Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program has been posted on the Web. It is titled: “Why so much cruelty?” Set forth below is a summary of the program:

Foods Market announced today that they will no longer sell live
lobsters for human consumption. Animal rights activists welcomed the
decision. They had pointed out the cruelty with which lobsters are
treated–by dropping them alive into a pot of boiling water. While some
scientists who are presumably supported by the food industry claim that
lobsters cannot feel any pain, the opposite has been clearly proven.
Why do we have so much cruelty in this world–from torturing animals in
laboratories to find some medication for human sicknesses, to brutally
killing unborn children in their mothers’ wombs, by literally tearing
them apart during abortion procedures? And why are we so casual
regarding the death of innocent civilians in war? Has God created us
with such a brutal, cruel human nature? And if not, how did we become
this way, and how can a change of our hearts come about?

Why don't we see more spiritual gifts in the Church of God today?

It depends what is meant by “spiritual gifts.”

Some equate
“spiritual gifts” with magnificent spectacular miracles and wonders,
such as public healings or the calling down of fire from heaven. It is
true, of course, that Jesus Christ, when He was here on earth,
performed many spectacular miracles (Acts 2:22), and that some of the
early apostles of the New Testament Church were able to do likewise
(Acts 2:43: 5:12). We read that Christ did many more miracles than have
been recorded in the Bible (John 21:25). We are also informed that
people were even healed when Peter’s shadow fell on them (Acts
5:14-16). We are told that at the very end time, just prior to the “Day
of the Lord” and Christ’s return, His Church will be given the power to
perform spectacular miracles (Joel 2:28-31), and the Two Witnesses will
have the power to call down fire from heaven, when and if necessary
(Revelation 11:3-6).

We should also realize, however, that God
has wisely decided not to grant such spectacular powers to the Church
or His disciples all the time, because of very important reasons. We
read that John the Baptist, even though he was the greatest of all men
born of a woman (Matthew 11:11), did not perform ANY sign or miracle
(John 10:41). During His public ministry, Christ was at times very
careful NOT to perform miracles in public, or to have made His miracles
known (Matthew 8:1-4; 9:27-30; Mark 1:40-45; Mark 5:43; Mark 7:36; Mark
8:26). He even commanded the demons, as well as His disciples, not to
tell anyone that He was the Messiah–the Son of God (Matthew 16:20;
Mark 1:34; 3:11-12). He knew that once He was revealed as the Messiah,
it would be difficult for Him to preach the gospel openly (Mark 1:45;
Luke 5:15-16), and He said that the preaching of the gospel was one of
the reasons for His First Coming (Luke 4:43).

He also stated that
many of those who began to follow Him did not do so because they wanted
to learn the truth from Him, or because of His signs which He
performed, but because of the physical benefits which accompanied the
signs (John 6:26). It is true that the signs and miracles which He did
should have been enough evidence for the people, and for us today, that
He was and is the Son of God (John 10:25, 37-38; 20:30-31).
However, they were not sufficient in many cases (John 12:37; 15:24),
and when they were, they did not provide a lasting basis for the people
to stay loyal and committed. Even though His own disciples had seen His
signs and wonders, many of them left when they became offended by His
teachings (John 6:60-66). We also read, of course, that the public
miracles of Christ and the early apostles brought about persecution
(John 5:15-16; 11:45-53), preventing Him to “walk… openly among the
Jews” (verse 54).

We should also consider the possibility that a
lack of faith might prevent God from granting power to the Church to
perform public miracles. Even Jesus could not do many miracles among
those who did not believe in Him or God’s Power (Matthew 13:53-58; Mark

Most importantly, however, is the realization that God
has a time table. He knows WHEN the time is right to give His end-time
Church the power to perform public miracles, which will, in turn,
invite persecution from Satan and those under his influence (Matthew
24:9; John 15:20). Right now, God is more interested in the Church’s
fulfillment of its ongoing commission to preach the gospel in all the
world as a witness (Matthew 24:14). At the same time, He warns us that
some will arise to perform miracles and signs, but they will DECEIVE
many (Matthew 24:11, 24). Even a charismatic religious figure, soon to
manifest himself on the world scene, will be able to perform public
miracles, but he will do so with the power of Satan, not of God
(Revelation 13:11-14; 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9).

