This Week in the News

“10 Horrifying Future Wars We Will Live To See”

The website of wrote the following on August 26:

“War is one of humanity’s constants. No matter how enlightened we become or how much our technology changes, we’ll still spend our time killing one another. As such, it is inevitable that today’s younger generation will experience war. The only question is when.

“These 10 examples of war could well blow up within the next few years. Some are regional, some are global. Some are small, some are big. The only constant is how horrifying these conflicts could potentially be.

“A China-Russo war over Siberia would be devastating and have only two possible outcomes. Either the Chinese army would decimate Russia or Moscow would unleash nuclear war. Either way, the death toll would be catastrophic…

“After Putin’s annexation of Crimea, Europe has been jumpy about the possibility of war with Russia. According to the former deputy NATO commander, Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff, it’s a virtual certainty… The initial battle for the Baltics alone could kill tens of thousands. Chillingly, Shirreff believes Russia would threaten to launch nukes if NATO tried to intervene, threatening millions of lives…

“This summer, a high-ranking North Korean diplomat in London defected to South Korea. It was just the latest in a string of incidents that point to the imminent collapse of the Kim Jong Un regime. Kim has alienated powerful allies such as China… Cheap smartphone technology has allowed his people to see life on the outside for the first time. Meanwhile, the country is preparing for shortages that could make the 1994 famine look like a stroll in the park. The result could be a revolution unlike anything the DPRK has seen. People could take to the streets, the army could split into warring factions, and all hell could be unleashed…

ISIS… jihadists will take the fight directly to Europe… France and Belgium would be the main targets, followed by Germany and the UK. No city would be safe. Politicians would be paralyzed. There would be bloodshed and mayhem…

“… hungry, embattled residents of Venezuela could well take up arms. Mass defections from the police and military are possible. Neighboring right-wing governments may stick their oar in, as might left-wing groups like Colombia’s ELN. Such a toxic mix could quickly spiral into utter chaos… If Latin American history is anything to go by, such a move would likely lead to repression and bloodshed on a horrifying scale…

“The Cultural Revolution under Chairman Mao was eye-wateringly brutal. Approximately 1.5 million people died. Millions more were tortured and mutilated… China has a long history of peasant rebellions. Mao himself was brought to power in one which killed eight million. A few decades earlier, the Boxer Rebellion led to more than 100,000 deaths. A few decades before that, the Taiping Rebellion killed 20–30 million and possibly as many as 70 million… China is already wracked with 500 protests every day. Every year, around 100,000 riots break out. Leaders are corrupt. The young talk of a new uprising. If the next financial crisis devastates their living standards, we could see another orgy of cataclysmic bloodletting…

“In the 1990s, the world watched in horror as Bosnia disintegrated. Around 100,000 died as civilians were ethnically cleansed from their homelands. The 1995 Dayton Accords stopped the bloodshed by creating two ‘states within a state’: Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Bosniaks and Croats, Republika Srpska for the Serbs. The trouble is the new state was inherently unstable. Divided along ethnic lines, it created a world of increasing tensions, bitter grievances, and desire for vengeance… Ethnic Serbs will hold a referendum on whether to secede from Bosnia. The result of a probable ‘yes’ vote? An unwanted sequel to Bosnia´s horrifying civil war…

Saudi Arabia got off lightly in the Arab Spring. As dictators fell in Tunisia and Egypt, as Syria burned and Libya imploded, Saudi Arabia´s royals managed to cling to power… conditions in Saudi Arabia are now similar to those preceding the Egyptian revolution. The nation is ready to explode… The minority Shia population is rioting. ISIS is attacking. The war in Yemen is going badly. It’s easy to imagine a revolution springing from this discontent. If it does, it could be another Egypt, another Libya, or another Syria…

“In winter 2008, the world nearly ended. That year, a standoff between Pakistan and India over state-sponsored terrorism nearly escalated into nuclear war. In the end, urgent global diplomacy cooled things down… If things go differently next time, we could see the end of the world. An Indo-Pak nuclear war would see Delhi, Mumbai, Karachi, and Islamabad go up in flames. Tens of millions would perish in an inferno. The nuclear winter would destroy crops across Asia, leading to mass famines. An estimated two billion people could die. So what could trigger such a terrifying conflict? The disputed region of Kashmir, unstable Pakistan becoming a failed state, or Pakistan-linked terror attacks on India. In short, there are too many potential triggers for comfort…

“The only thing scarier than Pakistan and India going toe to toe would be China and the US doing the same. Especially if it was in a conflict that pulled in countries like the Philippines, South Korea, Japan, and more. Welcome to the South China Sea, the region most likely to trigger World War III… If this does escalate into a war, all bets are off. The whole world would get involved, and millions would die…”

Christ warned that in these end times, we will hear of wars and rumors of wars, and that nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. The second horseman of the Apocalypse is identified as war, but Christ also says that when we hear of wars and RUMORS of wars, we should not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet (Mark 13:7). Rather, these would be just the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:8).

It is interesting that some of the wars mentioned in the article above will not occur, but that on the other hand, some of the wars which the Bible clearly predicts are not mentioned in the article. Hostile actions which will lead to the beginning of the Great Tribulation and nuclear World War III are European attacks on the USA, the UK and the state of Israel. In addition, the Bible does speak of military confrontations between Europe and Russia, China and other Far Eastern nations.

Horrible Brainwashing of a Child by His Murderous Mother

The Daily Mail wrote on August 27:

“The father of a young boy taken to Syria by his British mother has spoken of his shock at seeing a video which apparently shows his son executing a captured prisoner. The distraught man, who has not seen his son for three years, said the boy was ‘brainwashed’ by his mother, Sally Jones, after being taken by her to join Islamic State. The 47-year-old mother of two, from Chatham, Kent, was declared one of the world’s most wanted terrorists by the UN after she fled to Syria with her youngest son JoJo, then aged 10, in 2013. Now the father believes it may be his son in a chilling propaganda video released on Friday showing five boys murdering a group of captured Kurdish fighters.

“Last night the man, who has asked not to be named to protect his safety, said: ‘He was brilliant, just a normal boy – always chasing bugs, going down the park. I have had to block it out. It’s been hard, we just have to carry on. It’s disgusting he’s been brainwashed.’

“Jones gave birth to JoJo in Kent in 2004 but split from his father shortly afterwards. She then converted to Islam… After their split, Jones married an Islamic radical 25 years her junior, changed JoJo’s name to Hamza, and the three of them fled to Syria…”

These are terrible and inhumane examples of demonically inspired and possessed ISIS murderers and their evil and rotten tactics.

Eastern Europe Pushes Germany for Joint EU Army

The Local wrote on August 26:

“Eastern EU countries on Friday pushed for the bloc to create a joint army as they met with Germany for talks on sketching Europe’s post-Brexit future. ‘We must prioritise security, and let’s start by building a common European army,’ Hungary’s rightwing prime minister, Viktor Orban, said at talks with Czech, German, Polish and Slovak leaders… Leftist Czech Premier Bohuslav Sobotka, for his part, said that ‘we should also begin a discussion about creating a common European army.’

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel also supported the idea of stronger security but urged caution on how plans were translated into acts. ‘Security is a fundamental issue… we can do more together in the areas of security and defence,’ she said… In an early response to Britain’s shock vote to exit the EU, Poland’s powerful rightwing leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski called for EU institutional reforms that would forge a confederation of nation states under a president in charge of a powerful common military…

“However, the concept of a common army is a thorny issue within the European Union (EU). All five EU countries at Friday’s Warsaw talks are also members of the 28-member NATO Western defence alliance. But six of the EU’s 27 post-Brexit membership do not belong to NATO: Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta and Sweden.

“EU and NATO ties with Russia plunged to their lowest point since the Cold War after Moscow’s 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine. The Kremlin’s sabre-rattling in the Baltic region has also spooked NATO and EU members there…”

The European Army is destined to become reality.

“Brussels SIX-POINT Plot to Turn Europe into a SUPERSTATE Unveiled”

Express wrote on August 30:

“A FEDERALIST blueprint to turn Europe into a superstate with its own government, army and paramilitary police force has been unveiled by a top Brussels politician. The sinister plot involves sidelining individual countries by removing them from the decision-making process and banning member states from opting out of unpopular policies like the Schengen zone and the Euro.

“It comes as federalists in Brussels look to take advantage of Brexit to force home their long-cherished dream of a United States of Europe… Belgian MEP Guy Verhofstadt, the leader of the liberals in the European parliament, has launched the six point plan which he hopes to start implementing within six months…

“He also calls for radical reform of the European Commission, which makes Brussels law, to turn it into a ‘small European government’ made up of 12 ministers… And Verhofstadt says the new government should be handed the powers currently exercised by the European Council…

“The proposals are likely to cause fury across the EU as they would effectively neutralise member states’ influence on decision making, taking away their veto and leaving all the power in the hands of Brussels bureaucrats and MEPs.

“Elsewhere in his superstate blueprint the arch-federalist calls for the creation of a European FBI which would have the power to launch police operations in any member state, operating above and beyond the local authorities.  And he calls once again for the creation of an EU border force and coastguard to take over control of policing the continent’s frontiers from national governments… To that end Verhofstadt reiterates controversial calls for a European Army which have already been repeatedly made by his boss, Brussels chief Jean-Claude Juncker, and are believed to be favoured by German leader Angela Merkel.

“The liberal MEP claims that the creation of a Brussels force is the ‘only way’ to defeat Islamic State (ISIS) and convince NATO allies including the US that Europeans are playing their part on the global stage… ‘The only way to protect Europe is to build a strong and united defence… Only a European army with a unity in command will increase our capacity to defend ourselves. Only then will we be capable to defeat ISIS, only then can we stand up to Putin again and only then will we possess a credible alternative for the Americans.’…

“His proposal is likely to cause alarm in a number of countries, including Sweden and Denmark which are not in the Euro and Ireland which is not part of the Schengen free movement zone.

“The veteran MEP says Brussels should end the current system of opt-ins and opt-outs which has created a ‘Europe a la carte’ and blames Britain for being a bulwark against federalisation. And he compares the current situation to an America where California had its own currency or where Florida refused to participate in the FBI, describing the EU as ‘not a real union’.

“Instead, member states should be given an ultimatum to either accept all the terms the Brussels club lays down or leave and become an ‘associate member’ with access only to the single market…”

Placing Weapons in the Hands of Terrorists

Time wrote on August 26:

“The Pentagon has spent billions of dollars since 2001 funneling roughly more than a million assault rifles, pistols, shotguns, and machine guns into Iraq and Afghanistan, helping to fuel lasting conflict there, according to a new report by a London-based nonprofit research and advocacy group Action on Armed Violence.

“At least 949,582 of these small arms were given to security forces in Iraq, and at least 503,328 small arms were given to local forces in Afghanistan, the group said. They called this an ‘under-estimate’ based on the information they were able to acquire.

“If the figures are correct, the US exports amounted to more than one small arm for each member of Afghanistan’s security forces, which totaled roughly 355,000 soldiers, police, and airmen in February 2015, according to a NATO operational update on the force. The number of armaments sent to Iraq also vastly exceeded the current size of that country’s active military and paramilitaries – 209,000, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ 2016 Military Balance report.

“Until now, the Pentagon hasn’t published such a tally of its own, so the group’s researchers spent a year scouring multiple databases to arrive at its estimate: a general Pentagon contract list, a government-wide contracting list, and multiple government reports on military spending. They finally calculated that the overall value of the contractually-agreed small arms shipments, just to those two countries, was roughly $2.16 billion.

“U.S. intelligence reports and eyewitnesses have previously said that a significant fraction of the U.S.-financed arms were either lost or stolen, and that many wound up in the hands of forces opposed to US interests, including terrorist groups such as the Islamic State, or ISIS.

“In 2007, for example, the General Accountability Office said the coalition forces in Iraq could not account for 190,000 U.S.-supplied weapons. A July 2014 audit by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction sharply criticized the Pentagon for not paying adequate attention to the fate of weaponry sent to Afghanistan, citing rampant discrepancies in records of gun serial numbers and other problems. In many instances over the past two years, U.S.-advised forces in those two countries have engaged in protracted clashes with terrorists equipped with captured caches of U.S. small arms, as well as U.S. tanks, artillery, and armored personnel carriers.

“‘There are direct and real consequences,’ said Iain Overton, a veteran investigative journalist who is the group’s director, including ‘a destabilized Middle East.’ He said Americans believe ‘that good guys with guns will get rid of bad buys with guns but that system doesn’t work when you throw guns into lawless, anarchic societies.’…

“The United States is not the only country that provided weapons to Iraq and Afghani forces that went missing over the past fifteen years, and not the only one to have exported weapons that specifically ended up in the hands of terrorists. In 2014, the Center for Public Integrity reported that fighters associated with the Islamic State had acquired or seized weapons from at least 21 countries, including the United States, China, Russia, and several Balkan states.

“‘A significant percentage of these weapons will go into the environment and eventually end up in the hands of the Taliban, ISIS’ and other non-state actors, says Ed Laurance, an expert on armed violence and professor of international policy and development at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. ‘Ammunition comes in, it goes out. Terrorists can get it, civilians can get it… It’s impossible to keep track of [small arms]’ because the environments are so insecure.”

“Negotiations with Americans Have Failed”

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 28:

“Free trade negotiations between the European Union and the United States have failed, according to Germany’s Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel. After three years of talks, an agreement has yet to be reached. Discussions on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have been unsuccessful,  [Gabriel] said on Sunday… If agreed upon, TTIP would create the world’s largest free trade zone containing 800 million people…  Gabriel, who also heads the Social Democrats (SPD), noted that after 14 rounds of talks, the two sides have yet to agree on even one chapter out of the 27 being discussed. One of the reasons given for the breakdown in negotiations was that ‘we Europeans did not want to subject ourselves to American demands,’ Gabriel said.

“In contrast to his TTIP stance, Gabriel defended the EU’s free trade agreement with Canada, called the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA.)… Many Germans continue to harbor suspicions against the TTIP and CETA… German trade unions and other organizations have called for a massive rally across German cities on September 17 to protest the two trade agreements…”

Trump’s Immigration Policy

Newsmax wrote on August 31:

“Only a few hours after meeting in Mexico City with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Donald Trump announced an immigration plan Wednesday in Arizona anchored by ‘a great wall along the Southern border’ — that Mexico will pay for — a zero-tolerance policy for criminal illegals and no legalization or amnesty for as many as 11 million aliens in the United States… ‘They don’t know it yet, but they’re going to pay for the wall,’ he said…

“Trump also doubled down on many of his previous immigration policies, vowing to create a ‘deportation task force’ within U.S. Immigrations and Custom Enforcement that would include a tripling of enforcement officers and the hiring of 5,000 more border patrol agents.

“He said the new task force would be ‘focused on identifying and quickly removing the dangerous criminal illegal immigrants in America who have evaded justice, just like Hillary Clinton has evaded justice. Maybe, they’ll be able to deport her,’ Trump said.

“The Republican nominee’s long-awaited speech followed a meeting in Mexico City with President Pena Nieto,  after which Trump said that he was interested in ‘improving’ NAFTA and that the U.S. had a ‘right … to build a physical barrier or wall on any of its borders.’

“His remarks also came after more than a year of fiery rhetoric slamming Hispanics and illegal immigrants, vowing to build a wall on the U.S. border — and having Mexico pay for it — and promising to create a ‘deportation force’ to remove more than 11 million aliens from the United States. In recent weeks, however, Trump has been accused of softening his position — though the nominee last week ruled out legalization and amnesty and reiterated his pledge to build the wall.

“The core objective of Trump’s immigration policy was that the United States has the ‘right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to thrive and flourish and love us. We also have to be honest about the fact that not everyone who seeks to join our country will be able to successfully assimilate,’ Trump told supporters…

“Other core elements of Trump’s 10-point plan include ending ICE’s catch-and-release policy for illegals at the border; implementing ‘extreme vetting’; suspending visa applications from countries — Syria and Libya, for instance — where screening is insufficient; and creating a visa tracking system to prevent overstays.

“Trump also plans to create a nationwide e-verify system that would also bar illegals from obtaining public benefits; revoke President Barack Obama’s executive immigration actions; and renegotiate the North American Free-Trade Agreement…

“For the illegals already in the United States, Trump declared that their only option is to return to their native countries and apply for citizenship. ‘Those who leave under this system, they’ll have to apply under the terms and limits that will be applied in the future,’ he said. ‘We will break the cycle of amnesty and illegal immigration… Our message to the world will be this: You cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country…”

Hillary Clinton Didn’t Only Delete Her Emails, She Super Deleted Them

Zero Hedge wrote in August 26:

“South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News today and disclosed new details about the Clinton email scandal that seem to indicate intent to destroy evidence… Gowdy reveals that Clinton used ‘BleachBit’ to erase the ‘personal’ emails from her private server.

“For those not familiar with the software, BleachBit is intended to help users delete files in a way to ‘prevent recovery’ and ‘hide traces of files deleted.’  Per the BleachBit website: ‘Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster.’

“During his appearance on Fox, Gowdy clearly indicates that Clinton’s use of BleachBit undermines her claims that she only deleted innocuous ‘personal’ emails from her private server.  ‘If she considered them to be personal, then she and her lawyers had those emails deleted.  They didn’t just push the delete button… You don’t use BleachBit for yoga emails… When you’re using BleachBit, it is something you really do not want the world to see.’

“Gowdy also questioned whether Hillary considered ‘Clinton Foundation’ emails to be ‘personal’ and, if not, asked why the FBI’s investigation revealed minimal emails about Foundation-related topics.”

However, as it was pointed out on the Fox Business Channel on August 26, none of this will convince Clinton supporters NOT to vote for Hillary Clinton. Decency and a desire for trustworthiness do not seem to exist in politics; rather, willful ignorance and blindness, illogical reasoning, name-calling, accusations, the ridiculous hope for a human Messiah and other utopian pipe dreams seem to determine the “votes” of the American people in presidential elections.

Clinton, Kaine and Their Abortion Views reported on August 29:

“A small group of Catholics protested peacefully on Sunday outside the Catholic Church where Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate attends. Tim Kaine, Clinton’s vice presidential pick and a U.S. Senator for Virginia, often says he is a Catholic and ‘personally pro-life,’ but his actions show otherwise. Kaine has a 100-percent pro-abortion voting record from Planned Parenthood so far in 2016… One protester’s sign read ‘You can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion,’ while another described him as a ‘CINO,’ or Catholic in name only…

“As LifeNews previously reported, Kaine said he is a ‘strong supporter of Roe v. Wade.’ He also has refused to say whether he would vote to force taxpayers to fund abortions – a goal both for his running mate and the whole Democratic Party. As a U.S. Senator, Kaine voted to allow government funding of abortion providers, and he voted against legislation to require an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state.

“Kaine took his most extreme pro-abortion action yet with his recent co-sponsorship of the so-called ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’ (S.217), known to pro-lifers as the ‘Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act.’ This bill would nullify nearly all existing state and federal limitations on regulation of abortion, and prohibit states from enacting meaningful pro-life laws in the future. This revamped version of the long-stalled ‘Freedom of Choice Act’ is a priority of the pro-abortion forces in Washington, D.C.

“Recently, Washington, DC-based Fr. Thomas Petri sent out a series of tweets addressing the Catholic candidate’s pro-abortion views – with one saying Kaine should not present himself for communion in his church. That was after a Catholic bishop admonished Kaine, saying that he can’t reconcile his Catholic faith with abortion.

“His running mate Hillary Clinton’s position is even more extreme. Clinton has said in various interviews that an unborn child just hours before birth has no Constitutional rights. In February, Clinton defended the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure. She also said she wants to overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for abortions, including late-term abortions.”

How the E.U.’s Ruling on Apple Explains Why Brexit Happened”

The Washington Post wrote on August 30:

“On Tuesday morning, the governing body of the European Union ruled that one of its members, Ireland, had broken its rules by allowing U.S.-based Apple Inc. to pay a tax rate of 1 percent — and sometimes as little as .0005 percent. Ireland’s regular tax rate is 12.5 percent, and E.U. rules state that members can’t give special benefits to individual companies — even the most highly valued company in the world. Under the E.U. ruling, Apple would be required to pay Ireland more than $14.5 billion in back taxes. Both Apple and the Irish government plan to appeal.

That is a huge amount of money for a small country like Ireland, which suffered terribly after the 2008 financial crisis and required a massive bailout from the E.U… The sum is roughly equal to Ireland’s entire health budget, to put it in perspective.

“Others, however, see the ruling as exactly why Ireland — just like the United Kingdom did with its Brexit vote — needs to leave an interventionist, anti-sovereignty European Union. To put the question a different way: Did Apple, in collusion with the Irish government, rip off the Irish public by arranging a huge tax break? Or did the European Union just undermine Ireland’s economic model and strip the country of its competitive advantage, risking Ireland’s long-term growth?

“Much of the debate across the Irish Sea in Britain during the lead-up to the referendum on E.U. membership in June centered on the idea that bureaucrats with no allegiance to Britain were sitting in Brussels and writing their laws. Proponents of a ‘Brexit’ argued that leaving the E.U. would allow the country to ‘take back control’ of its economy and borders…”

The Telegraph added on August 30:

“Britain could cut corporation tax to attract major international companies under plans being considered by Theresa May after Apple was hit with a record tax bill by Brussels. Downing Street said it would ‘welcome’ Apple to the UK after the European Commission took the extraordinary step of hitting the company with an £11billion fine.”

Istanbul’s New $3 Billion Bridge Has a Very Divisive Name

The Associated Press wrote on August 26:

“Turkey opened one of the world’s largest bridges Friday designed to allow traffic to cross the Bosphorus Strait between Europe and Asia and ease congestion in Istanbul. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan oversaw a ceremony inaugurating the $3 billion Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, which is touted by its Turko-Italian developers as the world’s broadest suspension bridge at 58.4 meters (192 feet) wide.

“The toll bridge, spanning 1,408 meters (4,620 feet) over the Bosphorus, features 10 lanes, including two rail lines. At 322 meters (1,056 feet), officials say the bridge’s 322-meter (1,056-foot) towers are also the tallest in the world. It becomes Istanbul’s third bridge spanning the strategic strait. ‘This bridge upon which we look with pride will hopefully be a pioneer for many things. … We will be proud of it, you will see. International movies will be filmed here, you will see,’ Erdogan told the audience, among them the king of Bahrain, dignitaries from several other countries and hundreds of citizens.”

The Washington Post wrote on August 27:

“It’s called the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge in honor of the ninth Ottoman emperor, Selim I, a monarch who earned the sobriquet Selim the Grim for his years of military campaigning and severe rule. In 2013, when the name was announced at a groundbreaking ceremony, it sparked a great deal of controversy. Selim I is famed for his conquests to the east in the early 16th century, extending the Ottoman Empire’s dominion over Egypt and the Holy Lands while also pushing against the Safavid Empire in what’s now Iran…

“Selim’s wars had a sectarian dimension. In particular, the emperor is believed to have ordered the slaughter of tens of thousands of Alevis, a minority sect linked to Shiism and steeped in Sufi and rural Anatolian traditions…

“Erdogan… is interested in creating a legacy that perhaps even transcends that of Ataturk and has sought, in ways big and small, to rehabilitate or resurrect Ottoman history to suit his narrative in power. In the wake of last month’s failed coup attempt, the debate over the bridge’s name almost seems quaint…”

Anti-Muslim Party Gains Seats in Australian Parliament

The Star wrote on August 26:

“In a general election last month, many Australians were stunned by the success of One Nation, whose blatantly anti-Muslim policies appealed to many voters who felt threatened by immigration — even in a wealthy country with a far more generous social security net than the United States and few illegal immigrants. The party helmed by Hanson, who is famous in Australia for her fiery red hair and tortured syntax, has emerged with four seats in the finely balanced Senate, where the ruling Liberal-National coalition lacks a majority and is under huge political pressure to speed economic growth. The government is likely to need One Nation to pass laws fought by the Labor Party opposition and the Australian Greens party.

