The Time of Salvation

On January 24, 2015, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “The Time of Salvation.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our annual Church Conference will be conducted in San Diego, California, beginning March 20, and continuing through March 24, 2015.

A new Member Letter to our German brethren has been sent. In it, Mr. Link reminds everyone of the approaching Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread and includes information about the Feast of Tabernacles, which will be observed in Templin, Germany. In addition, two new German booklets dealing with the Sabbath and the Holy Days have been translated and are offered in this letter.

“The Pope Has No Answer!” is the title of a new StandingWatch Program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

During his travel to the Philippines, Pope Francis made some startling and unsettling comments. He warned Catholics not to breed like rabbits; admitted that he has no answer to the question of a little girl why children suffer; and said in response to the terrorist attack in France that one cannot make fun of faith without expecting a punch, and that every religion has its dignity. Why are all these comments deeply disturbing? We are offering our free booklet, “Human Suffering–Why… and How Much Longer?”

“Der Papst Hat Keine Antwort!” is the title of the German language AufPostenStehen program covering the same topic as above.

“Neu! Die Fehlenden Jahre im Wirken Christi,” is the new German sermon. It addresses the false concept of an end-time “7-year-contract” and discusses Christ’s public ministry for the remaining 3 1/2 years after His return. Title in English: “The Missing Years in Christ’s Ministry.”

“The Helper,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In the days leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He told His disciples that a Helper would be sent after He left them. What is the Helper that Jesus talked about? How can It work in your life?

World News

Pope at Loss for Words—Unable to Give an Answer!

The website of reported on January 18, 2015:

“Pope Francis on Sunday morning warmly embraced a former street child, comforting the little one after emotions overcame her as she asked: ‘Why does God allow so many children to suffer?’… Pope Francis later responded in his homily that it took [the young girl] ‘to ask a question to which there is no answer … Why do children suffer?’ The Pope was so moved by the question that he abandoned a prepared Homily…”

The Independent added on January 18:

“Pope Francis was moved to embrace a tearful abandoned girl at a university in Manila after she asked why God allows children to become prostitutes. Glyzelle Palomar wept as she asked the Pope: ‘Many children get involved in drugs and prostitution. Why does God allow these things to happen to us? The children are not guilty of anything’…  Visibly moved, the Pope said: ‘She is the only one who has put forward a question for which there is no answer and she was not even able to express it in words but rather in tears.’”

This is SO pitiful. The leader of the biggest Christian organization is unable to answer one of the most fundamental questions, claiming that there is no answer. But there sure is, if one believes the words of the Bible. Please read the answer in our free booklet, “Human Suffering… Why… and How Much Longer?”

The Pope and His Rabbits

The Local wrote on January 20:

“The Association of German Rabbit Breeders… said on Tuesday that Pope Francis’ injunction to Catholics not to breed ‘like rabbits’ was inaccurate. ‘He should really think harder about giving up expressions like that and allow people to use contraception instead,’ ZDRK president Erwin Leowsky said. ‘I think it would be much more appropriate than saying such stupid things’.

“Leowsky added that not all rabbits had a high level of sexual activity, and that the stereotype mostly applied to rabbits living in the wild. Most rabbits bred in captivity have a well-regulated reproductive rate, he said. [In fact, it was also pointed out in other articles that even rabbits in the wild have some in-built reproductive regulation system to prevent overpopulation.]

“Pope Francis made his remarks on the way home from a visit to the Philippines, a stronghold of the Catholic Church in Asia which last year passed a family planning law in defiance of the Vatican’s 1968-vintage ban on contraception. ‘God gave us the means to be responsible’, he told journalists on the flight home. ‘Some think, and excuse the term, that to be good Catholics, they must breed like rabbits’.

“Following the Church’s teachings did not mean ‘Christians should have children one after the other’, he said.”

As Bild Online explained, the Pope defended the official Catholic teaching, according to which any form of artificial contraception, such the pill or condoms, is prohibited. Only “natural” planning is allowed, such as no sexual intercourse during ovulation. This was decreed by Pope Paul VI in the Encyclical “Humane Vitae” in 1968. Pope Francis referred to Pope Paul VI as a “prophet.” He also said that he is sad when he hears that three children are too many, adding that three children is the minimum to keep the population stabile. He did not elaborate on how many more children than three could or would become “irresponsible parenthood”.

The article also stated that some of his ad-hoc comments in interviews create quite a problem for the Vatican.

These comments by the pope are SO ridiculous.

Pope: “Every Religion Has its Dignity”

NBC News reported on January 15:

Pope Francis suggested there are limits to freedom of expression, saying in response to the Charlie Hebdo terror attack that ‘one cannot make fun of faith’ and that anyone who throws insults can expect a ‘punch.’ The pontiff said that both freedom of faith and freedom of speech were fundamental human rights and that ‘every religion has its dignity. One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith,’ he said. ‘There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity … in freedom of expression there are limits.’

“The right to liberty of expression comes with the ‘obligation’ to speak for ‘the common good,’ Pope Francis said, cautioning against provocation. To illustrate his point, he joked about Vatican aide Alberto Gasparri who was standing nearby on the plane. ‘It’s true that we can’t react violently, but, for example if Dr. Gasbarri here, a great friend of mine, says a curse word against my mother, then a punch awaits him,’ the pontiff said.”

Again, the pope is grossly exaggerating. Not every religion has its dignity. Would ANYONE say that a religion requiring the sacrifice of babies has any sense of dignity? The same would apply to demon worship, witchcraft and hundreds upon hundreds of false religions. The pope’s use of inaccurate hyperbole could become a major problem for him in the future—while millions become lulled into a false sense of loyalty to the pope’s wrong assertions. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “The Pope Has No Answer!”

Also note the next article.

Two Male Witches “Tie the Knot” in UK’s First Pagan Same-Sex Marriage

The Telegraph wrote on January 19:

“Two male witches have tied the knot in the UK’s first pagan same-sex marriage… The ceremony encompassed a number of pagan traditions, including… jumping the broom. After their wedding, the couple said: ‘Getting married in a legal pagan ceremony means so much to both of us…’

“Scotland is the only part of the UK that allows pagans, and other minority and religious belief bodies, to solemnise legal weddings… Louise Park, the presiding officer for the Pagan Federation (Scotland), conducted the ceremony. She said: ‘… We feel that, if any couple wish to, they should be able to make their marriage vows before their own personal Gods, friends and family, in a religious ceremony tailored to suit their own beliefs.’”

So, does this “religion” have “dignity” too?

He Has NOT Been to Heaven!

The Washington Post reported on January 16:

“Tyndale House, a major Christian publisher, has announced that it will stop selling ‘The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven,’ by Alex Malarkey and his father, Kevin Malarkey.

“The best-selling book, first published in 2010, purports to describe what Alex experienced while he lay in a coma after a car accident when he was 6 years old. The coma lasted two months, and his injuries left him paralyzed, but the subsequent spiritual memoir – with its assuring description of ‘miracles, angels, and life beyond This World’ – became part of a popular genre of ‘heavenly tourism.’

“Earlier this week, Alex recanted his testimony about the afterlife. In an open letter to Christian bookstores posted on the Pulpit and Pen Web site, Alex states flatly: ‘I did not die. I did not go to Heaven… I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to. They should read the Bible, which is enough. The Bible is the only source of truth. Anything written by man cannot be infallible.’”

Alex came clean, which is to be applauded. But the fact that so many people believed his ridiculous story that he would have gone to heaven after his death shows the incredible ignorance of the masses and religious leaders and the gullibility of those who want to believe such nonsense. The Bible is dogmatically clear that no human being (except for Jesus Christ AFTER His resurrection) ever went to heaven after his death, nor will any human being ever go to heaven after his death. Everyone who dies IS dead, WITHOUT consciousness, awaiting the RESURRECTION from the dead.

For more information, please read our free booklet, Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”

“Do We Live in a Police State?”

The website of reported on January 21:

“Relatives of the Stanley family in Garland County, Arkansas have reached out to to notify the public that the 7 homeschool children of Hal and Michelle Stanley were removed during the night by DHS and fully armed sheriffs this past week, simply because they reportedly found a supplement in the home that was not approved by the FDA… A ‘miracle’ mineral treatment alleged to be a remedy for cancer and AIDS is at the center of an law enforcement search warrant. The investigation ended in the removal of seven children from their home in Garland County.

“The family has cried foul, saying only the father has taken it and it’s mostly used for purifying water for their garden. Hal and his wife Michelle were kept outside for hours while officers searched the home with their seven children inside. They avoid most contact with the government. The parents have home schooled their nine children, two of whom have graduated and gone on to college. The Stanleys keep to themselves, are generally self-sustained and consider themselves ‘preppers’…

“Hal added, ‘There’s never been any beer, liquor.’ They say they’ve never had a run-in with the law before.  ‘I’ve never had a speeding ticket.’ The Stanleys say since the night they had their children taken, friends and relatives have called and shown support. As the children were removed from the home Hal and his wife Michelle say they emotionally asked who made the decision. Hal said, ‘And finally a young man from the Sheriff’s department raised his hand, “I did it and I’m proud of the decision”’…

“Health Impact News has also reported on how the FDA has targeted the main distributor of MMS, who is facing 37 years in prison. This is in spite of the fact that the product has been used in Africa by the Red Cross to treat Malaria, and reportedly has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide. The product is made from sodium chlorite, which is a perfectly legal product and can be purchased online in such places as and eBay. Daniel Smith has been embroiled in a legal battle with the FDA for almost 5 years, and has been confined to his home under house arrest wearing a government monitoring device around his ankle for over two years…

“While the FDA and other authorities are attacking both distributors and users of this ‘unapproved’ product, several pharmaceutical companies have existing drug trials in place for similar products, according to the MMS Defense Fund site…Nobody has died from the many years of this product being used all around the world, but every year over 100,000 people die from FDA approved pharmaceutical products.”

Let us remind our readers that we are supposedly living in the land of the brave and the FREE—not in a dictatorial autocratic police state!

The Sixth State of the Union Address—More Divided Than Ever

Breitbart wrote on January 21:

“As President Obama cruised through his sixth State of the Union address, Democratic lawmakers, who frequently rose to cheer on their party leader, began to notice how poorly the speech was being received by their GOP colleagues. The response surprised them, even in an age of deep partisanship… With GOP lawmakers grudgingly sitting through what they considered… another lecture by a petulant, professorial Obama, the president was trying to channel some of the magic of his famous 2004 Democratic National Convention speech. He quoted himself saying that there wasn’t a liberal America or a conservative America, or a black America or white America, but a United States of America.

“‘Over the past six years, the pundits have pointed out more than once that my presidency hasn’t delivered on this vision. How ironic, they say, that our politics seems more divided than ever’… Six years in to his presidency, Obama is on track to be the most polarizing president, according to public polls. He has lost more Democratic congressional seats in midterm elections than any president since Harry Truman, and he won reelection himself primarily by demonizing Mitt Romney as a heartless plutocrat, similar to how George W. Bush tarnished John Kerry en route to a victory that carried no governing mandate.”

Wars and More Wars

The Times of Israel reported on January 21 on President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

“President Barack Obama vowed to veto any bill that would place additional sanctions on Iran… Obama warned that ‘there are no guarantees that negotiations will succeed, and I keep all options on the table to prevent a nuclear Iran,’ but added that ‘new sanctions passed by this Congress, at this moment in time, will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails – alienating America from its allies; and ensuring that Iran starts up its nuclear program again. It doesn’t make sense. That is why I will veto any new sanctions bill that threatens to undo this progress,’ he continued. Obama left a military option on the table, noting that ‘the American people expect us to only go to war as a last resort, and I intend to stay true to that wisdom.’…

“Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matt Brooks quickly responded to Obama’s comments in a statement following the speech…  ‘Despite pleas from Congress and the international community, the president, after exhaustive negotiations to halt their program, is rewarding Iran with yet more time,’ Brooks complained. ‘The Obama administration’s Iran policy is failing. Congress needs to place enhanced sanctions on Iran to demonstrate that we are serious about halting their nuclear weapons program. The president’s veto threat will only empower and embolden Iran to continue as a threat to the entire region and world.’…

“Obama argued that US military leadership in Iraq and Syria was stopping the Islamic State’s advance, but asked lawmakers ‘to show the world that we are united in this mission’ with a war authorization vote. Republican lawmakers have said they are prepared to work with him to pass such a measure if he sends a proposal up to Capitol Hill… Obama said he believes in moving forward with ‘a smarter kind of American leadership’ that combines military power with strong diplomacy… ‘We reserve the right to act unilaterally, as we’ve done relentlessly since I took office to take out terrorists who pose a direct threat to us and our allies,’ he said.

“Obama also spoke out against both ‘deplorable anti-Semitism that has resurfaced in certain parts of the world’ as well as against ‘offensive stereotypes of Muslims,’ although the first statement was greeted by applause, while the latter — made seconds later — was not.

“Unlike last year, when Obama mentioned in passing the US-brokered attempts to achieve a deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, there was no mention of the Palestinians whatsoever, and a reference to Israel only in the context of Iran…”

“In Two Years We Will Get Rid of Obama!”

Bild Online wrote on January 20:

“Two years from today will be a good day. Two years from today Barack Obama will retire from the Presidency…. During the last six years of his Presidency, he has proven to have a unique talent to miss historical opportunities…  It has been very rare that a president ruled so much without a compass, without noticeable love, and so unpredictably… [Six years ago] the world saw him as a Messiah. And today? The history books will judge how weak Barack Obama was as a president. But in every case, he was the biggest disappointment in the White House…”

Obama vs. Netanyahu

The Associated Press reported on January 22:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned trip to Washington in March is kicking up a diplomatic dust storm in the nation’s capital. On Thursday, the White House said President Barack Obama [and Secretary of State John Kerry] would not meet the prime minister when he comes to the U.S. to address a joint session of Congress. The official White House explanation was that Netanyahu’s visit fell too close to the Israeli election and the Obama administration wanted to avoid the appearance of taking sides…

“But the timing of Netanyahu’s visit also gave the White House a convenient means of retaliating against the prime minister for his decision to accept an invitation from Republican leaders to address Congress. GOP lawmakers and Netanyahu worked out the arrangement without consulting with the White House or State Department, only alerting the Obama administration a few hours before the Israeli leader’s trip was made public. The White House appeared stunned by what it saw as a breach of diplomatic decorum by Netanyahu, a leader with whom Obama has a history of tension.”

German Pegida’s “Darker” Side

The Local wrote on January 16:

“They’ve grown from a small Facebook community to a worldwide phenomenon… The average Pegida marcher is surprisingly average… Germany has Europe’s largest Muslim population, though they only make up five percent of the population. In respose to Pegida, Chancellor Angela Merkel has said ‘Islam is a part of Germany’. However, broadcaster ZDF published a poll on Friday showing that only 48 percent of respondents agreed with her statement…

“Many people at Monday’s rally shared concerns about Germany’s vulnerability. Many felt the attack on Charlie Hebdo’s editorial staff was an attack on freedom of expression and the press. They worry people will feel that their freedoms are diminished by Islamic extremists who cannot adhere to those western values. It also explains why some carry signs saying ‘I like pork’. They worry that with more Muslims entering schools and work forces, pork will get taken off canteen menus…

“The group was launched following a growth of feeling against the Kurdistan’s Worker’s Party (PKK), which is classified as a terrorist group by NATO states.

“[One of its two co-founders, Lutz] Bachmann has avoided the press since his criminal history, which includes drug charges that he fled to South Africa to escape, came to light. Pegida has a 19-point manifesto that was released in December 2014. Besides calling for stricter immigration and asylum laws as well as making integration part of the constitution, it also calls for the outright rejection of any immigrant, refugee or asylum seeker with a criminal background.

“The movement is also deeply pro-Russian… [T]o former East Germans, the current Russian regime has nothing in common with the Soviet Union… Many of those who participate in the walk carry Russian flags. The idea is that if Russia has power again, it can create a balance of power with the United States of America, thus causing fewer bombing campaigns by the global military power.

“With fewer military actions, there would be fewer wars, less demand for arms, and fewer refugees fleeing their homelands and coming to Germany… There is still a deeply-rooted anti-Americanism in East Germany and Dresden…

“While Pegida movements outside of Dresden have been out-shouted by no-Pegida demonstrators, others keep appearing. Oslo has already hosted a Pegida march. Danes will hold one this coming Monday.”

Apart from the fact that Christians should not participate in political demonstrations (they are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and a better world to come, when Jesus Christ returns), the article points out some of the questionable positions which Pegida propagates. At the same time, the next article shows how the German government is trying to suppress the movement—apparently with Pegida’s acquiescence, while at the same time portraying itself as persecuted victims to capitalize on Islamic threats.

The Local reported on January 21 that “Lutz Bachmann, the founder of Pegida, has resigned his leadership of the anti-Islam group following widespread outrage over Facebook photos of him in an Adolf Hitler costume.”

PEGIDA Demonstration Cancelled Due to Islamic Threats

APP wrote on January 19:

“German police banned a planned rally by the anti-Islamic PEGIDA movement and other public open-air gatherings in the eastern city of Dresden Monday, citing a terrorist threat. Dresden police said Sunday they had received information from federal and state counterparts indicating a ‘concrete threat’ against the right-wing populist group ‘Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident’.

“There had been calls for would-be ‘assassins to mingle among the protesters… and to murder an individual member of the organising team of the PEGIDA demonstrations’, police said in a notice on the 24-hour ban. This was consistent with ‘an Arabic-language tweet that called the PEGIDA demonstrations an enemy of Islam’, it said. Top-circulation daily Bild said online that the threat targeted PEGIDA’s most prominent leader Lutz Bachmann.

