This Week in the News

Germany and USA Disappointing in Ukraine War

On February 9, Piers Morgan wrote the following in the “Sun”:

“The German chancellor Olaf Scholz, already so shamefully slow to supply desperately needed German battle tanks, has now rejected President Zelensky’s urgent plea for fighter jets, saying he won’t be drawn into a ‘public bidding war’ over military support for Ukraine ‘according to the principle of battle tanks, submarines, battleships, who can offer more. Germany won’t get involved.’

“What a dismal response from one of Europe’s most powerful countries.

“Equally disappointing was US President Biden’s decision to barely mention Ukraine in his annual State of the Union address on Tuesday night…

“Both Scholz and Biden are facing growing domestic resistance to supporting the Ukrainian war effort, but that kind of war fatigue is to be expected now it’s dragging on longer than anyone predicted…

“Britain’s led the way in Europe [with] their unwavering commitment and support… Winston Churchill put it best: ‘It’s no use saying, “we are doing our best”, you have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.’

“The West cannot afford to let Putin win this war. If we do, he will inevitably invade other countries to continue his plan to restore the former Soviet Union he believes should never have been broken up…

“And to the ditherers and waverers in Germany and America, I would remind them of what Margaret Thatcher said to President George H.W. Bush when he hesitated over what action to take against Saddam Hussein after the Iraqi tyrant invaded Kuwait in 1990. The Iron Lady took him aside and said: ‘Remember George, this is no time to go wobbly.’”

A slightly different perspective is pointed out in the next article:

Why the USA Supports Ukraine

Life Site News wrote on February 10:

“A few years ago, during the 2020 election, we found out a bombshell: Hunter Biden had a laptop that ended up in the hands of people who were able to look at that laptop…

“… immediately the media began to call it ‘Russian disinformation,’ tried to discredit it, tried to say, ‘Oh, this is just Trump trying to make up stuff. It’s fake news.’ And we heard that for a couple of years — until Jack Maxey came along. He has been trying to get the media to look at all he had found on this laptop, to look at the way in which Hunter Biden and his father Joe… worked in tens of millions of dollars of kickbacks, payments, oil leases, and all the dealings they had with Ukraine and China…

“Everything that’s on that laptop, including horrible pictures of indecent behavior, is all true. And Jack now has been able to bring to us the truth that the left has lied about, has covered up, including such things as the codes to Department of Defense computer systems.

“And what should astound you… is that China had a copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop with all that information on it. So do you wonder why Biden is so cozied up with Ukraine? Do you wonder why Biden is so cozied up with China? Wonder no more. It’s all on the laptop…”

Is Scholz Blocking Tank Deliveries Again?

Bild Online wrote on February 10:

“Ukraine urgently needs Leopard 2 tanks. But apparently Germany is already on the brakes again! The suspicion: The government in Berlin forbids the Netherlands to deliver tanks to Ukraine. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD) had only announced the Panzer turnaround two weeks ago: NATO countries including Germany should be allowed to deliver Leos built in Germany to Ukraine.

“Is Scholz possibly playing a double game? One thing is certain: So far there has been no sign of a major Leo delivery offensive to Ukraine. In addition to Germany, only Poland, Portugal and Canada have officially promised deliveries so far. Other countries that previously promised tanks are significantly slower to respond.

“The federal government criticizes the hesitation of the partners, so Scholz is said to have even personally intervened and called the heads of government, wrote the ‘Spiegel’. But now Dutch media reports are throwing a different light on the situation! Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren (55) told parliament on Thursday that 18 Leopard 2 tanks leased by the Netherlands from Germany would NOT be made available to Ukraine. Reason: a ‘no’ from the federal government!

“The allegations weigh heavily. The federal government also denies them. ‘I am not aware that there was an official request that would then have been rejected by the federal government,’ said a spokeswoman for Boris Pistorius’ (62, SPD) defense ministry. The Chancellery also rejects Ollongren’s statements. The government spokesman to BILD: ‘There has never been a request from the Netherlands.’

“Spicy: as early as mid-January, Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte (55) suggested that The Hague could buy some of the Leopard 2 tanks that it is currently renting from Germany – and send them to Ukraine. On Thursday at the EU summit in Brussels, he only spoke evasively, saying… only: ‘This is something that we (still) discuss with our partners.’ Instead, Rutte suggested sending the tanks to Lithuania to secure NATO’s eastern flank in the Baltic States… [But the] tanks are currently not needed on NATO’s eastern flank and would be in much better hands in the Ukraine.

“Military expert Carlo Masala (54, Bundeswehr University Munich) thinks so too. He does not doubt the version of the Dutch defense minister [and] criticizes that Germany and the alliance partners still do not agree on ‘where our security currently needs to be defended most urgently… The fact that the Dutch defense minister is the first to make Germany’s “no” public shows also that not everything runs as smoothly behind the scenes as publicly portrayed.’”

The dubious role of the German government regarding the Russia-Ukraine war is all too obvious.

Empty Stocks in Germany

Xinhua wrote on February 12:

“Germany’s ability to supply other nations with weapons is extremely limited due to the country’s own undersupply. ‘The shelves are almost empty,’ the Inspector General of the country’s army found when taking stock last year…

“Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, Eva Hoegl, criticized the ‘unacceptable’ lack of action to fully equip the German military at the end of last year. Almost 20 billion euros (21.4 billion U.S. dollars) would be required to stock up on ammunition alone. Germany’s current stockpile would not even last for a week in the event of a military conflict, she warned…

“Germany’s internal struggles aside, Europe’s largest economy has not entirely given up on the idea of a diplomatic solution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.”

As we reported last week, the situation in the UK is very similar.

Berlin Does Not Trust Washington

Modern Diplomacy published on February 5 an article with the following headline: “Berlin doesn’t trust Washington. Scholz doesn’t trust the U.S.”

The article continued:

It turns out that an even bigger fear for Scholz than escalation is that NATO, and in particular the U.S., wouldn’t get involved if Russia were to retaliate against… Germany. That worry — according to an adviser to the German government — is the reason that Scholz insisted that Washington agree to supply Ukraine with M1 Abrams tanks before the chancellor would lift his veto on delivering German-made Leopard 2 tanks. While the NATO treaty’s Article 5 calls on alliance members to support one another in the event of an attack, it doesn’t require allies to respond with military force. In other words, Scholz doesn’t trust the U.S.

“America Won’t Defend Europe”

The Telegraph wrote on February 11:

“The United States will need to focus on Asia, and rapidly so. Despite recent soft noises from Beijing, China’s enormous military buildup continues apace, and the brazen transiting of American airspace by a Chinese spy balloon shows the increasingly global reach of the PLA. As two successive US defence strategies have made clear, America must first and foremost ensure that it can defeat China in a conflict, and Washington no longer has a military capable of fighting two concurrent wars

“Moscow has revealed the danger it poses to European security, and it does not look likely to fade away or change its course. On the contrary, it is putting its whole society on a war footing. It is only prudent to assume that Russia will be a real and present danger to European security for the foreseeable future. Europeans will have to shoulder a much greater share of the burden of defending against the potential for [a] Russian attack…

European Nato needs leadership, especially in the context of German lassitude… America can no longer plausibly handle those threats largely alone…”

The author then argues that Britain should be the leader in Europe. That concept is illusionary. Notice also the next article.

Germany to Lead?

Express wrote on February 15:

“French MPs have expressed concern over the condition of Britain’s Armed Forces, suggesting the UK has given too much of its own supplies to the war effort in Ukraine. The worry comes just days after reports in Germany claimed NATO requested Berlin to remain in charge of the defensive alliance’s rapid-reaction force for an extra year, despite Britain being expected to take leadership of it in 2024…”

EU vs. Britain

Express wrote on February 11:

“The EU has ordered over 2,000 UK citizens to leave the country over post-Brexit rules, between 2020 and September 2022… About half of those, 1,050, was rejected by the Swedish government, including Britons refused at the border, those found to be illegally living in Sweden, and others told to leave for other reasons, including post-Brexit regulations.

“In comparison, Spain, where over 300,000 Britons reside, has not ordered a single UK citizen to leave the country since Brexit. In France, only 95 people were asked to leave… Second to Sweden, during the same period of time, the Netherlands expelled 615 UK residents…

“It comes as the UK paid £2.3 billion to the EU as part of a long-standing dispute over textiles and footwear imported into the UK from China [prior to Brexit]. The final payment of £1.1 billion, made this week, brings the case to a close.”

UK at the Brink of Civil War

Express wrote on February 14:

“The Conservative Party is on the brink of an all-out civil war as the UK edges closer to a deal with the EU on Northern Ireland. The European Research Group (ERG), a powerful group of backbench Tory MPs, is said to be furious over reports that the Government is considering handing power to the European courts. The Government is reportedly preparing to accept a role for the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in policing the Northern Ireland Protocol, which would be seen as a post-Brexit betrayal by many on the right of the party… Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage said the deal is ‘bound to be a sellout… It’s all heading in the wrong direction. Dire!’…

“An ERG source told the Daily Express that any role for the ECJ would trigger a ‘civil war’ in the party, and could lead to a revival of a pro-Boris Johnson faction…

“Sources in Brussels say the agreement will see the ECJ presented as the ultimate arbiter of disputes about EU law that emerge from Northern Ireland… the Government is no longer insisting that the ECJ must not be the ultimate arbiter on EU law issues in Northern Ireland, which signals a softening of the UK’s previously hardline position.”

This would sound indeed like a post-Brexit betrayal.

Sunak in Crisis

Express wrote on February 11:

“Rishi Sunak is facing a crisis among Tory voters, as more than 60 percent back Liz Truss’s plan for tax cuts.

“A poll conducted by Techne UK for the Daily Express asked voters whether the former Prime Minister is right about tax cuts being necessary for growth. Of those who voted for the Conservative party in 2019, 62 percent said they supported the tax cuts, with just 24 percent saying they do not.”

The 2020 “Rigged” Presidential Election

The New York Post wrote on February 11:

“Former President Trump shared a video insisting that he would have won the 2020 election had the Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden not been suppressed by social media and falsely discredited by the mainstream press. Trump shared the footage of New York GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik — a known favorite — on his Truth Social media platform Saturday morning.

“‘According to polling, of the people who were made aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story, 53% would have changed their vote…this is the definition of election meddling…it’s collusion, it’s corruption, and it’s unconstitutional,’ Stefanik said in the clip.

“The House GOP Conference chairwoman made the remarks during a Thursday hearing of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. ‘So, the ELECTION WAS RIGGED!,’ Trump added in his post sharing the footage.”

US Military Leaders in the Dark

NBC News wrote on February 12:

“U.S. military leaders on Sunday said they were in the dark about the exact nature and purpose of airborne objects shot down over the United States and Canada since Friday.

“Unlike a balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina Feb. 4, described by officials as spy aircraft, it’s unclear how the most recent objects stay aloft and move along…

“An unidentified object shot down Sunday over Lake Huron — the fourth flying object in less than two weeks to have been downed over North American airspace — was described earlier Sunday by a senior administration official as an octagonal structure with strings hanging off but no discernible payload… the objects shot down Friday, Saturday and Sunday by North American forces [were] similar in size and shape.”

Not China’s Spy Balloons?

The New York Post wrote on February 14:

“US intelligence officials do not believe the three UFOs shot down over the weekend were tied to China’s spy balloon program… ‘Our initial assessments here, based on talking to civil authorities in the intelligence community, is that we don’t see anything that points right now to these being part of the PRC spying program or, in fact, intelligence collection against the United States of any kind,’ John Kirby said, using the acronym for the People’s Republic of China…

“While intelligence officials don’t yet know what the mystery objects were, Kirby said they are confident they did not belong to the American government

“Unlike the spy balloon, the three UFOs were not maneuverable, meaning they could not change direction and moved largely at the whim of the wind… As of Tuesday afternoon, no private companies or nations had come forward to claim any of the recently downed objects, Kirby said.”

What kind of an irresponsible trigger-happy Wild-West-approach is this to just shoot down objects without knowing what they are?

AT&T’s Stock Falls Significantly After Censoring Newsmax

Newsmax reported on February 11:

“Since DirecTV dropped Newsmax on Jan. 24, AT&T’s stock has fallen by almost 7%, wiping nearly $10 billion from its market value. AT&T, the 70% owner of DirecTV, has come under fierce criticism after deplatforming Newsmax from its satellite TV systems — the second conservative channel it has removed in the past year, with OAN going last April.

“Days after the Newsmax drop, former President Donald Trump called on Americans to cancel not only DirecTV but all AT&T services, including cellular and wireless services… Sen. Rand Paul.. has joined with Trump in urging conservatives to cancel AT&T and DirecTV products. Other leaders — including former Arkansas GOP Gov. Mike Huckabee ; Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.; Sen. Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla.; Dennis Prager — have encouraged Americans to switch their service providers.

“This week, Republican National Committee Chairwoman  Ronna McDaniel [called] DirecTV’s decision ‘anti-free-speech and anti-American.’… Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy said… AT&T’s targeting of Newsmax for unequal treatment is ‘an act of political discrimination and blatant censorship.’”

IRS Won’t Tax Most Relief Payments Made by States Last Year

The Associated Press reported on February 10:

“The IRS announced Friday that most relief checks issued by states last year aren’t subject to federal taxes…

“The states where the relief checks do not have to be reported by taxpayers are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island…

“In California, most residents got a ‘middle class tax refund’ last year, a payment of up to $1,050 depending on their income, filing status and whether they had children. The Democratic-controlled state Legislature approved the payments to help offset record high gas prices, which peaked at a high of $6.44 per gallon in June…

“A key question was whether the federal government would count those payments as income and require Californians to pay taxes on it. Many California taxpayers had delayed filing their 2022 returns while waiting for an answer. Friday, the IRS said it would not tax the refund.”

In a somewhat related article, Thomson/Reuters reported on February 10: “The U.S. government posted a $39 billion budget deficit for January after a rare $119 billion monthly surplus a year earlier, as revenues dipped and some one-time costs pushed outlays sharply higher…”

Terrible Statistics

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 14:

“The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday said the deadly earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, were the worst natural disaster in the region in a hundred years… The latest figures bring the total number killed in the disaster to at least 39,000 [as of February 16, at least 41,000]… According to United Nations estimates, the number could rise to 50,000 or more.

“Erdogan also said hundreds of thousands of buildings in southern Turkey were uninhabitable and more than 2.2 million people had fled the areas hit by the quakes… UN children’s agency UNICEF said that more than 7 million children have been affected by the Turkey-Syria earthquake and expressed fear over the thousands who have died.”

Anger Over Turkey’s Earthquake Response

On February 12, The Associated Press wrote the following:

“Six days after a massive earthquake devastated Syria and Turkey… sorrow and disbelief are turning to anger and tension over a sense that there has been an ineffective, unfair and disproportionate response to the historic disaster.

“Many in Turkey express frustration that rescue operations have proceeded painfully slowly, and that valuable time has been lost during the narrow window for finding people alive beneath the rubble.

“Others, particularly in the southern Hatay province near the Syrian border, say that Turkey’s government was late in delivering assistance to the hardest-hit region for what they suspect are both political and religious reasons.”

People Were Killed Under State Supervision

 Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

In southeastern Turkey, despair is turning into righteous indignation… The earthquake, which also hit northern Syria, claimed more than 35,000 lives in Turkey and 6,000 in Syria. Those numbers have been rising by the hour. 

“According to Turkish authorities, nearly 13 million people in 10 cities have been affected, and at least 33,143 buildings have either collapsed, been severely damaged or require immediate demolition. The number is likely to rise as officials continue to assess the damage. An estimated 1 million people are currently without shelter. Most of them are living in tents or student dormitories…

“Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay pointed the finger at 134 builders from the region who have been arrested across the country on suspicion of shoddy or negligent construction. Some were arrested at airports as they attempted to flee the country with large sums of cash… But the recent history of earthquake investigations in Turkey raises the question of whether senior officials, who were allegedly negligent in the inspection and approval processes, will actually be punished. That has not been the case in the past…

“According to regulations introduced in 2001, buildings have to be inspected by expert auditing firms. But until recently, auditing firms were selected and paid for by the contractors themselves. This, of course, creates a conflict of interest. But the auditing firms are not the only ones responsible for approving construction. The municipality also issues a license for the building. If the municipality does not, then the central administration in Ankara can…

“According to the latest related regulations, initiated on June 8, 2018, and signed by Erdogan, buildings that violate zoning laws will be legalized ‘in accordance with the home owner’s declaration,’ allowing the state to withdraw from any responsibility… In the 10 provinces hit by the recent earthquake, 294,165 buildings had been issued legalization certificates. Experts believe thousands died in these buildings. Instead of being fortified or demolished, they were subject to amnesty under the new regulations. 

“Amnesty laws have created an understanding in society that ‘building violations are tolerated.’ This has led to an increase in unauthorized construction and the legitimization of illegal building. It is considered to be one of the most significant sectors for corruption in society…

“Erdogan’s Directorate of Communication has said Turkey is facing the ‘disaster of the century.’ But many experts in the country believe that this was a preventable catastrophe and that what the country is in fact facing is the ‘negligence of the century.’” 

Israel at the Brink of Social and Constitutional Collapse?

Israel Today wrote on February 13:

“Police closed the main streets around the Knesset to traffic on Monday morning ahead of a mass rally that began at noon, just after the coalition passed the first reading of a bill introducing parts of the proposed judicial reform… more than 45 buses brought employees from Tel Aviv, Rehovot, Beersheba, Nahariya and other locations to the protest in front of the Knesset in Jerusalem. In addition, thousands of doctors and mental health professionals were expected to join the strike.

‘The demonstrations come after a rare plea by President Isaac Herzog in favor of consultations and compromises on the reform plan… Herzog said the country is on the brink of ‘social and constitutional collapse,’ and urged citizens on both sides of the political divide to refrain from violence. ‘Even more so from violence against public officials and elected representatives,’ he pleaded.”

Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock to Collapse?

Israel 365 News wrote on February 13:

“For the second time in one week, structural damage [was] reported at a Muslim structure on the Temple Mount… the Muslim structures standing on Judaism’s holiest site have a long history of collapse due to the earthquakes that are common to the region.

“Arab media is reporting that rain damage led to the collapse of sections of the floor inside the Aqsa Mosque’s Marwani prayer building on the Temple Mount. The damage took place on Thursday and the Arab officials blamed Israel: ‘Sheikh Najeh Bakirat, deputy head of the Islamic Awqaf Administration in Occupied Jerusalem, warned that the Israeli occupation authority’s (IOA) refusal to allow the Islamic Awqaf to carry out renovations to the Aqsa Mosque’s prayer buildings and premises constitutes a great danger to its existence,’ Qods International News Agency wrote.

“The reference points described in the articles were a bit confusing as the Marwani Mosque and the al-Aqsa Mosque are separate locations. Al Aqsa, also known as the Qibli Mosque, is the prayer hall with a dark gray dome located at the southern end of the Temple Mount. The al-Marwani Mosque is a different location, constructed under the Temple Mount Plaza in an underground vaulted space referred to as Solomon’s stables. In December 1996 the Waqf carried out an illegal construction project using heavy equipment to remove approximately 9,000 tons (an estimated 350 truckloads) of archaeologically rich soil, dumping it in the Kidron Valley. The underground area was converted into a Muslim prayer hall.

“While the term ‘al-Aqsa Mosque’ (the further mosque) refers to a specific structure, the Palestinian media have, in recent years, begun to use it to refer to the entire Temple Mount (al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf in Arabic). According to Dr. Mordechai Kedar, an expert Arabist, this is an intentional lie intended to allow the Palestinians to claim the entire Temple Mount. He suggested that the term will continue to be subverted with the intention of claiming the entire city of Jerusalem for Islam.

“The Arabic media reports claimed the damage was in a structure near the ‘Al-Ghawanmeh Gate.’ This gate, previously called the al-Khalil Gate, is located on the northwestern corner of the Temple Mount. As noted above, the Aqsa Mosque and the Marwani Mosque are located in the southeastern corner of the Temple Mount…

Al Aqsa has also suffered from natural catastrophes.  Shortly after it was built, it was destroyed in an earthquake in 746 CE. The mosque was rebuilt in 758 CE but was damaged in another earthquake. It was again destroyed during the 1033 Jordan Rift Valley earthquake. Severe damage was caused by the 1837 and 1927 earthquakes, but the mosque was repaired in 1938 and 1942.

“Earthquakes in 2004 opened cracks in the walls of the Dome of the Rock and the Marwani Mosque. The Waqf refused to allow Israeli experts to aid in the repairs.  Eilat Mazar, a noted archeologist and activist on the Committee for Preventing the Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount, conjectured that a major disaster at the site was imminent….”

This is interesting in light of the fact that a third temple will be built on the Temple Mount, apparently at the exact place where the Al Aqsa mosque is located.

Anne Frank House in Amsterdam Targeted With Antisemitic Message

The Algemeiner wrote on February 10:

“The Prime Minister of the Netherlands led a chorus of condemnation on Friday following the laser projection of an antisemitic message onto the outer wall of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, where the famed teenage Jewish diarist hid with her family during the Nazi occupation of the country. The offending message was flashed into the front of the building on Monday using a laser. It referred to Anne Frank as the ‘inventor of the ballpoint pen’ — a internet meme actively spread by Holocaust deniers who falsely claim that the diary was written using a pen that did not exist during World War II. The Anne Frank House said in a statement that images of the incident were circulating on right-wing chat groups and it had referred the matter to police and prosecutors.

“Calling the message ‘reprehensible,’ Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in a statement on Friday that ‘there is no place for antisemitism in our country, we cannot accept this.’ Separately, Justice Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz slammed the message as ‘disgusting.’ Femke Halsema, the mayor of Amsterdam… denounced the message as ‘pure antisemitism’ and an ‘attack on the legacy of Anne Frank.’ ‘The projection refers to a conspiracy theory about Holocaust denial,’ Halsema said…

“The incident at the Anne Frank House was reported amid a surge in concern over rising antisemitism in the Netherlands… almost one quarter of Dutch millennials believe the Holocaust is a myth, while 60 percent of respondents did not name the Netherlands as a country impacted by the Holocaust. More than 100,000 Dutch Jews — three-quarters of the population — were murdered during the Holocaust, the highest killing rate recorded in western Europe.

“Earlier this week, a… report disclosed that nearly half of Dutch high school teachers had witnessed an antisemitic incident during the last year. The same report noted that 20 percent of offenders were of Moroccan origin — double the number recorded by a similar survey ten years ago — with Dutch citizens from a Turkish background also overrepresented. Offenders are mainly young males, the report stated.”

It is absolutely dumbfounding to hear about such weird conspiracy theories by Holocaust deniers.

Berlusconi Acquitted

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 15:

“An Italian court on Wednesday acquitted former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in a case where he was charged with paying witnesses to lie about his involvement in underage prostitution.

“Prosecutors had demanded that Berlusconi be imprisoned for six years for bribing 24 guests at his parties to give false testimony in a previous trial, where he was charged with paying for sex with a 17-year-old nightclub dancer. He was acquitted in the underage prostitution case because of a lack of proof that he knew he was paying a minor. The former leader was then charged for bribing witnesses.

“The case of paying off witnesses was split between three cities — Siena, Rome and Milan — because of where the witnesses lived. Berlusconi has already been acquitted in the cases in Siena and Rome. Prosecutors there are appealing this decision. The case in Milan is the most high-profile of the three.

“Berlusconi has previously acknowledged giving money to his guests but said that it was compensation for the reputational damage they suffered.

“There have been a total of 35 criminal court cases against him but only one conviction. The total number of cases refers to separate court cases rather than individual trials at each phase of judicial procedure. He was convicted in 2014 but this was overturned the following year, a verdict upheld by an appeals court and the Supreme Court. Berlusconi’s one trial to conclude in a final conviction was the one for tax fraud, false accounting and embezzlement.

“Italy’s top court confirmed Berlusconi’s sentence, four years’ imprisonment, though three were excused by a pardon. Berlusconi was able to cover the remaining time with community service. The case has long cast a shadow on his political career… the scandal led to his political downfall and the end of his fourth term as prime minister in 2011.

“Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party — a key player in current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s coalition — has consistently denied the allegations… Since then, Berlusconi was re-elected to Italy’s upper house in 2022 with more than 50% of the votes in September in the northern city of Monza, where he also owns a soccer team.

“That marked a significant comeback for him as he was expelled from the Senate in 2013 because of a tax fraud conviction stemming from his media business.”

Civil War in the Catholic Church

AFP wrote on February 11:

“From his reforms to his foreign relations, criticism of Pope Francis has intensified since the death of his predecessor Benedict XVI, revealing a climate of ‘civil war’ at a time when the Catholic Church is engaged in a global conversation about its future. Benedict, a conservative German theologian who was pope for eight years before resigning in 2013, died on December 31 at the age of 95. Within days of his death, his closest aide, Georg Gaenswein, revealed Benedict’s concerns at some of the changes made by his successor Pope Francis, notably his decision to restrict the use of the Latin mass.

“The criticism was not new. Many in the conservative wing of the Roman Curia, which governs the Church, have long complained the Argentine pontiff is authoritarian and too focused on pastoral matters at the expense of theological rigour. But it was followed by the death of Australian cardinal George Pell, and the subsequent revelation that he had authored an anonymous note published last year that directly attacked Francis. The note had described the current papacy as a ‘catastrophe’, and among others criticised ‘heavy failures’ of Vatican diplomacy under his watch. Pell, a former close adviser to Francis, was jailed for child sexual abuse before being acquitted in 2020.

