By the Light

Paul uses a phrase in Philippians 1:10, “that you may be sincere.” The word used for “sincere” here is an interesting word: eilikrinēs.

This comes from Greek words that mean “the sun’s rays” and “judge”.  When compounded it takes on the meaning “judged by sunlight” or “that which is judged in sunshine.”

As Paul’s eyes grew dim, with age and the problems that persisted in his life, he realized the necessity of having a good light to examine a subject.  In using this Greek word in this way he wanted to impart to the reader an essential quality of a Christian – we should not have anything that we want or need to hide.

By implication a saint should stand up to the scrutiny of light, and when focused on us, we should come out as a shining example.  It is our calling, as we walk in this way, to persistently remove the spots of darkness within our character.

God is light (1 John 1:5; ), and Christ will help us expose the areas that we need to work on by the light (compare Ephesians 5:13-14).  As a help “the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light” (compare Proverbs 6:23).  Through these and with the help of the power of God that “will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13), this can and will be accomplished.  As a begotten son of God, Jesus admonished us in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

As we come out of this spiritually high time of the year and go back into the world, we can continue to move forward with the momentum gained  during the Fall festival season.  And if we are complete in our effort to do what has been set before us, then we too can become a light of the world, shining through our good works, glorifying our Father (compare Matthew 5:14, 16) and walking sincerely in the hope of our calling.

They Bring Out the Good

by Manuela Mitchell

Before I had my son, I participated in events that involved dogs and their owners.  I enjoyed socializing with those that had similar interests to mine. When I had my son, I participated in classes such as breastfeeding and general baby care, and I realized that the support and friendships I received with my baby, was phenomenally different than that with dogs. 
People treated me as if my baby was the only baby in the world, and everyone wanted to help and talk to us. Brethren and people outside the church shared a common interest of lending a helping hand and voice, and it didn’t matter if they believed different things, because when it came to loving babies, everyone was the same.

This experience has made me think about how it will be in the kingdom, when everyone will be kind and helpful to every person they meet, just as they are to babies. I realized how babies can change people, and I saw how my little Sam–like other babies–make people laugh, they make people happy, they bring back sweet memories to people, they make people harmless and innocent. Yes, I began to see that babies can definitely bring out the good in people.

In Luke 2:49 we read Jesus' reply to His parents when they had found Him in the temple. Wasn’t this a little disrespectful?

This account in Luke 2:41-51 is about the time when Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem for the “Feast of the Passover” (verse 41). At that time, Jesus was just twelve years old (verse 42). Jesus then lingered on and after three days, His parents realised that He was not in the company (verses 43-44). They returned to Jerusalem to look for Him (verse 45). They found Him sitting in the temple, both listening and asking the teachers questions (verse 46). In verse 48 we read that Mary said to Jesus: “Son, why have you done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.” Jesus answered in verse 49: “Why is it that you sought Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”

It is interesting that in verse 50 we read: “But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.” And in the following verse it states that “He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject (obedient) to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart.”

In Luke 1:30-33 we read the announcement to Mary of the birth of Jesus: “Then the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.’”

In Matthew 1:18-21 we read that an angel appeared to Joseph about the birth of Jesus: “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly. But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.’”

Based on what had been told to Mary and Joseph, they should probably have known that since He was the Messiah, the most logical place for Him to be was in the temple and that He would be about His Father’s business. He was no ordinary child. Surely He was doing what God wanted Him to do, and would be under God’s protection. In John 4:34 we read that Jesus said: “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”

At the age of 12, He obviously knew about His situation, His future and who His real Father was. He was so engrossed in learning more about the Scriptures that this became all consuming for Him for those three days. And maybe He would have expected His parents to look for Him before they left Jerusalem.

It would also appear that Jesus was surprised by the question (verse 49), rather than being upset by Mary’s question. His question, in effect, asking them why they did not know that He had to be in His Father’s house, is quite remarkable. Mary speaks about “your father and I” in verse 48, but in verse 49 Jesus takes the word “father” and applies it to God the Father.

