
by John Amorelli
When I was a kid, I wanted a lot of “things.” I’m referring to toys–action figures such as “GI JOE,” video games and a myriad other “gadgets.” You could say, I was a spoiled child! I would occupy myself with these “things,” but after a period of time, I would exhaust my interest in them, and they would end up in the “big toy chest,” never to be played with again. Now, as an adult, I periodically have the desire to obtain material things, and when I don’t “get” them, I feel frustrated.
I have been in the Truth for six years now. I am learning each day about God’s way of life; the way of give instead of the way of get, and I do sometimes struggle with this. God has called me to His Truth and His understanding; these are “spiritual” things that cannot be replaced. They are priceless and can lead to eternal life, if I continue living in His path!
The questions I have to ask myself are:
1. “Will I throw the spiritual ‘things’ that God gave me in the spiritual toy chest and let them be forgotten?”
2. “Will I invest more of my time in the spiritual gifts that have been given to me by the Eternal, or will I tip the scale more towards the perishable, material things of this world?”
The answer to these questions is: Only I can answer this.


On January 7, 2012, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “Preaching.”

The services can be heard at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

US Contributions for 2011:

Donations and contributions received with letters postmarked in 2011 AND with enclosed written checks, dated in 2011, will be included in the detailed donation receipts for 2011. These receipts will be printed and sent out in January of 2012. Cash contributions must also be received prior to January 1, 2012 (or, if sent by letter, the letter must be postmarked in 2011), in order to be included in the donation receipts for 2011. All contributions not falling into the categories described above will not be included in the donation receipts for 2011.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on You Tube and on our Website It is titled, “Why No Peace on Earth?” When the angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, did they also promise peace on earth for all men? If so, why haven’t we experienced peace since then? How do we explain the paradox that nearly all really great religious and political leaders have acknowledged the utter futility of war, while war is ongoing? Did early Christians fight in war? What did Christ teach us? Is the concept of righteous war in accordance with the Bible? Will we ever experience peace on earth?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Part 2,” was posted on YouTube and on our Website

A new German sermon was posted on YouTube and on our Website,, titled, “Schutz vor Gottes Zorn.” [“Protection from God’s Wrath.”]

As was announced before, contracts for a new weekly radio broadcast have been signed, initially for a test run of six months. A complete list of the radio stations, locations and times was published in Update 520. On an average, the programs will be about 13-14 minutes in length. The first program will be airing on Sunday, January 1, 2012. It will discuss the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The second program will begin airing on January 8. It is titled, “Destruction and Hope.”

What is depicted by the seventh plague of the seventh trumpet?

In our previous Q&A, we began discussing the Day of the Lord. We showed that the Day of the Lord describes and encompasses the seventh seal of the scroll which the Lamb opens—and the seventh seal consists of seven trumpets, and the seventh trumpet consists of the seven last plagues or bowls of God’s wrath. We addressed the first six plagues of the seventh trumpet, pointing out that during the sixth plague, the kings of the east and other powers of this earth will assemble at a place called Armageddon or “hill of Megiddo,” which is about 55 miles north of Jerusalem. From there, they will move towards Jerusalem, where they will try to fight the returning Jesus Christ. That “battle” will take place in the Kidron Valley, bordering Jerusalem on the East.

We will now begin to discuss in detail the events occurring during and subsequent to the seventh and last plague of the last trumpet, as well as prior events.

We begin by quoting from our free booklet, “Is that in the Bible?—The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation”:

“(7.7.7) The SEVENTH OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… describes a tremendous earthquake to shake the earth ‘as had not occurred since men were on the earth’ (Revelation 16:17–18; compare Isaiah 2:12–19; 13:6–13; 24:1–20), causing the ‘great city’ of Jerusalem to be ‘divided into three parts’ and ‘all the cities of the nations’ to fall (Revelation 16:19). Further, every island will disappear and mountains will be leveled (Revelation 16:20). A great hail of tremendous size will destroy everything in its path. Again, man will not repent, but will continue to blaspheme God because of the hail (Revelation 16:21).”

“When the seventh angel sounds and when Christ returns, the saints—converted Christians—will be resurrected to immortality, or they will be changed to immortality, if they are still alive (1 Corinthians 15:50–56; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18)… They will meet Christ in the air and descend with Him, on that same day, on the Mount of Olives. Zechariah 14:3–5 indicates that, apparently due to the great earthquake of the seventh bowl, mentioned in Revelation 16:17–18, the Mount of Olives shall split in two, making a very large valley, where the final battle of God Almighty will take place.

