“A Broken People” and “Cause and Effect”

On June 9, 2012, Robb Harris and Eric Rank will give split sermons, titled, respectively, “A Broken People” and “Cause and Effect.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

On June 10, 2012, we are broadcasting the memorial service for Frau Marlene Link, which will be held in Ramona, California. The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org (12:00 pm Pacific Time; 1:00 pm Mountain Time; 2:00 pm Central Time; 3:00 pm Eastern Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new StandingWatch program was recorded and posted on YouTube and our website (www.standingwatch.org), titled, “Does God Approve of US Drone Attacks?” Are US drone attacks moral, Christian and legal, or do they violate biblical standards and constitute potential war crimes? The New York Times reported on May 29 that a priest blesses President Obama’s decisions to launch such deadly drone attacks. While the drone war remains popular in the US, it is being condemned in most other countries, as the British paper, The Guardian, reports on May 29. It is estimated that hundreds, if not thousands of civilians and children were killed in the process, but the facts and circumstances of such atrocities are rarely mentioned in the Western press. The drone war has been described by concerned Americans as “dangerously seductive,” and it is feared that its damage will show up in the long run. But it may not be that long.

We are planning to broadcast soon on radio the audio portion of this program.

A new German AufPostenStehen program was posted on YouTube and on our German website (www.aufpostenstehen.de) titled, “Die Verteufelung des Guenther Grass” (“The Demonization of Guenther Grass”).

Norbert Link’s most recent video-taped sermon, “God’s Gracious Gifts,” which was recorded on May 26, 2012, was posted on YouTube and our website (www.standingwatch.org).

A new German sermon was posted on YouTube and on our German website (www.aufpostenstehen.de), titled, “Gesetz und Gnade” (“Law and Grace”).

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

What is the apostasy mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3? Is it a continuation of wrong teachings by a revised orthodox Christianity?

In 2 Thessalonians 2:3 there is a falling away (“apostasia”) mentioned, which is defined by Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries (G646) as “defection from the truth, falling away, forsake.”  This verse is in the section of Scripture (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4), which reads as follows in its entirety:
“Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”
The context of these verses is interesting. This is talking about a falling away from the truth, and it is the only place in the Bible where the word “apostasia” is used. The apostle Paul is addressing “brethren” (verse 1) about an apostasy especially at the end time, as “the man of sin” is also mentioned who is to reveal himself during the very last days, and who will sit in the temple of God and pretend to be God himself. This strongly indicates that the Jews will build a temple in Jerusalem prior to Christ’s return, where they will bring sacrifices, and that the man of sin or the false prophet will occupy the temple for a while, when the armies of the beast power will occupy the city of Jerusalem and suppress the daily sacrifices. All of this will be fulfilling aspects of Christ’s end time warning that the abomination of desolation will be set up or standing at the holy place, where it should not be (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14).
It is correct, of course, that an apostasy from the true gospel already began during the lifetime of Paul, when he stated that he marvelled that so many in the Church of God had turned to another gospel (Galatians 1:6-7). But Paul’s warning, taken as a whole, is not about others who did not or do not have the truth, but he is addressing those who had learned it and who would nevertheless “fall away” or leave their own beliefs behind and go off in a different direction.
It is therefore clear that any revival of orthodox Christianity, including a revival of the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek and Russian Orthodox Church or the different Protestant churches (as mentioned in Revelation 13 and 17), is not in any way to be viewed as being an aspect of the end-time apostasy or falling away from true biblical teaching.

How can orthodox Christianity “fall away” from biblical beliefs that they do not accept in the first place, and have never accepted? For instance, the Catholic and Protestant churches have rejected, for nearly two millennia, the weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days. The Roman Catholic Church has stated that they had the authority to change the Sabbath day. James Cardinal Gibbons wrote in his book “The Faith of our Fathers”, 88th ed., p. 89:   “But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday.  The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify.”   Further, The Catholic Mirror stated in 1893:  “The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday.”   There are many other admissions along these lines, and so it is a dogmatic statement which will not change.

