Can you prove from Scripture that according to God's reckoning, days start and end with sunset?

Even though our Western societies reckon days from midnight to midnight, and some even define a day as the period from morning to night, this is a purely human invention. The Bible is very clear that days are to be counted from sunset to sunset. For instance, the Sabbath, the last day of the week, is to be counted from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.

Set forth are excerpts from our booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days“:

“God has revealed in His Word exactly when the Sabbath starts and when it ends. God reckons each day, including the Sabbath, beginning at sunset and continuing through until the following sunset. Today, we would say that the Seventh-Day Sabbath starts Friday evening, when the sun sets, and lasts until Saturday evening, at sunset.

“We know from the Jewish people when to keep the Sabbath. It is the Jews to whom God committed His revelations or His ‘oracles,’ as Paul clearly explains in Romans 3:1–2. These ‘oracles of God’ included the Old Testament Scriptures, as well as the knowledge of the week and of the Sacred Calendar. The Jews preserved the knowledge of which day the seventh day of the week is. Without an understanding of when a week begins and ends, we would not have been able to tell, from the Bible alone, which day the seventh day of the week actually is. Today, the Jews keep the Sabbath on Saturday, beginning Friday evening, at sunset. Nobody questions today that the Sabbath, as preserved by the Jews, is the seventh or last day of the week. All understand that Sunday is the first day of the week—although there have been some attempts in Europe to actually change the calendar in order to deceitfully pretend as if Sunday, and not Saturday, was the seventh day of the week.

“The Bible reveals that days start and end at sunset, in the evening. Notice Genesis 1:5: ‘God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.’ [Note the comment by the Ryrie Study Bible to this passage: “… Jewish reckoning began the day with eventide (Lev. 23:32). This may be the reason for the order here…”]

“Many Scriptures associate the meaning of the word ‘evening’ with ‘sunset.’ For instance, a period of one day regarding a ritualistic, temporary law is noted in Leviticus 22:6–7: ‘The person who has touched any such thing shall be unclean until evening… And when the sun goes down he shall be clean.’ (Note the same definition in 2 Samuel 3:35.) Further, we are told in Leviticus 23:32 to keep God’s Sabbath ‘from evening to evening.'”

In regard to the meaning of “evening,” also notice Deuteronomy 16:6: “… at the place where the LORD your God chooses to make His name abide, there you shall sacrifice the Passover, at twilight [lit., between the two evenings], at the going down of the sun…” The first evening–when days start and end–is sunset. The second evening is nightfall, when it is really dark. The Passover had to be sacrificed on the 14th day of the first month, at twilight–between the two evenings–“at the GOING DOWN OF THE SUN.”

Rienecker’s Lexikon zur Bibel [“Rienecker”] correctly explains, under “evening”:

“Until evening (Leviticus 15:5; Judges 20:26) means the entire day, as the new day begins with sunset.”

Rienecker explains, under “day”:

“The day as part of the week and the month… lasted for the Israelites from one sunset to the next sunset (Exodus 12:18; Leviticus 23:32); within this unity the hours of the night preceded the daylight hours (compare ‘evening-mornings’ [in] Daniel 8:14; compare the Greek word ‘nychthaemeron,’ literally ‘Night-Day,’ = the time of 24 hours, 2 Corinthians 11:25).”

The biblical passages of Exodus 12:18 and Leviticus 23:32, as quoted by Rienecker, establish that days start and end at SUNSET:

Exodus 12:18 reads: “In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the month at evening.”

Verse 19 explains that the entire duration lasted for seven days; that is, from the evening (or sunset) of the fourteenth day (when the fifteenth day started) until the evening of the twenty-first day (when that day ended and the twenty-second day started). The seven days of unleavened bread FOLLOW the Passover, which is to observed on the 14th day–from the beginning of the fourteenth day, at sunset, until the end of the fourteenth day, at sunset (compare Exodus 12:6). Notice that the Passover falls on the fourteenth day (from sunset to sunset), but that the Days of Unleavened Bread begin on the fifteenth day–24 hours later (Numbers 28:16-17).

