Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter (February 16, 2016) has been written and mailed to our subscribers. In this letter, Norbert Link addresses the looming trouble the world faces as events grow more difficult in the year ahead. Mr. Link also warns of the danger of compromises and that the Church of God must continue to powerfully preach the gospel message—as a witness and warning to the entire world!

Rundschreiben vom 16. February 2016, is our new German “Rundschreiben,” (Member Letter), which was sent out via email to about 130 recipients. The first part contains much information about services and activities during Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread, as well as comments for potential baptisms, and the second part is a German translation of the English February member letter.

“Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?” is the title of the newest StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Is Apple hundred percent wrong, as Donald Trump said, for not cooperating with the FBI in the fight against terrorism and for not obeying a court order compelling Apple to turn over electronic data?  But does this narrative reflect the issue at hand? We need to understand what Apple’s concerns are; what the federal magistrate actually ordered Apple to do; why the industry’s biggest names, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, WhatsApp and others, are supporting Apple; and why there are worldwide security concerns if Apple were to lose this fight.

“Wir sind unter der Gnade,” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “We Are Under Grace.”

“SW Talking Points: Baptism — A Requirement for Salvation?” is a new video presented by Pastor Rene Messier. Here is a summary:

Is baptism necessary for salvation? Should you be baptized?  What is acceptable to God: immersion, watering ,sprinkling?  Some think it’s not necessary for salvation. Our booklet on Baptism covers all these details about what truly is acceptable to God.

“Stay Close,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Our relationship to the Father and Jesus Christ depends on staying close to them—otherwise, we fail!

“Inside Out,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Christians are challenged to examine themselves as to whether or not their Christianity is true! This testing will not succeed if it is only superficial. The vital key for us is to have God’s help in the process.

Current Events

We begin with reports on the national and international downfall of Angela Merkel, once called the “Queen of Europe” and “Europe’s Iron Lady,” and the questions regarding a possible successor who might come “out of nowhere,” as Merkel once did; speak on the blatantly obvious lack of European trust and confidence in the USA; and address the ongoing debate regarding a possible Brexit.

Turning to a critical legal battle between Apple and the FBI [please view our new StandingWatch program on the issue, titled, “Why Would Apple Resist the FBI?”and the heated and brutal run for the American Presidency, we report on the fight between the Republican “establishment” and “outsiders”; speak on the less than fair methods by the GOP to support “their” candidates against the will of the people; point out a new fight between Pope Francis and Donald Trump; and address the sudden and unexpected death of conservative U.S. Supreme Court Judge and Ronald Reagan appointee, Antonin Scalia.

We conclude with reporting on an agreement between Russia and Iran, violating a UN ban, Muslim opposition to Valentine ’s Day (even though they are right in objecting to it, they are wrong in their motives), and a revealing article of a medical doctor, showing the UNDENIABLE health risks of vaccinations in babies and young children.  

Stay Close; Inside Out

On February 13, 2016, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Stay Close,” and the sermon, titled, “Inside Out.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Current Events

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders won big in New Hampshire’s primary Tuesday. The Weekly Standard wrote on February 10: “Donald Trump got everything he wanted… and a whole lot more. He’s not only a stronger frontrunner in the Republican race than ever; he’s now in the driver’s seat on the road to the presidential nomination.”

What does all of this mean? Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “Trump Shocks Europe.” See also our announcement and the summary of the program in our “Preaching the Gospel” section in this Update.

In this issue of the Current Events, we begin focusing on interesting developments within and pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church, including a planned historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill I, the highly controversial leader of the Russian Orthodox Church; a potential Vatican cover-up; extremely dangerous beliefs within the Catholic Church; and the positon of the German Catholic Church on refugees.

We continue presenting information about events in Europe which may hint at the fortification of Europe and the creation of a European army as well as a closer economic relationship with Iran (also showing Iran’s confidence in the euro). At the same time, the relationship between the EU and Britain continues to deteriorate.

While the USA seems to lose more and more on the domestic and international economic front, interesting thoughts are raised as to what Donald Trump might do regarding the national debt, if he became president.

We also turn our attention to the ongoing hotly debated issue of illegal aliens in the USA and Europe; address North Korea’s latest provocation; speak on gender identity and most ridiculous ideas and experiments of scientists; and report on a remarkable decision in Hawaii pertaining to vaccinations.

We conclude with an interesting article on the Kidron Valley, which has immense prophetic significance for the future.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins,” has reached the second review cycle. We hope to be able to present printed copies to our members and subscribers before or at the time of the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.

Will Wars Ever End?” (Special Edition), is a new StandingWatch program in which Evangelist Norbert Link addresses the promise by God to end all war—a time when Jesus Christ will rule in righteousness and peace! Here is a summary:

How will the world look like after Jesus Christ has returned and begun His rule over the earth? Can we imagine what kind of conditions we will see? Will man still be allowed to fight in war?

“Trump Shocks Europe,” is the title of the newest StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Donald Trump won big in New Hampshire, and Europe is waking up to the distinct possibility that he might become the next US President. The reaction is one of concern and fear. In this program, we point out what a Trump Presidency might mean for Europe, and why Europe will become stronger economically and militarily. We also show some stunning parallels between Trump’s statements and the situation in Germany following World War I, and we conclude with a discussion on the coming biblical “beast.”

“Wir sind nicht mehr unter dem Gesetz!” is this week’s new German sermon. Title in English: “We Are No Longer Under the Law.”

“Fear and Faith,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Fear is a common response to life’s circumstances. It is an emotion that often motivates people to take action. When fear motivates action that leads away from God, faith must replace that fear. By having faith and fearing God we please Him, making worldly fear powerless against us.

“Freedom by Justification,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Mankind has sought after freedom in countless ways but most have fallen short of reaching that goal. Freedom is within the grasp of mankind but only when God is leading our pursuit.

Update 724

Stay Close; Inside Out

On February 13, 2016, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Stay Close,” and the sermon, titled, “Inside Out.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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A Foundation to Endure

by Robb Harris

This past weekend a magnitude 6.4 earthquake shook Taiwan causing over 40 deaths, with numbers expected to rise. The majority of these deaths occurred in one particular high-rise in the city of Tainan. Pictures of the destroyed high-rise have come to light showing support beams lined with oil cans as a cheap construction filler. The outrage from survivors and locals has spurred government officials to investigate the incident further. To date, a few people involved in the construction of the building have been arrested. While the earthquake triggered the collapse, many point to shoddy construction techniques as the root cause.

Careless building techniques plague Christianity today, and have since deceit crept into the early New Testament church. Many of today’s most popular Christian leaders have built opulent church organizations and buildings with ever increasing growth. But all of these grand edifices invoking the name of God are built on lies and foundations conceived by man, not God.

Christ spoke of those who falsely profess to know God because they refuse to heed His Word (Matthew 7:21-23). Paul states, “For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each one’s work will become clear” (1 Corinthians 3:11-13). What man builds is based only on the physical, and physical cannot inherit the kingdom prepared for each of us (Matthew 25:34).

Each of us has been given the opportunity to build upon a foundation laid by our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ. But He warns us that this Way of Life will take work to build and perseverance to maintain. After Christ stated that we must be willing to forfeit EVERYTHING to be His disciples, He stated, “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?” (Luke 14:28-30).

The reason Christ was so adamant about us fully committing to His teachings is to prepare us so that we can inherit eternal life. An unstable foundation will always topple in adversity. We will always become lost if God isn’t leading every step we take.

When Paul wrote to Timothy to exhort him in strengthening his ministry, he explained why it is so important to build upon a foundation that will last. Speaking about those who built on a good foundation, Paul says they were “…storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life” (1 Timothy 6:19). We must have a lasting foundation for the trials we will face, not only in our daily life, but especially as this age ends and Satan is unleashed to persecute God’s people. Paul continues, “O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge” (1 Timothy 6:20).

An earthquake like none before is going to shake this world to its core. That earthquake is the righteous judgment of God. All that will remain standing during that judgment are those who built upon the everlasting truth and solid foundation of God.

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Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders won big in New Hampshire’s primary Tuesday. The Weekly Standard wrote on February 10: “Donald Trump got everything he wanted… and a whole lot more. He’s not only a stronger frontrunner in the Republican race than ever; he’s now in the driver’s seat on the road to the presidential nomination.”

What does all of this mean? Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “Trump Shocks Europe.” See also our announcement and the summary of the program in our “Preaching the Gospel” section in this Update.

In this issue of the Current Events, we begin focusing on interesting developments within and pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church, including a planned historic meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill I, the highly controversial leader of the Russian Orthodox Church; a potential Vatican cover-up; extremely dangerous beliefs within the Catholic Church; and the positon of the German Catholic Church on refugees.

We continue presenting information about events in Europe which may hint at the fortification of Europe and the creation of a European army as well as a closer economic relationship with Iran (also showing Iran’s confidence in the euro). At the same time, the relationship between the EU and Britain continues to deteriorate.

While the USA seems to lose more and more on the domestic and international economic front, interesting thoughts are raised as to what Donald Trump might do regarding the national debt, if he became president.

We also turn our attention to the ongoing hotly debated issue of illegal aliens in the USA and Europe; address North Korea’s latest provocation; speak on gender identity and most ridiculous ideas and experiments of scientists; and report on a remarkable decision in Hawaii pertaining to vaccinations.

We conclude with an interesting article on the Kidron Valley, which has immense prophetic significance for the future.

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Leaders of Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches Meet

The Washington Post wrote on February 5:

“Pope Francis and the leader of the powerful Russian Orthodox Church plan a historic meeting next week in Cuba, officials said Friday, marking the most significant steps ever attempted to heal a schism that has divided Christianity between East and West for nearly 1,000 years… The churches have been formally estranged since the 11th century over issues such as papal authority and, more recently, by disputes over Roman Catholic reach into traditionally Orthodox regions.

“The planned encounter next Friday between Francis and Patriarch Kirill I at Havana’s airport also highlights apparent moves toward greater solidarity amid current worries. Among them: pressures facing ancient Christian communities in the Middle East from militant groups such as the Islamic State. Even the venue carries significance. Cuba, which once suppressed the Roman Catholic church as a Soviet client state, was picked because the legacy of Christian rifts remains too vivid in Europe, a Russian church official said.

“A full reconciliation would require major changes on both sides, but warmer ties sanctioned by the highest authorities would represent one of the biggest modern shifts in the world’s religious landscape. The Russian Church is by far the largest and most influential in the Orthodox world, which is a patchwork of various churches and patriarchs.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 6:

“The meeting between the Pope and the Patriarch will go down in history… The historic announcement came as a major surprise… It is a sensation, and not just for religious aficionados with an interest in ecumenical Christianity…

“Popes have been traveling the world for 50 years now. The papacy of John Paul II (1978-2005) was, at times, a global pilgrimage and missionary tour, frequently colored with Realpolitik nuances. Benedict XVI (2005-2013) continued that tradition. On the global map of papal travel destinations, there are not many untouched areas. The most significant are China and Russia. This week, the Vatican has published a long interview that Francis gave to a Chinese newspaper, and which has been widely reported about in the country’s media. Now, just three days later, there’s the announcement of the meeting in Havana…

“But the meeting in Havana points to another important, even historic, date this year that most Christians in the Western hemisphere likely haven’t registered… In June, Crete will be the scene of the first Orthodox Great and Holy Council in more than 1,000 years… Rome has long been in touch with most of the other representatives – only Kyrill and Moscow had until now been at arm’s length. That has now changed and could well have an effect on events in Crete. The Pope will travel to Mexico next Friday… But as part of that trip, he will also be entering a new era in ecumenical history.”

The website of added on February 6:

“One is recognized as a humble leader who cares for the poor and has kissed the feet of peasants. The other has been plagued by scandal and become an object of ridicule because of his luxurious lifestyle, which includes an apparent penchant for pricey ski vacations in Switzerland…

“Patriarch Kirill I… is a staunch supporter of President Vladimir Putin and his conservative policies. He once famously called the Russian head of state a ‘miracle from God’ and he has come out in support of Moscow’s military campaign in Syria which he called a ‘holy war.’ That support has allowed the Russian Orthodox Church to grow exceptionally powerful over the past decade.

“But that has not stopped Kirill, who has called decisions by western countries to legalize same-sex marriage a ‘dangerous sign of the apocalypse,’ from being widely mocked by his subjects. The Russian public was outraged when he was seen wearing a $30,000 watch in a photograph published in 2012…

“The two are not likely to fully reconcile the churches’ differences, as that would require major concessions from both sides. Metropolitan Illarion, foreign policy chief of the Russian Orthodox Church, told reporters Friday that one major disagreement between the Holy See and the Russian Church is over various Orthodox churches in western Ukraine…

“The conflict centers on the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the country’s second-largest, which follows eastern church rites but answers to the Holy See. The Russian Orthodox Church has considered western Ukraine its traditional territory and has resented papal influence there.

“Francis also angered the Moscow patriarchy and the Kremlin when he came out in support of Kiev during the country’s revolution and remained behind Ukraine when Russia annexed Crimea and fomented the war in its eastern regions. More than 9,000 people have been killed in the conflict since April 2014…”

The Bible indicates very strongly that the Roman Catholic Church will again become the dominant force in traditional Christianity, under the powerful leadership of a charismatic pope. Those few Christian organizations which will not agree to come under the umbrella of the “mother church” will be ostracized and labeled as false sects and cults.

Vatican Cover-Up?

The Washington Post wrote on February 6:

“Pope Francis’ sex abuse advisory committee voted Saturday to sideline one of its members, a high-profile abuse survivor who had clashed with the commission over its mission.

“Peter Saunders, a British advocate for victims, had been highly critical of the Vatican’s slow pace of progress in taking measures to protect children and punish bishops who covered up for pedophile priests. He had also wanted the commission to intervene immediately in individual cases, rather than just craft long-term policies to fight abuse.

“During a commission meeting Saturday, ‘it was decided that Mr. Peter Saunders would take a leave of absence from his membership to consider how he might best support the commission’s work,’ the Vatican said…

“[Saunders] said the Vatican’s inaction in the face of continuing cases of children being raped and molested ‘made me lose faith in the process and lose faith in Pope Francis.’…

“The commission was formed after victims’ groups questioned whether the Argentine pope, who had never dealt with an abuse case, really understood the scope of the scandal… The commission had been highly critical of Francis’ decision to appoint a Chilean bishop despite allegations from abuse survivors that he had covered up for the country’s most notorious pedophile, the Rev. Fernando Karadima.

“One of Karadima’s victims, Juan Carlos Cruz, joined Saunders on Saturday in Rome in hopes of speaking to the commission but was refused. Cruz had been proposed as a possible commission member but emails published in the Chilean media showed how the Chilean church hierarchy worked to keep him off the panel.”

ABC News added on February 5:

“Cardinal George Pell is still too ill to travel from Rome to give evidence at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse… His lawyers applied for the 74-year-old to be able to give evidence by audio visual link at hearings of the inquiry dealing with abuse in Ballarat. Several victims of abuse had stated their opposition to the request.

“A two-page medical report was handed up to support the application that a flight to Australia from Rome, where Cardinal Pell oversees the Vatican’s finances, could pose a serious risk to his health.”

It seems that the hierarchy in the Church of Rome want to keep indiscretions covered up while they promote themselves as having cleaned out an infested priesthood. 

Dangerous Catholic Beliefs

Daily Mail wrote on February 5:

“The embalmed body of a revered Roman Catholic monk who died nearly 50 years ago has arrived back at the Vatican to be blessed by the Pope in St Peter’s Basilica in front of thousands of worshipers. Padre Pio’s body was paraded through the streets in a crystal coffin as it made its way through The Vatican to the famous basilica at the request of Pope Francis as part of events to mark the ongoing Catholic Jubilee Year.

“He was accompanied on the trip to St Peter’s by another Saint Leopold Mandic (1866-1942), a Croatian Capuchin who was, like Pio, celebrated for his skill in receiving confessions – a quality Francis wants to champion during the Jubilee year…

“Italian Friar Pio, who had been interred in San Giovanni Rotondo in southern Italy was said to have suffered from the stigmata phenomenon – body marks corresponding to the wounds Jesus Christ received during his crucifixion…

“Cesarina Onesi, 74, [who] was among the thousands of faithful who turned out to accompany the coffins on the final leg of their journey to St Peter’s said she had been very moved by the experience. ‘I pray to him (Pio) every night, he is one of the four or five saints I pray to. He was a great man, so much faith, so much courage, so much humanity.’

“Canonised under Pope John-Paul II, Pio’s brand of popular, mystical Catholicism was less popular with the Vatican authorities when he was alive. He regularly recounted having experienced both heavenly and diabolic visions, other clerics claimed to have witnessed him levitating in ecstasy and he was frequently associated with apparently miraculous recoveries among the seriously ill…

“Many people said the brown-robed Padre Pio was able to predict events in their lives and knew what they were about to confess. There are thousands of ‘Padre Pio Prayer Groups’ around the world. Padre Pio was dogged during his life and even after his death by allegations that he was a fake but Church investigators cleared him each time…

“Pio of Pietrelcina, known as Padre Pio, was born in 1887 to deeply religious farmers in the small agricultural town of Pietrelcina, in Campania, Italy. By the age of five he knew he wanted to dedicate his life to serving God and claimed to have inner battles with demons and moments of religious out of body experiences…

“Since his death and burial in 1968 at his church in San Giovanni Rotondo, his popularity has grown and he is considered one of the Church’s most popular saints.”

We can say categorically and dogmatically, based on the Bible, that any “powers” Padre Pio might have had (if the accounts are true) would NOT have been given to him by God. The Holy Scriptures warn us not to be deceived by “lying wonders.”

Mexican Catholics Worship the Skeleton “Death Saint”

AFP wrote on February 8:

“Two weeks after baptizing her at a Catholic church, baby Adriana’s parents put her in a white gown again for a second sacrament: This time, with Mexico’s skeletal ‘Death Saint.’ As they held the sleepy three-month-old child, a priestess sprinkled holy water infused with rose petals on her in front of 300 people under a 22-meter (72-foot) statue of the Grim Reaper-like ‘Santa Muerte’ in a Mexico City suburb.

“When Pope Francis arrives in Mexico for a five-day visit on Friday, he will find a country where devotion to Santa Muerte is growing fast despite the Vatican’s rejection of the figure as blasphemous… But the Church is losing the battle against the Death Saint, which is famous for being worshipped by drug cartels but is followed by a wider sector of Mexican society, from the poor to blue-collar workers, police, doctors and teachers… Andrew Chesnut, professor of religious studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, estimates that between 10 million and 12 million people follow Santa Muerte in Mexico, the United States and Central America…

“That leaves the Roman Catholic Church worried in Mexico. ‘This is the fastest-growing new religious movement not only in Mexico, but in the entire Americas,’ Chesnut… told AFP…”

German Catholic Church Advocates Reduction in Refugees

AFP wrote on February 6:

“The German Catholic Church called for a reduction in the influx of refugees arriving in Germany, saying the country cannot take in ‘all the world’s needy,’ according to an interview published Saturday. Germany has been struggling to cope with 1.1 million asylum seekers that arrived in 2015 and Berlin has not yet given an official estimate for how many it expects this year. ‘As a church we say that we need a reduction in the number of refugees,’ Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, told the Passauer Neue Presse daily…

“The question of how to respond to the migrant crisis, he asserted, should not solely be a matter of ‘charity but also reason.’ However, Marx also expressed concern at a rise in xenophobia in Germany amid the worst refugee crisis that Europe has known since World War II… ‘This ideology has evidently been further consolidated,’ he said, lamenting that the belittling of foreigners had ‘reached the upper classes.’

“Anti-Islamic group Pegida, which began as a movement in Germany in mid-2014 and has since spread to France and other European countries, called on members and sympathisers from across Europe to march Saturday under the anti-migrant banner of ‘Fortress Europe’.”

In Dresden, Germany, about 8,000 people participated in the Pegida demonstration.

Pope Very “Political Person”?

Newsmax reported on February 11:

“Donald Trump called Pope Francis ‘a very political person’ who doesn’t understand America’s immigration problem when asked on Thursday about the Pope’s plan to stand with migrants at the U.S.-Mexican border on Friday.

“‘I think he doesn’t understand the problems our country has,’ Trump told Fox Business Network’s ‘Varney & Co.’ ‘I don’t think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with Mexico, and I think Mexico got him to do it. Because Mexico wants to keep the border just the way it is because they are making a fortune and we are losing.’

“CBS noted that Trump has had flattering things to say about Pope Francis in the past… But he also told CNN in August he would warn Francis about the danger of the Islamic State (ISIS) if he met him face-to-face. ‘You know that ISIS wants to go in and take over the Vatican?’ Trump said…”

Palace of Henry VIII Holds First Catholic Service in Nearly 500 Years

The New York Times wrote on February 9:

“Hampton Court Palace, where the Tudor king, Henry (VIII.), broke off ties with the papacy in 1530 just to divorce his first wife and marry his mistress — with whom he was besotted and whom he later beheaded — on Tuesday held its first Roman Catholic service in more than 450 years.

“During the service, held in the palace’s Chapel Royal, chants in Latin from an 18-person choir swelled up toward turquoise ceilings, adorned with golden stars and gilded cherubs. Around 350 attendees were packed into tiny wooden pews.

“A procession of altar boys and priests solemnly made its way toward the front of the chapel as the scent of incense wafted across the ancient hall. The Medieval Latin chants date to before the Protestant Reformation, when they were heard throughout churches in Europe.

“The service symbolized in part a growing reconciliation between the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. Both are grappling with internal divisions, including a battle over homosexuality, and the service came as several high-profile figures, including some members of the royal family and former Prime Minister Tony Blair, have left the Anglican Church. (In 2011, a ban on a British monarch’s marrying a Roman Catholic was lifted after more than three centuries, but Roman Catholics are still barred from taking the throne.)…”

USA Wants to Fortify Europe

The New York Times wrote on February 1:

“President Obama plans to substantially increase the deployment of heavy weapons, armored vehicles and other equipment to NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe, a move that administration officials said was aimed at deterring Russia from further aggression in the region. The White House plans to pay for the additional weapons and equipment with a budget request of more than $3.4 billion for military spending in Europe in 2017, several officials said Monday, more than quadrupling the current budget of $789 million. The weapons and equipment will be used by American and NATO forces, ensuring that the alliance can maintain a full armored combat brigade in the region at all times…

“It is not clear how Russia will react to the fortified military presence along NATO’s eastern flank… outside analysts were surprised by the magnitude of the increase in military funding for Europe… Some analysts said the increased funding and deployments would certainly rattle Russia…  there is no doubt the primary target of the funding is Russia. Administration officials said that two years after its annexation of Crimea— an annexation that neither the United States nor its European allies recognize — it was imperative to send Moscow a message that NATO will do all it needs to do in order to stand behind Eastern European members worried that they could be next.”

Ultimately, Europe will be able to use these weapons against the USA.

An Important Step in the Creation of a United European Army?

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 4:

“Berlin has signed a deal that will lead to further integration of German naval forces with the Dutch military. The move is being hailed as an important step in the creation of united European armed forces. While in Amsterdam, where she met with the Dutch Defense Minister, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, von der Leyen called the plan a ‘prime example for the building of a European defense union.’

“In exchange for the German battalion, which will be subordinate to the Dutch navy until 2018 and includes mine detectors, reconnaissance and commando units, Berlin will share the use of an ultramodern Dutch supply ship… The 205-meter (673-foot) ship, the ‘Karel Doorman,’ is equipped to carry Leopard 2 battle tanks.”

Die Welt stated that it will remain to be seen whether other European nations will join the German-Dutch efforts, and whether a “core European army” (“europaeische Kernarmee”) might be created as a consequence.

Iran Wants Euros, Not Dollars

Reuters reported on February 5:

“Iran wants to recover tens of billions of dollars it is owed by India and other buyers of its oil in euros and is billing new crude sales in euros, too, looking to reduce its dependence on the U.S. dollar following last month’s sanctions relief… Iran will charge in euros for its recently signed oil contracts with firms including French oil and gas major Total, Spanish refiner Cepsa and Litasco, the trading arm of Russia’s Lukoil…

“Switching oil sales to euros makes sense as Europe is now one of Iran’s biggest trading partners… Iran has pushed for years to have the euro replace the dollar as the currency for international oil trade…

“Iran has the world’s fourth-largest proved reserves of crude oil, and expects to quickly increase production, which could lead to tens of billions of euros worth of new oil trade. Iran’s insistence on being paid in euros rather than dollars is also a sign of an uneasy truce between Tehran and Washington…

“India owes Tehran about $6 billion for oil delivered during the sanctions years… Indian government sources confirmed Iran is looking to be paid in euros.”