“Christ will overcome the armies that will be trying to fight Him, as well as the modern leaders of modern ‘Babylon’—the military ruler (‘the beast’) and the religious leader (‘the false prophet’) (compare Revelation 19:19–21). The destruction of the armies is more fully described in Zechariah 14:12, 15. The beast and the false prophet will be cast into ‘the lake of fire burning with brimstone’ (Revelation 19:20)…”

Revelation 14:19-20 informs us in regard to that “battle” in the valley of Jehoshaphat or the Kidron Valley, that the “great winepress of the wrath of God… was trampled outside the city [of Jerusalem], and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs [lit. stadia, about 184 miles in all].”

In addition, we read that ten European kings or kingdoms had given their authority to the beast (Revelation 17:12-13). They will also participate in the battle against Christ, but they will be likewise defeated (Revelation 17:14). This could refer to the fate of ten literal leaders or “kings” and/or ten nations or groups of nations (“kingdoms” and “kings” are used often times interchangeably in Scripture), endowing the beast with dictatorial authority and placing their armies under his autocratic rule.

We also find that even prior to that final battle, these ten kings or kingdoms will turn against the religious power and “make her desolate” (verse 16), apparently confiscating her property. The coming strong European alliance between church and state is prophesied to crumble. Ultimately, modern Babylon, that is, the religious and economic European system, as well as the city of Rome (Revelation 17:9, 18), will be destroyed in one day (Revelation 18:8) and in one hour (verse 17). This will apparently occur during the time of the seven last plagues or bowls, since Revelation 17:1 explains: “Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, ‘Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot [i.e., Babylon, verse 5] who sits on many waters’” [i.e., peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues, verse 15].

In a recent Q&A on the prophesied future of Libya, we stated the following:

“… the Bible shows that after ten European nations under modern Assyria (‘the Babylonian system’) will have subdued and conquered many nations, they themselves will be defeated in war by the modern Medes (Compare Isaiah 13:17, describing the destruction of modern ‘Babylon’ through the hand of the modern ‘Medes’ or Russians and Ukrainians. Verses 6, 9 and 13 designate the timing as occurring during the ‘day of the LORD.’ Compare also Isaiah 21:2 and Jeremiah 51:11, 27-29).”

It appears that before or while moving towards the place called Armageddon in the Middle East (after the Euphrates river has dried up)—depicted by the sixth plague of the seventh trumpet—at least parts of the armies of the kings of the east will apparently sweep through Europe, create devastating havoc there, and destroy the city of Rome. Jeremiah 51:27-28 refers to horses, as coming up against Babylon like the bristling locusts, indicating that they will use some of their tanks and of their air force to destroy modern Babylon. They will be especially led by the modern “Medes” or Russians and Ukrainians. At that time, the beast and the false prophet will apparently be dwelling in Jerusalem, so they will not be personally affected by these attacks on Europe. Neither will be the ten kings and their armies. They too will apparently be in Jerusalem at that time, as they will fight with the beast against the returning Christ (compare again Revelation 17:15).

In addition, God’s punishment and His wrath will be poured out over everyone who worships the beast and his image, and who receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand. We read that he “shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the PRESENCE of the Lamb” (Revelation 14:10).

Compare also 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, which explains what will happen “when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. They shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the PRESENCE of the Lord and from the glory of His power.”

Even before fire destroys them, they will live in fear of their future. Compare Luke 21:26-27: “…men’s hearts [will be] failing them from fear and expectation of those things which are coming on the earth…Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the cloud with power and great glory.” Because of their fearful expectations, they will be having “no rest day or night” prior to their death (Revelation 14:11).

Some might think that the blowing of the seventh trumpet depicts just the event of the resurrection or change of the saints, which will occur within a time span of a few seconds. It is true that when Christ returns, the saints will be resurrected or changed “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” at the time of the blowing of the seventh and last trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:52). As was pointed out above, the resurrected and the changed saints will be “caught up together… in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,” and they will from then on “always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). All will descend to the Mount of Olives on that same day, and it is then when the armies of the powers of the world will be destroyed.

As we have seen, the seventh trumpet will “blow” for quite a while, as it consists of the seven last plagues, which will begin to occur prior to Christ’s return. For example, during the sixth plague, the armies of the world will move to and assemble at Armageddon. Obviously, it will take those armies a certain amount of time to get there. Then, they will move towards Jerusalem to fight against Christ, again requiring some time to move to Jerusalem.

