This Week in the News

“Trump’s Tangle with Europe Leads the Continent to Find Partners Elsewhere”

The Washington Post wrote in June 2:

“A day after President Trump pulled out of a key climate agreement… an international realignment was already taking shape on Friday, as European and Chinese officials signed a raft of agreements to bind themselves tightly together.

“The pullout left the United States a global outlier and, many European leaders and experts said, a severely diminished force in the world… ‘Anti-Americanism will bloom,’ said Tomas Valasek, a former Slovak ambassador to NATO who is now the head of the Carnegie Europe think tank. ‘It will be much harder to politically explain to the European publics that we would cooperate with the U.S. president, because Donald Trump has made himself so unpopular now.’…

“In other arenas, such as defense, Europeans… are scrambling to achieve self-sufficiency now that they doubt the validity of U.S. guarantees… ‘We have just witnessed President Trump putting an end to European-American relations,’ said François Heisbourg, a French defense expert who advised Macron during his campaign.”

EU-US Trade Agreement Put on Ice

The Guardian wrote on June 5:

“The prospect of a revived EU-US trade deal is in ‘deep freeze’, according to Brussels sources… [Neither] Donald Trump nor European officials raised the possible resumption of talks during the US president’s visit to Brussels last month, EU sources said. Documents relating to the transatlantic trade and investment partnership, known as TTIP, had now been locked in a filing cabinet and the code to open it had been lost, one diplomat joked…

“Talks over TTIP stalled last year amid opposition from within the EU, including sceptical comments from France’s then trade minister and the German vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel… a meeting between Trump, the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European council president, Donald Tusk, two weeks ago offered the EU scant evidence of any such willingness, according to EU sources…  the completion of an EU-Japan trade deal was nevertheless imminent, and would provide significant economic gains.”

Another piece of evidence showing how the economic relationship between the US and Europe is deteriorating, while Europe is looking elsewhere for trading partners.

Trump Has a Point—Europe Lagging Behind in Defense Spending

The Wall Street Journal wrote on June 3:

“U.S. President Donald Trump last month irked European leaders when he berated them at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s new headquarters for insufficient defense spending and what he called unpaid military bills. Current and former European officials were quick to point out that NATO members don’t owe dues to the U.S., but they acknowledged Mr. Trump wasn’t wrong: Europe lacks the capabilities to defend itself…

“U.S. military spending far exceeds Europe’s, and American conventional forces are generally better trained and equipped than their European counterparts. The U.S. defense budget, $680 billion by NATO calculations, dwarfs the alliance’s European members, which spend a total of $242 billion…

“German officials acknowledge their force has become hollow and vow to rebuild it—a decision they stress was made before Mr. Trump’s election. Chancellor Angela Merkel pushed through parliament a military budget increase of 8% for this year, to €37 billion ($42 billion). According to the German government, that represents 1.2% of the country’s gross domestic product. Ms. Merkel says she is committed to NATO’s 2% goal…

“At last month’s NATO summit where Mr. Trump lambasted Europeans, several leaders said they would publicly advocate higher military spending for the sake of their own national security, not American demands. But they also privately told Mr. Trump they agreed with him, according to diplomats…”

President Trump’s criticism of Europe’s willingness to spend more on their own defense will have the result that indeed more efforts will be made to build up a powerful European army… but this is not good news for the USA. Many, especially in the USA, seem to be unable to realize that Europe can and will become a mighty military bloc which will turn out to be hostile toward the USA. In addition, to show Europe’s tremendous economic role, the EUObserver wrote on June 2 that “The Luxembourg-based European Investment Bank… is owned by EU member states and has discretely grown into the largest multilateral borrower and lender in the world, with capital of €275 billion.”

Europe’s New Defense Fund

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 7:

“The European Commission on Wednesday launched a new defense fund aimed at helping EU member states to jointly develop and acquire better military capabilities. The EU will provide 500 million euros ($560 million) in 2019 and 2020 for defense development and acquisition. That figure is expected to double to 1 billion euros by 2020. An additional 90 million euros will be made available for research in 2018 and 2019. By next year, the European Commission said it will propose increasing research funding to 500 million euros per year to make the EU ‘one of the biggest defense research investors in Europe.‘…

“European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Wednesday that the EU defense fund marks a new chapter in defense cooperation within the bloc. ‘For too long we have relied too much on the military power of others,’ he said. ‘We must now seize the moment to take charge of our own security…’

Up to 100 billion euros is lost each year by EU member states due to duplication, according to Brussels. EU analysis has shown that the bloc has 37 types of armored personnel carriers and 12 types of tanker aircraft, much higher than the nine and four, respectively, maintained by the United States.

“With the rise of terrorist attacks claimed by the self-styled ‘Islamic State’ militant group on European soil and Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, European nations have sought to tackle growing security concerns. Trump’s failure to reaffirm Article 5 of the NATO treaty, which reinforces collective defense, has effectively provided an additional momentum to the European Commission’s bold plans for greater defense cooperation across the bloc. ‘We are committed to strengthening security and defense work, enhancing our strategic role, our ability to act as a security provider worldwide and our capacity to act autonomously when and where necessary,’ Mogherini said.”

On June 7, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung quoted the EU Commission as saying that “Europe can become a ‘military power.'”

The Bible prophesies that Europe WILL become a mighty military power.

Terrorist Attack in France

Reuters reported on June 7:

“France created a new counter-terrorism task force on Wednesday, bringing together all the intelligence services, to coordinate the response to attacks, a day after an Algerian student assaulted police officers outside Notre Dame cathedral… The performance of France’s intelligence services has come under close scrutiny since the November 2015 attacks on Paris, when militant gunmen and suicide bombers struck entertainment venues across the capital, killing 130 people. In total, more than 230 people have been killed in a wave of attacks in France either claimed by or inspired by Islamic State over the past two-and-a-half years.

“In Tuesday’s attack, a 40-year-old Algerian student armed with a hammer and kitchen knives shouted ‘this is for Syria’ as he struck at and wounded a policeman, before being shot by police officers. A source close to the investigation named the assailant as Algerian-born Farid Ikken, a PhD student of communications registered since 2014 at a university in the eastern city of Metz. The source said that a video in which Ikken pledged allegiance to Islamic State had been found in his flat in Cergy-Pontoise, northwest of Paris, during a police raid on Tuesday evening, after the attack…

“One academic who taught Ikken, a strong linguist who spoke French, English, Arabic and Swedish, described his student as an individual who at times felt lonely… [but that] he was pro-West and very much a supporter of democratic values [and that] there was never any outward sign of excessive adherence to Islam…”

Again, one wonders whether attackers like these have always been secret Islamists; have been secretly radicalized; or whether dark spiritual forces have influenced them.