It is interesting that Iran has strong confidence in the euro, while rejecting the US dollar. Even though some are uncertain on the issue, being tossed to and fro with every wind of speculation, we have clearly and consistently stated all along that the euro will survive and gain economic strength in the world.

EU President Slams Britain

Express wrote on February 5:

“BRUSSELS politicians believe Britain should be allowed to QUIT the EU rather than test their ‘patience and good will’ by demanding a renegotiation deal, the president of the European Parliament revealed today. Martin Schulz hit out at David Cameron’s ‘continuous demands’ for EU reform as he claimed many of his colleagues in Brussels had grown so fed up with Britain they believed the UK should be shown the exit door.

“The German politician also poured cold water over the Prime Minister’s hopes of achieving his renegotiation of Britain’s EU relationship, which the Government has promised before the upcoming in/out referendum of the UK’s membership of the 28-country bloc. He highlighted the Prime Minister’s plan for an ’emergency brake’ on EU migrants’ in-work benefits and greater protection for non-eurozone countries as sticking-points.  Mr Schulz also sparked a row with Downing Street by claiming Britain’s deal could be reversed at a later stage, despite Mr Cameron’s pledge to deliver ‘legally-binding and irreversible’ reforms.

“On Tuesday, European Council president Donald Tusk revealed the Prime Minister’s draft renegotiation agreement with other EU leaders, which will be voted on at a crunch summit later this month. Critics blasted the ‘watered-down’ reforms to Britain’s EU membership, which were also branded ‘pathetic’ and ‘hardly worth waiting for’. And Mr Schulz has now warned the Prime Minister he might struggle to get even his limited deal ratified by MEPs.

“Delivering a speech at the London School of Economics, the German politician revealed how fellow Brussels politicians had told him to let Britain leave the EU at the upcoming in/out referendum rather than bother with negotiating with Mr Cameron. But Mr Schulz insisted he was ‘a strong supporter of the UK remaining in the EU’. He added: ‘This is despite the fact – and I admit this quite frankly – that the British often test our patience and good will with their continuous demands. They are demanding. They push hard. They insist. They just don’t let go. Many of my colleagues say behind closed doors: “Don’t stop a rolling stone. If the Brits want to leave, let them leave.”’

“Mr Schulz said he wanted to ‘raise concerns’ with parts of Britain’s draft EU deal, warning the Prime Minister his European Parliament will ‘defend the fundamental principles and objectives of the EU’…

“Mr Schulz dismissed Mr Cameron’s call for the EU to be rebranded a ‘multi-currency union’, declaring: ‘The currency of the European Union is the Euro. The Treaties are very clear on this.’ Mr Schulz said the Prime Minister would not be given a ‘de facto veto’ on legislation to strengthen the eurozone… The European Parliament president also raised objections to Mr Cameron’s proposal for an ’emergency brake’, which would allow Britain to only pay limited benefits to EU migrants for their first four years in the UK. Describing how this could discriminate between EU citizens based on their nationality, he said: ‘Solutions cannot come at the price of discriminating against EU citizens…’

“The Prime Minister’s hopes of completing his draft EU deal in full were also doubted today by another influential Brussels politician. Ex-Belgium prime minister Guy Verhofstadt, who leads one of the largest groups in the European Parliament, warned Mr Cameron that MEPs could alter or even derail his proposals as they pass through the EU’s institutions…

“The Prime Minister also faced further dissent from within his own party, with Tory backbencher Stewart Jackson telling him there is ‘a sense of palpable disappointment’ with the results of his draft EU agreement. He told the BBC’s Daily Politics: ‘We believed he was going to make good on his pledges at the Bloomberg speech in 2013 for a radical renegotiation of our relationship with the EU and actually repatriating powers. But what we’ve seen, unfortunately, doesn’t stack up. We’ve seen also this week, effectively… that despite the best efforts of the Prime Minister the EU is set on ever-closer union and is fundamentally unreformable.’”

The Daily Mail added on February 5:

“[Mr Cameron asserted] that all changes will be ‘legally binding and irreversible’ if his reform package is agreed at a European Council summit later this month and speaking this afternoon he hit straight back at Mr Schulz’s claims. ‘If it is agreed it will be agreed as a legally binding treaty deposited at the United Nations,’ he said at a press conference in Copenhagen this afternoon. It would only be reversible if all 28 countries including Britain agreed to reverse it. Given that it’s the treaty that Britain wants, there is no way we are going to agree to reverse it. So while you can argue that it is technically reversible if we agree to reverse it, it is not in fact reversible.’ …

“Cameron kick-started a two-week charm offensive to persuade EU leaders to agree to the draft EU deal he unveiled earlier this week. He hopes his fellow 27 EU leaders will agree to his renegotiation deal at a crunch summit on February 18. Cameron won the backing of Danish prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen today, who hailed Britain as a voice of ‘common sense’… [Other reports suggest that he also won the support of Poland.]

“But he was dealt a blow this morning after a poll put the campaign for Britain to leave the EU nine-points ahead in the first survey of public opinion since he unveiled his deal on Tuesday. The record lead for the Brexit campaign suggests voters have overwhelmingly rejected the Prime Minister’s plans for an emergency brake for EU migrants’ access to benefits and a ‘red card’ for national parliaments to veto EU laws.

“The first survey of public opinion since Tuesday’s deal found 45 per cent of voters will opt to quit the EU, while just 36 per cent want to remain. But crucially, one in five voters have yet to decide which way they will vote…

“Banking giant Goldman Sachs has warned that Brexit could cause an immediate 20 per cent drop in the value of the pound… The US investment bank, which is a financial backer of the Britain Stronger In Europe campaign, has predicted voters will opt for staying in the EU.”

The Times added on February 6:

“The tycoon [and multimillionaire, who made his fortune from insurance and] who is Ukip’s biggest donor says the party [The UK Independence Party or UKIP is a Eurosceptic and right-wing populist political party in the United Kingdom, according to Wikipedia] may have to be disbanded or rebranded after the expected June referendum on Britain in Europe. ‘I’ve got a weird feeling that British politics will be realigned after the referendum … Something’s got to give,’ said Arron Banks. ‘I don’t think Ukip necessarily is the right vehicle, but I think strange things will come out of the referendum. It unleashes strange forces that I don’t think anyone really understands yet.’”

This wording is interesting. When the Berlin Wall fell, observers used the same expressions of “strange forces beyond our control,” as being behind the events. The expression was also used to describe Hitler’s rise and fall.

The Times also reported on February 6 that in regard to conservative voters, “A YouGov poll for The Times found that only 32 per cent of Tories said that they would vote to remain, while 47 per cent would vote to leave, and 21 per cent had not made up their mind.”

It is clear from the Bible that the UK will leave the EU in due time. It is interesting that this step, even though it might be felt necessary by the British people, will contribute to the economic and political demise of the UK, as it is prophesied to occur in Scripture.

EU Committed to Ever Closer Union

The Guardian wrote on February 10:

“Now top EU members including France and Germany say they support an ‘ever closer union’.

“David Cameron’s bid to shake up Britain’s role in the European Union could be in tatters…  Founding members Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg confirmed their ‘strong commitment’ to the so-called European project yesterday. The country’s foreign ministers released a joint statement ahead of a long awaited summit in Brussels next week… Backing a key pledge in the founding Treaty of Rome, the officials said: ‘We remain resolved to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the people of Europe.'”

China Buys Chicago Stock Exchange

CNN wrote on February 5:

“One of America’s oldest stock exchanges has just been sold to China. The 134-year-old Chicago Stock Exchange reached a deal on Friday to be acquired by a Chinese-led group of investors. The purchase by Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group is the latest U.S. investment made by China and would give the country a foothold in the vast American stock market.

“The struggling Chicago Stock Exchange is a very small player in the exchange world whose presence is overshadowed by Nasdaq… As of January, the Chicago Stock Exchange handled just 0.5% of U.S. trading, making it the third-smallest U.S. exchange…

“It’s not clear yet if the acquisition of the tiny Chicago Stock Exchange will face any political hurdles…

“China has been on a buying spree this year. Its largest deal was a $43 billion takeover of Swiss chemicals giant Sygenta earlier this week. So far in 2016, Chinese companies have announced plans to buy 66 foreign companies worth $68 billion…

“Sayena Mostowfi, head of equities research at TABB, said the Chicago Stock Exchange deal represents a vote of confidence in the U.S. stock market. ‘We have one of the most liquid and efficient stock markets in the world. People are looking at us as a model they want to be part of and invest in,’ she said.”

How Would Trump Wipe Out the National Debt?

Breitbart wrote on February 5:

“GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump proposed tackling the national debt by… creating a ‘dynamic economy’ on Friday’s ‘O’Reilly Factor’ on the Fox News Channel…

“Trump was then questioned on how he would bring down the national debt. He responded, ‘We have a country with no growth. We have no growth.’ He later added, after host Bill O’Reilly cut in to ask how this [would] bring down the debt, ‘[W]e’re going to create a dynamic economy again. We’re going to bring the jobs back from China, from Mexico, from Japan.’

“O’Reilly again asked how this would bring down the debt, to which Trump answered, ‘Because the country is going to start growing, and we’ll be up to 4 and even 5%, and when we do that, we pay it back so easily. It’s easy to pay it back.’

“O’Reilly then asked Trump how it would be easy. Trump stated, ‘Because essentially, if you look at the country like a profit-making corporation, or a losing corporation, right now we’re a losing corporation. We’re going to make it a profit-making corporation.’

“O’Reilly then said, ‘OK, but then you’re going to have to raise taxes to get more money in to pay down that debt.’ Trump responded, ‘The problem we have is our taxes are so high, that nobody can — everybody’s choking.’

“O’Reilly then asked how even with more economic growth, he would pay down trillions of dollars in debt. Trump said, ‘[L]isten, the politicians have caused this problem. We’re going to make our country dynamic again. Now, companies, big companies like Pfizer, are leaving. they’re going to make it worse. They’re leaving. Many — it’s called corporate inversion. Many companies are leaving because the taxes are so high. We have to lower taxes, not raise taxes.’

“He added, ‘[T]he country will be more dynamic. It’ll be a dynamic — we are going to create a dynamic economy, where real jobs are going to be pouring into the country, and we’ll have a country that’s sustainable. It’ll work, Bill.’”

It is obvious that Trump avoided answering O’Reilly’s repeated question as to how he will deal with the national debt. Creating a dynamic economy and lowering (!) taxes will not help paying down the debt. As a successful business man, Trump must know that. Assuming he is not just all talk, he must have a plan to deal with the national debt, but he may be unwilling to state what he wants to do. He said on different occasions that he does not want to be like President Obama in placing all his cards on the table and informing the enemy about his next steps.

So, looking at history, COULD IT BE that Trump has something totally different in mind?

For instance, on January 8, 1835, President Andrew Jackson had paid off the national debt. He had taken advantage of a huge real-estate bubble that was raging in the Western U.S. The federal government owned a lot of Western land — and Jackson started selling it off. He had also blocked every spending bill he could. When Jackson took office, the national debt was about $58 million. Six years later, it was all gone.

Let’s look how Germany did it after World War I.

The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion) in reparations to cover civilian damage caused during the war. Because of the lack of reparation payments by Germany, France occupied the Ruhr in 1923 to enforce payments, causing an international crisis that resulted in the implementation of the Dawes Plan in 1924. This plan outlined a new payment method and raised international loans to help Germany meet her reparation commitments. Despite this, by 1928 Germany called for a new payment plan, resulting in the Young Plan that established the German reparation requirements at 112 billion marks (US$26.3 billion) and created a schedule of payments that would see Germany complete payments by 1988.

Despite the reduction, there was increasing German hostility to the plan. In December 1929, 5.8 million voters registered their opposition to the plan during a plebiscite, which resulted in Adolf Hitler gaining significant national attention and valuable right-wing financing. In 1933, the new German Chancellor Adolf Hitler cancelled all payments.

We do not say that something like this will occur, or is even contemplated. But just imagine what would happen if the USA would decide to wipe out its national debt (including American debt towards China) and just cancel all payments.

New US Policy For Illegal Aliens—Abolishing Immigration Law?

The Washington Examiner wrote on February 4:

“In a shocking reversal of policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings, essentially a license to stay in the United States, a key agent testified Thursday. What’s more, the stand down order includes a requirement that the whereabouts of illegals released are not to be tracked. ‘We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether,’ suggested agent Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council… Judd said the policy shift was prompted by Obama administration ‘embarrassment’ that just over half of illegals ordered to appear in court actually do…

“[Judd] said the new policy ‘makes mandatory the release, without an NTA, of any person arrested by the Border Patrol for being in the country illegally, as long as they do not have a previous felony arrest conviction and as long as they claim to have been continuously in the United States since January of 2014. The operative word in this policy is “claim.” The policy does not require the person to prove they have been here which is the same burden placed on them during deportation proceedings. Instead, it simply requires them to claim to have been here since January of 2014’…

“The go free policy, he said, has prompted thousands of Latinos to cross the border, and among them are hundreds of criminal foot soldiers, according to other testimony. ‘Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions. There are little or no consequences for breaking the laws and that fact is well known in other countries. If government agencies like DHS or CBP are allowed to bypass Congress by legislating through policy, we might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether,’ Judd concluded.”

American citizens can clearly see the incredible lack of responsibility of their leadership, which explains the unparalleled success of outsiders in the current presidential election process.

“Political Correctness” in Sweden—Don’t Offend Aliens

Breitbart wrote on February 4:

“The municipal government in the Swedish town where an asylum centre worker was stabbed to death refuses to allow a memorial at the centre for fear of offending migrants. Swedish media SVT reports that the co-workers of the victim wished to honour the memory of 22-year-old Alexandra Mezher… who was stabbed to death by an underage Somali male on the 25th of January. The case provoked an international uproar which has led many to question the Swedish government’s handling of the migrant crisis…

“Carl Lindahl, who has worked at a similar asylum centre for over three years… along with another colleague, wished to organize a small rally or march in the town to express mourning for Ms. Mezher but were shocked to learn that the municipality not only refused to fly their flag at half mast but also denied them use of any municipal premises…

“Locals asked why the municipality was against the demonstration and a representative reached out to SVT and told them the municipality was worried about offending the migrants at the asylum centre… The story of the murder has resonated across Sweden and with the Swedish people. Inspired to take action because of the events, Swedish men joined together to form groups to protect women in Stockholm train station from unwanted sexual advances from migrants.

“Some, like commentator Pamela Geller, are even saying the incident could be the beginning of the end of Swedish tolerance and that a potential ‘civil war’ could ensue. The story also revealed to Swedes how they might not be even getting the full story on the case as Breitbart revealed the Daily Mail was blocking details of the story to Swedish internet users in what some allege to be interference from Stockholm.”

BBC Muzzles Journalists; Caters to Muslims

Breitbart reported on February 5:

“Journalists at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) should refer to the Islamic prophet, Mohammed, as ‘the Prophet’, according to the corporation’s in-house style guide.

“Under the section labelled ‘Muhammad’, the guide says: ‘For the founder of Islam, our style is the Prophet Muhammad; at second reference Muhammad or the Prophet.’ This advice is repeated in the sections on ‘Arabic names’ and ‘Islam’.

“The assertion that Mohammed is ‘the Prophet’, with a capital P, will likely cause controversy. While followers of Islam believe him to be the last prophet sent by God – Christians, Jews, atheists and followers of other religions do not regard him as a prophet at all. There are also questions over whether Mohammed and Islam are being given special treatment in the style guide, which does not tell journalists how to refer to significant figures from other religions.

“It does not, for example, tell staff to refer to Jesus as ‘Son of God’, ‘Our Lord’ or ‘The Messiah’, nor does it say to call the Buddha by any of his Ten Titles, or offer any advice on how to refer to holy figures from Hinduism or Sikhism…

“This is not the first controversy the BBC has found itself in over the subject of Islam. In November, it used the words ‘hateful’, ‘Islamophobic’ and ‘bad timing’ to describe a hashtag used by atheist ex-Muslims to explain why they left the faith.

“… the BBC’s style guide also tells journalists to avoid using the term ‘pro-life’ to refer to campaigners against abortion, but encouraged the use of ‘pro-choice’ to refer to their opponents. Pro-life campaigners called it ‘an utterly shameless example of institutional bias against the right-to-life movement, and for the abortion lobby.’”

ISIS Fighters in Europe

CNN wrote on February 8:

“Intelligence obtained by Western security agencies before the November 13 Paris attacks indicated as many as 60 ISIS fighters had been deployed by the group to Europe to carry out attacks on five cities and had already reached European soil…

“In the months since the Paris attack there have been several terrorism alerts in Europe based on intelligence chatter, in cities including Brussels, Belgium; Hanover, Germany; Geneva, Switzerland; Vienna, Austria; and Munich, Germany.

“Last week, a U.S official told CNN’s Barbara Starr that the terrorist threat to Europe is as high as it’s ever been, with about 1,900 extremists who went from Europe to Iraq and Syria to fight jihad now back on European soil. A U.S. intelligence official told CNN that France and Belgium were the countries considered to be at highest risk of terrorist attack, while Germany and the UK also face a heightened terror threat…”

“North Korea Fires Long-Range Missile Designed to Hit US”

Bloomberg wrote on February 7:

“North Korea launched a long-range rocket on Sunday carrying what it called a satellite, but its neighbours and the United States denounced the launch as a missile test, conducted in defiance of U.N. sanctions and just weeks after a nuclear bomb test… The launch prompted South Korea and the United States to announce that they would explore the feasibility of deploying an advanced missile defence system in South Korea, which China and Russia both oppose, ‘at the earliest possible date.’..

“South Korea’s military said it would make annual military exercises with U.S. forces ‘the most cutting-edge and the biggest’ this year. North Korea objects to the drills as a prelude to war by a United States it says is bent on toppling the Pyongyang regime. The United States has about 28,500 troops in South Korea…”

“Ambitious” Agreement for Syria 

Deutsche Welle reported on February 11:

“In an agreement that Kerry described as ‘ambitious,’ the United States and Russia alongside more than a dozen other world powers agreed to a ‘cessation of hostilities’ within a week and the acceleration and expansion of humanitarian aid to areas besieged by both regime and rebel forces…

“Despite an apparent agreement between Russia and the United States, questions remain over implementation and timing of Friday’s deal…

“[Russia’s] Lavrov said… a broad spectrum of Syrian opposition should attend talks… Russia and Syria have also had issue with the presence of some Saudi Arabia and Turkey backed rebel groups, which they describe as terrorists…

“Lavrov said Russia’s air campaign in support of [the] regime would continue against terrorist groups.

“Present at the Munich talks, German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier said the true test of the deal to end violence in Syria would come over the next few days…”

Franklin Graham Blasts Gender Identity Protection

Newsmax wrote on February 6:

“Evangelical preacher Franklin Graham is blasting a proposed Charlotte, N.C., non-discrimination law that’ll include ‘gender identity’ protection, charging the statute is ‘dangerous’ and that similar laws are being turned against Christians… the son of famed preacher Billy Graham rips the revival a defeated non-discrimination ordinance to allow transgender men and women to use the restroom of their choice in Charlotte…

“‘Each section of the proposed ordinance has wording to include “gender identity” … what an individual “feels” their gender is regardless of the biological reality… Where sexual orientation and gender identity laws such as this have passed in other places, florists, bakers, photographers, adoption agencies, and t-shirt printers have been punished by the government for not wanting to use their artistic talents to celebrate and participate in same-sex weddings, not wanting to promote the LGBT messaging in Gay Pride events, or for not wanting to place an adoptive child with two men.’”

The Crazy Fairy Tales of Paid Scientists

Huffington Post wrote on February 3:

“The giant impact hypothesis — the popular belief that a ‘planetary embryo’ called Theia collided with Earth some 4.5 billion years ago, leading to the formation of our planet’s moon — has been around for a while. But a NASA-funded research team has added an amazing new twist to the idea; that Earth wasn’t just sideswiped by Theia, as many have conjectured, but sustained a direct hit and actually absorbed a large portion of the rogue planet.

“In other words, Earth is made up of two fused planets — Earth and Theia — the study suggests. ‘Theia was thoroughly mixed into both the Earth and the moon, and evenly dispersed between them,’ lead author Edward Young, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said in a statement…

“For their study, the UCLA-led team compared the chemical signatures of moon rocks with volcanic rocks from Hawaii and Arizona. If Earth and Theia had collided in a glancing side blow, as the giant impact hypothesis suggests, the moon would be mostly made up of Theia, and the Earth and moon would have different chemical structures, UCLA said in its statement.  But that’s not what the researchers found. ‘We don’t see any difference between the Earth’s and the moon’s oxygen isotopes; they’re indistinguishable,’ Young said. That suggests the two collided head-on, with Theia becoming large parts Earth and moon, researchers said.

“And just like that, Mother Earth became Mothers Earth.”

What this new study “suggests” is that the giant impact hypothesis is a foolish fairy tale.  God CREATED the heavens and the earth. The concept that a planetary embryo called Theia collided with earth and that somehow this created the moon is utter and complete nonsense.

More Scientific Abominable Craziness – Single Embryo from Three Different People

NBC News reported on February 4:

“Experiments using sperm and egg cells from three different people to make a single embryo are all right — if they are carefully monitored and regulated, expert advisers said Wednesday. Such ‘three-parent’ babies could be a way for people with a high risk of rare, devastating genetic diseases to have healthy children that are genetically their own, the National Academy of Medicine panel said… And at first, the panel advised, only male embryos should be made this way until it’s clear that dangerous mutations would not be passed down to future generations…

“But there are tricky scientific and ethical questions. Such babies could have what are known as germline changes, which can be passed down from generation to generation, making a lab mistake potentially the problem of people born decades later. Then there’s the issue of ‘playing God’, the panel noted. ‘These concerns warrant significant caution and the imposition of restrictions rather than a blanket prohibition on the use of MRT [mitochondrial replacement techniques],’ they concluded…

“The conditions include tests to establish safety, first using animals and then embryos that could never grow into babies, and that the disease being prevented is severe and that only male embryos are used… Britain approved the technique last year…

“[The panel wrote:] ‘While the creation of human embryos for research is not prohibited under federal law in the United States (although some states are more restrictive), neither FDA nor any other agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services can financially support such research where embryos are destroyed, discarded, or subjected to risks with no prospect of medical benefit for the embryo.’”

All of this sounds like a bad story from a science fiction book. But the creation and destruction of embryos for scientific purposes and the “greater good” is very real.

Hawaii Kills Mandatory Vaccination Bill

Daily Mail wrote on February 5:

“After listening to Hawaii residents speak out against vaccines and saying they cause everything from autism to the Zika virus, Hawaii lawmakers killed a bill to speed up the state’s process for adopting federal vaccination guidelines. The bill would have allowed the state Health Department to more easily adopt the federal rules, which some opponents of the measure fear would result in more vaccinations…

“Supporters of the bill say it would have helped the Hawaii Department of Health address public health crises quickly. They said given the potential for diseases to spread rapidly, it’s important to be able to adopt vaccination rules swiftly. Opponents of the bill spoke out against mandatory vaccinations, saying their side effects are harmful and the people should have the right to make their own health decisions…

“Vaccinations are a hot-button issue across the nation. For decades, critics have said vaccines can cause debilitating side effects — most notably autism… Almost all states grant religious exemptions for people who have religious beliefs against vaccinations, while 20 states allow exemptions for personal or moral beliefs, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.”

Sadly, left-liberal California does not even grant religious exemptions. California, under controversial governor Brown, should learn from Hawaii and revoke and repeal its foolish mandatory vaccination law.

An Interesting Tour Through the Kidron Valley

Times of Israel wrote on February 6:

“In 1952, a unique 2,000-year-old copper scroll was discovered deep inside a cave near the Dead Sea. When British scholar John Marco Allegro translated the scroll a few years later, he was astonished to learn that over 100 tons of gold and silver treasures from the Second Temple had been hidden in dozens of different locations. One such location, he believed, was the area surrounding the alleged Tomb of the prophet Zechariah in the Kidron Valley beneath Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives.

“A few years later, Allegro led an expedition to the Kidron Valley – at the time under Jordanian control – in an attempt to recover hidden treasure. Financing the expedition was no problem, for it was to take place under the auspices of Britain’s Daily Mail tabloid newspaper and Jordan provided workers and transportation. There was just one hitch: dozens of Jews were buried around the tomb. The problem was solved when the Kingdom of Jordan granted Allegro permission to clear away the grave… he didn’t uncover even a single treasure…

“The Bible tells us that during his lifetime Absalom, King David’s third son, ‘had taken a pillar and erected it in the King’s Valley as a monument to himself… He named the pillar after himself, and it is called Absalom’s Monument to this day.’ [2 Samuel 18:18]. Despite that fact that the shrine dates back to the end of the Second Temple period — nearly a millennia after Absalom rebelled against his father and was run through with a javelin by the King’s captain – tradition places that monument here, identifying the Kidron Valley with the King’s Valley.

