This Week in the News

French Election and Europe

Deutsche Welle reported on April 25:

“The runoff election in France [on May 7] pits diametrical visions for Europe against each other: Liberal-socialist Macron and populist-conservative Le Pen. For Brussels, the outcome can mean any number of things… A President Emmanuel Macron will carry European integration forward. Under Marine Le Pen, France would likely distance itself from its neighbors, double down on borders and get rid of the euro. Such a political earthquake could rattle the EU far more than Brexit…

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and his colleagues were celebrating Sunday night [April 23]. Macron winning the most votes was a sigh of relief for European leaders. ‘The much-anticipated domino effect following the Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s election has not, so far, materialized. And the European project has won,’ Britain’s Guardian newspaper wrote the day after the vote…”

We do not expect that Marine Le Pen will win, nor have we ever felt that way. Prophecy strongly suggests that the end-time “European project” will be run by Germany and France.

Russia Prohibits Jehovah’s Witnesses…. Persecution of Religious Minorities Ongoing

Christianity Today reported on April 20:

“It’s official. Jehovah’s Witnesses can no longer practice their faith freely in Russia, where the Supreme Court on Thursday declared the pacifist religious organization an ‘extremist group’ and banned all of its activity. The judge ordered all 395 local chapters and its Russian headquarters to close and authorized the government to seize all property. Under the ruling, distributing copies of the Watchtower, discussing their beliefs in public, or even worshipping at a meeting hall has become a crime…

“To human rights and religious freedom advocates around the world, the move comes as a major blow. While ties between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Kremlin have put ongoing scrutiny on all non-Orthodox faiths, this case represents the first time the country has banned a registered religious group…The Jehovah’s Witnesses Administrative Center has 30 days to appeal to a three-person panel at the Supreme Court, but Jehovah’s Witnesses say they anticipate serious problems, regardless of any pending appeal. Jehovah’s Witnesses added that, if necessary, they will take their case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

“‘If Jehovah’s Witnesses are persecuted, then that means later “on the block” will come other religious movements—for example, Protestant churches,’ law professor Anatoly Pchelintcev told Portal-Credo, an Orthodox news site. ‘For the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Armageddon has arrived, and the faithful of other religions await the apocalypse.’

“The crackdown on Jehovah’s Witnesses follows rising nationalist furor in Russia and a skepticism toward groups associated with the West. ‘The treatment of the Jehovah’s Witnesses reflects the Russian government’s tendency to view all independent religious activity as a threat to its control and the country’s political stability,’ according to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), which condemned Russia’s ongoing campaign against the group. ‘This approach dates back to the Soviet period and impacts other religious groups, including peaceful Christians and Muslims.’”

Russia’s Modern Persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses

The Independent wrote on April 20:

“Jehovah’s Witnesses first registered as a religious group in Russia in 1991 and registered again in 1999, but have been targeted repeatedly by authorities in a wide-ranging crackdown on religious freedom.

“Russia changed its legal definition of extremism in 2006, removing requirements for violence or hatred but stating the ‘incitement of….religious discord’ as criteria, leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses with the same legal status as Isis or Nazis. The group’s international website was blocked in Russia two years ago over alleged extremism, with the group’s Bibles banned the following year, while a local chairman was jailed for two years on charges of possessing ‘extremist literature’ in 2010.”

Russia’s Persecution of Jehovah’s’ Witnesses because of their Stance on Voting, Violence and the Military

The Washington Post added on April 20:

“After years, even decades, of persecution against the religious group, the Kremlin moved to get rid of the denomination for good. In February, Jehovah’s Witnesses were labeled ‘extremists’ and locked out of their offices. Then Kremlin officials launched a legal effort to ban the faith. That case quickly wound its way to the Supreme Court, where Justice Ministry attorney Svetlana Borisova said the Christian group posed a ‘threat’ to ‘public order and public security.’… After six days of hearings, the Supreme Court sided with the government on Thursday. They ruled that the group’s St. Petersburg headquarters and 395 churches could be seized and liquidated. All church activities, including worship and door-to-door evangelizing, were banned. Those who defy the ruling face a fine of several thousand dollars and six to 10 years in prison…

“In the Soviet era, religion… was officially banned…

“Experts like Alexander Verkhovsky, who monitors extremism in Russia, say there is no evidence that Jehovah’s Witnesses are a public threat… ‘But they are seen as a good target. They are pacifists, so they cannot be radicalized, no matter what you do to them.’… The church’s 170,000 Russian members don’t vote, won’t serve in the military and refuse to attend national celebrations that glorify violence. That means they often avoid state-sponsored rallies celebrating, say, the annexation of Crimea. That’s a problem for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is naturally suspicious of groups with pro-Western sympathies (the sect is based in the United States). It’s also a way for him to show support to the Russian Orthodox Church…”

Russia’s Orthodox Church Major Player in Suppression of Jehovah’s Witnesses

The New York Times added on April 20:

“The ruling, which confirmed an order last month by the Justice Ministry that the denomination be ‘liquidated’… had been widely expected. Russian courts rarely challenge government decisions, no matter what the evidence…

“Hard-line followers of Russia’s dominant faith, the Orthodox Church, have lobbied for years to have Jehovah’s Witnesses outlawed or at least curbed as a heretical sect, but the main impetus for the current campaign to crush a Christian group active in Russia for more than a century seems to have come from the country’s increasingly assertive security apparatus. Founded in the United States in the 19th century, Jehovah’s Witnesses has its worldwide headquarters in the United States and, along with all foreign-led groups outside the control of the state, is viewed with deep suspicion by Russia’s post-Soviet version of the KGB: the Federal Security Service, or F.S.B.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses shuns political activity and has no record of even peaceful — never mind violent — hostility to the Russian authorities. But it has faced growing hostility from the state since President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia began his third term in 2012 and put the Orthodox Church at the center of his push to assert Russia as a great military and moral power.

“The denomination suffered relentless persecution by the KGB during the Soviet era, and after more than a decade of relative peace following the collapse of Communism in 1991, it again became a target for official harassment under a 2002 anti-extremism law. That law makes it illegal for any group, other than the Orthodox Church and other traditional religious institutions, to proclaim itself as offering a true path to religious or political salvation.”

Russia’s blatantly illegal actions towards the Jehovah’s Witnesses are a preview of much more religious persecution to come.

Turkey’s Erdogan “Wins” Referendum

The Sun wrote on April 18:

“RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, the President of Turkey, once said that democracy was like a bus. He would ride it to the destination he wanted. Once there he would get off. On Sunday Erdogan got off the bus. Taking his country with him. This is a tragedy for Turkey. But it is a deep problem for Britain and Europe too. Erdogan’s direction of travel has been clear ever since the start of his dramatic political ascent more than two decades ago, when he was Mayor of Istanbul. In public as well as private it was clear he had an Islamist view of the world. For decades he remorselessly rolled back the secular advances his country made almost a century ago. As he became Prime Minister, journalists and other critics were thrown in prison. The role of religion in politics grew.

“Then Erdogan moved from Prime Minister to President. And Turkey — which had once seemed a beacon of potential progress in the Islamic world — began to roll backwards. Last summer a coup was staged. And ‘staged’ may be the right word. Within hours, lists were produced of thousands of judges and others allegedly involved. It was the perfect pretext for Erdogan to tighten his grip on the army, the judiciary and every other wing of state that had avoided his grasp.

“Sunday’s referendum on increasing the President’s powers may have been a ‘vote’ only in the way last year’s events were a ‘coup’. But in any case, the public were said to have voted for what Erdogan wanted, effectively making him sovereign over Parliament and every other part of the state. His progress from democrat to sultan is complete.

“Among those who should feel shame for this are all those who spent the years of Erdogan’s rise arguing for his country’s entry into the EU. On a visit to Turkey in 2010 our then Prime Minister, David Cameron, told Erdogan: ‘Turkey deserves its place at the top table of European ­politics — and that is what I will fight for.’ As late as last year Cameron restated that it was UK government policy to lobby for Turkey to join the EU. The present Government’s crazy policy is that although Britain is leaving the EU we will continue to argue for Turkey to join…

“Other governments across Europe have argued for Turkish membership. Only in recent months have they taken anything like a realistic stance on what Erdogan has actually been doing. This was partly because of Turkey’s role in improving — or worsening — the migration crisis…”

Erdogan Defies Europe

Newsmax added on April 18:

“A defiant Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan denounced the West’s ‘crusader mentality’ on Monday after European monitors criticised a referendum in which he won sweeping new powers… Opponents accuse him of leading a drive towards one-man rule in Turkey, a NATO member that borders Iran, Iraq and Syria and whose stability is of vital importance to the United States and European Union… [Erdogan] said it was not important if the EU suspended Turkish accession talks. Germany, home to several million Turks, said it was up to Erdogan himself to heal the rifts that the vote had exposed.”

President Trump Congratulates Erdogan on His Win as a Dictator

The Telegraph wrote on April 18:

“US president Donald Trump called his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday to congratulate him on winning the referendum boosting his powers, the White House said on Monday… The reaction from Mr Trump contrasts with EU leaders… ‘President Trump thanked President Erdogan for supporting this action by the United States, and the leaders agreed on the importance of holding Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accountable,’ the statement continued.”

The outcome of the referendum will increase the brutal and inhumane persecution of everyone in Turkey who is not a strong supporter of dictator Erdogan, while the West will sit idly by… especially in light of Turkey’s “help” with the migrant crisis and Turkey’s membership in NATO. Daniel 11 prophecies that Europe will not overpower modern Turkey at first, but other Scriptures show that subsequently, Europe will fight against Turkey. For more information, please read our free booklet, “Middle Eastern and African Nations in Bible Prophecy.”

The USA Uses the “Mother of all Bombs”

The Daily Mail wrote on April 14:

“The  US dropped its largest non-nuclear weapon on ISIS in Afghanistan… The GBU-43, otherwise known as the Mother of All Bombs, or MOAB unleashes a devastating fireball that incinerates and vaporizes anything within 30 feet when it first detonates. In the milliseconds following the initial blast in Afghanistan, all the oxygen would have been forced out of the tunnels and for hundreds of feet around, literally sucking the life out of ISIS terrorists, suffocating them as their lungs imploded. Then, in a flash the fiery shockwave would have radiated outwards at the speed of sound for up to a mile, causing huge blunt force trauma injuries to anyone caught in its path, leveling buildings and trees. Ears would have been left bleeding… and internal organs battered by the sheer force of the shockwave. The blast would also have caused many within two miles of the blast to lose their hearing.

“Anyone caught inside the tunnels would have been crushed as the force of 19,000 pounds of highly complex explosives caused them to collapse on top of the ISIS terrorists. Anyone left alive would have been shocked and left in awe by the sight of a terrifying mushroom cloud – the psychological scars staying with them forever.

“The Pentagon estimates that 800 ISIS terrorists were in the area. Its frightening  power was unleashed by the United States for the first time on Thursday when it was dropped on an ISIS camp in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar Province, in order to obliterate underground tunnels used by the terrorists. A crater left by the blast is believed to be more than 300 feet wide after it exploded just six feet above the ground…”

We publish this article to show the terrible weapons which man has at his disposal.

Update 779

Equity; The Perspective of Passover

On April 8, 2017, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Equity,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Perspective of Passover.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Passover will be observed after sunset on Sunday evening, April 9, 2017; the Night to be Much Observed after sunset on Monday evening, April 10th; Holy Day services for the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on Tuesday, April 11th; and Holy Day services for the last day of Unleavened Bread on Monday, April 17th.

Live services will be available on Tuesday, April 11, 2017—the First Day of Unleavened Bread. The morning service will be 10:00 am Pacific Time. The afternoon service will be 3:00 pm Pacific Time. Please refer to our Live Services schedule for other dates and times.

Please NOTE: We will not publish an Update for the weeks of April 14th and 21st as we observe Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.

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by Eric Rank

It’s easy to become discouraged when trying to live our life in a way that is at odds with the mainstream ideals of the world. Quite simply, a Christian life in this age could be a hard one. When we choose to apply godly virtue and obedience in our thoughts and actions, we choose to elevate our standards for the sake of pleasing God, not man. Often, taking this course of action will be opposed to social norms and expectations of our peers, and on occasion, it could even be in conflict with the laws of the land. There is no shortage of pressure to conform to the ways of the world, and compromise our Christian convictions.  As the Bible forebodes, “… Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:14).

Even though it might be “a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (compare Hebrews 10:31) and while it is an ongoing challenge to commit our lives to righteousness, we must realize that we will be successful if we don’t give up. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God explains that it is God’s great pleasure to give us eternal life. From the beginning, God’s plan involved challenging mankind to overcome our carnal nature, and not succumb to sin. Certainly, this way of life is at times a hard one, but it is not impossible to pursue it.

God knows that everyone He calls will struggle to succeed, and for this reason He offers tremendous support. To begin with, the Holy Spirit of God the Father and of Jesus Christ dwells within everyone who has been properly baptized, strengthening righteous convictions and granting godly understanding. This gift provides a necessary means of overcoming sin. But the support provided by the Holy Spirit alone is not enough. We must apply our own effort to repent of our sins, and conform our behavior to righteousness. To face this challenge can be intimidating, and even induce fear of failure.

Something that should give us comfort when we face fear and discouragement in living a Christian life is that we’re not alone. Countless people have faced the same challenges and emerged successfully. I believe that it is safe to say that all of them needed encouragement.

When Joshua was leading the nation of Israel into the Promised Land, God recognized that he needed encouragement. As the story begins, he is encouraged repeatedly, but the best summary can be found in Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” God was aware of the great challenge that Joshua faced and anticipated that he might react fearfully. Bringing hundreds of thousands of people into a land filled with foreigners must have been a daunting responsibility. But Joshua followed God’s instructions, providing us with a tremendous example of faith. Joshua overcame any fear in large part because he was encouraged by the promises made by God.

In the letters that Paul wrote, there is a strong theme of encouragement in most of them. Many of the people in the young church congregations had their own unique struggles. In some cases, Paul had to admonish and correct their behavior, but even so, it was for the purpose of encouraging them to get on the right track and overcome sin. Paul recognized that it was important to encourage those who were struggling so that people did not become disheartened by the difficulty of living a Christian life and give up.

In his letter to Timothy, Paul offers some very personal encouragement. He writes, “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:6-7). Timothy is reminded by Paul about his commission, and that he has nothing to be afraid of when facing the challenges faced in fulfilling his ministry. Even though these reminders were sent to Timothy intending to give him some individual encouragement nearly 2,000 years ago, we too should be encouraged by these same words. When we have the Holy Spirit, we can stir it up and put it to work, overcoming sin, and replacing it with godly love. This is God’s purpose for us (compare 2 Timothy 1:9).

Certainly, we can find encouragement through the knowledge of God’s purpose for us and through the words of the Bible, but encouragement must not end once we receive it. On the contrary, we have a responsibility to perpetuate it. “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25). As Christian brethren, we must remember to offer strength to others. Even when we might feel weak ourselves, an encouraging reassurance offered to someone else can be extremely helpful. As much as we might need encouragement ourselves, we need to offer encouragement to others as well.

There is no question that we can find many reasons to be discouraged in our Christian walk, if that’s where we focus our attention. However, these are poisonous distractions. Rather than focusing on the “reasons” why we might fail, we must remember to nurture our sources of positive encouragement that lead us to success. We find strength from our brethren, from the words of the Bible, and above all, from God’s faith in us.

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We begin with developments in Europe and the UK, including the official launch of the Brexit process (please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Brexit and Core Europe—Fulfilled Prophecies”); address in this context the renewed battle for Gibraltar; and discuss the disconcerting and even hostile relationship between Europe under German leadership and the USA (please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Germany and the USA… What Next?”).

We speak on the challenging situation related to North Korea and President Trump’s controversial politics pertaining to war and immigration.

We continue with the current policy of Israel’s courts forbidding the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb near the Temple Mount; and report on Germany’s anti-Semitism and public approval of gay marriages.

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60 Years of Europe

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 25:

“Leaders from 27 member states declared ‘Europe is our common future’ in a final declaration signed [at a palace in Rome], where on March 25, 1957 six founding states signed the Treaty of Rome paving the way for today’s EU.

“Noticeably absent was British Prime Minister Theresa May…

“… The document signed in Rome sets a new course for the EU, laying out the principle of a multi-speed bloc wherein some countries move ahead on stronger integration while others may not participate on certain issues. ‘We will act together, at different paces and intensity where necessary, while moving in the same direction,’ the declaration states…”

Poland and Greece had threatened to veto the declaration, which has to be unanimous, but they finally signed it as well; which means, Europe of two speeds or a core Europe is now the official European policy of the EU.

Brexit Process Launched

The Independent wrote on March 29:

“Britain has officially launched the Brexit process, triggering Article 50 and starting a two-year countdown before the country drops out of the European Union.

“The historic moment came as a letter signed by Prime Minister Theresa May was delivered to the Brussels office of European Council President Donald Tusk, notifying him of the UK’s intention to leave…

“Manfred Weber, an ally of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel tweeted: ‘EU has done everything to keep the British. From now on, only the interests of the remaining 440 million Europeans count for us…’

“… the Prime Minister said… ‘This is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back.’”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 29:

“London can expect an expensive divorce… [The] EU [is]  seeking a 60-billion-euro… ‘exit bill’ from [the] UK…”

The Daily Mail wrote on March 29:

“The tensions between the two sides was underlined when German Chancellor Angela Merkel flatly rejected Mrs May’s call for the talks on the divorce and a future trade deal to happen in parallel.”

Germany’s Martin Schulz… One of Brexit’s Harshest Critics

The Telegraph wrote on March 26:

“Martin Schulz, who has emerged as the most serious challenger Angela Merkel has faced in more than a decade in power, is best known in Britain as one of Brexit’s harshest critics… He has threatened ‘the hardest Brexit possible’…

“As for Brexit negotiations, he made his priorities clear: ‘With me there will be no Europe bashing’”.

Renewed Battle for Gibraltar

The Telegraph wrote on April 2:

“Theresa May would go to war to defend the sovereignty of Gibraltar just as Margaret Thatcher did with the Falklands, a former Tory leader has suggested. Lord Howard said the British Government will stand by Gibraltar during Brexit talks amid claims of an EU ‘land grab’ for the territory by Spain…

“This morning the Prime Minister told Gibraltar’s chief minister that Britain will never allow Spain to take over the peninsula against its will. Sir Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, has also pledged to ‘protect’ Gibraltar ‘all the way’…

“A European Council document on Friday suggested that Spain will be given an effective veto on whether the Brexit deal applies to Gibraltar. The draft guidelines drawn up by EU leaders state that the Brexit deal will not apply to Gibraltar without an ‘agreement between the kingdom of Spain and the UK’. The clause has taken British officials by surprise. ‘The Rock’, a British Overseas Territory since 1713 with 30,000 residents, remains a major source of diplomatic tensions.