The Protestant Church, even though they officially rejected and still reject the authority of the Catholic Church to change the teachings of the Bible, nevertheless followed the lead of the Catholic Church and adopted Sunday worship, while rejecting the Sabbath. Martin Luther himself declared that the Bible teaches the observance of the Sabbath, agreeing with the Waldenses who insisted at the time that the Sabbath must be kept, but he concluded that one should instead continue the observance of Sunday, as to avoid an unnecessary uproar. Other Protestant “reformers” such as Calvin understood that Easter is a pagan holiday, which is not enjoined in Scripture, but which the Catholic Church adopted from pagans who kept this day in honour of pagan gods. The goal was to  bring those pagans into the fold of the Catholic Church. However, these same Protestant “reformers” did not feel it necessary to abrogate Easter observance.

The food or dietary laws are ignored and nominal Christians are permitted to eat just about any abomination one can imagine, and the correct way of tithing is something that they have never believed in. At the same time, a false concept of God is being taught, where He is misrepresented as a Trinity—One Person in Three Persons—while the Bible clearly rejects such absurd doctrine. The list could go on and on, but suffice to say that orthodox Christianity could not be part of an end time “apostasia”, because they never had the truth in the first place from which to renege, and they most certainly do not have the truth today.
In Galatians 1:8-9, we are instructed in no uncertain terms to preach only the truth: “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.  As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.”
The true Church of God has always been a “little flock”.  Jesus said in Luke 12:32: “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”   The history of the Church of God has shown, down through the centuries, that it has always been a little flock, whilst the Roman Catholic Church has grown to a membership of around a billion people.   The rest of the professing Christian world is about another one billion people, many of whom are nominal members.
It must be remembered that “a falling away” doesn’t have to be millions of people.   It is a falling away from a small flock, which the Church of God has always been, and therefore, numerically, won’t be millions of people. The “falling away” is only in connection with where the truth is and has been preached – and that is in the Church of God. We should also note that the Bible does not use the term, “great” falling away.
Paul’s warning for us today is therefore very sobering: Even though a falling away did undoubtedly take place at the time when a new administration came to power in the Worldwide Church of God, after the death of its human leader, Herbert Armstrong, in 1986, the apostasy from the truth within the Church of God will continue. As many fell away from the truth then, so many will still fall away in the future.
Many of us may remember that in the Worldwide Church of God, many things were changed, but the official explanation was that it was just another way of explanation or a “clarification.” That should be sufficient warning for all of us to be very careful, and check up on what the Bible actually says, rather than following any individual’s personal interpretations.
The reason for the ongoing apostasy, which will culminate just prior to Christ’s return, is clearly explained in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12:
“The coming of the lawless one [the man of sin, mentioned in verse 3] is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the LOVE of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them [allow them to receive] strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
There is also a warning about those who are always wanting to hear something new. In 2 Timothy 4:3 we read the following prophecy: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers.”   Others teach falsely that the Church of God does not need any true ministers.
And so, we have been warned not to be deceived. We must heed the warning, lest we fall away from God’s Church and God’s truth.
Lead Writers: Brian Gale (Great Britain) and Norbert Link

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Progress has been made on repairs to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Link. They anticipate being able to fully move back in during the next few days. Extensive water damage from a broken pipe occurred while they were on a recent trip to Germany. This will also allow Norbert Link to resume recording new StandingWatch programs for both video and radio presentations from the studio located on the premises.

A new StandingWatch program was recorded and posted on YouTube and our website (www.standingwatch.org), titled, “The EU under German Leadership.” “The euro will survive; the European Union will become a federal state; and Britain could end up outside it.” These are some of the interesting conclusions by financial historian Niall Ferguson, as published by the Sunday Times on May 20, 2012, under the headline, “One Nation (Under Germany).” Why did he state those opinions, even though he is not a federalist and does not like what he sees? And why are his ideas so compelling in light of biblical prophecy?

