Update 1012

Forever Young / The End of Violence

On March 5, 2022, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “Forever Young,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “The End of Violence.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Importance of Women during the Work of Jesus

by Paul Niehoff (Australia)

When we read about Jesus Christ travelling in Judea and Galilee, it is easy to think that He travelled with only the twelve disciples. However, when we read Acts 1:21-23, we find that there were at least two others, and probably more, who accompanied Him and the disciples all the time, beginning from the baptism of John. From these two disciples were proposed Joseph called Barsabas who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias, and Matthias was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot.

During His ministry, Jesus sent out seventy others to preach the gospel two by two. We can read this in Luke 10:1-9. At times, He had quite a large group of people following Him as He did His Work.

The question that can be raised is, was it only men that worked with Christ as He preached? We can read in Matthew 27:55-56, “And many women who followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to Him, were there looking on from afar, among whom were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons” (who was named Salome, compare Mark 15:40).

These many women had travelled with Jesus at least on His last trip to Jerusalem and certainly during previous times as well (compare Mark 15:41). The word used for what they were doing is ministering. This word is translated from the Greek word diakoneo which means “to be an attendant or assistant, to supply the necessities of life, provide the means of living, to fill the office of deacon or deaconess.” These women were providing the physical needs of Jesus and His disciples.

This is also stated in Luke 8:1-3, “Now it came to pass, afterward, that He went through every city and village, preaching and bringing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him, and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities – Mary called Magdalene, out of whom had come seven demons, and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who provided for Him (most translations read ‘them’; i.e. including the disciples) from their substance” (or possessions).

We see that during the ministry of Jesus Christ, much of the physical needs and support for Him and His disciples was provided by many women, not just a few. Without their help, His Work would have been much more difficult.

An interesting event occurred during the Work of Christ when He was at Samaria. He asked a woman of Samaria for a drink of water. He then went on to expound spiritual truth to her. (John 4:1-26). In John 4:27 the response of the disciples is quite interesting. “And at this point His disciples came, and they marvelled that He talked with a woman; yet no one said, ‘What do you seek?’ or, ‘Why are you talking with her?’” From this it appears that it was not usual for a man to speak in public to a woman nor for a religious leader to teach a woman individually. Yet we are able to learn today from what He said to her then.

We know that after the burial of Christ, some of the women who had ministered to Him in Galilee prepared spices to anoint His body (Luke 23:55-56; Mark 16:1). It is also interesting that after His resurrection, the first persons to be made aware of this were three women. In fact, the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection was Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9).

There is one very important event just two days before Christ’s last Passover. This is described in Matthew 26:7, 10, 13: “… a woman came to Him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table.” After the disciples complained that this was a waste, He remarked: “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a good work for Me.” “…In pouring this fragrant oil on My body, she did it for My burial. Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.”

Now alabaster is like a soft marble, pure white and translucent. Mark 14:3 informs us that the oil was oil of spikenard, an Indian herb from the Himalayas, which was very expensive. So, this woman had given Him a very valuable offering, and had begun the process of preparing His body for burial. She believed Him when He said He was going to Jerusalem and be delivered up to be crucified.

From this, we learn that although Christ was training men for leadership positions, He was considerate of women, giving them favour at times. And as for this particular woman, she gave her very valuable possession to her future King without expecting anything in return—an attitude that we should have whenever we give a gift. One day we will find out who she was, and be able to thank her for setting such a good example for many others.

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by Norbert Link

To begin with, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Biden’s State of the Union Speech—God Help Us!”, providing an in-depth analysis of President Biden’s controversial and troublesome statements in his address.

We continue with reporting on the development pertaining to Ukraine and the world’s reaction to Russia’s invasion. We draw a comparison between the present situation and the past, leading to World War 2. We ask who is to stop Putin, in light of weak leadership in the Western World, but also explain that some of the sanctions are having an effect on Russia, but they come with a price, while other sanctions are meaningless for the time being, and the most important and effective sanctions have not been issued, so far. However, it seems that Putin had underestimated the Ukrainians’ resolve, and the growing popularity of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whom Putin is apparently determined to assassinate.

For a thorough discussion on the reasons for Putin’s behavior, please view our recent message, “Mass Murderer Putin—the Modern Hitler; Comments on News and Prophecy, February 26, 2022.” 

We speak on Putin’s latest threats and the failed meeting between Russia and Ukraine. We also address Germany’s “change of heart.”

We conclude with Biden’s terrible poll numbers and his nomination of a black woman for the Supreme Court, who has been labeled a left-wing activist.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Just like in 1941

Thomson/Reuters wrote on February 25:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Friday…  the bombing of Kyiv was reminiscent of Nazi Germany’s attacks during World War Two…

“Zelenskyy said there was now a ‘new iron curtain’ between Russia and the rest of the world, adding in a later speech his nation had been ‘left alone.’ ‘Who is ready to fight alongside us? I don’t see anyone.’”

Hitler and Putin… two of a Kind

The Washington Post wrote on February 24:

“By 1939, parts of Czechoslovakia had already been carved off and taken over by Nazi Germany, which claimed that millions of ethnic Germans were being persecuted there. The previous September, European powers, seeking to avoid war, had acquiesced and done nothing…

“On March 15, 1939, the sickly Czech president, Emil Hacha, was in Hitler’s study surrounded by the Führer’s henchmen. ‘Hitler was at his most intimidating,’ historian Ian Kershaw wrote in his 2000 biography of the Nazi leader. ‘He launched into a violent tirade against the Czechs.’ The Nazis needed to take over Czechoslovakia to protect Germany. Hacha must agree or his country would be immediately attacked and Prague, its capital, bombed. Hacha fainted… but was revived and gave in to Hitler’s demand. German troops marched in a few hours later. Hitler said it was the happiest day of his life.

“Russia’s Vladimir Putin did not bother to speak with Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, before launching his assault Thursday. But some observers see brutal similarities to Hitler’s seizure of Czechoslovakia just before World War II. ‘This is all truly dictated by our national interests and dictated by care for the future of our country,’ Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday after the Russian assault began. Putin on Monday claimed pro-Russian residents of Ukraine faced ‘genocide.’…

“In March 1938, during the run-up to World War II, Hitler had first engineered the Nazi takeover of Austria, which already had strong pro-Nazi sympathies. Seven months later, he was plotting the seizure of part of Czechoslovakia, claiming that ethnic Germans in the Sudeten regions bordering eastern Germany were being mistreated. ‘I must also declare before the German people that in the Sudeten German problem my patience is now at an end,’ Hitler said on Sept. 26, 1938. Czechoslovakia must ‘give the Germans their freedom, or we will get this freedom for ourselves.’

“Four days later, during the famous Munich conference — now known as the centerpiece of the ‘appeasement’ of the Nazis — Great Britain, France and Italy agreed to the handover of the Sudeten region to Germany, hoping it would prevent further aggression. ‘It is the last territorial claim which I have to make in Europe,’ Hitler said. Within six months, he took the rest of Czechoslovakia, and on Sept. 1, 1939, he attacked Poland, starting World War II….

“Hitler wanted to take over all of Europe… Putin wants to restore Czarist Russia, the Russian empire. It’s a threat in particular to Finland, which was part of the Russian empire, to the Baltic states, which were part of the Russian empire, and to Poland, which was part of the Russian empire…”

Some have even wondered whether it is Putin’s intent to include East Germany in his envisaged new Russian Empire.

Where are our Leaders?

The Sun wrote on February 25:

“A MAD, murderous dictator threatens to unleash a nuclear world war. No longer is this a mere movie plot. Today it is terrifyingly real. It is paramount, as in 1939, that the free peoples of the West defeat this hideous new evil, this Hitler for our times… Putin is inflicting his monstrous tyranny on an innocent population. And, if unrestrained, he will keep coming.

“Decades of unpunished crimes and unchallenged power have addled his mind. Forget his ludicrous denials and lies — such as Russia being ‘threatened’ by Nato… or that he is ‘de-Nazifying’ Ukraine. The chilling reality is that he has publicly declared that a ­democratic country of 43 million people has no right to exist.

“With age now against him, he intends to go down in history as the man who, by force, folded Ukraine into Russia before establishing a new empire to replace the Soviet Union he still mourns. Putin will turn a deaf ear to the screams of children he orphans — and a blind eye to the cities he destroys and the thousands he slaughters, his own soldiers included. He believes this is his ­destiny…

“Most of us in the West are not currently blessed with great leaders and Putin knows it. The fractious, feeble, hand-wringing squabblers of the EU. America’s frail, doddering Joe Biden, pathetically intoning as the tanks rolled in that ‘Jill and I are praying for’ Ukraine…

“Leaders even congratulated Putin on winning blatantly rigged elections. Angela Merkel brainlessly closed Germany’s nuclear power stations and left her country mainly reliant on Russian gas and coal… Russia is not, and was not, our friend. Nor China. Nor evidently is President Imran Khan of Pakistan… [Neither is India which did not condemn Russia for its invasion.]

“All of us in the West should have woken up years ago. But if there was still any doubt about Putin, his not-so-veiled threat to nuke countries standing in his way must end them for good. The man is deranged.”

Who Will Stop Putin?

The Sun published on February 25 a strongly-worded editorial by Piers Morgan, with the title, “Knock Him Out.”

It continued:

“WHO’S going to stop him?… I don’t see any answer. Oh, I hear lots of talk.

“Boris Johnson, desperate to restore his shattered reputation as the partygate scandal still rages, is giving it the full Churchillian rhetoric and demanding: ‘Diplomatically, politically, economically — and eventually, militarily — this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure.’ Fine words, Prime Minister — but how, exactly, do you intend to make him fail?…

“French President Emmanuel Macron, humiliated by his pointless and deluded attempts at diplomacy, is feeling betrayed by Putin’s duplicity in their conversations (a former KGB officer lied? Wow, I’m shocked!) and has ordered Russia to ‘immediately put an end to its military operations’. Why would it do that? Putin’s doing what he’s wanted to do, and planned to do, for years.

“Germany’s new Vice-Chancellor, Robert Habeck, huffed and puffed and warned Russia would have ‘severe political and economic consequences.’ Like what, exactly? His country’s grown so dependent on Russian energy that it can’t afford to do anything meaningful for fear of Putin literally turning their lights out…

“Putin’s a bully; a vile, snivelling, mean, ruthless, heartless, humourless, narcissistic bully…  Mike Tyson once so perfectly put it: ‘Everyone’s got a plan [including a bully] until they get punched in the face.’ But who’s going to punch Putin in the face?

“Normally, we could rely on the United States of America to do it, just as they punched Adolf Hitler and the Japanese so hard in the face to help us win the Second World War. However, President Biden is showing about as much will to square up to Putin as a timid tadpole confronted by a great white shark. This is hardly surprising given his cowardly overnight desertion of the Afghan people last summer which continues to cause abject misery and despair in a country thrown back to the Taliban wolves, and which sent Putin the firm message that America no longer had the stomach for a fight. It’s depressingly obvious that the ageing and increasingly decrepit-sounding Biden hasn’t got a clue what to do about this situation… he even smirked and chuckled as reporters bombarded him with questions, as if there was somehow something amusing about it all.

“Nothing about this crisis is anything but incredibly serious and worrying, carrying with it the very real potential to spiral into something utterly catastrophic if it encourages China to follow Russia’s lead and seize Taiwan. As Biden stumbled and mumbled, I saw a leader of the free world racked with confusion and bereft of any real desire to engage with Putin in any kind of language that he will either understand or heed…

“From the moment Russia seized Crimea in 2014, and the world did nothing about it, Putin was emboldened to pursue his long-held dream of restoring the Soviet Union to its former size and power. He’s a gangster, a murderer, a cruel, wicked man for whom human life carries no sanctity or importance. And if he is allowed to invade and conquer Ukraine, he’ll keep on invading other countries he believes should be back in his despotic control. The world has empowered this monster with its deplorably complacent inaction and slavish desire to continue enriching him through global reliance on Russia’s vast energy resources…

“When the Nazis imperilled our liberty, Churchill [said:]… ‘One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it… If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!’ Right now, we’re running away from the urgent danger this Ukraine invasion represents. Putin is the new Hitler, a power-crazed, unhinged megalomaniac intent on reshaping Europe’s borders by invading sovereign democracies with impunity. And like Hitler, he spews vicious apocalyptic threats to scare off any resistance…

“It has been 70 years since a totalitarian regime tried to do what Russia is doing now, and Hitler would have got away with it if Churchill hadn’t stood up to him so courageously and magnificently, and if the Americans hadn’t flexed their massive military muscles when it really mattered. We’re at that point again…

“In February 2020, then presidential candidate Joe Biden tweeted: ‘Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.’ He was referring to a 2011 meeting at which Biden claimed he told Putin he had no soul… But the truth is that he’s thrilled Biden is president, believing him to be a weak, dithering strawman who’s big on talk, small on walk. The time for words is over, President Biden. It’s time you lived up to them and went properly toe-to-toe with the soulless tyrant who is currently making a mockery of your empty threats. It’s time to… punch Putin in the face — and knock him out.”

But Biden won’t knock anyone out. He is far too weak for that…

 Subsequently, the New York Post published the following editorial from Piers Morgan on February 28:

“When Saddam Hussein invaded Iraq’s neighboring state of Kuwait in 1990, America led a NATO military intervention, Desert Storm, that sent him and his forces packing in just 43 days. President George H.W. Bush explained his decision by saying: ‘The terrible crimes and tortures committed by Saddam’s henchmen against the innocent people of Kuwait are an affront to mankind and a challenge to the freedom of all… no nation will be permitted to brutally assault its neighbor.’

“Bush then quoted two members of the US forces tasked with liberating Kuwait. ‘Listen to one of our great officers out there, Marine Lieutenant General Walter Boomer. He said: “There are things worth fighting for. A world in which brutality and lawlessness are allowed to go unchecked isn’t the kind of world we’re going to want to live in.” And listen to Jackie Jones, an Army lieutenant, when she says, “If we let him get away with this, who knows what’s going to be next?”’…

“If the US lets Putin use his nuke threats to scare them off, Russia will continue its nation-seizing rampage like the Nazis did in 1938/9, and other foes like China and North Korea may feel emboldened to start doing the same. It will be like waving a white flag of surrender.”

Peace Talks Fail; EU Membership Far Way Off

Newsmax wrote on February 28:

“An embattled Ukraine moved to solidify its bond with the West Monday by signing an application to join the European Union, while the first round of Ukraine-Russia talks aimed at ending the fighting concluded with no immediate agreements….

“At this stage, Ukraine is many years away from reaching the standards for achieving EU membership, and the 27-nation bloc is expansion-weary and unlikely to take on new members any time soon. Also, any addition to the EU must be approved unanimously, and some member states have complicated approval procedures.

“Overall, the consensus has been that Ukraine’s deep-seated corruption could make it hard for the country to win EU acceptance. Still, in an interview with Euronews on Sunday, EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said, ‘We want them in the European Union.’”

Breitbart added on March 2:

“The Parliament of the European Union welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s application to join the bloc in a resolution on Tuesday – a first step in a long and difficult official joining process that Ukraine may not technically qualify for… The European Parliament is one of the less powerful bodies of the bloc…. However, it has only at press time agreed to help Ukraine become a candidate, not a member…”

The European Council is to have an informal meeting on March 10 during which the matter might be discussed.

Cease Fire Agreement?

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 3:

“The Ukrainian and Russian negotiators at talks in Belarus say the two sides have agreed provisions for a number of humanitarian issues. The understanding involves a temporary cease-fire to allow the evacuation of citizens and the delivery of aid to areas where fierce fighting has been taking place. The Ukrainian negotiator said that the second round of cease-fire talks had not yielded the results Kyiv hoped for, but the sides had agreed to speak again. … Podolyak said cease-fires will only take place in designated humanitarian corridor areas. “

Bild Online added on March 3:

“However, the establishment of escape corridors is not a sign of hope, but a sign that Putin now wants all of Ukraine! The two most important points of the Ukrainians – an immediate ceasefire, followed by a permanent ceasefire – were rejected by Putin’s negotiators.

“The Ukrainian side also says that all men between the ages of 18 and 60 would stay behind to defend their cities. The resumed motive of Russia for the escape corridor is that when people have left the cities, Putin’s troops could launch the final attack – without being accused of hitting uninvolved civilians with their rockets.”

It Will Get Worse

Mirror wrote on  March 3:

“Russia’s attack on Ukraine is going ‘according to plan’ and the violence will ‘get worse’, … Putin warned today. The Russian President made the alarming comments to Emmanuel Macron, his French counterpart, during a phone call on Thursday afternoon. After hanging up the phone at the end of the exchange, which lasted for an hour and a half, Mr Macron said “the worst is yet to come”.

No Fighter Jets and No-Fly Zone

Breitbart wrote on March 3:

“Despite widely-reported claims that 70 fighter jets were being provided to Ukraine by EU member-states… these plans seem to have fallen through, with Europe’s Josep Borrell Fontelles… being reported to have back-tracked on previous comments regarding the provision of fighter aircraft.”

This “change of mind” came after NATO objected, saying that this would mean getting actively involved in the war between Russia and Ukraine.  NATO  and “Western allies” also rejected the idea of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, as this would be “tantamount to a declaration of war.”

Israel’s Bennet Conspicuously Muted

The Associated Press wrote on February 24:

“Vladimir Putin told the world in the lead-up to Thursday’s attacks on Ukraine that his operation aims to ‘denazify’ Ukraine, a country with a Jewish president who lost relatives in the Holocaust and who heads a Western-backed, democratically elected government… historians see their use as disinformation and a cynical ploy to further the Russian leader’s aims. Israel has proceeded cautiously, seeking not to jeopardize its security ties with the Kremlin, despite what it considers the sacred memory of the 6 million Jews who were murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust….

“Israel has butted heads with certain countries, like Poland, over the memory of the Holocaust. But Israel has appeared more reticent to challenge Putin and his narrative… because of its current security interests. Israel relies on coordination with Russia to allow it to strike targets in Syria, which it says are often weapons caches destined for Israel’s enemies…

“Israel was conspicuously muted in its criticism of Russia in the lead-up to the attacks on Ukraine. Commentator Raviv Drucker wrote in the daily Haaretz that Israel was “on the wrong side of history” with its response… Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stopped short of issuing a public condemnation of Russia’s attack.”

The Times of Israel wrote on February 27:

“Russia on Friday summoned Israel’s Ambassador to Moscow Alexander Ben Zvi to clarify Israel’s position regarding the Ukraine invasion…  Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov asked Ben Zvi why Israel was expressing support for the ‘Nazis’ in Ukraine… Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has avoided condemning Russia or even mentioning the country by name… However, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid issued a far more clear condemnation Thursday… “

Israel to Condemn Russia

Israel 365 wrote on February 28:

“Russia has consistently voted to condemn Israel at the United Nations including on 14 separate occasions in 2021. Now the Kremlin is about to see how it feels as Israel prepares to participate in a UN vote condemning the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Jerusalem will co-sponsor and vote in favor of a resolution at the UN condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…”

I accuse…

Bild Online wrote on February 25:

“For years, the West watched as Putin grew in power. For years nothing was done about his crimes. Now the West is watching how a democratic country in the middle of Europe is being destroyed and many Europeans don’t care… With tears in my eyes and anger in my stomach, I now have to watch my friends fight for their lives, how the Obolon district of Kiev, where I grew up, is now fighting, and at the same time the world is doing nothing.

“As someone who was born Ukraine, I accuse!

“I accuse the SPD of still not separating from Putin’s friend former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder…

“I accuse the left, who for years, despite the criminal wars and the destruction of democracy in Russia, played down the despot Putin and always blamed NATO. They are hypocrites and only talk about human rights when it suits them politically.

“I accuse the federal government and the EU of still not having decided on tough sanctions against Putin. What are you waiting for? What red line does Putin have to cross?

“…a humanitarian catastrophe looms as food becomes scarce, while women and children are forced to sleep in metro stations, while children’s homes must seek shelter for their residents.

“Finally, I accuse the West. In just a few years, Putin’s regime will be forgiven for this criminal war. Ultimately, as always, economic interests and greed for profit will triumph over human rights and freedom. Civil rights activist Martin Luther King once said: ‘In the end, it will not be the words of our enemies that we will remember, but the silences of our friends.’”

Determined to Murder Zelensky?

Axios wrote on February 25:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told EU leaders ‘this might be the last time you see me alive’ during a video conference on Thursday night… Shortly before the call, Zelensky gave a televised address saying he was Russia’s ‘number one’ target for capture or assassination, and his family members were the ‘number two’ target. Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, who participated in the video conference, call told the TT news agency that when the EU leaders said goodbye to Zelensky they knew they might not see him again…

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on the Ukrainian military to perform a coup against Zelensky and then negotiate with Russia.”

When Zelensky spoke in Munich during the conference, he received a standing ovation from all in attendance. Now the same people are standing idly by and are perhaps watching what might very well be his murder. Biden asked Zelensky to evacuate Kyiv and offered him refuge in the USA. Zelensky declined, saying, “I need ammunition and not a ride.”

Zelensky to be Assassinated

Daily Mail reported on February 28:

“More than 400 Russian mercenaries have been flown in from Africa to assassinate Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, it was revealed last night. A private militia known as the Wagner Group allegedly has orders from Vladimir Putin to take out Zelensky – and 23 other government figures – to allow Moscow to take over its eastern European neighbour…”

Apparently, one attempt on his life was thwarted.

A National Hero

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 26:

“An actor, a political satirist, underestimated even by his supporters, decides to switch careers and stand for the highest office in the country. It’s almost inconceivable. And yet, this man has something many politicians lack — something that enables him to rise above himself and shine, especially in times of crisis: He is an outstanding communicator. Many of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s sentences will be remembered for years to come, and will eventually find their way into the history books.

“On June 12, 1987, at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the former Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan, who had by then been US president for seven years, declaimed the words that are repeatedly quoted whenever people refer to the period that ended the Cold War: ‘Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate…  Tear down this wall.’

“Nearly 45 years later, a man with a similar entertainment background speaks to his countrymen in video messages as the national leader, addressing them as ‘Free people! Free country!’ Zelenskyy says things like: ‘We Ukrainians are a peaceful nation. But if we remain silent today, we will be gone tomorrow!’ He is fiercely critical of the lack of support from abroad, saying, ‘We need an anti-war coalition. We are defending our country alone.  The most powerful forces from all over the world are looking on.’…

“Observers regard the speech he made just after the Russian invasion began as the best of his life. Emotional, fearless, and resolute, he told the Russian troops: ‘If you attack, you will see our faces, not our backs!’…

“Following the Russian president’s confused, hour-long speech in which he recognized the separatist regions of eastern Ukraine as independent republics, Ukraine’s Zelenskyy reassured his compatriots: ‘Don’t panic! We are strong and ready for anything. We will defeat everyone, because we are Ukraine!’, and in doing so forestalled mass panic.

“When the Russian president speaks of baseless claims of ‘genocide’ in eastern Ukraine, and rants about ‘denazification’ as a pretext for war, it must seem like pure mockery, especially for Zelenskyy. The Ukrainian head of state — who grew up in a Russian-speaking family — is Jewish. His grandfather, who was in the Red Army, lost three of his brothers in the Holocaust…”

Putin Furious

The New York Post wrote on February 27:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin is ‘furious’ that his invasion of Ukraine hasn’t been ‘easy’ after Russian troops have been unable to take even one major city in three days of fighting… The Russians are in shock of the fierce resistance they have encountered…”

Putin Threatens Sweden and Finland

Newsmax wrote on February 25:

“Russian officials have now threatened ‘serious military-political repercussions’ for [non-NATO members] Finland and Sweden if they make a move to join NATO.”

Putin’s new Threats

The New York Post wrote on February 27:

“President Vladimir Putin on Sunday ordered Russian nuclear deterrent forces to be placed on high alert, due to what he described as ‘aggressive statements’ by Western adversaries. The instruction means Putin has ordered Russia’s nuclear weapons prepared for heightened readiness to launch, raising the possibility the Russia-Ukraine war could escalate to a nuclear war….

“Meanwhile, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss on Sunday warned that Putin could use ‘the most unsavory means,’ including banned chemical or biological weapons, against Ukraine.”

Breitbart added:

“The move is also a reaction to the West announcing hard-hitting financial sanctions against Russian businesses and key individuals, including Putin himself, the president said in televised comments.”

We are dealing with an unpredictable madman who is willing to do everything. He is obviously possessed.

China won’t Condemn Russia

Fox News reported on March 2:

“China on Wednesday said it would not consider sanctioning Russia for its illegal invasion of Ukraine and said it will continue with ‘normal trade cooperation.’ And China abstained during a United Nations General Assembly vote Wednesday on a nonbinding resolution calling on Russia to halt its war on Ukraine and withdraw its military forces. Just five nations opposed the resolution – Russia, Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria – which passed with 141 aye votes…

“A resolution put forward by the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council condemning Russia’s illegal invasion failed to pass Friday after Russia vetoed the measure and China abstained from voting…”

Newsmax added on March 2:

“Senior Chinese officials told senior Russian officials in early February not to invade Ukraine before the end of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, the New York Times reported on Wednesday, citing Biden administration officials and a European official. The Times said a Western intelligence report indicates senior Chinese officials had some level of knowledge about Russia’s plans or intentions to invade Ukraine…”

Not much of a surprise there!

Religious Freedom in Ukraine Will Be Destroyed by Putin

Religion News Service (RNS) wrote on February 24:

“The physical landscape of Ukraine isn’t the only battle space Russian invaders hope to dominate. For the past decade, the two countries have fought another battle — not over territory but the religious orientation of Ukraine. And if Russia occupies the country, religious freedom will be one of the many casualties.

“Ukraine is an ancient nation, dating back to at least the 10th century, with an eastern Christian identity at its root. Founded at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Ukraine is the second-largest European country, second only to Russia. While many faiths operate freely in Ukraine, such as Roman Catholics, evangelicals, Muslims and Jews, the country’s population of 43 million is overwhelmingly Christian and predominantly identifies with Orthodoxy…

“Putin’s efforts to restore Russian prestige have included elevating the Russian Orthodox Church…

Christians on both sides are fighting: ‘Tanks are rolling down from Russia, Russian Orthodox priests are blessing the tanks,’ while ‘Ukrainian Orthodox priests are blessing the Ukrainian soldiers to fight against Russia.’

“… Putin’s demands are also connected with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and its independence from Moscow. De facto what Putin wants is the full capitulation of Ukraine. The capitulation sought is both physical and spiritual. Indeed, Russian control of Ukraine would be a humanitarian disaster and a human rights catastrophe. And the implications for religious freedom in Ukraine would be dire. The U.S. government has ranked Russia as one of the worst in the world for religious freedom at home… Moscow would likely not countenance an independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine, possibly forcing it back into the family of the Russian Orthodox Church. Russia’s regressive treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims and proselytizing groups would likely be forced on the entire country.

“Concerns about Ukraine’s Jewish community also exist. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum condemned Putin’s ‘exploitation’ of the Holocaust as a pretext for war. ‘The Museum stands with the Ukrainian people, including the thousands of Holocaust survivors still living in the country,’ said a statement released Thursday.  The Prussian strategist Carl von Clausewitz said, ‘War is the continuation of politics by other means.’ War was probably the only outcome Putin wanted. The implications for Ukrainian religious freedom and other human rights, however, hang in the balance…”

Sanctions against Putin No Good

The New York Post wrote on February 25:

“‘Following a telephone conversation President Biden held with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and in alignment with the decision by our European allies, the United States will join them in sanctioning President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov and members of the Russian national security team,’ White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Friday…

“Slapping sanctions on individuals entails preventing them from travel to and from certain jurisdictions. [It is unclear whether the new sanctions include a travel ban for Putin and Lavrov. While Europe says no, the USA seems to imply yes, but the statements in that regard are anything but clear]. It also bans companies from engaging in any sort of transaction with those persons… Putin’s assets, which are believed to be most vast than any human in the world, are hidden from view. Putin doesn’t need to hold his assets in traditional institutions like banks or brokerage firms because the entire Russian economy — with its significant oil and natural gas stockpiles as well as its rich array of natural resources – is under his control.

“The president’s inner circle is comprised of oligarchs who are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The vast net worth of these cronies, who hide their wealth in offshore tax havens, suggests that Putin is far more richer than he is letting on… Putin’s net worth rivals those of the richest people in the world.”

US Sanctions’ Glaring Omission

The Associated Press wrote on February 27:

“There is a glaring carve-out in President Joe Biden’s sanctions against Russia: Oil and natural gas from that country will continue to flow freely to the rest of the world and money will keep flowing into Russia…

“‘Energy exports are the whole game,’ said Columbia University historian Adam Tooze… ‘I don’t think Russia is blind to what is going on and it must indicate to them that the West does not really have the stomach for a painful fight over Ukraine.’…

“This dependence on Russia could limit the potential devastation of sanctions… Should there be a loss of oil and natural gas from Russia, the U.S. appears unable to quickly increase production of oil and natural gas, while OPEC-plus countries have yet to publicly commit to substantially more production.”

The USA had been gas- and oil-independent. But the Biden Administration changed all of that.

Germany’s “Change of Heart”?

Deutsche Welle reported on February 27:

“On Saturday, the German government announced its decision  to provide 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 surface-to-air missiles from German military stocks to Ukraine as soon as possible. Additionally, Estonia and the Netherlands received permission from the German government to transfer German-made weapons to Ukraine, whereas previously such permission had been denied. The moves reverse Germany’s long-standing principle of not sending or selling weapons to conflict areas…

“In announcing the policy reversal on Saturday, Scholz said that the ‘Russian invasion of Ukraine marks a turning point. It threatens our entire post-war order. In this situation, it is our duty to support Ukraine to the best of our ability in its defense against Vladimir Putin’s invading army.’…

“Scholz said the German government would allocate €100 billion for extra German armed forces, the Bundeswehr, in the 2022 budget. ‘From now on, more than 2% of our GDP will be invested in our defense,’ Scholz said. Germany has previously been criticized for devoting less than the 2% mark on defense spending called for by NATO agreements…

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy welcomed Germany’s change of heart. On Twitter, he wrote, ‘Keep up the good work, Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Anti-war coalition in action!’ Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, Andrij Melnyk, told Germany’s DPA news agency: ‘We are glad that Germany has finally made this 180-degree turnaround.’ Melnyk also told German newspaper Die Welt that Ukraine expects ‘this is only Germany’s first step.’… Melnyk said he hopes that as the Russian invasion rumbles on, the German government will provide additional defensive weapons so Ukraine can protect itself.”

Germany did send and sell weapons to other conflict areas before. Scholz’s statements are just false and hypocritical.

Bolster the German Army

The Local wrote on February 25:

“The German government on Thursday pledged to boost military spending…

“Finance Minister Christian Lindner said it was time for a ‘turning point’ in German defence investment… ‘I worry that we have neglected the armed forces so much in the past that it can’t completely fulfil its duties,’ he told public television.

“… the chief of the German land army, Alfons Mais,… said it was high time to bolster the army…

“Germany’s dark past has nurtured a strong pacifist tradition… Russia’s invasion may well force changes in priorities, with the Bundestag’s armed forces commissioner Eva Hoegl saying the army may have to switch from focusing on foreign missions to ‘domestic and allied (NATO) defence.’”

Die Welt wrote on February 26:

“In view of Russia’s military aggression, there is a first call for a return to conscription in Germany, which has been suspended since 2011…”

EU Stands up to Russia

Express wrote on February 27:

“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced unprecedented EU sanctions against Russia and Belarus this afternoon. She announced an immediate shut down of EU airspace to all Russian planes [including private jets]  and confirmed that the EU will finance weaponry for another country [under attack] for the first time ever. This will see the EU purchase and finance weapons to Ukraine…  The bloc is also moving to ban ‘the Kremlin’s media machine in the EU’. This means that the state-owned Russia Today and Sputnik, ‘will no longer be able to spread their lies to justify Putin’s war’…

“The move follows the joint decision yesterday from the US, UK, EU and Canada to block Swift access for some Russian banks [for international payments]… Ms von der Leyen said: ‘The European Union and its partners are working to cripple Putin’s ability to finance his war machine.’”

Scholz had stubbornly refused to agree to block Russian banks to Swift access. Finally, he relented and “agreed.” Another “change of heart” or just bowing to pressure?

Die Welt had written on February 26:

“Chancellor Olaf Scholz has encountered resistance within his own party with his no to Russia’s exclusion from the Swift banking communications network… At the EU summit on Thursday, Germany rejected such a move. Italy, Austria, Hungary and Cyprus have also been counted among the opponents so far. However, Italy, Austria and Cyprus have now given up resistance…”

Subsequently, Politico wrote on February 26:

The decision was an abrupt change in course, coming after Berlin clung to its initial position for weeks despite the rising Russian menace and pressure from EU and NATO allies. On Saturday, Berlin finally bowed to that pressure, and to the reality that Russia is encircling Ukrainian cities and threatening to topple the government in Kyiv…. Yet Berlin’s changing stance does not necessarily mean all requests for arms shipments will be approved, as each case is decided individually… Before Saturday’s turnaround, senior Ukrainian officials had been complaining bitterly for weeks about Germany’s refusal to allow arms shipments to bolster Ukraine’s defenses. That stance bewildered some European officials…”

New German “Expansive” Course

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 27:

“It was a powerful speech on Ukraine that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivered in the Bundestag. It was clear that it’s the end of ifs and buts, as well as the politics of hesitant little steps…  Germany’s coalition government has taken a clear stance against Russia the aggressor. Finally, NATO allies, in particular the Baltic states, know where they stand with Germany…

“Frankly: It’s about time. For too long, Germany has only engaged in political maneuvering and discussions. However… reconciliation between Germany and Russia remains a historically important building block of German politics, as Scholz stressed…

“But let’s not fool ourselves. This new era in Germany will be expensive, possibly even painful… Russia is set to be isolated from the world economy. High energy prices, supply bottlenecks and a partial collapse in the trade of raw materials may well be the immediate consequences.

“Germans will have to prepare themselves. The government must quickly show how the country is supposed to deal with this and what the consequences will be…  It is right that Germany is finally supporting shutting Russian banks out of… SWIFT…  But here too the consequences need to be clearly communicated. It’s quite possible that the flow of Russian gas to Germany will stop, because without SWIFT it won’t be possible to pay for it. Retaliation, as popular and as correct as it may be, comes at a price..

“For the Ukrainian people, holding their ground against the Russian aggressor, this complete change in German politics is meaningful… For far too long it has been entirely unclear where Germany stood. Now everyone knows. At last.”

Thousands Fleeing Russian and Ukraine

Express wrote on February 27:

“Thousands [of Russians] are said to be trying to reach the United States to claim political asylum and avoid being forced to fight in the war with Ukraine… The Russian government has already called up conscripts and reservists aged between 18 and 60… many Russians have openly opposed the war, with many saying the battle is ‘not wanted’ by the people of Russia. Thousands of people joined demonstrations across Russia last week to protest against the invasion of Ukraine… The [Russian] government crackdown on protesters has been swift and ruthless, with more than 1500 people arrested on Thursday night alone…

“Legal routes to the US for Russians have dwindled in recent years. The pandemic limited travel between the countries and took a toll on consular services, making it difficult for Russians to get a visa… This has left Russian people who want to reach the US little choice but to take the route from Mexico…

“Record numbers of Russian citizens have already been crossing into the US from Mexico to claim political asylum in recent months… in response to Putin’s increasingly brutal crackdown on opposition…

“Increasing numbers of Ukrainians have also been fleeing to America in recent months via the same route, taking long and expensive journeys in search of safety while the threat of Russia has grown larger.”

