Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

The video and audio files for last Sabbath’s sermon, titled, “Living Without Fear?,” are now posted. Here is a summary of this presentation by Evangelist Norbert Link: What are you afraid of? Do you fear people or the future? Are you too fearful to make necessary decisions? Do you fear death? Are you afraid of God and His Word? Do you fear that you might forsake God? That you might not make it into His Kingdom? That you might stop repenting? Christ came to free us from fear. This sermon shows you how you can live without fear.

“Beware of Our Lying Media!” is our newest StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Summary: Can you trust our media? Can you believe what they tell you? They are charged now with lying to you about President Obama’s “success story” and committing blasphemy in attributing to him God-like status, while persecuting Christianity and the Bible. The facts are that there is no realistic hope for improvement of our economy during the President’s second term, and big and positive ideas for improving our damaged relationship with other countries are mostly absent.

This StandingWatch program will be broadcast also on radio beginning Sunday, February 17, 2013.

“Skandal—Pferde- und Schweinefleisch in Hamburgers” is the title of a new very revealing AufPostenStehen program. It discusses pork and horsemeat in beef hamburgers and poultry and calf-liver sausages. Title in English: “Scandal—Horsemeat and Pork in Hamburgers.”

“Neu! Alttestamentliche Gesetze—Gueltig oder Nicht?,” is the newest German sermon. “Old Testament Laws—In Force or Not?” is the title in English. It is part of a series and discusses certain Old Testament laws and explains what their role is for Christians today, including the Law of the Nazirite; laws regarding warfare; death penalty for crime; marriage duty of surviving brother; and limited access of certain people to the congregation of Israel.

We are pleased to announce ministerial assignments for this year’s Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread: Norbert and Johanna Link will travel to Germany; Brian and Jill Gale to California; and Rene and Delia Messier to Oregon. Services by the resident ministers will also be conducted in Colorado.

Does Hebrews 9:4 contradict 1 Kings 8:9? What, exactly, was in the Ark of the Covenant?

We know that the Bible does not contradict itself, as God’s Word cannot be broken (John 10:35). When we come across a seeming contradiction, it is only because of a misunderstanding of certain passages, or because of an inaccurate or misleading translation.

In Hebrews 9:4 we read regarding the ark of the covenant or Testimony, that “in [it] were the golden pot that had the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant…”

However, in 1 Kings 8:9, we read: “There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets of stone which Moses put there at Horeb…”

Several explanations are possible which would shed light on these passages, without attempting to create a contradiction.

Some refer to Exodus 16:32-34, saying that a pot with an omer of manna was laid up before the Testimony or the ark of the covenant, and they also refer to Numbers 17:10, stating that Aaron’s rod was placed before the Testimony. In addition, they point at Deuteronomy 31:26, which says that the Book of the Law was to be put “beside” the ark of the covenant (the Authorized Version says, “in the side of”).  The explanation goes on to say that the Book of the Law, as well as the manna and Aaron’s rod, were not “in” the ark of the covenant, but “before” or “beside” it.

In that context, Hebrews 9:4 is understood as not stating that the manna and Aaron’s rod were “in” the ark of the covenant or Testimony. It is pointed out that the Greek word for “in” in Hebrews 9:4 literally means, “at which place,” describing the “same location.” The conclusion is that the manna and Aaron’s rod, as well as the Book of the Law of Moses, were kept before or by the side of the ark of the covenant; they were in the same location or the same place as the ark, but they were not in it.

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states the following:

“… how this pot [with manna], as well as Aaron’s rod, can be said to be in the ark, when it is asserted, at the bringing of the ark into the temple, at the dedication of it by Solomon, that there was nothing in it but two tables of stone, 1 Kings 8:9, and both the pot of ‘manna’, and Aaron’s rod, are said to be before the testimony, Exodus 16:34 and not in it, is a difficulty. Some… have taken notice, that the preposition [“in”] sometimes signifies ‘at’, or ‘with’, as in Colossians 3:1 and so the sense is, that these were near unto it in the most holy place, and might be in the sides of it, though not within it; for there were places in the sides of the ark to put things into, Deuteronomy 31:26. And certain it is from the above account from Scripture, that they were near it; and so, by the Jewish writers, they are always mentioned along with it: when that was carried away, and hid, they were hid with it…”

This has also been the explanation of the Personal Correspondence Department of the Worldwide Church of God, which wrote in a letter:

“The original Greek word translated ‘wherein’ in Hebrew 9:4 is hou. From Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible and other sources, we find that hou means ‘at which place.’ Hou is a general word which does not necessarily mean ‘wherein,’ ‘within,’ or ‘in.’ It simply means ‘in the same location as’… The book of the law, along with the pot of manna… and Aaron’s rod, was kept by the side of the ark, not in it. All of these items could properly be described as being hou–in the same place as—the ark.”