Leviticus 23:32 describes the annual Holy Day of Atonement, which the Jews today call Yom Kippur. It is stated: “It shall be to you a Sabbath of solemn rest; and you shall afflict your souls [i.e., fast]; on the ninth day of the month at evening, FROM EVENING TO EVENING, you shall celebrate your sabbath.” The New International Version renders this verse: “… From the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your sabbath.”

But, this entire period, from the evening or sunset of the ninth day, until the evening or sunset of the tenth day, is defined as “the tenth day,” as Leviticus 23:27 clearly shows: “Also the TENTH day of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement.” This proves that the Bible reckons days from evening or sunset to evening or sunset.

As further proof, note the following excerpts from our booklet, “Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery,” showing that Bible commentaries and translators clearly understand WHEN days start and end according to the biblical reckoning:

“We read in Matthew 28:1–6 (Authorized Version): ‘In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it… And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for HE IS RISEN, AS HE SAID.’

“We note from the passage that Christ was already resurrected by the time the women came to the grave. We are told that they appeared ‘in the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week.’ Many commentaries point out that this phrase discusses the END of the SABBATH, that is, Saturday evening or late afternoon, and NOT Sunday morning.

“The Interlinear Literal Translation of the Greek New Testament renders this verse in this way: ‘Now late on Sabbath, as it was getting dusk toward (the) first (day) of (the) week, came Mary the Magdalene…’

“A.T. Robertson’s Harmony of the Gospel comments: “This phrase once gave much trouble, but the usage of the vernacular Koine Greek amply justifies the translation. The visit of the women to inspect the tomb was thus made before the Sabbath was over (before 6 p.m. on Saturday).’

“Cockrell states: ‘When does the Bible say that Jesus rose from the dead? The two Marys came to the tomb “in the end of the sabbath” (Matth. 28:1). The Sabbath always ended at sunset: “From even unto even, shall ye celebrate your Sabbath” (Lev. 23:32). Then they went to the tomb before sunset on Saturday. Jesus had risen from the dead before their arrival (Matth. 28:1–8)…’…

“The Elberfelder Bibel reads: ‘But late at the Sabbath, in the dawn of the first day.’ It comments: ‘Days started at sunset.’

“The Lamsa Bible states: ‘In the evening of the Sabbath, when the first day of the week began to dawn…’…

“The Menge Bible renders this verse as follows: ‘But after the Sabbath, when the first day after the Sabbath was about to begin.’

“Finally, the revised Zürcher Bible of 1942 states: ‘After the Sabbath, when it was shining (lightening up) towards the first day of the week…’ It adds the following comments: ‘For the Jews a day began with sunset. The expression [in] Luke 23:54, “The Sabbath lightened up…” [The King James Bible states: ‘The Sabbath drew on’ or ‘drew near’] does not mean that the morning began, but that lights were kindled for the evening…'”

It is therefore abundantly clear from the Biblical record that according to God, days are counted from sunset to sunset–and not from midnight to midnight, or by any other method.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Our Change

On June 16, 2007, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Our Change.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The final text for our new booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days,” has been sent to our graphic designer, Shelly Bruno.

We have completed the second printing for our booklet, “Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery!” as we had run out of stock for this booklet.

Our new format for our StandingWatch programs is steadily progressing. We bought additional equipment to improve the sound, and are still experimenting to achieve the best lighting for the program. Your continued prayers for the success of the programs are appreciated. The following announcement was sent out on June 3, 2007, pertaining to our new StandingWatch program #124:

No Success for the U.S. — Why?

Why is the relationship between the USA and Europe constantly deteriorating? Why have both power blocs hardened their respective positions? Why is the Iraq War so unsuccessful? Could our approach toward the worship of the true God have anything to do with it?

View it now on Google.

On June 2, 2007, Manuela Mitchell of Escondido, California, graduated from Mesa College with an AS degree in Animal Health Technology/Animal Science in Veterinary Medicine. Unfortunately, as June 2 fell on the Sabbath, Manuela was unable to participate in the graduation ceremonies. She will become a RVT upon passing the examination with the Veterinary Medical Board in San Diego. Our heartfelt congratulations to Manuela for her achievement.

