500km- unless it is travelling on to a connecting flight through Paris Charles de Gaulle. So basically Air France will keep on flying, but everyone else will be banned.’”

Biden’s Statements on Taiwan

Breitbart wrote on October 22:

“President Joe Biden on Thursday night promised the U.S. stands behind Taiwan’s defense and had a commitment to militarily support the island China claims for itself. The White House was forced to hastily issue a different, contradictory statement before the evening was out…

“‘The U.S. defence relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act…’ [the White House said]… Under the agreement, the U.S. officially recognizes China rather than Taiwan for diplomatic purposes… ‘While that act binds the United States to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, Washington only acknowledges China’s stance that the island belongs to it and that there is “one China,” and takes no position on Taiwan’s sovereignty,’ the [Reuters] news agency noted.

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established the ‘one-China’ policy so that foreign governments could officially recognize Beijing’s stance that only one legitimate Chinese government exists. The policy stipulates the CCP is the sole ruler of China’s government and must never be challenged on that specific edict.”

Living in Dangerous Times

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on October 25:

“President Biden’s ‘townhall’ meeting this past week was a disaster… the Wall Street Journal was early among mainstream media publications to observe that the emperor has no clothes. In an editorial titled ‘The Confusing Mr. Biden,’ the paper wrote, ‘Even with a friendly audience and softball questions, Mr. Biden’s performance revealed why so many Americans are losing confidence in his Presidency.’

“The Journal focused on one of the most shocking and disturbing revelations from the carefully crafted event: asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper if the United States would come to the defense of Taiwan should it come under attack by the Chinese mainland, he replied, ‘Yes, we have a commitment to do that.’ Anderson threw him another softball in hopes he might correct this… misstatement, but Biden was not nimble enough to see his gaffe. He doubled down.

“It was left to the ‘Chemical Ali’ of this Administration, White House Spokesman Jen Psaki, to ‘clarify’ that when the President signaled a major shift in US policy – a shift that could well lead to nuclear war with China – he was just kidding. Or something… In other words: ‘Pay no attention to the man who pretends to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.’…

“Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Miley was heralded as a hero for betraying his Commander in Chief Trump by seeking to restrict Trump’s access to the US nuclear arsenal. Milley claimed that Trump was so unsound of mind that he could not be trusted with the nuclear football. Yet when actual unsoundness is there for everyone to see, Milley and the other ‘woke’ generals are silent as the grave. These are dangerous times.”

Accidental or Intentional?

Newsmax wrote on October 24:

“President Joe Biden has twice asserted, counter to current U.S. policy, that the United States is ready to defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion — and his position may soon have serious consequences, Axios reported. Citing an unnamed source, Axios reported Biden has been accidentally revealing his true views — that Taiwan is too strategically important to the United States for China to seize by force. Defense officials have aired their concerns that China will take Taiwan by force in the next four to six years — or sooner, the news outlet reported…

“Chris Johnson, a former top CIA China analyst who now heads China Strategies Group, told Axios it’s unclear whether Biden’s statements are strategic or accidental, but ‘the result in Beijing will be the same. … The Politburo will interpret it as a unilateral change in the U.S. position on the cornerstone underpinning the bilateral relationship.’”

Calling in the National Guard and Visit at the Southern Border

In addition, the White House walked back Biden’s “vow to call in the National Guard to aid the congested supply chain,” stating  that “requesting the use of the national guard at the state level is under the purview of Governors” and that the Biden Administration is “not actively pursuing the use of the national guard on a federal level” (Fox News, October 22).

Biden also gave wrong impressions—to put it mildly—during Thursday’s Townhall Meeting when he claimed that he had been at the southern border. When pressed on the issue, the White House Press Secretary said that “there has been reporting” that Biden “drove through the border in 2008 when he was on the campaign trail.” This “explanation” caused scorn and outrage on social media.

Better Be Quiet

The Week commented on October 22:

“Trump wouldn’t be quiet. Biden should be,” continuing, “Thursday’s incident may be a sign it’s wise for this administration to continue to keep the boss mostly under wraps. As a senator and vice president, Biden had a reputation for being notoriously gaffe-prone when speaking off the cuff… After four years in which Trump broadcast every stray thought into the world without regard for the consequences — or with deliberate intent to make trouble — it was easy to keep Biden away from the press and declare it a virtue. Now it looks like a necessity. Generally, the health of democracy requires presidents to take questions from the press and public. Biden might be the exception.”

What an assessment for an American President. Note the next article.

Supply Chain Havoc with no End in Sight

Breitbart wrote on October 22:

“Cargo air shipping companies this week warned President Joe Biden the vaccine mandate will wreak havoc on the supply chain by increasing worker shortages across the industry, Politico reported Thursday…

“Biden’s executive order has also caused the shipping companies UPS and FedEx [in addition to DHL Express, Atlas Air and Amazon] to acknowledge they are concerned about the vaccine mandate and are reviewing the possibility of losing many workers due to the federal mandate.

“Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve on Wednesday confirmed Biden’s vaccine mandate is, indeed, contributing to the supply chain crisis… Firms reported high turnover, as workers left for other jobs or retired… Shipping prices across the industry have already skyrocketed due to the supply chain jam driven by a lack of labor. For instance, the price to send a container from Asia to the east coast costs $20,000. In 2020, the price was around $3,800…”

Biden’s self-destructing policies are shocking. Donald Trump Jr. put it correctly, when he said this week that “the Biden administration was ‘overseeing the downfall of America.’” Please read our free booklet, The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.” 

Biden Mocks Freedom

Townhall wrote on October 22:

“President Biden, who in December said he ‘wouldn’t demand’ vaccines be mandatory, not only mocked unvaccinated Americans on Thursday and their freedom to make their own medical decisions, but also endorsed the firing of first responders and police who don’t comply.

“During a town hall event with CNN, moderator Anderson Cooper asked about his thoughts on first responders and police in a number of major cities who are refusing to take the vaccine, which has been mandated at the city level. ‘Should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines and if not, should they stay at home or be let go?’ he wondered. ‘Yes and yes,’ Biden replied to applause…

“He then mocked one of the main concerns about the mandates—‘freedom,’ and said those people are trying to make it a ‘political issue.’ “I have the freedom to kill you with my Covid,” I mean come on, freedom,’ he said.”

It has been reported that the applauding attendees were exclusively Biden supporters who were carefully screened and invited to attend by CNN.

Another Nail in Biden’s Coffin—The Accusation against Parents as “Domestic Terrorists”

The Editorial Board of the New York Post wrote on October 22:

“Attorney General Merrick Garland basically admitted Thursday that the White House contacted the Justice Department about that odious letter from the National School Boards Association begging the feds to use the Patriot Act against ‘domestic terrorist’ parents who raise questions about critical race theory being pushed in their kids’ schools.

“This is outrageous, even though Garland fudged on whether it was at the White House’s behest that he issued his remarkable public guidance. He told federal prosecutors and the FBI to actively investigate threats or violence against school officials and/or boards, a dramatic display of intimidation.

“There’s every reason to think it was the White House’s idea: Garland acted just days after the president’s office got the letter, which the NSBA’s top two leaders actually sent at the request of President Joe Biden’s aides after prior discussions on the issue. After all, this is the same White House that ordered the Centers for Disease Control to let teachers-union boss Randi Weingarten dictate parts of their guidance on school masking. And that has embraced mandatory CRT training all across the federal government, including in the military.

“Nor does the attorney general normally make a high-profile public announcement that he’s ordering his minions to get on top of a purely imaginary danger. And never mind that the NSBA’s own board was furious about the letter, which the CEO and president sent out without getting board members’ feedback first.

“Nor that the only real violence cited in the letter involved a dad who lost his temper when the Loudoun County, Va., board refused to address his daughter’s claim (backed up by evidence) that she was raped by a trans person in her school bathroom…

“The simple truth is that the education establishment across America (sometimes pushed by politicians) has been embracing CRT for some time now… It’s all simplistic garbage

“… nearly three-quarters of voters say they’re ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ concerned about what is being taught in public schools.

“The clear message of Garland’s guidance was that parents better watch out if they dare to speak up, and it’s obvious the White House was behind his move. The Biden White House, in short, is politicizing the Justice Department in a bid to stifle dissent — free speech! — about the radicalization of the nation’s schools.”

There is even evidence to suggest that the White House collaborated with the author of the letter and helped in drafting it. All of this is so scandalous. America is developing into a full-fledged dictatorship, and many American citizens are sound asleep.

Fox News wrote on October 23:

“The National School Boards Association issued an apology Friday night for a letter sent to the Biden administration which targeted some parents who are concerned about their child’s school curriculum  and said certain of their actions could be domestic terrorism…

“‘On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter,’ the NSBA said, noting that ‘there was no justification for some of the language included in the letter.’

“In a letter to Garland, half of the eight members of the Commission on Civil Rights requested ‘specific examples’ of ‘harassment, intimidation and threats of violence’ which Garland claimed as evidence for the need for federal intervention in parent protests at schools….”

Will AG Garland, the White House, Joe Biden, the Justice Department, the FBI and others who are responsible for this scandalous course of action against concerned parents apologize too? On Thursday, according to Professor Jonathan Turley, Garland  “testified in Congress to assure members that he does not believe that parents protesting at school board meetings are domestic terrorists.” What double-talk and shameful position, without any hint of an apology for his actions.  Nor did he retract his prior order to the Justice Department and the FBI for “monitoring” parents. Turley said: “Telling parents that the Justice Department is monitoring school board meetings creates an obvious chilling effect on speech. It is like a police car following you on the highway for miles just to see if you violate any law. It has an impact on how you act. Indeed, the purpose of the National School board letter seemed designed to have that effect. The Justice Department then amplified that effect by quickly announcing it would carry out the national effort and released a press statement referring to various departments being brought into the fight, including the National Security Division.”

Regarding the abominable case of the [predictable] rape of a girl by a transgender boy, Truly wrote:

“When asked about alleged sexual assaults in Loudon County, Virginia in school bathrooms involving a transgender student, Garland insisted that such violence sounds like a ‘local case’ and the Justice Department would not be involved. Yet, the Justice Department just announced it would get involved with… threats or violence in school board meetings.”

This whole matter is so despicable and unworthy of any free democracy.

Biden’s Popularity Worse than any other Post-War President

Express wrote on October 24:

“JOE BIDEN is facing a crisis after his popularity has plummeted faster than any other US President since 1945…

“According to the latest study by Gallup, Mr Biden’s approval rating plummeted by 11.3 percent, making him the worst rated than all other 10 presidents before him in the first months of their presidencies…

“While Mr Biden’s approval in the Democrat Party was around 92 percent, only four percent of Republicans approve of him. For independent voters, Mr Biden’s approval has collapsed with only 34 percent now approving of his performance compared to 55 percent in June.”

That the vast majority of Democrats support Biden is shocking beyond belief. Are they willfully ignorant and blind?  

Fauci Accused of Funding Sickening Experiments on Dogs

The Sun wrote on October 23:

“Fauci is under fire for allegedly funding experiments where beagle puppies were locked in cages with hungry sandflies that would eat them alive.

“The non-profit organization White Coat Waste Project has accused the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of funding a project that had beagles infected with disease-causing parasites in order to test an experimental drug.

“The Hill reports that a bipartisan group of 24 House Representatives has written a letter demanding that Fauci answer to the claims by the nonprofit. The organization claims that as many as 44 beagle puppies were used as part of the cruel experiment in a Tunisia laboratory. Some of the dogs allegedly had their vocal cords removed to muzzle their barking. ‘Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive,’ White Coat Waste told The Hill. ‘They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies,’ they added.

“The NIAID spent directed $1.68million in taxpayer money on these experiments, according to documents obtained by the non-profit. The letter was signed by some Democrats…  However, it was mostly signed by Republican lawmakers…

“Fauci…. has previously found himself under hot water after being accused of lying to the American public after documents seemed to contradict his claims that his agency did not fund research of coronaviruses in a Wuhan, China, lab.”

If any of this can be proven to be true, Fauci should resign immediately and he should be held accountable for such alleged despicable acts.

The Crux with Vaccines for Children

The Ron Paul Institute published a lengthy article on October 22, titled, “Fauci Actually Got Something Right, but for the Wrong Reasons.” We are quoting some pertinent excerpts for your information and evaluation. The article itself includes numerous links for its assertions.

“Fauci, the reigning king of deceitful double-speak, actually got something right. Vaccines already mandated upon children are similar to COVID-19 vaccines in many respects, except not in good ways, as Fauci would have us believe. Many assume that COVID-19 vaccines will be the first vaccines mandated upon children without a showing of necessity, and without rigorous safety testing. They also assume that they’ll be the first mandated upon them without proven, long-lasting efficacy. They’re wrong on all counts.

“Many other vaccines have been mandated upon US children without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy… Newborns and infants are being administered a hepatitis B vaccine without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy… There has been no showing of necessity for mass measles vaccination, and widespread use of the measles vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern… There has been no showing of necessity for mass mumps vaccination, and widespread use of the mumps vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern… There has been no showing of necessity for mass chickenpox vaccination, and widespread use of the chickenpox vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern…

“The CDC has not proven that its entire schedule of recommended childhood vaccines provides a net benefit to children’s health, and unvaccinated v. vaccinated data indicates that unvaccinated children are healthier… Many other vaccines have been mandated upon US children without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy, but this doesn’t warrant mandating more vaccines upon them under the same circumstances. It warrants rescuing them from those already mandated.”

Articles like these are seldom published, if ever, in the mass media. But this does not mean that they should just be ignored or dismissed without evaluation.

Why Vaccinate Children?

Life Site News wrote on October 21:

“For months, prominent doctors and scientists around the world have issued urgent warnings about the catastrophically bad safety profile of the Pfizer vaccine and other COVID injections, strongly arguing against their use in children. Several Scandinavian countries paused the use of the Moderna vaccine in younger age groups, concerned with the risk of myocarditis…

“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [said]  on Oct. 16, ‘We have no business doing this to little children,’ stating that subjecting children to the adverse events of COVID vaccination is unethical and is ‘medical malpractice.’…

“CDC has already issued guidelines on vaccinating children ages 5 to 11, and the Biden administration has purchased 65 million Pfizer pediatric doses — ‘more than enough to fully vaccinate … all 28 million 5 to 11-year-olds.’…

“Attempting to lay the psychological groundwork for FDA’s impending authorization, New York Times science writer Apoorva Mandavilli asserted on Oct. 6 that almost 900,000 children had been hospitalized with COVID since the beginning of the pandemic.The Times was forced to retract Mandavilli’s whopper — a 14-fold exaggeration — the next day…

“Last week, four- and five-year-old siblings mistakenly received adult doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at a local Walgreens instead of getting the flu shots their parents had requested. The children experienced adverse reactions almost immediately, and both are now under the care of a pediatric cardiologist for problems that include headaches, chest pain, abnormally fast heart rate and high blood pressure

“Given that COVID disease poses almost no risk to children — with a 99.9973% survival rate for those 19-and-under and hospitalization rates far lower than what the New York Times would have us believe — what possible rationale can FDA and CDC offer for subjecting young children to such a dangerous experiment? One answer… is that good health is not profitable, whereas drug dependency is.

“It is well established that the rise of chronic illness in American children is coterminous with the childhood vaccine schedule, and the types of adverse events documented in package inserts for liability-free childhood vaccines — 400 different reactions that include seizures, asthma, allergies, autoimmune illness, arthritis, paralysis, gastrointestinal disorders and mental health challenges — generate long-term and often lifetime clients for the pharmaceutical industry.