America Isolated and Its Decline Cemented

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 1:

” [In] pulling out of the Paris Agreement, Trump has also gone against fossil fuel firms, hundreds of major businesses and investors, a large number of Republicans and half of his own cabinet. With the move, Trump has catered to a small but vocal extreme-right constituency – one that is overrepresented among his cabinet and advisors. In essence, he’s sealed his own fate as isolated – and cemented the decline of the US…

“Other nations – most notably China, European Union countries and India – are already taking the lead in showing the way to a clean energy future… The US will be left behind; it will be disadvantaged economically in the long run. Pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement makes America weak. And diplomatic fallout will be extensive…”

California, Washington State and New York Align against Donald Trump

The website of announced on June 1:

“In response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., and Washington State Governor Jay Inslee today announced the formation of the United States Climate Alliance, a coalition that will convene U.S. states committed to upholding the Paris Climate Agreement and taking aggressive action on climate change…

“New York, California and Washington [represent] over one-fifth of U.S. Gross Domestic Product [or 6.2 Trillion Dollars of the U.S. economy] … Together, New York, California and Washington represent approximately 68 million people – nearly one-in-five Americans – and the states account for at least 10 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Washington will continue to work closely together with other states  to help fill the void left by the federal government…”

Deutsche Welle added in June 6:

“Several other states quickly followed suit, most notably Massachusetts and Vermont, which have Republican governors. Many other states are expected to support the alliance in the coming days. According to the Financial Times, the [US] states that have so far agreed to the deal would together represent the world’s third largest economy, just behind China and the US and ahead of Japan. The states have been joined by the leaders of tech giants like Amazon, Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft, as well as representatives from industries such as Nestle, Nike, Unilever and Starbucks.

“In addition, the leaders of many major US cities… have joined the alliance. Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Houston have signed up and, significantly, Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto is also a signatory. When announcing his plan to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, Trump said ‘I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.’ The remark drew umbrage from Peduto, not the least because Pittsburgh voters chose Hillary Clinton by an overwhelming 80 percent margin in 2016…

“Despite Trump’s determination to withdraw, the earliest possible date for Washington to walk out is November 4, 2020 – one day after the next US federal election.”

So, was the President’s declaration to withdraw from the Paris accord nothing more than an attempt to cater to his base?

Trump Nominates Christopher A. Wray as Next FBI Director

The Huffington Post wrote on June 7:

“President Donald Trump will nominate Christopher A. Wray to be the next director of the FBI, he announced on Wednesday. Wray served as assistant attorney general under President George W. Bush from 2003 to 2005. The Yale Law School graduate now works as an attorney in private practice. Wray represented New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) in the wake of the ‘Bridgegate’ scandal…

“Trump’s critics on both sides of the aisle… praised the president’s decision to tap Wray…

“Wray co-signed a letter of support for then-deputy attorney general nominee Sally Yates. Trump fired Yates after she refused to defend his Muslim immigration ban. Yates has also said she raised concerns that then-national security adviser Michael Flynn was ‘compromised’ by the Russians, but that the White House ignored her warnings…

“Wray was reportedly among the Justice Department officials who threatened to resign after Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card, then working at the White House, tried to force a bedridden Attorney General John Ashcroft to sign off on a warrantless domestic surveillance effort in 2004. [Former FBI Director James] Comey was serving as acting attorney general at the time, and refused to sign off on the program over concerns about its legality. Comey’s story of his confrontation with the White House officials at Ashcroft’s hospital bedside was some of the most compelling congressional testimony in modern history. Or it was, at least ― that could change when Comey testifies this week…”

Mr. Wray’s’ profile makes at least very interesting reading. If Mr. Wray is confirmed by the Senate, will a new battle ensue between President Trump and FBI director Christopher Wray?

Former FBI Director James Comey Testifies before Senate Intelligence Committee

Deutsche Welle reported on June 8:

“‘It’s my judgment that I was fired because of the Russia investigation,’ Comey told the lawmakers at the open section of the hearing. ‘I was fired in some way to change, or the endeavor was to change, the way the Russia investigation was being conducted,’ he added. [Comey said that Trump admitted that much, and that he takes the words of the President at their face value.] Comey also said that there was ‘no doubt’ in his mind that the Russian government tried to influence the 2016 election in the US through hacking, but added that he did not believe any of the votes were altered…

“Comey said that he decided to take notes after meeting Trump for the first time due to several factors, one of them being that he was ‘honestly concerned that [Trump] might lie about the nature of our meeting.’ Acknowledging reports of their interviews being recorded, Comey commented… ‘I hope there are tapes.’… Comey said it was ‘very disturbing’ to hear Trump tell him ‘I hope you can let this go’ on the probe into Flynn. ‘I took it as a direction […] This is what he wants me to do,’ he told the lawmakers…

“Comey also said that he purposefully leaked his notes on Trump [through a law professor to the New York Times] hoping that the media coverage would prompt the authorities to name a special prosecutor. US lawmaker subsequently appointed another ex-FBI head, Robert Mueller, as a special counsel to look into the alleged ties with Russia…

“He also commented on the one-on-one dinner in January this year, when Trump allegedly asked him if he was interested in staying on as head of the FBI for the full term. Comey said ‘common sense’ told him that Trump was looking to get something in exchange for him keeping his FBI job…

“Commenting on his firing, the ex-FBI head… accused the administration of trying to defame him by saying that the FBI was in ‘disarray’ and that Comey lost the trust of his top officials. ‘Those were lies, plain and simple,’ he told the Committee… Comey also openly disputed Trump’s account of their meetings, including the White House dinner. Previously, Trump had told the US media that Comey wanted to have dinner with him. The reason, according to Trump, was that Comey wanted to stay on as FBI chief. He said the statement was ‘untrue,’ adding that he never initiated the dinner where Trump allegedly asked him for his loyalty…

“However, Comey refused to say whether he believed that Trump engaged into obstruction of justice, saying it was ‘Bob Mueller’s job to sort that out’…”

James Comey also confirmed that President Trump himself was not under investigation while Comey was at the helm of the FBI, and testified that Trump did not ask him to end the Russia investigation. At the same time, he testified that Trump asked him to “lift the cloud” of investigation by declaring publicly the president was not the target of the FBI probe. Comey refused to do so, as he feared that he might have to publicly “clarify” the record in the future, if Trump would become part of a criminal investigation.

James Comey came across as a very sincere and honest witness. His credibility even increased when he admitted that he was not Captain Courageous and did not stand up to Donald Trump as he should or could have done on several occasions. He related the incident when Mr. Trump asked everybody to leave the room, including the Vice President, the Attorney General and others, to talk to Comey alone. At that moment, Comey said he became very disturbed and resolved to pay very close attention to every word Trump would be saying. On that occasion, Trump told him he “hoped” that Comey could end the investigation against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Comey’s credibility was further enhanced because of his critical comments about Democrats when they were in charge. Comey stated that when he was investigating Democrats, he was pressured by Democrats to shape his investigation.

