The Fool

On July 18, 2009, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, respectively, “The Fool.”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Please have a look at the new design of our website,

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “The Bones of the Apostle Paul–Found?” In the program, Norbert Link discussed the announcement of the Catholic Church that the bones of the Apostle Paul were found in Rome. Der Stern wrote that there is NO EVIDENCE that these were the bones of the Apostle Paul. Die Welt added that there can be no certainty that the bones are those of the Apostle Paul, and that experts DOUBT the accuracy of the Pope’s claim. Zenit admitted that over the centuries the original tomb of Paul “disappeared from view and eventually could no longer be identified.” Why is this? Could it be that the remains of Paul are not to be found in Rome?

The German version of the same program (“Die Gebeine des Apostels Paulus–Gefunden?”) was also posted on YouTube and on our German website (

A new member letter has been written and will be sent out next week, together with our new booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today.

A new German sermon was recorded this week and will be posted shortly. It is the final part in the series on the Nature of God and the Potential of Man and is titled, “Die Zukunft des Menschen” (“Man’s Future.”)

Why will Satan attempt a second coup to try to overthrow God?

The Bible does not say specifically why Satan will attempt a second coup, but it does give us several hints and indications which we might want to consider.

Prior to the physical creation, God brought into being the spirit world of angels. After God had created the physical universe and the earth, an archangel named Lucifer was placed over one third of the angels here on earth to beautify it. This was long before man was created with the ultimate potential to become a full-fledged member of the God Family. Nothing is said in the Bible that Lucifer or any of the angels had that same potential which would later be given to man.

According to Ezekiel 28:12-16 and Isaiah 14:12-15, Lucifer was perfect as far as his creation was concerned. However, Lucifer made wrong choices–he allowed pride to enter his mind. This pride corrupted his thinking, just like a virus can corrupt a computer. This corruption led him to believe that his abilities were greater than God’s; that he was not rewarded properly by God in accordance with his talents and achievements; and that the way of competition and get was superior to God’s way of give and love and concern for others. He managed to influence the angels under his control to participate in his first rebellion (Revelation 12:4). In resenting God’s government, he did the unthinkable and attempted to overthrow God and take over the rule over the entire universe. Of course, Lucifer, whose name was changed to Satan (meaning enemy or adversary), lost this battle, and he and his angels (now known as demons) were thrown back to this earth where they still rule today.

When God created Adam and Eve, Satan was there to deceive Eve, and he has been deceiving mankind ever since. In fact, Satan has deceived the whole world. He tried to deceive and tempt Christ, but failed. Christ, in defeating Satan, qualified to rule this earth in the near future.

Evidence for the fact that Satan was and is ruling this earth is given at the temptation of Christ, when Satan offered the kingdoms of this world to Him, if He would fall down and worship Satan. All these kingdoms were in and under Satan’s power, and he was able to give them away. Christ never corrected him on that claim, but Christ never fell for Satan’s offer and remained sinless (Matthew 4:8-10). Today, Satan and his demons are still ruling this earth, and they will continue to do so until Jesus Christ–the second Adam–returns to take over all rule. Those whom God has called out of this world must reject Satan’s offer–exactly as Christ did–so they can also qualify to rule under Christ at His return.

It does not seem to make a lot of sense, then, at first sight, as to why Satan would attempt for the second time to overthrow God and to become the supreme ruler of the universe, seeing that his first attempt failed so miserably. Still, the Bible says that he will try again (Revelation 12: 7-9).

What one has to bear in mind is that Satan does not think straight. We might want to consider some humans who keep making the same foolish mistakes and who do not seem to learn from the errors they make. Satan is unwilling and therefore incapable of learning from his mistakes. His mind has been corrupted beyond any hope of change. He does not want to repent and submit to the government of God; therefore, he cannot repent.