Beginning with Revelation 20, additional events are described, which will occur after Christ has returned to this earth. An angel will bind and imprison Satan and his demons for 1,000 years or a Millennium, so that Satan cannot deceive mankind during that period (Revelation 20:1-4). After the destruction of God’s human enemies and the banishment of Satan, the Millennial rule over all of mankind will begin. The resurrected saints will govern with Christ on this earth for 1,000 years. But mankind will not immediately embrace God’s way of peace. Instead, more human attempts to fight in war will have to be dealt with, which will be discussed in a subsequent Q&A. We will also discuss in a future Q&A how some members of God’s Church and modern Israelites and Jews will be protected during the times of the Great Tribulation and the Day of the LORD.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was posted on You Tube and on our Website, titled, “Destruction of US Democracy?” Why are some observers warning about proposed new US laws, including NDAA and SOPA? Would these laws destroy our democratic republic? Are they placing YOU at risk? Are they unconstitutional? Could they be used to persecute the true followers of Christ? Don’t dismiss these valid concerns too quickly! This video will open your eyes! Watch and circulate it before it disappears!

A new German sermon was posted on YouTube, and on our Website,,  titled, “Die Grosse Truebsal, Teil 2” [“The Great Tribulation, Part 2”].

Death Announcement

The following announcement was published in the North County Times on December 11, 2011, pertaining to the death of Rhonda Cagle’s mother, Elizabeth Cagle:

“Elizabeth Cagle, born April 22, 1932, died at her home in Escondido, on Sunday, November 27, 2011 of lung cancer. She resided at the Villa Madeira Senior Park where she was an active member and served as the President of the Board of Directors. She enjoyed gardening and was known as the flower lady to all her neighbors and friends. Elizabeth is survived by her four children; five grandchildren; two great- grandchildren. Memorial Services will be held at the Villa Madeira Club House, 955 Howard Ave., Escondido, Calif. 92029, on January 15, 2012 at 1:00p.m. Norbert Link, minister, will officiate. We would like to thank all of the staff of the Elizabeth Hospice for their help and support.”

What is the time line of the events depicted during the “Day of the Lord”?

In the last two Q&As and on the order of prophetic events, we discussed Christ’s sayings in Matthew 24, showing that prior to His return, there would be religious deception, wars, famine, disease epidemics and pandemics, a Great Tribulation (including a martyrdom of the saints and an European attack on the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the state of Israel), heavenly signs, and a time described as God’s wrath, which will be poured out over this entire world.

We noticed that the Book of Revelation describes the events by comparing them with the opening of seven seals, and we saw that the first six seals depict religious deception, wars, famine, disease epidemics and pandemics, the Great Tribulation and heavenly signs, and that the seventh seal depicts the events which will occur on the Day of the Lord.

The seventh seal consists of seven trumpets. In our last Q&A on the time line of events, we discussed the FIRST SIX TRUMPETS, describing catastrophes caused by an apparent firestorm, a burning meteorite, a fiery comet, further cosmic disturbances, an attack of European forces on Far Eastern nations and a brutal retaliation of those nations against Europe.

In this Q&A, we will begin to discuss the events described by the SEVENTH trumpet. It consists of the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES or the seven bowls of God’s wrath, with which God’s wrath will be completed (compare Revelation 15:1). Revelation 16:1-21 describes these seven last plagues in more detail.

To repeat—as this is vitally important to understand—the SEVENTH SEAL consists of SEVEN TRUMPETS, and the SEVENTH TRUMPET consists of SEVEN PLAGUES. In this Q&A, we will begin to discuss the SEVEN PLAGUES OF THE SEVENTH TRUMPET OF THE SEVENTH SEAL.

Our free booklet, “Is That in the Bible?—The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation”, explains the terrible devastations caused by the seven plagues of the seventh seal. We are citing the following excerpts:

“(7.7.1) The FIRST OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES or bowls [of the SEVENTH trumpet] … causes ‘a foul and loathsome sore’ on those who worship the beast and its image, and who have accepted the mark of the beast (Revelation 16:2)…”

Remember that “the beast” is a very charismatic political and military leader, who will work hand in hand with a religious leader, who is also called, “the false prophet.” But the term, “the beast,” can also be a reference to the European power bloc—the final resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire–and the false prophet represents the religious system under his control. It is apparently this religious system, which is meant in Revelation 16:2, in part, with the “image” of the first beast. This religious system is structured and patterned after the first beast—the political and military system. The religious system is also identified in Revelation 17 as the woman riding or influencing the political and military system, showing how both systems “supplement” each other. (For an additional stunning possibility as to what may be meant with the “image” of the beast, please read chapter 14 of our afore-mentioned booklet on the Book of Revelation.)