The Washington Post wrote: “It suggests that no side was immune to meddling in the FBI’s independent investigations. Comey testified that when he was investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails during the 2016 presidential campaign, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch (a President Barack Obama appointee) ‘directed me not to call it an investigation but instead to call it a matter.’ That, plus Lynch’s private tarmac meeting with former president Bill Clinton ahead of the FBI’s impending decision on whether Clinton may have criminally mishandled classified information, raised Comey’s ethics radar and persuaded him to announce the FBI’s findings ahead of schedule.”

One of the most awkward and embarrassing moments during the Committee’s hearing came when Senator John McCain questioned Comey, misspeaking himself several times by referring to Trump as Comey, and trying to draw a non-existing parallel between the investigation against Hillary Clinton and the Russian investigation. Although Comey tried to patiently explain to McCain the obvious difference between the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of her emails and the Russian investigation, McCain kept insisting that Comey had used a double standard. The New York Post commented: “Viewers went wild on Twitter, with some speculating about the 80-year-old’s health.”

After the hearing, President Trump’s private lawyer stumbled through a prepared statement, denying that Trump had ever asked or suggested to Comey to stop any investigation against Flynn and that he never demanded a loyalty declaration from Comey, and he was threatening him with legal action because of leaking “privileged communication” to the press. Subsequently, legal scholars explained that Comey’s memos do not constitute privileged communication (no executive privilege had ever been asserted), and in any event, due to Trump’s public declarations regarding his meetings with Comey and the reasons for his termination, any existing privilege would have been waived.

The Russian investigation will continue for months, if not years, and it must be said that Comey’s testimony was damaging to the President. His statement that Comey’s testimony vindicated him must be described as wishful thinking. Even before Comey’s testimony, Trump’s approval rate in the USA has sunk to an all-time low.

Battle Over Fishing Rights in UK Waters

Express wrote on June 2

“British fishermen have campaigned for the UK’s Brexit negotiators to return Britain’s territorial waters to them and block European firms from operating there… As Britain leaves the EU, it will likely also leave the political project’s Common Fisheries Policy, which allows member states’ fisherman to operate and compete fairly across the shared waters.

“Lorient’s fishermen [in France]  will be watching the Brexit talks closely, which kick off 11 days after Britain’s June 8 General Election, hoping Brussels can manage to negotiate them access to British waters… Mr Macron said: ‘… the interests of fishermen will be taken into account in a serious way as an industry that is among the most essential economic activities to our country, which we must defend.’…

“Ukip’s fisheries spokesman Mike Hookem issued a hands-off warning to the French, insisting bullies in Brussels cannot force the UK to give up its fishing rights. He said: ‘… unless Theresa May barters away our fishing grounds, we have the right under the UN’s UNCLOSE legislation to establish a 200-mile exclusive economic zone and stop EU boats fishing in our waters…  the French realise the value of fishing and that is why they are so keen to protect their right to fish British waters…'”

Leo Varadkar Next Prime Minister of Ireland

The Guardian wrote on June 2:

“Leo Varadkar’s victory in the Fine Gael leadership contest on Friday, which took place after outgoing PM Enda Kenny announced his resignation last month, marks another significant step forward for equality in the country, after 2015’s gay marriage referendum. As well as becoming Ireland’s first gay prime minister, Varadkar, 38, will also become the country’s youngest leader, and the first from an ethnic minority background. His position will be confirmed later this month when parliament resumes after a break…

“Although Varadkar’s centre-right politics are clearly conservative, he portrays the image of a new, progressive Ireland, symbolised best in May 2015 when the Republic voted overwhelmingly in favour of gay marriage

“LGBT groups in Ireland welcomed the domestic focus on Varadkar’s ideology. ‘I think it’s really significant that both his party and the media in Ireland focused on his policies, rather than him simply being a gay man who wants to lead the country,’ said Brian Finnegan, the editor of Gay Community News in Dublin. ‘It is a sign of how much Ireland has changed and moved on that no one really cares if he is gay here. Irish politicians were among the last sectors of our society to come out of the closet but now at least we’ve got one gay man and a lesbian, Catherine Zappone, both in the cabinet. That would have been unthinkable perhaps even 10 years ago.’

“Varadkar, a doctor educated at Trinity College Dublin, entered Irish politics in 2004… In 2014, he became Ireland’s minister for health and, after Fine Gael suffered losses in last year’s general election, he entered a minority coalition as minister for social protection. In the 2015 interview with RTE radio when he came out [declaring to be gay], Vradkar said: ‘It is part of my character, I suppose.'”

To be the first openly gay prime minister in a totally Catholic country is an interesting phenomenon.

Trump Heavily Criticized for His Tweets on London Terror Attacks

CNN wrote on June 4:

“US President Donald Trump appeared to misconstrue a statement while launching an attack on Twitter of London Mayor Sadiq Khan in the wake of the terror attacks which killed at least seven people. Trump, writing on Twitter Sunday, said: ‘At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!”‘ But when Khan said in a statement that there was no cause for alarm, he was referring specifically to a visible increase in police activity on the streets of London in the wake of the attack. ‘Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed,’ he said…

“Trump’s tweets have been heavily criticized by a number of British politicians, who are currently preparing for the country’s general election which is scheduled to take place on Thursday. Conservative politician Penny Mordaunt tweeted the transcript of Khan’s interview and said: ‘I’m standing with resilient London and him.’ Labour politician David Lammy said Trump’s tweet was ‘cheap, nasty and unbecoming of a national leader.’… Trump was also fiercely criticized by Brendon Cox, the husband of former British lawmaker Jo Cox, who was murdered by a right-wing fanatic in November 2016. ‘You represent the worst of your country...’ Cox wrote on Twitter…

“Trump’s tweets came the day after he touted his so-called travel ban in the wake of the London terror attacks, while also pledging assistance to Britain. Without referring explicitly to London, Trump wrote on his personal account: ‘We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!’ Eight minutes later, he tweeted, ‘Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the U. K., we will be there – WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!’

“Cecillia Wang, the deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, quickly accused Trump of exploiting the situation…

“Trump’s travel ban — which, among other things, would temporarily block entry into the US from six Muslim-majority countries — has been blocked by a number of federal court decisions. On Thursday, the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to allow the ban to go into…effect while the court considers its legality.”

The Telegraph wrote on June 4: “Donald Trump’s ugly tweets on London are a step too far – even for him.”

The Week wrote on June 6: “Trump had also spent Monday morning tweeting aggressively about his travel ban, prompting The Wall Street Journal editorial board to write Tuesday that ‘some people with a propensity for self-destructive behavior can’t seem to help themselves, President Trump apparently among them.’”

