Why don't many editions of the Bible contain the Apocrypha?

The Apocrypha are a collection of books, which were written in Greek by various individuals from about 400 to 200 B.C. The Catholic Church considers some of these books as inspired Scripture.

At the Council of Trent (1546 A.D.), the Catholic Church declared that some apocryphal books, together with unwritten Catholic tradition, are of God. It was stated that those who disagreed with this decision were to be considered “anathema.”

The Roman Catholic Church (as well as the Greek Orthodox Church) consider the following Apocrypha (which are also referred to as Deuterocanonical books) as inspired:

Tobit or Tobias
Wisdom of Solomon
Jesus Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)
Baruch (including the letter of Jeremiah, Baruch 6)
First and Second Maccabees
Additions to Esther and Daniel [i.e., added chapters at the end of the book of Esther; and added chapters to the book of Daniel, including Prayer of Azariah (Daniel 3:24-50); the Song of the Three Young Men (Daniel 3:51-90); Susanna (Daniel 13); and Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14)].

The Catholic Church rejected as inspired the Apocryphal Books of Third and Fourth Maccabees, Psalm 151, First and Second Esdras, and the Prayer of Manasseh, as well as the so-called Pseudepigrapha, which were written between 200 B.C. and 100 A.D. and which contain, among other writings, the books of Enoch, Michael the Archangel, and Jannes and Jambres. There are additional Pseudepigrapha books, which were possibly written after Christ’s death and which were likewise rejected as inspired, such as the Assumption of Moses, the Apocalypse of Elijah, and the Ascension of Isaiah.

When the Catholic Church decided in 1546 to treat some of the Apocrypha as inspired, their decision had been preceded by a hot debate among early “Church Fathers.” Hilary (bishop of Poictiers, 350 A.D.) rejected as inspired the Apocrypha (Prologue to the Psalms, Sec. 15), and so did Epiphanius (360 A.D.). Referring to the Wisdom of Solomon and the book of Jesus Sirach, he said: “These indeed are useful books and profitable, but they are not placed in the number of the canonical.” In addition, Origen, Cyril of Jerusalem, Athanasius and Jerome spoke out against the inspiration of the Apocrypha.

In his preface to the Wisdom of Solomon, Jerome (340-420 A.D.) rejected the Apocrypha as godly inspired, stating: “As the Church reads the books of Judith and Tobit and Maccabees but does not receive them among the canonical Scriptures, so also it reads Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus for the edification of the people, not for the authoritative confirmation of doctrine.”

According to Edward Hills in “The King James Version Defended,” page 98, other famous Catholics with this viewpoint included Augustine (354-430 A.D., who at first defended the Apocrypha as canonical), Pope Gregory the Great (540-604 A.D.), Cardinal Ximenes, and Cardinal Cajetan.

The Protestant Churches have rejected as inspired all of the Apocrypha. It has been said that the translators of the early King James Bible (Authorized Version) felt that some of the Apocrypha were inspired, but this is incorrect. It is true that in early editions of the King James Bible, the Apocrypha were placed between the Old and New Testaments. But this was done as an appendix of reference material. The Apocrypha began to be omitted from the Authorized Version in 1629 A.D.

Luther stated: “Apocrypha–that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read” (compare, “The King James Version Defended,” page 98). Calvin wrote: “I am not one of those, however, who would entirely disapprove the reading of those books.” His objection was to “placing the Apocrypha in the same rank” with inspired Scripture (“Antidote” to the Council of Trent, pp. 67,68).


Although there are many reasons why this is the case and why the Apocrypha must not be viewed as inspired, we are setting forth several striking examples for this conclusion:

1) The Jewish Canon never included the Apocrypha. This is important, as Romans 3:1-2 tells us that the Jews were given the godly responsibility to preserve the “oracles,” including the Hebrew Scriptures.

As a consequence, the Jewish scholars of Jamnia (90 A.D.) rejected the Apocrypha as divinely inspired. Philo, a Jewish teacher from Alexandria (20 B.C.- 40 A.D.), quoted extensively from virtually every canonical Hebrew book but never once quoted from the Apocrypha.