“Now, doctors are reporting a significant uptick in cancers following COVID vaccination…

“Last week, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)… characterized the push for mandates as ‘sinister, [continuing] “the determined push for indiscriminate vaccination of … pregnant women, and of children causes me to ask questions.’”

Money makes the world go ‘round…

Vatican Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mueller on Vaccine Mandates, Abortion and Same-Sex Unions

Newsmax wrote on October 21:

“Christians should be allowed to follow their conscience and opt out of vaccine mandates, especially in cases where aborted fetal tissue may have been part of the cell line used to develop the vaccine, key Vatican Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mueller [said]. Mueller, originally of Germany, is currently in the United States…

“Pope Francis has said it is permissible for Catholics to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, he has urged people to get vaccinated as an ‘act of love.’

“Mueller said ‘everybody must be allowed to act according to his conscience,’ especially in the United States, whose founding documents declare that the state serves and is not there to be served…

“On the subject of denying communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion rights, such as President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Mueller noted that the taking of human life defies the commandment of God… Mueller also condemned the idea of church leaders in Germany who are pushing for a sanctioning of same-sex unions… The Roman Catholic Church, he said, should be focused on evangelism rather than divisive issues that will only further drive people from embracing the faith.”

The divisions within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church are becoming more and more noticeable. When it comes to the above-stated claim that “aborted fetal tissue may have been part of the cell line used to develop the vaccine,” the following article by Nebraska Medicine, dated August 18, 2021, explains:

“… the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine…. It is true that decades ago, scientists decided to use fetal tissue to start the cell lines we use to test drugs today… Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from abortions in the 1970s and 1980s.

“Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating the fetal cell lines… mentioned above. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus…

“Vaccine makers may use these fetal cell lines during the following two phases:  Research and development [and] Production and manufacturing.

“When it comes to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, fetal cell line HEK 293 was used during the research and development phase. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 abortion that took place in the Netherlands…

“For the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, fetal cell lines were used in the production and manufacturing stage. To make the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, scientists infect PER.C6 fetal cell lines to grow the adenovirus vector. All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 abortion that took place in the Netherlands.”

US Supreme Court Does Not Block Texas Abortion Law… for now

Newsmax wrote on October 22:

“The Supreme Court is not immediately blocking the Texas law that bans most abortions, but has agreed to hear arguments in the case in early November. The justices said Friday they will decide whether the federal government has the right to sue over the law.

“The court’s action leaves in place for the time being a law that clinics say has led to an 80% reduction in abortions in the nation’s second-largest state. The law bans abortions after cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy. That’s before some women even know they are pregnant.

“Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that she would have blocked the law now.”

It appears that the US Supreme Court wants to avoid ruling on the merits, as usual, by just looking at procedural issues, such as the jurisdiction of the federal government to override state law.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What can we learn from the example of Lot and his daughters? (Part 2)

In the first part of this two-part series, we reviewed the background from where Lot parted company with Abram, as we read in Genesis 13:11: “ Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east. And they separated from each other.”   We then saw that Sodom was destroyed as Lot, his wife and two daughters fled from the city.

Let us continue with the story, as we read Genesis 19:30-38

Then Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountains, and his two daughters were with him; for he was afraid to dwell in Zoar. And he and his two daughters dwelt in a cave.  Now the firstborn said to the younger, ‘Our father is old, and there is no man on the earth to come in to us as is the custom of all the earth.  Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve the lineage of our father.’  So they made their father drink wine that night. And the firstborn went in and lay with her father, and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose.  It happened on the next day that the firstborn said to the younger, ‘Indeed I lay with my father last night; let us make him drink wine tonight also, and you go in and lie with him, that we may preserve the lineage of our father.’  Then they made their father drink wine that night also. And the younger arose and lay with him, and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. Thus both the daughters of Lot were with child by their father.  The firstborn bore a son and called his name Moab; he is the father of the Moabites to this day.  And the younger, she also bore a son and called his name Ben-Ammi; he is the father of the people of Ammon to this day.”

First, we note that the daughters made Lot drunk. Lot did not initiate his drunkenness, but he gave in to his daughters’ conduct of giving him too much wine to drink. Nevertheless, Lot should have resisted the temptation. We are reminded of the drunkenness of Noah, when his grandson Canaan abused him sexually, and when Noah awoke and realized what had happened and what Canaan had done to him, he cursed Canaan, Ham’s son, for his evil deed.

Then, we note that the daughters felt they had to make Lot drunk, in order to produce offspring with him, apparently understanding full well that Lot, being sober, would not have agreed to such action voluntarily.

It is quite possible that the culture that they had imbibed during their years in Sodom could have made their acts seem reasonable to them, and they could have become insensitive to sin after living amongst such a society for some years.  They thought that their family would not have any descendants and so took matters into their own hands.   It doesn’t seem like lust, more the desire to preserve their line and produce offspring.   However, it was against the instructions of God as we read in Leviticus 18:6-7, where the subheading in the New King James Bible is “the laws of sexual morality”:

“None of you shall approach anyone who is near of kin to him, to uncover his nakedness: I am the Lord.  The nakedness of your father or the nakedness of your mother you shall not uncover. She is your mother; you shall not uncover her nakedness.”

Of course, this instruction was recorded in the Bible hundreds of years later than this incident, and so they may not have thought it to be a “big deal”.   Nevertheless, it was unnatural and an underhand way of deceiving their father. And, as mentioned above, they knew it was wrong and that their father, being sober, would not have agreed to it. The fact that the passage in Leviticus 18 was recorded later does not mean that the prohibition did not exist and was unknown to the daughters. It is also possible that Lot’s daughters were aware of his previous offer to the homosexual men, and they might have thought, if he could do that to us, we could also do this to him.

In addition, according to Unger’s Bible Dictionary, we read: “Barrenness in the East was looked upon as a ground of great reproach as well as a punishment from God” and perhaps their comment ‘there is no man on the earth to come in to us as is the custom of all the earth’ (Genesis 19:31) was a part of their thinking.”

Of course, this is not to excuse such behaviour but to show what they may have been thinking about.   We know that Sarah and Rachel went many years without bearing a child and the frustration that it caused both of them until they did finally bear a child. Sarah and Abraham sinned when they tried to produce offspring through Sarah’s maid Hagar, rather than waiting for God to fulfil His promise that Sarah herself would become pregnant, and the consequences were disastrous.

We all have to live with the consequences of our actions.   They did not put their reliance on God, (as Abraham and Sarah at first doubted God’s word as well.) We know that Galatians 6:7 reveals: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”  There are always consequences for our actions, whoever we are.

There were a lot of factors to take into account, but Lot’s daughters made a decision that would reverberate with the nation of Israel in the future.  Reviewing some of the commentaries about this incident are very helpful.

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary states:

“See the peril of security. Lot, who kept chaste in Sodom, and was a mourner for the wickedness of the place, and a witness against it, when in the mountain, alone, and, as he thought, out of the way of temptation, is shamefully overtaken. Let him that thinks he stands high, and stands firm, take heed lest he fall. See the peril of drunkenness; it is not only a great sin itself, but lets in many sins, which bring a lasting wound and dishonour. Many a man does that, when he is drunk, which, when he is sober, he could not think of without horror. See also the peril of temptation, even from relations and friends, whom we love and esteem, and expect kindness from. We must dread a snare, wherever we are, and be always upon our guard. No excuse can be made for the daughters, nor for Lot. Scarcely any account can be given of the affair but this, The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? From the silence of the Scripture concerning Lot henceforward, learn that drunkenness, as it makes men forgetful, so it makes them to be forgotten.”

As mentioned above, Lot did not become drunk “voluntarily,” but he gave in to his two daughters who gave him too much wine, and so, wanting to please them, he drank too much, which he should have refused to do. As a consequence, he became “insensible to their action” (Ryrie Study Bible).

Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament says:

“But Lot’s daughters had so little feeling of shame in connection with their conduct, that they gave names to the sons they bore, which have immortalized their paternity. Moab, another form of ‘from the father,’ as is indicated in the clause appended and also rendered probable by the reiteration of the words ‘of our father’ and ‘by their father’ (Genesis 19:32, Genesis 19:34, and Genesis 19:36), as well as by the analogy of the name Ben-Ammi equals Ammon. This account was neither the invention of national hatred to the Moabites and Ammonites, nor was it placed here as a brand upon those tribes. These discoveries of a criticism imbued with hostility to the Bible are overthrown by the fact, that, according to Deuteronomy 2:9, Deuteronomy 2:19, Israel was ordered not to touch the territory of either of these tribes because of their descent from Lot; and it was their unbrotherly conduct towards Israel alone which first prevented their reception into the congregation of the Lord, Deuteronomy 23:4-5. – Lot is never mentioned again… even his death is not referred to. His descendants, however, frequently came into contact with the Israelites; and the history of their descent is given here to facilitate a correct appreciation of their conduct towards Israel.”

We read in the New Unger’s Bible Dictionary the following information about Moab and Ammon:

Moab (perhaps ‘from father’).  The starting point for both was in the vicinity of Zoar. Thence the roving Ammonites went to the NE whereas the more peaceful Moabites remained near their ancestral home displacing the Emim (Deuteronomy 2:11; cf Genesis 14:5).

“Coming up from Egypt the Israelites approached Moab through the desert facing Moab outside the bordering circle of hills on the SE.   They were forbidden to molest the Moabites in the enjoyment of the land that they had taken from the Emim (Deuteronomy 2:9-11).   They therefore applied for permission to pass through the territory of Moab and, being refused, went around its borders.

“Moab did not fight against Israel for 300 years. The Moabites were only too friendly, sending their daughters to cultivate friendly relations with the Israelites and to entice them to their idolatrous services.

“The national deity of the Moabites was Chemosh (which see), mentioned only in Numbers 21:29; Judges 11:24; 1 Kings 11:7, 33; 2 Kings 23:13; Jeremiah 48:7, 13, 46.

Ammon ‘inbred’, another form of Ben-ammi.  A nomadic race descended from Lot’s youngest daughter, as the more civilized Moabites were from the elder one.   Although the Israelites were forbidden to molest the Ammonites, Ammon was often in league with nations against Israel, such as with Moab (Deuteronomy 23:3-4); with Moab and Amalek (Judges 3:12-13), with the Syrians (2 Samuel 10:1-19), with Gebal and Amalaek (Psalm 83:7) and was almost always hostile, both before and after the captivity (Nehemiah 4:3 etc).

“The Ammonites were governed by a king (1 Samuel 12:12).   The national deity was Molech (1 Kings 11:7) often called Milcom (1 Kings 11:5, 33).

“The Ammonite names in the Bible shows that the language was akin to that of the Hebrews.

“Solomon set an example in marrying Ammonite women.   Rehoboam’s mother being Naamah. An Ammonitess (1 Kings 14:31) which example Israel was too ready to imitate (Nehemiah 13:23).”

The daughters did not trust God to provide husbands for them and took matters into their own hands with the consequences that we read about in 1 Kings 11:33.  This was in connection with Jereboam’s rebellion: “…because they have forsaken Me, and worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Milcom the god of the people of Ammon, and have not walked in My ways to do what is right in My eyes and keep My statutes and My judgments, as did his father David.”

The many bad decisions that Lot made together with living and being actively involved in an evil city which was full of sin meant that the daughters of Lot were exposed to so much that was wrong.   Further, it would seem that being concerned about their lineage caused them to behave in such a shocking way, and we must not immediately dismiss the concerns that barren women had in those days.  For example, Rachel, the wife of Jacob said “Give me children or else I die!” (compare Genesis 30:1).

These are reasons, not excuses for their sinful behaviour, but those reasons are in no way justifications for sin, and the consequences have been seen through history.  For us, there are many lessons to be learnt from this whole episode, as we read in 1 Corinthians 10:11: “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.”

One of the most important lessons that we can take from this story is to be careful about the company we keep, as we read in 1 Corinthians 15:33: “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits.’”    The ESV renders this as: “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’”

In addition, God warns us not to be involved in the evil system of this world, let alone supporting it (compare Revelation 18:4; 2 Corinthians 6:17). Today, many say that even though they might be against abortion personally, they must support it as elected politicians. This double-standard and hypocrisy does not produce good fruits, and Lot might very well have given a wrong impression to his daughters, seeing him to be actively ruling and judging in Sodom. Today, many may not be in a position of simply moving away from a sinful city (even though it would be unwise to move into a sinful city such as San Francisco), but they must not be in any way become a supporting part of its sinful system.

Had Lot and his family understood this truism, they would have avoided what turned out to be very distressing and life-changing events.

Please note:

We also have these other Q&A’s on Lot and his daughters:

How Many Daughters Did Lot Have?

The Bible says that Lot was just or righteous. But did he not commit horrible sins? How can he then be called “righteous”?

Lead Writers: Brian Gale and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Our new booklet, “Why this Confusion about Life after Death?” was sent out this week to our subscribers. 

Why People Love Halloween,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: 

What is the real reason as to why Halloween is so popular? After all, Halloween is clearly a celebration of darkness and evil spirits. The Bible gives us surprising and unpopular answers to this crucial question.

“Warum die Menschen Halloween lieben,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. This program covers the same topic as the English program described above.

“Das wahre Licht besiegt Halloween” is the title of this coming Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Michael Link. Title in English, “The True Light Conquers Halloween.”

“Ist Jesus Christus Gott?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Tahir Coban, is now posted. The title in English is, “Is Jesus Christ God?”

“Overcoming is a Choice!”, the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We are commanded to choose life, and that means that we must choose to do what God commands. That is how we are to overcome evil.

“Your Body is the Temple,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

There is a lot of focus on spiritual development for Christians. Yet the Bible also acknowledges that we are made of flesh and blood, bound in physical bodies. In this state of being, what is our responsibility for maintaining our physical health according to the teaching of the Bible?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Providence / As We Forgive

On October 30, 2021, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Providence,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “As We Forgive.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

Putin Tells the West

The Washington Post wrote on October 22:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin again attacked Western liberalism in a fiery address on Thursday, blasting so-called cancel culture and advances in gay and transgender rights… he said the notion that children are ‘taught that a boy can become a girl and vice versa’ is monstrous and ‘on the verge of a crime against humanity.’

“He also suggested that transgender rights supporters were demanding an end to ‘basic things such as mother, father, family or gender differences.’…”

The Daily Mail added on October 21:

“Putin has regularly faced criticism for his crackdown on the LGBT community in Russia, where same-sex marriage and ‘gay propaganda’ is banned… Russia’s constitution now says that marriage can only exist between a man and a woman, and also prevents trans people from adopting children. “

Shameful that Putin must tell the Western European nations how wrong they are.

Military Collaboration between Russia and China

Reuters wrote on October 23:

“Russian and Chinese warships held their first joint patrols in the Western part of the Pacific ocean on October 17-23, Russia’s defence ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

“Moscow and Beijing, which staged naval cooperation drills in the Sea of Japan earlier in October, have cultivated closer military and diplomatic ties in recent years at a time when their relations with the West have soured…”

This kind of military collaboration will end up with the biblically prophesied emergence of the “kings of the East.”

Russia vs. Turkey

Express wrote on October 22:

“VLADIMIR PUTIN rejected calls for the UN Security Council to dramatically reform as he warned the organisation would ‘die’ in a showdown with Turkey. The Russian President said on Thursday that depriving permanent members of the United Nations Security Council of their veto rights would destroy the world body. Russia is one of five permanent veto powers at the UN…

“Speaking at the annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi, he said: ‘If we remove the veto right of the permanent members, the UN would die the very same day – it would turn into the League of Nations. It would simply become a discussion platform…’

“The comments came as a response to Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s calls to change the rules of the organisation. Speaking in Angola on Monday, on his tour of Africa, Mr Erdogan said ‘the world is bigger than five’, referring to the number of UN powers holding veto rights. He added: ‘The fate of humanity should not be left to the mercy of a handful of countries that won World War Two.’…

“Earlier last month, Erdogan was quoted as saying on his return from a visit to New York that US-Turkish relations were not healthy and their current direction ‘does not bode well.’”