“In earlier centuries, passersby of all religions would throw stones at Absalom’s mammoth structure. Indeed Muslims, who revere King David, almost covered it with rocks. It is said that Jewish parents would bring disobedient offspring to the almost hidden monument, point out the stones, and warn them that ‘this is what happens to children who behave badly to their fathers.’

“Iron bars block the entrance to a structure on one side of Absalom’s Tomb. Uncovered in 1924, and thought by some to be the tomb of 9th-century B.C.E. King Jehoshaphat, it contains several chambers and a splendidly ornamental lintel. The prophet Zechariah’s Tomb on the other side of Absalom’s Tomb is the only pyramid-topped structure in the valley… Over 10 meters high, it dates, like Absalom’s Pillar, to the Second Temple period… Jews so revered Zechariah that over the centuries they asked to be buried as close as possible to his grave. At one time the Jews of Jerusalem offered eulogies here and would come to Zechariah’s Tomb to mourn the destruction of the Temple on the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av.

“One year Jerusalem suffered from a terrible drought. Legend has it that the city’s Arabs prayed to Allah, but rain didn’t fall. They then sent a delegation to Jerusalem’s Jewish inhabitants, warning them that if they couldn’t make it rain, they would be in deep, deep trouble. According to this oft-repeated story, the Jews immediately declared a fast and on its third day made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Zechariah. Throwing themselves upon the ground next to the tomb they prayed, then walked around it seven times while singing psalms. By evening the sky was black. Heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, fell on the Holy City. The Jews were saved, the city’s cisterns filled with water, and the sanctity of Zechariah’s Tomb was reaffirmed…

“Only a few meters from Zechariah’s Tomb, a gate leads into a large burial complex featuring several interior chambers. A barely legible ancient Hebrew inscription, found on the exterior of the complex, relates that the six sons of the priestly Hezir family are buried within… one of the Dead Sea Scrolls mentions that the Hezirs operated the Temple on Yom Kippur.”

The Kidron Valley is highly significant in biblical prophecy. In the future, “kings of the east” and other powers of this earth will assemble at a place called Armageddon or “hill of Megiddo,” which is about 55 miles north of Jerusalem. From there, they will move towards Jerusalem, where they, together with European powers under a charismatic military leader (“the beast”), will try to fight the returning Jesus Christ. That “battle” will take place in the Kidron Valley.

Zechariah 14:3–5 indicates that, apparently due to the great earthquake of the seventh bowl, mentioned in Revelation 16:17–18, the Mount of Olives shall split in two, making a very large valley, where the final battle of God Almighty will take place.

Revelation 14:19-20 informs us in regard to that “battle” in the valley of Jehoshaphat or the Kidron Valley, that the “great winepress of the wrath of God… was trampled outside the city [of Jerusalem], and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs [lit. stadia, about 184 miles in all].”

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“Not Under Law, But Under Grace?” (Part 1)

We read the following in Romans 6:14-15:

“For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.”

What does it mean to be under grace and not under law? And how does this explain why sin does not rule over us anymore?

There is much confusion in traditional Christianity regarding this passage (“not under law, but under grace”). It is one of the most misunderstood statements in orthodox Christianity. The common explanation is that the law has been abolished, and that we are now under God’s grace and freed from any obligation to keep the law.

Notice the following examples from Bible commentaries.

The Pulpit Commentary states: “… grace condones sin… the principle of law is to exact complete obedience to its behests; but the principle of grace is to accept faith in lieu of complete obedience…”

The idea is expressed here that grace has replaced the law or obedience to it.

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary writes: “To be ‘under the law’ is, first, to be under its claim to entire obedience; and so, next under its curse for the breach of these. And as all power to obey can reach the sinner only through Grace, of which the law knows nothing, it follows that to be ‘under the law’ is, finally, to be shut up under an inability to keep it, and consequently to be the helpless slave of sin… The curse of the law has been completely lifted from off them… when they were ‘under the law,’ Sin could not but have dominion over them…”

Even though a few remarks in the quote are at least partially correct, it must be recognized that the authors probably did not understand their own words. That is, we cannot assume from the foregoing that the commentary grasped the correct meaning of the term, “the curse of the law” or what it actually means to be “under the law,” as it equates the law with being a slave of sin. The overall tenor is again that grace has replaced the law.

The Geneva Study Bible writes that “the law is… the power and instrument of sin.” It does not explain what this is supposed to mean, but the impression is that the law causes us to sin. This would be totally wrong.

Barnes’ Notes on the Bible state: “We who are Christians are not subject to that law where sin is excited, and where it rages unsubdued.”

This is equally difficult to understand. However, the commentary continues to ask the following pertinent question:

“What is meant by this declaration? Does it mean that Christians are absolved from all the obligations of the law?… The apostle does not affirm that Christians are not bound to obey the moral law. The whole scope of his reasoning shows that he maintains that they are. The whole structure of Christianity supposes the same thing; compare Matthew 5:17-19.”

So far so good. But then, the commentary goes on to mix elements of truth with elements of error, saying:

“… the apostle means to say that Christians are not under the law as legalists, or as attempting to be justified by it. They seek a different plan of justification altogether: and they do not attempt to be justified by their own obedience.”

It is true that we cannot be justified by the law. But in failing to understand what is meant with being “under the law” and seemingly equating this with being “legalists,” the commentary’s reasoning is faulty.

Let us begin to give the answer as to what Paul meant, by explaining the statement that true Christians are no longer “under law.”

Even though it is true that at times, Paul means with the word “law” the temporary ritual law which is no longer in force and effect for us today (compare, for example, Romans 5:13-14; Galatians 3:17, 19, 24-25), the context of Romans 6:14-15 addresses, at least in part, the spiritual law (some call it “moral law”) of the Ten Commandments.

Paul is telling us in Romans 2:13 that the doers of the law, and not the hearers, will be justified. (James 1:25 says the same thing, and James 2:8-12 shows that the law is a reference to the Ten Commandments, and that we are guilty of the transgression of the entire law if we break just one of the Ten Commandments. Compare also James 4:11-12).

In Romans 2:22-23, Paul reconfirms that he is speaking of the Ten Commandments (referring to idolatry and adultery as examples), when he says that we dishonor God when we break the law.

Romans 3:31 does away with the wrong concept that because of faith, we are no longer bound to keep the law. Rather, Paul says here that we do not make void the law of God through faith, but quite to the contrary, we are establishing the law (of the Ten Commandments).

To leave no doubt as to how Paul felt about the law of God, he tells us in Romans 7:12 that the law is holy, and that the commandment (that is, any one of the Ten Commandments) is holy and just and good.

He also adds in Romans 7:14 that the law of God is spiritual, and he states in Romans 8:7, 9, that the carnal mind does not and cannot obey the law of God in its final spiritual application, and that one must have God’s Spirit dwelling in them to be able to obey the law of God.

In Romans 13:8-10, Paul emphasizes that God’s law is a law of love, and that we fulfill the law (at least the portion of the law which deals with our relationship with our fellow man) when we love our neighbor. He stresses the same in Galatians 5:14, stating that all the law (dealing with our fellow man) is fulfilled by us when we love our fellow man; and he says in Galatians 6:2 that we fulfill the law of Christ when we love our neighbor by bearing his burden.

However, many have a wrong concept of love, thinking that we can love someone while breaking God’s law. This is totally false. When we break God’s law, we do NOT love our fellow man. God’s law DEFINES for us what true love is. We read in 1 John 5:3 that “this IS the love of God, that we keep His commandments.” When we commit adultery with our neighbor’s wife, we do not love our neighbor or his wife. When we kill or lie to or steal from our neighbor, we do NOT love our neighbor.

The same is expressed in 1Timothy 1:9-10 where we read that the law is not made for the righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, and then Paul lists numerous examples of sinful conduct. This statement must not be twisted to say that the righteous is under no obligation to keep the law. Rather, as long as he lives righteously, he obeys it and the law is not convicting him as a transgressor; but once he begins to disobey it, he lives no longer in righteousness and has become a transgressor of the law.

In what way then are we no longer “under law”?

In our free booklet, “And Lawlessness Will Abound…”, we explain this phrase as follows, on page 18:

“… Others quote Romans 6:14, stating that we are no longer ‘under law but under grace,’ saying this means we don’t have to obey the law anymore. However, the correct meaning of this passage is that when we violate the law, we are no longer under the curse of the law—the death penalty—as the blood of Christ, given to us by grace, has covered and forgiven our sins—has paid the death penalty that we earned. Paul explains in the very next verse (verse 15), that this does not mean that we can now continue to sin—that is, to break God’s law. Rather, we are now to be ‘slaves of righteousness’ (verse 18), in keeping God’s law.”

Some may question this statement, asking for further proof that this conclusion is correct. Let us therefore review additional passages where the term “under law” is mentioned, and let us see in what way this phrase is used. We need to note that in Romans 6:14-15, the Greek word for “under” is “hupo.” We will limit our discussion to the use of that Greek word.

In Galatians 4:4-5, we read:

“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born UNDER (Greek: “hupo”) THE LAW, to redeem those who were UNDER (Greek: “hupo”) THE LAW, that we might receive the adoption as son (better: “sonship”).”

In our free booklet, “Paul’s Letter to the Galatians—How to Understand It,” we explain this passage as follows:

“Christ had to be made UNDER the law—subject to its penalty—as Christ never sinned. He never was under the law—its penalty—due to His conduct; rather, He had to be placed or made under the law, so that He could pay the penalty of sin for us. We came under the law—its penalty—through our conduct, so Christ had to be MADE UNDER the law, in order to redeem us who were under the law—its penalty.

“And why? To give us SONSHIP! The Authorized Version translates verse 5, erroneously, as ‘adoption’ (compare, too, Romans 8:15), but the correct rendering is ‘sonship.’ God is not only ‘adopting’ us ‘as sons,’ by granting us certain privileges and possessions, but He is reproducing Himself—His very divine nature (2 Peter 1:4)—in us. When we receive His Holy Spirit, we are BEGOTTEN sons and daughters of God, and when we are changed into spirit at the time of Christ’s return, we are then BORN AGAIN children of God—not just adopted children, but children with the very same NATURE and MIND of God (Philippians 2:5).”

Another passage, where the term “under the law” is used, is in Galatians 4:21. It reads: “Tell me, you who desire to be under (Greek: “hupo”) the law, do you not hear the law?”

In the above-mentioned booklet on Paul’s letter to the Galatians, we state:

“Paul is not saying here that they desired to be under the law in the sense that they wanted to be under the penalty of the law. They did not desire to die because of their sins. But they seemed to desire to live their old way of life again (which brings forth death)—or they desired to follow wrong teachers believing that they must be circumcised in order to be saved.

“But as we saw, circumcision does not justify us—nor do even the Ten Commandments. In violating just one of the Ten Commandments, we have sinned and incurred the death penalty. What saves us is Christ’s sacrifice, by which God forgives us our sins and removes the penalty—but we can’t keep on sinning so that grace may abound.

“To put it differently, if we desire to break God’s law of the Ten Commandments, we are again under the law; that is, under or subject to its penalty. Also, if we desire to obtain justification apart from Christ, we are still under or subject to the penalty of the law, as we can only become justified through Christ.

“Furthermore, Paul is using the word ‘law’ in different ways in verse 21. To be ‘under the law’ means, under its penalty; when he then says, ‘hear the law,’ he means the five books of Moses.”

A third passage can be found in Galatians 5:18. It reads: “But if you are led by the spirit, you are not under (Greek: “hupo”) the law.”

Our above-mentioned booklet on Paul’s letter to the Galatians explains this passage in this way:

“We can choose to walk in the Spirit (verse 16), which will motivate and empower us to KEEP the law of love, and when we do, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh which will induce us to sin and to break the law (compare 1 John 3:4: ‘Sin is the transgression of the law.’). But if we chose, instead, to walk in the flesh, we don’t show love, but selfishness, and we will engage in biting and devouring one another (verse 15)…

“To walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh is a constant struggle, as Paul explains in verse 17. There is a battle going on in our minds between God’s Spirit and our fleshly desires… When we are led by God’s Spirit and do the things which are pleasing in God’s sight, we are no longer ‘under the law’ (verse 18). When we walk after the Spirit and are led by it, we will keep the law. And since and as long as we don’t break it, we are not under the penalty of the law.”

When we are under the law, we are under its penalty for having violated it. The law has dominion over us in that it can demand our life. The penalty of the law is also described as the “curse of the law.” We are under that curse when we sin, and nothing that WE might do subsequently can abolish that curse.

Galatians 3:10, 13 tells us: “For as many as are of the works of the law are under (Greek: “hupo”) the curse; for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.’… Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’)…”

Our afore-mentioned booklet on Paul’s letter to the Galatians states the following:

“Paul conveys the thought that nobody kept all the physical works of the law, including all of its rituals, washings or sacrifices. In addition, nobody even kept all of God’s spiritual commandments of the Ten Commandments and its judgments and statutes. Therefore, everybody is under the curse or penalty of the law, which is the second death for spiritual sin or which might be physical death or other physical penalties for civil or criminal infractions…

“The curse of the law is the penalty for breaking or violating the law. Christ redeemed us from the curse or penalty of the law—not the law—as He became a curse for us, in that He took our sins upon Himself and paid the penalty for our sins on our behalf. He thereby redeemed us or set us free from the penalty of death, which we brought upon ourselves by sinning—breaking the law.”

In the same way, we are “under” sin (“hupo” in Greek), as Romans 3:9 says (“we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin.”). When we sin, then we are under the power or influence of sin. Sin has us in its clutches. Rather than ruling over it (Genesis 4:7), it rules over us. And as carnal human beings, we cannot keep the law of God (Romans 8:7). But even after conversion, a fight of good vs. evil is going on in our minds and in our lives. Paul was still compelled to say, years after his conversion, that he was “sold under sin” (Romans 7:14; Greek: “hupo”) and did “evil” (Romans 7:19), obeying the “sin that dwells in me” (Romans 7:17, 20), and being held in “captivity” to sin (Romans 7:23).

When we sin by transgressing the law (compare Romans 4:15), then we are under sin, under the law, under the curse of the law, under its penalty. Sin has power over us so long as that penalty is not removed, because the penalty of sin—the wages of sin—is death (Romans 6:23). So, death needs to be removed.

In the next installment, we will discuss how death is removed; what it means to be “under grace”; and how this may destroy sin’s dominion over us.

(To Be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Our new booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins,” has reached the second review cycle. We hope to be able to present printed copies to our members and subscribers before or at the time of the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.

Will Wars Ever End?” (Special Edition), is a new StandingWatch program in which Evangelist Norbert Link addresses the promise by God to end all war—a time when Jesus Christ will rule in righteousness and peace! Here is a summary:

How will the world look like after Jesus Christ has returned and begun His rule over the earth? Can we imagine what kind of conditions we will see? Will man still be allowed to fight in war?

“Trump Shocks Europe,” is the title of the newest StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Donald Trump won big in New Hampshire, and Europe is waking up to the distinct possibility that he might become the next US President. The reaction is one of concern and fear. In this program, we point out what a Trump Presidency might mean for Europe, and why Europe will become stronger economically and militarily. We also show some stunning parallels between Trump’s statements and the situation in Germany following World War I, and we conclude with a discussion on the coming biblical “beast.”

“Wir sind nicht mehr unter dem Gesetz!” is this week’s new German sermon. Title in English: “We Are No Longer Under the Law.”

“Fear and Faith,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Fear is a common response to life’s circumstances. It is an emotion that often motivates people to take action. When fear motivates action that leads away from God, faith must replace that fear. By having faith and fearing God we please Him, making worldly fear powerless against us.

“Freedom by Justification,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Mankind has sought after freedom in countless ways but most have fallen short of reaching that goal. Freedom is within the grasp of mankind but only when God is leading our pursuit.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Leaders of Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches Meet

The Washington Post wrote on February 5:

“Pope Francis and the leader of the powerful Russian Orthodox Church plan a historic meeting next week in Cuba, officials said Friday, marking the most significant steps ever attempted to heal a schism that has divided Christianity between East and West for nearly 1,000 years… The churches have been formally estranged since the 11th century over issues such as papal authority and, more recently, by disputes over Roman Catholic reach into traditionally Orthodox regions.

“The planned encounter next Friday between Francis and Patriarch Kirill I at Havana’s airport also highlights apparent moves toward greater solidarity amid current worries. Among them: pressures facing ancient Christian communities in the Middle East from militant groups such as the Islamic State. Even the venue carries significance. Cuba, which once suppressed the Roman Catholic church as a Soviet client state, was picked because the legacy of Christian rifts remains too vivid in Europe, a Russian church official said.

“A full reconciliation would require major changes on both sides, but warmer ties sanctioned by the highest authorities would represent one of the biggest modern shifts in the world’s religious landscape. The Russian Church is by far the largest and most influential in the Orthodox world, which is a patchwork of various churches and patriarchs.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 6:

“The meeting between the Pope and the Patriarch will go down in history… The historic announcement came as a major surprise… It is a sensation, and not just for religious aficionados with an interest in ecumenical Christianity…

“Popes have been traveling the world for 50 years now. The papacy of John Paul II (1978-2005) was, at times, a global pilgrimage and missionary tour, frequently colored with Realpolitik nuances. Benedict XVI (2005-2013) continued that tradition. On the global map of papal travel destinations, there are not many untouched areas. The most significant are China and Russia. This week, the Vatican has published a long interview that Francis gave to a Chinese newspaper, and which has been widely reported about in the country’s media. Now, just three days later, there’s the announcement of the meeting in Havana…

“But the meeting in Havana points to another important, even historic, date this year that most Christians in the Western hemisphere likely haven’t registered… In June, Crete will be the scene of the first Orthodox Great and Holy Council in more than 1,000 years… Rome has long been in touch with most of the other representatives – only Kyrill and Moscow had until now been at arm’s length. That has now changed and could well have an effect on events in Crete. The Pope will travel to Mexico next Friday… But as part of that trip, he will also be entering a new era in ecumenical history.”

The website of added on February 6:

“One is recognized as a humble leader who cares for the poor and has kissed the feet of peasants. The other has been plagued by scandal and become an object of ridicule because of his luxurious lifestyle, which includes an apparent penchant for pricey ski vacations in Switzerland…

“Patriarch Kirill I… is a staunch supporter of President Vladimir Putin and his conservative policies. He once famously called the Russian head of state a ‘miracle from God’ and he has come out in support of Moscow’s military campaign in Syria which he called a ‘holy war.’ That support has allowed the Russian Orthodox Church to grow exceptionally powerful over the past decade.

“But that has not stopped Kirill, who has called decisions by western countries to legalize same-sex marriage a ‘dangerous sign of the apocalypse,’ from being widely mocked by his subjects. The Russian public was outraged when he was seen wearing a $30,000 watch in a photograph published in 2012…

“The two are not likely to fully reconcile the churches’ differences, as that would require major concessions from both sides. Metropolitan Illarion, foreign policy chief of the Russian Orthodox Church, told reporters Friday that one major disagreement between the Holy See and the Russian Church is over various Orthodox churches in western Ukraine…

“The conflict centers on the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the country’s second-largest, which follows eastern church rites but answers to the Holy See. The Russian Orthodox Church has considered western Ukraine its traditional territory and has resented papal influence there.

“Francis also angered the Moscow patriarchy and the Kremlin when he came out in support of Kiev during the country’s revolution and remained behind Ukraine when Russia annexed Crimea and fomented the war in its eastern regions. More than 9,000 people have been killed in the conflict since April 2014…”

The Bible indicates very strongly that the Roman Catholic Church will again become the dominant force in traditional Christianity, under the powerful leadership of a charismatic pope. Those few Christian organizations which will not agree to come under the umbrella of the “mother church” will be ostracized and labeled as false sects and cults.

Vatican Cover-Up?

The Washington Post wrote on February 6:

“Pope Francis’ sex abuse advisory committee voted Saturday to sideline one of its members, a high-profile abuse survivor who had clashed with the commission over its mission.

“Peter Saunders, a British advocate for victims, had been highly critical of the Vatican’s slow pace of progress in taking measures to protect children and punish bishops who covered up for pedophile priests. He had also wanted the commission to intervene immediately in individual cases, rather than just craft long-term policies to fight abuse.

“During a commission meeting Saturday, ‘it was decided that Mr. Peter Saunders would take a leave of absence from his membership to consider how he might best support the commission’s work,’ the Vatican said…

“[Saunders] said the Vatican’s inaction in the face of continuing cases of children being raped and molested ‘made me lose faith in the process and lose faith in Pope Francis.’…

“The commission was formed after victims’ groups questioned whether the Argentine pope, who had never dealt with an abuse case, really understood the scope of the scandal… The commission had been highly critical of Francis’ decision to appoint a Chilean bishop despite allegations from abuse survivors that he had covered up for the country’s most notorious pedophile, the Rev. Fernando Karadima.

“One of Karadima’s victims, Juan Carlos Cruz, joined Saunders on Saturday in Rome in hopes of speaking to the commission but was refused. Cruz had been proposed as a possible commission member but emails published in the Chilean media showed how the Chilean church hierarchy worked to keep him off the panel.”

ABC News added on February 5:

“Cardinal George Pell is still too ill to travel from Rome to give evidence at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse… His lawyers applied for the 74-year-old to be able to give evidence by audio visual link at hearings of the inquiry dealing with abuse in Ballarat. Several victims of abuse had stated their opposition to the request.

“A two-page medical report was handed up to support the application that a flight to Australia from Rome, where Cardinal Pell oversees the Vatican’s finances, could pose a serious risk to his health.”

It seems that the hierarchy in the Church of Rome want to keep indiscretions covered up while they promote themselves as having cleaned out an infested priesthood. 

Dangerous Catholic Beliefs

Daily Mail wrote on February 5:

“The embalmed body of a revered Roman Catholic monk who died nearly 50 years ago has arrived back at the Vatican to be blessed by the Pope in St Peter’s Basilica in front of thousands of worshipers. Padre Pio’s body was paraded through the streets in a crystal coffin as it made its way through The Vatican to the famous basilica at the request of Pope Francis as part of events to mark the ongoing Catholic Jubilee Year.

“He was accompanied on the trip to St Peter’s by another Saint Leopold Mandic (1866-1942), a Croatian Capuchin who was, like Pio, celebrated for his skill in receiving confessions – a quality Francis wants to champion during the Jubilee year…

“Italian Friar Pio, who had been interred in San Giovanni Rotondo in southern Italy was said to have suffered from the stigmata phenomenon – body marks corresponding to the wounds Jesus Christ received during his crucifixion…

“Cesarina Onesi, 74, [who] was among the thousands of faithful who turned out to accompany the coffins on the final leg of their journey to St Peter’s said she had been very moved by the experience. ‘I pray to him (Pio) every night, he is one of the four or five saints I pray to. He was a great man, so much faith, so much courage, so much humanity.’

“Canonised under Pope John-Paul II, Pio’s brand of popular, mystical Catholicism was less popular with the Vatican authorities when he was alive. He regularly recounted having experienced both heavenly and diabolic visions, other clerics claimed to have witnessed him levitating in ecstasy and he was frequently associated with apparently miraculous recoveries among the seriously ill…

“Many people said the brown-robed Padre Pio was able to predict events in their lives and knew what they were about to confess. There are thousands of ‘Padre Pio Prayer Groups’ around the world. Padre Pio was dogged during his life and even after his death by allegations that he was a fake but Church investigators cleared him each time…

“Pio of Pietrelcina, known as Padre Pio, was born in 1887 to deeply religious farmers in the small agricultural town of Pietrelcina, in Campania, Italy. By the age of five he knew he wanted to dedicate his life to serving God and claimed to have inner battles with demons and moments of religious out of body experiences…

“Since his death and burial in 1968 at his church in San Giovanni Rotondo, his popularity has grown and he is considered one of the Church’s most popular saints.”

We can say categorically and dogmatically, based on the Bible, that any “powers” Padre Pio might have had (if the accounts are true) would NOT have been given to him by God. The Holy Scriptures warn us not to be deceived by “lying wonders.”

Mexican Catholics Worship the Skeleton “Death Saint”

AFP wrote on February 8:

“Two weeks after baptizing her at a Catholic church, baby Adriana’s parents put her in a white gown again for a second sacrament: This time, with Mexico’s skeletal ‘Death Saint.’ As they held the sleepy three-month-old child, a priestess sprinkled holy water infused with rose petals on her in front of 300 people under a 22-meter (72-foot) statue of the Grim Reaper-like ‘Santa Muerte’ in a Mexico City suburb.