Josephus (30-100 A.D.) said that the prophets wrote from the time of Moses to that of Artaxerxes, and that no writing since that time had the same authority. In fact, the Jewish people reportedly destroyed the Apocrypha after the overthrow of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

The Jewish Talmud teaches that the Holy Spirit departed from Israel after the time of the prophet Malachi who lived about four centuries before Christ. While the proof of this assertion is not directly stated in the Word of God, the evidence is that no further inspired writings were given by God until Jesus Christ established the New Testament Church of God.

2) Jesus Himself confirmed the inspired canon of the Hebrew Bible and its correct order (which is divided into the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms). When speaking about the violent death of righteous people, He said in Luke 11:51: “… from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who perished between the altar and the temple…” The death of Abel is recorded in Genesis, the first book in the Hebrew canon. The death of Zechariah is included in 2 Chronicles, the last book of the Hebrew canon.

3) It is also worthy to note that the New Testament never quotes from ANY of the Apocrypha, while it quotes extensively from EVERY section of the Old Testament Scriptures, which Jesus referred to as “ALL the Scripture” (Luke 24:27). In fact, there are allegedly 263 quotations and 370 allusions to the Old Testament in the New Testament and not one of them refers to the Apocrypha.

4) While the inspired Scriptures make the claim for themselves that they ARE inspired and infallible, the Apocrypha do NOT make this claim for their own writings.

For instance, the author of 2 Maccabees writes:

“… At this point I shall bring my work to an end. If it is found to be well written and aptly composed, that is what I myself aimed at; if superficial and mediocre, it was the best I could do” (2 Maccabees 15:37-38, Revised English Bible).

5) The Apocrypha contain blatant contradictions, but God’s inspired Word does not contradict itself (compare John 10:35). For example, in the two books of the Maccabees, Antiochus Epiphanes dies three different deaths in three different places.

6) The Apocrypha include teachings which contradict the doctrines of the Holy Scriptures, showing that the Apocrypha could not possibly be inspired. For instance, 2 Maccabees 12:42-45 states in the New Revised Standard Version, that 2.000 drachmas of silver were sent to Jerusalem for a sin-offering and to “pray for the dead,” so that “atonement” or reconciliation for the dead could be made, so that “they might be delivered from sin.” The Revised English Bible translates that they were praying and giving the silver drachmas “to free the dead from their sin.” This concept of praying and paying for the dead is contrary to the teaching of the Hebrew Scriptures (and to the teaching of the New Testament).

A terrible example of wrong teaching is included in Tobit 6:5, 8, where the “angel Azariah” gave the following “healing” advice: “Cut open the fish and take out the gall, heart, and liver… For its gall, heart, and liver are useful medicines… As for the fish’s heart and liver, you must burn them to make a smoke in the presence of a man or woman afflicted by a demon or evil spirit, and every affliction will flee away and never remain with that person any longer.”

We must therefore conclude that the Apocrypha are NOT inspired writings, and that they do not belong in the Bible. This is not to say that they must never be read. Especially historical records, for instance the first two books of the Maccabees, can give us valuable information. But as is the case with every book other than the inspired writings contained in the Holy Bible (the writings of Josephus, for example, are of historical value, but they are not “inspired”), we need to be aware that we will be reading, to a larger or smaller degree, truth mixed with error.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link


Have you ever seen professional athletes, at the top of their game, train for an upcoming event?  They work long and hard, put their bodies through a nightmare of rigor and pain, and deny themselves even the smallest pleasures in life. They do this all in the name of a sport and in the pursuit of play. It is done to accomplish something that will not last, but rather will fade away and come to naught. Yet, they put their blood, sweat and tears into it.

Now what if they put all that energy and effort into something that is infinitely more important, beneficial and lasting… like the spiritual race set forth in the Bible? The fruits that such an effort would produce, would be colossal. If they were to be as conscientious about their spiritual life as they had been about their physical life, can you imagine the growth that would result?

Can you imagine if a person were to study, pray and fast like their livelihood depended on it?  Now, can you imagine that person being you?

The Book of Psalms

On Saturday, February 21, 2009, Norbert Link will give the sermon, titled, “The Book of Psalms.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “Are You Afraid of Economic Collapse?”