“Negotiating with One Nation could put the prime minister, Liberal Party leader Malcolm Turnbull, in an awkward position. The former Goldman Sachs investment banker is a liberal on many social issues — he is a strong supporter of legalizing same-sex marriage, for example — which frequently puts him at odds with the conservative wing of his party…

“Australia is one of the world’s most peaceful and socially harmonious immigrant-driven countries, and terrorist attacks are extremely rare. Nonetheless, cultural and racial differences between the 1.5 per cent of the population who are Muslim and the white Christian majority receive a lot of attention and contribute to a perception among some Australians that they are being overwhelmed by a hostile religion. One Nation plays to those fears. Its policies and rhetoric echo those of Trump and the UK Independence Party, which successfully championed the recent vote to take Britain out of the European Union. ‘Australia for Australians,’ One Nation’s website proclaims.

“The party wants an inquiry into whether Islam is a religion or an ideology, an end to Muslim immigration, a ban on the burqa in public, surveillance in all mosques and Islamic schools, no new mosques and the end of halal certification of food. It is skeptical about global warming…”

Many Asylum Seekers Leave Sweden

The Independent wrote on August 26:

“Sweden used to be one of Europe’s most popular destinations for migrants, with the number of asylum applications doubling between 2014 and 2015 to more than 160,000. A high success rate – 55 per cent of claims were accepted in 2015 – combined with generous welfare benefits for asylum seekers, and a comparatively welcoming population, made the country extremely popular with people fleeing war and persecution, and left the Scandinavian nation with the second highest number of refugees per capita in Europe.

“But for many asylum seekers who arrived during the influx last year, Sweden has proved less of a utopia than they hoped. Many faced a long, cold winter in political limbo, camped out in makeshift accommodation while the state struggled to cope with the large number of new claims. Less than 500 of the 160,000 arrivals have managed to secure jobs… the Swedish Migration Agency, a government department responsible for processing claims, introduced tougher rules at the start of 2016, designed to deter and keep out asylum seekers. New border controls were brought in, as were stricter rules surrounding family reunion. Housing was withdrawn for failed asylum seekers and plans announced to expand immigration detention.

“The Swedish public also appear to… have become more hostile to migrants. A survey released in February showed immigration was the main concern for 40 per cent of Swedes, above worries about failing schools, joblessness and welfare. The change was the biggest opinion swing in the poll’s history. ‘Most Swedes are not racist,’ said Ylva Johansson, the Minister for Employment and Integration. ‘But when there is this special asylum housing when they cannot work, and cannot be part of society this is really a tension. This is a dangerous situation; we have a lot of people in no-man’s land … living outside society.’”

“Sweden’s statistics, however, have to be viewed in the context of less refugees entering Europe overall in 2016 than in 2015. The Balkan route has essentially been closed off by the EU-Turkey deal, which forces migrants to return to Turkey unless they want to claim asylum in Greece, which would stop them travelling onwards to countries in northern Europe…

“2016 has been the deadliest year so far for refugees trying to reach Europe, aid workers have said, telling The Independent in July they are frustrated at moves within the EU to keep more refugees out and to block off entry routes…”

Austria to Germany: Close Your Borders!

The Sunday Express wrote on August 27:

“Austria has launched a blistering attack on Angela Merkel accusing her of trying to stoke more mass migration and ordering her to close Germany’s borders immediately. Vienna’s defence minister Hans Peter Doskozil said the controversial Chancellor was ‘encouraging’ more asylum seekers from the Middle East to flock to Europe in a provocative outburst. The stinging slap down comes amid disintegrating relations between the two neighbours over the migrant crisis, with Austria repeatedly accusing Germany and Mrs Merkel of sparking the refugee chaos.

“Vienna has been locked in a power struggle with Berlin and Brussels over its controversial migration policies, which include limiting the daily number of asylum applications it will process. And Mr Doskozil upped the ante against Mrs Merkel, saying that she must stop repeating her infamous ‘Wir schaffen das’ – ‘We can do this’ – slogan which he said was only encouraging more migrant chaos…

“He added: ‘We will not accept that this encouragement puts Austria into a position that then makes more refugees want to go from Italy via Austria to Germany while Germany closes its borders at the same time. We decided that waving them through is no longer possible, and that is a good thing!’

“Asked what retaliatory measures Austria would take if there was another mass migrant rush for Europe, the defence minister replied that he would effectively seal up Italy by closing the Brenner Pass border between the two countries…

“Europe has been in the grip of a huge migrant crisis over the last 18 months, with more than a million migrants arriving on the continent in 2015 alone. A controversial migrant pact with Turkey has helped reduce numbers flooding into Greece but that is now under severe pressure and could collapse amid deteriorating relations between Brussels and Ankara. As a result many migrant smugglers are now targeting Italy, via Libya, as an alternative route across the Mediterranean. However, this sea crossing is much more perilous and thousands have died at sea over the last 18 months in what aid groups have described as a human tragedy.”

Support for Merkel Has Weakened in Germany

Reuters reported on August 28:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s domestic popularity has declined, a poll showed on Sunday, with 50 percent of Germans against her serving a fourth term in office after a federal election next year. Support for Merkel has weakened after a string of violent attacks on civilians in July, three of which were carried out by asylum seekers. Of those, two were claimed by Islamic State. This has raised opposition to Merkel’s open-door migrant policy, which allowed hundreds of thousands from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere into Germany last year.

“Half of the… people questioned… were against Merkel staying in office beyond the 2017 election, with 42 percent wanting her to remain. In November, the last time Bild am Sonntag commissioned a survey on the issue, 45 percent had been in favor of Merkel serving a fourth term, with 48 percent against.”

Most Germans Against Full Body Veil

Deutsche Welle reported on August 26:

“A large majority of Germans reject the burqa. Some 81 percent of respondents in a representative survey conducted by polling institute Infratest dimap are in favor of banning the Islamic veil, which covers women completely from head to toe, in some public places. More than half of Germans have an even more extreme view – 51 percent were in favor of banning the burqa entirely…

“Amid the renewed debate in Germany, some conservative politicians in the country are calling for a ‘burqa ban.’ State interior ministers of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) want to ban veils like the burqa and the niqab in public places including schools, public authorities, court rooms and in traffic….  The ministers also discussed prohibiting the veils altogether…

“Several Islamic scholars in Germany agree. They say the burqa and the niqab are not required in their religion and believe that the extreme veils hinder integration. Aziz Fooladvand, a Bonn sociologist and Islamic Studies scholar, told DW that facial coverings are common only in very strict interpretations of Sunni Islam, such as that practiced in Saudi Arabia. But in Egypt, for example, wearing a niqab is generally frowned upon. Bassam Tibi, a former professor of international relations at the University of Göttingen, calls himself a ‘European Muslim’ and says that he supports an open, liberal Islam. In an August op-ed for popular German tabloid ‘Bild,’ he wrote that he fully supported a burqa ban…”

Sarkozy for Nationwide Ban of Burqa in France

The Guardian wrote on August 26:

“Nicolas Sarkozy says he will impose a nationwide ban on burkinis if re-elected to the presidency in 2017, positioning himself as a strong defender of French values and tough on immigration… Taking a hard line on the burkini debate that has agitated France over recent weeks, Sarkozy said that the full-body swimwear should be banned from beaches across the country…

“Sarkozy is seeking to win back votes from the far-right FN, whose rising popularity mirrors that of populist politicians in other countries that have appealed to voters concerned about globalisation and immigration, such as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the US and the leaders of Britain’s Brexit campaign…

“For months Sarkozy lagged in opinion polls behind Alain Juppé, the centrist former prime minister, but his popularity, which had already started improving with party sympathisers in June, rose after Islamist attacks on a Bastille Day crowd in Nice and on a priest in Normandy…”

Wilders Announces Severe Restrictions for Muslims in The Netherlands

Politico wrote on August 26:

“The Dutch far-right Freedom Party will run in the country’s parliamentary elections next year on a platform seeking to ban some of the key tenets of Islam, according to a manifesto published by its leader Geert Wilders Thursday. In its five-year plan for 2017-2021, the Freedom Party pledges to reverse the ‘Islamization’ of the Netherlands by implementing measures such as closing mosques and Islamic schools, securing borders, banning the Koran, closing asylum seeker centers, banning Muslim migrants and forbidding women from wearing headscarves.

“Wilders’ party also supports holding a Brexit-style referendum for the Netherlands to leave the European Union. Other promises include more funding for police and defense and eliminating foreign aid. The plan, which is just one page, comes ahead of the next parliamentary elections, scheduled for March 2017… An IPSOS poll predicted this month that the Freedom Party could be the most represented party in the Dutch parliament, snatching 25 to 30 seats, up from the 12 it currently has…”

Incredible Lightning Strike

Time wrote on August 29:

“A single lightning strike is believed to have killed more than 300 reindeer in Norway. A total of 323 reindeer were found dead in the southern part of Norway on the Hardangervidda plateau, a press release from the Norwegian Environment Agency said. Among the 323 killed were 70 calves. An official from the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate discovered their carcasses during a routine inspection on Friday.

“Officials said they believe the herd of reindeer was killed by lightning strike as they huddled together during a heavy thunderstorm…”

The Pope’s “Advice” on Climate Change

Breitbart wrote on September 1:

“In his message for the ‘World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation’ Thursday, Pope Francis said that human-induced global warming, as well as a loss of biodiversity are ‘sins’ against God, which must be atoned for…

“Among these [‘atoning actions’] are ‘avoiding the use of plastic and paper, reducing water consumption, separating refuse, cooking only what can reasonably be consumed, showing care for other living beings, using public transport or car-pooling, planting trees, turning off unnecessary lights, or any number of other practices.’”

Unity Between Catholics and Lutherans?… Not Quite Yet!

Christian News wrote on August 20:

“The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) voted overwhelmingly last week to approve a declaration of unity with the Roman Catholic Church in an endeavor to ‘enumerate the many points of agreement between Lutherans and Catholics’—a move that some state is contrary to biblical Christianity…

“While this month’s ELCA declaration notes points of agreement between evangelical Lutherans and Roman Catholics, it also outlines several areas where differences remain between the two entities. The document explains that Roman Catholics believe in transubstantiation, while Lutherans do not believe that communion is transformed ‘into the [actual] substance of the body and blood of Christ.’ It also notes that Lutherans question the global papacy, which Roman Catholics assert is of the succession of Peter…

“Mike Gendron, a former Roman Catholic who now leads Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries, [an] organization dedicated to evangelizing Catholics, said that the ECLA is in error in seeking to find common ground with Roman Catholicism despite… doctrinal disparities.

“‘By seeking unity with the Catholic religion they are departing from the biblical faith of the Reformers,’ he told Christian News Network. “They need to know that there can never be biblical unity between Roman Catholics and denominations which uphold the gospel of God’…

“Gendron said that unity simply for the sake of unity is contrary to the Scriptures… ‘Religious unity is a work of Satan who uses man’s prideful ambitions and biblical ignorance and to unite the world,’ he stated. ‘Those who engage in spiritual enterprises with apostate Roman Catholicism, without confronting their error, give credibility to their heresies’…”

Transgender Bathroom “Rights” Upheld by Bush-Appointed Judge

Newsmax reported on August 26:

“A U.S. judge on Friday blocked the University of North Carolina from enforcing a state law requiring transgender people to use single-sex restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to the gender on their birth certificate. U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Schroeder’s order granting a preliminary injunction applies only to the three transgender plaintiffs named in a lawsuit challenging the measure…

“The judge, an appointee of Republican former President George W. Bush, heard oral arguments in the case… Lawyers for Republican Governor Pat McCrory and other Republican lawmakers who support the measure said it offered common-sense protection of state residents’ privacy and safety…

“The U.S. Justice Department and the American Civil Liberties Union, which sued the state on behalf of three transgender people, called the law stigmatizing and unconstitutional.

“Bathroom access has become a flashpoint in the legal and cultural battle over transgender rights in the United States. An estimated 0.6 percent of U.S. adults identify as transgender… Debates about which public restroom facilities they and transgender children should use have divided courts, state legislatures and schools.”

Pastors Prohibited to Counsel Minors on “Same-Sex Attractions”

Breitbart wrote on August 23:

“The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco on August 23 upheld California’s wildly controversial Senate Bill 1172 that bars licensed counselors — including pastors — from assisting youth who want to change or reduce their same-sex attractions. The law also prohibits any counseling that would steer youth away from gender confusion. Pacific Justice Institute filed suit against SB 1172 in 2012…

“Pacific Justice’s lead plaintiff is both a pastor and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who oversees a counseling ministry in his church. Pacific Justice pointed out that the SB 1172 if applied would [be] reaching over the walls of a church to prohibit what could be said during counseling by a pastor who is also a trained marriage and family therapist.

“According to the law, ‘California has a compelling interest in protecting the physical and psychological well-being of minors, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth, and in protecting its minors against exposure to serious harms caused by sexual orientation change efforts … … Under no circumstances shall a mental health provider engage in sexual orientation change efforts with a patient under 18 years of age.’

“But the Ninth Circuit today waved away concerns about California interfering with pastors’ religious practice, while also declining to address legal decisions that previously rejected state interference with church counseling.

“Pacific Justice had also pointed out to the court, that dozens of transcript passages from SB 1172’s legislative record show the legislation is meant as a clear and direct attack against conservative religious viewpoints. According to Pacific Justice attorney Kevin Snider, who argued the Ninth Circuit case, ‘The court today simply rewrote legislative history to avoid the uncomfortable reality that the California Legislature unabashedly targeted religious beliefs with this bill.’

“Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, commented: ‘We are deeply disappointed by today’s ruling because it represents a giant step backwards for religious freedom.  A government that can tell a pastor what he can and cannot say during counseling is a government that can tell a pastor what parts of the Bible are off-limits.   The court also reminded us today that this law lays the groundwork for further restrictions on parental rights.’

“Pacific Justice is currently reviewing all its options with their clients, including a potential appeal to the Supreme Court.”

California’s law (SB 1172), as applied, is unconstitutional on its face. The attack of the Legislature and the Court system on religious freedom, parental rights and the separation between church and state is unconscionable. Note the next article for another unconditional California law.

“Federal Judge Denies Injunction Against California Vaccination Law for Schoolchildren”

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 26:

“A federal judge has denied a request for a preliminary injunction against a new law that requires children in California’s public and private schools to be vaccinated unless they have a medical waiver from a licensed doctor. In an order released Friday afternoon, U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw in San Diego wrote that state Legislatures have ‘a long history of requiring children to be vaccinated as a condition to school enrollment, and for as many years, both state and federal courts have upheld those requirements against constitutional challenge.’

“In July, a group of parents and advocacy groups filed a federal lawsuit asking for the injunction. It is trying to block the California law’s elimination of personal belief exemptions, which previously allowed parents to enroll their children even if they weren’t up-to-date on the full vaccination schedule as published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The wording of the District Court’s decision, as quoted, is historically and legally inaccurate and blatantly misleading. The law in question, only granting exemptions for ill-defined “medical reasons,” seems to be unconstitutional ON ITS FACE. However, to reach the US Supreme Court, even IF they were to uphold the Constitution, will be an expensive, laborious and time-consuming task.

Teacher Convicted for Holding Kids Back After Class

The Local wrote on August 27:

“A music teacher from North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has been found guilty of ‘holding people against their will’ after he made some naughty stay kids back after class. The 50-year-old was ordered by the court to attend classes on how to better deal with difficult children. If he fails to attend the classes, he could face a fine of €1,000, reports Spiegel.

“The reason for Wednesday’s conviction on a count of ‘robbery of freedom’ was the teacher’s decision to make disruptive pupils write out a Wikipedia entry on a musician after class. The pupils were then told to hand in their work one by one, but were not allowed to leave the classroom by the teacher, sat in the doorway with a guitar across his knees…

“According to the law in NRW, teachers are allowed to give pupils detention, but only after notifying parents.”

Update 751

Are You a Humble Person?; Racing After Endurance

On September 3, 2016, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Are You a Humble Person?,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Racing After Endurance.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Are You REALLY Keeping God’s Sabbath?

by Norbert Link

With this Update, we will begin to publish several Q&As, discussing the important question pertaining to the manner in which we ought to keep the weekly Sabbath. It is not enough to know about God’s sanctified day; it is also necessary to observe it in the right way. God’s Sabbath was made for MAN (Mark 2:27), and God expects MAN to keep it. The Ten Commandments are still in force and effect, and the Fourth Commandment still reads, “REMEMBER the Sabbath day, to KEEP it holy” (Exodus 20:8).

God’s people know that the Sabbath is the time span from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, even though some misguided religious teachers claim erroneously that the biblical Sabbath is “Sunday.” However, “Sunday” has always been described in the Bible as the “first day of the week,” while the Sabbath has always been identified as the “seventh” or “last day of the week,” when God completed the days of recreation (Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 20:11).

But does God really care whether His Sabbath is kept today? And if He demands that one day is observed in His honor, isn’t it enough to just keep one day (any day) out of seven?

In my recent sermon, “Why Will God Punish America?”, it was explained why God punished Israel and Judah in Old Testament times; and since God does not change and is not a respecter of persons, He will punish the modern descendants of the ancient houses of Israel and Judah for the same reasons. God’s people know that these descendants can be found today in the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and other English-speaking nations. In addition, God will also punish the ENTIRE world for their disobedience of His Law.

The cause for God’s wrath toward mankind has not changed. Idolatry and the breaking of His Sabbath were and are two of the foremost reasons why God did punish and will punish the ancient and modern houses of Israel and Judah. Of course, other reasons existed and exist as well, showing the perversion and appalling ungodliness of Israel, Judah and the entire world, which are, for example, evidenced by the murder of innocent people (including through abortions of unborn children or the killing of innocent civilians in war); wrong political alliances; elections or appointments of leaders contrary to God’s standards; removing ancient landmarks (by illegally occupying territories); national pride, dishonesty and the spreading of lies; the rejection of God’s Law and His warning of impending disaster; adultery and fornication (including homosexuality and other sexual practices which are not condoned by God); false religions, sorceries and hypocritical religious conduct; and even the consumption of unclean meat.

All these reasons, and many more, were discussed in the above-mentioned sermon, and biblical proof was presented for each of these reasons.

But as mentioned, the violation of the Sabbath was and is a very important cause for God’s punishment. Sadly, most people do not ascribe any relevance to God’s command to keep the Sabbath day holy. Even though God’s people know about this command, some may disobey it in practical application. They might not know HOW to observe it—which activities are permitted on the Sabbath, and which are to be avoided. Some might be too strict, prohibiting activities which God allows; and others may have become too liberal, engaging in activities which they should not participate in.

We hope that you will carefully read our Q&A’s on this very important, but sometimes grossly misunderstood subject, in order to escape God’s punishment for the violation of His Sabbath day.

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We begin with a series of articles about the possibility of ten horrifying future wars; (please view our new StandingWatch program, “Fear of Nuclear War”); the horrible brain-washing of a child by a murderous ISIS fanatical mother; the push for a European army; and the incredibly illogical policy of allowing weapons to fall into the hands of terrorists.

We continue reporting on failed trade negotiations between Europe and America; Donald Trump’s proposed immigration policy; and Hillary Clinton’s unusual and highly suspicious “precautions” of “super-deleting” thousands of e-mails.

We speak on Turkey’s new $3 billion bridge and its very divisive name; and report on several countries’ “fight” with Muslim asylum seekers and the rejection of burqas, including Australia, Sweden, Austria, Germany, France and The Netherlands.

We conclude with several examples of unconscionable court decisions in the USA and Germany, pertaining to the nonsense of transgender bathrooms; blatant violations of the rights of parents and ministers; an attack on the separation between church and state; incredible restrictions for teachers; and ridiculous mandatory vaccinations for school children.

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“10 Horrifying Future Wars We Will Live To See”

The website of wrote the following on August 26:

“War is one of humanity’s constants. No matter how enlightened we become or how much our technology changes, we’ll still spend our time killing one another. As such, it is inevitable that today’s younger generation will experience war. The only question is when.

“These 10 examples of war could well blow up within the next few years. Some are regional, some are global. Some are small, some are big. The only constant is how horrifying these conflicts could potentially be.

“A China-Russo war over Siberia would be devastating and have only two possible outcomes. Either the Chinese army would decimate Russia or Moscow would unleash nuclear war. Either way, the death toll would be catastrophic…

“After Putin’s annexation of Crimea, Europe has been jumpy about the possibility of war with Russia. According to the former deputy NATO commander, Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff, it’s a virtual certainty… The initial battle for the Baltics alone could kill tens of thousands. Chillingly, Shirreff believes Russia would threaten to launch nukes if NATO tried to intervene, threatening millions of lives…

“This summer, a high-ranking North Korean diplomat in London defected to South Korea. It was just the latest in a string of incidents that point to the imminent collapse of the Kim Jong Un regime. Kim has alienated powerful allies such as China… Cheap smartphone technology has allowed his people to see life on the outside for the first time. Meanwhile, the country is preparing for shortages that could make the 1994 famine look like a stroll in the park. The result could be a revolution unlike anything the DPRK has seen. People could take to the streets, the army could split into warring factions, and all hell could be unleashed…

ISIS… jihadists will take the fight directly to Europe… France and Belgium would be the main targets, followed by Germany and the UK. No city would be safe. Politicians would be paralyzed. There would be bloodshed and mayhem…

“… hungry, embattled residents of Venezuela could well take up arms. Mass defections from the police and military are possible. Neighboring right-wing governments may stick their oar in, as might left-wing groups like Colombia’s ELN. Such a toxic mix could quickly spiral into utter chaos… If Latin American history is anything to go by, such a move would likely lead to repression and bloodshed on a horrifying scale…

“The Cultural Revolution under Chairman Mao was eye-wateringly brutal. Approximately 1.5 million people died. Millions more were tortured and mutilated… China has a long history of peasant rebellions. Mao himself was brought to power in one which killed eight million. A few decades earlier, the Boxer Rebellion led to more than 100,000 deaths. A few decades before that, the Taiping Rebellion killed 20–30 million and possibly as many as 70 million… China is already wracked with 500 protests every day. Every year, around 100,000 riots break out. Leaders are corrupt. The young talk of a new uprising. If the next financial crisis devastates their living standards, we could see another orgy of cataclysmic bloodletting…

“In the 1990s, the world watched in horror as Bosnia disintegrated. Around 100,000 died as civilians were ethnically cleansed from their homelands. The 1995 Dayton Accords stopped the bloodshed by creating two ‘states within a state’: Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Bosniaks and Croats, Republika Srpska for the Serbs. The trouble is the new state was inherently unstable. Divided along ethnic lines, it created a world of increasing tensions, bitter grievances, and desire for vengeance… Ethnic Serbs will hold a referendum on whether to secede from Bosnia. The result of a probable ‘yes’ vote? An unwanted sequel to Bosnia´s horrifying civil war…

Saudi Arabia got off lightly in the Arab Spring. As dictators fell in Tunisia and Egypt, as Syria burned and Libya imploded, Saudi Arabia´s royals managed to cling to power… conditions in Saudi Arabia are now similar to those preceding the Egyptian revolution. The nation is ready to explode… The minority Shia population is rioting. ISIS is attacking. The war in Yemen is going badly. It’s easy to imagine a revolution springing from this discontent. If it does, it could be another Egypt, another Libya, or another Syria…

“In winter 2008, the world nearly ended. That year, a standoff between Pakistan and India over state-sponsored terrorism nearly escalated into nuclear war. In the end, urgent global diplomacy cooled things down… If things go differently next time, we could see the end of the world. An Indo-Pak nuclear war would see Delhi, Mumbai, Karachi, and Islamabad go up in flames. Tens of millions would perish in an inferno. The nuclear winter would destroy crops across Asia, leading to mass famines. An estimated two billion people could die. So what could trigger such a terrifying conflict? The disputed region of Kashmir, unstable Pakistan becoming a failed state, or Pakistan-linked terror attacks on India. In short, there are too many potential triggers for comfort…

“The only thing scarier than Pakistan and India going toe to toe would be China and the US doing the same. Especially if it was in a conflict that pulled in countries like the Philippines, South Korea, Japan, and more. Welcome to the South China Sea, the region most likely to trigger World War III… If this does escalate into a war, all bets are off. The whole world would get involved, and millions would die…”

Christ warned that in these end times, we will hear of wars and rumors of wars, and that nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. The second horseman of the Apocalypse is identified as war, but Christ also says that when we hear of wars and RUMORS of wars, we should not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet (Mark 13:7). Rather, these would be just the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:8).