Should true Christians engage in mercy killing or euthanasia?

It is important to understand that true Christians are called out of this present evil world–its governments, administrations, laws and philosophies–in order to be different. They are set aside for the holy purpose of living a righteous life in this world, and preparing for the soon-coming Kingdom of God, which will be established on this earth when Jesus Christ returns. True Christians are to live under the law of God and His government, to which they must have their first allegiance.

As a consequence, they do not vote in governmental elections or seek governmental offices, nor do they participate in jury duty. They are not fighting in the wars of this world, even if their country orders them to enlist, and they may be labeled as unpatriotic or “cowards,” when they refuse to fight. And, they do not hold a position or a job which would require them to take human life.

Even though God allows man to establish their own form of governments and enact their own rules of conduct–including those which are in direct opposition to His commands–this does not mean that He desires His true children–His very sons and daughters–to participate in activities which violate His perfect and timeless Law. And even though He allows the governments of this world to execute a convicted criminal or to fight in war (compare Romans 13:1-4), He makes it also very clear that His true children are not to engage in such conduct (compare Matthew 26:51-52; Revelation 13:10).

True Christians must not participate in any of the following activities, even though many of these activities are accepted by the standards of this world: Mercy killing or euthanasia; assisting someone to commit suicide; fighting and killing in war; having an abortion or helping someone to have an abortion; condemning someone to death in the legal systems of this world; or executing a convicted felon (who may or may not be guilty of the deed for which fallible men convicted him). The reason being–in one way or another, all these aforementioned activities terminate, or cause the termination of, the life of a human being. True Christians, however, who obey the Law of God, understand that it is not their right, prerogative or even responsibility to end the life of a human being, including their own. David fought and killed in war, but this was not right. God punished him for that, by not allowing him to build Him a temple (compare 1 Chronicles 28:3). Still, David refused to kill King Saul, leaving it to God to end his life. He stated in 1 Samuel 26:10: “As the LORD lives, the LORD shall strike him, or his day shall come to die, or he shall go out to battle and perish.”

Euthanasia, in particular, can be defined as an easy or painless death which brings to an end a lingering, hopeless, painful disease or condition. To engage in such conduct is not in obedience to God. The Bible clearly tells us that it is God’s prerogative–as the One who created human life–to let a person die, or to prolong his life, when He sees fit. It is GOD who gives us life (Ecclesiastes 5:18; 8:15); and it is GOD who takes it away from us (Deuteronomy 32:39; 1 Samuel 2:6). Of course, no one can kill a human being without God allowing this to happen; but the fact that He does allow it does not mean that He wants all this world’s killing to continue. This is NOT God’s world–but this world is ruled by Satan the devil (John 14:30)–the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2)– the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:3). God allows Satan to rule over this present evil age at this time–but only until Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, will return to this earth to displace and banish Satan and to begin to RULE this earth righteously.

There is no support in Scripture for humans ending prematurely the life of a sick person. The Church of God has taught this for a very long time. However, it has also taught correctly for a very long time that there IS a difference between cutting short a human life and artificially prolonging it. While euthanasia is not a practice in which a true Christian should engage, it is an altogether different matter to decide NOT to prolong the “life” of a clinically dead or comatose person through machines and other equipment, thereby keeping the comatose person “alive” artificially. The Worldwide Church of God explained in an old letter (L 185):

“… the idea that heroic measures must be taken to keep a terminally ill person alive as long as possible is not biblical either. There is no sense prolonging a person’s dying. Many righteous people in the Bible knew when they were dying, got their affairs in order… and simply died. It is not wrong to ask God in His mercy to allow a suffering person to peacefully die.”

The same would be true if a terminally ill person was facing the possibility of a serious and risky operation which might temporarily prolong his life–and its accompanying painful condition. In such a case, it would certainly not be wrong if the person decided against such an operation. It would also not be wrong for a person to set forth in writing, ahead of time, his or her wish as to how doctors or relatives should proceed in case he or she falls into a coma.