A new German AufPostenStehen program was posted on YouTube titled, “Ist Amerika’s Untergang Vorherbestimmt?” (“Is America Predestined to Fall?”)

Norbert Link’s most recent video-taped sermon, “The Seventh Trumpet,” which was recorded on May 19, 2012, was posted on YouTube.

A new German sermon was posted on YouTube, titled, “Gottes Gnadengeschenke” (“God’s Gracious Gifts”).

A reminder for those wishing to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with us for 2012–please review details posted on our website under the “FEASTS” heading. Our locations for this year are Pismo Beach, California, and Deganwy, North Wales.

What exactly is God’s grace; what does it do for us; and what are we to do, if anything?

Simply put, God’s grace is God’s unmerited favor. It is the gift of God. It includes manifold facets of God’s undeserved pardon and forgiveness, His mercy and His compassion.

For instance, our heart is established and made firm and becomes totally convicted through grace, preventing us from accepting wrong doctrines (Hebrews 13:9). It is grace with God when we suffer wrongfully for righteousness’ sakes (1 Peter 2:19); after all, when we experience wrongful persecution, our reward will be great (Matthew 5:10-12).

We are to grow in the grace of or favor with Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18), as Jesus Himself grew in the Father’s grace or favor (Luke 2:52). And so, John wishes that the grace of Jesus Christ would be with all of those who read and keep what is written in the book of Revelation, and who do His commandments (Revelation 22:7, 14, 21).

Paul adds in Ephesians 6:24 that God’s grace will be given to all those who love Jesus Christ in sincerity, and Christ told us that we love Him if we keep His words and commandments (John 14:15, 23).

God called us out of this world because of His grace—not because of anything we might have done (Romans 11:5-6; compare also Romans 9:11-16).  Ephesians 2:8-9 explains that we were and are saved by grace through faith—not because of our works.

We were freely justified by God’s grace—in that God forgave us our sins following our repentance and belief in Christ’s Sacrifice (Romans 3:23-24).

Being justified by His grace, we should become heirs of eternal life (Titus 3:7).  1 Peter 3:7 clarifies that both husband and wife (male and female) are together heirs of the grace of eternal life. And Romans 5:17, 21 adds that after having received an abundance of God’s grace and the gift of righteousness, it is our potential to finally reign and rule under Christ for all eternity.

Understanding that our salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom and Family of God is being made possible through the grace of God, some conclude that therefore they don’t have anything to do in the process—that God does it all for them, and that their way of living has no bearing on their inheritance of eternal life. This is a fatal and terrible error.

Paul asks the question in Romans 6:1, whether we should continue in sin after we have obtained God’s grace of forgiveness. His conclusion is: Absolutely not. He says that we were once slaves of sin, but that we now have become slaves of righteousness. If we were to continue in the practice of sinful conduct, we would have received God’s grace in vain.

Paul warns in Hebrews 12:15 that we must be diligent not to miss out on God’s grace. He cautions us against becoming bitter, implying that living in such a way can lead to the loss of our salvation. In Jude 4, we read of evil ungodly persons who turn the grace of God into lasciviousness, thereby denying Christ. They are described as being twice dead, for whom the blackness of darkness is reserved forever.

The message is very clear: God’s grace is not to be taken for granted, neglected or abused. If it is, it may be taken away from us, and we might not inherit eternal life, but suffer eternal condemnation.

In Titus 2:11-12, we read that God’s grace that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that we are to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and that we must instead live soberly, righteously and godly in this present evil world. The German Luther Bible is even clearer, emphasizing that it is the grace of God, which helps and motivates us to forsake ungodliness and to embrace a righteous and godly life.