Jesus explained His reasoning, but to no avail. They did not understand what He was saying to them (compare verse 50)–and that in spite of an angel appearing to both Mary and Joseph before His birth and telling them that He would be the Son of the Highest and that He would save His people from their sins.

Jesus was well aware of the fifth Commandment to “honor” His parents (Exodus 20:12). He was never disrespectful to them in any way. He was sinless throughout His life. We read in 1 Peter 2:22 that He “committed no sin…” 1 John 3:5 adds: “And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin.” It should be noted that Jesus went back with His parents and was subject to them (Luke 2:51). It shows that Jesus had no intention of dishonouring His parents in any way, nor did He do this.

One Commentary observes as follows: “Pilgrims to the feast in Jerusalem usually travelled in a large party or caravan (Greek sunodia), since a person travelling by himself was in danger from bandits who could swoop down on lone travellers. The caravan was made up of many of Mary and Joseph’s friends and relatives from Galilee, and they naturally supposed that Jesus was somewhere in the crowd. No doubt when they camped for the night and Jesus was nowhere to be seen, they became alarmed. By this time they were probably 20 to 25 miles north of Jerusalem.”

We also have to remember that it was a different society in those days, and we often base our thoughts and ideas on our experience today. His parents thought that He was in the company (verse 43) which indicates a good number of people would be travelling together. They would have known immediately that He had been missing if they had been a family on their own.

It is was perfectly reasonable for Jesus to be listening to the teachers and asking them questions (Luke 2:46). The strange thing is perhaps, just judging from our point of view today, that Mary and Joseph did not keep a closer eye on Him. But in any event, it worked out for good and for a lesson to be gently given to His parents about His position and the Work that He was destined to do.

Based on all the evidence, we can conclude satisfactorily that Jesus was not disrespectful to His parents, nor did He dishonour them in any way.

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (Great Britain)

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The new member letter for September was sent out this week. It is also posted on the Web.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, “Why Atheists Are Wrong.” In his new book, “The Grand Design,” Stephen Hawking claims that God did not create the universe, but that the universe created itself from nothing. How scientific is that concept? The world’s most notorious atheist, Antony Flew, converted to a belief in God’s creation of the universe, based on the scientific evidence. He claims that a contrary “faith” is “senseless.” The Bible agrees with him.

Norbert Link’s new video-recorded sermon, “To the Ephesians, Part 9,” has been posted on the Web.

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, discussing our preparation for Christ’s return. It is titled, “Vorbereitung auf Christi Kommen.”

A new German booklet was posted on our German Website ( It is titled, “Europa in der Prophezeiung” [“Europe in Prophecy”].

Why don’t you preach the truth door to door?

We realise that some groups approach the preaching of the gospel by going from door to door. But this is not in accordance with Scripture, and it can do more harm than good.

First of all, we have to realise that this is not the only day of salvation. In 2 Corinthians 6:2, it states the following: “For He says: ‘In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you..’.” We have long understood that this verse is a mistranslation of Isaiah 49:8 where it states that this is “a day of salvation” (Authorized Version). If today was the only day of salvation, then Satan, who has the world in the palm of his hand, would be winning the battle outright. Of course, that is not the case.

Many Christian denominations have this idea that if we are not “saved” now, we will be lost for all eternity. They do not realise that God does the calling and in His own good time. John 6:44 gives Christ’s answer to this mystery: “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” This critical truth is repeated again in John 6:65.

It is important to understand the principles that today–this present day and age–is not the only day of salvation, and that God has to do the calling. However, those who do not have this biblical understanding have an urgency to convert the world. Whilst we should want as many as possible at this time to come to a knowledge of the truth, we have to realise that God is in charge, and His timing as to our calling is perfect.

Nevertheless, those comments should in no way stop us from setting the very best example we can and to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you…..” (1 Peter 3:15).