“When Pope Francis arrives in Mexico for a five-day visit on Friday, he will find a country where devotion to Santa Muerte is growing fast despite the Vatican’s rejection of the figure as blasphemous… But the Church is losing the battle against the Death Saint, which is famous for being worshipped by drug cartels but is followed by a wider sector of Mexican society, from the poor to blue-collar workers, police, doctors and teachers… Andrew Chesnut, professor of religious studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, estimates that between 10 million and 12 million people follow Santa Muerte in Mexico, the United States and Central America…

“That leaves the Roman Catholic Church worried in Mexico. ‘This is the fastest-growing new religious movement not only in Mexico, but in the entire Americas,’ Chesnut… told AFP…”

German Catholic Church Advocates Reduction in Refugees

AFP wrote on February 6:

“The German Catholic Church called for a reduction in the influx of refugees arriving in Germany, saying the country cannot take in ‘all the world’s needy,’ according to an interview published Saturday. Germany has been struggling to cope with 1.1 million asylum seekers that arrived in 2015 and Berlin has not yet given an official estimate for how many it expects this year. ‘As a church we say that we need a reduction in the number of refugees,’ Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference, told the Passauer Neue Presse daily…

“The question of how to respond to the migrant crisis, he asserted, should not solely be a matter of ‘charity but also reason.’ However, Marx also expressed concern at a rise in xenophobia in Germany amid the worst refugee crisis that Europe has known since World War II… ‘This ideology has evidently been further consolidated,’ he said, lamenting that the belittling of foreigners had ‘reached the upper classes.’

“Anti-Islamic group Pegida, which began as a movement in Germany in mid-2014 and has since spread to France and other European countries, called on members and sympathisers from across Europe to march Saturday under the anti-migrant banner of ‘Fortress Europe’.”

In Dresden, Germany, about 8,000 people participated in the Pegida demonstration.

Pope Very “Political Person”?

Newsmax reported on February 11:

“Donald Trump called Pope Francis ‘a very political person’ who doesn’t understand America’s immigration problem when asked on Thursday about the Pope’s plan to stand with migrants at the U.S.-Mexican border on Friday.

“‘I think he doesn’t understand the problems our country has,’ Trump told Fox Business Network’s ‘Varney & Co.’ ‘I don’t think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with Mexico, and I think Mexico got him to do it. Because Mexico wants to keep the border just the way it is because they are making a fortune and we are losing.’

“CBS noted that Trump has had flattering things to say about Pope Francis in the past… But he also told CNN in August he would warn Francis about the danger of the Islamic State (ISIS) if he met him face-to-face. ‘You know that ISIS wants to go in and take over the Vatican?’ Trump said…”

Palace of Henry VIII Holds First Catholic Service in Nearly 500 Years

The New York Times wrote on February 9:

“Hampton Court Palace, where the Tudor king, Henry (VIII.), broke off ties with the papacy in 1530 just to divorce his first wife and marry his mistress — with whom he was besotted and whom he later beheaded — on Tuesday held its first Roman Catholic service in more than 450 years.

“During the service, held in the palace’s Chapel Royal, chants in Latin from an 18-person choir swelled up toward turquoise ceilings, adorned with golden stars and gilded cherubs. Around 350 attendees were packed into tiny wooden pews.

“A procession of altar boys and priests solemnly made its way toward the front of the chapel as the scent of incense wafted across the ancient hall. The Medieval Latin chants date to before the Protestant Reformation, when they were heard throughout churches in Europe.

“The service symbolized in part a growing reconciliation between the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. Both are grappling with internal divisions, including a battle over homosexuality, and the service came as several high-profile figures, including some members of the royal family and former Prime Minister Tony Blair, have left the Anglican Church. (In 2011, a ban on a British monarch’s marrying a Roman Catholic was lifted after more than three centuries, but Roman Catholics are still barred from taking the throne.)…”

USA Wants to Fortify Europe

The New York Times wrote on February 1:

“President Obama plans to substantially increase the deployment of heavy weapons, armored vehicles and other equipment to NATO countries in Central and Eastern Europe, a move that administration officials said was aimed at deterring Russia from further aggression in the region. The White House plans to pay for the additional weapons and equipment with a budget request of more than $3.4 billion for military spending in Europe in 2017, several officials said Monday, more than quadrupling the current budget of $789 million. The weapons and equipment will be used by American and NATO forces, ensuring that the alliance can maintain a full armored combat brigade in the region at all times…

“It is not clear how Russia will react to the fortified military presence along NATO’s eastern flank… outside analysts were surprised by the magnitude of the increase in military funding for Europe… Some analysts said the increased funding and deployments would certainly rattle Russia…  there is no doubt the primary target of the funding is Russia. Administration officials said that two years after its annexation of Crimea— an annexation that neither the United States nor its European allies recognize — it was imperative to send Moscow a message that NATO will do all it needs to do in order to stand behind Eastern European members worried that they could be next.”

Ultimately, Europe will be able to use these weapons against the USA.

An Important Step in the Creation of a United European Army?

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 4:

“Berlin has signed a deal that will lead to further integration of German naval forces with the Dutch military. The move is being hailed as an important step in the creation of united European armed forces. While in Amsterdam, where she met with the Dutch Defense Minister, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, von der Leyen called the plan a ‘prime example for the building of a European defense union.’

“In exchange for the German battalion, which will be subordinate to the Dutch navy until 2018 and includes mine detectors, reconnaissance and commando units, Berlin will share the use of an ultramodern Dutch supply ship… The 205-meter (673-foot) ship, the ‘Karel Doorman,’ is equipped to carry Leopard 2 battle tanks.”

Die Welt stated that it will remain to be seen whether other European nations will join the German-Dutch efforts, and whether a “core European army” (“europaeische Kernarmee”) might be created as a consequence.

Iran Wants Euros, Not Dollars

Reuters reported on February 5:

“Iran wants to recover tens of billions of dollars it is owed by India and other buyers of its oil in euros and is billing new crude sales in euros, too, looking to reduce its dependence on the U.S. dollar following last month’s sanctions relief… Iran will charge in euros for its recently signed oil contracts with firms including French oil and gas major Total, Spanish refiner Cepsa and Litasco, the trading arm of Russia’s Lukoil…

“Switching oil sales to euros makes sense as Europe is now one of Iran’s biggest trading partners… Iran has pushed for years to have the euro replace the dollar as the currency for international oil trade…

“Iran has the world’s fourth-largest proved reserves of crude oil, and expects to quickly increase production, which could lead to tens of billions of euros worth of new oil trade. Iran’s insistence on being paid in euros rather than dollars is also a sign of an uneasy truce between Tehran and Washington…

“India owes Tehran about $6 billion for oil delivered during the sanctions years… Indian government sources confirmed Iran is looking to be paid in euros.”

It is interesting that Iran has strong confidence in the euro, while rejecting the US dollar. Even though some are uncertain on the issue, being tossed to and fro with every wind of speculation, we have clearly and consistently stated all along that the euro will survive and gain economic strength in the world.

EU President Slams Britain

Express wrote on February 5:

“BRUSSELS politicians believe Britain should be allowed to QUIT the EU rather than test their ‘patience and good will’ by demanding a renegotiation deal, the president of the European Parliament revealed today. Martin Schulz hit out at David Cameron’s ‘continuous demands’ for EU reform as he claimed many of his colleagues in Brussels had grown so fed up with Britain they believed the UK should be shown the exit door.

“The German politician also poured cold water over the Prime Minister’s hopes of achieving his renegotiation of Britain’s EU relationship, which the Government has promised before the upcoming in/out referendum of the UK’s membership of the 28-country bloc. He highlighted the Prime Minister’s plan for an ’emergency brake’ on EU migrants’ in-work benefits and greater protection for non-eurozone countries as sticking-points.  Mr Schulz also sparked a row with Downing Street by claiming Britain’s deal could be reversed at a later stage, despite Mr Cameron’s pledge to deliver ‘legally-binding and irreversible’ reforms.

“On Tuesday, European Council president Donald Tusk revealed the Prime Minister’s draft renegotiation agreement with other EU leaders, which will be voted on at a crunch summit later this month. Critics blasted the ‘watered-down’ reforms to Britain’s EU membership, which were also branded ‘pathetic’ and ‘hardly worth waiting for’. And Mr Schulz has now warned the Prime Minister he might struggle to get even his limited deal ratified by MEPs.

“Delivering a speech at the London School of Economics, the German politician revealed how fellow Brussels politicians had told him to let Britain leave the EU at the upcoming in/out referendum rather than bother with negotiating with Mr Cameron. But Mr Schulz insisted he was ‘a strong supporter of the UK remaining in the EU’. He added: ‘This is despite the fact – and I admit this quite frankly – that the British often test our patience and good will with their continuous demands. They are demanding. They push hard. They insist. They just don’t let go. Many of my colleagues say behind closed doors: “Don’t stop a rolling stone. If the Brits want to leave, let them leave.”’

“Mr Schulz said he wanted to ‘raise concerns’ with parts of Britain’s draft EU deal, warning the Prime Minister his European Parliament will ‘defend the fundamental principles and objectives of the EU’…

“Mr Schulz dismissed Mr Cameron’s call for the EU to be rebranded a ‘multi-currency union’, declaring: ‘The currency of the European Union is the Euro. The Treaties are very clear on this.’ Mr Schulz said the Prime Minister would not be given a ‘de facto veto’ on legislation to strengthen the eurozone… The European Parliament president also raised objections to Mr Cameron’s proposal for an ’emergency brake’, which would allow Britain to only pay limited benefits to EU migrants for their first four years in the UK. Describing how this could discriminate between EU citizens based on their nationality, he said: ‘Solutions cannot come at the price of discriminating against EU citizens…’

“The Prime Minister’s hopes of completing his draft EU deal in full were also doubted today by another influential Brussels politician. Ex-Belgium prime minister Guy Verhofstadt, who leads one of the largest groups in the European Parliament, warned Mr Cameron that MEPs could alter or even derail his proposals as they pass through the EU’s institutions…

“The Prime Minister also faced further dissent from within his own party, with Tory backbencher Stewart Jackson telling him there is ‘a sense of palpable disappointment’ with the results of his draft EU agreement. He told the BBC’s Daily Politics: ‘We believed he was going to make good on his pledges at the Bloomberg speech in 2013 for a radical renegotiation of our relationship with the EU and actually repatriating powers. But what we’ve seen, unfortunately, doesn’t stack up. We’ve seen also this week, effectively… that despite the best efforts of the Prime Minister the EU is set on ever-closer union and is fundamentally unreformable.’”

The Daily Mail added on February 5:

“[Mr Cameron asserted] that all changes will be ‘legally binding and irreversible’ if his reform package is agreed at a European Council summit later this month and speaking this afternoon he hit straight back at Mr Schulz’s claims. ‘If it is agreed it will be agreed as a legally binding treaty deposited at the United Nations,’ he said at a press conference in Copenhagen this afternoon. It would only be reversible if all 28 countries including Britain agreed to reverse it. Given that it’s the treaty that Britain wants, there is no way we are going to agree to reverse it. So while you can argue that it is technically reversible if we agree to reverse it, it is not in fact reversible.’ …

“Cameron kick-started a two-week charm offensive to persuade EU leaders to agree to the draft EU deal he unveiled earlier this week. He hopes his fellow 27 EU leaders will agree to his renegotiation deal at a crunch summit on February 18. Cameron won the backing of Danish prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen today, who hailed Britain as a voice of ‘common sense’… [Other reports suggest that he also won the support of Poland.]

“But he was dealt a blow this morning after a poll put the campaign for Britain to leave the EU nine-points ahead in the first survey of public opinion since he unveiled his deal on Tuesday. The record lead for the Brexit campaign suggests voters have overwhelmingly rejected the Prime Minister’s plans for an emergency brake for EU migrants’ access to benefits and a ‘red card’ for national parliaments to veto EU laws.

“The first survey of public opinion since Tuesday’s deal found 45 per cent of voters will opt to quit the EU, while just 36 per cent want to remain. But crucially, one in five voters have yet to decide which way they will vote…

“Banking giant Goldman Sachs has warned that Brexit could cause an immediate 20 per cent drop in the value of the pound… The US investment bank, which is a financial backer of the Britain Stronger In Europe campaign, has predicted voters will opt for staying in the EU.”

The Times added on February 6:

“The tycoon [and multimillionaire, who made his fortune from insurance and] who is Ukip’s biggest donor says the party [The UK Independence Party or UKIP is a Eurosceptic and right-wing populist political party in the United Kingdom, according to Wikipedia] may have to be disbanded or rebranded after the expected June referendum on Britain in Europe. ‘I’ve got a weird feeling that British politics will be realigned after the referendum … Something’s got to give,’ said Arron Banks. ‘I don’t think Ukip necessarily is the right vehicle, but I think strange things will come out of the referendum. It unleashes strange forces that I don’t think anyone really understands yet.’”

This wording is interesting. When the Berlin Wall fell, observers used the same expressions of “strange forces beyond our control,” as being behind the events. The expression was also used to describe Hitler’s rise and fall.

The Times also reported on February 6 that in regard to conservative voters, “A YouGov poll for The Times found that only 32 per cent of Tories said that they would vote to remain, while 47 per cent would vote to leave, and 21 per cent had not made up their mind.”

It is clear from the Bible that the UK will leave the EU in due time. It is interesting that this step, even though it might be felt necessary by the British people, will contribute to the economic and political demise of the UK, as it is prophesied to occur in Scripture.

EU Committed to Ever Closer Union

The Guardian wrote on February 10:

“Now top EU members including France and Germany say they support an ‘ever closer union’.

“David Cameron’s bid to shake up Britain’s role in the European Union could be in tatters…  Founding members Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg confirmed their ‘strong commitment’ to the so-called European project yesterday. The country’s foreign ministers released a joint statement ahead of a long awaited summit in Brussels next week… Backing a key pledge in the founding Treaty of Rome, the officials said: ‘We remain resolved to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the people of Europe.'”

China Buys Chicago Stock Exchange

CNN wrote on February 5:

“One of America’s oldest stock exchanges has just been sold to China. The 134-year-old Chicago Stock Exchange reached a deal on Friday to be acquired by a Chinese-led group of investors. The purchase by Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group is the latest U.S. investment made by China and would give the country a foothold in the vast American stock market.

“The struggling Chicago Stock Exchange is a very small player in the exchange world whose presence is overshadowed by Nasdaq… As of January, the Chicago Stock Exchange handled just 0.5% of U.S. trading, making it the third-smallest U.S. exchange…

“It’s not clear yet if the acquisition of the tiny Chicago Stock Exchange will face any political hurdles…

“China has been on a buying spree this year. Its largest deal was a $43 billion takeover of Swiss chemicals giant Sygenta earlier this week. So far in 2016, Chinese companies have announced plans to buy 66 foreign companies worth $68 billion…

“Sayena Mostowfi, head of equities research at TABB, said the Chicago Stock Exchange deal represents a vote of confidence in the U.S. stock market. ‘We have one of the most liquid and efficient stock markets in the world. People are looking at us as a model they want to be part of and invest in,’ she said.”

How Would Trump Wipe Out the National Debt?

Breitbart wrote on February 5:

“GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump proposed tackling the national debt by… creating a ‘dynamic economy’ on Friday’s ‘O’Reilly Factor’ on the Fox News Channel…

“Trump was then questioned on how he would bring down the national debt. He responded, ‘We have a country with no growth. We have no growth.’ He later added, after host Bill O’Reilly cut in to ask how this [would] bring down the debt, ‘[W]e’re going to create a dynamic economy again. We’re going to bring the jobs back from China, from Mexico, from Japan.’

“O’Reilly again asked how this would bring down the debt, to which Trump answered, ‘Because the country is going to start growing, and we’ll be up to 4 and even 5%, and when we do that, we pay it back so easily. It’s easy to pay it back.’

“O’Reilly then asked Trump how it would be easy. Trump stated, ‘Because essentially, if you look at the country like a profit-making corporation, or a losing corporation, right now we’re a losing corporation. We’re going to make it a profit-making corporation.’

“O’Reilly then said, ‘OK, but then you’re going to have to raise taxes to get more money in to pay down that debt.’ Trump responded, ‘The problem we have is our taxes are so high, that nobody can — everybody’s choking.’

“O’Reilly then asked how even with more economic growth, he would pay down trillions of dollars in debt. Trump said, ‘[L]isten, the politicians have caused this problem. We’re going to make our country dynamic again. Now, companies, big companies like Pfizer, are leaving. they’re going to make it worse. They’re leaving. Many — it’s called corporate inversion. Many companies are leaving because the taxes are so high. We have to lower taxes, not raise taxes.’

“He added, ‘[T]he country will be more dynamic. It’ll be a dynamic — we are going to create a dynamic economy, where real jobs are going to be pouring into the country, and we’ll have a country that’s sustainable. It’ll work, Bill.’”

It is obvious that Trump avoided answering O’Reilly’s repeated question as to how he will deal with the national debt. Creating a dynamic economy and lowering (!) taxes will not help paying down the debt. As a successful business man, Trump must know that. Assuming he is not just all talk, he must have a plan to deal with the national debt, but he may be unwilling to state what he wants to do. He said on different occasions that he does not want to be like President Obama in placing all his cards on the table and informing the enemy about his next steps.

So, looking at history, COULD IT BE that Trump has something totally different in mind?

For instance, on January 8, 1835, President Andrew Jackson had paid off the national debt. He had taken advantage of a huge real-estate bubble that was raging in the Western U.S. The federal government owned a lot of Western land — and Jackson started selling it off. He had also blocked every spending bill he could. When Jackson took office, the national debt was about $58 million. Six years later, it was all gone.

Let’s look how Germany did it after World War I.

The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion) in reparations to cover civilian damage caused during the war. Because of the lack of reparation payments by Germany, France occupied the Ruhr in 1923 to enforce payments, causing an international crisis that resulted in the implementation of the Dawes Plan in 1924. This plan outlined a new payment method and raised international loans to help Germany meet her reparation commitments. Despite this, by 1928 Germany called for a new payment plan, resulting in the Young Plan that established the German reparation requirements at 112 billion marks (US$26.3 billion) and created a schedule of payments that would see Germany complete payments by 1988.

Despite the reduction, there was increasing German hostility to the plan. In December 1929, 5.8 million voters registered their opposition to the plan during a plebiscite, which resulted in Adolf Hitler gaining significant national attention and valuable right-wing financing. In 1933, the new German Chancellor Adolf Hitler cancelled all payments.

We do not say that something like this will occur, or is even contemplated. But just imagine what would happen if the USA would decide to wipe out its national debt (including American debt towards China) and just cancel all payments.

New US Policy For Illegal Aliens—Abolishing Immigration Law?

The Washington Examiner wrote on February 4:

“In a shocking reversal of policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings, essentially a license to stay in the United States, a key agent testified Thursday. What’s more, the stand down order includes a requirement that the whereabouts of illegals released are not to be tracked. ‘We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether,’ suggested agent Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council… Judd said the policy shift was prompted by Obama administration ‘embarrassment’ that just over half of illegals ordered to appear in court actually do…

“[Judd] said the new policy ‘makes mandatory the release, without an NTA, of any person arrested by the Border Patrol for being in the country illegally, as long as they do not have a previous felony arrest conviction and as long as they claim to have been continuously in the United States since January of 2014. The operative word in this policy is “claim.” The policy does not require the person to prove they have been here which is the same burden placed on them during deportation proceedings. Instead, it simply requires them to claim to have been here since January of 2014’…

“The go free policy, he said, has prompted thousands of Latinos to cross the border, and among them are hundreds of criminal foot soldiers, according to other testimony. ‘Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions. There are little or no consequences for breaking the laws and that fact is well known in other countries. If government agencies like DHS or CBP are allowed to bypass Congress by legislating through policy, we might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether,’ Judd concluded.”

American citizens can clearly see the incredible lack of responsibility of their leadership, which explains the unparalleled success of outsiders in the current presidential election process.

“Political Correctness” in Sweden—Don’t Offend Aliens

Breitbart wrote on February 4:

“The municipal government in the Swedish town where an asylum centre worker was stabbed to death refuses to allow a memorial at the centre for fear of offending migrants. Swedish media SVT reports that the co-workers of the victim wished to honour the memory of 22-year-old Alexandra Mezher… who was stabbed to death by an underage Somali male on the 25th of January. The case provoked an international uproar which has led many to question the Swedish government’s handling of the migrant crisis…

“Carl Lindahl, who has worked at a similar asylum centre for over three years… along with another colleague, wished to organize a small rally or march in the town to express mourning for Ms. Mezher but were shocked to learn that the municipality not only refused to fly their flag at half mast but also denied them use of any municipal premises…

“Locals asked why the municipality was against the demonstration and a representative reached out to SVT and told them the municipality was worried about offending the migrants at the asylum centre… The story of the murder has resonated across Sweden and with the Swedish people. Inspired to take action because of the events, Swedish men joined together to form groups to protect women in Stockholm train station from unwanted sexual advances from migrants.

“Some, like commentator Pamela Geller, are even saying the incident could be the beginning of the end of Swedish tolerance and that a potential ‘civil war’ could ensue. The story also revealed to Swedes how they might not be even getting the full story on the case as Breitbart revealed the Daily Mail was blocking details of the story to Swedish internet users in what some allege to be interference from Stockholm.”

BBC Muzzles Journalists; Caters to Muslims

Breitbart reported on February 5:

“Journalists at the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) should refer to the Islamic prophet, Mohammed, as ‘the Prophet’, according to the corporation’s in-house style guide.

“Under the section labelled ‘Muhammad’, the guide says: ‘For the founder of Islam, our style is the Prophet Muhammad; at second reference Muhammad or the Prophet.’ This advice is repeated in the sections on ‘Arabic names’ and ‘Islam’.

“The assertion that Mohammed is ‘the Prophet’, with a capital P, will likely cause controversy. While followers of Islam believe him to be the last prophet sent by God – Christians, Jews, atheists and followers of other religions do not regard him as a prophet at all. There are also questions over whether Mohammed and Islam are being given special treatment in the style guide, which does not tell journalists how to refer to significant figures from other religions.

“It does not, for example, tell staff to refer to Jesus as ‘Son of God’, ‘Our Lord’ or ‘The Messiah’, nor does it say to call the Buddha by any of his Ten Titles, or offer any advice on how to refer to holy figures from Hinduism or Sikhism…

“This is not the first controversy the BBC has found itself in over the subject of Islam. In November, it used the words ‘hateful’, ‘Islamophobic’ and ‘bad timing’ to describe a hashtag used by atheist ex-Muslims to explain why they left the faith.

“… the BBC’s style guide also tells journalists to avoid using the term ‘pro-life’ to refer to campaigners against abortion, but encouraged the use of ‘pro-choice’ to refer to their opponents. Pro-life campaigners called it ‘an utterly shameless example of institutional bias against the right-to-life movement, and for the abortion lobby.’”

ISIS Fighters in Europe

CNN wrote on February 8:

“Intelligence obtained by Western security agencies before the November 13 Paris attacks indicated as many as 60 ISIS fighters had been deployed by the group to Europe to carry out attacks on five cities and had already reached European soil…

“In the months since the Paris attack there have been several terrorism alerts in Europe based on intelligence chatter, in cities including Brussels, Belgium; Hanover, Germany; Geneva, Switzerland; Vienna, Austria; and Munich, Germany.

“Last week, a U.S official told CNN’s Barbara Starr that the terrorist threat to Europe is as high as it’s ever been, with about 1,900 extremists who went from Europe to Iraq and Syria to fight jihad now back on European soil. A U.S. intelligence official told CNN that France and Belgium were the countries considered to be at highest risk of terrorist attack, while Germany and the UK also face a heightened terror threat…”

“North Korea Fires Long-Range Missile Designed to Hit US”

Bloomberg wrote on February 7:

“North Korea launched a long-range rocket on Sunday carrying what it called a satellite, but its neighbours and the United States denounced the launch as a missile test, conducted in defiance of U.N. sanctions and just weeks after a nuclear bomb test… The launch prompted South Korea and the United States to announce that they would explore the feasibility of deploying an advanced missile defence system in South Korea, which China and Russia both oppose, ‘at the earliest possible date.’..

“South Korea’s military said it would make annual military exercises with U.S. forces ‘the most cutting-edge and the biggest’ this year. North Korea objects to the drills as a prelude to war by a United States it says is bent on toppling the Pyongyang regime. The United States has about 28,500 troops in South Korea…”

“Ambitious” Agreement for Syria 

Deutsche Welle reported on February 11:

“In an agreement that Kerry described as ‘ambitious,’ the United States and Russia alongside more than a dozen other world powers agreed to a ‘cessation of hostilities’ within a week and the acceleration and expansion of humanitarian aid to areas besieged by both regime and rebel forces…

“Despite an apparent agreement between Russia and the United States, questions remain over implementation and timing of Friday’s deal…

“[Russia’s] Lavrov said… a broad spectrum of Syrian opposition should attend talks… Russia and Syria have also had issue with the presence of some Saudi Arabia and Turkey backed rebel groups, which they describe as terrorists…

“Lavrov said Russia’s air campaign in support of [the] regime would continue against terrorist groups.