Christ came to
proclaim the gospel or the good news of the Kingdom of God to the
people–mainly those in Judea. But He told His disciples that they
would preach the gospel in all the world (Acts 1:8), and that He would
give them the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to do that. He said
that His Church would do greater WORKS (not necessarily public signs
and wonders) than He did, as He would go to the Father (John 14:12). He
poured out of the Holy Spirit from on high which He received from the
Father (Luke 24:49). And we can safely say that Christ has already
fulfilled His promise in these days–the gospel of the Kingdom of God
is being proclaimed in all the world. This has been made possible
through the marvelous technical inventions of the printing press,
radio, television and the Internet. It was not Christ’s purpose at His
time to have the gospel proclaimed in many other countries, but He knew
that in subsequent times, He would do so through His Church. Of course,
we realize that the technological advances have also made it possible
that big, powerful churches proclaim false gospel messages in all the
world–hence Christ’s warning to His disciples not to be deceived by
such false churches and doctrines.

The fact, however, that we do
not see God’s Church perform spectacular public miracles today, which
would attract worldwide attention, does not mean that God does not use
His Church today to perform miracles; or that He has not bestowed
spiritual gifts on His ministry and the Church as a whole. Every time
God’s ministers anoint sick persons with oil and pray for their
healing, or send an anointed cloth to the sick person, and that such
sick person is healed, God has performed a miracle. Every time God
protects His children from physical or spiritual harm, God has
performed a miracle. Every time God’s disciples are obedient to His
laws, even in situations which seemingly make it impossible to do so,
God has performed a miracle. Every time a person understands the truth
and responds to the gospel message, repents of his sins, believes in
Christ and His sacrifice, becomes obedient to God’s Word, and is
baptized and receives the Holy Spirit, God has bestowed spiritual gifts
on that person and has performed a miracle. Every time God’s Church is
receiving a better understanding of God’s Word, thereby growing in the
knowledge of Jesus Christ, God has performed a miracle and bestowed on
His Church a priceless spiritual gift. And every time one of God’s
children overcomes the temptation of forsaking the truth, resisting
false teachers and wrong doctrines, God has performed a miracle.

greatest miracle of all is that both the Father and Jesus Christ are
willing to live in true Christians, through the power of the Holy
Spirit. And what a great miracle it will be when, at the return of
Jesus Christ, true Christians will receive the gift of eternal life
(Romans 6:23) and the gift of the inheritance of the Kingdom of God
(Luke 12:32)–when they will be changed from mortal to immortal; from
flesh and blood to spirit; from a human being to a God being! Rather
than looking for outward signs and wonders, let us concentrate on what
God HAS BEEN giving to His true Church. Christ said that the greatest
GIFT which God the Father is willing to bestow on us, is His Holy
Spirit (Luke 11:13; John 4:10; Acts 2:38; Acts 10:45). God’s Spirit in
us enables us to develop the very MIND of God (2 Timothy 1:7),
including His very characteristics, such as His love, His peace, His
joy and His faith (Galatians 5:22-23).