This is most certainly a valid and convincing explanation. But there is also another way of understanding the passages in question.

While concluding that the manna and Aaron’s rod were not in the ark, the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary discusses the following two possibilities:

“In 1Ki 8:9; 2Ch 5:10, it is said there was nothing in the ark of Solomon’s temple save the two stone tables of the law put in by Moses. But the expression that there was nothing THEN therein save the two tables, leaves the inference to be drawn that formerly there were the other things mentioned by the Rabbis and by Paul here, the pot of manna (the memorial of God’s providential care of Israel) and the rod of Aaron, the memorial of the lawful priesthood (Nu 17:3, 5, 7, 10). The expressions ‘before the Lord’ (Ex 16:32), and ‘before the testimony’ (Nu 17:10) thus mean, ‘IN the ark.’ ‘In,’ however, may be used here (as the corresponding Hebrew word) as to things attached to the ark as appendages, as the book of the law was put ‘in the side of the ark,’ and so the golden jewels offered by the Philistines (1Sa 6:8).”

Others follow the rabbinical tradition that the pot of manna and the rod were inside the ark.

The commentary of Barnes’ Notes on the Bible writes regarding Hebrews 9:4:

“In 1 Kings 8:9, it is said that there was nothing in the ark, ‘save the two tables of stone which Moses put there at Horeb,’ and it has been supposed by some that the pot of manna and the rod of Aaron were not in the ark, but that they were in capsules, or ledges made on its sides for their safe keeping, and that this should be rendered ‘by the ark.’ But the apostle uses the same language respecting the pot of manna and the rod of Aaron which he does about the two tables of stone, and as they were certainly in the ark, the fair construction here is that the pot of manna and the rod of Aaron were in it also.

“The account in Exodus 16:32-34; Numbers 17:10, is, that they were laid up in the most holy place, ‘before the testimony,’ and there is no improbability whatever in the supposition that they were in the ark. Indeed, that would be the most safe place to keep them, as the tabernacle was often taken down and removed from place to place. It is clear from the passage in 1 Kings 8:9, that they were not in the ark in the temple, but there is no improbability in the supposition that before the temple was built they might have been removed from the ark and lost. When the ark was carried from place to place, or during its captivity by the Philistines, it is probable that they were lost, as we never hear of them afterward.”

J.H. Blunt, The Annotated Bible, agrees, offering these additional thoughts:

“It is expressly mentioned, in the account of the dedication of Solomon’s Temple, that at that time ‘there was nothing in the ark save the two tablets of stone, which Moses put there at Horeb, when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt [1 Kings viii. 9]. But this does not prove that the memorial pot of manna [Exod. xvi. 33,34] and the memorial rod [Numb. xvii. 10,11] were not in the ark at the time of which the apostle is writing, and Jewish commentators make the same statement as St. Paul respecting them. It rather expresses surprise that nothing was found there but the two tables, and that the priests had expected to find the manna and the rod of Aaron inside the ark.

“Probably both were taken out of it by ‘the men of Beth-shemesh’ when they ‘looked into the ark of the Lord’ while it was in captivity among the Philistines [1 Sam. vi. 19]. They were not of so sacred a character as the tables of the Law, and it may have been after their removal, and when the two tables were about to be removed also, that the men of Beth-shemesh were smitten.”

So, it is entirely possible that the pot with manna and Aaron’s rod were “near” or “beside” the ark of the covenant, but not in it, while it is also conceivable that they were in the ark at one time, but that they were subsequently removed, so that only the tables of stone were in the ark at the time when Solomon’s Temple was dedicated. In neither case would there be a contradiction between Hebrews 9:4 and 1 Kings 8:9.

Whatever the correct explanation, it is true that even in technical details, the Bible does not contradict itself, but we are called upon to search the Scriptures (Acts 17:11; Isaiah 34:16; Luke 24:27; and John 5:39 in the Authorized Version), “precept upon precept… Line upon line… Here a little, there a little” (Isaiah 28:10), in order to grow in the understanding of the entire Word of God (2 Timothy 2:7; Matthew 4:4; 5:18). We are to study and get to know the Scriptures (compare Matthew 22:29), “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, Authorized Version).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Should a Christian Smoke Marijuana?” is the title of our compelling new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is the summary: Some U.S. states allow the use of Marijuana for medical reasons; others allow it also for recreational reasons. Under Federal law, Marijuana use for any purpose is illegal. Whom should a Christian obey? What is the common reaction when using Marijuana? Is it addictive? Listen to some of those who have had first-hand experiences, and be warned.