“Present at the Munich talks, German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier said the true test of the deal to end violence in Syria would come over the next few days…”

Franklin Graham Blasts Gender Identity Protection

Newsmax wrote on February 6:

“Evangelical preacher Franklin Graham is blasting a proposed Charlotte, N.C., non-discrimination law that’ll include ‘gender identity’ protection, charging the statute is ‘dangerous’ and that similar laws are being turned against Christians… the son of famed preacher Billy Graham rips the revival a defeated non-discrimination ordinance to allow transgender men and women to use the restroom of their choice in Charlotte…

“‘Each section of the proposed ordinance has wording to include “gender identity” … what an individual “feels” their gender is regardless of the biological reality… Where sexual orientation and gender identity laws such as this have passed in other places, florists, bakers, photographers, adoption agencies, and t-shirt printers have been punished by the government for not wanting to use their artistic talents to celebrate and participate in same-sex weddings, not wanting to promote the LGBT messaging in Gay Pride events, or for not wanting to place an adoptive child with two men.’”

The Crazy Fairy Tales of Paid Scientists

Huffington Post wrote on February 3:

“The giant impact hypothesis — the popular belief that a ‘planetary embryo’ called Theia collided with Earth some 4.5 billion years ago, leading to the formation of our planet’s moon — has been around for a while. But a NASA-funded research team has added an amazing new twist to the idea; that Earth wasn’t just sideswiped by Theia, as many have conjectured, but sustained a direct hit and actually absorbed a large portion of the rogue planet.

“In other words, Earth is made up of two fused planets — Earth and Theia — the study suggests. ‘Theia was thoroughly mixed into both the Earth and the moon, and evenly dispersed between them,’ lead author Edward Young, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said in a statement…

“For their study, the UCLA-led team compared the chemical signatures of moon rocks with volcanic rocks from Hawaii and Arizona. If Earth and Theia had collided in a glancing side blow, as the giant impact hypothesis suggests, the moon would be mostly made up of Theia, and the Earth and moon would have different chemical structures, UCLA said in its statement.  But that’s not what the researchers found. ‘We don’t see any difference between the Earth’s and the moon’s oxygen isotopes; they’re indistinguishable,’ Young said. That suggests the two collided head-on, with Theia becoming large parts Earth and moon, researchers said.

“And just like that, Mother Earth became Mothers Earth.”

What this new study “suggests” is that the giant impact hypothesis is a foolish fairy tale.  God CREATED the heavens and the earth. The concept that a planetary embryo called Theia collided with earth and that somehow this created the moon is utter and complete nonsense.

More Scientific Abominable Craziness – Single Embryo from Three Different People

NBC News reported on February 4:

“Experiments using sperm and egg cells from three different people to make a single embryo are all right — if they are carefully monitored and regulated, expert advisers said Wednesday. Such ‘three-parent’ babies could be a way for people with a high risk of rare, devastating genetic diseases to have healthy children that are genetically their own, the National Academy of Medicine panel said… And at first, the panel advised, only male embryos should be made this way until it’s clear that dangerous mutations would not be passed down to future generations…

“But there are tricky scientific and ethical questions. Such babies could have what are known as germline changes, which can be passed down from generation to generation, making a lab mistake potentially the problem of people born decades later. Then there’s the issue of ‘playing God’, the panel noted. ‘These concerns warrant significant caution and the imposition of restrictions rather than a blanket prohibition on the use of MRT [mitochondrial replacement techniques],’ they concluded…

“The conditions include tests to establish safety, first using animals and then embryos that could never grow into babies, and that the disease being prevented is severe and that only male embryos are used… Britain approved the technique last year…

“[The panel wrote:] ‘While the creation of human embryos for research is not prohibited under federal law in the United States (although some states are more restrictive), neither FDA nor any other agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services can financially support such research where embryos are destroyed, discarded, or subjected to risks with no prospect of medical benefit for the embryo.’”

All of this sounds like a bad story from a science fiction book. But the creation and destruction of embryos for scientific purposes and the “greater good” is very real.

Hawaii Kills Mandatory Vaccination Bill

Daily Mail wrote on February 5:

“After listening to Hawaii residents speak out against vaccines and saying they cause everything from autism to the Zika virus, Hawaii lawmakers killed a bill to speed up the state’s process for adopting federal vaccination guidelines. The bill would have allowed the state Health Department to more easily adopt the federal rules, which some opponents of the measure fear would result in more vaccinations…

“Supporters of the bill say it would have helped the Hawaii Department of Health address public health crises quickly. They said given the potential for diseases to spread rapidly, it’s important to be able to adopt vaccination rules swiftly. Opponents of the bill spoke out against mandatory vaccinations, saying their side effects are harmful and the people should have the right to make their own health decisions…

“Vaccinations are a hot-button issue across the nation. For decades, critics have said vaccines can cause debilitating side effects — most notably autism… Almost all states grant religious exemptions for people who have religious beliefs against vaccinations, while 20 states allow exemptions for personal or moral beliefs, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.”

Sadly, left-liberal California does not even grant religious exemptions. California, under controversial governor Brown, should learn from Hawaii and revoke and repeal its foolish mandatory vaccination law.

An Interesting Tour Through the Kidron Valley

Times of Israel wrote on February 6:

“In 1952, a unique 2,000-year-old copper scroll was discovered deep inside a cave near the Dead Sea. When British scholar John Marco Allegro translated the scroll a few years later, he was astonished to learn that over 100 tons of gold and silver treasures from the Second Temple had been hidden in dozens of different locations. One such location, he believed, was the area surrounding the alleged Tomb of the prophet Zechariah in the Kidron Valley beneath Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives.

“A few years later, Allegro led an expedition to the Kidron Valley – at the time under Jordanian control – in an attempt to recover hidden treasure. Financing the expedition was no problem, for it was to take place under the auspices of Britain’s Daily Mail tabloid newspaper and Jordan provided workers and transportation. There was just one hitch: dozens of Jews were buried around the tomb. The problem was solved when the Kingdom of Jordan granted Allegro permission to clear away the grave… he didn’t uncover even a single treasure…

“The Bible tells us that during his lifetime Absalom, King David’s third son, ‘had taken a pillar and erected it in the King’s Valley as a monument to himself… He named the pillar after himself, and it is called Absalom’s Monument to this day.’ [2 Samuel 18:18]. Despite that fact that the shrine dates back to the end of the Second Temple period — nearly a millennia after Absalom rebelled against his father and was run through with a javelin by the King’s captain – tradition places that monument here, identifying the Kidron Valley with the King’s Valley.

“In earlier centuries, passersby of all religions would throw stones at Absalom’s mammoth structure. Indeed Muslims, who revere King David, almost covered it with rocks. It is said that Jewish parents would bring disobedient offspring to the almost hidden monument, point out the stones, and warn them that ‘this is what happens to children who behave badly to their fathers.’

“Iron bars block the entrance to a structure on one side of Absalom’s Tomb. Uncovered in 1924, and thought by some to be the tomb of 9th-century B.C.E. King Jehoshaphat, it contains several chambers and a splendidly ornamental lintel. The prophet Zechariah’s Tomb on the other side of Absalom’s Tomb is the only pyramid-topped structure in the valley… Over 10 meters high, it dates, like Absalom’s Pillar, to the Second Temple period… Jews so revered Zechariah that over the centuries they asked to be buried as close as possible to his grave. At one time the Jews of Jerusalem offered eulogies here and would come to Zechariah’s Tomb to mourn the destruction of the Temple on the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av.

“One year Jerusalem suffered from a terrible drought. Legend has it that the city’s Arabs prayed to Allah, but rain didn’t fall. They then sent a delegation to Jerusalem’s Jewish inhabitants, warning them that if they couldn’t make it rain, they would be in deep, deep trouble. According to this oft-repeated story, the Jews immediately declared a fast and on its third day made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Zechariah. Throwing themselves upon the ground next to the tomb they prayed, then walked around it seven times while singing psalms. By evening the sky was black. Heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, fell on the Holy City. The Jews were saved, the city’s cisterns filled with water, and the sanctity of Zechariah’s Tomb was reaffirmed…

“Only a few meters from Zechariah’s Tomb, a gate leads into a large burial complex featuring several interior chambers. A barely legible ancient Hebrew inscription, found on the exterior of the complex, relates that the six sons of the priestly Hezir family are buried within… one of the Dead Sea Scrolls mentions that the Hezirs operated the Temple on Yom Kippur.”

The Kidron Valley is highly significant in biblical prophecy. In the future, “kings of the east” and other powers of this earth will assemble at a place called Armageddon or “hill of Megiddo,” which is about 55 miles north of Jerusalem. From there, they will move towards Jerusalem, where they, together with European powers under a charismatic military leader (“the beast”), will try to fight the returning Jesus Christ. That “battle” will take place in the Kidron Valley.

Zechariah 14:3–5 indicates that, apparently due to the great earthquake of the seventh bowl, mentioned in Revelation 16:17–18, the Mount of Olives shall split in two, making a very large valley, where the final battle of God Almighty will take place.

Revelation 14:19-20 informs us in regard to that “battle” in the valley of Jehoshaphat or the Kidron Valley, that the “great winepress of the wrath of God… was trampled outside the city [of Jerusalem], and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs [lit. stadia, about 184 miles in all].”

Update 723

Fear and Faith; Freedom by Justification

On February 6, 2016, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Fear and Faith,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Freedom by Justification.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Make the World Great

by Rene Messier (Canada)

The Republican presidential candidate in the United States, front-runner Donald Trump, is using quite successfully the slogan: “Make America Great Again.”  He states correctly that the United States is losing in trade deals to China, to Japan and to others, and he blasts the terrible Iran deal and Obamacare, but he announces that when he is President, he is going to turn all of this around.

He promises to build a great wall in order to halt the flow of illegal immigrants coming through the porous American-Mexican border into the USA, and that Mexico will pay for the wall. He also proposes to deport all illegal aliens and to temporarily halt the flow of all Muslims into the United States till “we can find out what… is going on.” He declares that he will build up the armed forces so that no one will “mess” with the USA; that he will properly take care of the veterans; and that he will take out ISIS so that the world and the United States can feel safer.

These are just a few of the promises he has made.

In regard to the border fence, one cynical television commentator said if he builds a hundred foot fence, the Mexicans will build a one hundred ten foot ladder. Mr. Trump countered that it will be a real wall which Mexicans cannot climb over. Other objections are that it would be impossible to deport all illegal aliens, but Mr. Trump’s response is that something similar was done in the past by another American president.

The question is, could any President turn things around for the US?

Let us remember that the national debt as of this writing is $20.9 trillion, and it is growing constantly. By the time you read this editorial it will be $21 trillion, a number that’s hard to get your mind around. This is a growing debt with no turn around in sight. That’s some $62,000 per citizen. So if you have a child born in the near future, he is faced with that debt.

Crime is rampant in some American cities, and the United States is the world’s biggest consumer of both illegal and prescription drugs. Politicians are corrupt, and some are only in politics to line their pockets.

Many American citizens know this, and they long for change. The interesting thing is, no matter what outlandish statements Mr. Trump might be making, his support is growing steadily, defying all “conventional” rules of “politics.” If somebody like Donald Trump would become President, he might very well be able to turn things around for the USA, to a degree, but a high price would have to be paid. Mass deportations would shock the world and might trigger civil unrest in the USA, and more violent acts by governmental forces might be the consequence. Favorable trade deals for the USA under Donald Trump would not create a friendlier world view towards the USA… they would just bring about the opposite result and might even lead to violent resistance from the rest of the world.

We must understand that what is happening right now in the USA is in no way “coincidental.” It is obvious that God is involved to bring about His plan and purpose. Because of our national and individual sins, God has removed the blessing to Abraham from the modern nations of the ancient house of Israel, namely the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and South Africa. Rather than prosperity, these nations are facing war and enslavement.

The only real and lasting solution is the return of Christ to end the madness. We are not to get involved in the politics of this present evil age, but we have an opportunity today to be involved in the future in making “The World Great,” not just the United States. Once the government of God, the Kingdom of God, is established on the earth with just rulers, things will be turned around in due time. There will be only one world-ruling government on earth, with Christ as the Head and the resurrected saints as kings and priests ruling under Him (Revelation 5:10).

There will be no more beheadings, no more rampant crime, no more poverty, religious confusion and hatred against other races and ethnic groups. The world will come to worship the true God and keep the commandments, speaking one pure language (Zephaniah 3:9).

As the called-out ones, we have the opportunity now to prepare for participation in that future government to make the world a better place; so it behooves us to remain faithful to our calling and our present responsibilities to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world as a witness and endure to the end, so that we can truly make “The World Great.”

Are you up to the challenge?

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We begin with troublesome events in the USA, pertaining to attempts to compel men AND women to register for the draft. We also speak about the stunning election results in Iowa.

We are focusing on developments pertaining to Donald Trump and speak on Hillary Clinton’s growing email scandal which should normally result in an indictment and her resignation from the democratic race for the presidency (although most commentators do not expect this to happen); and we report on President Obama’s “complicated” relationship with Muslims (also in light of the fact that almost 30 percent of Americans believe that he is a Muslim).

We continue with revealing articles about the growth of European armies and the “comeback” of an interesting German politician. We continue with Angela Merkel’s attempts to placate Germans, while Germany’s third-strongest party causes uproar and a storm of criticism.

We report on America’s and Britain’s apparent 18-year-long spying activities on their “friend” Israel and on the fragile relationship between the EU and Britain, as well as on more violence in Israel.

We conclude with an article on America’s, Russia’s and China’s moon landings and on striking color photos of the moon landing by the Chinese, which should convince every honest and unprejudiced observer that the moon landings were real and not hoaxes.

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WARNING! Is the DRAFT Coming for BOTH Men AND Women?

NBC News reported on February 2:

“Now that all combat jobs are open to women, the top Army and Marine Corps officers say they should have to register for the draft — just like men. Gen. Mark A. Milley, chief of staff of the Army, and Gen. Robert B. Neller, the Marine Corps commandant said they supported the requirement during testimony at a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.

“‘Senator, it’s my personal view that, based on this lifting of restrictions … every American who’s physically qualified should register for the draft,’ Neller said in response to a question from Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, who favors the change. Milley also agreed. ‘Senator, I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft,’ he said.

“Right now only men legally residing the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 26 are required to register with the Selective Service. The two thumbs up from the generals came a month after Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced the Pentagon’s historic shift in policy. Under the new rules, women will now be able to help fill some of the 220,000 jobs that were only open to their male counterparts, including key posts in some special operations units and the infantry…

“Conscripts have not been drafted since 1973 when the U.S. moved to an all-volunteer military. But in 1980 then President Jimmy Carter reinstated the requirement that men register in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.”

War hawks are pushing for the draft. Men and women who are conscientiously opposed to serving in the military must be prepared for the distinct possibility that the war hawks will have it their way in the future. 

Clinton and Cruz Win Iowa Caucus

In absolutely stunning and historic developments, Hillary Clinton emerged as the “winner” in the Iowa caucus on the Democratic side, beating Bernie Sanders through the tossing of a coin, while Ted Cruz surprisingly won against Donald Trump on the Republican side.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders virtually tied, which all by itself means an embarrassing defeat for Clinton.

Deutsche Welle reported on February 2 thatThe Iowa Democratic Party said in a statement the caucus was the closest in history, with some precincts reportedly having to resort to a rarely used rule to flip a coin to decide the winner. Clinton reportedly won all three of the coin tosses… The next round is in New Hampshire on February 9, where Clinton is trailing Sanders in the polls…

On the Republican side, conservative Texas senator Ted Cruz came in ahead of both billionaire Donald Trump and Florida Senator Marco Rubio who is the favorite of mainstream Republican voters. The result was a blow to the controversial Trump who had headed the polls leading into the Iowa caucus.

“But the next round is in New Hampshire where more than 40 percent of the state’s electorate are not registered in any political party. Washington outsider Trump has a commanding lead in New Hampshire and in national polls.”

It is critically important for Trump to win in New Hampshire. Statistics reveal that since 1980, no Republican candidate received the nomination who did not win either in Iowa or in New Hampshire. For the Democrats, the same is true with one exception—in 1992, Bill Clinton won the Democratic nomination and the Presidency, even though he did not win in Iowa or in New Hampshire.

Following the next round in New Hampshire on February 9, “Super Tuesday” occurs on March 1 (when preliminary elections take place in more than 10 states), followed by “Super Tuesday, Part 2” on March 15 (when preliminary elections take place in five states, including Florida, Illinois and Ohio).

The Republicans will then meet and decide on their nominee for the Presidency on July 18-21, and the Democrats on July 25-28.

The first televised debate between the Democratic and Republican nominees will take place on September 26, followed by two more debates on October 9 and October 19 (A televised debate between the two nominees for the office of Vice-President will take place on October 4).

The main election for the Presidency will take place on November 8, and on January 20, 2017, the new US President will be sworn in.

Dirty Tricks in Politics

Newsmax wrote on February 3:

“Donald Trump says Ted Cruz ‘stole’ the Iowa caucuses and is guilty of ‘fraud’ for falsely telling voters going to the polls that Ben Carson had dropped out [of] the presidential race and to support him instead. And the Texas senator’s ‘fraud’ is so serious that Iowa state officials should void the caucus results and hold a new vote, the billionaire developer believes…

“Cruz on Tuesday admitted his campaign wrongly stated the retired pediatric neurosurgeon had exited the race as the caucuses got underway and apologized for the gaff. Carson accepted the apology, but added that someone on Cruz’s staff should pay for the action. Trump, who has been the Republican presidential front-runner for seven months, believes the bogus claim by the campaigners for Cruz, who had trailed Trump in the polls, unfairly helped him win.

“He is also crying foul at the Cruz campaign’s scary-looking ‘voting violation’ notice sent to Iowans… Iowa’s secretary of state says the mailer misrepresents election law. But Cruz called it a ‘routine’ campaign move.”

On February 3, the Drudge Report added the following Facebook post by former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, who is endorsing Donald Trump (but she had endorsed Ted Cruz for Senator in the past):

“… Cruz’s campaign chairman, U.S. Representative Steve King, is lying, and good for Dr. Ben Carson for calling this out. King, who’s previously asked for and received my endorsement, time and resources to support his own election, is still lying about my altruistic support of Mr. Trump, and he’s refused to provide any evidence to the contrary. And, this U.S. Congressman actually lied to his own constituents on behalf of Cruz, regarding a good man, Dr. Carson. He told voters Carson was dropping out of the Presidential race immediately before the Iowa caucus, causing a relative uproar inside the process, so the word would spread and he could rack up more votes for his candidate, Cruz. That’s a dirty trick. Dr. Carson deserved better. The voters deserved better!

“Where is the accountability for these political actions? Very sad; typical Washington tactics. THIS is why ‘the status quo has got to go.’ Our friend Dr. Carson put it so well: ‘As Christians, of course we accept people’s apologies, we also have to ask ourselves is this acceptable to us, the American people, or should there be some accountability? There should be some consequences for things. You don’t just say “oh, okay, sorry… okay let’s move on.” The damage was done to me, it wasn’t done to them.’

“We’ve had eight years of a reckless President, accountable to no one, pushing this country to the brink. Why would we ever take a risk repeating that? We are never going to turn this country around if we keep electing ‘more of the same.’…  The Cruz Campaign’s actions to destroy a good man’s efforts to serve are no different than Obama’s practice of not holding anyone accountable. Typical politics. Typical politicians.”

Trump like Hitler or Worthy of Nobel Prize?

JTA wrote on January 28:

“The stepsister of Holocaust teen diarist Anne Frank compared Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump to Hitler. Eva Schloss, 86, made the comparison in an essay in Newsweek magazine published Wednesday in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. ‘If Donald Trump become(s) the next president of the U.S., it would be a complete disaster,’ she wrote. ‘I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism.’…

“Schloss, who survived Auschwitz, was 11 years old when her family left Nazi-annexed Austria in 1938 for Belgium. ‘We were treated as if we had come from the moon. I felt as if I wasn’t wanted and that I was different to everybody,’ she wrote… ‘Fewer people would have died in the Holocaust if the world had accepted more Jewish refugees.’’

Yahoo News reported on February 2:

“Donald Trump, Greek islanders helping desperate migrants, Angela Merkel and the pope — some may seem more likely than others but all are understood to be in the running for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize…

“According to a copy of the nomination letter Harpviken said he had received, brash tycoon Trump — who has attracted international condemnation by calling for a ban on Muslims entering the United States — deserves the prize for ‘his vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China.’”

Hillary Clinton’s Growing Email Scandal … “The State Department Is Lying”

The New York Post wrote on January 31:

“The State Department is lying when it says it didn’t know until it was too late that Hillary Clinton was improperly using personal e-mails and a private server to conduct official business — because it never set up an agency e-mail address for her in the first place, the department’s former top watchdog says. ‘This was all planned in advance’ to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. Krongard, who served as the agency’s inspector general from 2005 to 2008.

“The Harvard-educated lawyer points out that, from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a e-mail address like previous secretaries. ‘That’s a change in the standard. It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private e-mail server until later,’ Krongard said in an exclusive interview… He also points to the unusual absence of a permanent inspector general during Clinton’s entire 2009-2013 term at the department. He said the 5¹/₂-year vacancy was unprecedented. ‘This is a major gap. In fact, it’s without precedent,’ he said. ‘It’s the longest period any department has gone without an IG.’

“Inspectors general serve an essential and unique role in the federal government by independently investigating agency waste, fraud and abuse. Their oversight also covers violations of communications security procedures. ‘It’s clear she did not want to be subject to internal investigations,’ Krongard said. An e-mail audit would have easily uncovered the secret information flowing from classified government networks to the private unprotected system she set up in her New York home.”

Newsmax added on January 31:

“‘The starting point of the investigation is the material going through SIPRNet, [State’s classified system.] She couldn’t function without the information coming over SIPRNet,’ [Krongard] said. ‘How did she get it on her home server? It can’t just jump from one system to the other. Someone had to move it, copy it. The question is who did that?’”

The Associated Press wrote on January 30:

“The Obama administration has confirmed for the first time that Hillary Clinton’s home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails that contained material requiring one of the highest levels of classification… The Associated Press learned ahead of the release that seven email chains would be withheld in full for containing ‘top secret’ information. The 37 pages include messages a key intelligence official recently said concerned ‘special access programs’ —highly restricted, classified material that could point to confidential sources or clandestine programs like drone strikes…”

President Obama Visits Controversial US Mosque

The Washington Post wrote on January 30:

“President Obama will make the first visit during his presidency to a U.S. mosque, the White House announced Saturday, part of the administration’s push to promote religious tolerance at a time when rhetoric linking Islam with terrorism is growing. On Wednesday, the president will visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore… It is one of the Mid-Atlantic region’s largest Muslim centers…

“The president is making the visit ‘to celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation and reaffirm the importance of religious freedom to our way of life,’  a White House official wrote in an email Saturday…

“The visit will be part of the tightrope-walking Obama has done during his presidency around Islam.

“For years, Muslim Americans have lobbied him to visit a mosque, citing Islamophobia. At the same time, a segment of Obama’s critics have said since he took office that he is a Muslim pretending to be Christian, and that he plays down the religious aspect of Muslim extremism. Recent polls show that 29 percent of Americans and nearly 45 percent of Republicans think he is a Muslim. The visit comes in the last year of his presidency…

“Presidents rarely visit houses of worship, aside from when they have attended church for their own religious practices. Obama… attends religious services on key holidays. In May, he visited a synagogue for the first time as president…

“The official added that the event [is] coming just days after Obama spoke out against anti-Semitism and right before his appearance at the National Prayer breakfast…

“One close watcher of the role of religion in presidential politics said the timing of events next week was not a coincidence and that the mosque visit would be a stark contrast with the anti-Muslim rhetoric coming from multiple leading GOP candidates.

“It was not immediately clear why the White House selected the Islamic Society in Baltimore, although it has been the subject of threats in recent months… It also is the mosque of the family of Adnan Syed, whose conviction for murder drew huge global interest… Obama has visited several mosques overseas but never one in this country while serving as president…

“Obama’s relationship with American Muslims has been complicated. They are among his most enthusiastic backers, but some feel he has not done enough to address their concerns at a time of social unrest. He has shown support for Muslims overseas, including the 2009 ‘New Beginning’ speech in Cairo before the Arab Spring, and he has drawn praise — and intense criticism from conservatives — for declining to connect Islam and terrorism…”

President Obama still refuses to this day to state members of ISIS are radical Islamists.