In spite of the present collaboration, in general, between Turkey and Russia, ultimately, according to biblical prophecy, Turkey will align with Europe against Israel and the USA.

Fight between Poland and the EU Is Heating Up

Deutsche Welle reported on October 27:

“The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ordered Poland to pay a fine of €1 million ($1.2 million) per day on Wednesday over its decision to ignore an EU ruling on Warsaw’s judicial reforms.  The top EU court imposed the penalty as Poland has not suspended the disciplinary chamber of the Supreme Court. The ECJ had ruled in July that the chamber did not guarantee impartiality.

“The ECJ said in a press release the fine was ‘necessary in order to avoid serious and irreparable harm to the legal order of the European Union and to the values on which that Union is founded, in particular that of the rule of law.’… On Twitter, Poland’s Deputy Justice Minister Sebastian Kaleta called the fine ‘usurpation and blackmail.’… Earlier this month, Poland’s constitutional court ruled Polish law supersedes EU law when there is a conflict between the two.

“Last week, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told the European Parliament the disciplinary chamber will be abolished, but he gave no timeline for when that would occur and no draft law has been introduced… The EU asserts Poland has politicized the judiciary with the placement of judges loyal to the ruling Law and Justice Party.”

Express added on October 27:

“Poland argues that the European Union is overstepping its mandate and, in a Financial Times interview published on Sunday, the ruling nationalist Law and Justice Party’s (PiS) Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, accused the European Commission of holding a ‘gun to our head’. The Polish leader warned the EU Commission was at risk of starting a third world war by making demands on the rule of law… He added:  ‘If they start the third world war, we are going to defend our rights with any weapons which are at our disposal.

“Brussels is currently withholding recovery funds against Poland until the dispute is resolved.”

Violence Flares in Israel

Israel Today wrote on October 22:

“Hamas, Turkey, the Palestinian Authority and Islamist activists are fanning the flames in Jerusalem using the pretext of ‘Israeli settlers storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque’ as an excuse to incite the masses. In reality, however, no Israeli Jews have been entering the mosque as they only come to visit the site where the two Jewish Temples once stood before they were destroyed, and sometimes briefly recite a prayer….

“[Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud] Abbas said during a meeting of the PLO’s Executive Committee this week that ‘a real confrontation with the occupation’ had become necessary, and then cited the charge of ‘repeated settler attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque’ as one of the excuses for his incitement…

“Incitement by the two Palestinian entities [Palestinians and Hamas] in Israel is not the only reason why the situation in Jerusalem has become so explosive and violent. The activities of Islamist organizations that are supported by the regime of Turkey’s President… Erdogan are another factor in the enduring violence… Erdoğan regards what is now Israel as Ottoman property and that’s why he last year said that Jerusalem was, in fact, a Turkish city.”

Israel Outlaws Six Palestinian Groups

The Algemeiner wrote on October 22:

“The Israeli government on Friday outlawed six Palestinian NGOs charged with having links to one of the most extreme and violent factions of the PLO… All six groups receive funding from the European Union (EU) or from individual European countries, as well as church groups and foundations including the US-based Rockefeller Brothers Fund…

“[Defense Minister Benny] Gantz’s executive order was strongly condemned by Palestinians and left-wing Israeli groups… International NGOs Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International — both of which have accused Israel in the past of pursuing polices based on ‘apartheid’ and ‘racism’ — issued a joint statement condemning what they called ‘an attack by the Israeli government on the international human rights movement.’…

“Later on Friday, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said the US had not received prior notice about the move, and planned to seek clarification from Israel…”

Israel responded that they HAD given the USA prior notice.

USA Opposed to Israel’s Settlement Plans

Reuters and The Algemeiner wrote on October 26:

“The United States on Tuesday said it strongly opposed Israel’s plans for more settlement units in the West Bank as ‘inconsistent with efforts to lower tensions’ and damaging to the prospects of a two-state solution advocated by Washington. ‘We are deeply concerned about the Israeli government’s plan to advance thousands of settlement units tomorrow, Wednesday, many of them deep in the West Bank,’ State Department spokesperson Ned Price told a briefing…

“Israel on Sunday published tenders for about 1,300 new settlement homes in the West Bank and authorities are also expected to discuss proposals for another 3,000 homes.”

Austria’s New Dictator

The Hill wrote on October 23:

“Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg says he is considering imposing a lockdown on people who are not vaccinated against the coronavirus if case numbers continue to rise… In a meeting with state-level leaders on Friday, Schallenberg said the country would limit entrance into businesses to those who are vaccinated if the number of COVID patients in intensive care reaches 25 percent of the country’s total ICU capacity, which is 500.

“Unvaccinated residents would only be allowed to leave their homes for specific reasons if the number of patients in intensive care reaches 600, or one-third of total capacity… Schallenberg said… ‘We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated.’

“Just over 65 percent of Austrians have had at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, while 62 percent are fully vaccinated…”

Schallenberg or Kurz… the (historical) Austrian dictatorship continues.

Germany’s Plans of the Proposed Coalition regarding Covid

The Local wrote on October 27:

“Mandatory masks, restricted entry to bars and restaurants and Covid tests in schools could all be scrapped next spring under plans unveiled by Germany’s ‘traffic light’ coalition parties on Wednesday. In a joint statement by the parliamentary leaders, the SPD, Greens and the FDP also ruled out future lockdowns over autumn and winter, and said they don’t plan to force people to return to home office working… If the coalition talks succeed, the future government would instead bring in laws to allow state governments to implement rules like mandatory masks, tests in schools, social distancing and restrictive entry to public places and events until spring next year… However, this new legislation would expire on March 20th, 2022, ‘at the latest’, the draft proposals say, meaning nationwide Covid restrictions would also fall away on this date unless new legislation was brought in down the line.  That means that mandatory masks and regulations like ‘3G’ (access only for vaccinated, recovered and people with negative tests) and ‘2G’ (entrance only for vaccinated and recovered people) could all be coming to an end

“The German Bundestag first enacted special pandemic powers, which fall under a clause declaring the country to be in an ‘epidemic situation of national importance’, in March 2020… the fact that they allow governments to set laws without parliamentary oversight has been controversial… With the emergency legislation due to run its course on November 25th, the three ‘traffic light’ coalition parties also said on Wednesday that they were unwilling to extend them further.

“Instead, the parties would introduce the bridging legislation detailed above to allow state governments to implement Covid measures… they would allow states to introduce measures like alcohol bans, contact tracing, health passes and masks on public transport in response to infection and hospitalisation rates until March 2022

“In order to increase the vaccination rate and make progress with so-called ‘booster’ jabs, the traffic light parties have also laid out plans for an expert commission on vaccination coverage. With the commission in place, ‘we will work together with practitioners to find ways to significantly accelerate the progress of vaccinations,’ their draft proposals state.”

We should note that this is a draft proposal by three potential coalition partners who have to agree to a coalition in the first place. But even then, some of the proposed measures are still highly problematic.

The EU Army

France 24 wrote on October 22:

“US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed strengthening European defenses in a telephone call Friday, the White House said as Washington seeks to mend ties after a bitter row over submarine contracts.

The Telegraph added on October 22:

“France’s armed forces minister [Florence Parly] told Nato partners not to be ‘afraid’ of an EU army as she urged her international counterparts to embrace the prospect… EU plans for a rapid-reaction military unit, designed to operate independently of the United States, sparked fears that the bloc would be in competition with Nato…

“Paris wants to pool resources to develop weapons and new battlefield technologies. Brussels is hoping to agree on a EU-wide military strategy next year, which President Emmanuel Macron has vowed to champion as part of France’s six-month presidency of the bloc, starting in January.”

After Biden botched the matter regarding submarine contracts, he is now trying to appease France by granting their wishes for a European army. And even though it is claimed that such an army would not be in competition to NATO, but rather, that it would strengthen the alliance, the opposite should be obvious.

France Bans ALL Domestic Flights… except for Air France

Express wrote on October 24:

“THE BOSS of budget airline Ryanair has hit out at French President Emmanuel Macron in a row over ‘flight-shaming’. Michael O’ Leary criticised France’s decision to ban some domestic flights… in a move it said it would help limit air pollution. However, Mr O’Leary said there was no public support for a flight ban in a fiery tirade against Macron’s policy…

“‘France is banning all domestic flights that are under 500km- unless it is travelling on to a connecting flight through Paris Charles de Gaulle. So basically Air France will keep on flying, but everyone else will be banned.’”

Biden’s Statements on Taiwan

Breitbart wrote on October 22:

“President Joe Biden on Thursday night promised the U.S. stands behind Taiwan’s defense and had a commitment to militarily support the island China claims for itself. The White House was forced to hastily issue a different, contradictory statement before the evening was out…

“‘The U.S. defence relationship with Taiwan is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act…’ [the White House said]… Under the agreement, the U.S. officially recognizes China rather than Taiwan for diplomatic purposes… ‘While that act binds the United States to provide Taiwan with the means to defend itself, Washington only acknowledges China’s stance that the island belongs to it and that there is “one China,” and takes no position on Taiwan’s sovereignty,’ the [Reuters] news agency noted.

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established the ‘one-China’ policy so that foreign governments could officially recognize Beijing’s stance that only one legitimate Chinese government exists. The policy stipulates the CCP is the sole ruler of China’s government and must never be challenged on that specific edict.”

Living in Dangerous Times

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on October 25:

“President Biden’s ‘townhall’ meeting this past week was a disaster… the Wall Street Journal was early among mainstream media publications to observe that the emperor has no clothes. In an editorial titled ‘The Confusing Mr. Biden,’ the paper wrote, ‘Even with a friendly audience and softball questions, Mr. Biden’s performance revealed why so many Americans are losing confidence in his Presidency.’

“The Journal focused on one of the most shocking and disturbing revelations from the carefully crafted event: asked by CNN’s Anderson Cooper if the United States would come to the defense of Taiwan should it come under attack by the Chinese mainland, he replied, ‘Yes, we have a commitment to do that.’ Anderson threw him another softball in hopes he might correct this… misstatement, but Biden was not nimble enough to see his gaffe. He doubled down.

“It was left to the ‘Chemical Ali’ of this Administration, White House Spokesman Jen Psaki, to ‘clarify’ that when the President signaled a major shift in US policy – a shift that could well lead to nuclear war with China – he was just kidding. Or something… In other words: ‘Pay no attention to the man who pretends to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.’…

“Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Miley was heralded as a hero for betraying his Commander in Chief Trump by seeking to restrict Trump’s access to the US nuclear arsenal. Milley claimed that Trump was so unsound of mind that he could not be trusted with the nuclear football. Yet when actual unsoundness is there for everyone to see, Milley and the other ‘woke’ generals are silent as the grave. These are dangerous times.”

Accidental or Intentional?

Newsmax wrote on October 24:

“President Joe Biden has twice asserted, counter to current U.S. policy, that the United States is ready to defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion — and his position may soon have serious consequences, Axios reported. Citing an unnamed source, Axios reported Biden has been accidentally revealing his true views — that Taiwan is too strategically important to the United States for China to seize by force. Defense officials have aired their concerns that China will take Taiwan by force in the next four to six years — or sooner, the news outlet reported…

“Chris Johnson, a former top CIA China analyst who now heads China Strategies Group, told Axios it’s unclear whether Biden’s statements are strategic or accidental, but ‘the result in Beijing will be the same. … The Politburo will interpret it as a unilateral change in the U.S. position on the cornerstone underpinning the bilateral relationship.’”

Calling in the National Guard and Visit at the Southern Border

In addition, the White House walked back Biden’s “vow to call in the National Guard to aid the congested supply chain,” stating  that “requesting the use of the national guard at the state level is under the purview of Governors” and that the Biden Administration is “not actively pursuing the use of the national guard on a federal level” (Fox News, October 22).

Biden also gave wrong impressions—to put it mildly—during Thursday’s Townhall Meeting when he claimed that he had been at the southern border. When pressed on the issue, the White House Press Secretary said that “there has been reporting” that Biden “drove through the border in 2008 when he was on the campaign trail.” This “explanation” caused scorn and outrage on social media.

Better Be Quiet

The Week commented on October 22:

“Trump wouldn’t be quiet. Biden should be,” continuing, “Thursday’s incident may be a sign it’s wise for this administration to continue to keep the boss mostly under wraps. As a senator and vice president, Biden had a reputation for being notoriously gaffe-prone when speaking off the cuff… After four years in which Trump broadcast every stray thought into the world without regard for the consequences — or with deliberate intent to make trouble — it was easy to keep Biden away from the press and declare it a virtue. Now it looks like a necessity. Generally, the health of democracy requires presidents to take questions from the press and public. Biden might be the exception.”

What an assessment for an American President. Note the next article.

Supply Chain Havoc with no End in Sight

Breitbart wrote on October 22:

“Cargo air shipping companies this week warned President Joe Biden the vaccine mandate will wreak havoc on the supply chain by increasing worker shortages across the industry, Politico reported Thursday…

“Biden’s executive order has also caused the shipping companies UPS and FedEx [in addition to DHL Express, Atlas Air and Amazon] to acknowledge they are concerned about the vaccine mandate and are reviewing the possibility of losing many workers due to the federal mandate.

“Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve on Wednesday confirmed Biden’s vaccine mandate is, indeed, contributing to the supply chain crisis… Firms reported high turnover, as workers left for other jobs or retired… Shipping prices across the industry have already skyrocketed due to the supply chain jam driven by a lack of labor. For instance, the price to send a container from Asia to the east coast costs $20,000. In 2020, the price was around $3,800…”

Biden’s self-destructing policies are shocking. Donald Trump Jr. put it correctly, when he said this week that “the Biden administration was ‘overseeing the downfall of America.’” Please read our free booklet, The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.” 

Biden Mocks Freedom

Townhall wrote on October 22:

“President Biden, who in December said he ‘wouldn’t demand’ vaccines be mandatory, not only mocked unvaccinated Americans on Thursday and their freedom to make their own medical decisions, but also endorsed the firing of first responders and police who don’t comply.

“During a town hall event with CNN, moderator Anderson Cooper asked about his thoughts on first responders and police in a number of major cities who are refusing to take the vaccine, which has been mandated at the city level. ‘Should police officers, emergency responders be mandated to get vaccines and if not, should they stay at home or be let go?’ he wondered. ‘Yes and yes,’ Biden replied to applause…

“He then mocked one of the main concerns about the mandates—‘freedom,’ and said those people are trying to make it a ‘political issue.’ “I have the freedom to kill you with my Covid,” I mean come on, freedom,’ he said.”

It has been reported that the applauding attendees were exclusively Biden supporters who were carefully screened and invited to attend by CNN.

Another Nail in Biden’s Coffin—The Accusation against Parents as “Domestic Terrorists”

The Editorial Board of the New York Post wrote on October 22:

“Attorney General Merrick Garland basically admitted Thursday that the White House contacted the Justice Department about that odious letter from the National School Boards Association begging the feds to use the Patriot Act against ‘domestic terrorist’ parents who raise questions about critical race theory being pushed in their kids’ schools.

“This is outrageous, even though Garland fudged on whether it was at the White House’s behest that he issued his remarkable public guidance. He told federal prosecutors and the FBI to actively investigate threats or violence against school officials and/or boards, a dramatic display of intimidation.