Thomson/Reuters wrote on February 27:

“The European Union needs to prepare for millions of Ukrainian refugees arriving in the bloc…”

Ruble in Trouble; Anti-Putin Demonstrations in Russia

The Sun wrote on February 28:

“A RUN on Russian banks has begun as Western sanctions send the ruble into freefall, sparking hopes of civil unrest against Vladimir Putin. Pictures show long queues outside cash machines in St Petersburg as locals race against time to withdraw their life savings before it’s all wiped out. It comes as Russia’s central bank says it will not open the Moscow Stock Exchange today…

“Russia’s central bank hiked interest rates from 9.5 percent to over 20 percent in a bid to stop a run on the country’s currency, the ruble… the value of the ruble continues to tumble against the dollar and euro on the Moscow Stock Exchange on Monday… Russia’s economy shrank by 30 per cent overnight to an all-time low.

“Russia is believed to be spending as much as £15billion a day to fund the invasion of Ukraine, experts believe…

“More than 2,000 people were arrested at peaceful anti-war protests in Russia on Sunday while more than 5,500 people have been detained at other protests since the invasion began on Thursday… Russian celebrities, dignitaries and officials also joined calls for the attack to be halted last night. More than 150 municipal deputies… from various Russian cities wrote in an open letter: ‘We, the ­deputies elected by the people, unreservedly condemn the attack of the Russian army on Ukraine. This is an unparalleled atrocity for which there is and cannot be justification.’”

Serious Underreporting of Side Effects

LifeSiteNews wrote on February 25:

“A large German health insurer has raised concerns over what its data shows to be an excessive underreporting by government authorities of adverse events after experimental COVID-19 gene-based vaccine injections…. Explaining that their sample includes 10,937,716 insured clients, with available data covering only the first 7½ months of 2021, their company had already logged 216,695 cases of adverse reactions for COVID-19 gene-based injections.

“Extending this rate for the full year, and then applying it to the full population of Germany (around 83 million), one can estimate that likely 2.5 million to 3 million individuals in the nation were treated by medical professionals for such adverse events.”

LifeSiteNews reported on March 1:

“Fully 66% of Israelis surveyed say they had adverse reactions to a COVID-19 booster jab… The adverse events ranged from mild to serious. Altogether, 66% of interviewees reported at least one adverse reaction. Nearly half of these reported having difficulties performing daily activities as a result… A March analysis also revealed dramatic rates of vaccine-related deaths in the country.”

Biden as Unpopular as Ever

Breitbart wrote on February 27:

“A strong majority of adults in the United States believe President Joe Biden is mentally unfit to serve as commander in chief, according to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll. The poll, which was released only days before the president is slated to give the State of the Union address, showed a majority believe Biden is unfit to serve as president while also revealing the lowest job approval rating (37 percent)…”

Kamala Harris Mocked

The New York Post wrote on March 1:

“Kamala Harris just took dumbing down to a whole new level. During an appearance on the syndicated ‘Morning Hustle’ radio program, Harris was asked by co-host Headkrack to explain the conflict ‘in layman’s terms for people who don’t understand what’s going on and how can this directly affect the people of the United States?’

“Speaking slowly, Harris began, ‘So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.’ ‘It exists next to another country called Russia,’ she continued. ‘Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.’…

“Washington Examiner executive editor Seth Mandel described Harris’ statement as ‘terrifying.’ ‘She just has a real inability to talk normally to [people],” Mandel noted… ‘Apparently Vice President Kamala Harris believes the average American layperson is aged 4,’ seethed The Federalist publisher Ben Domenech. ‘You will hear higher levels of explanation of international affairs in Peppa Pig.’…

“This is not the first time Harris’ grasp of foreign policy had been called into question. While meeting with reporters at the Munich Security Conference in Germany last month, the [vice president] was criticized for stating that Europe had enjoyed ‘peace and security’ since the end of World War II, apparently forgetting Soviet incursions into Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the Cold War, the Balkan civil wars of the 1990s and Russia’s campaigns in Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine under President Vladimir Putin.”

When we consider the current leadership of the USA, it is indeed a frightening scenario.

Biden’s Supreme Court Pick

Breitbart wrote on February 25:

“President Joe Biden nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill retiring Justice Stephen Breyer’s seat on the Supreme Court, but conservative groups are warning of Jackson’s ‘radical, left-wing activism’…

“National pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony’s List (SBA List) noted her pro-abortion bona fides. ‘Joe Biden is fulfilling his promise to only appoint justices who support the Roe v. Wade regime of abortion on demand up to birth – a policy so extreme only a handful of countries in the world hold it, including North Korea and China. Ketanji Brown Jackson is backed by many of America’s most radical pro-abortion groups… She is on record opposing the free speech rights of pro-life advocates pleading to save lives outside abortion centers and supporting the false claim that abortion is ‘health care.’ We have no doubt she will work with the most pro-abortion administration in history to enshrine abortion on demand nationwide in the law… The overwhelming majority of Americans reject the Democrats’ extreme agenda that includes late-term abortions when unborn children can feel pain, dismemberment abortions, lethal discrimination abortions, and more.’

“Similarly, CatholicVote is sounding the alarm on Jackson’s propensity to oppose free religious expression, defying the First Amendment. ‘Judge Jackson is the choice of the radical Left. By all indications, she will be a rubber stamp for Left-wing judicial activism that will continue to punish and penalize Catholic beliefs in the public square… Judge Jackson has been nominated because she is expected to use the Court to reward the far Left with support for policies that a majority of the country opposes. When judges become legislators, among those that stand to lose the most are Catholic hospitals, schools, charities and families.’

“Terry Schilling of the American Principles Project had a similar sentiment, saying ‘Not a huge surprise — Biden just picked the most extreme left-wing SCOTUS nominee in our nation’s history… She’ll become the most predictable vote on the court — pro abortion, pro gender ideology, everything.’”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How important are relationships with God and with each other? – Part 5

We have so far looked at the relationship between God the Father and Jesus Christ; man’s relationship with fellow man and how to deal with others, together with reviewing relationships within the human family. In this Q&A, we are going to look at our vitally important personal relationship which we must have with God.

Our personal relationship with God.

So many today feel that they have a relationship with God while still trampling over His laws. But Christ tells us that we worship God in vain if we lay aside the commandments of God in order to teach and follow the commandments of men (Mark 7:6-8).

In addition, “once saved, always saved” is a false doctrine that we have covered at length previously, and we have to be obedient to the Way that God has called His people to live, that of obedience to His law—not walking all over it, thinking that it doesn’t matter. It does.

In his booklet “A World Held Captive,” Mr Herbert W Armstrong, late human leader of the now defunct Worldwide Church of God, observed as follows:

“MAN was created to have a personal relationship with God — to be begotten as children of God, finally born into the GOD FAMILY (page 6).”

“God created MAN in God’s own image — form and shape. Man was mortal like animals, but differing as to form and shape, and in MIND. To human brain was added human spirit, empowering human brain with intellect, thus making possible a relationship between man and God” (page 14).

The Bible shows that God had a relationship with a few in the Old Testament.  Enoch walked with God (Genesis 5:22) and Abel, Enoch and Noah are all mentioned in Hebrews 11:4-7.  Later, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Joshua, Rahab, Deborah, Job, Ruth, Esther, Samson, Elijah, Elisha, David, Samuel, Solomon, Isaiah, Daniel and a number of others are all shown to be in contact with God and He with them.

In the New Testament, the twelve apostles had a close personal relationship with Jesus. Of course, Judas betrayed Christ and was later replaced by Matthias. We could also mention other remarkable men such as John the Baptist, as well as other remarkable women like Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Mary, the sister of Lazarus; and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. Paul, too, had a close relationship with Christ after his conversion, and so did James, the half-brother of Christ, and many others.

The names above are not a complete list but are among those shown to have been close to God.

In 2 Corinthians 6, we read that Paul was telling the Christians at that time (and by extension, God’s people today) not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers  (verse 14) and that we are not to be involved with idols: “And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.’  Therefore ‘Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.’  ‘I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty.’”

We are given clear instruction that our relationship is to be with the great God Himself and not with the ways of this world, when we become begotten sons and daughters of God through that relationship with Him.

In Revelation 3:20-22, we read Christ’s words: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.  To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

We must realise that it takes time to build a relationship with God; we don’t click our fingers and there it is.  We have to make time for continuing prayer. Throughout the day we can be in contact with the great Creator God of the universe and He can be on hand to help even in the most minor of details if we involve Him as we should.

Here are just a few of many verses we can reflect on in respect to our relationship with God.   First of all, we must realise that Jesus said that “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:44:65).   We have to be called to His Way of Life to have a close personal relationship with God.

Moses says in Deuteronomy 31:6:  “Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD your God, He it is that does go with you; He will not fail you, nor forsake you.”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible observes: “…he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee; not fail to fulfil his promises to them, not leave them till he had given them complete victory over their enemies, put them into the possession of their land, and settled them in it. This promise, though made to literal Israel, belongs to the spiritual Israel of God, and is made good to every true believer in the Lord; see Hebrews 13:5: ‘Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.’”

We are never alone when we are close to God, but that doesn’t mean that we will never have any difficulties.   When this happens, we read in Psalm 34:17-19 what God will do for us: The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all.”

We read further: “But they that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

It is incredible to realise that the One who created us all describes His people who are close to Him in this way: “Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD And who meditate on His name. ‘They shall be Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them As a man spares his own son who serves him’” (Malachi 3:16-17).

We can be encouraged with this promise: “‘For all those things My hand has made, And all those things exist,’ Says the LORD. ‘But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word’” (Isaiah 66:2).  With this sort of attitude, our relationship with our Creator will be very close, fruitful and peaceful. Christ assured us:  “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

God’s people are instructed to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).  What a wonderful promise that is for this time now, and the future is to be amazing.  Peter adds the following:

 “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care on Him; for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6-7).

We have to have a child/parent relationship with our great Creator God, and we can see the dividends that this brings now. In the future, when Christ rules this earth, everyone will learn of God’s ways, and those who respond will also be able to have a good and close relationship with God (See Isaiah 11:9-10).

This personal relationship with God starts at the time when we realize our need for Him and do as the apostle Peter instructed in Acts 2:38: “Then Peter said to them, ‘Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’”

Right from the outset of life on earth, Adam and Eve were offered the opportunity of having a personal relationship with God, as we read in Genesis 3:2-3: “And the woman said to the serpent, ‘We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, “You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.”’” As the serpent tried to derail our original parents from going God’s Way, Eve related what God had told them, but some doubts may have already crept in, because she added something what God had not told them. God had only said that they were not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; but Eve went further and said that they were not even to touch it—something God had not said. Adam and Eve had direct communication with their Creator but still fell for the lies of Satan. Our adversary is so powerful that if we are not close to God and stay close, our relationship will falter: “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Corinthians 10:11).

The world at large has no idea about the plan of God.  We have been given a future that man, without God, can only dream about.  This requires however, that we overcome sin, so that we can inherit eternal life. While eternal life is a gift, God is not going to bestow it on us if we live in rebellion against His Law. We read in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

This personal relationship with God is vital and is an integral part of our Christian Way of Life which reaps so many benefits now – and for eternity.

There are quite a few metaphors that Scripture uses to describe our relationship with God and which show how important it is. For instance, we are clay in our Potter’s hands—the “WORK” of His hands (Jeremiah 18:1-6; Isaiah 64:8); we are the branches of the Vine and of the Vinedresser (John 15:1-8); we are the sheep of our Shepherd (John 10:1-18); and we are God’s friends when we do what He commands us (John 15:13-15).

In addition, let us conclude this installment with a few excerpts from our Q&A (which you should read in its entirety), titled, “What are some of the spiritual analogies applying to our relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ?”

“When dealing with the Father’s and Christ’s relationship with His Church, we find that the Bible pictures the same through several analogies. One of these analogies is the concept of a marriage agreement—we read that both in the Old and in the New Testament, the ‘congregation in the wilderness’—Old Testament Israel—and the Body of Christ—New Testament Israel or the Church of God—are pictured as entering a marriage agreement with the LORD or YHWH, who was none other than Jesus Christ. In other words, the old covenant and the new covenant are compared with marriage agreements. We read that Christ—the bridegroom—will marry His Church—the bride.

“At the same time, we read that we are Christ’s brothers and sisters, and that God is our Father—as He is also the Father of Jesus Christ. When we receive God’s Holy Spirit, we are called begotten children of God, and we will become born-again children at the time of our change to immortal spirit beings in God’s Family. The new covenant also includes for us a promise of inheritance. We are called co-heirs with Christ. All these meaningful analogies contain very important spiritual principles and teachings for us…

“It is important to realize, in this context, that these are spiritual analogies… the main emphasis is on the spiritual ‘consummation’—an analogy drawn from the physical marriage concept…

“The marriage analogy expresses the thought that we must be OBEDIENT to our Husband—Jesus Christ. So we see that the marriage analogy complements the analogy of God being our Father and we being His children. God is not our physical Father, and we are not His physical children, but He is our spiritual Father, and we are His spiritual children. And as the spiritual bride or wife is to be subject to Christ in everything, so we, as spiritual children of God, are to be subject to the Father in everything. And as Christ loves His bride, so the Father loves His children. In fact, we read that the Father loves us with the same love with which He loves Christ, and that Christ loves His bride with the same love with which the Father loves Him (John 17:23; 15:9).

“The marriage analogy is complemented with the analogy of inheritance… Christ will consummate the marriage with us and share His inheritance with us, if we stay faithful. Another analogy describes vividly what will happen to us if we don’t remain faithful. It is the analogy of us being children of God—begotten children at the time of the receipt of the Holy Spirit—and born again children at the time of our change to spirit beings. But if we—as begotten children—become unfaithful, the analogy of physical abortion pictures our ultimate spiritual fate, preventing us from ever being born into God’s Family… As there is the possibility of a physical miscarriage or abortion, so there is the possibility of a spiritual miscarriage or abortion. God, our Father, will never abort us, unless we force Him to do so, by refusing to grow and to obey Him. When God aborts a spiritual child, it is because His child has rejected Him…

“Of course, there are further analogies in the Bible, especially referring to those who are being called to salvation in this day and age. The Bible calls them firstfruits—Jesus Christ being the first of the firstfruits… Another analogy compares the body and the bride of Christ with a temple—a holy building in the Lord—being built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, with Christ being the chief cornerstone of the foundation of that temple.

 “Considering all of the above-described analogies, we should take great comfort, but also great care that we, as Christ’s bride and His brothers and sisters, as well as God the Father’s children, concentrate on becoming worthy to stand before the Son of Man at His return, to be born into the Kingdom and Family of God, ‘consummating’ our marriage with Christ, and inheriting the promises.”

(To be continued)

Lead Writers: Brian Gale (United Kingdom) and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Biden’s State of the Union Speech—God Help Us!” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

In discussing the State of the Union Address by President Biden on March 1, an editorial by the New York Post hit the nail on the head, concluding, “It was an unserious speech for deadly serious times. Lord help us.” This program discusses some of the most controversial statements by President Biden in his speech and shows why the downfall of the USA is inevitable. Indeed, may God have mercy on all of us.

A new Member Letter (March 2022) has been posted and mailed to our subscribers. Rene Messier focuses on the future which is in store for those who prove that they are obedient to God, and contrasts the struggles we face in this physical existence.

“April, April!—Sind Aprilscherze wirklich harmlos?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Approximate Title in English: “Are April Fool’s Tricks Really Harmless?”

“Die Taufe mit Feuer,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Jens Herrmann, is now posted. The title in English: “The Baptism With Fire.” 

“Mass Murderer Putin—the Modern Hitler; Comments on News and Prophecy, February 26, 2022,” was presented by Norbert Link last Sabbath. Here is a summary:

While Ukraine under Volodymyr Zelensky is fighting for its survival against mad mass murderer Vladimir Putin, the world stands idly by—which is reminiscent of the world’s conduct in 1939. In fact, the similarities between Hitler and Putin are remarkable, and we should not think for a moment that Putin will be satisfied with conquering Ukraine. He may even attack NATO members to restore the old Soviet Republic. Zelensky has become a national hero, while Western leaders like Joe Biden, Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron or Boris Johnson have failed miserably. Putin is totally unpredictable because the same spiritual force possesses him which controlled and used Hitler. America will have to remember its betrayal of Ukraine, because when the USA is being attacked in the future, no one will help it either.

“Envy—A Deadly Cancer,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Paul Niehoff, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Envy is a human characteristic which can very easily lead to bitterness and hatred. There are examples in the Bible where it leads to murder or attempted murder. It can be overcome by desiring good for others and being content with what you have.

“God’s Wrath,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Rene Messier, is now posted. Here is a summary:

This sermon discusses curses and plagues mankind is going to go through from now until the return of Christ, and how we can be prepared for the coming events of the near future.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Forever Young / The End of Violence

On March 5, 2022, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “Forever Young,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “The End of Violence.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Envy–A Deadly Cancer / God’s Wrath

On February 26, 2022, Paul Niehoff will present the sermonette, titled, “Envy–A Deadly Cancer,” and Rene Messier will present the sermon, titled, “God’s Wrath.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 1011

Envy–A Deadly Cancer / God’s Wrath

On February 26, 2022, Paul Niehoff will present the sermonette, titled, “Envy–A Deadly Cancer,” and Rene Messier will present the sermon, titled, “God’s Wrath.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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It is About Time

by Christoph Sperzel (Germany)

Are we fully aware of the times we are living in today? Since the days of Noah, there have never been such times. End-time prophecies have never been fulfilled so quickly: The Roman Empire rising from the abyss one last time; pagan governments collapsing. It is all now only a matter of time.

We will experience worldwide droughts, as described in Joel 1:4:

“What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten; What the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten; And what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten.”  Joel 1:15 adds, “Alas for the day! For the day of the LORD is at hand; It shall come as destruction from the Almighty.”

There has seemingly never been a time when Christians have been so dependent on being in close contact with God. Perhaps never has there been a time when we were so much in need of faith, to deal with the trials that we now know are ahead of us. And there may never have been a time when it seems so hard to pray. And why is this the case?

This is the time as described in Revelation 12:12: “Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”

The devil is loose. And he has a multitude of demons serving him – invisible spirit beings with great power.

One professing Christian turns against another. Churches get into quarrels, feuds, and rejections. They confess with their mouths and deny the Truth. And when Satan fails in driving people away from the Truth, he puts impressions of failure into their minds, designed to discourage them and make them give up.

The devil has many charms and tricks. He will cause most people to completely reject God’s Truth.

He will also try to mislead the children of God into accepting a corruption of God, instead of the true Original. On our website, we have posted an Editorial by Dave Harris on this topic (Update 58), which is entitled: “The True Original.”

Our foundation is the Word of God – the Sword of the Spirit – which is our only offensive weapon.

Paul tells us in Romans 8:1: “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”

If we may stumble, trip, and fall on our Christian path, it must not mean that we should stay down. Let us not be discouraged by this. We must get up again and keep going.

In Hebrews 4:14-16, we read: “Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Therefore, let us come boldly before the throne of mercy, to obtain complete forgiveness.

If we have done an injustice to somebody, let us make amends for what we have done, as good as we can. What we cannot compensate for, God will take care of.

Let us repent and be encouraged by mercy, and we shall not feel lost.

Ephesians 6:10,18 tells us: “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might…. praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints…”

Let us be strong “in the Lord.” We are fighting against evil spirits “in heavenly places.” We need the whole armor of God to stand strong (Ephesians 6:11).

Let us examine our thoughts more closely. Let us resist the devil. Let us remove all evil thoughts from our minds by focusing our attention and thoughts on things above.

And most importantly, even though it may take a lot of strength at first, let us force ourselves to pray as we have never done before.

There is no reason to be afraid if we put on the whole armor of God, but if we don’t, we will definitely come out on the short end.

Initial translation from German: Daniel Blasinger

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by Norbert Link

We begin with Putin’s declaration of war on Ukraine. While Putin created a fabricated “justification” for war, the Western allies are by no means as united in their support for Ukraine as we are told. It appears that they, and especially Germany, have been willing to “appease” Putin, while especially President Biden and the Germans have been blamed for Putin’s current invasion of Ukraine.

In this context, please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, Putin’s War against Ukraine… How It Happened!” 

We also report on Canada’s police brutality in the pursuit of enforcing radical Prime Minister Trudeau’s authoritarian orders against the Freedom Convoy and other demonstrators. Trudeau has been compared with late Romanian communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu.

In other news, we point out United Airline’s disturbing conduct towards their unvaccinated employees, and remarkable explosions from the Sun.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Putin Declares War

The Sun wrote on February 23:

“VLADIMIR Putin has declared WAR on Ukraine and unleashed his terrifying arsenal with a full scale assault on the country – plunging Europe into a bloody new crisis. The tyrant declared a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine with a dawn raid after months of amassing his forces on the border [of about 200,000 troops] and brazenly lying to the world about his plans to invade…. He chillingly warned the West that there would be ‘consequences greater than any you have faced in history’ if there are any moves to interfere with the invasion….

“Global leaders have condemned Russia and pledged to stand with Ukraine – with the world now just one false move from what could become World War 3.  Putin also [attacked] from neighbouring Belarus … Putin justified his bloody assault in a televised address – making false claims about ‘protecting’ Russians in eastern Ukraine.

“He had always been predicted to use a phoney humanitarian crisis a pretext for an invasion…. The former KGB enforcer also claimed that Russia… will move to ‘demilitarize’ and ‘de-Nazify’ [Ukraine] – bringing those who committed ‘crimes’ to justice.”

The Sun wrote on February 24:

“Ground forces have been streaming across the border into the former Soviet state from all sides after the aerial blitz in the early hours…. Fighting is raging through the country as Ukraine attempts to mount a resistance to the assault.”

The New York Post wrote on February 24:

“Terrified Ukrainians began a mass exodus Thursday as Russia declared war and started launching missiles — as chilling footage also captured a swarm of helicopters attacking an airport near the capital.”

Daily Mail wrote on February 24:

“Russian forces have seized control of Chernobyl nuclear power plant after a ‘fierce’ battle, with the condition of nuclear storage facilities ‘unknown’, sparking fears of a radiation leak that could cause fallout in Europe.”

We will set forth below the chronology of the events, leading to the biggest war in Europe since World War 2.  

The Signs of War

The Daily Mail wrote on February 18:

“A top U.S. diplomat in Europe [Ambassador Michael Carpenter] says Russia’s troop buildup around Ukraine has ballooned to up to 190,000 – up from just 100,000 just a few weeks ago… ‘This is the most significant military mobilization in Europe since the Second World War,’ he said…

“Ukrainian and Russian forces reported a second day of shelling in the Donbas region – amid a feared pretext for war that Russia might use to justify an invasion. Putin on Tuesday said at a press conference that, ‘In our view what is now happening in Donbas is genocide,’ without providing evidence. Russia’s Investigative Committee claimed Wednesday it had uncovered hundreds of mass graves of Russian-speaking civilians there…”

Deutsche Welle reported on February 20:

“Germany and Austria told their citizens to leave Ukraine [“urgently”]. German air carrier Lufthansa canceled flights to the capital, Kyiv, and to Odessa…”

Biden Says He Is Convinced

Fox News wrote on February 18:

“President Biden said Friday that he is ‘convinced’ Russian President Vladimir Putin has made the decision to invade Ukraine, telling reporters that he believes Russia will ‘target the capital city of Kyiv.’… The mayor of Kyiv… pleaded with the U.S. and Germany telling them, ‘We can’t defend our country’ from Russia… [saying] Kyiv needs ‘defensive weapons’ to protect itself… The German foreign minister… did not falter in the government’s previous decision not to provide Ukraine with defensive aid…”

Axios wrote on February 18:

“U.S. officials are now certain that Russia is planning not just a small invasion to take territory in eastern Ukraine, but a large-scale attack that could topple the Ukrainian government and cause massive devastation across the country.”

Thomson/Reuters wrote on February 20:

“CBS News reported [on Sunday] that U.S. intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russian commanders have received orders to proceed with an invasion of Ukraine, with commanders on the ground making specific plans for how they would maneuver in their sectors of the battlefield…

“The intelligence indicates that ‘they’re doing everything that American commanders would do once they got the order to proceed…’”

BBC News wrote on February 20:

“Evidence suggests Russia is planning ‘the biggest war in Europe since 1945’, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said… Mr Johnson warned that any conflict could be ‘bloody and protracted’… People needed to not only consider the potential loss of life of Ukrainians, but also of ‘young Russians’, he added…

“The ongoing tensions in eastern Europe have given Mr Johnson, who’s faced a myriad of problems at home, a chance to show leadership on the world stage… “

Preparing Russians for War

The Guardian wrote on February 18:

“The omens of impending war we were warned about now seem to be lining up like the horsemen of the apocalypse.

“The field hospitals have been set near the border, blood banks have reportedly been brought in. On the information war front, a dossier of alleged Ukraine war crimes circulated at the UN security council, and a video popped up purporting to show an attempted Ukrainian attack on chlorine tanks in the Donbas.

“Now the rebel leaders in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts have ordered the evacuation of women and children to Russia (and the elderly, about 700.000 people), claiming – with no evidence whatsoever – that a Ukrainian attack is imminent. Right on cue, a car bomb went off in Donetsk, injuring no one, but providing a fireball for the cameras.

“All of this is more or less what US and UK briefers have told journalists to expect in the run-up to a Russian invasion… The most alarming development of the day is the evacuation from Luhansk and Donetsk, creating a sudden refugee crisis in neighbouring Rostov in Russia….”

The Daily Mail wrote on February 18:

“Putin sent his emergencies minister to the Rostov region bordering Ukraine to help organize the evacuation. He ordered the government to give 10,000 rubles (about $130) to each evacuee. That´s equivalent to about half the average monthly salary in the area.”

Act Now

Fox News wrote on February 18:

Ukraine President Zelenskyy acknowledged, likely for the first time, that a full-scale Russian invasion may soon occur…”

Daily Mail added February 19:

“Ukraine’s president has called on the West to stop their ‘appeasement’ of Russia and warned sanctions will not work on Moscow once the bombing starts… The [present] conference [in Munich] had echoes of the 1938 summit in Munich in which leaders agreed a policy of appeasement against Adolf Hitler’s Germany in an effort to prevent an imminent war.

“Zelensky said today: ‘Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal. We have no weapons. And no security … Zelensky also said he wants a ‘clear’ timeframe for when Ukraine can join the NATO alliance.”

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 19:

“Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky said that Ukraine would defend its land with or without the support of partners…”

Nein from Germany

CNBC wrote on February 19:

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Saturday rejected calls from Ukraine’s president to sanction Russia now… Scholz would not clarify what sanctions Russia might be hit with if it were to invade Ukraine. Rather, he said that Moscow ought to know ‘approximately’ and not ‘exactly’ the repercussions it would face. This contrasts with other Western leaders who have made specific remarks about how Russia could be hurt economically, most notably through energy sanctions.”

Biden is Marching us into War

Newsmax wrote on February 18:

 “Former Ambassador to Germany Ric Grenell told Newsmax Friday that the administration of President Joe Biden and the national media are ‘marching us into war’ in Ukraine… Grenell said that the United States should be pressuring Germany, which has the largest European economy, a budget surplus, and has not paid its annual dues to NATO, to use its influence to pressure Russia into standing down against Ukraine…

“‘Joe Biden said that there is a war coming for sure, a bloody war, he said. If you believed that a bloody war was around the corner, wouldn’t you put sanctions on the pipeline that’s funding this war?’ He said the U.S. should place sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is ready to open and bring natural gas from Russia to Germany and Europe, before a ‘bloody war’ starts with Russia and Ukraine… He said the U.S. could also push to preemptively take Russia off the international banking system as a diplomatic means of getting it to stand down.”

Biden at Fault

Newsmax wrote on February 20:

“Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on Sunday blamed President Joe Biden’s ‘weakness’ for leaving Europe on the verge of war with Russia. In a fiery interview on ‘Fox News Sunday,’ Cruz drew a straight line between the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan last year to an imminent threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine… ‘Joe Biden’s surrender and disastrous retreat from Afghanistan is the worst military catastrophe for the United States in decades… and as a result, as I said back in August, the chances of Russia invading Ukraine had just risen tenfold. The chances of China invading Taiwan had just risen tenfold. We are seeing the first of those two shoes dropping today.’

“According to Cruz, Ukraine had protection against invasion by Russia as long as its natural gas pipelines went through Ukraine. Russia’s building of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany changed all that, he said… ‘That pipeline was dead for over a year until Joe Biden became president and Putin began building that pipeline again on Jan. 24, 2021, 4 days after Biden was sworn into office … because he knew what was going to happen, which was that Joe Biden formally waived sanctions on Russia, on Putin, and gave the green light to build Nord Stream 2.’”

There can be no doubt that Putin became emboldened by Biden’s (and Scholz’s) behavior. And no sanctions were imposed until Putin had invaded eastern Ukraine.

“Senile Old Men Hold World Peace in their Hands”

Dan Wootton wrote on February 24 for MailOnLine:

“Not only has the insane megalomaniac Putin declared war on Ukraine and launched an invasion of a sovereign country in Europe by a major power for the first time in 80 years, he has also threatened the world with nuclear war… With depressing predictability, appeasing Putin failed spectacularly – and Europe and the world is now in great peril.

“… the leaders of the west and the east, who hold our very future in their shaky hands, are both senile old men….

“There’s the likely dementia-plagued US President… Joe Biden, who, at 79, barely managed to stutter and stumble his way through a scripted address about the crisis two nights ago. How are we meant to believe Biden can rally the western world behind a once-in-a-generation effort to stop a modern-day Hitler plunging Europe into a prolonged war, when his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal was proof the US has lost moral authority on the international stage?

“Then there’s the war criminal Putin himself who is a decade younger than Biden but has been described by the jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny as a ‘senile drunk grandfather’, which could even be funny if he wasn’t in charge of the nuclear codes and threatening to use them…

“Of course, both the EU and the UK have made grave mistakes in our dealings with Putin for many years. We turned a blind eye to the criminal intervention in Crimea; we forgot the Salisbury poisonings far too quickly; we haven’t done enough to help the opposition leader Navalny who could be killed in jail at any moment; not to mention the brave local journalists who have been murdered by Russian state operatives far too regularly… Besides, we’ve been hysterically distracted by a fast-weakening coronavirus with a 99 per cent plus survival rate for the past two years.

“Russia and China have laughed at us as we became obsessed with woke issues like the Black Lives Matter movement, the march to Net Zero and the use of gender pronouns.”

Russia’s Murder List

The Washington Post wrote on February 20:

“The United States has informed the United Nations it has credible information showing that Moscow is compiling lists of Ukrainians ‘to be killed or sent to camps following a military occupation,’ according to a letter to the U.N. human rights chief obtained by The Washington Post on Sunday night.

“The letter alleges that Moscow’s post-invasion planning would involve torture, forced disappearances and ‘widespread human suffering.’…”

The true hallmarks of an ungodly dictatorship.

Recognition Condemned

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 21:

“[Putin’s] recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk [in Eastern Ukraine]  as ‘independent’ has been met with widespread condemnation from the West… German Chancellor Olaf Scholz [had] warned Moscow against the action [one hour prior to Russia’s official announcement], saying it would be ‘a unilateral breach’ of the 2015 peace deal for the conflict in eastern Ukraine.”

Of course, Putin did not listen to Scholz.

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine has begun

The Sun wrote on February 22:

“Hours after tanks and 10,000 troops moved into pro-Russia breakaway enclaves, the Kremlin said further territory held by Ukrainian forces should belong to the two self-declared republics

“In a further chilling development today, Russia’s parliament voted to allow Vladimir Putin to use armed forces abroad. And Vladimir Putin said he is in favour of ‘demilitarisation’ in Ukraine…

“The much feared Russian advance began in the early hours, soon after Putin announced he recognised Luhansk and Donetsk as independent states in a bombastic TV address…. And in a blatant threat to Ukraine’s existence, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia did not recognise its democratic neighbour’s right to sovereignty….”

Scholz Temporarily Suspends Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

Reuters reported on February 22:

“Germany on Tuesday halted the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea gas pipeline project, designed to double the flow of Russian gas direct to Germany… Europe’s most divisive energy project, worth $11 billion, was finished in September, but has stood idle pending certification by Germany…

“The pipeline had been set to ease the pressure on European consumers facing record energy prices… Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president and now deputy chairman of its Security Council, tried to rub salt in that wound. ‘Welcome to the new world where Europeans will soon have to pay 2,000 euros per thousand cubic metres!’ he tweeted – suggesting prices were set to double…. “Germany gets half its gas from Russia…

“Economy Minister Robert Habeck… told journalists… that prices were indeed likely to rise further in the short term….”

Scholz acted far too late, and even this “sanction” is meaningless, as is it only “temporary”; as the pipeline was not yet in operation; and as Germany is importing up to 60% [not just 50%, as the article claimed] of gas from Russia at this point.

Migration Crisis Looming

Aljazeera wrote on February 22:

“The threat of a large-scale Russian invasion looms over Ukraine to the north, south and, especially, the east. On its western border, the countries of Central Europe are eyeing a potential migrant crisis.

“The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia all say they are preparing for the possibility that war will send Ukrainians flooding their way. Some estimate that as many as five million people could flee the country in the worst-case scenario.”

Russia and Belarus

The New York Times wrote on or about on February 19:

“The strongman leader of Belarus… Mr. Lukashenko was sitting meekly in Moscow with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, no longer the swaggering supreme commander but more an obedient pupil seeking instruction and help from his master. ‘I absolutely agree with him,’ Mr. Lukashenko said later of Mr. Putin’s assessment that the West was to blame for the crisis enveloping Ukraine…. Lukashenko described Russia and Belarus as not only neighbors and allies, but in many ways, a single nation bound by a determination to keep former Soviet lands from drifting into the orbit of the West…

“Belarus has no nuclear weapons of its own, but Mr. Lukashenko said this week that, if his country were threatened by the West, he would ‘deploy not only nuclear weapons, but super-nuclear and up-and-coming ones to protect our territory.’ These would presumably all be from Russia.”

The New York Times wrote on February 20 that “Russian Troops will extend Drills in Belarus.” Deutsche Welle added that “Belarusian officials said the drills would continue due to ‘an increase in military activity’ near the borders of Russia and Belarus and the ‘escalating situation’ in the rebel-controlled Donbas region in Ukraine.”

This was so predictable. Putin’s claim that Russian troops would be withdrawn after the drills and military “exercises” was an obvious lie from the very beginning. Putin is a former KGB spy—a person trained to engage in lies and deception.

Merkel’s Fatal Mistake

Bild Online wrote on February 22 the following editorial, entitled: “Merkel’s Fatal Mistake”:

“Putin is more dangerous than ever – and Germany bears a great deal of responsibility for this. Years ago, the Kremlin chief declared that he considered the fall of the Soviet Union to be the ‘greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century’… Instead of taking the dictator seriously, the federal government let him get away with every crime. Even after the MH17 plane was shot down with 300 fatalities.

“These mistakes by former Chancellor Angela Merkel and her then Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier are now taking their revenge. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, one thing is clear: our continent – ​​and Germany too – is at greater risk than it has been for at least 30 years. Because Putin may only see Ukraine as an intermediate step….”

Biden’s “Sanctions”

The New York Post wrote on February 24:

“President Biden condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as being ‘without justification or necessity’ Thursday as he announced new sanctions and export restrictions against Moscow — but reiterated that no troops would be sent to Ukrainian soil, declined to sanction Russian President Vladimir Putin personally and admitted that America’s European allies were opposed to kicking Russia out of (SWIFT), a key global banking system.”