This is very similar to “the dog in the manger” syndrome. A vicious dog which does not, of course, eat the straw in the manger, will prevent other animals from eating it. We may have experienced or seen a similar phenomenon in an uncooperative and selfish child who has a toy and doesn’t want to share it with a friend. Rather than following our insistence to share it, he might rather want to destroy it, so the other child cannot play with it. Satan is of the same mindset. He would rather see humankind destroyed completely than turning over his rule to Jesus Christ and those who will rule with and under Him (Revelation 5:10; 20:4, 6).

It is also interesting to consider the behavior of some rats. If a strong animal chases rats into a corner and there is no escape route for them, they will actually turn on each other or on the animal which is chasing them.

The same can be said regarding Satan. Although it is clearly prophesied in Revelation 12 that his second attempt to overthrow God will fail, that fact doesn’t seem to register in his corrupted and twisted mind. Even though Satan knows the Bible, perhaps he does not believe the Bible, thinking he is more powerful than God and what God says, so he can try that second coup and still win. We could see a parallel in certain people today, who know what the Bible says but think they don’t need to obey God and can go about life in a different way.

It is also possible that Satan will launch his second coup because he just does not care. Even though he understands that the Bible predicts that he will lose, he is the destroyer and murderer, and his whole goal in life is to destroy and to kill and to bring pain and suffering to others. The Bible reveals that his demons behave that way too–on one occasion at the time of Christ, a demon tried to kill his human “host”–which would lead to his having to lose the body he possessed and looking in despair for another body–but he just did not care, as he was set on destroying his “host” (Mark 9:17-22). His urge to destroy was too powerful and could not allow him to make a “reasonable” decision–even for himself. There is also another example when Christ allowed demons whom He cast out of men to possess a herd of swine–with the result that the swine threw themselves over the cliff and were killed (Mark 5:11-13).

Satan, the prince of the rulers of darkness, cannot control his urge to destroy and fight God all the way–and so he is trying again to knock God off His throne–even though he knows that God’s Word says that he will fail–rather than wanting to voluntarily transfer to Christ and man his rule over this earth.

We know that the whole world will soon enter the terrible and unprecedented time of the Great Tribulation. That time is also referred to as “Satan’s wrath.” This world will come to the brink of total annihilation, which will be caused by Satan and his demons. If God would not intervene by sending Jesus Christ just at the right time, no flesh would be saved alive (Matthew 24:22). No human or animal flesh would survive. So we see the mindset of Satan exposed here: He would rather see all mankind perish than turn his office and position over to Christ at His return. His demons will participate in that last coup, as they know that their positions will be given to Christ’s disciples who have qualified in this life to rule in the coming Kingdom of God.

Satan and his demons hate God’s Church. They will persecute it in the future (compare Revelation 12:13). Satan is described as a roaring wild lion walking around to see whom he can devour (1 Peter 5:8). Being compared to a vicious animal–like a poisonous untamable snake–he cannot control himself. He and his demons will try, whenever they can, to destroy God’s people. Paul warns us not to be indifferent about this fact, and he tells us in Ephesians 6:11-12: “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the RULERS of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

To summarize, Satan and his demons will attempt another coup against God because they know or at least consider the possibility that their reign of terror will end in the near future. Filled with wrath and a desire to destroy, and thinking perhaps that they still can avert the certainty of their fate and not having learned anything from their previous failed attempt, they will try again and be defeated once more.

Lead Writers: Rene Messier and Norbert Link

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, “America and Europe–Friends or Foes?” In the program, Norbert Link is pointing out that in spite of their “unified” presentation during a press conference in the White House on June 26, 2009, President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are “deeply divided” on critical key issues, such as the financial crisis and climate change. At the same time, the EU rendered the “most important decision of the year.” The EU and the USA are on a collision course–without any hope for substantial improvement.

A new German sermon was video-recorded this week and placed on the Web. It is titled, “Lasset Uns Menschen Machen…” (“Let Us Make Man…”) and is the second part in a series on the Nature of God and the Potential of Man. The first part is titled, “War und Ist Christus Gott?” (“Was and Is Christ God?”) and is posted on our German Website.