Let us consider what
spiritual GIFTS, in particular, God is referring to in His Word, which
He gives to us today, and which we must deeply appreciate and value. We
read in 1 Corinthians 12 about all kinds of spiritual gifts, such as
gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits,
and different kinds of tongues or languages (verses 1, 9-10). Paul says
that not everyone in the Church has the same identical gifts (verse 4),
but all gifts are given “to each one for the profit of all”–the entire
Church (verse 7). God gives individual spiritual gifts to some so that
the entire Church can be built up. That is why He GIVES “some to be
apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and
teachers, for the equipping of the saints… for the edifying of the
body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man” (Ephesians 4:11-13).
But, the greatest or best spiritual GIFTS of God to us are His love,
His faith and His hope (1 Corinthians 12:31; 13:13).

let us never belittle God’s awesome POWER which He gives to all of us
if we are His children, through the indwelling Holy Spirit. God’s power
WILL change the world–in His due time. In the meantime, let us make
sure that the spiritual GIFT of God’s power changes US.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Satan Wants You!

On June 24, 2006, Edwin Pope will give the sermon, titled “Satan Wants You!”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Rene and Delia Messier informed us that their eighth grandchild was
born on June 10th, at 6 lbs., 8 oz. Their granddaughter, daughter of
Rene and Delia’s son Alan and daughter-in-law Kristy, was named Candice
Aleah Messier.

Our new booklet on prayer will soon be entering the second review cycle.

Norbert Link video-taped today a Feast sermon, to be shown during the
Feast of Tabernacles 2006 in Los Osos, California. Norbert and Johanna
Link will be keeping the Feast this year in England. Edwin Pope will
soon be video-taping a Feast sermon, to be shown during the Feast of
Tabernacles 2006 in England. Edwin and Joan Pope will be keeping the
Feast this year in Los Osos, California.

The German translation of our booklet, “Is God a Trinity?” has been
completed. The German booklet will be posted soon on our Webpages.

Our Daily Bread

by Louise Amorelli

Bread….the “food” of
life. It is one of the oldest staples of the basic diet.
Our physical well-being depends upon fueling our bodies, daily, with
bread and other foods given by our Creator to keep us healthy. Due to a
recent illness which left me unable to perform normal daily activities,
I was forced to rethink my eating habits. In doing so, I have
learned many valuable lessons–not only in my physical life, but also
in my spiritual life.

The correlation between our physical and
spiritual intake of “food” is remarkable. I realized first and foremost
that quality food is of great importance in keeping our bodies in
tip-top shape. In this fast-paced, fast-food society, this can be
quite difficult. Just as we need quality physical food, more
importantly, we also need quality spiritual food, inspired by God’s
Word. Just as we should seek out the better foods to eat, we must
also seek out God’s Truth among the “fast-food” religions of this world
that promise us an unhealthy spiritual diet which can result in
spiritual illness or death. As all nutritionists agree, the fast food
ingredients of fillers, preservatives and artificial ingredients are
detrimental to our health. They are realizing more and more the link
between good food and healthy bodies. These foods entice us with our
senses, but ultimately bring us physical illness which can lead to
death. Today’s religions, in this Satan-inspired world, do much the
same. They are pleasing to our spiritual senses by making us think that
God’s laws are done away with and that the commandments are no longer
in effect. It’s the fast-food mentality of quick
self-gratification, without considering the consequences.

I have
also learned that I should take the time and make the effort to cook
healthy meals. This may take some time, but it is time well spent.
During the food preparation, this allows me to enjoy the whole cooking
experience. Not only does it give me time to spend with my family, it
also allows me to de-stress away the worries of the day. In the
spiritual sense, we must take our time during our busy day to develop
our relationship with God through prayer, Bible study and meditation.
By giving our time to God, this will bring us spiritual peace of mind
and a healthy spiritual appetite.

In the sample prayer given in
God’s Word, we are told to ask Him to give us our daily bread. We need
to keep in mind the relationship between our physical and spiritual
bread which are both given by God. Let us make sure that we take
the time in our busy lives to nourish ourselves with quality “bread”
with no preservatives, fillers or artificial ingredients!!

What does the Bible mean when it talks about the "synagogue of Satan"?