“Because there were no individual suspects, Dresden police said it saw no alternative to the temporary suspension of the constitutional right to free assembly within city limits. PEGIDA earlier told its followers on Facebook that its 13th planned rally had been scrapped, citing a threat from the Islamic State jihadist group, and portraying the cancellation as its own decision… It had decided to call off the Dresden event as it could not guarantee the security of marchers…”

And so, one bows to terrorist threats, even though Pegida announced that their demonstrations will continue in the future. Many German papers reacted negatively, stating the German government should not have prohibited the demonstration and PEGIDA should not have given their prior consent.

Euro Drops

Deutsche Welle reported on January 22:

“The euro dropped to $1.13 on Thursday, its cheapest rate against the greenback in 11 years. The value of the euro has been falling over the past year. Last April, it was trading at $1.38. News of the two-percent drop in value came on the heels of an announcement of the European Central Bank’s stimulus plan [which Germany opposes], which foresees printing 60 billion euros ($69.7 billion) a month beginning in March. The 19-month quantitative easing program – which will cost over 1 trillion euros – aims to spur inflation and encourage lending in the real economy.”

Up To 20 European Sleeper Cells

Newsmax reported on January 17:

“Up to 20 sleeper cells comprising 120 to 180 people may be ready to strike targets in several European countries, intelligence source say in the wake of the discovery of an ‘imminent threat’ of an attack in Belgium this week. More than two dozen people with suspected ties to Islamic extremists were arrested in a sweep Friday,  and an unnamed Western intelligence source told CNN that as many as 20 sleeper cells are ready to strike targets in France, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

“‘There is a tremendous amount of concern over sleeper cells in Europe,’ said the official… Intelligence officers have been monitoring men who have returned to Europe after fighting in Syria, as it is believed the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS, has directed attacks to retaliate against airstrikes against its forces in Syria and Iraq…”

Europe Calls for Alliance with Muslim Nations…

The Washington Post wrote on January 19:

“European foreign ministers… called… for an alliance against Islamic extremism with the countries of North Africa and other Muslim nations like Yemen, where at least one of the gunmen responsible for attacks this month in Paris received training. ‘We need an alliance, a dialogue, because we are all facing the same threat,’ Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s foreign affairs chief, said…

“In an effort to increase counterterrorism cooperation both inside Europe and with countries outside the bloc, particularly those in the Muslim world, the 28-nation European alliance will assign security attachés at its diplomatic missions overseas, Ms. Mogherini said. Didier Reynders, the foreign minister of Belgium… said the European Union needed to increase intelligence sharing and other cooperation with countries like Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia to help curb radicalization and violent extremism.

“Many Muslims living in Belgium and France… trace their origins to North Africa. Proposals for such a program in Europe were put forward years ago but were stalled because of opposition from the European Parliament, where many lawmakers worried about violating citizens’ privacy.

“Under the program, information about seat numbers, flight reservation dates, payment methods and travel itineraries would be exchanged…”

Irreversible Consequences for Ukrainian Statehood?

The Guardian wrote on January 19:

“Pro-Russia separatists renewed attacks on Ukrainian forces at Donetsk airport complex in the east of the country on Monday after Kiev launched a mass operation to reclaim lost ground in the region… Russia expressed concern at what it called escalation by Kiev… ‘It’s the biggest, even strategic mistake of the Ukrainian authorities to bank on a military solution to the crisis,’ Interfax quoted Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Grigory Karasin, as saying. ‘This may lead to irreversible consequences for Ukrainian statehood.’”

The Washington Post wrote on January 19:

“The foreign ministers [of the EU]… discussed policy toward Russia and whether to keep in place sanctions imposed last year on Russian banks, other companies and individuals over the conflict in Ukraine. Some countries had in the past urged a softening of the sanctions, while others, particularly the Baltic countries, had demanded that they remain. But a recent uptick in fighting in eastern Ukraine — notably a push by Russian-backed separatists to seize the Donetsk airport from Ukrainian forces — strengthened the arguments of those opposed to any change in policy.

“Ms. Mogherini said that ‘the latest developments on the ground are not encouraging, rather the contrary,’ adding that the foreign ministers were united in their desire to stick with the current sanctions. ‘There is no normalization, there is no back to business as usual in any way.’”

Again, Russia put the world on notice by referring to grave consequences for Ukrainian statehood, if the battles were to continue. With this warning, Russia is clearly issuing a threat of military intervention. 

Deutsche Welle reported on January 22: “The battle for Donetsk airport is raging on between government troops and pro-Russian separatists. The ceasefire agreed for eastern Ukraine in September seems to be finished for good.”

More Bad Rumors from the East

The EUObserver wrote on January 15:

“Russia has said it will stop EU gas transit via Ukraine and do it via Turkey instead in the second shock announcement on energy in as many months. It said on Wednesday (14 January) that the EU should build new infrastructure to link up with a future Russia-Turkey pipeline or lose access to supplies. Gazprom head Alexei Miller issued the ultimatum during a visit to Russia by EU energy commissioner Maros Sefcovic, who said he was ‘very surprised’ by the statement.

“The latest announcement comes after Russia said in December it won’t build the so-called South Stream pipeline via Bulgaria and Hungary to Italy in favour of a new project with Turkey. The European Commission blocked South Stream construction on grounds of non-compliance with EU energy law.  But both South Stream and ‘Turkish Stream’ have strategic implications because they bypass Ukraine, which earns billions from transit fees and which is on the edge of bankruptcy…

“About 80 percent of the EU’s gas imports from Russia come via Ukraine. But political disputes between Kiev and Moscow have seen EU supplies interrupted on two occasions in recent years, with Moscow justifying the Turkey decision by saying Ukraine is ‘unreliable’.”

“EU-UK Romance Gone Wrong”

The EUObserver wrote on January 19:

“European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker has given the clearest hint yet that he would be prepared to see the UK leave the EU, comparing the UK’s 42-year membership of the bloc to a romance gone wrong… The UK joined the then European Economic Community (EEC) in 1973, a decision confirmed by a referendum in 1975, but has long been regarded by many as an ‘awkward partner’…

“Meanwhile, [Juncker] ruled out the prospect of UK-pushed treaty changes to reform EU rules on free movement saying that there would be ‘no debate, dialogue or compromise’ on an issue which he described as ‘red lines which could not be crossed… the EU won’t change the treaties to satisfy the whim of certain politicians,’ added Juncker. The commission president’s stance is a political blow to prime minister David Cameron ahead of the UK’s general election in May. The UK prime minister’s rhetoric on EU migration is likely to intensify in the coming weeks, with surveys suggesting that immigration, rather than the economy or public services, is the most important issue to voters…

“Cameron wants to [require] all EU migrants to have a job within six months of arriving in the UK. He also wants them to pay into the UK’s tax and social security programmes for four years before they can receive certain benefits and plans to end the payment of child benefit to dependents of EU migrants in their home country. However, last autumn Cameron dropped a plan to cap the number [of] EU nationals able to come to the UK amid opposition from Berlin and other capitals, and following warnings that this would breach the EU treaties.”

The UK’s exit from the EU becomes more and more apparent.

Argentinian-Jewish prosecutor Alberto Nisman Killed

The Times of Israel reported in January 19:

“Argentinian-Jewish prosecutor Alberto Nisman was killed by a gunshot below his ear, the preliminary results of an autopsy showed Monday, as thousands of Argentinians headed to the streets to protest his death. Nisman was found dead of a gunshot wound just hours before he was due to testify at a congressional hearing on the deadly 1994 AMIA bombing.

“Nisman had fingered Iran and Hezbollah in the attack, which killed 85 people at a Jewish community building, and was scheduled to release information tying Argentinean President Christina  [Fernandez de] Kirchner [and her foreign minister Hector Timerman] to a coverup of Tehran’s involvement…

“Police [and several] officials maintained Monday that Nisman’s death appeared to be a suicide… [But] Anibal Fernandez, secretary general for the presidency, said he was ‘dumbfounded,’ adding there was ‘absolutely nothing normal’ about it. Congresswoman Cornelia Schmidt-Liermann said she had planned to pick Nisman up Monday at his residence and accompany him for his testimony. ‘Everybody who had contact with him the last 24 hours says he was confident’ about his testimony,’ she told The Associated Press. ‘There is no indication, under any circumstances, that he killed himself.’…”

Will the world be sold another cover-up, as there have been so many examples historically around the world?

Reuters wrote on January 22:

“The death of a prosecutor investigating the bombing of a Jewish community center was not a suicide, as was initially reported, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez said on Thursday… She did not say who killed him and no one has been arrested in the case, which has shocked Argentines. Social media networks are seething with conspiracy theories, some pointing at Fernandez and her government…”

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Has Died

The Huffington Post reported on January 22:

“Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has died, Saudi state television announced early on Friday local time. Abdullah’s designated successor is Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, his 79-year-old half-brother.

“Reuters reports that King Abdullah had been admitted to a Riyadh hospital in December for medical tests. The royal court announced in January that Abdullah was suffering from pneumonia. Abdullah came into power in August 2005 after the death of his brother, King Fahd.”

The Associated Press added on January 22:

“Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, the powerful U.S. ally who joined Washington’s fight against al-Qaida and sought to modernize the ultraconservative Muslim kingdom with incremental but significant reforms, including nudging open greater opportunities for women, has died, according to Saudi state TV. He was 90.

“More than his guarded and hidebound predecessors, Abdullah assertively threw his oil-rich nation’s weight behind trying to shape the Middle East. His priority was to counter the influence of rival, mainly Shiite Iran wherever it tried to make advances. He and fellow Sunni Arab monarchs also staunchly opposed the Middle East’s wave of pro-democracy uprisings, seeing them as a threat to stability and their own rule.”

Reuters wrote on January 22:

“At stake with the appointment of Salman as [new] king is the future direction of the United States’ most important Arab ally and self-appointed champion of Sunni Islam at a moment of unprecedented turmoil across the Middle East… Saudi Arabia, which holds more than a fifth of the world’s crude oil, also exerts some influence over the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims through its guardianship of Mecca and Medina, Islam’s holiest sites.”

For information on the future of Saudi Arabia, please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

Turmoil in Yemen

The Washington Post wrote on January 22:

“Yemen’s Western-backed president and his cabinet resigned Thursday amid deepened turmoil that left Shiite rebels in effective control and threw into question this nation’s continued participation in the U.S. fight against terrorism…

“The crisis threatens to weaken Washington’s campaign against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is based in Yemen and has actively targeted the United States and Europe. The government’s collapse could also plunge Yemen into full-scale civil war. The Houthi rebels are widely considered to be backed by Shiite-majority Iran, although they deny it. Yemen’s population is majority Sunni, and there is a strong separatist movement in the Sunni-dominated south…

“For Saudi Arabia, in particular, the ascendance of a Shiite-dominated state on its doorstep represents a strategic threat. It sees Iranian proxies consolidating power on its southern border with Yemen and on the northern one with Iraq, which is led by a Shiite government that has growing political, military and economic ties with Tehran, said Mustafa Alani, director of security and terrorism at the Geneva-based Gulf Research Center. ‘This is becoming a strategic nightmare’ for Saudi Arabia, he said. Riyadh fears Iran is building a ‘mini-state in Yemen,’ he added, similar to what the Shiite movement Hezbollah has created in Lebanon.”

Remember Raoul Wallenberg

The Times of Israel wrote on January 17:

“Thus far, 2015 has brought tragic and infuriating terrorism, anti-semitism, and assaults on liberty in France; a car bomb in Yemen that killed and injured dozens; and the massacre of thousands in Nigeria by Boko Haram, as well as yet another of the group’s mass kidnappings. This is in addition to continuing mass atrocities and humanitarian crises in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Central Africa, Sudan and elsewhere, and it comes on the heels of the deadly hostage-taking in Sydney, and the barbarous terrorist attack on a school in Pakistan that left over a hundred dead, most of them children…

“[Raoul] Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, was a beacon of light during the darkest days of the Holocaust, and his example remains so today. Prior to his arrival in Budapest in July 1944, some 430,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported to Auschwitz in the space of ten weeks – the fastest, cruelest, and most efficient mass murders of the Nazi genocide. Yet Wallenberg rescued more Hungarian Jews from the Nazis than any single government, notably saving 20,000 by issuing Schutzpasses, documents conferring diplomatic immunity. He even went to the trains as mass deportations were underway, distributing Schutzpasses to people otherwise consigned to death. Other diplomatic missions followed suit, saving thousands more.

“Wallenberg saved an additional 32,000 by establishing dozens of safe houses in a diplomatic zone protected by neutral legations. He organized hospitals, soup kitchens, and childcare centres, providing human dignity along with the essentials of life. Moreover, when thousands of Jews were sent on a 125-mile death march in November 1944, Wallenberg followed alongside, distributing improvised Schutzpasses, as well as food and medical supplies…

“Finally, with the Nazis preparing to liquidate the Budapest ghetto as the war neared its end, Wallenberg warned Nazi generals that they would be held accountable and brought to justice, if not executed, for their crimes. The Nazis desisted, and 70,000 more Jews were saved…

“70 years ago today, Wallenberg was arrested by the Soviets, who had entered Hungary as liberators. He disappeared into the Gulag, and his fate remains unknown… the person who saved so many was not saved by so many who could. Yet, while we pursue the moral obligation of discovering the truth of Wallenberg’s fate, his legacy endures, reminding us of the power of an individual with the compassion to care and the courage to act to confront evil, resist, and transform history.

“In recognition of his heroism, Canada has established January 17th as Raoul Wallenberg Commemorative Day, and we [the state of Israel] named Wallenberg our country’s first honorary citizen thirty years ago. He has been granted the same distinction in Hungary, Australia, Israel, and the United States, and there are monuments to him in cities around the world, as well as streets and schools that bear his name. In Paris, there has been a Rue Raoul-Wallenberg since 2007…

“At a time when it seems as though each day brings a new heart-wrenching catastrophe, let us be inspired by Raoul Wallenberg, who came face to face with the horrors of Nazism, and was moved not to despair, but to action.”

The Church of God has a very similar task to fulfill today. It has the commission to preach the good news of the coming Kingdom of God in all the world as a witness to make possible the establishment of God’s righteous and peaceful government on earth. In the meantime, God’s Church is to teach and help those spiritually who respond to the Gospel message, by nurturing them with God’s Word and showing them a way to become protected during the terrible times ahead.

Update 672

The Time of Salvation

On January 24, 2015, Dave Harris will give the sermon, titled, “The Time of Salvation.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Yet Another Day of Ignominy

by Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

December 11th 2014 will be another date that will go down in the annals of British history as another shameful piece of legislation came into force.   Most seemed to think that it was yet another great day in gaining equality for all, but for those who know God’s Word, the exact opposite was the case.

It was a day when homosexual couples were given the right to convert their civil partnerships into marriages.

UK Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, who is also equalities minister, and skills minister Nick Boles, who is responsible for policy over same sex marriage, hailed it as a ‘proud’ moment for equal rights!

The Daily Mail reported that “Overall, almost seven in 10 Britons – 69 per cent – believe that homosexual couples should be able to marry while just over a quarter – 28 per cent – disagree.   When the same question was asked in 1975, support for gay marriage stood at just 16 per cent, with 53 per cent against.”

We had a Q&A in our Update 626, dated February 14, 2014, entitled “The frog in boiling water principle.”   In this, we stated the following: ”They say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out right away to escape the danger. But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant, and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling, the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late.   The frog’s survival instincts are geared towards detecting sudden changes.”

There is no question that continual lobbying and the manipulation of public opinion over many decades ensured that the initial repugnance that most of the population once felt towards homosexuality, softened significantly over time towards mass acceptance of this ungodly practice.

During this campaign over the years, political leaders such as Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Nick Clegg, Ed Milliband and Prime Minister David Cameron have all played their part.  Whilst Nick Clegg and Ed Milliband are self-confessed atheists, Messrs Blair, Brown and Cameron have all acknowledged their Christian faith; however their knowledge of the Bible on this subject is either deficient or conveniently ignored.   They put what they call “equality” before the Word of God.

This was not only another day of ignominy for the UK but was compounded by the many hundreds of comments to the article, most of which not only approved of this new practice but also showed a good deal of hostility and antipathy towards God and the Bible.  Those few who disapproved of what was happening were subjected to such comments as “small minded bigots; the fairy tale book named ‘the bible’; dull and old fashioned” and many others proliferated, showing that the secular, Godless society, is very much in the majority today.

This latest day of ignominy following after many others will be part of our demise and the downfall of this once great nation.

And it seems that the writing is now truly on the wall!

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We begin with reports about some pitiful and highly embarrassing statements by the pope; continue with a made-up story about a child who allegedly died and went to heaven; brief you on a sickening case of “legal” “child kidnapping” through law enforcement; report on President Obama’s sixth State of the Union Address; discuss developments in Germany and the government’s mishandling of the situation pertaining to PEGIDA and the “darker” side of the movement; report about the alleged existence of 20 sleeper cells in Europe; and speak of the desire of the EU to forge an alliance with Muslim countries against Islamists.

We continue with the situation in war-torn Ukraine and Russia’s threats, which deeply unsettle the EU; speak of the growing alienation between the EU and the UK; and address the highly controversial killing of Argentina’s prosecutor Alberto Nisman as well as developments in Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

We conclude with a piece on Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg who saved the lives of more than a hundred thousand Jews, only to disappear in a Russian gulag at the end of World War II.  A hero in his own right, we are drawing some remarkable parallels between his legacy and today’s commission of the Church of God.

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Pope at Loss for Words—Unable to Give an Answer!