If we refuse to do so, then we would have surely received God’s grace in vain, and God would NOT allow us to enter His Kingdom as a born-again eternal spirit being and immortal member of the God Family.

Lead Writer; Norbert Link

Christ Has Come

Some people have been so busy trying to figure out that which cannot be calculated and is completely within God’s purview to decide, that they missed the fact that Christ is already here.  They have their noses so buried in their own private interpretations of the Bible that they have missed Christ’s presence here altogether. 

One of the reasons that Christ came the first time to Earth about 2000 years ago, was so that we could have the opportunity to have Him in us (John 6:56, 15:4-5, 17:23). 

If we keep His commandments (John 14:20-21) then we have Christ here with us and in us NOW!  If we as true Christians live by His every Word, we do not need to wait to have a personal relationship with Christ…we can have it NOW!

Of course Christ is still yet to return in power and glory for all the world to see — and for them to begin their interaction with Him on a more intimate level.  But we have the chance through the gift of the Holy Spirit to make the most of that opportunity NOW!

Other Sheep; God’s Gracious Gifts


Pentecost Services

On May 27, 2012, is the annual Holy Day of Pentecost. Dave Harris will give the sermon in the morning from Colorado, titled, “Other Sheep.” Norbert Link will give the sermon in the afternoon from California, titled, “God’s Gracious Gifts.”

The services can be heard at www.cognetservices.org at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Pacific Time, respectively (which is 11:00 am Mountain Time; 12:00 pm Central Time; 1:00 pm Eastern Time for the morning service; and 3:00 pm Mountain Time; 4:00 pm Central Time; 5:00 pm Eastern Time for the afternoon service). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link and the entire family are saddened to announce the death of Norbert’s mother, who died peacefully on May 8 from congestive heart failure on their flight from Denver to San Diego. A Memorial Service in honor of Frau Link will be held on Sunday, June 10, at 12:00 noon, in the Ramona Women’s Club, where Frau Link attended services, when visiting the US. We welcome your continued prayers for strength and comfort, as well as your attendance at the Memorial Service.

Norbert Link’s most recent video-taped sermon, “Why?”, which was recorded on May 12, 2012, was posted on YouTube.

Proposed Feast of Tabernacles Newspaper

As decided during our recent conference and as previously announced, we would like to publish a special news edition for the Feast of Tabernacles 2012. As we are bombarded by negative news these days, signalizing the soon-coming end of this present evil world, we would like to concentrate on the news as it might be announced once Jesus Christ has returned and begun to establish God’s government on this earth. We would like our readers to contribute to this special news edition by  communicating first with and sending proposed articles to Mr. Brian Gale.

Set forth below are some guidelines:

* Assume that the date of the newspaper is 20 years into the Millennium

* No undue speculative situations

* Suggest a maximum number of words to 250 – 400 words per article

* All articles to be uplifting and encouraging for the future we are all looking forward to

* Anyone to be able to submit an article including children and teens

* It would be helpful if anyone who has an idea, to let Brian Gale know the subject so that he can try and avoid unnecessary duplication.

* All articles to be submitted to Brian Gale at bgofderby@btinternet.com

* Brian Gale to collate all of the articles and submit to Mr. Link and/or the editorial team.   Karen Myers has agreed to put the project together

* It would be helpful if articles could be submitted sooner rather than later in order to facilitate this project

Some suggested subjects:

• Churches in every area – Sabbath and Holy Days to be kept – only worship of the true God to be allowed

• Education – rewritten curriculum – evolution discarded

• Importance of marriage stressed – living together, rape, homosexuality  and other wrong sexual activities banned

• Food production upgraded

• Health – hospitals no longer needed

• War a thing of the past

• Crime rates drop to zero

• Urban renewal

• Property

• Finance

• Sports – and sportsmanship reintroduced

• Style/Fashion/Clothing

• Cruelty eliminated

• Improvement in technology (spam eliminated)

To help you see what we are envisioning, we are setting forth below two proposed articles:

Sportsmanship in Vogue Again

by Brian Gale

Towards the end of man’s rule, sportsmanship had been overtaken by the necessity to achieve results, seemingly, at all costs due to the rewards received by the “winners.” In fact, sportsmanship was rarely seen and when this happened, it  was looked on as something abnormal. Money ruled and fairness in play, and graciousness, were seen as weaknesses and not to be either encouraged or embraced. Money dominated and standards deteriorated badly.