Actually, the term “synagogue of Satan” is used only twice in the
Bible, namely in Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9. Before analyzing
these two passages in detail, let us first get some background:

word “synagogue” is used in several places in the New Testament. The
word is derived from the Greek word “sunagoge” and means, literally, a
“bringing together.” The Greek word “sun” means “together,” and the
Greek word “ago” means “to bring.” (Compare “Expository Dictionary of
New Testament Words,” by W. E. Vine). Young’s Analytical Concordance to
the Bible defines it as a “place where people are led together.”
Although originally used for religious or other gatherings of Jews, the
word was later also applied to religious or other gatherings of

The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the
Bible confirms this understanding. They write, under number 4864, that
the word means “an assemblage of persons; spec. a Jewish ‘synagogue’
(the meaning or the place); by anal. a Christian church–assembly,
congregation, synagogue.”

In his letter to the “twelve tribes
which are scattered abroad,” James addressed “brethren” from those
twelve tribes (James 1:1, 2). He wrote primarily to brethren from the
house of Israel–who were NOT Jews (For more information, please read
our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America.”). In
James 2:2-4, he states: “For if there should come into your assembly a
man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a
poor man in filthy clothes, and you pay attention to the one wearing
the fine clothes and say to him, ‘You sit here in a good place,’ and
say to the poor man, ‘You stand there,’ or, ‘Sit here at my footstool,’
have you not shown partiality among yourselves and become judges with
evil thoughts?”

In the Greek, the word for “assembly” in James
2:2 is “sunagoge.” The New Jerusalem Bible translates “synagogue,”
rather than assembly. The point is, James uses this word for a
religious assembly of Christians. In addition, the Greek verb,
“sunago,” normally rendered as “to assemble,” describes a religious
meeting of Christians in Acts 4:31.

Christ also warned that His
disciples–true Christians–would be “put out of the synagogue”
(compare John 16:2). In the Greek, the words are “aposunagogos poieo,”
and they literally mean, “expelled from the congregation” or
“excommunicated” (compare Vine).

With this background, let us now review the two passages where the “synagogue of Satan” is mentioned:

2:9 addresses the Church of God in Smyrna. It says: “I know your works,
tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy
of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of

Revelation 3:9 addresses the Church of God in
Philadelphia. It says: “Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of
Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie–indeed I will make
them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved

As we have seen, the reference to “synagogue of Satan” does
not have to describe a literal Jewish synagogue. Nor does the word
“Jew” have to refer to literal Jews. Note that the Bible says that
those from the synagogue of Satan claim that they are Jews, but that
they are not. Romans 2:28-29 states: “For he is not a Jew who is one
outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but
he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart,
in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from
God.” The Bible refers to true Christians as spiritual Jews, since
salvation is of the Jews (John 4:22).

Those who claim that they
are Jews, while they are not, are those who claim that they are
spiritual Jews or true Christians. But Christ says that they are not
true Christians, as they do not teach and do what He commands them
(compare Matthew 7:21-23).

As we pointed out in previous updates,
Christ addresses in chapters two and three of the book of Revelation
seven literal churches at the time of John, as well as seven successive
church eras of the Church of God which culminate in Christ’s return.
And, He is speaking to all Christians at all times. In addition, Christ
is describing a false religious power, calling it the “synagogue of
Satan,” which is masquerading as His true Church. This false religion
was already evolving at the time of the local church congregations in
Smyrna and Philadelphia (This false religious system would become more
and more influential and powerful throughout the successive eras of
God’s true Church).

The evolution of that false religious system,
which was directed by none other than Satan the devil, is described in
several verses in the second and third chapters of the book of

In Revelation 2:6, the true Church of God in Ephesus
is warned not to tolerate the “deeds of the Nicolaitans”–a heretical
sect which might very well have given its name to “St. Nicolaus” (the
German name for Santa Claus).

In Revelation 2:9, the “synagogue
of Satan” is mentioned, and Christ says in verse 10 that the devil will
persecute the true Church of God in Smyrna.