This was predictable.

Putin’s “Spiritual Destiny”?

Unheard wrote on February 24:

“Putin regards his spiritual destiny as the rebuilding of Christendom, based in Moscow… to do this he needs Kyev back… In 2019, the Ukrainian arm of the family of Orthodox churches declared its independence from the Russian Orthodox Church… The Russian Orthodox Church furiously rejected this claim to independence, stating that Ukraine belonged irrevocably to its ‘canonical territory’… compliance of the Russian Orthodox church with the political goal of a greater Russia has been shameful. Officially, at least, they make a big deal out of the claim that they stay out of politics. But that has never been true…”

Francis Declines to Criticize Russia

Newsmax added on February 24:

“While Pope Francis has been pleading for peace in Ukraine for weeks now, he has been reluctant to criticize Russia directly, Ukrainian Catholic Church officials said… The Holy See… is… seeking to continue its armistice with the Russian Orthodox Church, from which it has been separated since the Great Schism of 1054. In 2016, Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow made history in Cuba when the leaders of the Catholic and Russian Orthodox Church met for the first time ever and proclaimed, ‘We are brothers.’”

United Airlines’ “Disturbing” Conduct towards Unvaccinated Employees

Breitbart wrote on February 18:

“A federal appeals court on Thursday ordered further review of United Airlines’ coronavirus vaccine mandate, calling it ‘coercive’ and reversing a lower court ruling. A three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled 2-1 to return the issue to District Judge Mark Pittman, who previously rejected employees’ request for a preliminary junction…  Oldham, a President Donald Trump appointee, and Elrod, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote [the] opinion… The Fifth Circuit… is widely considered the most conservative appeals court…

“United Airlines is estimated to have placed around 2,000 employees who were granted religious or medical exemptions on unpaid leave for foregoing vaccination… Those employees have also been stripped of their health benefits and many are the subject of a non-compete clause…

“Ronald Reagan appointee Jerry Smith penned the dissent, accusing his colleagues of ‘play[ing] CEO of a multinational corporation.’”

Canada’s Police Brutality

Breitbart wrote on February 20:

“The Canadian authorities have made dozens more arrests in the capital city of Ottawa as they move to crush the anti-vaccine mandate Freedom Convoy. ‘[W]e have arrested 47 people — that brings the total so far to 170,’ said Steve Bell, the Interim Chief of Police for the City of Ottawa…

“Pictures from the Canadian capital show police in military-style garb and armed with rifles as they move against the Freedom Convoy, supporting other police in more traditional riot gear armed with batons and crude wooden clubs… ‘I commend them for their actions yesterday and throughout the day today,’ he declared, heedless of footage showing mounting officers knocking down and appearing to trample an elderly woman with a mobility walker which went viral on social media… suggesting that there is little hesitance among officers about enforcing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s emergency powers clampdown on protestors… in remarks likely to raise eyebrows among those who believe the Canadian state’s use of emergency powers to disperse a protest sometimes literally at gunpoint is indicative to a slide towards authoritarianism in the Covid era.

“Members of the press gave the police chief some mild pushback on his claim that his men have acted with restraint, with one asking ‘with respect, sir, can you explain what appears to be excessive force by police officers when a protestor is arrested; there is multiple videos on social media showing police delivering blows with their knees and their fists while the protestors are down — is this necessary?’

“Bell claimed he had not ‘specifically seen the videos you’re talking about’, despite their having gone viral and Canadians and others from across the globe having flagged them with Ottawa Police’s highly active social media accounts….

“Bell offered little incentive for the remaining members of the Freedom Convoy to go quietly, telling members of the press who asked if he would attempt to take punitive actions against protestors who followed police instructions to abandon their demonstration that they would still be hunted down. ‘If you were involved in this protest we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges, absolutely,’ the police chief warned… , leaving little doubt that members of the Freedom Convoy will be made an example of regardless of whether or not they departed peacefully.”

It appears that left-wing dictator Justin Trudeau—an admirer of Fidel Castro and communist China—has found the “right man” for his job in Steve Bell, while police officers under hiis command “dutifully” carry out his controversial orders.

The Associated Press added on February 19:

“… convoy organiser B.J. Dichter alleged on Friday that police were in fact ‘boxing in’ protestors and ‘not allowing people to leave in peace,’ accusing them of deliberately ‘escalating’ the situation in order to guarantee mass arrests.”

LifeSiteNews wrote on February 19:

“Rebel News director Ezra Levant tweeted this morning with video evidence that a female reporter from the conservative news outlet on the ground in Ottawa was ‘assaulted by Trudeau’s police.’ Video evidence shows Alexa Lavoie wailing in pain after she reports being beaten by police clubs and shot in the leg with a tear gas canister at point-blank range. The firing of the canister at close range was caught by photographers.

“Levant reports, ‘Alexa says she was specifically targeted by a cop who saw her camera. She says he came up to her and beat her and pushed her down. She says he tried to knock the phone out of her hands, to stop her from filming.’”These are the methods of dictatorial powers.

Trudeau like Ceaușescu

Breitbart published the following article on February 20:

“Cristian Terhes, a Romanian MEP, has denounced the ‘tyrannical actions’ of Prime Minister Trudeau in regards to his actions against the ongoing Freedom Convoy protest. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group member went on to say that what Trudeau was doing was ‘reminiscent’ of Communist China, and that the Canadian leader should be ‘isolated’ by the international community over his actions… Terhes also [compared] the Canadian to Romania’s communist-era dictator, Nicolae Ceaușescu. ‘What made us strong over the history — and I’m talking about the Western world — were the values,’ the MEP said…, before slamming the Canadian PM for acting ‘exactly like a tyrant — like a dictator — like Ceaușescu in Romania.’… Ceaușescu was ultimately executed by firing squad alongside his wife on Christmas Day 1989 after a revolution removed him from power.

“The new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada opposition, Candice Bergen, called out the far-left New Democratic Party (NDP) and its leader, Jagmeet Singh, over its support for Trudeau’s crackdown on protesters… ‘What I know is, when history looks back on this, Conservatives will have stood up with Canadians, millions of Canadians – vaccinated Canadians, Canadians who are blue-collar workers, Canadians who are white-collar workers – Canadians who have had enough of a Prime Minister who has divided, wedged, stigmatized, and traumatized them,’ Bergen claimed. ‘And the party that will have stood with that Prime Minister is that member [Singh] and his NDP colleagues, and it’s shameful,’ Bergen concluded.”

How Canada became a Dictatorship

National Post wrote on February 22:

“Last Monday, the rhetoric turned to action when Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act… [The law requires] the threat or use of ‘serious violence,’ yet the vast majority of protesters have been entirely peaceful… Indeed, the government has made little attempt to justify the need for emergency powers beyond Trudeau’s frequent bemoaning of the truckers’ alleged ‘hateful rhetoric.’…

Trudeau escalated things further by issuing a directive requiring financial institutions — including banks, credit unions, co-ops, loan companies, trusts, and even cryptocurrency wallets  — to stop ‘providing any financial or related services’ to anyone associated with the protests (a ‘designated person’). This has resulted, according to the CBC, in ‘frozen accounts, stranded money and cancelled credit cards.’

“Banks, according to this new order, have a ‘duty to determine’ if one of their customers is a ‘designated person.’ A ‘designated person’ can refer to anyone who ‘directly or indirectly’ participates in the protest, including donors who ‘provide property to facilitate’ the protests through crowdfunding sites. In other words, a designated person can just as easily be a grandmother who donated $25 to support the truckers as one of the organizers of the convoy

“Already, a low-level government official in Ontario was fired after her $100 donation came to light. A gelato shop was forced to close when it received threats after its owner was revealed to have donated to the protest. On Wednesday, Justice Minister David Lametti went on Canadian television to say the quiet part aloud, namely that anyone contributing to ‘a pro-Trump movement’ should be ‘worried’ about their bank accounts and other financial assets being frozen… The fear of being ensnared in the dragnet will surely have a chilling effect on the commercial prospects of those suspected of ‘unacceptable views,’ creating a caste of untouchables whom no one will dare to transact with or help.

“B.J. Dichter, one of the protest organizers who has had all of his bank accounts and credit cards frozen, expressed the sense of desperation: ‘It feels like being banished from the medieval village left to die.’”

Trudeau “Revokes” Use of Emergencies Act… for now

CBS wrote on February 213:

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is revoking the use of the Emergencies Act… MPs in the House of Commons voted to affirm use of the act on Monday. The Senate was in the midst of debating the act on Wednesday but withdrew the motion shortly after Trudeau made his announcement… An inquiry into the government’s decision to invoke the act and subsequent police actions will begin within 60 days…

“‘Today’s announcement is proof that the prime minister was wrong when he invoked the Emergencies Act,’ said Conservative interim leader Candice Bergen in a media statement. ‘Nothing has changed between Monday and today other than a flood of concerns from Canadian citizens, bad press, and international ridicule.’… ‘Even though the orders are no longer in force, Canadians are left with the precedent that the government’s actions have set,’ the CCLA said in a statement.”

The Senate had not voted “officially”, but might have told him NO, so they just might have given him a chance to save face by informing the public. Trudeau is still the same. He showed his true colors and will act as a dictator whenever he sees fit. He already declared that “the threat [from the Truckers] continues,” but that it is no longer “acute.”

And NowPeople’s Convoy in the USA

Newsmax wrote on February 22:

“‘People’s Convoy’ co-organizers say their chain of trucks driving from coast-to-coast starting Wednesday [in Adelanto, Calif and arriving March 5 in the Washington, D.C., Beltway area] will be peaceful and will kick off with prayer — and they aren’t worried how the media tries to spin it, since their actions will be obvious to everyone watching…

“The convoy is inspired by the similar movement in Canada that shut down parts of the Canadian capital as well as bridges linking Canada and the United States… the convoy [in the USA] intends to ‘hold the line’ until all the federal mandates are lifted, ‘from healthcare to pilots to military.’

“The group also wants to see accountability in the form of congressional hearings on the origins of the COVID-19 virus and the federal response to it….”

The group also wants the state of emergency ended which Biden continued without any justification about the same time when Trudeau illegally invoked emergency powers.

Our Sun Has Been Erupting…

The Sun wrote on February 18:

“On Tuesday, our star [the sun] fired off two enormous explosions from its far side in what has already been a heavy month of solar activity. A magnificent coronal mass ejection (CME) was recorded by Nasa’s STEREO-A spacecraft in the early hours of February 15.

“CMEs are giant eruptions that send plasma hurtling through space – and the Sun has undergone several of them throughout the month. If they hit Earth, the plumes of material can trigger geomagnetic storms that knock out satellites and disrupt power grids.

“Fortunately, this week’s CME was fired from the side of the Sun that faces away from our planet and so poses no threat…. Based on its size, it’s possible that the eruption was an X-class flare: The most powerful category possible

“In the past, larger solar flares have wreaked havoc on our planet. In 1989, a strong solar eruption shot so many electrically charged particles at Earth that the Canadian Province of Quebec lost power for nine hours… One such flare led to a solar storm on January 29 that knocked 40 SpaceX satellites out of action.

“The sun is currently at the start of a new 11-year solar cycle, which usually sees eruptions and flares grow more intense and extreme. These events are expected to peak around 2025…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Can you explain what it means to be meek or to have meekness?

One of the most famous passages where the word “meek” is used is found in the Beatitudes in the book of Matthew. In this section of Scripture, His so-called Sermon on the Mount, Christ is starting to define what it means to be a Christian, and even, in part, what it will be like when we are in the Kingdom of God.

Christ’s sermon describes qualities to give us a picture of the character of the true people of God—those who are and will be a part of His Family and have the full blessings of the Kingdom to look forward to.

We are told in the Beatitudes that meekness is a requirement. In Matthew. 5:5 we read: “Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.”  It refers to those who will be in the Kingdom of God, ruling this earth. But what exactly does the Bible mean by meekness?

Miriam Webster’s Dictionary defines being meek as:

“1: enduring injury with patience and without resentment;

“2: deficient in spirit and courage;

“3: not violent or strong.”

According to this definition, while meekness in some respects has good attributes such as patience and humility and non-violent conduct, there are also some connotations that are not so good.  But as we will see, that definition of meekness is unbiblical and wrong. It describes the world’s view which calls the attitude of meekness weakness. But the Bible does not describe meekness as “weak” or “deficient in spirit and courage.”

Notice Revelation 21:7-8: “He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Interestingly, this is the exact opposite of what the worldly definition of meekness conveys.

The Greek word for cowardly in Revelation 21:7 here is “delios.” According to Strong’s #1169, it means “Cowardly, timid, fearful. From deos; timid, i.e. faithless.” We can see that those who are cowardly won’t be in God’s Kingdom, so this then is not what it means to be meek. Obviously, meek doesn’t mean to be cowardly, a pushover.

Are we to be people that are easy to push around and over? Should we be cowering in a corner and hiding? Just keeping our heads low for the sake of not getting noticed—for the sake of keeping the peace while injustice happens?

Christ uses a similar same Greek word to “delios” in Mark 4:40-41, where we read, “But He said to them, ‘Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?’ And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, ‘Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!’”

When the word “fearful” is used, it is translated from a different Greek word “delios,” but it is related. The word is “phobos,” and Strong’s has this to say: “… it means panic flight, fear, the causing of fear, terror. It is commonly used in Scripture sometimes positively (in relation to God) but more often negatively meaning to be withdrawing from the Lord (His will). Phóbos meant withdrawal, fleeing because of feeling inadequate (without sufficient resources), remove oneself and hence to avoid because of dread (fright).”

In Mark 4:40-41, Christ was asking His disciples, in effect: “Why are you fearful, why are you allowing fear to drive you, allowing fear to be gripping you? Why are you not instead faithful?” The disciples exuded this “phobos” or “delios”  fear, wanting to possibly even flee away from Christ because of His power over the weather. They were wanting to withdraw—to remove themselves from danger and perhaps even from someone (Christ) whose actions they could not understand.

Christ was not impressed with their fear; He wanted them to exercise more faith! Biblical godly meekness is NOT meaning for us to be fearful.

Using Strong’s Concordance and looking at the word meek, as used in the Bible, under #4236, we find some interesting qualities: “… praotés: meekness. HELPS Word-studies notes that this word can mean the following: 4236 praótēs– properly, temperate, displaying the right blend of force and reserve (gentleness), (‘strength in gentleness’) avoids unnecessary harshness, yet without compromising or being too slow to use necessary force. And from HELPS Word-studies the root word: Cognate: 4235 práos – meek, i.e. the necessary balance of exercising power and avoiding harshness.”

The word for praótēs (“meekness”) is part of the fruit (product) of God’s Holy Spirit, as we read in Galatians 5:23: “… gentleness (or “meekness,” compare margin of the New King James Bible), self-control. Against such there is no law.” It is never something which can be humanly accomplished. It takes the active use of God’s Holy Spirit through our actions and reactions to learn how to properly display this right type of meekness. This also shows that the worldly definition of “meekness,” i.e., “deficient in spirit,” is terribly wrong. In fact, we are told to “be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).

Notice some biblical examples of godly meekness:

In Matthew 21:5, we read that Christ came “lowly” or with meekness (compare Authorized Version). We know Christ was also powerful and spoke boldly and with great strength. Yet His demeanor was not one of a physical warrior, but it was a perfect blend of strength with gentleness.

In Matthew 11:29, we read that Christ was “gentle” or “meek” (see Margin of New King James Bible). We are told that we are to learn to take on Christ, His ways and His attributes, and one of which is godly meekness.

1 Peter 3:4 tells women that they should have a gentle and quiet spirit. The Authorized Version says “meek spirit.” The Greek word for “gentle” here is “praeos” and the word for “quiet” is “hésuchios,” meaning tranquil. HELPS Word-studies says that this word in the Greek is an “adjective derived from hēsyxos, ‘quiet, stillness’) – properly, quiet (still), i.e. steady (settled) due to a divinely-inspired inner calmness. It describes being ‘appropriately tranquil’ by not misusing (or overusing) words that would stir up needless friction (destructive commotion).”

The three Scriptures quoted above, and the one in Matthew 5:5, referring to meekness, all have the Greek root word praus in them. This word is further defined by HELPS Word-studies (Strong’s) #4239, where they say: “This difficult-to-translate root (pra-) means more than ‘meek.’ Biblical meekness is not weakness but rather refers to exercising God’s strength under His control – i.e. demonstrating power without undue harshness. The English term ‘meek’ often lacks this blend – i.e. of gentleness (reserve) and strength.”

This definition helps us to understand what it means to be meek. Having the wisdom of God to show gentleness and strength is truly what it takes to be a Christian – especially during these last days. Christ very poignantly points this out in Matthew 10:16-39 where He shows that persecutions are coming – but that we have God on our side and we need to act in a godly manner. We must not have a semblance of fear in our lives; rather, we have to have confidence, faith, boldness and wisdom in how to preach, live and operate in this web of lies, trickery and craftiness that this world is masterfully weaving.

When Christ was here on the earth, He lived with proper meekness, while always having the proper reaction, holding back and being silent, when necessary, but then also speaking the right things at the right times. It is quite amazing to see how masterfully He walked through life.

He did so with power and strength. People were astonished at His teaching. And then there were times where He also hid from crowds of people who were seeking to harm Him before the proper time. The early disciples in the New Testament Church were in this same frame of mind. They were able to teach great things; to be strong in speech and yet peaceful without causing harm to others. They were turning the known world upside down with their preaching. In order to accomplish this, they had to fully believe what they were doing, and they had to be inspired by God’s Holy Spirit to do so.

What we are doing now will continue to become more and more difficult. Our faith will be tried. We are going to have to decide if we will keep proper meekness in our lives, while being strong and being gentle—strong in preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God; in obedience to God’s Law and regulations rather than man’s ungodly decrees; strong in believing that God will see us through all situations and that He will orchestrate them for His Will and for His great purpose—and at the same time, being meek and humble and gentle, fully realizing and knowing that it is GOD who gives us the strength to endure.

Notice the following Scriptures in this vein:

Luke 21:12 says: “But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake.”

Matthew 10:19 says: “But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak…”

Mark 13:11 says: “But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.”

Revelation 20:4 says: “And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

It is the commission and responsibility of God’s Church to continue to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and to feed the flock, no matter what. That is what we will continue to do as God opens the doors for us to go through them. Our duty is to remain close to God so that we can draw upon His strength and wisdom in everything that we will face.

How we go about doing this is of utmost importance! It truly encapsulates what it means to draw upon godly meekness which we will need to be able to gain entrance into His Kingdom.

James 3:13 says:  “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.”

1 Peter 3:15 adds: “But sanctify (set apart) the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear [or respect for God]…”

God must be part of our lives. We have to have God to help us understand, endure and come out of this world. We have to learn how to have strength and gentleness at the same time.

The apostle Paul states in 2 Corinthians 10:1-6: “Now I, Paul, myself am pleading with you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ—who in presence am lowly among you, but being absent am bold toward you. But I beg you that when I am present I may not be bold with that confidence by which I intend to be bold against some, who think of us as if we walked according to the flesh. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”

Paul uses this blend of meekness paired with boldness. We must be seeking the meekness and gentleness of Christ, since we are fighting spiritual fights with forces which the human eye cannot see, and which are directing people of this world to act against us.

Paul was also able to discern whether people were using godly meekness properly or not. He says in 1 Corinthians 4:18-21: “Now some are puffed up, as though I were not coming to you. But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills, and I will know, not the word of those who are puffed up, but the power. For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. What do you want? Shall I come to you with a rod, or in love and a spirit of gentleness (or meekness, compare Authorized Version)?”

As we live our lives, we have to come to know how and where meekness fits in. For believers, meekness (Strong’s #4240, praýtēs, “gentle-force”) begins with God’s inspiration and continues and develops through His direction and empowerment. It is a divinely-balanced virtue that we can and must take on. Once again, notice how Paul articulates this in Colossians 3:12: “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering…”

We need to learn how to be gentle, merciful and kind, and to suffer for righteousness sake, but we must also learn to be bold and strong, full of God’s Holy Spirit of wisdom and courage, as we continue our commission as ambassadors for God’s Way of Life.

Lead Writer: Kalon Mitchell

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Putin’s War against Ukraine… How It Happened!” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:   

Putin has declared war on Ukraine and is proceeding against his neighbor with terrible force and devastation from all sides on the ground and in the air. NATO and the western nations, including the USA and Germany, have proven to be helpless and inactive. That Putin would invade Ukraine should not have come as a surprise to our leaders,  but nobody seemed to have been prepared. This program shows the chronology of events and points out what further prophetic events will unfold. 

“Kanada und Ukraine zeigen—die Diktatur der Weltherrschaft ist nahe!” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Canada and Ukraine Show—the Dictatorship of the World Domination Is Near.”

“Empathie,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Christian Mrosek, is now posted. Title in English: “Empathy.”

“Wrapped Around the Axle,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

With all that is wrong in the world it is easy to become entangled in a negative frame of mind, in which anger feeds on itself. If we are not careful, this will lead us further away from God. By focusing on what is good and pure, being guided by the Holy Spirit that lives within us, we can overcome the human tendency to get wrapped around the axle.

“The Power of Mercy!” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Asking for mercy is seeking action from someone who holds the power to give it. Mercy is a cornerstone characteristic of God mentioned throughout the Bible, and mercy is something we not only receive but must be willing to abundantly give.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Putin Declares War

The Sun wrote on February 23:

“VLADIMIR Putin has declared WAR on Ukraine and unleashed his terrifying arsenal with a full scale assault on the country – plunging Europe into a bloody new crisis. The tyrant declared a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine with a dawn raid after months of amassing his forces on the border [of about 200,000 troops] and brazenly lying to the world about his plans to invade…. He chillingly warned the West that there would be ‘consequences greater than any you have faced in history’ if there are any moves to interfere with the invasion….

“Global leaders have condemned Russia and pledged to stand with Ukraine – with the world now just one false move from what could become World War 3.  Putin also [attacked] from neighbouring Belarus … Putin justified his bloody assault in a televised address – making false claims about ‘protecting’ Russians in eastern Ukraine.

“He had always been predicted to use a phoney humanitarian crisis a pretext for an invasion…. The former KGB enforcer also claimed that Russia… will move to ‘demilitarize’ and ‘de-Nazify’ [Ukraine] – bringing those who committed ‘crimes’ to justice.”

The Sun wrote on February 24:

“Ground forces have been streaming across the border into the former Soviet state from all sides after the aerial blitz in the early hours…. Fighting is raging through the country as Ukraine attempts to mount a resistance to the assault.”

The New York Post wrote on February 24:

“Terrified Ukrainians began a mass exodus Thursday as Russia declared war and started launching missiles — as chilling footage also captured a swarm of helicopters attacking an airport near the capital.”

Daily Mail wrote on February 24:

“Russian forces have seized control of Chernobyl nuclear power plant after a ‘fierce’ battle, with the condition of nuclear storage facilities ‘unknown’, sparking fears of a radiation leak that could cause fallout in Europe.”

We will set forth below the chronology of the events, leading to the biggest war in Europe since World War 2.  

The Signs of War

The Daily Mail wrote on February 18:

“A top U.S. diplomat in Europe [Ambassador Michael Carpenter] says Russia’s troop buildup around Ukraine has ballooned to up to 190,000 – up from just 100,000 just a few weeks ago… ‘This is the most significant military mobilization in Europe since the Second World War,’ he said…

“Ukrainian and Russian forces reported a second day of shelling in the Donbas region – amid a feared pretext for war that Russia might use to justify an invasion. Putin on Tuesday said at a press conference that, ‘In our view what is now happening in Donbas is genocide,’ without providing evidence. Russia’s Investigative Committee claimed Wednesday it had uncovered hundreds of mass graves of Russian-speaking civilians there…”

Deutsche Welle reported on February 20:

“Germany and Austria told their citizens to leave Ukraine [“urgently”]. German air carrier Lufthansa canceled flights to the capital, Kyiv, and to Odessa…”

Biden Says He Is Convinced

Fox News wrote on February 18:

“President Biden said Friday that he is ‘convinced’ Russian President Vladimir Putin has made the decision to invade Ukraine, telling reporters that he believes Russia will ‘target the capital city of Kyiv.’… The mayor of Kyiv… pleaded with the U.S. and Germany telling them, ‘We can’t defend our country’ from Russia… [saying] Kyiv needs ‘defensive weapons’ to protect itself… The German foreign minister… did not falter in the government’s previous decision not to provide Ukraine with defensive aid…”

Axios wrote on February 18:

“U.S. officials are now certain that Russia is planning not just a small invasion to take territory in eastern Ukraine, but a large-scale attack that could topple the Ukrainian government and cause massive devastation across the country.”

Thomson/Reuters wrote on February 20:

“CBS News reported [on Sunday] that U.S. intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russian commanders have received orders to proceed with an invasion of Ukraine, with commanders on the ground making specific plans for how they would maneuver in their sectors of the battlefield…

“The intelligence indicates that ‘they’re doing everything that American commanders would do once they got the order to proceed…’”

BBC News wrote on February 20:

“Evidence suggests Russia is planning ‘the biggest war in Europe since 1945’, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said… Mr Johnson warned that any conflict could be ‘bloody and protracted’… People needed to not only consider the potential loss of life of Ukrainians, but also of ‘young Russians’, he added…

“The ongoing tensions in eastern Europe have given Mr Johnson, who’s faced a myriad of problems at home, a chance to show leadership on the world stage… “

Preparing Russians for War

The Guardian wrote on February 18:

“The omens of impending war we were warned about now seem to be lining up like the horsemen of the apocalypse.

“The field hospitals have been set near the border, blood banks have reportedly been brought in. On the information war front, a dossier of alleged Ukraine war crimes circulated at the UN security council, and a video popped up purporting to show an attempted Ukrainian attack on chlorine tanks in the Donbas.

“Now the rebel leaders in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts have ordered the evacuation of women and children to Russia (and the elderly, about 700.000 people), claiming – with no evidence whatsoever – that a Ukrainian attack is imminent. Right on cue, a car bomb went off in Donetsk, injuring no one, but providing a fireball for the cameras.

“All of this is more or less what US and UK briefers have told journalists to expect in the run-up to a Russian invasion… The most alarming development of the day is the evacuation from Luhansk and Donetsk, creating a sudden refugee crisis in neighbouring Rostov in Russia….”

The Daily Mail wrote on February 18:

“Putin sent his emergencies minister to the Rostov region bordering Ukraine to help organize the evacuation. He ordered the government to give 10,000 rubles (about $130) to each evacuee. That´s equivalent to about half the average monthly salary in the area.”

Act Now

Fox News wrote on February 18:

Ukraine President Zelenskyy acknowledged, likely for the first time, that a full-scale Russian invasion may soon occur…”

Daily Mail added February 19:

“Ukraine’s president has called on the West to stop their ‘appeasement’ of Russia and warned sanctions will not work on Moscow once the bombing starts… The [present] conference [in Munich] had echoes of the 1938 summit in Munich in which leaders agreed a policy of appeasement against Adolf Hitler’s Germany in an effort to prevent an imminent war.

“Zelensky said today: ‘Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal. We have no weapons. And no security … Zelensky also said he wants a ‘clear’ timeframe for when Ukraine can join the NATO alliance.”

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 19:

“Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky said that Ukraine would defend its land with or without the support of partners…”

Nein from Germany

CNBC wrote on February 19:

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Saturday rejected calls from Ukraine’s president to sanction Russia now… Scholz would not clarify what sanctions Russia might be hit with if it were to invade Ukraine. Rather, he said that Moscow ought to know ‘approximately’ and not ‘exactly’ the repercussions it would face. This contrasts with other Western leaders who have made specific remarks about how Russia could be hurt economically, most notably through energy sanctions.”

Biden is Marching us into War

Newsmax wrote on February 18:

 “Former Ambassador to Germany Ric Grenell told Newsmax Friday that the administration of President Joe Biden and the national media are ‘marching us into war’ in Ukraine… Grenell said that the United States should be pressuring Germany, which has the largest European economy, a budget surplus, and has not paid its annual dues to NATO, to use its influence to pressure Russia into standing down against Ukraine…

“‘Joe Biden said that there is a war coming for sure, a bloody war, he said. If you believed that a bloody war was around the corner, wouldn’t you put sanctions on the pipeline that’s funding this war?’ He said the U.S. should place sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is ready to open and bring natural gas from Russia to Germany and Europe, before a ‘bloody war’ starts with Russia and Ukraine… He said the U.S. could also push to preemptively take Russia off the international banking system as a diplomatic means of getting it to stand down.”

Biden at Fault

Newsmax wrote on February 20:

“Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on Sunday blamed President Joe Biden’s ‘weakness’ for leaving Europe on the verge of war with Russia. In a fiery interview on ‘Fox News Sunday,’ Cruz drew a straight line between the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan last year to an imminent threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine… ‘Joe Biden’s surrender and disastrous retreat from Afghanistan is the worst military catastrophe for the United States in decades… and as a result, as I said back in August, the chances of Russia invading Ukraine had just risen tenfold. The chances of China invading Taiwan had just risen tenfold. We are seeing the first of those two shoes dropping today.’

“According to Cruz, Ukraine had protection against invasion by Russia as long as its natural gas pipelines went through Ukraine. Russia’s building of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany changed all that, he said… ‘That pipeline was dead for over a year until Joe Biden became president and Putin began building that pipeline again on Jan. 24, 2021, 4 days after Biden was sworn into office … because he knew what was going to happen, which was that Joe Biden formally waived sanctions on Russia, on Putin, and gave the green light to build Nord Stream 2.’”

There can be no doubt that Putin became emboldened by Biden’s (and Scholz’s) behavior. And no sanctions were imposed until Putin had invaded eastern Ukraine.

“Senile Old Men Hold World Peace in their Hands”

Dan Wootton wrote on February 24 for MailOnLine:

“Not only has the insane megalomaniac Putin declared war on Ukraine and launched an invasion of a sovereign country in Europe by a major power for the first time in 80 years, he has also threatened the world with nuclear war… With depressing predictability, appeasing Putin failed spectacularly – and Europe and the world is now in great peril.

“… the leaders of the west and the east, who hold our very future in their shaky hands, are both senile old men….

“There’s the likely dementia-plagued US President… Joe Biden, who, at 79, barely managed to stutter and stumble his way through a scripted address about the crisis two nights ago. How are we meant to believe Biden can rally the western world behind a once-in-a-generation effort to stop a modern-day Hitler plunging Europe into a prolonged war, when his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal was proof the US has lost moral authority on the international stage?

“Then there’s the war criminal Putin himself who is a decade younger than Biden but has been described by the jailed Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny as a ‘senile drunk grandfather’, which could even be funny if he wasn’t in charge of the nuclear codes and threatening to use them…

“Of course, both the EU and the UK have made grave mistakes in our dealings with Putin for many years. We turned a blind eye to the criminal intervention in Crimea; we forgot the Salisbury poisonings far too quickly; we haven’t done enough to help the opposition leader Navalny who could be killed in jail at any moment; not to mention the brave local journalists who have been murdered by Russian state operatives far too regularly… Besides, we’ve been hysterically distracted by a fast-weakening coronavirus with a 99 per cent plus survival rate for the past two years.

“Russia and China have laughed at us as we became obsessed with woke issues like the Black Lives Matter movement, the march to Net Zero and the use of gender pronouns.”

Russia’s Murder List

The Washington Post wrote on February 20:

“The United States has informed the United Nations it has credible information showing that Moscow is compiling lists of Ukrainians ‘to be killed or sent to camps following a military occupation,’ according to a letter to the U.N. human rights chief obtained by The Washington Post on Sunday night.

“The letter alleges that Moscow’s post-invasion planning would involve torture, forced disappearances and ‘widespread human suffering.’…”

The true hallmarks of an ungodly dictatorship.

Recognition Condemned

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 21:

“[Putin’s] recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk [in Eastern Ukraine]  as ‘independent’ has been met with widespread condemnation from the West… German Chancellor Olaf Scholz [had] warned Moscow against the action [one hour prior to Russia’s official announcement], saying it would be ‘a unilateral breach’ of the 2015 peace deal for the conflict in eastern Ukraine.”

Of course, Putin did not listen to Scholz.

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine has begun

The Sun wrote on February 22:

“Hours after tanks and 10,000 troops moved into pro-Russia breakaway enclaves, the Kremlin said further territory held by Ukrainian forces should belong to the two self-declared republics

“In a further chilling development today, Russia’s parliament voted to allow Vladimir Putin to use armed forces abroad. And Vladimir Putin said he is in favour of ‘demilitarisation’ in Ukraine…

“The much feared Russian advance began in the early hours, soon after Putin announced he recognised Luhansk and Donetsk as independent states in a bombastic TV address…. And in a blatant threat to Ukraine’s existence, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia did not recognise its democratic neighbour’s right to sovereignty….”

Scholz Temporarily Suspends Nord Stream 2 Pipeline

Reuters reported on February 22:

“Germany on Tuesday halted the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea gas pipeline project, designed to double the flow of Russian gas direct to Germany… Europe’s most divisive energy project, worth $11 billion, was finished in September, but has stood idle pending certification by Germany…

“The pipeline had been set to ease the pressure on European consumers facing record energy prices… Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s former president and now deputy chairman of its Security Council, tried to rub salt in that wound. ‘Welcome to the new world where Europeans will soon have to pay 2,000 euros per thousand cubic metres!’ he tweeted – suggesting prices were set to double…. “Germany gets half its gas from Russia…

“Economy Minister Robert Habeck… told journalists… that prices were indeed likely to rise further in the short term….”

Scholz acted far too late, and even this “sanction” is meaningless, as is it only “temporary”; as the pipeline was not yet in operation; and as Germany is importing up to 60% [not just 50%, as the article claimed] of gas from Russia at this point.

Migration Crisis Looming

Aljazeera wrote on February 22:

“The threat of a large-scale Russian invasion looms over Ukraine to the north, south and, especially, the east. On its western border, the countries of Central Europe are eyeing a potential migrant crisis.

“The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia all say they are preparing for the possibility that war will send Ukrainians flooding their way. Some estimate that as many as five million people could flee the country in the worst-case scenario.”

Russia and Belarus

The New York Times wrote on or about on February 19:

“The strongman leader of Belarus… Mr. Lukashenko was sitting meekly in Moscow with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, no longer the swaggering supreme commander but more an obedient pupil seeking instruction and help from his master. ‘I absolutely agree with him,’ Mr. Lukashenko said later of Mr. Putin’s assessment that the West was to blame for the crisis enveloping Ukraine…. Lukashenko described Russia and Belarus as not only neighbors and allies, but in many ways, a single nation bound by a determination to keep former Soviet lands from drifting into the orbit of the West…

“Belarus has no nuclear weapons of its own, but Mr. Lukashenko said this week that, if his country were threatened by the West, he would ‘deploy not only nuclear weapons, but super-nuclear and up-and-coming ones to protect our territory.’ These would presumably all be from Russia.”

The New York Times wrote on February 20 that “Russian Troops will extend Drills in Belarus.” Deutsche Welle added that “Belarusian officials said the drills would continue due to ‘an increase in military activity’ near the borders of Russia and Belarus and the ‘escalating situation’ in the rebel-controlled Donbas region in Ukraine.”

This was so predictable. Putin’s claim that Russian troops would be withdrawn after the drills and military “exercises” was an obvious lie from the very beginning. Putin is a former KGB spy—a person trained to engage in lies and deception.