“Then, at the end of the month, German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller published a book adding fuel to the fire. The former head of the Vatican’s powerful congregation for the doctrine of the faith denounced Francis’ ‘doctrinal confusion’ and criticised the influence of a ‘magic circle’ around him… “Pope Francis himself told reporters on his plane back from South Sudan last Sunday that his critics have ‘exploited’ Benedict’s death to further their cause…

“The tensions come as the Catholic Church conducts a vast global consultation on its future… it has revealed key differences with the German Catholic Church… Discussions include everything from the place of women in the church to how to handle the scandal of child sex abuse, from whether priests should marry to how the Church welcomes LGBTQ believers…”

God Gender-Neutral?

Israel 365 News wrote on February 10:

“The Church of England is considering using gender-neutral terms in its prayer service. ‘Christians have recognised since ancient times that God is neither male nor female,’ a spokesperson for the Church said in a media statement on Wednesday…

“In November 2018,  the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said that ‘God is not a father in the same way that a human would be’ and that descriptions of God are always ‘to some degree metaphorical’…   the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: ‘He is neither man nor woman: he is God.’”

Breitbart added on February 10:

“… the Church announced that it would be launching a project on gender-neutral language in which phrases referring to God, such as ‘Our Father’, may be scrapped or replaced by either feminine alternatives or gender-neutral variants.”

What utter confusion!

Prayers for Same-Sex Marriages

Breitbart wrote on February 10:

“Same-sex marriages will receive ‘prayers for God’s blessing’ for the first time in the Church of England following a vote at the General Synod…

“In a joint statement, the two most senior bishops in the Church, Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Stephen Cottrell, the Archbishop of York said: ‘It has been a long road to get us to this point. For the first time, the Church of England will publicly, unreservedly and joyfully welcome same-sex couples in church.’…

“The move drew considerable rebukes from some within the Church’s legislative body, including barrister and lay General Synod member Daniel Matovu, who characterised it as a ‘fiasco’, claiming that blessing same-sex marriages ignores the teachings of scripture. ‘The Bishops say that this is about people, it is about much more than that, it’s about the word of God and about Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith,’ he said before citing verses from the Bible which he said demonstrated that marriage is only intended to be between a man and a woman. ‘Where does the Church get its doctrine on marriage from? It comes directly from God,’ Matovu continued…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 1058

In Control? / The Levites: Past, Present and Future

On February 18, 2023, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “In Control?” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Levites: Past, Present and Future.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The News Should Sharpen Our Christian Focus

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

Occasionally, I may buy a newspaper but, generally, I scan the news on the internet.   It is usually full of negative stories about the worst excesses of man, whether in war or just with “normal” every-day activity.

How many times have we heard people ask where is God in all of this?  It is as if they expect a supernatural force to always come to our aid, irrespective of our behaviour.

I decided to look at one day’s news and see how mankind was faring.  Of course, living in the UK, most of the news items I looked at were mainly, but not exclusively, problems that were applicable to this small island state.   However, much could be said in a pretty similar vein about what is also happening in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand who make up much of the ancient nation of Israel.  They were given such marvellous blessings but also promises of retribution for non-compliance (see Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28).

These nations have enjoyed many blessings over a long period of time, but that now seems to be ebbing away.

On this one day in late January 2023, when I looked at news items, what did I find?

One headline screamed: “I’m a psychologist and these are 13 reasons why people DON’T want to get married anymore – and why staying single makes you happier.”   This is part of the desire of many to get rid of marriage and the family.

Another was: “Police investigate sign threatening to ‘decapitate TERFs’ at Glasgow rally as JK Rowling mocks ‘temporary blindness’ of politicians posing near it.” The rally was against the use of Section 35 to block new gender legislation and fears law makes it easier for predatory men to access female areas.  According to Vox, TERF stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminism.” The movement includes several self-professed feminist groups who are fighting against the inclusion of transgender women in the feminist movement.

This shows more problems with those wishing to change from male to female and vice versa; actions that are in direct conflict with the Bible.

I read a further headline which stated: “Shame of the Met (Metropolitan) Police’s 16 crooks in uniform,” which highlighted that the majority “had been for sexual offences or for violence against women.”   These were dreadful offences perpetrated by those who are paid to protect the public.

There was more to follow. “Shocking rise of ‘something for nothing Britain’: Over half of households get more from the State than they pay in tax…”   This showed the nonsense of paying people more to stay at home than get a job.   This article went on to say that “Two years of furlough, with the Government paying people to sit at home doing nothing, convinced millions that work was an optional extra and the State would provide their every need.”   Ian Duncan-Smith, a former leader of the Conservative Party, opined that “Lockdown changed the psyche of the British people.  For all those years, we told them you can’t get something for nothing, and all of a sudden they did.”

I won’t continue with other headlines as I am sure that the point is made that the UK is in severe decline which brings me to a further attitude generally displayed.  The Word of God is derided, and yet when calamity strikes, the plaintive cry from many asks the question as to why God, if there is one, allows all of this.   We can transgress God’s Laws and His Way of Life and still expect things to go swimmingly, which seems to be their mantra.   I am reminded of what Anne Graham, daughter of Billy Graham said after 9/11 when asked, “Why Did God Let This Happen?”  She gave an extremely profound, thorough and insightful response from which I will, very briefly, quote.

She said: “I believe that God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we’ve been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman that He is, I believe that God has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand that He leave us alone?

“‘Dear God, Why didn’t you save the little girl killed in her classroom? Sincerely, Concerned Student’… AND THE REPLY ‘Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in schools. Sincerely, God.’

“Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out.  I think it has a great deal to do with ‘WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.’”

It is hardly surprising that when a nation, in general, turns its back on its Creator, there will be repercussions.   We sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7).  One commentator said that:

“Today, we can see the truth of Hosea’s proverb in many ways. Those who live in unrepentant sin can expect to suffer the consequences of their sin—consequences that both ‘fit the crime’ and exhibit a stunning intensity. Also, this statement by Hosea is a clarion call to avoid idolatry. Anything that steals our trust in the Lord, lessens our devotion to Him, or anything that controls us can be considered an idol and should be abolished from our lives.”

To use a hackneyed phrase, “We can’t have our cake and eat it.”   But that is precisely what man wants.

There is coming a time when the headlines I mentioned earlier will be dwarfed in comparison.   As the UK, the USA and the other English-speaking nations continue in their antipathy towards God and His people, great trouble lies ahead.   The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord make up 3½ years of trouble never previously experienced, as we read in part of Daniel 12:1: “And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time.”

The writing is very definitely on the wall and we must look to God for protection during that time.   He promises that to His people who remain faithful to the end, and we must make sure that that includes all of us.

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by Norbert Link

We report on Germany’s and America’s “support” of Ukraine and the undesired consequences of that war for Europe and Germany, including the fragile relationship between Washington and Berlin and the even more fragile relationship between Europe and the UK.

We continue with quoting an article speaking about the 2020 “rigged’ Presidential election; and point out the “irresponsible” shutdown of several allegedly unknown and unidentified airborne objects by the American air force.

We report on AT&T’s censorship of Newsmax; some good news for American taxpayers; and the terrible statistics and developing anger regarding the recent earthquakes in Turkey. We also speak on the fragile situation in Israel and the threat to the Al Aqsa mosque. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Destruction of Al Aqsa and the Building of the Third Temple.”

We report on the antisemitic attack on the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the “civil war” in the Catholic Church; and we conclude with blasphemous nonsense about a gender-neutral God and prayers for God’s blessings of same-sex marriages.

Please view our StandingWatch program, titled, “America, Britain and Israel Under Attack.” Also watch this program on Rumble.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Germany and USA Disappointing in Ukraine War

On February 9, Piers Morgan wrote the following in the “Sun”:

“The German chancellor Olaf Scholz, already so shamefully slow to supply desperately needed German battle tanks, has now rejected President Zelensky’s urgent plea for fighter jets, saying he won’t be drawn into a ‘public bidding war’ over military support for Ukraine ‘according to the principle of battle tanks, submarines, battleships, who can offer more. Germany won’t get involved.’

“What a dismal response from one of Europe’s most powerful countries.

“Equally disappointing was US President Biden’s decision to barely mention Ukraine in his annual State of the Union address on Tuesday night…

“Both Scholz and Biden are facing growing domestic resistance to supporting the Ukrainian war effort, but that kind of war fatigue is to be expected now it’s dragging on longer than anyone predicted…

“Britain’s led the way in Europe [with] their unwavering commitment and support… Winston Churchill put it best: ‘It’s no use saying, “we are doing our best”, you have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.’

“The West cannot afford to let Putin win this war. If we do, he will inevitably invade other countries to continue his plan to restore the former Soviet Union he believes should never have been broken up…

“And to the ditherers and waverers in Germany and America, I would remind them of what Margaret Thatcher said to President George H.W. Bush when he hesitated over what action to take against Saddam Hussein after the Iraqi tyrant invaded Kuwait in 1990. The Iron Lady took him aside and said: ‘Remember George, this is no time to go wobbly.’”

A slightly different perspective is pointed out in the next article:

Why the USA Supports Ukraine

Life Site News wrote on February 10:

“A few years ago, during the 2020 election, we found out a bombshell: Hunter Biden had a laptop that ended up in the hands of people who were able to look at that laptop…

“… immediately the media began to call it ‘Russian disinformation,’ tried to discredit it, tried to say, ‘Oh, this is just Trump trying to make up stuff. It’s fake news.’ And we heard that for a couple of years — until Jack Maxey came along. He has been trying to get the media to look at all he had found on this laptop, to look at the way in which Hunter Biden and his father Joe… worked in tens of millions of dollars of kickbacks, payments, oil leases, and all the dealings they had with Ukraine and China…

“Everything that’s on that laptop, including horrible pictures of indecent behavior, is all true. And Jack now has been able to bring to us the truth that the left has lied about, has covered up, including such things as the codes to Department of Defense computer systems.

“And what should astound you… is that China had a copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop with all that information on it. So do you wonder why Biden is so cozied up with Ukraine? Do you wonder why Biden is so cozied up with China? Wonder no more. It’s all on the laptop…”

Is Scholz Blocking Tank Deliveries Again?

Bild Online wrote on February 10:

“Ukraine urgently needs Leopard 2 tanks. But apparently Germany is already on the brakes again! The suspicion: The government in Berlin forbids the Netherlands to deliver tanks to Ukraine. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD) had only announced the Panzer turnaround two weeks ago: NATO countries including Germany should be allowed to deliver Leos built in Germany to Ukraine.

“Is Scholz possibly playing a double game? One thing is certain: So far there has been no sign of a major Leo delivery offensive to Ukraine. In addition to Germany, only Poland, Portugal and Canada have officially promised deliveries so far. Other countries that previously promised tanks are significantly slower to respond.

“The federal government criticizes the hesitation of the partners, so Scholz is said to have even personally intervened and called the heads of government, wrote the ‘Spiegel’. But now Dutch media reports are throwing a different light on the situation! Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren (55) told parliament on Thursday that 18 Leopard 2 tanks leased by the Netherlands from Germany would NOT be made available to Ukraine. Reason: a ‘no’ from the federal government!

“The allegations weigh heavily. The federal government also denies them. ‘I am not aware that there was an official request that would then have been rejected by the federal government,’ said a spokeswoman for Boris Pistorius’ (62, SPD) defense ministry. The Chancellery also rejects Ollongren’s statements. The government spokesman to BILD: ‘There has never been a request from the Netherlands.’

“Spicy: as early as mid-January, Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte (55) suggested that The Hague could buy some of the Leopard 2 tanks that it is currently renting from Germany – and send them to Ukraine. On Thursday at the EU summit in Brussels, he only spoke evasively, saying… only: ‘This is something that we (still) discuss with our partners.’ Instead, Rutte suggested sending the tanks to Lithuania to secure NATO’s eastern flank in the Baltic States… [But the] tanks are currently not needed on NATO’s eastern flank and would be in much better hands in the Ukraine.

“Military expert Carlo Masala (54, Bundeswehr University Munich) thinks so too. He does not doubt the version of the Dutch defense minister [and] criticizes that Germany and the alliance partners still do not agree on ‘where our security currently needs to be defended most urgently… The fact that the Dutch defense minister is the first to make Germany’s “no” public shows also that not everything runs as smoothly behind the scenes as publicly portrayed.’”

The dubious role of the German government regarding the Russia-Ukraine war is all too obvious.

Empty Stocks in Germany

Xinhua wrote on February 12:

“Germany’s ability to supply other nations with weapons is extremely limited due to the country’s own undersupply. ‘The shelves are almost empty,’ the Inspector General of the country’s army found when taking stock last year…

“Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, Eva Hoegl, criticized the ‘unacceptable’ lack of action to fully equip the German military at the end of last year. Almost 20 billion euros (21.4 billion U.S. dollars) would be required to stock up on ammunition alone. Germany’s current stockpile would not even last for a week in the event of a military conflict, she warned…

“Germany’s internal struggles aside, Europe’s largest economy has not entirely given up on the idea of a diplomatic solution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.”

As we reported last week, the situation in the UK is very similar.

Berlin Does Not Trust Washington

Modern Diplomacy published on February 5 an article with the following headline: “Berlin doesn’t trust Washington. Scholz doesn’t trust the U.S.”

The article continued:

It turns out that an even bigger fear for Scholz than escalation is that NATO, and in particular the U.S., wouldn’t get involved if Russia were to retaliate against… Germany. That worry — according to an adviser to the German government — is the reason that Scholz insisted that Washington agree to supply Ukraine with M1 Abrams tanks before the chancellor would lift his veto on delivering German-made Leopard 2 tanks. While the NATO treaty’s Article 5 calls on alliance members to support one another in the event of an attack, it doesn’t require allies to respond with military force. In other words, Scholz doesn’t trust the U.S.

“America Won’t Defend Europe”

The Telegraph wrote on February 11:

“The United States will need to focus on Asia, and rapidly so. Despite recent soft noises from Beijing, China’s enormous military buildup continues apace, and the brazen transiting of American airspace by a Chinese spy balloon shows the increasingly global reach of the PLA. As two successive US defence strategies have made clear, America must first and foremost ensure that it can defeat China in a conflict, and Washington no longer has a military capable of fighting two concurrent wars

“Moscow has revealed the danger it poses to European security, and it does not look likely to fade away or change its course. On the contrary, it is putting its whole society on a war footing. It is only prudent to assume that Russia will be a real and present danger to European security for the foreseeable future. Europeans will have to shoulder a much greater share of the burden of defending against the potential for [a] Russian attack…

European Nato needs leadership, especially in the context of German lassitude… America can no longer plausibly handle those threats largely alone…”

The author then argues that Britain should be the leader in Europe. That concept is illusionary. Notice also the next article.

Germany to Lead?

Express wrote on February 15:

“French MPs have expressed concern over the condition of Britain’s Armed Forces, suggesting the UK has given too much of its own supplies to the war effort in Ukraine. The worry comes just days after reports in Germany claimed NATO requested Berlin to remain in charge of the defensive alliance’s rapid-reaction force for an extra year, despite Britain being expected to take leadership of it in 2024…”

EU vs. Britain

Express wrote on February 11:

“The EU has ordered over 2,000 UK citizens to leave the country over post-Brexit rules, between 2020 and September 2022… About half of those, 1,050, was rejected by the Swedish government, including Britons refused at the border, those found to be illegally living in Sweden, and others told to leave for other reasons, including post-Brexit regulations.

“In comparison, Spain, where over 300,000 Britons reside, has not ordered a single UK citizen to leave the country since Brexit. In France, only 95 people were asked to leave… Second to Sweden, during the same period of time, the Netherlands expelled 615 UK residents…

“It comes as the UK paid £2.3 billion to the EU as part of a long-standing dispute over textiles and footwear imported into the UK from China [prior to Brexit]. The final payment of £1.1 billion, made this week, brings the case to a close.”

UK at the Brink of Civil War

Express wrote on February 14:

“The Conservative Party is on the brink of an all-out civil war as the UK edges closer to a deal with the EU on Northern Ireland. The European Research Group (ERG), a powerful group of backbench Tory MPs, is said to be furious over reports that the Government is considering handing power to the European courts. The Government is reportedly preparing to accept a role for the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in policing the Northern Ireland Protocol, which would be seen as a post-Brexit betrayal by many on the right of the party… Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage said the deal is ‘bound to be a sellout… It’s all heading in the wrong direction. Dire!’…

“An ERG source told the Daily Express that any role for the ECJ would trigger a ‘civil war’ in the party, and could lead to a revival of a pro-Boris Johnson faction…

“Sources in Brussels say the agreement will see the ECJ presented as the ultimate arbiter of disputes about EU law that emerge from Northern Ireland… the Government is no longer insisting that the ECJ must not be the ultimate arbiter on EU law issues in Northern Ireland, which signals a softening of the UK’s previously hardline position.”

This would sound indeed like a post-Brexit betrayal.

Sunak in Crisis

Express wrote on February 11:

“Rishi Sunak is facing a crisis among Tory voters, as more than 60 percent back Liz Truss’s plan for tax cuts.

“A poll conducted by Techne UK for the Daily Express asked voters whether the former Prime Minister is right about tax cuts being necessary for growth. Of those who voted for the Conservative party in 2019, 62 percent said they supported the tax cuts, with just 24 percent saying they do not.”

The 2020 “Rigged” Presidential Election

The New York Post wrote on February 11:

“Former President Trump shared a video insisting that he would have won the 2020 election had the Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden not been suppressed by social media and falsely discredited by the mainstream press. Trump shared the footage of New York GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik — a known favorite — on his Truth Social media platform Saturday morning.

“‘According to polling, of the people who were made aware of the Hunter Biden laptop story, 53% would have changed their vote…this is the definition of election meddling…it’s collusion, it’s corruption, and it’s unconstitutional,’ Stefanik said in the clip.

“The House GOP Conference chairwoman made the remarks during a Thursday hearing of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. ‘So, the ELECTION WAS RIGGED!,’ Trump added in his post sharing the footage.”

US Military Leaders in the Dark

NBC News wrote on February 12:

“U.S. military leaders on Sunday said they were in the dark about the exact nature and purpose of airborne objects shot down over the United States and Canada since Friday.

“Unlike a balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina Feb. 4, described by officials as spy aircraft, it’s unclear how the most recent objects stay aloft and move along…

“An unidentified object shot down Sunday over Lake Huron — the fourth flying object in less than two weeks to have been downed over North American airspace — was described earlier Sunday by a senior administration official as an octagonal structure with strings hanging off but no discernible payload… the objects shot down Friday, Saturday and Sunday by North American forces [were] similar in size and shape.”

Not China’s Spy Balloons?

The New York Post wrote on February 14:

“US intelligence officials do not believe the three UFOs shot down over the weekend were tied to China’s spy balloon program… ‘Our initial assessments here, based on talking to civil authorities in the intelligence community, is that we don’t see anything that points right now to these being part of the PRC spying program or, in fact, intelligence collection against the United States of any kind,’ John Kirby said, using the acronym for the People’s Republic of China…

“While intelligence officials don’t yet know what the mystery objects were, Kirby said they are confident they did not belong to the American government

“Unlike the spy balloon, the three UFOs were not maneuverable, meaning they could not change direction and moved largely at the whim of the wind… As of Tuesday afternoon, no private companies or nations had come forward to claim any of the recently downed objects, Kirby said.”

What kind of an irresponsible trigger-happy Wild-West-approach is this to just shoot down objects without knowing what they are?

AT&T’s Stock Falls Significantly After Censoring Newsmax

Newsmax reported on February 11:

“Since DirecTV dropped Newsmax on Jan. 24, AT&T’s stock has fallen by almost 7%, wiping nearly $10 billion from its market value. AT&T, the 70% owner of DirecTV, has come under fierce criticism after deplatforming Newsmax from its satellite TV systems — the second conservative channel it has removed in the past year, with OAN going last April.

“Days after the Newsmax drop, former President Donald Trump called on Americans to cancel not only DirecTV but all AT&T services, including cellular and wireless services… Sen. Rand Paul.. has joined with Trump in urging conservatives to cancel AT&T and DirecTV products. Other leaders — including former Arkansas GOP Gov. Mike Huckabee ; Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.; Sen. Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla.; Dennis Prager — have encouraged Americans to switch their service providers.

“This week, Republican National Committee Chairwoman  Ronna McDaniel [called] DirecTV’s decision ‘anti-free-speech and anti-American.’… Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy said… AT&T’s targeting of Newsmax for unequal treatment is ‘an act of political discrimination and blatant censorship.’”

IRS Won’t Tax Most Relief Payments Made by States Last Year

The Associated Press reported on February 10:

“The IRS announced Friday that most relief checks issued by states last year aren’t subject to federal taxes…

“The states where the relief checks do not have to be reported by taxpayers are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island…

“In California, most residents got a ‘middle class tax refund’ last year, a payment of up to $1,050 depending on their income, filing status and whether they had children. The Democratic-controlled state Legislature approved the payments to help offset record high gas prices, which peaked at a high of $6.44 per gallon in June…

“A key question was whether the federal government would count those payments as income and require Californians to pay taxes on it. Many California taxpayers had delayed filing their 2022 returns while waiting for an answer. Friday, the IRS said it would not tax the refund.”

In a somewhat related article, Thomson/Reuters reported on February 10: “The U.S. government posted a $39 billion budget deficit for January after a rare $119 billion monthly surplus a year earlier, as revenues dipped and some one-time costs pushed outlays sharply higher…”

Terrible Statistics

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 14:

“The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday said the deadly earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, were the worst natural disaster in the region in a hundred years… The latest figures bring the total number killed in the disaster to at least 39,000 [as of February 16, at least 41,000]… According to United Nations estimates, the number could rise to 50,000 or more.

“Erdogan also said hundreds of thousands of buildings in southern Turkey were uninhabitable and more than 2.2 million people had fled the areas hit by the quakes… UN children’s agency UNICEF said that more than 7 million children have been affected by the Turkey-Syria earthquake and expressed fear over the thousands who have died.”

Anger Over Turkey’s Earthquake Response

On February 12, The Associated Press wrote the following:

“Six days after a massive earthquake devastated Syria and Turkey… sorrow and disbelief are turning to anger and tension over a sense that there has been an ineffective, unfair and disproportionate response to the historic disaster.

“Many in Turkey express frustration that rescue operations have proceeded painfully slowly, and that valuable time has been lost during the narrow window for finding people alive beneath the rubble.

“Others, particularly in the southern Hatay province near the Syrian border, say that Turkey’s government was late in delivering assistance to the hardest-hit region for what they suspect are both political and religious reasons.”

People Were Killed Under State Supervision

 Deutsche Welle wrote on February 16:

In southeastern Turkey, despair is turning into righteous indignation… The earthquake, which also hit northern Syria, claimed more than 35,000 lives in Turkey and 6,000 in Syria. Those numbers have been rising by the hour. 

“According to Turkish authorities, nearly 13 million people in 10 cities have been affected, and at least 33,143 buildings have either collapsed, been severely damaged or require immediate demolition. The number is likely to rise as officials continue to assess the damage. An estimated 1 million people are currently without shelter. Most of them are living in tents or student dormitories…

“Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay pointed the finger at 134 builders from the region who have been arrested across the country on suspicion of shoddy or negligent construction. Some were arrested at airports as they attempted to flee the country with large sums of cash… But the recent history of earthquake investigations in Turkey raises the question of whether senior officials, who were allegedly negligent in the inspection and approval processes, will actually be punished. That has not been the case in the past…

“According to regulations introduced in 2001, buildings have to be inspected by expert auditing firms. But until recently, auditing firms were selected and paid for by the contractors themselves. This, of course, creates a conflict of interest. But the auditing firms are not the only ones responsible for approving construction. The municipality also issues a license for the building. If the municipality does not, then the central administration in Ankara can…

“According to the latest related regulations, initiated on June 8, 2018, and signed by Erdogan, buildings that violate zoning laws will be legalized ‘in accordance with the home owner’s declaration,’ allowing the state to withdraw from any responsibility… In the 10 provinces hit by the recent earthquake, 294,165 buildings had been issued legalization certificates. Experts believe thousands died in these buildings. Instead of being fortified or demolished, they were subject to amnesty under the new regulations. 

“Amnesty laws have created an understanding in society that ‘building violations are tolerated.’ This has led to an increase in unauthorized construction and the legitimization of illegal building. It is considered to be one of the most significant sectors for corruption in society…

“Erdogan’s Directorate of Communication has said Turkey is facing the ‘disaster of the century.’ But many experts in the country believe that this was a preventable catastrophe and that what the country is in fact facing is the ‘negligence of the century.’” 

Israel at the Brink of Social and Constitutional Collapse?

Israel Today wrote on February 13:

“Police closed the main streets around the Knesset to traffic on Monday morning ahead of a mass rally that began at noon, just after the coalition passed the first reading of a bill introducing parts of the proposed judicial reform… more than 45 buses brought employees from Tel Aviv, Rehovot, Beersheba, Nahariya and other locations to the protest in front of the Knesset in Jerusalem. In addition, thousands of doctors and mental health professionals were expected to join the strike.

‘The demonstrations come after a rare plea by President Isaac Herzog in favor of consultations and compromises on the reform plan… Herzog said the country is on the brink of ‘social and constitutional collapse,’ and urged citizens on both sides of the political divide to refrain from violence. ‘Even more so from violence against public officials and elected representatives,’ he pleaded.”

Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock to Collapse?

Israel 365 News wrote on February 13:

“For the second time in one week, structural damage [was] reported at a Muslim structure on the Temple Mount… the Muslim structures standing on Judaism’s holiest site have a long history of collapse due to the earthquakes that are common to the region.