We also read that the first beast will have a mark—a particular sign of identification—which will be imposed on and accepted by all those who are going to be deceived by Satan to worship the political and religious leaders of the European power bloc, and the entire political and religious system which they will represent (called Babylon in Revelation 17 and 18).

Simply put, the mark of the beast is tantamount to a political and religious philosophy detrimental to the true worship of God. It includes the mandatory and legally enforced celebration of pagan holidays such as Sunday, Christmas and Easter, and the rejection of God’s weekly and annual Holy Days, including the weekly Saturday-Sabbath and, for instance, the Feast of Tabernacles. It also includes human and ungodly ideas such as fighting in war or supporting and embracing a religion which preaches a false Jesus or a false gospel.

Please note the following additional excerpts from our afore-mentioned booklet:

“(7.7.2) The SECOND OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… causes every living creature in the sea to die (Revelation 16:3).”

Remember that during the time of the second trumpet, one-third of all sea creatures will die (Revelation 8:8–9). Now we read that when the second plague of the seventh trumpet of the seventh seal is poured out, ALL sea creatures will die! No animal in our oceans will survive.

To continue:

“(7.7.3) The THIRD OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… causes the sweet water supply to become ‘blood’—that is, undrinkable (Revelation 16:4–7).”

Returning to the time of the third trumpet of the seventh seal, one-third of all the sweet drinking water was poisoned (Revelation 8:10–11), causing the death of one-third of the animals living in sweet water. Now, we are told that at the time of the third plague of the seventh trumpet of the seventh seal, all the sweet water in the rivers and springs will become blood, apparently causing the death of all sweet-water animals. This seems to indicate that no animal living in our rivers and springs will survive.

Let us proceed with quoting further comments from our afore-mentioned booklet:

“(7.7.4) The FOURTH OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… brings about increased solar radiation, which horribly scorches mankind. Despite this punishment from God for their sins, man will not repent, but rather will blaspheme God (Revelation 16:8–9).

“(7.7.5) The FIFTH OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… causes total darkness to cover the Headquarters of the beast—again, people will blaspheme God and will refuse to repent even then (Revelation 16:10–11).

“ (7.7.6) The SIXTH OF THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES… will dry up the waters of the ‘great river Euphrates’ (Revelation 16:12) to enable the ‘kings from the east’ to advance to the place of ‘Armageddon’ (Revelation 16:16) to ‘gather’ there in preparation for ‘the battle of that great day of God Almighty’ (Revelation 16:14, 16).”

At the time of the sixth plague of the seventh trumpet of the seventh seal, we are again introduced to the kings from the east.

To appreciate the full scope and involvement of the kings of the east in the end time, let us return briefly to the fifth and sixth trumpets of the seventh seal.

We will recall that the fifth and sixth trumpets of the seventh seal depict a cruel and horrible war between the kings from the east and Europe. That war ensued after the four angels who are “bound” at the great river Euphrates were “released” (Revelation 9:14). At that time, we don’t read that the river was drying up—only, that the kings of the east were allowed to attack Europe and other nations, including countries in the Middle East.

Let us focus a little bit more on the fact that at the time of the sixth trumpet, the kings from the east will attack European and non-European countries, including the Middle East. Remember that their attacks will cause the death of the THIRD of mankind, and that the beast and the false prophet will apparently reside by then, at least at times, in Jerusalem (compare Daniel 11:45; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation 11:7-8). In addition, some of the beast’s armies will have conquered Jerusalem and will be stationed there. Recall what we said in our last Q&A on the time line of prophesied occurrences, when discussing the events of the Great Tribulation [depicted by the fifth seal]:

“Other passages tell us that a military political leader of Europe, called the beast, will invade the Middle East and conquer Jerusalem, and his forces will, at the same time, successfully attack the USA and Great Britain—apparently using nuclear weapons, as all the big cities of the USA and the UK will be destroyed or laid waste in this war (compare Ezekiel 6:6…). We are told in Hosea 5:5, in the Authorized Version, that ‘Israel and Ephraim’ will ‘fall in their iniquity’ and that ‘Judah also shall fall with them.’ This is an end-time prophecy, which still needs to be fulfilled. In the past, Israel and Judah ‘fell’ at different times, but never together or at the same time. The Tanakh says: ‘Israel’s pride shall be humbled before his very eyes, As Israel and Ephraim fall because of their sin (And Judah falls with them).”