The website of reported on January 18, 2015:

“Pope Francis on Sunday morning warmly embraced a former street child, comforting the little one after emotions overcame her as she asked: ‘Why does God allow so many children to suffer?’… Pope Francis later responded in his homily that it took [the young girl] ‘to ask a question to which there is no answer … Why do children suffer?’ The Pope was so moved by the question that he abandoned a prepared Homily…”

The Independent added on January 18:

“Pope Francis was moved to embrace a tearful abandoned girl at a university in Manila after she asked why God allows children to become prostitutes. Glyzelle Palomar wept as she asked the Pope: ‘Many children get involved in drugs and prostitution. Why does God allow these things to happen to us? The children are not guilty of anything’…  Visibly moved, the Pope said: ‘She is the only one who has put forward a question for which there is no answer and she was not even able to express it in words but rather in tears.’”

This is SO pitiful. The leader of the biggest Christian organization is unable to answer one of the most fundamental questions, claiming that there is no answer. But there sure is, if one believes the words of the Bible. Please read the answer in our free booklet, “Human Suffering… Why… and How Much Longer?”

The Pope and His Rabbits

The Local wrote on January 20:

“The Association of German Rabbit Breeders… said on Tuesday that Pope Francis’ injunction to Catholics not to breed ‘like rabbits’ was inaccurate. ‘He should really think harder about giving up expressions like that and allow people to use contraception instead,’ ZDRK president Erwin Leowsky said. ‘I think it would be much more appropriate than saying such stupid things’.

“Leowsky added that not all rabbits had a high level of sexual activity, and that the stereotype mostly applied to rabbits living in the wild. Most rabbits bred in captivity have a well-regulated reproductive rate, he said. [In fact, it was also pointed out in other articles that even rabbits in the wild have some in-built reproductive regulation system to prevent overpopulation.]

“Pope Francis made his remarks on the way home from a visit to the Philippines, a stronghold of the Catholic Church in Asia which last year passed a family planning law in defiance of the Vatican’s 1968-vintage ban on contraception. ‘God gave us the means to be responsible’, he told journalists on the flight home. ‘Some think, and excuse the term, that to be good Catholics, they must breed like rabbits’.

“Following the Church’s teachings did not mean ‘Christians should have children one after the other’, he said.”

As Bild Online explained, the Pope defended the official Catholic teaching, according to which any form of artificial contraception, such the pill or condoms, is prohibited. Only “natural” planning is allowed, such as no sexual intercourse during ovulation. This was decreed by Pope Paul VI in the Encyclical “Humane Vitae” in 1968. Pope Francis referred to Pope Paul VI as a “prophet.” He also said that he is sad when he hears that three children are too many, adding that three children is the minimum to keep the population stabile. He did not elaborate on how many more children than three could or would become “irresponsible parenthood”.

The article also stated that some of his ad-hoc comments in interviews create quite a problem for the Vatican.

These comments by the pope are SO ridiculous.

Pope: “Every Religion Has its Dignity”

NBC News reported on January 15:

Pope Francis suggested there are limits to freedom of expression, saying in response to the Charlie Hebdo terror attack that ‘one cannot make fun of faith’ and that anyone who throws insults can expect a ‘punch.’ The pontiff said that both freedom of faith and freedom of speech were fundamental human rights and that ‘every religion has its dignity. One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith,’ he said. ‘There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity … in freedom of expression there are limits.’

“The right to liberty of expression comes with the ‘obligation’ to speak for ‘the common good,’ Pope Francis said, cautioning against provocation. To illustrate his point, he joked about Vatican aide Alberto Gasparri who was standing nearby on the plane. ‘It’s true that we can’t react violently, but, for example if Dr. Gasbarri here, a great friend of mine, says a curse word against my mother, then a punch awaits him,’ the pontiff said.”

Again, the pope is grossly exaggerating. Not every religion has its dignity. Would ANYONE say that a religion requiring the sacrifice of babies has any sense of dignity? The same would apply to demon worship, witchcraft and hundreds upon hundreds of false religions. The pope’s use of inaccurate hyperbole could become a major problem for him in the future—while millions become lulled into a false sense of loyalty to the pope’s wrong assertions. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “The Pope Has No Answer!”

Also note the next article.

Two Male Witches “Tie the Knot” in UK’s First Pagan Same-Sex Marriage

The Telegraph wrote on January 19:

“Two male witches have tied the knot in the UK’s first pagan same-sex marriage… The ceremony encompassed a number of pagan traditions, including… jumping the broom. After their wedding, the couple said: ‘Getting married in a legal pagan ceremony means so much to both of us…’

“Scotland is the only part of the UK that allows pagans, and other minority and religious belief bodies, to solemnise legal weddings… Louise Park, the presiding officer for the Pagan Federation (Scotland), conducted the ceremony. She said: ‘… We feel that, if any couple wish to, they should be able to make their marriage vows before their own personal Gods, friends and family, in a religious ceremony tailored to suit their own beliefs.’”

So, does this “religion” have “dignity” too?

He Has NOT Been to Heaven!

The Washington Post reported on January 16:

“Tyndale House, a major Christian publisher, has announced that it will stop selling ‘The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven,’ by Alex Malarkey and his father, Kevin Malarkey.

“The best-selling book, first published in 2010, purports to describe what Alex experienced while he lay in a coma after a car accident when he was 6 years old. The coma lasted two months, and his injuries left him paralyzed, but the subsequent spiritual memoir – with its assuring description of ‘miracles, angels, and life beyond This World’ – became part of a popular genre of ‘heavenly tourism.’

“Earlier this week, Alex recanted his testimony about the afterlife. In an open letter to Christian bookstores posted on the Pulpit and Pen Web site, Alex states flatly: ‘I did not die. I did not go to Heaven… I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to. They should read the Bible, which is enough. The Bible is the only source of truth. Anything written by man cannot be infallible.’”

Alex came clean, which is to be applauded. But the fact that so many people believed his ridiculous story that he would have gone to heaven after his death shows the incredible ignorance of the masses and religious leaders and the gullibility of those who want to believe such nonsense. The Bible is dogmatically clear that no human being (except for Jesus Christ AFTER His resurrection) ever went to heaven after his death, nor will any human being ever go to heaven after his death. Everyone who dies IS dead, WITHOUT consciousness, awaiting the RESURRECTION from the dead.

For more information, please read our free booklet, Do We Have an Immortal Soul?”

“Do We Live in a Police State?”

The website of reported on January 21:

“Relatives of the Stanley family in Garland County, Arkansas have reached out to to notify the public that the 7 homeschool children of Hal and Michelle Stanley were removed during the night by DHS and fully armed sheriffs this past week, simply because they reportedly found a supplement in the home that was not approved by the FDA… A ‘miracle’ mineral treatment alleged to be a remedy for cancer and AIDS is at the center of an law enforcement search warrant. The investigation ended in the removal of seven children from their home in Garland County.

“The family has cried foul, saying only the father has taken it and it’s mostly used for purifying water for their garden. Hal and his wife Michelle were kept outside for hours while officers searched the home with their seven children inside. They avoid most contact with the government. The parents have home schooled their nine children, two of whom have graduated and gone on to college. The Stanleys keep to themselves, are generally self-sustained and consider themselves ‘preppers’…

“Hal added, ‘There’s never been any beer, liquor.’ They say they’ve never had a run-in with the law before.  ‘I’ve never had a speeding ticket.’ The Stanleys say since the night they had their children taken, friends and relatives have called and shown support. As the children were removed from the home Hal and his wife Michelle say they emotionally asked who made the decision. Hal said, ‘And finally a young man from the Sheriff’s department raised his hand, “I did it and I’m proud of the decision”’…

“Health Impact News has also reported on how the FDA has targeted the main distributor of MMS, who is facing 37 years in prison. This is in spite of the fact that the product has been used in Africa by the Red Cross to treat Malaria, and reportedly has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide. The product is made from sodium chlorite, which is a perfectly legal product and can be purchased online in such places as and eBay. Daniel Smith has been embroiled in a legal battle with the FDA for almost 5 years, and has been confined to his home under house arrest wearing a government monitoring device around his ankle for over two years…

“While the FDA and other authorities are attacking both distributors and users of this ‘unapproved’ product, several pharmaceutical companies have existing drug trials in place for similar products, according to the MMS Defense Fund site…Nobody has died from the many years of this product being used all around the world, but every year over 100,000 people die from FDA approved pharmaceutical products.”

Let us remind our readers that we are supposedly living in the land of the brave and the FREE—not in a dictatorial autocratic police state!

The Sixth State of the Union Address—More Divided Than Ever

Breitbart wrote on January 21:

“As President Obama cruised through his sixth State of the Union address, Democratic lawmakers, who frequently rose to cheer on their party leader, began to notice how poorly the speech was being received by their GOP colleagues. The response surprised them, even in an age of deep partisanship… With GOP lawmakers grudgingly sitting through what they considered… another lecture by a petulant, professorial Obama, the president was trying to channel some of the magic of his famous 2004 Democratic National Convention speech. He quoted himself saying that there wasn’t a liberal America or a conservative America, or a black America or white America, but a United States of America.

“‘Over the past six years, the pundits have pointed out more than once that my presidency hasn’t delivered on this vision. How ironic, they say, that our politics seems more divided than ever’… Six years in to his presidency, Obama is on track to be the most polarizing president, according to public polls. He has lost more Democratic congressional seats in midterm elections than any president since Harry Truman, and he won reelection himself primarily by demonizing Mitt Romney as a heartless plutocrat, similar to how George W. Bush tarnished John Kerry en route to a victory that carried no governing mandate.”

Wars and More Wars

The Times of Israel reported on January 21 on President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

“President Barack Obama vowed to veto any bill that would place additional sanctions on Iran… Obama warned that ‘there are no guarantees that negotiations will succeed, and I keep all options on the table to prevent a nuclear Iran,’ but added that ‘new sanctions passed by this Congress, at this moment in time, will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails – alienating America from its allies; and ensuring that Iran starts up its nuclear program again. It doesn’t make sense. That is why I will veto any new sanctions bill that threatens to undo this progress,’ he continued. Obama left a military option on the table, noting that ‘the American people expect us to only go to war as a last resort, and I intend to stay true to that wisdom.’…

“Republican Jewish Coalition Executive Director Matt Brooks quickly responded to Obama’s comments in a statement following the speech…  ‘Despite pleas from Congress and the international community, the president, after exhaustive negotiations to halt their program, is rewarding Iran with yet more time,’ Brooks complained. ‘The Obama administration’s Iran policy is failing. Congress needs to place enhanced sanctions on Iran to demonstrate that we are serious about halting their nuclear weapons program. The president’s veto threat will only empower and embolden Iran to continue as a threat to the entire region and world.’…

“Obama argued that US military leadership in Iraq and Syria was stopping the Islamic State’s advance, but asked lawmakers ‘to show the world that we are united in this mission’ with a war authorization vote. Republican lawmakers have said they are prepared to work with him to pass such a measure if he sends a proposal up to Capitol Hill… Obama said he believes in moving forward with ‘a smarter kind of American leadership’ that combines military power with strong diplomacy… ‘We reserve the right to act unilaterally, as we’ve done relentlessly since I took office to take out terrorists who pose a direct threat to us and our allies,’ he said.

“Obama also spoke out against both ‘deplorable anti-Semitism that has resurfaced in certain parts of the world’ as well as against ‘offensive stereotypes of Muslims,’ although the first statement was greeted by applause, while the latter — made seconds later — was not.

“Unlike last year, when Obama mentioned in passing the US-brokered attempts to achieve a deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, there was no mention of the Palestinians whatsoever, and a reference to Israel only in the context of Iran…”

“In Two Years We Will Get Rid of Obama!”

Bild Online wrote on January 20:

“Two years from today will be a good day. Two years from today Barack Obama will retire from the Presidency…. During the last six years of his Presidency, he has proven to have a unique talent to miss historical opportunities…  It has been very rare that a president ruled so much without a compass, without noticeable love, and so unpredictably… [Six years ago] the world saw him as a Messiah. And today? The history books will judge how weak Barack Obama was as a president. But in every case, he was the biggest disappointment in the White House…”

Obama vs. Netanyahu

The Associated Press reported on January 22:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned trip to Washington in March is kicking up a diplomatic dust storm in the nation’s capital. On Thursday, the White House said President Barack Obama [and Secretary of State John Kerry] would not meet the prime minister when he comes to the U.S. to address a joint session of Congress. The official White House explanation was that Netanyahu’s visit fell too close to the Israeli election and the Obama administration wanted to avoid the appearance of taking sides…

“But the timing of Netanyahu’s visit also gave the White House a convenient means of retaliating against the prime minister for his decision to accept an invitation from Republican leaders to address Congress. GOP lawmakers and Netanyahu worked out the arrangement without consulting with the White House or State Department, only alerting the Obama administration a few hours before the Israeli leader’s trip was made public. The White House appeared stunned by what it saw as a breach of diplomatic decorum by Netanyahu, a leader with whom Obama has a history of tension.”

German Pegida’s “Darker” Side

The Local wrote on January 16:

“They’ve grown from a small Facebook community to a worldwide phenomenon… The average Pegida marcher is surprisingly average… Germany has Europe’s largest Muslim population, though they only make up five percent of the population. In respose to Pegida, Chancellor Angela Merkel has said ‘Islam is a part of Germany’. However, broadcaster ZDF published a poll on Friday showing that only 48 percent of respondents agreed with her statement…

“Many people at Monday’s rally shared concerns about Germany’s vulnerability. Many felt the attack on Charlie Hebdo’s editorial staff was an attack on freedom of expression and the press. They worry people will feel that their freedoms are diminished by Islamic extremists who cannot adhere to those western values. It also explains why some carry signs saying ‘I like pork’. They worry that with more Muslims entering schools and work forces, pork will get taken off canteen menus…

“The group was launched following a growth of feeling against the Kurdistan’s Worker’s Party (PKK), which is classified as a terrorist group by NATO states.

“[One of its two co-founders, Lutz] Bachmann has avoided the press since his criminal history, which includes drug charges that he fled to South Africa to escape, came to light. Pegida has a 19-point manifesto that was released in December 2014. Besides calling for stricter immigration and asylum laws as well as making integration part of the constitution, it also calls for the outright rejection of any immigrant, refugee or asylum seeker with a criminal background.

“The movement is also deeply pro-Russian… [T]o former East Germans, the current Russian regime has nothing in common with the Soviet Union… Many of those who participate in the walk carry Russian flags. The idea is that if Russia has power again, it can create a balance of power with the United States of America, thus causing fewer bombing campaigns by the global military power.

“With fewer military actions, there would be fewer wars, less demand for arms, and fewer refugees fleeing their homelands and coming to Germany… There is still a deeply-rooted anti-Americanism in East Germany and Dresden…

“While Pegida movements outside of Dresden have been out-shouted by no-Pegida demonstrators, others keep appearing. Oslo has already hosted a Pegida march. Danes will hold one this coming Monday.”

Apart from the fact that Christians should not participate in political demonstrations (they are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God and a better world to come, when Jesus Christ returns), the article points out some of the questionable positions which Pegida propagates. At the same time, the next article shows how the German government is trying to suppress the movement—apparently with Pegida’s acquiescence, while at the same time portraying itself as persecuted victims to capitalize on Islamic threats.

The Local reported on January 21 that “Lutz Bachmann, the founder of Pegida, has resigned his leadership of the anti-Islam group following widespread outrage over Facebook photos of him in an Adolf Hitler costume.”

PEGIDA Demonstration Cancelled Due to Islamic Threats

APP wrote on January 19:

“German police banned a planned rally by the anti-Islamic PEGIDA movement and other public open-air gatherings in the eastern city of Dresden Monday, citing a terrorist threat. Dresden police said Sunday they had received information from federal and state counterparts indicating a ‘concrete threat’ against the right-wing populist group ‘Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident’.

“There had been calls for would-be ‘assassins to mingle among the protesters… and to murder an individual member of the organising team of the PEGIDA demonstrations’, police said in a notice on the 24-hour ban. This was consistent with ‘an Arabic-language tweet that called the PEGIDA demonstrations an enemy of Islam’, it said. Top-circulation daily Bild said online that the threat targeted PEGIDA’s most prominent leader Lutz Bachmann.

“Because there were no individual suspects, Dresden police said it saw no alternative to the temporary suspension of the constitutional right to free assembly within city limits. PEGIDA earlier told its followers on Facebook that its 13th planned rally had been scrapped, citing a threat from the Islamic State jihadist group, and portraying the cancellation as its own decision… It had decided to call off the Dresden event as it could not guarantee the security of marchers…”

And so, one bows to terrorist threats, even though Pegida announced that their demonstrations will continue in the future. Many German papers reacted negatively, stating the German government should not have prohibited the demonstration and PEGIDA should not have given their prior consent.

Euro Drops

Deutsche Welle reported on January 22:

“The euro dropped to $1.13 on Thursday, its cheapest rate against the greenback in 11 years. The value of the euro has been falling over the past year. Last April, it was trading at $1.38. News of the two-percent drop in value came on the heels of an announcement of the European Central Bank’s stimulus plan [which Germany opposes], which foresees printing 60 billion euros ($69.7 billion) a month beginning in March. The 19-month quantitative easing program – which will cost over 1 trillion euros – aims to spur inflation and encourage lending in the real economy.”