Norbert Link’s new video-recorded sermon, “Babylon the Great,” has been posted on the Web.

There's Always Tomorrow

by Aaron Hooper

It’s easy to be alive. To just be. But my time here is short, and there’s no way for me to know just how much time I have. The greatest deception, that I personally have fallen under, is to think that there’s always tomorrow. There’s always tomorrow to take care of the important things. There’s always tomorrow to give an encouraging word to someone who needs it. There’s always tomorrow to start becoming the person that I need to be–that kind of person who obeys and follows God in everything. But when tomorrow comes, that means that today is gone. And today is the only real tangible thing that I have.

We’ve all heard “live today as if it’s your last,” and that is great advice, but every day that comes after today only furthers the deception. So it’s easy to simply think of that as just a nice statement. Every day that comes seems to prove that wrong. Procrastination. Neglect. These are my two biggest shortcomings. Before I know it, important things — bills, family, friends, future plans — can easily get away from me, if I’m not disciplined on a daily basis. I only deceive myself by thinking that tomorrow is any different than today. Tomorrow will come, but today will be lost.

Part of investing in my future is investing in today. The most important things are the little things that I can do in the moment. They add up. If they’re not done, then the moment is gone, and — well — that can really add up too. And not in a pleasant way. In an alarming, turn-your-stomach, self-destructing kind of way. I need to love every moment, please God and my fellow man every moment. I need to use what is given me. All I have is time, but it is in very short supply.

Does Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 4 have prophetic meaning for us today?

Over the years, many ideas have been advanced to the effect that Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, as described in Daniel 4, has some kind of hidden prophetic meaning for us today. In the last Q&A, we discussed Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in much detail. We pointed out that the dream referred to that ancient king and predicted his seven years of insanity to punish his pride. We showed that the dream was fulfilled, exactly as God had pronounced it, and that King Nebuchadnezzar subsequently repented of his pride at the time when his sanity was restored to him.

Some have pointed at Nebuchadnezzar’s “seven years” of insanity and applied it to seven “prophetic” years of punishment for the entire Babylonian Empire. The rationale goes something like this: A “prophetic” year of 360 DAYS is the equivalent of 360 YEARS. [The one day for one year PRINCIPLE is, in fact, biblical in some instances, and is described in passages such as Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:4-6.] If applied in this way, seven prophetic “years” of 360 “days” or “years” each, would amount to 2,520 years. Beginning to count with the time when Babylon fell (which occurred about 539 B.C.), one would reach the year 1982 A.D.

It is also claimed by some that the Babylonian Empire was somehow unproductive for 2,520 years after its ancient fall, but emerged again, beginning in 1982.

As one author puts it:

“The tree of the… dream may represent not only Nebuchadnezzar but the Babylonian Empire as well. Babylon fell in 539 B.C… In essence, the ‘roots’ of the tree remained to sprout anew in the future. Considering this, it has been proposed that the ‘seven times’ could be viewed as seven 360-day prophetic years. The prophetic ‘day-for-a-year’ principle… yields 2,520 years… perhaps stretching from the fall of ancient Babylon to the beginnings of its revival in modern times.”

Another author wrote:

“Daniel records a prophecy about a tree (picturing the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar) that was to be chopped down, but its stump and roots were to remain—bound by a band of brass and iron until seven times had passed… The king’s seven years of insanity partially fulfilled the prophecy. However, the Bible also reveals that a prophetic year of 360 days is the equivalent of 360 years… Seven prophetic years (of 360 days) amount to 2,520 years. Babylon fell in 539 [B.C.]… Seven prophetic times from 539 [B.C.] brings us to 1982—the date John Paul urged Europeans to ‘give life to their roots.’ Since 1982 the modern Babylon emerging in central Europe from its ancient roots has seen dramatic growth.”