In passing, the defeat of modern Israel and Judah will have continuing effects. Their downfall is not limited to just the time when the Great Tribulation begins. We read in Jeremiah 30:7 that the Day of the Lord [depicted by the seventh seal] is “great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, But he shall be saved out of it.” Jacob or Israel will be led into captivity and will be suffering greatly from the hands of their captors—including during the Day of the Lord, the time of the seventh seal—until Jesus Christ will free them from captivity AFTER His Second Coming.

Returning to the end-time beast and modern Babylon, Revelation 16:10-11 shows us that even shortly after the time of the retaliatory brutal attack of the Asiatic hordes [depicted by the sixth trumpet of the seventh seal], the “throne of the beast” will still be in Europe. Daniel 11:44-45 merely tells us that after he has conquered the Middle East [during the Great Tribulation of the fifth seal], and after his attack on the Far East [depicted by the fifth trumpet of the seventh seal], the beast or “king of the North” shall “plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain,” i.e., in Jerusalem. But the planting of TENTS indicates a temporary dwelling and not a permanent or exclusive place of residence, reminding us of events during World War II when Adolf Hitler had several places in different areas where he would reside from time to time. On occasion, all these places would be called “headquarters,” including “Wolfsschanze” in East Prussia/Poland (where Claus von Stauffenberg tried to kill Hitler); “Wehrwolf” in the Ukraine; “Felsennest” in Muenstereifel, Germany; Berghof and Eagle’s Nest in Obersalzburg, Austria; and the “Fuehrerbunker” in Berlin, where he committed suicide.

Returning now to the time of the sixth plague of the seventh trumpet, we are re-introduced to the kings from the east, and we are told that they are now preparing to strike a final blow in an effort to win the war. They will be crossing the dried-up river Euphrates to move their armies and equipment to a place called “Armageddon,” to assemble there with the apparent desire to advance towards Jerusalem to defeat the beast (who will by that time be in Jerusalem) and to wipe out his European armies which have conquered the Middle East and are mainly stationed in Jerusalem.

But the kings from the east will suddenly feel threatened by another “enemy,” and being influenced by Satan and his demonic powers, they will combine their forces with the kings of the whole world (including the beast power) to attempt to defeat that common foe. That foe is none other than the returning Jesus Christ and His angelic armies in heaven (We are reminded that due to a common foe—Jesus Christ—Pilate and Herod became friends, even though they had been enemies before, Luke 23:12).

Continuing with quoting from our afore-mentioned booklet:

“These kings from the east, as well as all of the other kings of the earth, will be influenced by Satan and the demonically possessed beast and the false prophet (Revelation 16:13–14). All of them will gather at ‘Armageddon’ or the ‘hill of Megiddo’ (‘har’ meaning ‘hill’ in Hebrew), about 55 miles or 90 kilometers north of Jerusalem, and about 15 miles or 25 kilometers inland from the Mediterranean Sea.

“Megiddo is a huge mound with a commanding view of the long and fertile valley of Jezreel—an ideal place for armies gathering there. Then, they will converge from there on Jerusalem to fight the returning Christ. We don’t read that there will be a battle at Armageddon—the battle will be fought farther south in the valley of Jehoshaphat, which is called today the ‘Kidron Valley’ bordering Jerusalem on the east.”

In fact, that battle is described in the nineteenth chapter of the book of Revelation, which pictures the return of Jesus Christ. But before this battle unfolds, other important events will take place at the time when the seventh plague of the seventh or last trumpet is being poured out.

This last plague and other events, which will begin to occur prior to the battle in the Kidron Valley, will be discussed in detail in a subsequent Q&A.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

True Freedom

We have no doubt heard it loftily said that “…you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” We are accustomed to believing that we are free – and we are in many ways unconstrained to do what we want, but does this make us really free?

We are free to make choices, but not all choices make us free. There is one Way that does, and many others that do not. Of course it is God’s Way that truly frees us, and Satan’s that truly enslaves us.

When we follow the path that the devil has enticingly put before us, it seems pleasant for a time – this is how he sells the lies that he is pawning. In the end, whether we know it or not, there are dire consequences for choosing these falsehoods. They lead to sorrow, pain, damage, destruction and ultimately in all cases to death. His ultimate goal is to thwart the plan of God any way that he can, and he will stop at nothing to frame his lies as truth.