And the Fights Go On…

AFP wrote on June 5:

“President Donald Trump seized on the London terror attack to demand the US ban on travelers from some Muslim countries be reinstated Monday, sparking a diplomatic row with Britain and jeopardizing his legal defense of the measure in the process. In the wake of Saturday’s deadly attack, Trump renewed calls for a travel crackdown, while attacking London’s Muslim mayor, the media, Democrats, judges and opponents who accuse him of playing the politics of fear…

“The ‘special relationship’ with Britain became the latest casualty of that hardline stance Monday. With the seven victims of Saturday’s attack not yet buried, Trump repeatedly criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan, whom he accused of playing down the terror threat… British officials — many of whom call London home — were incandescent with rage.

“Prime Minister Theresa May, who is under growing pressure to denounce Trump ahead of Thursday’s election, came to Khan’s defense… May had already faced pressure to criticize Trump or even withdraw his invitation for a state visit after he pulled out of a global climate deal and edged away from collective security arrangements under NATO…

“In the United States, many veteran diplomats and officials decried Trump’s remarks… The White House later tried to play down Trump’s tweets.

“Trump also found himself in hot water over his tough-talking tweets defending his ban on travelers from several Muslim countries, which is currently stalled in the federal courts. The White House has struggled to prevent the measures from being permanently struck down, insisting it is not a ‘ban’ and does not target Muslims — which would almost certainly be unconstitutional.

“Trump did not mince words. ‘People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!’ he tweeted. ‘In any event we are EXTREME VETTING people coming into the US in order to help keep our country safe. The courts are slow and political!’ he said, attacking the judiciary in a way that is rare in American politics.

“The husband of senior Trump aide Kellyanne Conway was among those who warned those remarks may pose legal problems for the administration at the Supreme Court. ‘These tweets… certainly won’t help’ get five votes on the Supreme Court.

“In a rare move on Friday, the Supreme Court expedited consideration of the case, ordering the American Civil Liberties Union — which represents the plaintiffs — to respond by June 12 to the Trump administration’s petition for court consideration. Once it receives the response, the high court could quickly rule on whether to take up the case.

“Trump called Monday for a ‘much tougher version’ of his travel ban and an ‘expedited’ hearing for the measure before the Supreme Court. Trump issued his initial travel ban by executive order in January, but that measure — which banned entry to nationals from seven countries for 90 days and suspended the nation’s refugee program for 120 days — was quickly halted by the courts. He then issued a second version, but that too was put on ice.”

President Trump might shoot himself in the foot with his tweets, ignoring the advice of counsel admonishing him NOT to continue tweeting his opinions which will undoubtedly be used against him in court.

Incredible! TSA May Ban Laptops from Cabins on DOMESTIC Flights

Baltimore.cbslocal wrote on June 7:

“[Perceived threats] prompted a ban on laptop and computer pads from airplane cabins flying from seven African and Middle Eastern countries this past spring. It could spread to domestic flights. ‘The Department of Homeland Security is currently considering the possible expansion of that laptop ban,’ says Lisa Farbstein, a TSA spokesperson. ‘No decision has been made.’’

Will this illogical craziness never stop?

US Senate Much Tougher than Trump on Jerusalem?

The Times of Israel wrote ion June 6:

“The US Senate unanimously passed a resolution on Monday that commemorates the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. Co-sponsored by 17 senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D), the text calls on the legislative body to recognize the half a century landmark since Israel captured the eastern part of the city during the 1967 Six Day War. ‘Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected,’ the resolution states, adding that ‘there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Jerusalem for 3 millennia.’

“It also says that ‘Jerusalem is a holy city and the home for people of the Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths”’ and advocates a two-state outcome based on direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians…

“Senators advanced this measure just after US President Donald Trump formally deferred — at least for now — his campaign pledge to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognize the city as Israel’s capital… The Senate Resolution ‘reaffirms the Jerusalem Embassy Act’ — the law mandating the move — and ‘calls upon the President and all United States officials to abide by its provisions.’…

Schumer, the Democratic Senate leader and one of the most prominent Jewish members of Congress, released a statement introducing the measure that implored the US to recognize Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s capital…  Such language also runs in stark contrast to a UNESCO resolution last month — titled ‘Occupied Palestine’ — that suggested Israel has no sovereign claim to Jerusalem.”

One has to ask the following questions; Why didn’t Mr. Schumer and his Democratic colleagues stand up to President Obama when he signed the waiver 16 times, preventing the US embassy from moving to Jerusalem? And how can a two-state outcome be achieved with Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the Jewish state when the Palestinians demand eastern Jerusalem to become the capital of their state? Sadly, the resolution seems to be nothing else than an anti-Trump balloon of hot air.

Arab Nations Isolate Qatar… Did the USA Create a Frankenstein Monster?

The New York Times wrote on June 5:

“On Monday… [Qatar’s] powerful neighbor Saudi Arabia, Egypt and at least three other Arab nations severed all ties with the country, escalating their accusations that the Qatari monarchy supported Sunni Islamist terrorism and Iranian designs on the region.

“Those Arab nations… surprised many by cutting off land, air and sea travel to and from Qatar. All but Egypt, which has 250,000 people working there, ordered their citizens to leave Qatar.

“The move created an immediate crisis for Qatar, whose only land border is with Saudi Arabia and which imports about 40 percent of its food from the Saudis. Residents said that people were stocking up on food and cash…

“Some analysts saw the sudden escalation as a sign that Saudi Arabia and its allies had been emboldened by the recent visit from President Trump, in which he publicly embraced the Saudis as a leading partner in fighting terrorism and countering Iran’s influence… But it could also end up hurting American efforts to build broader coalitions in the region, and weaken an ally that has provided a vital base for the American military in its campaign against the Islamic State.

“How, for example, could the American-led air campaign include warplanes from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates if those governments will no longer allow their military representatives to be based at, or even to visit, a major United States command center [in Qatar]? Beyond the military difficulties, several multinational corporations have operations in the feuding nationsQatar is hosting the 2022 World Cup, for instance, and is building facilities for the tournament that are part of an ambitious construction boom, including creating branches of major international museums and universities. About 80 percent of Qatar’s residents are foreign workers, including white-collar professionals and construction and service workers…”

Deutsche Welle added on June 5:

“The decisions plunged Qatar into chaos and ignited the biggest diplomatic crisis in the Gulf since the 1991 war against Iraq… Qatar… responded to the Arab states’ decision, suspending all flights to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain until further notice…”

Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world. At this point, Jordan and Kuwait did not join in the boycott. Qatar has tried to please both sides, thereby antagonizing everybody. While it has good relations with Iran and brokered deal with it, it hosts the largest American air base in the region and is helping to fight the Iranian-linked Houthi rebels in Yemen and supports insurgents fighting Assad of Syria. It is felt by observers that President Trump has given the Saudis carte-blanche authority to do what they want with Qatar.