“Arab media is reporting that rain damage led to the collapse of sections of the floor inside the Aqsa Mosque’s Marwani prayer building on the Temple Mount. The damage took place on Thursday and the Arab officials blamed Israel: ‘Sheikh Najeh Bakirat, deputy head of the Islamic Awqaf Administration in Occupied Jerusalem, warned that the Israeli occupation authority’s (IOA) refusal to allow the Islamic Awqaf to carry out renovations to the Aqsa Mosque’s prayer buildings and premises constitutes a great danger to its existence,’ Qods International News Agency wrote.

“The reference points described in the articles were a bit confusing as the Marwani Mosque and the al-Aqsa Mosque are separate locations. Al Aqsa, also known as the Qibli Mosque, is the prayer hall with a dark gray dome located at the southern end of the Temple Mount. The al-Marwani Mosque is a different location, constructed under the Temple Mount Plaza in an underground vaulted space referred to as Solomon’s stables. In December 1996 the Waqf carried out an illegal construction project using heavy equipment to remove approximately 9,000 tons (an estimated 350 truckloads) of archaeologically rich soil, dumping it in the Kidron Valley. The underground area was converted into a Muslim prayer hall.

“While the term ‘al-Aqsa Mosque’ (the further mosque) refers to a specific structure, the Palestinian media have, in recent years, begun to use it to refer to the entire Temple Mount (al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf in Arabic). According to Dr. Mordechai Kedar, an expert Arabist, this is an intentional lie intended to allow the Palestinians to claim the entire Temple Mount. He suggested that the term will continue to be subverted with the intention of claiming the entire city of Jerusalem for Islam.

“The Arabic media reports claimed the damage was in a structure near the ‘Al-Ghawanmeh Gate.’ This gate, previously called the al-Khalil Gate, is located on the northwestern corner of the Temple Mount. As noted above, the Aqsa Mosque and the Marwani Mosque are located in the southeastern corner of the Temple Mount…

Al Aqsa has also suffered from natural catastrophes.  Shortly after it was built, it was destroyed in an earthquake in 746 CE. The mosque was rebuilt in 758 CE but was damaged in another earthquake. It was again destroyed during the 1033 Jordan Rift Valley earthquake. Severe damage was caused by the 1837 and 1927 earthquakes, but the mosque was repaired in 1938 and 1942.

“Earthquakes in 2004 opened cracks in the walls of the Dome of the Rock and the Marwani Mosque. The Waqf refused to allow Israeli experts to aid in the repairs.  Eilat Mazar, a noted archeologist and activist on the Committee for Preventing the Destruction of Antiquities on the Temple Mount, conjectured that a major disaster at the site was imminent….”

This is interesting in light of the fact that a third temple will be built on the Temple Mount, apparently at the exact place where the Al Aqsa mosque is located.

Anne Frank House in Amsterdam Targeted With Antisemitic Message

The Algemeiner wrote on February 10:

“The Prime Minister of the Netherlands led a chorus of condemnation on Friday following the laser projection of an antisemitic message onto the outer wall of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, where the famed teenage Jewish diarist hid with her family during the Nazi occupation of the country. The offending message was flashed into the front of the building on Monday using a laser. It referred to Anne Frank as the ‘inventor of the ballpoint pen’ — a internet meme actively spread by Holocaust deniers who falsely claim that the diary was written using a pen that did not exist during World War II. The Anne Frank House said in a statement that images of the incident were circulating on right-wing chat groups and it had referred the matter to police and prosecutors.

“Calling the message ‘reprehensible,’ Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in a statement on Friday that ‘there is no place for antisemitism in our country, we cannot accept this.’ Separately, Justice Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz slammed the message as ‘disgusting.’ Femke Halsema, the mayor of Amsterdam… denounced the message as ‘pure antisemitism’ and an ‘attack on the legacy of Anne Frank.’ ‘The projection refers to a conspiracy theory about Holocaust denial,’ Halsema said…

“The incident at the Anne Frank House was reported amid a surge in concern over rising antisemitism in the Netherlands… almost one quarter of Dutch millennials believe the Holocaust is a myth, while 60 percent of respondents did not name the Netherlands as a country impacted by the Holocaust. More than 100,000 Dutch Jews — three-quarters of the population — were murdered during the Holocaust, the highest killing rate recorded in western Europe.

“Earlier this week, a… report disclosed that nearly half of Dutch high school teachers had witnessed an antisemitic incident during the last year. The same report noted that 20 percent of offenders were of Moroccan origin — double the number recorded by a similar survey ten years ago — with Dutch citizens from a Turkish background also overrepresented. Offenders are mainly young males, the report stated.”

It is absolutely dumbfounding to hear about such weird conspiracy theories by Holocaust deniers.

Berlusconi Acquitted

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 15:

“An Italian court on Wednesday acquitted former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in a case where he was charged with paying witnesses to lie about his involvement in underage prostitution.

“Prosecutors had demanded that Berlusconi be imprisoned for six years for bribing 24 guests at his parties to give false testimony in a previous trial, where he was charged with paying for sex with a 17-year-old nightclub dancer. He was acquitted in the underage prostitution case because of a lack of proof that he knew he was paying a minor. The former leader was then charged for bribing witnesses.

“The case of paying off witnesses was split between three cities — Siena, Rome and Milan — because of where the witnesses lived. Berlusconi has already been acquitted in the cases in Siena and Rome. Prosecutors there are appealing this decision. The case in Milan is the most high-profile of the three.

“Berlusconi has previously acknowledged giving money to his guests but said that it was compensation for the reputational damage they suffered.

“There have been a total of 35 criminal court cases against him but only one conviction. The total number of cases refers to separate court cases rather than individual trials at each phase of judicial procedure. He was convicted in 2014 but this was overturned the following year, a verdict upheld by an appeals court and the Supreme Court. Berlusconi’s one trial to conclude in a final conviction was the one for tax fraud, false accounting and embezzlement.

“Italy’s top court confirmed Berlusconi’s sentence, four years’ imprisonment, though three were excused by a pardon. Berlusconi was able to cover the remaining time with community service. The case has long cast a shadow on his political career… the scandal led to his political downfall and the end of his fourth term as prime minister in 2011.

“Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party — a key player in current Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s coalition — has consistently denied the allegations… Since then, Berlusconi was re-elected to Italy’s upper house in 2022 with more than 50% of the votes in September in the northern city of Monza, where he also owns a soccer team.

“That marked a significant comeback for him as he was expelled from the Senate in 2013 because of a tax fraud conviction stemming from his media business.”

Civil War in the Catholic Church

AFP wrote on February 11:

“From his reforms to his foreign relations, criticism of Pope Francis has intensified since the death of his predecessor Benedict XVI, revealing a climate of ‘civil war’ at a time when the Catholic Church is engaged in a global conversation about its future. Benedict, a conservative German theologian who was pope for eight years before resigning in 2013, died on December 31 at the age of 95. Within days of his death, his closest aide, Georg Gaenswein, revealed Benedict’s concerns at some of the changes made by his successor Pope Francis, notably his decision to restrict the use of the Latin mass.

“The criticism was not new. Many in the conservative wing of the Roman Curia, which governs the Church, have long complained the Argentine pontiff is authoritarian and too focused on pastoral matters at the expense of theological rigour. But it was followed by the death of Australian cardinal George Pell, and the subsequent revelation that he had authored an anonymous note published last year that directly attacked Francis. The note had described the current papacy as a ‘catastrophe’, and among others criticised ‘heavy failures’ of Vatican diplomacy under his watch. Pell, a former close adviser to Francis, was jailed for child sexual abuse before being acquitted in 2020.

“Then, at the end of the month, German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller published a book adding fuel to the fire. The former head of the Vatican’s powerful congregation for the doctrine of the faith denounced Francis’ ‘doctrinal confusion’ and criticised the influence of a ‘magic circle’ around him… “Pope Francis himself told reporters on his plane back from South Sudan last Sunday that his critics have ‘exploited’ Benedict’s death to further their cause…

“The tensions come as the Catholic Church conducts a vast global consultation on its future… it has revealed key differences with the German Catholic Church… Discussions include everything from the place of women in the church to how to handle the scandal of child sex abuse, from whether priests should marry to how the Church welcomes LGBTQ believers…”

God Gender-Neutral?

Israel 365 News wrote on February 10:

“The Church of England is considering using gender-neutral terms in its prayer service. ‘Christians have recognised since ancient times that God is neither male nor female,’ a spokesperson for the Church said in a media statement on Wednesday…

“In November 2018,  the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said that ‘God is not a father in the same way that a human would be’ and that descriptions of God are always ‘to some degree metaphorical’…   the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: ‘He is neither man nor woman: he is God.’”

Breitbart added on February 10:

“… the Church announced that it would be launching a project on gender-neutral language in which phrases referring to God, such as ‘Our Father’, may be scrapped or replaced by either feminine alternatives or gender-neutral variants.”

What utter confusion!

Prayers for Same-Sex Marriages

Breitbart wrote on February 10:

“Same-sex marriages will receive ‘prayers for God’s blessing’ for the first time in the Church of England following a vote at the General Synod…

“In a joint statement, the two most senior bishops in the Church, Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Stephen Cottrell, the Archbishop of York said: ‘It has been a long road to get us to this point. For the first time, the Church of England will publicly, unreservedly and joyfully welcome same-sex couples in church.’…

“The move drew considerable rebukes from some within the Church’s legislative body, including barrister and lay General Synod member Daniel Matovu, who characterised it as a ‘fiasco’, claiming that blessing same-sex marriages ignores the teachings of scripture. ‘The Bishops say that this is about people, it is about much more than that, it’s about the word of God and about Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith,’ he said before citing verses from the Bible which he said demonstrated that marriage is only intended to be between a man and a woman. ‘Where does the Church get its doctrine on marriage from? It comes directly from God,’ Matovu continued…”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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In John 21:15-17, Christ tells Peter three times to “feed My sheep.” Why is this significant and what does it mean for us today?

Actually, as we will see, Christ did not use those exact words three times. Why was Christ telling Peter to “feed My sheep”? Each time Jesus said, “Feed My sheep,” or a similar, but not identical expression, it was in response to Peter’s threefold declaration of love for Jesus. Christ used this opportunity to encourage and exhort Peter about his upcoming responsibilities. By asking Peter, “Do you love me?” three times (while using different words for “love”), Christ was showing just how important and necessary Peter’s love and obedience to God was for his future ministry.

Jesus begins by questioning Peter about His love for Him, and each time Peter answers in the affirmative. Jesus follows up with the command for Peter to feed or tend His lambs or His sheep. His meaning is that, if Peter truly loves his Master, he is to shepherd and care for those who belong to Christ.

When Peter first told Christ that he would follow Him even to death, Christ pronounced that Peter would deny Him three times before the rooster crowed. It is quite interesting that three times he denies Christ, three times he is asked if he loves Christ, three times he professes his love for Christ and three times Christ says “feed or tend My lambs or My sheep.” Christ’s repeated question in John 21 would have reminded Peter of his three denials. There is no doubt those denials and how he felt when Jesus turned to look at him at that moment were seared deeply into Peter’s mind (Luke 22:54–62). It wasn’t lost on Peter that Jesus repeated His question to him in different ways three times, just as Peter previously denied Him three times. But we can see that Christ didn’t hold this against Peter.

There is an interesting contrast when looking at the Greek words for “love,” used in John 21:15–17. When Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” in John 21:15–16, He used the Greek word agapao the first two times, which refers to unconditional godly love which can only be granted through the Holy Spirit (compare Romans 5:5). Peter responds throughout with “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You,” using the Greek word phileo, which refers more to a brotherly/friendship type of love. Again Christ is trying to get Peter to understand that he must be receiving the Holy Spirit (which would be the case on the Day of Pentecost) to be able to love Christ and God the Father with godly love in order to be the leader that God is calling him to be. The third time Jesus asks, “Do you love Me?” in John 21:17, He uses the word phileo, and Peter again responds with “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You,” again using phileo. The point in the different Greek words for “love” seems to be that Jesus was stretching Peter to move him from phileo love to agape love, while understanding that he could only obtain the love of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit. In verse 17, however, as Christ does not use the word agape,  but the word phileo in His question, He shows Peter that even though he did not yet have the Holy Spirit, that was no excuse for not feeding His sheep with brotherly love. It also shows that God does not do everything for us, but we must do our part and do what we can.

We also find that the three commands Christ gives Peter in regard to the “feeding or tending the sheep or the lambs,” although often translated the same way, are subtly different.

When Christ talks about “feeding” His lambs in verse 15, the Greek means literally “pasture (tend) the lambs.” The Greek word for “pasture” is in the present tense, denoting a continual action of tending, feeding and caring for animals. The Greek word is boskó and means to feed (graze); and figuratively, to spiritually nourish by feeding people the Word of God. By describing His people as lambs, He is emphasizing their nature as vulnerable and in need of constant tending and care. The Greek word for lamb is arníon and means a young lamb, “a little lamb”; and figuratively, a person with pure (innocent), virgin-like (gentle) intentions. This may also refer to those people of God who are still new in the faith.

Christ then talks about “tending” His sheep in verse 16. Christians are often referred to as sheep throughout Scripture (Psalm 95:7; John 10:9,11). In this exchange, Jesus was emphasizing tending the sheep in a supervisory capacity, not only feeding but ruling over them. The Greek word for “tending” is poimaínō and means to shepherd, care for and protect the flock. It focuses on “tending” which includes guarding, guiding, and feeding the flock and is only provided (ultimately) by Jesus Christ – the Shepherd, who calls under-shepherds (such as elder-overseers) to guard and guide His people by His direction (1 Peter 5:1-5).

This expresses the full scope of oversight, both in Peter’s future as a minister and in all those who would follow him in being in the ministry. Peter follows Jesus’ example and repeats this same Greek word poimaino in his first letter to the elders of the churches of Asia Minor: “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers” (1 Peter 5:2).

The word poimaínō occurs 11 times in the New Testament, usually with a figurative sense of “shepherding (tending) God’s flock.” This provides Spirit-directed guidance (care) in conjunction with feeding His people by teaching them the Word of God (bóskō in Greek, see above).

When Christ says in verse 17 that Peter has to “Feed My sheep,” the literal translation is “pasture (tend) the sheep.” Here, Jesus combines the different Greek words to make clear the job of the shepherd of the flock of God. They are to tend, care for, and provide spiritual food for God’s people, from the youngest lambs to the full-grown sheep, in continual action to nourish and care for them, bringing them into the fullness of spiritual maturity (Ephesians 4:11-16). The totality of the task set before Peter, and all shepherds, is made clear by Jesus’ three-fold command and the words He chose.

Peter declares that Christians are to desire the pure spiritual milk of the Word so that by it, they can all mature in their salvation (1 Peter 2:2). As early as the book of Deuteronomy, we see the Bible describing His Word as food for His people who are not to live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from His mouth (Deuteronomy 8:3). Jesus reiterates this thought in His temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:4). Clearly, the Word of God is something we should be constantly using and learning from!

One of the main jobs of the shepherds of God’s people is to provide them with the pure milk of the Word of God so they can move on to the meat and solid food of the spiritually mature (Hebrews 5:12-14). The ministry should be one of pastors feeding God’s people the Word of God. We continue to feed the sheep as Christ would have us do by staying close to God, while at the same time preaching and proclaiming the good news or gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Lead Writer: Kalon Mitchell

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Destruction of Al Aqsa and the Building of the Third Temple,” is the title of our newest StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary: 

How could the prophesied building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount before Christ’s Return come to fruition since the Al Aqsa Mosque stands where many experts believe the first two temples stood? This program presents some realistic possibilities in light of past and recent events.

“Die Zerstörung der Al Aqsa und der Bau des Dritten Tempels,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. This video covers the same topic as described above in English. 

“America, Britain and Israel Under Attack,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

A mighty foreign power will attack the USA, Great Britain and the state of Israel at approximately the same time. And none of those nations will be prepared for that attack, which is partially due to the fact that they will be occupied with fighting inside, or that they will not be ready militarily to even think of a defense. This program shows the frightening state of affairs in the USA, Great Britain and the state of Israel.

A new Member Letter (February 2023) is now posted and has been mailed to our subscribers. Eric Rank writes about how we can fight against the deception of Satan through the power of God’s truth.

A new German booklet covering the Spring Holy Days has been forwarded to our printer.

“Wie können Sie erfolgreicher sein?” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “How Can You Be More Successful?”

“Was ist der Ursprung des Lebens?” last Sabbath’s German sermonette by Tahir Coban, is now posted. Title in English: “What is the Origin of Life?”

“Believe God!” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

From the beginning, the issue has been—who will believe God. Examples from the Bible reveal that very few people have the kind of faith to believe God. Will we be one of the exceptions who actually do believe God?

“Six Woes,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

“Woe” expresses a dire warning to the people to whom it is pronounced in the Bible. The book of Isaiah contains a series of six woes, or warnings, to a variety of people and nations. What can we learn from them? What will be the ultimate prophetic outcome?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

In Control? / The Levites: Past, Present and Future

On February 18, 2023, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “In Control?” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Levites: Past, Present and Future.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 1057

Believe God! / Six Woes

On February 11, 2023, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Believe God!” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Six Woes.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Which of the World’s Standards Should We Observe?

by Paul Niehoff (Australia)

To put it another way, are there worldly standards that we should not observe?

Thinking about this world and the life we live in it, there are many standards that can affect our life and how we live it. As a retired engineer, I know of many engineering standards that are intended to keep us safe and protected from injury. These cover things like building and bridge design and transport safety for airlines, roads, cars, railroads and many other areas.

There are also medical standards which doctors are required to follow. Unfortunately, humans are not standardized; we have many differences, and what may be effective for one patient may not be effective for another. But as long as a doctor follows the standards as laid down, he is immune from censure, no matter how effective and helpful or dangerous and inappropriate those standards are, and what the outcome for the patient is. However, any doctor who goes against the decreed standards for the benefit of his patients has the potential of being dismissed from his profession, even though deviating from those standards would have been the right thing to do.

Community standards for social media platforms have also been brought to our notice lately, especially since the social media platform Twitter has a new owner who has revealed the illegal censorship with the help and at the direction of government departments. They have been requiring social media platforms to hide truths that they did not want us to know for various political, economic or other reasons. The excuse usually given for this censorship is that the comments or truths did not comply with the “community standards” of the social media platform. These so-called “community standards” are not publicly defined or even applied impartially.

Various religions also have their standards. The Catholic Church previously did not accept homosexuality and transgenderism in their congregations, according to the immutable teaching of the Church on sexuality as stated in their catechism. However, over the recent past, the number of attendees has been dropping; so, in order to try to increase attendance, the chief bishop in the Diocese of Limburg, Germany, has mandated for all church leaders in his diocese to accept those who were previously banned because of un-natural sexuality, without any requirement for repentance. So, this prior standard was observed until it was not convenient due to the change in public morals, and it is now being ignored in at least one part of Germany.

Food standards have recently been changed in some countries—and especially throughout Europe—to allow what was previously considered a contaminant, i.e. various kinds of insects, to be now used as a source of protein and as an alleged attempt to reduce global warming. Apparently, according to proponents, insects do not use as much water as livestock and do not emit the same level of pollutants, but many scientists have pointed out that eating insects may be dangerous to our health.

So, in our lives, which standards should we observe, and which, if any, should we not follow? And, more to the point, how do we tell the difference? There is certainly a way to determine this, and God has provided the way.

Of course, when we look at God’s Word, the word “standard” or “standards” is used but refers mainly to the banner under which the tribes of Israel assembled. In some cases, it refers to the banner representing the whole house of Israel as opposed to other nations. So, God’s standards are not described as such.

But then, we know that God certainly has given us standards by which we should live. They are called commandments (or laws), judgments and statutes. And each of these is mentioned well over a hundred times in the Bible.

God instructed the children of Israel how they should live at the time just preceding their entry into the land He had promised them. Deuteronomy 30:15-16 shows us the benefits God intended if these standards were kept: “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the LORD your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess.”

Previous to this, in Deuteronomy 4:5-6, God explained that His Statutes and Judgments, if they were kept, were for the people’s wisdom and understanding in the sight of other nations: “Surely I have taught you statutes and judgments, just as the LORD my God commanded me, that you should act according to them in the land which you go to possess. Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’” Deuteronomy 4:8 continues, “And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this law which I set before you this day?”

So these are the standards God expects us to abide by in our lives today.

There is one particular biblical writer who made constant mention of the laws, statutes and judgments of God in a totally positive light. This, of course, was David, and his writings are mainly in the book of Psalms. In Psalm 1:2, we read the alternative of a sinner: “But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His Law he meditates day and night.” He meditates to understand the application of God’s commandments. In other words, he continually seeks to understand how he should live by God’s standards. And he finds them a delight.

Psalm 19, also written by David, is very revealing of his attitude towards God’s Ways. In Psalm 19:7-11, we note David’s attitude: “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, And in keeping them there is great reward.”

We see the words, “delight,” “perfect,” “sure,” “right,” “pure,” “clean,” “true,” “righteous,” “sweet” and “great reward.” This is how David, a man after God’s heart, held onto God’s Way of Life. All his descriptions are totally positive. And when we consider that these commandments, statutes and judgements are God’s standards, then the answer to the afore-mentioned question is that we can compare the world’s standards with God’s standards and where there is no conflict, then the world’s standards can be lived by.

However, to answer the initial question of what worldly standards we should not observe or comply with, we note that the world’s standards, especially in the area of morality and in the area of food, are changing and moving away from God’s standards. In these cases, we must always put God’s standards first and live by them, rather than the standards of the world.

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by Norbert Link

We report on the State of the Union Address by Joe Biden and unflattering reactions; continue with the debacle regarding the “Chinese spy balloon”; the debatable status of the US economy and the possible prospects of further inflation and recession; and address Anthony Blinken’s meetings with Netanyahu and Abbas.

In this regard, please view our StandingWatch program, “The Overlooked Story of the Holocaust”.

We also point out the fear of civil war in Israel.

We speak on the interesting relationship between Ukraine and China and the huge earthquakes in Turkey; and we address Britain’s pitiful state of affairs regarding its army; and Germany’s disconcerting future in light of its troubled past.

We conclude with articles on insects in food; and the pope’s somewhat undefined and confusing position on homosexuality.

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The State of the Disunion

Politico wrote on February 8:

The State of the Union rarely previews big battles in Congress. Tuesday night’s row between President Joe Biden and GOP lawmakers may prove to be an exception… foreshadowing a long two years to come under divided government

“The theatrics began midway through Biden’s speech, as he scolded Republicans about their past interest in cutting the nation’s biggest entitlement programs in a bid to set the stakes for the upcoming debt limit battle. As the jeers escalated from the opposition, Biden began battling the GOP in real time — ad-libbing his own prepared remarks to challenge Republicans who were shouting at him from the chamber floor. ‘Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset,’ Biden said as the GOP side of the chamber erupted in boos…Then, veering from his own remarks, Biden attempted to clarify — ‘I don’t think it is a majority of you’ — though he could barely be heard above the GOP outcry on the floor. ‘So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare, off the books now, right?’ Biden said…

“The tensions only grew from there… ‘Liar!’ [Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene] shouted at first, in response to Biden’s accusation of GOP cuts to Social Security and Medicare… And when Biden called for action on the deadly drug fentanyl — one of the GOP’s biggest priorities — Greene shouted: ‘It’s coming from China.’

“She was hardly alone: Dozens of other Republicans joined in with chants to ‘secure our border’ as Biden spoke of the need for an immigration overhaul. Several other Republicans called out ‘liar,’ and at least one shouted ‘it’s your fault’ as Biden touted efforts to lower fentanyl deaths…”

Sanders’ Official GOP Response

Newsmax wrote on February 7:

“Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, saying she is skeptical of pretty much the whole thing… [while] ‘not believing much of anything I heard tonight from President Biden’…

“‘From out-of-control inflation and violent crime to the dangerous border crisis and threat from China,’ Sanders said, ‘Biden and the Democrats have failed you… ‘I’m the first woman to lead my state. He’s the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is

“‘In the radical left’s America, Washington taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire, but you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country,’ she said… ‘Every day, we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols … all while big government colludes with Big Tech to strip away the most American thing there is — your freedom of speech,’ she added…

“‘President Biden’s weakness puts our nation and the world at risk,’ she said. ‘And the President’s refusal to stand up to China, our most formidable adversary, is dangerous and unacceptable… He is unfit to serve as commander in chief.’”

Trump Responds

 Breitbart wrote on February 7:

“Former President Donald Trump responded to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night… ‘Here’s the real State of the Union: Over the past two years under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our southern border,’ said Trump… Another border issue Trump highlighted in his response to Biden Tuesday is the fentanyl epidemic… ‘Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children,’ said Trump. Production of fentanyl typically starts in China, where precursor chemicals are manufactured, and then Mexican cartels synthesize the drugs before they are trafficked across the border…

“Trump then turned his attention to crime, asserting that ‘[s]avage killers, rapists, and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave.’ ‘Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century,’ Trump continued. ‘Real wages are down 21 months in a row, gas prices have soared and are now going much higher than even before, and the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year,’ he added…

“[Trump] then called out Biden’s ‘weaponized Justice Department’ for ‘persecuting his political opponents,’ and he asserted the ‘administration is waging war on free speech... They’re trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children…

“‘[Biden is] leading us to the brink of World War III, and on top of all of that, he’s the most corrupt President in American history, and it’s not even close.’”

