January 11th & 12th


There will be a Friday evening Bible Study, January 11th.  Warren Zehrung will be speaking on the subject, “What is the Spirit in Man.”  Starting time will be 7:30 P.M. Central time.  To tune into the NetServices Bible Study, click on www.cognetservices.org, or go to www.eternalgod.org and click on NetServices and Connect to Live Stream.

The Sabbath Sermon on NetServices, January 12th, will be brought by Dave Harris from Colorado.  To tune into the Sermon, go to www.cognetservices.org at 2:30 p.m. CT, or go to www.eternalgod.org and click on NetServices and Connect to Live Stream.

January 5th

Edwin Pope is scheduled to give the sermon on the first Sabbath of this new year, January 5th.  To listen to the NetServices Sermon, click on www.cognetservices.org, or go to www.eternalgod.org and click on NetServices and Connect to Live Stream.

Bible Study & Sabbath Services


There will be a Bible Study the evening of December 28th.  Norbert Link will be speaking on the Christian family, and the respective responsibilities and challenges of Parents and Children.  Starting time will be 7:30 PM in San Diego which is 9:30 PM CT.  To listen to the NetServices Bible Study, click on www.cognetservices.org.
Edwin Pope is scheduled to speak this Sabbath. Mr. Pope came down with the flu and requests your prayers for his speedy recovery, so that he can deliver the sermon.

Christian marriage

Norbert Link will be speaking on the Christian marriage and the roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives.  Starting time will be 2:30 PM Central.  For NetServices, go to www.cognetservices.org

Sermon: "Teach Us To Pray"

Dave Harris will be giving the live Internet sermon.  The title of the sermon is, “Teach Us To Pray.”  Starting time will be 2:30 PM Central.  For NetServices, go to www.cognetservices.org.

Bible Study & Sabbath services

There will be a Friday evening Bible Study this evening, December 7th. On this the sixtieth anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Edwin Pope will speak on the subject, “Will We See Peace in Our Time?” Edwin Pope will be speaking from San Diego. Starting time will be 7:30 P.M. Pacific time, 10:30 P.M. Eastern time. To tune into the NetServices Bible Study, click on www.cognetservices.org.

Sabbath NetServices on December 8th will be brought by Warren Zehrung from Little Rock. The title of the sermon will be, “Unique Men,” showing biblical examples of men who stood for the Faith. To tune into the message, go to www.cognetservices.org at 2:30 p.m. CT.


Sabbaths & Bible Study

Sabbath NetServices on November 17th will be brought by David Harris from Colorado.  To tune into the message, go to www.cognetservices.org at 2:30 p.m. CT.
Because of THANKSGIVING this coming Thursday, and upcoming travel plans, this will be the last UPDATE until December 6th.
There will be a Friday evening Bible Study November 23rd.   Warren Zehrung will be speaking from Little Rock, AR.  Starting time will be 7:30 P.M. central time.  To tune into the NetServices message, go to www.cognetservices.org.
Sabbath NetServices on November 24th will be brought by Norbert Link from San Diego, CA.  To tune into the message, go to www.cognetservices.org at 2:30 p.m. CT.
Sabbath NetServices on December 1st will be brought by Edwin Pope from San Diego, CA.  To tune into the message, go to www.cognetservices.org at 2:30 p.m. CT.

Bible Study & Sabbath services

There will be a Friday evening Bible Study this evening.   Dave Harris will be speaking from Colorado.  His topic for the Bible Study is: “The House Of Rechab.”  Starting time will be 7:30 P.M. central time.  To tune into the NetServices message, go to www.cognetservices.org.
Sabbath NetServices on November 10th will be brought by Warren Zehrung from Little Rock.  The sermon title is: “Is God With Us?”  To tune into the message, go to www.cognetservices.org at 2:30 p.m. CT.

November 3rd

Sabbath NetServices on November 3rd will be brought by Edwin Pope from San Diego.  His sermon will be on topic of Idolatry.  To tune into the message, go to www.cognetservices.org at 2:30 p.m. CT.

October 27th

Sabbath NetServices on October 27th will be brought by Norbert Link form San Diego.  He will be showing from the Scriptures that the fourth commandment is still valid for us today — the weekly Sabbath.  To tune into the message, go to www.cognetservices.org at 2:30 p.m. CT.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God