Of course, in all these different scenarios, we are to ask God for His mercy to HEAL us from pain and suffering. But if God should choose not to do so in a particular circumstance, we are still not to engage in “mercy killing” or other practices which would terminate human life.

For more information on this vitally important subject, please read our free booklets, “Should You Fight in War?” and “Sickness and Healing–What the Bible Tells Us.” You might also want to read chapter 2 of our free booklet, “Are You Predestined to Be Saved?”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link


Dr. Jack Kevorkian was recently released from prison, where he served eight years for giving a fatal injection to a 52 year old man who had Lou Gehrig’s disease.  What he did was wrong in the eyes of God (see Q&A below), and the judicial system in the USA agrees, hence the jail time.

The interesting aspect of this whole ordeal is that Kevorkian went into the penal system a rebellious and defiant man of 71 years of age and came out as a 79 year old who was still just as brash, gruff and combative as ever.

While his time in the penitentiary did manage to keep him off the streets, it did little to make the man, known as Dr. Death, penitent.  Of course, this is nothing new. Most do not come out of correctional facilities “corrected.” If anything, some going in come out “better” criminals.

What does it take then to rehabilitate a person from his errant ways?

It takes a conviction that what we are doing is wrong, and then a conversion to become a “new” person.  The only way that this can truly be accomplished is by the power of God working in our lives and giving us the recognition of who and what we are, and then, who and what we can become.  The heart is naturally contrary to the way of God (Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 15:18-20), but with the power of the Holy Spirit, it can be transformed (Psalms 51:10; Ezekiel 11:19).

Some today have been given this insight to see themselves as God sees them.  The question now is, what does He see?  Is it the same attitudes and actions that were present at the beginning of their rehabilitation or is it a “new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24)?

Why the Sacrifices

On June 9, 2007, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “Why the Sacrifices.”

The services can be heard at at 12:30 pm Pacific Time (which is 2:30 pm Central Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days,” has entered the final review cycle.

The following announcement was sent out on May 30, 2007, pertaining to our new StandingWatch program #123:

Wars and Conflicts

This world is a dangerous place in which to live. And it is getting worse all the time. What does it all mean?

View it now on Google.

Enduring Till the End

by Simon Akl (18)

Growing up, I have always had fun in participating in many sportive and physical activities.  However, for the past year, due to a recent diagnosis of a herniated disk, I have been limited in the amount of sports that I have been able to do, as well as many related everyday movements.  It has been very tough at times, with constant reminders throughout the days of my physical limitations, what it means to have a normal life.  Movements which I used to take for granted are now things which I look forward to doing again, under strenuous physical therapy and other natural treatments. 

It is so easy to just feel bad and depressed about not being able to do the things that I enjoyed so much.  It is much more difficult to remain positive and have faith in God to work with me, even during times when there seems to be no progress. I know that God’s ways are not my ways and that, in fact, His ways are higher than my ways, just as the heavens are higher than the earth.  In the end it is much more rewarding to know that through tests and times of troubles, I am able to hold fast to my faith and allow God to work with me and teach me whatever lessons I need to learn in my life. 

Instead of feeling down, helpless and depressed, it is important for me to look for the positive points which will not only allow me to feel better psychologically, but also eventually physically.  Even though I have not been able to do many sports this year, I believe that this situation is still a hidden blessing-in-disguise.  My understanding and learning about my current situation have been greatly increased, so that I became fascinated by the treatment related to my herniated disk, which helped me decide what kind of career I want to study, and what I want to do for the rest of my life. 

There are days when I wish I did not have to go through this, but in the end it is, in my opinion, God’s way of teaching me patience and perseverance, which allows me to develop godly character.  God will never give me more than what I can bear.  It is vital for me to remember that whenever I am burdened with any trial, I have always to look to Him for guidance and hope.  I know that when I endure through the obstacles of my temporary physical life, while keeping my faith and looking to God for help, I am becoming ready to be baptized, so that I can ultimately reach my potential of inheriting eternal life in God’s kingdom. In light of this, my present trials become all the more fruitful, gratifying and worthwhile.