Trump Takes Credit for Saudi Move Against Qatar–Sowing Confusion Again

The New York Times wrote on June 6:

“President Trump thrust himself into a bitter Persian Gulf dispute on Tuesday, taking credit for Saudi Arabia’s move to isolate its smaller neighbor, Qatar, and rattling his national security staff by upending a critical American strategic relationship. In a series of tweets, Mr. Trump said his call for an end to the financing of radical groups had prompted Saudi Arabia and four other countries to act this week against Qatar, a tiny, energy-rich emirate that is arguably America’s most important military outpost in the Middle East.

“… Qatar has long been accused of funneling money to the Muslim Brotherhood — which has officially forsworn violence but is still accused of terrorism by some countries — as well as to radical groups in Syria, Libya and other Arab nations. But it is also home to two major American command posts, including a $60 million center from which the United States and its allies conduct their air war on Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

“Those contradictory roles may explain the mixed signals the administration sent after Saudi Arabia’s unexpected move. Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis initially tried on Monday to smooth over the rift, with Mr. Tillerson offering to play peacemaker and Mr. Mattis insisting it would have no effect on the campaign against the Islamic State. Less than 12 hours later, however, Mr. Trump discarded that approach by putting his thumb on the scale firmly in Saudi Arabia’s favor. His tweets… sowed confusion about America’s strategy and its intentions toward a key military partner…

“Mr. Spicer denied that the president was taking sides… Qatar’s ambassador… expressed surprise at Mr. Trump’s tweets… Pentagon officials said they, too, were taken aback by Mr. Trump’s tweets, particularly given the American military’s deep ties to Qatar… Mr. Trump’s tweets also appeared to contradict the American ambassador to Qatar, Dana Shell Smith, who this week retweeted a post of hers saying Qatar had made ‘real progress’ in curbing financial support for terrorists…”

Why President Trump would take credit for the Gulf states’ rift with Qatar is beyond anyone’s guess, given the fact that this poses an extremely unpleasant situation for the USA and its military base stationed there. Surely, Mr. Trump must realize this.

Germany Warns of Middle East Powder Keg

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 7:

“Germany’s foreign minister warned against deepening conflict in the Middle East… Sigmar Gabriel said ‘a deep dispute between neighbors is the last thing that is needed’ in a region already beset by crises and the threat of greater military conflict.

“Gabriel earlier told the ‘Handelsblatt’ newspaper he was concerned about escalating tensions and the US’ strategy of ‘pure confrontation’ with Iran, including arms sales to Saudi Arabia… ‘Such a Trumpification of relations with one another is particularly dangerous in a region that is already rife with crises,’ he said, in apparent reference to US President Donald Trump’s divisive and confusing statements… ‘The Middle East is a political and military powder keg.’…

“German Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin Schäfer said in a separate news conference on Wednesday that Trump’s stance differed from Berlin, while what he was hearing from the State Department was closer to the German line.”

UAE Threatens 15-Year Jail Term for Anyone Showing Sympathy Toward Qatar

Haaretz wrote on June 7:

“The United Arab Emirates has banned people from publishing expressions of sympathy toward Qatar and will punish offenders with a jail term of up to 15 years, the UAE-based newspaper Gulf News and pan-Arab channel Al-Arabiya reported on Wednesday.

“‘Strict and firm action will be taken against anyone who shows sympathy or any form of bias towards Qatar, or against anyone who objects to the position of the United Arab Emirates, whether it be through the means of social media, or any type of written, visual or verbal form,’ Gulf News quoted UAE Attorney-General Hamad Saif al-Shamsi as saying. On top of a possible jail term, offenders would also be hit with a fine of at least 500,000 dirhams, the newspaper said, citing a statement to Arabic-language media.”

Is this the UAE’s version of true democracy and freedom of speech and expression?

Terror Attacks in Iran

Reuters wrote on June 7:

“Suicide bombers and gunmen attacked Iran’s parliament and the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran on Wednesday morning, killing at least 12 people in a twin assault at the heart of the Islamic Republic… Islamic State claimed responsibility…

The rare attacks were the first claimed by the hardline Sunni Muslim militant group inside in the tightly controlled Shi’ite Muslim country. Islamic State has regularly threatened Iran, one of the powers leading the fight against the militants’ forces in neighboring Iraq and, beyond that, Syria…

“Islamic State has lambasted ‘heretic’ Shi’ite Iran for helping the Syrian and Iraqi governments battle Islamic State, which considers Shi’ites to be infidels…”

According to The Week, dated June 7, Iran accused Saudi Arabia of orchestrating the devastating twin attacks in Tehran.

Lebanon and Jordan Are Becoming Ridiculous

The Times of Israel wrote on June 6:

Jordan is considering banning the film ‘Wonder Woman’ because star Gal Gadot served in the Israel Defense Forces. Jordan’s Communications Commission is currently reviewing the film to determine whether it meets the country’s standards and laws, the Israeli news website Ynet reported.

“The review comes in the wake of Lebanon’s decision to ban the film as part of its total boycott of all things Israeli. Lebanon is officially at war with Israel and bans Israeli products. ‘We remind the Jordanians of their obligation to boycott the film, and we refuse to be partners to the crimes of the Zionists and to increase their profits from this film. The Arab audience will not be involved in projects that represent Zionism and the Israeli army,’ said a statement from one of the Jordanian campaigns against normalization with Israel, according to Ynet.

“Israel and Jordan signed a peace agreement in 1994. Gadot, 32, does not shy away from touting her Israeli heritage… The film, which opened in the United States on Friday, took in an estimated $103.1 million over the weekend and $223 million worldwide.”

How can we ever expect a peace agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbors with these kinds of hostile and rather childish attitudes?

Germany Planning of Moving Troops to Jordan

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 6:

“In light of Turkey’s decision to block a lawmakers’ visit, [Vice-Chancellor] Sigmar Gabriel said that Germany would soon start the process of finding another location for its troops… Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said the troops… would be moved to a base in Jordan. ‘It is unacceptable that our deputies cannot visit the troops,’ she said. ‘We are ready for a transfer,’ she said, adding that a ‘comparable alternative’ had been identified at the Azraq air base in Jordan and that King Abdullah supported the move…

On Wednesday, Germany’s cabinet recommended pulling troops from Turkey. Stationing them in Jordan would be an interesting move, given the fact that Jordan (biblical Ammon and Moab) will be spared from attacks by the future king of the North (Daniel 11:41). Also, Jordan is much closer to Jerusalem than Turkey. The airline distance from Jordan to Jerusalem is a little bit over 150 kilometers, while the airline distance from Turkey to Jerusalem is over 1,000 kilometers.

