In the Beginning…

On June 10, 2006, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “In The Beginning…”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program
was posted on the Web, titled, “USA–The Fading Superpower.” In the
program, Norbert Link discussed the following concepts:

America’s status as a superpower fading? Many believe that it is. More
than 70 percent of interviewed people around the world believe that the
US needs a rival superpower. Anti-Americanism is at its highest level,
while President Bush’s approval rate in the US is at its lowest, with
most Americans being opposed to the war in Iraq. According to the
German press, even Iraq’s new government does not constitute a
strategic success for the US, given the fact that three crucial
ministers have not been named. In addition, America and Europe have
different perspectives relating to national and international defense.
Even though Iran launched successfully an intermediate-range ballistic
missile, which is capable of reaching Israel, Europe does not believe
that any threat from Iran is short-term. What is going on in the world,
and what does it all mean?

Is it true that Christ's message to the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3 of the book of Revelation applies to all of us today? If so, what are the points of encouragement and admonitions to take note of? Are those "safe" who belong to an organization which does "the Work of God"?

As we point out in our free new booklet, “The Mysteries of the Bible,”
Christ’s “message pertained to the Church of God for all times,
including seven historic Church eras… [and] also… seven local
Church congregations at the time of John” (p. 23). In this Q&A, we
will strictly address Christ’s timeless message to individual

Christ’s message INCLUDES a warning and admonition to
all Christians throughout the existence of the Church. This can be seen
by Christ’s repeated admonition to ALL seven churches, to “hear what
the Spirit says to the churches” (compare Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29;
3:6, 13 and 22).

We should, first of all, take note of the fact
that Christ addresses true Christians in the Church of God, who have
received God’s Holy Spirit! He is not talking to people who are not a
part of the Church! Still, we find that Christ is warning ALL OF US not
to lose God’s Spirit. He is admonishing ALL OF US to make every effort
to succeed–to “make it into the Kingdom of God.” His warning is real
and stern. He utters His warning to awaken Christians out of sleep and
lethargy, and to encourage them to continue–and to NEVER give up!

claim that they are in a Church organization which seemingly does “the
Work of God”–in whatever way THEY define such “Work.” They continue to
claim that no other organization does the Work–or at least, not as
effectively as their own group. They conclude that as long as they
belong to their group, they are safe and have already as good as made
it “into the Kingdom.” These self-righteous people are normally also
very quick to say that others, who don’t belong to “their”
organization, won’t make it–or if some few do, they will have to go
first through the “Great Tribulation.”

We may note, however,
that Christ’s message to the seven churches shows that most Christians
are involved with doing “works” (Revelation 2:2, 9, 13, 19; 3:1, 8,
15). While many of the works find Christ’s approval, some do not. For
instance, He says in Revelation 3:1: “I know your works, that you have
a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” He adds in verse 2 that
He did not find the works of those individuals “perfect before God.”
Likewise, Christ says in Revelation 3:15-16: “I know your works, that
you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So
then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit
you out of My mouth.”

We can clearly see from the foregoing that
Christ encourages a Christian to perform “perfect” works. The mere fact
that persons may belong to an organization which does “works” and which
has a “name” claiming to be “alive” (3:1), will not help them. Neither
will an attitude of self-righteousness and self-contentment–which
Christ describes as spiritual blindness. Although they may do works
(3:15), Christ warns them: “Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become
wealthy, and have need of nothing’–and do not know that you are
wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked–I counsel you to buy from
Me gold refined in the fire… Therefore be zealous and repent”
(Revelation 3:17-19). Even though they work, they act in a
self-confident, half-hearted fashion, thinking that they have already
made it. They do not really understand the need to grow in God’s
knowledge and His way of life. Christ tells them that they must become
“zealous” about what they are doing–to seek God and His righteousness
first, while overcoming their own spiritual indifference (3:21).

even Christians who are doing “works” which are seemingly pleasing to
God are in need of improvement. Some have resisted false teachers (2:2,
6) and have been very diligent to do God’s works (2:3)–but they have
lost their “first love” (2:4). They might have begun to labor in God’s
Work for wrong reasons–perhaps for the purpose of getting or keeping a
job with a nice salary and the security of a future pension, or so that
they could obtain recognition and praise from man. Christ tells them to
repent of their wrong motives and conduct, and to do “the first works”
(2:5)–when they did them out of a genuine desire to please God, not
themselves or other men.