In the program, Norbert Link is asking the questions: Do you live in fear? Do you hope that a human Messiah, like President Obama, will stimulate the U.S. economy? He won’t–as Governor Schwarzenegger also failed to stimulate the California economy. A Great Depression is coming–if it isn’t already here–but you need not be afraid. Why not–while greedy rich bankers should fear and tremble?

A new German sermon was recorded this week and will be posted soon on Google Video and on our German Webpage. The sermon discusses the necessity to have godly faith. It is titled, “Der unglaeubige Thomas” (“Doubting Thomas”).

A new German StandingWatch program was posted on You Tube and our German Website. It is titled, “Der Skandal um den Papst.” (“The Scandal Surrounding the Pope.”)

Our annual conference is scheduled for February 26 to March 3. Please pray for safe travel for all participants and for successful and inspired sessions.

What is the historical background of the book of Zechariah? Why was the book written? Were there two different authors of the book?

The book of Zechariah is an extraordinary inspired book which contains unique insights into the workings and the mind of God.

Zechariah’s Hebrew name, “Zekar-yah,” means “Yahweh Remembers,” or “Yahweh Has Remembered.” This name is related to the message of the prophet: God remembers His people and will not forget their work for Him, if they follow Him faithfully.

Zechariah was a prophet and a priest–the son of Berechia, the grandson of Iddo the prophet (Zechariah 1:1; compare Nehemiah 12:16, which only mentions Zechariah as a descendant of Iddo, since his father Berechia had apparently died at a young age). Iddo was also a priest who returned from Babylon with Zechariah, Zerubbabel the governor and Joshua the High Priest. Iddo was, according to tradition, a member of the Great Synagogue (the governing body of the Jews before the Sanhedrin).

Zechariah was one of three prophets, along with Haggai and later Malachi, who ministered to the exiles returning from Babylon to Jerusalem.

The book of Zechariah was written during the effort of the ancient people of Judah to rebuild the Temple, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians. Jews had returned 18 years before Zechariah’s appearance to lay the foundation of the Temple, but then the work had stopped. Two months prior to Zechariah, the prophet Haggai had begun to encourage the people to resume building the Temple, but that revival was very short-lived. Haggai’s prophecies can be found in the “Book of Haggai.” Two months later, the work of building the Temple had again stopped. The people had to be encouraged once more by Zechariah, to complete the task of building the Temple.

Zechariah began prophesying in the month of October/November in the second year of the reign of Emperor Darius (520 B.C.). His last dated prophecy was delivered two years later, in 518 B.C.

The Broadman Bible Commentary explains:

“In contrast to most of the Minor Prophets, both Haggai and Zechariah are mentioned outside their own books. They are credited with being the driving forces behind the renewed efforts (ca. 520-515 B.C.) to rebuild the Temple (Ezra 5:1; 6:14)… According to Ezra 5:16 the returning Jews under Sheshbazzar had laid the foundations for a new Temple in Jerusalem in the year 538 B.C. with the permission which the Persian king Cyrus had granted them… However, the work was not completed. For a full 18 years the Temple continued in ruins…

“[By the time of the arrival of Haggai and Zechariah, the] enthusiasm of the pioneering and returning Jews [was]… gone. Quarrels, particularly with the Samaritans, difficulties with the rebuilding of the city, and several years of poor harvests… had dampened their spirits… At this time of low spirits, resignation, unhappiness and hopelessness, God proved his power by sending Haggai to warm the hearts… with new enthusiasm. He persuaded the Jewish community to begin work of the Temple again in 520 B.C. But his encouraging words came to an end after a short period. Zechariah took up his work. Ezra 6:15 records that the rebuilt Temple was formally dedicated in the spring of 515 B.C.”

While the prophet Haggai was a very old man at the time of his public appearance, Zechariah himself was still a “young man” when he began to prophesy. However, the term “young man” could still apply to a 28-year-old man (compare Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, comment to Genesis 41:12: “… Joseph, when he was so designated by the chief butler… was 28”).