European Armies Growing… Security Spending a Priority

The New York Times wrote on January 31:

“A phalanx of soldiers wearing bulletproof vests and wielding machine guns fanned out beneath the Eiffel Tower on a recent afternoon, scanning the crowd for potential terrorist threats. Across the country, nearly 10,000 more armed troops patrolled streets around landmarks, stores and government buildings. France is spending nearly 1 million euros a day on the heightened security, part of a renewed surge in European military spending as governments declare terrorism a permanent risk…

“European leaders are acknowledging that security spending is a priority… France, Germany, Britain and neighboring countries sharply curbed military outlays while austerity was enforced. Since 2007, Western European military spending has slumped more than 13 percent, accelerating a decline that began earlier in the decade… As security concerns intensify, the trend is reversing.

“Germany is hiring more police and intelligence officers, and in January the defense minister proposed increasing military spending by €130 billion over 15 years… France is expanding its military equipment arsenal, troops and police, as well as increasing surveillance and spending hundreds of millions of euros on new programs to counter radicalization among Muslim youth.

“In Belgium, where militants planned the Paris attacks after training in Syria, nearly half a billion euros will be spent jailing returning jihadists, reinforcing borders and keeping hundreds of troops on the streets. And Britain recently authorized 12 billion pounds in new spending to purchase Boeing P8 maritime patrol aircraft, increase fighter squadron numbers and create new strike brigades…

“Total Western European military spending, led by France, Britain and Germany, is expected to jump by an extra €50 billion through 2019, to €215 billion… Europe’s security spending, though, will still pale in comparison to that of the United States…

“European armies are growing. In a reverse from planned cuts, France is preparing to add 23,000 positions to the army by 2019. An anti-Islamic State coalition that includes France and Britain will soon intensify the campaign against militants in Iraq and Syria, prompting additional spending on missiles, drones, jets and surveillance.

“Airbus is well positioned. The company supplies European militaries with a broad range of flying hardware such as the NH90 helicopter, the A400M cargo and troop transporter and the A330 multi-role refueling tanker. Airbus also has high-tech satellite surveillance equipment as well as integrated border and coastal security systems, a particular focus in Europe as the migrant crisis swells.”

The Return of Edmund Stoiber?

In a recent Update (#721), we ran an article about Edmund Stoiber (74), Germany’s former Premier of Bavaria. We reported that Stoiber, presently working for the EU, had stated that the only solution for Germany was to completely close its border to refugees for an unspecified period. He had also stated in the past that the Muslim culture was not compatible with European values. 

Bild Online published a stunning article on January 31 about “Stoiber’s comeback,” stating that he is traveling with current Premier of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, to meet Vladimir Putin and that he has again become very influential pertaining to the direction of his party, Bavaria’s CSU. Stoiber is strongly opposed to Angela Merkel’s migrant policy, reiterating again to Bild that Islam has no place in Germany. The article also points out that Stoiber received “innumerable” invitations from Merkel’s CDU.

According to Bild, Stoiber has a close relationship with Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Söder (49), who is viewed as the potential successor to Seehofer, even though he is not Seehofer’s first choice. However, Bild states that with Stoiber’s support, Söder would definitely be elected. Söder is also a strong opponent to Merkel’s migrant policy, stating that it is “undemocratic.”

In a follow-up article, Bild predicted that Merkel will not resign, even though it seems that Stoiber would like to see her fall, but, according to Bild, Stoiber would not be a leader, and there is no one there who could fill the leadership role (“Es fehlt der Anfuehrer”; in English: “The Leader Is Missing.”). This may be true… for now.

On February 3, Bild Online reported on Seehofer’s und Steuber’s meeting with Putin and Russian ministers in Moscow. Bild stated that Steuber (honorary president of the CSU) and Putin have known each other for a long time, and that they have a good relationship. In fact, Seehofer’s meeting with Putin was allegedly arranged by Steuber. Observers see in Seehofer’s meeting with Putin a sign of a further deterioration of Seehofer’s relationship with Angela Merkel.

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 3:

“Horst Seehofer is flying to Moscow. It is a politically juicy and controversial visit by the Bavarian in a period of upheaval in German-Russian relations. Seldom have relations between Berlin and Moscow been in such a poor state as they are now… Seehofer is Merkel’s most dangerous critic… He may be flying to meet Putin as the state premier of Bavaria, but he will be received in Moscow as a representative of one of Germany’s three governing parties…

“The CSU’s brand of foreign policy has always had something unique about it. CSU grandees Franz-Josef Strauss and Edmund Stoiber were always good for political bomb shells on the domestic front… No wonder then, that Horst Seehofer sees himself in this tradition…”

Merkel Tries to Placate Critics of her Migrant Policy… Far Too Little, and Far Too Late

Reuters wrote on January 30:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel tried on Saturday to placate the increasingly vocal critics of her open-door policy for refugees by insisting that most refugees from Syria and Iraq would go home once the conflicts there had ended…

“Support for her conservative bloc has slipped as concerns mount about how Germany will integrate the 1.1 million migrants who arrived last year, while crime and security are also in the spotlight after a wave of assaults on women in Cologne at New Year by men of north African and Arab appearance…

“Merkel said it was important to stress that most refugees had only been allowed to stay for a limited period. ‘We need … to say to people that this is a temporary residential status and we expect that, once there is peace in Syria again, once IS has been defeated in Iraq, that you go back to your home country with the knowledge that you have gained,’ she told a regional meeting of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania…”

The Local added on January 31:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel… saw her worst poll results in more than five years. Merkel’s open-door policy, while initially winning praise last year, has come under mounting criticism, especially after the German city of Cologne was rocked by a wave of sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve blamed on migrants… Support for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative alliance has slumped to its lowest since July 2012 as opposition over her liberal refugee policy grows, a survey showed Sunday…

“According to the poll published by the Bild am Sonntag newspaper, public support for Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union and sister party Christian Social Union now stands at just 34 percent… The Social Democratic Party — the junior partner in Merkel’s left-right grand coalition, has also lost ground, shedding one percentage point to 24 percent…

“While Merkel does not face national elections until 2017, regional elections in three states in March will be a key test of support… A poll published Friday by news weekly Focus found that 40 percent of respondents want Merkel to resign.

“Nevertheless, a subsequent poll commissioned by Focus found that, with 41 percent, Merkel came in top as the politician whom the public believe can best manage the migrant crisis.”

This belief will be rapidly shattered.

Germany’s Anti-Immigrant Party Causes Storm of Criticism  

The Local wrote on January 31:

“Germany’s eurosceptic right-wing populist AfD party created a storm Saturday by suggesting police ‘if need be’ should threaten to shoot migrants seeking to enter the country.  ‘We need efficient controls to prevent so many unregistered asylum-seekers keeping on entering via Austria,’ said party chairwoman Frauke Petry (40), in comments carried by the Mannheimer Morgen regional daily. Border police ‘should be able if need be to have recourse to their firearms — as laid down by law,’ the paper quoted Petry as saying. ‘No policeman wants to fire on a refugee and I don’t want that either. But as a last resort there should be recourse to firearms,’ said Petry in comments which drew a storm of criticism.

“‘No policeman would be ready to fire on’ migrants, police union GdP said in a statement. ‘Whoever wants to deploy such methods clearly wants to suspend the rule of law,’ said GdP head Joerg Radek. ‘We have already seen that over the course of German history and we don’t ever want to go down that road again.’

“The head of the main opposition Social Democrat parliamentary group, Thomas Oppermann, blasted ‘an unacceptable mobilisation of public opinion against refugees while opposition Green Party lawmaker Konstantin von Notz blasted Petry as ‘irresponsible’…

“Notz said Petry was engaging in ‘extreme right-wing terrorism’ with her comments ramping up anti-refugee rhetoric in a country that has received more than one million migrants in the last year.

“AfD, meaning Alternative for Germany, was created as a eurosceptic platform in 2013 but has since veered sharply even further to the right, with some of its leaders voicing support for the anti-Islamic PEGIDA protest movement. Recent polls give 13 percent support for the group, making it Germany’s third-strongest political force behind the ruling Christian Democrats and the coalition partner the Social Democrats.”

On February 1, Deutsche Welle added:

“Alternative for Germany (AfD) leader Frauke Petry triggered outrage last week by suggesting police should have the right to shoot illegal migrants at the border ‘if necessary.’ The idea was echoed by her deputy Beatrix von Storch. When she was asked on her Facebook page on Saturday whether German border guards should use weapons against illegal female refugees with children, she answered with a clear ‘yes.’ But in the face of outrage across the political spectrum she decided to water down her comments: ‘The use of firearms against children is not permitted,’ von Storch said, before adding that ‘women are a different matter.’”

What makes these comments so explosive are recent reports in Bild, according to which police officers have been instructed NOT to arrest migrants who are observed stealing, as this would require too much work. In light of sexual assaults by migrants on German women, many Germans begin to wonder WHAT their government is willing to do to protect German citizens.

Germany’s “Most Dangerous” Woman?

The Independent wrote on February 1:

“The AfD is attracting growing support for its vitriolic anti-migrant stance. It has already won seats in five of Germany’s state parliaments and, in elections next month, is also on course to win seats in the state parliaments of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony Anhalt, where polls suggest the party could win 15 per cent of the vote…

“Ms Petry, who has a degree from the University of Reading, was elected party leader in an internal putsch last July which ousted its middle-class and academic former leaders, who were mostly concerned with opposing the euro. Since then she and other populist right-wingers have rebranded it as an anti-migrant party…

“The party warns that German culture and identity will be destroyed by migrants… Ms Petry helped the AfD win seats in the east German state of Saxony in 2014 by advocating mildly anti-immigrant policies. She is seen as the acceptable face of the party’s right wing. But she is now being pulled further to the right by more radical and xenophobic figures within the party, whose stance appears to have increased AfD’s popularity among voters…

“The AfD leader risks being eclipsed by colleagues such as Björn Höcke, the party’s outspoken leader in the eastern state of Thuringia, whose speeches have been compared to those of Hitler’s propagandist, Joseph Goebbels. Mr Höcke, who regularly draws crowds of up to 8,000 supporters, recently appeared on a popular chat show brandishing a German flag. ‘For decades its seemed as if the rise of a politician like Björn Höcke was impossible,’ wrote Die Welt newspaper. ‘In the meantime, the impossible has become possible.’

“At an AfD rally in the eastern city of Magdeburg last week Mr Höcke regaled the party faithful with an apocalyptic vision of what was in store for the German ‘volk’ and ‘kultur’ unless the refugee influx was stopped. The migrants were a threat to ‘1,000 years of Germany’. He talked darkly of terrified German women aid workers who were too afraid ‘to wear makeup’ because they felt intimidated by Muslim migrants. ‘I am afraid for my country. This is what it feels like to be a foreigner in your own land! This catastrophic development has to be stopped’…”

Violence in Germany

The Local wrote on January 31:

Far-right protesters clashed Saturday with rival, anti-fascist activists in a southwest German village [the Black Forest town of Villingen-Schwenningen] where assailants had hurled a hand grenade Friday as anti-refugee violence in the country escalates, police said… The grenade thrown over a fence Friday morning was filled with explosives but it was not immediately clear whether it was equipped with a detonator… It did not explode and no damage or injuries were reported.

“In an interview with German daily Die Welt published Saturday, the general secretary of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) party Peter Tauber said the act was ‘despicable and frightening’, and classified it as ‘attempted murder’… In a country that has welcomed more than one million migrants in the last year, violence against asylum seekers has been on the rise.

“The Federal Crime Office on Thursday reported 173 attacks against refugee shelters in 2015, more than six times the number recorded during the previous year. Another 10 cases were reported in January. Sigmar Gabriel, German vice chancellor and economy minister, was quoted in the press on Saturday as saying that there is ‘an alarming increase in acts of violence’ against refugees…”

Sadly, these kinds of violent demonstrations and counter-demonstrations remind us of events in the 1930’s, leading to the rise of Adolf Hitler. At that time, the demonstrations were staged by Communists and Nazis.

Young Girl’s Story of Rape a Lie?

The Guardian wrote on January 31:

“A 13-year-old Russian-German girl has admitted making up a story about being kidnapped and raped by migrants in a case that triggered a furore in Germany and briefly embroiled Berlin police in a spat with the Kremlin, state prosecutors said. The parents of the teenager, named only as Lisa, reported her missing on 11 January after she failed to appear at school in the Marzahn district of the capital. She reappeared 30 hours later with injuries on her face, and told her parents she had been attacked by men of Middle Eastern or north African appearance. News of the incident spread on social media, sparking outrage among Berlin’s Russian-German community.

“But when she was questioned by trained specialists three days later ‘she immediately admitted that the story of the rape was not true’, said the spokesman for the state prosecutor, Martin Steltner. He said the teenager had been scared of going home after the school had contacted her parents over an incident at school.

“Yet the allegations caused uproar in Berlin, particularly after reports of mass sexual assaults allegedly carried out by migrants in Cologne. A Russian-German community group staged a protest, supported by the Pegida-related Bärgida movement. The far-right National Democratic party also demonstrated in Marzahn. The mood was exacerbated by a report on Russian state TV, in which the girl’s relatives claimed her allegations were not being investigated…

“Analysis of the teenager’s mobile phone records showed she had spent the night with a friend, who is not being treated as a suspect. Her mother told Der Spiegel magazine on Sunday that Lisa was ‘doing very badly’ and was having treatment in a psychiatric ward.”

It is interesting, however, that Bild Online reported that Lisa’s mother apparently still believes in her daughter’s original story of having been raped.

Does German Government Order German Public TV On What to Report?

Breitbart wrote on February 2:

“National public service broadcaster Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), which was recently forced into a humiliating apology for their silence on migrant violence and sex assault is being drawn into a fresh scandal after one of their former bureau chiefs admitted the company takes orders from the government on what it reports. He said journalists received instructions to write news that would be ‘to Ms. Merkel’s liking’.

“Former head of ZDF Bonn Dr. Wolfgang Herles make the remarks during a radio event… in Berlin where journalists discussed the media landscape. Moving on to the freedom of the press, the panel chair asked Dr. Herles whether things in Germany had got ‘seriously out of whack’. With an honesty perhaps unusual in Germany, Dr. Herles replied that ordinary Germans were totally losing faith in the media, something he called a ‘scandal’. He said: ‘We have the problem that – now I’m mainly talking about the public [state] media – we have a closeness to the government. Not only because commentary is mainly in line with the grand coalition (CSU, CDU, and SPD), with the spectrum of opinion, but also because we are completely taken in by the agenda laid down by the political class’.

“Worse than the mainstream, government controlled and poll-tax funded media in Germany just agreeing with the ruling coalition, the stations actually took orders on what was and was not to be reported on. He said: ‘…the topics about which are reported are laid down by the government. There are many topics that would be more important than what the government wants. But they, of course, want to deflect attention away from what doesn’t happen. Yet what doesn’t happen is often more important than what does happen – more important than gesture politics… Today, one is not allowed to say anything negative about the refugees’…”

Germany’s Latest Crazy Idea—Limits on Cash Transactions?

The Associated Press reported on February 3:

“The German government is considering introducing a limit of 5,000 euros ($5,450) on cash transactions in an effort to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism. Deputy finance minister Michael Meister said Wednesday that Germany would like to see a European solution, but could introduce a national limit if none is achieved, news agency dpa reported. He said ‘we can imagine a level of 5,000 euros.’…

“Germans tend to use cash more than many other Europeans. Opposition Green Party lawmaker Konstantin von Notz tweeted that trying to limit cash payments ‘is a new fundamental attack on data protection and privacy.’”

It is also a ridiculous idea. Germany’s government is under attack for not doing enough to fight terrorism and the current migrant crisis, but when it comes up with concepts, then they seem to be crazy, by unduly limiting the freedom of German citizens.

Britain’s Relationship with the EU

Deutsche Welle reported on February 3:

“Britain’s relationship with the EU has never been straightforward. History and simple geography dictate this – salt water separates us…

“Not only does the island nation perceive itself as removed from mainland Europe, it also maintains extremely close cultural and historical ties to a plethora of other major players: the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, India, Pakistan, much of Africa – the list keeps on rolling. In a sense, one might argue that some of these partners are closer to London than Paris, Berlin or Brussels…

“A latecomer to the European Economic Community, as it was known then, Britain joined in 1973… Then, as now, domestic politics drove the EU debate… Britain’s politicians view EU membership more favorably than its voters…”

Cameron’s Negotiations with Brussels a “Dismal Failure”

The Sun wrote on February 3:

“Cameron[‘s]… ‘renegotiation’ with Brussels has produced a steaming pile of manure. It is a dismal failure worse than we ever imagined. It will not improve one aspect of British life. It will achieve nothing whatsoever on the two central problems it was meant to tackle: our out-of-control immigration and the erosion of British powers by the EU.

“Brussels, not for the first time, has treated us with contempt and given us the square root of diddly-squat…

“The most abject defeat is on immigration. Only full, permanent border controls, with Britain choosing how many people come in, and who they are, can slow our population’s current expansion of 336,000 a year. But Mr Cameron had no will to demand them. He still cherishes the EU’s sacred ‘freedom of movement’ principle even as it causes chaos across the Continent…

“As for our sovereignty, the EU suggests a ‘red card’ system under which Britain could overturn a bad law if we could persuade 14 other national parliaments in six weeks to vote with us. William Hague, that born-again europhile, admits that’s near-impossible. Even our simple demand to stop British taxpayers funding child benefit for migrants’ kids living abroad was rejected. That insanity goes on . . . just at a lower rate.

“The rest of the EU’s ‘concessions’ were merely a confirmation of our existing terms. Remember: this is Brussels at its weakest and Britain at its strongest. The EU is in disarray, under siege from refugees and with extremism surging. Brussels knows Britain leaving this summer would be a disaster at best and fatal at worst. There was never going to be a better moment for Mr Cameron.”

USA and Britain Have Reportedly Been Spying on Israel for 18 Years

JTA wrote on January 29:

U.S. and British intelligence services have reportedly spied on Israel for 18 years after cracking its army’s encryption for communication among fighter jets, drones and army bases. The information was reported Friday by The Intercept and the German newspaper Der Spiegel based on documents that came into the possession of Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who worked for U.S. intelligence before publishing classified material and fleeing to Russia.

Britain and the United States reportedly have used this access to monitor Israel Defense Forces operations in the Gaza Strip, watch for a potential strike on Iran and keep tabs on the drone technology that Israel exports. Israel said later Friday it was disappointed but not surprised by the revelations. ‘This is an earthquake,’ an anonymous senior security source told Ynet. ‘It means that they have forcibly stripped us and, no less important, that probably none of our encrypted systems are safe from them. This is the worst leak in the history of Israeli intelligence.’ According to the reports, the breaking of the drone encryption allowed Britain and the United States to view images and videos broadcast to IDF commands during drone operations in Gaza, the West Bank and near the Jewish state’s northern border.”

When it became clear that the USA had been spying on Angela Merkel and had listened in to her phone conversations, Merkel uttered the (by now) famous words: “Friends don’t spy on friends.” Everybody knows, of course, that this concept is a sham and a farce. Still, since the USA and Great Britain have apparently been spying on Israel for 18 years, one must ask the question whether the USA and Great Britain have EVER been Israel’s friends.

The Temple Mount in the News

Voice of America reported on January 31:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday if Hamas dares to attack Israel through cross-border tunnels from Gaza, Israel will retaliate with force greater than the 2014 war… A top Hamas official boasted Friday that the group has built ‘twice the number of resistance tunnels’ that were built during the war in Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s. He said hundreds of Hamas members are working to build tunnels to free what he described as holy places, including the al-Aqsa mosque in east Jerusalem – a site Jews revere as the Temple Mount…

“Also in an historic decision Sunday, the Israeli Cabinet approved a so-called egalitarian Jewish prayer space near the Western Wall, where Jews from all over the world of both sexes and religious beliefs can pray together… The Western Wall is Judaism’s holiest site. It is the last scrap of the wall that surrounded the ancient temple. Under Orthodox tradition, men and women are segregated when they pray… Many Orthodox Jews, including Cabinet members who voted against the move, condemn it as an affront to tradition.”

More Violence in Israel

JTA wrote on February 3:

“One of the two Israeli Border Police officers seriously injured in an attack by three Palestinian assailants in Jerusalem has died… The assailants, who entered Israel illegally from the Jenin area in the West Bank, were shot and killed by other officers… They were armed with a rifle, knives and an explosive device; police believe the men were planning a larger attack…

“Border Police stopped the attackers asking to see their identification documents. While one of the assailants took out his documents, another produced a gun and shot up the area, according to police. Hamas praised the attack, saying it dealt a ‘severe blow’ to Israel’s security apparatus…”

The Times of Israel added on February 3:

“The three West Bank Palestinians who stabbed and shot at the Israeli forces had been sitting and waiting for a large group of Israeli civilians to enter or leave the Old City, and had planned to target them, Israel’s Channel 2 news reported on Wednesday evening, citing police sources…

“One of three terrorists had vowed in a Facebook post to carry out a shooting attack, Channel 2 reported, ostensibly to avenge the killing of another Palestinian who attempted an attack at a border crossing in the northern West Bank last November. The TV report said all three of the attackers were members of families associated with Fatah.”

Zika Virus Spreading

Deutsche Welle reported on February 2:

“Health officials in Texas have reported a case of the Zika virus being transmitted through sexual contact, and not a mosquito bite. The infected person is said to have acquired it from someone who traveled to Venezuela…

“The WHO has said the virus is spreading rapidly in the Americas and could infect 4 million people. A global response unit has been launched to fight the virus… The virus has been linked to microcephaly, in which babies have abnormally small heads and improperly developed brains. Researchers believe that if a pregnant woman is bitten by an infected mosquito [Russian media claims, that the virus is spread through genetically-modified mosquitoes], particularly in the first trimester, she faces a higher risk of having a child with birth defects.

“The virus has now spread to 26 countries and territories including Brazil, which is the country hardest hit, with 3,700 suspected cases of microcephaly that may be linked to Zika… The race is on to find a vaccine to prevent the virus taking hold. There is no treatment or vaccine for Zika, which is in the same family of viruses as dengue fever.”

China Releases Color Pictures from their Recent Moon Landing

Techcrunch reported on January 30, 2016:

“This month, the China National Space Administration released all of the images from their recent moon landing to the public. There are now hundreds and hundreds of never-before-seen true color, high definition photos of the lunar surface available for download… In December of 2013, China joined the ranks of Russia and the United States when they successfully soft-landed on the lunar surface, becoming the third country ever to accomplish this feat. What made China’s mission especially remarkable was that it was the first soft-landing on the moon in 37 years, since the Russians landed their Luna 24 probe back in 1976…

Chang’e 3, named after the goddess of the Moon in Chinese mythology, was a follow-up mission to Chang’e 1 and Chang’e 2 which were both lunar orbiters. The objective of the Chang’e 3 mission was to demonstrate the key technologies required for a soft moon landing and rover exploration. The mission was also equipped with a telescope and instruments to perform geologic analysis of the lunar surface.

Once the 1,200 kg Chang’e lander reached the surface at a location known as Mare Imbrium, it deployed the 140 kg Yutu rover, whose name translates to ‘Jade Rabbit.’ The Yutu rover was equipped with 6 wheels, a radar instrument, and x-ray, visible and near-infrared spectrometers (instruments that can measure the intensity of different wavelengths of light). Yutu’s geologic analysis suggested that the lunar surface is less homogeneous than originally thought…

“China’s follow-up mission, Chang’e 4 is scheduled to launch as early as 2018 and plans to land on the far side of the moon. If this happens, China will become the first nation to land a probe on the lunar far side. With the Chang’e series, China has shown that, unlike NASA, their focus is on lunar, rather than Martian, exploration. But they’re not the only ones that have their sights set on the moon… a number of private companies are building spacecraft designed to soft-land on the lunar surface in the next few years. One of those companies, Moon Express, plans to be the first ever private company to land a spacecraft on the moon and has already secured a launch for their spacecraft in 2017.”

Incredibly, there are still quite a few conspiracy proponents who believe that there was never a moon landing, and that all the undisputable reports are wrong.

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In What Way are We “Free From” or “Dead To” the Law?

We find the following statement in Romans 7:1-4:

“(Verse 1) Or do you not know, brethren (for I speak to those who know the law), that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives? (Verse 2) For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is released from the law of her husband. (Verse 3) So then if, while her husband lives, she marries another man, she will be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from the law, so that she is no adulteress, though she has married another man. (Verse 4) Therefore, my brethren, you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ, that you may be married to another, even to Him who was raised from the dead, that we should bear fruit to God.”