Christ also addresses those Christians
who actually increase in the works of God. He says to them that “the
last are more than the first” (2:19). Still, they may have become
indifferent to wrong teachings, allowing false doctrines to seduce them
(2:20). Christ tells such to overcome these problems (verse 26), while
continuing to do His works until the end (same verse). Others, who are
performing “works” and who are holding fast to God’s truth (2:13), have
surrounded themselves with wrong teachers and are listening to wrong
doctrines (2:14-15). They may think, perhaps, that they are strong
enough to resist false teaching, but Christ tells them to REPENT of
such self-deception, and to cleanse themselves from those wrong
teachers and teachings–because, if they don’t do that, Christ WILL do
it for them (2:16).

Then there are those who ARE doing the works
of God in the right way (3:8), being motivated by a true love for God
and the people of this world. But even they still need encouragement
and an admonition to endure until the very end. Christians who are
doing good works, who keep Christ’s word and who don’t deny His name
(3:8), are encouraged to persevere and to hold fast (3:10-11)–showing
that even they COULD fall away, by losing patience and giving up their
struggle for the crown of life. Christ tells all of us that only those
who endure until the end shall be saved (Matthew 24:13).

commands all Christians at all times to overcome and to be victorious
over Satan, their own selves and society (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12,
21). This shows that not one living Christian is already perfect–ALL
need to continue to press on toward the goal of the Kingdom of God. In
fact, some of those who think that they have already made it because
their organization may do “the Work” might find themselves described by
God as “lukewarm”–as their own personal lifestyle may not at all
reflect the high prize of God’s calling.

Christ’s warning to
His disciples rings loud and clear: We all must be diligent and zealous
in doing the “works of God”–including His Work of preaching the gospel
in all the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14; 28:19-20). But we must do
it because of genuine love for God and man (1 Corinthians 13:1-13). If
we do “the Work” with improper motives, it will profit us nothing.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

The Life of Samson

On June 3, 2006, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “The Life of Samson.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

We will be celebrating the Day of Pentecost on June 4, 2006.

Dave Harris will be giving the sermon in the morning, titled, “The Gift.”

Edwin Pope will give the sermon in the afternoon, titled, “Adherence to Truth Equals Conversion.”

Pentecost services can be heard at at 9:00 pm
Pacific Time (which is 11:00 pm Central Time), and at 1:30 pm Pacific
Time (which is 3:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Dave Harris sent us the following report about the Public Bible Lecture in Colorado:

Sunday evening, May 21, 2006, the members in Fort Collins, Colorado,
hosted a public Bible lecture. Newspaper ads, fliers, localized
computer ads and personal invitations were used in preparation for this

Evangelist Norbert Link gave a compelling and powerful
presentation on the Mysteries of the Bible. Following his address, time
was taken to speak personally with the guests in attendance. In
addition, our newest booklet–also titled “The Mysteries of the
–was offered to attendees along with other publications.

is the second public lecture the Church of the Eternal God has
presented–with the first being conducted in Southern California.
Although in each case, our advertisements did not generate much
response, we find that personal contacts proved to be the most

Mr. Link’s visit and presentation has greatly
encouraged the brethren in Colorado. Guests who attended the lecture
commented on the strength of the message and delivery by Mr. Link.

the ministerial conference held earlier this year, plans were discussed
to include a public Bible lecture in England around the time of the
Feast of Tabernacles. Because we have distributed a substantial amount
of booklets and have a much larger mailing list in the area, we feel
that this additional presentation will prove very worthwhile.

Please continue to keep these efforts for preaching the gospel of God’s Kingdom in your prayers!

We received the following update from the Philippines:

my wife brought some photo-copies of booklets, including of the new
arrival “The Mysteries of the Bible,” to replenish the magazine stand
in the National library at Taft Avenue, Manila. We replenish it every
three months. We noticed that the only booklet that was not taken from
the stand is “Don’t Keep Christmas.” Funny but true, they don’t
want to throw out that belief. Again thank you for the booklets. Our
regards to you all, and a happy Feast of Pentecost!

Would you please explain the concepts of First Tithe, Second Tithe, Excess Second Tithe, Tithe of the Tithe, and Third Tithe?

We will be glad to explain.

First Tithe is the first ten percent of one’s “increase,” referring to his or her job earnings and/or other income, such as proceeds from rental, interest or gains from stocks or other investment. It is to be sent to God’s Church in furtherance of the preaching of the gospel.

Are we to pay tithe from the gross (before taxes are deducted from our paychecks) or from the net (after deduction of taxes)? It has been the long-standing policy of the Church to advise that there is no duty to tithe on the gross, as this would be impossible in certain countries, where taxes are so high. At the same time, the Church has always emphasized that it is up to the individual whether he or she wants to tithe from the gross or the net. Many tithe from the gross, following the principle as expressed in Luke 17:10, but this is a personal decision, based on personal circumstances. God looks at the heart of a person. If one chooses to tithe from the net, he would then be obligated, of course, to pay tithe on any tax refunds he might receive in the next year.