Zechariah’s encouragement to continue and finish the Temple was not solely focused on the days of his time. Rather, he reminded the people of the glorious future of the physical Temple: Its completion would be followed by the First Coming of the Messiah, who would visit that physical Temple, and by His Second Coming, who would visit a spiritual Temple–the Church of God–patterned after the physical Temple. It could also point at the building of ANOTHER physical Temple just prior to the return of Christ, which might endure the end-time destruction of Jerusalem and continue to exist in the Millennium.

Zechariah looked into the future–and he communicated the sure prophecies to the people of his time. Today, we can read prophecies relating to events which have occurred by now, and we can thereby find comfort, assurance and renewed faith in the fact that the prophecies of future events will likewise occur, exactly as written in the book.

The Ryrie Study Bible explains that “Zechariah predicted more about Messiah than any other prophet except Isaiah… [referring to prophecies] concerning His first coming… and prophecies to be fulfilled at His second coming.”

Unger’s Bible Handbook adds: “This book is unique in its messianic emphasis among the minor prophets and in its unfolding of events connected with the first and second advents of Christ. It has been called the most messianic, the most truly apocalyptic and eschatological of all the writings of the OT.”

The commentary of the Scofield Reference Notes elaborates:

“Both advents of Christ are in Zechariah’s prophecy… More than Haggai or Malachi, Zechariah gives the mind of God about the Gentile world-powers surrounding the restored remnant. He has given them their authority and will hold them to account; the test, as always, being their treatment of Israel.”

Some have questioned the authorship of the book of Zechariah, suggesting that it was written by at least two different authors at different times. However, there is no valid reason to doubt that the prophet Zechariah wrote the entire book. As is the case with objections to the single authorship of the book of Isaiah, for example, comments questioning the same regarding the book of Zechariah are to be rejected as well.

The Nelson Study Bible includes the following observation:

“Those who question the unity and single authorship of Zechariah usually argue that chs. 9-14 date from the Hellenistic period (331-167 B.C.) or the Maccabean period (167-73 B.C.). The reference to ‘Greece’ in 9:13 has often been cited as evidence for a late date, after Alexander’s conquests (c. 330 B.C.). However, Greek influence was strong in the ancient Middle East as early as the seventh century B.C… Those who hold the unity of the book generally date its completion between 500 and 470 B.C…”

Rienecker’s “Lexikon zur Bibel” agrees, adding:

“According to Jewish and Christian tradition, Zechariah himself is the author of the entire book; the gospel writers… and Jesus … quote the prophet with that understanding… Some critics assume two different authors… But the disagreements among themselves show that their particular reasoning is not convincing.”

Zechariah recorded many prophecies, which he received and penned under godly inspiration, to persuade us that God is in control. Even in times of great personal and national trials and problems, God is not far from anyone of us, and He is always there to help us and to bless our efforts, when we diligently seek Him.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

A Gift

On Saturday, February 14, 2009, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “A Gift.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter for February was written and sent out this week. In the letter, Brian Gale discusses the limitations and frailties of our political leaders and points at the only real solution to bring about prosperity, peace, liberty and true happiness.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, Google Video and YouTube. It is titled, “How NOT to Stimulate Our Economy!”

In the program, Norbert Link is asking the nagging question whether President Obama’s new stimulus package will turn out to be another disaster. If approved by the Senate, it will cost the U.S. taxpayers in excess of $888 billion. What about further attempts to bail out incompetent banks, which might cost us in excess of $3 trillion–while these same banks refuse to stimulate the housing market? What about uncontrolled greedy healthcare insurance companies, which take advantage of their customers? Will a Great Depression, ever-increasing unemployment figures and sky-rocketing inflation due to irresponsible printing of U.S. currency bring about the conditions of the Weimar Republic?

A new German sermon (“Ist Gottes Gesetz Ungültig?”) was recorded this week. It has been posted on Google Video and will be posted soon on our German Website. The sermon deals with certain New Testament Scriptures which show that Jesus did not abolish the Law and that the New Testament nowhere abolishes the Sabbath and the Holy Days.

Would you please explain the meaning of the coronation of the High Priest Joshua, as reported in Zechariah 6:9-15.