“… Last night Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, said that the UK’s support for Gibraltar will remain ‘implacable and rock-like’…”

The Church of God has felt for a long time that ultimately, the UK will lose Gibraltar to Europe.

The Gibraltar War

The EUObserver wrote on April 3:

“The European Commission has put its ‘full support’ behind giving Spain a veto on the economic future of Gibraltar. Commission spokesman Margiritis Schinas said on Monday (3 April) that veto, as proposed by the European Council last week, had ‘the full backing of the European Commission, of president Juncker and of Michel Barnier, let there be no doubt about that’.

“He said the Commission president and Barnier, its Brexit negotiator, had ‘worked closely’ on the EU guidelines for Brexit that included the veto. ‘We’re very happy to reaffirm our support’, he said…

“The spectacle of the EU institutions and the 27 remaining member states taking a common line against an outgoing member is a first in EU history…”

EU Threatens USA

Express wrote on March 31:

“European Union boss Jean-Claude Juncker issued a jaw-dropping threat to the United States, saying he could campaign to break up the country in revenge for Donald Trump’s supportive comments about Brexit. In an extraordinary speech the EU Commission president said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if the Republican president does not change his tune and become more supportive of the EU.

“The remarks are diplomatic dynamite at a time when relations between Washington and Brussels are already strained… A spokesman for the bloc later said that the remarks were not meant to be taken literally, but also tellingly did not try to pass them off as humorous and insisted the EU chief was making a serious comparison.”

White House in the Dark

Newsmax wrote on March 30:

“A day after Prime Minister Theresa May signed the letter beginning the process known as ‘Brexit,’ the White House hailed the decision of British voters last year to take the United Kingdom out of the European Union. ‘We respect the will of the British electorate and Her Majesty’s government in taking steps of departing the European Union,’ Press Secretary Sean Spicer told Newsmax, ‘Whatever future the UK-EU relationship looks like, we want the UK to remain a strong leader in Europe, for both the EU and Europe to remain strong leaders globally.’

“Spicer also fired back at a warning from Jean Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, for Mr, Trump to stop encouraging countries to copy Brexit because ‘if the European Union collapses, you will have a new war in the Balkans.’ Juncker also told the Financial Times last Friday that Trump ‘does not understand anything about Europe.’

“When Newsmax read Juncker’s comments to Spicer Wednesday, the President’s top spokesman replied: ‘I think the President is very well steeped in world affairs, especially Europe, NATO, all of the issues. He was a leader in the effort to call Brexit, as you know.’”

Sadly, the Trump Administration does NOT understand much about Europe, and especially not about biblical prophecies, predicting Europe’s future. The idea that Britain could remain a strong leader in Europe after Brexit shows a complete failure of comprehension as to what is and will be happening. The fact that Mr. Trump strongly supported Brexit will backfire in dramatic and hostile ways.

President Trump’s Politics Cause for Great Concern in Germany

Deutsche Welle reported on April 2:

“Following US President Donald Trump’s executive orders signed on Friday to review causes of US trade deficits, Germany’s Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries said US President Donald Trump is signaling policy decisions that would send the country in ‘completely the wrong direction.’ ‘The US obviously wants to move away from free trade and trade agreements,’ Zypries said…

“Trump repeated on Friday claims that he made throughout his campaign about seeking to bring back industrial jobs to the US. Before signing the orders, he said it was time to ‘correct’ bad agreements with other countries and claimed that ‘thousands of factories have been stolen from our country.’… Zypries… criticized a lack of clear communication and communication channels concerning trade under the new Trump administration.

“Germany’s Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has said he shares Zypries’ concerns. Gabriel told German newspaper ‘Rheinische Post’ that Trump’s executive orders signaled the US government ‘is ready to favor American companies, even if it contradicts international law.’ Gabriel told the EU on Friday to consider filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) over a US plan to impose duties on steel plate imports from eight countries including Germany. The plan to impose duties came from one of Trump’s executive orders signed on Friday and also includes steel imports from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.”

The Local wrote on March 31:

“Germany Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel isn’t mincing his words. The pugnacious politician has called a Nato defence spending target being pushed by the US ‘completely unrealistic’ for Germany. ‘I don’t know of a single German politician who believes that is either achievable or desirable,’ he added…

“Nato heads of state are meeting at the end of May in Brussels, with the US reportedly planning for the 2 percent target to be agreed upon as a fixed amount which all states will have to meet. But Gabriel said that no other country could demand of Germany that it spends 2 percent of GDP on its military. The Social Democrat Foreign Minister further claimed that no such 2 percent goal had been agreed upon in Wales. Nato members had only agreed to work towards this goal, he insisted.”

The relationship between Europe under German Leadership and America under the Trump Administration is predestined to deteriorate rapidly.

Will North Korea Be Stopped by China or USA?

The Telegraph wrote on April 2:

“The US will take unilateral action to eliminate the North Korean nuclear threat if China does not help bring pressure to bear on Pyongyang, Donald Trump has warned. Mr Trump, who will meet Xi Jinping, the president of China, for the first time on Thursday, said the US would go it alone if Beijing refuses to cooperate, but refused to say whether he implied taking military action against the hermit dictatorship…

“Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, also issued a stark warning saying America would ‘no longer take excuses from China’.

“… Concern has been mounting about the North Korean missile program in the US for some years. Barack Obama’s administration identified North Korea as the top national security issue for Mr Trump’s administration during the handover of power.

“Ash Carter, US Defence Secretary under President Barack Obama, said he doubted Beijing would cooperate. He said: ‘I’ve been working on the North Korea problem since 1994 and we have consistently asked Chinese leaders, because they uniquely have the historical and the economic relationship with North Korea, to make a difference. They haven’t used that influence, and so it’s hard for me to be optimistic with that.’ Mr Carter… warned a US pre-emptive strike against North Korea’s nuclear weapons risked triggering an invasion of South Korea.”

North Korea is becoming more and more a thorn in the flesh of the United States. A unilateral military attack by the USA on North Korea would surely prove to be disastrous for America in its relationship with other countries in the Far East, including China.

Bannon Removed from National Security Council

The Los Angeles Times reported on April 5:

“President Trump has removed chief strategist Stephen Bannon from the National Security Council in a shakeup that consolidated the power of White House national security advisor H.R. McMaster… During the first weeks of Trump’s presidency, Trump was criticized for taking the unusual step of allowing his political advisor to attend all National Security Council meetings, giving Bannon unusual influence over key military and intelligence decisions… Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News, is widely seen as a disruptive force in the White House, but has been close to Trump since the campaign.”

“Frustrated” McCain Attacks “Incredible” Trump Policy Regarding Syria

Newsmax reported on April 4:

“Following reports of a gas attack by the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that has killed dozens of civilians, Sen. John McCain lashed out Tuesday on CNN’s ‘New Day’ at the Trump administration’s decision to no longer prioritize ending the Syrian civil war as ‘another disgraceful chapter in American history.’… McCain said statements by the U.S. administration figures that ‘the Syrian people would be determining their own future themselves one of the more incredible statements I’ve ever heard given the involvement of Hezbollah, of the Iranians, of the Russians.’

“Activist groups have blamed Assad’s regime for the attack in the north of Syria on Tuesday in which dozens of people were killed and more than 200 injured due to asphyxiation caused by exposure to a chemical agent… The Republican Arizona senator said he is frustrated that Trump does not have any clear foreign policy doctrine and insisted the U.S. must ‘help people who are struggling against one of the great dictators [Assad] in history.'”

It was stated in the press that both Obama’s declaration of a “red line,” which was not followed, and Trump’s declaration of non-involvement have emboldened Assad to use chemical weapons against his own people.

Irresponsible GOP Healthcare Proposal

Newsmax wrote on April 4:

“Proposals to revive the Republican healthcare bill would cast aside a popular requirement of Obamacare: a mandate that people would be allowed to buy insurance even if they have pre-existing conditions. States could opt out of Obamacare regulations on pre-existing conditions and on essential health benefits, according to terms described by Rep. Mark Meadows… Meadows said the proposed changes, which are not final, would be of interest to the Freedom Caucus. Any bill in the House would need that group to pass, and nearly every Republican would need to be on board to get it past the Senate.

“Opting out of benefit requirements could damage the usefulness of insurance, for example, if a cancer patient could buy a plan but the plan was not required to cover chemotherapy. Opting out of essential benefits and community ratings would prevent denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions, but it would lead to insurers being allowed to charge whatever they wanted for the coverage, although the government would provide subsidies, the Times reported.

“State governments, under the proposal, would face the tough choice of cutting rules that become optional, which would leave sick people without insurance choices, or keep the options, and see prices increase for those who cannot afford them under the new subsidies. Those with pre-existing conditions would still struggle with comprehensive health plans, like before Obamacare was installed in 2009, according to the Times. ‘There is no deal, in principle,’ Meadows said, but called the proposal a ‘solid idea.’’

This is not a solid idea, but a stupid idea. The fact that such an appalling concept is even proposed and considered is mind-boggling. On his campaign trail, Mr. Trump assured the public and his supporters that the mandate of insurance for people with pre-exiting conditions would be retained. Let us hope that he keeps his promise.

More Deaths and Wars under President Trump

AFP wrote on March 25:

“The Pentagon under President Donald Trump is enjoying greater freedom to run its wars the way it wants… Many in the military appreciate this increased autonomy, but critics charge it is raising civilian death rates, puts the lives of US troops at greater risk and leads to a lack of oversight of America’s conflicts…

“Trump… has repeatedly deferred to his defense secretary, Jim Mattis, on military moves. Mattis, a retired general, has delegated expanded authorities to his battlefield commanders… Trump has also faced criticism for his hands-off approach, especially after he approved a special operations raid in Yemen that went horribly wrong, leading to the death of a Navy SEAL, multiple civilians including children and a crashed helicopter… Observers are also calling into question whether the Pentagon is allowing civilian casualties to mount…

“Airwars, a London-based collective of journalists and researchers, said Friday it had become… overwhelmed tracking civilian deaths allegedly caused by US and coalition planes… The Pentagon has acknowledged at least 220 civilians have been unintentionally killed since operations to defeat IS began in late summer 2014. Airwars estimates the real number to be more than 10 times that.”

Another Defeat–Second Travel Ban Barred

Newsmax wrote on March 29:

“President Donald Trump was barred from enforcing his revised travel ban on six mostly Muslim nations while he defends it in a court battle that will stretch for months, perhaps years. While [the] Trump administration tailored the latest version to shed all religious references, a Honolulu federal judge found that the president’s campaign rhetoric, including calls for a Muslim ban and registry, point toward discriminatory intentions. The Justice Department will probably appeal the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco, the same court that upheld the order stopping Trump’s original travel order.

“U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson turned an earlier temporary restraining order into a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit brought by the state of Hawaii challenging Trump’s travel directive as unconstitutional religious discrimination… Hawaii and other opponents of the ban claim that the motivation behind it is based on religion and Trump’s election campaign promise of ‘a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.’

“Seeking the longer-lasting hold, state Attorney General Douglas Chin argued that the ban’s implied message is like a ‘neon sign flashing “Muslim ban, Muslim ban'” that the government didn’t bother to turn off.”

This was a predictable outcome… at least for the time being, even though many legal “experts” did not see it coming. The next article shows that the American immigration policy under President Trump is clandestinely changing in a drastic way. Nevertheless, it seems that President Trump is failing on many different fronts. The Bible has made it clear that the downfall of the USA is unavoidable, due to its many sins.

President Trump’s Shift in Immigration Procedures Affects Green Card Applicants

WBUR News reported on March 31:

“Federal immigration officers arrested five people in Lawrence on Wednesday when they showed up for scheduled appointments at a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office. WBUR has confirmed that at least three of those arrested were beginning the process to become legal permanent residents. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says the agency had orders to detain each of the five individuals for deportation…

“Because Doyle’s client is married to a U.S. citizen, she is eligible for a specific application process sponsored by her husband. Both [attorney] Doyle’s client and her husband were present at the USCIS office for what’s called a marriage petition interview, a process used to screen for fraudulent marriages. Doyle said his client, a small business owner with no criminal record, had just completed her 40-minute question and answer session when an ICE agent entered the office and informed her that she was ordered removed and was being taken into custody… He says his client could be detained, away from her three children and husband, for weeks while the legal process unfolds. Ultimately, she could be deported to Brazil — a country she has not visited in more than 15 years.

Susan Church, who heads the New England chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, says she finds the arrests at the USCIS office not only troubling but also surprising. ‘The detention of an individual under these circumstances and most likely the arrest would be something that is definitely new,’ Church said…  ‘What this means is that people who are eligible to obtain their green card in the United States, who are following the law, who are following the rules, who are doing what the government is instructing them to do, are going to be too terrified to show up and follow through with the process,’ Church said. ‘And now a whole new category of people is going to go back into the shadow of immigration land and be living in fear.’”

It is hard to justify these procedures when applying Mr. Trump’s declaration that only the “bad dudes” would be dealt with.

Highly Controversial Immigration Changes Pursued by Trump Administration

The Wall Street Journal wrote on April 4:

“Foreigners who want to visit the U.S., even for a short trip, could be forced to disclose contacts on their mobile phones, social-media passwords and financial records, and to answer probing questions about their ideology, according to Trump administration officials conducting a review of vetting procedures. The administration also wants to subject more visa applicants to intense security reviews and have embassies spend more time interviewing each applicant. The changes could apply to people from all over the world, including allies like France and Germany…

“Homeland Security officials say the agency is planning to significantly increase demands for information from all visa applicants, including visitors, refugees and others seeking to immigrate. The changes might even apply to visitors from the 38 countries that participate in the Visa Waiver Program… That includes some of the U.S.’s closest allies, such as the U.K., Japan and Australia.

“The biggest change to U.S. policy would be asking applicants to hand over their telephones so officials could examine their stored contacts and perhaps other information… ‘We want to say for instance, “What sites do you visit? And give us your passwords,” so that we can see what they do on the internet,’ Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said at a congressional hearing in February. ‘If they don’t want to give us that information then they don’t come.’

“In response to Mr. Kelly’s hearing, a coalition of about 50 civil liberties and other groups issued a statement that month saying requiring passwords is ‘a direct assault on fundamental rights,’ including freedom of expression. They also complained that the policy could be mirrored by foreign governments demanding passwords from Americans.”

If these plans by the Trump Administration are being carried out, they would cause tremendous backlash from America’s closest allies and the entire world. They would strongly contribute to America’s ultimate downfall.

Terror Attacks in Jerusalem

Time of Israel wrote on April 2:

“A senior police officer said Sunday that security will be bolstered in Jerusalem ahead of the upcoming Passover festival as a precaution against possible terror attacks. Speaking a day after a terrorist stabbed three people in Jerusalem’s Old City, Commander Doron Turgeman… said terror groups seek to attack Israelis around the Jewish holidays.  ‘Holidays and festivals over the years have caused higher tensions and sensitivity and are a preferred period for attacks,’ Turgeman told Army Radio…

“The weeklong Passover festival begins on April 10. Tens of thousands of people are expected to visit Jerusalem’s Old City during the holiday… On Saturday afternoon, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed two young men and the police officer in the Old City, wounding them, before being shot and killed by security forces… It was the second stabbing attack in the Old City last week.

“Palestinian media identified the assailant as 17-year-old Ahmad Jazal from the West Bank village of Sebastia, near Nablus… Shortly before carrying out the attack Jazal photographed himself smiling outside the Temple Mount’s Dome of the Rock. The photos were shared by Palestinians on social media, with some praising the ‘martyr’ for his actions… In the past year and a half the Old City, and the Damascus Gate in particular, have seen several attacks by Palestinians, and in one case a Jordanian national.”

Incitement of Hatred by Palestinians

The Times of Israel wrote on April 3:

“The Palestinian Authority’s new textbooks for first to fourth grades demonize Israel and glorify ‘martyrdom,’ a report published Sunday claims…  The report… says that the 2016-2017 elementary school curriculum in the PA ‘teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies the existence of Israel, and focuses on a “return” to an exclusively Palestinian homeland.’”

Jews Forbidden to Sacrifice Passover Lamb Near Temple Mount

The Times of Israel wrote on April 2:

“The High Court of Justice on Monday upheld a police decision to bar a group of Temple Mount activists from trying to reenact the ritual slaughter of a sacrificial animal near the Jerusalem holy site in preparation for the upcoming Passover holiday. The attempt by the activists and the routine denial by the law and order authorities has become a ritual in its own right in recent years.

“For over a decade a group called the Temple Mount Institute have held a demonstration of the ritual slaughter of the Passover offering, a sheep or goat sacrifice. Each year they request to do it on or near the Jerusalem holy site where ritual sacrifices were carried out at the time of the temple. And each year they are refused by police and the courts fearing it could cause unrest, with the site that currently houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the most hotly contested site in the Middle East conflict.

“The group perform the demonstration because a ‘real’ Passover sacrifice may only be conducted on the Temple Mount. The group this year requested to hold the religious ceremony at Davidson Park, an archaeological site adjacent to the West Wall on the southern side of the Temple Mount complex. This too was rejected by the court. The group launched a crowdfunding appeal and has already raised over half the money for the sacrifice, said to cost NIS 30,000 ($8,250). As in previous years, it is expected that the group will relocate their demonstration to another site. The sacrifice is expected to take place Thursday.”

In the not-too-distant future, animal sacrifices WILL be brought again on or near the Temple Mount, which will create an outcry around the world.

Anti-Semitism in Germany

Deutsche Welle reported on April 2:

“The story of a 14-year-old who had to change schools to escape anti-Semitism is making headlines in Germany. The boy’s tormentors were of Arab and Turkish descent – making the news even more explosive.

“… The story opened the floodgates for social media posts attacking Muslims and excoriating Chancellor Angela Merkel’s welcoming stance toward refugees. In fact, there was no indication that any of the tormentors came from refugee families, and anti-Semitic attacks on Jews in Germany are carried out not just by Muslims… On the other hand, there is no denying that anti-Semitic thought and speech is common among some Muslim students in some German schools. Activists have been drawing attention to the problem for years… And the problem is by no means confined to the German capital.”