It is God’s truth and only His Way that can free us from the penalties of sin that we can become bound by in both the short and long term. This is how we are truly made free! We have the opportunity to reap the benefits of this now, as well as qualify to be a part of the Kingdom and the Family of God later.

If we weigh our actions against the commands of the Bible and choose wisely, not only will we be free from sin, but we will be free to enjoy the fruits and blessings that come with doing what is right. Then we can truly stand in the liberty by which Christ can and does make us free (Galatians 5:1).

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The Feast of Tabernacles in 2012 will be observed again in California and North Wales. We will be meeting at the same locations as we did in 2011. New contracts with the Hilton Garden Inn at Pismo Beach and the Quay Hotel at Deganwy have been signed. For information about the Feast site in North Wales, please contact Brian Gale. Insofar as the Feast site in California is concerned, please do NOT make any individual reservations with the hotel at this point, until further notice. If you are interested in attending in California, please contact Norbert or Johanna Link.

A new member letter has been written and posted on the Web. Hard copies will be sent out on Friday. In the letter, Norbert Link describes in detail the incredible devastation which is prophesied to engulf this earth, and our responsibility in ensuring that there will be survivors.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on YouTube and on our Web site (, titled, “War Between Britain and Europe.” Germany must lead. Germany is master of Europe. Britain infuriates Europe. Death to England. Britain stands alone. The birth of a two-speed Europe. What do all these newspaper and magazine headlines mean? And is it mere coincidence that 27 members of the EU agreed to a new pact, without Britain, exactly 20 years to the day after the drafting of the Maastricht treaty of 12 EU member states, including Britain, that led to the creation of the euro?

Norbert Link’s video-recorded sermon, “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Part 1,” was posted on YouTube and on our website ( What are the signs of the end? What does the Olivet Prophecy teach us? What do the seven seals in the book of Revelation mean? What do the four horsemen of the Apocalypse describe? In this first sermon of this new series, we will focus on the white horse. Does it picture the victory of true Christianity, as most think? Or does it show something which is quite different?

A new German sermon was posted on YouTube and our website (,  titled, “Die Grosse Truebsal” (”The Great Tribulation”).

A new German AufPostenStehen program was posted on YouTube and our website (, titled, “Europas Kampf mit England” (“Europe’s Fight With England”).

As was announced before, contracts for a new weekly radio broadcast have been signed, initially for a test run of six months. Set forth below is a list of the radio stations, locations and times. On an average, the programs will be about 13-14 minutes in length. The first program will be airing on Sunday, January 1, 2012. It will discuss the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

KWDF   Alexandria, Louisiana   10:30-10:45AM   Sunday   (1.25 million potential audience)
KLNG    Omaha, Nebraska   1:15-1:30PM   Saturday   (1.5 million potential audience)
WFAM   Augusta, Georgia   10:00-10:15AM   Saturday   (550,000 potential audience)
WBXR   Huntsville, Alabama   11:00-11-15AM   Saturday   (1 million potential audience)
WLMR   Chattanooga, Tennessee   6:00-6:15PM   Wednesday   (475,000 potential audience)
WSKY   Asheville, North Carolina   5:00-5:15PM   Tuesday   (450,000 potential audience)
WIJD   Mobile, Alabama   5:30-5:45PM   Saturday   (550,000 potential audience)
WNVY   Pensacola, Florida   5:45-6:00PM   Monday   (480,000 potential audience)
WCPC   Tupelo, Mississippi   5:30-5:45PM   Monday   (687,000 potential audience)
KXKS   Albuquerque, New Mexico   6:15-6:30PM   Friday   (885,000 potential audience)

Death Announcement

Herbert Horne died on Monday, December 5, 2011.  He had been a baptized member of the Global Church of God in the UK since the 1990’s, having previously been a member of the Worldwide Church of God. He was originally taken into the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham on September 27 and transferred to another hospital in Nottingham a few weeks later, where he died.   He was in his 92nd year.
He had been a Japanese Prisoner of War in the Second World War and suffered torture and damage which stayed with him until the end of his life.  He didn’t complain – and he regularly said that he kept faith with God when he discussed the downward spiral of British society and the ever-increasing world problems.   He lived on his own after his wife died several years ago, and he was capable of looking after himself until he was taken into the  hospital.
He is survived by his son Anthony and his wife Lesley, and by his son Geoffrey and his wife Pat, plus their children and grandchildren.  He was buried next to his wife, Doris. He was a man of faith and is now awaiting the resurrection which he was looking forward to.

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