Some teach today that tithing only relates to agricultural products and farm produce of livestock, while excluding all other forms of income; such as wages or income from a business or investments. This is wrong. Such a teaching can have the result of doing away with tithing in most cases.

We read that Abraham gave Melchizedek a tithe of “all” (Genesis 14:20). Jacob also said that he would give God a tithe of “all” (Genesis 28:22). They did not limit tithing to just agricultural products or farm produce of livestock.

Some claim that tithing was just a law under Moses, which is no longer in effect today. This is wrong, too. Abraham and Jacob tithed to God long before the time of Moses. Jesus confirmed in His day and age the duty to tithe (Matthew 23:23). Malachi 3:8 states that tithing is the duty of MAN–not just of the Jew, the Israelite or even only of a converted Church member. Note that the Sabbath was created for MAN, too–not just for the Israelite or the Jew (Mark 2:27). God says through Malachi that man is cursed if he refuses to tithe to God, and that he will be blessed if he does(Malachi 3:8-10). We should also note that the book of Malachi is a prophecy for us today–addressing the time just prior to the Day of the LORD–the time of Christ’s return to this earth. In that context, Malachi says (in Malachi 4:4-5), to remember the Law of Moses, with the statues and the judgments. Tithing is a statute, and nowhere in the New Testament has it been abolished.

In fact, we find in the 7th chapter of Hebrews that we are to tithe today to Jesus Christ–that is, His Church–and no longer to the Levites, as was done under Moses. Originally, people, such as Abraham, tithed to Christ (in the person of Melchizedek), long before Levi was born. The tithe has always belonged to God (Leviticus 27:30)! It is HOLY to Him! He did give the tithe, for a period of time, to the sons of Levi “…as an inheritance in return for the work which they perform[ed], the work of the tabernacle of meeting”
(Numbers 18:21). Yet, we see in Hebrews 7:9 that the law of tithing existed long before God made an agreement with the sons of Levi, which agreement gave them the right and responsibility to collect tithes for a certain time. We can see in verses 15–28 of Hebrews 7 that this right to receive tithes later reverted back to Jesus Christ, whose right it was from the beginning! Today, Christ collects tithes through His Body—the Church—to be used to carry out the end-time Work of God.

As we explain in our free booklet, “Tithing Today?”, the Bible teaches not only our duty to pay First Tithe, but also the concepts of Second Tithe and Third Tithe (compare pp. 22-24).

Second Tithe is to be set aside for our personal use during the annual Holy Days, and especially for the Feast of Tabernacles. It is not to be sent in to the Church, but to be kept by the person to spend during the annual Holy Days of God. Only “excess second tithe” has been designated to be sent to the Church.

Excess second tithe” is the portion of the Second Tithe exceeding necessary individual use. The Church will distribute such amount to members who were unable to save sufficient second tithe
for the Holy Days, and it might use remaining funds for necessary Church-related Feast expenses (such as hall rentals).

Related to the concept of Second Tithe is the concept of “Tithe of the Tithe.” This is not to be confused with the “Third Tithe” (discussed below), which is an altogether different concept.

More than 30 years ago, God’s Church made the administrative decision to ask Church members and
co-workers to send one tenth of their second tithe to the Church to be used for necessary Feast of Tabernacles expenses, including rental for Church halls. Since then, the Church has usually referred to this amount as the “tithe of the tithe.” Church members and co-workers were asked to calculate the amount of second tithe that would be available to them at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles, and to send ten percent of that (calculated) amount to the Church, in advance as directed by the Church. This practice has allowed the Church to avoid using general contributions for the payment of Feast expenses, instead of being used for expenses relating to preaching the gospel and feeding the flock.

At the time of the institution of the “tithe of the tithe,” and a few times since then, consideration has been given to the possibility of charging each individual Feast attendee with a flat amount for his or her Feast attendance, instead of sending in a tithe of the tithe. This possibility was rejected, however, as it was judged to be arbitrary and unfair. Some Church members do not have jobs or they live on small pensions, while others earn good salaries. Following Biblical principles (compare Acts 2:44–45; 4:32–35; 2 Corinthians 8:12–15), it was determined that the institution of the “tithe of the tithe” was the most equitable way for all concerned to provide for the payment of necessary Feast expenses incurred by the Church, and also to help those less fortunate, as much as possible, to attend the Feast.