 “Lie After Lie”

 The New York Post Editorial Board wrote on February 7:

“[Biden] offered lie after lie in a shameless bid to fool the electorate ahead of his 2024 run for re-election…

“He blended brags about his supposed achievements (inflation-fueling blowout spending sprees), promos for various dead-on-arrival bits of legislation (even heavily Democratic Congresses have been unable to pass ‘comprehensive immigration reform’), blatantly insincere calls for bipartisanship, cynical and false attacks on his opponents (the chamber was in an uproar at his fake claim that Republicans want to slash Social Security and Medicare), bogus stats (billionaires pay roughly 24% income tax, not 8%), some fine tough talk on the Ukraine war and utter laughers (‘as we made clear last week, if China threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country. And we did’ — by shooting down the balloon at the last possible moment?)

“…. he had literally no overall theme, as he has no overall vision beyond his self-serving distortions and promises of more giveaways.”

Regarding the Chinese spy balloon fiasco, note the following articles.

Chinese “Spy Balloons” Over USA and Latin America

The Associated Press wrote on February 3:

“A huge, high-altitude Chinese balloon sailed across the U.S. on Friday, drawing severe Pentagon accusations of spying on sensitive military sites despite China’s firm denials. Secretary of State Antony Blinken abruptly canceled a high-stakes Beijing trip aimed at easing U.S.-China tensions… It was spotted earlier over Montana, which is home to one of America’s three nuclear missile silo fields at Malmstrom Air Force Base, defense officials said.

“Later Friday, the Pentagon acknowledged reports of a second balloon flying over Latin America… The U.S. actually had been tracking the initial balloon since at least Tuesday… Biden was initially inclined to order the surveillance balloon to be blown out of the sky, and a senior defense official said the U.S. had prepared fighter jets, including F-22s, to shoot it down if ordered… Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, strongly advised Biden against shooting down the balloon, warning that its size — as big as three school buses — and considerable weight could create a debris field large enough to endanger Americans on the ground…

“Blinken’s trip cancellation came despite China’s claim that the balloon was merely a weather research ‘airship’ that had blown off course. The Pentagon rejected that out of hand — as well as China’s contention that the balloon was not being used for surveillance and had only limited navigational ability…

“The development dealt a new blow to already strained U.S.-Chinese relations that have been in a downward spiral for years over numerous issues…”

Breitbart wrote on February 3:

“Former President Donald Trump warned on Friday that China has ‘many thousands of spies working in the United States’ in various industries amid a revelation that a Chinese spy balloon is flying over the continental United States.

“‘It’s rarely even mentioned that China has many thousands of spies working in the United States in business, finance, academia, technology, media and likely, even government, very sadly,’ Trump declared.”

Biden Secretive in Hiding the News

The New York Post wrote on February 4:

“President Biden and his administration knew for nearly a week that a Chinese spy balloon was hovering in U.S. airspace — but kept the incursion secret, fearing it would derail Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s planned meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing…

“Team Biden became aware of the balloon on Jan. 28… when it was spotted over Alaska. The US military tracked it as it flew into Canadian airspace, then re-entered American skies on Tuesday. The next day, Biden received a detailed briefing on the balloon and its course… But the president also chose to conceal the crisis from the American public…

“The administration finally came clean to the public Thursday, after the Billings Gazette, a local Montana paper, published photos of the floating orb and the story jumped into the national media…

“The uproar forced Blinken to postpone his trip indefinitely…

“Former president Donald Trump, ex-veep Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley have all demanded that the balloon be shot down, accusing Biden of weakness against Beijing.”

Many other Republicans made the same demand.

The Balloon Fiasco

Fox News wrote on February 4:

“Several governors — including Missouri GOP Gov. Mike Parson and Montana GOP Gov. Greg Gianforte — have expressed frustration over the Biden administrations’ lack of communication as the balloon traversed American airspace.

“‘We have received zero communication from the Biden Administration regarding reports of the suspected Chinese spy balloon now flying over Missouri,’ Parson wrote in a tweet on Friday. ‘We have heard no explanation or plan to remove it. Why has this been allowed to reach our heartland? Why has it not been eliminated?’

“Similarly, Gianforte, during a Saturday morning appearance on ‘Fox and Friends Weekend,’ blasted the Biden administration’s communication about the balloon. ‘We’re informed through our national guard,’ Gianforte said. ‘We knew nothing about this until this slow moving balloon was hundreds of miles into the state. It had already flown over military installations and it was over our most populous city in the state.’”

Balloon Shut Down

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 5:

“The US on Saturday downed a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon… The balloon was shot down over relatively shallow water. Officials said a recovery operation is now underway to retrieve the debris and key elements of the purported Chinese surveillance equipment over the coming days…

“China expressed ‘strong dissatisfaction’ with the US use of force to strike its ‘unmanned civilian’ airship, calling it a ‘serious violation of international practice.’ In a statement by the Foreign Ministry on Sunday, Beijing threatened repercussions over the incident… The Chinese Defense Ministry said it ‘reserves the right to use necessary means to deal with similar situations,’ though it was unclear exactly what type of situation it meant.”

According to some reports, there is a third Chinese spy balloon flying in the skies over the Atlantic Ocean in addition to the one flying over Latin America.

 The Sun wrote on February 5:

“The balloon is the first foreign aircraft shot down over American air space since World War II. The last instance was in 1942, when a Japanese fighter jet was shot down as it tried to attack US Navy ships in Alaska, in an instance known as Akutan Zero.

“It’s also the first instance of a F-22 jet performing an ‘air to air kill’, after firing the missile that took down the surveillance balloon…

“A department of defense official claimed that upwards of 3 Chinese spy balloons flew over the continental United States during Trump’s presidency, sparking fierce debate online… Bloomberg said: ‘One top national security official from the administration of former President Donald Trump said none of the Chinese spy balloons were near sensitive sites or had payloads as large as this one appears to carry.’”

Trump denied the claim that Chinese spy balloons flew over the United States under his Presidency, but the Pentagon subsequently claimed that this was not discovered or revealed to Trump until after his departure.

Strong Job Figures… Cause for Optimism…

Breitbart wrote on February 3:

“The incredibly strong January jobs figures all but rule out a recession in the first half of this year. They even may be strong enough to indicate that the economy will remain in expansion throughout the year…

“Some historical context highlights just how extremely robust job creation has been. Apart from the rapid job gain in the wake of the pandemic lockdowns, that three month average is the highest since 1994…

“You have to go all the way back to 1969 before you’ll find an unemployment rate that low. And to get below that number, you have to send your time machine back to 1951, when Harry Truman was president and GDP was growing at an eight percent real rate… The ultra-low level of unemployment will eventually result in wage gains…”

Or, Is Optimism Misplaced?

npr wrote on February 4:

“The good times are back on Wall Street. Stocks have surged since the start of the year. The Nasdaq is up nearly 15% this year after posting its best January since 2001. And it’s not just stocks: bonds have risen and even bitcoin has made a roaring comeback, though all markets fell a tad on Friday.

“This is all after a miserable 2022, when markets were hit hard by fears about surging inflation and about how the Federal Reserve was fighting it, with the biggest increases in the country’s interest rates since the early 1980s.

“Today, hope has replaced that fear. Inflation has eased substantially…

“And many on Wall Street no longer dread the worst about the economy, turning from their predictions of a big recession to hope that any downturn will be mild, or even that a recession may not happen at all.

“… the labor market is very strong. Data on Friday showed U.S. employers added a whopping 517,000 jobs, much stronger than most forecasts, while the unemployment rate dropped to a 53-year low…

“There is one big downer in the market, however: the Fed [which] has no intention of cutting interest rates any time soon… The Fed is the most powerful economic player in the world, with the ability to move markets from New York to Hong Kong with a single word. And so far, the Fed has said, clearly, that the fight against inflation will go on…

“Then, beyond the Fed, there’s the risk that plenty can still go wrong for the economy… there’s plenty of other data that raises the prospect that the economy could end up hitting a recession after all.

“The housing market, for example, has taken a major hit since the Fed started raising rates. And retail sales are showing signs of declining, a big concern in an economy so reliant on consumer spending…

“In 2001, the Nasdaq similarly rallied in January, ending the month up 12%. It did not end well. The economy skidded into a recession, and the Nasdaq slumped a whopping 30% over the next 11 months, with losses magnified by the Sept. 11 attacks. As it turns out, all that optimism in January 2001, proved to have been misplaced.”

President Biden and America’s Economy

The New York Post wrote on February 5:

“… no president in modern times even comes close to Biden in terms of fiscal recklessness. In his first two years, the national debt has risen by more than $4.2 trillion. That’s more than in any two-year period in American history…

“The average inflation rate during the Trump presidency was 2%, and in January 2021, the month Biden entered office, inflation was 1.4%. Eighteen months later, in summer 2022, inflation rose above 9% — the highest in 40 years. It ended the year at 6.5%…

“When President Donald Trump left office, the gas price was $2.59 a gallon nationally. In June 2022, it was nearly double, a modern-day high of $5.004 a gallon. Today gas is $3.48 a gallon — roughly $1 a gallon higher than when Biden entered office…

“A 2022 Committee to Unleash Prosperity study by the University of Chicago’s Casey Mulligan found that oil production would be 2 million to 3 million barrels a day higher if Biden had simply followed the Trump energy plan. America would have produced nearly $200 billion more oil last year if not for Biden’s war on fossil fuels… Trump issued permits for drilling on 100 million acres of federal land. Biden has issued fewer drilling permits than any president since World War II’s end.”

California’s Vaccine Mandate Policy

Breitbart wrote on February 7:

“The State of California has scrapped a plan to require the coronavirus vaccine for children in grades K through 12, as Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) allows a three-year-old ‘state of emergency’ to expire at the end of February…

“The policy would have applied to all of California’s 6.7 million public and private students. But enforcing the requirement would have posed a challenge, given the vaccine’s waning immunity.

“President Joe Biden informed Congress last week that he will be ending the state of emergency and the public health emergency on the coronavirus pandemic on May 11.”

Sadly, vaccine mandates will still remain in force and effect in certain areas, even after Biden’s proposed announcement of ending the “state of emergency,” which should have been made a long time ago (if a declaration of “state of emergency” had to be made at all). Interestingly, the timing of Biden’s planned announcement coincides with insurance companies’ policies of coverage.

Blinken Meets With Netanyahu and Abbas

Israel 365 News wrote on February 2:

On Monday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived in Israel for a three-day visit… Blinken gave a joint speech with Netanyahu…

“Blinken stated the importance of maintaining the ‘historic status quo at Jerusalem’s holy places, including the Temple Mount Haram al-Sharif,’ choosing to refer to Judaism’s holiest site also by an Arabic term… In addition to Blinken’s stated dedication to the status quo, his State Department was critical of a visit to the site last month by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, saying it had ‘the potential to exacerbate tensions and to provoke violence.’

“The White House claimed the visit ‘jeopardized the status quo’ though it was unclear in what way it did so. The status quo violates Israeli law by discriminating against Jews and Christians, maintaining a Muslim exclusivity on religious freedom…

“Blinken met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on Tuesday… He also cited the US commitment to the ‘two-state solution’ which would create a Palestinian state inside Israel with its capital in Jerusalem. He cited as the greatest obstacles to this vision were things like ‘settlement expansion, the legalization of outposts, demolitions and evictions, disruptions to the historic status quo of the holy sites, and of course incitement and acquiescence to violence.’”

Israel At Brink of Civil War?

Israel Today wrote on February 7:

“An opposition lawmaker on Tuesday used the Knesset podium to urge citizens of the nation to civil unrest against what he called the ‘dictatorship’ of the new Netanyahu government. MK Ofer Kasif (Hadash) was quickly removed by Knesset ushers, but his act of public incitement further fueled fears that Israel is inching closer to civil war.  ‘In light of the current emergency situation, I call for civil unrest…’ Kasif said before being interrupted by Deputy Speaker Nissim Vettori (Likud), who called on Knesset ushers to forcibly remove Kasif from the plenum.

“The few lawmakers present at the time then erupted in a shouting match, with Kasif and fellow opposition MKs labeling the coalition members as ‘fascists.’ Kasif is the only Jewish member of an Arab political party, so coalition members from the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, many of whom are fluent in Arabic, responded with Arabic slurs… Kasif later complained that his democratic rights had been violated, and that he and the opposition would ‘not rest’ until they brought down the ‘dictatorship’ currently governing Israel.

“Israel was rocked last week when prominent figures in the anti-government movement began openly calling for armed violence, and some even encouraged the assassination of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This incitement followed weeks of mass demonstrations against the government, which were themselves sparked by calls for civil disobedience from opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Beny Gantz…

“All it takes is for one deranged individual to take up the call to assassinate Netanyahu. If… that were to happen, there is no telling how the other side might respond. But given the hostility that has grown between the two sides in recent decades, and the fact that a plurality of voters are ardent supporters of Netanyahu himself (some even view him as ‘king’), the end result would be catastrophic for the Jewish state.”

 Russia, China and Ukraine

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 7:

China’s increasingly closer relationship with Russia has raised doubts in Ukraine over its strategic partnership with Beijing, with Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Melnyk calling China’s position ‘less and less acceptable’…

Ukraine has maintained a strategic partnership with China since 2011, which has allowed trade and defense ties to flourish. China has been a major importer of Ukrainian grains and corns. Ukraine is also a major arms supplier to China…

“Although Beijing has not explicitly supported Russia’s position on the war, it has worked on building stronger ties with Moscow as the EU and the United States work on isolating Russia. Following talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov last week, China’s Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said Beijing wants to advance bilateral relations with Russia in 2023…”

Ultimately, China, Russia and Ukraine will all be united.

Relations Between Ukraine and Germany “Difficult”

Die Welt wrote on February 9:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj sees the relationship with Germany in a ‘difficult phase’ because of the debate about the supply of main battle tanks. ‘I have to force him to help Ukraine and constantly convince him that this help is not for us, but for the Europeans,’ Zelensky said of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in an interview with ‘Spiegel’ and the French newspaper ‘ Le Figaro’ on Thursday… Ukraine’s relationship with Germany is ‘in waves, it’s ups and downs,’ he said.

“Zelenskyj also criticized European heads of state and government, whom he had asked for weapons and sanctions ‘daily’. ‘If everyone knew that Putin was going to invade our country, why didn’t they impose sanctions? It’s absolutely ridiculous when you all stand up for us publicly and still like to dodge sanctions or withhold guns,’ he said.

“Regarding the support of allies in the first days of the Russian attack on his country, Selensky said: ‘I’m not saying that it went ideally.’ He will give an honest answer to the question of whether he is satisfied when the war is over.”

Huge Earthquakes in Turkey

The Daily Mail wrote on February 6:

“Turkey was hit by two massive earthquakes less than ten hours apart on Monday, killing more than [19,000 people, as reported on February 9] and leaving scores trapped under collapsed buildings – and plunging the region into an unfolding humanitarian crisis. [Many more deaths are expected.]

“The initial 7.8-magnitude night-time tremor, followed hours later by a slightly smaller one, wiped out entire sections of major Turkish cities in a region filled with millions of people who have fled the civil war in Syria and other conflicts…

ABC News reported on February 6:

“Monday’s [first] quake was as powerful as the strongest ever recorded in Turkey… A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck northeastern Turkey in 1939, killing approximately 30,000 people. Monday’s quake in southeastern Turkey had the same magnitude, according to the United States Geological Survey. Earthquakes frequently occur in Turkey, which is situated on top of major fault lines. Some 18,000 people were killed in powerful earthquakes that hit northwestern Turkey in 1999.”

Much more powerful earthquakes are prophesied to occur in these end times. It was pointed out that a huge earthquake in California is a certainty, which would be at least as strong as the ones in Turkey, but probably much stronger.

British Army Would Last Just One Afternoon

Daily Star wrote on February 3:

“General Sir Richard Barrons, former Joint Forces chief, says years of government neglect have left Britain’s military ill-equipped for a major conflict

“His words echo a warning from the Royal United Services Institute in December that said Britain’s ammunition stockpiles were ‘woefully deficient’ and that in any serious armed conflict the Army would run out of ammunition in a week

“Sir Richard adds, ‘we have a war in Europe, and our Armed forces are smaller and less ready to fight than at any time in living memory. The Army is on track to slip below 76,000 troops, about half the size of our Cold War force’.

“In the Commons earlier week, Tobias Ellwood, the chairman of the Defence Select Committee, said that the war in Ukraine had ‘exposed serious shortfalls in the war fighting capability of the British army.’”

The Sun added on February 2:

“Unless we restore our defences, all our hopes for all our lives will rely on our friends protecting us and our enemies leaving us alone. Unless our ministers take bold steps now, our security is lost.”

It is indeed. Even Britain’s friends will turn out to be their enemies.

Norway Strengthens Its Armed Forces Through the Purchase of German Tanks

EDR (European Defence Review) On Line wrote on February 3:

“The government has decided to acquire 54 tanks of the Leopard 2 type from German Krauss-Maffei Wegmann. An option has been entered for the purchase of a further 18 vehicles. The first new tanks are expected to be delivered in 2026…

“By purchasing German tanks, we ensure that Norway has the same type of tanks as our Nordic neighbors and close allies. We are also forging closer security policy ties with Germany, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre…

“Germany is one of our main cooperation countries in the area of defence and security policy. A procurement and industrial cooperation with Germany builds on and reinforces an already established strategic materiel and industrial cooperation, says the Minister of Defence.

“The government primarily wants to buy 54 tanks, but is open to being able to acquire a further 18 tanks…”

“German Social Democrats Grasp at World Power”

On February 1, 2023, the World Socialist Website (WSWS) wrote the following surprising article about their comrades or “Genossen”, the Germany’s Social Democrat Party (SPD):

“The Social Democratic Party (SPD)-led German government is aggressively stepping up its war policy. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s announcement of the delivery of Leopard-2 battle tanks to Ukraine last week has been followed by calls for the delivery of aircraft. While Scholz still rejects this, at least publicly, SPD Co-Chairwoman Saskia Esken, interviewed on last Sunday’s ‘Report from Berlin’ program, did not rule out sending fighter jets to Kiev

“It is becoming increasingly clear that the ruling class regards the NATO war against Russia as an opportunity to implement its long-cherished plans to become a world power and once again make Germany the leading military force, 90 years after Hitler seized power…

“A strategy paper recently presented by the SPD’s ‘Commission on International Politics’ titled ‘Social Democratic Responses to a World in Transition’… emphasizes that the 100-billion-euro Bundeswehr special fund serves not only to arm the German army, but also to militarize Europe

“More than a century after the SPD’s historic betrayal on August 4, 1914, when it agreed to the Kaiser’s war credits and supported World War I, social democracy is the leading party of German imperialism. The Left Party and the Greens support it in this, forming coalitions with the SPD at the federal and state level…”

Will Germany Again Become a Mighty Military Power?

The New York Times wrote on February 24:

“The German chancellor Olaf Scholz told Parliament that that [Russian] attack [on Ukraine] marked a Zeitenwende, a historic ‘turning point’ for Europe and Germany. There could be no doubt that Putin wanted to build a Russian empire, Scholz said. Germans must therefore ask, ‘What capabilities do we need in order to counter this threat?’ He announced, among other measures, a 100-billion-euro fund to bolster the German military. The plan, if implemented, would represent the largest absolute jump in German military spending since World War II.

“Parliamentarians gave Scholz a standing ovation. That level of support would have been almost unthinkable before the invasion. In Germany, skepticism of the merits of military strength has enabled a long post-Cold War process of disarmament. As a result, Germany is a historic anomaly in the heart of Europe — an economic leviathan but a military minnow. Now German leaders are vowing to transform the country into a military power capable of taking responsibility for Europe’s security. The question is whether they — and a hesitant German society — can follow through on this promise…

“It was the Russian threat that led to the resurrection of the German military during the Cold War; it’s once again the Russian threat that may lead to its revitalization

“Germany has long occupied an exceptionally comfortable place in the world. It has an export-dependent economy, selling its cars and machines far and wide — and many tanks and submarines, as one of the world’s largest arms exporters. But when it comes to countering perceived security threats — whether the Islamic State or Putin — it has allowed allies to take the lead. German leaders sent troops to Afghanistan but largely avoided referring to it as a ‘war,’ even as German soldiers engaged in ground combat there for the first time since World War II.

“Germany’s aversion to military power has been sustained by one glaring fact: Its defense is guaranteed by the world’s pre-eminent superpower, the United States, within the framework of NATO. President Donald Trump, who tended to reduce foreign policy to questions of who was ripping off whom, was particularly obsessed with what he saw as German defense freeloading, calling Germany ‘delinquent’ on military spending. But it wasn’t just Trump. Every recent U.S. administration tried, and mostly failed, to get the Germans and other European allies to strengthen their militaries and meet the NATO defense-spending target of 2 percent of gross domestic product, a goal Germany has long undershot…

“As part of his Zeitenwende speech, Scholz vowed to meet the NATO defense-spending target ‘from now on,’ though his government has since been noncommittal about when that might happen… Should German leaders deliver on their promises, Germany would become the third- or fourth-biggest military spender in the world. Before the war, such an increase would have been highly unpopular. But in a poll conducted for German public television soon after the invasion, 69 percent of Germans supported it.”

Compulsory Military Service in Germany?

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 3:

“A familiar discussion has begun in Germany… Should compulsory military service be reintroduced? Some countries, for example Latvia, have recently reintroduced it, and German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius fueled the debate when he said earlier this week: ‘It was a mistake to suspend compulsory military service.’… until 2011 German men between the ages of 18 and 27 were obligated to either serve in the nation’s military… or perform an alternative service for a limited period of time in civilian areas such as emergency management or medical care…

“Over the past two decades, the Bundeswehr has shrunk from more than 317,000 soldiers to just over 183,000…

“In his interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung national newspaper, the German defense minister admitted compulsory military service would not help Germany at all in the next two or three years. But Pistorius… believes there must be an open discussion again about the benefits of mandatory military service.

“A spokeswoman for the German Defense Ministry said in response to a DW inquiry: ‘Currently the Defense Ministry has no plans to reintroduce conscription… different tasks… require well-trained and specialized personnel… we have opened our armed forces to women for the past 20 years… The former format of compulsory military service would be impossible to implement in the current structures and would be an additional burden. Recruitment, training, and accommodation of conscripts alone would result in a considerable need for investment…’

“For defense commissioner Eva Högl, the debate about compulsory military service is, therefore, a ‘theoretical debate,’ and Finance Minister Christian Lindner… has brushed it aside as a ‘discussion about ghosts.’

“… the Bundeswehr still has a massive diversity problem in 2023. Only one in eight soldiers is female…”

Not too long ago, Eva Högl advocated compulsory military service. The debate is ongoing. Ultimately, we can expect that compulsory military service will be instituted in Germany.

Spahn’s Corona Botch

Bild Online wrote on February 8:

“During the pandemic, the government bought as many masks as it could… A total of 5.8 billion masks are said to have been shipped to the federal government. In addition, the federal government is said to have raised a further 320 million euros for external consultants, lawyers, transport, storage and quality control for the years 2020 and 2021.

“According to BILD information, huge quantities of FFP2 and surgical masks did not even leave their country of manufacture and are now to be destroyed! And: Apparently, the Federal Ministry of Health itself does not know exactly how many tons are still in a warehouse in the city of Jiaxing near Shanghai… The Ministry of Health estimates the cost of destruction at around 375,000 euros. A snap against the previous costs of storage. They amount to 11 million euros!

“According to the latest research by ‘Welt’, several federal states have also destroyed almost 20 million masks in Germany. So now the Federal Ministry of Health wants to destroy several hundred million masks that never made it to Germany.”

More Botches from Spahn – the “Social Compulsory Year”

Merkur wrote on February 3:

“Again and again there are discussions about a compulsory social year for young people. The idea behind it: wouldn’t it be worth considering involving female citizens in a kind of community service? Jens Spahn, CDU politician, advocates such a construct. ‘The vast majority of the younger generation wants to get involved and would like more community spirit and cohesion. An attractively paid company year for the 21st century contributes to this,’ said Jens Spahn of the Frankfurter Rundschau… Otherwise, voluntary work would quickly become arbitrary. ‘With a mandatory year of society, the conditions are the same for everyone. Whether in the hospital, in the army or elsewhere, everyone should be able to decide for themselves,’ says Spahn. This also makes a discussion about renewed compulsory military service unnecessary…

“A compulsory social year is highly controversial. Young people criticize the fact that they are not even being listened to and that the idea is instead being discussed over their heads… So far there has been no majority in the traffic light government. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has concerns that forced service could violate the Basic Law…”

In Germany everything has to be done by force…

Twitter Under Threat

Bloomberg wrote on February 6:

“In the turbulent months since Elon Musk bought Twitter, the threat of greater scrutiny has been looming, but the fear from some EU officials was that Twitter may not actually have enough users to fall under the enhanced set of rules imposed on social media companies by the bloc’s Digital Services Act. Now, it appears it does.

“Twitter and the Commission are gearing up for the company to be designated a ‘very large online platform,’ according to people familiar with the matter. That means the company will have to report on how it’s blocking harmful posts and could even be forced to change its algorithms. For Musk, it means his stripped-down company will be subject to a much more intrusive regulatory system and could face significant penalties if it doesn’t comply.”

Europe’s way to dictatorship and suppression of free speech is ongoing.

Eating Insects…

IFN (International Family News) wrote on February 1:

“[The] European Union of January 4, 2023… [implemented] regulation EU 2023/5… authorized the use of Acheta Domesticus (house cricket) powder on the European market, as a new ingredient in foodstuffs for mass consumption…

“[An] important omission is that the shell of these insects contains chitin. Although chitin is used as a cosmetic without any problem, this polymer is a potent allergy generator when ingested by humans. Mammals, with rare exceptions such as bats, do not have enzymes capable of digesting chitin. Our intestine does not assimilate it.