Why the German Chancellor Could Slip Up in Election 

Express wrote on June 1:

“Angela Merkel (CDU) could be in for a fight with Martin Schulz to win the next election [in September] despite the German Chancellor leading in the polls…

“Ms Merkel is up against Martin Schulz’s German Social Democratic Party (SPD)… And she is on course to defeat her rival according to a recent poll for German broadcaster ARD… The poll found that 49 per cent of respondents would vote for the current Chancellor… But while the CDU/CSU is out in front, nothing is safe in the 2017 race, according to one German publication.

“Online Focus warns that the 2005 ‘Bundestag’ elections show Ms Merkel cannot take the polls for granted. During the 2005 election, the Chancellor was out in front – but the situation quickly changed. The publication said: ‘The election campaign of 2005 offers many parallels to that of 2017… On the evening of the election, however, came the surprise: the SPD almost won. Gerhard Schroeder’s SPD was only one percentage point behind the Union…’

“Mr Schulz, 61, former European Parliament President was promoted to the SPD’s party’s leadership in March, and this has given the party a huge boost. Ms Merkel has a habit of clinging to power by adopting the policies of her opponents if she sees that they are popular. Mr Schulz, for example, has taken a hard line approach to Britain’s Brexit – and wants to help Brussels negotiate the rights of EU citizens over British ones… It’s yet to be seen whether Ms Merkel will begin to take a tougher approach on Brexit by adopting Mr Schulz’s policy in a bid to win over voters…

“Online Focus suggests that the race is still wide open and anyone can win. It added: ‘Forsa’s CEO, Manfred Güllner thinks… shifts are possible… if something unforeseen happens or the electoral participation continues to rise.’”

Bild added on June 3:

“The SPD is climbing… Candidate Martin Schulz (61) gained two points, reaching 27 percent. Previously, the SPD had lost 8 points in two months. The advantage of the CDU/CSU ist still very drastic, reaching 38 percent.“

One will have to wait and see what God has in mind.

“Pope at General Audience: Our Father in Heaven Needs Us”

Zenit wrote on June 7:

“Whether or not we ever feel that we can be without God, Pope Francis has reminded, that God cannot, however, be without us… this is a great mystery!’… Because we are God’s adoptive sons and daughters in the Holy Spirit, the Jesuit Pontiff reminded, ‘we share in the intimate relationship between Jesus and the Father…'”

Many years ago, this very question was raised and analyzed in the Church of God, as some felt the same way as the Pope… that God needs us. However, it was clearly emphasized that God does NOT need us. It is true that God WANTS us to be in His Family, but when we fail, He could even raise up children from stones (Matthew 3:9). The idea that God needs us and CANNOT BE without us gives us an unhealthy feeling of self-importance which can be very dangerous to our spiritual survival. Also, true Christians are not God’s “adoptive” children, but Spirit-begotten TRUE children of God, having received God’s very nature through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit. God is not just adopting children; He is reproducing Himself through His children, like physical parents reproduce themselves through their children. That is why our intimate relationship with the Father and our elder brother, Jesus Christ, is so much more meaningful.

“Botched Vaccine Campaign Kills 15 Children in South Sudan”

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 2:

“Children in rural South Sudan died as a result of a bungled vaccination campaign to combat measles… An investigation into the deaths… found that the children died as a result of ‘the administration of a contaminated vaccine.’

“Around 300 children up to 5-years-old were treated during the four-day campaign which saw the local team using a single reconstitution syringe to mix multiple vaccine vials. The UNICEF-supplied vaccines were also kept in a building with inadequate refrigeration.

“Another 32 children suffered from fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, but were able to recover from their symptoms…

“The risk of measles remains high in South Sudan due to an ongoing military conflict that has killed tens of thousands and seen almost 2 million people flee the country. According to the UN, the country has suffered from measles outbreaks caused by a backlog of unvaccinated children.”

Some doubt that the account is accurate and feel that the cause for the tragic death of the children lies in the vaccines themselves, and not in any contamination or wrong administration.

Addiction to Legal Drugs

Express wrote on June 7:

“People seeking help for over the counter and prescribed drugs is on the rise. More worrying still, over the counter drug addiction will soon be more prevalent than for heroin… These [prescribed drugs] include codeine, and Benzodiazepines (also known as Benzo’s)…

“Eytan Alexander, founder of UKAT, said: ‘People believe that if they’re prescribed a drug or if they can buy it in their local corner shop, then they’re not an addict… [People] remain completely unaware that they have an addiction problem to Codeine or Benzo drugs, because they get them from their doctor, making it completely legal… most addicts are forced into continuing to take Codeine or Diazepam, for example, simply to cope with the horrific side effects of going cold turkey… It’s currently a hugely vicious cycle…  When in treatment it can take twice as long for a person with an addiction to pharmaceutical drugs to come “clean” compared to with heroin addiction.’”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 786

Safety; The Thessalonian Struggle

On June 10, 2017, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Safety,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Thessalonian Struggle.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Terrorism in this Evil World

by Norbert Link

We are living in a terrible world and in very perilous times (2 Timothy 3:11). The Bible warns us that we would hear of wars and rumors of wars; of mindless, senseless violence; and of terrorism and terror attacks. Isaiah 28:19 tells us that it “will be a terror just to understand the report,” and Psalm 31:13 says that “fear is on every side.” Demonically inspired, if not possessed, religious and political fanatics are on a rampage to exterminate everyone not in agreement with their radical philosophies and belief system, and in recent weeks and months, mass murders have occurred in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Egypt, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA.

Sadly, we can expect that those insane abominations, sometimes even wrongly referred to as “suicide missions,” will continue with increasing strength, and there does not seem much anyone can do to prevent these deranged cowardly killers from engaging in their evil and godless conduct. As long as radical fanatics are willing to murder others and die themselves for their Satanic cause, cruel actions will be the result.

We need to understand that it is Satan, the god and ruler of this world, who brings about calamity and destruction, and he will use whomever he can to “assist” him in his plan of eradicating mankind. Christ tells us that if He was not to intervene to stop Satan and man’s self-destructive desires, every living being on earth would die. This entire planet would again become void and empty.

Thanks to God, this will not happen. Mankind will survive, and Satan will be banned. His rule over mankind will end. Radical fanatics will no longer be allowed to pursue their murderous endeavors. Isaiah 29:24 tells us that those who “erred in spirit [thinking that their evil deeds were somehow pleasing to the true God] will come to understanding.”  This can refer to those who did not die during their terror attacks and who will survive the last days and live on into the Millennium, or those who died and will be brought back to life in the “Second Resurrection.” It is hoped that many, if not most of them, will comprehend and deeply abhor themselves for what they believed and did. But let us also not forget that God is a God of justice, and those radical fanatics who have become guilty of brutally and mercilessly murdering innocent people will have to give account for their evil deeds and receive their due punishment.