It is interesting that some of the wars mentioned in the article above will not occur, but that on the other hand, some of the wars which the Bible clearly predicts are not mentioned in the article. Hostile actions which will lead to the beginning of the Great Tribulation and nuclear World War III are European attacks on the USA, the UK and the state of Israel. In addition, the Bible does speak of military confrontations between Europe and Russia, China and other Far Eastern nations.

Horrible Brainwashing of a Child by His Murderous Mother

The Daily Mail wrote on August 27:

“The father of a young boy taken to Syria by his British mother has spoken of his shock at seeing a video which apparently shows his son executing a captured prisoner. The distraught man, who has not seen his son for three years, said the boy was ‘brainwashed’ by his mother, Sally Jones, after being taken by her to join Islamic State. The 47-year-old mother of two, from Chatham, Kent, was declared one of the world’s most wanted terrorists by the UN after she fled to Syria with her youngest son JoJo, then aged 10, in 2013. Now the father believes it may be his son in a chilling propaganda video released on Friday showing five boys murdering a group of captured Kurdish fighters.

“Last night the man, who has asked not to be named to protect his safety, said: ‘He was brilliant, just a normal boy – always chasing bugs, going down the park. I have had to block it out. It’s been hard, we just have to carry on. It’s disgusting he’s been brainwashed.’

“Jones gave birth to JoJo in Kent in 2004 but split from his father shortly afterwards. She then converted to Islam… After their split, Jones married an Islamic radical 25 years her junior, changed JoJo’s name to Hamza, and the three of them fled to Syria…”

These are terrible and inhumane examples of demonically inspired and possessed ISIS murderers and their evil and rotten tactics.

Eastern Europe Pushes Germany for Joint EU Army

The Local wrote on August 26:

“Eastern EU countries on Friday pushed for the bloc to create a joint army as they met with Germany for talks on sketching Europe’s post-Brexit future. ‘We must prioritise security, and let’s start by building a common European army,’ Hungary’s rightwing prime minister, Viktor Orban, said at talks with Czech, German, Polish and Slovak leaders… Leftist Czech Premier Bohuslav Sobotka, for his part, said that ‘we should also begin a discussion about creating a common European army.’

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel also supported the idea of stronger security but urged caution on how plans were translated into acts. ‘Security is a fundamental issue… we can do more together in the areas of security and defence,’ she said… In an early response to Britain’s shock vote to exit the EU, Poland’s powerful rightwing leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski called for EU institutional reforms that would forge a confederation of nation states under a president in charge of a powerful common military…

“However, the concept of a common army is a thorny issue within the European Union (EU). All five EU countries at Friday’s Warsaw talks are also members of the 28-member NATO Western defence alliance. But six of the EU’s 27 post-Brexit membership do not belong to NATO: Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta and Sweden.

“EU and NATO ties with Russia plunged to their lowest point since the Cold War after Moscow’s 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine. The Kremlin’s sabre-rattling in the Baltic region has also spooked NATO and EU members there…”

The European Army is destined to become reality.

“Brussels SIX-POINT Plot to Turn Europe into a SUPERSTATE Unveiled”

Express wrote on August 30:

“A FEDERALIST blueprint to turn Europe into a superstate with its own government, army and paramilitary police force has been unveiled by a top Brussels politician. The sinister plot involves sidelining individual countries by removing them from the decision-making process and banning member states from opting out of unpopular policies like the Schengen zone and the Euro.

“It comes as federalists in Brussels look to take advantage of Brexit to force home their long-cherished dream of a United States of Europe… Belgian MEP Guy Verhofstadt, the leader of the liberals in the European parliament, has launched the six point plan which he hopes to start implementing within six months…

“He also calls for radical reform of the European Commission, which makes Brussels law, to turn it into a ‘small European government’ made up of 12 ministers… And Verhofstadt says the new government should be handed the powers currently exercised by the European Council…

“The proposals are likely to cause fury across the EU as they would effectively neutralise member states’ influence on decision making, taking away their veto and leaving all the power in the hands of Brussels bureaucrats and MEPs.

“Elsewhere in his superstate blueprint the arch-federalist calls for the creation of a European FBI which would have the power to launch police operations in any member state, operating above and beyond the local authorities.  And he calls once again for the creation of an EU border force and coastguard to take over control of policing the continent’s frontiers from national governments… To that end Verhofstadt reiterates controversial calls for a European Army which have already been repeatedly made by his boss, Brussels chief Jean-Claude Juncker, and are believed to be favoured by German leader Angela Merkel.

“The liberal MEP claims that the creation of a Brussels force is the ‘only way’ to defeat Islamic State (ISIS) and convince NATO allies including the US that Europeans are playing their part on the global stage… ‘The only way to protect Europe is to build a strong and united defence… Only a European army with a unity in command will increase our capacity to defend ourselves. Only then will we be capable to defeat ISIS, only then can we stand up to Putin again and only then will we possess a credible alternative for the Americans.’…

“His proposal is likely to cause alarm in a number of countries, including Sweden and Denmark which are not in the Euro and Ireland which is not part of the Schengen free movement zone.

“The veteran MEP says Brussels should end the current system of opt-ins and opt-outs which has created a ‘Europe a la carte’ and blames Britain for being a bulwark against federalisation. And he compares the current situation to an America where California had its own currency or where Florida refused to participate in the FBI, describing the EU as ‘not a real union’.

“Instead, member states should be given an ultimatum to either accept all the terms the Brussels club lays down or leave and become an ‘associate member’ with access only to the single market…”

Placing Weapons in the Hands of Terrorists

Time wrote on August 26:

“The Pentagon has spent billions of dollars since 2001 funneling roughly more than a million assault rifles, pistols, shotguns, and machine guns into Iraq and Afghanistan, helping to fuel lasting conflict there, according to a new report by a London-based nonprofit research and advocacy group Action on Armed Violence.

“At least 949,582 of these small arms were given to security forces in Iraq, and at least 503,328 small arms were given to local forces in Afghanistan, the group said. They called this an ‘under-estimate’ based on the information they were able to acquire.

“If the figures are correct, the US exports amounted to more than one small arm for each member of Afghanistan’s security forces, which totaled roughly 355,000 soldiers, police, and airmen in February 2015, according to a NATO operational update on the force. The number of armaments sent to Iraq also vastly exceeded the current size of that country’s active military and paramilitaries – 209,000, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ 2016 Military Balance report.

“Until now, the Pentagon hasn’t published such a tally of its own, so the group’s researchers spent a year scouring multiple databases to arrive at its estimate: a general Pentagon contract list, a government-wide contracting list, and multiple government reports on military spending. They finally calculated that the overall value of the contractually-agreed small arms shipments, just to those two countries, was roughly $2.16 billion.

“U.S. intelligence reports and eyewitnesses have previously said that a significant fraction of the U.S.-financed arms were either lost or stolen, and that many wound up in the hands of forces opposed to US interests, including terrorist groups such as the Islamic State, or ISIS.

“In 2007, for example, the General Accountability Office said the coalition forces in Iraq could not account for 190,000 U.S.-supplied weapons. A July 2014 audit by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction sharply criticized the Pentagon for not paying adequate attention to the fate of weaponry sent to Afghanistan, citing rampant discrepancies in records of gun serial numbers and other problems. In many instances over the past two years, U.S.-advised forces in those two countries have engaged in protracted clashes with terrorists equipped with captured caches of U.S. small arms, as well as U.S. tanks, artillery, and armored personnel carriers.

“‘There are direct and real consequences,’ said Iain Overton, a veteran investigative journalist who is the group’s director, including ‘a destabilized Middle East.’ He said Americans believe ‘that good guys with guns will get rid of bad buys with guns but that system doesn’t work when you throw guns into lawless, anarchic societies.’…

“The United States is not the only country that provided weapons to Iraq and Afghani forces that went missing over the past fifteen years, and not the only one to have exported weapons that specifically ended up in the hands of terrorists. In 2014, the Center for Public Integrity reported that fighters associated with the Islamic State had acquired or seized weapons from at least 21 countries, including the United States, China, Russia, and several Balkan states.

“‘A significant percentage of these weapons will go into the environment and eventually end up in the hands of the Taliban, ISIS’ and other non-state actors, says Ed Laurance, an expert on armed violence and professor of international policy and development at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. ‘Ammunition comes in, it goes out. Terrorists can get it, civilians can get it… It’s impossible to keep track of [small arms]’ because the environments are so insecure.”

“Negotiations with Americans Have Failed”

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 28:

“Free trade negotiations between the European Union and the United States have failed, according to Germany’s Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel. After three years of talks, an agreement has yet to be reached. Discussions on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) have been unsuccessful,  [Gabriel] said on Sunday… If agreed upon, TTIP would create the world’s largest free trade zone containing 800 million people…  Gabriel, who also heads the Social Democrats (SPD), noted that after 14 rounds of talks, the two sides have yet to agree on even one chapter out of the 27 being discussed. One of the reasons given for the breakdown in negotiations was that ‘we Europeans did not want to subject ourselves to American demands,’ Gabriel said.

“In contrast to his TTIP stance, Gabriel defended the EU’s free trade agreement with Canada, called the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA.)… Many Germans continue to harbor suspicions against the TTIP and CETA… German trade unions and other organizations have called for a massive rally across German cities on September 17 to protest the two trade agreements…”

Trump’s Immigration Policy

Newsmax wrote on August 31:

“Only a few hours after meeting in Mexico City with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, Donald Trump announced an immigration plan Wednesday in Arizona anchored by ‘a great wall along the Southern border’ — that Mexico will pay for — a zero-tolerance policy for criminal illegals and no legalization or amnesty for as many as 11 million aliens in the United States… ‘They don’t know it yet, but they’re going to pay for the wall,’ he said…

“Trump also doubled down on many of his previous immigration policies, vowing to create a ‘deportation task force’ within U.S. Immigrations and Custom Enforcement that would include a tripling of enforcement officers and the hiring of 5,000 more border patrol agents.

“He said the new task force would be ‘focused on identifying and quickly removing the dangerous criminal illegal immigrants in America who have evaded justice, just like Hillary Clinton has evaded justice. Maybe, they’ll be able to deport her,’ Trump said.

“The Republican nominee’s long-awaited speech followed a meeting in Mexico City with President Pena Nieto,  after which Trump said that he was interested in ‘improving’ NAFTA and that the U.S. had a ‘right … to build a physical barrier or wall on any of its borders.’

“His remarks also came after more than a year of fiery rhetoric slamming Hispanics and illegal immigrants, vowing to build a wall on the U.S. border — and having Mexico pay for it — and promising to create a ‘deportation force’ to remove more than 11 million aliens from the United States. In recent weeks, however, Trump has been accused of softening his position — though the nominee last week ruled out legalization and amnesty and reiterated his pledge to build the wall.

“The core objective of Trump’s immigration policy was that the United States has the ‘right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to thrive and flourish and love us. We also have to be honest about the fact that not everyone who seeks to join our country will be able to successfully assimilate,’ Trump told supporters…

“Other core elements of Trump’s 10-point plan include ending ICE’s catch-and-release policy for illegals at the border; implementing ‘extreme vetting’; suspending visa applications from countries — Syria and Libya, for instance — where screening is insufficient; and creating a visa tracking system to prevent overstays.

“Trump also plans to create a nationwide e-verify system that would also bar illegals from obtaining public benefits; revoke President Barack Obama’s executive immigration actions; and renegotiate the North American Free-Trade Agreement…

“For the illegals already in the United States, Trump declared that their only option is to return to their native countries and apply for citizenship. ‘Those who leave under this system, they’ll have to apply under the terms and limits that will be applied in the future,’ he said. ‘We will break the cycle of amnesty and illegal immigration… Our message to the world will be this: You cannot obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country…”

Hillary Clinton Didn’t Only Delete Her Emails, She Super Deleted Them

Zero Hedge wrote in August 26:

“South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox News today and disclosed new details about the Clinton email scandal that seem to indicate intent to destroy evidence… Gowdy reveals that Clinton used ‘BleachBit’ to erase the ‘personal’ emails from her private server.

“For those not familiar with the software, BleachBit is intended to help users delete files in a way to ‘prevent recovery’ and ‘hide traces of files deleted.’  Per the BleachBit website: ‘Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster.’

“During his appearance on Fox, Gowdy clearly indicates that Clinton’s use of BleachBit undermines her claims that she only deleted innocuous ‘personal’ emails from her private server.  ‘If she considered them to be personal, then she and her lawyers had those emails deleted.  They didn’t just push the delete button… You don’t use BleachBit for yoga emails… When you’re using BleachBit, it is something you really do not want the world to see.’

“Gowdy also questioned whether Hillary considered ‘Clinton Foundation’ emails to be ‘personal’ and, if not, asked why the FBI’s investigation revealed minimal emails about Foundation-related topics.”

However, as it was pointed out on the Fox Business Channel on August 26, none of this will convince Clinton supporters NOT to vote for Hillary Clinton. Decency and a desire for trustworthiness do not seem to exist in politics; rather, willful ignorance and blindness, illogical reasoning, name-calling, accusations, the ridiculous hope for a human Messiah and other utopian pipe dreams seem to determine the “votes” of the American people in presidential elections.

Clinton, Kaine and Their Abortion Views reported on August 29:

“A small group of Catholics protested peacefully on Sunday outside the Catholic Church where Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate attends. Tim Kaine, Clinton’s vice presidential pick and a U.S. Senator for Virginia, often says he is a Catholic and ‘personally pro-life,’ but his actions show otherwise. Kaine has a 100-percent pro-abortion voting record from Planned Parenthood so far in 2016… One protester’s sign read ‘You can’t be Catholic and pro-abortion,’ while another described him as a ‘CINO,’ or Catholic in name only…

“As LifeNews previously reported, Kaine said he is a ‘strong supporter of Roe v. Wade.’ He also has refused to say whether he would vote to force taxpayers to fund abortions – a goal both for his running mate and the whole Democratic Party. As a U.S. Senator, Kaine voted to allow government funding of abortion providers, and he voted against legislation to require an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state.

“Kaine took his most extreme pro-abortion action yet with his recent co-sponsorship of the so-called ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’ (S.217), known to pro-lifers as the ‘Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act.’ This bill would nullify nearly all existing state and federal limitations on regulation of abortion, and prohibit states from enacting meaningful pro-life laws in the future. This revamped version of the long-stalled ‘Freedom of Choice Act’ is a priority of the pro-abortion forces in Washington, D.C.

“Recently, Washington, DC-based Fr. Thomas Petri sent out a series of tweets addressing the Catholic candidate’s pro-abortion views – with one saying Kaine should not present himself for communion in his church. That was after a Catholic bishop admonished Kaine, saying that he can’t reconcile his Catholic faith with abortion.

“His running mate Hillary Clinton’s position is even more extreme. Clinton has said in various interviews that an unborn child just hours before birth has no Constitutional rights. In February, Clinton defended the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure. She also said she wants to overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for abortions, including late-term abortions.”

How the E.U.’s Ruling on Apple Explains Why Brexit Happened”

The Washington Post wrote on August 30:

“On Tuesday morning, the governing body of the European Union ruled that one of its members, Ireland, had broken its rules by allowing U.S.-based Apple Inc. to pay a tax rate of 1 percent — and sometimes as little as .0005 percent. Ireland’s regular tax rate is 12.5 percent, and E.U. rules state that members can’t give special benefits to individual companies — even the most highly valued company in the world. Under the E.U. ruling, Apple would be required to pay Ireland more than $14.5 billion in back taxes. Both Apple and the Irish government plan to appeal.

That is a huge amount of money for a small country like Ireland, which suffered terribly after the 2008 financial crisis and required a massive bailout from the E.U… The sum is roughly equal to Ireland’s entire health budget, to put it in perspective.

“Others, however, see the ruling as exactly why Ireland — just like the United Kingdom did with its Brexit vote — needs to leave an interventionist, anti-sovereignty European Union. To put the question a different way: Did Apple, in collusion with the Irish government, rip off the Irish public by arranging a huge tax break? Or did the European Union just undermine Ireland’s economic model and strip the country of its competitive advantage, risking Ireland’s long-term growth?

“Much of the debate across the Irish Sea in Britain during the lead-up to the referendum on E.U. membership in June centered on the idea that bureaucrats with no allegiance to Britain were sitting in Brussels and writing their laws. Proponents of a ‘Brexit’ argued that leaving the E.U. would allow the country to ‘take back control’ of its economy and borders…”

The Telegraph added on August 30:

“Britain could cut corporation tax to attract major international companies under plans being considered by Theresa May after Apple was hit with a record tax bill by Brussels. Downing Street said it would ‘welcome’ Apple to the UK after the European Commission took the extraordinary step of hitting the company with an £11billion fine.”

Istanbul’s New $3 Billion Bridge Has a Very Divisive Name

The Associated Press wrote on August 26:

“Turkey opened one of the world’s largest bridges Friday designed to allow traffic to cross the Bosphorus Strait between Europe and Asia and ease congestion in Istanbul. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan oversaw a ceremony inaugurating the $3 billion Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, which is touted by its Turko-Italian developers as the world’s broadest suspension bridge at 58.4 meters (192 feet) wide.

“The toll bridge, spanning 1,408 meters (4,620 feet) over the Bosphorus, features 10 lanes, including two rail lines. At 322 meters (1,056 feet), officials say the bridge’s 322-meter (1,056-foot) towers are also the tallest in the world. It becomes Istanbul’s third bridge spanning the strategic strait. ‘This bridge upon which we look with pride will hopefully be a pioneer for many things. … We will be proud of it, you will see. International movies will be filmed here, you will see,’ Erdogan told the audience, among them the king of Bahrain, dignitaries from several other countries and hundreds of citizens.”

The Washington Post wrote on August 27:

“It’s called the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge in honor of the ninth Ottoman emperor, Selim I, a monarch who earned the sobriquet Selim the Grim for his years of military campaigning and severe rule. In 2013, when the name was announced at a groundbreaking ceremony, it sparked a great deal of controversy. Selim I is famed for his conquests to the east in the early 16th century, extending the Ottoman Empire’s dominion over Egypt and the Holy Lands while also pushing against the Safavid Empire in what’s now Iran…

“Selim’s wars had a sectarian dimension. In particular, the emperor is believed to have ordered the slaughter of tens of thousands of Alevis, a minority sect linked to Shiism and steeped in Sufi and rural Anatolian traditions…

“Erdogan… is interested in creating a legacy that perhaps even transcends that of Ataturk and has sought, in ways big and small, to rehabilitate or resurrect Ottoman history to suit his narrative in power. In the wake of last month’s failed coup attempt, the debate over the bridge’s name almost seems quaint…”

Anti-Muslim Party Gains Seats in Australian Parliament

The Star wrote on August 26:

“In a general election last month, many Australians were stunned by the success of One Nation, whose blatantly anti-Muslim policies appealed to many voters who felt threatened by immigration — even in a wealthy country with a far more generous social security net than the United States and few illegal immigrants. The party helmed by Hanson, who is famous in Australia for her fiery red hair and tortured syntax, has emerged with four seats in the finely balanced Senate, where the ruling Liberal-National coalition lacks a majority and is under huge political pressure to speed economic growth. The government is likely to need One Nation to pass laws fought by the Labor Party opposition and the Australian Greens party.

“Negotiating with One Nation could put the prime minister, Liberal Party leader Malcolm Turnbull, in an awkward position. The former Goldman Sachs investment banker is a liberal on many social issues — he is a strong supporter of legalizing same-sex marriage, for example — which frequently puts him at odds with the conservative wing of his party…

“Australia is one of the world’s most peaceful and socially harmonious immigrant-driven countries, and terrorist attacks are extremely rare. Nonetheless, cultural and racial differences between the 1.5 per cent of the population who are Muslim and the white Christian majority receive a lot of attention and contribute to a perception among some Australians that they are being overwhelmed by a hostile religion. One Nation plays to those fears. Its policies and rhetoric echo those of Trump and the UK Independence Party, which successfully championed the recent vote to take Britain out of the European Union. ‘Australia for Australians,’ One Nation’s website proclaims.

“The party wants an inquiry into whether Islam is a religion or an ideology, an end to Muslim immigration, a ban on the burqa in public, surveillance in all mosques and Islamic schools, no new mosques and the end of halal certification of food. It is skeptical about global warming…”

Many Asylum Seekers Leave Sweden

The Independent wrote on August 26:

“Sweden used to be one of Europe’s most popular destinations for migrants, with the number of asylum applications doubling between 2014 and 2015 to more than 160,000. A high success rate – 55 per cent of claims were accepted in 2015 – combined with generous welfare benefits for asylum seekers, and a comparatively welcoming population, made the country extremely popular with people fleeing war and persecution, and left the Scandinavian nation with the second highest number of refugees per capita in Europe.

“But for many asylum seekers who arrived during the influx last year, Sweden has proved less of a utopia than they hoped. Many faced a long, cold winter in political limbo, camped out in makeshift accommodation while the state struggled to cope with the large number of new claims. Less than 500 of the 160,000 arrivals have managed to secure jobs… the Swedish Migration Agency, a government department responsible for processing claims, introduced tougher rules at the start of 2016, designed to deter and keep out asylum seekers. New border controls were brought in, as were stricter rules surrounding family reunion. Housing was withdrawn for failed asylum seekers and plans announced to expand immigration detention.

“The Swedish public also appear to… have become more hostile to migrants. A survey released in February showed immigration was the main concern for 40 per cent of Swedes, above worries about failing schools, joblessness and welfare. The change was the biggest opinion swing in the poll’s history. ‘Most Swedes are not racist,’ said Ylva Johansson, the Minister for Employment and Integration. ‘But when there is this special asylum housing when they cannot work, and cannot be part of society this is really a tension. This is a dangerous situation; we have a lot of people in no-man’s land … living outside society.’”

“Sweden’s statistics, however, have to be viewed in the context of less refugees entering Europe overall in 2016 than in 2015. The Balkan route has essentially been closed off by the EU-Turkey deal, which forces migrants to return to Turkey unless they want to claim asylum in Greece, which would stop them travelling onwards to countries in northern Europe…

“2016 has been the deadliest year so far for refugees trying to reach Europe, aid workers have said, telling The Independent in July they are frustrated at moves within the EU to keep more refugees out and to block off entry routes…”

Austria to Germany: Close Your Borders!

The Sunday Express wrote on August 27:

“Austria has launched a blistering attack on Angela Merkel accusing her of trying to stoke more mass migration and ordering her to close Germany’s borders immediately. Vienna’s defence minister Hans Peter Doskozil said the controversial Chancellor was ‘encouraging’ more asylum seekers from the Middle East to flock to Europe in a provocative outburst. The stinging slap down comes amid disintegrating relations between the two neighbours over the migrant crisis, with Austria repeatedly accusing Germany and Mrs Merkel of sparking the refugee chaos.