“Nor have they said anything about these insects containing metamorphic steroids. In particular, ecdysterone which is an anabolic used by cheating bodybuilders to artificially build muscle. The consumption of these steroids is prohibited because of their harmful effects on health.”

The Pope and Homosexuality

The Associated Press wrote on February 5:

“Pope Francis was backed by the ceremonial head of the Anglican Communion and top Presbyterian minister in calling for gays to be welcomed by their churches as he again decried laws that criminalize homosexuality as unjust. The three Christian leaders spoke on LGBTQ rights during an unprecedented joint airborne news conference Sunday while returning home from South Sudan…

“South Sudan is one of 67 countries that criminalizes homosexuality, 11 of them with the death penalty… During the news conference on the way back to Rome, Francis specifically didn’t repeat that ‘being homosexual is not a crime,’ perhaps to not antagonize his South Sudanese hosts, who had originally objected to his comments to the AP.  ‘If he (Pope Francis) is coming here and he tells us that marriage of the same sex, homosexuality, is legal, we will say no,’ Michael Makuei Lueth, South Sudan’s information minister, said after the pope’s AP interview and before his visit.

“On Sunday, Francis referred to his Jan. 24 comments to the AP and repeated that such laws are ‘unjust.’ He also repeated previous comments that parents should never throw their gay children out of the house. ‘To condemn someone like this is a sin,’ he said. ‘Criminalizing people with homosexual tendencies is an injustice.’”

God does clearly condemn the practice of homosexuality as sinful. Does God commit a sin in the eyes of the pope?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Can we consume food that contains unclean insects?

There is an ongoing debate, especially in parts of Europe, regarding the consumption of insects or food which contains ingredients of unclean insects.

An article in Report 24 of January 16, 2023, points out:

“Looking at the ingredient list should be part of grocery shopping. EU citizens who do not want to ingest insects unknowingly should be particularly careful: the EU Commission has already approved four types of insects in different processing forms as ‘edible insects’. The most recent approval was on January 5: From now on, after mealworms, grasshoppers and crickets, the grain mold beetle (“Getreideschimmelkaefer”) can also be used as an ingredient in foods such as bread, soups, pasta, snacks, peanut butter and chocolate products…”

 The website of the European Commission, Representation in Germany, provides the following information on the issue of insects in food:

 Four insects are approved as food in the European Union. The dried yellow mealworm was the first insect to receive approval in May 2021. Most recently, the Commission authorized ‘partially defatted powder from Acheta domesticus (domestic cricket)’ for the EU market by implementing regulation 2023/5. Foods that contain insects must state this clearly and understandably in their list of ingredients. The indication that allergic reactions are possible in people with an allergy to crustaceans and molluscs as well as to house dust mites must be included in the immediate vicinity of the list of ingredients. When it comes to approval, the EU rules on novel foods apply…

 “So far, the European Commission has granted four approvals for insects as food: the mealworm, the locust, the so-called buffalo worm [our annotation:  buffalo worms are the larvae of the glossy grain mold beetle] – as well as in February 2022 for the domestic cricket (Acheta domesticus) and in January 2023 for partially defatted powder from the domestic cricket…

 “It must be clearly labeled that a food contains an insect (with Latin and German names) and also in what form (e.g. as a powder). Appropriate allergy information is also mandatory.”

We also addressed the consumption of locusts and crickets in our Q&A.

With this information, what should our stance be regarding the consumption of food containing unclean insects? In our Q&A about gelatin products, we stated:

“… an orthodox rabbi has certified gelatin as kosher, although [it] is extracted from the skins of beef, calf and pork. This certification was based on the belief of many that during the manufacture of gelatin the composition of the original material undergoes a complete change or metamorphosis, that is, its original source becomes unidentifiable. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not consider gelatin to be a meat product…”

However, there might be a distinction between gelatin products and certain products containing unclean insects.

Gelatin is derived from skin, bones, tendons and cartilage. It is obtained through a large, complex manufacturing process of hydrolysis. During hydrolysis, chemical compounds are broken down into smaller molecules by absorbing water; i.e., they are also purified. In regard to the production of “insect meal,” the process is much simpler, by just rearing, freezing, drying and grinding the insects. In this way, all the components from the body of the unclean insect are extracted as flour. In other words, the whole insect, or most of it, without a substantial or meaningful chemical alteration, is being consumed.

On the other hand, at what point do unclean insects become a food source? When they are specifically harvested to be included in various foods, they contain the very elements that should be avoided. Uncountable life forms eventually die and decompose in the earth, and clean, edible plants grow from that. Cows and other edible animals invariably consume unclean insects. However, their food source is not what we consume in any direct way. The milk of a cow doesn’t come to us with an ingredient list—rather, the cow converts its food to milk.

We feel that, generally, food that is labeled with unclean ingredients, which do not go through an “alteration” process, unlike gelatin products, should be avoided. That is, when we can, we should avoid them—looking at labels when available and asking when possible, just as we inquire at Mexican restaurants whether the beans are made with lard (pig fat); or as we inquire in Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese restaurants whether their dishes are made with oyster sauce.

However, to really know exactly what is in the food we eat is hard to tell. When it comes to foods and drinks that say “may contain” certain ingredients, it isn’t very clear and again poses the question, how do we really know what’s in there and how far do we want to go asking for an ingredient list wherever we eat? We need to take a balanced approach (Matthew 23:24 comes to mind), and ultimately, the decision is up to us individually whether, and in what circumstances, to partake of the products, keeping in mind that we must never eat or drink or do anything that violates our conscience if we feel that we would be compromising with the Word of God. However, having done our part, we leave the rest to God who can also protect us if we eat something inadvertently which happens to be unclean.

We should also understand that in such a case, we do not sin or become “unclean” in the eyes of God (compare Mark 7:15-19; note that the last clause in verse 19 should be translated: “…it is eliminated into the sewer which purifies all foods.” Compare also Matthew 15:17-20).

An interesting example of viewing this issue is by briefly addressing carmine (E120) and shellac (E904). In an article of the BBC, dated April 28, 2018, it was stated: “If you are horrified by the thought of eating insects, the bad news is that you have probably done so many, many times. This is because one of the most widely used red food colourings – carmine – is made from crushed up bugs… A staple of the global food industry, carmine is added to everything from yoghurts and ice creams, to fruit pies, soft drinks, cupcakes and donuts.”

Carmine is produced by heat-drying cochineal beetles until they are completely dehydrated, and then they are subsequently crushed into powder. The powder is then boiled in water which serves to extract carminic acid which is present in the powdered insects. Use of added chemicals causes the colouring and animal matters present in the liquid to precipitate into a red pigment. Carmines (E120) are used worldwide as natural food coloring agents of animal origin, with a widespread application. Carmines are known to cause allergic reactions.

 Carminic acid, typically 17–24% of dried insects’ weight, can be extracted from the body and eggs, then mixed with aluminum or calcium salts to make carmine dye, also known as cochineal. Some feel it is non-kosher and suggest looking at the list of ingredients. It might say “natural red four”, “crimson lake” or just E120, to give carmine its European Union food additive classification number. It has also been pointed out that food-grade cochineal dye is put through many filters to remove insect parts.

E 904, called shellac, is partially derived from the female lac bug on trees in the forests of India and Thailand. However, Jewish rabbis give numerous reasons why it is kosher and permitted. Firstly, it is not actually from the bug but it is extracted from the trees, similar to the honey in a bee. Another reason is, the shellac is an inedible secreted substance which emanates from the insect. Shellac cannot be digested and it is therefore not considered food, but compared with eating a rock.

It appears to us that due to the nature and the process involved, products containing carmine and shellac could be treated similar to gelatin products.

In our Q&A on gelatin products, we concluded:

“Each Christian has to make the decision as to whether, and in what circumstances, to partake of the products as described herein. While it is true that the kingdom of God is not eating or drinking (Romans 14:17), and that ‘nothing that enters a man from the outside … can defile him’ (Mark 7:15), the prohibition of the consumption of unclean flesh is still clearly valid…

‘We must all strive to live our lives correctly administering the Biblical patterns revealed to us. As Jesus Christ so clearly explained in applying God’s Word, the religious leaders of His time had so burdened the people that the Way of God was stifled in long lists of ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’. As we in the Church of God strive for a right balance, let us all seek God’s continual guidance so that we may do only those things, which are pleasing in His sight.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link, with input from the ministry in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“The Overlooked Story of the Holocaust,” a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

On January 27, 2023, the world remembered the Holocaust which started in 1933—90 years ago. But much about the Holocaust has been conveniently ignored or forgotten, which goes hand in hand with rampant Antisemitism, especially in Europe… with terrible consequences for the future, as the Bible clearly reveals.

A new German booklet, “Die Bedeutung von Gottes Heiligen Frühjahrsfesten”, translated from our English booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days,” is being prepared for printing.

Our new booklet, “God the Father is the Highest,”   has been sent to our printer.  Written by Evangelist Norbert Link, copies will soon be mailed to our subscribers.

A Tech Team meeting was conducted via Google Meets on Sunday, February 5, 2023. Hosted by Eric Rank, topics included video publishing (YouTube and Rumble), booklet advertising, booklet reprinting and Feast of Tabernacles planning.

“Könnten Sie von Gott abfallen?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Could You Fall Away From God?”

“Willst Du gesund werden?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Mike Richter, is now posted. Title in English: “Do You Want to Be Made Well?”

“Submit to Whom?”, last Sabbath’s first split sermon, presented by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The Bible is clear that we must bring ourselves in submission to the Father and the Son. But is there more to whom we should be submissive to? Interestingly, the Bible is very explicit that we should submit to our fellow human beings, but how is this supposed to work?

“God’s Word Misunderstood,” last Sabbath’s second split sermon, presented by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

What are some of the most popular verses in the Bible people share and quote from the most, and how can we really understand what these verses mean so we can apply them in our lives?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Believe God! / Six Woes

On February 11, 2023, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Believe God!” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Six Woes.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

The State of the Disunion

Politico wrote on February 8:

The State of the Union rarely previews big battles in Congress. Tuesday night’s row between President Joe Biden and GOP lawmakers may prove to be an exception… foreshadowing a long two years to come under divided government

“The theatrics began midway through Biden’s speech, as he scolded Republicans about their past interest in cutting the nation’s biggest entitlement programs in a bid to set the stakes for the upcoming debt limit battle. As the jeers escalated from the opposition, Biden began battling the GOP in real time — ad-libbing his own prepared remarks to challenge Republicans who were shouting at him from the chamber floor. ‘Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset,’ Biden said as the GOP side of the chamber erupted in boos…Then, veering from his own remarks, Biden attempted to clarify — ‘I don’t think it is a majority of you’ — though he could barely be heard above the GOP outcry on the floor. ‘So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare, off the books now, right?’ Biden said…

“The tensions only grew from there… ‘Liar!’ [Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene] shouted at first, in response to Biden’s accusation of GOP cuts to Social Security and Medicare… And when Biden called for action on the deadly drug fentanyl — one of the GOP’s biggest priorities — Greene shouted: ‘It’s coming from China.’

“She was hardly alone: Dozens of other Republicans joined in with chants to ‘secure our border’ as Biden spoke of the need for an immigration overhaul. Several other Republicans called out ‘liar,’ and at least one shouted ‘it’s your fault’ as Biden touted efforts to lower fentanyl deaths…”

Sanders’ Official GOP Response

Newsmax wrote on February 7:

“Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, saying she is skeptical of pretty much the whole thing… [while] ‘not believing much of anything I heard tonight from President Biden’…

“‘From out-of-control inflation and violent crime to the dangerous border crisis and threat from China,’ Sanders said, ‘Biden and the Democrats have failed you… ‘I’m the first woman to lead my state. He’s the first man to surrender his presidency to a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is

“‘In the radical left’s America, Washington taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire, but you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country,’ she said… ‘Every day, we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols … all while big government colludes with Big Tech to strip away the most American thing there is — your freedom of speech,’ she added…

“‘President Biden’s weakness puts our nation and the world at risk,’ she said. ‘And the President’s refusal to stand up to China, our most formidable adversary, is dangerous and unacceptable… He is unfit to serve as commander in chief.’”

Trump Responds

 Breitbart wrote on February 7:

“Former President Donald Trump responded to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night… ‘Here’s the real State of the Union: Over the past two years under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens from 160 different countries have stormed across our southern border,’ said Trump… Another border issue Trump highlighted in his response to Biden Tuesday is the fentanyl epidemic… ‘Drug cartels are now raking in billions of dollars from smuggling poison to kill our people and to kill our children,’ said Trump. Production of fentanyl typically starts in China, where precursor chemicals are manufactured, and then Mexican cartels synthesize the drugs before they are trafficked across the border…

“Trump then turned his attention to crime, asserting that ‘[s]avage killers, rapists, and violent criminals are being released from jail to continue their crime wave.’ ‘Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars and caused the worst inflation in half a century,’ Trump continued. ‘Real wages are down 21 months in a row, gas prices have soared and are now going much higher than even before, and the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year,’ he added…

“[Trump] then called out Biden’s ‘weaponized Justice Department’ for ‘persecuting his political opponents,’ and he asserted the ‘administration is waging war on free speech... They’re trying to indoctrinate and mutilate our children…

“‘[Biden is] leading us to the brink of World War III, and on top of all of that, he’s the most corrupt President in American history, and it’s not even close.’”

 “Lie After Lie”

 The New York Post Editorial Board wrote on February 7:

“[Biden] offered lie after lie in a shameless bid to fool the electorate ahead of his 2024 run for re-election…

“He blended brags about his supposed achievements (inflation-fueling blowout spending sprees), promos for various dead-on-arrival bits of legislation (even heavily Democratic Congresses have been unable to pass ‘comprehensive immigration reform’), blatantly insincere calls for bipartisanship, cynical and false attacks on his opponents (the chamber was in an uproar at his fake claim that Republicans want to slash Social Security and Medicare), bogus stats (billionaires pay roughly 24% income tax, not 8%), some fine tough talk on the Ukraine war and utter laughers (‘as we made clear last week, if China threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country. And we did’ — by shooting down the balloon at the last possible moment?)

“…. he had literally no overall theme, as he has no overall vision beyond his self-serving distortions and promises of more giveaways.”

Regarding the Chinese spy balloon fiasco, note the following articles.

Chinese “Spy Balloons” Over USA and Latin America

The Associated Press wrote on February 3:

“A huge, high-altitude Chinese balloon sailed across the U.S. on Friday, drawing severe Pentagon accusations of spying on sensitive military sites despite China’s firm denials. Secretary of State Antony Blinken abruptly canceled a high-stakes Beijing trip aimed at easing U.S.-China tensions… It was spotted earlier over Montana, which is home to one of America’s three nuclear missile silo fields at Malmstrom Air Force Base, defense officials said.

“Later Friday, the Pentagon acknowledged reports of a second balloon flying over Latin America… The U.S. actually had been tracking the initial balloon since at least Tuesday… Biden was initially inclined to order the surveillance balloon to be blown out of the sky, and a senior defense official said the U.S. had prepared fighter jets, including F-22s, to shoot it down if ordered… Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, strongly advised Biden against shooting down the balloon, warning that its size — as big as three school buses — and considerable weight could create a debris field large enough to endanger Americans on the ground…

“Blinken’s trip cancellation came despite China’s claim that the balloon was merely a weather research ‘airship’ that had blown off course. The Pentagon rejected that out of hand — as well as China’s contention that the balloon was not being used for surveillance and had only limited navigational ability…

“The development dealt a new blow to already strained U.S.-Chinese relations that have been in a downward spiral for years over numerous issues…”

Breitbart wrote on February 3:

“Former President Donald Trump warned on Friday that China has ‘many thousands of spies working in the United States’ in various industries amid a revelation that a Chinese spy balloon is flying over the continental United States.

“‘It’s rarely even mentioned that China has many thousands of spies working in the United States in business, finance, academia, technology, media and likely, even government, very sadly,’ Trump declared.”

Biden Secretive in Hiding the News

The New York Post wrote on February 4:

“President Biden and his administration knew for nearly a week that a Chinese spy balloon was hovering in U.S. airspace — but kept the incursion secret, fearing it would derail Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s planned meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing…

“Team Biden became aware of the balloon on Jan. 28… when it was spotted over Alaska. The US military tracked it as it flew into Canadian airspace, then re-entered American skies on Tuesday. The next day, Biden received a detailed briefing on the balloon and its course… But the president also chose to conceal the crisis from the American public…

“The administration finally came clean to the public Thursday, after the Billings Gazette, a local Montana paper, published photos of the floating orb and the story jumped into the national media…

“The uproar forced Blinken to postpone his trip indefinitely…

“Former president Donald Trump, ex-veep Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley have all demanded that the balloon be shot down, accusing Biden of weakness against Beijing.”

Many other Republicans made the same demand.

The Balloon Fiasco

Fox News wrote on February 4:

“Several governors — including Missouri GOP Gov. Mike Parson and Montana GOP Gov. Greg Gianforte — have expressed frustration over the Biden administrations’ lack of communication as the balloon traversed American airspace.

“‘We have received zero communication from the Biden Administration regarding reports of the suspected Chinese spy balloon now flying over Missouri,’ Parson wrote in a tweet on Friday. ‘We have heard no explanation or plan to remove it. Why has this been allowed to reach our heartland? Why has it not been eliminated?’

“Similarly, Gianforte, during a Saturday morning appearance on ‘Fox and Friends Weekend,’ blasted the Biden administration’s communication about the balloon. ‘We’re informed through our national guard,’ Gianforte said. ‘We knew nothing about this until this slow moving balloon was hundreds of miles into the state. It had already flown over military installations and it was over our most populous city in the state.’”

Balloon Shut Down

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 5:

“The US on Saturday downed a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon… The balloon was shot down over relatively shallow water. Officials said a recovery operation is now underway to retrieve the debris and key elements of the purported Chinese surveillance equipment over the coming days…

“China expressed ‘strong dissatisfaction’ with the US use of force to strike its ‘unmanned civilian’ airship, calling it a ‘serious violation of international practice.’ In a statement by the Foreign Ministry on Sunday, Beijing threatened repercussions over the incident… The Chinese Defense Ministry said it ‘reserves the right to use necessary means to deal with similar situations,’ though it was unclear exactly what type of situation it meant.”

According to some reports, there is a third Chinese spy balloon flying in the skies over the Atlantic Ocean in addition to the one flying over Latin America.

 The Sun wrote on February 5:

“The balloon is the first foreign aircraft shot down over American air space since World War II. The last instance was in 1942, when a Japanese fighter jet was shot down as it tried to attack US Navy ships in Alaska, in an instance known as Akutan Zero.

“It’s also the first instance of a F-22 jet performing an ‘air to air kill’, after firing the missile that took down the surveillance balloon…

“A department of defense official claimed that upwards of 3 Chinese spy balloons flew over the continental United States during Trump’s presidency, sparking fierce debate online… Bloomberg said: ‘One top national security official from the administration of former President Donald Trump said none of the Chinese spy balloons were near sensitive sites or had payloads as large as this one appears to carry.’”

Trump denied the claim that Chinese spy balloons flew over the United States under his Presidency, but the Pentagon subsequently claimed that this was not discovered or revealed to Trump until after his departure.

Strong Job Figures… Cause for Optimism…

Breitbart wrote on February 3:

“The incredibly strong January jobs figures all but rule out a recession in the first half of this year. They even may be strong enough to indicate that the economy will remain in expansion throughout the year…

“Some historical context highlights just how extremely robust job creation has been. Apart from the rapid job gain in the wake of the pandemic lockdowns, that three month average is the highest since 1994…

“You have to go all the way back to 1969 before you’ll find an unemployment rate that low. And to get below that number, you have to send your time machine back to 1951, when Harry Truman was president and GDP was growing at an eight percent real rate… The ultra-low level of unemployment will eventually result in wage gains…”

Or, Is Optimism Misplaced?

npr wrote on February 4:

“The good times are back on Wall Street. Stocks have surged since the start of the year. The Nasdaq is up nearly 15% this year after posting its best January since 2001. And it’s not just stocks: bonds have risen and even bitcoin has made a roaring comeback, though all markets fell a tad on Friday.

“This is all after a miserable 2022, when markets were hit hard by fears about surging inflation and about how the Federal Reserve was fighting it, with the biggest increases in the country’s interest rates since the early 1980s.

“Today, hope has replaced that fear. Inflation has eased substantially…

“And many on Wall Street no longer dread the worst about the economy, turning from their predictions of a big recession to hope that any downturn will be mild, or even that a recession may not happen at all.

“… the labor market is very strong. Data on Friday showed U.S. employers added a whopping 517,000 jobs, much stronger than most forecasts, while the unemployment rate dropped to a 53-year low…

“There is one big downer in the market, however: the Fed [which] has no intention of cutting interest rates any time soon… The Fed is the most powerful economic player in the world, with the ability to move markets from New York to Hong Kong with a single word. And so far, the Fed has said, clearly, that the fight against inflation will go on…

“Then, beyond the Fed, there’s the risk that plenty can still go wrong for the economy… there’s plenty of other data that raises the prospect that the economy could end up hitting a recession after all.

“The housing market, for example, has taken a major hit since the Fed started raising rates. And retail sales are showing signs of declining, a big concern in an economy so reliant on consumer spending…

“In 2001, the Nasdaq similarly rallied in January, ending the month up 12%. It did not end well. The economy skidded into a recession, and the Nasdaq slumped a whopping 30% over the next 11 months, with losses magnified by the Sept. 11 attacks. As it turns out, all that optimism in January 2001, proved to have been misplaced.”

President Biden and America’s Economy

The New York Post wrote on February 5:

“… no president in modern times even comes close to Biden in terms of fiscal recklessness. In his first two years, the national debt has risen by more than $4.2 trillion. That’s more than in any two-year period in American history…

“The average inflation rate during the Trump presidency was 2%, and in January 2021, the month Biden entered office, inflation was 1.4%. Eighteen months later, in summer 2022, inflation rose above 9% — the highest in 40 years. It ended the year at 6.5%…

“When President Donald Trump left office, the gas price was $2.59 a gallon nationally. In June 2022, it was nearly double, a modern-day high of $5.004 a gallon. Today gas is $3.48 a gallon — roughly $1 a gallon higher than when Biden entered office…

“A 2022 Committee to Unleash Prosperity study by the University of Chicago’s Casey Mulligan found that oil production would be 2 million to 3 million barrels a day higher if Biden had simply followed the Trump energy plan. America would have produced nearly $200 billion more oil last year if not for Biden’s war on fossil fuels… Trump issued permits for drilling on 100 million acres of federal land. Biden has issued fewer drilling permits than any president since World War II’s end.”

California’s Vaccine Mandate Policy

Breitbart wrote on February 7:

“The State of California has scrapped a plan to require the coronavirus vaccine for children in grades K through 12, as Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) allows a three-year-old ‘state of emergency’ to expire at the end of February…

“The policy would have applied to all of California’s 6.7 million public and private students. But enforcing the requirement would have posed a challenge, given the vaccine’s waning immunity.

“President Joe Biden informed Congress last week that he will be ending the state of emergency and the public health emergency on the coronavirus pandemic on May 11.”

Sadly, vaccine mandates will still remain in force and effect in certain areas, even after Biden’s proposed announcement of ending the “state of emergency,” which should have been made a long time ago (if a declaration of “state of emergency” had to be made at all). Interestingly, the timing of Biden’s planned announcement coincides with insurance companies’ policies of coverage.

Blinken Meets With Netanyahu and Abbas

Israel 365 News wrote on February 2:

On Monday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived in Israel for a three-day visit… Blinken gave a joint speech with Netanyahu…

“Blinken stated the importance of maintaining the ‘historic status quo at Jerusalem’s holy places, including the Temple Mount Haram al-Sharif,’ choosing to refer to Judaism’s holiest site also by an Arabic term… In addition to Blinken’s stated dedication to the status quo, his State Department was critical of a visit to the site last month by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, saying it had ‘the potential to exacerbate tensions and to provoke violence.’

“The White House claimed the visit ‘jeopardized the status quo’ though it was unclear in what way it did so. The status quo violates Israeli law by discriminating against Jews and Christians, maintaining a Muslim exclusivity on religious freedom…

“Blinken met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on Tuesday… He also cited the US commitment to the ‘two-state solution’ which would create a Palestinian state inside Israel with its capital in Jerusalem. He cited as the greatest obstacles to this vision were things like ‘settlement expansion, the legalization of outposts, demolitions and evictions, disruptions to the historic status quo of the holy sites, and of course incitement and acquiescence to violence.’”

Israel At Brink of Civil War?

Israel Today wrote on February 7:

“An opposition lawmaker on Tuesday used the Knesset podium to urge citizens of the nation to civil unrest against what he called the ‘dictatorship’ of the new Netanyahu government. MK Ofer Kasif (Hadash) was quickly removed by Knesset ushers, but his act of public incitement further fueled fears that Israel is inching closer to civil war.  ‘In light of the current emergency situation, I call for civil unrest…’ Kasif said before being interrupted by Deputy Speaker Nissim Vettori (Likud), who called on Knesset ushers to forcibly remove Kasif from the plenum.

“The few lawmakers present at the time then erupted in a shouting match, with Kasif and fellow opposition MKs labeling the coalition members as ‘fascists.’ Kasif is the only Jewish member of an Arab political party, so coalition members from the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, many of whom are fluent in Arabic, responded with Arabic slurs… Kasif later complained that his democratic rights had been violated, and that he and the opposition would ‘not rest’ until they brought down the ‘dictatorship’ currently governing Israel.