Up To 20 European Sleeper Cells

Newsmax reported on January 17:

“Up to 20 sleeper cells comprising 120 to 180 people may be ready to strike targets in several European countries, intelligence source say in the wake of the discovery of an ‘imminent threat’ of an attack in Belgium this week. More than two dozen people with suspected ties to Islamic extremists were arrested in a sweep Friday,  and an unnamed Western intelligence source told CNN that as many as 20 sleeper cells are ready to strike targets in France, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

“‘There is a tremendous amount of concern over sleeper cells in Europe,’ said the official… Intelligence officers have been monitoring men who have returned to Europe after fighting in Syria, as it is believed the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS, has directed attacks to retaliate against airstrikes against its forces in Syria and Iraq…”

Europe Calls for Alliance with Muslim Nations…

The Washington Post wrote on January 19:

“European foreign ministers… called… for an alliance against Islamic extremism with the countries of North Africa and other Muslim nations like Yemen, where at least one of the gunmen responsible for attacks this month in Paris received training. ‘We need an alliance, a dialogue, because we are all facing the same threat,’ Federica Mogherini, the European Union’s foreign affairs chief, said…

“In an effort to increase counterterrorism cooperation both inside Europe and with countries outside the bloc, particularly those in the Muslim world, the 28-nation European alliance will assign security attachés at its diplomatic missions overseas, Ms. Mogherini said. Didier Reynders, the foreign minister of Belgium… said the European Union needed to increase intelligence sharing and other cooperation with countries like Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia to help curb radicalization and violent extremism.

“Many Muslims living in Belgium and France… trace their origins to North Africa. Proposals for such a program in Europe were put forward years ago but were stalled because of opposition from the European Parliament, where many lawmakers worried about violating citizens’ privacy.

“Under the program, information about seat numbers, flight reservation dates, payment methods and travel itineraries would be exchanged…”

Irreversible Consequences for Ukrainian Statehood?

The Guardian wrote on January 19:

“Pro-Russia separatists renewed attacks on Ukrainian forces at Donetsk airport complex in the east of the country on Monday after Kiev launched a mass operation to reclaim lost ground in the region… Russia expressed concern at what it called escalation by Kiev… ‘It’s the biggest, even strategic mistake of the Ukrainian authorities to bank on a military solution to the crisis,’ Interfax quoted Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Grigory Karasin, as saying. ‘This may lead to irreversible consequences for Ukrainian statehood.’”

The Washington Post wrote on January 19:

“The foreign ministers [of the EU]… discussed policy toward Russia and whether to keep in place sanctions imposed last year on Russian banks, other companies and individuals over the conflict in Ukraine. Some countries had in the past urged a softening of the sanctions, while others, particularly the Baltic countries, had demanded that they remain. But a recent uptick in fighting in eastern Ukraine — notably a push by Russian-backed separatists to seize the Donetsk airport from Ukrainian forces — strengthened the arguments of those opposed to any change in policy.

“Ms. Mogherini said that ‘the latest developments on the ground are not encouraging, rather the contrary,’ adding that the foreign ministers were united in their desire to stick with the current sanctions. ‘There is no normalization, there is no back to business as usual in any way.’”

Again, Russia put the world on notice by referring to grave consequences for Ukrainian statehood, if the battles were to continue. With this warning, Russia is clearly issuing a threat of military intervention. 

Deutsche Welle reported on January 22: “The battle for Donetsk airport is raging on between government troops and pro-Russian separatists. The ceasefire agreed for eastern Ukraine in September seems to be finished for good.”

More Bad Rumors from the East

The EUObserver wrote on January 15:

“Russia has said it will stop EU gas transit via Ukraine and do it via Turkey instead in the second shock announcement on energy in as many months. It said on Wednesday (14 January) that the EU should build new infrastructure to link up with a future Russia-Turkey pipeline or lose access to supplies. Gazprom head Alexei Miller issued the ultimatum during a visit to Russia by EU energy commissioner Maros Sefcovic, who said he was ‘very surprised’ by the statement.

“The latest announcement comes after Russia said in December it won’t build the so-called South Stream pipeline via Bulgaria and Hungary to Italy in favour of a new project with Turkey. The European Commission blocked South Stream construction on grounds of non-compliance with EU energy law.  But both South Stream and ‘Turkish Stream’ have strategic implications because they bypass Ukraine, which earns billions from transit fees and which is on the edge of bankruptcy…

“About 80 percent of the EU’s gas imports from Russia come via Ukraine. But political disputes between Kiev and Moscow have seen EU supplies interrupted on two occasions in recent years, with Moscow justifying the Turkey decision by saying Ukraine is ‘unreliable’.”

“EU-UK Romance Gone Wrong”

The EUObserver wrote on January 19:

“European Commission boss Jean-Claude Juncker has given the clearest hint yet that he would be prepared to see the UK leave the EU, comparing the UK’s 42-year membership of the bloc to a romance gone wrong… The UK joined the then European Economic Community (EEC) in 1973, a decision confirmed by a referendum in 1975, but has long been regarded by many as an ‘awkward partner’…

“Meanwhile, [Juncker] ruled out the prospect of UK-pushed treaty changes to reform EU rules on free movement saying that there would be ‘no debate, dialogue or compromise’ on an issue which he described as ‘red lines which could not be crossed… the EU won’t change the treaties to satisfy the whim of certain politicians,’ added Juncker. The commission president’s stance is a political blow to prime minister David Cameron ahead of the UK’s general election in May. The UK prime minister’s rhetoric on EU migration is likely to intensify in the coming weeks, with surveys suggesting that immigration, rather than the economy or public services, is the most important issue to voters…

“Cameron wants to [require] all EU migrants to have a job within six months of arriving in the UK. He also wants them to pay into the UK’s tax and social security programmes for four years before they can receive certain benefits and plans to end the payment of child benefit to dependents of EU migrants in their home country. However, last autumn Cameron dropped a plan to cap the number [of] EU nationals able to come to the UK amid opposition from Berlin and other capitals, and following warnings that this would breach the EU treaties.”

The UK’s exit from the EU becomes more and more apparent.

Argentinian-Jewish prosecutor Alberto Nisman Killed

The Times of Israel reported in January 19:

“Argentinian-Jewish prosecutor Alberto Nisman was killed by a gunshot below his ear, the preliminary results of an autopsy showed Monday, as thousands of Argentinians headed to the streets to protest his death. Nisman was found dead of a gunshot wound just hours before he was due to testify at a congressional hearing on the deadly 1994 AMIA bombing.

“Nisman had fingered Iran and Hezbollah in the attack, which killed 85 people at a Jewish community building, and was scheduled to release information tying Argentinean President Christina  [Fernandez de] Kirchner [and her foreign minister Hector Timerman] to a coverup of Tehran’s involvement…

“Police [and several] officials maintained Monday that Nisman’s death appeared to be a suicide… [But] Anibal Fernandez, secretary general for the presidency, said he was ‘dumbfounded,’ adding there was ‘absolutely nothing normal’ about it. Congresswoman Cornelia Schmidt-Liermann said she had planned to pick Nisman up Monday at his residence and accompany him for his testimony. ‘Everybody who had contact with him the last 24 hours says he was confident’ about his testimony,’ she told The Associated Press. ‘There is no indication, under any circumstances, that he killed himself.’…”

Will the world be sold another cover-up, as there have been so many examples historically around the world?

Reuters wrote on January 22:

“The death of a prosecutor investigating the bombing of a Jewish community center was not a suicide, as was initially reported, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez said on Thursday… She did not say who killed him and no one has been arrested in the case, which has shocked Argentines. Social media networks are seething with conspiracy theories, some pointing at Fernandez and her government…”

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Has Died

The Huffington Post reported on January 22:

“Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has died, Saudi state television announced early on Friday local time. Abdullah’s designated successor is Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, his 79-year-old half-brother.

“Reuters reports that King Abdullah had been admitted to a Riyadh hospital in December for medical tests. The royal court announced in January that Abdullah was suffering from pneumonia. Abdullah came into power in August 2005 after the death of his brother, King Fahd.”

The Associated Press added on January 22:

“Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, the powerful U.S. ally who joined Washington’s fight against al-Qaida and sought to modernize the ultraconservative Muslim kingdom with incremental but significant reforms, including nudging open greater opportunities for women, has died, according to Saudi state TV. He was 90.

“More than his guarded and hidebound predecessors, Abdullah assertively threw his oil-rich nation’s weight behind trying to shape the Middle East. His priority was to counter the influence of rival, mainly Shiite Iran wherever it tried to make advances. He and fellow Sunni Arab monarchs also staunchly opposed the Middle East’s wave of pro-democracy uprisings, seeing them as a threat to stability and their own rule.”

Reuters wrote on January 22:

“At stake with the appointment of Salman as [new] king is the future direction of the United States’ most important Arab ally and self-appointed champion of Sunni Islam at a moment of unprecedented turmoil across the Middle East… Saudi Arabia, which holds more than a fifth of the world’s crude oil, also exerts some influence over the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims through its guardianship of Mecca and Medina, Islam’s holiest sites.”

For information on the future of Saudi Arabia, please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

Turmoil in Yemen

The Washington Post wrote on January 22:

“Yemen’s Western-backed president and his cabinet resigned Thursday amid deepened turmoil that left Shiite rebels in effective control and threw into question this nation’s continued participation in the U.S. fight against terrorism…

“The crisis threatens to weaken Washington’s campaign against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is based in Yemen and has actively targeted the United States and Europe. The government’s collapse could also plunge Yemen into full-scale civil war. The Houthi rebels are widely considered to be backed by Shiite-majority Iran, although they deny it. Yemen’s population is majority Sunni, and there is a strong separatist movement in the Sunni-dominated south…

“For Saudi Arabia, in particular, the ascendance of a Shiite-dominated state on its doorstep represents a strategic threat. It sees Iranian proxies consolidating power on its southern border with Yemen and on the northern one with Iraq, which is led by a Shiite government that has growing political, military and economic ties with Tehran, said Mustafa Alani, director of security and terrorism at the Geneva-based Gulf Research Center. ‘This is becoming a strategic nightmare’ for Saudi Arabia, he said. Riyadh fears Iran is building a ‘mini-state in Yemen,’ he added, similar to what the Shiite movement Hezbollah has created in Lebanon.”

Remember Raoul Wallenberg

The Times of Israel wrote on January 17:

“Thus far, 2015 has brought tragic and infuriating terrorism, anti-semitism, and assaults on liberty in France; a car bomb in Yemen that killed and injured dozens; and the massacre of thousands in Nigeria by Boko Haram, as well as yet another of the group’s mass kidnappings. This is in addition to continuing mass atrocities and humanitarian crises in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Central Africa, Sudan and elsewhere, and it comes on the heels of the deadly hostage-taking in Sydney, and the barbarous terrorist attack on a school in Pakistan that left over a hundred dead, most of them children…

“[Raoul] Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, was a beacon of light during the darkest days of the Holocaust, and his example remains so today. Prior to his arrival in Budapest in July 1944, some 430,000 Hungarian Jews had been deported to Auschwitz in the space of ten weeks – the fastest, cruelest, and most efficient mass murders of the Nazi genocide. Yet Wallenberg rescued more Hungarian Jews from the Nazis than any single government, notably saving 20,000 by issuing Schutzpasses, documents conferring diplomatic immunity. He even went to the trains as mass deportations were underway, distributing Schutzpasses to people otherwise consigned to death. Other diplomatic missions followed suit, saving thousands more.

“Wallenberg saved an additional 32,000 by establishing dozens of safe houses in a diplomatic zone protected by neutral legations. He organized hospitals, soup kitchens, and childcare centres, providing human dignity along with the essentials of life. Moreover, when thousands of Jews were sent on a 125-mile death march in November 1944, Wallenberg followed alongside, distributing improvised Schutzpasses, as well as food and medical supplies…

“Finally, with the Nazis preparing to liquidate the Budapest ghetto as the war neared its end, Wallenberg warned Nazi generals that they would be held accountable and brought to justice, if not executed, for their crimes. The Nazis desisted, and 70,000 more Jews were saved…

“70 years ago today, Wallenberg was arrested by the Soviets, who had entered Hungary as liberators. He disappeared into the Gulag, and his fate remains unknown… the person who saved so many was not saved by so many who could. Yet, while we pursue the moral obligation of discovering the truth of Wallenberg’s fate, his legacy endures, reminding us of the power of an individual with the compassion to care and the courage to act to confront evil, resist, and transform history.

“In recognition of his heroism, Canada has established January 17th as Raoul Wallenberg Commemorative Day, and we [the state of Israel] named Wallenberg our country’s first honorary citizen thirty years ago. He has been granted the same distinction in Hungary, Australia, Israel, and the United States, and there are monuments to him in cities around the world, as well as streets and schools that bear his name. In Paris, there has been a Rue Raoul-Wallenberg since 2007…

“At a time when it seems as though each day brings a new heart-wrenching catastrophe, let us be inspired by Raoul Wallenberg, who came face to face with the horrors of Nazism, and was moved not to despair, but to action.”

The Church of God has a very similar task to fulfill today. It has the commission to preach the good news of the coming Kingdom of God in all the world as a witness to make possible the establishment of God’s righteous and peaceful government on earth. In the meantime, God’s Church is to teach and help those spiritually who respond to the Gospel message, by nurturing them with God’s Word and showing them a way to become protected during the terrible times ahead.

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Would You Please Explain Proverbs 27:14?

Proverbs 27:14 reads: “He who blesses his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, It will be counted a curse to him.”

This seems to be a rather straight-forward statement, easy to understand. But upon further and deeper scrutiny, some very remarkable and easily overlooked truisms may come to light. This is a good example for the fact that the Bible must be read with great care and diligence, and that just a superficial glancing at biblical passages will not suffice.

(1)  First, we should note that the person blesses, praises or thanks his friend “with a loud voice.”

The Broadman Bible Commentary states:

“Verse 14 is aimed at insincerity in greeting concealed by a loud but hypocritical voice.”

The Lamsa Bible renders the verse:

“He who blesses his friend with a flattering loud voice is not different from him who curses.”

The person who flatters his friend by blessing him with a loud voice, while he has ulterior motives and insincerity in his heart, can be compared with those who pray to God with a loud voice, but who are unwilling to submit to Him. In either case, such a “blessing” or prayer of “thanks” will not produce positive results, as Ezekiel 8:18 states: “.. though they cry in My ears with a loud voice, I will not hear them.”

It is also interesting that the harlot is described as “loud and rebellious” (Proverbs 7:11).

The Soncino Commentary gives the following explanation of the person’s blessing with a loud voice, in Proverbs 27:14:

“… ‘with a loud voice.’ His heartiness conceals feelings of animosity…”

Psalm 5:9 states that “… there is no faithfulness in their mouth… their throat is an open tomb; They flatter with their tongue.”

Proverbs 26:28 tells us that a “flattering mouth works ruin”; and Proverbs 29:5 states that “A man who flatters his neighbor Spreads a net for his feet.”

Psalm 12:3 states: “May the LORD cut off all flattering lips…”  and Job 17:5 warns also against the bad consequences of flattery for the flatterer and his offspring.

Paul states in 1 Thessalonians 2:5-6 that he and his fellow workers did not act as the flatterer in Proverbs 27:14, pointing out: “For neither at any time did we use flattering words, as you know, nor a cloak of covetousness—God is witness. Nor did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others, when we might have made demands as apostles of Christ.”

We might also remember the many instances when the Pharisees and Sadducees came to Christ with flattering and praising words, in order to trick Him. For instance, we read this remarkable episode in Matthew 22:15-18:

“Then the Pharisees went and plotted how they might entangle Him in His talk. And they sent to Him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, ‘Teacher, we know that You are true, and teach the way of God in truth; nor do You care about anyone, for You do not regard the person of men. Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?’ But Jesus perceived their wickedness [Mark 12:15 states: “But He, knowing their hypocrisy …”], and said, ‘Why do you test Me, you hypocrites?’”

The Benson Commentary gives an additional meaning to the use of a “loud voice” in Proverbs 27:14:

“‘He that blesseth his friend’… That saluteth, praiseth, or applaudeth him to his face, as the manner of flatterers is; ‘with a loud voice’… That both he and others may be sure to take notice of it…”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible elaborates as follows:

“‘He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice’… So as not only to be heard by him, but by others; who is extravagant in his praises and commendations of him; who exceeds all bounds of modesty, truth, and decency; who affects pompous words, and hyperbolical expressions; and shows himself to be a real sycophant [a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain an advantage] and flatterer, having some sinister end to serve by it…”

The Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers agrees:

“‘He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice’… If gratitude is to be acceptable, the time, place, and manner of shewing it must all be well chosen. A man who is so eager to express his thanks that he begins early in the morning, and in so loud a voice as to draw upon his patron the attention of all the bystanders, is looked upon as a nuisance; any one would as soon be cursed as blessed by him. So God loves heartfelt gratitude offered in secret (Compare Matthew 6:5-6.).”

The point is made that we ought to be careful not to praise another person with a loud flattering voice in the presence of others, while being motivated by a desire to be heard and acknowledged by them.

(2)  Next, we should again take note of the fact that he blesses his friend “early in the morning.”

The Soncino Commentary states that “early in the morning” describes “an idiomatic phrase denoting zeal [compare Jeremiah 7:13], but in this instance it is only feigned…”

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary states:

“‘He that blesseth his friend… rising early in the morning…’ it shall be counted to be a flatterer all the same as if he cursed his friend (cf. Proverbs 26:25). ‘Early in the morning’ implies the affected assiduity [constant or close attention to what one is doing] of the flatterer… The exaggerated praise and compliment engender suspicion and sinister motives.”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states:

“‘rising early in the morning’… lest any should be before him, and get the benefit he seeks by his flattery; or as if he had not time enough in the day to finish his encomium, unless he began early in the morning, and continued it all the day; and so it denotes his being incessant at this work, always harping on this string, or expressing himself in this adulatory way; or, as some think, this is mentioned as an aggravation of his sin, that he should be acting this low, mean, and criminal part, when he should be employed in devotion and prayer to God…”

We find an interesting example in Judges 6:28 when men of the city arose “early in the morning” to worship before the altar of Baal. They had zeal to do something, but their zeal was totally wrong. Another example of a wrong kind of zeal by those who rise “early in the morning,” but who do not behave in accordance with God’s Will and who disregard His Plan, can be found in Isaiah 5:11-12: “Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may follow intoxicating drink… but they do not regard the work of the LORD, Nor consider the operation of His hands.”