Vast Majority for Gay Marriages in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 2:

“… an opinion survey carried out by pollster Emnid for ‘Bild am Sonntag’ on gay marriage showed that 75 percent of respondents favored full legal equality for homosexuals in life partnerships with the laws for a traditional marriage between a man and a woman… In January, a survey by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Bureau (ADS) showed 83 percent of respondents saying marriage between two men or two women should be allowed…

“The chancellor candidate for the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Martin Schulz, has called for equality for gay marriage, and the party looks set to make it an election issue. The party has proposed protection for the status of marriage and family and to extend it to ‘other forms of cohabitation,’  Thomas Oppermann, chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, said last month. The Greens and Left (Linke) parties also support the idea.”

God does not. He calls it an abomination in the Bible.

“Russia’s Jehovah’s Witnesses Could Be Labeled Extremist, Worship Banned”

Newsmax reported on April 4:

“Russia’s Supreme Court may declare Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist organization at a hearing Wednesday, which means the Jehovah’s Witnesses headquarters would be seized and their organized worship banned in the country. ‘If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the authorities, it will be the first such ruling by a court declaring a registered centralized religious organization to be “extremist,”’ the UN human rights’ high commissioner’s office said in a statement, Time reported.

“David Semonian, an international spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses, said the decision is troublesome (for) the religious group. ‘They would basically be prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses as criminals,’ Semonian said, according to Time magazine. ‘Anyone who would actually would have our publications could be criminalized. It is of great concern.’

“According to Newsweek, Thomas J. Reese, chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, said, ‘The Russian government’s latest actions appear designed to eliminate the legal existence of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia… USCIRF calls on the Russian government to stop its harassment of this peaceful religious group… The treatment of the Jehovah’s Witnesses reflects the Russian government’s tendency to view all independent religious activity as a threat to its control and the country’s political stability.’…

“Many on Twitter expressed their disdain for the potential ban.”

Russia’s Supreme Court Considers Jehovah’s Witnesses Ban

BBC News reported on April 5:

“Russia’s Supreme Court has begun hearing a government request to outlaw the Jehovah’s Witnesses and declare it an extremist organisation. The justice ministry has already placed its headquarters near St Petersburg on a list of extremist groups… As the case began in Moscow on Wednesday, lawyers representing the movement submitted a counter suit, asking the High Court to declare its members victims of political repression and the justice ministry’s action unlawful. The court ruled that this was not part of its jurisdiction, but did not say whose it was… The case was eventually adjourned until Thursday.

“The ministry argues that the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ activities ‘violate Russia’s law on combating extremism’ and their pamphlets incited hatred against other groups… The group was founded in the US in the late 19th Century and during Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in the Soviet Union it was outlawed and thousands of members were deported to Siberia. As the Soviet Union collapsed, there was a revival of Christianity in Russia and the ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses was lifted in 1991. Gradually attitudes towards the movement hardened and in 2004 a group was banned on charges of recruiting children and preventing believers from accepting medical assistance…

“In 2009 a report commissioned by prosecutors in southern Russia found that they ‘undermined respect’ in other religions. Human rights group Sova has said that an ‘official repressive campaign’ has been conducted against the movement for years and many of their members have been physically attacked.”

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Does God Change?

This is an interesting question.

Today, many can use the arguments that as culture changes, God will go along with the flow and bend according to the particular dictates of man at any given time. They don’t phrase it that way of course, but that is how they view it.

In an article in April 2015 in the New York Times, a columnist wrote: “And homosexuality and Christianity don’t have to be in conflict in any church anywhere. That many Christians regard them as incompatible is understandable, an example not so much of hatred’s pull as of tradition’s sway. Beliefs ossified over centuries aren’t easily shaken.  But in the end, the continued view of gays, lesbians and bisexuals as sinners is a decision. It’s a choice. It prioritizes scattered passages of ancient texts over all that has been learned since — as if time had stood still, as if the advances of science and knowledge meant nothing. It disregards the degree to which all writings reflect the biases and blind spots of their authors, cultures and eras. It ignores the extent to which interpretation is subjective, debatable.”

Can you see how subtle and deceptive this all is? The article goes on to show how “advances” in understanding have been made in respect of slavery, contraception, gender roles and same sex marriages. This author and the people he quotes who share many of his views obviously think that they know better than God.

So let us quickly take, for example, homosexuality which is one of the areas of their “new understanding”. It is very clear to those who have eyes to see that the Bible in both the Old Testament and the New Testament denounces this abominable practice and yet it is seen as something good and acceptable by so many societies around the world. This is one of many cases where the application of Isaiah 5:20 is clearly shown: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil…” It is interesting that Romans 1:32 states “…that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.” We see that approval is also condemned! We know that, so often, the law of man in the case of homosexuality takes precedence over the Word of God but God does not change when it comes to such matters! (Please see our Q&A dated 11th March 2005 entitled “The Biblical Teaching on Homosexuality.”) God has not changed His instruction on this subject just because there are those who come up with arguments to prove that “we have to change with the times.” Perhaps, nearly 2,000 years ago, there were the “modernists” who might have felt that the condemnation of this practice in the Old Testament ought to be brought up to date to suit their wrong understanding of morality as laid out by the God who created us all. There were the “naysayers” then [a naysayer is one who denies, refuses, opposes, or is sceptical or cynical about something (Merriam-Webster)] and we have them today, so what changes?

We know from Malachi 3:6 that God does not change: “For I am the LORD, I do not change”. Another verse that is used to show the unchanging nature of God is found in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” In James 1:17 we read: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

There are a number of examples where God DID change His mind and so how do we explain that? Let us look at some of these examples.

In Genesis 6:5-6 we read that “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.  And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.”

Genesis 18:26-32 relates Abraham’s negotiation with God over how many righteous in Sodom would be needed in order to save the city from destruction. First of all it was 50, then God agreed to 45, then 40, then 30, then 20 and finally 10. Quite a few changes of mind there because of Abraham’s pleading.

Numbers 14 tells the story of Israel refusing to enter Canaan and instead of entering the land immediately, God changed this by deferring their entry for 40 years.

In 2 Kings 20 we read that King Hezekiah was “sick and near death” (verse 1) and the King prayed about this matter (verse 2-3) and God changed His mind and added another 15 years to his life (verses 5-6).

Jonah was sent out on a mission to Nineveh but Jonah tried to opt out of this task. Eventually he did deliver the message that in “forty days… Nineveh shall be overthrown” (Jonah 3:4). However, all the Ninevites repented and “God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it (verse 10).” Again a change of mind by God.

We can see from these examples that God did change but none of these changes involved alterations to His unalterable spiritual law. God does not alter, nor does He compromise, with His plan for mankind which is set out in His Holy Day calendar (Please see our free booklets “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days” and “The Meaning of God’s Fall Holy Days”) where His plan of salvation for ALL people is revealed, even those who, at this present time are disobedient to the truths and Way of Life that God has shown His called out ones. He doesn’t change on the need to keep His law – the Ten Commandments.

It is interesting that the Roman Catholic Church has defied God and “replaced” His seventh day Sabbath with Sunday. They also keep the paganised holidays such as Christmas and Easter (and other days) whilst ignoring and rejecting the Holy Days that God says are His. Leviticus 23:1-2 clearly states: “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.” God then gives details about the Sabbath and all the annual Holy Days.

The Church of God has long understood that if one part or passage in the Bible is contradictory then God’s Word could not be trusted. If God went back and forth about His spiritual Law for mankind, then how could we trust Him?

God is perfect in all His ways and we know that the Father and Jesus are one (see John 10:30 and 17:11) – unified and with a singleness of purpose.

We are truly blessed that God is constant, His integrity intact and that we can fully trust the great Creator God of the universe. This is confirmed in Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding.”

God does NOT change when it comes to the eternal truths that He has made clear in His Word. God has, and is, perfect character which cannot change and we have to have the spiritual insight and understanding to comprehend this, rather than lumping everything together. (Please see our Q&A, “Does the Bible say anything about man’s character development?” – 24th July 2009 No. 404).

We read in Deuteronomy 32:4: “He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He.” God’s called-out ones can understand that but the author quoted at the beginning of this Q&A would believe that these glorious words are “beliefs ossified over centuries (that) aren’t easily shaken.” Those who currently rail against the Word of God will, one day, have the opportunity to understand when they have their calling, and it is to be hoped that they will have a complete change of mind at that time.

Moral absolutes are just that – absolute. They cannot be changed and God does not change in this area. However, God can and has changed His mind over certain events as outlined earlier in this Q&A.

Knowing the difference makes all the difference!

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, along with Michael Link, have traveled this week to meet with members in Germany for the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread. Brian and Jill Gale have stayed in California following the Church Conference, and Mr. Gale will conduct Passover services with the members there.

We are greatly pleased to announce the ordination of Dawn Thompson as deaconess on last Sabbath, April 1, 2017. Dawn is from Rosemead, California.

A new Member Letter (April 2017) has been written and mailed to our subscribers. This is a letter from the entire ministry, and it reviews highlights from our recent Church Conference.

Note that information for observance of the 2017 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day is now posted on our website.

“Terror Attacks in Jerusalem,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. This program also contains a video clip offering our newest booklet, “The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People.” Here is a summary:

Many are not aware of the fact that terror attacks happen in Israel and Jerusalem on a frequent basis. This fact, in addition to anti-Semitism in the Middle East and Europe, the bringing of animal sacrifices (including the Passover sacrifice) and the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount; will lead to prophesied end-time developments of catastrophic proportions.

Brexit and Core Europe—Fulfilled Prophecies,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

March 29 and March 25, 2017, will be viewed as unique historical dates with tremendous significance. In addition, the Brexit and a core Europe have been prophesied in your Bible for thousands of years.

Brexit und Kern-Europa—Erfüllte Prophezeiungen ,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program in which Norbert Link presents the same topic as described above in German.

“Goal of Perfection,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

To achieve perfection, we must be prepared at all times by doing what God specifically tells us to do. To help us better strive for that perfection, we must have hope, faith, and love towards each other and God’s law. Having the right attitude and the right goal will ultimately bring us closer to perfection.

“How Thankful Are You?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Are we thankful enough? Do we only show our gratitude when it goes well with us? How can we be thankful in trials? What is a major cause for unthankfulness? Is thankfulness conditional?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

60 Years of Europe

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 25:

“Leaders from 27 member states declared ‘Europe is our common future’ in a final declaration signed [at a palace in Rome], where on March 25, 1957 six founding states signed the Treaty of Rome paving the way for today’s EU.

“Noticeably absent was British Prime Minister Theresa May…

“… The document signed in Rome sets a new course for the EU, laying out the principle of a multi-speed bloc wherein some countries move ahead on stronger integration while others may not participate on certain issues. ‘We will act together, at different paces and intensity where necessary, while moving in the same direction,’ the declaration states…”

Poland and Greece had threatened to veto the declaration, which has to be unanimous, but they finally signed it as well; which means, Europe of two speeds or a core Europe is now the official European policy of the EU.

Brexit Process Launched

The Independent wrote on March 29:

“Britain has officially launched the Brexit process, triggering Article 50 and starting a two-year countdown before the country drops out of the European Union.

“The historic moment came as a letter signed by Prime Minister Theresa May was delivered to the Brussels office of European Council President Donald Tusk, notifying him of the UK’s intention to leave…

“Manfred Weber, an ally of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel tweeted: ‘EU has done everything to keep the British. From now on, only the interests of the remaining 440 million Europeans count for us…’

“… the Prime Minister said… ‘This is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back.’”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 29:

“London can expect an expensive divorce… [The] EU [is]  seeking a 60-billion-euro… ‘exit bill’ from [the] UK…”

The Daily Mail wrote on March 29:

“The tensions between the two sides was underlined when German Chancellor Angela Merkel flatly rejected Mrs May’s call for the talks on the divorce and a future trade deal to happen in parallel.”

Germany’s Martin Schulz… One of Brexit’s Harshest Critics

The Telegraph wrote on March 26:

“Martin Schulz, who has emerged as the most serious challenger Angela Merkel has faced in more than a decade in power, is best known in Britain as one of Brexit’s harshest critics… He has threatened ‘the hardest Brexit possible’…

“As for Brexit negotiations, he made his priorities clear: ‘With me there will be no Europe bashing’”.

Renewed Battle for Gibraltar

The Telegraph wrote on April 2:

“Theresa May would go to war to defend the sovereignty of Gibraltar just as Margaret Thatcher did with the Falklands, a former Tory leader has suggested. Lord Howard said the British Government will stand by Gibraltar during Brexit talks amid claims of an EU ‘land grab’ for the territory by Spain…

“This morning the Prime Minister told Gibraltar’s chief minister that Britain will never allow Spain to take over the peninsula against its will. Sir Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, has also pledged to ‘protect’ Gibraltar ‘all the way’…

“A European Council document on Friday suggested that Spain will be given an effective veto on whether the Brexit deal applies to Gibraltar. The draft guidelines drawn up by EU leaders state that the Brexit deal will not apply to Gibraltar without an ‘agreement between the kingdom of Spain and the UK’. The clause has taken British officials by surprise. ‘The Rock’, a British Overseas Territory since 1713 with 30,000 residents, remains a major source of diplomatic tensions.

“… Last night Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, said that the UK’s support for Gibraltar will remain ‘implacable and rock-like’…”

The Church of God has felt for a long time that ultimately, the UK will lose Gibraltar to Europe.

The Gibraltar War

The EUObserver wrote on April 3:

“The European Commission has put its ‘full support’ behind giving Spain a veto on the economic future of Gibraltar. Commission spokesman Margiritis Schinas said on Monday (3 April) that veto, as proposed by the European Council last week, had ‘the full backing of the European Commission, of president Juncker and of Michel Barnier, let there be no doubt about that’.

“He said the Commission president and Barnier, its Brexit negotiator, had ‘worked closely’ on the EU guidelines for Brexit that included the veto. ‘We’re very happy to reaffirm our support’, he said…

“The spectacle of the EU institutions and the 27 remaining member states taking a common line against an outgoing member is a first in EU history…”

EU Threatens USA

Express wrote on March 31:

“European Union boss Jean-Claude Juncker issued a jaw-dropping threat to the United States, saying he could campaign to break up the country in revenge for Donald Trump’s supportive comments about Brexit. In an extraordinary speech the EU Commission president said he would push for Ohio and Texas to split from the rest of America if the Republican president does not change his tune and become more supportive of the EU.

“The remarks are diplomatic dynamite at a time when relations between Washington and Brussels are already strained… A spokesman for the bloc later said that the remarks were not meant to be taken literally, but also tellingly did not try to pass them off as humorous and insisted the EU chief was making a serious comparison.”

White House in the Dark

Newsmax wrote on March 30:

“A day after Prime Minister Theresa May signed the letter beginning the process known as ‘Brexit,’ the White House hailed the decision of British voters last year to take the United Kingdom out of the European Union. ‘We respect the will of the British electorate and Her Majesty’s government in taking steps of departing the European Union,’ Press Secretary Sean Spicer told Newsmax, ‘Whatever future the UK-EU relationship looks like, we want the UK to remain a strong leader in Europe, for both the EU and Europe to remain strong leaders globally.’

“Spicer also fired back at a warning from Jean Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, for Mr, Trump to stop encouraging countries to copy Brexit because ‘if the European Union collapses, you will have a new war in the Balkans.’ Juncker also told the Financial Times last Friday that Trump ‘does not understand anything about Europe.’

“When Newsmax read Juncker’s comments to Spicer Wednesday, the President’s top spokesman replied: ‘I think the President is very well steeped in world affairs, especially Europe, NATO, all of the issues. He was a leader in the effort to call Brexit, as you know.’”

Sadly, the Trump Administration does NOT understand much about Europe, and especially not about biblical prophecies, predicting Europe’s future. The idea that Britain could remain a strong leader in Europe after Brexit shows a complete failure of comprehension as to what is and will be happening. The fact that Mr. Trump strongly supported Brexit will backfire in dramatic and hostile ways.

President Trump’s Politics Cause for Great Concern in Germany

Deutsche Welle reported on April 2:

“Following US President Donald Trump’s executive orders signed on Friday to review causes of US trade deficits, Germany’s Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries said US President Donald Trump is signaling policy decisions that would send the country in ‘completely the wrong direction.’ ‘The US obviously wants to move away from free trade and trade agreements,’ Zypries said…

“Trump repeated on Friday claims that he made throughout his campaign about seeking to bring back industrial jobs to the US. Before signing the orders, he said it was time to ‘correct’ bad agreements with other countries and claimed that ‘thousands of factories have been stolen from our country.’… Zypries… criticized a lack of clear communication and communication channels concerning trade under the new Trump administration.

“Germany’s Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has said he shares Zypries’ concerns. Gabriel told German newspaper ‘Rheinische Post’ that Trump’s executive orders signaled the US government ‘is ready to favor American companies, even if it contradicts international law.’ Gabriel told the EU on Friday to consider filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) over a US plan to impose duties on steel plate imports from eight countries including Germany. The plan to impose duties came from one of Trump’s executive orders signed on Friday and also includes steel imports from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.”

The Local wrote on March 31:

“Germany Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel isn’t mincing his words. The pugnacious politician has called a Nato defence spending target being pushed by the US ‘completely unrealistic’ for Germany. ‘I don’t know of a single German politician who believes that is either achievable or desirable,’ he added…

“Nato heads of state are meeting at the end of May in Brussels, with the US reportedly planning for the 2 percent target to be agreed upon as a fixed amount which all states will have to meet. But Gabriel said that no other country could demand of Germany that it spends 2 percent of GDP on its military. The Social Democrat Foreign Minister further claimed that no such 2 percent goal had been agreed upon in Wales. Nato members had only agreed to work towards this goal, he insisted.”

The relationship between Europe under German Leadership and America under the Trump Administration is predestined to deteriorate rapidly.

Will North Korea Be Stopped by China or USA?

The Telegraph wrote on April 2:

“The US will take unilateral action to eliminate the North Korean nuclear threat if China does not help bring pressure to bear on Pyongyang, Donald Trump has warned. Mr Trump, who will meet Xi Jinping, the president of China, for the first time on Thursday, said the US would go it alone if Beijing refuses to cooperate, but refused to say whether he implied taking military action against the hermit dictatorship…

“Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, also issued a stark warning saying America would ‘no longer take excuses from China’.

“… Concern has been mounting about the North Korean missile program in the US for some years. Barack Obama’s administration identified North Korea as the top national security issue for Mr Trump’s administration during the handover of power.