The Church of the Eternal God and its corporate affiliates see no Biblical reason to change the Church’s decision, realizing the Biblical wisdom for the decision, and acknowledging that the Church has the administrative authority to bind and loose matters such as these (compare Matthew 16:19; 18:18).

In addition to the concepts discussed so far, God also instructs us concerning the concept of Third Tithe.

As more fully explained in our free booklet, “Tithing Today?,” the Third Tithe is to be sent to the Church primarily for the use of those in need of support. It should be mentioned that “Third Tithe” is FOR the
poor and needy, not BY the poor and needy. It is, therefore, not necessary for a “poor” person to pay third tithe. Someone who receives assistance from the government does not have to pay Third Tithe.
Additionally, it would also be following a wrong principle to take out a loan in order to be able to pay Third Tithe. However, each individual is responsible before God to determine whether he or she is “poor” or
“needy” and therefore excused from paying Third Tithe. The ministry is available to help with questions relating to such determination.

If you conclude that you ought to pay Third Tithe, when are you to do it?

At the time of Moses, Third Tithe was paid on the third and sixth year out of a cycle of seven years. On the seventh year, no Third Tithe was to be paid, as the land rested during the seventh year, Leviticus 25:4. The principle of paying Third Tithe on the third and sixth year out of a cycle of seven years still applies today. Many members begin counting their Third Tithe years from the annual festival nearest the date of their baptism. Others decide to begin from the date when they first began tithing. It is the responsibility of each member to decide when he or she should begin the cycle, and the observance of that cycle should be carefully maintained.

Let us assume that you were baptized close to the Feast of Tabernacles (“Feast”) in the year of 2000. Let us further assume that you designate the year 2000 as the first year with which to begin your seven year cycle.

Your first cycle would look like this:

1st year: 2000 (the time from the Feast in 2000 until the Feast in 2001): no third tithe
2nd year: 2001 (from Feast 2001 until Feast 2002): no third tithe
3rd year: 2002 (from Feast 2002 until Feast 2003): third tithe to be paid during that period
4th year: 2003 (from Feast 2003 until Feast 2004): no third tithe
5th year: 2004 (from Feast 2004 until Feast 2005): no third tithe
6th year: 2005 (from Feast 2005 until Feast 2006): third tithe to be paid during that period
7th year: 2006 (from Feast 2006 until Feast 2007): no third tithe.

This would conclude your first seven-year cycle. Your second seven-year cycle would look like this:

1st year: 2007 (from Feast 2007 until Feast 2008): no third tithe
2nd year: 2008 (from Feast 2008 until Feast 2009): no third tithe
3rd year: 2009 (from Feast 2009 until Feast 2010): third tithe
4th year: 2010 (from Feast 2010 until Feast 2011): no third tithe
5th year: 2011 (from Feast 2011 until Feast 2012): no third tithe
6th year; 2012 (from Feast 2012 until Feast 2013): third tithe
7th year: 2013 (from Feast 2013 until Feast 2014): no third tithe.

This would conclude your second seven-year cycle.

If we assume that you were baptized close to the Feast of 2000, but you decide to count “exclusively,” that is, you begin your seven year-cycle with the year of 2001 (the period from the Feast of 2001 until Feast of 2002). In that case, your first cycle would look like this:

1st year: 2001 (from Feast 2001 until Feast of 2002): no third tithe
2nd year: 2002 (from Feast 2002 until Feast of 2003): no third tithe
3rd year: 2003 (from Feast 2003 until Feast of 2004): third tithe to be paid during that period


Once you have designated your seven year cycles, it is important to maintain these, even though you might not be able to pay Third Tithe during some of your third and sixth years of tithing.

Many times, it will not work out on paper; that is, when you do your budget, you may conclude that you are too “poor” to pay Third Tithe. But God does require of us faith in His ability to help and bless us, if we are obedient to Him. As He promises us His blessing for paying His First Tithe diligently to Him (Malachi 3:10), so He promises us His blessing if we pay Him His Third Tithe during the appropriate times (compare Deuteronomy 26:12-15).

We might convince ourselves that we don’t have to tithe. This would be a terrible mistake.