Merkel’s Fatal Mistake

Bild Online wrote on February 22 the following editorial, entitled: “Merkel’s Fatal Mistake”:

“Putin is more dangerous than ever – and Germany bears a great deal of responsibility for this. Years ago, the Kremlin chief declared that he considered the fall of the Soviet Union to be the ‘greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century’… Instead of taking the dictator seriously, the federal government let him get away with every crime. Even after the MH17 plane was shot down with 300 fatalities.

“These mistakes by former Chancellor Angela Merkel and her then Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier are now taking their revenge. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, one thing is clear: our continent – ​​and Germany too – is at greater risk than it has been for at least 30 years. Because Putin may only see Ukraine as an intermediate step….”

Biden’s “Sanctions”

The New York Post wrote on February 24:

“President Biden condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as being ‘without justification or necessity’ Thursday as he announced new sanctions and export restrictions against Moscow — but reiterated that no troops would be sent to Ukrainian soil, declined to sanction Russian President Vladimir Putin personally and admitted that America’s European allies were opposed to kicking Russia out of (SWIFT), a key global banking system.”

This was predictable.

Putin’s “Spiritual Destiny”?

Unheard wrote on February 24:

“Putin regards his spiritual destiny as the rebuilding of Christendom, based in Moscow… to do this he needs Kyev back… In 2019, the Ukrainian arm of the family of Orthodox churches declared its independence from the Russian Orthodox Church… The Russian Orthodox Church furiously rejected this claim to independence, stating that Ukraine belonged irrevocably to its ‘canonical territory’… compliance of the Russian Orthodox church with the political goal of a greater Russia has been shameful. Officially, at least, they make a big deal out of the claim that they stay out of politics. But that has never been true…”

Francis Declines to Criticize Russia

Newsmax added on February 24:

“While Pope Francis has been pleading for peace in Ukraine for weeks now, he has been reluctant to criticize Russia directly, Ukrainian Catholic Church officials said… The Holy See… is… seeking to continue its armistice with the Russian Orthodox Church, from which it has been separated since the Great Schism of 1054. In 2016, Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow made history in Cuba when the leaders of the Catholic and Russian Orthodox Church met for the first time ever and proclaimed, ‘We are brothers.’”

United Airlines’ “Disturbing” Conduct towards Unvaccinated Employees

Breitbart wrote on February 18:

“A federal appeals court on Thursday ordered further review of United Airlines’ coronavirus vaccine mandate, calling it ‘coercive’ and reversing a lower court ruling. A three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled 2-1 to return the issue to District Judge Mark Pittman, who previously rejected employees’ request for a preliminary junction…  Oldham, a President Donald Trump appointee, and Elrod, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote [the] opinion… The Fifth Circuit… is widely considered the most conservative appeals court…

“United Airlines is estimated to have placed around 2,000 employees who were granted religious or medical exemptions on unpaid leave for foregoing vaccination… Those employees have also been stripped of their health benefits and many are the subject of a non-compete clause…

“Ronald Reagan appointee Jerry Smith penned the dissent, accusing his colleagues of ‘play[ing] CEO of a multinational corporation.’”

Canada’s Police Brutality

Breitbart wrote on February 20:

“The Canadian authorities have made dozens more arrests in the capital city of Ottawa as they move to crush the anti-vaccine mandate Freedom Convoy. ‘[W]e have arrested 47 people — that brings the total so far to 170,’ said Steve Bell, the Interim Chief of Police for the City of Ottawa…

“Pictures from the Canadian capital show police in military-style garb and armed with rifles as they move against the Freedom Convoy, supporting other police in more traditional riot gear armed with batons and crude wooden clubs… ‘I commend them for their actions yesterday and throughout the day today,’ he declared, heedless of footage showing mounting officers knocking down and appearing to trample an elderly woman with a mobility walker which went viral on social media… suggesting that there is little hesitance among officers about enforcing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s emergency powers clampdown on protestors… in remarks likely to raise eyebrows among those who believe the Canadian state’s use of emergency powers to disperse a protest sometimes literally at gunpoint is indicative to a slide towards authoritarianism in the Covid era.

“Members of the press gave the police chief some mild pushback on his claim that his men have acted with restraint, with one asking ‘with respect, sir, can you explain what appears to be excessive force by police officers when a protestor is arrested; there is multiple videos on social media showing police delivering blows with their knees and their fists while the protestors are down — is this necessary?’

“Bell claimed he had not ‘specifically seen the videos you’re talking about’, despite their having gone viral and Canadians and others from across the globe having flagged them with Ottawa Police’s highly active social media accounts….

“Bell offered little incentive for the remaining members of the Freedom Convoy to go quietly, telling members of the press who asked if he would attempt to take punitive actions against protestors who followed police instructions to abandon their demonstration that they would still be hunted down. ‘If you were involved in this protest we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges, absolutely,’ the police chief warned… , leaving little doubt that members of the Freedom Convoy will be made an example of regardless of whether or not they departed peacefully.”

It appears that left-wing dictator Justin Trudeau—an admirer of Fidel Castro and communist China—has found the “right man” for his job in Steve Bell, while police officers under hiis command “dutifully” carry out his controversial orders.

The Associated Press added on February 19:

“… convoy organiser B.J. Dichter alleged on Friday that police were in fact ‘boxing in’ protestors and ‘not allowing people to leave in peace,’ accusing them of deliberately ‘escalating’ the situation in order to guarantee mass arrests.”

LifeSiteNews wrote on February 19:

“Rebel News director Ezra Levant tweeted this morning with video evidence that a female reporter from the conservative news outlet on the ground in Ottawa was ‘assaulted by Trudeau’s police.’ Video evidence shows Alexa Lavoie wailing in pain after she reports being beaten by police clubs and shot in the leg with a tear gas canister at point-blank range. The firing of the canister at close range was caught by photographers.

“Levant reports, ‘Alexa says she was specifically targeted by a cop who saw her camera. She says he came up to her and beat her and pushed her down. She says he tried to knock the phone out of her hands, to stop her from filming.’”These are the methods of dictatorial powers.

Trudeau like Ceaușescu

Breitbart published the following article on February 20:

“Cristian Terhes, a Romanian MEP, has denounced the ‘tyrannical actions’ of Prime Minister Trudeau in regards to his actions against the ongoing Freedom Convoy protest. The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group member went on to say that what Trudeau was doing was ‘reminiscent’ of Communist China, and that the Canadian leader should be ‘isolated’ by the international community over his actions… Terhes also [compared] the Canadian to Romania’s communist-era dictator, Nicolae Ceaușescu. ‘What made us strong over the history — and I’m talking about the Western world — were the values,’ the MEP said…, before slamming the Canadian PM for acting ‘exactly like a tyrant — like a dictator — like Ceaușescu in Romania.’… Ceaușescu was ultimately executed by firing squad alongside his wife on Christmas Day 1989 after a revolution removed him from power.

“The new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada opposition, Candice Bergen, called out the far-left New Democratic Party (NDP) and its leader, Jagmeet Singh, over its support for Trudeau’s crackdown on protesters… ‘What I know is, when history looks back on this, Conservatives will have stood up with Canadians, millions of Canadians – vaccinated Canadians, Canadians who are blue-collar workers, Canadians who are white-collar workers – Canadians who have had enough of a Prime Minister who has divided, wedged, stigmatized, and traumatized them,’ Bergen claimed. ‘And the party that will have stood with that Prime Minister is that member [Singh] and his NDP colleagues, and it’s shameful,’ Bergen concluded.”

How Canada became a Dictatorship

National Post wrote on February 22:

“Last Monday, the rhetoric turned to action when Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act… [The law requires] the threat or use of ‘serious violence,’ yet the vast majority of protesters have been entirely peaceful… Indeed, the government has made little attempt to justify the need for emergency powers beyond Trudeau’s frequent bemoaning of the truckers’ alleged ‘hateful rhetoric.’…

Trudeau escalated things further by issuing a directive requiring financial institutions — including banks, credit unions, co-ops, loan companies, trusts, and even cryptocurrency wallets  — to stop ‘providing any financial or related services’ to anyone associated with the protests (a ‘designated person’). This has resulted, according to the CBC, in ‘frozen accounts, stranded money and cancelled credit cards.’

“Banks, according to this new order, have a ‘duty to determine’ if one of their customers is a ‘designated person.’ A ‘designated person’ can refer to anyone who ‘directly or indirectly’ participates in the protest, including donors who ‘provide property to facilitate’ the protests through crowdfunding sites. In other words, a designated person can just as easily be a grandmother who donated $25 to support the truckers as one of the organizers of the convoy

“Already, a low-level government official in Ontario was fired after her $100 donation came to light. A gelato shop was forced to close when it received threats after its owner was revealed to have donated to the protest. On Wednesday, Justice Minister David Lametti went on Canadian television to say the quiet part aloud, namely that anyone contributing to ‘a pro-Trump movement’ should be ‘worried’ about their bank accounts and other financial assets being frozen… The fear of being ensnared in the dragnet will surely have a chilling effect on the commercial prospects of those suspected of ‘unacceptable views,’ creating a caste of untouchables whom no one will dare to transact with or help.

“B.J. Dichter, one of the protest organizers who has had all of his bank accounts and credit cards frozen, expressed the sense of desperation: ‘It feels like being banished from the medieval village left to die.’”

Trudeau “Revokes” Use of Emergencies Act… for now

CBS wrote on February 213:

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is revoking the use of the Emergencies Act… MPs in the House of Commons voted to affirm use of the act on Monday. The Senate was in the midst of debating the act on Wednesday but withdrew the motion shortly after Trudeau made his announcement… An inquiry into the government’s decision to invoke the act and subsequent police actions will begin within 60 days…

“‘Today’s announcement is proof that the prime minister was wrong when he invoked the Emergencies Act,’ said Conservative interim leader Candice Bergen in a media statement. ‘Nothing has changed between Monday and today other than a flood of concerns from Canadian citizens, bad press, and international ridicule.’… ‘Even though the orders are no longer in force, Canadians are left with the precedent that the government’s actions have set,’ the CCLA said in a statement.”

The Senate had not voted “officially”, but might have told him NO, so they just might have given him a chance to save face by informing the public. Trudeau is still the same. He showed his true colors and will act as a dictator whenever he sees fit. He already declared that “the threat [from the Truckers] continues,” but that it is no longer “acute.”

And NowPeople’s Convoy in the USA

Newsmax wrote on February 22:

“‘People’s Convoy’ co-organizers say their chain of trucks driving from coast-to-coast starting Wednesday [in Adelanto, Calif and arriving March 5 in the Washington, D.C., Beltway area] will be peaceful and will kick off with prayer — and they aren’t worried how the media tries to spin it, since their actions will be obvious to everyone watching…

“The convoy is inspired by the similar movement in Canada that shut down parts of the Canadian capital as well as bridges linking Canada and the United States… the convoy [in the USA] intends to ‘hold the line’ until all the federal mandates are lifted, ‘from healthcare to pilots to military.’

“The group also wants to see accountability in the form of congressional hearings on the origins of the COVID-19 virus and the federal response to it….”

The group also wants the state of emergency ended which Biden continued without any justification about the same time when Trudeau illegally invoked emergency powers.

Our Sun Has Been Erupting…

The Sun wrote on February 18:

“On Tuesday, our star [the sun] fired off two enormous explosions from its far side in what has already been a heavy month of solar activity. A magnificent coronal mass ejection (CME) was recorded by Nasa’s STEREO-A spacecraft in the early hours of February 15.

“CMEs are giant eruptions that send plasma hurtling through space – and the Sun has undergone several of them throughout the month. If they hit Earth, the plumes of material can trigger geomagnetic storms that knock out satellites and disrupt power grids.

“Fortunately, this week’s CME was fired from the side of the Sun that faces away from our planet and so poses no threat…. Based on its size, it’s possible that the eruption was an X-class flare: The most powerful category possible

“In the past, larger solar flares have wreaked havoc on our planet. In 1989, a strong solar eruption shot so many electrically charged particles at Earth that the Canadian Province of Quebec lost power for nine hours… One such flare led to a solar storm on January 29 that knocked 40 SpaceX satellites out of action.

“The sun is currently at the start of a new 11-year solar cycle, which usually sees eruptions and flares grow more intense and extreme. These events are expected to peak around 2025…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

Biden in Free Fall

CNN wrote on February 11:

“A nation exhausted by a two-year pandemic, struggling against rising food and gas prices, driven to distraction by school closures and torn apart by a political schism that erupted in violence is far from at ease with itself. The sense of turmoil was captured in a new CNN/SSRS poll released Thursday that showed waning faith in US elections and found that most of the nearly 60% of Americans who disapprove of how Biden is handling his presidency were unable to name one single thing they like that he has done…

“Also on Thursday there was news that a key measure of inflation had climbed to near-40-year high last month…

“37% of Americans saying Biden did not legitimately win enough votes to be president…

“This foul national mood is primarily a disaster in the making for Democrats in November’s midterm elections, but it’s been a long time coming…

“Just 41% of those asked approve of the way Biden is handling his job. His approval rating on the economy has dropped to 37% — down 8 points since early December alone…”

We omitted to cite the typical left-wing pro-Biden and anti-Trump propaganda in CNN’s article, which borders at times on the ridiculousness. But what we did quote speaks for itself.

Biden Interview with Lester Holt

The Blaze wrote on February 11:

“On Tuesday, the Washington Post released an article detailing an Army report that contains documents and sworn testimony from U.S. military commanders involved in the Afghanistan withdrawal last summer. The 2,000-page investigative report… claimed that White House and State Department officials failed to understand and prepare for how fast the Taliban would capture Kabul. The report claimed that senior officials disregarded advice by military commanders to prepare for the evacuation of embassy staffers and Afghan allies as the Taliban marched toward the capital city. In the end,  13 American service members and more than 180 Afghan civilians were killed in August by an ISIS-K suicide bomb attack outside the Hamid Karzai International Airport during the frantic evacuation.

“During the ‘NBC Nightly News’ interview [with NBC’s Lester Holt], President Biden said he rejected the findings of the report…  Biden then had difficulty remembering which country he was talking about. ‘And, and there was no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine, I mean, excuse me, Iraq, Afghanistan,’ Biden said…

“President Biden got a bit peeved during the interview when Holt asked about the latest inflation report  from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On Thursday, it was announced that the consumer price index rose in January to an annual rate of 7.5% – the highest inflation rate in 40 years. In July, President Biden said that inflation would be temporary. Holt told Biden, ‘I think a lot of Americans are wondering what your definition of temporary is.’ Biden responded, ‘Well, you’re being a wise guy with me a little bit, and I understand that’s your job.’ He then blamed the supply chain crisis for inflation…

“On the topic of Russia potentially invading Ukraine, Biden told American citizens living there to ‘leave now’… Holt asked the commander in chief if there was a scenario in which he would send troops to Ukraine to rescue American citizens, to which Biden replied, ‘There’s not. That’s a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another.’”

Neither does NATO have any plans to send troops to Ukraine to fight Russia.

Biden’s Mental Decline

Express wrote on February 10:

“JOE BIDEN has reportedly been asked to take a ‘cognitive test’ after nearly forty House Republicans addressed a letter to the US President outlining their concerns…  The letter, revealed by the Daily Mail, reportedly included recent examples of Mr Biden’s ‘mental decline’ as well as recent public blunders…

“Mr Jackson told Fox News: ‘As a former physician to three Presidents of the United States, I know what it takes mentally and physically to execute the duties of Commander-in-Chief and Head of State….’”

While more and more questions are being asked about Mr. Biden’s mental capacity to lead the country, he and many of his Democratic colleagues seem to be giving in to extreme left-wing members of his party, as the next article shows. But even some “RINOs” seem to become blind in the left eye.  

Biden’s Far Left Pro-LGBT Agenda

 LifeSiteNews wrote on February 11:

“The U.S. House of Representatives this week passed a bill that would allow the Biden administration to sanction foreign individuals who oppose LGBT ideology. The so-called Global Respect Act (GRA) cleared the House in a 227-206 vote Wednesday, with six Republicans joining all Democrats in support.

“The GRA would empower the White House to impose visa bans on foreigners deemed responsible for or ‘complicit’ in violations of ‘internationally recognized human rights’ against people who identify as ‘LGBTQI.’ The broadly-worded bill, which applies to private citizens, defines violations as ‘cruel and degrading treatment’ and ‘flagrant denial’ of the right to ‘liberty,’ among other things.

“The findings of the bill specifically take aim at laws in dozens of countries that prohibit sodomy and other homosexual activity, as well as ‘policies or laws that would further target LGBTQI individuals.’ More than 70 nations, including much of Africa and the Middle East, currently ban homosexual acts.

“Individuals sanctioned under the GRA and their immediate family would be unable to enter the United States and would be ineligible for U.S. visas. The bill would also require the U.S. State Department to designate a senior officer to track restrictions of ‘fundamental freedoms’ ‘based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics.’ And the measure urges the White House to ‘impose additional targeted sanctions’ through existing means…

“The Biden White House released a statement endorsing the bill last week. The statement also celebrated the administration’s ‘historic actions’ to advance  ‘LGBTQI+ equality,’ such as flying the ‘Pride’ flag at U.S. embassies

“The Catholic Church, of which Joe Biden professes to be a member, has always condemned homosexuality as intrinsically evil and disordered and similarly rejects transgenderism. The Vatican has denounced LGBT ‘gender identities’ as based on ‘nothing more than a confused concept of freedom in the realm of feelings and wants.’

“Pro-family and religious freedom advocates have strongly criticized the Global Respect Act… ‘The far Left frequently asserts that even the failure to affirm someone’s sexual orientation and gender identity is a denial of human rights,’ wrote Arielle Del Turco of Family Research Council. ‘If that’s how the State Department would interpret the Global Respect Act, then foreign individuals such as pastors, teachers, judges, journalists, or private citizens voicing opinions rooted in their faith are at risk of being victimized by this bill.’

“During floor debate on the bill Wednesday, Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney of New York warned that vague terms in the bill, like ‘cruel and degrading treatment,’ could allow for prosecutions of free speech, religious exercise, and parental decision-making… ‘Is a parent who rejects her minor child’s wish for a sex change operation complicit in cruelty?’ Tenney asked. ‘Is the Pope engaging in degrading treatment when he expresses opposition to same-sex marriage?’”

The far-left agenda is clearly on display, and most are too blind to see it.

Hillary Clinton the Real Villain in “Russiagate” Scandal?

Fox News reported on February 15:

“The stunning revelation that lawyers for the Hillary Clinton campaign paid a computer technology company to surveil a sitting president, Donald Trump, shows that more than half a dozen crimes may have been committed to advance the false accusation that he colluded with Russia…

“After a 22-month probe, Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of a criminal collusion conspiracy because none ever existed.  U.S. Attorney John Durham was then tasked to investigate how the odious lie arose and whether crimes were perpetrated to accomplish it. Later elevated to special counsel status, Durham has indicted three people so far as he continues to doggedly pursue his investigation of wrongdoing by others.

“In a recent federal court filing, he disclosed that Clinton campaign lawyers hired a tech company to ‘infiltrate’ computer servers housed in Trump Tower, and later, the White House.  As first reported by Fox News, the goal was to generate an ‘inference’ or ‘narrative’ that Trump was colluding with Russia and then feed the phony information to the FBI to trigger an investigation of him. The methods behind the brazen smear were remarkably devious. The tech outfit exploited its access to non-public and proprietary internet data on servers at Trump Tower and the White House, according to Durham. It was equivalent of breaking into a computer except the technicians had special access since the company was performing what’s called ‘resolution services’ on those highly sensitive accounts. The cyber sleuths then covertly penetrated the servers without authorization…  It was insinuated that Trump and his associates were secretly communicating with Russia.

“Naturally, the media was tipped off and went full-throttle with wild claims that Trump was a Russian asset… Shockingly, the surreptitious intrusions continued when the new president moved into the White House.  But no evidence of Russian collusion was discovered because it was, after all, a cunning hoax conjured up by Hillary [Clinton] and her acolytes

“Evidence of [Hillary Clinton’s] role has slowly emerged from declassified records. It was July 26, 2016, when Clinton personally approved the plot to vilify Trump with the bogus collusion claims, according to CIA documents… as a strategy to distract from her own email scandal. Two days later, President Obama was alerted but appears to have done nothing except keep the matter concealed. Intelligence officials then sent an investigative referral on Clinton to then-FBI Director James Comey and his deputy, Peter Strzok. Predictably, it was buried. …

“Clinton… was the architect and master designer of the greatest mass delusion in American political history.  Unraveling her web of deceit is John Durham’s immense challenge.”

Predictably, the mass media buried the story.  

Deliberate Attempts of Mass Media to Deceive the Public

The New York Post wrote on February 15:

“It is awfully late in the game to be surprised that our national press corps puts its political agenda ahead of the national interest, but the refusal to treat the Durham probe with the seriousness it deserves takes the dereliction to a new level. The refusal involves deliberate attempts to mislead the public. 

“Then again, the motive is obvious. Giving Durham his due would require the media to re-examine its role in perpetuating the dirtiest dirty trick in American political history. They won’t do that re-examination now for the same reason they wouldn’t do it after Robert Mueller couldn’t find the Trump-Russia collusion the press and Democrats insisted was in plain sight. The truth of how they screwed up would destroy careers and ruin reputations

“Yet even now, nearly six years after the Russia lies first burst into the headlines, it still boggles the mind that the scam succeeded for as long as it did. Key among the unanswered questions is how Clinton operatives managed to sell the FBI, the Obama-Biden White House and the Washington media the lie that Russia and Trump were working together to steal the 2016 election. What we do know is that once that sale was made, all the rules about fairness and due process were jettisoned like so much trash. In the rush to demonize Trump and elect Clinton, trusted institutions abandoned their standards and shattered their public trust.

“And to judge from the reaction to Durham’s latest court filings, those same individuals and institutions intend to defend their misconduct with all their power…”

Shame on them.

Ambassador Bridge Open

The Associated Press wrote on February 14:

“The busiest U.S.-Canada border crossing… was open again Monday after police removed the last of the protesters who had bottled up the Ambassador Bridge for nearly a week in a demonstration against Canada’s virus restrictions. But the larger truck-borne protest in the capital, Ottawa, persisted as city residents seethed over authorities’ inability to reclaim the streets.

“Ontario Premier Doug Ford said that on March 1, the province will drop its requirement that people show proof of vaccination to get into restaurants, gyms and sporting events. A surge of cases caused by the omicron variant has crested in Canada. The province will also remove its 50% capacity limit on restaurants on Thursday, four days earlier than planned. Ford gave no timetable for dropping the requirement that people wear masks in public places.

“‘Let me [be] very clear: We are moving in this direction because it is safe to do so. Today’s announcement is not because of what’s happening in Ottawa or Windsor but despite it,’ Ford said.”

If you want to believe that…

Canada’s Fight Against the Freedom Convoy

Breitbart wrote on February 11:

“Christian-owned funding platform GiveSendGo said it would not comply with an order by a Canadian court [in Ontario] to freeze over $8.6 million in donated funds destined for the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022, saying the court has no jurisdiction over the U.S-based company…

“While the Ontario court order may make it difficult for the funds to reach the truckers via the traditional finance sector, no court order and no government has the ability to intercept or freeze funds if they are distributed through a decentralized cryptocurrency like Bitcoin…”

Trudeau Invokes Emergency Powers

The Guardian wrote on February 14:

“Justin Trudeau has invoked legislation that gives his government sweeping powers… [Trudeau is the] first prime minister to invoke the Emergencies Act… [It] goes into effect for a month [and] allows the federal government to bar people from gathering in certain locations. It could also allow officials to conscript the use of private tow trucks…  the Act would bar the use of crowdfunding websites… and punish companies whose trucks were being used in the protests.

“… at a press conference, organisers of the convoy said protesters would remain until mandates were removed…”

The left-wing liberal media tried to justify Trudeau’s dictatorial measures by alleging that the truckers might resort to violence and that allegedly 11 people with guns and ammunition had been arrested, who were conveniently labeled as being somehow associated with the truckers. Far-left Trudeau, an admirer of the late Marxist Fidel Castro, has faced criticism from the left and the right for his mishandling of the crisis, and his usurpation of autocratic powers is a logical consequence of a man obsessed with domination.

 But will Trudeau’s sinking popularity rates be helped by this extraordinary dictatorial conduct? Reuters published the following reactions to Trudeau’s intentions to invoke the Emergencies Act:

 “ADAM BUTTON, CHIEF CURRENCY ANALYST AT FOREXLIVE: ‘The protest hasn’t been a material market mover of the Canadian dollar…’

“QUEBEC PREMIER FRANCOIS LEGAULT. Legault told reporters that imposing the act risks putting ‘oil on the fire’ by further polarizing the population and argued that local police in the mostly-French speaking province have the situation under control… I was very clear with the Prime Minister, that the federal emergency act must not apply in Quebec. I think we don’t need it. I think that at this moment it would not help the social climate. There’s a lot of pressure right now and I think we have to be careful…’

“ALBERTA PREMIER JASON KENNEY: ‘We would prefer that the Emergencies Act not be invoked, but if it is we would very much prefer that it not be applied to Alberta,’ Kenny told a media briefing.

“MANITOBA PREMIER HEATHER STEFANSON: ‘In my view, the sweeping effects and signals associated with the never-before-used Emergencies Act are not constructive here in Manitoba, where caution must be taken against overreach and unintended negative consequences…’

“SASKATCHEWAN PREMIER SCOTT MOE: ‘… Saskatchewan does not support the Trudeau government invoking the Emergencies Act…’

“LEAH WEST, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, AT CARLETON UNIVERSITY: ‘…Can it truly be said the security of Canada is threatened by largely non-violent protests? Certainly, our sovereignty and territorial integrity are not at risk.’”

“Trudeau Has Gone Too Far”

The Toronto Sun wrote on February 15:

“Ever since the freedom convoy first touched base in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago, the PM has gone out of his way to increase the tensions. The Liberal government appeared to be hoping for some sort of Jan. 6 style event as happened in the United States last year. All of their rhetoric indicated they were keen to see such an event go down. It never did. The convoy has been peaceful throughout.

“The only real violence so far has been a vehicular ramming conducted against protesters, which sent four people to hospital. You don’t hear much about that though. Trudeau never condemned it. Instead, Trudeau has called protesters every name in the book even though they are a diverse crowd in every sense of the word.

“Now he is giving himself extraordinary powers to deal with these protests. One of the most disturbing parts is how they can now dictate that banks freeze people’s accounts without a court order. People like Canadian hero Kevin Vickers — the Sargeant-at-Arms who personally thwarted the 2014 terrorist attack on Parliament Hill — have called for calm and dialogue. Trudeau doesn’t want that though. He just wants division and more hostility… The only thing that can be said in defence of Trudeau’s invoking of the Emergencies Act is that it was his incompetence that made such an extreme measure necessary.”

It’s not “incompetence.” In fact, his deliberate actions are part of a political agenda. Trudeau is dangerous… far more so than the public might realize. But there are many dangerous political leaders around in this rotten and God-defying world. After all, it is SATAN who is the ruler of this world and of ALL nations.

Canadian Truckers Not Giving Up!

AFP wrote on February 15:

“Trucker-led protesters occupying the Canadian capital showed no sign of backing down Tuesday, despite a newly invoked state of emergency granting wide new powers to end their weeks-long protest over Covid rules… the truckers appeared undeterred — if anything hardening their stance to move their big rigs into positions tougher to dislodge, with signs that read: ‘Hold the line.’…

“… the Canadian Civil Liberties Association accused the federal government of not having met the threshold for invoking the act. Trudeau’s minority Liberal government, however, has enough support to push through approval of the measures when parliament weighs in to decide whether to extend their use beyond one week.”

Trudeau’s Ongoing Dictatorial Conduct

The Journal de Montreal wrote on February 14:

“The federal government is launching an unprecedented financial hunt in an effort to financially strangle those who fund the siege of Ottawa and the border blockades…  Canadian banks no longer need the approval of a judge to immediately suspend the personal and corporate accounts and freeze the funds of any person or company they suspect of supporting the convoy. ‘Consider yourself warned: if your truck is used in these blockades, your business accounts will be frozen, your vehicle insurance will be suspended…’ said Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland…

“However, the organizers of the convoy have already abandoned the crowdfunding platforms. They turned to cryptocurrencies, with the avowed aim of receiving national and international donations without any legal obstruction and without banking supervision… bitcoins… present themselves as untraceable since they pass from one computer to another and not from one bank to another.”

In a video from 2013, Trudeau praised communist China, saying: “There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China… Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.” Breitbart also pointed out on February 15 that he “has praised both China’s dictatorship and Cuba’s dictatorship, while using his office to enrich the Chinese Communist Party.” Enough said.

Incredible Dictatorship in Canada! It’s Getting Worse and Worse!

Rebel News wrote on February 16:

“Pastor Artur Pawlowski… has been in jail — in solitary confinement — since he was arrested at his home on February 8… He was picked up last week on something akin to a terrorism charge – the first person to be charged under Alberta’s Critical Infrastructure Defence Act for allegedly abetting the Coutts, AB trucker blockade… Pawlowski gave a speech to truckers at the Coutts Alberta border blockade, telling them to hold the line…”

On February 16, Judge Erin Olson denied bail, stating, “The accused recent history is such that he poses an ongoing threat to the public and that because the accused opposes any and all rules, his release would bring the administration of justice into disrepute… the accused will, if released from custody, commit a criminal offense or interfere with the administration of justice. The accused pattern of behavior speaks volumes about his willful commission of offenses and/or violations of court & health orders. I have also concluded that the provision of cash bail with or without conditions of release would be unwise and fruitless, given the accused’s recent history of paying fines and costs potentially with other people’s money…”

The next hearing is set for March 11 2022.

With this blatant miscarriage of justice, the court followed the lead of dictator Justin Trudeau. On February 17, Rebel News reported that Trudeau claimed that Canada’s “Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas,” in obvious reference to Jewish member of Parliament Melissa Lantsman, who responded on Twitter: I think the Prime Minister should think long and hard about his own history before singling out a Jewish Member of Parliament and falsely accusing me of standing with a Swastika. What a disgraceful statement unbecoming of anyone in public office – he owes me an apology’”

He does indeed, but don’t hold your breath. 

USA and Europe Tinderbox?

Breitbart wrote on February 12:

“‘People all over the world are watching, and they have respect for what they [the Truckers in Canada] are doing,’ [Trump] said. ‘They’re tired of being pushed around by incompetent people, being told what to do, being forced with the mandates. The mandates should have not happened…

“‘You can push people so far. And our country is a tinderbox, too. Don’t kid yourself. And there are plenty of our country up there right now, folks. When you look at what’s happening —when you look at what’s happening in Canada. Our country, I think, is far more of a tinderbox than Canada.’”

In an accompanying article, Breitbart wrote on February 12:

French police have squared off with thousands of protesters attempting to establish a Canadian-style convoy in Paris in response to the draconian coronavirus measures that Emmanuel Macron’s government has imposed upon the country… over 3,000 vehicles have attempted to enter Paris to demand an end to the Covid regime…. Police were also seen using their batons on protesters… Police were seen smashing the windows of supposed demonstrators in order to remove them from their cars…

“Meanwhile, another trucker convoy descended upon the Dutch Parliament (Binnenhof) in the city centre of The Hague… trucks, cars, and tractors… shut down access to the area of the city in response to the nation’s coronavirus measures.”

Huge Demonstration in Australia

Life Site News wrote on February 14, 2022:

“On Saturday Australia’s capital city Canberra witnessed perhaps the largest political demonstration in the nation’s history. People came from all parts of the country to participate in the Canberra Convoy to protest against vaccine mandates and government oppression…

“For two years, we have been tirelessly fighting for our basic human rights while experiencing the heavy hand of police and government tyranny. People have lost their jobs, been alienated from their friends and families, been assaulted, defamed, and even spat on…. The true Australian soul was on display, ordinary people rising up against dictatorial leaders, so-called public servants, a completely corrupted media, a feckless medical fraternity, a failed judiciary and a co-opted scientific community. ..

“The numbers at the Convoy were huge, perhaps more than double the population of Canberra and representing over 6 per cent of the total voting population. That was just the people who made the long journey to get there… The disgraceful Australian media performed its now familiar job of lying and distorting. Newspaper reports said that there were only 10-20,000 people there; one outlet even said only 4,000. A glance at the aerial shots indicates how dishonest that is….

“Asked about the Convoy, Prime Minister Scott Morrison continued to speak out of both sides of his mouth. He washed his hands of the whole thing, deceptively claiming that the Federal government was against mandates except for some workers in high-risk areas and putting all the blame on the State governments. It was a massive abrogation of responsibility from a leader who does not have the courage to lead. As Craig Kelly, head of the United Australia Party, pointed out, the Federal government could easily have passed a bill against vaccine mandates but chose to oppose one.”

The Canadian Freedom Convoy has become an inspiration for many around the world.

Is Russia Getting Ready to Invade Ukraine?

The New York Post wrote on February 12:

“President Biden’s high-stakes phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin [occurred] Saturday morning as tensions over Ukraine reached a fever pitch [No suggestion was offered from either side that the call diminished the threat of an imminent war in Europe.]… They spoke soon after Putin wrapped up a lengthy conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron in which the two discussed ‘the conditions for security and stability in Europe’ [No progress was reported. The Kremlin said Putin told Macron that Western claims of a planned Russian invasion were ‘provocative speculation’ and could spark a conflict in Ukraine].

“Earlier Saturday, the US and its Western allies began to evacuate their embassies in Kyiv. A small core of American diplomats would remain in Ukraine… but would relocate to the city of Lviv in western Ukraine, where they could be more easily evacuated if a Russian invasion begins…

“US intelligence officials have reportedly concluded that Putin has given the order to attack its neighbor within days.”

The Moscow Times wrote on February 12:

“Russia’s defense ministry added to the febrile atmosphere by announcing that it had chased off a U.S. submarine that it alleged had crossed into its territorial waters near the Kuril Islands in the Pacific. The ministry said it had summoned the U.S. defense attache in Moscow over the incident…

“Russia on Saturday added to the ominous tone by pulling some of its diplomatic staff out of Ukraine. The foreign ministry in Moscow said its decision was prompted by fears of ‘possible provocations from the Kyiv regime.’

“… Dutch carrier KLM announced that it was suspending commercial flights to Ukraine until further notice…  U.S. and German media cited intelligence sources and officials as saying that a war could begin at some point after Putin concludes talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Moscow on Tuesday… The diplomatic push continued on Saturday with a new round of inconclusive talks between U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 12:

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday urged Moscow to deescalate the Ukraine standoff and warned Russia faces [“tough”] sanctions ‘immediately’ if it invades its neighbor… Scholz’s deputy chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck reiterated Sunday that Europe may be on the verge of war…”

The Russian ambassador to Sweden said in response that Putin “doesn’t give a s… about Western sanctions,” adding that ‘the more the West pushes Russia, the stronger the Russian response will be” and that “Russia had become more ‘self-sufficient’ amid the threat of sanctions” (Daily Mail, dated February 12).

Scholz Meets Putin

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 15:

“Olaf Scholz made his inaugural visit as German chancellor to Moscow on Tuesday to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin… In a joint press conference after meeting, the chancellor said ‘it is our absolute duty as heads of government that Europe does not see an escalation into war.’… Putin added that Germany ‘is one of Russia’s most important partners’ and said it intended to cooperate further with Berlin. He emphasized the role of economic ties between the two, with Germany being Russia’s second-biggest trade partner after China…

“New York Times Moscow Bureau Chief Anton Troianovski tweeted that Scholz had told German-speaking reporters after the press conference that ‘all involved’ know Ukrainian NATO membership is not on the agenda. ‘We just can’t have a possible military conflict over a question that is not on the agenda,’ Scholz said, adding that such a situation would be ‘absurd.’”