Depending on who is identified as modern Babylon, it is also said that the Catholic Church began in 1982 to exert its ever-growing influence on the countries of Europe; or that the nations of Europe experienced a revival, beginning in 1982 [pointing at a Scripture in Daniel 4, speaking of the band of iron and bronze around the tree (verses 15 and 23), which was allegedly loosed in 1982, or that the new leaders of modern Babylon, which are sometimes falsely claimed to be the USA and the Catholic Church, will begin to defeat the ancient Medes and Persians (which are alleged to be modern Iraq and Iran)]. Others make different claims, which are all related, somehow, to 2,520 years of punishment of “Babylon,” followed by a revival and restoration to power.

To complicate matters even further, it is also claimed that Christ’s reference to the “fulfillment” of the “times of the Gentiles” in Luke 21:24 relates, somehow, to Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 4. We have explained in a previous Q&A that the “times of the Gentiles” will be fulfilled when Christ returns. We also showed that Gentile kingdoms have ruled throughout the history of man.

Some of those who link “the times of the Gentiles” to Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 4 claim that this phrase speaks exclusively of the rule of the ancient and modern Babylonians and that the times of the Gentiles BEGAN in 1982 (when the 2,520 years-long insanity or punishment of Babylon was removed and Babylon’s rule was restored). Others have claimed in the past that the times of the Gentiles would actually END in 1982, and that Christ would return BEFORE the times of the Gentiles were fulfilled. (Since Christ has not returned, that concept was subsequently dropped.) Others teach correctly (as we pointed out in our previous Q&A), that the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled AT the time of Christ’s return.

Can the concept that Daniel 4 contains a prophecy for the ancient and modern Babylonian EMPIRE be proven from Scripture? Is it even biblically POSSIBLE that this idea COULD BE correct?

When we carefully examine what the Bible DOES teach, the answer is, NO!

First of all, as pointed out in our previous Q&A, there is not even the slightest hint in Daniel 4 that Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the cut-down tree refers to anyone but Nebuchadnezzar. He was indeed insane for seven years, living with the animals, but when he repented of his pride, the kingdom was restored to him. To apply this scenario of seven prophetic years of insanity to the Babylonian power is inaccurate, as Babylon was not “unproductive” or “paralyzed” from 539 B.C. to 1982 A.D.

In addition, the Bible shows that end-time modern Babylon will behave in a totally insane way and will be responsible for a worldwide catastrophe, which would lead to the annihilation of man if Christ were not to return to save man from himself. Therefore, it cannot possibly be suggested that Babylon was insane from 539 B.C. until 1982 A.D., but REPENTED of its pride and regained its sanity, beginning in 1982.

Those who claimed, albeit erroneously, that the times of the Gentiles would be fulfilled in 1982, after Christ’s return, understood at least that Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 4, IF applied to the Babylonian Empire, would require repentance before its kingdom or rule could be restored.

As one author wrote as early as 1953: “[1982 is the year] when the seven times of punishment would be fulfilled…. Since Zechariah 14:1-3 shows that Jesus Christ will return in order to deliver Jerusalem from the Gentiles, it is plain that the second coming of Christ will occur SHORTLY BEFORE the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled… Just as Nebuchadnezzar finally regained his throne and acknowledged God’s authority, so the Gentile nations when their punishment is over, will come up to the kingdom of God and ask to learn of his ways (Micah 4:1-3) so that they also may become begotten and finally born into His kingdom as members of the ruling family of God.”

Of course, the idea that Christ would come back prior to 1982 and that the punishment of modern Babylon would end in 1982 and that they would come to repentance in 1982 was clearly wrong. But at least it recognized the need for Babylon to REPENT–IF we WERE to apply Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 4 to 2,520 years of Babylonian punishment. Those who teach today that Babylon returned to power in 1982 don’t even seem to recognize THAT.

We should also ask, what spectacular event occurred in 1982 which would have indicated that Babylon returned to power after 2,520 years of paralysis? As we have already seen, some of those who preach the prophetic meaning of the dream for the Babylonian system state that Pope John Paul gave a speech in 1982 encouraging Europe to discover its origins and give life to its roots. It is claimed that THIS SPEECH indicates, somehow, the return to power of modern Babylon and the beginning of the growth of the cut-down tree.