We mentioned in a prior Update, when discussing the vision of the High Priest Joshua in Zechariah 3:1-10, that Joshua is a type of Jesus Christ. This fact becomes even more obvious in the passage, which describes the coronation of Joshua.

Zechariah 6:9-15 reads:

“(9) Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: (10) ‘Receive the gift from the captives–from Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah, who have come from Babylon–and go the same day and enter the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah. (11) Take the silver and gold, make elaborate crowns [according to the literal text, see margin of the New King James Bible], and set [them] on the head of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest. (12) Then speak to him, saying, “Thus says the LORD of hosts, saying: ‘Behold, the Man whose name is the BRANCH! From His place He shall branch out, and He shall build the temple of the LORD; (13) Yes, He shall build the temple of the LORD. He shall bear the glory, And shall sit and rule on His throne; So He shall be a priest on His throne, And the counsel of peace shall be between them both.'” (14) Now the elaborate crowns [not “crown,” see comment above] shall be for a memorial in the temple of the LORD for Helem, Tobijah, Jedaiah, and Hen the son of Zephaniah. (15) Even those from afar shall come and build IN [as it should say, compare the Authorized Version] the temple of the LORD. Then you shall know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you. And this shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.”‘”

1) Symbolic Names

The passage, although describing a real event at the time of Joshua, nevertheless foreshadows a much more important event which will take place at the time of Christ’s return. The passage is filled with symbolic references to the end time.

For instance, even the names listed in verse 10 are of deep symbolic significance. As the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary explains, Heldai means “robust” (or, according to Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible, “The Lord’s World”–which would refer to the Millennium, as today, this is NOT God’s world); Tobijah means, “the goodness of God”; and Jedaiah means, “God knows” (or, “God cares for,” according to Albert Barnes).

In addition, several commentaries point out that Heldai was also called Helem (in verse 14), and that Joshua (which means, “God founds” or “God supports”) was also called Hen (meaning “favor”), as the same person often had two names. Also, the meaning of “Zephaniah” (in verse 14) is, “The LORD hides.”


It is obvious that the reference to the “BRANCH” in verse 12 describes Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the God of the Old Testament. This shows that the entire passage is millennial.

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible states to verse 12: “‘Not for himself, but for Christ, whose name Joshua bare, and whose Priesthood and Princedom he represented,’ was the crown given him. The prophet had already foretold the Messiah, under the name of the Branch.”

The correct understanding of the identity of “the BRANCH” as the Messiah (compare Jeremiah 33:15)–and not as Zerubbabel, as the Broadman Bible Commentary erroneously concludes–has consequences for the correct understanding of the remainder of the entire passage.

3) The Building of the Temple

We are told in verse 12 that it is the BRANCH–Jesus Christ–who will build the temple. Verse 15 says that some from afar will come to build IN the temple.

Albert Barnes explains verse 15 in this way: “And build in – or upon, the temple of the Lord… Not ‘build it’ for it was to be built by ‘the Branch,’ but ‘build on,’ labor on, it. It was a building, which should continually be enlarged…”

We find a similar explanation in the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary: “Christ ‘builds the temple’… His people ‘build in the temple.'”

a) The New Testament Church

Some commentaries understand the temple to refer to the New Testament Church, which Jesus Christ promised to build.

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible writes:

“The material temple was soon to be finished, and that by Zerubbabel, to whom this had been promised [Zechariah 4:10], not by Joshua. It was then a new temple, to be built from the foundation, of which He Himself was to be ‘the foundation’… as He said, ‘On this rock I will build My Church’… and in Him ‘all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple to the Lord’ [Ephesians 2:21].”

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible concurs: “… and [He] shall build the temple of the Lord; not a material temple, but the spiritual temple, the Church…”

b) The Millennial Physical Temple

Others conclude that the reference to the temple to be built by the BRANCH refers also–or primarily–to a physical temple in the Millennium.

The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary states:

“The promise of the future true building of the spiritual temple by Messiah… is an earnest to assure the Jews, that the material temple will be built by Joshua and Zerubbabel, in spite of all seeming obstacles. It also raises their thoughts beyond the material to the spiritual temple, and also to the future glorious temple, to be reared in Israel under Messiah’s superintendence… The repetition of the same clause [compare Zechariah 6:12 and 13] gives emphasis to the statement as to Messiah’s work.”