With that, most demands of Russia have already been fulfilled… without a war.

Russian Cyberattack on Ukraine?

Newsmax wrote on February 15:

Kyiv appeared to blame Russia for a cyberattack on Tuesday, as U.S. President Joe Biden warned that more than 150,000 Russian troops were still amassed near Ukraine’s borders after Moscow’s announcement of a partial pullback was met with skepticism…. ‘If Russia attacks the United States or our allies through asymmetric means like disruptive cyber-attacks against our companies or critical infrastructure, we’re prepared to respond,’ Biden said in televised remarks from the White House….

“The White House said energy prices could be hit if sanctions are imposed on Moscow following an invasion… Putin told reporters Russia would not be satisfied with talk that Ukraine was not ready to join NATO any time soon and was demanding that the issue be resolved now.”

Russia has rejected all responsibility and blamed Ukraine for spreading misinformation.

Is Russia Really Withdrawing Troops?

Newsmax wrote on February 16:

“The configuration of Russia’s armed forces in the west of the country will return to normal in three to four weeks, TASS news agency cited Russia’s ambassador to Ireland as saying on Wednesday… Russia said more of its forces surrounding Ukraine were withdrawing on Wednesday but NATO urged Moscow to prove it was pulling back…”

The Guardian wrote on February 16:

“Russia is building up its military forces on Ukraine’s border with more troops on their way, contradicting Moscow’s claims of a drawdown, Nato’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has said… Stoltenberg warned that Russian military capability was only increasing in number and strength.

“The former Norwegian prime minister said Nato needed to be ‘prepared for the worst’…”

Russia’s Con Job?

The Sun wrote on February 16:

“Russia insisted that it was returning more troops and weapons to bases and put out video showing tanks as well as other vehicles leaving the Crimean peninsula…

“But none of the pictures could be verified on Tuesday – as warjets, tanks, troops, missile batteries and battleships continued huge exercises to the north, south and east of the besieged nation. Russian researchers the Conflict Intelligence Team said far from the forces being withdrawn from invasion-ready positions, they are merely being sent back to permanent bases just 15 miles away.”

Russian Invasion in a Few Days?

National Review wrote on February 17:

“Russia has expelled the second-most senior American diplomat at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow as tensions between the two countries continue to rise over a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, the State Department said Thursday. The expulsion comes as President Biden said Thursday that he believes Russia could invade Ukraine in the next several days despite Russian officials’ claims that the country would be withdrawing an unspecified number of troops from the Ukrainian border following the completion of military exercises on Tuesday.

“Officials in Ukraine and the West remain unconvinced that the move represents a sign that Russia will not move forward with a military incursion into its western neighbor. U.S. officials said Wednesday that intelligence shows 7,000 more Russian soldiers had actually arrived on the Ukrainian border…”

Attack on Kindergarten and School in Ukraine

 Reuters wrote on February 17:

“Kyiv and its Western allies said they feared that Russia might be trying to create a pretext to unleash war… , after reports of shelling across the front line in Ukraine’s longstanding conflict with Moscow-backed separatists…  Kyiv accused the rebels of firing shells at several locations, including some that struck a kindergarten and others that hit a school where pupils had to flee to the cellar.”

Ukraine, Poland and UK Sign Cooperation Agreement

The New York Post wrote on February 17:

“Ukraine has signed a new cooperation agreement with Poland and the United Kingdom as the threat of a Russian invasion looms over the former Soviet republic… The three countries will coordinate on cybersecurity, energy security, and countering disinformation, according to the statement.

“The UK and Poland also expressed their support for reversing the Russian annexation of Crimea. The statement said the nations were “fully committed to stand with [the] Ukrainian nation in its efforts aimed at defending Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders,’ but stopped short of announcing any military support.”

Unbelievable Announcement by US Embassy in Poland

The following “message to U.S. Citizens” was published by the US Embassy and Consulate’s website on February 12:

“U.S. citizens in Ukraine should depart immediately using commercial or other privately available transportation options…

“Poland has indicated to the U.S. government that U.S. citizens may now enter Poland through the land border with Ukraine… U.S. citizens must present a valid U.S. passport and proof of COVID-19 vaccination.  Travelers are also encouraged to present a negative test result from a PCR or antigen COVID-19 test, which will facilitate entry into Poland. …

“U.S. citizens in Ukraine should be aware that the U.S. government will not be able to evacuate U.S. citizens in the event of Russian military action anywhere in Ukraine.”

Another Afghanistan in the making?

Russia Threatens with Use of Nuclear Weapons

Israel 365 News reported on February 12:

“As 135,000 Russian troops backed by tanks and artillery stand poised on the Ukrainian border, Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatening to deploy tactical nuclear weapons…

“Putin addressed the issue at a press conference. ‘I want to stress it one more time. I’ve been saying it, but I’d very much want you to finally hear me, and to deliver it to your audience in print, TV, and online,’ Putin said. ‘Do you understand it or not, that if Ukraine joins Nato and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means, the European countries will be automatically pulled into a war conflict with Russia?… Of course the [military] potential of NATO and Russia are incomparable. We understand it… But we also understand that Russia is one of the leading nuclear states, and by some modern components, it even outperforms many.’

“… Russia has just under 4,500 nuclear warheads in its stockpile making it the largest military superpower in the world today

“It is assumed that Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons. Prior to 1991, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and had Soviet nuclear weapons in its territory. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukraine held about one-third of the Soviet nuclear arsenal totaling approximately 1,900 warheads, the third-largest in the world at the time, as well as significant means of its design and production. In 1994, at the behest of US President Bill Clinton, Ukraine agreed to hand over its nuclear stockpile to Russia for dismantlement…

“These agreements were clearly violated in 2014 when Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. Obama was quietly criticized for his response which was limited to sanctions, precisely the strategy President Biden has stated he intends to employ in the current crisis.”

The time will come when Europe, under the “beast” or the “king of the North,” will attack Russia and other Far Eastern nations with conventional weapons, but the “Asiatic Hordes” or “kings of the East” will retaliate with nuclear weapons.

Germany’s new (old) President

Deutsche Welle reported on February 13:

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) invited people from all walks of life and across political divisions for talks… In his opening statements, Frank-Walter Steinmeier said: ‘As federal president, I will not take a position for or against a general vaccination obligation.’ This was seen as typical for him: Once again he had failed to make a bold statement that the republic could argue about. Instead, Steinmeier moderated the round in a routine manner, not wanting to cause a stir, not wanting to provoke. It was representative of his first term in office…

“Frank-Walter Steinmeier experienced the high point of his political career at the beginning of 2017 [when he was elected President]…. he outlined what would be his main areas of focus in office: to prevent Germany forgetting its history, and to fight modern right-wing populism. Without explicitly mentioning the far-right populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), which had just seen resounding success in elections on all levels, Steinmeier said in his inaugural speech: ‘We must not only talk about democracy, we must learn to fight for it!’

“In the 2009 federal election, he ran against Angela Merkel as candidate for chancellor — and failed miserably…”

Steinmeier represents the typical face of the SPD (Scholz’ party). While fighting the AfD (which in many regards, especially when it comes to the ridiculous corona restrictions, makes more sense than all the other parties in Germany), he stays away from taking any position in other important matters.

Germany Plans End to Corona Restrictions? Not really!

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

“Scholz told reporters, ‘The jab helps’ as he spoke about the fact that fall and winter will follow spring and summer, meaning the concept of a vaccine mandate cannot be taken off the table entirely. He also emphasized the importance of replenishing stockpiles of masks and other vital tools in the fight against the ever-mutating virus…. Scholz was adamant about the need to convince vaccine skeptics to get the jab….

“The first stage would see the lifting of the limit on the number of vaccinated and recovered people who are allowed to meet… The proposed plan would then lift further restrictions on March 4, including the requirement for vaccinated and recovered people to show a current negative test to access restaurants, bars and hotels — currently, only people with a booster shot do not need to take a test… Finally, on March 20, most remaining limits, including those that target only unvaccinated people, would be lifted. Requirements for mask-wearing on public transport would likely remain, as would testing in certain areas…”

Does the Vatican Possess the Temple Treasures?

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 10:

“… the Vatican, including St. Peter’s Basilica, was constructed over Emperor Vespasian’s Roman palace approximately 200 years after the sacking of Rome in 455 AD…. the vandals and the Visigoths passed over, or simply didn’t find, the select treasures secreted away in that palace, and instead took with them the many items on public display in the Temple, located not far away….

“In fact, historian Josephus Flavius records the event in which Vespasian took for himself these items specifically as his special treasures for safekeeping, including an ancient Torah scroll. According to Vatican expert Dr. Michael A. Calvo, those vessels and others found their way to the Vatican via another route, after making their way to Byzantium: ‘These include Temple candelabra given to Pope Innocent III by Baldwin I after the sacking of Constantinople and the massacre of the Christian Orthodox population,’ Calvo claims. ‘Temple shofars and utensils; garments of the High Priest; the Tzitz – a gold plaque with the words Kodesh L’Hashem (“Holy to the Lord”); cultural objects, and many other objets d’art, books and manuscripts that the Vatican and other churches have appropriated and placed in their own storerooms, libraries and museums.’…

“But where is the factual, tangible proof that the Vatican ‘inherited’ these sacred items and retains them until today? The Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry and security services may already have evidence… Not long ago, Abbas had a personal consultation with Pope Francis. After agreeing that the two-state solution was the only way forward to make peace with Israel, Abbas stated that with respect to the advent of a Palestinian capital, ‘Jerusalem’s identity must be preserved through a special internationally guaranteed status.’…

“The official liaison of the pope to Israel, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, apostolic nuncio in Israel and apostolic delegate in Jerusalem and Palestine, stated in an official letter dated November 15, 2013, that if the Temple treasures do in fact still exist, surely the church would return those lost items to their ‘legitimate owners.’…

“There are several people alive that can personally attest to being eyewitnesses of the Vatican possessing Temple vessels, including the Menorah candelabra…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Wrapped Around the Axle / The Power of Mercy!

On February 19, 2022, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Wrapped Around the Axle,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Power of Mercy!”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 1010

Wrapped Around the Axle / The Power of Mercy!

On February 19, 2022, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Wrapped Around the Axle,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Power of Mercy!”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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We Are Brethren!

by Dave Harris

How do we define our relationships within the Church of God? We say we are members. We might refer to being among the called of God. We might even reference ourselves by the group we meet with—the Worldwide Church of God is a reference for some who have had a long time association with the Church.

But, at the end of the day, if we have the Holy Spirit of God, we are brethren. Brethren with each other, and—most importantly—brethren of Jesus Christ!

How does God look upon us—the elect, the called of God, the firstfruits of salvation (Compare James 1:18)? Note how God identifies us, when He says, “‘I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty’” (2 Corinthians 6:18); Also, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14).

God the Father calls Jesus Christ His Son (Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5). And of Christians, this is said:

“For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren…” (Hebrews 2:10-11).

Because we are brethren, with Christ and with one another, we bear great responsibility before God—to behave with the same kind of love amongst ourselves as Christ did—and as He continues to do for us:

“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do” (Colossians 3:12-13).

The Apostle Peter adds this:

“Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart…” (1 Peter 1:22).

You know, I have heard these words, these vibrant instructions, before—as many of you have. For far too many, these were words heard but not words heeded. The foundational principal of loving one another got lost along the way, but if we are to remain faithful to the end, we must love, not only God, not only Jesus Christ, but the rest of the Family of God—the brethren!

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by Norbert Link

We begin with reports about President Joe Biden, which do not show a very flattering picture, as he is losing more and more popularity and credibility, while supporting a radical left-wing pro-LGBT agenda. We also address new developments in the “Russiagate” scandal, which are largely ignored by the left-wing mass media.

We continue with the events in Canada regarding the Trucker Freedom convoy, pointing out that the movement has now spread to numerous countries around the world, including the USA, Europe and Australia.  In his desperate fight against the truckers, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has now invoked the totalitarian Emergencies Act—an ill-conceived and extremely divisive move which might backfire. More and more disturbing news about Trudeau comes to light. Note our recent StandingWatch program, titled, “Why Canada’s Justin Trudeau Is so Dangerous.” 

We report on the fear of war in Europe over the Russia-Ukraine situation with seemingly unsuccessful attempts to persuade Vladimir Putin to change course; and we point out the re-election of Germany’s President who is unwilling to take any positions, and we conclude with an article claiming that the Vatican is in possession of the original Temple treasuries.

 Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Biden in Free Fall

CNN wrote on February 11:

“A nation exhausted by a two-year pandemic, struggling against rising food and gas prices, driven to distraction by school closures and torn apart by a political schism that erupted in violence is far from at ease with itself. The sense of turmoil was captured in a new CNN/SSRS poll released Thursday that showed waning faith in US elections and found that most of the nearly 60% of Americans who disapprove of how Biden is handling his presidency were unable to name one single thing they like that he has done…

“Also on Thursday there was news that a key measure of inflation had climbed to near-40-year high last month…

“37% of Americans saying Biden did not legitimately win enough votes to be president…

“This foul national mood is primarily a disaster in the making for Democrats in November’s midterm elections, but it’s been a long time coming…

“Just 41% of those asked approve of the way Biden is handling his job. His approval rating on the economy has dropped to 37% — down 8 points since early December alone…”

We omitted to cite the typical left-wing pro-Biden and anti-Trump propaganda in CNN’s article, which borders at times on the ridiculousness. But what we did quote speaks for itself.

Biden Interview with Lester Holt

The Blaze wrote on February 11:

“On Tuesday, the Washington Post released an article detailing an Army report that contains documents and sworn testimony from U.S. military commanders involved in the Afghanistan withdrawal last summer. The 2,000-page investigative report… claimed that White House and State Department officials failed to understand and prepare for how fast the Taliban would capture Kabul. The report claimed that senior officials disregarded advice by military commanders to prepare for the evacuation of embassy staffers and Afghan allies as the Taliban marched toward the capital city. In the end,  13 American service members and more than 180 Afghan civilians were killed in August by an ISIS-K suicide bomb attack outside the Hamid Karzai International Airport during the frantic evacuation.

“During the ‘NBC Nightly News’ interview [with NBC’s Lester Holt], President Biden said he rejected the findings of the report…  Biden then had difficulty remembering which country he was talking about. ‘And, and there was no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine, I mean, excuse me, Iraq, Afghanistan,’ Biden said…

“President Biden got a bit peeved during the interview when Holt asked about the latest inflation report  from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On Thursday, it was announced that the consumer price index rose in January to an annual rate of 7.5% – the highest inflation rate in 40 years. In July, President Biden said that inflation would be temporary. Holt told Biden, ‘I think a lot of Americans are wondering what your definition of temporary is.’ Biden responded, ‘Well, you’re being a wise guy with me a little bit, and I understand that’s your job.’ He then blamed the supply chain crisis for inflation…

“On the topic of Russia potentially invading Ukraine, Biden told American citizens living there to ‘leave now’… Holt asked the commander in chief if there was a scenario in which he would send troops to Ukraine to rescue American citizens, to which Biden replied, ‘There’s not. That’s a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another.’”

Neither does NATO have any plans to send troops to Ukraine to fight Russia.

Biden’s Mental Decline

Express wrote on February 10:

“JOE BIDEN has reportedly been asked to take a ‘cognitive test’ after nearly forty House Republicans addressed a letter to the US President outlining their concerns…  The letter, revealed by the Daily Mail, reportedly included recent examples of Mr Biden’s ‘mental decline’ as well as recent public blunders…

“Mr Jackson told Fox News: ‘As a former physician to three Presidents of the United States, I know what it takes mentally and physically to execute the duties of Commander-in-Chief and Head of State….’”

While more and more questions are being asked about Mr. Biden’s mental capacity to lead the country, he and many of his Democratic colleagues seem to be giving in to extreme left-wing members of his party, as the next article shows. But even some “RINOs” seem to become blind in the left eye.  

Biden’s Far Left Pro-LGBT Agenda

 LifeSiteNews wrote on February 11:

“The U.S. House of Representatives this week passed a bill that would allow the Biden administration to sanction foreign individuals who oppose LGBT ideology. The so-called Global Respect Act (GRA) cleared the House in a 227-206 vote Wednesday, with six Republicans joining all Democrats in support.

“The GRA would empower the White House to impose visa bans on foreigners deemed responsible for or ‘complicit’ in violations of ‘internationally recognized human rights’ against people who identify as ‘LGBTQI.’ The broadly-worded bill, which applies to private citizens, defines violations as ‘cruel and degrading treatment’ and ‘flagrant denial’ of the right to ‘liberty,’ among other things.

“The findings of the bill specifically take aim at laws in dozens of countries that prohibit sodomy and other homosexual activity, as well as ‘policies or laws that would further target LGBTQI individuals.’ More than 70 nations, including much of Africa and the Middle East, currently ban homosexual acts.

“Individuals sanctioned under the GRA and their immediate family would be unable to enter the United States and would be ineligible for U.S. visas. The bill would also require the U.S. State Department to designate a senior officer to track restrictions of ‘fundamental freedoms’ ‘based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics.’ And the measure urges the White House to ‘impose additional targeted sanctions’ through existing means…

“The Biden White House released a statement endorsing the bill last week. The statement also celebrated the administration’s ‘historic actions’ to advance  ‘LGBTQI+ equality,’ such as flying the ‘Pride’ flag at U.S. embassies

“The Catholic Church, of which Joe Biden professes to be a member, has always condemned homosexuality as intrinsically evil and disordered and similarly rejects transgenderism. The Vatican has denounced LGBT ‘gender identities’ as based on ‘nothing more than a confused concept of freedom in the realm of feelings and wants.’

“Pro-family and religious freedom advocates have strongly criticized the Global Respect Act… ‘The far Left frequently asserts that even the failure to affirm someone’s sexual orientation and gender identity is a denial of human rights,’ wrote Arielle Del Turco of Family Research Council. ‘If that’s how the State Department would interpret the Global Respect Act, then foreign individuals such as pastors, teachers, judges, journalists, or private citizens voicing opinions rooted in their faith are at risk of being victimized by this bill.’

“During floor debate on the bill Wednesday, Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney of New York warned that vague terms in the bill, like ‘cruel and degrading treatment,’ could allow for prosecutions of free speech, religious exercise, and parental decision-making… ‘Is a parent who rejects her minor child’s wish for a sex change operation complicit in cruelty?’ Tenney asked. ‘Is the Pope engaging in degrading treatment when he expresses opposition to same-sex marriage?’”

The far-left agenda is clearly on display, and most are too blind to see it.

Hillary Clinton the Real Villain in “Russiagate” Scandal?

Fox News reported on February 15:

“The stunning revelation that lawyers for the Hillary Clinton campaign paid a computer technology company to surveil a sitting president, Donald Trump, shows that more than half a dozen crimes may have been committed to advance the false accusation that he colluded with Russia…

“After a 22-month probe, Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of a criminal collusion conspiracy because none ever existed.  U.S. Attorney John Durham was then tasked to investigate how the odious lie arose and whether crimes were perpetrated to accomplish it. Later elevated to special counsel status, Durham has indicted three people so far as he continues to doggedly pursue his investigation of wrongdoing by others.

“In a recent federal court filing, he disclosed that Clinton campaign lawyers hired a tech company to ‘infiltrate’ computer servers housed in Trump Tower, and later, the White House.  As first reported by Fox News, the goal was to generate an ‘inference’ or ‘narrative’ that Trump was colluding with Russia and then feed the phony information to the FBI to trigger an investigation of him. The methods behind the brazen smear were remarkably devious. The tech outfit exploited its access to non-public and proprietary internet data on servers at Trump Tower and the White House, according to Durham. It was equivalent of breaking into a computer except the technicians had special access since the company was performing what’s called ‘resolution services’ on those highly sensitive accounts. The cyber sleuths then covertly penetrated the servers without authorization…  It was insinuated that Trump and his associates were secretly communicating with Russia.

“Naturally, the media was tipped off and went full-throttle with wild claims that Trump was a Russian asset… Shockingly, the surreptitious intrusions continued when the new president moved into the White House.  But no evidence of Russian collusion was discovered because it was, after all, a cunning hoax conjured up by Hillary [Clinton] and her acolytes

“Evidence of [Hillary Clinton’s] role has slowly emerged from declassified records. It was July 26, 2016, when Clinton personally approved the plot to vilify Trump with the bogus collusion claims, according to CIA documents… as a strategy to distract from her own email scandal. Two days later, President Obama was alerted but appears to have done nothing except keep the matter concealed. Intelligence officials then sent an investigative referral on Clinton to then-FBI Director James Comey and his deputy, Peter Strzok. Predictably, it was buried. …

“Clinton… was the architect and master designer of the greatest mass delusion in American political history.  Unraveling her web of deceit is John Durham’s immense challenge.”

Predictably, the mass media buried the story.  

Deliberate Attempts of Mass Media to Deceive the Public

The New York Post wrote on February 15:

“It is awfully late in the game to be surprised that our national press corps puts its political agenda ahead of the national interest, but the refusal to treat the Durham probe with the seriousness it deserves takes the dereliction to a new level. The refusal involves deliberate attempts to mislead the public. 

“Then again, the motive is obvious. Giving Durham his due would require the media to re-examine its role in perpetuating the dirtiest dirty trick in American political history. They won’t do that re-examination now for the same reason they wouldn’t do it after Robert Mueller couldn’t find the Trump-Russia collusion the press and Democrats insisted was in plain sight. The truth of how they screwed up would destroy careers and ruin reputations

“Yet even now, nearly six years after the Russia lies first burst into the headlines, it still boggles the mind that the scam succeeded for as long as it did. Key among the unanswered questions is how Clinton operatives managed to sell the FBI, the Obama-Biden White House and the Washington media the lie that Russia and Trump were working together to steal the 2016 election. What we do know is that once that sale was made, all the rules about fairness and due process were jettisoned like so much trash. In the rush to demonize Trump and elect Clinton, trusted institutions abandoned their standards and shattered their public trust.

“And to judge from the reaction to Durham’s latest court filings, those same individuals and institutions intend to defend their misconduct with all their power…”

Shame on them.

Ambassador Bridge Open

The Associated Press wrote on February 14:

“The busiest U.S.-Canada border crossing… was open again Monday after police removed the last of the protesters who had bottled up the Ambassador Bridge for nearly a week in a demonstration against Canada’s virus restrictions. But the larger truck-borne protest in the capital, Ottawa, persisted as city residents seethed over authorities’ inability to reclaim the streets.

“Ontario Premier Doug Ford said that on March 1, the province will drop its requirement that people show proof of vaccination to get into restaurants, gyms and sporting events. A surge of cases caused by the omicron variant has crested in Canada. The province will also remove its 50% capacity limit on restaurants on Thursday, four days earlier than planned. Ford gave no timetable for dropping the requirement that people wear masks in public places.

“‘Let me [be] very clear: We are moving in this direction because it is safe to do so. Today’s announcement is not because of what’s happening in Ottawa or Windsor but despite it,’ Ford said.”

If you want to believe that…

Canada’s Fight Against the Freedom Convoy

Breitbart wrote on February 11:

“Christian-owned funding platform GiveSendGo said it would not comply with an order by a Canadian court [in Ontario] to freeze over $8.6 million in donated funds destined for the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022, saying the court has no jurisdiction over the U.S-based company…

“While the Ontario court order may make it difficult for the funds to reach the truckers via the traditional finance sector, no court order and no government has the ability to intercept or freeze funds if they are distributed through a decentralized cryptocurrency like Bitcoin…”

Trudeau Invokes Emergency Powers

The Guardian wrote on February 14:

“Justin Trudeau has invoked legislation that gives his government sweeping powers… [Trudeau is the] first prime minister to invoke the Emergencies Act… [It] goes into effect for a month [and] allows the federal government to bar people from gathering in certain locations. It could also allow officials to conscript the use of private tow trucks…  the Act would bar the use of crowdfunding websites… and punish companies whose trucks were being used in the protests.

“… at a press conference, organisers of the convoy said protesters would remain until mandates were removed…”

The left-wing liberal media tried to justify Trudeau’s dictatorial measures by alleging that the truckers might resort to violence and that allegedly 11 people with guns and ammunition had been arrested, who were conveniently labeled as being somehow associated with the truckers. Far-left Trudeau, an admirer of the late Marxist Fidel Castro, has faced criticism from the left and the right for his mishandling of the crisis, and his usurpation of autocratic powers is a logical consequence of a man obsessed with domination.

 But will Trudeau’s sinking popularity rates be helped by this extraordinary dictatorial conduct? Reuters published the following reactions to Trudeau’s intentions to invoke the Emergencies Act:

 “ADAM BUTTON, CHIEF CURRENCY ANALYST AT FOREXLIVE: ‘The protest hasn’t been a material market mover of the Canadian dollar…’

“QUEBEC PREMIER FRANCOIS LEGAULT. Legault told reporters that imposing the act risks putting ‘oil on the fire’ by further polarizing the population and argued that local police in the mostly-French speaking province have the situation under control… I was very clear with the Prime Minister, that the federal emergency act must not apply in Quebec. I think we don’t need it. I think that at this moment it would not help the social climate. There’s a lot of pressure right now and I think we have to be careful…’

“ALBERTA PREMIER JASON KENNEY: ‘We would prefer that the Emergencies Act not be invoked, but if it is we would very much prefer that it not be applied to Alberta,’ Kenny told a media briefing.

“MANITOBA PREMIER HEATHER STEFANSON: ‘In my view, the sweeping effects and signals associated with the never-before-used Emergencies Act are not constructive here in Manitoba, where caution must be taken against overreach and unintended negative consequences…’

“SASKATCHEWAN PREMIER SCOTT MOE: ‘… Saskatchewan does not support the Trudeau government invoking the Emergencies Act…’

“LEAH WEST, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, AT CARLETON UNIVERSITY: ‘…Can it truly be said the security of Canada is threatened by largely non-violent protests? Certainly, our sovereignty and territorial integrity are not at risk.’”

“Trudeau Has Gone Too Far”

The Toronto Sun wrote on February 15:

“Ever since the freedom convoy first touched base in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago, the PM has gone out of his way to increase the tensions. The Liberal government appeared to be hoping for some sort of Jan. 6 style event as happened in the United States last year. All of their rhetoric indicated they were keen to see such an event go down. It never did. The convoy has been peaceful throughout.

“The only real violence so far has been a vehicular ramming conducted against protesters, which sent four people to hospital. You don’t hear much about that though. Trudeau never condemned it. Instead, Trudeau has called protesters every name in the book even though they are a diverse crowd in every sense of the word.

“Now he is giving himself extraordinary powers to deal with these protests. One of the most disturbing parts is how they can now dictate that banks freeze people’s accounts without a court order. People like Canadian hero Kevin Vickers — the Sargeant-at-Arms who personally thwarted the 2014 terrorist attack on Parliament Hill — have called for calm and dialogue. Trudeau doesn’t want that though. He just wants division and more hostility… The only thing that can be said in defence of Trudeau’s invoking of the Emergencies Act is that it was his incompetence that made such an extreme measure necessary.”

It’s not “incompetence.” In fact, his deliberate actions are part of a political agenda. Trudeau is dangerous… far more so than the public might realize. But there are many dangerous political leaders around in this rotten and God-defying world. After all, it is SATAN who is the ruler of this world and of ALL nations.

Canadian Truckers Not Giving Up!

AFP wrote on February 15:

“Trucker-led protesters occupying the Canadian capital showed no sign of backing down Tuesday, despite a newly invoked state of emergency granting wide new powers to end their weeks-long protest over Covid rules… the truckers appeared undeterred — if anything hardening their stance to move their big rigs into positions tougher to dislodge, with signs that read: ‘Hold the line.’…

“… the Canadian Civil Liberties Association accused the federal government of not having met the threshold for invoking the act. Trudeau’s minority Liberal government, however, has enough support to push through approval of the measures when parliament weighs in to decide whether to extend their use beyond one week.”

Trudeau’s Ongoing Dictatorial Conduct

The Journal de Montreal wrote on February 14:

“The federal government is launching an unprecedented financial hunt in an effort to financially strangle those who fund the siege of Ottawa and the border blockades…  Canadian banks no longer need the approval of a judge to immediately suspend the personal and corporate accounts and freeze the funds of any person or company they suspect of supporting the convoy. ‘Consider yourself warned: if your truck is used in these blockades, your business accounts will be frozen, your vehicle insurance will be suspended…’ said Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland…

“However, the organizers of the convoy have already abandoned the crowdfunding platforms. They turned to cryptocurrencies, with the avowed aim of receiving national and international donations without any legal obstruction and without banking supervision… bitcoins… present themselves as untraceable since they pass from one computer to another and not from one bank to another.”

In a video from 2013, Trudeau praised communist China, saying: “There’s a level of admiration I actually have for China… Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.” Breitbart also pointed out on February 15 that he “has praised both China’s dictatorship and Cuba’s dictatorship, while using his office to enrich the Chinese Communist Party.” Enough said.

Incredible Dictatorship in Canada! It’s Getting Worse and Worse!

Rebel News wrote on February 16:

“Pastor Artur Pawlowski… has been in jail — in solitary confinement — since he was arrested at his home on February 8… He was picked up last week on something akin to a terrorism charge – the first person to be charged under Alberta’s Critical Infrastructure Defence Act for allegedly abetting the Coutts, AB trucker blockade… Pawlowski gave a speech to truckers at the Coutts Alberta border blockade, telling them to hold the line…”

On February 16, Judge Erin Olson denied bail, stating, “The accused recent history is such that he poses an ongoing threat to the public and that because the accused opposes any and all rules, his release would bring the administration of justice into disrepute… the accused will, if released from custody, commit a criminal offense or interfere with the administration of justice. The accused pattern of behavior speaks volumes about his willful commission of offenses and/or violations of court & health orders. I have also concluded that the provision of cash bail with or without conditions of release would be unwise and fruitless, given the accused’s recent history of paying fines and costs potentially with other people’s money…”

The next hearing is set for March 11 2022.

With this blatant miscarriage of justice, the court followed the lead of dictator Justin Trudeau. On February 17, Rebel News reported that Trudeau claimed that Canada’s “Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas,” in obvious reference to Jewish member of Parliament Melissa Lantsman, who responded on Twitter: I think the Prime Minister should think long and hard about his own history before singling out a Jewish Member of Parliament and falsely accusing me of standing with a Swastika. What a disgraceful statement unbecoming of anyone in public office – he owes me an apology’”

He does indeed, but don’t hold your breath. 

USA and Europe Tinderbox?

Breitbart wrote on February 12:

“‘People all over the world are watching, and they have respect for what they [the Truckers in Canada] are doing,’ [Trump] said. ‘They’re tired of being pushed around by incompetent people, being told what to do, being forced with the mandates. The mandates should have not happened…

“‘You can push people so far. And our country is a tinderbox, too. Don’t kid yourself. And there are plenty of our country up there right now, folks. When you look at what’s happening —when you look at what’s happening in Canada. Our country, I think, is far more of a tinderbox than Canada.’”

In an accompanying article, Breitbart wrote on February 12:

French police have squared off with thousands of protesters attempting to establish a Canadian-style convoy in Paris in response to the draconian coronavirus measures that Emmanuel Macron’s government has imposed upon the country… over 3,000 vehicles have attempted to enter Paris to demand an end to the Covid regime…. Police were also seen using their batons on protesters… Police were seen smashing the windows of supposed demonstrators in order to remove them from their cars…

“Meanwhile, another trucker convoy descended upon the Dutch Parliament (Binnenhof) in the city centre of The Hague… trucks, cars, and tractors… shut down access to the area of the city in response to the nation’s coronavirus measures.”

Huge Demonstration in Australia

Life Site News wrote on February 14, 2022:

“On Saturday Australia’s capital city Canberra witnessed perhaps the largest political demonstration in the nation’s history. People came from all parts of the country to participate in the Canberra Convoy to protest against vaccine mandates and government oppression…

“For two years, we have been tirelessly fighting for our basic human rights while experiencing the heavy hand of police and government tyranny. People have lost their jobs, been alienated from their friends and families, been assaulted, defamed, and even spat on…. The true Australian soul was on display, ordinary people rising up against dictatorial leaders, so-called public servants, a completely corrupted media, a feckless medical fraternity, a failed judiciary and a co-opted scientific community. ..

“The numbers at the Convoy were huge, perhaps more than double the population of Canberra and representing over 6 per cent of the total voting population. That was just the people who made the long journey to get there… The disgraceful Australian media performed its now familiar job of lying and distorting. Newspaper reports said that there were only 10-20,000 people there; one outlet even said only 4,000. A glance at the aerial shots indicates how dishonest that is….

“Asked about the Convoy, Prime Minister Scott Morrison continued to speak out of both sides of his mouth. He washed his hands of the whole thing, deceptively claiming that the Federal government was against mandates except for some workers in high-risk areas and putting all the blame on the State governments. It was a massive abrogation of responsibility from a leader who does not have the courage to lead. As Craig Kelly, head of the United Australia Party, pointed out, the Federal government could easily have passed a bill against vaccine mandates but chose to oppose one.”

The Canadian Freedom Convoy has become an inspiration for many around the world.

Is Russia Getting Ready to Invade Ukraine?

The New York Post wrote on February 12:

“President Biden’s high-stakes phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin [occurred] Saturday morning as tensions over Ukraine reached a fever pitch [No suggestion was offered from either side that the call diminished the threat of an imminent war in Europe.]… They spoke soon after Putin wrapped up a lengthy conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron in which the two discussed ‘the conditions for security and stability in Europe’ [No progress was reported. The Kremlin said Putin told Macron that Western claims of a planned Russian invasion were ‘provocative speculation’ and could spark a conflict in Ukraine].

“Earlier Saturday, the US and its Western allies began to evacuate their embassies in Kyiv. A small core of American diplomats would remain in Ukraine… but would relocate to the city of Lviv in western Ukraine, where they could be more easily evacuated if a Russian invasion begins…

“US intelligence officials have reportedly concluded that Putin has given the order to attack its neighbor within days.”

The Moscow Times wrote on February 12:

“Russia’s defense ministry added to the febrile atmosphere by announcing that it had chased off a U.S. submarine that it alleged had crossed into its territorial waters near the Kuril Islands in the Pacific. The ministry said it had summoned the U.S. defense attache in Moscow over the incident…

“Russia on Saturday added to the ominous tone by pulling some of its diplomatic staff out of Ukraine. The foreign ministry in Moscow said its decision was prompted by fears of ‘possible provocations from the Kyiv regime.’

“… Dutch carrier KLM announced that it was suspending commercial flights to Ukraine until further notice…  U.S. and German media cited intelligence sources and officials as saying that a war could begin at some point after Putin concludes talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Moscow on Tuesday… The diplomatic push continued on Saturday with a new round of inconclusive talks between U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 12:

“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday urged Moscow to deescalate the Ukraine standoff and warned Russia faces [“tough”] sanctions ‘immediately’ if it invades its neighbor… Scholz’s deputy chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck reiterated Sunday that Europe may be on the verge of war…”

The Russian ambassador to Sweden said in response that Putin “doesn’t give a s… about Western sanctions,” adding that ‘the more the West pushes Russia, the stronger the Russian response will be” and that “Russia had become more ‘self-sufficient’ amid the threat of sanctions” (Daily Mail, dated February 12).