In Revelation 2:13,
Christ tells the Church of God in Pergamos that they live where Satan
has his throne. He also warns them, in verses 14 and 15, not to commit
idolatry nor to accept the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. We see, then,
that the deeds of the false religious system (the “Nicolaitans”) had
become canonized.

In Revelation 2:20, Christ warned the Church of
God in Thyatira of idol worship and of a fallen woman (Jezebel) who was
claiming to be a prophetess, which would include a claim that she had
the gift or “right” to speak on behalf of God. It is possible that that
same fallen woman is mentioned in Revelation 17. This woman or
religious system would at least exist until the time of the Great
Tribulation (Revelation 2:22).

In Revelation 2:24, Christ warns
the Church of God in Thyatira to be aware of the doctrine and depth of
Satan; and in Revelation 3:9, Christ states that those of the synagogue
of Satan will worship before the feet of true Christians of the Church
of God in Philadelphia.

To quote from a letter of the
Personal Correspondence Department of the Worldwide Church of God from
May 1987: “Those in the ‘synagogue of Satan’ say they are spiritual
Jews–pretend to be real Christians–but are not. This false church was
already developing in the days of the apostle John. It masqueraded as
God’s true Church. It had congregations in the cities of Smyrna and
Philadelphia in Asia Minor even at that early time. It and its daughter
churches are further described in Revelation 17.”

It is important
to note that some in the true Church of God began to tolerate and then
adopt false doctrines and practices, until they left the Church,
spiritually, and became a part of that false religious system–the
synagogue of Satan. These heretics might not even have departed from
the assembly of true Christians, but they might have forced true
Christians to leave, or they might have even excommunicated true
Christians (as prophesied by Christ). Christ said that these historical
events would happen again at the time just prior to His return, and
recent developments within the Church of God have begun to confirm the
accuracy of Christ’s predictions.

Jamieson, Fausset and Brown write in, “Commentary on the Whole Bible,” on page 1533:

“The ‘Jews’ who might have been ‘the church of God,’ had now, by their opposition and unbelief, become the synagogue of Satan.”

once again to Revelation 3:9, we find that those of the synagogue of
Satan will worship before the feet of true Christians (especially those
of the church in Philadelphia). This implies that true Christians will
be God beings–as none other than God is worthy of worship (Revelation
19:10; 22:8-9). The Bible confirms indeed that it is the potential of
true Christians to become God beings (For more information, please read
our free booklet, “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God.”).
In addition, those of the synagogue of Satan will ultimately recognize
that they were deceived, and they will realize who and where the true
Christians had been. What a joyful time this will be. May God speed
that day.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

A Perfect Example

On June 17, 2006, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “A Perfect Example.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

On June 3, 2006, Noelle Jacobs of San Diego was baptized at the Link residence. The baptism was conducted by Norbert Link and Edwin Pope. After the baptism, the San Diego congregation celebrated the event, welcoming Noelle as a newly begotten child of God’s Family.

A new Memberletter has been written and posted on the Web. It will be sent out this Friday via mail. In the letter, Norbert Link discusses the importance of staying faithful to the doctrines of the Bible.

 A new StandingWatch program was recorded on June 6, 2006, and has been posted on the Web. It is titled “666, the Beast and Antichrist.” In the program, Norbert Link discusses the following concepts:

Newspapers, magazines and television broadcasts report about the attempt of some to associate June 6, 2006, with Satan and the number of the Beast. Is there any validity to that claim? What IS the number of the Beast, and who and what is the Beast? Is it Antichrist, or someone altogether different? When John, an apostle of Jesus Christ, wrote the book of Revelation, did he really have Nero in mind, as some claim? And is the reference to the Beast only a reference to an individual, or also to a system and an empire? Finally, is there ever going to be a “battle of Armageddon,” as many teach today?

In 2006, the Church of God and Orthodox Christianity kept Pentecost on the same day. Does this mean that all have been obedient in keeping the annual Holy Day of Pentecost, as instructed by God in the Bible?