This program will also be broadcast on radio, beginning Sunday, February 10, 2013.

“Wie sich die Zehn Gebote und das Vaterunser Ergaenzen” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. The title in English: “How the Ten Commandments and the Model Prayer Complement Each Other.”

A law firm in Germany has been contacted to help with Church registration matters, bank accounts and tax exemptions. Establishing ourselves formally in Germany will take time and effort, and the process will be somewhat costly. We hope to have initiated the process when Norbert and Johanna Link travel to Germany for the 2013 Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread (Passover will be observed on the evening before March 25th–Sunday evening; Unleavened Bread will be observed beginning on March 26th through April 1st.)

Our Church Conference for 2013 will begin on Friday, April 12th, and last until Tuesday, April 16th. This year, meetings will be conducted in Fort Collins, Colorado.

New copies of our booklet, “Europe in Prophecy,” have been printed, and our newest booklet, “Biblical Prophecy–From Now Until Forever,” is being finalized to be sent to the printer.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter has been written by Brian Gale. In this letter, Mr. Gale reviews the reasons for the fall of Rome and other powerful societies throughout history, showing that the very same problems are now engulfing leading nations of our time.

“Japan and Germany-Pacifists No More!” is the title of the new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is the summary: Japan and Germany are moving away from pacifism, as was prophesied in the Bible. Japan’s new cabinet has been described by the Economist as a cabinet of radical nationalists. Fourteen members honor the souls or spirits of dead warriors which are supposedly housed in the Shinzo shrine. Germany, on the other hand, is already the world’s third-biggest arms exporter, according to the New York Times. Few realize that we are approaching an all-encompassing World War. Still fewer understand what spiritual powers are behind these developments. 
“Ein Leben ohne Angst und Furcht?” is the title of this week’s German language sermon. The English title is: “Living Without Fear?” This sermon discusses all kinds of human fears and how to overcome them.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Biblical Prophecy — From Now Until Forever,” is the title of our newest booklet. Written by Norbert Link, this publication is being sent to our graphics staff and will soon be forwarded on for printing. Please contact us for your own free copy if you are not already on our mailing list.

We have contacted our printer in the USA to reprint one of our most seccessful booklets, “Europe in Prophecy.”

In the current StandingWatch program, “Trouble Ahead-May God Help Us!,” Evangelist Norbert Link warns of the real problems ahead–ones that will far out-weigh our current domestic issues. The Summary: While America is trying to deal domestically with its economic problems, a far greater danger is looming internationally. Very few understand why European unification is inevitable, and why the euro will not disappear. All the doom-mongers have been proven wrong, including the world’s leading economists and investors, but they still don’t realize why their gloomy predictions have failed. However, European unification is not good news for America and Britain. The Bible tells us why, but most are unwilling to listen.

NOTE: For those interested, the audio version of this program will be played in select radio markets, beginning Sunday, January 27. Please check out the schedule, available at

“NEU! Sodoms Untergang, das Opfer Isaaks, und Vielehen in der Bibel,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. It discusses Abraham’s plea for the righteous in Sodom and Sodom’s depravity and destruction; Abraham’s repeated lies regarding Sarah; the sacrifice of Isaac; the biblical concept of polygamy; and the nature of God’s promises to Abraham and his descendants.

The English title would be: “New! Sodom’s Destruction, the Sacrifice of Isaac, and Polygamy in the Bible.”

What a Surprise!

by Cali Harris

Shortly after the Feast of Tabernacles this year, I was laid off. The search for a new job has turned out to be a joyful process because I’ve connected with so many interesting people and companies.

I went through an intense interview process with one particular company, and they offered me a job. The same day, I had the opportunity come up for another job – a dream job for a dream company. I realized I’d have to decline the job offer sitting in my lap if I wanted to pursue a chance at the “dream job.” It was scary to walk out on that limb of faith.

Declining the job offer would be a difficult conversation to have, and I was very anxious. The company had dedicated a lot of time and energy to me throughout the interview process – and I felt terrible about disappointing them.

When I called the hiring manager, I was straightforward and let her know that while I enjoyed her team and was grateful for the offer, I had another chance at a dream job. What happened next was nothing I could have envisioned.

The manager expressed her disappointment that I wouldn’t be joining their team. She then asked where the “dream job” was. I told her the name of the company, and she offered to call someone she knew there and put in a good word for me. Then, she said that if it didn’t work out at the other company, she’d still love to have me join their team.