“There’s every reason to think it was the White House’s idea: Garland acted just days after the president’s office got the letter, which the NSBA’s top two leaders actually sent at the request of President Joe Biden’s aides after prior discussions on the issue. After all, this is the same White House that ordered the Centers for Disease Control to let teachers-union boss Randi Weingarten dictate parts of their guidance on school masking. And that has embraced mandatory CRT training all across the federal government, including in the military.

“Nor does the attorney general normally make a high-profile public announcement that he’s ordering his minions to get on top of a purely imaginary danger. And never mind that the NSBA’s own board was furious about the letter, which the CEO and president sent out without getting board members’ feedback first.

“Nor that the only real violence cited in the letter involved a dad who lost his temper when the Loudoun County, Va., board refused to address his daughter’s claim (backed up by evidence) that she was raped by a trans person in her school bathroom…

“The simple truth is that the education establishment across America (sometimes pushed by politicians) has been embracing CRT for some time now… It’s all simplistic garbage

“… nearly three-quarters of voters say they’re ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ concerned about what is being taught in public schools.

“The clear message of Garland’s guidance was that parents better watch out if they dare to speak up, and it’s obvious the White House was behind his move. The Biden White House, in short, is politicizing the Justice Department in a bid to stifle dissent — free speech! — about the radicalization of the nation’s schools.”

There is even evidence to suggest that the White House collaborated with the author of the letter and helped in drafting it. All of this is so scandalous. America is developing into a full-fledged dictatorship, and many American citizens are sound asleep.

Fox News wrote on October 23:

“The National School Boards Association issued an apology Friday night for a letter sent to the Biden administration which targeted some parents who are concerned about their child’s school curriculum  and said certain of their actions could be domestic terrorism…

“‘On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter,’ the NSBA said, noting that ‘there was no justification for some of the language included in the letter.’

“In a letter to Garland, half of the eight members of the Commission on Civil Rights requested ‘specific examples’ of ‘harassment, intimidation and threats of violence’ which Garland claimed as evidence for the need for federal intervention in parent protests at schools….”

Will AG Garland, the White House, Joe Biden, the Justice Department, the FBI and others who are responsible for this scandalous course of action against concerned parents apologize too? On Thursday, according to Professor Jonathan Turley, Garland  “testified in Congress to assure members that he does not believe that parents protesting at school board meetings are domestic terrorists.” What double-talk and shameful position, without any hint of an apology for his actions.  Nor did he retract his prior order to the Justice Department and the FBI for “monitoring” parents. Turley said: “Telling parents that the Justice Department is monitoring school board meetings creates an obvious chilling effect on speech. It is like a police car following you on the highway for miles just to see if you violate any law. It has an impact on how you act. Indeed, the purpose of the National School board letter seemed designed to have that effect. The Justice Department then amplified that effect by quickly announcing it would carry out the national effort and released a press statement referring to various departments being brought into the fight, including the National Security Division.”

Regarding the abominable case of the [predictable] rape of a girl by a transgender boy, Truly wrote:

“When asked about alleged sexual assaults in Loudon County, Virginia in school bathrooms involving a transgender student, Garland insisted that such violence sounds like a ‘local case’ and the Justice Department would not be involved. Yet, the Justice Department just announced it would get involved with… threats or violence in school board meetings.”

This whole matter is so despicable and unworthy of any free democracy.

Biden’s Popularity Worse than any other Post-War President

Express wrote on October 24:

“JOE BIDEN is facing a crisis after his popularity has plummeted faster than any other US President since 1945…

“According to the latest study by Gallup, Mr Biden’s approval rating plummeted by 11.3 percent, making him the worst rated than all other 10 presidents before him in the first months of their presidencies…

“While Mr Biden’s approval in the Democrat Party was around 92 percent, only four percent of Republicans approve of him. For independent voters, Mr Biden’s approval has collapsed with only 34 percent now approving of his performance compared to 55 percent in June.”

That the vast majority of Democrats support Biden is shocking beyond belief. Are they willfully ignorant and blind?  

Fauci Accused of Funding Sickening Experiments on Dogs

The Sun wrote on October 23:

“Fauci is under fire for allegedly funding experiments where beagle puppies were locked in cages with hungry sandflies that would eat them alive.

“The non-profit organization White Coat Waste Project has accused the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of funding a project that had beagles infected with disease-causing parasites in order to test an experimental drug.

“The Hill reports that a bipartisan group of 24 House Representatives has written a letter demanding that Fauci answer to the claims by the nonprofit. The organization claims that as many as 44 beagle puppies were used as part of the cruel experiment in a Tunisia laboratory. Some of the dogs allegedly had their vocal cords removed to muzzle their barking. ‘Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive,’ White Coat Waste told The Hill. ‘They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies,’ they added.

“The NIAID spent directed $1.68million in taxpayer money on these experiments, according to documents obtained by the non-profit. The letter was signed by some Democrats…  However, it was mostly signed by Republican lawmakers…

“Fauci…. has previously found himself under hot water after being accused of lying to the American public after documents seemed to contradict his claims that his agency did not fund research of coronaviruses in a Wuhan, China, lab.”

If any of this can be proven to be true, Fauci should resign immediately and he should be held accountable for such alleged despicable acts.

The Crux with Vaccines for Children

The Ron Paul Institute published a lengthy article on October 22, titled, “Fauci Actually Got Something Right, but for the Wrong Reasons.” We are quoting some pertinent excerpts for your information and evaluation. The article itself includes numerous links for its assertions.

“Fauci, the reigning king of deceitful double-speak, actually got something right. Vaccines already mandated upon children are similar to COVID-19 vaccines in many respects, except not in good ways, as Fauci would have us believe. Many assume that COVID-19 vaccines will be the first vaccines mandated upon children without a showing of necessity, and without rigorous safety testing. They also assume that they’ll be the first mandated upon them without proven, long-lasting efficacy. They’re wrong on all counts.

“Many other vaccines have been mandated upon US children without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy… Newborns and infants are being administered a hepatitis B vaccine without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy… There has been no showing of necessity for mass measles vaccination, and widespread use of the measles vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern… There has been no showing of necessity for mass mumps vaccination, and widespread use of the mumps vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern… There has been no showing of necessity for mass chickenpox vaccination, and widespread use of the chickenpox vaccine has altered a beneficial, natural pattern…

“The CDC has not proven that its entire schedule of recommended childhood vaccines provides a net benefit to children’s health, and unvaccinated v. vaccinated data indicates that unvaccinated children are healthier… Many other vaccines have been mandated upon US children without proof of necessity, safety, or long-lasting efficacy, but this doesn’t warrant mandating more vaccines upon them under the same circumstances. It warrants rescuing them from those already mandated.”

Articles like these are seldom published, if ever, in the mass media. But this does not mean that they should just be ignored or dismissed without evaluation.

Why Vaccinate Children?

Life Site News wrote on October 21:

“For months, prominent doctors and scientists around the world have issued urgent warnings about the catastrophically bad safety profile of the Pfizer vaccine and other COVID injections, strongly arguing against their use in children. Several Scandinavian countries paused the use of the Moderna vaccine in younger age groups, concerned with the risk of myocarditis…

“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [said]  on Oct. 16, ‘We have no business doing this to little children,’ stating that subjecting children to the adverse events of COVID vaccination is unethical and is ‘medical malpractice.’…

“CDC has already issued guidelines on vaccinating children ages 5 to 11, and the Biden administration has purchased 65 million Pfizer pediatric doses — ‘more than enough to fully vaccinate … all 28 million 5 to 11-year-olds.’…

“Attempting to lay the psychological groundwork for FDA’s impending authorization, New York Times science writer Apoorva Mandavilli asserted on Oct. 6 that almost 900,000 children had been hospitalized with COVID since the beginning of the pandemic.The Times was forced to retract Mandavilli’s whopper — a 14-fold exaggeration — the next day…

“Last week, four- and five-year-old siblings mistakenly received adult doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine at a local Walgreens instead of getting the flu shots their parents had requested. The children experienced adverse reactions almost immediately, and both are now under the care of a pediatric cardiologist for problems that include headaches, chest pain, abnormally fast heart rate and high blood pressure

“Given that COVID disease poses almost no risk to children — with a 99.9973% survival rate for those 19-and-under and hospitalization rates far lower than what the New York Times would have us believe — what possible rationale can FDA and CDC offer for subjecting young children to such a dangerous experiment? One answer… is that good health is not profitable, whereas drug dependency is.

“It is well established that the rise of chronic illness in American children is coterminous with the childhood vaccine schedule, and the types of adverse events documented in package inserts for liability-free childhood vaccines — 400 different reactions that include seizures, asthma, allergies, autoimmune illness, arthritis, paralysis, gastrointestinal disorders and mental health challenges — generate long-term and often lifetime clients for the pharmaceutical industry.

“Now, doctors are reporting a significant uptick in cancers following COVID vaccination…

“Last week, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)… characterized the push for mandates as ‘sinister, [continuing] “the determined push for indiscriminate vaccination of … pregnant women, and of children causes me to ask questions.’”

Money makes the world go ‘round…

Vatican Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mueller on Vaccine Mandates, Abortion and Same-Sex Unions

Newsmax wrote on October 21:

“Christians should be allowed to follow their conscience and opt out of vaccine mandates, especially in cases where aborted fetal tissue may have been part of the cell line used to develop the vaccine, key Vatican Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Mueller [said]. Mueller, originally of Germany, is currently in the United States…

“Pope Francis has said it is permissible for Catholics to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, he has urged people to get vaccinated as an ‘act of love.’

“Mueller said ‘everybody must be allowed to act according to his conscience,’ especially in the United States, whose founding documents declare that the state serves and is not there to be served…

“On the subject of denying communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion rights, such as President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Mueller noted that the taking of human life defies the commandment of God… Mueller also condemned the idea of church leaders in Germany who are pushing for a sanctioning of same-sex unions… The Roman Catholic Church, he said, should be focused on evangelism rather than divisive issues that will only further drive people from embracing the faith.”

The divisions within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church are becoming more and more noticeable. When it comes to the above-stated claim that “aborted fetal tissue may have been part of the cell line used to develop the vaccine,” the following article by Nebraska Medicine, dated August 18, 2021, explains:

“… the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells. However, fetal cell lines – cells grown in a laboratory based on aborted fetal cells collected generations ago – were used in testing during research and development of the mRNA vaccines, and during production of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine…. It is true that decades ago, scientists decided to use fetal tissue to start the cell lines we use to test drugs today… Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from abortions in the 1970s and 1980s.

“Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating the fetal cell lines… mentioned above. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus…

“Vaccine makers may use these fetal cell lines during the following two phases:  Research and development [and] Production and manufacturing.

“When it comes to the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, fetal cell line HEK 293 was used during the research and development phase. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 abortion that took place in the Netherlands…

“For the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, fetal cell lines were used in the production and manufacturing stage. To make the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, scientists infect PER.C6 fetal cell lines to grow the adenovirus vector. All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 abortion that took place in the Netherlands.”

US Supreme Court Does Not Block Texas Abortion Law… for now

Newsmax wrote on October 22:

“The Supreme Court is not immediately blocking the Texas law that bans most abortions, but has agreed to hear arguments in the case in early November. The justices said Friday they will decide whether the federal government has the right to sue over the law.

“The court’s action leaves in place for the time being a law that clinics say has led to an 80% reduction in abortions in the nation’s second-largest state. The law bans abortions after cardiac activity is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy. That’s before some women even know they are pregnant.

“Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that she would have blocked the law now.”

It appears that the US Supreme Court wants to avoid ruling on the merits, as usual, by just looking at procedural issues, such as the jurisdiction of the federal government to override state law.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Corona News in the USA

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“The US Navy said Thursday that personnel who refuse to be vaccinated will be expelled from the force… It has set a November 28 deadline for enlistees to be fully inoculated. If all US military services take the same hard line that the navy is taking, it could risk losing as many as 46,000 troop members.”

That is one way to accelerate America’s downfall and defenselessness. A total stupidity, which IS prophesied, one way or another, to happen.

Chicago Battlefield for Legal Action for and against Vaccination Mandate

AFP wrote on October 16:

“A Chicago judge on Friday banned a police union president from making public statements on the city’s Covid-19 policy as a stand-off over vaccine mandates sparked dueling lawsuits.

“The dispute between mayor Lori Lightfoot and police union head John Catanzara has made the city the latest flashpoint in a deeply polarized debate over vaccines and whether governments have the right to mandate them.

“Lightfoot sought and received an injunction against Catanzara Friday when the judge issued a 10-day restraining order that bans him from making statements that encourage members not to report their vaccination status.

“The police union filed its own lawsuit Friday against Lightfoot and Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown that seeks to force arbitration over the matter…

“Catanzara urged police officers to ignore the order and risk loss of pay… he predicted that if a large number of officers refused to be tested or report their vaccinations, Chicago would have a ‘police force at 50 percent or less…’”

Under Lightfoot’s orders, police officers must report their vaccination status. If they are not vaccinated, they must be tested twice each week, but they have to pay for the tests and must do it in their “free” time. This is supposed to last until the end of the year, and it is unclear as to what is supposed to happen then.

A judge is scheduled to decide the two pending lawsuits sometime next week.

Fauci Blames Unvaccinated, Ignores Science

Newsmax wrote on October 17:

“[Fauci] is sounding a continued warning about the unvaccinated causing a fifth wave of COVID-19 in the U.S… Dr. Fauci did not discuss the settled science that has revealed even vaccinated Americans can contract and spread COVID-19…

“Still, Fauci blames the unvaccinated – which critics argue many might have natural immunity from having overcome COVID-19 – for surges of the pandemic in the U.S….

“One very early and vocal critic has been Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kay, who has been an early proponent of natural immunity being an effective protection against COVID-19.

Science and data now support Paul’s long-held scientific hypothesis, leading to some high-profile clashes from Paul with Fauci and Biden administration health officials.”

But natural immunity does not make big Pharma rich…

Fully Vaccinated Colin Powell Dies of Corona

Breitbart wrote on October 18:

“General Colin Powell, the first black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State, died Monday morning from complications of COVID-19.

“He led a storied military career and emerged on the political scene as a Republican… His stature was considerably undermined after he was used to push the Iraq War on a flawed basis, and after he became a perennial supporter of Democratic presidential candidates….

“The White House indicated in a statement on Monday morning that Powell died from the coronavirus despite being ‘fully vaccinated,’ a revelation that is certain to fuel the continuing controversy about vaccines and mandates…”

CNN wrote on October 18:

“Powell had multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body’s immune response, as well as Parkinson’s, Peggy Cifrino, Powell’s longtime chief of staff, confirmed to CNN. Even if fully vaccinated against Covid-19, those who are immunocompromised are at greater risk from the virus.”

It was not revealed, though, whether Powell died because of any of those underlying health problems. In fact, as Breitbart reported, “Powell’s family did not mention any underlying conditions in their statement announcing his death.”

A doctor was presented by CNN, claiming that Powell died because some Americans have not been vaccinated yet. And Fox News quoted experts saying that Powell’s death “underscores the need for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots among older adults.”

So, two vaccines are not enough now; we need three or four. Truly, the pharmaceutical industry and all the doctors, politicians and everyone else connected monetarily with big pharma, must be jumping for joy… but they are doing it in secret.

A most famous German singer, Tony Marshal, was submitted to the hospital because of corona. He was also fully vaccinated. His wife, who was fully vaccinated as well, was also diagnosed with corona.

Hesse Adopts G2 Rule for Supermarkets

The Local wrote on October 15:

“Supermarkets in Frankfurt and the surrounding region can now implement rules that only allow vaccinated and Covid-recovered people onto their premises.

“The new Covid health pass entry rules announced by the central state of Hesse have upped the pressure on the unvaccinated by allowing all shops to implement the so-called 2G rule at their doors.