Many claim that these passages convey the thought that the law of God (including the Ten Commandments, and especially the law against adultery) has no more force and effect for us today, as the law has “no more dominion” over us; as we are “free from the law”; and as we have “become dead to the law.”

But imagine what this would mean. It would mean, for example, that a true Christian could commit adultery today, without being guilty of sin. However, the New Testament teaches the exact opposite. Just focusing on the law against adultery, we read that in order to inherit eternal life, we must obey the commandments, including the commandment against adultery (Matthew 19:17-19). We read that adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9; Galatians 5:19-21). We also read that God will judge “fornicators and adulterers” (Hebrews 13:4).

Paul explains that if we commit adultery, we do not love our neighbor as ourselves (Romans 13:9). Christ even said that when we LOOK at another woman with evil thoughts, we have already committed adultery in our heart, and He warned us not to marry a woman whose marriage had been bound by God and who subsequently became divorced without a biblical reason (Matthew 5:27-32).

We can clearly see that the idea that we are free today to commit adultery is preposterous and in total contradiction to the teaching of the Bible. It’s also clear that Paul could not have possibly meant in the above-quoted passage in Romans 7:1-4 that we are now free to sin, by committing adultery.

(1)    Before we explain what Paul DID mean, let us quote several statements from commentaries to show the HOPELESS CONFUSION in traditional or orthodox Christianity.

For instance, Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary writes:

“So long as a man continues under the law as a covenant… he continues [as] the slave of sin in some form… By death we are freed from obligation to the law as a covenant, as the wife is from her vows to her husband… we are dead to the law, and have no more to do with it than the dead servant, who is freed from his master, has to do with his master’s yoke…”

As we pointed out before, this explanation makes no sense.

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible does not present a better explanation:

“… believers being dead to the law, and the law dead to them, which is all one, they are loosed from it… they are out of the reach of its power and government… it has no power over them, to threaten and terrify them into obedience to it; nor even rigorously to exact it, or command it in a compulsory way…”

The following explanation by the Broadman Bible Commentary is also unbiblical. They say: “As the Christian became free from the tyranny of sin when he died to sin (6:2), so he is free from the law because he died to the law…”

(2)    On the other hand, the same commentaries seem to grasp the total fallacy of their conclusions, since utter lawlessness and anarchy would be the inevitable consequence. Realizing the repeated injunction in Scripture to be OBEDIENT to God, they give lip service to this requirement by saying that we must obey God, without ever explaining how obedience is possible without law or rules or regulations. (For instance, the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary speaks of “Christian obedience,” without explaining this concept). How are we supposed to “obey” God without being told in what way we are to obey? This remains an unexplained mystery to the reader.

In spite of these glaring inconsistencies, note the following excerpts from Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible:

“They are represented as… ‘dead to the law’…  it has no power over them…  nor is there any need of all this, since believers delight in it after the inward man, and serve it with their minds freely and willingly; the love of Christ, and not the terrors of the law, constrains them to yield a cheerful obedience to it…”

Did you catch this? The commentary says that the law has no more power over a Christian who, through the love of Christ, yields to a cheerful obedience to IT—the LAW!

(3)    Apparently realizing that this interpretation leads to the slippery slope of incredible inconsistences, an APPARENT DISTINCTION is being created between “the law” and “the law of Christ.” The law then is reduced, mainly, to the law administered by Moses, while the law of Christ is supposed to be something different, even though it is never explained what the difference within the law should be. Hopelessly caught in a maze of confusion, Gill goes on to write:

“[Christ] is raised from the dead; and is a living husband, and will ever continue so, will never die more; and therefore as the saints can never be loosed from the marriage bond of union between Christ and them, so they can never be loosed from the law of this husband; wherefore though they are dead to the law as a covenant of works, and as ministered by Moses, and are free from any obligation to it, as so considered, yet they are ‘under the law to Christ’, 1 Corinthians 9:21; under obligation, by the ties of love, to obedience to it, and shall never be loosed from it.”

Apparently, the idea is supposed to be conveyed that we are under obligation to OBEY the “law to Christ,” while we are no longer under obligation to keep the law “administered by Moses,” but as we said, it is totally nebulous which two sets of law this commentary is talking about. Let us take adultery as an example (because after all, this is the law which Paul uses in his analogy in Romans 7). Whether it was administered by Moses in the Old Testament, or whether it is part of the law of or to Christ in the New Testament, it is still a rule to be obeyed. David had God’s Holy Spirit, but he still committed adultery, and God punished him for that. David was in no way free from the obligation to keep that law (nor was he incapable of violating it), and neither are true Christians today.

The truth is that Paul is speaking in Romans 7 about the spiritual law of the Ten Commandments and the spiritual statutes and judgments, NOT about any temporary ritual law. The prohibition against adultery is part of the spiritual law of the Ten Commandments… not of a ritual law which is no longer valid today.

(4)    It is a usual fact of life that wrong conclusions are oftentimes reached when we operate from wrong premises and presumptions. This is not different in the field of “Christian theology.” Traditional Christianity is hopelessly confused regarding so many of the fundamental doctrines of the Bible, because it starts its thought process with WRONG ASSUMPTIONS.

Regarding Paul’s statements in Romans 7:1-4, there are numerous wrong assumptions employed by Christian commentators, which inevitably lead to wrong conclusions.

(a)    One of these wrong assumptions is that Paul stated that the LAW WAS DEAD. However, Paul nowhere said this. He said that true Christians have become DEAD TO THE LAW; he does not say that the law is dead. This is a fundamental difference which is overlooked by most commentators.

For instance, Gill, in glossing over this all-important distinction, writes that “the law… must be dead, and they dead to that, that so their marriage to Christ might appear lawful and justifiable.”

He also states this:

“The law may be said to live, when it is in full force, and to be dead, when it is abrogated and disannulled; now whilst it lives, or is in force, it has dominion over a man; it can require and command obedience of him, and in case of disobedience can condemn him, and inflict punishment on him: and this power it has also as long as the man lives who is under it, but when he is dead it has no more dominion over him; then ‘the servant is free from his master’, Job 3:19; that is, from the law of his master; and children are free from the law of their parents, the wife from the law of her husband, and subjects from the law of their prince.”

His erroneous conclusions (that the law is no longer binding for us) are based on the false premise that Paul allegedly stated that the law died and was dead… which Paul never said.

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary makes some cautionary remarks, as the authors seem to understand that Paul did not preach that the law was dead:

“It has been thought that the apostle should here have said that ‘the law died to us,’ not ‘we to the law,’ but that purposely inverted the figure… It was essential to his argument that we, not the law, should be the dying party, since it is we that are ‘crucified with Christ,’ and not the law.”

(b)    In addition to the false premise that the law is dead (which Paul did not say), commentaries have created another false premise, which is, that Paul taught that the unconverted person was MARRIED TO THE (Old Testament) LAW, but that the converted Christian is married to Christ, and that therefore, the (Old Testament) law had to die so that we are free to marry another.

Gill is adopting this view, stating that “the law, their former husband, must be dead… that so their marriage to Christ might appear lawful and justifiable.”

(5)    But Paul did not try to explain in his analogy that the first HUSBAND was the LAW, and when the law died, we could marry our second Husband, Jesus Christ.

The first question is whether Paul intended to apply the analogy in Romans 7:1-3 to a Christian (in verse 4) beyond just making the statement that with the death of a person, the law (any law) ceases to have dominion over the person— that is, in using the marriage covenant just as an example, a woman is no longer charged by the law as an adulteress if she marries again after her husband’s death. It might very well be that this is ALL that Paul was trying to convey.

But if we take the positon that Paul meant to apply the different “roles” in this analogy (in verses 1-3) to the life of a Christian, then Paul was not identifying the first husband as the law, but he would have had a completely DIFFERENT “FIRST” HUSBAND in mind.

This concept is something which some early Christian commentaries might have understood, to a degree, who struggled with the problem that Paul could not have said that the law—as a husband—had died and was dead. The Pulpit commentary explains:

“… it may be observed that throughout the whole passage there is no phrase to suggest in itself the idea of the Law’s death… the former husband is not the law, but the lust of sin… Augustine… is the author of this view… [I]n the death of the mortal Christ this old man is dead with him; and, as the individual man is grafted by faith into Christ, his old man dies…”

In light of this viewpoint, the meaning of the passage in Romans 7:4  would have to be looked at in a completely different light (while understanding that we can carry an analogy, an allegory or a parable only so far. Analogies, allegories or parables are meant to explain spiritual lessons; not every aspect is to be taken literally): The wife would first be “married” to her evil desires—her carnal human nature—the “old man.” With the death of that old man, she became free from unrighteousness and became subject to (“married to”) the righteousness of the new man (Romans 6:6, 13, 16-19). The human being is represented here as a wife [or a bride] before and after conversion, in order to stay within the analogy of her becoming the bride of Christ who will marry her new Husband.

(6)    In addition, Paul tells us in Romans 7:4 that WE DIED TO THE LAW THROUGH THE BODY OF CHRIST. He does not say that the law is dead. The spiritual law of the Ten Commandments and its statutes and judgments is very much alive and binding for us today.

Paul says in Romans 7:5: “For when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins which were aroused [or revealed, made known, compare Romans 7:7] by the law were at work in our members to bear fruit to death [the wages or penalty of sin is death, Romans 6:23].”

Before we repent and receive forgiveness for our sins, we live with the fleshly desires of the natural mind. But note as well that the words “were aroused” are not in the original. And so, the Lamsa Bible translates Romans 7:5: “For when we were in the flesh, the pains of sin, which were by the law, worked in our members to bring forth fruits to death.” Sin is the violation of the law, and sin brings pain.

The Living Bible says: “When your old nature was still active, sinful desires were at work within you, making you want to do whatever God said no to, and producing sinful deeds, the rotting fruit of death.”

And so, Christ died for us and delivered us from the PENALTY OF SIN, which is death. He delivered us from the PENALTY OF THE LAW.

Paul says in Romans 7:6: “But now we have been delivered from the law [its penalty, because we had transgressed against it and sinned], having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.”

Today, we are keeping the law by including its intent and purpose. We are not only committing the sin of adultery when we carry out the very act [the letter], but we are already sinning [in spirit] when we look at a woman with the desire of committing adultery with her.

Christ died for us, making forgiveness of sin possible. The law has no more any claim over us; it does not and cannot claim our lives anymore when we repent and believe in and accept the Sacrifice of Christ. “There is therefore now no more condemnation to those who are in Jesus Christ [and He in us], who do not walk according to the flesh [with its evil and sinful lusts and desires], but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:1).

With proper baptism, the old man dies, and the new man is raised in whom Christ lives (compare also Ephesians 4:20-24; Colossians 3:9-10). And it is Christ who fulfills the righteous requirements of the law IN and THROUGH us (Romans 8:4). We were baptized into Christ’s death and “we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:3-4). Romans 6:10-11 says: “For the death that [Christ] died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin [which is the transgression of the law, 1 John 3:4, Authorized Version], but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We died to the penalty of the law “through the body of Christ” (Romans 7:4) because we could have no forgiveness without the death of the body of Christ (Hebrews 10:10; 1 Peter 2:24). Since everyone has sinned, we would still be under the law’s death penalty. But since Christ died for us and since we have accepted His Sacrifice for us (He died to pay the penalty for our sins on our behalf), the law (its penalty) has no more dominion over us (Romans 7:1). We—that is our old man with his lusts—died or have become dead to the law (its penalty), so that we, as the new man, have become betrothed to our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ (Romans 7:4) who enables us to keep the law. Christ will consummate the marriage with us, when we become immortal Spirit Beings, incapable of sinning, after we have qualified to enter the Kingdom of God.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Do You Know the Jesus of the Bible?” is the subject of a new booklet promotion begun this week. Through emails, press releases and Facebook ads, we are focusing attention to the Church’s webpage: Special thanks to September Danforth-Prentice for her work on this project.

“Turmoil in the Middle East,” is the title of a powerful new StandingWatch program. In this presentation, Evangelist Norbert Link reveals the meaning of world events happening now in the light of Bible prophecies! Here is a summary:

We need to focus on the Middle East because it is there where World War III will begin. In this special program, we will be discussing events pertaining to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Egypt , Syria, Libya, Ethiopia and ISIS. We will also address growing anti-Semitism in Europe and the strained relationship between Israel and the EU. We will explain how these events fit into the panorama of biblical prophecy, and what we can expect to occur next.

“Ist das Gesetz für uns tot?” is the title of this coming Sabbath’s German sermon. The title in English: “Is the Law Dead for Us?”

Scorn and Ridicule for God and His People” is the title of the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Bible shows us that especially in these end times, many will scoff at God, His Word, His servants and His people. We should not be surprised when we are ridiculed and scorned. Those who may know us and do not approve of our new way of life may look for “reasons” to mock us and speak evil of us–because they themselves may not want to change. But we must also be careful that we do not unnecessarily provoke ridicule through our own conduct.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

WARNING! Is the DRAFT Coming for BOTH Men AND Women?

NBC News reported on February 2:

“Now that all combat jobs are open to women, the top Army and Marine Corps officers say they should have to register for the draft — just like men. Gen. Mark A. Milley, chief of staff of the Army, and Gen. Robert B. Neller, the Marine Corps commandant said they supported the requirement during testimony at a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.

“‘Senator, it’s my personal view that, based on this lifting of restrictions … every American who’s physically qualified should register for the draft,’ Neller said in response to a question from Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, who favors the change. Milley also agreed. ‘Senator, I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft,’ he said.

“Right now only men legally residing the U.S. between the ages of 18 and 26 are required to register with the Selective Service. The two thumbs up from the generals came a month after Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced the Pentagon’s historic shift in policy. Under the new rules, women will now be able to help fill some of the 220,000 jobs that were only open to their male counterparts, including key posts in some special operations units and the infantry…

“Conscripts have not been drafted since 1973 when the U.S. moved to an all-volunteer military. But in 1980 then President Jimmy Carter reinstated the requirement that men register in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.”

War hawks are pushing for the draft. Men and women who are conscientiously opposed to serving in the military must be prepared for the distinct possibility that the war hawks will have it their way in the future. 

Clinton and Cruz Win Iowa Caucus

In absolutely stunning and historic developments, Hillary Clinton emerged as the “winner” in the Iowa caucus on the Democratic side, beating Bernie Sanders through the tossing of a coin, while Ted Cruz surprisingly won against Donald Trump on the Republican side.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders virtually tied, which all by itself means an embarrassing defeat for Clinton.

Deutsche Welle reported on February 2 thatThe Iowa Democratic Party said in a statement the caucus was the closest in history, with some precincts reportedly having to resort to a rarely used rule to flip a coin to decide the winner. Clinton reportedly won all three of the coin tosses… The next round is in New Hampshire on February 9, where Clinton is trailing Sanders in the polls…

On the Republican side, conservative Texas senator Ted Cruz came in ahead of both billionaire Donald Trump and Florida Senator Marco Rubio who is the favorite of mainstream Republican voters. The result was a blow to the controversial Trump who had headed the polls leading into the Iowa caucus.

“But the next round is in New Hampshire where more than 40 percent of the state’s electorate are not registered in any political party. Washington outsider Trump has a commanding lead in New Hampshire and in national polls.”

It is critically important for Trump to win in New Hampshire. Statistics reveal that since 1980, no Republican candidate received the nomination who did not win either in Iowa or in New Hampshire. For the Democrats, the same is true with one exception—in 1992, Bill Clinton won the Democratic nomination and the Presidency, even though he did not win in Iowa or in New Hampshire.

Following the next round in New Hampshire on February 9, “Super Tuesday” occurs on March 1 (when preliminary elections take place in more than 10 states), followed by “Super Tuesday, Part 2” on March 15 (when preliminary elections take place in five states, including Florida, Illinois and Ohio).

The Republicans will then meet and decide on their nominee for the Presidency on July 18-21, and the Democrats on July 25-28.

The first televised debate between the Democratic and Republican nominees will take place on September 26, followed by two more debates on October 9 and October 19 (A televised debate between the two nominees for the office of Vice-President will take place on October 4).

The main election for the Presidency will take place on November 8, and on January 20, 2017, the new US President will be sworn in.

Dirty Tricks in Politics

Newsmax wrote on February 3:

“Donald Trump says Ted Cruz ‘stole’ the Iowa caucuses and is guilty of ‘fraud’ for falsely telling voters going to the polls that Ben Carson had dropped out [of] the presidential race and to support him instead. And the Texas senator’s ‘fraud’ is so serious that Iowa state officials should void the caucus results and hold a new vote, the billionaire developer believes…

“Cruz on Tuesday admitted his campaign wrongly stated the retired pediatric neurosurgeon had exited the race as the caucuses got underway and apologized for the gaff. Carson accepted the apology, but added that someone on Cruz’s staff should pay for the action. Trump, who has been the Republican presidential front-runner for seven months, believes the bogus claim by the campaigners for Cruz, who had trailed Trump in the polls, unfairly helped him win.

“He is also crying foul at the Cruz campaign’s scary-looking ‘voting violation’ notice sent to Iowans… Iowa’s secretary of state says the mailer misrepresents election law. But Cruz called it a ‘routine’ campaign move.”

On February 3, the Drudge Report added the following Facebook post by former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, who is endorsing Donald Trump (but she had endorsed Ted Cruz for Senator in the past):

“… Cruz’s campaign chairman, U.S. Representative Steve King, is lying, and good for Dr. Ben Carson for calling this out. King, who’s previously asked for and received my endorsement, time and resources to support his own election, is still lying about my altruistic support of Mr. Trump, and he’s refused to provide any evidence to the contrary. And, this U.S. Congressman actually lied to his own constituents on behalf of Cruz, regarding a good man, Dr. Carson. He told voters Carson was dropping out of the Presidential race immediately before the Iowa caucus, causing a relative uproar inside the process, so the word would spread and he could rack up more votes for his candidate, Cruz. That’s a dirty trick. Dr. Carson deserved better. The voters deserved better!

“Where is the accountability for these political actions? Very sad; typical Washington tactics. THIS is why ‘the status quo has got to go.’ Our friend Dr. Carson put it so well: ‘As Christians, of course we accept people’s apologies, we also have to ask ourselves is this acceptable to us, the American people, or should there be some accountability? There should be some consequences for things. You don’t just say “oh, okay, sorry… okay let’s move on.” The damage was done to me, it wasn’t done to them.’

“We’ve had eight years of a reckless President, accountable to no one, pushing this country to the brink. Why would we ever take a risk repeating that? We are never going to turn this country around if we keep electing ‘more of the same.’…  The Cruz Campaign’s actions to destroy a good man’s efforts to serve are no different than Obama’s practice of not holding anyone accountable. Typical politics. Typical politicians.”

Trump like Hitler or Worthy of Nobel Prize?

JTA wrote on January 28:

“The stepsister of Holocaust teen diarist Anne Frank compared Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump to Hitler. Eva Schloss, 86, made the comparison in an essay in Newsweek magazine published Wednesday in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. ‘If Donald Trump become(s) the next president of the U.S., it would be a complete disaster,’ she wrote. ‘I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism.’…

“Schloss, who survived Auschwitz, was 11 years old when her family left Nazi-annexed Austria in 1938 for Belgium. ‘We were treated as if we had come from the moon. I felt as if I wasn’t wanted and that I was different to everybody,’ she wrote… ‘Fewer people would have died in the Holocaust if the world had accepted more Jewish refugees.’’

Yahoo News reported on February 2:

“Donald Trump, Greek islanders helping desperate migrants, Angela Merkel and the pope — some may seem more likely than others but all are understood to be in the running for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize…

“According to a copy of the nomination letter Harpviken said he had received, brash tycoon Trump — who has attracted international condemnation by calling for a ban on Muslims entering the United States — deserves the prize for ‘his vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China.’”

Hillary Clinton’s Growing Email Scandal … “The State Department Is Lying”

The New York Post wrote on January 31:

“The State Department is lying when it says it didn’t know until it was too late that Hillary Clinton was improperly using personal e-mails and a private server to conduct official business — because it never set up an agency e-mail address for her in the first place, the department’s former top watchdog says. ‘This was all planned in advance’ to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. Krongard, who served as the agency’s inspector general from 2005 to 2008.

“The Harvard-educated lawyer points out that, from Day One, Clinton was never assigned and never used a e-mail address like previous secretaries. ‘That’s a change in the standard. It tells me that this was premeditated. And this eliminates claims by the State Department that they were unaware of her private e-mail server until later,’ Krongard said in an exclusive interview… He also points to the unusual absence of a permanent inspector general during Clinton’s entire 2009-2013 term at the department. He said the 5¹/₂-year vacancy was unprecedented. ‘This is a major gap. In fact, it’s without precedent,’ he said. ‘It’s the longest period any department has gone without an IG.’

“Inspectors general serve an essential and unique role in the federal government by independently investigating agency waste, fraud and abuse. Their oversight also covers violations of communications security procedures. ‘It’s clear she did not want to be subject to internal investigations,’ Krongard said. An e-mail audit would have easily uncovered the secret information flowing from classified government networks to the private unprotected system she set up in her New York home.”

Newsmax added on January 31:

“‘The starting point of the investigation is the material going through SIPRNet, [State’s classified system.] She couldn’t function without the information coming over SIPRNet,’ [Krongard] said. ‘How did she get it on her home server? It can’t just jump from one system to the other. Someone had to move it, copy it. The question is who did that?’”

The Associated Press wrote on January 30:

“The Obama administration has confirmed for the first time that Hillary Clinton’s home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails that contained material requiring one of the highest levels of classification… The Associated Press learned ahead of the release that seven email chains would be withheld in full for containing ‘top secret’ information. The 37 pages include messages a key intelligence official recently said concerned ‘special access programs’ —highly restricted, classified material that could point to confidential sources or clandestine programs like drone strikes…”

President Obama Visits Controversial US Mosque

The Washington Post wrote on January 30:

“President Obama will make the first visit during his presidency to a U.S. mosque, the White House announced Saturday, part of the administration’s push to promote religious tolerance at a time when rhetoric linking Islam with terrorism is growing. On Wednesday, the president will visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore… It is one of the Mid-Atlantic region’s largest Muslim centers…

“The president is making the visit ‘to celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation and reaffirm the importance of religious freedom to our way of life,’  a White House official wrote in an email Saturday…

“The visit will be part of the tightrope-walking Obama has done during his presidency around Islam.

“For years, Muslim Americans have lobbied him to visit a mosque, citing Islamophobia. At the same time, a segment of Obama’s critics have said since he took office that he is a Muslim pretending to be Christian, and that he plays down the religious aspect of Muslim extremism. Recent polls show that 29 percent of Americans and nearly 45 percent of Republicans think he is a Muslim. The visit comes in the last year of his presidency…

“Presidents rarely visit houses of worship, aside from when they have attended church for their own religious practices. Obama… attends religious services on key holidays. In May, he visited a synagogue for the first time as president…

“The official added that the event [is] coming just days after Obama spoke out against anti-Semitism and right before his appearance at the National Prayer breakfast…

“One close watcher of the role of religion in presidential politics said the timing of events next week was not a coincidence and that the mosque visit would be a stark contrast with the anti-Muslim rhetoric coming from multiple leading GOP candidates.

“It was not immediately clear why the White House selected the Islamic Society in Baltimore, although it has been the subject of threats in recent months… It also is the mosque of the family of Adnan Syed, whose conviction for murder drew huge global interest… Obama has visited several mosques overseas but never one in this country while serving as president…

“Obama’s relationship with American Muslims has been complicated. They are among his most enthusiastic backers, but some feel he has not done enough to address their concerns at a time of social unrest. He has shown support for Muslims overseas, including the 2009 ‘New Beginning’ speech in Cairo before the Arab Spring, and he has drawn praise — and intense criticism from conservatives — for declining to connect Islam and terrorism…”

President Obama still refuses to this day to state members of ISIS are radical Islamists.

European Armies Growing… Security Spending a Priority

The New York Times wrote on January 31:

“A phalanx of soldiers wearing bulletproof vests and wielding machine guns fanned out beneath the Eiffel Tower on a recent afternoon, scanning the crowd for potential terrorist threats. Across the country, nearly 10,000 more armed troops patrolled streets around landmarks, stores and government buildings. France is spending nearly 1 million euros a day on the heightened security, part of a renewed surge in European military spending as governments declare terrorism a permanent risk…

“European leaders are acknowledging that security spending is a priority… France, Germany, Britain and neighboring countries sharply curbed military outlays while austerity was enforced. Since 2007, Western European military spending has slumped more than 13 percent, accelerating a decline that began earlier in the decade… As security concerns intensify, the trend is reversing.