“Wow!” is an understatement – I couldn’t believe how generous and unusually accommodating she was. When I hung up the phone, I marveled at the unexpected ways God can turn a tough situation into one filled with possibility.

I’ve yet to find out if the dream job will work out, but I’m praying that God’s Will be done – and I’m excited for what comes next.

In what way are governmental officials “God’s ministers,” and when are they established as such? (Part 2)

In the previous Q&A, we explained, among other things, that a Christian is not to get involved in political campaigns or vote in governmental elections, and that he is not to participate or support rebellious uprisings. This fact will be discussed further in this Q&A as well. The question may arise then as to when human authority is established in God’s eyes; in other words, when do successful rebels constitute such authority which we must be subject to?

The commentary of Blunt, “The Annotated Bible,” addresses this issue in the following manner:

“… ‘be subject unto’ [as stated in Romans 13:1]: This word… means literally, ‘to range oneself under,’ and is opposed to the word rendered ‘resisteth’… which means, ‘to range oneself against in battle array.’ The one indicates loyalty on the part of citizens of a country to the sovereign authority of that country, the other indicates rebellion against it.

“… even when kings and their subordinates seem to be acting most independently [from God], they are but exercising so much power as they are permitted to exercise, working out within appointed limits such results as are in accordance with the general plan and purpose of God.

“… if we could see history mapped out before us, we should know how even the wars and misgovernments of the world are permitted… and not left to run their course without any control from above. Thus the cruel wars and tyrannical conquests out of which the universal empire of Rome grew [as well as its subsequent ten revivals in Europe] was a preparation of the [coming] universal kingdom of God…

“These existing powers were those of the Roman Empire, at the head of which was the Emperor Nero, one of the most unworthy and wicked sovereigns that ever sat upon a throne. The fact that such a sovereign is spoken of in this manner is very significant, for it shows that whatever the personal character of a ruler may be, his official position constitutes him a delegate of the Divine Ruler of all…”

This brings up the thorny issue of rebellion against and assassination of wicked rulers. Even though humanly understandable, it must be said that the Bible does not support the killing of an evil ruler through subjects and citizens, however noble the motives might be. To give an example of recent history, the attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler or the killing of Muammar Gadhafi would not be justified by biblical injunctions. (Of course, a true Christian is not to participate in any violent action against others in the first place, including in war. See our Q&A on the issue of “Christian warfare”)

Even more to the point, when does a movement of rebels cease to be against constituted government?

The commentary continues:

“The independence of the great American republic was constitutionally acknowledged by the sovereign to whom it had previously been subject; the emperor Napoleon seated himself upon a throne which had been practically vacated before he came upon the scene of strife… But it is evident that a willing submission to successful rebels cannot be a duty until that success is established … by the practical extinction of opposition on the part of those against whom the rebellion has been raised.”

Both in the case of the American Revolution and Napoleon’s usurpation of the throne, godly providence can clearly be seen in action, based on biblical prophecies which had to be fulfilled. A good example of wrongful submission to a rebel would be the uprising of Absalom against his father, King David. Even though King David fled temporarily from Jerusalem, he was still the godly ordained and established king, and any loyalty to Absalom against David would have been misplaced. At the same time, we must realize that Absalom’s uprising was in direct consequence of David’s sins of adultery with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband Uriah, and thus constituted God’s punishment (compare 2 Samuel 12:9-12).

We must also realize that God will sometimes use rebellious uprisings to displace an evil ruler. However, this fact does not justify actively supporting such uprisings or voting for rebels, nor would it justify voting for the evil king whom God wants to replace. The Christian role is to be one of an observer and announcer, not one of a participant. Note, for example, the violent and rebellious uprising, pursuant to God’s Will, in 1 Kings 11:9-11, 26-40; 12:1-24. However, the rebels led by Solomon’s servant Jeroboam against King Solomon and Solomon’s son, King Rehoboam, were in no way more righteous than the ones against whom they rebelled. In fact, when Jeroboam became king over the house of Israel (while Rehoboam remained king over the house of Judah), he instituted idolatry and, according to many records, abolished the observance of the Sabbath and replaced it with Sunday worship. Compare our Q&A on Sunday worship in the house of Israel.