Scholz Meets Putin

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 15:

“Olaf Scholz made his inaugural visit as German chancellor to Moscow on Tuesday to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin… In a joint press conference after meeting, the chancellor said ‘it is our absolute duty as heads of government that Europe does not see an escalation into war.’… Putin added that Germany ‘is one of Russia’s most important partners’ and said it intended to cooperate further with Berlin. He emphasized the role of economic ties between the two, with Germany being Russia’s second-biggest trade partner after China…

“New York Times Moscow Bureau Chief Anton Troianovski tweeted that Scholz had told German-speaking reporters after the press conference that ‘all involved’ know Ukrainian NATO membership is not on the agenda. ‘We just can’t have a possible military conflict over a question that is not on the agenda,’ Scholz said, adding that such a situation would be ‘absurd.’”

With that, most demands of Russia have already been fulfilled… without a war.

Russian Cyberattack on Ukraine?

Newsmax wrote on February 15:

Kyiv appeared to blame Russia for a cyberattack on Tuesday, as U.S. President Joe Biden warned that more than 150,000 Russian troops were still amassed near Ukraine’s borders after Moscow’s announcement of a partial pullback was met with skepticism…. ‘If Russia attacks the United States or our allies through asymmetric means like disruptive cyber-attacks against our companies or critical infrastructure, we’re prepared to respond,’ Biden said in televised remarks from the White House….

“The White House said energy prices could be hit if sanctions are imposed on Moscow following an invasion… Putin told reporters Russia would not be satisfied with talk that Ukraine was not ready to join NATO any time soon and was demanding that the issue be resolved now.”

Russia has rejected all responsibility and blamed Ukraine for spreading misinformation.

Is Russia Really Withdrawing Troops?

Newsmax wrote on February 16:

“The configuration of Russia’s armed forces in the west of the country will return to normal in three to four weeks, TASS news agency cited Russia’s ambassador to Ireland as saying on Wednesday… Russia said more of its forces surrounding Ukraine were withdrawing on Wednesday but NATO urged Moscow to prove it was pulling back…”

The Guardian wrote on February 16:

“Russia is building up its military forces on Ukraine’s border with more troops on their way, contradicting Moscow’s claims of a drawdown, Nato’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has said… Stoltenberg warned that Russian military capability was only increasing in number and strength.

“The former Norwegian prime minister said Nato needed to be ‘prepared for the worst’…”

Russia’s Con Job?

The Sun wrote on February 16:

“Russia insisted that it was returning more troops and weapons to bases and put out video showing tanks as well as other vehicles leaving the Crimean peninsula…

“But none of the pictures could be verified on Tuesday – as warjets, tanks, troops, missile batteries and battleships continued huge exercises to the north, south and east of the besieged nation. Russian researchers the Conflict Intelligence Team said far from the forces being withdrawn from invasion-ready positions, they are merely being sent back to permanent bases just 15 miles away.”

Russian Invasion in a Few Days?

National Review wrote on February 17:

“Russia has expelled the second-most senior American diplomat at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow as tensions between the two countries continue to rise over a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine, the State Department said Thursday. The expulsion comes as President Biden said Thursday that he believes Russia could invade Ukraine in the next several days despite Russian officials’ claims that the country would be withdrawing an unspecified number of troops from the Ukrainian border following the completion of military exercises on Tuesday.

“Officials in Ukraine and the West remain unconvinced that the move represents a sign that Russia will not move forward with a military incursion into its western neighbor. U.S. officials said Wednesday that intelligence shows 7,000 more Russian soldiers had actually arrived on the Ukrainian border…”

Attack on Kindergarten and School in Ukraine

 Reuters wrote on February 17:

“Kyiv and its Western allies said they feared that Russia might be trying to create a pretext to unleash war… , after reports of shelling across the front line in Ukraine’s longstanding conflict with Moscow-backed separatists…  Kyiv accused the rebels of firing shells at several locations, including some that struck a kindergarten and others that hit a school where pupils had to flee to the cellar.”

Ukraine, Poland and UK Sign Cooperation Agreement

The New York Post wrote on February 17:

“Ukraine has signed a new cooperation agreement with Poland and the United Kingdom as the threat of a Russian invasion looms over the former Soviet republic… The three countries will coordinate on cybersecurity, energy security, and countering disinformation, according to the statement.

“The UK and Poland also expressed their support for reversing the Russian annexation of Crimea. The statement said the nations were “fully committed to stand with [the] Ukrainian nation in its efforts aimed at defending Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders,’ but stopped short of announcing any military support.”

Unbelievable Announcement by US Embassy in Poland

The following “message to U.S. Citizens” was published by the US Embassy and Consulate’s website on February 12:

“U.S. citizens in Ukraine should depart immediately using commercial or other privately available transportation options…

“Poland has indicated to the U.S. government that U.S. citizens may now enter Poland through the land border with Ukraine… U.S. citizens must present a valid U.S. passport and proof of COVID-19 vaccination.  Travelers are also encouraged to present a negative test result from a PCR or antigen COVID-19 test, which will facilitate entry into Poland. …

“U.S. citizens in Ukraine should be aware that the U.S. government will not be able to evacuate U.S. citizens in the event of Russian military action anywhere in Ukraine.”

Another Afghanistan in the making?

Russia Threatens with Use of Nuclear Weapons

Israel 365 News reported on February 12:

“As 135,000 Russian troops backed by tanks and artillery stand poised on the Ukrainian border, Russian President Vladimir Putin is threatening to deploy tactical nuclear weapons…

“Putin addressed the issue at a press conference. ‘I want to stress it one more time. I’ve been saying it, but I’d very much want you to finally hear me, and to deliver it to your audience in print, TV, and online,’ Putin said. ‘Do you understand it or not, that if Ukraine joins Nato and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means, the European countries will be automatically pulled into a war conflict with Russia?… Of course the [military] potential of NATO and Russia are incomparable. We understand it… But we also understand that Russia is one of the leading nuclear states, and by some modern components, it even outperforms many.’

“… Russia has just under 4,500 nuclear warheads in its stockpile making it the largest military superpower in the world today

“It is assumed that Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons. Prior to 1991, Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and had Soviet nuclear weapons in its territory. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukraine held about one-third of the Soviet nuclear arsenal totaling approximately 1,900 warheads, the third-largest in the world at the time, as well as significant means of its design and production. In 1994, at the behest of US President Bill Clinton, Ukraine agreed to hand over its nuclear stockpile to Russia for dismantlement…

“These agreements were clearly violated in 2014 when Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine. Obama was quietly criticized for his response which was limited to sanctions, precisely the strategy President Biden has stated he intends to employ in the current crisis.”

The time will come when Europe, under the “beast” or the “king of the North,” will attack Russia and other Far Eastern nations with conventional weapons, but the “Asiatic Hordes” or “kings of the East” will retaliate with nuclear weapons.

Germany’s new (old) President

Deutsche Welle reported on February 13:

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) invited people from all walks of life and across political divisions for talks… In his opening statements, Frank-Walter Steinmeier said: ‘As federal president, I will not take a position for or against a general vaccination obligation.’ This was seen as typical for him: Once again he had failed to make a bold statement that the republic could argue about. Instead, Steinmeier moderated the round in a routine manner, not wanting to cause a stir, not wanting to provoke. It was representative of his first term in office…

“Frank-Walter Steinmeier experienced the high point of his political career at the beginning of 2017 [when he was elected President]…. he outlined what would be his main areas of focus in office: to prevent Germany forgetting its history, and to fight modern right-wing populism. Without explicitly mentioning the far-right populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), which had just seen resounding success in elections on all levels, Steinmeier said in his inaugural speech: ‘We must not only talk about democracy, we must learn to fight for it!’

“In the 2009 federal election, he ran against Angela Merkel as candidate for chancellor — and failed miserably…”

Steinmeier represents the typical face of the SPD (Scholz’ party). While fighting the AfD (which in many regards, especially when it comes to the ridiculous corona restrictions, makes more sense than all the other parties in Germany), he stays away from taking any position in other important matters.

Germany Plans End to Corona Restrictions? Not really!

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

“Scholz told reporters, ‘The jab helps’ as he spoke about the fact that fall and winter will follow spring and summer, meaning the concept of a vaccine mandate cannot be taken off the table entirely. He also emphasized the importance of replenishing stockpiles of masks and other vital tools in the fight against the ever-mutating virus…. Scholz was adamant about the need to convince vaccine skeptics to get the jab….

“The first stage would see the lifting of the limit on the number of vaccinated and recovered people who are allowed to meet… The proposed plan would then lift further restrictions on March 4, including the requirement for vaccinated and recovered people to show a current negative test to access restaurants, bars and hotels — currently, only people with a booster shot do not need to take a test… Finally, on March 20, most remaining limits, including those that target only unvaccinated people, would be lifted. Requirements for mask-wearing on public transport would likely remain, as would testing in certain areas…”

Does the Vatican Possess the Temple Treasures?

The Jerusalem Post wrote on February 10:

“… the Vatican, including St. Peter’s Basilica, was constructed over Emperor Vespasian’s Roman palace approximately 200 years after the sacking of Rome in 455 AD…. the vandals and the Visigoths passed over, or simply didn’t find, the select treasures secreted away in that palace, and instead took with them the many items on public display in the Temple, located not far away….

“In fact, historian Josephus Flavius records the event in which Vespasian took for himself these items specifically as his special treasures for safekeeping, including an ancient Torah scroll. According to Vatican expert Dr. Michael A. Calvo, those vessels and others found their way to the Vatican via another route, after making their way to Byzantium: ‘These include Temple candelabra given to Pope Innocent III by Baldwin I after the sacking of Constantinople and the massacre of the Christian Orthodox population,’ Calvo claims. ‘Temple shofars and utensils; garments of the High Priest; the Tzitz – a gold plaque with the words Kodesh L’Hashem (“Holy to the Lord”); cultural objects, and many other objets d’art, books and manuscripts that the Vatican and other churches have appropriated and placed in their own storerooms, libraries and museums.’…

“But where is the factual, tangible proof that the Vatican ‘inherited’ these sacred items and retains them until today? The Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry and security services may already have evidence… Not long ago, Abbas had a personal consultation with Pope Francis. After agreeing that the two-state solution was the only way forward to make peace with Israel, Abbas stated that with respect to the advent of a Palestinian capital, ‘Jerusalem’s identity must be preserved through a special internationally guaranteed status.’…

“The official liaison of the pope to Israel, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, apostolic nuncio in Israel and apostolic delegate in Jerusalem and Palestine, stated in an official letter dated November 15, 2013, that if the Temple treasures do in fact still exist, surely the church would return those lost items to their ‘legitimate owners.’…

“There are several people alive that can personally attest to being eyewitnesses of the Vatican possessing Temple vessels, including the Menorah candelabra…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How important are relationships with God and with each other? – Part 4

In the previous Q&A, we reviewed some Scriptures that show how we are to deal with others in our relationship with them. In this Q&A, we are going to look at relationships within the conventional family.

Relationships within the human family.

Family is a place where strong relationships are built and provides a sense of meaning and belonging, although it has been undermined and demeaned in recent years by those who have an agenda to eliminate the family as we know it.

In our booklet “The Keys to Happy Families and Marriages!,” we read the following on page 18 under the heading of “The Christian Family”:

“As the Bible gives clear instructions as to the individual roles and functions of husbands and wives, it also explains the duties and responsibilities of fathers and mothers toward their children, and of the children toward their parents.

“As we have far too many marriage problems, we also have FAR too many family problems. Too often, parents know little about proper parenting, and rebellious children are the result. Children who are victims of divorce are expected to be resilient when someone they love suddenly disappears from their life. More often than not, they grow up with multiple mothers, fathers, and grandparents due to remarriage, and yet are left to fend for themselves too much of the time, because no one has time for them.

“We read, in fact, a startling and sobering prophecy in the Bible for the very last days—just prior to the return of Christ—that addresses the tragic reality of broken families. Sadly, this situation HAS also affected the attitudes of true Christians, and God says that unless these conditions change, something terrible will happen to this planet.”

We also have a Q&A entitled “What is a Family?” and this can be found in that Q&A, we address what constitutes a family in the eyes of God, and what does not “qualify” as a family according to the Bible.

In this Q&A, we focus on the relationships that there must be to help the God-ordained family flourish as a group.

There are relationships between husband and wife and between children and parents.

Relationship between husband and wife.

We read in Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”   This is repeated in Ephesians 5:31: “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

As Marvin J Martin wrote: “God has designed separate, but related, roles for men and women in much of life, including our marriages. We need to accept the roles God has given to us and learn to complete, not compete with our spouses. Honestly helping one another to succeed in our biblical roles as husbands and wives can help build successful, enjoyable, fruitful marriages.”

In Ephesians 5, we see instructions given to both husband and wife.  The instructions to the husband are:

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.  So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.  For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church” (verses 25-29).

In Ephesians 5, the instructions to the wife are:

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.  For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.  Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything” (verses 22-24).

In verse 33 there is an instruction to both husband and wife: “Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”

In 1 Peter 3:1-6 we read:

“Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.  Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.  For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.”

One problem many husbands have is to really love their wives, and one problem many wives have is to submit to their husbands in the right way. Colossians 3:18 and Ephesians 5:22 give an important addition. We state in our booklet:

“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.” Note the fact that it would not be fitting or pleasing to the Lord, if the husband gave unreasonable orders; if he acted selfishly; or if he ceased to love his wife. Although the command to be submissive is directed to the wife, it presupposes that the husband himself submits to God first and that he does not require of his wife things that are ungodly. For instance, if a husband asks his wife to lie, the wife is not to do that. God’s commands always come first. We have to obey God rather than man (cp. Acts 5:29). Wives must not sin in ‘submitting’ to their husbands. They must not violate their biblically-based conscience (cp. Romans 14:23). The application of that principle can sometimes be difficult and may require individual advice from one of God’s ministers.

It is very important to handle any such conflict with love and respect for the mate, rather than with an arrogant, self-righteous attitude.

“Notice Ephesians 5:22, ‘Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord…’ Note again that we do not submit to God if we break His commandments. Likewise, wives are not to submit to their husbands if doing so would mean breaking one of God’s commandments in the letter or in the spirit.”

It will be easier for a woman to submit to her husband when he is a loving and kind man and deeply concerned about the welfare of his wife. Continuing with quoting from our booklet:

“It is true that 1 Peter 3:1–6 requires of the wives to be submissive to husbands who are not obedient to the word of God. Notice, though, the wording and the advice: ‘(verse 1) Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, (verse 2) when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear…

“This is not talking about fear or torment because of the husband, but rather that women should live in the fear of God. Notice Proverbs 31:30, ‘But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.’ We… read in Ephesians 5:21 that we are to submit to one another ‘in the fear of God.’ Peter is not saying here that wives need to live in fear and torment of their disobedient husbands, but rather that they need to submit to their husbands in the fear of God. Again, they would not obey their husbands if the husbands require of the wives to do something that would be contrary to the word of God.”

The Headline to 1 Peter 3, verse 7, in the New King James Bible is “A Word to Husbands.” The Scripture itself reads:

“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.”

In our booklet, mentioned before, we say about this passage:

“Husbands need to understand their wives. If a husband doesn’t understand his wife, he needs to ask her, what she would like to do—what her dreams are, her preferences, and her dislikes. A husband needs to spend a lot of time communicating with his wife, as with his closest friend. He needs to respect her—to show her honor, to praise her for what she does. A husband must never put her down before others. Nothing hurts a woman more than being shown disrespect by her husband, especially in front of others. All husbands have done that at times. All husbands must repent of such disrespect.

“The husband’s guidance must be given with love and honor and respect for his wife. And, what is the purpose for such guidance? Is it so that HE can be regarded by others as the ‘RULER’ of the household? So that HE can glory in front of others in the fact that he is ‘obeying God’s commandments’ and his wife is obeying him? Far from it! That’s the kind of vain glory that we must not have!

“The reason why the husband is to give loving guidance to his wife is that God ordained that the husband and wife are one flesh—they are one entity, spiritually. Their Christian goal is to enter the kingdom of God together—to become inheritors of eternal life together, of which they are already heirs. So, the husband is to act out of true Godly love for his wife, and his wife, knowing that this is the reason why he acts the way he does, will be much more willing to overlook the shortcomings of her husband. If her husband shows that his love for her is so great that he is willing to lay down his life for her, on a continuing, life-long basis, and that he is concerned for her—spiritually and physically—then what Christian woman would not willingly respond to the leadership of her husband?

“On the other hand, when the marriage is on the rocks, then even our individual and personal relationship with God is impaired. That’s why Peter says to husbands to ‘dwell with your wives with understanding, give them honor and respect, so that your prayers may not be hindered’ (1 Peter 3:7). Peter places the responsibility on the shoulders of the husband to see to it that the prayers of husbands and wives are not hindered.”

Especially Colossians 3:19 is worth mentioning in this context, saying, “Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.”

We state in our booklet:

“We are told that we need to give up all bitterness. All of us have to do that. Bitterness is like cancer. It will eat us up internally, until our light within us has become darkness. If we love another person, we cannot really be bitter toward that person. If there is still bitterness in our hearts toward another person, and especially, if a husband has bitterness toward his wife, then one has not come to the perfect love that is required of us. Notice Ephesians 4:31–32, ‘Let all bitterness… be put away from you… And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as Christ forgave you.’

“Are husbands kind and tenderhearted toward their wives? Are they willing to forgive them? Or do husbands feel offended, and do they feed on that offense? Will they allow bitterness to creep into their hearts? If husbands do that, then they are walking on dangerous ground and unless quickly overcome and removed, that bitterness will quench their love for their wives. And then, it is the husbands who are in violation of God’s commandments not to be bitter towards their wives, and to love them as themselves.

“Notice the kind of love that God requires of the husbands toward their wives. ‘Love does no harm to a neighbor’ (Romans 13:10). If husbands really love their wives, they will not hurt them physically nor emotionally—they will not harshly ‘lord it over them.’”

Where there is not a close personal relationship between spouses, problems will inevitably occur.   In fact, even with a close personal relationship, misunderstandings and mistakes can take their toll on a perfectly good relationship, so how many more problems may arise where the relationship is less than ideal.   The Scriptures quoted above are God’s instructions for a good and right relationship to exist in a marriage.

The relationships within such a family will be pleasing to God as they will foster peace, harmony and personal growth for them all.

Children in the Family

In addition, children are told in the Fifth Commandment to “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” (Exodus 20:12) and this admonition is repeated in Deuteronomy 5:16 (also compare Ephesians 6:1-3).  This is, again, further counsel and guidance to produce fruitful and harmonious relationships within the family.

The responsibility of parents is related in Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”   From birth, parents have control over what their children do and how they behave. As the years go by, that family direction diminishes as children make their own decisions.  However, if this sound foundation is followed, that influence will still be there to one degree or another throughout their lives for their own benefit.   We are the product of our environment, and a good and effective relationship forged through years of close interaction will yield many good benefits.

We say this in our booklet, cited before:

“Children learn by what they see. We teach by our actions, as well as by our words. We are not teaching or properly training if our actions do not match our words. We don’t teach Godly principles either, if our words and actions don’t correspond with God’s commandments. So, if we teach our children by our words or by our actions that it is sometimes justified to lie, to steal, to kill, to commit adultery, or to use God’s name in vain, then we are not teaching our children God’s word—we are not bringing them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.”

The book of Proverbs is a powerhouse of wise counsel: “A wise son heeds his father’s instruction, But a scoffer does not listen to rebuke” (Proverbs 13:1); and “Listen to your father who begot you, And do not despise your mother when she is old” (Proverbs 23:22).

We read in Colossians 3:20: “Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.” When this vital relationship is ignored by parents and children, the results can be dire: “The rod and rebuke give wisdom, But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother” (Proverbs 29:15).

However, we also state this in our booklet:

“As children, we are to obey our parents in the Lord. This means, we are not to obey them if it would not be in the Lord—that is, if it would be in contradiction to God’s commandments—either from a literal or a spiritual standpoint. Once a child is old enough to understand God’s way of life, he or she must follow God….  It is never well-pleasing to God if we disobey Him. We discussed that wives cannot disobey God by obeying their husbands. In the same way, children must not obey their parents either, if this would violate God’s Law. They are not to lie or to steal or to kill or any such thing in ‘obedience’ to their parents’ ‘orders.’”

Good parenting also includes not provoking our children to wrath (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21).

Good family relationships are vital because they are a pattern for how we live and relate as present or future begotten members within the Family of God at this time and for eternity in the Kingdom of God.

God knew that, over the years, we would have many good and bad times in our family relationships, and He gives help and direction in His Word for those situations that arise.

The love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13, shows how love behaves: “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).  If our relationships, both in the family and with others, are according to the above approach, they will be successful, enjoyable, long-lasting and pleasing in God’s sight.

And finally, in this section, 1 Timothy 5:8 states: “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”  When someone is lazy and slothful, being not easily aroused to action or work, relationships can be easily affected and probably strained, at the lack of provision for others by such inaction.  This is a situation that must not exist in our families.

(To be continued)

Lead Writers: Brian Gale (United Kingdom) and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A new Member Letter (February 2022) has been posted and mailed to our subscribers. Dave Harris writes about the dramatic prophetic changes which are now occurring all around the world and also points to the promises of help given by God to His faithful people.

“Was Sie vielleicht noch nicht über die 10 Gebote wussten!” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “What You Might Not Have Known About the Ten Commandments!”

“Gefährliche Ignoranz,” the sermonette given in Germany last Sabbath by Robert Kintzi, is now posted. Title in English: “Dangerous Ignorance.”

“Germany, Canada, and USA—Testimony of Failed Policies–Comments on News and Prophecy, February 12, 2022,” the first message presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Germany under weak Chancellor Olaf Scholz has become the object of criticism in all the world—especially in regard to its conduct towards Russia and Ukraine.  Canada under self-righteous Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has become the object of criticism as well—especially in regard to the Freedom Convoy of truckers; and America under failing and rejected President Biden has become an unreliable laughingstock in all the world. And all of this is happening while news reports say that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine appears to be inevitable.

“Does the Teaching of the Trinity Deny Jesus Christ?”, the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

When one understands the doctrine of the Trinity, as taught by the Roman Catholic church and most Protestant churches, one must realize that this teaching is not only unbiblical and heretical, but that it also denies the Son of God, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. This sermon will show why this is so, and why it constitutes the spirit of antichrist.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

WARNING! Despicable Animal Experiments with Aborted Baby Parts under Fauci’s Direction

 Life News wrote on February 4:

“When it comes to the grisly use of aborted baby parts for dubious scientific research in America, a new report shows embattled NIH director Anthony Fauci is behind most of the funding. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), which Fauci directs, is behind $27 million in taxpayer funding for research involving tissue or body parts from babies killed in abortions, or approximately 80% of the funding for all such research in the United States.”

In quoting from an article by Fox News, the paper wrote:

“‘The White Coat Waste Project (WCW), which opposes animal experimentation, looked through NIH data to uncover the scope of funding, which includes support for things like transplanting fetal lungs, liver and thymus into mice…  NIH expects to spend $88 million on this type of research in fiscal year… 22.’”

LifeSiteNews continued:

Christine McPherson, Development Manager of WCW, said in a statement to Fox: ‘A majority of Republican and Democrat taxpayers don’t want to be forced to pay university white coats tens of millions of dollars each year to implant fingers, scalps, eyes and other parts from aborted human fetuses into monkeys and mice for nightmarish experiments.’

“Recently, the University of Pittsburgh continued to defend its gruesome experiments involving implanting aborted babies’ scalps onto rodents and other research with aborted baby body parts, citing a new investigation this week that found its research is ‘fully compliant’ with state and federal laws. [Republican legislators are still looking for answers, suggesting that the recent investigation was woefully inadequate.] The university commissioned the outside investigation last year after Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress exposed evidence of babies potentially being born alive in abortions and other disturbing practices at the university. The evidence came from documents they obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through a Freedom of Information Act request…

“One horrific experiment at the university involved scalping second-trimester aborted babies and then implanting their scalps onto rodents to study the human immune system…

“The Center for Medical Progress and several doctors, including one who supports abortion, also pointed to documents and statements from university officials that suggest some aborted babies’ hearts still may be beating when their organs are harvested for scientific research….

“In a House Appropriations hearing in May, Fauci was asked about the NIAID’s funding of Pitt experiments grafting scalps from 18- to 20-week aborted fetuses onto rats, and if the agency is aware of where the fetuses come from. Fauci replied that the study went through ‘all the appropriate guidelines and oversight.’ [So, Fauci did not answer the question which is very revealing.]

“[David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress] skewered Fauci’s response as ‘outrageous,’ [saying] intact scalps used, which can be seen in pictures included in the study, are only obtainable at the size shown through a partial-birth abortion. ‘Intact heads’ would not be obtainable through ‘dismemberment abortion where the skull is going to be crushed,’ Daleiden explained.

“[The] University of Pittsburgh… has been using Americans’ tax dollars to become a ‘tissue hub’ for aborted baby body parts for scientific research for years. According to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress, the university… has received at least $2.7 million so far.”

WARNING! More Abominable Experiments

Fox News also wrote on February 4:

“Fauci’s institute has come under fire for research surrounding the coronavirus, among other things. More recently, WCW uncovered an experiment in which dogs were injected with cocaine. Other experiments involving humanized mice have surfaced.

“One study involved humanizing mice through ‘reconstitution with human fetal liver’… Another study… entailed studying fetal eye cells… Fetal lungs were also incorporated…. Besides attempting to grow fetal kidneys, Ganogen also experimented with placing fetal hearts in lab rats and posted a video of a fetal heart beating inside of a rodent…

“Last year, the Senate rejected an amendment geared toward criminalizing participation in research that created certain chimeras, or human-animal hybrids… ‘Dr. Fauci’s funding of research using aborted fetal tissue is disgusting and indefensible,’ said Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich…

“The University of Pittsburgh has also been suspected of utilizing trafficked or illegally obtained tissue…”

Let’s not forget Fauci’s despicable experiments on beagles.

The Herald-Tribune reported on November 9:

“These taxpayer dollars funded barbaric trials that involved injecting dozens of beagles with experimental drugs before murdering and dissecting them. To make matters worse, these beagles were puppies between the ages of six to eight months.

“Even more heinous, reports were also uncovered revealing that Fauci authorized the vocal cords of the beagles to be cut so that they could not cry while being tortured… In 2016 Fauci authorized experiments where infectious sand flies were strapped to beagles to feed on them for 22 months before the beagles were killed.”

The Sun added on December 30, 2021:

“In October, the non-profit organization White Coat Waste Project accused Fauci of funding a project that had beagles infected with disease-causing parasites in order to test an experimental drug. It claimed the beagle puppies were locked in cages with hungry sandflies that would eat them alive.

“The Hill reports that a bipartisan group of 24 House Representatives has written a letter demanding that Fauci answer to the claims by the nonprofit. The organization claims that as many as 44 beagle puppies were used as part of the cruel experiment in a Tunisia laboratory… ‘Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive,’ White Coat Waste told The Hill. ‘They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies,’ they added.”

The liberal left-wing mass media was anxious to somehow rebut this story, although the NIH [National Institute of Health] admitted that some of the beagles had their vocal cords cut, insisting that the practice was common in scientific settings to reduce noise levels.

But consider this article, published by The Sun on December 30, 2021:

“Peta has accused the NIH and other labs of purchasing 5,000 beagle dogs and puppies over the past decade from Virginia-based supplier Envigo for experiments where the dogs were allegedly confined and some tortured. It also accused Envigo of running a ‘puppy mill’ where dogs were abused in conditions so bad that some of them died. An investigator from Peta claimed to have found 360 dogs dead, according to Fox News… Peta has claimed that Envigo keeps 5,000 beagles at the location and breeds around 500 puppies per month to sell for experimentation…

“[Fauci’s] spokesman told the Washington Post that the company believed that PETA’s allegations are ‘misleading and lacking important context’… adding that animal experimentation is ‘essential’ in developing medicines, vaccines, and other medical devices…”

Dr. Fauci should be fired immediately and be held accountable for these alleged terrible and inhumane experiments under his direction. Further, it should be obvious that Dr. Fauci has lost all credibility.

China’s Record of Horror

The Sun wrote on February 5:

“The world’s eyes have descended on Beijing as the glitzy opening ceremony kicked off the 2022 games. But hidden from view are the hideous human rights abuses allegedly carried out like clockwork by the regime. Gory executions, brutal torture and ‘concentration camps’ are just some the of vile measures the Communist regime has allegedly inflicted on its own people for decades… As with the 2008 Summer Olympics, it’s feared China will put on a glossy and carefully stage-managed image to the rest of the world as the Communists attempt to airbrush their horrendous history of show trials, executions, and some of the worst torture imaginable – let alone alleged genocide.

“Ahead of the games, China has been determined to crush any sign of dissent, and officials have warned that even foreign athletes who make political statements would be subject to ‘certain punishment’…

“In its 100 year history, the Communist party has run a murderous regime… Thousands are thought to perish each year at the bloody hands of authorities using firing squads, lethal injections and mobile death vans. The true numbers of those killed by the Communist Party are thought to be staggeringly high…

“With successive leaders over this period, the regime has crushed peaceful opposition with anyone falling foul of the Communist Party facing the abyss of mental or physical death… human rights groups believe China has detained more than one million Uyghur Muslims against their will over the past few years.

“Hundreds of thousands have been incarcerated in a network of what the state calls ‘re-education camps’ – but what has been branded by some as ‘concentration camps’. There is also evidence they are being used as forced labour in factories producing goods for well-known western brands… And from the 90s and into the 00s it is claimed China sought to ‘eradicate’ the Falun Gong religious movement…”

Terrible what evil people and governments, following Satan, are willing to do to their fellow man.

Russia Bans Deutsche Welle in Retaliation of Germany’s Ban of RT

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 4:

“A decision by the Russian government to shut down Deutsche Welle’s Moscow office and withdraw accreditation from the German broadcaster’s journalists in Russia came into effect on Friday at 9 a.m. local time… The Russian Foreign Ministry announced a day earlier that it was canceling DW’s broadcasting license in Russia, calling it a response to the ban of the Russian broadcaster RT DE in Germany….

“Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said if Germany moved to end the dispute over RT’s licensing, Moscow would respond in kind… German officials have called the comparison between RT and DW a false equivalence because DW is a taxpayer-funded independent public service broadcaster rather than a state-owned channel… German government spokesman Wolfgang Büchner on Friday condemned Russia’s DW ban…

“The European Union also slammed the ‘unjustified’ move by Russia… Germany’s Foreign Ministry said the decision would ‘represent a renewed strain on German-Russian relations.’”

On February 3, Deutsche Welle wrote the following in another article:

“Public broadcasters ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio all condemned the closure, saying it turned press freedom into a bargaining chip…

“Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov claimed Germany was responsible for an attack on freedom of speech by not granting RT DE a broadcasting license, despite allowing Russian journalists to remain in Germany, attend press events and report from the country…”

Russia’s reaction to Germany’s ban of RT was somewhat predictable, but the sleepy and somewhat hypocritical German government did not see it coming, it seems.

German Troops to Lithuania, but not Ukraine

Deutsche Welle reported on February 6:

“Germany does not rule out sending additional troops to Lithuania, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said…  ‘We (Germany) are already making a very important contribution in Lithuania, where we are the only country in the European Union to have a battlegroup,’ Lambrecht said… Germany has been the leading nation in the NATO operation in Lithuania for five years and provides around half of the 1,200 men and women in the multinational unit.

“Lambrecht also defended Germany’s refusal to supply arms to Kyiv, after Ukraine’s embassy in Germany sent a list with requests to the foreign and defense ministries in Berlin.”

This is ridiculous German hypocrisy. But it all works out according to prophecy.

Scholz Went to Washington

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 7:

“Biden said there would be no chance of the project going ahead if Russian tanks and troops crossed the Ukraine border. ‘There will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it. I promise you we’ll be able to do that.’… When pressed on Nord Stream 2, Scholz avoided mentioning the project explicitly but repeated his message of solidarity….”

Deutsche Welle added on February 8:

“Despite presenting a unified front, their statements also revealed divisions in Berlin and Washington’s approach to Russia… there is discord between the two sides, particularly in regards to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and potential sanctions towards Russia… it’s unclear whether Germany will really be willing to shut down the controversial pipeline project…  [Deutsche Welle wrote in an accompanying article that, “with much of its natural gas imported from Russia, Berlin remains reluctant to commit to using the pipeline as a bargaining tool.”]

“Germany and the United States have not clearly stated ‘what kinds of sanctions will be imposed in the case of the Russian incursion.’… there seems to be ‘disunity’ not only between Germany and the US, but also other NATO allies… Germany’s neighbor, France, may also be willing to differ from common NATO and US positions when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine crisis… Macron also recently told French media that it is ‘legitimate’ for Russia to raise concerns about its security, an idea which has been roundly rejected by the US and NATO…”

The New York Times commented on Scholz’ meeting with Biden and the subsequent press conference: “On Ukraine, Germany Is Nowhere to Be Seen.” The Telegraph wrote: “Once again, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz offers only evasions on Russia.” Bild Online spoke about a huge rift between Biden and Scholz.

How Biden Has Helped Putin

Express wrote on February 6:

“By scrapping America’s KeystoneXL Pipeline [on his first day in office] and imposing ‘harsh’ regulations on its gas industry, the US President has been accused of ‘letting Europe become more dependent on Russian gas’. KeystoneXL was a planned 1,179-mile (1,897km) pipeline running from the oil sands of Alberta, Canada, to Steele City, Nebraska. It was intended to join an existing pipe and could carry 830,000 barrels of oil each day… The [European] bloc already depends on Russia for 40 percent of its gas supplies…

“Mr Putin has been accused of deliberately slashing gas deliveries travelling into the EU through its vast network of pipelines… As Ukraine is a key transit country for Russia’s gas to reach the EU, there are fears gas could get cut amid the conflict…. having waived sanctions on a new [Nord Stream 2] gas pipeline [that will transit gas from Russia to Germany once it gets approved] back in May last year, Mr Biden was accused of taking a soft line on Russia.”

It is amazing how Mr. Biden’s decisions add to a prophetic picture which is so detrimental to America and its Western allies.

Russia Predicts Unification with Ukraine

Russian-sponsored and controlled RT wrote on February 6:

“Ukraine could ultimately join a union state with Russia and Belarus as soon as 15 years from now if ‘mistakes’ are avoided during the current crisis, President Alexander Lukashenko predicted in an interview with YouTube… The main problem is that the ongoing crisis is being stoked from across the Atlantic, he claimed, accusing Washington of actively pushing Kiev into a war with Russia…”

It won’t take 15 years until Russia and Ukraine are united.

Why Europe Needs an Army

The EUObserver wrote on February 8:

“The last few years have shown that the US cannot and does not want to be the policeman of the world anymore. Additionally, Russia and China seem to be aligning their strategies – one targeting Ukraine, and the other Taiwan.

“A military takeover would not only wipe two democracies off the earth, it would also hit Europe in its heart… The EU must… be careful not to make the same mistakes as the Roman Empire – which fell victim to decadence and the idea that its own security could be outsourced to others. Even in the European Union, countries hardly invest in their armed forces. Worse, many countries are opposed to a common European foreign and security policy. They remain stuck in the idea that the US will continue to keep us safe through Nato.

“This is naïve…

“It is therefore high time to make progress towards an European army based on a common foreign policy… A survey of European citizens has shown that the need for a European army is perceived as the most urgent.”