“Ash Carter, US Defence Secretary under President Barack Obama, said he doubted Beijing would cooperate. He said: ‘I’ve been working on the North Korea problem since 1994 and we have consistently asked Chinese leaders, because they uniquely have the historical and the economic relationship with North Korea, to make a difference. They haven’t used that influence, and so it’s hard for me to be optimistic with that.’ Mr Carter… warned a US pre-emptive strike against North Korea’s nuclear weapons risked triggering an invasion of South Korea.”

North Korea is becoming more and more a thorn in the flesh of the United States. A unilateral military attack by the USA on North Korea would surely prove to be disastrous for America in its relationship with other countries in the Far East, including China.

Bannon Removed from National Security Council

The Los Angeles Times reported on April 5:

“President Trump has removed chief strategist Stephen Bannon from the National Security Council in a shakeup that consolidated the power of White House national security advisor H.R. McMaster… During the first weeks of Trump’s presidency, Trump was criticized for taking the unusual step of allowing his political advisor to attend all National Security Council meetings, giving Bannon unusual influence over key military and intelligence decisions… Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News, is widely seen as a disruptive force in the White House, but has been close to Trump since the campaign.”

“Frustrated” McCain Attacks “Incredible” Trump Policy Regarding Syria

Newsmax reported on April 4:

“Following reports of a gas attack by the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that has killed dozens of civilians, Sen. John McCain lashed out Tuesday on CNN’s ‘New Day’ at the Trump administration’s decision to no longer prioritize ending the Syrian civil war as ‘another disgraceful chapter in American history.’… McCain said statements by the U.S. administration figures that ‘the Syrian people would be determining their own future themselves one of the more incredible statements I’ve ever heard given the involvement of Hezbollah, of the Iranians, of the Russians.’

“Activist groups have blamed Assad’s regime for the attack in the north of Syria on Tuesday in which dozens of people were killed and more than 200 injured due to asphyxiation caused by exposure to a chemical agent… The Republican Arizona senator said he is frustrated that Trump does not have any clear foreign policy doctrine and insisted the U.S. must ‘help people who are struggling against one of the great dictators [Assad] in history.'”

It was stated in the press that both Obama’s declaration of a “red line,” which was not followed, and Trump’s declaration of non-involvement have emboldened Assad to use chemical weapons against his own people.

Irresponsible GOP Healthcare Proposal

Newsmax wrote on April 4:

“Proposals to revive the Republican healthcare bill would cast aside a popular requirement of Obamacare: a mandate that people would be allowed to buy insurance even if they have pre-existing conditions. States could opt out of Obamacare regulations on pre-existing conditions and on essential health benefits, according to terms described by Rep. Mark Meadows… Meadows said the proposed changes, which are not final, would be of interest to the Freedom Caucus. Any bill in the House would need that group to pass, and nearly every Republican would need to be on board to get it past the Senate.

“Opting out of benefit requirements could damage the usefulness of insurance, for example, if a cancer patient could buy a plan but the plan was not required to cover chemotherapy. Opting out of essential benefits and community ratings would prevent denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions, but it would lead to insurers being allowed to charge whatever they wanted for the coverage, although the government would provide subsidies, the Times reported.

“State governments, under the proposal, would face the tough choice of cutting rules that become optional, which would leave sick people without insurance choices, or keep the options, and see prices increase for those who cannot afford them under the new subsidies. Those with pre-existing conditions would still struggle with comprehensive health plans, like before Obamacare was installed in 2009, according to the Times. ‘There is no deal, in principle,’ Meadows said, but called the proposal a ‘solid idea.’’

This is not a solid idea, but a stupid idea. The fact that such an appalling concept is even proposed and considered is mind-boggling. On his campaign trail, Mr. Trump assured the public and his supporters that the mandate of insurance for people with pre-exiting conditions would be retained. Let us hope that he keeps his promise.

More Deaths and Wars under President Trump

AFP wrote on March 25:

“The Pentagon under President Donald Trump is enjoying greater freedom to run its wars the way it wants… Many in the military appreciate this increased autonomy, but critics charge it is raising civilian death rates, puts the lives of US troops at greater risk and leads to a lack of oversight of America’s conflicts…

“Trump… has repeatedly deferred to his defense secretary, Jim Mattis, on military moves. Mattis, a retired general, has delegated expanded authorities to his battlefield commanders… Trump has also faced criticism for his hands-off approach, especially after he approved a special operations raid in Yemen that went horribly wrong, leading to the death of a Navy SEAL, multiple civilians including children and a crashed helicopter… Observers are also calling into question whether the Pentagon is allowing civilian casualties to mount…

“Airwars, a London-based collective of journalists and researchers, said Friday it had become… overwhelmed tracking civilian deaths allegedly caused by US and coalition planes… The Pentagon has acknowledged at least 220 civilians have been unintentionally killed since operations to defeat IS began in late summer 2014. Airwars estimates the real number to be more than 10 times that.”

Another Defeat–Second Travel Ban Barred

Newsmax wrote on March 29:

“President Donald Trump was barred from enforcing his revised travel ban on six mostly Muslim nations while he defends it in a court battle that will stretch for months, perhaps years. While [the] Trump administration tailored the latest version to shed all religious references, a Honolulu federal judge found that the president’s campaign rhetoric, including calls for a Muslim ban and registry, point toward discriminatory intentions. The Justice Department will probably appeal the ruling to the U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco, the same court that upheld the order stopping Trump’s original travel order.

“U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson turned an earlier temporary restraining order into a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit brought by the state of Hawaii challenging Trump’s travel directive as unconstitutional religious discrimination… Hawaii and other opponents of the ban claim that the motivation behind it is based on religion and Trump’s election campaign promise of ‘a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.’

“Seeking the longer-lasting hold, state Attorney General Douglas Chin argued that the ban’s implied message is like a ‘neon sign flashing “Muslim ban, Muslim ban'” that the government didn’t bother to turn off.”

This was a predictable outcome… at least for the time being, even though many legal “experts” did not see it coming. The next article shows that the American immigration policy under President Trump is clandestinely changing in a drastic way. Nevertheless, it seems that President Trump is failing on many different fronts. The Bible has made it clear that the downfall of the USA is unavoidable, due to its many sins.

President Trump’s Shift in Immigration Procedures Affects Green Card Applicants

WBUR News reported on March 31:

“Federal immigration officers arrested five people in Lawrence on Wednesday when they showed up for scheduled appointments at a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office. WBUR has confirmed that at least three of those arrested were beginning the process to become legal permanent residents. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says the agency had orders to detain each of the five individuals for deportation…

“Because Doyle’s client is married to a U.S. citizen, she is eligible for a specific application process sponsored by her husband. Both [attorney] Doyle’s client and her husband were present at the USCIS office for what’s called a marriage petition interview, a process used to screen for fraudulent marriages. Doyle said his client, a small business owner with no criminal record, had just completed her 40-minute question and answer session when an ICE agent entered the office and informed her that she was ordered removed and was being taken into custody… He says his client could be detained, away from her three children and husband, for weeks while the legal process unfolds. Ultimately, she could be deported to Brazil — a country she has not visited in more than 15 years.

Susan Church, who heads the New England chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, says she finds the arrests at the USCIS office not only troubling but also surprising. ‘The detention of an individual under these circumstances and most likely the arrest would be something that is definitely new,’ Church said…  ‘What this means is that people who are eligible to obtain their green card in the United States, who are following the law, who are following the rules, who are doing what the government is instructing them to do, are going to be too terrified to show up and follow through with the process,’ Church said. ‘And now a whole new category of people is going to go back into the shadow of immigration land and be living in fear.’”

It is hard to justify these procedures when applying Mr. Trump’s declaration that only the “bad dudes” would be dealt with.

Highly Controversial Immigration Changes Pursued by Trump Administration

The Wall Street Journal wrote on April 4:

“Foreigners who want to visit the U.S., even for a short trip, could be forced to disclose contacts on their mobile phones, social-media passwords and financial records, and to answer probing questions about their ideology, according to Trump administration officials conducting a review of vetting procedures. The administration also wants to subject more visa applicants to intense security reviews and have embassies spend more time interviewing each applicant. The changes could apply to people from all over the world, including allies like France and Germany…

“Homeland Security officials say the agency is planning to significantly increase demands for information from all visa applicants, including visitors, refugees and others seeking to immigrate. The changes might even apply to visitors from the 38 countries that participate in the Visa Waiver Program… That includes some of the U.S.’s closest allies, such as the U.K., Japan and Australia.

“The biggest change to U.S. policy would be asking applicants to hand over their telephones so officials could examine their stored contacts and perhaps other information… ‘We want to say for instance, “What sites do you visit? And give us your passwords,” so that we can see what they do on the internet,’ Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said at a congressional hearing in February. ‘If they don’t want to give us that information then they don’t come.’

“In response to Mr. Kelly’s hearing, a coalition of about 50 civil liberties and other groups issued a statement that month saying requiring passwords is ‘a direct assault on fundamental rights,’ including freedom of expression. They also complained that the policy could be mirrored by foreign governments demanding passwords from Americans.”

If these plans by the Trump Administration are being carried out, they would cause tremendous backlash from America’s closest allies and the entire world. They would strongly contribute to America’s ultimate downfall.

Terror Attacks in Jerusalem

Time of Israel wrote on April 2:

“A senior police officer said Sunday that security will be bolstered in Jerusalem ahead of the upcoming Passover festival as a precaution against possible terror attacks. Speaking a day after a terrorist stabbed three people in Jerusalem’s Old City, Commander Doron Turgeman… said terror groups seek to attack Israelis around the Jewish holidays.  ‘Holidays and festivals over the years have caused higher tensions and sensitivity and are a preferred period for attacks,’ Turgeman told Army Radio…

“The weeklong Passover festival begins on April 10. Tens of thousands of people are expected to visit Jerusalem’s Old City during the holiday… On Saturday afternoon, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed two young men and the police officer in the Old City, wounding them, before being shot and killed by security forces… It was the second stabbing attack in the Old City last week.

“Palestinian media identified the assailant as 17-year-old Ahmad Jazal from the West Bank village of Sebastia, near Nablus… Shortly before carrying out the attack Jazal photographed himself smiling outside the Temple Mount’s Dome of the Rock. The photos were shared by Palestinians on social media, with some praising the ‘martyr’ for his actions… In the past year and a half the Old City, and the Damascus Gate in particular, have seen several attacks by Palestinians, and in one case a Jordanian national.”

Incitement of Hatred by Palestinians

The Times of Israel wrote on April 3:

“The Palestinian Authority’s new textbooks for first to fourth grades demonize Israel and glorify ‘martyrdom,’ a report published Sunday claims…  The report… says that the 2016-2017 elementary school curriculum in the PA ‘teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies the existence of Israel, and focuses on a “return” to an exclusively Palestinian homeland.’”

Jews Forbidden to Sacrifice Passover Lamb Near Temple Mount

The Times of Israel wrote on April 2:

“The High Court of Justice on Monday upheld a police decision to bar a group of Temple Mount activists from trying to reenact the ritual slaughter of a sacrificial animal near the Jerusalem holy site in preparation for the upcoming Passover holiday. The attempt by the activists and the routine denial by the law and order authorities has become a ritual in its own right in recent years.

“For over a decade a group called the Temple Mount Institute have held a demonstration of the ritual slaughter of the Passover offering, a sheep or goat sacrifice. Each year they request to do it on or near the Jerusalem holy site where ritual sacrifices were carried out at the time of the temple. And each year they are refused by police and the courts fearing it could cause unrest, with the site that currently houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the most hotly contested site in the Middle East conflict.

“The group perform the demonstration because a ‘real’ Passover sacrifice may only be conducted on the Temple Mount. The group this year requested to hold the religious ceremony at Davidson Park, an archaeological site adjacent to the West Wall on the southern side of the Temple Mount complex. This too was rejected by the court. The group launched a crowdfunding appeal and has already raised over half the money for the sacrifice, said to cost NIS 30,000 ($8,250). As in previous years, it is expected that the group will relocate their demonstration to another site. The sacrifice is expected to take place Thursday.”

In the not-too-distant future, animal sacrifices WILL be brought again on or near the Temple Mount, which will create an outcry around the world.

Anti-Semitism in Germany

Deutsche Welle reported on April 2:

“The story of a 14-year-old who had to change schools to escape anti-Semitism is making headlines in Germany. The boy’s tormentors were of Arab and Turkish descent – making the news even more explosive.

“… The story opened the floodgates for social media posts attacking Muslims and excoriating Chancellor Angela Merkel’s welcoming stance toward refugees. In fact, there was no indication that any of the tormentors came from refugee families, and anti-Semitic attacks on Jews in Germany are carried out not just by Muslims… On the other hand, there is no denying that anti-Semitic thought and speech is common among some Muslim students in some German schools. Activists have been drawing attention to the problem for years… And the problem is by no means confined to the German capital.”

Vast Majority for Gay Marriages in Germany

Deutsche Welle wrote on April 2:

“… an opinion survey carried out by pollster Emnid for ‘Bild am Sonntag’ on gay marriage showed that 75 percent of respondents favored full legal equality for homosexuals in life partnerships with the laws for a traditional marriage between a man and a woman… In January, a survey by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Bureau (ADS) showed 83 percent of respondents saying marriage between two men or two women should be allowed…

“The chancellor candidate for the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Martin Schulz, has called for equality for gay marriage, and the party looks set to make it an election issue. The party has proposed protection for the status of marriage and family and to extend it to ‘other forms of cohabitation,’  Thomas Oppermann, chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, said last month. The Greens and Left (Linke) parties also support the idea.”

God does not. He calls it an abomination in the Bible.

“Russia’s Jehovah’s Witnesses Could Be Labeled Extremist, Worship Banned”

Newsmax reported on April 4:

“Russia’s Supreme Court may declare Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist organization at a hearing Wednesday, which means the Jehovah’s Witnesses headquarters would be seized and their organized worship banned in the country. ‘If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the authorities, it will be the first such ruling by a court declaring a registered centralized religious organization to be “extremist,”’ the UN human rights’ high commissioner’s office said in a statement, Time reported.

“David Semonian, an international spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses, said the decision is troublesome (for) the religious group. ‘They would basically be prosecuting Jehovah’s Witnesses as criminals,’ Semonian said, according to Time magazine. ‘Anyone who would actually would have our publications could be criminalized. It is of great concern.’

“According to Newsweek, Thomas J. Reese, chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, said, ‘The Russian government’s latest actions appear designed to eliminate the legal existence of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia… USCIRF calls on the Russian government to stop its harassment of this peaceful religious group… The treatment of the Jehovah’s Witnesses reflects the Russian government’s tendency to view all independent religious activity as a threat to its control and the country’s political stability.’…

“Many on Twitter expressed their disdain for the potential ban.”

Russia’s Supreme Court Considers Jehovah’s Witnesses Ban

BBC News reported on April 5:

“Russia’s Supreme Court has begun hearing a government request to outlaw the Jehovah’s Witnesses and declare it an extremist organisation. The justice ministry has already placed its headquarters near St Petersburg on a list of extremist groups… As the case began in Moscow on Wednesday, lawyers representing the movement submitted a counter suit, asking the High Court to declare its members victims of political repression and the justice ministry’s action unlawful. The court ruled that this was not part of its jurisdiction, but did not say whose it was… The case was eventually adjourned until Thursday.

“The ministry argues that the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ activities ‘violate Russia’s law on combating extremism’ and their pamphlets incited hatred against other groups… The group was founded in the US in the late 19th Century and during Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in the Soviet Union it was outlawed and thousands of members were deported to Siberia. As the Soviet Union collapsed, there was a revival of Christianity in Russia and the ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses was lifted in 1991. Gradually attitudes towards the movement hardened and in 2004 a group was banned on charges of recruiting children and preventing believers from accepting medical assistance…

“In 2009 a report commissioned by prosecutors in southern Russia found that they ‘undermined respect’ in other religions. Human rights group Sova has said that an ‘official repressive campaign’ has been conducted against the movement for years and many of their members have been physically attacked.”

Current Events

We begin with developments in Europe and the UK, including the official launch of the Brexit process (please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Brexit and Core Europe—Fulfilled Prophecies”); address in this context the renewed battle for Gibraltar; and discuss the disconcerting and even hostile relationship between Europe under German leadership and the USA (please view our recent StandingWatch program, “Germany and the USA… What Next?”).

We speak on the challenging situation related to North Korea and President Trump’s controversial politics pertaining to war and immigration.

We continue with the current policy of Israel’s courts forbidding the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb near the Temple Mount; and report on Germany’s anti-Semitism and public approval of gay marriages.

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link, along with Michael Link, have traveled this week to meet with members in Germany for the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread. Brian and Jill Gale have stayed in California following the Church Conference, and Mr. Gale will conduct Passover services with the members there.

We are greatly pleased to announce the ordination of Dawn Thompson as deaconess on last Sabbath, April 1, 2017. Dawn is from Rosemead, California.

A new Member Letter (April 2017) has been written and mailed to our subscribers. This is a letter from the entire ministry, and it reviews highlights from our recent Church Conference.

Note that information for observance of the 2017 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day is now posted on our website.

“Terror Attacks in Jerusalem,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. This program also contains a video clip offering our newest booklet, “The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People.” Here is a summary:

Many are not aware of the fact that terror attacks happen in Israel and Jerusalem on a frequent basis. This fact, in addition to anti-Semitism in the Middle East and Europe, the bringing of animal sacrifices (including the Passover sacrifice) and the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount; will lead to prophesied end-time developments of catastrophic proportions.

Brexit and Core Europe—Fulfilled Prophecies,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

March 29 and March 25, 2017, will be viewed as unique historical dates with tremendous significance. In addition, the Brexit and a core Europe have been prophesied in your Bible for thousands of years.

Brexit und Kern-Europa—Erfüllte Prophezeiungen ,” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program in which Norbert Link presents the same topic as described above in German.

“Goal of Perfection,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

To achieve perfection, we must be prepared at all times by doing what God specifically tells us to do. To help us better strive for that perfection, we must have hope, faith, and love towards each other and God’s law. Having the right attitude and the right goal will ultimately bring us closer to perfection.

“How Thankful Are You?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Are we thankful enough? Do we only show our gratitude when it goes well with us? How can we be thankful in trials? What is a major cause for unthankfulness? Is thankfulness conditional?

Equity; The Perspective of Passover

On April 8, 2017, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Equity,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Perspective of Passover.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Passover will be observed after sunset on Sunday evening, April 9, 2017; the Night to be Much Observed after sunset on Monday evening, April 10th; Holy Day services for the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on Tuesday, April 11th; and Holy Day services for the last day of Unleavened Bread on Monday, April 17th.