Wikipedia had made these comments just a few years before Christ’s return: “Sportsmanship is an aspiration or ethos that a sport or activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one’s competitors. A sore loser refers to one who does not take defeat well, whereas a good sport means being a ‘good winner’ as well as being a ‘good loser.’”

However, as those who lived at that time will attest, theory and practice were often poles apart. Grantland Rice, a 20th century writer had written in his poem “Alumnus Football”: “For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name, He writes not that you won or lost – but how you played the game.”

Now that the “One Great Scorer is in charge of events” on earth, sportsmanship is the order of the day. Sports are played by participants who perform to the best of their ability. If they win, they are modest in their achievements and are praised by their opponents; if they lose, they praise their victors. And that’s the way that sports should be played, and will be played, for the rest of the Millennium for the benefit of all concerned.

Irrespective of the result of any game or match, as the result of sportsmanship having been compulsorily reintroduced in the new regime, everyone is a winner.

Animal Cruelty Now a Thing of the Past

by Brian Gale

Much has been achieved in the past 20 years since Jesus Christ returned and set up the Kingdom of God on earth.  Many of those achievements are chronicled in this newspaper and one of the most encouraging is the way that animals are now treated.  Of many examples we could consider, let us review just one – that of dogs.

In the age of man, dogs were often badly and shamefully treated; many bought as a gift and soon discarded.  Specifically, many greyhounds who were used for racing which itself was primarily for betting purposes, were often abandoned when they were no longer able to race!  Worse was the fact that some of these had their legs broken and left in the wild to die when they became of no further use–such was the cruelty dished out to man’s “best friend”.  Pit bull terriers had been used in dog fighting so that illegal online gambling operations could flourish.

Many pedigree dogs had suffered from genetic diseases following years of inbreeding and had suffered acute problems because looks had been emphasised over health when breeding dogs for shows.  Examples had been of spaniels with brains too big for their skulls and boxers suffering from epilepsy. 

But that has all changed in the last 20 years.  Cruelty is now, quite simply, not allowed in any sphere of life.  And in the case of dogs, all breeds are now properly cared for and proving what a wonderful pet they are. Good pets enhance the nature of a child or pet owner, and whether they are large or small, they offer a special kind of companionship.  Dogs, and other pets for children, are important for youngsters to learn many important traits including compassion and responsibility.

Someone wrote that “Pets have more love and compassion in them than most humans” and that may have been true in the age of man.  But now, with right government and love permeating the whole of society, the nature of mankind has been transformed and our animal friends are now treated as they should be.

Pets are never critical and accept us for what we are and, at last, they are being rewarded for that approach.   Cruelty is out and care for others, including animals, is in.   What a great change that has been in society!

Where is the Ark of the Covenant today? Will it be found prior to Christ’s return?

Numerous theories exist as to what happened to the Old Testament Ark of the Covenant. Some claim, based on the uninspired Second Book of the Maccabees, that Jeremiah hid it in a cave on Mount Nebo in Jordan when the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem.  The non-inspired book of 1 Esdras claims that the Babylonians carried the “ark of God” to Babylon. There are also those who say that it is located today beneath the Temple Mount.

Others state that it was transported to Ethiopia, South Africa or another African country. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church claims to possess the Ark of the Covenant not far from the border with Eritrea. It states that the object is currently kept under guard in a treasury, and that it was allegedly brought to Ethiopia by Menelik I, who, it is postulated, left a forgery in the temple of Jerusalem.