Israel Might Still Attack Iran even if there is a Deal

Time of Israel and The associated press wrote on February 6:

“Prime Minister Naftali Bennett implied Sunday that Israel could launch a military strike against Iran even if the Islamic Republic and world powers revive their 2015 nuclear deal… ‘Our position is well-known and clear: An agreement – according to the apparent terms – will damage the ability to deal with the nuclear program. Anyone who thinks that an agreement will increase stability is mistaken… It will temporarily delay enrichment but all of us in the region will pay a heavy, disproportionate price for it.’…

“On Friday, as US negotiators headed back to Vienna for what could be a make-or-break session. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed several sanctions waivers related to Iran’s civilian nuclear activities… Friday’s move lifts the sanctions threat against foreign countries and companies from Russia, China and Europe that had been cooperating with non-military parts of Iran’s nuclear program under the terms of the 2015 deal…”

Trump vs. Pence

Fox News wrote on February 4:

“Former Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech in Florida Friday and pushed back against claims from former President Trump and his supporters that he had the ability to use his power to contest the 2020 presidential election. ‘There are those in our party who believe that as the presiding officer over the joint session of Congress, I possessed unilateral authority to reject electoral college votes,’ Pence said in the speech to the Federalist Society. ‘And this week, our former president said I had the right to overturn the election. President Trump is wrong… I had no right to overturn the election.’ Pence continued, ‘Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.’

“Pence explained that ‘under Article II Section One, elections are conducted at the state level, not by Congress’ and that ‘the only role of Congress with respect to the electoral college is to open and count votes submitted and certified by the states.’..

“Pence also referred to the January 6 riot as a ‘dark day in the history of the United States Capitol.’..

“Pence’s comments come days after Trump voiced his belief that his vice president, via the Electoral Count Act, had the ability to send the electoral votes back to the states. ’The Vice President did have this right or, more pointedly, could have sent the votes back to various legislators for reassessment after so much fraud and irregularities were found,’ Trump said. ‘If it were sent back to the legislators, or if Nancy Pelosi, who is in charge of Capitol security, had taken my recommendation and substantially increased security, there would have been no “January 6” as we know it!’

“Pence’s speech comes as speculation about his 2024 presidential ambitions run rampant, as do questions about his current relationship with Trump following their vocal disagreement on the outcome of the 2020 election…”

Newsmax wrote on February 4:

“Former President Donald Trump clapped back on Friday night to comments made by his former vice president earlier in the day…  criticizing Pence’s statement to the crowd of conservative lawyers… ‘Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible,’ Trump said. ‘Well, the Vice President’s position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist. That’s why the Democrats and RINOs are working feverishly together to change the very law that Mike Pence and his unwitting advisors used on January 6 to say he had no choice.’

“The former president said that he was ‘right and everyone knows it,’ and that officials in both parties are attempting to change the rules to prevent a similar event from happening again. ‘The reason they want it changed is because they now say they don’t want the Vice President to have the right to ensure an honest vote,’ Trump said. ‘If there is fraud or large scale irregularities, it would have been appropriate to send those votes back to the legislatures to figure it out,’ he added. ‘The Dems and RINOs want to take that right away…’”

Trump has a point. If it is that clear that under the law, Pence could not have refused to certify the election, why then the anxious attempts to change the law?

Republican Party Censors Cheney and Kinzinger

Newsmax wrote on February 4:

“The Republican National Committee formally voted  Friday to censure Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., for participating in the House probe into the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.

“The resolution… read in part:

“‘The conference must not be sabotaged by Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who have demonstrated, with actions and words, that they support Democrat efforts to destroy President Trump more than they support winning back a Republican majority in 2022. Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger have engaged in actions in their positions as members of the January 6th select committee not befitting Republican members of Congress, which include the committee’s disregard for minority rights, traditional checks and balances, due process, and adherence to other precedent and rules of the U.S. House and which seem intent on advancing a political agenda to buoy the Democrat Party’s bleak prospects in the upcoming midterm elections.

“‘The Republican National Committee hereby formally censures Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and shall immediately cease any and all support of them as members of the Republican Party for their behavior which has been destructive to the institution of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Republican Party and our republic, and is inconsistent with the position of the Conference.’”

San Diego’s Highest Electricity Rate in the Nation

CBS8 wrote on February 3:

“San Diegans have been shocked by their recent power bills, and now CBS 8 has confirmed that we are paying higher rates than any other city in the country… ‘“The price per kilowatt is the highest in the country,’ said Edward Lopez, Executive Director of Utility Consumers’ Action Network (UCAN). ‘San Diego is even out-passing Hawaii, which is not even on the mainland’… A SDG&E spokesperson pointed to the 2007 wildfires started by the company’s power lines. He said that $3 billion has been spent since then hardening their system, including replacing wood poles with steel and undergrounding wires… Lopez questions why ratepayers have to foot the entire bill, getting no help from shareholders.

“SDG&E is owned by Sempra, a publicly traded company. In their most recent year-to-year figures, Sempra reported a profit of over $9 billion, but SDG&E recently raised our rates again…SDG&E is not allowed to simply raise rates on their own, they have to get permission from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)….”

CPUC is a regulatory agency that regulates privately owned public utilities in the state of California, including electric power, telecommunications, natural gas and water companies. Five commissioners each serve staggered six-year terms as the governing body of the agency. Commissioners are appointed by the governor and must be confirmed by the California State Senate.

ABC 10 wrote on August 23, 23021:

“‘Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office exerted control over a powerful state agency… We do whatever the governor tells us to do, period,’ former CPUC executive director Alice Stebbins said. ‘You don’t do anything without [Gov. Newsom’s] staff reviewing it or talking to you or approving it….’”

So, why are Newsom and his staff approving obscenely high electricity rates?

Fox 5 San Diego added on February 1: “Customers across the county are experiencing sticker shock at their San Diego Gas & Electric bills this winter. One customer told FOX 5 their January SDG&E bill jumped to $700 from the normal $200 a month.”

It seems that on an average, customers’ bills were twice as high in February as in January.

Politicians more Dangerous than Covid

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on February 6:

“The denigration of the Canadian trucker protest convoy exemplifies how freedom is now the biggest villain of the covid-19 pandemic.

“A Washington Post cartoonist portrayed the trucker convoy as ‘fascism’ incarnate while another Post column derided the ‘toxic ‘Freedom Convoy.’” Anyone who resists any government command is apparently now a public enemy….

“Politicians like Trudeau and Biden, who fuel mass rage against any group that does not kowtow to officialdom, are sowing seeds of hatred that will proliferate long after the pandemic ends. In the long run, people have more to fear from politicians than from viruses.”

Sadly, this assessment rings very true.

Liberal Media Ignores Illuminating Report on COVID Restrictions

Fox News wrote on February 4:

“There has been a full-on media blackout of the new study outlining the ineffectiveness of lockdowns to prevent COVID deaths. According to a Johns Hopkins University meta-analysis of several studies, lockdowns during the first COVID wave in the spring of 2020 only reduced COVID mortality by .2% in the U.S. and Europe… the researchers wrote[:] ‘… lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.’

“However, the Johns Hopkins study received no mention on any of the five liberal networks this week… CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC all ignored the anti-lockdown findings after having spent much of the pandemic shaming red states with minimal restrictions and events deemed by critics as ‘superspreaders.’…

“The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, Reuters, USA Today, Axios, Politico among other outlets also turned a blind eye to the findings…

“The researchers… analyzed the effects of lockdown measures such as school shutdowns, business closures, and mask mandates on COVID-19 deaths. ‘We find little to no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates…’ The researchers also examined shelter-in-place orders, finding that they reduced COVID-19 mortality by 2.9%… The researchers concluded that limiting gatherings may have actually increased COVID-19 mortality… ‘often, lockdowns have limited peoples’ access to safe (outdoor) places such as beaches, parks, and zoos, or included outdoor mask mandates or strict outdoor gathering restrictions, pushing people to meet at less safe (indoor) places.’…

“Researchers also pointed out other unintended consequences of lockdowns, such as rising unemployment, reduced schooling, an increase in domestic violence incidents, and surging drug overdoses…”

Something which we have stated in our publications for over two years. Now some come to their senses, but the damage has been done.

Most of the Very Sick Are Fully Vaccinated

Israel National News reported on February 3:

Prof. Jacob Giris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, said in a TV interview that many of the severe cases are vaccinated. ‘Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,’ Giris told Channel 13 News. ‘They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.’

“Giris also spoke at the cabinet meeting on Sunday and told ministers, ‘Defining a serious patient is problematic. For example, a patient with a chronic lung disease always had a low level of oxygen, but now he has a positive coronavirus test result which technically makes him a ‘serious coronavirus patient,’ but that’s not accurate. The patient is only in a difficult condition because he has a serious underlying illness.’”

Here goes the left-wing propaganda of the mass media.

Canada’s and America’s “Justice”?

The Blaze wrote on February 6:

“A Canadian judge ruled that an unvaccinated father cannot see his three children because he refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Justice Nathalie Godbout of the Court of Queen’s Bench ruled on Monday that the father from New Brunswick would lose custody of his children… [as] the unvaccinated posed a serious risk to the children…

“The mother and father [separated in 2019 and agreed to share custody]. They were also in disagreement about the children getting vaccinated. The mother wanted to get the children vaccinated when they became eligible in November, the father was against it. Godbout ruled that the mother could get the kids vaccinated without the father’s consent. The children reportedly received their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine following the ruling on Monday…

“In December, another Canadian father lost custody of his 12-year old child after a Quebec judge ruled that it was in the child’s ‘best interest’ to bar the dad from seeing his child since he was unvaccinated. In August, a  Chicago mother temporarily lost custody of her child because she was unvaccinated against COVID-19.”

Canadians Fed Up With COVID Restrictions

The Denver Gazette wrote on February 4:

“A late January poll… found 54% of Canadians want to end [Covid] restrictions… That was up 14 percentage points from just a few weeks earlier… As COVID fatigue turns into angst, weary government leaders must decide whether it’s time to start treating the virus as an endemic disease, like seasonal flu… if Canada is any guide, there will likely be growing public pressure to remove restrictions…

“Trudeau… has shown no sign of reversing his government’s vaccine mandates… Yet the backlash is being felt by political leaders. Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole, Trudeau’s primary rival in the 2021 election, was dumped by his caucus this week… For some, his refusal to embrace the protesters’ cause was another sign of weakness. After deposing him in a vote on Wednesday, a few went out and posed for pictures with the truckers.

“Quebec’s premier backed down on a threat to impose a special tax on unvaccinated residents. The government of Saskatchewan… said it will scrap all restrictions soon, including proof-of-vaccination requirements for public places.”

An Unholy Mess?

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on February 5:

There is a narrow window — a month or two, maybe — for governments to declare ‘victory over the virus’ and roll back their segregation systems, mask-wearing mandates, ‘vaccine’ mandates, and the rest of the so-called ‘Covid restrictions.’ Many governments are already doing so, England, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Ireland, etc. They have seen which way the wind is blowing, and they are rushing to dismantle the New Normal in their countries before…. a convoy of angry truckers arrives at their doors.

“If they let that happen, they will find themselves in the unenviable position that Trudeau is now in. The Canadian truckers appear to be serious about staying there until their demands are met, which means Trudeau only has two options: (1) give in to the truckers’ demands, or (2) attempt to remove them by force. There’s already talk about bringing in the military. Imagine what an unholy mess that would be. Odds are, the military would disobey his orders, and, if not, the world would be treated to the spectacle of full-blown New Normal Fascism in action.

“Either way, Trudeau is history, as long as the truckers stand their ground. I pray they do not give an inch, and I hope the leaders of other New Normal countries, like Australia, Germany, Austria, Italy, and France, are paying close attention.”

Leftist Trudeau Under Attack, but Not Listening

Breitbart wrote on February 9:

“Leftist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faced jeers and insults in Parliament on Tuesday as he once again faced questions regarding his derision towards citizens who oppose civil rights violations tied to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic…

“Trudeau has repeatedly insisted he would not listen to any calls for lifting the mandates and restoring normal life to Canada. He has accused the protesters of racism and misogyny and equated them with Nazis in his statements in Parliament on Monday. The next day, he once again faced calls to meet with opposition leaders and bring an end to the onerous mandate regime currently in place. The interim leader of the Conservative Party, Candice Bergen, asked Trudeau if he would consider ending restrictions once again. ‘This cannot be a slow and dragged out process simply because of the prime minister’s ego, pride, or denial,’ Bergen said. ‘Canadians are too tired. Canadians need hope. So will the prime minister follow the science, follow the evidence, end the restrictions, end the mandates?’

“Trudeau did not answer the question, instead asserting, amid heckling and jeers, ‘we’re going to continue to follow the science, we’re going to continue to have Canadians’ backs, we’re going to continue to protect people’s lives.’ Bergen again asked him to answer the question, but upon his second attempt, the jeering became so loud that he stopped abruptly and sat down to wait for it to end. Amid the shouting, one voice could be heard saying, ‘Let him answer, he’s not good at it!’

“Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota admonished the chamber and confirmed that the shouting was, indeed, jeers. ‘The honorable leader of the opposition asked a question and she’s trying to hear, but she can’t hear it above all the heckling and shouting that’s going on,’ Rota scolded. The speaker did not succeed in silencing the shouting entirely but diminished it enough for Trudeau to finish his response, which was nearly identical to his first statement…

“On Monday, Bergen pressed Trudeau for an apology for his invective against those who choose not to receive a Chinese coronavirus vaccine. ‘Does he regret calling people names who didn’t take the vaccine?’ Bergen asked of Trudeau. ‘Does he regret calling people misogynist and racist… and being so divisive to individual Canadians that he might not… agree with, that he might have thought were wrong?’

“Trudeau responded by associating the protesters with Nazis…”

Sweden and other Countries lift COVID restrictions, but…

LifeSiteNews wrote von February 4:

“The Swedish government announced Thursday that it will be lifting all COVID restrictions by February 9… there will no longer be any limitations on how many people can gather at restaurants, sports stadiums, and other venues… In addition, Swedes will no longer be required to work from home, and travel restrictions between Sweden and other Nordic countries will be relaxed. Vaccine passport requirements, mask mandates on public transports, and social distancing will also be scrapped.

“Throughout 2020 and 2021, Sweden has been the source of heated debate for its management of COVID-19. It was one of very few countries which decided against going into lockdown. The government did not shut down schools or the economy, and did not remotely restrict individual freedoms to the degree seen in the United States and much of Europe…

“In announcing the lifting of its COVID restrictions, Sweden is now aligning itself with Denmark, which ended them on Tuesday, declaring that COVID was ‘no longer a dangerous disease’ for society’. Two other neighboring Nordic countries, Norway and Finland, have also announced the lifting of some of their COVID restrictions recently, as have a number of countries throughout Europe…

“While the relaxing or lifting of COVID restrictions in many places will come as good news for the millions of people throughout the world who have been protesting en masse against restrictions to their freedoms, leaders have suggested that the measures might come back in the future, or not be lifted at all, depending on the evolution of the pandemic and the appearance of potential new variants.

“Moreover, in virtually every country where restrictions are being relaxed or lifted, the decision is not only attributed to the herd immunity generated by the fast-spreading and mild omicron variant, but above all to the alleged efficacy of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ and booster shots.

“Despite the current relaxing of measures, leaders everywhere are still encouraging, if not legally obliging, people to get vaccinated with the mRNA gene therapy which has been associated with thousands of deaths and millions of adverse events worldwide. Unvaccinated people are also still being blamed for the fact that the pandemic is still ongoing, despite evidence showing that vaccinated people now account for a majority of cases and hospitalizations in many places.”

Austria Enacts Mandatory Vaccination as of February 5, 2022

Breitbart wrote on February 5:

“Just over two months after the draconian measure was first announced, Austria has made getting vaccinated against the Chinese coronavirus mandatory for all those over the age of 18 in the country. The new forced jab rules come into force from Saturday, but penalties for those who do not abide by the mandate will not come into effect until mid-March.

“According to a report by Kronen Zeitung, Austria’s Federal President, Alexander Van der Bellen, as well as Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, successfully signed the bill into law on Friday morning…

“Herbert Kickl, who serves as leader of the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs — or Freedom Party of Austria — denounced the law, which he claimed would put Austria ‘on a par with authoritarian states’… Meanwhile, a post made by the party on social media declared that it will aim to support the nation’s unvaccinated against any mandate penalties… ‘We will exhaust all legal options and inform citizens how they can defend themselves against impending penalties.’

Some of Austria’s Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs—or Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ)—are also opposing mandatory vaccinations.

If the opposition grows, like in Canada, the current Austrian government might not be in power much longer.

Goldberg’s Jewish Race Comments

Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) wrote on February 2:

“Whoopi Goldberg waded into a charged discourse that has polarized the Jewish community — and those who seek to discriminate against them — for centuries… The genocide was not ‘about race,’ she said, it was instead about ‘man’s inhumanity to man.’ And it involved ‘two white groups of people.’

“The comments immediately went viral and struck a nerve, leading to what Goldberg described as a deluge of accusations of antisemitism and Holocaust denial… the storm reached a climax on Tuesday night when ABC decided to suspend Goldberg from ‘The View’ for two weeks ‘to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments’… Goldberg… attempted to clarify the situation… In her experience as a Black person, she said, race is something ‘I can see.’…

“Jews have long debated whether they are a ‘race’ or something else. Judaism is a religion, practiced by people of all varieties and races across the globe. But Jews do not have to be practitioners to regard themselves or be accepted by other Jews as Jews… Judaism also accepts converts.

“Taken all together, these various understandings have led Jews to regard themselves (and others to regard Jews) variously as a people, a nation, a tribe, a family and a faith…

“But Hitler, like many antisemites before him, specifically — and repeatedly, in writings and laws and speeches — labeled Jews as physically impure Slavic-descended race, in contrast to what he termed the blonde, blue-eyed genetically pure German Aryan race. Nazi propaganda promoted pseudoscientific ways to supposedly identify Jews — by the size of their nose and lips, or the shape of their heads, among other things.

“Hitler… wrote that the ‘Final Solution’ was inspired in part by his drive to create a more ‘pure’ and singular human race, rid of ‘Jewish’ and other impurities… the Jews were persecuted as a ‘race’ by their neighbors in Europe and elsewhere for centuries before Hitler outlined many of his ideas in ‘Mein Kampf’ in a jail cell in 1925…

“The majority of Jews in North America may be Ashkenazi Jews with roots in Eastern Europe, but Jews also descend from ancient communities in Ethiopia, India, China and beyond. Sephardic Jews come from communities in Northern Africa and what is now Spain and Portugal, while Mizrahi Jews come from the Middle East, including once vital communities in Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria and other countries….

“Thousands of Jews come from mixed-race and interfaith backgrounds, so even many Jews with Ashkenazi roots are not white…”

Arguments like these are often made to claim that Jesus, as a Jew, was not white. This is false. The genealogy of Jesus, through Mary, is clearly documented, and his ancestors were white. As the article above points out, many times the term “Jew” is referring to religion, rather than race.

Pope Francis’ Communion with the Dead

The National Catholic Register wrote on February 4:

“Pope Francis’ Wednesday audience drew a reaction from some who wondered whether he had intentionally included the damned in the communion of saints… The communion of saints includes the dead, said the Pope. ‘They too are in communion with us,’ he said…

“Pope Francis then raised an objection from a hypothetical speaker: ‘Let’s think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism…’

“The Pope responded: ‘Yes, these too. All of them. The blasphemers, all of them. We are brothers. This is the communion of saints. The communion of saints holds together the community of believers on earth and in heaven, and on earth: the saints, the sinners, all… In this sense, the relationship of friendship that I can build with a brother or sister beside me, I can also establish with a brother or sister in heaven,’ he said…”

Does communion with the dead also mean, communication with the dead?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 1009

Comments on News and Prophecy, February 12, 2022 / Does the Teaching of the Trinity Deny Jesus Christ?

On February 12, 2022, Norbert Link will present “Comments on News and Prophecy, February 12, 2022,” and the sermon, titled, “Does the Teaching of the Trinity Deny Jesus Christ?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at http://eternalgod.org/live-services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Danger of Self-Righteous Judgment

by Thilo Hanstein (Germany)

The large-scale madness and stigmatization by governments all over the world is increasing more and more. Oftentimes it seems like a nightmare, but in fact, it is pure reality.

What happened between 1938 and 1945 is a scenario of ruthlessness without equality. When I contemplate what Hitler’s regime has done to the Jews and to fellow human beings who thought differently, it truly moves me to tears.

One would think that all this should have been buried and forgotten a long time ago, and that people would have become more reasonable. But the opposite is true.

Although every year in Germany, several memorial ceremonies about these darkest scenarios are held by those in power, who adorn themselves with justice and love and words like “We must never forget” and “This must never happen again”, the reality is quite different.

In October 2021, I saw coverage in the news about a very tragic court case in which a 96-year-old former typist from the concentration camp Stutthof had been charged by the public prosecutor’s office with aiding and abetting murder in more than 11,000 cases. The woman is said to have been a typist for the commandant Paul-Werner Hoppe between the years 1943 and 1945.

Der Tagesspiegel published the following article about this on September 30, 2021:

“96-year-old accused flees NS trial – and got caught. Irmgard F. was the commander’s typist in the Stutthof concentration camp. She did not appear at her trial. But she was caught and is now in custody.

“The bureaucrats of horror were efficient. The number of prisoners and killed persons in the Stutthof concentration camp was regularly reported to Berlin. Camp commander Paul Werner Hoppe dictated letters to the administrative headquarters of the Holocaust, the SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt in Berlin-Lichterfelde. At the typewriter was Irmgard F. She typed the camp commander’s orders to the guard personnel and wrote the lists with the names of the prisoners who were deported to the Auschwitz death camp.

“Every correspondence with the SS administrative headquarters in Berlin passed over her desk, she said as a witness in a Nazi trial after the end of the war. Now the now 96-year-old must answer for herself before the Superior Court in Itzehoe.”

The Berliner Morgenpost reported the following on October 19, 2021:

“Irmgard F., who worked as a stenotypist at the Stutthof concentration camp between 1943 and 1945, is accused of complicity to murder in more than 11,000 cases. She [wears] a device on her wrist to monitor her location, like an electronic ankle monitor. ‘The defendant had knowledge of all events and happenings in the camp’, the prosecutor said. This resulted from the fact, that Irmgard F. was the right-hand woman of the camp commander Paul-Werner Hoppe and had written down all his orders, and instructions and all the commander’s correspondence had passed over her desk.

“Therefore, Irmgard F. had profound knowledge of the systematic killing of the prisoners in the camp ‘right down to the last detail’, the prosecutor said. In the indictment, she lists in detail the killing methods, that were the routine in the concentration camp. The neck-shooting facility, disguised as a medical examination room, in which 300 prisoners died during the defendant’s time of service. They had to stand against the wall in the belief that their height would be measured, but instead they were murdered by neck shot through an opening to the neighboring room.”

One must realize the fact, that this is an indictment taking place 76 years after the end of the war, and that the involved accusers are nowhere near contemporary witnesses at the time of this woman’s executive work and had not even been born and were in the world.

Moreover, this 96-year-old woman is charged with “complicity to murder in more than 11,000 cases.” While it is known that “300 prisoners died in the neck-shooting facility during the defendant’s time of service”, the origin of the exact number of 11,000 deaths seems quite questionable. Besides, this woman did what she may have been forced to do, and she was only a scribe anyway. It was not she, who murdered the people, and whether she approved it, no one can say.

This scenario of an accusation against a woman reminded me of an example when Christ was teaching in the temple and the self-righteous scribes and Pharisees brought a woman before Him, caught in the act of adultery, hoping of course that Christ would inflict a severe punishment. They said to Him, “‘…Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?’ This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.  So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, ‘He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.’ And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst” (John 8:4-9).

This example of self-righteousness is a bottomless pit because the world with its ruthless justice system, as it was then and still is today, is so immoderately arrogant and unjust that one cannot even put this whole event into words.

The same applies to today’s new “law guidelines” and “jurisdictions” regarding these absurd Corona measures. They are picking up so much speed that this reminds us exactly of the time back then at the beginning of 1938. Indeed, beginning on November 12, 1938, Jews were forbidden at that time to visit cinemas, theaters, operas, and concerts. Today, 84 years later, the same thing is happening again to people only because they think differently and refuse to get vaccinated. And the wheel of the invention of new restrictions does not stop; instead, life is made more and more unbearable for these people. They are judged, harassed, bullied, and incited. Even children are dragged into this torment and put into a trauma that they may very well not be able to get rid of for the rest of their lives. We are witnessing a jurisdiction of the irresponsible.

Most of these above-mentioned accusers are acting today in the same way that happened back then in 1938, possibly without even realizing what they are really doing, since this is Satan’s world. And no one knows how long this stigmatization will continue, for this may be just the beginning or even just a precursor of what is to come to the world, namely the great tribulation.

How long will WE in God’s Church have to endure suffering? Will WE be greatly reviled as true Christians for the sake of Christ’s name? And how will WE bear it then? What if WE are innocently accused and even sent to prison?

Christ warns against the unrighteousness of man. He tells us in Luke 21:12-15,17-19:

“‘But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake. But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony. Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist… And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But not a hair of your head shall be lost. By your patience possess your souls. “

Christ gives us such great hope for what lies ahead. It is neither the government nor the jurisdiction of men that can give us or take away true life. They can persecute us, treat us unjustly, accuse and condemn us; they can throw us into prison; and they can take away our physical life. But what they cannot do is to deny us eternal life. They cannot separate us from the love of Christ if we hold on to the hope which the Word of God gives us, and if we do not give up our faith and instead put our trust in GOD the Father and Jesus Christ, then this world can do NOTHING to us that would have eternal consequences.

Paul asked the church: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? (Romans 8:35).

And later, in verses 37-39, Paul says with deep conviction, “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Christ also gives us great hope by telling us: “‘Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body [physical life] but cannot kill the soul [the potential of eternal life]… But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell [eternal destruction in the Gehenna fire’” (Matthew 10:26-28).

When Christ tells us that nothing is covered, but that one day all the truth will come to light, we must understand that one day a great truthful trial will be held for mankind, with complete and righteous measure, to condemn and judge man’s unrighteousness.

God the Father will, through Jesus Christ, conduct this judgment and hold men accountable and punish them for their evil and unrighteous deeds.

Let us think once more about the example of the adulteress and what Christ ultimately said to her. “When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, ‘Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?’ She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more’” (John 8:10-11).

Christ acted here as a Man of love and divine understanding. He did not justify the sinful behavior of the adulteress, but He showed mercy. From this point of view, we should not try to whitewash these terrible acts of the world today, nor should we condemn them with an unmerciful measure. We should and must leave that to God. For God tells us, “Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord. Therefore ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:17-21).

We must not allow ourselves to be influenced by the deeds of the world, which Satan still has possession of at present, but must allow ourselves to be edified by every word of God and make the best of everything, according to our ability. It’s on us to wait hopefully for the coming of Jesus Christ so that He can welcome us at His coming, and we must hold fast to the confidence that God will judge righteously at His time.

Initial translation from the German: Daniel Blasinger

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by Norbert Link

We begin with truly disgusting and abominable experiments conducted under Dr. Fauci’s direction. We are warning our readers: The articles published contain graphic language, but in the interest of truth and justice, we decided to quote some of the statements anyhow.

We continue with China’s record of horror while the dictatorial and mean-spirited murderous government celebrates the Olympic games; speak on further conflicts between Russia and Germany; Germany’s hypocritical conduct towards Lithuania and Ukraine; the help Biden gave to Putin; and Israel’s willingness to strike Iran even in case of a new or resurrected Iran deal.

We speak on the battle between Trump and Pence; the censuring of Cheney and Kinzinger by the Republican Party; and the insane electricity rates in San Diego.

We address a new striking report on the uselessness and dangers of lockdowns, which is being systematically ignored by the left-wing mass media; repulsive court decisions in Canada and America pertaining to the unvaccinated; developments regarding Canada’s “Freedom Convoy”; and numerous European countries lifting all or most corona restrictions, while authoritarian Austria enacts a vaccine mandate.

We speak on the reaction to Whoopi Goldberg’s comments regarding the holocaust and the Jewish “race,” and conclude with Pope Francis’s communion with the dead.

Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Why Canada’s Justin Trudeau Is so Dangerous.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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WARNING! Despicable Animal Experiments with Aborted Baby Parts under Fauci’s Direction

 Life News wrote on February 4:

“When it comes to the grisly use of aborted baby parts for dubious scientific research in America, a new report shows embattled NIH director Anthony Fauci is behind most of the funding. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), which Fauci directs, is behind $27 million in taxpayer funding for research involving tissue or body parts from babies killed in abortions, or approximately 80% of the funding for all such research in the United States.”

In quoting from an article by Fox News, the paper wrote:

“‘The White Coat Waste Project (WCW), which opposes animal experimentation, looked through NIH data to uncover the scope of funding, which includes support for things like transplanting fetal lungs, liver and thymus into mice…  NIH expects to spend $88 million on this type of research in fiscal year… 22.’”

LifeSiteNews continued:

Christine McPherson, Development Manager of WCW, said in a statement to Fox: ‘A majority of Republican and Democrat taxpayers don’t want to be forced to pay university white coats tens of millions of dollars each year to implant fingers, scalps, eyes and other parts from aborted human fetuses into monkeys and mice for nightmarish experiments.’

“Recently, the University of Pittsburgh continued to defend its gruesome experiments involving implanting aborted babies’ scalps onto rodents and other research with aborted baby body parts, citing a new investigation this week that found its research is ‘fully compliant’ with state and federal laws. [Republican legislators are still looking for answers, suggesting that the recent investigation was woefully inadequate.] The university commissioned the outside investigation last year after Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress exposed evidence of babies potentially being born alive in abortions and other disturbing practices at the university. The evidence came from documents they obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through a Freedom of Information Act request…

“One horrific experiment at the university involved scalping second-trimester aborted babies and then implanting their scalps onto rodents to study the human immune system…

“The Center for Medical Progress and several doctors, including one who supports abortion, also pointed to documents and statements from university officials that suggest some aborted babies’ hearts still may be beating when their organs are harvested for scientific research….

“In a House Appropriations hearing in May, Fauci was asked about the NIAID’s funding of Pitt experiments grafting scalps from 18- to 20-week aborted fetuses onto rats, and if the agency is aware of where the fetuses come from. Fauci replied that the study went through ‘all the appropriate guidelines and oversight.’ [So, Fauci did not answer the question which is very revealing.]

“[David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress] skewered Fauci’s response as ‘outrageous,’ [saying] intact scalps used, which can be seen in pictures included in the study, are only obtainable at the size shown through a partial-birth abortion. ‘Intact heads’ would not be obtainable through ‘dismemberment abortion where the skull is going to be crushed,’ Daleiden explained.

“[The] University of Pittsburgh… has been using Americans’ tax dollars to become a ‘tissue hub’ for aborted baby body parts for scientific research for years. According to the documents obtained by Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress, the university… has received at least $2.7 million so far.”

WARNING! More Abominable Experiments

Fox News also wrote on February 4:

“Fauci’s institute has come under fire for research surrounding the coronavirus, among other things. More recently, WCW uncovered an experiment in which dogs were injected with cocaine. Other experiments involving humanized mice have surfaced.

“One study involved humanizing mice through ‘reconstitution with human fetal liver’… Another study… entailed studying fetal eye cells… Fetal lungs were also incorporated…. Besides attempting to grow fetal kidneys, Ganogen also experimented with placing fetal hearts in lab rats and posted a video of a fetal heart beating inside of a rodent…

“Last year, the Senate rejected an amendment geared toward criminalizing participation in research that created certain chimeras, or human-animal hybrids… ‘Dr. Fauci’s funding of research using aborted fetal tissue is disgusting and indefensible,’ said Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich…

“The University of Pittsburgh has also been suspected of utilizing trafficked or illegally obtained tissue…”

Let’s not forget Fauci’s despicable experiments on beagles.

The Herald-Tribune reported on November 9:

“These taxpayer dollars funded barbaric trials that involved injecting dozens of beagles with experimental drugs before murdering and dissecting them. To make matters worse, these beagles were puppies between the ages of six to eight months.

“Even more heinous, reports were also uncovered revealing that Fauci authorized the vocal cords of the beagles to be cut so that they could not cry while being tortured… In 2016 Fauci authorized experiments where infectious sand flies were strapped to beagles to feed on them for 22 months before the beagles were killed.”

The Sun added on December 30, 2021:

“In October, the non-profit organization White Coat Waste Project accused Fauci of funding a project that had beagles infected with disease-causing parasites in order to test an experimental drug. It claimed the beagle puppies were locked in cages with hungry sandflies that would eat them alive.

“The Hill reports that a bipartisan group of 24 House Representatives has written a letter demanding that Fauci answer to the claims by the nonprofit. The organization claims that as many as 44 beagle puppies were used as part of the cruel experiment in a Tunisia laboratory… ‘Our investigators show that Fauci’s NIH division shipped part of a $375,800 grant to a lab in Tunisia to drug beagles and lock their heads in mesh cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive,’ White Coat Waste told The Hill. ‘They also locked beagles alone in cages in the desert overnight for nine consecutive nights to use them as bait to attract infectious sand flies,’ they added.”

The liberal left-wing mass media was anxious to somehow rebut this story, although the NIH [National Institute of Health] admitted that some of the beagles had their vocal cords cut, insisting that the practice was common in scientific settings to reduce noise levels.

But consider this article, published by The Sun on December 30, 2021:

“Peta has accused the NIH and other labs of purchasing 5,000 beagle dogs and puppies over the past decade from Virginia-based supplier Envigo for experiments where the dogs were allegedly confined and some tortured. It also accused Envigo of running a ‘puppy mill’ where dogs were abused in conditions so bad that some of them died. An investigator from Peta claimed to have found 360 dogs dead, according to Fox News… Peta has claimed that Envigo keeps 5,000 beagles at the location and breeds around 500 puppies per month to sell for experimentation…

“[Fauci’s] spokesman told the Washington Post that the company believed that PETA’s allegations are ‘misleading and lacking important context’… adding that animal experimentation is ‘essential’ in developing medicines, vaccines, and other medical devices…”

Dr. Fauci should be fired immediately and be held accountable for these alleged terrible and inhumane experiments under his direction. Further, it should be obvious that Dr. Fauci has lost all credibility.

China’s Record of Horror

The Sun wrote on February 5:

“The world’s eyes have descended on Beijing as the glitzy opening ceremony kicked off the 2022 games. But hidden from view are the hideous human rights abuses allegedly carried out like clockwork by the regime. Gory executions, brutal torture and ‘concentration camps’ are just some the of vile measures the Communist regime has allegedly inflicted on its own people for decades… As with the 2008 Summer Olympics, it’s feared China will put on a glossy and carefully stage-managed image to the rest of the world as the Communists attempt to airbrush their horrendous history of show trials, executions, and some of the worst torture imaginable – let alone alleged genocide.

“Ahead of the games, China has been determined to crush any sign of dissent, and officials have warned that even foreign athletes who make political statements would be subject to ‘certain punishment’…

“In its 100 year history, the Communist party has run a murderous regime… Thousands are thought to perish each year at the bloody hands of authorities using firing squads, lethal injections and mobile death vans. The true numbers of those killed by the Communist Party are thought to be staggeringly high…

“With successive leaders over this period, the regime has crushed peaceful opposition with anyone falling foul of the Communist Party facing the abyss of mental or physical death… human rights groups believe China has detained more than one million Uyghur Muslims against their will over the past few years.

“Hundreds of thousands have been incarcerated in a network of what the state calls ‘re-education camps’ – but what has been branded by some as ‘concentration camps’. There is also evidence they are being used as forced labour in factories producing goods for well-known western brands… And from the 90s and into the 00s it is claimed China sought to ‘eradicate’ the Falun Gong religious movement…”

Terrible what evil people and governments, following Satan, are willing to do to their fellow man.