“Vienna has been locked in a power struggle with Berlin and Brussels over its controversial migration policies, which include limiting the daily number of asylum applications it will process. And Mr Doskozil upped the ante against Mrs Merkel, saying that she must stop repeating her infamous ‘Wir schaffen das’ – ‘We can do this’ – slogan which he said was only encouraging more migrant chaos…

“He added: ‘We will not accept that this encouragement puts Austria into a position that then makes more refugees want to go from Italy via Austria to Germany while Germany closes its borders at the same time. We decided that waving them through is no longer possible, and that is a good thing!’

“Asked what retaliatory measures Austria would take if there was another mass migrant rush for Europe, the defence minister replied that he would effectively seal up Italy by closing the Brenner Pass border between the two countries…

“Europe has been in the grip of a huge migrant crisis over the last 18 months, with more than a million migrants arriving on the continent in 2015 alone. A controversial migrant pact with Turkey has helped reduce numbers flooding into Greece but that is now under severe pressure and could collapse amid deteriorating relations between Brussels and Ankara. As a result many migrant smugglers are now targeting Italy, via Libya, as an alternative route across the Mediterranean. However, this sea crossing is much more perilous and thousands have died at sea over the last 18 months in what aid groups have described as a human tragedy.”

Support for Merkel Has Weakened in Germany

Reuters reported on August 28:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s domestic popularity has declined, a poll showed on Sunday, with 50 percent of Germans against her serving a fourth term in office after a federal election next year. Support for Merkel has weakened after a string of violent attacks on civilians in July, three of which were carried out by asylum seekers. Of those, two were claimed by Islamic State. This has raised opposition to Merkel’s open-door migrant policy, which allowed hundreds of thousands from the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere into Germany last year.

“Half of the… people questioned… were against Merkel staying in office beyond the 2017 election, with 42 percent wanting her to remain. In November, the last time Bild am Sonntag commissioned a survey on the issue, 45 percent had been in favor of Merkel serving a fourth term, with 48 percent against.”

Most Germans Against Full Body Veil

Deutsche Welle reported on August 26:

“A large majority of Germans reject the burqa. Some 81 percent of respondents in a representative survey conducted by polling institute Infratest dimap are in favor of banning the Islamic veil, which covers women completely from head to toe, in some public places. More than half of Germans have an even more extreme view – 51 percent were in favor of banning the burqa entirely…

“Amid the renewed debate in Germany, some conservative politicians in the country are calling for a ‘burqa ban.’ State interior ministers of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) want to ban veils like the burqa and the niqab in public places including schools, public authorities, court rooms and in traffic….  The ministers also discussed prohibiting the veils altogether…

“Several Islamic scholars in Germany agree. They say the burqa and the niqab are not required in their religion and believe that the extreme veils hinder integration. Aziz Fooladvand, a Bonn sociologist and Islamic Studies scholar, told DW that facial coverings are common only in very strict interpretations of Sunni Islam, such as that practiced in Saudi Arabia. But in Egypt, for example, wearing a niqab is generally frowned upon. Bassam Tibi, a former professor of international relations at the University of Göttingen, calls himself a ‘European Muslim’ and says that he supports an open, liberal Islam. In an August op-ed for popular German tabloid ‘Bild,’ he wrote that he fully supported a burqa ban…”

Sarkozy for Nationwide Ban of Burqa in France

The Guardian wrote on August 26:

“Nicolas Sarkozy says he will impose a nationwide ban on burkinis if re-elected to the presidency in 2017, positioning himself as a strong defender of French values and tough on immigration… Taking a hard line on the burkini debate that has agitated France over recent weeks, Sarkozy said that the full-body swimwear should be banned from beaches across the country…

“Sarkozy is seeking to win back votes from the far-right FN, whose rising popularity mirrors that of populist politicians in other countries that have appealed to voters concerned about globalisation and immigration, such as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the US and the leaders of Britain’s Brexit campaign…

“For months Sarkozy lagged in opinion polls behind Alain Juppé, the centrist former prime minister, but his popularity, which had already started improving with party sympathisers in June, rose after Islamist attacks on a Bastille Day crowd in Nice and on a priest in Normandy…”

Wilders Announces Severe Restrictions for Muslims in The Netherlands

Politico wrote on August 26:

“The Dutch far-right Freedom Party will run in the country’s parliamentary elections next year on a platform seeking to ban some of the key tenets of Islam, according to a manifesto published by its leader Geert Wilders Thursday. In its five-year plan for 2017-2021, the Freedom Party pledges to reverse the ‘Islamization’ of the Netherlands by implementing measures such as closing mosques and Islamic schools, securing borders, banning the Koran, closing asylum seeker centers, banning Muslim migrants and forbidding women from wearing headscarves.

“Wilders’ party also supports holding a Brexit-style referendum for the Netherlands to leave the European Union. Other promises include more funding for police and defense and eliminating foreign aid. The plan, which is just one page, comes ahead of the next parliamentary elections, scheduled for March 2017… An IPSOS poll predicted this month that the Freedom Party could be the most represented party in the Dutch parliament, snatching 25 to 30 seats, up from the 12 it currently has…”

Incredible Lightning Strike

Time wrote on August 29:

“A single lightning strike is believed to have killed more than 300 reindeer in Norway. A total of 323 reindeer were found dead in the southern part of Norway on the Hardangervidda plateau, a press release from the Norwegian Environment Agency said. Among the 323 killed were 70 calves. An official from the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate discovered their carcasses during a routine inspection on Friday.

“Officials said they believe the herd of reindeer was killed by lightning strike as they huddled together during a heavy thunderstorm…”

The Pope’s “Advice” on Climate Change

Breitbart wrote on September 1:

“In his message for the ‘World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation’ Thursday, Pope Francis said that human-induced global warming, as well as a loss of biodiversity are ‘sins’ against God, which must be atoned for…

“Among these [‘atoning actions’] are ‘avoiding the use of plastic and paper, reducing water consumption, separating refuse, cooking only what can reasonably be consumed, showing care for other living beings, using public transport or car-pooling, planting trees, turning off unnecessary lights, or any number of other practices.’”

Unity Between Catholics and Lutherans?… Not Quite Yet!

Christian News wrote on August 20:

“The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) voted overwhelmingly last week to approve a declaration of unity with the Roman Catholic Church in an endeavor to ‘enumerate the many points of agreement between Lutherans and Catholics’—a move that some state is contrary to biblical Christianity…

“While this month’s ELCA declaration notes points of agreement between evangelical Lutherans and Roman Catholics, it also outlines several areas where differences remain between the two entities. The document explains that Roman Catholics believe in transubstantiation, while Lutherans do not believe that communion is transformed ‘into the [actual] substance of the body and blood of Christ.’ It also notes that Lutherans question the global papacy, which Roman Catholics assert is of the succession of Peter…

“Mike Gendron, a former Roman Catholic who now leads Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries, [an] organization dedicated to evangelizing Catholics, said that the ECLA is in error in seeking to find common ground with Roman Catholicism despite… doctrinal disparities.

“‘By seeking unity with the Catholic religion they are departing from the biblical faith of the Reformers,’ he told Christian News Network. “They need to know that there can never be biblical unity between Roman Catholics and denominations which uphold the gospel of God’…

“Gendron said that unity simply for the sake of unity is contrary to the Scriptures… ‘Religious unity is a work of Satan who uses man’s prideful ambitions and biblical ignorance and to unite the world,’ he stated. ‘Those who engage in spiritual enterprises with apostate Roman Catholicism, without confronting their error, give credibility to their heresies’…”

Transgender Bathroom “Rights” Upheld by Bush-Appointed Judge

Newsmax reported on August 26:

“A U.S. judge on Friday blocked the University of North Carolina from enforcing a state law requiring transgender people to use single-sex restrooms and locker rooms that correspond to the gender on their birth certificate. U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Schroeder’s order granting a preliminary injunction applies only to the three transgender plaintiffs named in a lawsuit challenging the measure…

“The judge, an appointee of Republican former President George W. Bush, heard oral arguments in the case… Lawyers for Republican Governor Pat McCrory and other Republican lawmakers who support the measure said it offered common-sense protection of state residents’ privacy and safety…

“The U.S. Justice Department and the American Civil Liberties Union, which sued the state on behalf of three transgender people, called the law stigmatizing and unconstitutional.

“Bathroom access has become a flashpoint in the legal and cultural battle over transgender rights in the United States. An estimated 0.6 percent of U.S. adults identify as transgender… Debates about which public restroom facilities they and transgender children should use have divided courts, state legislatures and schools.”

Pastors Prohibited to Counsel Minors on “Same-Sex Attractions”

Breitbart wrote on August 23:

“The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco on August 23 upheld California’s wildly controversial Senate Bill 1172 that bars licensed counselors — including pastors — from assisting youth who want to change or reduce their same-sex attractions. The law also prohibits any counseling that would steer youth away from gender confusion. Pacific Justice Institute filed suit against SB 1172 in 2012…

“Pacific Justice’s lead plaintiff is both a pastor and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who oversees a counseling ministry in his church. Pacific Justice pointed out that the SB 1172 if applied would [be] reaching over the walls of a church to prohibit what could be said during counseling by a pastor who is also a trained marriage and family therapist.

“According to the law, ‘California has a compelling interest in protecting the physical and psychological well-being of minors, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth, and in protecting its minors against exposure to serious harms caused by sexual orientation change efforts … … Under no circumstances shall a mental health provider engage in sexual orientation change efforts with a patient under 18 years of age.’

“But the Ninth Circuit today waved away concerns about California interfering with pastors’ religious practice, while also declining to address legal decisions that previously rejected state interference with church counseling.

“Pacific Justice had also pointed out to the court, that dozens of transcript passages from SB 1172’s legislative record show the legislation is meant as a clear and direct attack against conservative religious viewpoints. According to Pacific Justice attorney Kevin Snider, who argued the Ninth Circuit case, ‘The court today simply rewrote legislative history to avoid the uncomfortable reality that the California Legislature unabashedly targeted religious beliefs with this bill.’

“Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, commented: ‘We are deeply disappointed by today’s ruling because it represents a giant step backwards for religious freedom.  A government that can tell a pastor what he can and cannot say during counseling is a government that can tell a pastor what parts of the Bible are off-limits.   The court also reminded us today that this law lays the groundwork for further restrictions on parental rights.’

“Pacific Justice is currently reviewing all its options with their clients, including a potential appeal to the Supreme Court.”

California’s law (SB 1172), as applied, is unconstitutional on its face. The attack of the Legislature and the Court system on religious freedom, parental rights and the separation between church and state is unconscionable. Note the next article for another unconditional California law.

“Federal Judge Denies Injunction Against California Vaccination Law for Schoolchildren”

The Los Angeles Times wrote on August 26:

“A federal judge has denied a request for a preliminary injunction against a new law that requires children in California’s public and private schools to be vaccinated unless they have a medical waiver from a licensed doctor. In an order released Friday afternoon, U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw in San Diego wrote that state Legislatures have ‘a long history of requiring children to be vaccinated as a condition to school enrollment, and for as many years, both state and federal courts have upheld those requirements against constitutional challenge.’

“In July, a group of parents and advocacy groups filed a federal lawsuit asking for the injunction. It is trying to block the California law’s elimination of personal belief exemptions, which previously allowed parents to enroll their children even if they weren’t up-to-date on the full vaccination schedule as published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The wording of the District Court’s decision, as quoted, is historically and legally inaccurate and blatantly misleading. The law in question, only granting exemptions for ill-defined “medical reasons,” seems to be unconstitutional ON ITS FACE. However, to reach the US Supreme Court, even IF they were to uphold the Constitution, will be an expensive, laborious and time-consuming task.

Teacher Convicted for Holding Kids Back After Class

The Local wrote on August 27:

“A music teacher from North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has been found guilty of ‘holding people against their will’ after he made some naughty stay kids back after class. The 50-year-old was ordered by the court to attend classes on how to better deal with difficult children. If he fails to attend the classes, he could face a fine of €1,000, reports Spiegel.

“The reason for Wednesday’s conviction on a count of ‘robbery of freedom’ was the teacher’s decision to make disruptive pupils write out a Wikipedia entry on a musician after class. The pupils were then told to hand in their work one by one, but were not allowed to leave the classroom by the teacher, sat in the doorway with a guitar across his knees…

“According to the law in NRW, teachers are allowed to give pupils detention, but only after notifying parents.”

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How Are We to Keep the Sabbath? (Part 1)

True Christians know and have proven for themselves from the pages of the Bible THAT they are still duty-bound today to keep the weekly Sabbath–the time from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset–as it is holy time.  But often questions may arise as to HOW to keep the Sabbath. Are there any principles or passages in the Bible which tell us what kind of activities are permitted, and which are prohibited? Are we told how to apply those passages and concepts practically, in an individual situation?

In this new series, we will address many of those questions which have puzzled and perplexed Christians for decades. We will begin with quoting statements which we have made through the years in our literature regarding proper Sabbath observance. In this installment and the next one, we will concentrate primarily on God’s command not to do “work” on the Sabbath; not to pursue our own “pleasure”; not to engage in “business”; and we will discuss whether or not we should eat out in a restaurant on the Sabbath. We will address and answer specific questions which we may not have addressed before in writing.

We stated the following in our Q&A on Mark 2:27-28:

“The Fourth Commandment says very clearly that we are not to do servile or customary work on the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15). As God rested on the seventh day from His ordinary work of creating plants, animals and men, so we are to rest from our ordinary labor and to be spiritually refreshed on the Sabbath.

“Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man. It was God’s gift to man. It was not supposed to be a burden, but a blessing. As God blessed and sanctified for holy use the seventh day (Genesis 2:3), He did so for man, so man will be blessed when he properly keeps and enjoys the seventh day.

“However, the Pharisees at the time of Jesus Christ had made a burden out of the Sabbath… they criticized the disciples of Christ for plucking the heads of grain on the Sabbath, to satisfy their hunger (Mark 2:23-24; Matthew 12:1-2). It was their position that they should rather go hungry than to pluck a few heads of grain, falsely interpreting such conduct as prohibited ‘harvesting.’ …

“Christ placed mercy over strict pharisaical restrictions, pointing out that David ate from the showbread of the [tabernacle], when he was hungry, although it was not ‘lawful’ for him to eat it (Matthew 12:3-4). But Christ did not condemn David for this. He also taught that the priests in the temple had to fulfill their responsibilities on the Sabbath, which—according to pharisaical consequential reasoning–would have been tantamount to ‘breaking’ or ‘profaning’ the Sabbath, but Christ said they were ‘blameless’ in doing so (Matthew 12:5). When today God’s ministers ‘work’ on the Sabbath in preparing and delivering sermons, they are equally blameless and guiltless.

“On the other hand, Christ did not teach that we can violate God’s Sabbath by just trampling it under foot—by working in our jobs to earn a living and by pursuing our own pleasures and hobbies. Isaiah 58:13 states to you (according to the New International Version) that you are to ‘keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day’ and to ‘call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD’s holy day honorable’ and to ‘honor it by not doing as you please or speaking idle words.’ The Living Bible clarifies that ‘doing as you please’ refers to ‘your own fun and business.’”

We also stated the following in our free booklet, God’s Commanded Holy Days:

“When we keep the Sabbath, it will be noticeable to those with whom we have close relationships—our family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Our lack of participation in sports, school or college events that are scheduled on the Sabbath, as well as not going to theaters or working on the Sabbath, will become very obvious, and so these people will come to realize our commitment to God…”

To elaborate at this point, it is obvious that we must not work on the Sabbath to earn money, and if we operate our own business, we need to close it during the Sabbath. This would mean that we could not keep it open for our employees to run the business and keep the money for themselves. The same principle would apply for a business “partnership.” First of all, we would strongly recommend against a business partnership between a Church member and an “unbeliever” who does not believe in the Sabbath. In any event, a Church member could not agree that his partner operates the business on the Sabbath, even if he was to forgo any share of proceeds received on the Sabbath. As a partner, he would still be responsible for the operation of his business on the Sabbath. The situation would be different, if a Church member was an employee and would not work on the Sabbath for the business, even if the business was to stay open on that day.

A related question may arise when Christians rent out their houses or apartments. It is obvious that they cannot demand from their renters to leave the house on Fridays and return on Sundays. Once houses or apartments are rented out, the owners are no longer responsible for the conduct of their renters (as long as it is not illegal). It would be advisable, however, to carefully scrutinize prospective renters to guarantee that they are not engaging in conduct which would have to be rejected by a Church member. One might say that since no profit may be earned on the Sabbath, a landlord could not rent out a house or apartment since the rent would always include the time for the weekly and annual Sabbaths. Therefore, some have suggested that a Church member could or should never rent out a house or apartment, or should never begin to run a motel or a hotel, or if he had done so, to sell such an establishment.

This seems to be too restrictive. We read in the parable about the merciful Samaritan that he took care of the man fallen under the robbers; that he brought him to an inn; and that he paid the innkeeper for weeks (including the Sabbaths), until he returned. We also read that during the time of taxation (which fell apparently during the fall festivals), no room was found in the inn for Mary and Joseph, showing that inns were rented out in Judea, and they would have been rented out for profit. It is up to the individual Church member to determine how to calculate the rent, keeping the Sabbath question in mind, but it would be too restrictive to demand that he could not rent out his house or apartment.

Addressing activities of “pleasure” and “sports,” it would generally be ill advised to attend a birthday party or parties in general on the Sabbath; especially, if the parties involve unconverted family members or unbelieving friends. Even driving to such parties on the Sabbath (although one may attend after the Sabbath) might create a problem, depending on how long one may be on the road. It would always be better to ask for accommodation, explaining to the relatives and friends that the Sabbath was not really the day when one would want to attend, and whether the event could not be held on another day, such as Sunday. But as in so many cases, this would have to be a personal decision, based on the circumstances, the persons involved, and one’s own conscience. We must not neglect the fact, however, that the Sabbath is holy time to be dedicated to God.

This means that we may even have to look much more carefully at weddings and wedding receptions on the Sabbath, for both Church members and non-members (given the enormous work involved for Church members if they need to prepare for those occasions). The same general considerations would apply as discussed above regarding birthday parties and other parties. One would need to ask why one would want to conduct a wedding on the Sabbath in the first place, and if arrangements couldn’t be made to conduct it on a different day. Again, whether one would want to conduct or attend a wedding on the Sabbath would have to be a personal decision, based on the circumstances, the persons involved, and one’s own conscience.

To be clear, we do not say that it would be prohibited spending time together with unconverted parents or family members on the Sabbath, including for coffee or a meal.

Regarding sporting events, it should be obvious that we would not watch a football game, a basketball game or a soccer game on the Sabbath. Neither would we participate in such games; which is not to say that we could not “kick the ball around” for a short while with our children or grandchildren. We would also not go to an amusement park or a sporting event or a theater on the Sabbath, but how would we feel if a Church member would drop off or pick up their unbelieving relatives at an amusement park, a sporting event or a theater on his or her way to or from Church services? First of all, it is not our task to condemn anyone, but in case of a request for counseling, we would need to carefully evaluate the individual circumstances, taking into consideration the family situation and other aspects.

The same is true when a Church member is asked by his parents who are returning from vacation to pick them up at the airport on the Sabbath. Again, it would be advisable to explain to the parents ahead of time that the scheduling of the trip should be made in such a way that the flight does not fall on the Sabbath, but circumstances might have existed when such scheduling was not possible.

It would also be advisable for a Church member not to fly at all on the Sabbath, for any reason, if it can be avoided. Experience has shown that flights on the Sabbath are simply not the best way of keeping the Sabbath (especially considering the time at the airport, including security procedures, before entering or after leaving the plane).

It would not be wrong to view certain TV programs or Internet postings on the Sabbath, which would inform us about world news or which would show us God’s beauty of creation; nor would it be wrong to go to a park for a picnic after Church services, or drive to a beautiful scenery (watching the ocean, a waterfall, a forest etc.).

In the next installment, we will answer the question as to whether it is permissible to eat out in a restaurant on the Sabbath.

(To be Continued)

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

God’s Law… or God’s Grace?,” our new booklet, in now posted and has been sent to our printer. Printed copies will be available for those attending the Feast of Tabernacles, and mailings will be done following the Feast to those who are on our mailing list.

Fear of Nuclear War,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Almost 2,000 years ago, the disciples asked Christ what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the world. Christ warned that there would be wars and rumors of wars prior to His return, and that they would increase in intensity. A website introduced ten scenarios of likely wars with devastating consequences, but they missed completely the ONE nuclear confrontation which will trigger World War III and the Great Tribulation. Why is it important that YOU and your loved ones understand?

Die Angst vor nuklearem Weltkrieg,”  is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. This covers the same material in German as the English program described above.

“Endzeitprophezeiungen für die 12 Stämme Israels,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon. Title in English: “End-time Prophecies for the 12 Tribes of Israel.”

“Opposites Don’t Attract,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Because of ignorance and uncertainty, thinking that “the law” has been done away with, we have what we have today: people doing as they please, keeping holidays which are not from God, abusing their bodies in ways which are shameful in God’s eyes, giving into sin and deceit, and forsaking God’s specific commands on how to live a Godly life. What does the Bible actually say when it comes to “the law” and in what way are we to do the opposite from what the world in general justifies in their own eyes?

“Holy Sabbath Convocations,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

How are we to observe the Sabbath… especially during Church services? How should our children behave? Why should they even be present in Church services?  What should they do during services? Does it make a difference whether we participate in person or over the Internet?

Here are the dates for the 2016 Fall Holy Days:

October 3—Feast of Trumpets
October 12—Day of Atonement
October 17 through October 23—Feast of Tabernacles
October 24—Last Great Day

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

God’s Law… or God’s Grace?,” our new booklet, in now posted and has been sent to our printer. Printed copies will be available for those attending the Feast of Tabernacles, and mailings will be done following the Feast to those who are on our mailing list.

Fear of Nuclear War,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Almost 2,000 years ago, the disciples asked Christ what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the world. Christ warned that there would be wars and rumors of wars prior to His return, and that they would increase in intensity. A website introduced ten scenarios of likely wars with devastating consequences, but they missed completely the ONE nuclear confrontation which will trigger World War III and the Great Tribulation. Why is it important that YOU and your loved ones understand?

Die Angst vor nuklearem Weltkrieg,”  is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. This covers the same material in German as the English program described above.

“Endzeitprophezeiungen für die 12 Stämme Israels,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon. Title in English: “End-time Prophecies for the 12 Tribes of Israel.”

“Opposites Don’t Attract,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Because of ignorance and uncertainty, thinking that “the law” has been done away with, we have what we have today: people doing as they please, keeping holidays which are not from God, abusing their bodies in ways which are shameful in God’s eyes, giving into sin and deceit, and forsaking God’s specific commands on how to live a Godly life. What does the Bible actually say when it comes to “the law” and in what way are we to do the opposite from what the world in general justifies in their own eyes?

“Holy Sabbath Convocations,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

How are we to observe the Sabbath… especially during Church services? How should our children behave? Why should they even be present in Church services?  What should they do during services? Does it make a difference whether we participate in person or over the Internet?

Here are the dates for the 2016 Fall Holy Days:

October 3—Feast of Trumpets
October 12—Day of Atonement
October 17 through October 23—Feast of Tabernacles
October 24—Last Great Day

Current Events

We begin with a series of articles about the possibility of ten horrifying future wars; (please view our new StandingWatch program, “Fear of Nuclear War”); the horrible brain-washing of a child by a murderous ISIS fanatical mother; the push for a European army; and the incredibly illogical policy of allowing weapons to fall into the hands of terrorists.

We continue reporting on failed trade negotiations between Europe and America; Donald Trump’s proposed immigration policy; and Hillary Clinton’s unusual and highly suspicious “precautions” of “super-deleting” thousands of e-mails.