“Germany is hiring more police and intelligence officers, and in January the defense minister proposed increasing military spending by €130 billion over 15 years… France is expanding its military equipment arsenal, troops and police, as well as increasing surveillance and spending hundreds of millions of euros on new programs to counter radicalization among Muslim youth.

“In Belgium, where militants planned the Paris attacks after training in Syria, nearly half a billion euros will be spent jailing returning jihadists, reinforcing borders and keeping hundreds of troops on the streets. And Britain recently authorized 12 billion pounds in new spending to purchase Boeing P8 maritime patrol aircraft, increase fighter squadron numbers and create new strike brigades…

“Total Western European military spending, led by France, Britain and Germany, is expected to jump by an extra €50 billion through 2019, to €215 billion… Europe’s security spending, though, will still pale in comparison to that of the United States…

“European armies are growing. In a reverse from planned cuts, France is preparing to add 23,000 positions to the army by 2019. An anti-Islamic State coalition that includes France and Britain will soon intensify the campaign against militants in Iraq and Syria, prompting additional spending on missiles, drones, jets and surveillance.

“Airbus is well positioned. The company supplies European militaries with a broad range of flying hardware such as the NH90 helicopter, the A400M cargo and troop transporter and the A330 multi-role refueling tanker. Airbus also has high-tech satellite surveillance equipment as well as integrated border and coastal security systems, a particular focus in Europe as the migrant crisis swells.”

The Return of Edmund Stoiber?

In a recent Update (#721), we ran an article about Edmund Stoiber (74), Germany’s former Premier of Bavaria. We reported that Stoiber, presently working for the EU, had stated that the only solution for Germany was to completely close its border to refugees for an unspecified period. He had also stated in the past that the Muslim culture was not compatible with European values. 

Bild Online published a stunning article on January 31 about “Stoiber’s comeback,” stating that he is traveling with current Premier of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, to meet Vladimir Putin and that he has again become very influential pertaining to the direction of his party, Bavaria’s CSU. Stoiber is strongly opposed to Angela Merkel’s migrant policy, reiterating again to Bild that Islam has no place in Germany. The article also points out that Stoiber received “innumerable” invitations from Merkel’s CDU.

According to Bild, Stoiber has a close relationship with Bavarian Finance Minister Markus Söder (49), who is viewed as the potential successor to Seehofer, even though he is not Seehofer’s first choice. However, Bild states that with Stoiber’s support, Söder would definitely be elected. Söder is also a strong opponent to Merkel’s migrant policy, stating that it is “undemocratic.”

In a follow-up article, Bild predicted that Merkel will not resign, even though it seems that Stoiber would like to see her fall, but, according to Bild, Stoiber would not be a leader, and there is no one there who could fill the leadership role (“Es fehlt der Anfuehrer”; in English: “The Leader Is Missing.”). This may be true… for now.

On February 3, Bild Online reported on Seehofer’s und Steuber’s meeting with Putin and Russian ministers in Moscow. Bild stated that Steuber (honorary president of the CSU) and Putin have known each other for a long time, and that they have a good relationship. In fact, Seehofer’s meeting with Putin was allegedly arranged by Steuber. Observers see in Seehofer’s meeting with Putin a sign of a further deterioration of Seehofer’s relationship with Angela Merkel.

Deutsche Welle wrote on February 3:

“Horst Seehofer is flying to Moscow. It is a politically juicy and controversial visit by the Bavarian in a period of upheaval in German-Russian relations. Seldom have relations between Berlin and Moscow been in such a poor state as they are now… Seehofer is Merkel’s most dangerous critic… He may be flying to meet Putin as the state premier of Bavaria, but he will be received in Moscow as a representative of one of Germany’s three governing parties…

“The CSU’s brand of foreign policy has always had something unique about it. CSU grandees Franz-Josef Strauss and Edmund Stoiber were always good for political bomb shells on the domestic front… No wonder then, that Horst Seehofer sees himself in this tradition…”

Merkel Tries to Placate Critics of her Migrant Policy… Far Too Little, and Far Too Late

Reuters wrote on January 30:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel tried on Saturday to placate the increasingly vocal critics of her open-door policy for refugees by insisting that most refugees from Syria and Iraq would go home once the conflicts there had ended…

“Support for her conservative bloc has slipped as concerns mount about how Germany will integrate the 1.1 million migrants who arrived last year, while crime and security are also in the spotlight after a wave of assaults on women in Cologne at New Year by men of north African and Arab appearance…

“Merkel said it was important to stress that most refugees had only been allowed to stay for a limited period. ‘We need … to say to people that this is a temporary residential status and we expect that, once there is peace in Syria again, once IS has been defeated in Iraq, that you go back to your home country with the knowledge that you have gained,’ she told a regional meeting of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania…”

The Local added on January 31:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel… saw her worst poll results in more than five years. Merkel’s open-door policy, while initially winning praise last year, has come under mounting criticism, especially after the German city of Cologne was rocked by a wave of sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve blamed on migrants… Support for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative alliance has slumped to its lowest since July 2012 as opposition over her liberal refugee policy grows, a survey showed Sunday…

“According to the poll published by the Bild am Sonntag newspaper, public support for Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union and sister party Christian Social Union now stands at just 34 percent… The Social Democratic Party — the junior partner in Merkel’s left-right grand coalition, has also lost ground, shedding one percentage point to 24 percent…

“While Merkel does not face national elections until 2017, regional elections in three states in March will be a key test of support… A poll published Friday by news weekly Focus found that 40 percent of respondents want Merkel to resign.

“Nevertheless, a subsequent poll commissioned by Focus found that, with 41 percent, Merkel came in top as the politician whom the public believe can best manage the migrant crisis.”

This belief will be rapidly shattered.

Germany’s Anti-Immigrant Party Causes Storm of Criticism  

The Local wrote on January 31:

“Germany’s eurosceptic right-wing populist AfD party created a storm Saturday by suggesting police ‘if need be’ should threaten to shoot migrants seeking to enter the country.  ‘We need efficient controls to prevent so many unregistered asylum-seekers keeping on entering via Austria,’ said party chairwoman Frauke Petry (40), in comments carried by the Mannheimer Morgen regional daily. Border police ‘should be able if need be to have recourse to their firearms — as laid down by law,’ the paper quoted Petry as saying. ‘No policeman wants to fire on a refugee and I don’t want that either. But as a last resort there should be recourse to firearms,’ said Petry in comments which drew a storm of criticism.

“‘No policeman would be ready to fire on’ migrants, police union GdP said in a statement. ‘Whoever wants to deploy such methods clearly wants to suspend the rule of law,’ said GdP head Joerg Radek. ‘We have already seen that over the course of German history and we don’t ever want to go down that road again.’

“The head of the main opposition Social Democrat parliamentary group, Thomas Oppermann, blasted ‘an unacceptable mobilisation of public opinion against refugees while opposition Green Party lawmaker Konstantin von Notz blasted Petry as ‘irresponsible’…

“Notz said Petry was engaging in ‘extreme right-wing terrorism’ with her comments ramping up anti-refugee rhetoric in a country that has received more than one million migrants in the last year.

“AfD, meaning Alternative for Germany, was created as a eurosceptic platform in 2013 but has since veered sharply even further to the right, with some of its leaders voicing support for the anti-Islamic PEGIDA protest movement. Recent polls give 13 percent support for the group, making it Germany’s third-strongest political force behind the ruling Christian Democrats and the coalition partner the Social Democrats.”

On February 1, Deutsche Welle added:

“Alternative for Germany (AfD) leader Frauke Petry triggered outrage last week by suggesting police should have the right to shoot illegal migrants at the border ‘if necessary.’ The idea was echoed by her deputy Beatrix von Storch. When she was asked on her Facebook page on Saturday whether German border guards should use weapons against illegal female refugees with children, she answered with a clear ‘yes.’ But in the face of outrage across the political spectrum she decided to water down her comments: ‘The use of firearms against children is not permitted,’ von Storch said, before adding that ‘women are a different matter.’”

What makes these comments so explosive are recent reports in Bild, according to which police officers have been instructed NOT to arrest migrants who are observed stealing, as this would require too much work. In light of sexual assaults by migrants on German women, many Germans begin to wonder WHAT their government is willing to do to protect German citizens.

Germany’s “Most Dangerous” Woman?

The Independent wrote on February 1:

“The AfD is attracting growing support for its vitriolic anti-migrant stance. It has already won seats in five of Germany’s state parliaments and, in elections next month, is also on course to win seats in the state parliaments of Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony Anhalt, where polls suggest the party could win 15 per cent of the vote…

“Ms Petry, who has a degree from the University of Reading, was elected party leader in an internal putsch last July which ousted its middle-class and academic former leaders, who were mostly concerned with opposing the euro. Since then she and other populist right-wingers have rebranded it as an anti-migrant party…

“The party warns that German culture and identity will be destroyed by migrants… Ms Petry helped the AfD win seats in the east German state of Saxony in 2014 by advocating mildly anti-immigrant policies. She is seen as the acceptable face of the party’s right wing. But she is now being pulled further to the right by more radical and xenophobic figures within the party, whose stance appears to have increased AfD’s popularity among voters…

“The AfD leader risks being eclipsed by colleagues such as Björn Höcke, the party’s outspoken leader in the eastern state of Thuringia, whose speeches have been compared to those of Hitler’s propagandist, Joseph Goebbels. Mr Höcke, who regularly draws crowds of up to 8,000 supporters, recently appeared on a popular chat show brandishing a German flag. ‘For decades its seemed as if the rise of a politician like Björn Höcke was impossible,’ wrote Die Welt newspaper. ‘In the meantime, the impossible has become possible.’

“At an AfD rally in the eastern city of Magdeburg last week Mr Höcke regaled the party faithful with an apocalyptic vision of what was in store for the German ‘volk’ and ‘kultur’ unless the refugee influx was stopped. The migrants were a threat to ‘1,000 years of Germany’. He talked darkly of terrified German women aid workers who were too afraid ‘to wear makeup’ because they felt intimidated by Muslim migrants. ‘I am afraid for my country. This is what it feels like to be a foreigner in your own land! This catastrophic development has to be stopped’…”

Violence in Germany

The Local wrote on January 31:

Far-right protesters clashed Saturday with rival, anti-fascist activists in a southwest German village [the Black Forest town of Villingen-Schwenningen] where assailants had hurled a hand grenade Friday as anti-refugee violence in the country escalates, police said… The grenade thrown over a fence Friday morning was filled with explosives but it was not immediately clear whether it was equipped with a detonator… It did not explode and no damage or injuries were reported.

“In an interview with German daily Die Welt published Saturday, the general secretary of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) party Peter Tauber said the act was ‘despicable and frightening’, and classified it as ‘attempted murder’… In a country that has welcomed more than one million migrants in the last year, violence against asylum seekers has been on the rise.

“The Federal Crime Office on Thursday reported 173 attacks against refugee shelters in 2015, more than six times the number recorded during the previous year. Another 10 cases were reported in January. Sigmar Gabriel, German vice chancellor and economy minister, was quoted in the press on Saturday as saying that there is ‘an alarming increase in acts of violence’ against refugees…”

Sadly, these kinds of violent demonstrations and counter-demonstrations remind us of events in the 1930’s, leading to the rise of Adolf Hitler. At that time, the demonstrations were staged by Communists and Nazis.

Young Girl’s Story of Rape a Lie?

The Guardian wrote on January 31:

“A 13-year-old Russian-German girl has admitted making up a story about being kidnapped and raped by migrants in a case that triggered a furore in Germany and briefly embroiled Berlin police in a spat with the Kremlin, state prosecutors said. The parents of the teenager, named only as Lisa, reported her missing on 11 January after she failed to appear at school in the Marzahn district of the capital. She reappeared 30 hours later with injuries on her face, and told her parents she had been attacked by men of Middle Eastern or north African appearance. News of the incident spread on social media, sparking outrage among Berlin’s Russian-German community.

“But when she was questioned by trained specialists three days later ‘she immediately admitted that the story of the rape was not true’, said the spokesman for the state prosecutor, Martin Steltner. He said the teenager had been scared of going home after the school had contacted her parents over an incident at school.

“Yet the allegations caused uproar in Berlin, particularly after reports of mass sexual assaults allegedly carried out by migrants in Cologne. A Russian-German community group staged a protest, supported by the Pegida-related Bärgida movement. The far-right National Democratic party also demonstrated in Marzahn. The mood was exacerbated by a report on Russian state TV, in which the girl’s relatives claimed her allegations were not being investigated…

“Analysis of the teenager’s mobile phone records showed she had spent the night with a friend, who is not being treated as a suspect. Her mother told Der Spiegel magazine on Sunday that Lisa was ‘doing very badly’ and was having treatment in a psychiatric ward.”

It is interesting, however, that Bild Online reported that Lisa’s mother apparently still believes in her daughter’s original story of having been raped.

Does German Government Order German Public TV On What to Report?

Breitbart wrote on February 2:

“National public service broadcaster Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), which was recently forced into a humiliating apology for their silence on migrant violence and sex assault is being drawn into a fresh scandal after one of their former bureau chiefs admitted the company takes orders from the government on what it reports. He said journalists received instructions to write news that would be ‘to Ms. Merkel’s liking’.

“Former head of ZDF Bonn Dr. Wolfgang Herles make the remarks during a radio event… in Berlin where journalists discussed the media landscape. Moving on to the freedom of the press, the panel chair asked Dr. Herles whether things in Germany had got ‘seriously out of whack’. With an honesty perhaps unusual in Germany, Dr. Herles replied that ordinary Germans were totally losing faith in the media, something he called a ‘scandal’. He said: ‘We have the problem that – now I’m mainly talking about the public [state] media – we have a closeness to the government. Not only because commentary is mainly in line with the grand coalition (CSU, CDU, and SPD), with the spectrum of opinion, but also because we are completely taken in by the agenda laid down by the political class’.

“Worse than the mainstream, government controlled and poll-tax funded media in Germany just agreeing with the ruling coalition, the stations actually took orders on what was and was not to be reported on. He said: ‘…the topics about which are reported are laid down by the government. There are many topics that would be more important than what the government wants. But they, of course, want to deflect attention away from what doesn’t happen. Yet what doesn’t happen is often more important than what does happen – more important than gesture politics… Today, one is not allowed to say anything negative about the refugees’…”

Germany’s Latest Crazy Idea—Limits on Cash Transactions?

The Associated Press reported on February 3:

“The German government is considering introducing a limit of 5,000 euros ($5,450) on cash transactions in an effort to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism. Deputy finance minister Michael Meister said Wednesday that Germany would like to see a European solution, but could introduce a national limit if none is achieved, news agency dpa reported. He said ‘we can imagine a level of 5,000 euros.’…

“Germans tend to use cash more than many other Europeans. Opposition Green Party lawmaker Konstantin von Notz tweeted that trying to limit cash payments ‘is a new fundamental attack on data protection and privacy.’”

It is also a ridiculous idea. Germany’s government is under attack for not doing enough to fight terrorism and the current migrant crisis, but when it comes up with concepts, then they seem to be crazy, by unduly limiting the freedom of German citizens.

Britain’s Relationship with the EU

Deutsche Welle reported on February 3:

“Britain’s relationship with the EU has never been straightforward. History and simple geography dictate this – salt water separates us…

“Not only does the island nation perceive itself as removed from mainland Europe, it also maintains extremely close cultural and historical ties to a plethora of other major players: the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, India, Pakistan, much of Africa – the list keeps on rolling. In a sense, one might argue that some of these partners are closer to London than Paris, Berlin or Brussels…

“A latecomer to the European Economic Community, as it was known then, Britain joined in 1973… Then, as now, domestic politics drove the EU debate… Britain’s politicians view EU membership more favorably than its voters…”

Cameron’s Negotiations with Brussels a “Dismal Failure”

The Sun wrote on February 3:

“Cameron[‘s]… ‘renegotiation’ with Brussels has produced a steaming pile of manure. It is a dismal failure worse than we ever imagined. It will not improve one aspect of British life. It will achieve nothing whatsoever on the two central problems it was meant to tackle: our out-of-control immigration and the erosion of British powers by the EU.

“Brussels, not for the first time, has treated us with contempt and given us the square root of diddly-squat…

“The most abject defeat is on immigration. Only full, permanent border controls, with Britain choosing how many people come in, and who they are, can slow our population’s current expansion of 336,000 a year. But Mr Cameron had no will to demand them. He still cherishes the EU’s sacred ‘freedom of movement’ principle even as it causes chaos across the Continent…

“As for our sovereignty, the EU suggests a ‘red card’ system under which Britain could overturn a bad law if we could persuade 14 other national parliaments in six weeks to vote with us. William Hague, that born-again europhile, admits that’s near-impossible. Even our simple demand to stop British taxpayers funding child benefit for migrants’ kids living abroad was rejected. That insanity goes on . . . just at a lower rate.

“The rest of the EU’s ‘concessions’ were merely a confirmation of our existing terms. Remember: this is Brussels at its weakest and Britain at its strongest. The EU is in disarray, under siege from refugees and with extremism surging. Brussels knows Britain leaving this summer would be a disaster at best and fatal at worst. There was never going to be a better moment for Mr Cameron.”

USA and Britain Have Reportedly Been Spying on Israel for 18 Years

JTA wrote on January 29:

U.S. and British intelligence services have reportedly spied on Israel for 18 years after cracking its army’s encryption for communication among fighter jets, drones and army bases. The information was reported Friday by The Intercept and the German newspaper Der Spiegel based on documents that came into the possession of Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who worked for U.S. intelligence before publishing classified material and fleeing to Russia.

Britain and the United States reportedly have used this access to monitor Israel Defense Forces operations in the Gaza Strip, watch for a potential strike on Iran and keep tabs on the drone technology that Israel exports. Israel said later Friday it was disappointed but not surprised by the revelations. ‘This is an earthquake,’ an anonymous senior security source told Ynet. ‘It means that they have forcibly stripped us and, no less important, that probably none of our encrypted systems are safe from them. This is the worst leak in the history of Israeli intelligence.’ According to the reports, the breaking of the drone encryption allowed Britain and the United States to view images and videos broadcast to IDF commands during drone operations in Gaza, the West Bank and near the Jewish state’s northern border.”

When it became clear that the USA had been spying on Angela Merkel and had listened in to her phone conversations, Merkel uttered the (by now) famous words: “Friends don’t spy on friends.” Everybody knows, of course, that this concept is a sham and a farce. Still, since the USA and Great Britain have apparently been spying on Israel for 18 years, one must ask the question whether the USA and Great Britain have EVER been Israel’s friends.

The Temple Mount in the News

Voice of America reported on January 31:

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday if Hamas dares to attack Israel through cross-border tunnels from Gaza, Israel will retaliate with force greater than the 2014 war… A top Hamas official boasted Friday that the group has built ‘twice the number of resistance tunnels’ that were built during the war in Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s. He said hundreds of Hamas members are working to build tunnels to free what he described as holy places, including the al-Aqsa mosque in east Jerusalem – a site Jews revere as the Temple Mount…

“Also in an historic decision Sunday, the Israeli Cabinet approved a so-called egalitarian Jewish prayer space near the Western Wall, where Jews from all over the world of both sexes and religious beliefs can pray together… The Western Wall is Judaism’s holiest site. It is the last scrap of the wall that surrounded the ancient temple. Under Orthodox tradition, men and women are segregated when they pray… Many Orthodox Jews, including Cabinet members who voted against the move, condemn it as an affront to tradition.”

More Violence in Israel

JTA wrote on February 3:

“One of the two Israeli Border Police officers seriously injured in an attack by three Palestinian assailants in Jerusalem has died… The assailants, who entered Israel illegally from the Jenin area in the West Bank, were shot and killed by other officers… They were armed with a rifle, knives and an explosive device; police believe the men were planning a larger attack…

“Border Police stopped the attackers asking to see their identification documents. While one of the assailants took out his documents, another produced a gun and shot up the area, according to police. Hamas praised the attack, saying it dealt a ‘severe blow’ to Israel’s security apparatus…”

The Times of Israel added on February 3:

“The three West Bank Palestinians who stabbed and shot at the Israeli forces had been sitting and waiting for a large group of Israeli civilians to enter or leave the Old City, and had planned to target them, Israel’s Channel 2 news reported on Wednesday evening, citing police sources…

“One of three terrorists had vowed in a Facebook post to carry out a shooting attack, Channel 2 reported, ostensibly to avenge the killing of another Palestinian who attempted an attack at a border crossing in the northern West Bank last November. The TV report said all three of the attackers were members of families associated with Fatah.”

Zika Virus Spreading

Deutsche Welle reported on February 2:

“Health officials in Texas have reported a case of the Zika virus being transmitted through sexual contact, and not a mosquito bite. The infected person is said to have acquired it from someone who traveled to Venezuela…

“The WHO has said the virus is spreading rapidly in the Americas and could infect 4 million people. A global response unit has been launched to fight the virus… The virus has been linked to microcephaly, in which babies have abnormally small heads and improperly developed brains. Researchers believe that if a pregnant woman is bitten by an infected mosquito [Russian media claims, that the virus is spread through genetically-modified mosquitoes], particularly in the first trimester, she faces a higher risk of having a child with birth defects.

“The virus has now spread to 26 countries and territories including Brazil, which is the country hardest hit, with 3,700 suspected cases of microcephaly that may be linked to Zika… The race is on to find a vaccine to prevent the virus taking hold. There is no treatment or vaccine for Zika, which is in the same family of viruses as dengue fever.”

China Releases Color Pictures from their Recent Moon Landing

Techcrunch reported on January 30, 2016:

“This month, the China National Space Administration released all of the images from their recent moon landing to the public. There are now hundreds and hundreds of never-before-seen true color, high definition photos of the lunar surface available for download… In December of 2013, China joined the ranks of Russia and the United States when they successfully soft-landed on the lunar surface, becoming the third country ever to accomplish this feat. What made China’s mission especially remarkable was that it was the first soft-landing on the moon in 37 years, since the Russians landed their Luna 24 probe back in 1976…

Chang’e 3, named after the goddess of the Moon in Chinese mythology, was a follow-up mission to Chang’e 1 and Chang’e 2 which were both lunar orbiters. The objective of the Chang’e 3 mission was to demonstrate the key technologies required for a soft moon landing and rover exploration. The mission was also equipped with a telescope and instruments to perform geologic analysis of the lunar surface.

Once the 1,200 kg Chang’e lander reached the surface at a location known as Mare Imbrium, it deployed the 140 kg Yutu rover, whose name translates to ‘Jade Rabbit.’ The Yutu rover was equipped with 6 wheels, a radar instrument, and x-ray, visible and near-infrared spectrometers (instruments that can measure the intensity of different wavelengths of light). Yutu’s geologic analysis suggested that the lunar surface is less homogeneous than originally thought…

“China’s follow-up mission, Chang’e 4 is scheduled to launch as early as 2018 and plans to land on the far side of the moon. If this happens, China will become the first nation to land a probe on the lunar far side. With the Chang’e series, China has shown that, unlike NASA, their focus is on lunar, rather than Martian, exploration. But they’re not the only ones that have their sights set on the moon… a number of private companies are building spacecraft designed to soft-land on the lunar surface in the next few years. One of those companies, Moon Express, plans to be the first ever private company to land a spacecraft on the moon and has already secured a launch for their spacecraft in 2017.”

Incredibly, there are still quite a few conspiracy proponents who believe that there was never a moon landing, and that all the undisputable reports are wrong.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“Do You Know the Jesus of the Bible?” is the subject of a new booklet promotion begun this week. Through emails, press releases and Facebook ads, we are focusing attention to the Church’s webpage: Special thanks to September Danforth-Prentice for her work on this project.

“Turmoil in the Middle East,” is the title of a powerful new StandingWatch program. In this presentation, Evangelist Norbert Link reveals the meaning of world events happening now in the light of Bible prophecies! Here is a summary:

We need to focus on the Middle East because it is there where World War III will begin. In this special program, we will be discussing events pertaining to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Israel, Egypt , Syria, Libya, Ethiopia and ISIS. We will also address growing anti-Semitism in Europe and the strained relationship between Israel and the EU. We will explain how these events fit into the panorama of biblical prophecy, and what we can expect to occur next.

“Ist das Gesetz für uns tot?” is the title of this coming Sabbath’s German sermon. The title in English: “Is the Law Dead for Us?”

Scorn and Ridicule for God and His People” is the title of the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The Bible shows us that especially in these end times, many will scoff at God, His Word, His servants and His people. We should not be surprised when we are ridiculed and scorned. Those who may know us and do not approve of our new way of life may look for “reasons” to mock us and speak evil of us–because they themselves may not want to change. But we must also be careful that we do not unnecessarily provoke ridicule through our own conduct.

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