It does not mean this at all.

This year, the Church of God and
the Orthodox Catholic and Protestant world kept Pentecost (meaning:
count 50) on Sunday, June 4. But this is merely coincidental. There are
many years when the Church of God and the Orthodox Christian world
celebrate Pentecost on different days. Why? Because the Church of God
determines the correct date for Pentecost by counting 50 days from the
Sunday [after the weekly Sabbath] which falls within the annual Holy
Days of Unleavened Bread, as instructed in the Bible (Leviticus 23:11).
In other words, we are not to count from the weekly Sabbath that falls
within the seven Days of Unleavened Bread, but from the SUNDAY on which
the wave sheaf was offered — and it is that SUNDAY, that must fall
within the seven Days of Unleavened Bread (compare Leviticus 23:14-15;
Joshua 5:11).

However, the Orthodox Christian world does not
count in this way. It determines the date of “Pentecost” by using
Easter as a starting point for counting 50 days. Easter, however, is
not the correct starting point, as it is not even mentioned in the
Bible, and as it is not a feast to be kept by true Christians.

are further obvious distinctions between the Biblical Pentecost which
is to be kept by true Christians, and the Pentecost of this world,
which was designed by the Roman Catholic Church and included numerous
pagan customs.

The following article from USAREUR Public
Affair, dated May 31, 2001, is very revealing. It is titled: “Customs
and Traditions: Pfingsten in Germany.” In the article, it is pointed

‘Pfingsten,’ known in English as Pentecost or Whitsunday, is
one of the principal moveable feasts of the Christian church. The
holiday is celebrated 50 days after Easter, thus the name Pentecost,
which is derived from ‘pentekoste,’ the Greek word for ‘fifty.’
Pentecost was a popular time to baptize new members of the church.
During the baptism, the members wore special white garments – thus the
name ‘White Sunday’ or ‘Whitsunday.’ Depending on the Easter holiday,
Pfingsten falls in late May or early June… There are many old Pfingst
traditions in the German language regions. In some areas a young man of
the village was disguised with branches, green leaves and a mask and
then brought into the village. While he was cleaned up the villagers
had to guess who was hidden under the disguise. In rural Germany,
Whitsunday often marked the beginning of the outdoor season for the
livestock. An ox was decorated with a flower wreath and called the
‘Pfingstochse’ (Pentecost ox).

Tyrol, Austria, Pfingsten
was celebrated with a big portion of ‘Maibutter’ (whipped cream or
butter with sugar and cinnamon). In a display of skill and strength,
young men of the village, the ‘Goaslschnalzer,’ would crack their whips
in a special rhythm without getting them tangled up. Another tradition
barely seen nowadays was the ‘Heiliggeistschwingen,’ the ‘swinging of
the Holy Ghost,’ where a wooden dove on a rope was sent swinging above
the heads of the congregation during the festive church service on
Pentecost Sunday. Many towns in Germany celebrate the holidays with a
‘Pfingstmarkt,’ an outdoor market that can be anything from a market
for household goods and pottery to a livestock or horse market. Often
this market is combined with a fair with rides and other entertainment.”

might clarify here that in addition to the other obvious distinctions
between keeping the Biblical Holy Day of Pentecost and the worldly
holiday of Whitsunday, the Biblical Holy Day of Pentecost is an annual
“Sabbath”–on which no commerce should take place. To conduct an
outdoor or farmer’s market on God’s Holy Day is in absolute defiance of
God’s clear and express instructions. For proof, read our free booklet,
God’s Commanded Holy Days.

from the following article on Pentecost (Whitsunday), which can be
found on the Shea-site, also emphasize this blatant disobedience of
God’s Law:

“Depending on Easter, Whitsunday falls into late May
or early June, and in Germany it is an official two-day (Sunday and
Monday) holiday. A vast array of different kinds of celebrations abound
throughout the German-speaking areas, however they all deal with the
central theme of ‘thanksgiving.’ Thanksgiving for the fruit of the
earth as an agricultural festival, and thanksgiving for the gift of the
spirit, flow together in a thanksgiving festival, celebrated in the
market place and in the church.”