“Israel was rocked last week when prominent figures in the anti-government movement began openly calling for armed violence, and some even encouraged the assassination of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This incitement followed weeks of mass demonstrations against the government, which were themselves sparked by calls for civil disobedience from opposition leaders Yair Lapid and Beny Gantz…

“All it takes is for one deranged individual to take up the call to assassinate Netanyahu. If… that were to happen, there is no telling how the other side might respond. But given the hostility that has grown between the two sides in recent decades, and the fact that a plurality of voters are ardent supporters of Netanyahu himself (some even view him as ‘king’), the end result would be catastrophic for the Jewish state.”

 Russia, China and Ukraine

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 7:

China’s increasingly closer relationship with Russia has raised doubts in Ukraine over its strategic partnership with Beijing, with Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Melnyk calling China’s position ‘less and less acceptable’…

Ukraine has maintained a strategic partnership with China since 2011, which has allowed trade and defense ties to flourish. China has been a major importer of Ukrainian grains and corns. Ukraine is also a major arms supplier to China…

“Although Beijing has not explicitly supported Russia’s position on the war, it has worked on building stronger ties with Moscow as the EU and the United States work on isolating Russia. Following talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov last week, China’s Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said Beijing wants to advance bilateral relations with Russia in 2023…”

Ultimately, China, Russia and Ukraine will all be united.

Relations Between Ukraine and Germany “Difficult”

Die Welt wrote on February 9:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj sees the relationship with Germany in a ‘difficult phase’ because of the debate about the supply of main battle tanks. ‘I have to force him to help Ukraine and constantly convince him that this help is not for us, but for the Europeans,’ Zelensky said of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in an interview with ‘Spiegel’ and the French newspaper ‘ Le Figaro’ on Thursday… Ukraine’s relationship with Germany is ‘in waves, it’s ups and downs,’ he said.

“Zelenskyj also criticized European heads of state and government, whom he had asked for weapons and sanctions ‘daily’. ‘If everyone knew that Putin was going to invade our country, why didn’t they impose sanctions? It’s absolutely ridiculous when you all stand up for us publicly and still like to dodge sanctions or withhold guns,’ he said.

“Regarding the support of allies in the first days of the Russian attack on his country, Selensky said: ‘I’m not saying that it went ideally.’ He will give an honest answer to the question of whether he is satisfied when the war is over.”

Huge Earthquakes in Turkey

The Daily Mail wrote on February 6:

“Turkey was hit by two massive earthquakes less than ten hours apart on Monday, killing more than [19,000 people, as reported on February 9] and leaving scores trapped under collapsed buildings – and plunging the region into an unfolding humanitarian crisis. [Many more deaths are expected.]

“The initial 7.8-magnitude night-time tremor, followed hours later by a slightly smaller one, wiped out entire sections of major Turkish cities in a region filled with millions of people who have fled the civil war in Syria and other conflicts…

ABC News reported on February 6:

“Monday’s [first] quake was as powerful as the strongest ever recorded in Turkey… A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck northeastern Turkey in 1939, killing approximately 30,000 people. Monday’s quake in southeastern Turkey had the same magnitude, according to the United States Geological Survey. Earthquakes frequently occur in Turkey, which is situated on top of major fault lines. Some 18,000 people were killed in powerful earthquakes that hit northwestern Turkey in 1999.”

Much more powerful earthquakes are prophesied to occur in these end times. It was pointed out that a huge earthquake in California is a certainty, which would be at least as strong as the ones in Turkey, but probably much stronger.

British Army Would Last Just One Afternoon

Daily Star wrote on February 3:

“General Sir Richard Barrons, former Joint Forces chief, says years of government neglect have left Britain’s military ill-equipped for a major conflict

“His words echo a warning from the Royal United Services Institute in December that said Britain’s ammunition stockpiles were ‘woefully deficient’ and that in any serious armed conflict the Army would run out of ammunition in a week

“Sir Richard adds, ‘we have a war in Europe, and our Armed forces are smaller and less ready to fight than at any time in living memory. The Army is on track to slip below 76,000 troops, about half the size of our Cold War force’.

“In the Commons earlier week, Tobias Ellwood, the chairman of the Defence Select Committee, said that the war in Ukraine had ‘exposed serious shortfalls in the war fighting capability of the British army.’”

The Sun added on February 2:

“Unless we restore our defences, all our hopes for all our lives will rely on our friends protecting us and our enemies leaving us alone. Unless our ministers take bold steps now, our security is lost.”

It is indeed. Even Britain’s friends will turn out to be their enemies.

Norway Strengthens Its Armed Forces Through the Purchase of German Tanks

EDR (European Defence Review) On Line wrote on February 3:

“The government has decided to acquire 54 tanks of the Leopard 2 type from German Krauss-Maffei Wegmann. An option has been entered for the purchase of a further 18 vehicles. The first new tanks are expected to be delivered in 2026…

“By purchasing German tanks, we ensure that Norway has the same type of tanks as our Nordic neighbors and close allies. We are also forging closer security policy ties with Germany, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre…

“Germany is one of our main cooperation countries in the area of defence and security policy. A procurement and industrial cooperation with Germany builds on and reinforces an already established strategic materiel and industrial cooperation, says the Minister of Defence.

“The government primarily wants to buy 54 tanks, but is open to being able to acquire a further 18 tanks…”

“German Social Democrats Grasp at World Power”

On February 1, 2023, the World Socialist Website (WSWS) wrote the following surprising article about their comrades or “Genossen”, the Germany’s Social Democrat Party (SPD):

“The Social Democratic Party (SPD)-led German government is aggressively stepping up its war policy. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s announcement of the delivery of Leopard-2 battle tanks to Ukraine last week has been followed by calls for the delivery of aircraft. While Scholz still rejects this, at least publicly, SPD Co-Chairwoman Saskia Esken, interviewed on last Sunday’s ‘Report from Berlin’ program, did not rule out sending fighter jets to Kiev

“It is becoming increasingly clear that the ruling class regards the NATO war against Russia as an opportunity to implement its long-cherished plans to become a world power and once again make Germany the leading military force, 90 years after Hitler seized power…

“A strategy paper recently presented by the SPD’s ‘Commission on International Politics’ titled ‘Social Democratic Responses to a World in Transition’… emphasizes that the 100-billion-euro Bundeswehr special fund serves not only to arm the German army, but also to militarize Europe

“More than a century after the SPD’s historic betrayal on August 4, 1914, when it agreed to the Kaiser’s war credits and supported World War I, social democracy is the leading party of German imperialism. The Left Party and the Greens support it in this, forming coalitions with the SPD at the federal and state level…”

Will Germany Again Become a Mighty Military Power?

The New York Times wrote on February 24:

“The German chancellor Olaf Scholz told Parliament that that [Russian] attack [on Ukraine] marked a Zeitenwende, a historic ‘turning point’ for Europe and Germany. There could be no doubt that Putin wanted to build a Russian empire, Scholz said. Germans must therefore ask, ‘What capabilities do we need in order to counter this threat?’ He announced, among other measures, a 100-billion-euro fund to bolster the German military. The plan, if implemented, would represent the largest absolute jump in German military spending since World War II.

“Parliamentarians gave Scholz a standing ovation. That level of support would have been almost unthinkable before the invasion. In Germany, skepticism of the merits of military strength has enabled a long post-Cold War process of disarmament. As a result, Germany is a historic anomaly in the heart of Europe — an economic leviathan but a military minnow. Now German leaders are vowing to transform the country into a military power capable of taking responsibility for Europe’s security. The question is whether they — and a hesitant German society — can follow through on this promise…

“It was the Russian threat that led to the resurrection of the German military during the Cold War; it’s once again the Russian threat that may lead to its revitalization

“Germany has long occupied an exceptionally comfortable place in the world. It has an export-dependent economy, selling its cars and machines far and wide — and many tanks and submarines, as one of the world’s largest arms exporters. But when it comes to countering perceived security threats — whether the Islamic State or Putin — it has allowed allies to take the lead. German leaders sent troops to Afghanistan but largely avoided referring to it as a ‘war,’ even as German soldiers engaged in ground combat there for the first time since World War II.

“Germany’s aversion to military power has been sustained by one glaring fact: Its defense is guaranteed by the world’s pre-eminent superpower, the United States, within the framework of NATO. President Donald Trump, who tended to reduce foreign policy to questions of who was ripping off whom, was particularly obsessed with what he saw as German defense freeloading, calling Germany ‘delinquent’ on military spending. But it wasn’t just Trump. Every recent U.S. administration tried, and mostly failed, to get the Germans and other European allies to strengthen their militaries and meet the NATO defense-spending target of 2 percent of gross domestic product, a goal Germany has long undershot…

“As part of his Zeitenwende speech, Scholz vowed to meet the NATO defense-spending target ‘from now on,’ though his government has since been noncommittal about when that might happen… Should German leaders deliver on their promises, Germany would become the third- or fourth-biggest military spender in the world. Before the war, such an increase would have been highly unpopular. But in a poll conducted for German public television soon after the invasion, 69 percent of Germans supported it.”

Compulsory Military Service in Germany?

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 3:

“A familiar discussion has begun in Germany… Should compulsory military service be reintroduced? Some countries, for example Latvia, have recently reintroduced it, and German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius fueled the debate when he said earlier this week: ‘It was a mistake to suspend compulsory military service.’… until 2011 German men between the ages of 18 and 27 were obligated to either serve in the nation’s military… or perform an alternative service for a limited period of time in civilian areas such as emergency management or medical care…

“Over the past two decades, the Bundeswehr has shrunk from more than 317,000 soldiers to just over 183,000…

“In his interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung national newspaper, the German defense minister admitted compulsory military service would not help Germany at all in the next two or three years. But Pistorius… believes there must be an open discussion again about the benefits of mandatory military service.

“A spokeswoman for the German Defense Ministry said in response to a DW inquiry: ‘Currently the Defense Ministry has no plans to reintroduce conscription… different tasks… require well-trained and specialized personnel… we have opened our armed forces to women for the past 20 years… The former format of compulsory military service would be impossible to implement in the current structures and would be an additional burden. Recruitment, training, and accommodation of conscripts alone would result in a considerable need for investment…’

“For defense commissioner Eva Högl, the debate about compulsory military service is, therefore, a ‘theoretical debate,’ and Finance Minister Christian Lindner… has brushed it aside as a ‘discussion about ghosts.’

“… the Bundeswehr still has a massive diversity problem in 2023. Only one in eight soldiers is female…”

Not too long ago, Eva Högl advocated compulsory military service. The debate is ongoing. Ultimately, we can expect that compulsory military service will be instituted in Germany.

Spahn’s Corona Botch

Bild Online wrote on February 8:

“During the pandemic, the government bought as many masks as it could… A total of 5.8 billion masks are said to have been shipped to the federal government. In addition, the federal government is said to have raised a further 320 million euros for external consultants, lawyers, transport, storage and quality control for the years 2020 and 2021.

“According to BILD information, huge quantities of FFP2 and surgical masks did not even leave their country of manufacture and are now to be destroyed! And: Apparently, the Federal Ministry of Health itself does not know exactly how many tons are still in a warehouse in the city of Jiaxing near Shanghai… The Ministry of Health estimates the cost of destruction at around 375,000 euros. A snap against the previous costs of storage. They amount to 11 million euros!

“According to the latest research by ‘Welt’, several federal states have also destroyed almost 20 million masks in Germany. So now the Federal Ministry of Health wants to destroy several hundred million masks that never made it to Germany.”

More Botches from Spahn – the “Social Compulsory Year”

Merkur wrote on February 3:

“Again and again there are discussions about a compulsory social year for young people. The idea behind it: wouldn’t it be worth considering involving female citizens in a kind of community service? Jens Spahn, CDU politician, advocates such a construct. ‘The vast majority of the younger generation wants to get involved and would like more community spirit and cohesion. An attractively paid company year for the 21st century contributes to this,’ said Jens Spahn of the Frankfurter Rundschau… Otherwise, voluntary work would quickly become arbitrary. ‘With a mandatory year of society, the conditions are the same for everyone. Whether in the hospital, in the army or elsewhere, everyone should be able to decide for themselves,’ says Spahn. This also makes a discussion about renewed compulsory military service unnecessary…

“A compulsory social year is highly controversial. Young people criticize the fact that they are not even being listened to and that the idea is instead being discussed over their heads… So far there has been no majority in the traffic light government. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has concerns that forced service could violate the Basic Law…”

In Germany everything has to be done by force…

Twitter Under Threat

Bloomberg wrote on February 6:

“In the turbulent months since Elon Musk bought Twitter, the threat of greater scrutiny has been looming, but the fear from some EU officials was that Twitter may not actually have enough users to fall under the enhanced set of rules imposed on social media companies by the bloc’s Digital Services Act. Now, it appears it does.

“Twitter and the Commission are gearing up for the company to be designated a ‘very large online platform,’ according to people familiar with the matter. That means the company will have to report on how it’s blocking harmful posts and could even be forced to change its algorithms. For Musk, it means his stripped-down company will be subject to a much more intrusive regulatory system and could face significant penalties if it doesn’t comply.”

Europe’s way to dictatorship and suppression of free speech is ongoing.

Eating Insects…

IFN (International Family News) wrote on February 1:

“[The] European Union of January 4, 2023… [implemented] regulation EU 2023/5… authorized the use of Acheta Domesticus (house cricket) powder on the European market, as a new ingredient in foodstuffs for mass consumption…

“[An] important omission is that the shell of these insects contains chitin. Although chitin is used as a cosmetic without any problem, this polymer is a potent allergy generator when ingested by humans. Mammals, with rare exceptions such as bats, do not have enzymes capable of digesting chitin. Our intestine does not assimilate it.

“Nor have they said anything about these insects containing metamorphic steroids. In particular, ecdysterone which is an anabolic used by cheating bodybuilders to artificially build muscle. The consumption of these steroids is prohibited because of their harmful effects on health.”

The Pope and Homosexuality

The Associated Press wrote on February 5:

“Pope Francis was backed by the ceremonial head of the Anglican Communion and top Presbyterian minister in calling for gays to be welcomed by their churches as he again decried laws that criminalize homosexuality as unjust. The three Christian leaders spoke on LGBTQ rights during an unprecedented joint airborne news conference Sunday while returning home from South Sudan…

“South Sudan is one of 67 countries that criminalizes homosexuality, 11 of them with the death penalty… During the news conference on the way back to Rome, Francis specifically didn’t repeat that ‘being homosexual is not a crime,’ perhaps to not antagonize his South Sudanese hosts, who had originally objected to his comments to the AP.  ‘If he (Pope Francis) is coming here and he tells us that marriage of the same sex, homosexuality, is legal, we will say no,’ Michael Makuei Lueth, South Sudan’s information minister, said after the pope’s AP interview and before his visit.

“On Sunday, Francis referred to his Jan. 24 comments to the AP and repeated that such laws are ‘unjust.’ He also repeated previous comments that parents should never throw their gay children out of the house. ‘To condemn someone like this is a sin,’ he said. ‘Criminalizing people with homosexual tendencies is an injustice.’”

God does clearly condemn the practice of homosexuality as sinful. Does God commit a sin in the eyes of the pope?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 1056

Submit to Whom? / God’s Word Misunderstood

On February 4, 2023, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “Submit to Whom?” and Michael Link will present the sermon, titled, “God’s Word Misunderstood.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Christoph Sperzel (Germany)

“He who has friends like these doesn’t need enemies.” Or, in other words: “Who needs enemies with friends like these?” Have we heard these statements before? For instance, when a relationship is destroyed through the clash of personalities and opposing wishes?

However, we all have the need for companionship and friendship. Quality friendships are an important part of our lives. Needless to say, we are not to maintain friendships with people who tempt us to sin. If we want to be friends of the world, God’s love is not in us. What I am addressing here is true friendship that is pleasing to God.

The foundation of a strong friendship is to care more about others than about oneself. Sincere love is how to keep a friend.

More than anything else, unfounded jealousy undermines the willingness to help and ruins our friendship because it goes hand in hand with evil desire, that takes advantage of the other person instead of showing sympathy and compassion. Lack of trust also affects friendships and the willingness to be open and to share with each other.

Furthermore, unhealthy gossip soon wears out friendly relationships. We all certainly know people who constantly badmouth others – sometimes even those whom they call their friends.

It upsets me when I hear that someone is talking badly or falsely about me behind my back. I know, of course, that when such things happen, they should be ignored. There’s a saying: ”Sticks and stones may break my bones, but things being said about me can never hurt me.” However, it is not easy to dismiss what others have said about you. Scripture says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21).

Gossip, insults, and false claims destroy relationships, as Proverbs 18:19 tells us, “A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, And contentions are like the bars of a castle.”

Let us then ask ourselves how often inappropriate words may slip from our lips which we later regret. We can ponder a statement or question through our countless brain cells in the blink of an eye.

On the other hand, we might be “trying too hard” to make or keep friends. If we are too accommodating (always agreeing with someone just to win or not lose their friendship), then we won’t be ourselves, and the other person may have the impression that we are trying to hide our own feelings.

It is true that we should be proactive in making friends. It might be quite difficult to make new friends if we are just waiting for someone to release us from our closed-mindedness or isolation. However, it is important not to beg or creep after someone just to be liked. We certainly cannot rush into relationships in an attempt to make an impression.

Neither can we strengthen friendly relationships by sugarcoating them. This term means giving excessive praise with ulterior motives. Sincere commendation, on the other hand, is a genuine sign of appreciation that is not meant for personal benefit. In fact, we can make a person feel good throughout the day by saying an appropriate word of sincere commendation or appreciation, but flatteries are useless and can even hurt because they are without true meaning.

It is also essential for successful friendships that we listen with sincere attention. This involves not only kind silence but responding to what others have to say in a way that makes them know we consider their ideas, feelings, and experiences as being important.

In fact, we can utilize conversations with others to build a genuine friendship. This involves paying our undivided attention to the person we are talking to, without interrupting when not necessary, and supporting his or her feelings with commendation, encouragement, and hope – but we are to act in the right way, without flattery. During the conversation, we could try to guess what the other person is feeling by placing ourselves in his or her position.

1 Corinthians 13 tells us to have a positive attitude toward our friends, always assuming the best at first instead of thinking evil, but that does not mean we should rejoice in iniquity which they may commit in breaking the law.

We must continuously cherish our friendships. Disagreements are perfectly normal. If friends never disagree, it could be a sign of indifference. People with their own points of view will disagree. However, if these opinions do not violate God’s commandments; they should not cause a friendship to break up. If two people feel an intimate sense of sympathy or loyalty, their relationship will survive any constructive conversations with divergent views.

Building a friendship takes time and commitment on both sides if we want to turn it into a success. Caring more about the other person than about ourselves is what characterizes a friendship. We are especially successful when we are a loving and generous companion – one who always cultivates a friendship and strives to make others happy. Remember what Christ said: “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14). And the highest and greatest commandment is to love God and our neighbor (Matthew 22:36-40).

Initial Translation: Daniel Blasinger

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By Norbert Link

We report on further developments on the situation between Russia and Germany. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Is Nuclear War Between Russia and Germany Imminent?” and

We also speak on Britain’s fear of an EU Army and the concern about Austria’s and Denmark’s military plans and strategies.

We address Europe’s warning to Twitter boss Elon Musk; the pope’s clarification of his statements about homosexuality; George Soro’s intentions to indoctrinate the younger generation; and more violence in the Middle East; as well as the real story behind the Holocaust and the growing antisemitism in Europe.

We conclude with a report on Canada’s pastor Artur Pawlowski who is facing trial for his “disobedience” of autocratic coronavirus restrictions and the “violation” of the government’s prohibitions to exercise his freedom of speech religion. 

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“We Are at War With Russia!”

Bild Online wrote on January 26:

“German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (42) said on Tuesday at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in English: ‘We are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.’

 “A short video excerpt from Baerbock’s speech went viral on the Internet and caused astonishment and criticism.

“Because: Baerbock fundamentally contradicts Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD), who repeatedly emphasizes that Germany should NOT become a war party. However, Baerbock explained exactly the opposite: that Germany was already at war with Russia.

 “BILD asked the Foreign Office why the Foreign Minister said the sentence – and whether she still stands by her statement. The answer: one roll backwards!

“The most important part of the answer: ‘International law is clear: supporting Ukraine in exercising its individual right of self-defense against Russia’s illegal war of aggression, as enshrined in the UN Charter, does not make Germany a party to the conflict.’

“This means: Baerbock takes back her sentence that Germany is fighting a war against Russia. Supporting Ukraine does not make Germany a party to the war.

Not for now, but Baerbock might have spilled the beans. We should also note that her office might have tried to explain away Baerbock’s comments, but Baerbock herself did not.

Baerbock Really Believes It

Focus wrote on January 29:

“[Did] Baerbock… deliberately say the controversial sentence – or was it possibly just a thoughtless statement?

“Russia expert [Professor Gerhard] Mangott believes in the former scenario. ‘Ms. Baerbock thinks Germany is at war with Russia… the West is actually [politically] in a war-like state…’, says Mangott…

“Mangott assumes that some Western countries will actually supply fighter jets to Ukraine…”

USA and Europe at War With Russia

Newsmax wrote on January 28:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has moved beyond what he initially called a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine and Russia is now engaged in ‘a war against NATO and the West,’ European Union defense chief Stefano Sannino said while commenting on Canada becoming the 12th country to commit to sending tanks to Ukraine… and Poland said it would give an additional 60 on top of the 14 it has already committed to the war effort.

“Spain and Norway are expected to announce how many Leopard 2s they will send to Ukraine in the coming days. Belgium announced a new package of military aid, including cash, missiles, machine guns, and armored vehicles but said it doesn’t have major battle tanks to match NATO allies’ offers. Ukraine is also calling for fighter jets such as the U.S. F-16, but fulfilling the request seems unlikely…

“Russia has accused President Joe Biden of ‘pumping weapons’ into Ukraine rather than working toward a cease-fire. The promised delivery of tanks to Ukraine is evidence of the ‘direct involvement’ of the United States and Europe in the war…

“Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, meanwhile, called on the West to pursue peace talks rather than arming Ukraine. ‘It started with the Germans saying they were willing to send helmets but they would not send lethal aid, since that represented participation in the conflict,’ Orban said. He added that as long as he is prime minister, it is ‘out of the question’ that Hungary will get more involved in the Ukraine war. ‘But the others have already been swept away,’ he said. ‘If you send weapons, no matter what you say, you are in the war.’”

Putin Feels Threatened by Germany

Reuters wrote on February 2:

“President Vladimir Putin evoked the spirit of the Soviet army that defeated Nazi German forces at Stalingrad 80 years ago to declare on Thursday that Russia would defeat a Ukraine supposedly in the grip of a new incarnation of Nazism. In a fiery speech in Volgograd, known as Stalingrad until 1961, Putin lambasted Germany for helping to arm Ukraine and said, not for the first time, that he was ready to draw on Russia’s entire arsenal, which includes nuclear weapons…

“‘Again and again we have to repel the aggression of the collective West. It’s incredible but it’s a fact: we are again being threatened with German Leopard tanks with crosses on them… Those who draw European countries, including Germany, into a new war with Russia, and … expect to win a victory over Russia on the battlefield, apparently don’t understand that a modern war with Russia will be quite different for them’…

“Despite Stalin’s record of presiding over a famine that killed millions and political repression that killed hundreds of thousands, Russian politicians and school textbooks have in recent years stressed his role as a successful wartime leader who turned the Soviet Union into a superpower.”

Germany’s Largest Gas Storage Facility Can’t Store Gas—For the Moment

Oil Price wrote on February 1:

“Germany’s natural gas storage facility in Rehden, Lower Saxony—Germany’s largest—cannot store any gas, a Lower Saxony supervisory authority said on Wednesday, according to Spiegel.

“The… storage facility accounts for one-fifth of the total storage capacity available in Germany and is also one of the largest in Western Europe, with a working capacity of around 4 billion cubic meters on an underground area of around eight square kilometers, according to the facility’s website.

“The natural gas storage facility experienced deflagration on a torch due to unknown causes… Storage has been stopped as a precaution, and the storage facility cannot be refilled for days—with no specific date given as to when storage can resume. The State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology said there was no evidence of external influence.

“A spokesperson told media that the deflagration occurred during a storage phase and not a delivery phase, adding that no one would be out of gas. Just a couple of weeks ago, German gas storage operators said that they did not foresee any gas supply problems next winter based on declining consumption this winter—and they said there was no chance of shortage this winter, even with extremely low temperatures and even accounting for risk factors.

“Storage facilities in Germany are nearly 90% full, well above their legal requirements to hold 40%, achieved in part by declining usage due to mild winter weather and deliberate usage curbs.

“The Rehden gas storage facility was abandoned last April by Russia’s Gazprom as its relations with Europe soured. Germany began filling the storage facility a month later, in May.”

Trump Could End Ukraine War in 24 Hours?

MSN reported on January 27:

“Former US President Donald Trump said Friday he could end the war in Ukraine within ‘24 hours’ if he remains President of the United States. ‘If I were President, there would never have been a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. But even if it were, I could agree to end it within 24 hours,’ he said in a message posted to his own social network, Truth Social.

“For his part, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he agreed with Trump’s words, noting that if he were president, ‘it is possible that the crisis in Ukraine would be resolved quickly through his influence on Kyiv. In theory, Trump is not far from the truth. The American president could, if he wanted to, really end the conflict, and quickly, using, let’s say, his skills or simply giving instructions to Kyiv,’ he said at a press conference, Interfax reports.”