But Scripture tells us that going from door to door is not what we should be doing. In Acts 20:20 which many use as their reason for conducting themselves in this way, we read Paul’s words: “…and how I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly AND from house to house…”

Paul’s next words in Acts 20:21 show that he was speaking about a ministry to non-believers, for he states: “… testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” This is surely because Christianity was fairly new and so many would be enquiring about it – both Jews and Greeks. This would be by invitation, not by an ad hoc door knocking exercise. He was not going from door to door of just about everyone in town, trying to convert those who happened to open their door to him. If we look to the example of Jesus Christ, He didn’t try and convert people and force His will on others. Shouldn’t we follow His way by not causing the offence that can happen when someone calls unannounced with a religious message?

We also need to understand that many times, the church brethren met in private homes for Sabbath services (compare Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19). One commentator stated that “Paul’s ministry from house to house is contrasted with his public ministry and probably refers to house churches. If so, each elder was possibly the overseer of a house church. Paul both preached and taught.”

Another commentator wrote: “Paul’s statement that he has proclaimed the gospel in public and in houses refers to his open… proclamation before kings and in public spaces, and to his ‘private’ ministry in synagogues (considered as private spaces) and in house churches.”

And a further comment was made as follows: “The private home was a centre of intellectual activity and the customary place for many types of speakers and teachers to do their work. Occasional lectures, declamations and readings of various sorts of philosophical, rhetorical and literary works often took place in homes. Such sessions might be continued for two or three days. The speaker might use his own house or be invited to speak or teach in another home. These were private affairs and audiences came by invitation.”

One large group who do go from door to door, use Acts 5:42 as their biblical reasoning to do so. This verse reads as follows: “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.” This was after the apostles had been beaten and “commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus…” (verse 40).

A commentator observed as follows: “In Acts 5:42, it shows that first the Apostle Peter taught publicly at the temple. Communities of Christians were formed. Possessions were sold and equally distributed to all, every day they went to the temple and met in private homes to break bread and pray and build each other up in Christ as a community, a close knit family in Christ. In the temple more persons would be converted and baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and would be invited to meet in private homes to further bond and become a part of the Christian brotherhood. These private homes acted as small house churches of communities of love and fine works towards one another to build each other up in the Christ. They met in small groups, as close knit families, in private homes. No door to door activity was even remotely involved or part of the daily routine of the early Christian brotherhood.”

Acts 2:46 is another passage that can be misunderstood. It states: “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart…”

In a Church of God publication some years ago it said: “This is simply talking about people who ate together as one might have close friends to his home. It says nothing about preaching to strangers. In this instance, many had come to Jerusalem from many nations to attend one of God’s annual festivals, Pentecost. Because they had no home in Jerusalem, the people who lived there invited them to come to their homes and eat.”

We know that Paul had his own rented home and received all who came to him, “preaching the Kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him” (Acts 28:30-31). There is no mention of him going from house to house to call unexpectedly on those who were not interested and who could show resentment to someone trying to convert them. Of course, like today, if he would have had opportunity, he would have visited those who requested him to do so, much like ministers at this time who are invited to visit, in their own homes, those who are interested in the truth.

Luke 10:7 follows on from the story of when the seventy were sent out. Here Christ states: “And remain in the same house, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not go from house to house.” There are those that think that you can eat anything that is put before you. But we know that the food laws are still in full force and effect. It also says “do not go from house to house” but again, there are those who will try and explain this away, saying that this phrase should be translated as, “you shall not move.” However, Christ was not talking about moving to another place, when circumstances dictate or warrant, but He was addressing the manner of preaching the gospel.

The apostles taught in the synagogue; they taught in members’ houses; they went into houses when they were invited; and “Paul stood in the midst of the Aeropagus (Mars Hill)…” where he preached the truth of God, “…and said: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious…'” (Acts 17:22) There were many ways at that time where the truth could be preached without going from door to door as indeed there are many different ways of preaching the truth in the 21st century.

We are to set the very best example possible (compare Matthew 5:16) and not be hypocritical in any way. There is an old saying that we must never forget: “What You Do Speaks So Loudly I Cannot Hear What You Say.” We are to be ready to give an answer when sincerely questioned about our faith–and not, when we are just asked for the purpose of engaging us in contentious arguments and debate. We are to be fully supportive of the Church of God in all of its activities, which will assist all those who are being called at this time.