(3)  Finally, we read that such early and loud blessings “will be counted a curse” to the flatterer.

The Soncino Commentary gives the following explanation:

“… ‘counted a curse to him.’ The clause… can mean that God will punish the insincere man for his greeting as though it had been a curse…”

The Benson Commentary states:

“…‘It shall be counted a curse to him’… His friend will value this kind of blessing no more than a curse: because it plainly discovers a base design, and is a high reflection upon him, as if he either did not understand such gross and palpable flattery, or were so ridiculously vain-glorious as to be pleased with it.”

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible agrees and adds:

“… ‘it shall be counted a curse to him’… either to the flatterer, by his friend whom he blesses, and by all wise men that hear him, who will despise him all one as if he cursed him…  such an one differs [nothing], or nothing seems to differ, from one that curses: or else to the person blessed, whom others will curse or however detract from his character, because of the profuse praises bestowed upon him; nay, sometimes God himself curses such a man, who listens to, is fond of, and receives the fulsome flatteries of wicked men, as in the case of Herod, Acts 12:22.”

In regard to the above-quoted comment that a “blessed” person may be “cursed” by others, we might think of Jacob’s concern when his mother persuaded him to trick and deceive his father Isaac to receive a blessing from him. He said to his mother Rebekah: “Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him; and I shall bring a curse on myself and not a blessing” (Genesis 27:12). His mother persuaded him to carry out his deception and stated that Jacob’s curse should be on her. Jacob acquiesced, but as a consequence, he had to flee from his twin brother Esau and stayed away for twenty years (Genesis 31:38, 41), while being deceived repeatedly by this uncle Laban (Genesis 29:24; 31:7). When he returned, his father Isaac was still alive, but it appears that his mother Rebekah had died in the meantime (she is not mentioned anymore after Genesis 27:46), which means that she never saw her son again.

In conclusion, the Bible does not speak against truly thanking or blessing our friend at any time. What is addressed here is the motive and the manner of the ones who bestow and receive the “blessing”—the insincere flattery of a person who acts with a loud voice to be heard by others, while he might harbor feelings of animosity towards his “friend,” and who acts early in the morning to be the first in line and before others have the opportunity to bless his friend and may receive appreciation and benefits instead of the flatterer. Again, we might think of Jacob who was able to get to his father Isaac with the savory food that had been quickly prepared by his mother, before his brother Esau arrived with his savory food.

Proverbs 27:14 addresses the insincere person who does not act because of genuine love, but because of sinister motives. For his conduct, he will either be punished by God directly or his friend will see right through him and reject his flattery, treating it as the utterance of a curse. Proverbs 27:14 might also include the warning for his friend not to accept such a “blessing” which might have been encouraged to some extent by his own improper conduct (compare Jacob’s behavior), and which might turn out to become a curse for him—including the admonition not to embrace and enjoy the hypocritical loud and boisterous flattery bestowed upon him in the presence of others (compare Herod’s behavior), as this might lead to his downfall.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our annual Church Conference will be conducted in San Diego, California, beginning March 20, and continuing through March 24, 2015.

A new Member Letter to our German brethren has been sent. In it, Mr. Link reminds everyone of the approaching Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread and includes information about the Feast of Tabernacles, which will be observed in Templin, Germany. In addition, two new German booklets dealing with the Sabbath and the Holy Days have been translated and are offered in this letter.

“The Pope Has No Answer!” is the title of a new StandingWatch Program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

During his travel to the Philippines, Pope Francis made some startling and unsettling comments. He warned Catholics not to breed like rabbits; admitted that he has no answer to the question of a little girl why children suffer; and said in response to the terrorist attack in France that one cannot make fun of faith without expecting a punch, and that every religion has its dignity. Why are all these comments deeply disturbing? We are offering our free booklet, “Human Suffering–Why… and How Much Longer?”

“Der Papst Hat Keine Antwort!” is the title of the German language AufPostenStehen program covering the same topic as above.

“Neu! Die Fehlenden Jahre im Wirken Christi,” is the new German sermon. It addresses the false concept of an end-time “7-year-contract” and discusses Christ’s public ministry for the remaining 3 1/2 years after His return. Title in English: “The Missing Years in Christ’s Ministry.”

“The Helper,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In the days leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, He told His disciples that a Helper would be sent after He left them. What is the Helper that Jesus talked about? How can It work in your life?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

We begin with reports about some pitiful and highly embarrassing statements by the pope; continue with a made-up story about a child who allegedly died and went to heaven; brief you on a sickening case of “legal” “child kidnapping” through law enforcement; report on President Obama’s sixth State of the Union Address; discuss developments in Germany and the government’s mishandling of the situation pertaining to PEGIDA and the “darker” side of the movement; report about the alleged existence of 20 sleeper cells in Europe; and speak of the desire of the EU to forge an alliance with Muslim countries against Islamists.

We continue with the situation in war-torn Ukraine and Russia’s threats, which deeply unsettle the EU; speak of the growing alienation between the EU and the UK; and address the highly controversial killing of Argentina’s prosecutor Alberto Nisman as well as developments in Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

We conclude with a piece on Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg who saved the lives of more than a hundred thousand Jews, only to disappear in a Russian gulag at the end of World War II.  A hero in his own right, we are drawing some remarkable parallels between his legacy and today’s commission of the Church of God.

The Helper

On January 17, 2015, Eric Rank will give the sermon, titled, “The Helper.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at
services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 671

The Helper

On January 17, 2015, Eric Rank will give the sermon, titled, “The Helper.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at
services/ (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Source of Trust

by Michael Link

Who supplies all desires and is the source of trust? The world places trust in people and physical things, and many times they don’t end up getting what they ask for and what they want. What do so many people put their trust in? They trust in riches, in their jobs, in their boss and co-workers, in physical things, their doctors or lawyers, their religion, friends and family and their mate, their political leaders, and so on. Micah 7:5-7 tells us that times will get so evil that we should not even put our trust in a friend. The Bible also warns those who put their trust in money, saying: “He who trusts in riches will fall” (Proverbs 11:28).

So what do WE put our trust in? Do we put our trust in the same things that the world does?

Do we put our trust in what we hear on television or what we read in the paper—or do we trust in our Church’s weekly updates as to what we should really be focusing on? Do we trust in man like a political leader, the president? Do we trust in our country? Do we trust in a false god and a false religion or a false teaching—or do we trust in the true Church of God, in God the Father and Jesus Christ, and in the Bible? Do we trust ourselves to make the right decisions and to follow God’s law?

Though we may put our trust in certain things, we must NEVER leave God out of the picture. It is through God and because of God that we can have a certain degree of trust in certain individuals, but we must also be aware of tests and trials when it comes to trust. We must also be careful that we don’t trust in ourselves without involving God in our situations as it says in Proverbs 28:25-26: “He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife, But he who trusts in the LORD will be prospered. He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered.”

Where we put our trust when making vital decisions is important, and that goes towards anything that we do in our lives: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). When we trust in Him, He will give us the desires of the heart, as it says in Psalm 37:3-4.

There are several individuals in the Bible who put their trust in God, like David who went to God many times in prayer to ask for deliverance from his persecutors (2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 7:1). Job went through some very serious trials and had to trust God that what was happening was for a reason. Abraham had to trust in God that He would somehow work it out when he was commanded by God to offer his son as a sacrifice. Moses trusted in God when he was commanded to free Israel from Egypt. Even Jesus Christ, when He was on this earth, had to trust in His Father to get through trials and to be victorious when being tempted by Satan. Christ could have sinned because He was in fact human, but through trust, faith, and the Father’s Holy Spirit in Him, He was able to go through what was prophesied for our benefit, so we could inherit eternal life.

Trust and faith do go together. We can’t have faith if we don’t have trust, and we must pray with good intentions, as it says in Hebrews 13:18-19: “Pray for us; for we are confident that we have a good conscience, in all things desiring to live honorably. But I especially urge you to do this, that I may be restored to you the sooner.”

Difficult times are still ahead of us as the Bible prophesies, and we have to stay strong and trust in what God promises us. The world is blind to this fact and doesn’t realize what is coming in the near future. We must make sure we are not caught off guard when that time approaches, but be ready and look to the source of our trust – God the Father and Jesus Christ!

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In this issue, we are focusing heavily on the situation in France and developments related therewith, including the growing anti-Semitism in France and hypocritical conduct of the French and other governments. While Western mainstream politicians seem to be in denial, others point out the clear relationship between the attack in France (and elsewhere) and Islam, and governmental German attempts to “demand” the cancellation of demonstrations against Islamization will only create further problems. In trying to appease Islamists, Western governments play into their hands and continue to embolden the enemy.

In other news, we quote former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s warning that the current politics of Russia and Europe could lead to a nuclear war, and while the USA is about to close 15 military bases in Europe, its relationship with Saudi-Arabia continues to crumble.

We conclude with an interesting piece on jury duty and the political propaganda which can be attached to it.

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Far-Right and Populist Parties “Capitalize,” While Mainstream Politicians in Denial

The EUObserver wrote on January 8:

“Far-right and populist parties in the EU are attempting to politically capitalise on the attack on France’s satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo… In the Netherlands, anti-EU and anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders published a video message on Thursday (8 January), in which he proposed ‘tough measures’ as a response to the terrorist attack in Paris… Wilders repeated his call to stop immigration from ‘Islamic countries’… ‘We have to de-Islamise our country’, he added.

“Germany’s anti-Islamism Pegida movement, which organises ‘evening strolls’ through several German cities on Mondays, said the Paris attack highlighted the Islamist threat. ‘This bloodbath proves wrong those who laughed or ignored the fears of so many people about a looming danger of Islamism,’ said a regional leader for the anti-euro AfD party, Alexander Gauland. ‘This gives new clout to Pegida demands.’

“Nigel Farage, head of Britain’s anti-EU Ukip party… told LBC Radio that… ‘we’ve encouraged people from other cultures to remain within those cultures and not integrate fully within our communities.’

“Mainstream politicians, by contrast, have stressed that the Paris shootings, allegedly conducted by Islamic extremists, have nothing to do with Islam…”

These mainstream politicians are wrong. Note the following articles.

Incredible! Germany’s Mainstream Officials “Demand” PEGIDA to Cease Demonstrations!

Deutsche Welle reported on January 12:

“On Sunday, German Justice Minister Heiko Mas condemned PEGIDA’s call for rallies and demanded that organizers cancel their marches. ‘The victims [of the Paris attacks] do not deserve to be misused by such agitators,’ he told the Bild newspaper. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition partner, the Christian Social Union (CSU), also demanded that the group stop its activities. ‘I want to request those responsible…that they cancel their demonstrations for the foreseeable future, especially at a time when the whole world is shocked about the events in Paris,’ said CSU head Horst Seehofer in an interview with public broadcaster ARD.

“Earlier Sunday, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere accused PEGIDA of misusing the strikes on Charlie Hebdo for its own political means.

“PEGIDA members in the city of Leipzig have been banned from showing any caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in their processions. ‘After Paris, we assume that Muhammad caricatures are a provocation,’ a city spokesperson told dpa.”

This is just the worst kind of reaction from Germany’s officials. It is clearly wrong and unconstitutional, as violating the fundamental right of free speech, and it is also very counterproductive. To prohibit showing any caricatures of Mohammed is shameful and plays right into the hands of the terrorists. Just prior to the demonstration in Leipzig, due to some pressure, the local government allegedly acquiesced and rescinded its prior prohibition.

“Islam Belongs to Germany”

APF wrote on January 12:

“A record 25,000 people joined an anti-Islamic march in Germany on Monday, claiming their stance was vindicated by last week’s Paris jihadist attacks. However, the impressive turnout was dwarfed by 100,000 counter-demonstrators calling for tolerance nationwide.

“Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier stressed that ‘Islam belongs to Germany’ and announced she would on Tuesday join a Muslim community rally in Berlin against extremism, along with most of her cabinet ministers.

“Undeterred, supporters of the self-styled Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident, or PEGIDA, gathered for their 12th rally since October in their birthplace of Dresden in former communist east Germany. The marchers waved the German national flag and held up placards that read ‘Fight Islamisation, stop the flood of foreigners now’ and ‘Stop multiculturalism. My homeland will stay German’…”

The Local added on January 14:

“German President Joachim Gauck told the country’s Muslim community Tuesday that ‘we are all Germany’ at a rally to condemn the Paris jihadist attacks and take a stand against rising Islamophobia. About 10,000 citizens, religious leaders and politicians, among them Chancellor Angela Merkel, joined the event, which started with a wreath-laying ceremony at the French embassy and an imam reciting Koranic verses condemning the taking of life.

“Gauck used his speech to send a message of reassurance to Germany’s four-million-strong Muslim community… ‘The vast majority of Muslims feel they belong to our open society… Germany has become more diverse through immigration – religiously, culturally and mentally’…

“The vice president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Abraham Lehrer, said in his speech that in the French attacks, cartoonists were murdered because they stood up for free expression, police because they sought to protect them, and Jews simply ‘because they were Jews’. Lehrer said it would be wrong ‘to suspect all Muslims or even to disparage their religion. We completely condemn reprisals such as attacks on mosques.’ But he said it was up to Muslims to counter the fear and terror spread by ‘radicalised, fanatical Islam’ in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

“After speeches by Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders, all observed a minute’s silence. The Muslim community rally came after 100,000 people took to the streets across Germany Monday in counter-demonstrations against PEGIDA, and to voice support for multiculturalism. Merkel… has weighed in strongly, condemning PEGIDA’s leaders for having ‘hatred in [their] hearts’.

“Her comments were broadly hailed in the media, but not everyone agreed. ‘Naturally, Muslims belong in our society,’ said Merkel’s former interior minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, a Bavarian conservative. ‘But the question is knowing what constitutes the identity of a country, and in Germany it is a Christian identity built on Judeo-Christian roots’…”

“… but Turkey Does Not Belong in the EU…”

The Local wrote on January 12:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel emphasized her support for the Muslim community in Germany and opposition to Turkey’s EU application after meeting with the Turkish prime minister. Merkel met with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Berlin during his first visit to Germany since taking office in August.

“In speeches made after the meeting, Merkel made clear her opposition to Turkey’s bid to join the EU, discussed the importance of increasing dialogue among religious communities and emphasized no tolerance for violence… Though Merkel has remained opposed to Turkey’s admission into the EU and has condemned its administration’s crackdown on protests and free speech, Davutoglu said he hoped that Turkey could ‘one day’ join and asked for Germany’s support.

“Davutoglu has said that tensions between the Western and Islamic worlds are in part due to the West’s resistance to admitting Turkey to the EU… The Turkish prime minister said on Monday that now more than ever, Europe must also be sensitive to discrimination against Muslims… ‘It is our right to expect the same unity of world arms when people in Damascus and Gaza are being murdered.’…”

Many Germans Concerned about Destructive Potential of Islam

Breitbart wrote on January 12:

“Concern among Germans regarding the destructive potential of Islam within a free society has been growing in the past several years; even before last week’s gruesome attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, a plurality of Germans [57 %] believed that Islam was ‘threatening’ or ‘very threatening’ to German society, according to one poll.

“The poll, conducted by the think tank the Bertelsmann Foundation… also asked whether Germans believed Islam could ‘fit into Western society’… 61% did not believe that it did. This, the organization noted, was a 9% increase since the survey was last conducted in 2012. The numbers on Islam being a threat increased 4% since 2012, as well. The most extreme question, asking Germans whether they felt ‘like foreigners in their own country’ because of Islam, received a 40% affirmative response.

“The poll also, interestingly, polled Muslims in Germany on a number of issues. 58% of German Sunni Muslims polled said they supported same-sex marriage — a significant deviation from some of the most prominent orthodox Islamic voices in civil society — and 90% of Sunnis in Germany approved of democracy as a political regime.

“The numbers help explain the rapid growth of a movement like PEGIDA. The group, whose acronym stands for ‘Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of Europe,’ has found support by the thousands in rallies organized mostly in Dresden, and growing into other parts of Germany. A poll conducted last week and flagged by Reuters found that one in eight Germans would participate in a PEGIDA rally, despite the German government strongly condemning the group as xenophobic. German state television has gone so far as to release cartoons aimed at children criticizing the anti-radical Islam group.”

The Free Speech Hypocrisy

The Washington Post wrote on January 11:

“It was a remarkable rally [in France, see articles below], and particularly striking was the number of world leaders present… Despite the laudable show of unity, many observers couldn’t help but bristle at the hypocritical presence of some world leaders. Although they were publicly lending their support to free speech at the rally in France, at home they often stifled that very same free speech…[including] Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra, United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan and Gabonese President Ali Bongo…

“There were even more guests deemed unsuitable. French newspaper Le Monde pointed to the presence of Hungary’s Viktor Orban, the leader of a country that recently proposed taxing the Internet, and Naftali Bennett, Israel’s economy minister, who was once quoted as saying, ‘I’ve killed many Arabs in my life, and there’s no problem with that.’ On Twitter, there was anger at reports that Saudi officials had attended the march, just days after Saudi Arabia flogged a blogger for blasphemy.