The Ryrie Study Bible adds: “The crowning of Joshua foreshadowed the crowning of Messiah, who at His second coming will build the (millennial) temple.”

The Nelson Study Bible agrees, stating:

“The Messiah Himself will build the temple of the Lord. Since the restoration temple (the second temple) was already being built and would be completed by Zerubbabel (see 4:9), the temple referred to here may be the future temple of the messianic kingdom… The temple of Zerubbabel was a prophetic symbol of the temple that is still to come…”

c) A Physical Temple Just Prior to Christ’s Return

It is also possible that the reference to a future temple, which will be built by the BRANCH, could relate to a physical temple still to be built in Jerusalem–just prior to the return of Christ. We know from Scripture that the Jews will bring sacrifices in Jerusalem. If there is a physical temple, then these sacrifices would be brought in that temple, until they are –temporarily–abolished by a European power.

As we discussed in our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation!”, strong biblical evidence exists for the rebuilding of a temple in the modern Jewish nation of Israel.

It would also be possible that it is THAT temple which will survive the partial end-time destruction of the city of Jerusalem, which is described as the millennial temple in the book of Ezekiel.

4) Crowns on Joshua’s Head

We also read in verses 11 and 14 that crowns were placed on Joshua’s head. Even though the New King James Bible speaks of only one crown, the literal text says, “crowns,” but uses a SINGULAR, not a plural VERB, in relationship to the crowns, signifying unity and harmony.

John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states:

“… both the crown of the priesthood and the crown of the kingdom should meet in [Joshua’s] antitype Christ, who is said to have on [His] head many crowns [Revelation 19:12]… The double crown is placed on Joshua’s head, symbolizing that the true priesthood and the kingdom shall be conferred on the one Messiah… It was a thing before unknown in the Levitical priesthood that the same person should wear at once the crown of a king and that of a high priest…”

The Nelson Study Bible adds: “… In the Messiah the two offices of king and priest will be united…”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible emphasizes this important additional aspect in his comment to verse 13: “He shall be at once king and priest, as it is said, ‘Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedec.’ When the Christ should reign, He should not cease to be our Priest…”

5) Crowns for a Memorial

We should also take note of the fact that certain named individuals from Babylon brought gifts of silver and gold (verses 10 and 11) to be used for the construction of elaborate crowns for Joshua. These crowns were URGENTLY made “the same day” “for a memorial” (compare verse 14).

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible states in this context:

“They brought a passing gift, but it should be for a lasting memorial in their behalf… When Midian had been smitten before Israel, and not one of Israel had been slain, they brought all the gold which had accrued to them, and ‘Moses and Eleazar took the gold, and brought it into the tabernacle, a memorial for the children of Israel before the Lord’ [Numbers 31:50, 54]. So the angel said to Cornelius, ‘thy prayers and thy alms are come up for a memorial before God’ [Acts 10:4, 31].”

The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary adds: “… a memorial — deposited in the temple, to the honor of the donors; a memorial, too, of the coronation of Joshua, to remind all of Messiah, the promised antitypical king-priest, soon to come.”

Our work for God is never in vain (Revelation 14:13)–even though it might sometimes seem to us that way (compare Isaiah 49:4). God does remember our hard labor and diligent service (Malachi 3:16-18). They are in God’s memory–a memorial! He will not forget that we are “doers of the work” (James 1:25), and that through our work, we accelerate and HASTEN the coming of the LORD (2 Peter 3:12).

6) “Counsel of Peace Between Them Both”

We also read in verse 13 that Christ shall be a priest on His throne and that “the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible points out:

“There is a counsel of peace between [Christ] and the Father whose temple He builds. The Will of the Father and the Son is one. Both had one Will of love toward us, the salvation of the world, bringing forth peace through our redemption.

“God the Father ‘so loved the world, that He gave His Only-Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’ [John 3:16]; and God the Son ‘is our peace, who hath made both one, that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the Cross, and came and preached peace to them which were afar off and to them that were nigh’ [Ephesians 2:14, 16-17].”

Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible offers an additional explanation:

“… the counsel of peace shall be between… the Father and the Son… Or, rather,… Between… [the] priestly and kingly office of Jesus Christ…”

A similar explanation is given by the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary:

“Peace between the kingly and priestly attributes of Messiah implies the harmonizing of the [seemingly] conflicting claims of God’s justice as a King, and His love as a Father and Priest. Hence is produced peace to man… It is only by being pardoned through His atonement and ruled by His laws, that we can find ‘peace.'”

7) “Those From Afar Shall Build in the Temple”

We are also told that “Even those from afar shall come and build [in] the temple of the LORD” (compare verse 15).

The Ryrie Study Bible explains that this is a reference to the Millennium, when Gentiles will join in building the millennial temple.

However, Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible applies this reference to the spiritual temple, the New Testament church, stating:

“They who came from Babylon with offerings to God, became types of the Gentiles, of whom the Apostle says, ‘Now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off have become nigh through the blood of Christ’ [Ephesians 2:13];… and ‘the promise is to you and to your children, and to all that are far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call’ [Acts 2:39].”

A similar explanation is given by John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible:

“And they that are afar off shall come… Into the temple; not the material temple… but into the spiritual temple, the church; and [it] is a prophecy of the calling of the Gentiles, who are said to be ‘afar off’…”

However, since the possibility of the building of a physical temple remains on the immediate horizon of prophetic events, occurrences may well happen that will lead to a more literal application of this prophecy. Indeed, the construction of the new Temple may be accomplished through the support of powerful groups outside of modern Israel. As it was in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, there might be great opposition to the Jews when they were to undertake the rebuilding of such a symbolic representation of the Jewish claims to the city of Jerusalem and the land of Israel.

8) “And This Shall Come to Pass…”

As mentioned in previous Q&A’s on the Book of Zechariah, the phrase in verse 15, “Then you shall know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me to you…” refers to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Ultimately, people will know that God the Father sent His Son to die for the world, and that it is He who will return as the all-powerful and glorious King of kings and Lord of lords. The remainder of verse 15 is also quite interesting. It says:

“And this shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.”

Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible explains this phrase in this way:

“Not as though the coming of Christ depended upon their faithfulness, but their share in it. ‘Ye shall know (he had said) that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you;’ but whether this knowledge should reach to individuals, depends upon their obedience and their willingness to know…

“‘For none of the wicked,’ Daniel says, ‘shall understand’ [Daniel 12:10]… So our Lord said, ‘If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of Myself’ [John 7:17]…”

9) Conclusion

The coronation of the High Priest Joshua is a remarkable prophecy for the return of the Messiah and the beginning of His millennial rule here on earth. Then, true justice and mercy, as well as peace, will become known to and experienced by all men, and the time of man’s misrule, under the inspiration of Satan, will have ended.

Christ is still building His spiritual temple today, allowing fallible human beings to build IN His temple, under His guidance and leadership. He will soon return to this earth and especially to His spiritual temple “for salvation” (Hebrews 9:28).

He will be ruling as THE King and THE Priest–but He will be assisted by His spiritual temple, the–by then–immortal glorified members of the Church of God. At that time, true physical sacrifices will be brought “in righteousness” at a physical millennial temple in Jerusalem–a temple, which might have already been built just prior to Christ’s return.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Where Is Our Treasure?

“In 1947, young Bedouin shepherds, searching for a stray goat in the Judean Desert, entered a long-untouched cave and found jars filled with ancient scrolls.”

What they found were the now-famous Dead Sea Scrolls.

When reading the introduction above on a Library of Congress Website, the phrase “long-untouched” caught my attention. “How long?” I wondered. The answer, according to the Library of Congress Website, is “about two thousand years.”

The Website continues: “About two thousand years elapsed between the time the scrolls were deposited in the caves of the barren hills surrounding the Dead Sea and their discovery in 1947. The fact that they survived for twenty centuries, that they were found accidentally by Bedouin shepherds, that they are the largest and oldest body of manuscripts relating to the Bible and to the time of Jesus of Nazareth make them a truly remarkable archaeological find.”