Man’s only hope for peace and safety is Christ’s return and the establishment of God’s Kingdom here on earth.  In this evil age, no human attempt to eradicate terrorism will succeed, and no human device will lead to lasting peace, as no human attempt ever did. God’s people are to look to God for their protection. They know that God is here to help them and to live securely, even in the face of terror attacks and utmost destruction. Note Psalm 91:5-7, 10-11, 15:

“You shall not be afraid of the terror by night… Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not come near you… no evil shall befall you… For He shall give His angels charge over you… I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him…”

We are of course admonished not to act foolishly and carelessly by getting ourselves into dangerous situations or surroundings. Proverbs 22:3 says: “A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, But the simple pass on and are punished.” We most certainly are admonished to walk “circumspectly, not as fools but as wise… because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16).

But if we do our part and rely on God in the right way, we understand that if we live or die, we are Christ’s (Romans 14:8). And if, for whatever reason, God should allow some of His children to die in such terrible situations, they will “enter into peace” and “rest in their beds,” being “taken away from [even more] evil to come” (Isaiah 57:2, 1). We know that they will be resurrected by God in the next second of their consciousness, when Christ returns, to inherit eternal life and to be in God’s Kingdom and His very Family. Being convinced of this, we really should fear no evil (Psalm 23:4; 118:6).

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We begin with reports on the deteriorating economic relationship between the USA and Europe; speak on Europe’s efforts to gain other trading partners and build up its military defense, including the creation of a new defense fund (at least partially in response to President Trump’s correct criticism); France’s attempts to deal with another terror attack; and the increasingly isolated role of the USA; and we address powerful and influential reactions within the USA to President Trump’s announcement to leave the Paris accord. We also report on President Trump’s nomination of Christopher A. Wray as the next FBI director, and former FBI director James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Focusing on the UK, we speak on an upcoming battle between Britain and France over important fishing rights and on Ireland’s new gay Prime Minister. We also address the strained and troubled relationship between the USA and the UK over President Trump’s tweets pertaining to the terrorist attacks in London; and we report on his tweets regarding his original and revised travel bans, angering and frustrating even his GOP supporters. We also address further plans by the TSA pertaining to laptops, and we speak on an unanimous resolution by the Senate which seems to be much tougher than President Trump’s stance on Jerusalem, but upon further scrutiny, seems to contain all kinds of inconsistent and contradictory positions, while placing Democrats in a really bad light.

We report on a surprising move of Arab nations under Saudi Arabian leadership against Qatar which hosts America’s largest airbase in the region; report on contradictory messages from President Trump and the State Department pertaining to Qatar and Germany’s subsequent warning; speak on terror attacks in Iran; some rather ridiculous positions by Lebanon and Jordan; and German plans to move their troops from Turkey to Jordan. At the same time, questions are raised whether Angela Merkel’s victory in September’s elections is really assured.

We conclude with a controversial statement by Pope Francis; the tragic death of many children in southern Sudan due to vaccinations against measles; and the danger of becoming addicted to prescribed legal drugs.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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“Trump’s Tangle with Europe Leads the Continent to Find Partners Elsewhere”

The Washington Post wrote in June 2:

“A day after President Trump pulled out of a key climate agreement… an international realignment was already taking shape on Friday, as European and Chinese officials signed a raft of agreements to bind themselves tightly together.

“The pullout left the United States a global outlier and, many European leaders and experts said, a severely diminished force in the world… ‘Anti-Americanism will bloom,’ said Tomas Valasek, a former Slovak ambassador to NATO who is now the head of the Carnegie Europe think tank. ‘It will be much harder to politically explain to the European publics that we would cooperate with the U.S. president, because Donald Trump has made himself so unpopular now.’…

“In other arenas, such as defense, Europeans… are scrambling to achieve self-sufficiency now that they doubt the validity of U.S. guarantees… ‘We have just witnessed President Trump putting an end to European-American relations,’ said François Heisbourg, a French defense expert who advised Macron during his campaign.”

EU-US Trade Agreement Put on Ice

The Guardian wrote on June 5:

“The prospect of a revived EU-US trade deal is in ‘deep freeze’, according to Brussels sources… [Neither] Donald Trump nor European officials raised the possible resumption of talks during the US president’s visit to Brussels last month, EU sources said. Documents relating to the transatlantic trade and investment partnership, known as TTIP, had now been locked in a filing cabinet and the code to open it had been lost, one diplomat joked…

“Talks over TTIP stalled last year amid opposition from within the EU, including sceptical comments from France’s then trade minister and the German vice-chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel… a meeting between Trump, the European commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European council president, Donald Tusk, two weeks ago offered the EU scant evidence of any such willingness, according to EU sources…  the completion of an EU-Japan trade deal was nevertheless imminent, and would provide significant economic gains.”

Another piece of evidence showing how the economic relationship between the US and Europe is deteriorating, while Europe is looking elsewhere for trading partners.

Trump Has a Point—Europe Lagging Behind in Defense Spending

The Wall Street Journal wrote on June 3:

“U.S. President Donald Trump last month irked European leaders when he berated them at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s new headquarters for insufficient defense spending and what he called unpaid military bills. Current and former European officials were quick to point out that NATO members don’t owe dues to the U.S., but they acknowledged Mr. Trump wasn’t wrong: Europe lacks the capabilities to defend itself…

“U.S. military spending far exceeds Europe’s, and American conventional forces are generally better trained and equipped than their European counterparts. The U.S. defense budget, $680 billion by NATO calculations, dwarfs the alliance’s European members, which spend a total of $242 billion…

“German officials acknowledge their force has become hollow and vow to rebuild it—a decision they stress was made before Mr. Trump’s election. Chancellor Angela Merkel pushed through parliament a military budget increase of 8% for this year, to €37 billion ($42 billion). According to the German government, that represents 1.2% of the country’s gross domestic product. Ms. Merkel says she is committed to NATO’s 2% goal…

“At last month’s NATO summit where Mr. Trump lambasted Europeans, several leaders said they would publicly advocate higher military spending for the sake of their own national security, not American demands. But they also privately told Mr. Trump they agreed with him, according to diplomats…”

President Trump’s criticism of Europe’s willingness to spend more on their own defense will have the result that indeed more efforts will be made to build up a powerful European army… but this is not good news for the USA. Many, especially in the USA, seem to be unable to realize that Europe can and will become a mighty military bloc which will turn out to be hostile toward the USA. In addition, to show Europe’s tremendous economic role, the EUObserver wrote on June 2 that “The Luxembourg-based European Investment Bank… is owned by EU member states and has discretely grown into the largest multilateral borrower and lender in the world, with capital of €275 billion.”