“Perhaps the attendance of these world leaders at the Paris march should serve as an important reminder: Free speech is easy to support when it’s a vague concept. And… criticism can be leveled at the United States, too. Despite official support for free speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack, Chelsea Manning is serving 35 years in jail for leaking classified government documents to the anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks.”

Will Germany have to be included soon as a country which suppresses free speech?

Charlie Hebdo Again Under Muslim Attack—While the West “Shows Caution”!

Newsmax wrote on January 12:

“Charlie Hebdo’s new cover of a crying Prophet Mohammed above the slogan ‘All is Forgiven’ was reproduced by media around the world Tuesday — but some Muslims saw it as blasphemy.

“The front page of the French satirical magazine — its first since many of its staff were slain in a jihadist attack last week that left 12 people dead — was widely taken up by media in Western nations and in Latin America. It shows Mohammed on a green background under the title ‘All is forgiven’, holding up a sign saying ‘Je suis Charlie’ (‘I am Charlie’)…

“But Egypt’s state-sponsored Islamic authority, Dar al-Ifta, quickly denounced it as ‘an unjustified provocation against the feelings of 1.5 billion Muslims’.

“Violent riots broke out in Egypt and other Muslim countries in early 2006 over Mohammed caricatures first printed by a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, and republished by Charlie Hebdo… Tabnak, a conservative online outlet in Iran, an Islamic republic notorious for throwing many journalists in jail, stormed that ‘Charlie Hebdo has again insulted the Prophet’…

“Charlie Hebdo is to print up to three million copies of its new ‘survivors’ issue’, due out Wednesday — far more than the usual 60,000 before last week’s attack by two Islamist gunmen brought it worldwide prominence, and a historic record for a French publication. Money from sales will go the victims’ families…

“The cover was widely reproduced across Europe but some Western outlets showed more caution. In Denmark, for instance, the Jyllands-Posten newspaper that triggered 2006 riots with its Mohammed cartoons did not reproduce the Charlie Hebdo cover. Britain’s The Independent newspaper was the only major daily in London to put the image in its print version. The Telegraph’s website cropped the cover to cut out Mohammed. The BBC news website did not show it. The Guardian newspaper’s website included it with its report, but warned: ‘This article contains the image of the magazine cover, which some may find offensive.’ A British radical preacher, Anjem Choudary, who is under investigation for militancy, branded the new publication an ‘act of war’ and a ‘blatant provocation’. Almost none of the newspapers in Italy and in Russia carried the cover image.

“Many US news media showed prudence. The New York Times website reported on the Mohammed cover but provided readers only with a link to the site of the French newspaper Liberation. Major television networks also did not reproduce the cover. The Wall Street Journal, though, did, and so did tabloids such as the New York Daily News. According to the French press distribution company MLP, the new Charlie Hebdo issue will be available in many countries that previously never received the weekly, including Australia — where strong demand was reported — and in India, where there are around 170 million Muslims.”

The Associated Press reported on January 14:

“A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered a ban on access to websites showing Charlie Hebdo’s cover with the image of the Prophet Muhammad… Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan took to Twitter to criticize use of the prophet’s image, calling it an act of ‘sedition and provocation’…”

The Associated Press reported on January 15:

“Pope Francis said Thursday there are limits to freedom of speech, especially when it insults or ridicules someone’s faith.”

The Telegraph added on January 15:

Pope Francis has weighed into the debate over freedom of expression in the wake of the murderous attacks in Paris, saying that anyone who insults a religion can expect ‘a punch in the nose’. In provocative remarks which may cause consternation in France, the Pope said that freedom of expression had its limits, especially if it involved insulting or ridiculing religion… The Pope did not refer specifically to the magazine but said that insulting religions was unacceptable and dangerous.”

One may wonder whether the pope’s comments were self-serving.

Muslims in France: “No, We Are Not Charlie!”

The Washington Post wrote on January 13:

“Within France’s Muslim community of some 5 million — the largest in Europe — many are viewing the tragedy in starkly different terms from their non-Muslim compatriots. They feel deeply torn by the now-viral slogan ‘I am Charlie,’ arguing that no, they are not Charlie at all.

“Many of France’s Muslims… abhor the violence that struck the country last week. But they are also revolted by the notion that they should defend the paper. By putting the publication on a pedestal, they insist, the French are once again sidelining the Muslim community, feeding into a general sense of discrimination that, they argue, helped create the conditions for radicalization in the first place…”

Attack on German Paper

The Local reported on January 12:

“With security services on high alert after a killing spree in Paris by Islamic extremists, police in the northern German port city of Hamburg said no one was injured in the blaze at the

headquarters of the regional daily Hamburger Morgenpost, which caused only slight damage… The regional tabloid daily, the Hamburger Morgenpost, had splashed three Charlie Hebdo cartoons on its front page after the massacre at the Paris publication, running the headline ‘This much freedom must be possible!’…

“Several German newspapers had published the Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons on their front pages Thursday in a gesture of solidarity with the French cartoonists and in defence of free speech.

“Germany’s Bild am Sonntag newspaper reported earlier Sunday that the bloodshed in France could signal the start of a wave of attacks in Europe, citing communications by Islamic State leaders intercepted by US intelligence. Shortly after the bloodbath in Paris, the US National Security Agency had intercepted communications in which leaders of the jihadist group announced the next wave of attacks, the tabloid said, citing unnamed sources in the US intelligence services.”

But apparently, “this much freedom” is not possible, when German officials begin to prohibit such activities and demand of PEGIDA that no demonstrations be conducted. Please read the next article which condemns the cowardly appeasement of the West towards Islam.

It Has Everything to Do With Islam

Global Viewpoint Network published an article by di Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who wrote the following on January 9 (The article appeared in a German translation in Die Welt Online):

“After the horrific massacre Wednesday at the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, perhaps the West will finally put away its legion of useless tropes trying to deny the relationship between violence and radical Islam. This was not an attack by a mentally deranged, lone-wolf gunman. This was not an ‘un-Islamic’ attack by a bunch of thugs – the perpetrators could be heard shouting that they were avenging the Prophet Muhammad. Nor was it spontaneous. It was planned to inflict maximum damage, during a staff meeting, with automatic weapons and a getaway plan. It was designed to sow terror, and in that it has worked…

“There are numerous calls to violent jihad in the Quran. But the Quran is hardly alone. In too much of Islam, jihad is a thoroughly modern concept… In Islam, it is a grave sin to visually depict or in any way slander the Prophet Muhammad…

“We have to acknowledge that today’s Islamists are driven by a political ideology, an ideology embedded in the foundational texts of Islam. We can no longer pretend that it is possible to divorce actions from the ideals that inspire them…

“We appease the Muslim heads of government who lobby us to censor our press, our universities, our history books, our school curricula. They appeal and we oblige. We appease leaders of Muslim organizations in our societies. They ask us not to link acts of violence to the religion of Islam because they tell us that theirs is a religion of peace, and we oblige… The more we oblige, the more we self-censor, the more we appease, the bolder the enemy gets…”

Another typical example of cowardly appeasement is described in the next article.

Outrageous Conduct of Hypocritical French Government

The Times of Israel wrote on January 11:

“French President Francois Hollande did not want Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to attend Sunday’s historic march in Paris, believing the Israeli leader’s presence at the rally would be ‘divisive,’ Israeli media reported Sunday.

“Netanyahu initially accepted Paris’s wishes and on Saturday cited security concerns to explain why he would not attend the event, which was organized in a show of solidarity and defiance after terrorist attacks in the French capital, which claimed 17 lives. Among the victims were four Jews at a kosher supermarket and a Muslim police officer. However, the Prime Minister changed his mind later Saturday after Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett announced they would join the march, Israel’s Channel 2 news reported. When Netanyahu’s office told the Elysee Palace that he would be coming after all, France responded by highlighting that it was extending an invitation to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas…

“On Sunday, Hollande and world leaders, including Netanyahu and Abbas, marched in the mammoth procession, which began near where gunmen killed 12 people at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo last week… Some 1.5 million people marched in the massive rally, the largest of a series of demonstrations around France that brought some 3.7 million people out into the streets, according to figures cited by AFP.

Even though Netanyahu was finally “allowed” to participate in the march, the conduct of socialist President Hollande and his government is outrageous. But we must not forget that President Hollande also said that the terrible terrorist attacks and murders had “nothing” to do with Islam.

Forget the USA

The Daily News wrote on January 11:

“The city of light became a beacon of leadership Sunday when more than 40 heads of state came together to denounce terrorism, with one glaring exception: the lack of a high-ranking U.S. official. French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron and dozens of other world leaders — including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas — all took part in the powerful denunciation of last week’s terror attacks that left 17 innocents dead.

“But the nation that stands as the symbolic face of the war on terror was nowhere in sight. Neither President Obama nor Vice President Biden showed up — and in fact, America’s only representative was its relatively unknown and low-profile ambassador to France.”

Sad. First the White House tried to “explain,” then finally President Obama apologized and admitted that some “high ranking” governmental official should have been there.

Many French Jews Highly Skeptical of French Government’s “Fight” Against Anti-Semitism

JTA wrote on January 11:

“In the wake of an unprecedented spree of terror attacks that claimed 17 lives in France last week, many French Jews expressed appreciation for their government’s resolute stance against anti-Semitism, but nevertheless felt the response to be insufficient at a time when anti-Semitic violence is a daily reality that is already driving out record numbers of Jews…

“Moshe Sebbag, rabbi of the Grand Synagogue of Paris, Synagogue de la Victoire, told Israel’s Army Radio that he estimated the attacks will result in a doubling of the number of immigrants to Israel in 2015. ‘There is a tremendous feeling of insecurity and that these events will only worsen,’ he said on Sunday…

“Another factor eroding trust is the glorification of Palestinian terrorists by French elected officials… In recent months, several French municipalities have conferred such honors on convicted Palestinians…”

JTA wrote on January 9:

“The two sieges that transfixed France and much of the world on Friday epitomize the problem Islamic radicalism poses in the heart of Europe: It’s a danger to civilized society generally, but especially to Jews. Now it’s time for the authorities to wake up to the problem and confront it, French Jewish leaders said Friday, in the wake of a hostage crisis at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket at Porte de Vincennes in Paris’ 12th arrondissement…

“This week’s attacks come on the heels of a long period of increased anti-Semitic attacks in France that grew worse during last summer’s war in Gaza. Since then, synagogues have been set ablaze, Jews have been attacked and Jewish institutions have been threatened. In 2014,
a record number of French Jews, some 7,000 people, left for Israel — many citing fears for their future in France.

In a statement Simone Rodan-Benazquen, director of the American Jewish Committee’s Paris office, citing a number of recent violent anti-Semitic attacks in France, said: ‘We have warned that the menace of rising anti-Semitism threatens French society at large. The Charlie Hebdo massacre makes clear that the war against France’s democratic values is in high gear.’

“Despite assurances by the government [that it was] committed to fighting anti-Semitism, French Jews are facing the Islamic jihadists alone, said Chlomik Zenouda, vice president of National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism…”

Gorbachev Warns of Possible Nuclear War

Newsmax wrote on January 10:

“Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev warned that tensions between Russia and European powers over the Ukraine crisis could result in a major conflict or even nuclear war, in an interview in a German news magazine on Saturday. ‘A war of this kind would unavoidably lead to a nuclear war,’ the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize winner told Der Spiegel. ‘We won’t survive the

coming years if someone loses their nerve in this overheated situation,’ added Gorbachev, 83. ‘This is not something I’m saying thoughtlessly. I am extremely concerned.’

“Gorbachev, who is widely admired in Germany for his role in opening the Berlin Wall and steps that led to Germany’s reunification in 1990, warned against Western intervention in the Ukraine crisis. ‘The new Germany wants to intervene everywhere,’ he said in the interview. ‘In Germany evidently there are a lot of people who want to help create a new division in Europe.’… The diplomatic standoff over Ukraine is the worst between Moscow and the West since the Cold war ended more than two decades ago.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on January 9:

“Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev… criticized both Russia and the West… [He] decried the ‘loss of trust’ between Russia and the West as ‘catastrophic,’ and said ties must be ‘defrosted.’

“Gorbachev accused the West and NATO of destroying the structure of European security by expanding its alliance. ‘No head of the Kremlin can ignore such a thing,’ he said, adding that the US was unfortunately starting to establish a ‘mega empire.’ The man seen as a key player in the reunification of former East and West Germany in 1990 also accused Germany of interfering in Ukraine’s crisis, saying, ‘The new Germany wants its hands in every pie. There seems to be a lot of people who want to be involved in a new division of Europe. Germany has already tried to expand its influence of power towards the East in World War II. Does it really need another lesson?’…

“He defended the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula last year, but criticized the Russian leader’s authoritarian style of leadership. He said Russia needed free elections…”

Gorbachev speaks as a Russian and therefore does not explain how Russia’s occupation of Crimea could possibly be justifiable. At the same time, his remarks regarding Germany’s “involvement” and expansion of its powers are well taken.

USA to Close 15 Military Bases in Europe

The Daily Caller wrote on January 8:

“The Pentagon announced plans on Thursday to close 15 military bases in Europe in an effort to save around $500 million dollars a year… critics are concerned that this decision is coming at exactly the wrong time — when Europe is facing the prospect of further Russian aggression in Ukraine… Currently, there are 64,000 U.S. military troops stationed throughout Europe, with the greatest concentrations in Germany, Italy and Britain. Out of the cuts, Germany will see a net increase in troops, while the U.K. and Portugal will see net losses…”

USA and Saud-Arabia Are Drifting Apart

The Washington Post wrote on January 9:

“Ever since the United States and Saudi Arabia fell into something of an alliance in the late 1970s, the world’s most unlikely partnership has had lots of down moments. Another big one came this weekend, when Saudi intelligence chief Bandar Bin Sultan al-Saud told European diplomats that his country would step back from cooperating with the United States on Syria…

“This very public Saudi jab at the U.S. is the latest in a series of increasingly frequent disputes between the longtime allies… many of the mutual interests that have brought the two countries together seem to be falling apart…

“Saudi Arabia strongly opposed the Islamist government of Mohamed Morsi [in Egypt] and supported the July military coup. The U.S. tepidly supported Morsi and opposed the coup…now the U.S. and Iran are talking about cutting a nuclear deal, possibly as part of a larger detente, which Saudi Arabia opposes. If the deal goes through, and there’s a U.S.-Iran thaw, it would be a big blow to the U.S.-Saudi relationship…

“Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was a mutual enemy, and the reason that the U.S. stationed troops in Saudi Arabia in 1990, setting off a public backlash there against the American presence. Now Saddam is gone, replaced by a U.S.-backed Shiite government. Saudi Arabia is majority Sunni and has a poor relationship with Shiites…

“As the U.S. starts to produce more of its own energy resources and import less from the Middle East, it has less interest in Saudi oil. And Saudi Arabia is selling more of its oil to China, which just became the world’s largest net importer…

“So the future doesn’t look terribly bright for the U.S.-Saudi relationship. Still, that doesn’t mean they’re about to break up… as long as there are oil and terrorism in the Middle East, the two countries will still need one another. But they may soon need one another much less than they used to.”

Jury Duty and Political Propaganda

Newsmax wrote on January 10:

“Sen. Ted Cruz spent Friday waiting his turn along with a room full of other prospective jurors to find out if he’d be part of a trial court jury in Houston. ‘It is both a privilege and responsibility to serve on a jury,’ said the Texas Republican, who arrived at the Harris County Jury Plaza Friday morning, went through the metal detector, and joined the rest of the jury pool… ‘One of the best aspects of being an American is our right to trial by jury,’ Cruz told the publication. ‘When I received my jury summons, I was proud to do my civic duty.’

“Sitting on a jury would be a switch of places in a courtroom for Cruz, who is a Harvard- educated lawyer. Cruz was Solicitor General of Texas from 2003-2008, serving as the youngest Solicitor General in the nation and the state’s longest-serving and first Hispanic Solicitor General…

“At first, Cruz sat in the front row of the jury room, listening along with about 200 other prospective jurors while a clerk explained the schedule and then at about 11 a.m., he and a 65- person panel went to a criminal court to learn who would be picked to decide the case of a man charged with evading arrest.

“The other jurors knew who he was, and many had their photos taken with the senator and potential 2016 presidential primary candidate during breaks. Despite the wait, Cruz was not picked for the jury, and he and the others not selected were let go at around 3 p.m…”

There was no way that Senator Ted Cruz would have been selected as a juror. This was absolutely clear from the outset. But he was able to use his appearance and comments for political propaganda purposes. However, his zeal in this regard is misguided, as jury duty is not something which the Bible endorses.

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What Does it Mean for a Christian to Come Out of the World?

We often hear about the need for a Christian to “come out of the world.” In order to understand what this means, it is important to look at where this instruction is given, and how to apply it in life practically.

A good place to begin is with Revelation 18:4-5, which reads “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.’” This follows an explanation of how the fallen system of Babylon has influenced people and nations, and clearly indicates an instruction for God’s people to come out of it. Babylon here is indicted in sin, which is something that God obviously does not want people to be involved in. As a result, the instruction to come out of Babylon is an instruction to come out of sin.

With this in mind, we need to elaborate on the “way of sin” being equated with Babylon, or the Babylonian system. Following from this, we will see how the Bible indicates that the “way of sin” is not the “way of God”, but it is the “way of the world.” With an understanding of what to come out of, it is important to know the correct way to seek, which is following the way of Christ. All of these aspects are about a way of living, and therefore the instruction to come out of the world is not to be taken in a physical sense, but applied in a spiritual way, leading a Christian lifestyle.