Live services will be available on Tuesday, April 11, 2017—the First Day of Unleavened Bread. The morning service will be 10:00 am Pacific Time. The afternoon service will be 3:00 pm Pacific Time. Please refer to our Live Services schedule for other dates and times.

Please NOTE: We will not publish an Update for the weeks of April 14th and 21st as we observe Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.

This Week in the News

Terror Attack in London

The Huffington Post wrote on March 22:

“Chaos engulfed one of London’s most bustling areas after an armed assailant drove into pedestrians on the Westminster Bridge and then stabbed a police officer while trying to storm the city’s Parliament building Wednesday, killing at least three [some reported four] and injuring several more. Police said they are investigating the situation as a terrorist incident. The assailant was fatally shot by police…

“The vehicle plowed into the crowds on the bridge shortly before 3 p.m. and then drove onto the busy sidewalk in front of the gates of Parliament. Witnesses said the assailant then ran out of the car and rushed through the gates wielding a knife. The assailant fatally stabbed one of the police officers protecting Parliament before being taken down.

“Mark Rowley, Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner, said that in addition to the police officer and the assailant, two people were killed on Westminster Bridge. At least 20 others [some reported at least 40] were injured in the attack…

“Wednesday’s tragic incident is the deadliest attack on British soil since July 7, 2005, when al Qaeda suicide bombers targeting London’s transportation system killed 52 people and wounded more than 770.

“Although major attacks have hit other European nations, including France, Belgium and Germany, in recent years, Britain has avoided another terrorism event on that scale. But England has not been completely immune to extremism and has reported foiling more than a dozen plots since 2013…”

London Terrorist Identified

BBC News wrote on March 23:

“Police have identified Khalid Masood as the man who carried out the Westminster attack, as the death toll rose to five. Kent-born Masood, who was shot dead by police, had not been the subject of any current police investigations, but had a range of previous convictions. The 52-year-old was believed to have been living in the West Midlands…

“The so-called Islamic State group has said it was behind the attack. Three women and five men were arrested in London and Birmingham on suspicion of preparation of terrorist acts following Wednesday’s attack.”

The “Great” Trump-Merkel Meeting

The Local wrote on March 18:

“For most of the 30 minutes in the East Room, Merkel was stony-faced as Trump ripped into Washington’s NATO allies for not paying for their ‘fair share’ for transatlantic defense and demanded ‘fair and reciprocal trade’ deals…

“Although Trump has tempered his criticism of NATO and the personal attacks against European leaders, officials still fret that Trump has too closely embraced the nationalist ideology of key advisor Steve Bannon. Bannon has championed trade protectionism and opposed the European Union and other multilateral institutions that underpin the world order…

“Merkel rejected Trump’s suggestion that individual European countries should negotiate free trade deals with the United States, rather than under existing EU-US negotiations.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 17:

“US President Donald Trump claimed that German news agency reporter Kristina Dunz was interested in ‘fake news’ when she asked him about isolationist policies. In her report, Dunz later wrote, ‘It is no longer a custom in the White House that hard, uncomfortable questions receive factual answers.”

The New York Times wrote on March 17:

“Mr. Trump appeared to go further than he has in the past on the need for burden-sharing in NATO. He demanded not just that members increase their military spending as a percentage of gross domestic product, but also that they make reparations for past American contributions. Mr. Trump also said he believed that Germany, like China and other trading partners, had taken advantage of the United States…

“[Mrs.] Merkel offered a vision of what she called ‘open-minded’ globalization. Refugees, she said, needed opportunities to improve their lives, in part to stabilize their countries and prevent them from sliding into civil war. She extolled freedom of movement as one of the great strengths of the European Union. Germany’s success, she said, was inextricably tied to the success of the European Union… Mr. Trump has rooted openly for the dissolution of the European Union. His meeting in January with Prime Minister Theresa May, who is leading Britain’s exit from the union, was considerably warmer than the one with [Mrs.] Merkel, though that came before the diplomatic rupture between the United States and Britain over Mr. Trump’s claims that British intelligence was involved in wiretapping Trump Tower.”

FBI Finds no Evidence for Wiretapping but Investigates Trump

Newsmax reported on March 20:

“FBI Director James Comey confirmed [for the first time] the bureau is probing potential ties [and possible collusion] between President Donald Trump’s associates and Russia during the 2016 campaign [to influence the outcome of the presidential election] and said there’s no evidence to support the president’s allegation that his predecessor ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower last year.

“’I have no information that supports those tweets [alleging wiretapping] and we have looked carefully inside the FBI,’ Comey told the House Intelligence Committee during a hearing Monday that lasted more than five hours… ‘I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,’ Comey said. ‘And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.'”

Deutsche Welle added on March 20:

“Speaking later at a press briefing, White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters there was no evidence Trump’s team colluded with Russia. ‘Investigating it and having proof of it are two different things,’ he said.”

The Hill added on March 20:

“Ahead of the House intelligence panel hearing where Comey confirmed the probe, Trump tweeted the Russia story… ‘is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it! The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign…’

“Comey’s description of the situation, however, is at odds with Trump’s… The inquiry, which he said began last July, will determine whether any crimes were committed.”

Bild Online commented on March 20: “March 20, 2017 could become an historic day, when the US President (completely) lost all credibility… What are the consequences? Not clear. Until recently, no American President would have survived… But according to American standards, which were applied until several months ago, Trump should not have become President in the first place.”

Trump under “Inadvertent” Surveillance?

Politico wrote on March 22:

“House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes declared Wednesday that members of Donald Trump’s transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under inadvertent surveillance following November’s presidential election. The White House and Trump’s allies immediately seized on the statement as vindication of the president’s much-maligned claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower phones — even though Nunes himself said that’s not what his new information shows. Democrats, meanwhile, cried foul…

“Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the intelligence panel, cast doubt on Nunes’ claims in a fiery statement and blasted the chairman for not first sharing the information with him or other committee members. Schiff also slammed Nunes for briefing the White House on Wednesday afternoon given that the Intelligence Committee is in the middle of an investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, including possible collusion with the Trump team. ‘The chairman will need to decide whether he is the chairman of an independent investigation into conduct which includes allegations of potential coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians, or he is going to act as a surrogate of the White House, because he cannot do both,’ Schiff said at a news conference Wednesday…

“Nunes set off the firestorm with a news conference earlier in the day in which he described the surveillance of Trump aides through what’s called ‘incidental collection,’ something he noted was routine and legal. Such collection can occur when a person inside the United State communicates with a foreign target of U.S. surveillance. In such cases, the identities of U.S. citizens are supposed to be shielded — but can be ‘unmasked’ by intelligence officials under certain circumstances.”

Bloomberg wrote on March 22:

“The intercepted communications weren’t captured through wiretaps… or through surveillance directed at Trump or his aides, Nunes told reporters at the Capitol… Nunes — who served on Trump’s transition team — said the surveillance that picked up Trump’s associates wasn’t aimed at Russia…”

The New York Times added on March 22:

“… the intelligence collection described by Mr. Nunes… indicates that the targets of American intelligence gathering were foreign officials, not specific members of the Trump transition or Mr. Trump himself. In fact, any American citizen who talks, messages or emails with a foreign official under surveillance would be picked up by intelligence agencies. This would include Obama administration officials and private citizens like journalists and business people.

“It by no means indicates that Mr. Trump himself was under direct surveillance… Mr. Nunes also said he was not sure whether Mr. Trump’s communications were collected… Intelligence agencies are permitted to record calls even if they involve American citizens…”

Inasmuch as all of this is apparently routine and “legal,” and does not include wire-tapping at all, one must ask why this “discovery” was announced in this way by Mr. Nunes.

FBI: Trump Associates May Have Coordinated with Russians to Damage Clinton Campaign

CNN reported on March 23:

“The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, US officials told CNN. This is partly what FBI Director James Comey was referring to when he made a bombshell announcement Monday before Congress that the FBI is investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, according to one source.

“The FBI is now reviewing that information, which includes human intelligence, travel, business and phone records and accounts of in-person meetings, according to those U.S. officials. The information is raising the suspicions of FBI counterintelligence investigators that the coordination may have taken place, though officials cautioned that the information was not conclusive and that the investigation is ongoing…

“The FBI cannot yet prove that collusion took place, but the information suggesting collusion is now a large focus of the investigation, the officials said…”

Proposed Healthcare Bill… From One Debacle to the Next

Deutsche Welle reported on March 23:

“Republican lawmakers in the US House of Representatives have announced a delay in the vote on a new healthcare bill. It represents the first setback for President Trump on the seventh anniversary of Obamacare… While the Republicans have a majority in the House, they can only afford to have 22 of their number vote against the bill for it to fail. ‘There are not enough votes as of 1:30 (1730 UTC) today,’ Mark Meadows, head of the conservative Freedom Caucus, told reporters after a meeting with Trump and other lawmakers on Thursday.

“In a television interview on Thursday afternoon, House majority leader Kevin McCarthy said lawmakers would start debating the bill on Friday, admitting the votes were not in place to secure its passage.

“While Republicans have spent seven years opposing the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, there are aspects of the planned replacement AHCA which some of their number refuse to support. President Donald Trump spent hours in phone calls and meetings late into the night on Wednesday trying to gain support from dissenting party members.

“Critics claim the new health care plan is too expensive for the government. Some want to see benefits such as maternity care, emergency room visits, screening and vaccines repealed; others are concerned their constituents would be unable to afford health insurance under the new plan. Millions of Americans could lose their access to health care under the new plan…

Democrats in the House have said they would vote against AHCA as a bloc. As of Thursday, 36 mainly conservative Republicans had announced their opposition to the bill, thus preventing its passage…”

It’s Official–Martin Schulz New SPD Chairman and Chancellor Candidate

Deutsche Welle reported on March 19:

“Martin Schulz has unanimously won the nomination as Social Democratic party chairman and chancellor candidate for this year’s election…

“There has been a lot of media hype surrounding the new SPD chairman, but there is a real basis to the so-called ‘Schulz effect.’ The party says that it has gained 13,000 new members since January, when Gabriel – now Germany’s Foreign Minister – surprisingly agreed to take a backseat to Schulz…”

Euractiv and AFP wrote on March 12:

“Matthias Zeller, a 21-year-old Social Democratic activist, caused a stir in Germany when he enthused on national television that his party’s new leader Martin Schulz was a ‘geile Sau’ – which loosely translates as ‘sexy beast’.

“Zeller, who heads the youth wing of SPD’s Mannheim chapter, told AFP that he let slip the informal expression ‘out of sheer exuberant joy’ over Schulz’s decision to lead the party into battle against Chancellor Angela Merkel in September elections. His popularity reaches close to 50%, compared to the chancellor’s 38%…”

The translation “sexy beast” does not convey the original German. In fact, the German phrase is derogatory and mean, but as so often today, bad terms are used to express something good or admirable. So, when people say, “that is bad,” they may mean, “that is really great.”

Bild Online wrote on March 21:

“The ‘Kissinger of Würselen’… is free to put his fist down as he pleases… The way he hasn’t yet been too clear about where he stands concerning policy makes it even easier for ‘comrads’ of both ends of the political spectrum to follow him into the desert like the last prophet – destination anywhere. And time is on Schulz’s side: All three federal elections to come in the spring (Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia) are likely to go well for the Social Democrats. Over and over, people will recite the ‘Schulz-Effect’ then. Even if the big boss’s name isn’t even on the ballot paper.

“This is exactly what the Christian Democrats are fearing the most. The mood being as sombre as it is, with bad election results likely. In the Saarland, they are bound to lose power completely. And a whisper will get louder and louder: What on earth are we going to do about this Schulz-guy? Ignoring him prominently – the Merkel strategy – won’t work any longer, many Christian Democrats believe. Fight him on actual issues? Hard to do, since Schulz has mainly dodged giving definite answers up to now… ‘Martin cannot make any mistakes’, one of the strategists says…

“Otherwise – and no one knows this better than Schulz himself – it’s a quick passage, much quicker than in other parties, from being the messiah, to becoming a false prophet.”

New French-German Partnership Needed for Europe

Euractiv wrote on March 17:

“France’s only clearly pro-European presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, and German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel know each other well. In 2015, they both published their vision for an economic and social union within the EU…  Calls for a new, stronger European narrative are growing louder. Sixty years after the signing of the Treaty of Rome, the EU institutions are in need of reform and EU countries need a new form of cooperation in order to address global challenges.

“The question is how and with whom to implement such a reform… Macron took the opportunity to promise that, should he emerge triumphant from the presidential election, he would prioritise a renewal of the old Franco-German alliance. A strong partnership between the two European powers is a precondition for EU reform, the two politicians agreed…

“Emmanuel Macron states that] we must ‘dare to go for a multi-speed Europe’…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 20:

“Le Pen is known for her far-right nationalism, anti-immigration policies and opposition to the euro currency, as well as previous pledges to withdraw France from the NATO defensive alliance… [She said] she wanted to stop ‘both legal and illegal immigration’…”

The first round of the presidential election will take place on April 23. The final [run-off] election will take place on May 7. According to opinion polls, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are currently the frontrunners. Angela Merkel announced that she is willing to work with whomever is elected French President, with the exception of Le Pen. While we felt very strongly that Donald Trump would become US President, we feel it is HIGHLY doubtful that Le Pen will win the French election.

Erdogan’s Fight with Europe Continues

AFP wrote on March 19:

“Turkey and the European Union are locked in an explosive crisis that threatens to jeopardise Ankara’s bid to join the bloc, as tensions rise ahead of an April 16 referendum on expanding Erdogan’s powers. The row erupted after authorities in Germany and other EU states refused to allow some Turkish ministers to campaign for a ‘yes’ vote on their soil, provoking a volcanic response from the Turkish strongman who said the spirit of Nazi Germany was rampant in Europe…

“Home to 1.4 million Turkish voters, Germany hosts the world’s largest Turkish diaspora but the partnership between NATO allies Ankara and Berlin has been ripped to shreds by the current crisis. Turkey reacted furiously to a Frankfurt rally on Saturday urging a ‘no’ vote where protesters brandished insignia of outlawed Kurdish rebels… The Turkish foreign ministry accused the German authorities ‘of the worst example of double standards’ for allowing the pro-Kurdish protest while preventing Turkish ministers from campaigning there…

“Ankara also reacted with indignation after Germany’s intelligence chief said he was unconvinced by Turkish assertions that US-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen was behind the failed July coup aimed at overthrowing Erdogan… Defence Minister Fikri Isik said the comments raised questions about whether Berlin itself was involved in the putsch…”

When Nuclear War Starts…

On March 19, the Independent wrote the following:

“President Trump has egged on a new arms race. Russia violated weapons treaties to upgrade its nuclear arsenal. North Korea is developing long-range missiles and practising for nuclear war — and the US military is considering preemptive attacks on the isolated nation’s military facilities. Meanwhile, nuclear terrorism and dirty bombs remain a sobering threat…

“You are in a large city that has just been subjected to a single, low-yield nuclear detonation, between 0.1 and 10 kilotons. This is much less powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima — about 15 kilotons. However, it’s not unlikely when looking at weapons like the new B61-12 gravity bomb, which is built by the US, maxes out at 50 kilotons, and can be dialed down to 0.3 kilotons. (Russia and Pakistan are working on similar so-called ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons.)…

“One of your biggest and most immediate goals is to avoid nuclear fallout… Fallout is a mess of bomb material, soil, and debris that is vaporised, made radioactive, and sprinkled as dust and ash across the landscape by prevailing winds… The US government recommends hiding in a nearby building, but not all of them provide much shelter from nuclear fallout… The best shelters are thick brick or concrete and lack windows. Like a bomb shelter. Hiding in the sub-basement of a brick five-story apartment building, for example, should expose you to just 1/200 of the amount of fallout radiation outside. Meanwhile, hanging out in the living room of your one-story, wood-frame house will only cut down the radiation by half, which — if you are next to a nuclear explosion — will not do much to help you…”

Cartoon with Scary Truth

On March 19, the Telegraph published a satirical cartoon, pertaining to Brexit. The cartoon pictures a sailor on a floating submarine, handing another sailor a briefcase, saying: “If the UK is destroyed in a nuclear attack, these are the codes for triggering Article 50.”

One has to wonder why this sudden coverage of a nuclear attack in the British press.

Britain to Formally Announce Brexit on March 29

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 20:

“British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to trigger Article 50 at the end of March, her office has announced. The move would then set off two years of formal negotiations on Britain leaving the European Union. Prime Minister May will write a letter to the European Union on March 29 to formally announce Britain’s withdrawal from the soon-to-be 27 member bloc…

“Triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty will start the clock on two years of formal negotiations, at the end of which Britain will leave the EU. The British parliament backed May’s Article 50 plan last week after 51.9 percent of participants voted for Brexit in a referendum last June…

“The European Commission said on Monday that it is prepared to begin Brexit negotiations after the British government confirmed the date it will launch the process… Before negotiations with the UK can begin, the other EU member states must meet to confirm the Commission’s negotiating guidelines. Officials say that a summit is likely to be held in early May…

“Monday’s announcement comes just days before the EU celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome which created the bloc. German Chancellor Angela Merkel [said] ‘it makes absolutely no difference whether the notification comes one day earlier, or three or seven days afterward.’…

“May’s preparations for Brexit were hit hard last week by Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement that she planned to hold a new independence referendum in order to maintain the country’s ties to the EU. On Sunday, Sturgeon said she was prepared to delay the vote to appease the government in London after initially pushing for the vote to take place in late 2018 or early 2019.

“The nationalist party Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland, which made major gains in regional elections earlier this month, has also called for a referendum on breaking away from the UK and uniting with the Republic of Ireland. Out of the United Kingdom’s four nations, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU while England and Wales voted to leave.”

Sweden Afraid of Nuclear War

The Daily Mail wrote on March 21:

“Sweden is set to bring hundreds of Cold War-era nuclear bunkers out of mothballs as tensions with Russia in the Baltic are ratcheted up another notch. The news comes as the Swedish parliament held its first war game in 20 years. Fifty MPs – who would have the power to replace parliament in the event of an outright conflict – held the drill yesterday at a secret location…

“More than 60,000 nuclear bunkers were established after 1945 to protect Swedes in the event of a nuclear attack by the Soviet Union… Sweden, which is not a NATO member, is also reintroducing military service, which was scrapped in 2010.Sweden is growing increasingly worried about Russia’s military build-up. In the event of a war Sweden’s iron ore resources and its strategic position on the Baltic would be crucial…

“There have also been reports of airspace violations by Russia’s military aircraft in the Baltics and a military buildup in Kaliningrad, which sits across the Baltic Sea from Sweden… Sweden also said it was going to increase military spending by 15 per cent because of Russian aggression.”