The article continued:

by the northern climate, in some areas Whitsunday has taken the place
of the ‘Maifest.’ In Silesia, for instance, the Maypole was not erected
until Pentecost. As the young green was brought in from the woods to
decorate buildings and streets, there was discovered in the woods a
fantastically dressed creature, which was brought with jubilation and
cheering into the village where it would be thoroughly cleansed and
washed. Part of the ritual was to guess who was hidden under the guise.
Most of the time it was a young man of the village, who was covered
with green branches and bundles of reed with a mask of tree bark
covering his blackened face. In southern Germany he is called
‘Pfingstl.’ In the Harz it was the May King with a crown on his head,
and in Thuringia it is the ‘wild man.’ The water, the young green,
leaves and flowers in these rituals symbolize cleansing, renewal and

“In Thuringia young girls celebrated the day with
a game called ‘Topfschlagen’ (strike the pot). A blindfolded girl had
to find and hit a pot or pan (turned upside down) with a stick or a
long-handled wooden spoon. The main [prize] was the ‘Pfingsthahn,’ a
rooster on a perch… For most rural areas Whitsunday was the day when,
for the first time that year, the livestock would be taken out to
pasture. The first or the last animal would be decorated with a wreath
of flowers and was the ‘Pfingstochse’ (the Whitsunday Ox). And there
were also special foods. In Tyrol one celebrated with a big portion of
‘Maibutter’ (whipped cream or butter with sugar and cinnamon)…”

of the most revealing articles, perhaps, which really shows how the
Catholic Church has been intent on changing times and seasons as well
as the Biblical meaning of Pentecost and other laws and statutes
(compare Daniel 7:25), can be found on one of the Catholic websites
(, under Paschaltide:

“… the
[Catholic] Church proclaims Easter Sunday the greatest day of the year.
For the Christian believer every day is, of course, a celebration of
Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, as is every Mass. Yet daily
rejoicing pales in comparison to that of the Sunday Mass, since Sunday
is the day that the resurrection took place, the ‘eighth’ day of the
week signifying a new creation and a new life. And these Sundays of the
year, in turn, are dwarfed by Easter, the Feast of Feasts celebrated in
the newness of the vernal moon and in the rebirth of springtime. Easter
is the Christian day par excellence… The commemoration of our Lord’s
physical resurrection from the dead provides not only the crucial
resolution to the Passion story, but to several liturgical themes
stretching back over the past two months. Easter ends the seventy days
of Babylonian exile begun on Septuagesima Sunday by restoring the
Temple that was destroyed on Good Friday, i.e., the body of Jesus
Christ… The feast [of Pentecost or Whitsunday] is fitting for a
number of reasons. First, it corresponds to the Jewish feast of
Pentecost, the great religious and agricultural festival of First
Fruits. The Christian Pentecost, on the other hand, celebrates the
first fruits of the Holy Spirit and of all our Lord’s promises… And
just as the Jewish Pentecost is celebrated fifty days after Passover,
the Christian Pentecost is celebrated fifty days after Easter
(‘Pentecost’ is the Greek word for fifty). God also revealed the Law to
Moses on Mount Sinai fifty days after the first Passover, and so it is
fitting the New Law was promulgated by the Apostles fifty days after it
was ratified by the Lamb of God’s self-sacrifice.”

We would like
to just make a few comments, pointing out some of the glaring errors in
Orthodox Christianity, as set forth in the above-quoted article:

“Easter Sunday” is not Biblical. The Bible does not mention Easter.
Further, Christ was not resurrected on a Sunday, but on a Saturday. For
proof, please read our free booklet, “Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery.”