Was the name of the "Word" (in John 1:1) Jesus Christ before He became a human being?

Although this might be surprising to some at first sight, the answer is clearly, “Yes.” Here is why:

In John 1:1, we read that the “Word” (“Logos” in Greek, meaning Speaker or Spokesman) was with God (the Father), and that the Word was also God. That is, both God (the Father) and the Word were members of the Godhead–they were both God Beings. Verse 3 tells us that “all things were made” through the Word, and verse 14 explains that “the Word BECAME flesh and dwelt among us”–as the “only begotten of the Father.” So, clearly, the “WORD” was none other than the second Member of the Godhead, Who became a human being.

Hebrews 1:1-2 reveals that God spoke in these last days by His Son, “through whom also He made the worlds.” Colossians 1:13-16 explains, too, that God created “all things” through “the Son of His love.” The Son then is clearly identical with the Word, as God made everything through the “Son” and through the “Word.”

Notice, however, that Ephesians 3:9 explains that “God… created all things through Jesus Christ.” This shows that the Word is not only identical with the Son of God, but also with Jesus Christ; or, to put it differently, that the Word, the Son of God and Jesus Christ are all names or designations for the SAME IDENTICAL divine Personage in the Godhead.

The Greek expression, “Jesus”, which is identical with “Joshua” in the Hebrew, means “Savior.” The Greek expression, “Christ,” which is identical with the Hebrew expression, “Messiah,” means, “the Anointed One.”

But since when was the “Logos” or “Spokesman,” the “Son of God,” the second member of the God Family, known to God the Father as “Jesus Christ”? Of course, the proper name that we now use, “Jesus Christ,” is conveyed in the Greek language and has come down through approximately two-thousand years of history in its transliterated form. However, the Son was designated and called as the Anointed Savior long before He became a man.

We read that the “Lamb of God”–another expression for Jesus Christ–was slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). This means that it was clear at least from that moment in time that the Word would come to this earth–as a human being–to die for our sins–to become the Savior of the world. Further, we read that certain individuals have been predestined and chosen IN CHRIST “before the foundation of the world” to be called to salvation in this day and age (compare Ephesians 1:3-4), and that God promised eternal life “before time began” (Titus 1:1-2). It was made clear “before the foundation of the world”–and in a sense even before time began–that the vast majority of man would NOT be called to salvation in this day and age, but that they would have to wait until the time AFTER Christ’s return.

This means, then, that it was already determined a very long time ago that the Word or the Logos would become a man and die for our sins, thereby making it possible that some–those who were predestined–WOULD and COULD be called to salvation here and now, while most would be called later. The only way that anyone could be called to salvation would be for the Logos to die for our sins so that one could have forgiveness of our sins. And so, the Logos was slain “from the foundation of the world”–that is, it was CERTAIN by that time at least–if not earlier–that He, as the Savior of man, WOULD DIE for man.

The angel Gabriel instructed both Joseph and Mary to call the Word, Who was to become a human child, “Jesus,” the “Savior,” (Luke 1:31; Matthew 1:21), as He would “save His people from their sins” (compare again Matthew 1:21). As it was announced to ancient Israel more than 300 years earlier that an Old Testament king with the name of “Josiah” would be born to punish the priests of Baal (compare 1 Kings 13:2; 2 Kings 23:15-16), so it was already known LONG before the human birth of the Logos that His name would become known among men as “Jesus Christ.”

Romans 1:1-3 states: “Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God which He promised BEFORE through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures, CONCERNING HIS SON JESUS CHRIST our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh…” This remarkable summary from Paul acknowledges that the Logos would come as Jesus Christ, as the anointed Savior, and that He was plainly spoken of in the centuries BEFORE His physical birth.