What does the Bible say about Babylon and the way of sin? By looking at the establishment of the city of Babylon, we learn more about the historical context and the relationship with God. In Genesis 10:8-9 Nimrod the hunter is named as the founder of the city of Babel. In reference to Nimrod, the Bible states that “he was a mighty hunter before the Lord”, but the word “before” can be more precisely translated as “against”. From the beginning, the city of “Babel” was founded by a man who was against God. Indeed, the actions by the inhabitants of the city following the establishment prove this to be true. Later in the book of Genesis, we can see evidence of how the city found God’s disapproval. In Genesis 11:4-9 we read about the people of the city, who wanted to make a name for themselves by building a giant tower. God disapproved of this action and punished the people, scattering them and confusing their language. The name of the city comes from the word “confusion,” which can be translated as Babel, or Babylon. From the establishment of the city, we can see that Babylon has historical roots in provoking God to anger and stands opposed to God’s rule from the beginning.

Babylon is referenced in ways that describe the ancient and modern city of Babylon standing in opposition to God, and therefore becoming overthrown (Isaiah 13:19, Revelation 18:21, Jeremiah 50:9, Jeremiah 51:29). It is clear in this regard that ancient Babylon displeased God so greatly that He destroyed it, and He will destroy the modern city of Babylon as well. But why

did God want to destroy it then, and why does He want to destroy it now? Certainly, the city stands in opposition to God’s rule; therefore, it is the sin which provokes God’s anger. Jeremiah 50:14 makes this reason for God’s anger very clear, “Put yourselves in array against Babylon all around, All you who bend the bow; Shoot at her, spare no arrows, For she has sinned against the LORD.” It is the sin of the established ancient and modern city that provoked God’s anger then and continues to do so now.

Knowing Babylon is distinguished by its sinfulness, and especially since we read in Revelation 18:4 that God calls people to come out of modern Babylon which is represented by a particular city, so that they don’t share in its sins, it is clear that the instruction is to remove one’s self from the place known for sin. Note how Revelation 17:9 is translated in the Living Bible: “And now think hard: his seven heads represent a certain city built on seven hills where this woman [called Babylon the Great, see verse 5] has her residence.”

Babylon is to be understood as representing more than just a place, however. The Bible references Babylon in a way that it is considered to be a system and a way of living that stands opposed to God’s righteousness. Just before God’s people are called out of Babylon in Revelation 18:4, we read the following in Revelation 18:2-3, “And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, ‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.’” Seeing that “all the nations” have been influenced by Babylon, it is clear that the sinful behavior has spread throughout the world to people everywhere. When people are instructed to “come out of her,” it is the system of sinfulness represented by the rebellion of Babylon that is referenced.

So far, it is clear that Babylon represents a way of living that is sinful and rebellious towards God, and that Christians are instructed to come out of that way of sin. But, how does that relate to the instruction to come out of the world? Where is the connection? By seeing that sinfulness is one of the defining characteristics of the world in which we live, and that Christians are to come out of the sinful Babylonian system, we can conclude that Christians must therefore come out of the world. Titus 2:12 offers a clear insight into the connection between sinfulness and worldliness, teaching us that while“…denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age.” Here, we can see that worldly lusts, those temptations offered by the world in which a Christian must physically reside, are grouped with ungodliness of this present age. The correct alternative is presented here as well, to live righteous and godly lives.

This presents an apparent paradox, however. How can we come out of a sinful system if we must live within it? Jesus Christ provides the correct perspective when explaining the troublesome relationship between a Christian and the world in John 15:18-19, “‘If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.’” Here, the world in its sinful ways is mentioned as a kind of force, or system that hates the way of life that Jesus Christ came to share. The disciples here are called out of the world; they are not to be part of it. If we understand that the world represents a system of sinfulness, we can see how Christians can be called to separate themselves from it without physically and literally coming out of the physical world. Something to consider in this regard is that coming out of sin might require Christians to take action to separate themselves from certain sinful places or environments, as Abram was asked to leave his hometown, and as

Lot was taken out of Sodom. Whether a literal physical separation is involved or not, it is the way of living that a Christian is instructed to change. That is, to come out of the way of sin, and to follow the way of Christ (John 14:6).

With the clear proclamation that true Christians are not part of the world (John 17:14), it is important to note that the job of a Christian is not to improve this present evil world (Galatians 1:4) in which he or she lives. The reason is that Satan the devil is the ruler of this world (John 12:31), and he deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9). As stated in Ephesians 6:12, the systems of this world that are influenced by the ruler of this age are what Christians stand against, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Any attempt to make an improvement or to try and fix the world will ultimately fail because it is under the influence of Satan. Rather, we are to be delivered from this world (see again Galatians 1:4). Please read our Q&A that elaborates on the reasons why Christians are not to make THIS world a better place. We must wait for God to overthrow Satan so that the Kingdom of God may be established. Until that time, Christians are ambassadors in this world (2 Corinthians 5:20), representing that future Kingdom to come. At the same time, Christians are supposed to be the light of the world to show it how to live (Matthew 5:14-16; Philippians 2:15), and Christ sends them as sheep into the world of wolves (Matthew 10:16) to proclaim to it the gospel of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 24:14; Mark 16:15).

The instruction for Christians to come out of this world is an admonition to turn away from the system of sin, and turn toward a system of godly righteousness. The system of the world is what leads to sin, and God stands opposed to it. 1 Corinthians 3:19 makes the distinction between His way and the world’s way clear, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God…” Coming out of the world then means to live according to God’s perfect and spiritual laws with His help. We are reminded and strengthened about how this is possible in 1 John 4:4 where we read, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” To come out of the sinful system of this corrupt world is within the power of all Christians who rely on the Holy Spirit of God living within them to become obedient.

Lead Writer: Eric Rank

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written by Rene Messier in which he reminds us of our individual and collective responsibilities to faithfully continue in the Work of God. This was mailed out on Friday morning.

“Neu! Die Frau auf dem Tier in Offenbarung 17,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “New! The Woman on the Beast in Revelation 17.”

“Coming–Nuclear War Between Russia and Europe?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program present by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Will the Russian-Ukrainian crisis lead to nuclear war? Or will Europe’s and especially France’s policy of appeasement towards Russia continue? What does the Bible say? Our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever” gives you the answer.

“Lasset Uns Menschen Machen…” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program which features  our newly printed German booklet, “God Is A Family.”  The title in English: “Let Us Make Man in Our Image…”

“Radical Islam, Terrorism and the Bible,” is the title of another new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

A movement in Germany has mainstream politicians up in arms. Weekly “PEGIDA” demonstrations in Dresden and other cities against “Islamization” are opposed by left-liberal groups, Muslims, Christian churches and others, even though their criticism may only contribute to the growing popularity of the movement. The most recent terrorist attacks in France have been interpreted quite differently, depending on who has reported them. Does the Koran command, allow or prohibit the murder of those who “insult’ Mohammed? What does the Bible have to say about Europe’s future role regarding Muslim countries and terrorism in general? We are offering two free booklets, “Biblical Prophecy-From Now Until Forever” and “When and How Will Christ Return?”

“The Prophets Hang on Love, Part 2,” the sermon from last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The last six of the Ten Commandments tell us how we are to love our neighbor. In this sermon, we will see how the Prophets describe godly love towards our fellow man, emphasizing the need to honor our parents, to avoid and shun hate and murder, as well as adultery and fornication, stealing, lying and covetousness. Many reject God’s law and as a consequence, they love the evil, while hating the good, and when they are told what they are doing, they do not want to listen. But God knows and sees their ways, and He will not be silent forever. God chastises whom He loves.

Please note that we are requesting anyone who is interested in attending the 2015 Feast of Tabernacles with us in the USA or in Germany to contact us with your request.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new member letter has been written by Rene Messier in which he reminds us of our individual and collective responsibilities to faithfully continue in the Work of God. This was mailed out on Friday morning.

“Neu! Die Frau auf dem Tier in Offenbarung 17,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “New! The Woman on the Beast in Revelation 17.”

“Coming–Nuclear War Between Russia and Europe?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program present by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Will the Russian-Ukrainian crisis lead to nuclear war? Or will Europe’s and especially France’s policy of appeasement towards Russia continue? What does the Bible say? Our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever” gives you the answer.

“Lasset Uns Menschen Machen…” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program which features  our newly printed German booklet, “God Is A Family.”  The title in English: “Let Us Make Man in Our Image…”

“Radical Islam, Terrorism and the Bible,” is the title of another new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

A movement in Germany has mainstream politicians up in arms. Weekly “PEGIDA” demonstrations in Dresden and other cities against “Islamization” are opposed by left-liberal groups, Muslims, Christian churches and others, even though their criticism may only contribute to the growing popularity of the movement. The most recent terrorist attacks in France have been interpreted quite differently, depending on who has reported them. Does the Koran command, allow or prohibit the murder of those who “insult’ Mohammed? What does the Bible have to say about Europe’s future role regarding Muslim countries and terrorism in general? We are offering two free booklets, “Biblical Prophecy-From Now Until Forever” and “When and How Will Christ Return?”

“The Prophets Hang on Love, Part 2,” the sermon from last Sabbath, is now posted. Here is a summary:

The last six of the Ten Commandments tell us how we are to love our neighbor. In this sermon, we will see how the Prophets describe godly love towards our fellow man, emphasizing the need to honor our parents, to avoid and shun hate and murder, as well as adultery and fornication, stealing, lying and covetousness. Many reject God’s law and as a consequence, they love the evil, while hating the good, and when they are told what they are doing, they do not want to listen. But God knows and sees their ways, and He will not be silent forever. God chastises whom He loves.

Please note that we are requesting anyone who is interested in attending the 2015 Feast of Tabernacles with us in the USA or in Germany to contact us with your request.

This Week in the News

In this issue, we are focusing heavily on the situation in France and developments related therewith, including the growing anti-Semitism in France and hypocritical conduct of the French and other governments. While Western mainstream politicians seem to be in denial, others point out the clear relationship between the attack in France (and elsewhere) and Islam, and governmental German attempts to “demand” the cancellation of demonstrations against Islamization will only create further problems. In trying to appease Islamists, Western governments play into their hands and continue to embolden the enemy.

In other news, we quote former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s warning that the current politics of Russia and Europe could lead to a nuclear war, and while the USA is about to close 15 military bases in Europe, its relationship with Saudi-Arabia continues to crumble.

We conclude with an interesting piece on jury duty and the political propaganda which can be attached to it.

World News

Far-Right and Populist Parties “Capitalize,” While Mainstream Politicians in Denial

The EUObserver wrote on January 8:

“Far-right and populist parties in the EU are attempting to politically capitalise on the attack on France’s satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo… In the Netherlands, anti-EU and anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders published a video message on Thursday (8 January), in which he proposed ‘tough measures’ as a response to the terrorist attack in Paris… Wilders repeated his call to stop immigration from ‘Islamic countries’… ‘We have to de-Islamise our country’, he added.

“Germany’s anti-Islamism Pegida movement, which organises ‘evening strolls’ through several German cities on Mondays, said the Paris attack highlighted the Islamist threat. ‘This bloodbath proves wrong those who laughed or ignored the fears of so many people about a looming danger of Islamism,’ said a regional leader for the anti-euro AfD party, Alexander Gauland. ‘This gives new clout to Pegida demands.’

“Nigel Farage, head of Britain’s anti-EU Ukip party… told LBC Radio that… ‘we’ve encouraged people from other cultures to remain within those cultures and not integrate fully within our communities.’

“Mainstream politicians, by contrast, have stressed that the Paris shootings, allegedly conducted by Islamic extremists, have nothing to do with Islam…”

These mainstream politicians are wrong. Note the following articles.

Incredible! Germany’s Mainstream Officials “Demand” PEGIDA to Cease Demonstrations!

Deutsche Welle reported on January 12:

“On Sunday, German Justice Minister Heiko Mas condemned PEGIDA’s call for rallies and demanded that organizers cancel their marches. ‘The victims [of the Paris attacks] do not deserve to be misused by such agitators,’ he told the Bild newspaper. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition partner, the Christian Social Union (CSU), also demanded that the group stop its activities. ‘I want to request those responsible…that they cancel their demonstrations for the foreseeable future, especially at a time when the whole world is shocked about the events in Paris,’ said CSU head Horst Seehofer in an interview with public broadcaster ARD.

“Earlier Sunday, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere accused PEGIDA of misusing the strikes on Charlie Hebdo for its own political means.

“PEGIDA members in the city of Leipzig have been banned from showing any caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in their processions. ‘After Paris, we assume that Muhammad caricatures are a provocation,’ a city spokesperson told dpa.”

This is just the worst kind of reaction from Germany’s officials. It is clearly wrong and unconstitutional, as violating the fundamental right of free speech, and it is also very counterproductive. To prohibit showing any caricatures of Mohammed is shameful and plays right into the hands of the terrorists. Just prior to the demonstration in Leipzig, due to some pressure, the local government allegedly acquiesced and rescinded its prior prohibition.

“Islam Belongs to Germany”

APF wrote on January 12:

“A record 25,000 people joined an anti-Islamic march in Germany on Monday, claiming their stance was vindicated by last week’s Paris jihadist attacks. However, the impressive turnout was dwarfed by 100,000 counter-demonstrators calling for tolerance nationwide.

“Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier stressed that ‘Islam belongs to Germany’ and announced she would on Tuesday join a Muslim community rally in Berlin against extremism, along with most of her cabinet ministers.

“Undeterred, supporters of the self-styled Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident, or PEGIDA, gathered for their 12th rally since October in their birthplace of Dresden in former communist east Germany. The marchers waved the German national flag and held up placards that read ‘Fight Islamisation, stop the flood of foreigners now’ and ‘Stop multiculturalism. My homeland will stay German’…”

The Local added on January 14:

“German President Joachim Gauck told the country’s Muslim community Tuesday that ‘we are all Germany’ at a rally to condemn the Paris jihadist attacks and take a stand against rising Islamophobia. About 10,000 citizens, religious leaders and politicians, among them Chancellor Angela Merkel, joined the event, which started with a wreath-laying ceremony at the French embassy and an imam reciting Koranic verses condemning the taking of life.

“Gauck used his speech to send a message of reassurance to Germany’s four-million-strong Muslim community… ‘The vast majority of Muslims feel they belong to our open society… Germany has become more diverse through immigration – religiously, culturally and mentally’…

“The vice president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Abraham Lehrer, said in his speech that in the French attacks, cartoonists were murdered because they stood up for free expression, police because they sought to protect them, and Jews simply ‘because they were Jews’. Lehrer said it would be wrong ‘to suspect all Muslims or even to disparage their religion. We completely condemn reprisals such as attacks on mosques.’ But he said it was up to Muslims to counter the fear and terror spread by ‘radicalised, fanatical Islam’ in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

“After speeches by Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders, all observed a minute’s silence. The Muslim community rally came after 100,000 people took to the streets across Germany Monday in counter-demonstrations against PEGIDA, and to voice support for multiculturalism. Merkel… has weighed in strongly, condemning PEGIDA’s leaders for having ‘hatred in [their] hearts’.

“Her comments were broadly hailed in the media, but not everyone agreed. ‘Naturally, Muslims belong in our society,’ said Merkel’s former interior minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, a Bavarian conservative. ‘But the question is knowing what constitutes the identity of a country, and in Germany it is a Christian identity built on Judeo-Christian roots’…”

“… but Turkey Does Not Belong in the EU…”

The Local wrote on January 12:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel emphasized her support for the Muslim community in Germany and opposition to Turkey’s EU application after meeting with the Turkish prime minister. Merkel met with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Berlin during his first visit to Germany since taking office in August.

“In speeches made after the meeting, Merkel made clear her opposition to Turkey’s bid to join the EU, discussed the importance of increasing dialogue among religious communities and emphasized no tolerance for violence… Though Merkel has remained opposed to Turkey’s admission into the EU and has condemned its administration’s crackdown on protests and free speech, Davutoglu said he hoped that Turkey could ‘one day’ join and asked for Germany’s support.

“Davutoglu has said that tensions between the Western and Islamic worlds are in part due to the West’s resistance to admitting Turkey to the EU… The Turkish prime minister said on Monday that now more than ever, Europe must also be sensitive to discrimination against Muslims… ‘It is our right to expect the same unity of world arms when people in Damascus and Gaza are being murdered.’…”

Many Germans Concerned about Destructive Potential of Islam

Breitbart wrote on January 12:

“Concern among Germans regarding the destructive potential of Islam within a free society has been growing in the past several years; even before last week’s gruesome attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, a plurality of Germans [57 %] believed that Islam was ‘threatening’ or ‘very threatening’ to German society, according to one poll.

“The poll, conducted by the think tank the Bertelsmann Foundation… also asked whether Germans believed Islam could ‘fit into Western society’… 61% did not believe that it did. This, the organization noted, was a 9% increase since the survey was last conducted in 2012. The numbers on Islam being a threat increased 4% since 2012, as well. The most extreme question, asking Germans whether they felt ‘like foreigners in their own country’ because of Islam, received a 40% affirmative response.

“The poll also, interestingly, polled Muslims in Germany on a number of issues. 58% of German Sunni Muslims polled said they supported same-sex marriage — a significant deviation from some of the most prominent orthodox Islamic voices in civil society — and 90% of Sunnis in Germany approved of democracy as a political regime.

“The numbers help explain the rapid growth of a movement like PEGIDA. The group, whose acronym stands for ‘Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of Europe,’ has found support by the thousands in rallies organized mostly in Dresden, and growing into other parts of Germany. A poll conducted last week and flagged by Reuters found that one in eight Germans would participate in a PEGIDA rally, despite the German government strongly condemning the group as xenophobic. German state television has gone so far as to release cartoons aimed at children criticizing the anti-radical Islam group.”