In addition, it must be said that even in the context of illegal actions by duly constituted governments or rebels, a true Christian is to avoid resorting to violence, as Christ explains in Matthew 5:38-41. (This is not to say that Christians cannot resort to legal non-violent means to defend against illegal conduct.) In our Q&A on “an eye for an eye,” we pointed out the following regarding the “extra mile”:

“… in Matthew 5:41, when encouraging His followers to go the ‘extra mile,’ Jesus referred to the Roman practice that ‘obliged the people not only to furnish horses and carriages [for government dispatches], but to give personal attendance, often at great inconvenience, when required. But the thing here demanded is a readiness to submit to unreasonable demands of whatever kind, rather than raise quarrels, with all the evils resulting from them’ (Jamieson, Fausset and Brown, Commentary on the Whole Bible).”

When addressing Paul’s comment that “rulers are not terrors to good works” (Romans 13:3), Blunt’s commentary points out:

“The Apostle is obviously speaking of rulers as they ought to be, not finding it necessary for the purpose of his argument to speak of them otherwise, by taking into account the infirmities and the wickedness which have sometimes made them a terror to others than evil-doers.”

This should be self-evident, but gullible and ignorant readers, or even deceitful teachers of the Bible, have far too often missed or misrepresented this obvious caveat. The commentary continues, when speaking of Paul’s phraseology of “God’s ministers” (twice in verse 4):

“Literally, ‘the deacon of God,’ meaning obviously, in this case, the delegated agent by whom the authority of the Divine Ruler is administered and enforced. This is the only place in the New Testament where the phrase is not used in its ecclesiastical sense… ‘for good’ being the object for which God has instituted governmental and judicial authority…”

Again, as pointed out before, God is against anarchy. At the same time, the present ruler of this world—Satan the devil—will be replaced by Jesus Christ at the time of His Second Coming. In the meantime, for the sake of God’s plan and His people, rulers of this world can be influenced by God to carry out His purposes and to do good for His true servants, and they can thereby become, at least temporarily, God’s “tools” or “servants” or “ministers.”

The commentary also points out that the words “God’s ministers” in verse 6 are different from the words in verse 4 and describe “an officer engaged in the civil service of the state. It is not elsewhere used in a secular sense in the New Testament.”

It must be admitted that Paul’s statements in Romans 13:1-7 belong to some of his sayings which “are hard to understand” (2 Peter 3:16), and predictably, some “untaught and unstable people”—even some in God’s Church—have twisted them “to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures” (same verse). But it is clear what Paul is NOT saying:

He is NOT saying that we should participate in violent rebellions against constituted government. Nor is he saying that we should obey human governments in matters which are against God’s laws. He is most certainly not saying that true Christians should participate in political campaigns and vote for any of the political candidates.

Those who conclude the opposite and become engaged with and entangled in the affairs of this world are twisting Paul’s words to their own disappointment and destruction. Rather than concentrating on the physical affairs of this present evil age, which will pass away, they should concentrate on God’s Kingdom and do everything in their power and ability to “hasten” the coming of the Day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12).

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

Groping in the Dark

When the lights go out and we are left in the pitch black, typically the first thing we search for is a source of light – a flashlight, a candle, etc.  Without light, we are prone to stumble and fumble.  Sometimes the smallest things will trip us up in our quest to find what we are looking for.  Also, along the way we will grasp several wrong items as we probe for the right one.

Spiritually speaking, the same condition currently exists today.  There is a pitch black that has descended upon this world. Because of it, people are wandering blindly, grabbing and taking a hold of whatever they run into, believing it to be a means of helping themselves.     

In the darkness, they have grabbed a hold of guns for protection; politicians or parties for guidance; money for deliverance; man-made or contrived philosophies for salvation; science for true knowledge; war for accomplishing peace; poisons for healing; the unjust for justice; and the list goes on and on as the blind continue to follow the blind.

The world as an overwhelming whole has rejected the ONE thing that can shed light on these subjects and give us the answers we are looking for: God and His Way as outlined by the Bible.  Of course, those who have not read and studied the pages of the “Owner’s Manual” will scoff at the idea that this could possibly be the solution for the ills of mankind.

Isaiah describes the condition of man in this way: “Therefore justice is far from us, Nor does righteousness overtake us; We look for light, but there is darkness! For brightness, but we walk in blackness! We grope for the wall like the blind, And we grope as if we had no eyes; We stumble at noonday as at twilight; We are as dead men in desolate places” (Isaiah 59:9-10).

BUT, before we begin to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to, we need to reflect on whether we still have blind-spots, things God wants us to see, but that we cannot notice because we are not walking completely in the light?  Do we see everything clearly that we need to, or is it vague because we have not come completely out of the shadows?

We were once floundering in the dark, trying out the misdirected ways of the world, but God in His mercy has turned on the light for us, “in the hope that [we] might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us…” (Acts 17:27).

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