Truly remarkable.

There are two other truly remarkable things about the Dead Sea Scrolls.

First, the copy of the book of Isaiah found in the cave is virtually identical to the texts on which our modern Bible is based. Since this “Isaiah Scroll” is almost 1,000 years older than any previously known manuscript, the discovery qualifies as “truly remarkable.” It’s fitting that Isaiah 40:8 reads: “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.” We can have confidence that God has preserved His Word for us.

The second remarkable thing is that, according to the American scholar who photographed the Scrolls in 1948 and interviewed the shepherds who found them, they weren’t searching for a stray goat but for “hidden treasure… especially gold.” What the shepherds found disappointed them, as their behavior showed. On several occasions they unrolled the largest of the scrolls, likely destroying the cover and other fragments. For about a month the Scrolls hung in a bag in their tent until, through various intermediaries, the shepherds sold the Scrolls for $97.20.  They had one of the greatest archeological discoveries in the history of the world, and they sold it for less than $100.

What can we learn from this?

Treasure is in the eye of the beholder. The ancient Bible texts certainly weren’t “treasure” to the shepherds. Is the Bible treasure to us?

Chances are good that in our home—perhaps in a bag we carried from services or on a shelf—is the storehouse of spiritual treasure: God’s Word…God’s Truth… the Bible. The Bible virtually spills over with instructions, admonitions—even pleadings—urging us to read, to study, to meditate on God’s Word frequently. God left absolutely no doubt that He wants us to study His Word. He left no doubt that those He is working with are to make His Word a central part of their lives. He gives us these instructions:

“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8).

While these are ancient texts, they were preserved for us, as Romans 15:4 says: “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”

Indeed, the Bible is a treasure chest of learning, of comfort and of hope. There is nothing we go through that Bible study cannot help us handle better.

Do we want to be wise and make good decisions? Then we need to read the Bible! Psalm 119:98-99 tells us: “You, through Your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies; For they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, For Your testimonies are my meditation.”

Do we want joy in our lives? Then we need to read the Bible! Psalm 19:8 states: “The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.”

Do we need encouragement in times of trial? Then we need to read the Bible! Matthew 11:29-30 says: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Do we want to live forever? Then we need to read the Bible! 2 Timothy 3:15 speaks of “the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

Will reading the Bible instantly solve all of our problems and guarantee us eternal life? Of course not! If we want to inherit the blessings the Bible speaks of we have to do the things it says, not just hear them (James 1:22; John 13:17; Luke 11:28 ). In the parable of the sower Jesus compares the Word of God to seed (Luke 8:11). That seed can grow into a harvest only when combined with the right attitude and actions (Luke 8:15; Romans 2:7).

The Bible texts the shepherds found were “long un-touched.” How “long-untouched” do we let our Bible text go during the week? How long-untouched should they go?

Someone once observed that the person who won’t read is no better off than the person who can’t read. God has blessed us with the ability to read the Bible. God has blessed us with the freedom to read the Bible. He even promised to help us understand the Bible. The only thing we have to provide is the willingness to do it.

And why wouldn’t we be willing, since the Bible is a truly remarkable treasure.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

New StandingWatch program and sermons in English and German

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch, GoogleVideo and YouTube. It is titled, “Israel Lost the Gaza War against Hamas!”

Norbert Link points out in the program that in spite of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s declaration of victory, many commentators and news analysts have concluded that Israel was defeated. Why is this? Will American President Barack Obama’s announced efforts to bring peace to the Middle East have any lasting success? Who will become the most important nation to get involved in the Middle East–a nation which the Arab countries are waiting for? It is not the USA! The answer might surprise you.

A German version of the above-mentioned program (“Israels Verlorener Krieg”) was posted on YouTube and our German Website.

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “Poetry in the Hebrew Bible,” which was given on January 24, 2009, has been posted on our Website and on Google Video

A new German sermon (“Hat Jesus das Fleisch Unreiner Tiere Gereinigt?”), dealing with the question whether Jesus purified all unclean animals to make them fit for human consumption, was recorded this week to be posted soon on Google Video and our German Website.

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