We speak on Turkey’s new $3 billion bridge and its very divisive name; and report on several countries’ “fight” with Muslim asylum seekers and the rejection of burqas, including Australia, Sweden, Austria, Germany, France and The Netherlands.

We conclude with several examples of unconscionable court decisions in the USA and Germany, pertaining to the nonsense of transgender bathrooms; blatant violations of the rights of parents and ministers; an attack on the separation between church and state; incredible restrictions for teachers; and ridiculous mandatory vaccinations for school children.

Are You a Humble Person?; Racing After Endurance

On September 3, 2016, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Are You a Humble Person?,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Racing After Endurance.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 750

Opposites Don’t Attract; Holy Sabbath Convocations

On August 27, 2016, Michael Link will present the sermonette, titled, “Opposites Don’t Attract,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Holy Sabbath Convocations.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Path to Perfect Knowledge

by Michael Link

How do we come to a PERFECT understanding? How do we receive PERFECT knowledge? We read in 2 Timothy 3:14-15, “But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

We need to make sure that the knowledge we receive is in fact true knowledge by researching and proving our belief from the pages of the Bible. How do we know that the Bible is true? 2 Timothy continues on in verse 16, saying, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” This means the Old and New Testament! The law of the Ten Commandments has NOT been done away with, but it is still in force today. When we put into action what we are commanded to do, we will gain understanding, and with the knowledge that we receive, we will see results.

Preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world as a witness is a challenge. Those in the ministry are to share information that is true and to educate people, through God’s Word, regarding the things they do not know, have not heard before, and have not understood before. We know the Bible is Truth and we share this Truth with others. We simply plant the seed and we allow God to do the rest as people respond to HIS calling, through our actions, which is why it is so important to continue in doing the Work of God because we never know who will respond (compare the parable of the sower in Luke 8:11-15). We plant the seed and have the faith that God will turn that seed into a productive and prosperous fruit. And that goes with everything in our lives that we are involved with, allowing God to guide us and direct our paths.

What separates us from everyone else, from all the other religions out there that claim to be Christian? We are not in the same classification or category, for we are TRUE Christians, set apart from the rest of the world and from all the other Christian religions out there because we proclaim the Truth and those who have an ear will hear (Matthew 11:15). We face rejection many times because we believe in and proclaim the Truth. We want to lead them to true knowledge of God’s Way, thereby giving them a chance to live a better life. We are also offering them protection from the terrible disasters of the end time through, for example, our StandingWatch programs. It’s not easy when we are faced with rejection, which is why we need to remain focused and positive, continuing on just like Paul, David and even Christ did, because the outcome of our actions is very rewarding. The end result is what matters, but we have to get through all the challenges first.   We must remain humble, even when we are faced with harsh criticism, because the time will come when all those to whom we have been proclaiming God’s message will understand and remember what we have told them.

Think back to your calling and when you were introduced to this knowledge. We were once ignorant and in some cases we still may be; but we continue to learn. We won’t stop learning! This is where belief comes in. Do we believe that what we know is the Truth? Do we believe that ALL things are possible through God, IF we believe? Or do we need to have “physical proof” in order to believe? Remember what Christ said in John 20:29, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed” (compare also Hebrews 11:1, 6).

The knowledge we have received has given us hope, and we offer that same knowledge to others through the preaching of the gospel, because many people out there also need help, and the Bible offers those solutions which we ALL need. Through God’s calling, we have been given this incredible gift to understand now, and we have access to His perfect knowledge. Don’t take it for granted!

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We begin with reports on Germany and Europe, including Germany’s consideration of reinstating the draft and other panic-driven directives “in case of an attack or catastrophe,” (please view our new StandingWatch program, “Germany in Panic Mood,”) as well as its interesting history—and note the startling spy network Turkey has in Germany! The article on Germany’s many capitals shows the influential and leading role Germany has had throughout the existence of the Holy Roman Empire.

We report on a massive earthquake in Italy and quote an article regarding Americans’ increasing lack of faith in God. We continue quoting from the Washington Post, pointing out why the “ransom money” deal between America and Iran really looks quite bad for the Obama Administration. (Please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Obama’s Flat Earth,”) In addition, there may be legal and political trouble for Hillary Clinton because of her email violations. Not to be outdone, Donald Trump aligned himself with Mr Farage of the UK Independence Party—a move Europe will not welcome.

We cite excerpts from a lengthy article by the New York Times, which received much attention in Germany (the German mass tabloid Bild Online discussed the information contained in the article in great detail and linked to the article), summarizing the Russian government’s long-held policy of engaging in political murders of opponents and critics.

We conclude with articles on the new unconstitutional “vaccination madness” (focusing on California and Colorado), which is holding this country hostage; present a new study showing that people are not born gay or transgender; note that syphilis cases are increasing; and highlight man’s fascination with “alien life.”

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German Government Tells Citizens to Prepare for War

Reuters reported on August 21:

“For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government plans to tell citizens to stockpile food and water in case of an attack or catastrophe, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper reported on Sunday…  ‘The population will be obliged to hold an individual supply of food for ten days,’ the newspaper quoted the government’s ‘Concept for Civil Defence’ – which has been prepared by the Interior Ministry – as saying… People will be required to stockpile enough drinking water to last for five days, according to the plan, the paper said.

“The 69-page report does not see an attack on Germany’s territory, which would require a conventional style of national defense, as likely. However, the precautionary measures demand that people ‘prepare appropriately for a development that could threaten our existence and cannot be categorically ruled out in the future,’ the paper cited the report as saying. A further priority should be more support of the armed forces by civilians, it added…”

Deutsche Welle added on August 21:

“A civil defense plan… would require citizens to stockpile supplies in case of a catastrophe…  [Under the plan] the government will require people to stock 10 days’ worth of food and five days… worth of drinking water.  The civil defense strategy would require citizens to have a sufficient supply of food, water, energy, money and medicine to wait out a period until the state would be able to initiate a response to a catastrophe or attack.”

Germany Considers Reinstitution of the Draft

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 23:

“Germany’s interior ministry is considering taking steps toward bringing back conscription, including compulsory service to support the military, which was suspended five years ago. This is according to a report by German news agency dpa, which had access to a confidential copy of a government draft proposal. The proposal… comes as the government seeks to push forward a new concept for civilian defense, titled ‘Support of the Armed Forces.’

“… Military conscription was abolished in 2011 after 55 years, because the government said there was no longer a need for it. However, compulsory military service is still a part of Germany’s Basic Law, or constitution. Therefore, it can be easily reintroduced by the government…”

Germany in Panic Mood

Deutsche Welle reported on August 24 that the “government of Chancellor Angela Merkel (the German cabinet) has “given the green light to the first civil defense strategy in 21 years,” which would include “the possibility of bringing back military conscription” and the requirement for “civilians to stockpile food and water for use in emergency situations…”

Deutsche Welle continued:

“The new strategy lists attacks by conventional, biological and chemical weapons as among the possible threats facing the country, as well as attacks targeting critical infrastructure such as water, electricity and gas supplies. According to government sources, the measures are not a direct result of the recent terror attacks in Germany.”

Erdogan’s Disturbing Spy Apparatus in Germany

The Local wrote on August 24:

“A security politician told Die Welt that Turkey’s MIT intelligence agency has some 6,000 informants in Germany. For Germany’s population of about 3 million people with Turkish roots, that means that each informant could be responsible for monitoring 500 people… In comparison… the Stasi had around 10,000 agents in West Germany to monitor a population of roughly 60 million – meaning 6,000 people per agent.

“The Ministry for State Security, also known as the Stasi, was communist East Germany’s secret police force, which secretly monitored millions until the end of the Cold War and German reunification. But the Stasi engaged primarily in gathering military, political or economic intelligence in West Germany, rather than targeting former citizens, as MIT seems to be doing in Germany…

“Since a failed coup attempt in Turkey last month, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been enacting mass detentions in his own country of suspected opponents, including academics, journalists and military members… Turkey’s internal conflicts between Gülen and Erdogan, and between Kurds and Turks have been brought into Germany, and are impacting the internal peace… The informants in Germany are often unpaid supporters of Erdogan…

“These informants are putting pressure on Kurds, Gülen supporters and others perceived as being opponents, for example by calling for boycotts on their businesses, writing negatively about them in Turkish publications, or threatening their family members… They can go to the regular German police to complain about it, but this is difficult to do in this kind of parallel society… The government feels that Turkey is an important partner in the refugee crisis, so they may turn a blind eye…

“Germany’s Turkish population is the largest ethnic minority in the country. Many came through a guest worker programme in the 1960s…”

Burka Ban in Germany?

The Telegraph wrote on August 19:

“Germany could impose a ban on women wearing burkas or full-face Islamic veils at schools and universities and while driving under new proposals announced on Friday by Angela Merkel’s party.  The burka ‘does not belong in our cosmopolitan country’, Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister and one of Mrs Merkel’s closest allies, said as he announced the new policy. ‘We all reject the full veil —  not only the burka but also other types of full veil that only leave the eyes visible. They have no place in our society.’…

“Mrs Merkel made her own feelings on the issue clear in an interview with a number of German newspapers in advance of the announcement. ‘In my view, a fully veiled woman has almost no chance of integrating successfully in German society,’ she said. The new policy was agreed at late night talks between Mr de Maiziere and interior ministers from several of Germany’s 16 federal states where the CDU is in power…”

Merkel Wants a Better Europe

Reuters wrote on August 21:

“The leaders of Germany, France and Italy will meet on Monday to discuss how to keep the European project together in the second set of talks between the premiers of the euro zone’s three largest economies since Britain’s shock vote to leave the bloc… Officials in Brussels and Berlin fear the June 23 vote could lead to a referendum in the Netherlands – a founding member of the union – on whether to also leave the bloc….

“Faced with existential risks, Merkel wants to cement ‘a better Europe’ rather than forge ahead with ‘more Europe’…

“Lingering threats to the union that emerged long before the Brexit vote are also likely to be on the agenda, including internal and external security after Islamist militant attacks and Europe’s migration crisis. Emboldened by the Brexit vote, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has called a referendum on Oct. 2 on whether to accept any future EU migrant settlement quotas as his government steps up its fight against the EU’s migration policies.

“In another symbolic choice of venue, the three leaders will hold their closing news conference on the Italian aircraft carrier, the Garibaldi, which is the flagship of the EU’s ‘Sophia’ mission in the Mediterranean. The naval operation has a mandate to tackle migrant smugglers, help enforce an arms embargo off Libya, and train the Libyan coast guard. The EU plans to offer incentives to African governments to help slow the flow of migrants who have poured into Europe over the past three years…”

“Europe Must Remain as One”

Daily Mail wrote on August 22:

“Under-fire EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker risked widening divisions with European leaders today by saying borders were the ‘worst invention ever’. He called for all borders across Europe to be opened, despite the chaos caused over the last year from the flood in refugees fleeing Syria and the wave of terror attacks hitting various continent’s cities… Mr Juncker also said a stronger EU was the best way of beating the rising trend of nationalism cross Europe.

“In another extraordinary remark, he appeared to warn of war on the continent if the EU disintegrates as he echoed the warning from the former French president Francois Mitterrand, who said nationalism added to nationalism would end in war…

“The embattled EU Commission president described Brexit as an ‘unheard-of political crisis’ for the EU but told EU member states that the only way of overcoming the challenge of Britain leaving would be to remain as one…”

Europe to Ensure Its Own Defense

The Telegraph wrote on August 22:

“The EU must sharply increase cooperation on defence and intelligence to combat Islamic terrorism and other threats, the leaders of France, Germany and Italy said… The German chancellor, who is known to back deeper EU defence plans, called for more sharing of information between European intelligence services to thwart the kind of attacks that have hit her country, France and Belgium… President Hollande also called for greater cooperation on defence, as France comes to terms with a string of terrorist attacks in recent months.  ‘Europe must ensure its own defence, and France is certainly playing its role,’ the French leader said… Plans to press ahead with a so-called ‘EU army’ will be easier now that the UK has decided to leave the bloc, a former head of the Italian military said.

“General Vincenzo Camporini, former chief of the general staff, said the British thwarted a common defence policy for Europe [for] years.  ‘Every step forward was blocked [by the British]. The British position was crucial – everyone knew that without London, you couldn’t even begin to talk about a common European defence policy,’ he told La Repubblica newspaper.  Mr Renzi echoed the call for deeper defences, while adding that Europe would not suffer from Britain’s departure as many had predicted after the June 23 vote to leave.  ‘Many people felt that after Brexit Europe would come to an end, but that is not the case,’ he said, ‘We respect the choice made by the British citizens,  but at the same time we want to be able to turn the page on a new future.’”

The Express added on August 22:

“‘Brexit will be the beginning of a new Europe’ EU leaders pledge to reform troubled bloc. BRITAIN’S decision to leave the European Union can usher in a new era of solidarity for the troubled bloc, the leaders of Germany, France and Italy said today.”

Germany’s Many Capitals

The Local wrote on August 18:

“In most west European states, power has been centralized around one city for centuries. In England, London (or more accurately Westminster) became the seat of power in the 12th century. Madrid became capital of the Spanish kingdom in 1525. Lisbon was named home of Portuguese government in 1255.

“But Germany is an exception. From the Middle Ages through to modern times, power shifted between various cities, while Berlin was a latecomer to the party, only really gaining prominence in the 18th century…

“The westernmost city of the Federal Republic of Germany, Aachen, is also known as Aix-la-Chapelle in English… the city was the residence of medieval king and emperor Charles the Great, whose kingdom stretched over regions now belonging to France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Charles the Great, or Charlemagne, was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800 by Pope Leo III in the Vatican. After his coronation, the sovereign made Aachen the capital of his empire… from 595 until 936, it was the place of coronation of German kings and queens. After his death, Charles the Great’s kingdom slowly dissolved, but it gave birth to another empire 162 years later…

“Otto I revived the title of Charlemagne and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 962 after creating the archbishopric of Magdeburg. The Holy Roman Empire had no fixed capital, as each king travelled between residences… Otto I’s empire was enormous and included French-speaking Waloons, Flemings in the Netherlands, Slovaks, Slovenes, Danes, Czechs, Croats and Italians. After a marriage to the Byzantine princess Theophanu, the ‘King of the Germans’’ influence even spread as far as Constantinople, modern day Istanbul…

“During the Holy Roman Empire, the archbishop of Mainz was one of the seven ‘Prince-electors’ – the council who collectively elected new rulers of the vast empire, which at its height spread from the Baltic Sea to southern Italy… The archbishop… was also considered Primas Germaniae, the Pope’s highest representative north of the Alps. To this day, the archiepiscopal See of Mainz is the only other Western location outside of the Vatican recognized under the title of Holy See…

Trier… is arguably the most ancient city in Germany, having been founded by Celts in the late 4th century BC [Our comment: This is erroneous, even though it is acknowledged that Trier was NOT founded by Rome, as many falsely believe. In fact, Trier was founded by the ancient Assyrians. See our free booklet, “Germany in Prophecy.”]…

Cologne, Trier, and Mainz were capitals of important states and ruled kingdoms in the empire, but some cities such as Speyer temporarily had more prestige within the empire… In 1027, Conrad II rose to be emperor and by 1033, he was King of Italy, Germany and Burgundy. Conrad came from Speyer and Worms, and upon rising to the throne ordered work to start on a magnificent cathedral in Speyer…

“Cities were usually capitals of a certain territory. However, some cities were independent states. The case of Nuremberg is truly exceptional: it was both an independent city-state and the ‘unofficial capital’ of the Holy Roman Empire. While Nuremberg may not have been capital in name, imperial assemblies were regularly held there and in 1356, Charles IV decreed that all new kings had to hold their first assembly there. The imperial court also worshiped at the town’s Frauenkirche, which was built between 1352 and 1362. Sigismund of Luxembourg also ruled that the imperial regalia be kept in the city permanently. For 350 years between 1423 and 1796, the most precious possessions of the emperor, including the imperial crown, the holy lance and the imperial sword were kept in the city. [Our comment: For more information on these “precious possessions of the emperor” and the role they might still play in the future, please read our free booklet, The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”]…

“In the later years of the Holy Roman Empire, the balance of power progressively shifted from the emperor to local rulers, and in 1806 the empire dissolved altogether. By this stage Berlin had already been capital of the Prussian state for over a hundred years and Prussia had become a major European power. Thanks to the efforts of Otto von Bismarck, it established itself as the core of the modern German state, and Berlin was made capital of modern Germany in 1871.” [Our comment: After World War II and the division of Germany, East Berlin became the capital of East Germany, while Bonn became the capital of West Germany. Berlin resumed its role as the German capital after German reunification.]

Goebbels’ Father-in-Law Was Jewish

JTA wrote on August 21:

“The wife of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels had a Jewish father, according to a new document discovered in the Berlin archives. The document was published in the German newspaper Bild… It shows that the father of Magda Goebbels was a Jewish businessman named Richard Friedlander, who married Magda’s mother, Auguste Behrend, when Magda was about 7 years old. Friedlander had an affair in 1901 with Behrend before she married German engineer Oskar Ritshel, who had been blamed for impregnating Behrend before their wedding.

“Friedlander’s residency card, the document found in the archives, states that Magda is his biological daughter… Friedlander died in the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1939; his daughter did not attempt to help him.

“The Goebbels had been portrayed by the Nazis as the ideal Aryan family. Joseph and Magda Goebbels and their six children committed suicide on April 30, 1945, a day after Adolf Hitler took his life.”

Italy Struck by Massive Earthquake

Reuters reported on August 24:

“A powerful earthquake devastated a string of mountainous towns in central Italy on Wednesday, trapping residents under piles of rubble, killing at least 38 people and leaving thousands homeless. The quake struck in the early hours of the morning when most residents were asleep, razing homes and buckling roads in a cluster of communities some 140 km (85 miles) east of Rome.

“A family of four, including two boys aged 8 months and 9 years, were buried when their house in Accumoli imploded. As rescue workers carried away the body of the infant, carefully covered by a small blanket, the children’s grandmother blamed God: ‘He took them all at once,’ she wailed.

“The army was mobilized to help with special heavy equipment and the treasury released 235 million euros ($265 million) of emergency funds. At the Vatican, Pope Francis canceled part of his general audience to pray for the victims. Aerial photographs showed whole areas of Amatrice, voted last year as one of Italy’s most beautiful historic towns, flattened by the 6.2 magnitude quake…

“The quake hit during the summer when the area, usually sparsely populated, hosts large numbers of holidaymakers… ‘Three quarters of the town is not there anymore,’ Amatrice mayor Sergio Pirozzi told state broadcaster RAI… RAI reported that two Afghan girls, believed to be asylum-seekers, were also missing in the town…

“INGV reported 60 aftershocks in the four hours following the initial quake, the strongest measuring 5.5…

“Italy sits on two fault lines, making it one of the most seismically active countries in Europe. The last major earthquake to hit the country struck the central city of L’Aquila in 2009, killing more than 300 people. The most deadly since the start of the 20th century came in 1908, when an earthquake followed by a tsunami killed an estimated 80,000 people in the southern regions of Reggio Calabria and Sicily.”

Subsequently, Deutsche Welle reported on August 25 that “at least 250 people” were killed in the earthquake.

The Bible prophesies that in the end time, a massive earthquake will hit and destroy the city of Rome.

More and More Americans Are “Giving Up” on God

The Washington Examiner reported on August 24:

“Half of Americans who have left their church no longer believe in God, leading a surge of nearly one quarter of the nation who have no affiliation with any religion, according to a new survey. Pew Research Center said Wednesday that 49 percent of what they term ‘nones’ left their church and religion because they ‘don’t believe.’ Another 20 percent said they don’t like organized religion. Other reasons included ‘common sense’ and a lack of [belief]in miracles. The survey is the latest from Pew that demonstrates a growing trend in America: More and more people are junking religion and many are giving up on God.

“… This includes many respondents who mention ‘science’ [i.e., the belief in Evolution] as the reason they do not believe in religious teachings, including one who said ‘I’m a scientist now, and I don’t believe in miracles.’ Others reference ‘common sense,’ ‘logic’ or a ‘lack of evidence’ – or simply say they do not believe in God.”

The Pew Research Center wrote:

“One-in-five express an opposition to organized religion in general. This share includes some who do not like the hierarchical nature of religious groups, several people who think religion is too much like a business and others who mention clergy sexual abuse scandals as reasons for their stance. A similar share (18%) say they are religiously unsure. This includes people who say they are religious in some way despite being unaffiliated (e.g., ‘I believe in God, but in my own way’), others who describe themselves as ‘seeking enlightenment’ or ‘open-minded,’ and several who say they are ‘spiritual’ if not religious…

“Religious ‘nones’ are by no means monolithic. They can be broken down into three broad subgroups: self-identified atheists, those who call themselves agnostic and people who describe their religion as ‘nothing in particular…”

You might want to listen to our recent sermon, “Why Will God Punish America?”

Iran Deal… Looking Bad for Obama

On August 19, the Washington Post wrote the following:

“Back in January, Iran released five American prisoners it had been holding. That same day, we have come to find out, the American government sent $400 million in cash to Iran. It isn’t hard to draw conclusions based on the proximity of those two events. And yet, the Obama administration repeatedly sought to separate them from one another — even as Republicans have almost universally accused it of paying a ‘ransom’ for American ‘hostages.’…

“In response to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the State Department on Thursday acknowledged that the money was used as ‘leverage’ in the prisoner-release negotiations. The money was already due to Iran as part of a settlement over a decades-old failed arms deal — also reached in January — but State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed it was withheld until the prisoners had left Iran… Asked whether Kirby was saying the payment was contingent upon the prisoners being released, he responded, ‘That’s correct.’

“How does this square with what the Obama administration said before? Back on Aug. 3, after the Wall Street Journal revealed the $400 million payment, Kirby said the two matters were ‘completely separate.’…  Kirby’s assurance… is hard to square with the fact that the $400 million was contingent upon the prisoner release…

“Thursday’s revelation does indeed look bad for the administration, as did the after-the-fact revelation of the $400 million transfer made to Iran, and they both breathe life into Republicans’ long-standing allegations that this was a quid pro quo in which prisoners were released in exchange for cash. There’s a reason such things are avoided; they risk putting overseas Americans in danger of being held in exchange for money.”

Did Hillary Clinton Break the Law–Again?

Newsmax wrote on August 22:

“A second cache of newly released emails during Hillary Clinton’s stint at secretary of state glaringly illustrates how special access was given Clinton Foundation donors — from Middle Eastern royalty to international sports and music stars — by Clinton’s staff, Judicial Watch charged Monday.

“The conservative watchdog group made public 725 pages of State Department documents, many of which included previously unreleased email exchanges between Clinton’s longtime aide Huma Abedin and Doug Band, a then-employee of the Clinton Foundation — and 20 Clinton email exchanges that Judicial Watch asserts weren’t part of the 55,000 pages of emails Clinton turned over to the State Department.

“Earlier this month, Judicial Watch released another batch highlighting the privilege afforded Clinton Foundation donors at Clinton’s State Department. According to Judicial Watch, in one blatant example of privileged access in the new batch, Abedin coordinated with Band to set up a meeting between the Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain and Clinton after Salman couldn’t get a meeting set up through normal State Department channels. In the email chain, Band stresses Salman was a ‘good friend of ours,’ Judicial Watch reports, noting the Kingdom of Bahrain has given up to $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

“Also included among the Abedin-Band email chains is an exchange in which Band urged Abedin to get the State Department to intervene in order to obtain a visa for members of a U.K. football club, one of whose members was having trouble [be]cause of a ‘criminal charge,’ Judicial Watch reports. Band was acting at the behest of millionaire Hollywood sports entertainment executive and president of the Wasserman Foundation, Casey Wasserman, who has donated between $5-10 million to the Clinton Foundation, Judicial Watch reports.