Trump Wants Southern Ireland as his Ally 

The Belfast Telegraph wrote on March 18:

“The Donald Trump administration plans to use the Republic of Ireland as an increasingly important ally in Europe as the UK prepares to depart the European Union…

“A senior White House official indicated the warm reception afforded Mr [Enda] Kenny [Irish Prime Minister] is a clear sign the Trump administration wants to work more closely with Ireland. ‘With Brexit, Ireland comes more into play for us in Europe,’ the source told the Irish Independent… Separately, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reiterated the administration’s intention to strengthen its ties with Ireland.”

North Korea Threatens USA

The Daily Star wrote on March 19:

“North Korea has pledged to launch a nuclear strike on the US if a ‘single bullet is fired’… as Washington and South Korea carry out war games in the region…

“North Korea has sparked international fury by launching four missiles into the Sea of Japan, not long after the alleged assassination of Kim’s brother Kim Jong-nam… Tensions have reached an all-time high with North Korea as Kim Jong-un’s diplomat warned of an ‘actual war’ while speaking at the UN.”

Mexicans Focus on Canada rather than USA

Reuters reported on March 17:

“Canada’s border authorities detained more Mexicans in the first 67 days of 2017 than they did annually in any of the three previous years, according to statistics obtained by Reuters. The spike comes immediately after Canada’s federal government lifted its visa requirement for Mexican citizens in December. Many Mexicans looking north have shifted their focus from the United States to Canada as President Donald Trump vows to crack down on America’s undocumented immigrants, about half of whom are Mexican. On Friday, Reuters reported, immigration judges were reassigned to 12 U.S. cities to speed up deportation.

“The Canada Border Services Agency… can detain foreign nationals if it is believed they pose a danger to the public, if their identity is unclear or if they are deemed unlikely to appear for removal or for a proceeding…

“With the visa requirement lifted, all that Mexicans need to come to Canada is an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), obtainable online in a matter of minutes. But they cannot work without a work permit, and the eTA does not guarantee entry. Canada issued 72,450 travel authorizations to Mexican citizens between Dec. 1, 2016, and March 10, 2017 – a significant increase compared with a similar period when visas were required.”

“US Bans Large Electronics on Some Flights from Middle East, Africa”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 21:

“US President Donald Trump’s administration confirmed on Tuesday that it is imposing new restrictions on travelers coming into the United States from 10 airports located mainly in the Middle East and North Africa. The Department of Homeland Security will now require people flying to the United States from airports in eight countries – Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Morocco and Qatar – to check electronic devices larger than a cell phone such as tablets, laptops, cameras and portable DVD players. The affected airports are located in Amman, Cairo, Kuwait City, Doha, Dubai, Istanbul, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Jeddah and Casablanca. All 10 airports are located in Muslim-majority countries.

“Trump administration officials said the airlines will have 96 hours to implement the security order – otherwise, they will be barred from flying to the United States. Mobile phones and medical devices will still be allowed in carry-on items. [A] spokeswoman with the Dubai-based Emirates told Reuters that the restrictions will be in place for seven months and will begin on Saturday… No American airlines are due to be affected by the upcoming ban, as no US-based airlines have non-stop flights from those cities to the US, administration officials said…

“Some analysts expect headaches for people boarding flights. Aerospace science professor Jeffrey Price of Metropolitan State University of Denver said there would be problems for passengers being forced to put their electronics in their checked luggage. He argued that theft of electronics from baggage would increase, pointing to such a trend following a similar ban in Britain in 2006. Price also noted that some laptops are equipped with batteries that can catch fire – but that such events are difficult to detect if laptops are stowed in the cargo hold.”

Africans No Longer Welcome in the USA?

The Telegraph wrote on March 19:

“Each year, delegations from Africa meet with officials and business leaders in the US for the African Global Economic and Development… Summit. This year’s event took place at the University of Southern California… in Los Angeles. But unfortunately, one crucial aspect was missing from the summit – any Africans. None of the invited delegates were able to attend, due to being denied a visa at the very last minute… around 100 guests, from Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and South Africa, were unable to attend… many who had applied for their visas weeks or months in advance were only called for embassy interviews days before they were supposed to travel.

“Prince Kojo Hilton, a graphic artist from Ghana, was due to lead a session on filmmaking, but was denied a visa four days before he was supposed to travel… Diane E. Watson, former member of Congress from California, called the State Department to question the denial of visas for the USC summit delegates. However, she was told that the State Department could not discuss individual visa cases.

“Donald Trump’s ‘travel ban’ only applies to three African countries, Libya, Somalia and Sudan, therefore it’s unclear as to why there has been such an increase in rejected visa applications from the continent.”

Hollywood’s Fight with Conservatives

The Washington Post wrote on March 18:

“[Tim] Allen… has been one of few in Hollywood to speak openly about his right-leaning views. Another 2,500 of his colleagues feel so stigmatized that they have joined a clandestine support group, according to a Los Angeles Times article profiling retribution and secrecy forced upon ‘the vast majority of conservatives who work in entertainment.’ ‘In 30 years of show business, I’ve never seen it like this,’ an unnamed actor told the outlet. ‘If you are even lukewarm to Republicans, you are excommunicated from the church of tolerance.’…

“Allen compared Trump to an amateur performer with ‘very bad comic timing.’ ‘I don’t want to defend the guy,’ he said… ‘What I find odd in Hollywood is they didn’t like Trump because he was a bully… But if you had any kind of inkling that you were for Trump, you got bullied for doing that. It gets a little hypocritical.’…

“The industry has become more toxic to conservatives since Trump took office, the Los Angeles Times reported. Workers complained of political shouting matches on set and the professional shunning of those known to hold right-leaning views…”

IRS Proceeds Quickly to Grant Tax Exemption to Satanic Group

Judicial Watch wrote on March 16:

“Under the Obama administration IRS political appointees illegally targeted conservative groups, either making them wait up to seven years for tax-exempt status or denying their application altogether. Judicial Watch uncovered that scandal and has obtained piles of government records showing how the IRS illegally colluded with another federal agency to single out groups with conservative-sounding terms such as patriot and Tea Party in their titles when applying for tax-exempt status.

“In the meantime,… groups like the Satan club got fast tracked. The principle goal of establishing the Satan clubs in public schools throughout Washington State appears to be to counter existing enterprises operated by a Christian-based group… Records obtained by Judicial Watch from the Treasury Department show that the Satanic cult applied for tax-exempt status on October 21, 2014 and received it on October 31, 2014.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses an Extremist Organization in Russia?

USA Today wrote on March 16:

“Russia’s justice ministry has filed a lawsuit with its supreme court to declare the national headquarters of the country’s Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist organization… The press office for the Russian branch of the religion says on its website that such a declaration, if successful, would ‘entail disastrous consequences for freedom of religion in Russia’ and directly affect about 175,000 followers at more than 2,000 congregations in the country…

“The Jehovah’s Witnesses first legally registered as a religious group in Russia in 1991 and re-registered in 1999, according to the organization’s international website. For almost two decades, however, Russian prosecutors in various localities have periodically sought to outlaw or curb the group, charging it is a cult that destroys families, fosters hatred and threatens lives…

“Vasily Kalin, chairman of the religious group’s steering committee, said: …  ‘In Stalin’s time, when I was a child, the whole family was deported to Siberia only because we were Jehovah’s Witnesses. It’s a shame and sad that my children and grandchildren will be faced with something like that.’

“Jehovah’s Witnesses have come under growing pressure from Russian authorities in recent years, including a ban on distribution of church literature that authorities say violates anti-extremism laws. In February, investigators inspected the headquarters of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in St. Petersburg… More than 70,000 pages of documents were confiscated for the General Prosecutor’s Office… which monitors hate crimes and the enforcement of anti-extremist laws… In 2009, the Supreme Court of Russia upheld a lower court ruling that declared 34 pieces of Jehovah’s Witness literature as ‘extremist,’ including their magazine The Watchtower in Russian.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses have been officially banned from the port city of Taganrog since 2009, after a local court ruled the organization guilty of inciting religious hatred by ‘propagating the exclusivity and supremacy’ of their religion… In 2015, a court in Rostov convicted 16 Jehovah’s Witnesses of practicing extremism in Taganrog, handing out jail sentences – later suspended – of more than 5 years for five of the defendants and stiff fines for the others. That same year, the supreme court of Russia banned the religion’s international website as ‘extremist.’”

Russia’s long-standing persecution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is well-known. To label the Jehovah’s Witnesses as “extremists” is ridiculous and preposterous. But as we recently reported in our StandingWatch program “Russia’s Persecution of Minority Christians” , we can expect that Russia, under autocratic dictator Vladimir Putin, will persecute more and more minority religions and denominations.

Update 778

Gaining Help and Strength from Others; Marriage

On March 25, 2017, Brian Gale will present the sermonette, titled, “Gaining Help and Strength from Others,” and Rene Messier will present the sermon, titled, “Marriage.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Please NOTE: We will not publish an Update for the week of March 31, 2017, due to our Church Conference; also, we will not publish the Update for the weeks of April 14th and 21st as we observe Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread.

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Germany and the USA… What Next?

by Norbert Link

It was not a great meeting… by any stretch of the imagination. The Local wrote on March 18: “Stark differences between President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on everything from trade to immigration were in full view during an icy first meeting at the White House Friday. In a frequently awkward joint press conference, Trump and Merkel showed little common ground…”

The New York Times added on March 17: “Worlds apart in style and policy, Mr. Trump and Mrs. Merkel… could not disguise the gulf that separates them…”

The Daily Mail supplied the following interesting comments on March 17:

“The two ‘could hardly be more contradictory’… President Trump defended his chilly summit with Merkel on Twitter Saturday, insisting it was a ‘great meeting’ – and immediately blasting Germany for owing what he said were ‘vast sums of money’ to NATO. He claimed that all reports criticizing their meeting were ‘fake news.'”

The idea that Germany owes money to NATO or the USA was strongly rejected by American and German newspapers alike.

The Washington Post wrote on March 18: “[Former] U.S. ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder wrote that… [the] alliance gave all member states until 2024 to reach that goal, and Germany is on track. ‘Trump’s comments misrepresent the way NATO functions,’ Daalder told us… ‘that’s not how it works.'”

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen simply stated that there ”is no debt account at NATO,” adding however that it was necessary “to have a ‘modern security concept’ that included… a European defense union…'” (Reuters, March 19).

On the other hand, German journalists received much praise from their somewhat intimidated American colleagues, for asking pointed questions during the joint press conference.  As Deutsche Welle reported on March 17, “Politico reporter Tara Palmeri admitted… ‘The German press shamed us.’ Trump was also asked point-blank by one reporter [from Die Welt] why he keeps making statements he knows are not true. It was a question that… ‘shocked’ US reporters… The straightforward line of questioning visibly put off Trump… Rarely has [Trump] appeared so uncomfortable…”

President Trump is not one who can easily forgive and forget, as he has admitted in interviews. His impulsiveness is well-known and reflected by his emotional nightly tweets. To believe that the relationship between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Merkel will substantially improve would be naïve. And IF Mrs. Merkel will be replaced in September by her challenger Martin Schulz, then the relationship between Germany and the USA might deteriorate even further, as Mr. Schulz is known for being very outspoken (not as reserved and at times “stone-faced” as Angela Merkel), and he is an open critic of Donald Trump.

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 19 about Mr. Schulz: “[T]he former president of the European Parliament… vigorously defended his party’s support for the European Union… Schulz also took potshots at US President Donald Trump, saying that an election like that in the United States featuring ‘fake news’ and the ‘denigration of whole groups of the population’ had ‘no place in Germany.’ ‘A German chancellor can take a clear negative position’ toward the US, Schulz added…”

Both Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Schulz are strong supporters of the EU, which Mr. Trump opposes. On almost every issue of international consequence, Germany and the USA are in disagreement. Mr. Trump is extremely disliked by the vast majority of the German people (despite the fact that Mr. Trump is of German heritage). Focus wrote on March 17: “This President is anything else but a natural friend of the Germans. His government will not consider the obligations and needs of their allies.”

Even in the USA, President Trump’s popularity declines (notwithstanding some “reports” by Breitbart and the Hannity Show). But Donald Trump will be the President for at least four more years, enjoying the approval of unwavering core supporters, and he can rule with an iron fist within his realm of authority… no matter how the majority of American citizens might feel. And in times of hostility and danger, patriotic Americans will support their President in his fight against foreign enemies, regardless of what they might think about him.

The relationship between Germany and the USA has always been a difficult one. As we explain on page 17 of our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” “German Kaiser Wilhelm II had a plan to attack the United States about 100 years ago… His ultimate goal was to establish and possess colonies in South America and in the Pacific, and to gain control over the Panama Canal. The plan, though 10 years in the making, was not carried out. Instead, Kaiser Wilhelm II led Germany into World War I in 1914.

“In addition to Adolph Hitler’s attack on Great Britain, he also declared war on the United States on December 11, 1941. This was just two days after President Roosevelt announced that Germany was as guilty for attacking Pearl Harbor as was Japan. Hitler then ordered the destruction of all American ships, wherever they could be found. Hitler lost this war, as he fought too many battles at the same time…”

We reveal in our free literature that Germany is the modern descendant of ancient Assyria, while the United States is the modern descendant of one of the two most prominent tribes of the ancient house of Israel. As Assyria defeated and enslaved the house of Israel in ancient times, so it is prophesied that another war between these powers will occur in the last days, with devastating results. The difference will be that this time, Assyria (modern Germany) will not act alone, but it will lead a power bloc of ten European nations or groups of nations (the final revival of the ancient Roman Empire), and the ensuing war will be fought with nuclear weapons, destroying all major cities in the USA and exterminating millions upon millions of Americans. But after God has performed His punishment of the modern house of Israel, calling it an “ungodly nation” (Isaiah 10:6), He will then direct His wrath against Germany and the entire European power bloc, leading to their destruction, because they are not any more righteous than the American nation.

All of this will happen soon, no matter what people may want to believe or reject. God calls this coming time the “great tribulation, such as not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21; compare also Daniel 12:1).

Are you getting spiritually ready for this time? “Sudden destruction” will come upon this world (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3). But you could “escape all these things that will come to pass” (Luke 21:36). Our free literature tells you how.

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We begin with the terror attack in London and the first personal meeting between Angela Merkel and Donald Trump, which was not “great” by any standard (Please read the Editorial in this Update, and view our new StandingWatch program, “Germany and the USA… What Next?”). We continue with explosive “bombshell” announcements by the FBI, totally refuting President Trump’s allegation of having been wiretapped by former President Obama, while revealing that an investigation against Donald Trump and his campaign is being conducted. A subsequent controversial announcement by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes suggests that the Trump team could have been inadvertently surveilled.

We report on Martin Schutz, the official challenger of Angela Merkel in the September election; as well as the candidates for the French Presidency, to be determined in May. We also speak about the ongoing row between Europe and Turkey.

We point out the fear of nuclear war in Britain and in Sweden and the announcement to officially begin Brexit procedures by March 29; as well as the desire of the Trump Administration to make Southern Ireland an increasingly important ally in Europe. We also speak on North Korea’s provocations.

We report that more and more Mexicans are trying to enter Canada, rather than the USA and the US ban of large electronics on some flights from the Middle East and Africa, while pointing out the appalling fact that not one delegate from Africa was given permission to enter the USA to participate in the African Global Economic and Development Summit in Southern California. We also speak on left-liberal Hollywood’s fight against conservative actors; the speedy action of the IRS to grant tax-exempt status to a Satanic group, while delaying or denying such permission to conservative nonprofits; and we conclude with reporting on increasing religious persecution of religious minorities in Russia.

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Terror Attack in London

The Huffington Post wrote on March 22:

“Chaos engulfed one of London’s most bustling areas after an armed assailant drove into pedestrians on the Westminster Bridge and then stabbed a police officer while trying to storm the city’s Parliament building Wednesday, killing at least three [some reported four] and injuring several more. Police said they are investigating the situation as a terrorist incident. The assailant was fatally shot by police…

“The vehicle plowed into the crowds on the bridge shortly before 3 p.m. and then drove onto the busy sidewalk in front of the gates of Parliament. Witnesses said the assailant then ran out of the car and rushed through the gates wielding a knife. The assailant fatally stabbed one of the police officers protecting Parliament before being taken down.

“Mark Rowley, Metropolitan Police assistant commissioner, said that in addition to the police officer and the assailant, two people were killed on Westminster Bridge. At least 20 others [some reported at least 40] were injured in the attack…

“Wednesday’s tragic incident is the deadliest attack on British soil since July 7, 2005, when al Qaeda suicide bombers targeting London’s transportation system killed 52 people and wounded more than 770.

“Although major attacks have hit other European nations, including France, Belgium and Germany, in recent years, Britain has avoided another terrorism event on that scale. But England has not been completely immune to extremism and has reported foiling more than a dozen plots since 2013…”

London Terrorist Identified

BBC News wrote on March 23:

“Police have identified Khalid Masood as the man who carried out the Westminster attack, as the death toll rose to five. Kent-born Masood, who was shot dead by police, had not been the subject of any current police investigations, but had a range of previous convictions. The 52-year-old was believed to have been living in the West Midlands…

“The so-called Islamic State group has said it was behind the attack. Three women and five men were arrested in London and Birmingham on suspicion of preparation of terrorist acts following Wednesday’s attack.”

The “Great” Trump-Merkel Meeting

The Local wrote on March 18:

“For most of the 30 minutes in the East Room, Merkel was stony-faced as Trump ripped into Washington’s NATO allies for not paying for their ‘fair share’ for transatlantic defense and demanded ‘fair and reciprocal trade’ deals…

“Although Trump has tempered his criticism of NATO and the personal attacks against European leaders, officials still fret that Trump has too closely embraced the nationalist ideology of key advisor Steve Bannon. Bannon has championed trade protectionism and opposed the European Union and other multilateral institutions that underpin the world order…

“Merkel rejected Trump’s suggestion that individual European countries should negotiate free trade deals with the United States, rather than under existing EU-US negotiations.”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 17:

“US President Donald Trump claimed that German news agency reporter Kristina Dunz was interested in ‘fake news’ when she asked him about isolationist policies. In her report, Dunz later wrote, ‘It is no longer a custom in the White House that hard, uncomfortable questions receive factual answers.”