“The 2G rule refers to public places being given the option to allow entry only to vaccinated(geimpft in German) or people who’ve recovered from Covid (genesen) and has so far been allowed in half of Germany’s states for certain public places like bars, restaurants, nightclubs and cinemas. [It excludes unvaccinated people who’ve tested (getestet) negatively for Covid.]…

“2G has proved controversial, with many people complaining that it excludes people who can’t [get] vaccinated and that it has the potential to widen societal divisions over the pandemic response.

“Many locations in the hospitality and entertainment sector have stuck to a 3G rule, which allows people to enter if they can show a negative Covid-19 test

“With several million German adults still to be vaccinated as the winter draws near, authorities have sought to up the pressure on them by making access to some parts of public life more difficult or costly. Eight federal states have allowed businesses and event organisers to adopt the so-called 2G option…”

Many have asked about the designations of G3 and G3 in Germany. The article makes this distinction clear.

Germany’s New Expensive Testing Rules

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“Germany’s new COVID-19 testing rules came into force on October 11. They are focused on the unvaccinated, who until now could take a free test and with a negative result go to a restaurant or other restricted area…[But now, they have to pay for the tests.]

“Janosch Dahmen, a physician and health expert for the Green Party’s parliamentary group, criticized the decision made by Chancellor Angela Merkel and all the regional state premiers…

“There have been many so-called breakthrough cases — cases when someone fully vaccinated is nonetheless infected with the virus. The RKI [Robert Koch Institute] has reported 80,000 breakthrough infections [in Germany alone]…”

Spahn’s Double-Talk

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 18:

“German Health Minister Jens Spahn has said that special rules relating to the coronavirus pandemic could end on November 25, the Bild newspaper reported on Monday.

“But many indoor rules requiring proof of negative test, vaccination and other hygiene measures would need to remain in place, the report added.”

Bild Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt Fired

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 20:

Bild tabloid Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt was fired after The New York Times detailed misconduct toward female employees. The case is now making waves internationally.

“Bild, which Julian Reichelt led since 2017, is the daily newspaper with the highest circulation in Germany and has shaped the country’s media landscape significantly since it was founded in 1952. Known for courting controversy, the media outlet often receives criticism: For example after launching a front-page attack on virologist Christian Dorsten, one of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s advisors, at the start of the pandemic…

“Behind the newspaper is the billion-euro Axel Springer publishing house… Axel Springer this August purchased US media outlet Politico for $1 billion. In 2015, the company bought Business Insider.

“The scandal perhaps marks a turning point in Germany’s #MeToo movement, which has already been well underway in the media scene in the US…. In 2016, Fox News journalist Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit which brought about an internal investigation at the network and led to a number of sexual harassment claims against Ailes, considered to be a kingmaker by the Republican party…

“In 1996, Ailes was hired by Rupert Murdoch, who was at the time CEO of media giant NewsCorp. He launched Fox News, hiring outspoken right-wing commentators like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. The network has since become known for its inflammatory statements and questionable stances, such as casting doubt on where Barack Obama was born; and, more recently, vaccine skepticism….”

When positions are advanced which do not reflect the mass media’s agenda, then they are described as “questionable stances.” It has been stated in Germany that the real reason Reichelt was fired was the constant attack of the left-liberal media on his stance in numerous situations. We have, from time to time, published editorials by Reichelt which were extraordinary and right to the point.

Canada Keeps Persecuting Christian Pastor

Fox News wrote on October 16:

“The Polish-Canadian pastor who has been jailed for holding church services in Calgary, Alberta, said he will refuse to obey a court order mandating him to publicly echo the established opinions of medical experts regarding COVID-19. Pastor Artur Pawlowski was sanctioned by Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Adam Germain to 18 months of probation, according to a written ruling released Friday…

“In addition to tens of thousands of dollars in costs and fines, one condition of Pawlowski’s probation requires him to parrot ‘the majority of medical experts in Alberta’ regarding social distancing, mask wearing and vaccines, even when he speaks in church. ‘The final term of his probation order will be that when he is exercising his right of free speech and speaking against [Alberta Health Services] Health Orders and AHS health recommendations, in a public gathering or public forum (including electronic social media), he must indicate in his communications the following,’ wrote Germain, who appended a script:

“‘I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.’

“Pawlowski told Fox News he has no intention of complying with Germain’s sanction, which he condemned as ‘unconstitutional,’ ‘illegal,’ and a clear instance of ‘compelled speech like in China and North Korea.’ ‘This crooked judge wants to turn me into a CBC reporter or CNN reporter, that every time that I am in public, every time I’m opening my mouth, I am to pray their mantra to the government,’ he said.

“Pawlowski said the judge’s condition is ‘without precedent’ in Canada, an assertion echoed by his lawyer, Sarah Miller, who described Germain’s sanction as ‘bizarre’ and ‘likely unconstitutional’ under Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees freedom of expression…

“Germain took particular umbrage at Pawlowski’s speaking tour throughout the United States over the summer, during which he met with lawmakers and warned audiences that Western governments increasingly resemble the communist regime in Poland he fled as a young man…

“Pawlowski, whose probation also forbids him from leaving the province, suggested to Fox News that Germain’s attitude and sanctions prove the point he was trying to make throughout his U.S. tour. ‘When I grew up under the boots of the Soviets, the courts like this were called “show courts”’ he said.

“‘It was to show that the government can do with you whatever they want, and there is nothing you can do about it. And it’s just to scare the public, telling you, “See, we can finish off anyone we want.” They’re terrified of the truth. I’m not hiding. I’m not a criminal. I said I will not obey this court order. I refuse to obey a crooked judge’s order. He’s not a judge, he’s a political activist,’ he added.”

What is happening in Canada is truly shocking. One IS reminded of dictatorial socialist countries.

Rand Paul warns of Socialism

Breitbart wrote on October 16:

“Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warned there were perils associated with big government socialism. Paul [said] beyond the economic consequences of socialism, historically, it ended with state-sponsored authoritarianism and violence

“‘I think now we’ve seen eight, nine months of big government socialism coming from Biden, and people are starting to understand that there are consequences… One of the consequences is prices are rising… Big government, socialism doesn’t work…”

It surely does not for the people, but governmental officials accumulate more and more autocratic powers.

US Marine Punished for Telling the Truth

Newsmax wrote on October 15:

“U.S. Marine Corps Judge Col. Glen Hines found [U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Stuart] Scheller guilty… [attorney] Buzbee told Newsmax that Scheller is being punished because he spoke truth to power

“… no matter which form of discharge Scheller gets, he’ll still lose his retirement pay and benefits, to the tune of at least $2 million, said Buzbee….

“Buzbee said that many people were ‘outraged and frustrated and upset’ by the withdrawal, particularly when a terrorist attack on Aug. 26 killed 13 U.S. military personnel at the Kabul International Airport during the evacuation proceedings. Here’s a man that served 17 years, and is three years from vesting retirement…’

“The attorney said Scheller’s message is resonating nationwide, and that he’s appreciating the support he’s received, but ‘let’s not forget, you know, they took a Marine who was distinguished and decorated and put him in the brig…

“‘He has stepped forward and set an example about accountability, and I don’t think it’s too much to ask for the individuals responsible for the planning or lack thereof with the withdrawal of Afghanistan to also step forward, when we see generals testifying in front of Congress trying to make the case that [it] was an operational and tactical success.’”

In fact, all of those responsible, from the very top down, should have the decency to resign.

“America Is Breaking Down!”

The Rutherford Institute wrote on or about October 20:

“This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, racism, classism, fascism, fear-mongering, political correctness, cultural sanitation, virtue signaling, a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing government corruption and brutality, a growing economic divide that has much of the population struggling to get by, and militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment)—is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long.

“In New York City, for example, a 200-year-old statue of Thomas Jefferson holding the Declaration of Independence will be removed from the City Council’s chambers where it has presided since 1915. Despite Jefferson’s many significant accomplishments, without which we might not have the rights we do today, he will be banished for having been, like many of his day, a slaveowner…

“In Washington, DC, a tribunal of nine men and women spoke with one voice to affirm that the government and its henchmen can literally get away with murder and not be held accountable for their wrongdoing. The Supreme Court’s latest rulings are yet another painful lesson in compliance, a reminder that in the American police state, ‘we the people’ are at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to ‘serve and protect.’

“All across the country, from California to Connecticut and every point in between, men and women who have worked faithfully and diligently at their jobs for years are being terminated for daring to believe that they have a right to bodily integrity; that they should not be forced, against their conscience or better judgment, to choose between individual liberty and economic survival; and that they—and not the government, or the FDA, or the CDC, or the Corporate State—have dominion over their bodies. Conveniently enough… the government, corporations and pharmaceutical companies have been shielded from liability with blanket immunity laws that ensure we are little more than guinea pigs for their questionable experiments.

“And then in Pennsylvania, a man traveling on a commuter train harassed, assaulted and then raped a woman over the course of 40 minutes and more than two dozen train stops while fellow travelers, watching and filming the attack, did nothing. Not a single witness called 911. Not a single bystander intervened to help the woman. Despite the fact that the man was outnumbered and could have been overwhelmed by those on the train, no collective effort was made to ward off the attack. Only when it was too late, when the damage had been done and the train had pulled into its last stop, did police show up to intervene…

“This is madness, yet there is a method to this madness. This is how freedom falls and tyranny rises. Remember, authoritarian regimes begin with incremental steps: overcriminalization, surveillance of innocent citizens, imprisonment for nonviolent—victimless—crimes, etc. Bit by bit, the citizenry finds its freedoms being curtailed and undermined for the sake of national security. And slowly the populace begins to submit.“No one speaks up for those being targeted. No one resists these minor acts of oppression. No one recognizes the indoctrination into tyranny for what it is. Historically this failure to speak truth to power has resulted in whole populations being conditioned to tolerate unspoken cruelty toward their fellow human beings, a bystander syndrome in which people remain silent and disengaged—mere onlookers—in the face of abject horrors and injustice.

“… We can continue to spout empty political rhetoric about how great America is, despite the evidence to the contrary… We can zip our lips and bind our hands and shut our eyes… evil happens when bureaucrats (governmental and corporate) unquestioningly carry out orders that are immoral and inhumane; obey immoral instructions unthinkingly; march in lockstep with tyrants; mindlessly perpetuate acts of terror and inhumanity; and justify it all as just ‘doing one’s job.’”

Sadly, this is so true! Our free booklet, “Obeying God Rather Than Men,” includes much more information on this topic.

Crackdown on Free Speech

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“Amnesty said that many governments had used the pandemic as an opportunity to further restrict freedom of expression. ‘Communication channels have been targeted, social media has been censored, and media outlets have been closed down… Governments that have long kept a tight control over what is shared in the public domain with overly restrictive legislation, have used the pandemic as another excuse to apply laws to censor and silence criticism, debate, and the sharing of information… Other governments have used the widespread alarm and confusion generated by the pandemic to rush through new legislation and other emergency measures that are not only disproportionate but also ineffective to deal with issues such as misinformation.’

“The report said that China, where the virus first emerged at the end of 2019, had opened criminal investigations into 5,511 people by February 2020. These people had been charged with ‘fabricating and deliberately disseminating false and harmful information’ about the nature and extent of the outbreak, according to Chinese authorities. Russia...  introduced amendments that imposed criminal penalties for what it called ‘public dissemination of knowingly false information’ in the context of emergencies, Amnesty said. It also imposed administrative penalties for media outlets that publish such information, the report added…

“The London-based group warned that these laws and penalties were likely to stay in force even after the pandemic.”

Why Government Cover-Ups Succeed

The Ron Paul Institute published on October 19 the following article which was originally released by the Future of Freedom Foundation:“‘It’s not necessary to censor the news, it’s sufficient to delay the news until it no longer matters,’ Napoleon Bonaparte reportedly said. The same standard helps explain why Washington politicians and federal agencies usually get away with covering up their lies and abuses…“Cover-ups succeed because people defer to promises by government officials to investigate themselves.

This was how the Nixon-era Pentagon buried scores of Vietnam atrocities even after confirming the carnage… Nine thousand pages of documents were compiled confirming more than 300 war crimes, including seven other massacres of civilians by US troops… American soldiers faced more legal perils for reporting than for committing atrocities… As long as the government claimed to be investigating an alleged atrocity, the media downplayed the story…“The George W. Bush administration used similar charades to stifle the scandal over its worldwide torture regime. The only thing necessary for a successful cover-up was for the president first to continually proclaim that everything will be investigated, and then, months later, to proclaim that everything has already been investigated… In reality, none of the investigations had been independent, and none of the reports were available in full to the public… Yet, the Bush administration created the impression that anyone who refused to accept the good faith of the government’s self-investigations was acting in bad faith.

“… The Washington Post blocked or buried pre-war articles exposing the holes in the Bush team’s assertions on Iraq…

“But things will be different now that Joe Biden is president, right? Unfortunately, the media continues celebrating his election victory by ignoring almost all his falsehoods and failures. The mere fact that Biden is not Donald Trump will likely continue to give him a free pass from the media for at least another six months…”

The mass media bears great responsibility for not fulfilling its job.

A Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem?

JNS (Jewish News Syndicate) wrote on October 18:

“If Washington follows through on its plan to forcibly open a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem, it will be the greatest humiliation Israel has ever experienced. The Americans are well aware of Israel’s opposition to the move. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made that much clear in a meeting with President Joe Biden at the White House. Speaking at a conference hosted by The Jerusalem Post last week, Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar said: ‘I want to be perfectly clear: We oppose it. I heard that for the president, it’s a campaign promise. For us, it’s the promise of generations.’

“According to international law, the opening of a diplomatic mission or the altering of its status requires the written signature of the host country’s foreign minister—who in this case is Yesh Atid Party head Yair Lapid. Even if Lapid, who has sworn his allegiance to a unified Jerusalem countless times, was willing to align himself with the administration’s stance, he knows his authorization of the move would lead to the government’s collapse. That is why he has shifted to an opposing stance.

“Nevertheless, with Lapid by his side, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced in Washington: ‘We’ll be moving forward with the process of opening a consulate as part of deepening those ties with the Palestinians.’ Or in other words, we have decided to show contempt for Israel’s position.

“Blinken has not taken such a condescending stance on Iran, the Palestinians, the Chinese, or any other U.S. partner… And what do the Israelis get in return? A stinging slap in the face.”

America will turn more and more against Israel.

Is the Catholic Church Guilty of Tax Evasion in Israel?

Israel 365 wrote on October 14:

“Is the Pope evading taxes on Vatican property in Israel?… the Vatican’s churches claim to be houses of worship exclusively even though it is well documented that many of them double as hotels, restaurants, stores, and schools.

“… the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and other churches affiliated with the Vatican… demonized Israel, going so far as to imply that Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish state…

“The Vatican’s excuse for their tax evasion is that according to the Holy See, ‘Jerusalem must be internationalized and become a corpus separatum (Latin for ‘separate body’).’”

Again, we see that the Catholic church is showing its true colors relating to Israel.

Poland and the EU’s Move towards Totalitarianism

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“The top Polish court ruled on October 7 that parts of the EU treaties are ‘incompatible’ with the country’s constitution and that the latter takes precedence. It has been widely criticized by the European Commission and several member states, including France and Germany…

“The Polish prime minister defended the stance of Poland’s constitutional court over the primacy of Polish law and rejected comments suggesting the country was on a path to a possible ‘Polexit.’ ‘We should not be spreading further lies about Poland leaving the EU,’ he said.