Those who do go from door to door often get a reputation for being a nuisance and to be avoided. Let us realise that this is not the best approach and not supported by Scripture.

In a letter that was used by the Worldwide Church of God in 1988 about this question, it was stated: “The apostle Paul had his own hired house at Rome where he ‘received ALL that CAME IN UNTO HIM, preaching the kingdom of God’ which Jesus had commanded His true servant to preach (Acts 28:30-31). The apostle Paul was taught the Gospel personally by Jesus Christ Himself (I Cor. 15:8; Gal. 1:11-2:2). One of the teachings of Jesus was that we should not force the Gospel upon anyone (Matt. 7:6). Therefore, it is evident that Paul did not go from house to house trying to convert people. When Paul preached publicly, it was primarily in the synagogues of his day.”

Finally, let us remember that those who do come to our door and do “not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him, for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds” (2 John 10-11).

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (Great Britain)

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written and will be sent out shortly. In the letter, Rene Messier addresses the meaning of the fall festivals and our responsibilities in that regard.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on the Web, titled, “Bible Prophecy and World Events”:  Will there be another war in the Middle East? Will Israel attack Iran? Will the USA get involved? Did the USA win in Iraq? Will the USA win in Afghanistan? Will the USA solve its economic problems? Will Jesus Christ return in our time? Can we know the year of His return? What does the Bible say about these and other questions?

A new German sermon was posted on the Web, discussing character development. It is titled, “Charakterentwicklung.”

Two Thumbs Down

by Laura Harris

Last weekend I saw the movie “Eat, Pray, Love,” a New York Times best-selling memoir turned into a block buster summer movie. The appeal of Julia Roberts traveling the world to exotic locations lured me in, but I was soon disappointed by a self-indulgent journey of divorce, adultery and misguided spiritual enlightenment. 

I left the theater feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness, knowing the movie has become inspirational for legions of female followers trying to find happiness, meaning and purpose in this world.  I have read that women by the droves are consuming “Eat Pray Love” themed merchandise (such as clothing, tea, perfume, jewelry and home furnishings), enrolling in self-help workshops, and touring the countries sojourned by the movie’s main character. 

The movie reinforced the fact that I cannot find truth and enlightenment in a commercialized manuscript. Once again, I am reminded that I can only find authentic happiness and a true understanding of God’s holy Plan, when I follow God’s laws, as revealed in His book – the Bible.

What would have happened if Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree of life? What kind of a world would we have today? Would they still have sinned from time to time? If so, what would have been the consequence?

First, let us explain what the two trees in the Garden of Eden symbolized.

We are quoting the following excerpts from chapter 2 of our free booklet, “Human Suffering–Why…And How Much Longer?” :

“When God created the first human being, Adam, and his wife, Eve, He placed them in a garden—the Garden of Eden, also called Paradise. God also created two special trees in this garden—the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He told man that he was allowed to eat from all the trees in the garden with the exception of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This means that man could eat, and should have eaten, from the tree of life.

“These two trees had special symbolic meaning. They represented two ways of life: Eating from the tree of life would have meant following God in obedience to His Word, thereby reaping the benefits of happiness, joy and peace. Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil meant disobeying God, and listening to and following Satan instead, thereby reaping the curses of unhappiness, sadness, suffering and war!…

“God said that man could eat FREELY from the tree of life. If man had done that, he would have received the free gift of the Holy Spirit of God, and with it, godly understanding and wisdom as to how to live. He would have received a down payment—a guarantee—of future eternal life, and he would have been changed—in due time—to an immortal Spirit being.