The New York Times wrote on March 17:

“Mr. Trump appeared to go further than he has in the past on the need for burden-sharing in NATO. He demanded not just that members increase their military spending as a percentage of gross domestic product, but also that they make reparations for past American contributions. Mr. Trump also said he believed that Germany, like China and other trading partners, had taken advantage of the United States…

“[Mrs.] Merkel offered a vision of what she called ‘open-minded’ globalization. Refugees, she said, needed opportunities to improve their lives, in part to stabilize their countries and prevent them from sliding into civil war. She extolled freedom of movement as one of the great strengths of the European Union. Germany’s success, she said, was inextricably tied to the success of the European Union… Mr. Trump has rooted openly for the dissolution of the European Union. His meeting in January with Prime Minister Theresa May, who is leading Britain’s exit from the union, was considerably warmer than the one with [Mrs.] Merkel, though that came before the diplomatic rupture between the United States and Britain over Mr. Trump’s claims that British intelligence was involved in wiretapping Trump Tower.”

FBI Finds no Evidence for Wiretapping but Investigates Trump

Newsmax reported on March 20:

“FBI Director James Comey confirmed [for the first time] the bureau is probing potential ties [and possible collusion] between President Donald Trump’s associates and Russia during the 2016 campaign [to influence the outcome of the presidential election] and said there’s no evidence to support the president’s allegation that his predecessor ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower last year.

“’I have no information that supports those tweets [alleging wiretapping] and we have looked carefully inside the FBI,’ Comey told the House Intelligence Committee during a hearing Monday that lasted more than five hours… ‘I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,’ Comey said. ‘And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.'”

Deutsche Welle added on March 20:

“Speaking later at a press briefing, White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters there was no evidence Trump’s team colluded with Russia. ‘Investigating it and having proof of it are two different things,’ he said.”

The Hill added on March 20:

“Ahead of the House intelligence panel hearing where Comey confirmed the probe, Trump tweeted the Russia story… ‘is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it! The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign…’

“Comey’s description of the situation, however, is at odds with Trump’s… The inquiry, which he said began last July, will determine whether any crimes were committed.”

Bild Online commented on March 20: “March 20, 2017 could become an historic day, when the US President (completely) lost all credibility… What are the consequences? Not clear. Until recently, no American President would have survived… But according to American standards, which were applied until several months ago, Trump should not have become President in the first place.”

Trump under “Inadvertent” Surveillance?

Politico wrote on March 22:

“House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes declared Wednesday that members of Donald Trump’s transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under inadvertent surveillance following November’s presidential election. The White House and Trump’s allies immediately seized on the statement as vindication of the president’s much-maligned claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower phones — even though Nunes himself said that’s not what his new information shows. Democrats, meanwhile, cried foul…

“Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the intelligence panel, cast doubt on Nunes’ claims in a fiery statement and blasted the chairman for not first sharing the information with him or other committee members. Schiff also slammed Nunes for briefing the White House on Wednesday afternoon given that the Intelligence Committee is in the middle of an investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, including possible collusion with the Trump team. ‘The chairman will need to decide whether he is the chairman of an independent investigation into conduct which includes allegations of potential coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians, or he is going to act as a surrogate of the White House, because he cannot do both,’ Schiff said at a news conference Wednesday…

“Nunes set off the firestorm with a news conference earlier in the day in which he described the surveillance of Trump aides through what’s called ‘incidental collection,’ something he noted was routine and legal. Such collection can occur when a person inside the United State communicates with a foreign target of U.S. surveillance. In such cases, the identities of U.S. citizens are supposed to be shielded — but can be ‘unmasked’ by intelligence officials under certain circumstances.”

Bloomberg wrote on March 22:

“The intercepted communications weren’t captured through wiretaps… or through surveillance directed at Trump or his aides, Nunes told reporters at the Capitol… Nunes — who served on Trump’s transition team — said the surveillance that picked up Trump’s associates wasn’t aimed at Russia…”

The New York Times added on March 22:

“… the intelligence collection described by Mr. Nunes… indicates that the targets of American intelligence gathering were foreign officials, not specific members of the Trump transition or Mr. Trump himself. In fact, any American citizen who talks, messages or emails with a foreign official under surveillance would be picked up by intelligence agencies. This would include Obama administration officials and private citizens like journalists and business people.

“It by no means indicates that Mr. Trump himself was under direct surveillance… Mr. Nunes also said he was not sure whether Mr. Trump’s communications were collected… Intelligence agencies are permitted to record calls even if they involve American citizens…”

Inasmuch as all of this is apparently routine and “legal,” and does not include wire-tapping at all, one must ask why this “discovery” was announced in this way by Mr. Nunes.

FBI: Trump Associates May Have Coordinated with Russians to Damage Clinton Campaign

CNN reported on March 23:

“The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, US officials told CNN. This is partly what FBI Director James Comey was referring to when he made a bombshell announcement Monday before Congress that the FBI is investigating the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, according to one source.

“The FBI is now reviewing that information, which includes human intelligence, travel, business and phone records and accounts of in-person meetings, according to those U.S. officials. The information is raising the suspicions of FBI counterintelligence investigators that the coordination may have taken place, though officials cautioned that the information was not conclusive and that the investigation is ongoing…

“The FBI cannot yet prove that collusion took place, but the information suggesting collusion is now a large focus of the investigation, the officials said…”

Proposed Healthcare Bill… From One Debacle to the Next

Deutsche Welle reported on March 23:

“Republican lawmakers in the US House of Representatives have announced a delay in the vote on a new healthcare bill. It represents the first setback for President Trump on the seventh anniversary of Obamacare… While the Republicans have a majority in the House, they can only afford to have 22 of their number vote against the bill for it to fail. ‘There are not enough votes as of 1:30 (1730 UTC) today,’ Mark Meadows, head of the conservative Freedom Caucus, told reporters after a meeting with Trump and other lawmakers on Thursday.

“In a television interview on Thursday afternoon, House majority leader Kevin McCarthy said lawmakers would start debating the bill on Friday, admitting the votes were not in place to secure its passage.

“While Republicans have spent seven years opposing the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, there are aspects of the planned replacement AHCA which some of their number refuse to support. President Donald Trump spent hours in phone calls and meetings late into the night on Wednesday trying to gain support from dissenting party members.

“Critics claim the new health care plan is too expensive for the government. Some want to see benefits such as maternity care, emergency room visits, screening and vaccines repealed; others are concerned their constituents would be unable to afford health insurance under the new plan. Millions of Americans could lose their access to health care under the new plan…

Democrats in the House have said they would vote against AHCA as a bloc. As of Thursday, 36 mainly conservative Republicans had announced their opposition to the bill, thus preventing its passage…”

It’s Official–Martin Schulz New SPD Chairman and Chancellor Candidate

Deutsche Welle reported on March 19:

“Martin Schulz has unanimously won the nomination as Social Democratic party chairman and chancellor candidate for this year’s election…

“There has been a lot of media hype surrounding the new SPD chairman, but there is a real basis to the so-called ‘Schulz effect.’ The party says that it has gained 13,000 new members since January, when Gabriel – now Germany’s Foreign Minister – surprisingly agreed to take a backseat to Schulz…”

Euractiv and AFP wrote on March 12:

“Matthias Zeller, a 21-year-old Social Democratic activist, caused a stir in Germany when he enthused on national television that his party’s new leader Martin Schulz was a ‘geile Sau’ – which loosely translates as ‘sexy beast’.

“Zeller, who heads the youth wing of SPD’s Mannheim chapter, told AFP that he let slip the informal expression ‘out of sheer exuberant joy’ over Schulz’s decision to lead the party into battle against Chancellor Angela Merkel in September elections. His popularity reaches close to 50%, compared to the chancellor’s 38%…”

The translation “sexy beast” does not convey the original German. In fact, the German phrase is derogatory and mean, but as so often today, bad terms are used to express something good or admirable. So, when people say, “that is bad,” they may mean, “that is really great.”

Bild Online wrote on March 21:

“The ‘Kissinger of Würselen’… is free to put his fist down as he pleases… The way he hasn’t yet been too clear about where he stands concerning policy makes it even easier for ‘comrads’ of both ends of the political spectrum to follow him into the desert like the last prophet – destination anywhere. And time is on Schulz’s side: All three federal elections to come in the spring (Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia) are likely to go well for the Social Democrats. Over and over, people will recite the ‘Schulz-Effect’ then. Even if the big boss’s name isn’t even on the ballot paper.

“This is exactly what the Christian Democrats are fearing the most. The mood being as sombre as it is, with bad election results likely. In the Saarland, they are bound to lose power completely. And a whisper will get louder and louder: What on earth are we going to do about this Schulz-guy? Ignoring him prominently – the Merkel strategy – won’t work any longer, many Christian Democrats believe. Fight him on actual issues? Hard to do, since Schulz has mainly dodged giving definite answers up to now… ‘Martin cannot make any mistakes’, one of the strategists says…

“Otherwise – and no one knows this better than Schulz himself – it’s a quick passage, much quicker than in other parties, from being the messiah, to becoming a false prophet.”

New French-German Partnership Needed for Europe

Euractiv wrote on March 17:

“France’s only clearly pro-European presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, and German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel know each other well. In 2015, they both published their vision for an economic and social union within the EU…  Calls for a new, stronger European narrative are growing louder. Sixty years after the signing of the Treaty of Rome, the EU institutions are in need of reform and EU countries need a new form of cooperation in order to address global challenges.

“The question is how and with whom to implement such a reform… Macron took the opportunity to promise that, should he emerge triumphant from the presidential election, he would prioritise a renewal of the old Franco-German alliance. A strong partnership between the two European powers is a precondition for EU reform, the two politicians agreed…

“Emmanuel Macron states that] we must ‘dare to go for a multi-speed Europe’…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 20:

“Le Pen is known for her far-right nationalism, anti-immigration policies and opposition to the euro currency, as well as previous pledges to withdraw France from the NATO defensive alliance… [She said] she wanted to stop ‘both legal and illegal immigration’…”

The first round of the presidential election will take place on April 23. The final [run-off] election will take place on May 7. According to opinion polls, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are currently the frontrunners. Angela Merkel announced that she is willing to work with whomever is elected French President, with the exception of Le Pen. While we felt very strongly that Donald Trump would become US President, we feel it is HIGHLY doubtful that Le Pen will win the French election.

Erdogan’s Fight with Europe Continues

AFP wrote on March 19:

“Turkey and the European Union are locked in an explosive crisis that threatens to jeopardise Ankara’s bid to join the bloc, as tensions rise ahead of an April 16 referendum on expanding Erdogan’s powers. The row erupted after authorities in Germany and other EU states refused to allow some Turkish ministers to campaign for a ‘yes’ vote on their soil, provoking a volcanic response from the Turkish strongman who said the spirit of Nazi Germany was rampant in Europe…

“Home to 1.4 million Turkish voters, Germany hosts the world’s largest Turkish diaspora but the partnership between NATO allies Ankara and Berlin has been ripped to shreds by the current crisis. Turkey reacted furiously to a Frankfurt rally on Saturday urging a ‘no’ vote where protesters brandished insignia of outlawed Kurdish rebels… The Turkish foreign ministry accused the German authorities ‘of the worst example of double standards’ for allowing the pro-Kurdish protest while preventing Turkish ministers from campaigning there…

“Ankara also reacted with indignation after Germany’s intelligence chief said he was unconvinced by Turkish assertions that US-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen was behind the failed July coup aimed at overthrowing Erdogan… Defence Minister Fikri Isik said the comments raised questions about whether Berlin itself was involved in the putsch…”

When Nuclear War Starts…

On March 19, the Independent wrote the following:

“President Trump has egged on a new arms race. Russia violated weapons treaties to upgrade its nuclear arsenal. North Korea is developing long-range missiles and practising for nuclear war — and the US military is considering preemptive attacks on the isolated nation’s military facilities. Meanwhile, nuclear terrorism and dirty bombs remain a sobering threat…

“You are in a large city that has just been subjected to a single, low-yield nuclear detonation, between 0.1 and 10 kilotons. This is much less powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima — about 15 kilotons. However, it’s not unlikely when looking at weapons like the new B61-12 gravity bomb, which is built by the US, maxes out at 50 kilotons, and can be dialed down to 0.3 kilotons. (Russia and Pakistan are working on similar so-called ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons.)…

“One of your biggest and most immediate goals is to avoid nuclear fallout… Fallout is a mess of bomb material, soil, and debris that is vaporised, made radioactive, and sprinkled as dust and ash across the landscape by prevailing winds… The US government recommends hiding in a nearby building, but not all of them provide much shelter from nuclear fallout… The best shelters are thick brick or concrete and lack windows. Like a bomb shelter. Hiding in the sub-basement of a brick five-story apartment building, for example, should expose you to just 1/200 of the amount of fallout radiation outside. Meanwhile, hanging out in the living room of your one-story, wood-frame house will only cut down the radiation by half, which — if you are next to a nuclear explosion — will not do much to help you…”

Cartoon with Scary Truth

On March 19, the Telegraph published a satirical cartoon, pertaining to Brexit. The cartoon pictures a sailor on a floating submarine, handing another sailor a briefcase, saying: “If the UK is destroyed in a nuclear attack, these are the codes for triggering Article 50.”

One has to wonder why this sudden coverage of a nuclear attack in the British press.

Britain to Formally Announce Brexit on March 29

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 20:

“British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to trigger Article 50 at the end of March, her office has announced. The move would then set off two years of formal negotiations on Britain leaving the European Union. Prime Minister May will write a letter to the European Union on March 29 to formally announce Britain’s withdrawal from the soon-to-be 27 member bloc…

“Triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty will start the clock on two years of formal negotiations, at the end of which Britain will leave the EU. The British parliament backed May’s Article 50 plan last week after 51.9 percent of participants voted for Brexit in a referendum last June…

“The European Commission said on Monday that it is prepared to begin Brexit negotiations after the British government confirmed the date it will launch the process… Before negotiations with the UK can begin, the other EU member states must meet to confirm the Commission’s negotiating guidelines. Officials say that a summit is likely to be held in early May…

“Monday’s announcement comes just days before the EU celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome which created the bloc. German Chancellor Angela Merkel [said] ‘it makes absolutely no difference whether the notification comes one day earlier, or three or seven days afterward.’…

“May’s preparations for Brexit were hit hard last week by Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s announcement that she planned to hold a new independence referendum in order to maintain the country’s ties to the EU. On Sunday, Sturgeon said she was prepared to delay the vote to appease the government in London after initially pushing for the vote to take place in late 2018 or early 2019.

“The nationalist party Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland, which made major gains in regional elections earlier this month, has also called for a referendum on breaking away from the UK and uniting with the Republic of Ireland. Out of the United Kingdom’s four nations, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU while England and Wales voted to leave.”

Sweden Afraid of Nuclear War

The Daily Mail wrote on March 21:

“Sweden is set to bring hundreds of Cold War-era nuclear bunkers out of mothballs as tensions with Russia in the Baltic are ratcheted up another notch. The news comes as the Swedish parliament held its first war game in 20 years. Fifty MPs – who would have the power to replace parliament in the event of an outright conflict – held the drill yesterday at a secret location…

“More than 60,000 nuclear bunkers were established after 1945 to protect Swedes in the event of a nuclear attack by the Soviet Union… Sweden, which is not a NATO member, is also reintroducing military service, which was scrapped in 2010.Sweden is growing increasingly worried about Russia’s military build-up. In the event of a war Sweden’s iron ore resources and its strategic position on the Baltic would be crucial…

“There have also been reports of airspace violations by Russia’s military aircraft in the Baltics and a military buildup in Kaliningrad, which sits across the Baltic Sea from Sweden… Sweden also said it was going to increase military spending by 15 per cent because of Russian aggression.”

Trump Wants Southern Ireland as his Ally 

The Belfast Telegraph wrote on March 18:

“The Donald Trump administration plans to use the Republic of Ireland as an increasingly important ally in Europe as the UK prepares to depart the European Union…

“A senior White House official indicated the warm reception afforded Mr [Enda] Kenny [Irish Prime Minister] is a clear sign the Trump administration wants to work more closely with Ireland. ‘With Brexit, Ireland comes more into play for us in Europe,’ the source told the Irish Independent… Separately, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reiterated the administration’s intention to strengthen its ties with Ireland.”

North Korea Threatens USA

The Daily Star wrote on March 19:

“North Korea has pledged to launch a nuclear strike on the US if a ‘single bullet is fired’… as Washington and South Korea carry out war games in the region…

“North Korea has sparked international fury by launching four missiles into the Sea of Japan, not long after the alleged assassination of Kim’s brother Kim Jong-nam… Tensions have reached an all-time high with North Korea as Kim Jong-un’s diplomat warned of an ‘actual war’ while speaking at the UN.”

Mexicans Focus on Canada rather than USA

Reuters reported on March 17:

“Canada’s border authorities detained more Mexicans in the first 67 days of 2017 than they did annually in any of the three previous years, according to statistics obtained by Reuters. The spike comes immediately after Canada’s federal government lifted its visa requirement for Mexican citizens in December. Many Mexicans looking north have shifted their focus from the United States to Canada as President Donald Trump vows to crack down on America’s undocumented immigrants, about half of whom are Mexican. On Friday, Reuters reported, immigration judges were reassigned to 12 U.S. cities to speed up deportation.

“The Canada Border Services Agency… can detain foreign nationals if it is believed they pose a danger to the public, if their identity is unclear or if they are deemed unlikely to appear for removal or for a proceeding…

“With the visa requirement lifted, all that Mexicans need to come to Canada is an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), obtainable online in a matter of minutes. But they cannot work without a work permit, and the eTA does not guarantee entry. Canada issued 72,450 travel authorizations to Mexican citizens between Dec. 1, 2016, and March 10, 2017 – a significant increase compared with a similar period when visas were required.”

“US Bans Large Electronics on Some Flights from Middle East, Africa”

Deutsche Welle wrote on March 21:

“US President Donald Trump’s administration confirmed on Tuesday that it is imposing new restrictions on travelers coming into the United States from 10 airports located mainly in the Middle East and North Africa. The Department of Homeland Security will now require people flying to the United States from airports in eight countries – Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Morocco and Qatar – to check electronic devices larger than a cell phone such as tablets, laptops, cameras and portable DVD players. The affected airports are located in Amman, Cairo, Kuwait City, Doha, Dubai, Istanbul, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Jeddah and Casablanca. All 10 airports are located in Muslim-majority countries.