“The Abedin emails also show former Bill Clinton aide Ben Schwerin, who helped set up the Clinton Foundation, urged Abedin to help U2’s Bono to broadcast from the international space station, according to Judicial Watch. ‘These new emails confirm that Hillary Clinton abused her office by selling favors to Clinton Foundation donors,’ Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton said in a statement. ‘There needs to be a serious, independent investigation to determine whether Clinton and others broke the law.’”

The Associated Press added on August 23:

“More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president. At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million.

“Donors who were granted time with Clinton included an internationally known economist who asked for her help as the Bangladesh government pressured him to resign from a nonprofit bank he ran; a Wall Street executive who sought Clinton’s help with a visa problem; and Estee Lauder executives who were listed as meeting with Clinton while her department worked with the firm’s corporate charity to counter gender-based violence in South Africa…

“Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump fiercely criticized the links between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, saying his general election opponent had delivered ‘lie after lie after lie… It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins. It is now abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office’…

“On Monday, Bill Clinton said in a statement that if his wife were to win, he would step down from the foundation’s board and stop all fundraising for it. The foundation would also accept donations only from U.S. citizens and what it described as independent philanthropies, while no longer taking gifts from foreign groups, U.S. companies or corporate charities… Those planned changes would not affect more than 6,000 donors who have already provided the Clinton charity with more than $2 billion in funding since its creation in 2000. ‘There’s a lot of potential conflicts and a lot of potential problems,’ said Douglas White, an expert on nonprofits who previously directed Columbia University’s graduate fundraising management program. ‘The point is, she can’t just walk away from these 6,000 donors.’

“Former senior White House ethics officials said a Clinton administration would have to take careful steps to ensure that past foundation donors would not have the same access as she allowed at the State Department…”

“Emails Show Clinton Ties to Supporters of Turkish Cleric Fethullah Gulen”

Newsmax wrote on August 24:

“Newly released Hillary Clinton emails show that two Turkish businessmen who are top lieutenants of the Islamic cleric living in the U.S. being sought for extradition by Ankara received helped from then secretary of state’s aide Huma Abedin in 2009…  Other emails released show that the two businessmen, Gokhan Ozkok and Recep Ozkan, were on the guest list for a June 2012 Clinton Foundation dinner held at Clinton’s home.

“The series of emails from the two praise Clinton and emphasize that Turkish Americans believe in her friendship. They provide further evidence of the ties the two have fostered with Clinton over the years, at the same time they have worked for Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, who lives in self-exile in Pennsylvania and whom the Turkish government has demanded that the U.S. extradited. Ozkok and Ozkan have also contributed money to Clinton presidential campaigns and gained access to her through Abedin, Clinton’s longest serving aide.

“The New York Post has also raised questions about Abedin, revealing that for a decade she edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the U.S. for 9/11.

“The U.S. has confirmed it has received a formal extradition request from Turkey for Gulen, but not over the July coup attempt the Turkish authorities has accused him of planning… This comes as Vice President Joe Biden meets on Wednesday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erodgan in Ankara.

“The emails and strain in Turkish relations raises questions over whether Clinton’s ties to Gulen’s supporters will influence her policy toward Ankara if she becomes president. In addition to the Turkish allegations against Gulen, The Daily Caller reports that he has drawn scrutiny in the U.S. over alleged visa violations and illegal construction deals connected with his vast American charter school system and think tanks promoting his teachings.”

These revelations complicate even further the relationship between the USA and Turkish dictator Erdogan.

Trump and Farage Together for Independence?

The Telegraph wrote on August 24:

“Heaping praise on the former leader of the UK Independence Party, the Republican presidential nominee [Donald Trump] introduced Mr Farage to 15,000 supporters at a rally in Jacksonville, Mississippi, as the man who orchestrated Brexit. ‘On June 23, the people of Britain voted to declare their independence – which is what we’re also looking to do, folks – from their international government,’ Mr Trump said. ‘They voted to reclaim control over immigration, over economy, over government. Working people, and the great people of the UK, took control of their destiny. We will have one American nation, not divided. November 8 is our chance to re-declare American independence.’

“Mr Farage said he came ‘with a message of hope and optimism’. ‘We made June 23 our independence day when we shamed the establishment… Mr Farage criticised US President Barack Obama, who had urged the British to stay in the EU, saying he ‘talked down to us, as if we were nothing… If I was an American citizen, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me. In fact, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if she paid me.’

“Saying ‘the parallels are clear’ between what was happening in the US and what happened in Britain, Mr Farage said American voters had a ‘fantastic opportunity’ to ‘beat the pollsters, the commentators, Washington… And you’ll do it like with Brexit in Britain, (with) a people’s army. If you want change, you better get your walking boots on, you better get out [there] campaigning, and, remember, anything is possible if enough decent people are prepared to stand up against the establishment.’”

Mr. Farage is probably the most-hated British politician in Europe. If Mr. Trump follows his footsteps, as he appears to do, then he might turn out to be the most hated American politician in Europe. (He is already hated by many Europeans.) As the relationship between the UK and Europe drastically deteriorated because of the Brexit, so the relationship between the USA and Europe might also deteriorate—especially, if Mr. Trump becomes the next President—because of his declared policy of “America first.”

Trump Backs Away from His Immigration Stance

Newsmax wrote on August 25:

“Donald Trump backed away farther from his hard-line stance on deporting millions of illegal immigrants, saying in remarks broadcast on Wednesday he would be willing to work with those who have followed U.S. laws while living in the country.

“Trump’s comments came in the second part of an interview conducted on Tuesday with Fox News anchor Sean Hannity. They signaled a further softening in his immigration position as he girds for a battle against Democrat Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 election and faces pressure to bolster support among moderate voters and minority groups.

“Trump, who defeated 16 rivals for the Republican presidential nomination in part based on his opposition to illegal immigrants, said he would not permit American citizenship for the undocumented population and would expel lawbreakers. To qualify to remain in the United States, Trump said, illegal immigrants would have to pay back taxes…

“Trump’s new position seemed to resemble in some respects the failed 2007 reform push by former Republican President George W. Bush. That effort offered a way to bring millions ‘out of the shadows’ without amnesty and would have required illegal immigrants to pay a fine and take other steps to gain legal status…

“Trump… still wants to build a wall along the U.S. southern border with Mexico but he has emphasized in recent days a need to deal most urgently with illegal immigrants who commit crimes and also those who might be displacing African-American and Hispanic workers. At a rally earlier in Tampa, Florida, Trump did not talk about deporting as many as 11 million illegal immigrants as he has in the past, instead saying he would aim enforcement efforts at people who are committing crimes such as overstaying their visas…”

To be clear, overstaying a visa does NOT constitute a crime. And Trump’s new position, which is totally contrary to his prior bombastic promises, will, no doubt, disappoint many of his hardline supporters.

Glenn Beck Attacks Trump and Bannon

The Week wrote on August 24:

“Had Glenn Beck used his trusty chalkboard Wednesday night during an appearance on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, it almost certainly would have been filled with arrows, circles, unidentifiable symbols, and scrawls of ‘Stephen Bannon,’ ‘despicable,’ ‘Never Trump,’ and ‘noooooooooooo!!!!!’

“Beck has never been a Trump fan — the conservative commentator, radio host, and founder of TheBlaze supported Texas Sen. Ted Cruz during the Republican primary — and he’s also not big on Bannon, the Breitbart News executive chairman turned Trump campaign CEO. O’Donnell said he had never heard of Bannon before his new appointment, and he invited Beck, who previously called Bannon ‘a horrible, despicable human being,’ to give him the scoop.

“‘He describes himself as a Leninist, and I was kind of hoping it was John Lennon, but it’s not,’ Beck said. ‘He is not a Marxist, he doesn’t believe in Marxism or socialism or communism or anything else. What he means by that is he is a destroyer of everything. He believes that Lenin was right the way he went in; he destroyed the system, destroyed the Duma, brought down the parties, then punished his enemies.’ Beck said he agreed to go on MSNBC because Bannon is ‘dangerous’ and Beck is ‘truly, gravely concerned about the direction of the country, and it is very important for conservatives or constitutionalists to stand up and let the left know, “Hey guys, we’re not all like that.” We have concerns and there has to be some things we come together on, basic values and principles. Let’s not go into a chaos theory; that never goes well.'”

Russia’s Political Murders

The New York Times wrote on August 20:

“Used extensively in the Soviet era, political murders are again playing a prominent role in the Kremlin’s foreign policy, the most brutal instrument in an expanding repertoire of intimidation tactics intended to silence or otherwise intimidate critics at home and abroad.

“Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, has made no secret of his ambition to restore his country to what he sees as its rightful place among the world’s leading nations. He has invested considerable money and energy into building an image of a strong and morally superior Russia, in sharp contrast with what he portrays as weak, decadent and disorderly Western democracies.

“Muckraking journalists, rights advocates, opposition politicians, government whistle-blowers and other Russians who threaten that image are treated harshly – imprisoned on trumped-up charges, smeared in the news media and, with increasing frequency, killed.

“Political murders, particularly those accomplished with poisons, are nothing new in Russia, going back five centuries. Nor are they particularly subtle. While typically not traceable to any individuals and plausibly denied by government officials, poisonings leave little doubt of the state’s involvement – which may be precisely the point…

“Other countries, notably Israel and the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context. No other major power employs murder as systematically and ruthlessly as Russia does against those seen as betraying its interests abroad. Killings outside Russia were even given legal sanction by the nation’s Parliament in 2006.

“Applied most notoriously in the case of Alexander V. Litvinenko, a Putin opponent who died of polonium-210 poisoning in London in 2006, murders and deaths under mysterious circumstances are now seen as such a menace that Kremlin critics now often flee the country and keep their whereabouts secret. Russia has never acknowledged using the authority under the 2006 law and has specifically denied any government ties to high-profile cases, including the Litvinenko murder.

“Among those fleeing Russia recently is Grigory Rodchenkov, a whistle-blower in Russia’s sports doping scandal. This is not without reason. In the case over state-sponsored doping, two other officials with knowledge of the scheme died unexpectedly as the outlines of the scandal began to emerge…

“Poison has been a favorite tool of Russian intelligence for more than a century. A biochemist, Grigory Mairanovski, labored in secret from 1928 on the task of developing tasteless, colorless and odorless poisons. In 1954, a K.G.B. defector described a secret lab near the agency’s Lubyanka headquarters and ‘experiments on living people.’ The agencies developed an arsenal of lethal, hard-to-trace poisons that, analysts of Russian security affairs say, is still in use…

“In 1971, a year after he won the Nobel Prize for literature, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived a poisoning attempt. Ricin, made from  castor beans, was probably involved, according to news media accounts and a biography of the dissident writer…

“Some do take precautions. Garry Kasparov, the former chess champion and now an opposition figure, has long had bodyguards carry bottled water and prepared meals for him.”

The New Vaccination Madness

CBS SF Bay Area wrote on August 22:

“Scores of California students may be sent home on their first day of school because of a new vaccine law that took effect this year. The new state law took effect July 1. Now, parents can no longer use personal or religious beliefs as a reason not to have their kids immunized. This school year, kindergartners and seventh graders must show proof of immunizations.

“Monday WAS the first day of school for kids in Oakland. Hundreds of them were expected to be sent home… Young children who got their personal belief exemptions approved before January 2016, will be grandfathered in. According to the new law, they still must get immunized when they reach seventh grade.”

The website of the reported on August 20:

“School bells are ringing again across Colorado. As kids head back to school, some parents, who opt not to vaccinate their children, are pushing back against some of the wording in the state’s new non-medical immunization exemption form.

“That form reads in part: Failure to follow the advice of a physician, registered nurse, physician’s assistant or public health official who has recommended vaccines may endanger my child’s/my health or life and others who come into contact with my child/me.

“State Senator Kevin Lundberg, Chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee says, ‘That (phrasing) amounts to compelled speech.’ He said the state has no business trying to force parents to agree to something that they don’t believe is true. The Senator told Denver7 that state health officials drew up the new forms themselves. He said state law only requires that parents, who want to ‘opt out’ of the vaccination requirements, submit a note to their child’s school.

“A group called CitizenGo has launched an online petition drive urging Governor Hickenlooper and legislative leaders to ‘immediately modify these forms and regulations to protect the privacy and freedom of Colorado families.’…

“Denver7 asked the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment [CDPHE] about the petition drive to get the language changed. A spokeswoman said, ‘we’re not going to comment because of the possibility of a lawsuit.’”

In addition, the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is contesting the legality of the form in respect to CDPHE’s authority to create an unconstitutional requirement.  HSLDA contends that by signing such a statement, a person could be making an admission that could be used against him in later civil or criminal proceeding. The HSLDA contends in a letter, dated August 6, 2016, to the CDPHE that the language contained in the exemption form is unconstitutional as it “requires the affirmation of a viewpoint with which many people disagree or which violates their personal or religious beliefs.” The HSLDA cites a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to the effect that “the First Amendment prevents the government from compelling individuals to express certain views.”

The HSDLA is correct in their analysis that the CDPHE violates the rights of US citizens, as the new vaccination law in California is also blatantly unconstitutional. But it appears, not too many sees to care that our personal rights and liberties are being violated on a constant basis by our government. The awakening for all of us will be grim and severe.

No Proof that People are Born Gay or Transgender

Newsmax reported on August 22:

“Two top Johns Hopkins University psychiatrists say there is insufficient evidence to conclude people are born with heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual attractions. ‘The understanding of sexual orientation as an innate, biologically fixed property of human beings — the idea that people are “born that way” — is not supported by scientific evidence,’ Drs. Lawrence Mayer and Paul McHugh conclude in their new study… ‘While minor differences in the brain structures and brain activity between homosexual and heterosexual individuals have been identified … such neurobiological findings do not demonstrate whether [they] are innate or are the result of environmental and psychological factors.’

“In addition, studies comparing brain structures of transgender and cisgender individuals demonstrate ‘weak correlations between brain structure and cross-gender identification’ and do not provide any evidence for a neurobiological basis for cross-gender identification, they say… Mayer is a scholar-in-residence at the Maryland school’s psychiatry department and Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.”

Syphilis on the Rise

The Guardian wrote on August 24:

“The disease, caused by the bacterium Treponema Pallidum and passed on through unprotected oral, vaginal and anal sex, has affected the famous through the ages (Al Capone and, reportedly, Hitler, to name just two).

“But syphilis is in no way confined to big names, nor is it a sexually transmitted infection (STI) of the past. The 2016 Public Health England (PHE) syphilis report has shown that infection rates are on the up, with disproportionate rates in London. In 2015, the capital accounted for 56% of all cases in England, with a 22% increase in diagnoses in the year 2014-15. Since 2010 the number of cases of syphilis in Londoners has increased by 163%, with a 22% increase in the year from 2014 to 2015…

“Men who have sex with men (MSM) represented 90% of all syphilis cases in 2015, with a 232% increase in diagnosis over the last five years, said the report. More than half of the MSM diagnosed with syphilis in 2015 were also infected with HIV, and over half additionally tested positive for a separate STI…”

Man’s Morbid Fascination with Alien Life

The Sun wrote on August 24:

“Astronomers have discovered a ‘second Earth’ orbiting our closest star and it could have exactly the right conditions to sustain alien lifeforms. Stargazers from the European Southern Observatory spotted the mystery world circling Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf star that’s just four light years away. The planet is orbiting in the “goldilocks zone” of Proxima Centauri, which means it’s close enough to the  star that water would not freeze but far away enough so that water wouldn’t boil. This is important because the presence of liquid water is thought to be necessary for the development of life…

“Now scientists are trying to figure out a way of getting a robotic probe to the planet to see if it is home to alien organisms, although this is not a mission many of us will live to see. Using current rocket technology, it would take 76,000 years to get to our nearest star. However, there is hope that ‘light sail’ technology currently under development could allow us to send a robotic probe to the planet in about 25 years…

“We asked Nick Pope, a British researcher who used to run the Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation department, if he thought we’d find aliens on the planet. He said: ‘This game-changing discovery may help us answer the question of whether or not we’re alone in the universe – one of the biggest and most profound questions we can ask.  Many people believe there are aliens out there and now it’s possible that they’re our galactic next door neighbours. Every effort should be made not just to find out more about this planet, but to look for evidence of life – and maybe even intelligent life.’”

Alien life forms would not have “evolved”—life forms do not evolve from nothing—and God did not create any alien life forms. But any “encounters” with aliens, if those “encounters” were “real,” would have been of demonic origin.

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Acts 20:7? Did Paul Conduct “Communion” on Sunday or on the Sabbath? What Does “Breaking Bread” Mean?

Acts 20:7 reads, in the Authorized Version: “And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his speech until midnight.”

Some claim that this passage proves that the disciples took “communion” on the first day of the week—on Sunday. Others claim that this passage proves that the disciples took “communion” on the weekly Sabbath. And then there are those who say that this passage has nothing to do with “communion”—regardless as to when Paul’s “breaking of the bread” occurred.

To address first the concept regarding “communion on Sunday” and “communion” in general, we stated the following regarding Acts 20:7 in a previous Q&A:

“This Scripture does not say Paul observed Sunday, the first day of the week, as a day of worship. If this were an example for us today, we would be starting the service on Saturday night – not on Sunday morning. Verse 7 shows Paul preached to them until midnight. Also services would have to continue till dawn (verse 11).”

Please note that Paul spoke until midnight (verse 7), healed the young man who fell down from the third story (verses 9-10); THEN broke bread and ATE (verse 11); and continued preaching until daybreak (same verse), ready to depart “on the morrow” (verse 7) or SUNDAY morning (the New King James Bible states that he was ready to depart “on the next day”; that is misleading as it could give the impression that he wanted to depart on Monday).


“Next, we realize that the breaking of bread was not a religious service, but merely the eating of a meal. Acts 27:33-38 proves this. Notice Paul’s situation. He was a Roman prisoner in the midst of many Gentiles on board a ship (Acts 27:1-2). Obviously Paul was not holding a religious service. The men ate for their health (verses 33-34).”

Verse 36 states expressly that “they were all very encouraged and ALSO took FOOD themselves.” Other examples, showing that breaking bread simply refers to the “ordinary” act of eating a meal, can be found in Acts 2:42, 46 (“breaking bread from house to house, they ate their FOOD with gladness…”) and also in Luke 24:30, 35 (two disciples recognized Jesus when He broke bread to eat with them).

We also wrote this in a Q&A on “breaking bread”:

“There is no evidence in the Bible that the New Testament Church ever partook of the symbols of bread and wine more often than once a year. Some point out that the disciples ‘broke bread’ on other occasions as well, and that this proves that they frequently partook of the New Testament Passover symbols. However, the term, ‘to break bread,’ simply means, ‘to eat a meal.’ Acts 2:46 tells us that the disciples ‘broke bread daily from house to house,’ eating ‘their food with gladness.’ They were eating bread daily to satisfy their hunger. Paul says, however, that if we satisfy our hunger, when we partake of the symbols of bread and wine, we do it to our condemnation (1 Corinthians 11:34). ‘Breaking bread,’ then, was just a common term to indicate eating a meal.”

Continuing with our above-cited Q&A on Acts 20:7:

“Acts 20:7 does not describe a regular service. Notice the context. Paul was en route from Greece to Jerusalem (Acts 20:2-3, 16). Since he did not know when he would see the brethren again, he wanted to teach them as much as possible. The people were more than willing to listen. So, after the Sabbath Paul remained behind teaching the brethren, while his ship sailed around the peninsula (verse 13). He remained talking with them till midnight and continued after a short meal until daybreak (Verse 11). Then after Paul had stayed as long as he could, he left them to walk across the peninsula to meet the boat (verses 13-14). He worked on that Sunday by taking this long walk of some 19 miles!

“There is nothing in the above Scripture to indicate it was Paul’s custom to observe Sunday. In fact, all through the book of Acts we see it was Paul’s custom to observe the Sabbath (Acts 17:2; 13:14-15; 42-44). We also note in reading Acts 20:6 that Paul was traveling after having observed the Days of Unleavened Bread. He continued to observe the annual holy days as well as the weekly Sabbath years after Christ had died as He remained faithful to the commands of God.”

Based on the translation in the New King James Bible, it seems obvious that the activities in Acts 20:7 refer to the first day of the week. Since days start and end with sunset, the disciples stayed after Sabbath services and after the Sabbath had ended, to have a meal together on Sunday, while Paul continued to preach to them. Why is it then that some claim that the gathering of the disciples and the breaking of bread occurred on the Sabbath and not on Sunday?

The answer is based on a peculiar choice of words in the Greek, as in the original, the word for “week” is “sabbaton” (the word “sabbaton” refers in some way to the Sabbath). The entire phrase “first of the week” (the word “day” is not in the original) is derived from the Greek expression “MIA TON SABBATON” (that is, FIRST (“mia”) of THE (“ton”) WEEK (“sabbaton,” i.e., OF WEEK). The Luther Bible from 1545 renders Acts 20:7 as follows: “On a Sabbath, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached to them…” (“AVff einen Sabbath aber / da die Jünger zusamen kamen / das Brot zu brechen / prediget jnen Paulus…”)

As we see, Luther rendered the word “sabbaton” here as “a Sabbath,” while most translations say, “of week.” The Interlinear Translation also says, “On first of the week…” To understand the problem with the different translations, a lengthy and somewhat technical explanation is required.

We have addressed one meaning of the word “sabbaton” in our booklet, “Jesus Christ—a Great Mystery!” when explaining that there were TWO Sabbaths during the crucifixion week—the weekly Sabbath and, prior to that, the annual Holy Day of the First Day of Unleavened Bread, which is also referred to as a “Sabbath” in the Bible.

We stated this:

“Matthew 28:1 also reveals–correctly translated–that there were actually two ‘Sabbaths’ during the crucifixion week, a weekly Sabbath and an annual Sabbath. Cockrell points out: ‘Matthew makes it plain that two Sabbaths had passed since Jesus was crucified. The KJV [Authorized Version] has this rendering: “In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher” (Matth. 28:1). On this verse nearly all translators have allowed tradition to control their translation. It is not “Sabbath” but “Sabbaths” in the Greek text (the genitive case and the plural number). The verse properly translated would read: “In the end of the Sabbaths…” This allows for an annual Sabbath on Thursday and a regular Sabbath on Saturday.

“The Fenton Bible renders this verse… as, ‘after the Sabbaths,’ and it includes the following footnote: ‘The Greek original is in the plural, “Sabbaths,” which is retained.’ Alfred Marshall’s Parallel New Testament in Greek and English likewise translate the clause as, ‘after the Sabbaths.’

“In the Greek, the word for ‘Sabbath’ in the clause, ‘after the Sabbath,’ is ‘sabbata.’ [See our further explanation on this below.] This is the plural form of ‘sabbaton,’ and it is translated elsewhere many times (but unfortunately, not always, and not consistently) in the plural. For instance, we read in Matthew 12:5 (Authorized Version): ‘… how that on the sabbath days [in Greek, ‘sabbata’] the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath [Greek, ‘sabbaton’]. Matthew 12:10 (AV) states: ‘”Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days?”‘ The Greek is, ‘sabbata.’ Luke 4:31 (AV) reads: ‘… and taught them on the sabbath days [Greek, ‘sabbata.’].’ The New King James Bible translates this word quite accurately here as, ‘Sabbaths.’ Further examples can be found in [Matthew 12:5;] Luke 6:2, 9; Colossians 2:16; and Acts 17:2.”

In the original Greek, there is no word for “days” in those passages–the correct translation should be “Sabbaths.” The New King James Bible translates most of these passages as “Sabbaths.”