“God WANTED Adam and Eve to partake of the tree of life—the Holy Spirit. Today also, God wants us—those He has specifically called for His salvation—to partake of the Holy Spirit, and to teach others about it. When man partakes of the tree of life—symbolic of the Holy Spirit—then he reaps the benefits and responsibilities already in this life, as well as the gift of future eternal life…

“Adam and Eve did not eat from the tree of life, but they did eat, instead, from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God CREATED that tree, too, but He told man NOT to eat from it. He did not tempt man to sin, but He did test man, and by offering an opportunity to man to eat from the tree of life, He enabled man to obey Him. However, man decided to disobey God and to obey, instead, the serpent—Satan the devil.

“In not eating from the tree of life, and in eating, instead, from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, man made the decision to reject godly wisdom and eternal life, and to accept the wisdom of this world, which leads only to death. Man rejected God (Jeremiah 2:13; 17:13) and became the slave of Satan. God had informed man of the consequences of his decision well in advance. Genesis 2:17 reports that God told them that they would die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Presumably, He had also told them that they would have to live in sorrow and pain (compare Genesis 3:16–19)…

“Suffering, pain, misery, and even death entered this physical world with Adam and Eve’s decision to disobey God and follow Satan instead. And since man has, in general, continued to disregard God’s injunctions, suffering continues to this day.”

In addition, let us quote the following comments from Herbert W. Armstrong’s book, “Mystery of the Ages”:

“What if Adam had taken of the tree of life?… That symbolic tree is offered today to those called and drawn by God to Jesus Christ. There is one difference between the original Adam and the called Christian. Adam had not yet sinned and no repentance was necessary if he had chosen the tree of life. Otherwise the repentant and believing Spirit-begotten Christian is in the same position Adam would have been had he taken of the tree of life.

“Adam would have received the Holy Spirit of the immortal God to join with his human spirit. Of course, since Adam was required to make a choice, he would have rejected the way of Satan by taking the tree of life…

“He would have received the Holy Spirit of God to unite with his human spirit. The man was not mentally or spiritually complete until receiving the Spirit of God. This would have united him, mentally and spiritually, with God. He would have been begotten as a child of God, just as is the converted Spirit-begotten Christian.

“He would have received the Holy Spirit of God to join with his human spirit, begetting him as a son of God, imparting to him the earnest of immortal life, and making him at one with God… the very mind of the Eternal would have been in Adam. But instead the mind and attitude of Satan entered into him and worked in him, even as it has in all his children that have composed this whole world…

“God would have revealed to Adam God’s way of life—which is God’s spiritual law… But, even as a human embryo has been begotten by human parents, and just as the embryo must develop through the process of gestation before being born, so is the Spirit-led Christian, and so would have been Adam.

“But he would have experienced a direct connection and contact with God… So Adam would have had the in-depth spiritual knowledge to live God’s way, and also would have been supplied with the divine love that, only, can fulfill that perfect law of love and put it into action.

“He would also have received by the Spirit of God the very faith of God. He would have received knowledge, guidance and help from God. He would have had reliance on God to intervene in matters beyond his control. In such matters God supernaturally does for us what we are unable to do for ourselves. In other words, God fights our battles for us.”

Also, notice this quote from the Worldwide Church of God’s old publication, “Answers from Genesis”:

“If Adam and Eve would have eaten the fruit of this tree [of life], God would have given them His Holy Spirit and ultimately eternal life. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, on the other hand, symbolized disobedience. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of this tree, their disobedience cut them off from their Creator and they embarked on a course of false education that produced sin and death.”

Based on this understanding, we see that if Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree of life and refused to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, our world–this world’s present societies–would have been quite different.

Again, let us continue with quoting from our booklet, “Human Suffering–Why… and How Much Longer?”:

“This brings up a hypothetical question. What would have happened IF Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree of life, while also refusing to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thus fully obeying God?

“There would have been, presumably, no weapons or war; no killing of Abel through Cain; no hunger, famine, hard labor, misery or pain; no slavery; and no vicious animals. Instead, this earth would have been a happy place—a peaceful, prosperous, free world!

“BUT—due to Adam and Eve’s wrong decision, this world witnessed murder when Cain killed his brother, Abel. It witnessed polygamy (Genesis 4:19); weapons made of bronze and iron (Genesis 4:22); more violence and murder (Genesis 4:23); and finally, grievous worldwide wickedness (Genesis 6:5–6, 11–13).”