“But he also accused the EU of ‘blackmail,’ saying ‘it is unacceptable to talk about financial penalties… I will not accept politicians wanting to blackmail and threaten Poland.’ Morawiecki went on to criticize the ‘creeping’ expansion of EU powers, pushed by the European Court of Justice (ECJ)…

“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told EU lawmakers on Monday that she was ‘deeply concerned’ over the developments in Poland… She went on to mention the ‘Article 7 procedure’ as a ‘powerful tool’ to deal with violations from member states. Article 7 allows the EU to remove certain rights of member states, including stripping them of their voting rights

“Poland, along with Hungary, has threatened to use its veto power to block key EU legislation on climate change and migration. While there is no procedure to kick a member state out of the union, the evocation of Article 7 could leave Poland powerless in any negotiations.”

Europe and Emperor Justinian

Lowyinstitute wrote on October 19:

“Constantinople, the capital of ancient Byzantium, was dominated by a statue of Emperor Justinian. Legend has it that Justinian’s hand was lifted to the East to ward off prospective attacks from Persia, while his gaze was turned to the West, portending that the real threat to the capital came from that direction…

“Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, acknowledged… that ‘there are deeply troubling questions’ regarding the future of NATO [i.e., referring to the above-mentioned legend, the real threat would be coming from the West] and that the EU needs to develop independent security capacities through the establishment of a ‘European Defence Union’.

“The key power brokers of Europe – especially Macron, von der Leyen and, of course, the new German chancellor – would do well to heed Justinian’s strategic dictum: ‘keep cool and you will command everyone’. Keeping cool entails Europe seeing the current potential for US disengagement on the continent not as a looming security disaster, but as a golden opportunity… European interests should not be conflated with US interests. Europe pursuing more strategic autonomy sans-US involvement would help Europe avoid being sucked into a potential Sino-American Cold War.

“Justinian is remembered for his boldness. If European leaders can harness some of this courage to break free of their reliance on the United States, not only would it benefit European security and strategic flexibility on the continent, it might also help Europe fulfil its long-touted ‘super-power’ potential.”

And this is exactly what will happen.

Shatner’s Trip to Space and Prince William’s Criticism

Newsmax wrote on October15:

“After taking a trip to space, ‘Star Trek’ actor William Shatner is lamenting the short-sightedness of Prince William’s space science denial… ‘He’s got the wrong idea,’ Shatner, 90, [said]. ‘… this is a baby step into the idea of getting industry, all those polluting industries, off of Earth,’ he continued. ‘You can build a base 250, 280 miles above the Earth and send that power down here, and they catch it, and they then use it, and it’s there,’ he added…

“Prince William, 39, had been politicking for climate change while denying science of space exploration to BBC. ‘We need some of the world’s greatest brains and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live,’ William said. ‘It really is quite crucial to be focusing on this [planet] rather than giving up and heading out into space to try and think of solutions for the future,’ he added…

“‘The prince is missing the point,’ Shatner [said.] ‘The point is these are the baby steps to show people it’s very practical. You can send somebody like me up into space.’”

Wherever man has put his feet, he has polluted and destroyed the environment. At the same time, the idea of sending all the polluting industries and material (including perhaps radioactive material) into space is interesting in the light of what Christ may do when He has returned to govern this [polluted] Earth.

Russia’s and China’s Collaboration

Israel 365 wrote on October 18:

“It was recently revealed that in August, China tested a hypersonic missile that is capable of carrying a nuclear payload… the test showed that China had made astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than US officials realized…

“Hypersonic weapons travel long distances through the atmosphere at speeds of Mach 5-10 making them invulnerable to any air or missile defense system

“Along with China, the United States, Russia, and at least five other countries are working on hypersonic technology…

“The test comes at a sensitive time when tensions are high as China has made aggressive moves towards Taiwan.

“In addition, China and Russia are currently holding joint naval exercises in Russia’s Peter the Great Gulf called Joint Sea 2021…

“It is interesting to note that according to Mongolian tradition, their nation was descended from Magog. The Mongolian Empire once included sections of Russia, China, and North Korea. The Chinese and all the minority groups living in China are of the Mongoloid race, which stems from Noah’s son Japheth. Etymologists have conjectured that the name Mongol is derived from the name Magog.”

The Daily Mail added on October 17:

“The hypersonic missiles can reach speeds of up to 21,000 mph and can strike anywhere on Earth from space within minutes.”

Russia’s Blackmail of Europe and Ukraine

Express wrote on October 18:

“RUSSIA has dealt a hammer blow to the EU after refusing to pump more gas into the bloc despite Vladimir Putin claiming he would do so. It comes after European gas prices have soared to record highs and have left the bloc in the face of a gas crisis. Prices soared when Russia decided to decrease the flow of gas travelling into Europe following a deal for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Putin struck a deal to see the new pipeline transit gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, bypassing Poland and Ukraine. But as the pipeline awaits approval from German regulators, Mr Putin ordered a tightening of supplies to avoid EU rules from being applied to the system and to speed up the pipeline’s approval.

“Gas prices across Europe have now skyrocketed as supplies decrease and the continent prepares for a cold winter where even more pressure will be put on supplies. But now, state-owned Russian gas company, Gazprom, has reportedly said that it doesn’t even plan to send more gas via pipelines through Ukraine next month. Instead, it will send only limited supplies through Poland

“Mr Putin has fiercely denied the claims that Russia is using gas as a geopolitical weapon… But Mr Putin’s latest [move] has again displayed Moscow’s tight control on the gas market…

““Mr Putin’s use of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to control gas prices has threatened tensions with Ukraine. And after the latest of Gazprom’s gas flow restrictions through its neighbouring country, it has raised even more fears.

“… the boss of Ukraine gas giant Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, said: ‘The worst-case scenario is that there could be no gas flowing through Ukraine, it would allow him to blackmail Ukraine so could lead to either a full-scale war.

“‘For example, forget about Crimea, take back Donbass, the occupied regions, but on Putin’s terms, and basically the whole of Ukraine would become part of the Russian world.’

“Back in 2014, Russian troops took control of Crimea before annexing the peninsula after the region voted to join the Russian Federation in a disputed local referendum.”

Putin is using gas to blackmail Europe. In addition, Russia might indeed force a “unification” of Ukraine and Russia.

The Dangerous Experiments with Animal-to-Human Transplants

Newsmax wrote on October 19:

“Scientists temporarily attached a pig’s kidney to a human body and watched it begin to work… The kidney for this experiment came from a gene-edited animal, engineered to… avoid an immune system attack.

“… The dream of animal-to-human transplants… goes back to the 17th century with stumbling attempts to use animal blood for transfusions. By the 20th century, surgeons were attempting transplants of organs from baboons into humans, notably Baby Fae, a dying infant, who lived 21 days with a baboon heart.

“With no lasting success and much public uproar, scientists turned from primates to pigs…

“In the NYU case, researchers kept a deceased woman’s body going on a ventilator after her family agreed to the experiment…

“Experts say tests on nonhuman primates and last month’s experiment with a human body pave the way for the first experimental pig kidney or heart transplants in living people in the next several years….”

The question was raised: Should we do it only because we can?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 993

Trust and Be Grateful/Your Body Is the Temple

On October 23, 2021, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “Trust and Be Grateful,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Your Body Is the Temple.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Characteristics within the Early Church

by Paul Niehoff (Australia)

There are some passages in the book of Acts that describe the conduct of the early disciples immediately after they had had God’s truth revealed to them. They are very positive examples, and we know that these examples were written for our instruction, and it is good to be reminded of them from time to time.

One I would like to consider is the time immediately after the Day of Pentecost when the Church was just beginning. Many Jews were dwelling in Jerusalem from every nation under heaven (Acts 2:5). The apostle Peter had just presented a powerful sermon during which he quoted from the prophet Joel and king David. Many of these Jews and proselytes gladly received Peter’s preaching and were baptised. We read in Acts 2:46. “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.”

It is interesting to note that before the Day of Pentecost, the eleven apostles, together with others who were with them, “were continually in the temple praising and blessing God” (Luke 24:53). The number given at that time was around one hundred and twenty, both men and women including Mary, the mother of Jesus, and His brothers (Acts 1:15-16). Since these were all Jews, including the “about three thousand” baptised on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:41), the most obvious place to meet as a group after the Day of Pentecost would have been in the temple. However, they also met in smaller groups in one another’s houses to enjoy fellowship and having meals together with gladness.

The expression “simplicity of heart” in Acts 2:46 is very interesting. The Greek word for simplicity is only used here in the New Testament. It is also translated sincerity and singleness in other versions and comes from a Greek word meaning smoothness of a soil without stones. That is, not rough, metaphorically speaking simple or sincere. So, at this time, there was great gladness and peace, not roughness or troubles. In this state the Church continued to grow as we read in Acts 2:47: “And the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being saved.”

However, this time of peace did not last for long. Satan was very angry, and he used the religious leaders and the political rulers to persecute the Church. Stephen and James were killed and there was great persecution against the Church, resulting in the scattering of many of the members (Acts 8:1). Also, false doctrines were brought into the Church at times to cause confusion, including subjects like the necessity for circumcision to be saved, and that there was no resurrection from the dead.

Unfortunately, Satan has been persecuting the Church of God down through the ages, both through false religious leaders and political rulers. The Church was forced to flee into the wilderness for over a thousand years due to this persecution. From what we are able to ascertain over the last around two hundred years, there has been some confusion over doctrines and administrations within the Church of God. Even during the time of Mr. Herbert Armstrong, there were sometimes divisions and departures over doctrinal differences. And today, there are hundreds of groups claiming to be the Church of God, but with many differences in doctrines and understandings. These differences, caused by the adherence to false doctrines, are like stones in soil to prevent unity. Of course, two cannot walk together unless they are agreed (Amos 3:3), and there cannot be “unity” among groups where false doctrines are being taught.

At this time, we do not see Ephesians 4:4-5 being completely fulfilled: “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism,” but it will be fulfilled when Jesus Christ returns to bring one religion to this earth. Perhaps, to a certain extent, it might already be fulfilled, as a forerunner, for those who will be counted worthy to escape the Great Tribulation and be brought to the Place of Safety. But when Christ returns, then people will indeed be fully “with one accord and fellowship with gladness and simplicity of heart.” So, this is a very good reason to cry out, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Only then will a time like that of the early Church immediately after that Day of Pentecost be re-established. A time of unity, gladness and simplicity of heart.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with important news, including about coronavirus developments in the USA and elsewhere, especially in Germany; report on Canada’s ongoing persecution of Christian churches and pastors; the punishment of a US marine for telling the truth about the Afghanistan debacle; the breakdown of America [please note our new StandingWatch program, titled, “America Is Breaking Down”]; the crackdown of free speech and governmental cover-ups; the possibility of a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem with the support of the USA; and the Catholic Church’s dubious role in Israel.

We also speak of Europe’s move towards totalitarianism, as Poland claims; and the interesting parallels between ancient emperor Justinian and modern Europe.

We address China’s and Russia’s collaboration in military matters; and Russia’s blackmail of Europe and Ukraine; and we conclude with experiments of animal-to-human organ transplants.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Corona News in the USA

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“The US Navy said Thursday that personnel who refuse to be vaccinated will be expelled from the force… It has set a November 28 deadline for enlistees to be fully inoculated. If all US military services take the same hard line that the navy is taking, it could risk losing as many as 46,000 troop members.”

That is one way to accelerate America’s downfall and defenselessness. A total stupidity, which IS prophesied, one way or another, to happen.

Chicago Battlefield for Legal Action for and against Vaccination Mandate

AFP wrote on October 16:

“A Chicago judge on Friday banned a police union president from making public statements on the city’s Covid-19 policy as a stand-off over vaccine mandates sparked dueling lawsuits.

“The dispute between mayor Lori Lightfoot and police union head John Catanzara has made the city the latest flashpoint in a deeply polarized debate over vaccines and whether governments have the right to mandate them.

“Lightfoot sought and received an injunction against Catanzara Friday when the judge issued a 10-day restraining order that bans him from making statements that encourage members not to report their vaccination status.

“The police union filed its own lawsuit Friday against Lightfoot and Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown that seeks to force arbitration over the matter…

“Catanzara urged police officers to ignore the order and risk loss of pay… he predicted that if a large number of officers refused to be tested or report their vaccinations, Chicago would have a ‘police force at 50 percent or less…’”

Under Lightfoot’s orders, police officers must report their vaccination status. If they are not vaccinated, they must be tested twice each week, but they have to pay for the tests and must do it in their “free” time. This is supposed to last until the end of the year, and it is unclear as to what is supposed to happen then.

A judge is scheduled to decide the two pending lawsuits sometime next week.

Fauci Blames Unvaccinated, Ignores Science

Newsmax wrote on October 17:

“[Fauci] is sounding a continued warning about the unvaccinated causing a fifth wave of COVID-19 in the U.S… Dr. Fauci did not discuss the settled science that has revealed even vaccinated Americans can contract and spread COVID-19…

“Still, Fauci blames the unvaccinated – which critics argue many might have natural immunity from having overcome COVID-19 – for surges of the pandemic in the U.S….

“One very early and vocal critic has been Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kay, who has been an early proponent of natural immunity being an effective protection against COVID-19.

Science and data now support Paul’s long-held scientific hypothesis, leading to some high-profile clashes from Paul with Fauci and Biden administration health officials.”

But natural immunity does not make big Pharma rich…

Fully Vaccinated Colin Powell Dies of Corona

Breitbart wrote on October 18:

“General Colin Powell, the first black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State, died Monday morning from complications of COVID-19.

“He led a storied military career and emerged on the political scene as a Republican… His stature was considerably undermined after he was used to push the Iraq War on a flawed basis, and after he became a perennial supporter of Democratic presidential candidates….

“The White House indicated in a statement on Monday morning that Powell died from the coronavirus despite being ‘fully vaccinated,’ a revelation that is certain to fuel the continuing controversy about vaccines and mandates…”

CNN wrote on October 18:

“Powell had multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body’s immune response, as well as Parkinson’s, Peggy Cifrino, Powell’s longtime chief of staff, confirmed to CNN. Even if fully vaccinated against Covid-19, those who are immunocompromised are at greater risk from the virus.”

It was not revealed, though, whether Powell died because of any of those underlying health problems. In fact, as Breitbart reported, “Powell’s family did not mention any underlying conditions in their statement announcing his death.”

A doctor was presented by CNN, claiming that Powell died because some Americans have not been vaccinated yet. And Fox News quoted experts saying that Powell’s death “underscores the need for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots among older adults.”

So, two vaccines are not enough now; we need three or four. Truly, the pharmaceutical industry and all the doctors, politicians and everyone else connected monetarily with big pharma, must be jumping for joy… but they are doing it in secret.

A most famous German singer, Tony Marshal, was submitted to the hospital because of corona. He was also fully vaccinated. His wife, who was fully vaccinated as well, was also diagnosed with corona.

Hesse Adopts G2 Rule for Supermarkets

The Local wrote on October 15:

“Supermarkets in Frankfurt and the surrounding region can now implement rules that only allow vaccinated and Covid-recovered people onto their premises.

“The new Covid health pass entry rules announced by the central state of Hesse have upped the pressure on the unvaccinated by allowing all shops to implement the so-called 2G rule at their doors.

“The 2G rule refers to public places being given the option to allow entry only to vaccinated(geimpft in German) or people who’ve recovered from Covid (genesen) and has so far been allowed in half of Germany’s states for certain public places like bars, restaurants, nightclubs and cinemas. [It excludes unvaccinated people who’ve tested (getestet) negatively for Covid.]…

“2G has proved controversial, with many people complaining that it excludes people who can’t [get] vaccinated and that it has the potential to widen societal divisions over the pandemic response.