Some Shiite Muslims believe that the Ark of the Covenant will be found by the Mahdi at the Lake of Tiberias, while some Catholics believe that it is kept in the Vatican’s Basilica of St. John Lateran, after having  survived the pillages of Rome by Genseric and Alaric I.

The Bible does not confirm that any of these ideas (and there are many more variations) are accurate. If there was evidence for the accuracy of any of those theories, it would have to be based on archeological and historical facts, but so far, none have been produced.

A popular idea postulates that the Jews will find the Ark of the Covenant prior to the coming of the Messiah, and that this occurrence will prompt the Jews to commence sacrifices in Jerusalem.

The Bible does not endorse this idea, either. It is strictly the product of man’s imagination, without any biblical evidence. Even though it is true that the Jews will bring sacrifices in Jerusalem prior to Christ’s return, and that the biblical evidence strongly suggests that they will be brought at a newly-constructed temple, there is no evidence that that temple will contain the original Ark of the Covenant, which was built under Moses.

Rather, it is to be assumed that the new temple will contain newly constructed things, such as an altar. Whether it will contain a newly constructed Ark of the Covenant, we cannot know for sure. It is interesting that the new millennial temple, as described in the book of Ezekiel, does not mention the Ark of the Covenant.

This is in harmony with a profound statement in Jeremiah 3:16 that when Jesus Christ rules in Jerusalem and the people of Israel and Judah multiply in the Promised Land, the Ark of the Covenant will no longer come to mind nor be remembered nor visited.

There are those who believe that the physical Ark of the Covenant, which had been built under Moses, was somehow transferred to God’s third heaven, and that it is located there today. This concept is based on passages such as Revelation 11:19 and 15:5 where we read that the Ark of the Covenant and the tabernacle will be seen in heaven.

However, this is a misunderstanding of Scripture.

What will be seen in heaven are spiritual things, which will apparently be manifested to the human eye for a short time. The ark, which will be seen, will not be the physical ark (there are no physical things in the third heaven, nor could there be), but these are the spiritual things after which the physical things were patterned. (For further information on this intriguing subject, please read our free booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World”).

When God commanded Moses to build the tabernacle in the wilderness and the Ark of the Covenant, He told him that he had to make it exactly according to the pattern that had be shown to him (Exodus 25:9).

Paul explains in the book of Hebrews that these physical things were indeed copies of the spiritual things. The Bible does in fact teach that there is a spiritual Ark of the Covenant, as well as a tabernacle and even a temple, in God’s third heaven, and that it is these spiritual things (not the physical copies), which will apparently be manifested to the human eye for a very short time, just prior to Christ’s return.

We read in Hebrews 9:11 that Christ came as a high priest by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, which is not made by human hands, and which is not part of this physical creation. Hebrews 9:23-24 adds that as the pattern of the physical things were purified, so the heavenly things had to be purified with even better sacrifices, and that Christ did not enter the holy places made with hands, which are just figures or copies of the spiritual, but He entered the third heaven itself.

It is in this context that we must understand the passages in Revelation 15:5 that the temple of the tabernacle of the covenant in heaven will be opened, and in Revelation 11:19 that the temple of God will be opened in heaven and that in His temple the Ark of the Covenant will be seen.

One of the reasons for this remarkable miracle might be that God will re-emphasize the continuing force and effect of His Law. Remember that under Moses, the two tablets of the Covenant, containing the Ten Commandments, were placed in the Ark of the Covenant.

We see from the foregoing that the Bible does not tell us whether or not the original Ark of the Covenant is still in existence today, and it does not suggest that it will ever be found. The prophecy in Jeremiah 3:16 appears to state the opposite. To base prophetic propositions and speculations on the concept that the original Ark of the Covenant WILL be found in the future is not in accordance with the pure Word of God.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

©2024 Church of the Eternal God