The whole concept that one can apply the “seven times” in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to “seven prophetic years” of 2,520 years seemed to have been invented by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower Society. They claimed that the destruction of Jerusalem through Nebuchadnezzar [alleged to have occurred in 607 B.C.] began the times of the Gentiles which allegedly ended in 1914 when God allegedly reestablished His Kingdom in heaven. However, as we will show, that entire concept is biblically unconvincing.

First, we need to explain what the Bible says about the identity of modern Babylon. We need to comprehend who Babylon is. For instance, modern Babylon is not a combination of the USA and the Catholic Church, as it has been suggested, and, in passing, the modern Medes are not the Iraqis, either.

As we point out in our free booklets, “Europe in Prophecy” and “Is That in the Bible?–The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation,” modern Babylon is identified in Revelation 17 as the “WOMAN riding the beast.” That woman is a religious power which has been sitting on the LAST SEVEN POLITICAL AND MILITARY REVIVALS of the ancient Roman Empire. It is true that modern Babylon also describes the military and economic aspect of the Babylonian SYSTEM in Revelation 18, but the fact that the woman (the religious system) has been riding the last seven revivals of the beast (the political system) MUST NOT BE NEGLECTED. This PROVES that Babylon has not been dormant for 2,520 years. Quite to the contrary, BABYLON has been ALIVE and WELL for many centuries prior to 1982.

Note how Revelation 17 describes Babylon. In verse 3, we read that John sees in a vision “a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having SEVEN HEADS and TEN HORNS.” Verse 5 explains that on the woman’s forehead, the name was written: “Mystery, Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots…”

That woman is further described as follows, in verse 18: “And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.” That city is described, in verse 9, as being built on seven mountains or “hills” (compare, for example, the New International Version and the Living Bible).

Halley’s Bible Handbook writes: “The description of Babylon the great… exactly fits Papal Rome.” Ungers’ Bible Handbook states that the woman “denotes a religious system… the woman has her headquarters in the Beast’s capital, which is the seven-hilled city of Rome.”

Focusing on the BEAST on which the woman sits, we learn in Revelation 17 that the seven heads of the beast are seven kings or kingdoms (verse 10). What John saw in that vision referred to a time when five of the seven kings or kingdoms had fallen, one was, and one was still to come (verse 10). When it comes, it will be ruled by the ten horns or ten kings, giving their power and authority to the beast (verses 12-13).

As we explain in our above-quoted literature, the seven heads of the beast on which the woman sits, are the seven last revivals of the ancient Roman Empire. In fact, Revelation 13 and Daniel 7 tell us that the ancient Roman Empire would be revived TEN times, but the first three revivals occurred through barbarian tribes which did not believe in the religion propagated by the woman. In fact, the woman was responsible for the demise of the rule of these barbarian tribes (the Vandals, the Heruli and the Ostrogoths). The woman did not sit on the first three revivals of the Roman Empire, but according to Revelation 17, she would and did sit on the last SEVEN of the ten revivals.

We learn from history that six of the last seven revivals have already occurred. These were revivals of political and military kingdoms cooperating with the woman–the religious power. Six of these last seven revivals have already occurred under Justinian (bringing about the Imperial Restoration of Europe, by uniting East and West Rome), Charlemagne (crowned Emperor by Pope Leo III), Otto the Great (crowned by Pope John XII), Charles V of Habsburg (crowned by Pope Clement VIII), Napoleon Bonaparte (crowned by Pope Pius VII) and Hitler/Mussolini (who worked closely together with Pope Pius XII).

For instance, under Charlemagne, the revival was called “HOLY Roman Empire,” and under Otto the Great, it was called, “HOLY Roman Empire of the German Nation,” indicating the RELIGIOUS and political nature of these revivals. The last and final revival of the ancient Roman Empire is happening right now in Europe.