God created Adam and Eve with the express purpose of bringing forth offspring. They were commanded to be fruitful and multiply and to fill the earth (Genesis 1:28). If Adam and Eve had shown obedience to God and rejected Satan, then their descendants–mankind–would not have been cut off from God and His Holy Spirit, as is generally the case today. The fact that mankind was cut off from God was God’s punishment for Adam and Eve’s disobedience–a direct consequence of Adam and Eve’s conduct. After they sinned, the tree of life was no longer accessible to them and in general, to mankind as a whole, and mankind was allowed, under the sway and deception of Satan, to create his own societies, which are ALL in opposition to God’s Way of Life.

Today, the entire world is under Satan’s rule. This includes ALL countries, including the United States of America, South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, continental Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, including India, Russia, China, Japan and Korea. This means, no human government today is righteous in God’s eyes. This is one reason WHY true Christians are to come out of the “Babylon” of this world and its politics; to be separate; and not to touch or associate with or embrace or adopt or feed on the uncleanness of this world’s economic, military, educational or religious systems.

Focusing on Adam and Eve, this does not mean that they would have been changed to immortal beings immediately upon their partaking of the fruit of the tree of life. As explained above, eating from the tree of life symbolized receiving the Holy Spirit, which is a downpayment, an earnest, a guaranty for eternal life. But they still would have had to continue to live a godly way of life (as we all must do today), to PROVE to God that they were willing to live under His rule. They still would have had to develop godly righteous character, by continuously rejecting the wrong and accepting and living the right–as we all must do. Please read our Q&As [ and] on character development.

Beyond this, it is hard to say what else would have been different. The Bible does not dwell too much on this possibility, as the fact of the matter is that Adam and Eve DID eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and became thereby responsible for a world cut off from God.

Would Adam and Eve have stayed sinless? Would they have continued to reject eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil–that is, would they have been always obedient to God, without ever violating any of His commandments? If they had sinned, we would be safe to conclude that Jesus Christ would still have had to come to die for them and all of mankind, to make possible the gift of forgiveness and eternal life for man, as the wages of sin is eternal death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord (Romans 6:23).

Since the Bible tells us that there is no man who does not sin, it is to be assumed that Adam and Eve would have slipped into sin from time to time, as we all do today. Nevertheless, the entire situation for them and their children and descendants–the “world”–would have been quite different. Assuming that mankind would have followed Adam and Eve’s good example, the world would not have ended up in total opposition and rebellion to God, as it is today. When we receive the Holy Spirit, after we have shown to God that we are willing to obey Him, we are basically on the same wavelength with God. We WANT to obey Him ever more perfectly. We do not WANT to sin. We do not WANT to live in abject defiance or total lack of interest in His Word.

Maybe Satan would have been replaced and dethroned at the time of Adam and Eve. Maybe God would have used Adam and Eve to rule this world, as He later used David to rule Israel. The circumstances might have been comparable with those which will be prevalent during the Millennium and the Great White Throne Judgment period. At that time, Satan will be banned so that he cannot deceive the nations anymore. The world’s spiritual and mental condition will be very similar then, as it was at the time of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, before Satan tempted Eve to sin.

Still, as it is the case today for called-out Christians, mankind will have to prove to God during the Millennium and the Great White Throne judgment period that they will be willing to obey Him. Those who will be willing to repent and obey God and accept the Sacrifice of Christ will be given the Holy Spirit, but they will not, at that moment in time, be changed to immortality. Rather (as it is true for converted Christians today), they will have to live with the lead of the Holy Spirit within them for a certain amount of time to show God that they are willing to eat continuously from the tree of life, while rejecting the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Based on the biblical description of what will happen in the future, when Satan is banned, we can deduct, to an extent, what would have happened to Adam and Eve and their children and descendants, IF they had obeyed God and eaten from the tree of life, while rejecting to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

©2024 Church of the Eternal God