As mentioned, all the concepts discussed in this article are fully explained in our free booklet, “Tithing Today?” To conclude, we are quoting from pages 39-41 of that booklet:

“In Luke 12:13–21, Christ gave us the famous parable of the rich fool who built greater barns for his harvest rather than sharing his fortune with others. He thought he had many more years to live in pleasure and ease, but that very night, God took his life. Christ concluded His parable, in verse
21: ‘So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.’ Christ gave this parable because of the greedy attitude of those who were fighting over an inheritance (compare verse 13). He saw the covetousness in them—the intent to take, rather than to give. Conversely, when the servants of Abraham and Lot fought over the land, Abraham was willing to have Lot choose what land he wanted to have, rather than having the servants continue to fight over it (compare Genesis 13:7–11). The rich fool did not have genuine love or concern for others. He was only interested in figuring out how he could store his abundant riches for HIMSELF. He was not rich before God—he had not laid up treasures in heaven—when God took his life. Abraham, on the other hand, was very rich, but he did not have an attitude of greediness. We know that he tithed to God, in the person of Christ. He did not do it grudgingly, but rather, Abraham was developing a heart of love for God and others…

“God is watching us. He notices how we act in little things. If we are faithful in small matters, God knows
that we will also be faithful in big matters. If, on the other hand, we are not even willing to share small things with God and others, how would we ever develop the godly attitude to be willing to share the
rulership over the universe with others?… When we obey God’s commandments, including the command to faithfully tithe and give free-will offerings to God’s Church, we can KNOW that we are on our way toward the Kingdom of God, because we show in our lives that God’s love in us is producing a perfect work in us… We will gladly admit and agree with Christ that it is more blessed to give than to receive, or,
to ‘get.’ We will experience a deep feeling of gratitude that we are permitted to play a part in God’s awesome Work, proclaiming to the world a better way of life.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Truth–A Way of Life

On May 27, 2006, Edwin Pope will give the sermon, titled, “Truth–A Way of Life.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Eric and Shana are pleased to announce the birth of Gideon Emerson
Rank. Gideon was born during the early morning of May 14th. He weighs 9
pounds 15 ounces. Everyone is doing very well.

Please don’t
forget to pray fervently for success of our Public Bible Lecture on
Sunday evening, May 21, at the Hilton Fort Collins in Colorado.

Our StandingWatch program, titled, “America’s Latest Phone Scandal,” was posted on the Web.

Set forth below is the summary of the program:

new scandal is plaguing America, which involves more than 200 million
American citizens. We are referring to records of domestic phone calls
which big phone companies have turned over to the National Security
Agency (NSA), according to an article in USA Today. The national and
international reaction to this latest revelation has been one of
outrage and furor. George Orwell’s famous novel, “1984” and the concept
of “Big Brother, ” which is described in his novel, are mentioned in
the press, and the question is asked how much a government should be
allowed to intrude into the private affairs of its citizens, whether
the action itself is legal or not. What, if anything, does the Bible
have to say about these most recent developments?

A new StandingWatch program was recorded on May 18 and will be posted soon. It is titled: “America’s Illegal Aliens.”

Here is the summary of the program:

battle with illegal immigration will go on. Whatever temporary
solutions are being proposed by some to prevent foreigners from
crossing the U.S.-Mexican border, they are immediately criticized and
condemned by others. This would include the concept to send 6000
National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexican border; to build a 300 miles
fence which would cost in excess of 1 billion dollars; or to construct
500 miles of vehicle barriers. In addition, no consensus exists as to
what to do with the more than 12 million illegal aliens already in the
country. Should they be allowed to obtain U.S. citizenship, under
certain conditions, or would this be tantamount to amnesty? Throughout
this hotly contested and emotional debate, the most important question
has been overlooked.

Why Worry?

Michael Link (25)

Sometimes it may seem natural to worry when we find ourselves in certain situations that seem too tough for us to handle. Things could happen in our lives that we may not be used to, and we would not know how to cope with them. We may have problems with work or school, or with our friends and loved ones, and sometimes even with ourselves. Naturally, we start to worry, thinking it’s too tough, and we may even start to forget how to react to these situations and sometimes may react the wrong way.

I have been there before, many times. When something got too tough, I began to worry and develop a bad attitude, even though I knew it was wrong. I forgot about the bigger picture and where I had to put my faith and trust. For the past 3 months, work had become slow for me, and in past experiences I would have started to panic a little bit. I could honestly say that this time I didn’t worry at all. I knew that God would provide as He says He will do, and I prayed about it and before I knew it, I got another job. The things that I least expected finally started to happen.

This wasn’t the only good thing that started happening, but several things happened and I have God to thank. Not only did I have the faith and confidence that God would provide, but I also had to have patience. Of course I had to do my part as well, but God tells us He will fulfill our needs when we ask, and only He knows what is best for us.

With God being in our lives, we know that we are in good hands. He tells us that we will be blessed far more than we can ever imagine, if we trust in Him, and He knows everything that we go through. He knows when we are in need and when we need help. So why do we worry?

Deliver Us From Evil

On May 20, 2006, Norbert Link will give the sermon from Colorado, titled, “Deliver Us From Evil.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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