“Trump administration officials said the airlines will have 96 hours to implement the security order – otherwise, they will be barred from flying to the United States. Mobile phones and medical devices will still be allowed in carry-on items. [A] spokeswoman with the Dubai-based Emirates told Reuters that the restrictions will be in place for seven months and will begin on Saturday… No American airlines are due to be affected by the upcoming ban, as no US-based airlines have non-stop flights from those cities to the US, administration officials said…

“Some analysts expect headaches for people boarding flights. Aerospace science professor Jeffrey Price of Metropolitan State University of Denver said there would be problems for passengers being forced to put their electronics in their checked luggage. He argued that theft of electronics from baggage would increase, pointing to such a trend following a similar ban in Britain in 2006. Price also noted that some laptops are equipped with batteries that can catch fire – but that such events are difficult to detect if laptops are stowed in the cargo hold.”

Africans No Longer Welcome in the USA?

The Telegraph wrote on March 19:

“Each year, delegations from Africa meet with officials and business leaders in the US for the African Global Economic and Development… Summit. This year’s event took place at the University of Southern California… in Los Angeles. But unfortunately, one crucial aspect was missing from the summit – any Africans. None of the invited delegates were able to attend, due to being denied a visa at the very last minute… around 100 guests, from Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and South Africa, were unable to attend… many who had applied for their visas weeks or months in advance were only called for embassy interviews days before they were supposed to travel.

“Prince Kojo Hilton, a graphic artist from Ghana, was due to lead a session on filmmaking, but was denied a visa four days before he was supposed to travel… Diane E. Watson, former member of Congress from California, called the State Department to question the denial of visas for the USC summit delegates. However, she was told that the State Department could not discuss individual visa cases.

“Donald Trump’s ‘travel ban’ only applies to three African countries, Libya, Somalia and Sudan, therefore it’s unclear as to why there has been such an increase in rejected visa applications from the continent.”

Hollywood’s Fight with Conservatives

The Washington Post wrote on March 18:

“[Tim] Allen… has been one of few in Hollywood to speak openly about his right-leaning views. Another 2,500 of his colleagues feel so stigmatized that they have joined a clandestine support group, according to a Los Angeles Times article profiling retribution and secrecy forced upon ‘the vast majority of conservatives who work in entertainment.’ ‘In 30 years of show business, I’ve never seen it like this,’ an unnamed actor told the outlet. ‘If you are even lukewarm to Republicans, you are excommunicated from the church of tolerance.’…

“Allen compared Trump to an amateur performer with ‘very bad comic timing.’ ‘I don’t want to defend the guy,’ he said… ‘What I find odd in Hollywood is they didn’t like Trump because he was a bully… But if you had any kind of inkling that you were for Trump, you got bullied for doing that. It gets a little hypocritical.’…

“The industry has become more toxic to conservatives since Trump took office, the Los Angeles Times reported. Workers complained of political shouting matches on set and the professional shunning of those known to hold right-leaning views…”

IRS Proceeds Quickly to Grant Tax Exemption to Satanic Group

Judicial Watch wrote on March 16:

“Under the Obama administration IRS political appointees illegally targeted conservative groups, either making them wait up to seven years for tax-exempt status or denying their application altogether. Judicial Watch uncovered that scandal and has obtained piles of government records showing how the IRS illegally colluded with another federal agency to single out groups with conservative-sounding terms such as patriot and Tea Party in their titles when applying for tax-exempt status.

“In the meantime,… groups like the Satan club got fast tracked. The principle goal of establishing the Satan clubs in public schools throughout Washington State appears to be to counter existing enterprises operated by a Christian-based group… Records obtained by Judicial Watch from the Treasury Department show that the Satanic cult applied for tax-exempt status on October 21, 2014 and received it on October 31, 2014.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses an Extremist Organization in Russia?

USA Today wrote on March 16:

“Russia’s justice ministry has filed a lawsuit with its supreme court to declare the national headquarters of the country’s Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist organization… The press office for the Russian branch of the religion says on its website that such a declaration, if successful, would ‘entail disastrous consequences for freedom of religion in Russia’ and directly affect about 175,000 followers at more than 2,000 congregations in the country…

“The Jehovah’s Witnesses first legally registered as a religious group in Russia in 1991 and re-registered in 1999, according to the organization’s international website. For almost two decades, however, Russian prosecutors in various localities have periodically sought to outlaw or curb the group, charging it is a cult that destroys families, fosters hatred and threatens lives…

“Vasily Kalin, chairman of the religious group’s steering committee, said: …  ‘In Stalin’s time, when I was a child, the whole family was deported to Siberia only because we were Jehovah’s Witnesses. It’s a shame and sad that my children and grandchildren will be faced with something like that.’

“Jehovah’s Witnesses have come under growing pressure from Russian authorities in recent years, including a ban on distribution of church literature that authorities say violates anti-extremism laws. In February, investigators inspected the headquarters of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in St. Petersburg… More than 70,000 pages of documents were confiscated for the General Prosecutor’s Office… which monitors hate crimes and the enforcement of anti-extremist laws… In 2009, the Supreme Court of Russia upheld a lower court ruling that declared 34 pieces of Jehovah’s Witness literature as ‘extremist,’ including their magazine The Watchtower in Russian.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses have been officially banned from the port city of Taganrog since 2009, after a local court ruled the organization guilty of inciting religious hatred by ‘propagating the exclusivity and supremacy’ of their religion… In 2015, a court in Rostov convicted 16 Jehovah’s Witnesses of practicing extremism in Taganrog, handing out jail sentences – later suspended – of more than 5 years for five of the defendants and stiff fines for the others. That same year, the supreme court of Russia banned the religion’s international website as ‘extremist.’”

Russia’s long-standing persecution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is well-known. To label the Jehovah’s Witnesses as “extremists” is ridiculous and preposterous. But as we recently reported in our StandingWatch program “Russia’s Persecution of Minority Christians” , we can expect that Russia, under autocratic dictator Vladimir Putin, will persecute more and more minority religions and denominations.

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What Does a Christian Need to Do to Prepare for the Passover?

To the majority of the world, the question of what Christians need to do to prepare for the Passover doesn’t make any sense. Why would a Christian need to prepare for a “Jewish” memorial? While the majority of professing Christians today don’t understand it, the Bible clearly instructs that the Passover is to be observed by true Christians today. In addition, it is not enough to observe Passover as a mere memorial, but it also must be observed in the right way – with reverence and honor. To do anything less incurs the penalty of taking the Passover in an unworthy manner (compare 1 Corinthians 11:27).

Acknowledging that it is important for true Christians to observe the Passover and participate in the right way, it is incumbent upon them to prepare diligently. What do Christians need to do to prepare for the Passover so they can fully observe and participate in the annual Passover service?

To begin with, participants in the Passover service must be properly baptized. Baptism is a covenant between man and God, in which a commitment is made by man to live a life that is dedicated to removing sin from one’s life and also to live in the faith of salvation provided by Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice. Passover, in large part, is a reaffirmation of this baptism commitment. In our free booklet, “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days,” the requirement of baptism is explained:

“No male was allowed, in Old Testament times, to partake of the Passover, unless he was circumcised. True Christians are circumcised spiritually, in the heart, by and through the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, after proper baptism. Therefore, only properly baptized members of the spiritual body of Christ—the Church—who don’t hold grudges against anyone, and who do not have hate toward others in their hearts, are to partake of the annual symbols of bread and wine. In doing so, they reflect on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. This teaching is supported by the fact that Jesus waited until Judas had left them, before He introduced the New Testament symbols of bread and wine.”

The requirement for baptism applies not only to the participation in the portion of the service for taking the wine and unleavened bread, but also for the footwashing ceremony, which is integral to the observation of the Passover. Please see our Q&A, “Should an Unbaptized Person Participate in Footwashing?” for a complete explanation.

It is of tantamount importance in preparation for the Passover that we, as true Christians, must make sure that we fully comprehend and acknowledge the role of Christ’s Sacrifice in our lives, and what it means for our salvation. The use of red wine and broken bread are very important symbols, and we must make sure that we comprehend what they are about.

First, to understand the symbol of the broken bread, we must discern the body of Christ. What does this mean? What is the purpose of Christ’s physical suffering for our sake? Quoting from our Q&A about discerning the Lord’s body:

“The symbol of the broken bread, pointing to Christ’s wounded, torn body and His stripes, stands for our physical healing.

“When Paul talked about the need that we discern the Lord’s body, he was addressing Christ’s PHYSICAL body which was beaten for our physical healing.”

Since participating in the Passover observance involves partaking of broken, unleavened bread, our preparation must involve our comprehension and acknowledgement of Jesus Christ’s physical Sacrifice. This physical Sacrifice of Christ’s broken body functions as the means of our physical healing, which is elaborated in 1 Peter 2:24, explaining that it was Jesus Christ, “… who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.” In our preparation for the Passover we must confirm in our hearts that we can be physically healed by Christ’s physical Sacrifice.

Just as the broken bread must be understood as representing the physical Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the symbol of the red wine in the Passover service must also be fully comprehended and acknowledged in order to prepare for the Passover. Quoting again from “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days,” “Jesus Christ also introduced the New Testament symbol of the wine. The wine which Christ drank, and which He wants His disciples to partake of, was red wine, symbolizing Christ’s blood, which He shed for our sins. The wine represents a reaffirmation of a Christian’s acceptance of the blood of Christ for the remission or forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:27–28; Romans 3:24–25; Hebrews 9:11–14; 1 John 1:7–9; 2:2).”

Without the blood Sacrifice offered by Jesus Christ, we must acknowledge that our sins could not be forgiven. Therefore, when we prepare ourselves for observance of the Passover, we must be cognizant of what it means when we drink the Passover wine. The red wine represents the blood that Jesus shed so that each one of us may be forgiven of our sins. If we fail to accept this fact, we are not fully preparing ourselves. Hebrews 10:29 pronounces a dire warning to those who do not consider the gravity of this symbol, “Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?” The symbol of red wine is a reminder of the spiritual salvation that we have been offered, and this must be fully acknowledged and accepted in our hearts.

Certainly, a significant component involved in Passover preparation involves learning and fully acknowledging the significance of Jesus Christ’s physical Sacrifice and the effect of forgiveness through that Sacrifice. Developing this understanding alone is not sufficient for a complete preparation, however. The next necessary step involved in Passover preparation is self-examination. As Paul instructs in 1 Corinthians 11:28-31, “But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged.” To examine ourselves prior to participating in the Passover service, is clearly of vital importance. If we do not take this measure, there are serious consequences.

Self-examination is a process in which we are to consider our behavior to discover if we have sin that we have not repented of. There is no doubt that we will find sin in our lives, as all people have sinned (compare 1 John 1:8). However, as we discover sin in our lives we must be willing to eradicate it from our behavior, and repent. Only if we confess our sins and become willing to conform our behavior to godly obedience do we become qualified for forgiveness through Christ’s Sacrifice. The purpose of self-examination in preparation before the Passover is not to find ourselves unworthy and disqualify ourselves if we find sin, but rather, the purpose is to find ways of becoming more zealous in our conversion. Quoting from “The Meaning of God’s Spring Holy Days”:

“A Christian needs to EXAMINE himself before taking the Passover, but he is told to “eat of the bread and drink of the cup” (1 Corinthians 11:28). So, the examination should establish that he IS on the right track—that Christ DOES live in him. And if, during the examination, a Christian finds that he is lacking in some aspects, he needs to REPENT of that; he needs to ask God for forgiveness; he needs to resolve and make an effort to do better; and, at the same time, he needs to understand that with God’s help, he can, and must, and will do better.

“On the other hand, a Christian CANNOT take the Passover in an unworthy manner, or unworthily. He needs to examine himself before the Passover to make sure that he DOES NOT partake of it in an unworthy manner, but rather, that he takes it in a WORTHY manner. “

The outcome of self-examination therefore must deepen our conversion and increase our love of God as expressed by our desire to obey His commandments (compare 1 John 5:3).

Our preparations for the Passover should also involve reconciliation with our brethren to bring about spiritual healing with God and man. The broken bread of Christ stands for our physical healing. We must also be spiritually reconciled or “healed” with God and with each other (Acts 28:25-27). If we devour each other, we can’t expect to receive physical healing (1 Corinthians 10:16-17).

As we read in Matthew 5:23-24, “‘Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.’” From this verse we can see the importance of seeking forgiveness, not only from God, but also from our brethren. Knowing that love for God is also expressed by love towards brethren, when we discover sins that we have committed against others, we are found in violation of the commandment to love our brethren. Therefore, if we want to express our love towards others as we are commanded, it is important to sincerely and earnestly ask for forgiveness. If we want to be reconciled to God, we cannot do so without reconciling any unresolved conflict with others.

Likewise, in preparation for the Passover, if we want to be worthy of forgiveness through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we must also forgive others. Matthew 6:14-15 clearly states, “‘For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.’” In the process of reconciliation, the corollary of seeking forgiveness is to also offer it to those who seek it from us. This act of offering forgiveness is an important element in the process of reconciliation in the way that it is also an expression of love for one another, and therefore an expression of our love towards God.

As we begin to prepare ourselves to observe the Passover, we must make sure that we are fully aware of our responsibilities. We cannot participate in a passive way, but rather, our role must be active. In our examination of ourselves, our love for God and our fellow man must be found thriving. Our love for God becomes manifest by our willingness to turn from sin and live obediently, and our love for our fellow man is demonstrated by our deeds. We also acknowledge that as much as we try to love God and man in the way we live, we continue to sin, and must therefore rely exclusively on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ to provide us with the physical healing and spiritual salvation that we need. The promise of eternal life awaits those who prepare in these ways.

Lead Writer: Eric Rank

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Note that information for observance of the 2017 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day is now posted on our website.

Passover will be observed after sunset on Sunday evening, April 9, 2017; the Night to be Much Observed after sunset on Monday evening, April 10th; Holy Day services for the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on Tuesday, April 11th; and Holy Day services for the last day of Unleavened Bread on Monday, April 17th.

The Church Conference for 2017 will be conducted in Escondido, California, with arrivals on March 23rd  and ending on March 28th. Our first session will be on Friday, with subsequent meetings on Sunday and Monday.  We will also have Sabbath services in Ramona, California, during this time.

“Germany and the USA… What Next?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The meeting between Angela Merkel and Donald Trump was not great. The two leaders could not have been more contradictory and showed little common ground. They could not disguise the gulf that separates them. What does this mean for the future relationship between the USA and Europe under German leadership? The Bible tells us very clearly what is going to happen… very soon.

“Katholiken und Protestanten… Getrennt oder Vereint? (Teil 1) ,” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon. Title in English: “Catholics and Protestants… Divided or United? (Part 1).” Part 2 has also been recorded for the following Sabbath.

“Effects of Entropy,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Can evolution be correct in stating that from chaos comes order? That life spawned from mutating cells? Can it be proven that we live in a world that is getting stronger? Or do we see just the opposite, everything decaying? Do we see the plausibility that the destruction of earth is for a reason and that there is indeed a God who created and set in motion the need for the laws that govern our world?

“Is Now the Day of Salvation?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We read in 2 Corinthians 6:2 that now is the accepted time and the day of salvation. Does this mean that salvation is offered today to everyone? If so, then most of humanity would be lost. But how can one come to God in a world which is ruled by Satan and his demons? And can the overwhelming majority of mankind even believe in God and His salvation at this time? What does 2 Corinthians 6:2 really mean?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Note that information for observance of the 2017 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day is now posted on our website.

Passover will be observed after sunset on Sunday evening, April 9, 2017; the Night to be Much Observed after sunset on Monday evening, April 10th; Holy Day services for the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread on Tuesday, April 11th; and Holy Day services for the last day of Unleavened Bread on Monday, April 17th.

The Church Conference for 2017 will be conducted in Escondido, California, with arrivals on March 23rd  and ending on March 28th. Our first session will be on Friday, with subsequent meetings on Sunday and Monday.  We will also have Sabbath services in Ramona, California, during this time.

“Germany and the USA… What Next?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The meeting between Angela Merkel and Donald Trump was not great. The two leaders could not have been more contradictory and showed little common ground. They could not disguise the gulf that separates them. What does this mean for the future relationship between the USA and Europe under German leadership? The Bible tells us very clearly what is going to happen… very soon.

“Katholiken und Protestanten… Getrennt oder Vereint? (Teil 1) ,” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon. Title in English: “Catholics and Protestants… Divided or United? (Part 1).” Part 2 has also been recorded for the following Sabbath.

“Effects of Entropy,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Can evolution be correct in stating that from chaos comes order? That life spawned from mutating cells? Can it be proven that we live in a world that is getting stronger? Or do we see just the opposite, everything decaying? Do we see the plausibility that the destruction of earth is for a reason and that there is indeed a God who created and set in motion the need for the laws that govern our world?

“Is Now the Day of Salvation?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We read in 2 Corinthians 6:2 that now is the accepted time and the day of salvation. Does this mean that salvation is offered today to everyone? If so, then most of humanity would be lost. But how can one come to God in a world which is ruled by Satan and his demons? And can the overwhelming majority of mankind even believe in God and His salvation at this time? What does 2 Corinthians 6:2 really mean?

Current Events

We begin with the terror attack in London and the first personal meeting between Angela Merkel and Donald Trump, which was not “great” by any standard (Please read the Editorial in this Update, and view our new StandingWatch program, “Germany and the USA… What Next?”). We continue with explosive “bombshell” announcements by the FBI, totally refuting President Trump’s allegation of having been wiretapped by former President Obama, while revealing that an investigation against Donald Trump and his campaign is being conducted. A subsequent controversial announcement by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes suggests that the Trump team could have been inadvertently surveilled.

We report on Martin Schutz, the official challenger of Angela Merkel in the September election; as well as the candidates for the French Presidency, to be determined in May. We also speak about the ongoing row between Europe and Turkey.

We point out the fear of nuclear war in Britain and in Sweden and the announcement to officially begin Brexit procedures by March 29; as well as the desire of the Trump Administration to make Southern Ireland an increasingly important ally in Europe. We also speak on North Korea’s provocations.

We report that more and more Mexicans are trying to enter Canada, rather than the USA and the US ban of large electronics on some flights from the Middle East and Africa, while pointing out the appalling fact that not one delegate from Africa was given permission to enter the USA to participate in the African Global Economic and Development Summit in Southern California. We also speak on left-liberal Hollywood’s fight against conservative actors; the speedy action of the IRS to grant tax-exempt status to a Satanic group, while delaying or denying such permission to conservative nonprofits; and we conclude with reporting on increasing religious persecution of religious minorities in Russia.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God