Subsequent to the publication of our booklet, we received the following inquiry as to the Greek word “sabbaton”:

“You state in your booklet, Jesus Christ–A Great Mystery,’ on pages 83 and 84, that the word for ‘Sabbath’ in Matthew 28:1 is derived from the plural form of the Greek word (i.e., ‘sabbata’) and should be translated ‘Sabbaths.’ However, the Greek Interlinear Translation shows that the Greek word is in the singular–’sabbaton,’ not ‘sabbata’–and it should therefore be translated in the singular (‘Sabbath,’ not ‘Sabbaths’). Also, in the same phrase in Matthew 28:1, the Greek word for ‘week’ is ‘sabbaton,’ but it seems to have nothing to do with the weekly Sabbath.”

In answering this inquiry, we provided the following explanation on “sabbaton” in one of our Q&As:

“A good help in regard to the correct original Greek in the above-quoted Scriptures, including Matthew 28:1, can be found in Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible. It lists, under ‘Sabbath,’ the Scriptures which use the word in the singular (‘sabbaton’) and in the plural (‘sabbata’)…

“To add to the confusion, the Greek word in Matthew 28:1 (The New King James Bible translates, quite inaccurately: ‘Now after the Sabbath…’) is ‘sabbaton,’ but it is still the PLURAL form [of “sabbata”]–not the singular form. In the Greek, the genitive plural form is used–and the genitive plural form of ‘sabbata’ is ‘sabbaton.’ In the Original, it says that it was ‘late on’ or ‘in the end OF’ the Sabbaths–that is, it was in the end OF SABBATON. Since SABBATON is here the genitive plural of SABBATA, it is still a plural expression, and in English, it must be correctly translated: ‘Now in the end of the Sabbaths…’

“This shows, as we explain in our booklet, that there were actually TWO Sabbaths during the crucifixion week–a weekly Sabbath (the period from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset), and an annual Holy Day–the First Day of Unleavened Bread, which fell in that week on a Thursday–beginning with sunset on Wednesday. The women came to the grave at the end of the WEEKLY Sabbath, when the annual Sabbath [on Thursday] had already ended and the weekly Sabbath was about to end.”

Let us summarize these important points:

The SINGULAR Greek word for “Sabbath” is “SABBATON.”

The PLURAL Greek word for “Sabbaths” (more than one Sabbath) is “SABBATA.”

However, when the GENETIVE PLURAL form for “Sabbaths” (more than one) is used, then the Greek word is again “SABBATON” (in the expression, “in the end OF the Sabbaths”).

But what is meant with the remaining phrase in the sentence, stating that the women came to the grave on the “first day of the week”? In the Greek, it actually says, “MIAN SABBATON,” meaning “… [the] first [day] of [the] week [“MIAN (“first”) SABBATON (“OF week”)].”

Young’s Literal Translation renders Matthew 28:1 as follows: “And on the eve of the sabbaths, at the dawn, toward the first of the sabbaths, came Mary the Magdalene, and the other Mary, to see the sepulcher…”

As mentioned, most translations say, “on the first day of the WEEK,” translating “sabbaton” as “of [the] week.”

In the Q&A on “sabbata,” we addressed the Greek word “sabbaton” in connection with the English rendition, “week.” Recall, in Matthew 28:1, it talks about the two Sabbaths AND the first day of the WEEK (the word “week” is also a translation from the word “sabbaton”). We stated this:

“In addition, it is correct that the word ‘week’ in Matthew 28:1 is also derived from the Greek plural word for Sabbath, i.e. ‘SABBATA.’ (Even though the Greek in Matthew 28:1 is ‘sabbaton,’ it is again the genitive plural of ‘sabbata,’ since it says, in the original Greek, ‘… as it was getting dusk toward the first day OF the week…’). Young’s Analytical Concordance of the Bible explains that the phrase ‘week’ in Matthew 28:1 is to be understood as ‘from Sabbath to Sabbath’–that is, a week is composed of the time from one weekly Sabbath to the next weekly Sabbath. It is mostly used in the plural (‘sabbata’), meaning ‘one OF Sabbaths,’ signifying the first day AFTER the weekly Sabbath. Examples where the word ‘week’ is translated from the Greek plural word for Sabbath (i.e., ‘sabbata’), can be found, in addition to Matthew 28:1, in Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1, 19; Acts 20:7; and 1 Corinthians 16:2.

“In a few cases, such as Luke 18:12 and Mark 16:9, the Greek word for ‘week’ is in the singular form for Sabbath (i.e., ‘sabbaton’). In Luke 18:12, the Pharisee claims that he is fasting ‘twice a week.’ It literally says: ‘twice of the Sabbath’; that is, ‘twice in the days after the weekly Sabbath.'”

In Matthew 28:1, it is correct to translate “sabbaton” as “week” in the phrase, “first day OF the week.” To translate, “as it began to dawn on the first of the Sabbaths,” would be factually incorrect, if implying that literal Sabbath days were addressed in this particular phrase. The reason is that the women arrived at the grave when the SECOND (weekly) Sabbath was ending (i.e., the weekly Sabbath, when it was dawning towards the first day of the week; that is, when Sunday began). The FIRST Sabbath (the first Day of Unleavened Bread) had long ended on Thursday evening. (So, the phrase could not mean to say that the two Sabbaths had ended and that it was now dawning towards the first of the Sabbath days.)

It is therefore obvious that the rendering is correct here: “… when the first (day) of the WEEK began” (the time interval from the end of the weekly Sabbath to the beginning of the next weekly Sabbath).

The same explanation applies to Acts 20:7, as in the Greek, the same wording is used as in Matthew 28:1. We read that the disciples came together for an evening meal “on the first [day] of the week” (“sabbaton”—the Genitive PLURAL of “sabbata”; in Greek: “MIA [“first”] TON [“the”] SABBATON [“OF week”]”). That is, they came together for a meal on Saturday evening, after sunset; as the women came to the grave on Saturday evening, at or shortly after sunset. The translation of Acts 20:7 in the old Luther Bible from 1545, rendering “sabbaton” here with “a Sabbath,” is therefore misleading and technically incorrect, as he misunderstood “sabbaton” in this passage as being used in the singular form, while ignoring the Genitive PLURAL, which is designated by the expression, “FIRST OF…”

In conclusion, the disciples came together on the first day of the week, when the weekly Sabbath had just ended, to have a meal with Paul (not a religious “communion”), who then continued to preach to them throughout the night, as he was departing Sunday morning and would not see the disciples again for a long time.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter (August 2016) has been written and mailed to our subscribers. In this letter, Elder Robb Harris contrasts the Satan-inspired changes which are leading mankind further and further away from God with the inescapable fact that the Judgment of God draws near.

“God’s Law or God’s Grace?,” our newest booklet, has been sent to graphics designer Shelly Bruno for finalization and delivery to our printer. We anticipate distributing this new booklet to attendees of the Feast of Tabernacles and then to our mailing list shortly afterwards.

The Feast Sermon by Norbert Link was recorded last week and will be sent out soon to scattered brethren and groups in foreign countries. The title is: “Growth in God’s Church.”  It will be played during the Feast of Tabernacles at the US Feast site and at international locations.

“Germany in Panic Mood,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The German government is contemplating highly unpopular measures of civil defense and military actions, due to perceived or real threats facing the country’s very existence. These measures have a direct relationship to biblical prophecy. In addition, European leaders from Germany, France and Italy are pressing ahead for increased cooperation on defense and the establishment of a European Army.

“Obama’s Flat Earth,” is the title of another new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Does the Obama Administration believe in a flat earth concept? If not, why this title? Could it be that their politics reflect the same kind of wrong principles which can be seen in the flat earth conspiracy?  In this program, we will give you five recent examples confirming this suspicion, from perceived misrepresentations about paying ransom money to Iran; incredible American abrogation of the Internet; broken promises to the people of Syria; absurd rulings regarding medical Marijuana; and the incompetent concept of Obamacare. But will the American people experience a substantial change in January?

“Kommunion im Neuen Testament?,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. The sermon is based on this week’s Q&A. Title in English: “Communion in the New Testament?”

“That Your Joy May Be Full,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Seeking and finding happiness is a fundamental force in life, but how can this compulsion be satisfied? Where can true and lasting joy be found? The good news is that complete joy is attainable to all who choose to answer God’s calling.

“It’s the Truth!,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In our world—this year, this month, this week, this day, right now—TRUTH has fallen, it has failed! This must not happen for Christians!

Here are the dates for the 2016 Fall Holy Days:

October 3—Feast of Trumpets
October 12—Day of Atonement
October 17 through October 23—Feast of Tabernacles
October 24—Last Great Day

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

A new Member Letter (August 2016) has been written and mailed to our subscribers. In this letter, Elder Robb Harris contrasts the Satan-inspired changes which are leading mankind further and further away from God with the inescapable fact that the Judgment of God draws near.

“God’s Law or God’s Grace?,” our newest booklet, has been sent to graphics designer Shelly Bruno for finalization and delivery to our printer. We anticipate distributing this new booklet to attendees of the Feast of Tabernacles and then to our mailing list shortly afterwards.

The Feast Sermon by Norbert Link was recorded last week and will be sent out soon to scattered brethren and groups in foreign countries. The title is: “Growth in God’s Church.”  It will be played during the Feast of Tabernacles at the US Feast site and at international locations.

“Germany in Panic Mood,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The German government is contemplating highly unpopular measures of civil defense and military actions, due to perceived or real threats facing the country’s very existence. These measures have a direct relationship to biblical prophecy. In addition, European leaders from Germany, France and Italy are pressing ahead for increased cooperation on defense and the establishment of a European Army.

“Obama’s Flat Earth,” is the title of another new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Does the Obama Administration believe in a flat earth concept? If not, why this title? Could it be that their politics reflect the same kind of wrong principles which can be seen in the flat earth conspiracy?  In this program, we will give you five recent examples confirming this suspicion, from perceived misrepresentations about paying ransom money to Iran; incredible American abrogation of the Internet; broken promises to the people of Syria; absurd rulings regarding medical Marijuana; and the incompetent concept of Obamacare. But will the American people experience a substantial change in January?

“Kommunion im Neuen Testament?,” is the title of this week’s new German sermon. The sermon is based on this week’s Q&A. Title in English: “Communion in the New Testament?”

“That Your Joy May Be Full,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Seeking and finding happiness is a fundamental force in life, but how can this compulsion be satisfied? Where can true and lasting joy be found? The good news is that complete joy is attainable to all who choose to answer God’s calling.

“It’s the Truth!,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

In our world—this year, this month, this week, this day, right now—TRUTH has fallen, it has failed! This must not happen for Christians!

Here are the dates for the 2016 Fall Holy Days:

October 3—Feast of Trumpets
October 12—Day of Atonement
October 17 through October 23—Feast of Tabernacles
October 24—Last Great Day

Current Events

We begin with reports on Germany and Europe, including Germany’s consideration of reinstating the draft and other panic-driven directives “in case of an attack or catastrophe,” (please view our new StandingWatch program, “Germany in Panic Mood,”) as well as its interesting history—and note the startling spy network Turkey has in Germany! The article on Germany’s many capitals shows the influential and leading role Germany has had throughout the existence of the Holy Roman Empire.

We report on a massive earthquake in Italy and quote an article regarding Americans’ increasing lack of faith in God. We continue quoting from the Washington Post, pointing out why the “ransom money” deal between America and Iran really looks quite bad for the Obama Administration. (Please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Obama’s Flat Earth,”) In addition, there may be legal and political trouble for Hillary Clinton because of her email violations. Not to be outdone, Donald Trump aligned himself with Mr Farage of the UK Independence Party—a move Europe will not welcome.

We cite excerpts from a lengthy article by the New York Times, which received much attention in Germany (the German mass tabloid Bild Online discussed the information contained in the article in great detail and linked to the article), summarizing the Russian government’s long-held policy of engaging in political murders of opponents and critics.

We conclude with articles on the new unconstitutional “vaccination madness” (focusing on California and Colorado), which is holding this country hostage; present a new study showing that people are not born gay or transgender; note that syphilis cases are increasing; and highlight man’s fascination with “alien life.”

Opposites Don’t Attract; Holy Sabbath Convocations

On August 27, 2016, Michael Link will present the sermonette, titled, “Opposites Don’t Attract,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Holy Sabbath Convocations.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

German Government Tells Citizens to Prepare for War

Reuters reported on August 21:

“For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government plans to tell citizens to stockpile food and water in case of an attack or catastrophe, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper reported on Sunday…  ‘The population will be obliged to hold an individual supply of food for ten days,’ the newspaper quoted the government’s ‘Concept for Civil Defence’ – which has been prepared by the Interior Ministry – as saying… People will be required to stockpile enough drinking water to last for five days, according to the plan, the paper said.

“The 69-page report does not see an attack on Germany’s territory, which would require a conventional style of national defense, as likely. However, the precautionary measures demand that people ‘prepare appropriately for a development that could threaten our existence and cannot be categorically ruled out in the future,’ the paper cited the report as saying. A further priority should be more support of the armed forces by civilians, it added…”

Deutsche Welle added on August 21:

“A civil defense plan… would require citizens to stockpile supplies in case of a catastrophe…  [Under the plan] the government will require people to stock 10 days’ worth of food and five days… worth of drinking water.  The civil defense strategy would require citizens to have a sufficient supply of food, water, energy, money and medicine to wait out a period until the state would be able to initiate a response to a catastrophe or attack.”

Germany Considers Reinstitution of the Draft

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 23:

“Germany’s interior ministry is considering taking steps toward bringing back conscription, including compulsory service to support the military, which was suspended five years ago. This is according to a report by German news agency dpa, which had access to a confidential copy of a government draft proposal. The proposal… comes as the government seeks to push forward a new concept for civilian defense, titled ‘Support of the Armed Forces.’

“… Military conscription was abolished in 2011 after 55 years, because the government said there was no longer a need for it. However, compulsory military service is still a part of Germany’s Basic Law, or constitution. Therefore, it can be easily reintroduced by the government…”

Germany in Panic Mood

Deutsche Welle reported on August 24 that the “government of Chancellor Angela Merkel (the German cabinet) has “given the green light to the first civil defense strategy in 21 years,” which would include “the possibility of bringing back military conscription” and the requirement for “civilians to stockpile food and water for use in emergency situations…”

Deutsche Welle continued:

“The new strategy lists attacks by conventional, biological and chemical weapons as among the possible threats facing the country, as well as attacks targeting critical infrastructure such as water, electricity and gas supplies. According to government sources, the measures are not a direct result of the recent terror attacks in Germany.”

Erdogan’s Disturbing Spy Apparatus in Germany

The Local wrote on August 24:

“A security politician told Die Welt that Turkey’s MIT intelligence agency has some 6,000 informants in Germany. For Germany’s population of about 3 million people with Turkish roots, that means that each informant could be responsible for monitoring 500 people… In comparison… the Stasi had around 10,000 agents in West Germany to monitor a population of roughly 60 million – meaning 6,000 people per agent.

“The Ministry for State Security, also known as the Stasi, was communist East Germany’s secret police force, which secretly monitored millions until the end of the Cold War and German reunification. But the Stasi engaged primarily in gathering military, political or economic intelligence in West Germany, rather than targeting former citizens, as MIT seems to be doing in Germany…

“Since a failed coup attempt in Turkey last month, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been enacting mass detentions in his own country of suspected opponents, including academics, journalists and military members… Turkey’s internal conflicts between Gülen and Erdogan, and between Kurds and Turks have been brought into Germany, and are impacting the internal peace… The informants in Germany are often unpaid supporters of Erdogan…

“These informants are putting pressure on Kurds, Gülen supporters and others perceived as being opponents, for example by calling for boycotts on their businesses, writing negatively about them in Turkish publications, or threatening their family members… They can go to the regular German police to complain about it, but this is difficult to do in this kind of parallel society… The government feels that Turkey is an important partner in the refugee crisis, so they may turn a blind eye…

“Germany’s Turkish population is the largest ethnic minority in the country. Many came through a guest worker programme in the 1960s…”

Burka Ban in Germany?

The Telegraph wrote on August 19:

“Germany could impose a ban on women wearing burkas or full-face Islamic veils at schools and universities and while driving under new proposals announced on Friday by Angela Merkel’s party.  The burka ‘does not belong in our cosmopolitan country’, Thomas de Maiziere, the interior minister and one of Mrs Merkel’s closest allies, said as he announced the new policy. ‘We all reject the full veil —  not only the burka but also other types of full veil that only leave the eyes visible. They have no place in our society.’…

“Mrs Merkel made her own feelings on the issue clear in an interview with a number of German newspapers in advance of the announcement. ‘In my view, a fully veiled woman has almost no chance of integrating successfully in German society,’ she said. The new policy was agreed at late night talks between Mr de Maiziere and interior ministers from several of Germany’s 16 federal states where the CDU is in power…”

Merkel Wants a Better Europe

Reuters wrote on August 21:

“The leaders of Germany, France and Italy will meet on Monday to discuss how to keep the European project together in the second set of talks between the premiers of the euro zone’s three largest economies since Britain’s shock vote to leave the bloc… Officials in Brussels and Berlin fear the June 23 vote could lead to a referendum in the Netherlands – a founding member of the union – on whether to also leave the bloc….

“Faced with existential risks, Merkel wants to cement ‘a better Europe’ rather than forge ahead with ‘more Europe’…

“Lingering threats to the union that emerged long before the Brexit vote are also likely to be on the agenda, including internal and external security after Islamist militant attacks and Europe’s migration crisis. Emboldened by the Brexit vote, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has called a referendum on Oct. 2 on whether to accept any future EU migrant settlement quotas as his government steps up its fight against the EU’s migration policies.

“In another symbolic choice of venue, the three leaders will hold their closing news conference on the Italian aircraft carrier, the Garibaldi, which is the flagship of the EU’s ‘Sophia’ mission in the Mediterranean. The naval operation has a mandate to tackle migrant smugglers, help enforce an arms embargo off Libya, and train the Libyan coast guard. The EU plans to offer incentives to African governments to help slow the flow of migrants who have poured into Europe over the past three years…”

“Europe Must Remain as One”

Daily Mail wrote on August 22:

“Under-fire EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker risked widening divisions with European leaders today by saying borders were the ‘worst invention ever’. He called for all borders across Europe to be opened, despite the chaos caused over the last year from the flood in refugees fleeing Syria and the wave of terror attacks hitting various continent’s cities… Mr Juncker also said a stronger EU was the best way of beating the rising trend of nationalism cross Europe.

“In another extraordinary remark, he appeared to warn of war on the continent if the EU disintegrates as he echoed the warning from the former French president Francois Mitterrand, who said nationalism added to nationalism would end in war…

“The embattled EU Commission president described Brexit as an ‘unheard-of political crisis’ for the EU but told EU member states that the only way of overcoming the challenge of Britain leaving would be to remain as one…”

Europe to Ensure Its Own Defense

The Telegraph wrote on August 22:

“The EU must sharply increase cooperation on defence and intelligence to combat Islamic terrorism and other threats, the leaders of France, Germany and Italy said… The German chancellor, who is known to back deeper EU defence plans, called for more sharing of information between European intelligence services to thwart the kind of attacks that have hit her country, France and Belgium… President Hollande also called for greater cooperation on defence, as France comes to terms with a string of terrorist attacks in recent months.  ‘Europe must ensure its own defence, and France is certainly playing its role,’ the French leader said… Plans to press ahead with a so-called ‘EU army’ will be easier now that the UK has decided to leave the bloc, a former head of the Italian military said.

“General Vincenzo Camporini, former chief of the general staff, said the British thwarted a common defence policy for Europe [for] years.  ‘Every step forward was blocked [by the British]. The British position was crucial – everyone knew that without London, you couldn’t even begin to talk about a common European defence policy,’ he told La Repubblica newspaper.  Mr Renzi echoed the call for deeper defences, while adding that Europe would not suffer from Britain’s departure as many had predicted after the June 23 vote to leave.  ‘Many people felt that after Brexit Europe would come to an end, but that is not the case,’ he said, ‘We respect the choice made by the British citizens,  but at the same time we want to be able to turn the page on a new future.’”

The Express added on August 22:

“‘Brexit will be the beginning of a new Europe’ EU leaders pledge to reform troubled bloc. BRITAIN’S decision to leave the European Union can usher in a new era of solidarity for the troubled bloc, the leaders of Germany, France and Italy said today.”

Germany’s Many Capitals

The Local wrote on August 18:

“In most west European states, power has been centralized around one city for centuries. In England, London (or more accurately Westminster) became the seat of power in the 12th century. Madrid became capital of the Spanish kingdom in 1525. Lisbon was named home of Portuguese government in 1255.

“But Germany is an exception. From the Middle Ages through to modern times, power shifted between various cities, while Berlin was a latecomer to the party, only really gaining prominence in the 18th century…

“The westernmost city of the Federal Republic of Germany, Aachen, is also known as Aix-la-Chapelle in English… the city was the residence of medieval king and emperor Charles the Great, whose kingdom stretched over regions now belonging to France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Charles the Great, or Charlemagne, was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800 by Pope Leo III in the Vatican. After his coronation, the sovereign made Aachen the capital of his empire… from 595 until 936, it was the place of coronation of German kings and queens. After his death, Charles the Great’s kingdom slowly dissolved, but it gave birth to another empire 162 years later…

“Otto I revived the title of Charlemagne and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 962 after creating the archbishopric of Magdeburg. The Holy Roman Empire had no fixed capital, as each king travelled between residences… Otto I’s empire was enormous and included French-speaking Waloons, Flemings in the Netherlands, Slovaks, Slovenes, Danes, Czechs, Croats and Italians. After a marriage to the Byzantine princess Theophanu, the ‘King of the Germans’’ influence even spread as far as Constantinople, modern day Istanbul…

“During the Holy Roman Empire, the archbishop of Mainz was one of the seven ‘Prince-electors’ – the council who collectively elected new rulers of the vast empire, which at its height spread from the Baltic Sea to southern Italy… The archbishop… was also considered Primas Germaniae, the Pope’s highest representative north of the Alps. To this day, the archiepiscopal See of Mainz is the only other Western location outside of the Vatican recognized under the title of Holy See…

Trier… is arguably the most ancient city in Germany, having been founded by Celts in the late 4th century BC [Our comment: This is erroneous, even though it is acknowledged that Trier was NOT founded by Rome, as many falsely believe. In fact, Trier was founded by the ancient Assyrians. See our free booklet, “Germany in Prophecy.”]…

Cologne, Trier, and Mainz were capitals of important states and ruled kingdoms in the empire, but some cities such as Speyer temporarily had more prestige within the empire… In 1027, Conrad II rose to be emperor and by 1033, he was King of Italy, Germany and Burgundy. Conrad came from Speyer and Worms, and upon rising to the throne ordered work to start on a magnificent cathedral in Speyer…

“Cities were usually capitals of a certain territory. However, some cities were independent states. The case of Nuremberg is truly exceptional: it was both an independent city-state and the ‘unofficial capital’ of the Holy Roman Empire. While Nuremberg may not have been capital in name, imperial assemblies were regularly held there and in 1356, Charles IV decreed that all new kings had to hold their first assembly there. The imperial court also worshiped at the town’s Frauenkirche, which was built between 1352 and 1362. Sigismund of Luxembourg also ruled that the imperial regalia be kept in the city permanently. For 350 years between 1423 and 1796, the most precious possessions of the emperor, including the imperial crown, the holy lance and the imperial sword were kept in the city. [Our comment: For more information on these “precious possessions of the emperor” and the role they might still play in the future, please read our free booklet, The Ten European Revivals of the Ancient Roman Empire.”]…

“In the later years of the Holy Roman Empire, the balance of power progressively shifted from the emperor to local rulers, and in 1806 the empire dissolved altogether. By this stage Berlin had already been capital of the Prussian state for over a hundred years and Prussia had become a major European power. Thanks to the efforts of Otto von Bismarck, it established itself as the core of the modern German state, and Berlin was made capital of modern Germany in 1871.” [Our comment: After World War II and the division of Germany, East Berlin became the capital of East Germany, while Bonn became the capital of West Germany. Berlin resumed its role as the German capital after German reunification.]