The Bible clearly reveals that Jesus Christ existed–as Jesus Christ–long before He became a man. As we have already seen–in Ephesians 1:3-4–we were chosen IN CHRIST before the foundation of the world. We have also read in Ephesians 3:9 that all things were created through JESUS CHRIST. In addition, please note the following Scriptures:

Philippians 2:5-7 states:

“Let this mind be in you which was also in JESUS CHRIST, who, BEING IN THE FORM OF GOD, did not consider it robbery to BE EQUAL WITH GOD, but made Himself of no reputation, TAKING THE FORM OF A BONDSERVANT, and COMING IN THE LIKENESS OF MEN.”

Please realize WHO was equal with God, and Who became a human being. It was JESUS CHRIST. That is, when He was equal with God, He was ALREADY AT THAT TIME known as Jesus Christ.–the Savior, the Anointed One. This designation applied regardless of the particular language used–whether Greek, Hebrew or even the unique language of the heavenly realm (compare 1 Corinthians 13:1).

Remember that Gabriel, the angel of God, told Mary to name the Child to be born to her “Jesus,” and this was done BEFORE the Child was conceived (compare Luke 2:21). The New Testament record was initially written primarily in Greek. However, the strong indication is that the name that the angel revealed was in the common language of the day–Aramaic, a language closely related to Hebrew and spoken among the Jews at that time. We don’t know the exact language by which Jesus was named, but the evidence strongly suggests that it was not Greek. It is vital that we understand, however, that in whatever “tongue” the name of the Son of God, “Jesus Christ,” was specifically called, that name conveyed His TITLE and ROLE! As we have seen, this stems from God’s plan and purpose–before time began–of “bringing many sons to glory” (compare Hebrews 2:10).

Notice further 1 Corinthians 10:1-4:

“Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and THAT ROCK WAS CHRIST.”

Realize again Who the Being was in the Godhead Who led ancient Israel in the cloud by day and in the pillar of fire by night, going at times in front of them and following them, giving them thereby total and complete protection. Realize, too, Who it was Who gave them both physical and spiritual food and water. It was none other than the ROCK JESUS CHRIST– the anointed Savior Who would become a man to die for our sins and to offer us salvation.

Also take note of 1 Corinthians 10:8-9:

“Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell; nor let us TEMPT CHRIST, as SOME OF THEM ALSO TEMPTED, and were destroyed by serpents.”

The literal translation of verse 9 is rendered as: “Neither test Christ, as some of them tried Him…”

Realize again Whom the ancient Israelites tried or tested. It was none other than JESUS CHRIST.

Finally, please take note of 1 Peter 1:10-11:

“Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, searching what, or what manner of time, THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST WHO WAS IN THEM was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow.”

Notice again WHOSE Spirit was in the ancient prophets in Old Testament times. It was the Spirit of CHRIST. That means, the Spirit of the second Member of the Godhead, WHO is identified as Jesus Christ, was already in the Old Testament prophets.

It is important to understand and to realize that none of the above-quoted Scriptures say that the Personage Who dealt directly with ancient Israel and Judah was the One Who would BECOME Jesus Christ. Rather, we read that it WAS the Personage whose NAME WAS Jesus Christ. That was ALREADY His name long before He became a human being.

For further information on the existence of Jesus Christ BEFORE He became a human being, and for additional proof that He was already known as the Son of God PRIOR TO HIS HUMAN BIRTH, please read our free booklet, “God is a Family,” as well as the Q&A in Update #294, titled, “Was Jesus Christ always the Son–even prior to His human birth?” You might also want to listen to Norbert Link’s recent sermon on this topic, titled, “The Son,” dated May 19, 2007, which is posted on our Websites, under Audio.

Based on this awesome truth–that the Word was also the SON of God and Jesus Christ LONG before He became a Man–we understand the undeniable FACT that God IS–and always HAS BEEN–a Family (consisting at this present time of the Father and the Son), and that it is His TIMELESS purpose to reproduce Himself through man, by bringing born-again spirit God beings as sons and daughters into His very Family. Without this priceless knowledge, we cannot really fully comprehend God’s GREAT Master Plan for man–WHY man was created, and WHAT his eternal potential is.

Lead Writers: Norbert Link and Dave Harris

©2024 Church of the Eternal God