To say that biblical Babylon was inactive for 2,520 years since its fall in 539 B.C. is historically inaccurate. In fact, going way back in history, Will Durant explained in “The Story of Civilization,” that the Code of Justinian (who brought about the fourth resurrection of the Roman Empire) “enacted orthodox Christianity into law [and] acknowledged ecclesiastical leadership of the Roman Church, and ordered all Christian groups to submit to her authority.”

In addition, and just focusing on modern events, it still cannot be legitimately said that the Pope’s speech in 1982 signified the revival of the Babylonian system. For instance, it was as early as 1929 when the Lateran Treaties were signed between Mussolini and the Pope, establishing the Vatican City State and the international character of the Holy See, and making Catholicism the official religion of Italy. Four years later, in 1933, Adolph Hitler signed a concordat with the Vatican, purportedly protecting the rights of the Catholic Church in Nazi Germany. Der Stern Online wrote in February of 2004 that Mussolini’s and Hitler’s fascist governments profited from the Lateran Treaties and the concordat, and that the Catholic Church supported the fascist propaganda.

Even when reviewing the very last and still ongoing revival of the ancient Roman Empire, the Pope’s speech in 1982 was not a decisive event, either. We need to emphasize that the Common Market itself was started under the inspiration of Catholic politicians. The Telegraph wrote in 1991 that politicians “such as Adenauer of Germany, Paul-Henri Spaak, Jean Monnet and Robert Schumann… were all deeply influenced by Catholic social teaching.” The Financial Times added on May 22, 1995 that the “idea of a united Europe” has been viewed as “essentially a Catholic concept.” But that concept existed long before 1982. It was in 1957 that the Treaty of Rome was signed by the original six member states. It gave birth to the unification of Europe. Der Stern Online wrote that that treaty signalized the “beginning of the success story of Europe.”

It should be obvious that 1982 was not a decisive year in the development of the last religious/political revival of the ancient Roman Empire. Notice, by contrast, the following years which DID represent milestones in the slow but sure unification of modern Europe. First of all, as mentioned, there is of course the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, giving birth to the unification of Europe.

In addition, please note the following article, which was published in “Deutsche Welle” on June 27, 2009, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain:

“On June 27 [1989,] exactly two decades ago, then Hungarian foreign minister Gyula Horn and his Austrian counterpart Alois Mock symbolically cut some barbed wire representing the Iron Curtain on the border separating their two countries. Two months later, on August 19, [1989,] some 600 East Germans escaped to the West during a picnic for peace organized at the Austro-Hungarian border during a period when the border gate opened for three hours. [The Wikipedia Encyclopedia adds that commencing with August 23, 1989, more than 13,000 East German tourists in Hungary escaped to Austria. Shortly thereafter, similar incidents occurred in neighboring Czechoslovakia.] In reality, Hungary had already begun to dismantle the Iron Curtain nearly two months earlier, on May 2, 1989.”

The fall of the Iron Curtain was necessary to bring about a united Europe which would embrace eastern European nations.

The Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989, and Germany’s reunification was formalized on October 3, 1990. Of course, a united Germany was and is necessary for a united EU.

On January 1, 1999, the euro was introduced. Newsweek wrote at the time: “The Euro will turn Europe into a superpower… Whether you love the Euro or hate it, know this; nothing so big has ever happened before.” Again, a common currency was and is absolutely necessary for a powerful united Europe.

What we need to remember, then, is that Revelation 17 states that the WOMAN–BABYLON THE GREAT–sits on ALL of the seven last [political/religious] revivals of the Roman Empire. By no stretch of the imagination can it be said, then, that Babylon had no influence on the world scene and that it was kept in chains for 2,520 years since its fall in 539 B.C., or, that the times of the Gentiles BEGAN 2,520 years after its fall; that is, in 1982.