The Free Speech Hypocrisy

The Washington Post wrote on January 11:

“It was a remarkable rally [in France, see articles below], and particularly striking was the number of world leaders present… Despite the laudable show of unity, many observers couldn’t help but bristle at the hypocritical presence of some world leaders. Although they were publicly lending their support to free speech at the rally in France, at home they often stifled that very same free speech…[including] Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra, United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Sheik Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan and Gabonese President Ali Bongo…

“There were even more guests deemed unsuitable. French newspaper Le Monde pointed to the presence of Hungary’s Viktor Orban, the leader of a country that recently proposed taxing the Internet, and Naftali Bennett, Israel’s economy minister, who was once quoted as saying, ‘I’ve killed many Arabs in my life, and there’s no problem with that.’ On Twitter, there was anger at reports that Saudi officials had attended the march, just days after Saudi Arabia flogged a blogger for blasphemy.

“Perhaps the attendance of these world leaders at the Paris march should serve as an important reminder: Free speech is easy to support when it’s a vague concept. And… criticism can be leveled at the United States, too. Despite official support for free speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack, Chelsea Manning is serving 35 years in jail for leaking classified government documents to the anti-secrecy site WikiLeaks.”

Will Germany have to be included soon as a country which suppresses free speech?

Charlie Hebdo Again Under Muslim Attack—While the West “Shows Caution”!

Newsmax wrote on January 12:

“Charlie Hebdo’s new cover of a crying Prophet Mohammed above the slogan ‘All is Forgiven’ was reproduced by media around the world Tuesday — but some Muslims saw it as blasphemy.

“The front page of the French satirical magazine — its first since many of its staff were slain in a jihadist attack last week that left 12 people dead — was widely taken up by media in Western nations and in Latin America. It shows Mohammed on a green background under the title ‘All is forgiven’, holding up a sign saying ‘Je suis Charlie’ (‘I am Charlie’)…

“But Egypt’s state-sponsored Islamic authority, Dar al-Ifta, quickly denounced it as ‘an unjustified provocation against the feelings of 1.5 billion Muslims’.

“Violent riots broke out in Egypt and other Muslim countries in early 2006 over Mohammed caricatures first printed by a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, and republished by Charlie Hebdo… Tabnak, a conservative online outlet in Iran, an Islamic republic notorious for throwing many journalists in jail, stormed that ‘Charlie Hebdo has again insulted the Prophet’…

“Charlie Hebdo is to print up to three million copies of its new ‘survivors’ issue’, due out Wednesday — far more than the usual 60,000 before last week’s attack by two Islamist gunmen brought it worldwide prominence, and a historic record for a French publication. Money from sales will go the victims’ families…

“The cover was widely reproduced across Europe but some Western outlets showed more caution. In Denmark, for instance, the Jyllands-Posten newspaper that triggered 2006 riots with its Mohammed cartoons did not reproduce the Charlie Hebdo cover. Britain’s The Independent newspaper was the only major daily in London to put the image in its print version. The Telegraph’s website cropped the cover to cut out Mohammed. The BBC news website did not show it. The Guardian newspaper’s website included it with its report, but warned: ‘This article contains the image of the magazine cover, which some may find offensive.’ A British radical preacher, Anjem Choudary, who is under investigation for militancy, branded the new publication an ‘act of war’ and a ‘blatant provocation’. Almost none of the newspapers in Italy and in Russia carried the cover image.

“Many US news media showed prudence. The New York Times website reported on the Mohammed cover but provided readers only with a link to the site of the French newspaper Liberation. Major television networks also did not reproduce the cover. The Wall Street Journal, though, did, and so did tabloids such as the New York Daily News. According to the French press distribution company MLP, the new Charlie Hebdo issue will be available in many countries that previously never received the weekly, including Australia — where strong demand was reported — and in India, where there are around 170 million Muslims.”

The Associated Press reported on January 14:

“A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered a ban on access to websites showing Charlie Hebdo’s cover with the image of the Prophet Muhammad… Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Yalcin Akdogan took to Twitter to criticize use of the prophet’s image, calling it an act of ‘sedition and provocation’…”

The Associated Press reported on January 15:

“Pope Francis said Thursday there are limits to freedom of speech, especially when it insults or ridicules someone’s faith.”

The Telegraph added on January 15:

Pope Francis has weighed into the debate over freedom of expression in the wake of the murderous attacks in Paris, saying that anyone who insults a religion can expect ‘a punch in the nose’. In provocative remarks which may cause consternation in France, the Pope said that freedom of expression had its limits, especially if it involved insulting or ridiculing religion… The Pope did not refer specifically to the magazine but said that insulting religions was unacceptable and dangerous.”

One may wonder whether the pope’s comments were self-serving.

Muslims in France: “No, We Are Not Charlie!”

The Washington Post wrote on January 13:

“Within France’s Muslim community of some 5 million — the largest in Europe — many are viewing the tragedy in starkly different terms from their non-Muslim compatriots. They feel deeply torn by the now-viral slogan ‘I am Charlie,’ arguing that no, they are not Charlie at all.

“Many of France’s Muslims… abhor the violence that struck the country last week. But they are also revolted by the notion that they should defend the paper. By putting the publication on a pedestal, they insist, the French are once again sidelining the Muslim community, feeding into a general sense of discrimination that, they argue, helped create the conditions for radicalization in the first place…”

Attack on German Paper

The Local reported on January 12:

“With security services on high alert after a killing spree in Paris by Islamic extremists, police in the northern German port city of Hamburg said no one was injured in the blaze at the

headquarters of the regional daily Hamburger Morgenpost, which caused only slight damage… The regional tabloid daily, the Hamburger Morgenpost, had splashed three Charlie Hebdo cartoons on its front page after the massacre at the Paris publication, running the headline ‘This much freedom must be possible!’…

“Several German newspapers had published the Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons on their front pages Thursday in a gesture of solidarity with the French cartoonists and in defence of free speech.

“Germany’s Bild am Sonntag newspaper reported earlier Sunday that the bloodshed in France could signal the start of a wave of attacks in Europe, citing communications by Islamic State leaders intercepted by US intelligence. Shortly after the bloodbath in Paris, the US National Security Agency had intercepted communications in which leaders of the jihadist group announced the next wave of attacks, the tabloid said, citing unnamed sources in the US intelligence services.”

But apparently, “this much freedom” is not possible, when German officials begin to prohibit such activities and demand of PEGIDA that no demonstrations be conducted. Please read the next article which condemns the cowardly appeasement of the West towards Islam.

It Has Everything to Do With Islam

Global Viewpoint Network published an article by di Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who wrote the following on January 9 (The article appeared in a German translation in Die Welt Online):

“After the horrific massacre Wednesday at the French weekly satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, perhaps the West will finally put away its legion of useless tropes trying to deny the relationship between violence and radical Islam. This was not an attack by a mentally deranged, lone-wolf gunman. This was not an ‘un-Islamic’ attack by a bunch of thugs – the perpetrators could be heard shouting that they were avenging the Prophet Muhammad. Nor was it spontaneous. It was planned to inflict maximum damage, during a staff meeting, with automatic weapons and a getaway plan. It was designed to sow terror, and in that it has worked…

“There are numerous calls to violent jihad in the Quran. But the Quran is hardly alone. In too much of Islam, jihad is a thoroughly modern concept… In Islam, it is a grave sin to visually depict or in any way slander the Prophet Muhammad…

“We have to acknowledge that today’s Islamists are driven by a political ideology, an ideology embedded in the foundational texts of Islam. We can no longer pretend that it is possible to divorce actions from the ideals that inspire them…

“We appease the Muslim heads of government who lobby us to censor our press, our universities, our history books, our school curricula. They appeal and we oblige. We appease leaders of Muslim organizations in our societies. They ask us not to link acts of violence to the religion of Islam because they tell us that theirs is a religion of peace, and we oblige… The more we oblige, the more we self-censor, the more we appease, the bolder the enemy gets…”

Another typical example of cowardly appeasement is described in the next article.

Outrageous Conduct of Hypocritical French Government

The Times of Israel wrote on January 11:

“French President Francois Hollande did not want Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to attend Sunday’s historic march in Paris, believing the Israeli leader’s presence at the rally would be ‘divisive,’ Israeli media reported Sunday.

“Netanyahu initially accepted Paris’s wishes and on Saturday cited security concerns to explain why he would not attend the event, which was organized in a show of solidarity and defiance after terrorist attacks in the French capital, which claimed 17 lives. Among the victims were four Jews at a kosher supermarket and a Muslim police officer. However, the Prime Minister changed his mind later Saturday after Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett announced they would join the march, Israel’s Channel 2 news reported. When Netanyahu’s office told the Elysee Palace that he would be coming after all, France responded by highlighting that it was extending an invitation to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas…

“On Sunday, Hollande and world leaders, including Netanyahu and Abbas, marched in the mammoth procession, which began near where gunmen killed 12 people at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo last week… Some 1.5 million people marched in the massive rally, the largest of a series of demonstrations around France that brought some 3.7 million people out into the streets, according to figures cited by AFP.

Even though Netanyahu was finally “allowed” to participate in the march, the conduct of socialist President Hollande and his government is outrageous. But we must not forget that President Hollande also said that the terrible terrorist attacks and murders had “nothing” to do with Islam.

Forget the USA

The Daily News wrote on January 11:

“The city of light became a beacon of leadership Sunday when more than 40 heads of state came together to denounce terrorism, with one glaring exception: the lack of a high-ranking U.S. official. French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron and dozens of other world leaders — including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas — all took part in the powerful denunciation of last week’s terror attacks that left 17 innocents dead.

“But the nation that stands as the symbolic face of the war on terror was nowhere in sight. Neither President Obama nor Vice President Biden showed up — and in fact, America’s only representative was its relatively unknown and low-profile ambassador to France.”

Sad. First the White House tried to “explain,” then finally President Obama apologized and admitted that some “high ranking” governmental official should have been there.

Many French Jews Highly Skeptical of French Government’s “Fight” Against Anti-Semitism

JTA wrote on January 11:

“In the wake of an unprecedented spree of terror attacks that claimed 17 lives in France last week, many French Jews expressed appreciation for their government’s resolute stance against anti-Semitism, but nevertheless felt the response to be insufficient at a time when anti-Semitic violence is a daily reality that is already driving out record numbers of Jews…

“Moshe Sebbag, rabbi of the Grand Synagogue of Paris, Synagogue de la Victoire, told Israel’s Army Radio that he estimated the attacks will result in a doubling of the number of immigrants to Israel in 2015. ‘There is a tremendous feeling of insecurity and that these events will only worsen,’ he said on Sunday…

“Another factor eroding trust is the glorification of Palestinian terrorists by French elected officials… In recent months, several French municipalities have conferred such honors on convicted Palestinians…”

JTA wrote on January 9:

“The two sieges that transfixed France and much of the world on Friday epitomize the problem Islamic radicalism poses in the heart of Europe: It’s a danger to civilized society generally, but especially to Jews. Now it’s time for the authorities to wake up to the problem and confront it, French Jewish leaders said Friday, in the wake of a hostage crisis at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket at Porte de Vincennes in Paris’ 12th arrondissement…

“This week’s attacks come on the heels of a long period of increased anti-Semitic attacks in France that grew worse during last summer’s war in Gaza. Since then, synagogues have been set ablaze, Jews have been attacked and Jewish institutions have been threatened. In 2014,
a record number of French Jews, some 7,000 people, left for Israel — many citing fears for their future in France.

In a statement Simone Rodan-Benazquen, director of the American Jewish Committee’s Paris office, citing a number of recent violent anti-Semitic attacks in France, said: ‘We have warned that the menace of rising anti-Semitism threatens French society at large. The Charlie Hebdo massacre makes clear that the war against France’s democratic values is in high gear.’

“Despite assurances by the government [that it was] committed to fighting anti-Semitism, French Jews are facing the Islamic jihadists alone, said Chlomik Zenouda, vice president of National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism…”

Gorbachev Warns of Possible Nuclear War

Newsmax wrote on January 10:

“Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev warned that tensions between Russia and European powers over the Ukraine crisis could result in a major conflict or even nuclear war, in an interview in a German news magazine on Saturday. ‘A war of this kind would unavoidably lead to a nuclear war,’ the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize winner told Der Spiegel. ‘We won’t survive the

coming years if someone loses their nerve in this overheated situation,’ added Gorbachev, 83. ‘This is not something I’m saying thoughtlessly. I am extremely concerned.’

“Gorbachev, who is widely admired in Germany for his role in opening the Berlin Wall and steps that led to Germany’s reunification in 1990, warned against Western intervention in the Ukraine crisis. ‘The new Germany wants to intervene everywhere,’ he said in the interview. ‘In Germany evidently there are a lot of people who want to help create a new division in Europe.’… The diplomatic standoff over Ukraine is the worst between Moscow and the West since the Cold war ended more than two decades ago.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on January 9:

“Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev… criticized both Russia and the West… [He] decried the ‘loss of trust’ between Russia and the West as ‘catastrophic,’ and said ties must be ‘defrosted.’

“Gorbachev accused the West and NATO of destroying the structure of European security by expanding its alliance. ‘No head of the Kremlin can ignore such a thing,’ he said, adding that the US was unfortunately starting to establish a ‘mega empire.’ The man seen as a key player in the reunification of former East and West Germany in 1990 also accused Germany of interfering in Ukraine’s crisis, saying, ‘The new Germany wants its hands in every pie. There seems to be a lot of people who want to be involved in a new division of Europe. Germany has already tried to expand its influence of power towards the East in World War II. Does it really need another lesson?’…

“He defended the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula last year, but criticized the Russian leader’s authoritarian style of leadership. He said Russia needed free elections…”

Gorbachev speaks as a Russian and therefore does not explain how Russia’s occupation of Crimea could possibly be justifiable. At the same time, his remarks regarding Germany’s “involvement” and expansion of its powers are well taken.

USA to Close 15 Military Bases in Europe

The Daily Caller wrote on January 8:

“The Pentagon announced plans on Thursday to close 15 military bases in Europe in an effort to save around $500 million dollars a year… critics are concerned that this decision is coming at exactly the wrong time — when Europe is facing the prospect of further Russian aggression in Ukraine… Currently, there are 64,000 U.S. military troops stationed throughout Europe, with the greatest concentrations in Germany, Italy and Britain. Out of the cuts, Germany will see a net increase in troops, while the U.K. and Portugal will see net losses…”

USA and Saud-Arabia Are Drifting Apart

The Washington Post wrote on January 9:

“Ever since the United States and Saudi Arabia fell into something of an alliance in the late 1970s, the world’s most unlikely partnership has had lots of down moments. Another big one came this weekend, when Saudi intelligence chief Bandar Bin Sultan al-Saud told European diplomats that his country would step back from cooperating with the United States on Syria…

“This very public Saudi jab at the U.S. is the latest in a series of increasingly frequent disputes between the longtime allies… many of the mutual interests that have brought the two countries together seem to be falling apart…

“Saudi Arabia strongly opposed the Islamist government of Mohamed Morsi [in Egypt] and supported the July military coup. The U.S. tepidly supported Morsi and opposed the coup…now the U.S. and Iran are talking about cutting a nuclear deal, possibly as part of a larger detente, which Saudi Arabia opposes. If the deal goes through, and there’s a U.S.-Iran thaw, it would be a big blow to the U.S.-Saudi relationship…

“Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was a mutual enemy, and the reason that the U.S. stationed troops in Saudi Arabia in 1990, setting off a public backlash there against the American presence. Now Saddam is gone, replaced by a U.S.-backed Shiite government. Saudi Arabia is majority Sunni and has a poor relationship with Shiites…

“As the U.S. starts to produce more of its own energy resources and import less from the Middle East, it has less interest in Saudi oil. And Saudi Arabia is selling more of its oil to China, which just became the world’s largest net importer…

“So the future doesn’t look terribly bright for the U.S.-Saudi relationship. Still, that doesn’t mean they’re about to break up… as long as there are oil and terrorism in the Middle East, the two countries will still need one another. But they may soon need one another much less than they used to.”

Jury Duty and Political Propaganda

Newsmax wrote on January 10:

“Sen. Ted Cruz spent Friday waiting his turn along with a room full of other prospective jurors to find out if he’d be part of a trial court jury in Houston. ‘It is both a privilege and responsibility to serve on a jury,’ said the Texas Republican, who arrived at the Harris County Jury Plaza Friday morning, went through the metal detector, and joined the rest of the jury pool… ‘One of the best aspects of being an American is our right to trial by jury,’ Cruz told the publication. ‘When I received my jury summons, I was proud to do my civic duty.’

“Sitting on a jury would be a switch of places in a courtroom for Cruz, who is a Harvard- educated lawyer. Cruz was Solicitor General of Texas from 2003-2008, serving as the youngest Solicitor General in the nation and the state’s longest-serving and first Hispanic Solicitor General…

“At first, Cruz sat in the front row of the jury room, listening along with about 200 other prospective jurors while a clerk explained the schedule and then at about 11 a.m., he and a 65- person panel went to a criminal court to learn who would be picked to decide the case of a man charged with evading arrest.

“The other jurors knew who he was, and many had their photos taken with the senator and potential 2016 presidential primary candidate during breaks. Despite the wait, Cruz was not picked for the jury, and he and the others not selected were let go at around 3 p.m…”

There was no way that Senator Ted Cruz would have been selected as a juror. This was absolutely clear from the outset. But he was able to use his appearance and comments for political propaganda purposes. However, his zeal in this regard is misguided, as jury duty is not something which the Bible endorses.

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