Goebbels’ Father-in-Law Was Jewish

JTA wrote on August 21:

“The wife of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels had a Jewish father, according to a new document discovered in the Berlin archives. The document was published in the German newspaper Bild… It shows that the father of Magda Goebbels was a Jewish businessman named Richard Friedlander, who married Magda’s mother, Auguste Behrend, when Magda was about 7 years old. Friedlander had an affair in 1901 with Behrend before she married German engineer Oskar Ritshel, who had been blamed for impregnating Behrend before their wedding.

“Friedlander’s residency card, the document found in the archives, states that Magda is his biological daughter… Friedlander died in the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1939; his daughter did not attempt to help him.

“The Goebbels had been portrayed by the Nazis as the ideal Aryan family. Joseph and Magda Goebbels and their six children committed suicide on April 30, 1945, a day after Adolf Hitler took his life.”

Italy Struck by Massive Earthquake

Reuters reported on August 24:

“A powerful earthquake devastated a string of mountainous towns in central Italy on Wednesday, trapping residents under piles of rubble, killing at least 38 people and leaving thousands homeless. The quake struck in the early hours of the morning when most residents were asleep, razing homes and buckling roads in a cluster of communities some 140 km (85 miles) east of Rome.

“A family of four, including two boys aged 8 months and 9 years, were buried when their house in Accumoli imploded. As rescue workers carried away the body of the infant, carefully covered by a small blanket, the children’s grandmother blamed God: ‘He took them all at once,’ she wailed.

“The army was mobilized to help with special heavy equipment and the treasury released 235 million euros ($265 million) of emergency funds. At the Vatican, Pope Francis canceled part of his general audience to pray for the victims. Aerial photographs showed whole areas of Amatrice, voted last year as one of Italy’s most beautiful historic towns, flattened by the 6.2 magnitude quake…

“The quake hit during the summer when the area, usually sparsely populated, hosts large numbers of holidaymakers… ‘Three quarters of the town is not there anymore,’ Amatrice mayor Sergio Pirozzi told state broadcaster RAI… RAI reported that two Afghan girls, believed to be asylum-seekers, were also missing in the town…

“INGV reported 60 aftershocks in the four hours following the initial quake, the strongest measuring 5.5…

“Italy sits on two fault lines, making it one of the most seismically active countries in Europe. The last major earthquake to hit the country struck the central city of L’Aquila in 2009, killing more than 300 people. The most deadly since the start of the 20th century came in 1908, when an earthquake followed by a tsunami killed an estimated 80,000 people in the southern regions of Reggio Calabria and Sicily.”

Subsequently, Deutsche Welle reported on August 25 that “at least 250 people” were killed in the earthquake.

The Bible prophesies that in the end time, a massive earthquake will hit and destroy the city of Rome.

More and More Americans Are “Giving Up” on God

The Washington Examiner reported on August 24:

“Half of Americans who have left their church no longer believe in God, leading a surge of nearly one quarter of the nation who have no affiliation with any religion, according to a new survey. Pew Research Center said Wednesday that 49 percent of what they term ‘nones’ left their church and religion because they ‘don’t believe.’ Another 20 percent said they don’t like organized religion. Other reasons included ‘common sense’ and a lack of [belief]in miracles. The survey is the latest from Pew that demonstrates a growing trend in America: More and more people are junking religion and many are giving up on God.

“… This includes many respondents who mention ‘science’ [i.e., the belief in Evolution] as the reason they do not believe in religious teachings, including one who said ‘I’m a scientist now, and I don’t believe in miracles.’ Others reference ‘common sense,’ ‘logic’ or a ‘lack of evidence’ – or simply say they do not believe in God.”

The Pew Research Center wrote:

“One-in-five express an opposition to organized religion in general. This share includes some who do not like the hierarchical nature of religious groups, several people who think religion is too much like a business and others who mention clergy sexual abuse scandals as reasons for their stance. A similar share (18%) say they are religiously unsure. This includes people who say they are religious in some way despite being unaffiliated (e.g., ‘I believe in God, but in my own way’), others who describe themselves as ‘seeking enlightenment’ or ‘open-minded,’ and several who say they are ‘spiritual’ if not religious…

“Religious ‘nones’ are by no means monolithic. They can be broken down into three broad subgroups: self-identified atheists, those who call themselves agnostic and people who describe their religion as ‘nothing in particular…”

You might want to listen to our recent sermon, “Why Will God Punish America?”

Iran Deal… Looking Bad for Obama

On August 19, the Washington Post wrote the following:

“Back in January, Iran released five American prisoners it had been holding. That same day, we have come to find out, the American government sent $400 million in cash to Iran. It isn’t hard to draw conclusions based on the proximity of those two events. And yet, the Obama administration repeatedly sought to separate them from one another — even as Republicans have almost universally accused it of paying a ‘ransom’ for American ‘hostages.’…

“In response to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the State Department on Thursday acknowledged that the money was used as ‘leverage’ in the prisoner-release negotiations. The money was already due to Iran as part of a settlement over a decades-old failed arms deal — also reached in January — but State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed it was withheld until the prisoners had left Iran… Asked whether Kirby was saying the payment was contingent upon the prisoners being released, he responded, ‘That’s correct.’

“How does this square with what the Obama administration said before? Back on Aug. 3, after the Wall Street Journal revealed the $400 million payment, Kirby said the two matters were ‘completely separate.’…  Kirby’s assurance… is hard to square with the fact that the $400 million was contingent upon the prisoner release…

“Thursday’s revelation does indeed look bad for the administration, as did the after-the-fact revelation of the $400 million transfer made to Iran, and they both breathe life into Republicans’ long-standing allegations that this was a quid pro quo in which prisoners were released in exchange for cash. There’s a reason such things are avoided; they risk putting overseas Americans in danger of being held in exchange for money.”

Did Hillary Clinton Break the Law–Again?

Newsmax wrote on August 22:

“A second cache of newly released emails during Hillary Clinton’s stint at secretary of state glaringly illustrates how special access was given Clinton Foundation donors — from Middle Eastern royalty to international sports and music stars — by Clinton’s staff, Judicial Watch charged Monday.

“The conservative watchdog group made public 725 pages of State Department documents, many of which included previously unreleased email exchanges between Clinton’s longtime aide Huma Abedin and Doug Band, a then-employee of the Clinton Foundation — and 20 Clinton email exchanges that Judicial Watch asserts weren’t part of the 55,000 pages of emails Clinton turned over to the State Department.

“Earlier this month, Judicial Watch released another batch highlighting the privilege afforded Clinton Foundation donors at Clinton’s State Department. According to Judicial Watch, in one blatant example of privileged access in the new batch, Abedin coordinated with Band to set up a meeting between the Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain and Clinton after Salman couldn’t get a meeting set up through normal State Department channels. In the email chain, Band stresses Salman was a ‘good friend of ours,’ Judicial Watch reports, noting the Kingdom of Bahrain has given up to $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

“Also included among the Abedin-Band email chains is an exchange in which Band urged Abedin to get the State Department to intervene in order to obtain a visa for members of a U.K. football club, one of whose members was having trouble [be]cause of a ‘criminal charge,’ Judicial Watch reports. Band was acting at the behest of millionaire Hollywood sports entertainment executive and president of the Wasserman Foundation, Casey Wasserman, who has donated between $5-10 million to the Clinton Foundation, Judicial Watch reports.

“The Abedin emails also show former Bill Clinton aide Ben Schwerin, who helped set up the Clinton Foundation, urged Abedin to help U2’s Bono to broadcast from the international space station, according to Judicial Watch. ‘These new emails confirm that Hillary Clinton abused her office by selling favors to Clinton Foundation donors,’ Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton said in a statement. ‘There needs to be a serious, independent investigation to determine whether Clinton and others broke the law.’”

The Associated Press added on August 23:

“More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president. At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million.

“Donors who were granted time with Clinton included an internationally known economist who asked for her help as the Bangladesh government pressured him to resign from a nonprofit bank he ran; a Wall Street executive who sought Clinton’s help with a visa problem; and Estee Lauder executives who were listed as meeting with Clinton while her department worked with the firm’s corporate charity to counter gender-based violence in South Africa…

“Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump fiercely criticized the links between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department, saying his general election opponent had delivered ‘lie after lie after lie… It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins. It is now abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office’…

“On Monday, Bill Clinton said in a statement that if his wife were to win, he would step down from the foundation’s board and stop all fundraising for it. The foundation would also accept donations only from U.S. citizens and what it described as independent philanthropies, while no longer taking gifts from foreign groups, U.S. companies or corporate charities… Those planned changes would not affect more than 6,000 donors who have already provided the Clinton charity with more than $2 billion in funding since its creation in 2000. ‘There’s a lot of potential conflicts and a lot of potential problems,’ said Douglas White, an expert on nonprofits who previously directed Columbia University’s graduate fundraising management program. ‘The point is, she can’t just walk away from these 6,000 donors.’

“Former senior White House ethics officials said a Clinton administration would have to take careful steps to ensure that past foundation donors would not have the same access as she allowed at the State Department…”

“Emails Show Clinton Ties to Supporters of Turkish Cleric Fethullah Gulen”

Newsmax wrote on August 24:

“Newly released Hillary Clinton emails show that two Turkish businessmen who are top lieutenants of the Islamic cleric living in the U.S. being sought for extradition by Ankara received helped from then secretary of state’s aide Huma Abedin in 2009…  Other emails released show that the two businessmen, Gokhan Ozkok and Recep Ozkan, were on the guest list for a June 2012 Clinton Foundation dinner held at Clinton’s home.

“The series of emails from the two praise Clinton and emphasize that Turkish Americans believe in her friendship. They provide further evidence of the ties the two have fostered with Clinton over the years, at the same time they have worked for Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, who lives in self-exile in Pennsylvania and whom the Turkish government has demanded that the U.S. extradited. Ozkok and Ozkan have also contributed money to Clinton presidential campaigns and gained access to her through Abedin, Clinton’s longest serving aide.

“The New York Post has also raised questions about Abedin, revealing that for a decade she edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the U.S. for 9/11.

“The U.S. has confirmed it has received a formal extradition request from Turkey for Gulen, but not over the July coup attempt the Turkish authorities has accused him of planning… This comes as Vice President Joe Biden meets on Wednesday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erodgan in Ankara.

“The emails and strain in Turkish relations raises questions over whether Clinton’s ties to Gulen’s supporters will influence her policy toward Ankara if she becomes president. In addition to the Turkish allegations against Gulen, The Daily Caller reports that he has drawn scrutiny in the U.S. over alleged visa violations and illegal construction deals connected with his vast American charter school system and think tanks promoting his teachings.”

These revelations complicate even further the relationship between the USA and Turkish dictator Erdogan.

Trump and Farage Together for Independence?

The Telegraph wrote on August 24:

“Heaping praise on the former leader of the UK Independence Party, the Republican presidential nominee [Donald Trump] introduced Mr Farage to 15,000 supporters at a rally in Jacksonville, Mississippi, as the man who orchestrated Brexit. ‘On June 23, the people of Britain voted to declare their independence – which is what we’re also looking to do, folks – from their international government,’ Mr Trump said. ‘They voted to reclaim control over immigration, over economy, over government. Working people, and the great people of the UK, took control of their destiny. We will have one American nation, not divided. November 8 is our chance to re-declare American independence.’

“Mr Farage said he came ‘with a message of hope and optimism’. ‘We made June 23 our independence day when we shamed the establishment… Mr Farage criticised US President Barack Obama, who had urged the British to stay in the EU, saying he ‘talked down to us, as if we were nothing… If I was an American citizen, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me. In fact, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if she paid me.’

“Saying ‘the parallels are clear’ between what was happening in the US and what happened in Britain, Mr Farage said American voters had a ‘fantastic opportunity’ to ‘beat the pollsters, the commentators, Washington… And you’ll do it like with Brexit in Britain, (with) a people’s army. If you want change, you better get your walking boots on, you better get out [there] campaigning, and, remember, anything is possible if enough decent people are prepared to stand up against the establishment.’”

Mr. Farage is probably the most-hated British politician in Europe. If Mr. Trump follows his footsteps, as he appears to do, then he might turn out to be the most hated American politician in Europe. (He is already hated by many Europeans.) As the relationship between the UK and Europe drastically deteriorated because of the Brexit, so the relationship between the USA and Europe might also deteriorate—especially, if Mr. Trump becomes the next President—because of his declared policy of “America first.”

Trump Backs Away from His Immigration Stance

Newsmax wrote on August 25:

“Donald Trump backed away farther from his hard-line stance on deporting millions of illegal immigrants, saying in remarks broadcast on Wednesday he would be willing to work with those who have followed U.S. laws while living in the country.

“Trump’s comments came in the second part of an interview conducted on Tuesday with Fox News anchor Sean Hannity. They signaled a further softening in his immigration position as he girds for a battle against Democrat Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 election and faces pressure to bolster support among moderate voters and minority groups.

“Trump, who defeated 16 rivals for the Republican presidential nomination in part based on his opposition to illegal immigrants, said he would not permit American citizenship for the undocumented population and would expel lawbreakers. To qualify to remain in the United States, Trump said, illegal immigrants would have to pay back taxes…

“Trump’s new position seemed to resemble in some respects the failed 2007 reform push by former Republican President George W. Bush. That effort offered a way to bring millions ‘out of the shadows’ without amnesty and would have required illegal immigrants to pay a fine and take other steps to gain legal status…

“Trump… still wants to build a wall along the U.S. southern border with Mexico but he has emphasized in recent days a need to deal most urgently with illegal immigrants who commit crimes and also those who might be displacing African-American and Hispanic workers. At a rally earlier in Tampa, Florida, Trump did not talk about deporting as many as 11 million illegal immigrants as he has in the past, instead saying he would aim enforcement efforts at people who are committing crimes such as overstaying their visas…”

To be clear, overstaying a visa does NOT constitute a crime. And Trump’s new position, which is totally contrary to his prior bombastic promises, will, no doubt, disappoint many of his hardline supporters.

Glenn Beck Attacks Trump and Bannon

The Week wrote on August 24:

“Had Glenn Beck used his trusty chalkboard Wednesday night during an appearance on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, it almost certainly would have been filled with arrows, circles, unidentifiable symbols, and scrawls of ‘Stephen Bannon,’ ‘despicable,’ ‘Never Trump,’ and ‘noooooooooooo!!!!!’

“Beck has never been a Trump fan — the conservative commentator, radio host, and founder of TheBlaze supported Texas Sen. Ted Cruz during the Republican primary — and he’s also not big on Bannon, the Breitbart News executive chairman turned Trump campaign CEO. O’Donnell said he had never heard of Bannon before his new appointment, and he invited Beck, who previously called Bannon ‘a horrible, despicable human being,’ to give him the scoop.

“‘He describes himself as a Leninist, and I was kind of hoping it was John Lennon, but it’s not,’ Beck said. ‘He is not a Marxist, he doesn’t believe in Marxism or socialism or communism or anything else. What he means by that is he is a destroyer of everything. He believes that Lenin was right the way he went in; he destroyed the system, destroyed the Duma, brought down the parties, then punished his enemies.’ Beck said he agreed to go on MSNBC because Bannon is ‘dangerous’ and Beck is ‘truly, gravely concerned about the direction of the country, and it is very important for conservatives or constitutionalists to stand up and let the left know, “Hey guys, we’re not all like that.” We have concerns and there has to be some things we come together on, basic values and principles. Let’s not go into a chaos theory; that never goes well.'”

Russia’s Political Murders

The New York Times wrote on August 20:

“Used extensively in the Soviet era, political murders are again playing a prominent role in the Kremlin’s foreign policy, the most brutal instrument in an expanding repertoire of intimidation tactics intended to silence or otherwise intimidate critics at home and abroad.

“Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, has made no secret of his ambition to restore his country to what he sees as its rightful place among the world’s leading nations. He has invested considerable money and energy into building an image of a strong and morally superior Russia, in sharp contrast with what he portrays as weak, decadent and disorderly Western democracies.

“Muckraking journalists, rights advocates, opposition politicians, government whistle-blowers and other Russians who threaten that image are treated harshly – imprisoned on trumped-up charges, smeared in the news media and, with increasing frequency, killed.

“Political murders, particularly those accomplished with poisons, are nothing new in Russia, going back five centuries. Nor are they particularly subtle. While typically not traceable to any individuals and plausibly denied by government officials, poisonings leave little doubt of the state’s involvement – which may be precisely the point…

“Other countries, notably Israel and the United States, pursue targeted killings, but in a strict counterterrorism context. No other major power employs murder as systematically and ruthlessly as Russia does against those seen as betraying its interests abroad. Killings outside Russia were even given legal sanction by the nation’s Parliament in 2006.

“Applied most notoriously in the case of Alexander V. Litvinenko, a Putin opponent who died of polonium-210 poisoning in London in 2006, murders and deaths under mysterious circumstances are now seen as such a menace that Kremlin critics now often flee the country and keep their whereabouts secret. Russia has never acknowledged using the authority under the 2006 law and has specifically denied any government ties to high-profile cases, including the Litvinenko murder.

“Among those fleeing Russia recently is Grigory Rodchenkov, a whistle-blower in Russia’s sports doping scandal. This is not without reason. In the case over state-sponsored doping, two other officials with knowledge of the scheme died unexpectedly as the outlines of the scandal began to emerge…

“Poison has been a favorite tool of Russian intelligence for more than a century. A biochemist, Grigory Mairanovski, labored in secret from 1928 on the task of developing tasteless, colorless and odorless poisons. In 1954, a K.G.B. defector described a secret lab near the agency’s Lubyanka headquarters and ‘experiments on living people.’ The agencies developed an arsenal of lethal, hard-to-trace poisons that, analysts of Russian security affairs say, is still in use…

“In 1971, a year after he won the Nobel Prize for literature, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived a poisoning attempt. Ricin, made from  castor beans, was probably involved, according to news media accounts and a biography of the dissident writer…

“Some do take precautions. Garry Kasparov, the former chess champion and now an opposition figure, has long had bodyguards carry bottled water and prepared meals for him.”

The New Vaccination Madness

CBS SF Bay Area wrote on August 22:

“Scores of California students may be sent home on their first day of school because of a new vaccine law that took effect this year. The new state law took effect July 1. Now, parents can no longer use personal or religious beliefs as a reason not to have their kids immunized. This school year, kindergartners and seventh graders must show proof of immunizations.

“Monday WAS the first day of school for kids in Oakland. Hundreds of them were expected to be sent home… Young children who got their personal belief exemptions approved before January 2016, will be grandfathered in. According to the new law, they still must get immunized when they reach seventh grade.”

The website of the reported on August 20:

“School bells are ringing again across Colorado. As kids head back to school, some parents, who opt not to vaccinate their children, are pushing back against some of the wording in the state’s new non-medical immunization exemption form.

“That form reads in part: Failure to follow the advice of a physician, registered nurse, physician’s assistant or public health official who has recommended vaccines may endanger my child’s/my health or life and others who come into contact with my child/me.

“State Senator Kevin Lundberg, Chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee says, ‘That (phrasing) amounts to compelled speech.’ He said the state has no business trying to force parents to agree to something that they don’t believe is true. The Senator told Denver7 that state health officials drew up the new forms themselves. He said state law only requires that parents, who want to ‘opt out’ of the vaccination requirements, submit a note to their child’s school.

“A group called CitizenGo has launched an online petition drive urging Governor Hickenlooper and legislative leaders to ‘immediately modify these forms and regulations to protect the privacy and freedom of Colorado families.’…

“Denver7 asked the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment [CDPHE] about the petition drive to get the language changed. A spokeswoman said, ‘we’re not going to comment because of the possibility of a lawsuit.’”

In addition, the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is contesting the legality of the form in respect to CDPHE’s authority to create an unconstitutional requirement.  HSLDA contends that by signing such a statement, a person could be making an admission that could be used against him in later civil or criminal proceeding. The HSLDA contends in a letter, dated August 6, 2016, to the CDPHE that the language contained in the exemption form is unconstitutional as it “requires the affirmation of a viewpoint with which many people disagree or which violates their personal or religious beliefs.” The HSLDA cites a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to the effect that “the First Amendment prevents the government from compelling individuals to express certain views.”

The HSDLA is correct in their analysis that the CDPHE violates the rights of US citizens, as the new vaccination law in California is also blatantly unconstitutional. But it appears, not too many sees to care that our personal rights and liberties are being violated on a constant basis by our government. The awakening for all of us will be grim and severe.

No Proof that People are Born Gay or Transgender

Newsmax reported on August 22:

“Two top Johns Hopkins University psychiatrists say there is insufficient evidence to conclude people are born with heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual attractions. ‘The understanding of sexual orientation as an innate, biologically fixed property of human beings — the idea that people are “born that way” — is not supported by scientific evidence,’ Drs. Lawrence Mayer and Paul McHugh conclude in their new study… ‘While minor differences in the brain structures and brain activity between homosexual and heterosexual individuals have been identified … such neurobiological findings do not demonstrate whether [they] are innate or are the result of environmental and psychological factors.’

“In addition, studies comparing brain structures of transgender and cisgender individuals demonstrate ‘weak correlations between brain structure and cross-gender identification’ and do not provide any evidence for a neurobiological basis for cross-gender identification, they say… Mayer is a scholar-in-residence at the Maryland school’s psychiatry department and Paul McHugh, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences.”

Syphilis on the Rise

The Guardian wrote on August 24:

“The disease, caused by the bacterium Treponema Pallidum and passed on through unprotected oral, vaginal and anal sex, has affected the famous through the ages (Al Capone and, reportedly, Hitler, to name just two).

“But syphilis is in no way confined to big names, nor is it a sexually transmitted infection (STI) of the past. The 2016 Public Health England (PHE) syphilis report has shown that infection rates are on the up, with disproportionate rates in London. In 2015, the capital accounted for 56% of all cases in England, with a 22% increase in diagnoses in the year 2014-15. Since 2010 the number of cases of syphilis in Londoners has increased by 163%, with a 22% increase in the year from 2014 to 2015…

“Men who have sex with men (MSM) represented 90% of all syphilis cases in 2015, with a 232% increase in diagnosis over the last five years, said the report. More than half of the MSM diagnosed with syphilis in 2015 were also infected with HIV, and over half additionally tested positive for a separate STI…”

Man’s Morbid Fascination with Alien Life

The Sun wrote on August 24:

“Astronomers have discovered a ‘second Earth’ orbiting our closest star and it could have exactly the right conditions to sustain alien lifeforms. Stargazers from the European Southern Observatory spotted the mystery world circling Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf star that’s just four light years away. The planet is orbiting in the “goldilocks zone” of Proxima Centauri, which means it’s close enough to the  star that water would not freeze but far away enough so that water wouldn’t boil. This is important because the presence of liquid water is thought to be necessary for the development of life…

“Now scientists are trying to figure out a way of getting a robotic probe to the planet to see if it is home to alien organisms, although this is not a mission many of us will live to see. Using current rocket technology, it would take 76,000 years to get to our nearest star. However, there is hope that ‘light sail’ technology currently under development could allow us to send a robotic probe to the planet in about 25 years…

“We asked Nick Pope, a British researcher who used to run the Ministry of Defence’s UFO investigation department, if he thought we’d find aliens on the planet. He said: ‘This game-changing discovery may help us answer the question of whether or not we’re alone in the universe – one of the biggest and most profound questions we can ask.  Many people believe there are aliens out there and now it’s possible that they’re our galactic next door neighbours. Every effort should be made not just to find out more about this planet, but to look for evidence of life – and maybe even intelligent life.’”

Alien life forms would not have “evolved”—life forms do not evolve from nothing—and God did not create any alien life forms. But any “encounters” with aliens, if those “encounters” were “real,” would have been of demonic origin.

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