This Time It’s Different

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on January 27:

“Russia neither collapsed internally nor capitulated to the collective West’s demands for regime change in Moscow… As a result, Washington’s proxy war against Russia is failing… Alexei Arestovich, President Zelensky’s recently fired advisor,… expressed his own doubts that Ukraine can win its war with Russia and he now questions whether Ukraine will even survive the war…

“In a setting where Russian artillery systems can fire nearly 60,000 rounds of all types—rockets, missiles, drones, and hard-shell ammunition—a day, Ukrainian forces are hard-pressed to answer these Russian salvos with 6,000 rounds daily…

“Washington’s frustration with the collective West’s failure to stem the tide of Ukrainian defeat is growing. In fact, the frustration is rapidly giving way to desperation…  NATO’s members were never strongly united behind Washington’s crusade to fatally weaken Russia…

“Retired German Air Force General Harald Kujat, former chairman of the NATO Military Committee, severely criticized Berlin for allowing Washington to railroad Germany into conflict with Russia… Though actively suppressed by the German government and media, his comments are resonating strongly with the German electorate.

“The blunt fact is that in its efforts to secure victory in its proxy war with Russia, Washington ignores historical reality. From the 13th century onward, Ukraine was a region dominated by larger, more powerful national powers, whether Lithuanian, Polish, Swedish, Austrian, or Russian…  So where is Washington headed with its proxy war against Russia? The question deserves an answer.”

Austria to “Upgrade” Its Armed Forces

The National News wrote on January 27:

“Neutral Austria has no choice but to upgrade its armed forces after Russia’s assault on Ukraine brought conventional warfare back to Europe, Defence Minister Klaudia Tanner said on Friday. A new military risk assessment found a missile attack on Austria could not be ruled out.

“Austria is not part of Nato and has not sent weapons to Ukraine, although it has as an EU member made humanitarian donations and supported sanctions imposed on Russia. But the planned €2.5 billion ($2.72bn) increase in defence spending will make Austria one of many European countries rearming in response to the war in Ukraine…

“The 266-page risk assessment said Austria currently had no defences against many types of rockets and cruise missiles. It said Austria should consider taking part in a European air defence initiative being spearheaded by Germany because missile warfare was a possibility…

“Unlike in Sweden and Finland, there has been no significant movement towards joining Nato in Austria or its neighbour Switzerland. If Sweden and Finland’s applications are approved, it will make Austria the only country on the European mainland to be part of the EU but not Nato.”

Nato’s role is highly overrated anyhow.

A European Army—a Nightmare for Britain

Express wrote on January 25:

“Guy Verhofstadt’s latest push towards a European Union army has been torn apart by Brexiteers… Mr Verhofstadt said: ‘Good news the campaign to free the Leopards seems to have paid off. A pity it was dependent on Americans… Time to build a real EU defence with jointly procured EU weapons!’

“But Brexiteers warned that Brussels is vying to replace the NATO military alliance.

“GB News presenter Martin Daubney, a former Brexit Party MEP, told ‘… The EU sees itself as a Poundshop NATO: masquerading as a guardian of world peace, but really it’s about ensnaring EU member states militarily, which few would ever be able to buy themselves out of if they ever decided to leave. As usual with the EU, it’s about power, control, money and political overreach. That’s why they love the spectre of an EU army: it’s not about controlling Putin, it’s about controlling member states; trapping them into eternal EU membership for military security…’

“Fellow ex-Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib added: ‘… the EU views NATO with jealous eyes. It wants NATO’s importance reduced because it aspires to a federal Europe with the unelected EU Commissioners in charge of this new country. And, like all countries, it needs an army. The EU’s desire for self-empowerment at the cost of its member states is inexorably heading towards the end of NATO and its own military command…’”

After Brexit, Britain, a NATO member, is very nervous about the prospects of the end of NATO, as that would mean total isolation of Britain in Europe.  

Australia to Remove British Monarch From Banknotes

AFP wrote on February 1:

“Australia will remove the British monarch from its banknotes, replacing the late Queen Elizabeth II’s image on its $5 note with a design honouring Indigenous culture, the central bank said Thursday. The decision to leave her successor King Charles III off the $5 note means no monarch would remain on Australia’s paper currency…

“Australia is a constitutional monarchy, a democracy with King Charles III as its head of state. A referendum proposing a switch to a republic was narrowly defeated in 1999. The central bank said its decision was supported by the centre-left Labor government of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who favours an eventual move to an Australian republic.

“The new banknote would take ‘a number of years’ to be designed and printed, it said, with the existing $5 note remaining legal tender even after the new design is in people’s hands… The RBA’s move was hailed by the nation’s republican movement, which noted that Indigenous people predated British settlement by 65,000 years… The Australian Monarchist League said the decision was ‘virtually neo-communism in action’…

“A British monarch has featured on Australian banknotes since 1923 and was on all paper bills until 1953, the year of Elizabeth II’s coronation…”

Denmark to Conscribe Women Into Compulsory Military Service?

Global Village Space wrote on January 27:

“Women should be available for conscription into the Danish Armed Forces, Defense Minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen insisted on Wednesday, arguing that the current state of the country’s military does not allow it to properly defend itself.

“In an interview with TV2, the official stated that Denmark can no longer afford to rely only on volunteers and insisted that everyone, including women, should be eligible for compulsory military service and that the size of the Danish army should be increased.

“The minister stated that Denmark, as well as its neighbors and allies, face a common enemy in the face of Russia, which he claims will wage war on Europe if it is allowed to succeed in Ukraine… Denmark’s current laws permit the Armed Forces to forcefully conscript all physically fit men over the age of 18, with service typically lasting between four and 12 months. Women, on the other hand, are allowed to voluntarily participate, but are not legally obliged to do so…

“Ellemann-Jensen says he believes there should be more of them and stated that ‘the armed forces would benefit from more women, noting that the move would also allow the country to meet its NATO membership obligations… Denmark announced last month that it plans to boost its defense spending by $660 million in order to reach NATO’s target contribution of 2% of GDP.”

Soon, compulsory military service for men and women will become the norm for many countries in Europe.

Europe Does Not Need USA Anymore

Foreign Policy wrote on January 30:

“[It is a] misguided notion that Europe is simply incapable of defending itself without the help of the United States…

“Since the end of World War II, U.S. leaders have sought to lead their European allies and, as a corollary, frowned on any steps by Europe toward greater self-sufficiency in defense…  The U.S. government isn’t being disingenuous when it says it favors a strong Europe; it just fails to add that it also wants Europeans to remain dependent on U.S. protection and even compliant when it comes to U.S. preferences on matters of security.

“The idea of Europe developing a self-sufficient military capability outside U.S.-dominated NATO has long been disliked in Washington

“European governments don’t automatically follow Washington’s script—though they follow its lead more often than not—but have heeded the warnings, happy to oblige and play the role of dependent…

“The U.S.-European security relationship has therefore become progressively divorced from reality. If it is to change, what Europe needs is not more resources but greater political will and self-confidence…”

Europe WILL become independent of the USA.

Elon Musk Warned About Incoming EU Social-Media Law

The Wall Street Journal wrote on January 31:

“A top European Union official told Elon Musk on Tuesday that Twitter Inc. will have to do more over the coming months to prepare for the bloc’s new social-media regulations. Thierry Breton, the EU’s commissioner for the internal market, told Mr. Musk during a video call that there were only a few months left before major online platforms like Twitter will have to be fully compliant with the Digital Services Act… ‘We need to see progress towards full compliance with the DSA. My team will follow closely the work by Twitter and by all other online platforms.’…

“The European Commission, which is responsible for enforcing the DSA, expects to conduct what it referred to as a stress test on Twitter in the coming weeks, according to the summary of the call. Such a test might involve a meeting between Twitter and commission officials to look in detail at which elements of Twitter’s practices are compliant, or not, with the new legislation, the aide to Mr. Breton said.

“Following Tuesday’s discussion with Mr. Breton, Mr. Musk wrote on Twitter that the EU’s ‘goals of transparency, accountability & accuracy of information are aligned with ours.’… The law carries hefty fines for noncompliance and the potential to block a platform’s services in case of certain repeated infringements… Mr. Musk has said Twitter should comply with local laws but generally not take steps beyond that in moderating online content.”

We will have to wait and see how the EU’s new law will affect Twitter and other platforms, and whether and to what extent Musk is willing to compromise.

Pope “Clarifies” His Comment on Homosexuality

The Associated Press wrote on January 28:

“Pope Francis has clarified his recent comments about homosexuality and sin, saying he was merely referring to official Catholic moral teaching that teaches that any sexual act outside of marriage is a sin. And in a note Friday, Francis recalled that even that black-and-white teaching is subject to circumstances that might eliminate the sin altogether.

“Francis first made the comments in an interview Jan. 24 with The Associated Press, in which he declared that laws criminalizing homosexuality were ‘unjust’ and that ‘being homosexual is not a crime.’

“As he often does, Francis then imagined a conversation with someone who raised the matter of the church’s official teaching, which states that homosexual acts are sinful, or ‘intrinsically disordered.’

‘Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin and a crime,’ Francis said in the pretend conversation. ‘It’s also a sin to lack charity with one another… When I said it is a sin, I was simply referring to Catholic moral teaching, which says that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin…’

“But in a nod to his case-by-case approach to pastoral ministry, Francis noted that even that teaching is subject to consideration of the circumstances, ‘which may decrease or eliminate fault.’…”

This last statement would need to be explained…

Palestinian Gunman Kills 7 in Deadly Jerusalem Attack

The Associated Press wrote on January 28:

“A Palestinian gunman opened fire outside of a synagogue in east Jerusalem on Friday night, police officials said, killing seven people in one of the deadliest attacks on Israeli citizens in years. Among the dead was a 70-year-old woman, police said. The attack got underway as Israelis in the area were beginning to celebrate the Jewish sabbath, and may have been in retaliation for an Israeli military raid that killed nine Palestinians in the Gaza Strip just a day prior.

“A number of Palestinians were reportedly seen celebrating the shooting, and the charged violence has cast a shadow over Israel’s still-new government, led once again by hardline Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Violence will increase in the Middle East…

How Soros Indoctrinates the Next Generation

The New York Post wrote on January 26:

“Only George Soros could look at the state of American higher education and conclude that it’s not liberal enough.

“In 2020 alone, Soros’ Open Society Foundations budgeted more than $63 million, or just over 5% of its budget, toward influencing higher education here and abroad… From his first charitable grant in the late 1970s to the early 2010s, Soros contributed over $400 million to colleges and universities…

“Georgetown received $1.8 million for the Justice at Stake Campaign, a group that believes there aren’t enough ‘people of color, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, and persons with disabilities’ who are judges…

“Get them when they’re young. Teach the youth of America, Europe and elsewhere that police and prisons are the biggest problems society has, we must spend vast amounts on diversity and climate change, and dissent must be censored.

“And that, in short, is the Soros Strategy… By pushing prosecutors who won’t prosecute. Fund ‘fact checkers’ who allow social networks to outsource what gets censored. Promote think tanks that ‘educate,’ and pressure, journalists and politicians, activists and college students.

“At 92, George Soros’ influence over America is at its zenith. It took him years, and billions of dollars, but the cost to the rest of us is immeasurable.”

“Biden Is Preventing Third Temple”

Israel 365 News wrote on or about January 28:

“Jim Barfield, head of the Copper Scroll Project, explains that by giving ancient artifacts found in Israel to the Palestinians, the Biden administration is endangering other temple-related artifacts that will be essential for the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.”

The True and Widely Overlooked Story of the Holocaust

Daily Mail wrote on January 27:

“… the way the Holocaust is normally reported in conventional histories… concentrate[s] our minds on the ‘industrialised’ killing in death camps such as Auschwitz, the so-called ‘final solution’, with trainloads arriving and being almost instantaneously dispatched to the gas chambers and the crematoria.

“But this was only part of the story, argues leading Holocaust specialist Professor Dan Stone, in a new book that turns on their head some of the widely-held notions about that terrible era of genocide 80 years ago.

“We certainly tend to get wrong just how widespread the Holocaust was, argues Stone, who is director of the Holocaust Research Institute at Royal Holloway, University of London. The fact that we need to get our heads around — and which many countries still find uncomfortable and refuse to recognise — is that the Holocaust was not solely a German project, but a pan-European crime with tens of thousands of active perpetrators all over the continent…

“Stone writes: ‘Although the persecution of the Jews that led to the Holocaust was a German project — a point which cannot be overemphasised — it chimed with the programs of many European fascist and authoritarian regimes. Without the willing participation of so many collaborators across Europe, the Germans would have found it much harder to kill so many Jews.’

“On the basis of recent research, Stone says, rather than a tale of German occupation, deportation and murder in death camps, the Holocaust should really be seen as a series of interlocking local genocides. The Holocaust was certainly driven, and largely perpetrated by Germans, but actual participation went much further.

“Countries such as France, Norway, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania persecuted, expelled and killed Jews. And they did so, not under duress from Berlin, but because to do so fitted with their own long-held anti-Semitic views and nationalist aspiration… Collaboration and complicity were everywhere…

“It is not always recognised that German Jews made up no more than a few per cent of the Holocaust’s six million victims. The vast majority were traditional, observant Jews living in small towns — or shtetls — in Eastern Europe. Moreover, most of them were slaughtered face-to-face before the SS-run death camps were even fully conceived, let alone operational.

“Millions died not in gas chambers, but gunned down en masse in fields, forests and swamps. Many more were starved and worked to death…

“The Nazis had a genocidal fantasy of a ‘world without Jews’ that they wanted to make a reality. But so, too, did many other European countries, whose dreams of creating ethnically pure nations chimed with Hitler’s goals…

“In Norway, France and Hungary, local police rounded up, guarded and deported Jews; in Slovakia, the impetus to deport Jews came from the local fascist regime rather than from the Germans. In Romania, the regime grasped the opportunity provided by the German plans to carry out a Holocaust of its own in Transnistria. Unlike occupied Poland, where the state was overrun by the Nazis, these were independent, or quasi-independent, states choosing to participate and finding reasons and resources to do so…

“The fact is that the genocide of the Jews could not have been so thorough and brutal without active collaboration across a Europe that was widely anti-Semitic, as we can see from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Encyclopedia Of Camps And Ghettos. This lists sites where Jews were held and died. It is more than 900 pages long and contains information on almost 700 places — from the far north of Norway to the Atlas Mountains, from Brittany to Ukraine — with not a single one of them a camp administered by the Germans.

“Some governments took the initiative themselves. The Vichy government in France, for example, pre-empted the Nazis by introducing its Statut des Juifs, the legislation to arrest and deport Jews from France, without the Nazis’ encouragement…

“The Holocaust even spread beyond the boundaries of Europe. Jews in North Africa were subjected to French and Italian racial laws, had their property stolen, and were interned and made to perform forced labour. Some ended up in death camps in Europe.

“Nor did that deep-rooted racism disappear with the defeat of the Nazis. When displaced Jews — the few who had survived, that is — returned to Poland they were subjected to violent attacks. Hungarian Jews were met with incredulity and disdain by those who had stolen their homes and were unwilling to hand them back.

“Recognising that the scope of the Holocaust implicates the whole of Europe, Stone argues, is important because some countries are now attempting to whitewash their past. The Polish government has tried to silence historians who have uncovered information about Poles who handed Jews over to the Nazi occupiers. Similarly, memorials and museums in Hungary selectively interpret the past to make that nation appear an innocent victim or rescuer of Jews, rather than the active participant that it was…

“Acknowledging how widespread the collaboration went in Europe, and how easily so many nations drifted into doing unspeakable things is important, he argues… The lesson he wants us to press home from the Holocaust, is…  that deep and irrational passions can move human beings to collude in terrible things. And nothing in the end can stop people from supporting these dark forces in times of crisis.

“Dismissing the Holocaust as vicious actions of a mad regime is complacent and dangerous. There were political, religious, cultural and social reasons that enabled it to happen and these circumstances, Stone insists, threaten us again…”

Antisemitism is alive and thriving in Europe, and according to the Bible, a massive persecution and martyrdom of Jews is prophesied.

Europe’s Antisemitism Today

 Israel Today wrote on January 27:

“Israeli President Isaac Herzog in Brussels called on Europe to fight online antisemitism on Thursday, stressing that ‘the Holocaust was not conceived in a vacuum.’… ‘Antisemitic discourse festers not only within dark regimes; but within the heartlands of the free, democratic West. Jew-hatred still exists. Antisemitism still exists. Holocaust denial still exists,’ he noted…

“Herzog also stressed to lawmakers the distinction between what he called ‘legitimate’ criticism of Israel and antisemitism… ‘criticism of the State of Israel must not cross the line into negation of the very existence of the State of Israel… Casting doubt on the nation-state of the Jewish people’s right to exist is not legitimate diplomacy. It is antisemitism in the full sense of the word, and it must be thoroughly uprooted…’”

Sadly, it won’t be uprooted… not before Christ returns who will make an END with Anti-Semitism and hatred for Jews.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski—“I Will Not Obey!”

Fox News wrote on January 27:

“A Canadian pastor is facing his final trial [set to begin Thursday, Feb. 2, in Lethbridge, Alberta,] after three years of repeated fines, arrests and imprisonment for keeping his church open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Artur Pawlowski, pastor of the Cave of Adullam congregation in Calgary, said he is accused of causing $400 million worth of damages for officiating a church service during the trucker blockade at the U.S.-Canada border last year… Pawlowski, the first Canadian clergyman to be ticketed for alleged COVID-19 violations, claims the charges against him are an attempt to criminalize his speech...

“When truckers in Coutts protested vaccine mandates by blocking the crossing along Alberta’s border with Montana last February, Pawlowski was invited to deliver a 20-minute speech in which he urged them to ‘hold the line’ against the government without resorting to violence… Days after his speech, he was arrested at his home and spent 51 days in two different prisons, where he claimed authorities abused him by locking him in a small cage, placing him in a psychiatric ward and trying to instigate other inmates to hurt him. The inmates refused and some reached out to him for spiritual guidance, he said.

“Pawlowski told Fox News Digital that he has been under house arrest since his release from prison last April and cannot leave his home without the permission of his probation officer. He ran for political office and became the leader of the Alberta Independence Party last September…

“Pawlowski likened his ordeals to ‘a refining fire’… ‘I noticed, even in my own preaching, that everything we went through — and are still going through — only gave us a stronger faith and zeal and confirmation that everything that we read in the Bible is actually the truth,’ he said.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Are locusts and crickets clean animals which can be eaten?

In our Q&A on clean and unclean animals, we say the following:

“The Bible clearly prohibits the consumption of animal meat which it describes as ‘unclean’ in Old and New Testament passages (such as Leviticus 11:1-47; Deuteronomy 14:3-20; and Acts 10:1-21, 28)…

“According to the Biblical designation, certain animals are considered ‘clean’ and their meat is therefore appropriate for human consumption (compare, for example, Leviticus 11:3: ‘Among the animals…that you may eat…’)…

“Among insects, only certain types of locusts may be eaten. However, the biblical designations of those types might not be entirely identifiable today (Leviticus 11:20-23). Soncino states that ‘the word [for grasshopper] denotes a kind of locust, but we are unable to identify it.’ [The Tanakh also states in an annotation that a number of these insects in verse 21, describing locusts, cannot be identified with certainty.] Some claim that today’s ‘grasshoppers,’ as designated by modern Science, and some types of crickets might be fit for human consumption. All other insects and ‘creeping things,’ including Frogs, Lizards, Salamanders, Slugs, Snails (including the so-called ‘edible snail’), Snakes, Toads and Worms, clearly, must not be eaten.”

 We also pointed out that we must be careful with certain designations, translations, and types of Jewish understanding with respect to some animals:

 “Caution is mandated regarding some Jewish publications, listing the swordfish as a clean fish, appropriate for human consumption. The reason for this conclusion is that the swordfish, when young, has scales, but it loses them when growing older. According to the Soncino commentary, ‘fish that possessed fins and scales while in the water, shedding them when caught and brought on dry land, are permitted to be eaten.’ Most, including the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations in America, feel that the swordfish is an unclean animal and should not be eaten…

“Disagreement exists regarding the swan. Although the Authorized Version lists the swan as unclean in Leviticus 11:18, the Jewish Publication Society renders the Hebrew word for ‘swan’ as ‘horned owl,’ while the Jewish Tanakh translation states, ‘white owl.’…

“At one time in recent history, some Jews considered the tapir as a clean animal, until it was discovered that it belongs to the pig family. Again, caution is mandated with some listings of uncommon or ‘exotic’ animals.

“God considers the consumption of unclean animals as a SERIOUS violation of His timeless health law [In applying the spirit of God’s health laws to modern times, smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipe, chewing tobacco or consuming illegal drugs would fall in the same category of prohibited activities]…”

Regarding the locust and the cricket, most English translations of Leviticus 11:22 give the impression that the consumption of those insects is clearly permitted. For instance, the New King James Bible renders Leviticus 11:20-22 as follows:

“All flying insects that creep on all fours shall be an abomination to you. Yet these you may eat of every flying insect that creeps on all fours: those which have jointed legs above their feet with which to leap on the earth. These you may eat: the locust after its kind, the destroying locust after its kind, the cricket after its kind, and the grasshopper after its kind.”

However, the Authorized Version translates “beetle” instead of “cricket,” which is clearly a mistranslation. Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible explains insofar:

“… the beetle after his kind; which is another sort of locust called Chargol, and should not be rendered a beetle, for no sort of beetles are eatable, nor have legs to leap withal, and so come not under the general description given of such flying, creeping things, fit to eat.”

Some other translations give alternate renderings, omitting the “cricket” in their list, but say instead that we can eat: “… every kind of great locust, every kind of long-headed locust, every kind of green locust, and every kind of desert locust” (Revised English Bible). The New Jerusalem Bible tries to stay closer to the original Hebrew, by rendering verses 22-23 in this way: “These are the ones you may eat: the various kinds of migratory locust, the various kinds of solham locust, hargot locust and hagab locust. But all other winged insects on four feet you will regard as detestable for eating.”

The “Elberfelder Bibel” is even more specific, in only stating the Hebrew name for the first type of locust as well: “These are the ones you may eat: The Arbe according to its kind and the Solam according to its kind and the Hargol according to its kind and the Hagab according to its kind.”

The “neue Lutherbibel 2009” states it this way: “Of these you may eat the locusts which are: the Arbeh with its kind, the Solam with its kind, the Hargol with its kind and the Hargab with its kind.” Very similar are the renderings of the “Luther Bible” of 1891 and of 1984, as well as the “Menge Bibel” and also the “Schlachterbibel” [all sticking to the original Hebrew].

The “revidierte Lutherbibel 2017” and the “Zürcher Bibel” render the passage similar to the “Elberfelder Bibel”, stating in an annotation that these are names of different kinds of locusts which cannot be identified or specified in detail today. The modern translation, “Hoffnung für Alle”, includes the identical annotation.

It should be noted that virtually none of the more established German translations, as far as we can tell, includes or specifically mentions the “cricket” (“Grille” in German) in the list of the four kinds of locusts which can be eaten.

The Benson Commentary writes:

“… how to distinguish these locusts from the rest is difficult, if not impossible to us. They were, however, well known of old in the eastern countries. For locusts, though unusual food with us, were commonly eaten by the Ethiopians, Lybians, Parthians, and other eastern people bordering upon Judea. And as it is certain the eastern locusts were much larger than ours, so it is probable they were of different qualities, and yielded better nourishment.”

The Geneva Study Bible agrees, stating: “These were certain types of grasshoppers, which are not now properly known.”

Barnes Notes on the Bible adds:

“In the uncertainty of identifying these four creatures, it has been suggested that some of the names may belong to locusts in an imperfect state of development. Most modern versions have taken a safer course than our translators, by retaining the Hebrew names.”

In this regard, Jewish understanding, traditions, interpretations and rulings as to which kinds of locusts can be eaten are of little help. wrote:

“The Torah gives us a number of signs to discern which species are permitted. The Mishnah sums up the signs: ‘… Of locusts: all that have four legs, four wings, leaping legs, and wings covering the greater part of the body, are kosher. Rabbi Yose says: [In addition to the signs] its name must be chagav [locust].

“In other words, even with the signs, there must be a tradition that the locust bears the name chagav. As the Talmud tells us, there are 800 non-kosher species of grasshoppers and locusts, and there are only eight that are kosher. Since, for the most part, we are no longer able to ascertain which species of locusts are kosher, we refrain from eating any locusts…

“Although some communities have a tradition regarding the permissibility of certain species of locusts, most communities refrain from consuming any species due to the lack of a clear tradition… According to most opinions, unless someone’s family belongs to a community that has a clear tradition to eat these locusts, one should refrain from eating them.”

This rather strange “ruling” is explained by as follows (apart from the fact that the Bible only allows for the consumption of four types of locusts, and not eight):

“Since it is difficult to identify the species that are kosher to be eaten, rabbinic law maintains that Jews may only eat locusts if they are from a community that has a strong tradition as to which are kosher. Some rabbinic authorities rule that a person from a locale that doesn’t have a tradition about a certain species of animals… may rely on those that do.”

It goes without saying that such rulings and traditions, by limiting them to the Jews living in a certain community, are without much value for Christians.

Therefore, as we have no way of knowing which four types of locusts from the “800 non-kosher species of grasshoppers and locusts” are fit for consumption, the safest course of action might perhaps be to avoid the consumption of locusts and crickets altogether.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Is Nuclear War Between Russia and Germany Imminent?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link.  Here is a summary:

In Germany, there is grave concern that a nuclear war with Russia will break out soon—especially in light of the planned delivery of German Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine. How justified are these concerns, and what does the Bible say about it?

“Der dritte Tempel kommt!” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “The Third Temple is Coming!”