Sunday is not the “eighth” day of the week. As everyone knows, our week
has seven days–not eight days–and the LAST or SEVENTH day of the
week, which needs to be observed by true Christians, is Saturday (the
weekly Sabbath, to be held from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset), not
Sunday, which is the FIRST day of the week. Sunday was never a day set
aside by God as holy. For proof, read our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.

Christ was not crucified on “Good Friday”–or on a Friday–but He was
crucified on a Wednesday. If He had been killed on a Friday afternoon
and in the grave until Sunday morning, as taught by Orthodox
Christianity, He would not have fulfilled the only sign that He gave
that He was the Messiah–that He would be three days and three nights
in the grave (compare Matthew 12:38-40). The time from Friday afternoon
to Sunday morning simply does not amount to three days and three
nights, or 72 hours. For proof, read our free booklet, “Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery.

The above-quoted article ADMITS that the Catholic Pentecost is NOT
determined by counting fifty days from the Passover season [the Days of
Unleavened Bread], but it is determined by counting 50 days from
Easter. This man-made tradition is NOT in accordance with Scripture. It
is therefore to be rejected.

(5) The above-quoted article claims
that Christ and the early apostles brought and taught a “New Law” which
apparently abolished the “Old” Law–including the Ten Commandments.
This is a terribly deceitful and unbiblical concept. Christ did NOT
bring a “New” Law–rather, He continually taught that we will not even
enter the Kingdom of God and inherit eternal life if we don’t keep the
Ten Commandments and the statutes and judgments which further explain
the Ten Commandments. Christ came–not to destroy the Law, but to make
it more honorable, by explaining to us the spiritual intent behind the
Law. For instance, not only do we break God’s Law when we kill, but we
already break it when we hate. For proof, please read our free booklet,
And Lawlessness Will Abound…

conclusion, the worldly celebration of “Pentecost” or “Whitsunday” is a
counterfeit to God’s Biblical Holy Day of Pentecost. We are to keep
God’s Holy Days, but reject man-made holidays, which are filled with
pagan customs, even though they claim to worship the true God. God has
told us how to worship Him, and He does not accept any other form of
worship. Christ said that we worship Him in vain when we teach as
doctrines the commandments of men, and when we follow man’s traditions
in an attempt to worship God (compare Mark 7:6-9).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

White for the Harvest

Those “in the know” estimate that between 5-10% of ALL humans that have ever lived, are alive TODAY. This is a phenomenal figure when we realize that over the last 6000 years of the history of man, we have the opportunity to address such a significant portion right this very moment.

God has enjoined us to preach the Gospel to these people, which we are doing to the best of our ability by means of the StandingWatch program, NetServices, literature, Public Bible Lectures, etc.  The Internet alone has the possibility of being one of the greatest tools at getting the Truth into the hands of the world like never before.

Yet, we remain comparatively small in numbers as many continue to disregard the truth. This being the case we need to hold our head up high and keep on putting one foot in front of the other, because we were told this would happen. In Ecclesiastes 11:1 it says: “Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days.”  Though we put the “bread of life” (John 6:33,35), that is Christ and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God that He brought with Him, in front of a sea of people, we should not be surprised when only very few eat from it.

That being so, we are to keep our course because it is serving a purpose. In Isaiah 55:11 we read, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”  

We do not always know God’s immediate intent for our efforts. Perhaps it is a witness, or maybe a seed is being planted for others to water. But, there is a time coming when we will not be able to do the good Work that God would have us do (John 9:4). This time is nearly upon us as we see end-time prophecy unfold before our eyes.  

In reality there could be billions who have yet to hear God’s Word and we do not want to miss one of them…because what if that person was YOU?

For more information on this topic, please read the following literature, which is posted on our Web: “The Gospel of the Kingdom of God” and “Europe in Prophecy.”

©2024 Church of the Eternal God