The biblical prophecies and the historical records prove beyond the shadow of any doubt that the dream in Daniel 4 could not possibly be construed as a prophecy, stretching over 2,520 years, beginning with the fall of Babylon and an alleged revival in 1982. The dream in Daniel 4 related strictly and exclusively to the life of ancient King Nebuchadnezzar, containing the timeless message for us today that “the living may know That the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, Gives it to whomever He will, And sets over it the lowest [“basest,” Authorized Version] of men” and that “those who walk in pride He is able to put down” (Daniel 4:17, 37).

For more information, you might want to view our video-recorded sermon on the topic, “Babylon the Great.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Do We All Worship the Same God?

Growing up and being an elementary school-age child, I was told by a much wiser and older friend (a whole 2 grades ahead of me) that there was one God, but with several different names: God, Buddha, Allah, etc. This made perfect sense to me in my understanding of languages and the belief that there was only one God anyway.

Interestingly enough, now, many adults will tell you nearly the exact same thing, without giving it any more thought than a fourth grade student would. In fact, a former President, leader of the United States, in reference to Christians and Muslims, said: “…I believe we worship the same God.”

Within some religions, the god that is the main character, is defined as war-like, arbitrary and unknowable. Others will tell you that Jesus did not come, die and rise from the dead. Even within some of the so-called Christian religions, there can be a vast difference in the description and character of the god being worshipped. In the name of their god, they condone carved images, the killing of unborn babies, situational lies, and “justifiable” murder in war.

But the Bible defines God in a completely different way. God is a Family, consisting of God the Father and God the Son. Both are unified–they are “one.” They are of the same one mindset and have the same one purpose and goal. God is peaceful, trustworthy, and personal. God the Father sent His only-begotten Son to us, who did die and was raised from the dead. God is explicit in His instructions not to have idols, kill, or lie.

What we have then are competing versions of the God or gods that are being worshipped. The plain and simple fact is that they all cannot be true. Rather, only one characterization can be true. For example, either God says it is permissible to steal, or “do not steal” means, do not steal! It cannot be both, because God–both the Father and the Son–is the same always (Hebrews 13:8). God does not change, nor is there any variation or shadow of turning with Him (James 1:17).

There is no moral relativism when it comes to God and His Ways. Instead, He is defined by one specific set of doctrines in the Bible. If we are to be assured that we are worshipping the only true God who is worthy of our reverence and that we are reflecting Him in our lives and actions, we must do it in truth (John 4:24). 

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

As announced in our previous Update, our newest booklet, “The Book of Zechariah–Prophecies for Today,” is being printed in England. At the same time, our booklet, “And Lawlessness Will Abound…” is being reprinted in England.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on StandingWatch and YouTube. It is titled, Fixing Healthcare Through Brainwashing? In the program, Norbert Link points out that the U.S. healthcare system is broken and needs to be fixed, but the procedures employed by some politicians and parts of the media are highly problematic and dangerous.

A new German “AufPostenStehen” program, titled, “Irans Gefaehrliche Zukunft”  (“Iran’s Dangerous Future”) was posted on YouTube and our German Website.

Norbert Link’s recent video-recorded sermon, “The Wisdom of Solomon,” dated June 13, 2009, was posted on the Audio page of our Web, under “Sermon Videos.”

A new German sermon (“War und Ist Christus Gott?”) was recorded this week, addressing the fact that God the Father created everything through Jesus Christ; that Christ existed as God prior to His birth as a man, and that He is God today–the second member of the God Family. Also, that He was the God of the Old Testament Who wrestled with Jacob, spoke with Abraham and Moses, and led Israel out of Egypt.

Our Internet campaign in the USA has so far resulted in more than 80 requests for our booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.” In addition, almost 75 people requested our free booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” which is also offered in the Internet ad. We have also just begun to run Internet ads for these two booklets in Canada. So far, 13 people requested the Great Tribulation booklet, and 10 the Angels and Demons booklet.

Our Internet campaign in the UK has resulted so far in almost 120 requests for our free booklet, “Europe in Prophecy.”

©2024 Church of the Eternal God