Russia Bans Deutsche Welle in Retaliation of Germany’s Ban of RT

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 4:

“A decision by the Russian government to shut down Deutsche Welle’s Moscow office and withdraw accreditation from the German broadcaster’s journalists in Russia came into effect on Friday at 9 a.m. local time… The Russian Foreign Ministry announced a day earlier that it was canceling DW’s broadcasting license in Russia, calling it a response to the ban of the Russian broadcaster RT DE in Germany….

“Maria Zakharova, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said if Germany moved to end the dispute over RT’s licensing, Moscow would respond in kind… German officials have called the comparison between RT and DW a false equivalence because DW is a taxpayer-funded independent public service broadcaster rather than a state-owned channel… German government spokesman Wolfgang Büchner on Friday condemned Russia’s DW ban…

“The European Union also slammed the ‘unjustified’ move by Russia… Germany’s Foreign Ministry said the decision would ‘represent a renewed strain on German-Russian relations.’”

On February 3, Deutsche Welle wrote the following in another article:

“Public broadcasters ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio all condemned the closure, saying it turned press freedom into a bargaining chip…

“Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov claimed Germany was responsible for an attack on freedom of speech by not granting RT DE a broadcasting license, despite allowing Russian journalists to remain in Germany, attend press events and report from the country…”

Russia’s reaction to Germany’s ban of RT was somewhat predictable, but the sleepy and somewhat hypocritical German government did not see it coming, it seems.

German Troops to Lithuania, but not Ukraine

Deutsche Welle reported on February 6:

“Germany does not rule out sending additional troops to Lithuania, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said…  ‘We (Germany) are already making a very important contribution in Lithuania, where we are the only country in the European Union to have a battlegroup,’ Lambrecht said… Germany has been the leading nation in the NATO operation in Lithuania for five years and provides around half of the 1,200 men and women in the multinational unit.

“Lambrecht also defended Germany’s refusal to supply arms to Kyiv, after Ukraine’s embassy in Germany sent a list with requests to the foreign and defense ministries in Berlin.”

This is ridiculous German hypocrisy. But it all works out according to prophecy.

Scholz Went to Washington

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 7:

“Biden said there would be no chance of the project going ahead if Russian tanks and troops crossed the Ukraine border. ‘There will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it. I promise you we’ll be able to do that.’… When pressed on Nord Stream 2, Scholz avoided mentioning the project explicitly but repeated his message of solidarity….”

Deutsche Welle added on February 8:

“Despite presenting a unified front, their statements also revealed divisions in Berlin and Washington’s approach to Russia… there is discord between the two sides, particularly in regards to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and potential sanctions towards Russia… it’s unclear whether Germany will really be willing to shut down the controversial pipeline project…  [Deutsche Welle wrote in an accompanying article that, “with much of its natural gas imported from Russia, Berlin remains reluctant to commit to using the pipeline as a bargaining tool.”]

“Germany and the United States have not clearly stated ‘what kinds of sanctions will be imposed in the case of the Russian incursion.’… there seems to be ‘disunity’ not only between Germany and the US, but also other NATO allies… Germany’s neighbor, France, may also be willing to differ from common NATO and US positions when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine crisis… Macron also recently told French media that it is ‘legitimate’ for Russia to raise concerns about its security, an idea which has been roundly rejected by the US and NATO…”

The New York Times commented on Scholz’ meeting with Biden and the subsequent press conference: “On Ukraine, Germany Is Nowhere to Be Seen.” The Telegraph wrote: “Once again, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz offers only evasions on Russia.” Bild Online spoke about a huge rift between Biden and Scholz.

How Biden Has Helped Putin

Express wrote on February 6:

“By scrapping America’s KeystoneXL Pipeline [on his first day in office] and imposing ‘harsh’ regulations on its gas industry, the US President has been accused of ‘letting Europe become more dependent on Russian gas’. KeystoneXL was a planned 1,179-mile (1,897km) pipeline running from the oil sands of Alberta, Canada, to Steele City, Nebraska. It was intended to join an existing pipe and could carry 830,000 barrels of oil each day… The [European] bloc already depends on Russia for 40 percent of its gas supplies…

“Mr Putin has been accused of deliberately slashing gas deliveries travelling into the EU through its vast network of pipelines… As Ukraine is a key transit country for Russia’s gas to reach the EU, there are fears gas could get cut amid the conflict…. having waived sanctions on a new [Nord Stream 2] gas pipeline [that will transit gas from Russia to Germany once it gets approved] back in May last year, Mr Biden was accused of taking a soft line on Russia.”

It is amazing how Mr. Biden’s decisions add to a prophetic picture which is so detrimental to America and its Western allies.

Russia Predicts Unification with Ukraine

Russian-sponsored and controlled RT wrote on February 6:

“Ukraine could ultimately join a union state with Russia and Belarus as soon as 15 years from now if ‘mistakes’ are avoided during the current crisis, President Alexander Lukashenko predicted in an interview with YouTube… The main problem is that the ongoing crisis is being stoked from across the Atlantic, he claimed, accusing Washington of actively pushing Kiev into a war with Russia…”

It won’t take 15 years until Russia and Ukraine are united.

Why Europe Needs an Army

The EUObserver wrote on February 8:

“The last few years have shown that the US cannot and does not want to be the policeman of the world anymore. Additionally, Russia and China seem to be aligning their strategies – one targeting Ukraine, and the other Taiwan.

“A military takeover would not only wipe two democracies off the earth, it would also hit Europe in its heart… The EU must… be careful not to make the same mistakes as the Roman Empire – which fell victim to decadence and the idea that its own security could be outsourced to others. Even in the European Union, countries hardly invest in their armed forces. Worse, many countries are opposed to a common European foreign and security policy. They remain stuck in the idea that the US will continue to keep us safe through Nato.

“This is naïve…

“It is therefore high time to make progress towards an European army based on a common foreign policy… A survey of European citizens has shown that the need for a European army is perceived as the most urgent.”

Israel Might Still Attack Iran even if there is a Deal

Time of Israel and The associated press wrote on February 6:

“Prime Minister Naftali Bennett implied Sunday that Israel could launch a military strike against Iran even if the Islamic Republic and world powers revive their 2015 nuclear deal… ‘Our position is well-known and clear: An agreement – according to the apparent terms – will damage the ability to deal with the nuclear program. Anyone who thinks that an agreement will increase stability is mistaken… It will temporarily delay enrichment but all of us in the region will pay a heavy, disproportionate price for it.’…

“On Friday, as US negotiators headed back to Vienna for what could be a make-or-break session. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed several sanctions waivers related to Iran’s civilian nuclear activities… Friday’s move lifts the sanctions threat against foreign countries and companies from Russia, China and Europe that had been cooperating with non-military parts of Iran’s nuclear program under the terms of the 2015 deal…”

Trump vs. Pence

Fox News wrote on February 4:

“Former Vice President Mike Pence delivered a speech in Florida Friday and pushed back against claims from former President Trump and his supporters that he had the ability to use his power to contest the 2020 presidential election. ‘There are those in our party who believe that as the presiding officer over the joint session of Congress, I possessed unilateral authority to reject electoral college votes,’ Pence said in the speech to the Federalist Society. ‘And this week, our former president said I had the right to overturn the election. President Trump is wrong… I had no right to overturn the election.’ Pence continued, ‘Frankly there is almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president.’

“Pence explained that ‘under Article II Section One, elections are conducted at the state level, not by Congress’ and that ‘the only role of Congress with respect to the electoral college is to open and count votes submitted and certified by the states.’..

“Pence also referred to the January 6 riot as a ‘dark day in the history of the United States Capitol.’..

“Pence’s comments come days after Trump voiced his belief that his vice president, via the Electoral Count Act, had the ability to send the electoral votes back to the states. ’The Vice President did have this right or, more pointedly, could have sent the votes back to various legislators for reassessment after so much fraud and irregularities were found,’ Trump said. ‘If it were sent back to the legislators, or if Nancy Pelosi, who is in charge of Capitol security, had taken my recommendation and substantially increased security, there would have been no “January 6” as we know it!’

“Pence’s speech comes as speculation about his 2024 presidential ambitions run rampant, as do questions about his current relationship with Trump following their vocal disagreement on the outcome of the 2020 election…”

Newsmax wrote on February 4:

“Former President Donald Trump clapped back on Friday night to comments made by his former vice president earlier in the day…  criticizing Pence’s statement to the crowd of conservative lawyers… ‘Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly as possible,’ Trump said. ‘Well, the Vice President’s position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist. That’s why the Democrats and RINOs are working feverishly together to change the very law that Mike Pence and his unwitting advisors used on January 6 to say he had no choice.’

“The former president said that he was ‘right and everyone knows it,’ and that officials in both parties are attempting to change the rules to prevent a similar event from happening again. ‘The reason they want it changed is because they now say they don’t want the Vice President to have the right to ensure an honest vote,’ Trump said. ‘If there is fraud or large scale irregularities, it would have been appropriate to send those votes back to the legislatures to figure it out,’ he added. ‘The Dems and RINOs want to take that right away…’”

Trump has a point. If it is that clear that under the law, Pence could not have refused to certify the election, why then the anxious attempts to change the law?

Republican Party Censors Cheney and Kinzinger

Newsmax wrote on February 4:

“The Republican National Committee formally voted  Friday to censure Reps. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., and Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., for participating in the House probe into the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.

“The resolution… read in part:

“‘The conference must not be sabotaged by Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who have demonstrated, with actions and words, that they support Democrat efforts to destroy President Trump more than they support winning back a Republican majority in 2022. Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger have engaged in actions in their positions as members of the January 6th select committee not befitting Republican members of Congress, which include the committee’s disregard for minority rights, traditional checks and balances, due process, and adherence to other precedent and rules of the U.S. House and which seem intent on advancing a political agenda to buoy the Democrat Party’s bleak prospects in the upcoming midterm elections.

“‘The Republican National Committee hereby formally censures Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and shall immediately cease any and all support of them as members of the Republican Party for their behavior which has been destructive to the institution of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Republican Party and our republic, and is inconsistent with the position of the Conference.’”

San Diego’s Highest Electricity Rate in the Nation

CBS8 wrote on February 3:

“San Diegans have been shocked by their recent power bills, and now CBS 8 has confirmed that we are paying higher rates than any other city in the country… ‘“The price per kilowatt is the highest in the country,’ said Edward Lopez, Executive Director of Utility Consumers’ Action Network (UCAN). ‘San Diego is even out-passing Hawaii, which is not even on the mainland’… A SDG&E spokesperson pointed to the 2007 wildfires started by the company’s power lines. He said that $3 billion has been spent since then hardening their system, including replacing wood poles with steel and undergrounding wires… Lopez questions why ratepayers have to foot the entire bill, getting no help from shareholders.

“SDG&E is owned by Sempra, a publicly traded company. In their most recent year-to-year figures, Sempra reported a profit of over $9 billion, but SDG&E recently raised our rates again…SDG&E is not allowed to simply raise rates on their own, they have to get permission from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)….”

CPUC is a regulatory agency that regulates privately owned public utilities in the state of California, including electric power, telecommunications, natural gas and water companies. Five commissioners each serve staggered six-year terms as the governing body of the agency. Commissioners are appointed by the governor and must be confirmed by the California State Senate.

ABC 10 wrote on August 23, 23021:

“‘Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office exerted control over a powerful state agency… We do whatever the governor tells us to do, period,’ former CPUC executive director Alice Stebbins said. ‘You don’t do anything without [Gov. Newsom’s] staff reviewing it or talking to you or approving it….’”

So, why are Newsom and his staff approving obscenely high electricity rates?

Fox 5 San Diego added on February 1: “Customers across the county are experiencing sticker shock at their San Diego Gas & Electric bills this winter. One customer told FOX 5 their January SDG&E bill jumped to $700 from the normal $200 a month.”

It seems that on an average, customers’ bills were twice as high in February as in January.

Politicians more Dangerous than Covid

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on February 6:

“The denigration of the Canadian trucker protest convoy exemplifies how freedom is now the biggest villain of the covid-19 pandemic.

“A Washington Post cartoonist portrayed the trucker convoy as ‘fascism’ incarnate while another Post column derided the ‘toxic ‘Freedom Convoy.’” Anyone who resists any government command is apparently now a public enemy….

“Politicians like Trudeau and Biden, who fuel mass rage against any group that does not kowtow to officialdom, are sowing seeds of hatred that will proliferate long after the pandemic ends. In the long run, people have more to fear from politicians than from viruses.”

Sadly, this assessment rings very true.

Liberal Media Ignores Illuminating Report on COVID Restrictions

Fox News wrote on February 4:

“There has been a full-on media blackout of the new study outlining the ineffectiveness of lockdowns to prevent COVID deaths. According to a Johns Hopkins University meta-analysis of several studies, lockdowns during the first COVID wave in the spring of 2020 only reduced COVID mortality by .2% in the U.S. and Europe… the researchers wrote[:] ‘… lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.’

“However, the Johns Hopkins study received no mention on any of the five liberal networks this week… CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC all ignored the anti-lockdown findings after having spent much of the pandemic shaming red states with minimal restrictions and events deemed by critics as ‘superspreaders.’…

“The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Associated Press, Reuters, USA Today, Axios, Politico among other outlets also turned a blind eye to the findings…

“The researchers… analyzed the effects of lockdown measures such as school shutdowns, business closures, and mask mandates on COVID-19 deaths. ‘We find little to no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates…’ The researchers also examined shelter-in-place orders, finding that they reduced COVID-19 mortality by 2.9%… The researchers concluded that limiting gatherings may have actually increased COVID-19 mortality… ‘often, lockdowns have limited peoples’ access to safe (outdoor) places such as beaches, parks, and zoos, or included outdoor mask mandates or strict outdoor gathering restrictions, pushing people to meet at less safe (indoor) places.’…

“Researchers also pointed out other unintended consequences of lockdowns, such as rising unemployment, reduced schooling, an increase in domestic violence incidents, and surging drug overdoses…”

Something which we have stated in our publications for over two years. Now some come to their senses, but the damage has been done.

Most of the Very Sick Are Fully Vaccinated

Israel National News reported on February 3:

Prof. Jacob Giris, director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, said in a TV interview that many of the severe cases are vaccinated. ‘Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,’ Giris told Channel 13 News. ‘They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated.’

“Giris also spoke at the cabinet meeting on Sunday and told ministers, ‘Defining a serious patient is problematic. For example, a patient with a chronic lung disease always had a low level of oxygen, but now he has a positive coronavirus test result which technically makes him a ‘serious coronavirus patient,’ but that’s not accurate. The patient is only in a difficult condition because he has a serious underlying illness.’”

Here goes the left-wing propaganda of the mass media.

Canada’s and America’s “Justice”?

The Blaze wrote on February 6:

“A Canadian judge ruled that an unvaccinated father cannot see his three children because he refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Justice Nathalie Godbout of the Court of Queen’s Bench ruled on Monday that the father from New Brunswick would lose custody of his children… [as] the unvaccinated posed a serious risk to the children…

“The mother and father [separated in 2019 and agreed to share custody]. They were also in disagreement about the children getting vaccinated. The mother wanted to get the children vaccinated when they became eligible in November, the father was against it. Godbout ruled that the mother could get the kids vaccinated without the father’s consent. The children reportedly received their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine following the ruling on Monday…

“In December, another Canadian father lost custody of his 12-year old child after a Quebec judge ruled that it was in the child’s ‘best interest’ to bar the dad from seeing his child since he was unvaccinated. In August, a  Chicago mother temporarily lost custody of her child because she was unvaccinated against COVID-19.”

Canadians Fed Up With COVID Restrictions

The Denver Gazette wrote on February 4:

“A late January poll… found 54% of Canadians want to end [Covid] restrictions… That was up 14 percentage points from just a few weeks earlier… As COVID fatigue turns into angst, weary government leaders must decide whether it’s time to start treating the virus as an endemic disease, like seasonal flu… if Canada is any guide, there will likely be growing public pressure to remove restrictions…

“Trudeau… has shown no sign of reversing his government’s vaccine mandates… Yet the backlash is being felt by political leaders. Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole, Trudeau’s primary rival in the 2021 election, was dumped by his caucus this week… For some, his refusal to embrace the protesters’ cause was another sign of weakness. After deposing him in a vote on Wednesday, a few went out and posed for pictures with the truckers.

“Quebec’s premier backed down on a threat to impose a special tax on unvaccinated residents. The government of Saskatchewan… said it will scrap all restrictions soon, including proof-of-vaccination requirements for public places.”

An Unholy Mess?

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on February 5:

There is a narrow window — a month or two, maybe — for governments to declare ‘victory over the virus’ and roll back their segregation systems, mask-wearing mandates, ‘vaccine’ mandates, and the rest of the so-called ‘Covid restrictions.’ Many governments are already doing so, England, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Ireland, etc. They have seen which way the wind is blowing, and they are rushing to dismantle the New Normal in their countries before…. a convoy of angry truckers arrives at their doors.

“If they let that happen, they will find themselves in the unenviable position that Trudeau is now in. The Canadian truckers appear to be serious about staying there until their demands are met, which means Trudeau only has two options: (1) give in to the truckers’ demands, or (2) attempt to remove them by force. There’s already talk about bringing in the military. Imagine what an unholy mess that would be. Odds are, the military would disobey his orders, and, if not, the world would be treated to the spectacle of full-blown New Normal Fascism in action.

“Either way, Trudeau is history, as long as the truckers stand their ground. I pray they do not give an inch, and I hope the leaders of other New Normal countries, like Australia, Germany, Austria, Italy, and France, are paying close attention.”

Leftist Trudeau Under Attack, but Not Listening

Breitbart wrote on February 9:

“Leftist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faced jeers and insults in Parliament on Tuesday as he once again faced questions regarding his derision towards citizens who oppose civil rights violations tied to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic…

“Trudeau has repeatedly insisted he would not listen to any calls for lifting the mandates and restoring normal life to Canada. He has accused the protesters of racism and misogyny and equated them with Nazis in his statements in Parliament on Monday. The next day, he once again faced calls to meet with opposition leaders and bring an end to the onerous mandate regime currently in place. The interim leader of the Conservative Party, Candice Bergen, asked Trudeau if he would consider ending restrictions once again. ‘This cannot be a slow and dragged out process simply because of the prime minister’s ego, pride, or denial,’ Bergen said. ‘Canadians are too tired. Canadians need hope. So will the prime minister follow the science, follow the evidence, end the restrictions, end the mandates?’

“Trudeau did not answer the question, instead asserting, amid heckling and jeers, ‘we’re going to continue to follow the science, we’re going to continue to have Canadians’ backs, we’re going to continue to protect people’s lives.’ Bergen again asked him to answer the question, but upon his second attempt, the jeering became so loud that he stopped abruptly and sat down to wait for it to end. Amid the shouting, one voice could be heard saying, ‘Let him answer, he’s not good at it!’

“Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota admonished the chamber and confirmed that the shouting was, indeed, jeers. ‘The honorable leader of the opposition asked a question and she’s trying to hear, but she can’t hear it above all the heckling and shouting that’s going on,’ Rota scolded. The speaker did not succeed in silencing the shouting entirely but diminished it enough for Trudeau to finish his response, which was nearly identical to his first statement…

“On Monday, Bergen pressed Trudeau for an apology for his invective against those who choose not to receive a Chinese coronavirus vaccine. ‘Does he regret calling people names who didn’t take the vaccine?’ Bergen asked of Trudeau. ‘Does he regret calling people misogynist and racist… and being so divisive to individual Canadians that he might not… agree with, that he might have thought were wrong?’

“Trudeau responded by associating the protesters with Nazis…”

Sweden and other Countries lift COVID restrictions, but…

LifeSiteNews wrote von February 4:

“The Swedish government announced Thursday that it will be lifting all COVID restrictions by February 9… there will no longer be any limitations on how many people can gather at restaurants, sports stadiums, and other venues… In addition, Swedes will no longer be required to work from home, and travel restrictions between Sweden and other Nordic countries will be relaxed. Vaccine passport requirements, mask mandates on public transports, and social distancing will also be scrapped.

“Throughout 2020 and 2021, Sweden has been the source of heated debate for its management of COVID-19. It was one of very few countries which decided against going into lockdown. The government did not shut down schools or the economy, and did not remotely restrict individual freedoms to the degree seen in the United States and much of Europe…

“In announcing the lifting of its COVID restrictions, Sweden is now aligning itself with Denmark, which ended them on Tuesday, declaring that COVID was ‘no longer a dangerous disease’ for society’. Two other neighboring Nordic countries, Norway and Finland, have also announced the lifting of some of their COVID restrictions recently, as have a number of countries throughout Europe…

“While the relaxing or lifting of COVID restrictions in many places will come as good news for the millions of people throughout the world who have been protesting en masse against restrictions to their freedoms, leaders have suggested that the measures might come back in the future, or not be lifted at all, depending on the evolution of the pandemic and the appearance of potential new variants.

“Moreover, in virtually every country where restrictions are being relaxed or lifted, the decision is not only attributed to the herd immunity generated by the fast-spreading and mild omicron variant, but above all to the alleged efficacy of the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ and booster shots.

“Despite the current relaxing of measures, leaders everywhere are still encouraging, if not legally obliging, people to get vaccinated with the mRNA gene therapy which has been associated with thousands of deaths and millions of adverse events worldwide. Unvaccinated people are also still being blamed for the fact that the pandemic is still ongoing, despite evidence showing that vaccinated people now account for a majority of cases and hospitalizations in many places.”

Austria Enacts Mandatory Vaccination as of February 5, 2022

Breitbart wrote on February 5:

“Just over two months after the draconian measure was first announced, Austria has made getting vaccinated against the Chinese coronavirus mandatory for all those over the age of 18 in the country. The new forced jab rules come into force from Saturday, but penalties for those who do not abide by the mandate will not come into effect until mid-March.

“According to a report by Kronen Zeitung, Austria’s Federal President, Alexander Van der Bellen, as well as Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, successfully signed the bill into law on Friday morning…

“Herbert Kickl, who serves as leader of the Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs — or Freedom Party of Austria — denounced the law, which he claimed would put Austria ‘on a par with authoritarian states’… Meanwhile, a post made by the party on social media declared that it will aim to support the nation’s unvaccinated against any mandate penalties… ‘We will exhaust all legal options and inform citizens how they can defend themselves against impending penalties.’

Some of Austria’s Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs—or Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ)—are also opposing mandatory vaccinations.

If the opposition grows, like in Canada, the current Austrian government might not be in power much longer.

Goldberg’s Jewish Race Comments

Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA) wrote on February 2:

“Whoopi Goldberg waded into a charged discourse that has polarized the Jewish community — and those who seek to discriminate against them — for centuries… The genocide was not ‘about race,’ she said, it was instead about ‘man’s inhumanity to man.’ And it involved ‘two white groups of people.’

“The comments immediately went viral and struck a nerve, leading to what Goldberg described as a deluge of accusations of antisemitism and Holocaust denial… the storm reached a climax on Tuesday night when ABC decided to suspend Goldberg from ‘The View’ for two weeks ‘to take time to reflect and learn about the impact of her comments’… Goldberg… attempted to clarify the situation… In her experience as a Black person, she said, race is something ‘I can see.’…

“Jews have long debated whether they are a ‘race’ or something else. Judaism is a religion, practiced by people of all varieties and races across the globe. But Jews do not have to be practitioners to regard themselves or be accepted by other Jews as Jews… Judaism also accepts converts.

“Taken all together, these various understandings have led Jews to regard themselves (and others to regard Jews) variously as a people, a nation, a tribe, a family and a faith…

“But Hitler, like many antisemites before him, specifically — and repeatedly, in writings and laws and speeches — labeled Jews as physically impure Slavic-descended race, in contrast to what he termed the blonde, blue-eyed genetically pure German Aryan race. Nazi propaganda promoted pseudoscientific ways to supposedly identify Jews — by the size of their nose and lips, or the shape of their heads, among other things.

“Hitler… wrote that the ‘Final Solution’ was inspired in part by his drive to create a more ‘pure’ and singular human race, rid of ‘Jewish’ and other impurities… the Jews were persecuted as a ‘race’ by their neighbors in Europe and elsewhere for centuries before Hitler outlined many of his ideas in ‘Mein Kampf’ in a jail cell in 1925…

“The majority of Jews in North America may be Ashkenazi Jews with roots in Eastern Europe, but Jews also descend from ancient communities in Ethiopia, India, China and beyond. Sephardic Jews come from communities in Northern Africa and what is now Spain and Portugal, while Mizrahi Jews come from the Middle East, including once vital communities in Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria and other countries….

“Thousands of Jews come from mixed-race and interfaith backgrounds, so even many Jews with Ashkenazi roots are not white…”

Arguments like these are often made to claim that Jesus, as a Jew, was not white. This is false. The genealogy of Jesus, through Mary, is clearly documented, and his ancestors were white. As the article above points out, many times the term “Jew” is referring to religion, rather than race.

Pope Francis’ Communion with the Dead

The National Catholic Register wrote on February 4:

“Pope Francis’ Wednesday audience drew a reaction from some who wondered whether he had intentionally included the damned in the communion of saints… The communion of saints includes the dead, said the Pope. ‘They too are in communion with us,’ he said…

“Pope Francis then raised an objection from a hypothetical speaker: ‘Let’s think about those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism…’

“The Pope responded: ‘Yes, these too. All of them. The blasphemers, all of them. We are brothers. This is the communion of saints. The communion of saints holds together the community of believers on earth and in heaven, and on earth: the saints, the sinners, all… In this sense, the relationship of friendship that I can build with a brother or sister beside me, I can also establish with a brother or sister in heaven,’ he said…”

Does communion with the dead also mean, communication with the dead?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How important are relationships with God and with each other? – Part 3

In the second part of this series, we started to look at an outline of biblical information to show just how important inter-personal relationships are with other human beings.

In this third part, we will review some Scriptures that show how we are to deal with others in our relationship with them.

How we are to deal with others in our relationship with them.

One of the most obvious places to start is in Exodus 20 where God gave Israel the Ten Commandments. The first four commandments are instructions about how humans should relate to God and the other six are about how people should treat and relate to each other. If these were taken seriously, all relationships would be unrecognisable to what we experience today where selfishness and self-serving predominate.

The Ten Commandments give a summary of how to love God and how to love our neighbour.  God gave additional statutes and judgments showing the practical application of the Ten Commandments.

For example, Exodus 22:21-22 tells us: “You shall neither mistreat a stranger [sojourner or foreigner] nor oppress him… You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child.”

Rather than oppressing others, we ought to help them when we have opportunity. Deuteronomy 22:1-4 states:

“You shall not see your brother’s ox or his sheep going astray, and hide yourself from them; you shall certainly bring them back to your brother. And if your brother is not near you, or if you do not know him, then you shall bring it to your own house, and it shall remain with you until your brother seeks it; then you shall restore it to him. You shall do the same with his donkey, and so shall you do with his garment; with any lost thing of your brother’s, which he has lost and you have found, you shall do likewise; you must not hide yourself. You shall not see your brother’s donkey or his ox fall down along the road, and hide yourself from them; you shall surely help him lift them up again.”

We are to do a good turn for others wherever possible.

In addressing our relationship with other Church members, Jesus said: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34-35).

There should be no semicolon in the phrase, “… love one another; as I have loved you.”  Rather, Christ is telling us that we ought to love our brethren in the same way as He has loved us.

Paul, when writing to the Galatians, outlined important principles of sowing and reaping and of not growing weary in well doing, and he finished by saying: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10).

Paul further wrote how he did everything he could to accommodate others to show them the way to salvation, without compromising God’s law, when he wrote: “…and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law;   to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Corinthians 9:20-22).

First, he was determined in destroying the Church and having the members arrested and killed, but after his conversion, he was reaching out to others and was trying to do all he could to help others to be led to God’s Truth and to reach man’s ultimate potential—entrance into the Kingdom of God. His communication was out of love towards his fellow human beings. He knew of course that he could not convert or proselytize someone, but he wanted to make sure that he did not become a hindrance for those whom God would call to salvation.

John, the apostle whom Christ loved and who had a special relationship with Christ, addresses another important point in this context, writing:

“If someone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?” (1 John 4:20).  This was central to the teaching that Jesus gave to all who listened to Him and wanted to follow Him. Unfortunately, down through the ages, lip service has so often been present but the substance ignored.

Notice the communication which Jesus had with one of the scribes:

“Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, ‘Which is the first commandment of all?’ Jesus answered him, ‘The first of all the commandments is: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.  And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” This is the first commandment.  And the second, like it, is this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no other commandment greater than these.’ [Christ summarized here the Ten Commandments.] So the scribe said to Him, ‘Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one God, and there is no other but He. And to love Him with all the heart, with all the understanding with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.’ Now when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, He said to him, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.’  But after that no one dared question Him” (Mark 12:28-34).

Christ was also saying, in effect, that those who do not love God or their fellow man are far from the Kingdom of God. In fact, they were still walking in darkness even though they might have thought that they were walking in the light. This is especially true for Church members who hate their brethren (1 John 2:9-11).

Jesus said that He would judge the nations and gave this warning for those who did understand the Truth, but refused to live by it: “… for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me” (Matthew 25:35-36). He then went on to explain in verses 37-40: “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?  When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You?  Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’  And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’”  That’s quite a warning for those who are followers of Jesus Christ who gives us the blueprint for how we are to treat and deal with other brethren. It is quite a lesson in interpersonal relationship behaviour.

We have to be careful that we don’t upset or offend others unnecessarily.   We will probably know some people who can be touchy or sensitive; perhaps we ourselves can be like this at times, but the apostle Paul addresses this type of relationship in 1 Corinthians 8:9-13 where we read the following:

“But beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. For if anyone sees you who have knowledge eating in an idol’s temple, will not the conscience of him who is weak be emboldened to eat those things offered to idols?  And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died?   But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.  Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.”

This is a classic case of doing without by abstaining or forgoing what we might normally do for the sake of others who are weak in the faith and might be encouraged by our conduct (which is objectively faultless) to follow our example, but they would be doing so with a compromised conscience. Inasmuch as whatever is not from faith is sin (Romans 14:23), we must be careful by not encouraging others to sin against their conscience.  We should endeavour at all times, wherever possible, to have good relationships with others although at times, for many reasons, that may not be possible.  If it is not possible, let us ensure that we are not the responsible party in such a case.

Selflessness should be part of the way we react and behave in life as the apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 10:33: “…just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.” Again, Paul’s desire was that others would be saved, and he did not want to endanger that possibility by the way he conducted himself.

Jesus was hassled and harassed by the religious establishment of His time as they tried to trick Him into giving answers that would incriminate Himself.  “But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, ‘Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?’  Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets”’” (Matthew 22:34-40).  After the Sadducees failed, the Pharisees tried yet again to trap Jesus. However, Jesus was not taken by surprise or without an answer and gave a perfect summary of the foundation of all the law and the prophets for all of those who choose to follow Him.

James, the half-brother of Jesus, later explained: “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ you do well” (James 2:8).

Jesus gave instruction about those who are against us: “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.  For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?  And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?  Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:44-48).

On the same theme, further direction and guidance was given as we read in Luke 6:35 about this matter which cuts right across the grain of our human nature:  “But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.”  Very often, when enemies see others reacting in this most unusual way, that of trying to do good to them or trying to be helpful, they can have a change of mind about them.

Paul, in quoting from Proverbs 25:21-22, tells us in Romans 12:17-21:

“Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord. Therefore ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

One practical example can be found in Exodus 23:4-5: “If you meet your enemy’s ox or his donkey going astray, you shall surely bring it back to him again. If you see the donkey of one who hates you lying under its burden, and you would refrain from helping it, you shall surely help him with it.”

If we are to treat our enemy that way, how much more are we to show love for our brethren, leading to unity. Psalm 133:1 is a key verse and very self-explanatory: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!”

The first part of Proverbs 18:24 states that “A man who has friends must himself be friendly,” showing that we shouldn’t be inward looking and “locking out” other people. However, many feel that this is not the best translation. The Ryrie Study Bible comments: “Probably better, ‘A man of (too many) friends will be broken in pieces.’ Indiscriminately chosen friends may bring trouble, but a genuine friend sticks with you through thick and thin.” It still remains true that we must act towards genuine friends in a friendly manner.

When relationship problems occur in a marriage, friendship, business and in so many other areas of life, the outcomes can be threatening, even disastrous.   Even in the Church we can have difficulties between members which can be distressing to the parties involved and may be resolved if the appropriate action is taken.

One passage of Scripture is often overlooked when there is sin involved, causing problems with inter-personal relationships within the Church. The modern phrase is conflict resolution and how we go about it.   We have covered this many times in sermons and in other literature but a brief reminder may be helpful. In Matthew 18:15-17 we read: “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’  And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.”

For a thorough discussion of conflict resolution between brethren  in Matthew 18:15-20, please see our Q&A, https://www.eternalgod.org/q-a-2853/  See also our Q&A on the power and authority of excommunication in Matthew 18:17.  https://www.eternalgod.org/question-and-answer-279/

On the other hand, our personal relationship with others may need to involve division and separation because of the Word of God. We explain this aspect in detail in our Q&A which addresses what it means to deny Christ, https://www.eternalgod.org/what-does-it-mean-to-deny-christ/, saying:

“Why would someone deny Christ? A major reason is because of persecution as a Christian, but JESUS warned that this would come:

“‘Remember the word that I said to you, “A servant is not greater than his master.” If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me’” (John 15:20-21).

“When a person is called into the Truth, standing firm and not denying Christ will oftentimes be a great test. Again, this is something JESUS said would come—it is part of ‘counting the cost’ (Luke 14:28):

“‘Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to “set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law”; and “a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.” He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it’” (Matthew 10:34-39)…

“Finally, consider this ominous warning from JESUS:

“‘For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels’” (Mark 8:38).”

If we love others more than God and if we are compromising with God’s Truth, just to maintain a close or friendly personal relationship with others,  we deny Christ, and He will be ashamed of us when He returns.

In summary, our personal relationships with others must be pleasing in the sight of God.

(To be continued)

Lead Writers: Brian Gale (United Kingdom) and Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Why Canada’s Justin Trudeau Is so Dangerous,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: 

Recently, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s official statement about the death of Cuba’s Fidel Castro in November of 2016 resurfaced in the news, and his comments are indeed stunning and extremely revealing in light of what is happening in Canada right now. Trudeau’s declarations in 2016 were strongly condemned, but might reflect how Trudeau ticks. This program analyzes the actions of dictator Fidel Castro and compares them with what is happening in Canada right now. 

A Tech Meeting was held on February 6, 2021, via Google Meet. Conducted by Eric Rank, it was noted that our Sabbath live broadcast has greatly improved and additional equipment is being added to sustain this. Emphasis was presented for developing ad campaigns with further assignments given to achieve a target date in early March.

“Warum diese gottlose Welt der Niedertracht?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Why this Godless World of Wretchedness?”

“Müssen Christen den Sabbat halten?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Tahir Coban, is now posted. Title in English: “Do Christians Have to Keep the Sabbath?”

“A World in Rebellion and Confusion –Comments on News and Prophecy, February 5, 2022,” the first message presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

When reviewing recent developments in the Western world and especially in the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria and other Western nations, we find an abominable spirit of rebellion against God and His righteous and just Word. Christians must be aware of that and have a different mindset, if they want to have God’s protection.

“The Spirit Bears Witness,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

John tells us in his first letter that the blood, the water and the Spirit bear witness. Previous sermons discussed the blood and the water. In this sermon, we will concentrate on the Spirit, showing of what it bears witness,  and how and in what way “these three agree as one.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2024 Church of the Eternal God