“Many locations in the hospitality and entertainment sector have stuck to a 3G rule, which allows people to enter if they can show a negative Covid-19 test

“With several million German adults still to be vaccinated as the winter draws near, authorities have sought to up the pressure on them by making access to some parts of public life more difficult or costly. Eight federal states have allowed businesses and event organisers to adopt the so-called 2G option…”

Many have asked about the designations of G3 and G3 in Germany. The article makes this distinction clear.

Germany’s New Expensive Testing Rules

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“Germany’s new COVID-19 testing rules came into force on October 11. They are focused on the unvaccinated, who until now could take a free test and with a negative result go to a restaurant or other restricted area…[But now, they have to pay for the tests.]

“Janosch Dahmen, a physician and health expert for the Green Party’s parliamentary group, criticized the decision made by Chancellor Angela Merkel and all the regional state premiers…

“There have been many so-called breakthrough cases — cases when someone fully vaccinated is nonetheless infected with the virus. The RKI [Robert Koch Institute] has reported 80,000 breakthrough infections [in Germany alone]…”

Spahn’s Double-Talk

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 18:

“German Health Minister Jens Spahn has said that special rules relating to the coronavirus pandemic could end on November 25, the Bild newspaper reported on Monday.

“But many indoor rules requiring proof of negative test, vaccination and other hygiene measures would need to remain in place, the report added.”

Bild Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt Fired

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 20:

Bild tabloid Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt was fired after The New York Times detailed misconduct toward female employees. The case is now making waves internationally.

“Bild, which Julian Reichelt led since 2017, is the daily newspaper with the highest circulation in Germany and has shaped the country’s media landscape significantly since it was founded in 1952. Known for courting controversy, the media outlet often receives criticism: For example after launching a front-page attack on virologist Christian Dorsten, one of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s advisors, at the start of the pandemic…

“Behind the newspaper is the billion-euro Axel Springer publishing house… Axel Springer this August purchased US media outlet Politico for $1 billion. In 2015, the company bought Business Insider.

“The scandal perhaps marks a turning point in Germany’s #MeToo movement, which has already been well underway in the media scene in the US…. In 2016, Fox News journalist Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit which brought about an internal investigation at the network and led to a number of sexual harassment claims against Ailes, considered to be a kingmaker by the Republican party…

“In 1996, Ailes was hired by Rupert Murdoch, who was at the time CEO of media giant NewsCorp. He launched Fox News, hiring outspoken right-wing commentators like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. The network has since become known for its inflammatory statements and questionable stances, such as casting doubt on where Barack Obama was born; and, more recently, vaccine skepticism….”

When positions are advanced which do not reflect the mass media’s agenda, then they are described as “questionable stances.” It has been stated in Germany that the real reason Reichelt was fired was the constant attack of the left-liberal media on his stance in numerous situations. We have, from time to time, published editorials by Reichelt which were extraordinary and right to the point.

Canada Keeps Persecuting Christian Pastor

Fox News wrote on October 16:

“The Polish-Canadian pastor who has been jailed for holding church services in Calgary, Alberta, said he will refuse to obey a court order mandating him to publicly echo the established opinions of medical experts regarding COVID-19. Pastor Artur Pawlowski was sanctioned by Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Adam Germain to 18 months of probation, according to a written ruling released Friday…

“In addition to tens of thousands of dollars in costs and fines, one condition of Pawlowski’s probation requires him to parrot ‘the majority of medical experts in Alberta’ regarding social distancing, mask wearing and vaccines, even when he speaks in church. ‘The final term of his probation order will be that when he is exercising his right of free speech and speaking against [Alberta Health Services] Health Orders and AHS health recommendations, in a public gathering or public forum (including electronic social media), he must indicate in his communications the following,’ wrote Germain, who appended a script:

“‘I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.’

“Pawlowski told Fox News he has no intention of complying with Germain’s sanction, which he condemned as ‘unconstitutional,’ ‘illegal,’ and a clear instance of ‘compelled speech like in China and North Korea.’ ‘This crooked judge wants to turn me into a CBC reporter or CNN reporter, that every time that I am in public, every time I’m opening my mouth, I am to pray their mantra to the government,’ he said.

“Pawlowski said the judge’s condition is ‘without precedent’ in Canada, an assertion echoed by his lawyer, Sarah Miller, who described Germain’s sanction as ‘bizarre’ and ‘likely unconstitutional’ under Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees freedom of expression…

“Germain took particular umbrage at Pawlowski’s speaking tour throughout the United States over the summer, during which he met with lawmakers and warned audiences that Western governments increasingly resemble the communist regime in Poland he fled as a young man…

“Pawlowski, whose probation also forbids him from leaving the province, suggested to Fox News that Germain’s attitude and sanctions prove the point he was trying to make throughout his U.S. tour. ‘When I grew up under the boots of the Soviets, the courts like this were called “show courts”’ he said.

“‘It was to show that the government can do with you whatever they want, and there is nothing you can do about it. And it’s just to scare the public, telling you, “See, we can finish off anyone we want.” They’re terrified of the truth. I’m not hiding. I’m not a criminal. I said I will not obey this court order. I refuse to obey a crooked judge’s order. He’s not a judge, he’s a political activist,’ he added.”

What is happening in Canada is truly shocking. One IS reminded of dictatorial socialist countries.

Rand Paul warns of Socialism

Breitbart wrote on October 16:

“Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warned there were perils associated with big government socialism. Paul [said] beyond the economic consequences of socialism, historically, it ended with state-sponsored authoritarianism and violence

“‘I think now we’ve seen eight, nine months of big government socialism coming from Biden, and people are starting to understand that there are consequences… One of the consequences is prices are rising… Big government, socialism doesn’t work…”

It surely does not for the people, but governmental officials accumulate more and more autocratic powers.

US Marine Punished for Telling the Truth

Newsmax wrote on October 15:

“U.S. Marine Corps Judge Col. Glen Hines found [U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Stuart] Scheller guilty… [attorney] Buzbee told Newsmax that Scheller is being punished because he spoke truth to power

“… no matter which form of discharge Scheller gets, he’ll still lose his retirement pay and benefits, to the tune of at least $2 million, said Buzbee….

“Buzbee said that many people were ‘outraged and frustrated and upset’ by the withdrawal, particularly when a terrorist attack on Aug. 26 killed 13 U.S. military personnel at the Kabul International Airport during the evacuation proceedings. Here’s a man that served 17 years, and is three years from vesting retirement…’

“The attorney said Scheller’s message is resonating nationwide, and that he’s appreciating the support he’s received, but ‘let’s not forget, you know, they took a Marine who was distinguished and decorated and put him in the brig…

“‘He has stepped forward and set an example about accountability, and I don’t think it’s too much to ask for the individuals responsible for the planning or lack thereof with the withdrawal of Afghanistan to also step forward, when we see generals testifying in front of Congress trying to make the case that [it] was an operational and tactical success.’”

In fact, all of those responsible, from the very top down, should have the decency to resign.

“America Is Breaking Down!”

The Rutherford Institute wrote on or about October 20:

“This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, racism, classism, fascism, fear-mongering, political correctness, cultural sanitation, virtue signaling, a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing government corruption and brutality, a growing economic divide that has much of the population struggling to get by, and militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment)—is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long.

“In New York City, for example, a 200-year-old statue of Thomas Jefferson holding the Declaration of Independence will be removed from the City Council’s chambers where it has presided since 1915. Despite Jefferson’s many significant accomplishments, without which we might not have the rights we do today, he will be banished for having been, like many of his day, a slaveowner…

“In Washington, DC, a tribunal of nine men and women spoke with one voice to affirm that the government and its henchmen can literally get away with murder and not be held accountable for their wrongdoing. The Supreme Court’s latest rulings are yet another painful lesson in compliance, a reminder that in the American police state, ‘we the people’ are at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to ‘serve and protect.’

“All across the country, from California to Connecticut and every point in between, men and women who have worked faithfully and diligently at their jobs for years are being terminated for daring to believe that they have a right to bodily integrity; that they should not be forced, against their conscience or better judgment, to choose between individual liberty and economic survival; and that they—and not the government, or the FDA, or the CDC, or the Corporate State—have dominion over their bodies. Conveniently enough… the government, corporations and pharmaceutical companies have been shielded from liability with blanket immunity laws that ensure we are little more than guinea pigs for their questionable experiments.

“And then in Pennsylvania, a man traveling on a commuter train harassed, assaulted and then raped a woman over the course of 40 minutes and more than two dozen train stops while fellow travelers, watching and filming the attack, did nothing. Not a single witness called 911. Not a single bystander intervened to help the woman. Despite the fact that the man was outnumbered and could have been overwhelmed by those on the train, no collective effort was made to ward off the attack. Only when it was too late, when the damage had been done and the train had pulled into its last stop, did police show up to intervene…

“This is madness, yet there is a method to this madness. This is how freedom falls and tyranny rises. Remember, authoritarian regimes begin with incremental steps: overcriminalization, surveillance of innocent citizens, imprisonment for nonviolent—victimless—crimes, etc. Bit by bit, the citizenry finds its freedoms being curtailed and undermined for the sake of national security. And slowly the populace begins to submit.“No one speaks up for those being targeted. No one resists these minor acts of oppression. No one recognizes the indoctrination into tyranny for what it is. Historically this failure to speak truth to power has resulted in whole populations being conditioned to tolerate unspoken cruelty toward their fellow human beings, a bystander syndrome in which people remain silent and disengaged—mere onlookers—in the face of abject horrors and injustice.

“… We can continue to spout empty political rhetoric about how great America is, despite the evidence to the contrary… We can zip our lips and bind our hands and shut our eyes… evil happens when bureaucrats (governmental and corporate) unquestioningly carry out orders that are immoral and inhumane; obey immoral instructions unthinkingly; march in lockstep with tyrants; mindlessly perpetuate acts of terror and inhumanity; and justify it all as just ‘doing one’s job.’”

Sadly, this is so true! Our free booklet, “Obeying God Rather Than Men,” includes much more information on this topic.

Crackdown on Free Speech

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“Amnesty said that many governments had used the pandemic as an opportunity to further restrict freedom of expression. ‘Communication channels have been targeted, social media has been censored, and media outlets have been closed down… Governments that have long kept a tight control over what is shared in the public domain with overly restrictive legislation, have used the pandemic as another excuse to apply laws to censor and silence criticism, debate, and the sharing of information… Other governments have used the widespread alarm and confusion generated by the pandemic to rush through new legislation and other emergency measures that are not only disproportionate but also ineffective to deal with issues such as misinformation.’

“The report said that China, where the virus first emerged at the end of 2019, had opened criminal investigations into 5,511 people by February 2020. These people had been charged with ‘fabricating and deliberately disseminating false and harmful information’ about the nature and extent of the outbreak, according to Chinese authorities. Russia...  introduced amendments that imposed criminal penalties for what it called ‘public dissemination of knowingly false information’ in the context of emergencies, Amnesty said. It also imposed administrative penalties for media outlets that publish such information, the report added…

“The London-based group warned that these laws and penalties were likely to stay in force even after the pandemic.”

Why Government Cover-Ups Succeed

The Ron Paul Institute published on October 19 the following article which was originally released by the Future of Freedom Foundation:“‘It’s not necessary to censor the news, it’s sufficient to delay the news until it no longer matters,’ Napoleon Bonaparte reportedly said. The same standard helps explain why Washington politicians and federal agencies usually get away with covering up their lies and abuses…“Cover-ups succeed because people defer to promises by government officials to investigate themselves.

This was how the Nixon-era Pentagon buried scores of Vietnam atrocities even after confirming the carnage… Nine thousand pages of documents were compiled confirming more than 300 war crimes, including seven other massacres of civilians by US troops… American soldiers faced more legal perils for reporting than for committing atrocities… As long as the government claimed to be investigating an alleged atrocity, the media downplayed the story…“The George W. Bush administration used similar charades to stifle the scandal over its worldwide torture regime. The only thing necessary for a successful cover-up was for the president first to continually proclaim that everything will be investigated, and then, months later, to proclaim that everything has already been investigated… In reality, none of the investigations had been independent, and none of the reports were available in full to the public… Yet, the Bush administration created the impression that anyone who refused to accept the good faith of the government’s self-investigations was acting in bad faith.

“… The Washington Post blocked or buried pre-war articles exposing the holes in the Bush team’s assertions on Iraq…

“But things will be different now that Joe Biden is president, right? Unfortunately, the media continues celebrating his election victory by ignoring almost all his falsehoods and failures. The mere fact that Biden is not Donald Trump will likely continue to give him a free pass from the media for at least another six months…”

The mass media bears great responsibility for not fulfilling its job.

A Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem?

JNS (Jewish News Syndicate) wrote on October 18:

“If Washington follows through on its plan to forcibly open a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem, it will be the greatest humiliation Israel has ever experienced. The Americans are well aware of Israel’s opposition to the move. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made that much clear in a meeting with President Joe Biden at the White House. Speaking at a conference hosted by The Jerusalem Post last week, Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar said: ‘I want to be perfectly clear: We oppose it. I heard that for the president, it’s a campaign promise. For us, it’s the promise of generations.’

“According to international law, the opening of a diplomatic mission or the altering of its status requires the written signature of the host country’s foreign minister—who in this case is Yesh Atid Party head Yair Lapid. Even if Lapid, who has sworn his allegiance to a unified Jerusalem countless times, was willing to align himself with the administration’s stance, he knows his authorization of the move would lead to the government’s collapse. That is why he has shifted to an opposing stance.

“Nevertheless, with Lapid by his side, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced in Washington: ‘We’ll be moving forward with the process of opening a consulate as part of deepening those ties with the Palestinians.’ Or in other words, we have decided to show contempt for Israel’s position.

“Blinken has not taken such a condescending stance on Iran, the Palestinians, the Chinese, or any other U.S. partner… And what do the Israelis get in return? A stinging slap in the face.”

America will turn more and more against Israel.

Is the Catholic Church Guilty of Tax Evasion in Israel?

Israel 365 wrote on October 14:

“Is the Pope evading taxes on Vatican property in Israel?… the Vatican’s churches claim to be houses of worship exclusively even though it is well documented that many of them double as hotels, restaurants, stores, and schools.

“… the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and other churches affiliated with the Vatican… demonized Israel, going so far as to imply that Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish state…

“The Vatican’s excuse for their tax evasion is that according to the Holy See, ‘Jerusalem must be internationalized and become a corpus separatum (Latin for ‘separate body’).’”

Again, we see that the Catholic church is showing its true colors relating to Israel.

Poland and the EU’s Move towards Totalitarianism

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“The top Polish court ruled on October 7 that parts of the EU treaties are ‘incompatible’ with the country’s constitution and that the latter takes precedence. It has been widely criticized by the European Commission and several member states, including France and Germany…

“The Polish prime minister defended the stance of Poland’s constitutional court over the primacy of Polish law and rejected comments suggesting the country was on a path to a possible ‘Polexit.’ ‘We should not be spreading further lies about Poland leaving the EU,’ he said.

“But he also accused the EU of ‘blackmail,’ saying ‘it is unacceptable to talk about financial penalties… I will not accept politicians wanting to blackmail and threaten Poland.’ Morawiecki went on to criticize the ‘creeping’ expansion of EU powers, pushed by the European Court of Justice (ECJ)…

“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told EU lawmakers on Monday that she was ‘deeply concerned’ over the developments in Poland… She went on to mention the ‘Article 7 procedure’ as a ‘powerful tool’ to deal with violations from member states. Article 7 allows the EU to remove certain rights of member states, including stripping them of their voting rights

“Poland, along with Hungary, has threatened to use its veto power to block key EU legislation on climate change and migration. While there is no procedure to kick a member state out of the union, the evocation of Article 7 could leave Poland powerless in any negotiations.”