“Kommt bald ein Nuklearkrieg zwischen Russland und Deutschland?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Will There Soon Be a Nuclear War Between Germany and Russia?”

“Der Preis des Scheiterns,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath in Germany by Robert  Indlekofer , is now posted. Title in English: “The Price of Failure.”

“Die richtige Zeit, an den Schöpfer zu denken,” the sermon presented last Sabbath in Germany by Thilo Hanstein, is now posted. Title in English: “The Right Time to Think of the Creator.”

“Submit to God,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We as Christians must learn how we are to submit our lives over to God. It is a constant challenge that we must be aware of and willing to put constant effort into!

“Bible Gems, Part 2,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Brian Gale, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The second sermon in this two-part series continues to review advice and admonitions from the Book of Proverbs and other books in the Bible.  In this sermon, ten more areas are reviewed, and when the advice given is implemented, good outcomes are the end product.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Submit to Whom? / God’s Word Misunderstood

On February 4, 2023, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “Submit to Whom?” and Michael Link will present the sermon, titled, “God’s Word Misunderstood.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

“We Are at War With Russia!”

Bild Online wrote on January 26:

“German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (42) said on Tuesday at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in English: ‘We are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.’

 “A short video excerpt from Baerbock’s speech went viral on the Internet and caused astonishment and criticism.

“Because: Baerbock fundamentally contradicts Chancellor Olaf Scholz (64, SPD), who repeatedly emphasizes that Germany should NOT become a war party. However, Baerbock explained exactly the opposite: that Germany was already at war with Russia.

 “BILD asked the Foreign Office why the Foreign Minister said the sentence – and whether she still stands by her statement. The answer: one roll backwards!

“The most important part of the answer: ‘International law is clear: supporting Ukraine in exercising its individual right of self-defense against Russia’s illegal war of aggression, as enshrined in the UN Charter, does not make Germany a party to the conflict.’

“This means: Baerbock takes back her sentence that Germany is fighting a war against Russia. Supporting Ukraine does not make Germany a party to the war.

Not for now, but Baerbock might have spilled the beans. We should also note that her office might have tried to explain away Baerbock’s comments, but Baerbock herself did not.

Baerbock Really Believes It

Focus wrote on January 29:

“[Did] Baerbock… deliberately say the controversial sentence – or was it possibly just a thoughtless statement?

“Russia expert [Professor Gerhard] Mangott believes in the former scenario. ‘Ms. Baerbock thinks Germany is at war with Russia… the West is actually [politically] in a war-like state…’, says Mangott…

“Mangott assumes that some Western countries will actually supply fighter jets to Ukraine…”

USA and Europe at War With Russia

Newsmax wrote on January 28:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has moved beyond what he initially called a ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine and Russia is now engaged in ‘a war against NATO and the West,’ European Union defense chief Stefano Sannino said while commenting on Canada becoming the 12th country to commit to sending tanks to Ukraine… and Poland said it would give an additional 60 on top of the 14 it has already committed to the war effort.

“Spain and Norway are expected to announce how many Leopard 2s they will send to Ukraine in the coming days. Belgium announced a new package of military aid, including cash, missiles, machine guns, and armored vehicles but said it doesn’t have major battle tanks to match NATO allies’ offers. Ukraine is also calling for fighter jets such as the U.S. F-16, but fulfilling the request seems unlikely…

“Russia has accused President Joe Biden of ‘pumping weapons’ into Ukraine rather than working toward a cease-fire. The promised delivery of tanks to Ukraine is evidence of the ‘direct involvement’ of the United States and Europe in the war…

“Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, meanwhile, called on the West to pursue peace talks rather than arming Ukraine. ‘It started with the Germans saying they were willing to send helmets but they would not send lethal aid, since that represented participation in the conflict,’ Orban said. He added that as long as he is prime minister, it is ‘out of the question’ that Hungary will get more involved in the Ukraine war. ‘But the others have already been swept away,’ he said. ‘If you send weapons, no matter what you say, you are in the war.’”

Putin Feels Threatened by Germany

Reuters wrote on February 2:

“President Vladimir Putin evoked the spirit of the Soviet army that defeated Nazi German forces at Stalingrad 80 years ago to declare on Thursday that Russia would defeat a Ukraine supposedly in the grip of a new incarnation of Nazism. In a fiery speech in Volgograd, known as Stalingrad until 1961, Putin lambasted Germany for helping to arm Ukraine and said, not for the first time, that he was ready to draw on Russia’s entire arsenal, which includes nuclear weapons…

“‘Again and again we have to repel the aggression of the collective West. It’s incredible but it’s a fact: we are again being threatened with German Leopard tanks with crosses on them… Those who draw European countries, including Germany, into a new war with Russia, and … expect to win a victory over Russia on the battlefield, apparently don’t understand that a modern war with Russia will be quite different for them’…

“Despite Stalin’s record of presiding over a famine that killed millions and political repression that killed hundreds of thousands, Russian politicians and school textbooks have in recent years stressed his role as a successful wartime leader who turned the Soviet Union into a superpower.”

Germany’s Largest Gas Storage Facility Can’t Store Gas—For the Moment

Oil Price wrote on February 1:

“Germany’s natural gas storage facility in Rehden, Lower Saxony—Germany’s largest—cannot store any gas, a Lower Saxony supervisory authority said on Wednesday, according to Spiegel.

“The… storage facility accounts for one-fifth of the total storage capacity available in Germany and is also one of the largest in Western Europe, with a working capacity of around 4 billion cubic meters on an underground area of around eight square kilometers, according to the facility’s website.

“The natural gas storage facility experienced deflagration on a torch due to unknown causes… Storage has been stopped as a precaution, and the storage facility cannot be refilled for days—with no specific date given as to when storage can resume. The State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology said there was no evidence of external influence.

“A spokesperson told media that the deflagration occurred during a storage phase and not a delivery phase, adding that no one would be out of gas. Just a couple of weeks ago, German gas storage operators said that they did not foresee any gas supply problems next winter based on declining consumption this winter—and they said there was no chance of shortage this winter, even with extremely low temperatures and even accounting for risk factors.

“Storage facilities in Germany are nearly 90% full, well above their legal requirements to hold 40%, achieved in part by declining usage due to mild winter weather and deliberate usage curbs.

“The Rehden gas storage facility was abandoned last April by Russia’s Gazprom as its relations with Europe soured. Germany began filling the storage facility a month later, in May.”

Trump Could End Ukraine War in 24 Hours?

MSN reported on January 27:

“Former US President Donald Trump said Friday he could end the war in Ukraine within ‘24 hours’ if he remains President of the United States. ‘If I were President, there would never have been a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. But even if it were, I could agree to end it within 24 hours,’ he said in a message posted to his own social network, Truth Social.

“For his part, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he agreed with Trump’s words, noting that if he were president, ‘it is possible that the crisis in Ukraine would be resolved quickly through his influence on Kyiv. In theory, Trump is not far from the truth. The American president could, if he wanted to, really end the conflict, and quickly, using, let’s say, his skills or simply giving instructions to Kyiv,’ he said at a press conference, Interfax reports.”

This Time It’s Different

The Ron Paul Institute wrote on January 27:

“Russia neither collapsed internally nor capitulated to the collective West’s demands for regime change in Moscow… As a result, Washington’s proxy war against Russia is failing… Alexei Arestovich, President Zelensky’s recently fired advisor,… expressed his own doubts that Ukraine can win its war with Russia and he now questions whether Ukraine will even survive the war…

“In a setting where Russian artillery systems can fire nearly 60,000 rounds of all types—rockets, missiles, drones, and hard-shell ammunition—a day, Ukrainian forces are hard-pressed to answer these Russian salvos with 6,000 rounds daily…

“Washington’s frustration with the collective West’s failure to stem the tide of Ukrainian defeat is growing. In fact, the frustration is rapidly giving way to desperation…  NATO’s members were never strongly united behind Washington’s crusade to fatally weaken Russia…

“Retired German Air Force General Harald Kujat, former chairman of the NATO Military Committee, severely criticized Berlin for allowing Washington to railroad Germany into conflict with Russia… Though actively suppressed by the German government and media, his comments are resonating strongly with the German electorate.

“The blunt fact is that in its efforts to secure victory in its proxy war with Russia, Washington ignores historical reality. From the 13th century onward, Ukraine was a region dominated by larger, more powerful national powers, whether Lithuanian, Polish, Swedish, Austrian, or Russian…  So where is Washington headed with its proxy war against Russia? The question deserves an answer.”

Austria to “Upgrade” Its Armed Forces

The National News wrote on January 27:

“Neutral Austria has no choice but to upgrade its armed forces after Russia’s assault on Ukraine brought conventional warfare back to Europe, Defence Minister Klaudia Tanner said on Friday. A new military risk assessment found a missile attack on Austria could not be ruled out.

“Austria is not part of Nato and has not sent weapons to Ukraine, although it has as an EU member made humanitarian donations and supported sanctions imposed on Russia. But the planned €2.5 billion ($2.72bn) increase in defence spending will make Austria one of many European countries rearming in response to the war in Ukraine…

“The 266-page risk assessment said Austria currently had no defences against many types of rockets and cruise missiles. It said Austria should consider taking part in a European air defence initiative being spearheaded by Germany because missile warfare was a possibility…

“Unlike in Sweden and Finland, there has been no significant movement towards joining Nato in Austria or its neighbour Switzerland. If Sweden and Finland’s applications are approved, it will make Austria the only country on the European mainland to be part of the EU but not Nato.”

Nato’s role is highly overrated anyhow.

A European Army—a Nightmare for Britain

Express wrote on January 25:

“Guy Verhofstadt’s latest push towards a European Union army has been torn apart by Brexiteers… Mr Verhofstadt said: ‘Good news the campaign to free the Leopards seems to have paid off. A pity it was dependent on Americans… Time to build a real EU defence with jointly procured EU weapons!’

“But Brexiteers warned that Brussels is vying to replace the NATO military alliance.

“GB News presenter Martin Daubney, a former Brexit Party MEP, told ‘… The EU sees itself as a Poundshop NATO: masquerading as a guardian of world peace, but really it’s about ensnaring EU member states militarily, which few would ever be able to buy themselves out of if they ever decided to leave. As usual with the EU, it’s about power, control, money and political overreach. That’s why they love the spectre of an EU army: it’s not about controlling Putin, it’s about controlling member states; trapping them into eternal EU membership for military security…’

“Fellow ex-Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib added: ‘… the EU views NATO with jealous eyes. It wants NATO’s importance reduced because it aspires to a federal Europe with the unelected EU Commissioners in charge of this new country. And, like all countries, it needs an army. The EU’s desire for self-empowerment at the cost of its member states is inexorably heading towards the end of NATO and its own military command…’”

After Brexit, Britain, a NATO member, is very nervous about the prospects of the end of NATO, as that would mean total isolation of Britain in Europe.  

Australia to Remove British Monarch From Banknotes

AFP wrote on February 1:

“Australia will remove the British monarch from its banknotes, replacing the late Queen Elizabeth II’s image on its $5 note with a design honouring Indigenous culture, the central bank said Thursday. The decision to leave her successor King Charles III off the $5 note means no monarch would remain on Australia’s paper currency…

“Australia is a constitutional monarchy, a democracy with King Charles III as its head of state. A referendum proposing a switch to a republic was narrowly defeated in 1999. The central bank said its decision was supported by the centre-left Labor government of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who favours an eventual move to an Australian republic.

“The new banknote would take ‘a number of years’ to be designed and printed, it said, with the existing $5 note remaining legal tender even after the new design is in people’s hands… The RBA’s move was hailed by the nation’s republican movement, which noted that Indigenous people predated British settlement by 65,000 years… The Australian Monarchist League said the decision was ‘virtually neo-communism in action’…

“A British monarch has featured on Australian banknotes since 1923 and was on all paper bills until 1953, the year of Elizabeth II’s coronation…”

Denmark to Conscribe Women Into Compulsory Military Service?

Global Village Space wrote on January 27:

“Women should be available for conscription into the Danish Armed Forces, Defense Minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen insisted on Wednesday, arguing that the current state of the country’s military does not allow it to properly defend itself.

“In an interview with TV2, the official stated that Denmark can no longer afford to rely only on volunteers and insisted that everyone, including women, should be eligible for compulsory military service and that the size of the Danish army should be increased.

“The minister stated that Denmark, as well as its neighbors and allies, face a common enemy in the face of Russia, which he claims will wage war on Europe if it is allowed to succeed in Ukraine… Denmark’s current laws permit the Armed Forces to forcefully conscript all physically fit men over the age of 18, with service typically lasting between four and 12 months. Women, on the other hand, are allowed to voluntarily participate, but are not legally obliged to do so…

“Ellemann-Jensen says he believes there should be more of them and stated that ‘the armed forces would benefit from more women, noting that the move would also allow the country to meet its NATO membership obligations… Denmark announced last month that it plans to boost its defense spending by $660 million in order to reach NATO’s target contribution of 2% of GDP.”

Soon, compulsory military service for men and women will become the norm for many countries in Europe.

Europe Does Not Need USA Anymore

Foreign Policy wrote on January 30:

“[It is a] misguided notion that Europe is simply incapable of defending itself without the help of the United States…

“Since the end of World War II, U.S. leaders have sought to lead their European allies and, as a corollary, frowned on any steps by Europe toward greater self-sufficiency in defense…  The U.S. government isn’t being disingenuous when it says it favors a strong Europe; it just fails to add that it also wants Europeans to remain dependent on U.S. protection and even compliant when it comes to U.S. preferences on matters of security.

“The idea of Europe developing a self-sufficient military capability outside U.S.-dominated NATO has long been disliked in Washington

“European governments don’t automatically follow Washington’s script—though they follow its lead more often than not—but have heeded the warnings, happy to oblige and play the role of dependent…

“The U.S.-European security relationship has therefore become progressively divorced from reality. If it is to change, what Europe needs is not more resources but greater political will and self-confidence…”

Europe WILL become independent of the USA.

Elon Musk Warned About Incoming EU Social-Media Law

The Wall Street Journal wrote on January 31:

“A top European Union official told Elon Musk on Tuesday that Twitter Inc. will have to do more over the coming months to prepare for the bloc’s new social-media regulations. Thierry Breton, the EU’s commissioner for the internal market, told Mr. Musk during a video call that there were only a few months left before major online platforms like Twitter will have to be fully compliant with the Digital Services Act… ‘We need to see progress towards full compliance with the DSA. My team will follow closely the work by Twitter and by all other online platforms.’…

“The European Commission, which is responsible for enforcing the DSA, expects to conduct what it referred to as a stress test on Twitter in the coming weeks, according to the summary of the call. Such a test might involve a meeting between Twitter and commission officials to look in detail at which elements of Twitter’s practices are compliant, or not, with the new legislation, the aide to Mr. Breton said.

“Following Tuesday’s discussion with Mr. Breton, Mr. Musk wrote on Twitter that the EU’s ‘goals of transparency, accountability & accuracy of information are aligned with ours.’… The law carries hefty fines for noncompliance and the potential to block a platform’s services in case of certain repeated infringements… Mr. Musk has said Twitter should comply with local laws but generally not take steps beyond that in moderating online content.”

We will have to wait and see how the EU’s new law will affect Twitter and other platforms, and whether and to what extent Musk is willing to compromise.

Pope “Clarifies” His Comment on Homosexuality

The Associated Press wrote on January 28:

“Pope Francis has clarified his recent comments about homosexuality and sin, saying he was merely referring to official Catholic moral teaching that teaches that any sexual act outside of marriage is a sin. And in a note Friday, Francis recalled that even that black-and-white teaching is subject to circumstances that might eliminate the sin altogether.

“Francis first made the comments in an interview Jan. 24 with The Associated Press, in which he declared that laws criminalizing homosexuality were ‘unjust’ and that ‘being homosexual is not a crime.’

“As he often does, Francis then imagined a conversation with someone who raised the matter of the church’s official teaching, which states that homosexual acts are sinful, or ‘intrinsically disordered.’

‘Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin and a crime,’ Francis said in the pretend conversation. ‘It’s also a sin to lack charity with one another… When I said it is a sin, I was simply referring to Catholic moral teaching, which says that every sexual act outside of marriage is a sin…’

“But in a nod to his case-by-case approach to pastoral ministry, Francis noted that even that teaching is subject to consideration of the circumstances, ‘which may decrease or eliminate fault.’…”

This last statement would need to be explained…

Palestinian Gunman Kills 7 in Deadly Jerusalem Attack

The Associated Press wrote on January 28:

“A Palestinian gunman opened fire outside of a synagogue in east Jerusalem on Friday night, police officials said, killing seven people in one of the deadliest attacks on Israeli citizens in years. Among the dead was a 70-year-old woman, police said. The attack got underway as Israelis in the area were beginning to celebrate the Jewish sabbath, and may have been in retaliation for an Israeli military raid that killed nine Palestinians in the Gaza Strip just a day prior.

“A number of Palestinians were reportedly seen celebrating the shooting, and the charged violence has cast a shadow over Israel’s still-new government, led once again by hardline Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Violence will increase in the Middle East…

How Soros Indoctrinates the Next Generation

The New York Post wrote on January 26:

“Only George Soros could look at the state of American higher education and conclude that it’s not liberal enough.

“In 2020 alone, Soros’ Open Society Foundations budgeted more than $63 million, or just over 5% of its budget, toward influencing higher education here and abroad… From his first charitable grant in the late 1970s to the early 2010s, Soros contributed over $400 million to colleges and universities…

“Georgetown received $1.8 million for the Justice at Stake Campaign, a group that believes there aren’t enough ‘people of color, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, and persons with disabilities’ who are judges…

“Get them when they’re young. Teach the youth of America, Europe and elsewhere that police and prisons are the biggest problems society has, we must spend vast amounts on diversity and climate change, and dissent must be censored.

“And that, in short, is the Soros Strategy… By pushing prosecutors who won’t prosecute. Fund ‘fact checkers’ who allow social networks to outsource what gets censored. Promote think tanks that ‘educate,’ and pressure, journalists and politicians, activists and college students.

“At 92, George Soros’ influence over America is at its zenith. It took him years, and billions of dollars, but the cost to the rest of us is immeasurable.”

“Biden Is Preventing Third Temple”

Israel 365 News wrote on or about January 28:

“Jim Barfield, head of the Copper Scroll Project, explains that by giving ancient artifacts found in Israel to the Palestinians, the Biden administration is endangering other temple-related artifacts that will be essential for the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.”

The True and Widely Overlooked Story of the Holocaust

Daily Mail wrote on January 27:

“… the way the Holocaust is normally reported in conventional histories… concentrate[s] our minds on the ‘industrialised’ killing in death camps such as Auschwitz, the so-called ‘final solution’, with trainloads arriving and being almost instantaneously dispatched to the gas chambers and the crematoria.

“But this was only part of the story, argues leading Holocaust specialist Professor Dan Stone, in a new book that turns on their head some of the widely-held notions about that terrible era of genocide 80 years ago.

“We certainly tend to get wrong just how widespread the Holocaust was, argues Stone, who is director of the Holocaust Research Institute at Royal Holloway, University of London. The fact that we need to get our heads around — and which many countries still find uncomfortable and refuse to recognise — is that the Holocaust was not solely a German project, but a pan-European crime with tens of thousands of active perpetrators all over the continent…

“Stone writes: ‘Although the persecution of the Jews that led to the Holocaust was a German project — a point which cannot be overemphasised — it chimed with the programs of many European fascist and authoritarian regimes. Without the willing participation of so many collaborators across Europe, the Germans would have found it much harder to kill so many Jews.’

“On the basis of recent research, Stone says, rather than a tale of German occupation, deportation and murder in death camps, the Holocaust should really be seen as a series of interlocking local genocides. The Holocaust was certainly driven, and largely perpetrated by Germans, but actual participation went much further.

“Countries such as France, Norway, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania persecuted, expelled and killed Jews. And they did so, not under duress from Berlin, but because to do so fitted with their own long-held anti-Semitic views and nationalist aspiration… Collaboration and complicity were everywhere…

“It is not always recognised that German Jews made up no more than a few per cent of the Holocaust’s six million victims. The vast majority were traditional, observant Jews living in small towns — or shtetls — in Eastern Europe. Moreover, most of them were slaughtered face-to-face before the SS-run death camps were even fully conceived, let alone operational.

“Millions died not in gas chambers, but gunned down en masse in fields, forests and swamps. Many more were starved and worked to death…

“The Nazis had a genocidal fantasy of a ‘world without Jews’ that they wanted to make a reality. But so, too, did many other European countries, whose dreams of creating ethnically pure nations chimed with Hitler’s goals…

“In Norway, France and Hungary, local police rounded up, guarded and deported Jews; in Slovakia, the impetus to deport Jews came from the local fascist regime rather than from the Germans. In Romania, the regime grasped the opportunity provided by the German plans to carry out a Holocaust of its own in Transnistria. Unlike occupied Poland, where the state was overrun by the Nazis, these were independent, or quasi-independent, states choosing to participate and finding reasons and resources to do so…

“The fact is that the genocide of the Jews could not have been so thorough and brutal without active collaboration across a Europe that was widely anti-Semitic, as we can see from the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Encyclopedia Of Camps And Ghettos. This lists sites where Jews were held and died. It is more than 900 pages long and contains information on almost 700 places — from the far north of Norway to the Atlas Mountains, from Brittany to Ukraine — with not a single one of them a camp administered by the Germans.

“Some governments took the initiative themselves. The Vichy government in France, for example, pre-empted the Nazis by introducing its Statut des Juifs, the legislation to arrest and deport Jews from France, without the Nazis’ encouragement…

“The Holocaust even spread beyond the boundaries of Europe. Jews in North Africa were subjected to French and Italian racial laws, had their property stolen, and were interned and made to perform forced labour. Some ended up in death camps in Europe.

“Nor did that deep-rooted racism disappear with the defeat of the Nazis. When displaced Jews — the few who had survived, that is — returned to Poland they were subjected to violent attacks. Hungarian Jews were met with incredulity and disdain by those who had stolen their homes and were unwilling to hand them back.

“Recognising that the scope of the Holocaust implicates the whole of Europe, Stone argues, is important because some countries are now attempting to whitewash their past. The Polish government has tried to silence historians who have uncovered information about Poles who handed Jews over to the Nazi occupiers. Similarly, memorials and museums in Hungary selectively interpret the past to make that nation appear an innocent victim or rescuer of Jews, rather than the active participant that it was…

“Acknowledging how widespread the collaboration went in Europe, and how easily so many nations drifted into doing unspeakable things is important, he argues… The lesson he wants us to press home from the Holocaust, is…  that deep and irrational passions can move human beings to collude in terrible things. And nothing in the end can stop people from supporting these dark forces in times of crisis.

“Dismissing the Holocaust as vicious actions of a mad regime is complacent and dangerous. There were political, religious, cultural and social reasons that enabled it to happen and these circumstances, Stone insists, threaten us again…”

Antisemitism is alive and thriving in Europe, and according to the Bible, a massive persecution and martyrdom of Jews is prophesied.

Europe’s Antisemitism Today

 Israel Today wrote on January 27:

“Israeli President Isaac Herzog in Brussels called on Europe to fight online antisemitism on Thursday, stressing that ‘the Holocaust was not conceived in a vacuum.’… ‘Antisemitic discourse festers not only within dark regimes; but within the heartlands of the free, democratic West. Jew-hatred still exists. Antisemitism still exists. Holocaust denial still exists,’ he noted…

“Herzog also stressed to lawmakers the distinction between what he called ‘legitimate’ criticism of Israel and antisemitism… ‘criticism of the State of Israel must not cross the line into negation of the very existence of the State of Israel… Casting doubt on the nation-state of the Jewish people’s right to exist is not legitimate diplomacy. It is antisemitism in the full sense of the word, and it must be thoroughly uprooted…’”

Sadly, it won’t be uprooted… not before Christ returns who will make an END with Anti-Semitism and hatred for Jews.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski—“I Will Not Obey!”

Fox News wrote on January 27:

“A Canadian pastor is facing his final trial [set to begin Thursday, Feb. 2, in Lethbridge, Alberta,] after three years of repeated fines, arrests and imprisonment for keeping his church open during the COVID-19 pandemic. Artur Pawlowski, pastor of the Cave of Adullam congregation in Calgary, said he is accused of causing $400 million worth of damages for officiating a church service during the trucker blockade at the U.S.-Canada border last year… Pawlowski, the first Canadian clergyman to be ticketed for alleged COVID-19 violations, claims the charges against him are an attempt to criminalize his speech...

“When truckers in Coutts protested vaccine mandates by blocking the crossing along Alberta’s border with Montana last February, Pawlowski was invited to deliver a 20-minute speech in which he urged them to ‘hold the line’ against the government without resorting to violence… Days after his speech, he was arrested at his home and spent 51 days in two different prisons, where he claimed authorities abused him by locking him in a small cage, placing him in a psychiatric ward and trying to instigate other inmates to hurt him. The inmates refused and some reached out to him for spiritual guidance, he said.

“Pawlowski told Fox News Digital that he has been under house arrest since his release from prison last April and cannot leave his home without the permission of his probation officer. He ran for political office and became the leader of the Alberta Independence Party last September…

“Pawlowski likened his ordeals to ‘a refining fire’… ‘I noticed, even in my own preaching, that everything we went through — and are still going through — only gave us a stronger faith and zeal and confirmation that everything that we read in the Bible is actually the truth,’ he said.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Submit to God / Bible Gems, Part 2

On January 28, 2023, Kalon Mitchell will present the sermonette, titled, “Submit to God,” and Brian Gale will present the sermon, titled, “Bible Gems, Part 2.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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