Europe and Emperor Justinian

Lowyinstitute wrote on October 19:

“Constantinople, the capital of ancient Byzantium, was dominated by a statue of Emperor Justinian. Legend has it that Justinian’s hand was lifted to the East to ward off prospective attacks from Persia, while his gaze was turned to the West, portending that the real threat to the capital came from that direction…

“Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, acknowledged… that ‘there are deeply troubling questions’ regarding the future of NATO [i.e., referring to the above-mentioned legend, the real threat would be coming from the West] and that the EU needs to develop independent security capacities through the establishment of a ‘European Defence Union’.

“The key power brokers of Europe – especially Macron, von der Leyen and, of course, the new German chancellor – would do well to heed Justinian’s strategic dictum: ‘keep cool and you will command everyone’. Keeping cool entails Europe seeing the current potential for US disengagement on the continent not as a looming security disaster, but as a golden opportunity… European interests should not be conflated with US interests. Europe pursuing more strategic autonomy sans-US involvement would help Europe avoid being sucked into a potential Sino-American Cold War.

“Justinian is remembered for his boldness. If European leaders can harness some of this courage to break free of their reliance on the United States, not only would it benefit European security and strategic flexibility on the continent, it might also help Europe fulfil its long-touted ‘super-power’ potential.”

And this is exactly what will happen.

Shatner’s Trip to Space and Prince William’s Criticism

Newsmax wrote on October15:

“After taking a trip to space, ‘Star Trek’ actor William Shatner is lamenting the short-sightedness of Prince William’s space science denial… ‘He’s got the wrong idea,’ Shatner, 90, [said]. ‘… this is a baby step into the idea of getting industry, all those polluting industries, off of Earth,’ he continued. ‘You can build a base 250, 280 miles above the Earth and send that power down here, and they catch it, and they then use it, and it’s there,’ he added…

“Prince William, 39, had been politicking for climate change while denying science of space exploration to BBC. ‘We need some of the world’s greatest brains and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live,’ William said. ‘It really is quite crucial to be focusing on this [planet] rather than giving up and heading out into space to try and think of solutions for the future,’ he added…

“‘The prince is missing the point,’ Shatner [said.] ‘The point is these are the baby steps to show people it’s very practical. You can send somebody like me up into space.’”

Wherever man has put his feet, he has polluted and destroyed the environment. At the same time, the idea of sending all the polluting industries and material (including perhaps radioactive material) into space is interesting in the light of what Christ may do when He has returned to govern this [polluted] Earth.

Russia’s and China’s Collaboration

Israel 365 wrote on October 18:

“It was recently revealed that in August, China tested a hypersonic missile that is capable of carrying a nuclear payload… the test showed that China had made astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than US officials realized…

“Hypersonic weapons travel long distances through the atmosphere at speeds of Mach 5-10 making them invulnerable to any air or missile defense system

“Along with China, the United States, Russia, and at least five other countries are working on hypersonic technology…

“The test comes at a sensitive time when tensions are high as China has made aggressive moves towards Taiwan.

“In addition, China and Russia are currently holding joint naval exercises in Russia’s Peter the Great Gulf called Joint Sea 2021…

“It is interesting to note that according to Mongolian tradition, their nation was descended from Magog. The Mongolian Empire once included sections of Russia, China, and North Korea. The Chinese and all the minority groups living in China are of the Mongoloid race, which stems from Noah’s son Japheth. Etymologists have conjectured that the name Mongol is derived from the name Magog.”

The Daily Mail added on October 17:

“The hypersonic missiles can reach speeds of up to 21,000 mph and can strike anywhere on Earth from space within minutes.”

Russia’s Blackmail of Europe and Ukraine

Express wrote on October 18:

“RUSSIA has dealt a hammer blow to the EU after refusing to pump more gas into the bloc despite Vladimir Putin claiming he would do so. It comes after European gas prices have soared to record highs and have left the bloc in the face of a gas crisis. Prices soared when Russia decided to decrease the flow of gas travelling into Europe following a deal for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Putin struck a deal to see the new pipeline transit gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, bypassing Poland and Ukraine. But as the pipeline awaits approval from German regulators, Mr Putin ordered a tightening of supplies to avoid EU rules from being applied to the system and to speed up the pipeline’s approval.

“Gas prices across Europe have now skyrocketed as supplies decrease and the continent prepares for a cold winter where even more pressure will be put on supplies. But now, state-owned Russian gas company, Gazprom, has reportedly said that it doesn’t even plan to send more gas via pipelines through Ukraine next month. Instead, it will send only limited supplies through Poland

“Mr Putin has fiercely denied the claims that Russia is using gas as a geopolitical weapon… But Mr Putin’s latest [move] has again displayed Moscow’s tight control on the gas market…

““Mr Putin’s use of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to control gas prices has threatened tensions with Ukraine. And after the latest of Gazprom’s gas flow restrictions through its neighbouring country, it has raised even more fears.

“… the boss of Ukraine gas giant Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, said: ‘The worst-case scenario is that there could be no gas flowing through Ukraine, it would allow him to blackmail Ukraine so could lead to either a full-scale war.

“‘For example, forget about Crimea, take back Donbass, the occupied regions, but on Putin’s terms, and basically the whole of Ukraine would become part of the Russian world.’

“Back in 2014, Russian troops took control of Crimea before annexing the peninsula after the region voted to join the Russian Federation in a disputed local referendum.”

Putin is using gas to blackmail Europe. In addition, Russia might indeed force a “unification” of Ukraine and Russia.

The Dangerous Experiments with Animal-to-Human Transplants

Newsmax wrote on October 19:

“Scientists temporarily attached a pig’s kidney to a human body and watched it begin to work… The kidney for this experiment came from a gene-edited animal, engineered to… avoid an immune system attack.

“… The dream of animal-to-human transplants… goes back to the 17th century with stumbling attempts to use animal blood for transfusions. By the 20th century, surgeons were attempting transplants of organs from baboons into humans, notably Baby Fae, a dying infant, who lived 21 days with a baboon heart.

“With no lasting success and much public uproar, scientists turned from primates to pigs…

“In the NYU case, researchers kept a deceased woman’s body going on a ventilator after her family agreed to the experiment…

“Experts say tests on nonhuman primates and last month’s experiment with a human body pave the way for the first experimental pig kidney or heart transplants in living people in the next several years….”

The question was raised: Should we do it only because we can?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What can we learn from the example of Lot and his daughters?—Part 1

Whenever and wherever it is necessary, we try to give the background to any question which can give reasons and explanations that might not otherwise be taken into account.

Let us look into the background of Lot. He was the son of Abraham’s brother, Haran, and his wife was Milcah (see Genesis 11:27-29).   We may have read these events many times before, but it is helpful to review them again with the thought in our mind that we are all, to one degree or another, a product of our environment.   Bearing that in mind may give more than a clue as to why some terrible sins could have been committed.

In Genesis 12:1-4 we read:

“Now the Lord had said to Abram: ‘Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you.  I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’   So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.”

We read in the following verse: “Then Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom they had acquired in Haran, and they departed to go to the land of Canaan. So they came to the land of Canaan” (Genesis 12:5).   They then went to other places and finished up in Egypt because of a severe famine (verse 10).

In chapter 13, we read that Abram left Egypt and became very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold, and Lot, who also had flocks and herds and tents, went with him.  Then we read in Genesis 13:6-7: “Now the land was not able to support them, that they might dwell together, for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together.  And there was strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s livestock and the herdsmen of Lot’s livestock. The Canaanites and the Perizzites then dwelt in the land.”

Abram, being the considerate man that he was, offered a choice to Lot, even though it was he to whom God had made His promises. We read in verse 8-11: “So Abram said to Lot, ‘Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren.  Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left.’  And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere (before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar. Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east.  And they separated from each other.”

This was the first of a number of mistakes that Lot made when deciding to go east towards Sodom and Gomorrah, as we read in verse 13: “But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the LORD.” We also read that at first, Lot “pitched his tent even as far as Sodom” (verse 12), but later, he ended up living in Sodom (Genesis 14:12). It is important to see the events leading up to the sin that Lot’s daughters committed with their father, as we will discuss later.

In chapter 14, we read that Lot, who by that time dwelt in Sodom, was captured, apparently because of his goods and, as we will discuss, the stature and influential position that he had in Sodom, and he was then rescued by Abram. The narrative about Lot continues in chapter 19 where the sub-heading in the New King James Bible is “Sodom’s Depravity”.   Lot had chosen to live in a very sinful city.   We have covered the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, not just about their homosexuality, but all of the other sins that they were guilty of, and this can read in the following Q&A:

It was a city where Lot should never have gone to in the first place. But he did, and the consequences were dire for him and his family.

Let us move on to Genesis chapter 19:1-3:

“Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them, and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground.  And he said, ‘Here now, my lords, please turn in to your servant’s house and spend the night, and wash your feet; then you may rise early and go on your way.’  And they said, ‘No, but we will spend the night in the open square.’  But he insisted strongly; so they turned in to him and entered his house. Then he made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.”

We read that Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. The Ryrie Study Bible remarks: “The gate of Sodom was the centre of public activity. Lot’s being there may indicate he was a judge in the city  (see 19:9).” The Application Bible adds: ”Evidently Lot held an important position in the government or associated with those who did because the angels found him at the city gate. Perhaps Lot’s status in Sodom was one reason he was so reluctant to leave.”

Elliott’s Commentary for English Readers states:

“This personal respect had made him close his eyes to the sinfulness of the people, and he had consented to live inside the town, and even to let its citizens marry his daughters.”

Lot showed the customary hospitality to the angels whom he probably did not recognize as such (compare Hebrews 13:2), but the problems were only just beginning, as we read in verses 4-5:

Now before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house.  And they called to Lot and said to him, ‘Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them carnally.’

To try and counter this affront to his guests, he made a terrible mistake, as we read in verses 6-8:

“So Lot went out to them through the doorway, shut the door behind him, and said, ‘Please, my brethren, do not do so wickedly!  See now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men, since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof.’”

To offer his daughters in such a manner to a baying mob was a shocking sin!   We read the following in Barnes Notes on the Bible:

“The wicked violence of the citizens displays itself. They compass the house, and demand the men for the vilest ends. How familiar Lot had become with vice, when any necessity whatever could induce him to offer his daughters to the lust of these Sodomites! We may suppose it was spoken rashly, in the heat of the moment, and with the expectation that he would not be taken at his word. So it turned out. ‘Stand back.’ This seems to be a menace to frighten Lot out of the way of their perverse will.”

The Application Bible comments:

“Possibly Lot was hoping… that the homosexual men would be disinterested and simply go away… [Lot’s] terrible suggestion reveals how deeply sin had been absorbed into Lot’s life. He had become hardened to evil acts in an evil city.”

Lot might even have thought that in offering his two daughters to these homosexual men, they would recognize the evil of their contemplated action and leave in shame (which of course did not happen), but to make such an offer was a terrible sin.

The locals continued to argue with Lot and the men (angels) came to the rescue, as we read in verses 9-11:

“And they said, ‘Stand back!’ Then they said, ‘This one came in to stay here, and he keeps acting as a judge; now we will deal worse with you than with them.’ So they pressed hard against the man Lot, and came near to break down the door.  But the men reached out their hands and pulled Lot into the house with them, and shut the door.  And they struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they became weary trying to find the door.”

The family were then urged to leave the city – verses 12-14:

Then the men said to Lot, ‘Have you anyone else here? Son-in-law, your sons, your daughters, and whomever you have in the city—take them out of this place!  For we will destroy this place, because the outcry against them has grown great before the face of the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy it.’  So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who had married his daughters, and said, ‘Get up, get out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city!’ But to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking.”

In verses 15-17, we read that Lot and his family had to be persuaded to leave the city:

When the morning dawned, the angels urged Lot to hurry, saying, ‘Arise, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be consumed in the punishment of the city.’   And while he lingered, the men took hold of his hand, his wife’s hand, and the hands of his two daughters, the Lord being merciful to him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city.   So it came to pass, when they had brought them outside, that he said, ‘Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.’”

Lot pleaded with the two angels that he be allowed to flee to a city named Zoar, rather than escaping to the mountains (verses 18-22).

Lot’s wife looked back which they were instructed not to do: “The sun had risen upon the earth when Lot entered Zoar.  Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens.  So He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.  But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt” (verses 23-26)

When we review the actions of Lot, we see the climate and culture that they, as a family, were subjected to and it does not make good reading:

Lot made the choice of going to live in the wrong place.

  1. He chose to live in the sinful city and “sat in the gate” (Genesis 19:1) which was an important place and showed that Lot was a leading citizen, a judge and a ruler of some kind.
  2. His family would be affected by their surroundings and the fact that Lot had become an active part of the “system” of Sodom. If he could behave in this way, then his family, including his daughters, must have believed that it could not be that bad.
  3. He offered his daughters to the baying mob.
  4. He was reluctant to leave Sodom even though he knew it was a rotten place and he had been told that God would destroy it (Genesis 19:15-17).
  5. He allowed himself to become drunk, which we will examine, when terrible sins with his daughters took place.

In spite of all of these mistakes, we read in 2 Peter 2:6-8: “… and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly; and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)…”

The Benson commentary observes:

“And turning the cities of Sodom, &c., into ashes — When the inhabitants of those places were sunk into the lowest degeneracy; and condemned them with an overthrow — Punished them with utter destruction, both of their persons and habitations; making them an ensample — Not an example to be imitated, but an example to be avoided, as the word υποδειγμα, here used, signifies.

“Hence Jude, to express the same idea, uses the word δειγμα. And delivered just Lot — By the miraculous interposition of his providence; vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked — Exceedingly grieved by the lewd behaviour of the lawless Sodomites. For that righteous man, dwelling among them — Lot appears to have dwelt sixteen years in Sodom, after he parted from Abraham; a long space to abide in one of the lewdest and most outrageously wicked cities in the world, and not be tainted with their vices. Doubtless, as he was so exceedingly grieved with their lewd conduct from day to day, he often earnestly desired to leave the place… In seeing their base actions, and in hearing their lewd speeches, he vexed — Εβασανιζεν, tormented; his righteous soul from day to day — For their wickedness was incessant; with their unlawful deeds — The cry of which came up at length to heaven, and brought down upon them flaming destruction.”

(To be continued)

Lead Writers: Brian Gale and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Norbert Link

Our new booklet, “Why this Confusion about Life after Death?” has been received from the printer and will be sent out to our subscribers early next week.

A new StandingWatch program has been recorded by Norbert Link, titled, “America Is Breaking Down.”

Here is a summary:

America is indeed breaking down and falling apart. This situation has been described as “utter madness.” This program gives shocking examples as to how far we have drifted away from what is good and right, while showing utter disregard for those who suffer, warning that this is how freedom falls and tyranny rises.

“Durch Leid vollkommen werden” (“Being made perfect through Suffering”) is the title of this coming Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link.

“Alle Ehre gehört Gott,” (“All honour belongs to God”), the German sermonette presented last week by Mike Richter, has been posted.

The sermonette presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, titled, “The Canadian Dictatorship—Comments on News and Prophecy, October 16, 2021,” is now posted.

The sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, titled, “Being Made Perfect Through Sufferings,” has also been posted.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Trust and Be Grateful/Your Body Is the Temple

On October 23, 2021, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “Trust and Be Grateful,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Your Body Is the Temple.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Comments on News and Prophecy, October 16/ Being Made Perfect Through Sufferings

On October 16, 2021, Norbert Link will present “Comments on News and Prophecy, October 16,” and the sermon, titled, “Being Made Perfect Through Sufferings.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God