Europe’s New Defense Fund

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 7:

“The European Commission on Wednesday launched a new defense fund aimed at helping EU member states to jointly develop and acquire better military capabilities. The EU will provide 500 million euros ($560 million) in 2019 and 2020 for defense development and acquisition. That figure is expected to double to 1 billion euros by 2020. An additional 90 million euros will be made available for research in 2018 and 2019. By next year, the European Commission said it will propose increasing research funding to 500 million euros per year to make the EU ‘one of the biggest defense research investors in Europe.‘…

“European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Wednesday that the EU defense fund marks a new chapter in defense cooperation within the bloc. ‘For too long we have relied too much on the military power of others,’ he said. ‘We must now seize the moment to take charge of our own security…’

Up to 100 billion euros is lost each year by EU member states due to duplication, according to Brussels. EU analysis has shown that the bloc has 37 types of armored personnel carriers and 12 types of tanker aircraft, much higher than the nine and four, respectively, maintained by the United States.

“With the rise of terrorist attacks claimed by the self-styled ‘Islamic State’ militant group on European soil and Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, European nations have sought to tackle growing security concerns. Trump’s failure to reaffirm Article 5 of the NATO treaty, which reinforces collective defense, has effectively provided an additional momentum to the European Commission’s bold plans for greater defense cooperation across the bloc. ‘We are committed to strengthening security and defense work, enhancing our strategic role, our ability to act as a security provider worldwide and our capacity to act autonomously when and where necessary,’ Mogherini said.”

On June 7, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung quoted the EU Commission as saying that “Europe can become a ‘military power.'”

The Bible prophesies that Europe WILL become a mighty military power.

Terrorist Attack in France

Reuters reported on June 7:

“France created a new counter-terrorism task force on Wednesday, bringing together all the intelligence services, to coordinate the response to attacks, a day after an Algerian student assaulted police officers outside Notre Dame cathedral… The performance of France’s intelligence services has come under close scrutiny since the November 2015 attacks on Paris, when militant gunmen and suicide bombers struck entertainment venues across the capital, killing 130 people. In total, more than 230 people have been killed in a wave of attacks in France either claimed by or inspired by Islamic State over the past two-and-a-half years.

“In Tuesday’s attack, a 40-year-old Algerian student armed with a hammer and kitchen knives shouted ‘this is for Syria’ as he struck at and wounded a policeman, before being shot by police officers. A source close to the investigation named the assailant as Algerian-born Farid Ikken, a PhD student of communications registered since 2014 at a university in the eastern city of Metz. The source said that a video in which Ikken pledged allegiance to Islamic State had been found in his flat in Cergy-Pontoise, northwest of Paris, during a police raid on Tuesday evening, after the attack…

“One academic who taught Ikken, a strong linguist who spoke French, English, Arabic and Swedish, described his student as an individual who at times felt lonely… [but that] he was pro-West and very much a supporter of democratic values [and that] there was never any outward sign of excessive adherence to Islam…”

Again, one wonders whether attackers like these have always been secret Islamists; have been secretly radicalized; or whether dark spiritual forces have influenced them.

America Isolated and Its Decline Cemented

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 1:

” [In] pulling out of the Paris Agreement, Trump has also gone against fossil fuel firms, hundreds of major businesses and investors, a large number of Republicans and half of his own cabinet. With the move, Trump has catered to a small but vocal extreme-right constituency – one that is overrepresented among his cabinet and advisors. In essence, he’s sealed his own fate as isolated – and cemented the decline of the US…

“Other nations – most notably China, European Union countries and India – are already taking the lead in showing the way to a clean energy future… The US will be left behind; it will be disadvantaged economically in the long run. Pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement makes America weak. And diplomatic fallout will be extensive…”

California, Washington State and New York Align against Donald Trump

The website of announced on June 1:

“In response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., and Washington State Governor Jay Inslee today announced the formation of the United States Climate Alliance, a coalition that will convene U.S. states committed to upholding the Paris Climate Agreement and taking aggressive action on climate change…

“New York, California and Washington [represent] over one-fifth of U.S. Gross Domestic Product [or 6.2 Trillion Dollars of the U.S. economy] … Together, New York, California and Washington represent approximately 68 million people – nearly one-in-five Americans – and the states account for at least 10 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Washington will continue to work closely together with other states  to help fill the void left by the federal government…”

Deutsche Welle added in June 6:

“Several other states quickly followed suit, most notably Massachusetts and Vermont, which have Republican governors. Many other states are expected to support the alliance in the coming days. According to the Financial Times, the [US] states that have so far agreed to the deal would together represent the world’s third largest economy, just behind China and the US and ahead of Japan. The states have been joined by the leaders of tech giants like Amazon, Google, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft, as well as representatives from industries such as Nestle, Nike, Unilever and Starbucks.

“In addition, the leaders of many major US cities… have joined the alliance. Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Houston have signed up and, significantly, Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto is also a signatory. When announcing his plan to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, Trump said ‘I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.’ The remark drew umbrage from Peduto, not the least because Pittsburgh voters chose Hillary Clinton by an overwhelming 80 percent margin in 2016…

“Despite Trump’s determination to withdraw, the earliest possible date for Washington to walk out is November 4, 2020 – one day after the next US federal election.”

So, was the President’s declaration to withdraw from the Paris accord nothing more than an attempt to cater to his base?

Trump Nominates Christopher A. Wray as Next FBI Director

The Huffington Post wrote on June 7:

“President Donald Trump will nominate Christopher A. Wray to be the next director of the FBI, he announced on Wednesday. Wray served as assistant attorney general under President George W. Bush from 2003 to 2005. The Yale Law School graduate now works as an attorney in private practice. Wray represented New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) in the wake of the ‘Bridgegate’ scandal…

“Trump’s critics on both sides of the aisle… praised the president’s decision to tap Wray…

“Wray co-signed a letter of support for then-deputy attorney general nominee Sally Yates. Trump fired Yates after she refused to defend his Muslim immigration ban. Yates has also said she raised concerns that then-national security adviser Michael Flynn was ‘compromised’ by the Russians, but that the White House ignored her warnings…

“Wray was reportedly among the Justice Department officials who threatened to resign after Alberto Gonzales and Andrew Card, then working at the White House, tried to force a bedridden Attorney General John Ashcroft to sign off on a warrantless domestic surveillance effort in 2004. [Former FBI Director James] Comey was serving as acting attorney general at the time, and refused to sign off on the program over concerns about its legality. Comey’s story of his confrontation with the White House officials at Ashcroft’s hospital bedside was some of the most compelling congressional testimony in modern history. Or it was, at least ― that could change when Comey testifies this week…”

Mr. Wray’s’ profile makes at least very interesting reading. If Mr. Wray is confirmed by the Senate, will a new battle ensue between President Trump and FBI director Christopher Wray?

Former FBI Director James Comey Testifies before Senate Intelligence Committee

Deutsche Welle reported on June 8:

“‘It’s my judgment that I was fired because of the Russia investigation,’ Comey told the lawmakers at the open section of the hearing. ‘I was fired in some way to change, or the endeavor was to change, the way the Russia investigation was being conducted,’ he added. [Comey said that Trump admitted that much, and that he takes the words of the President at their face value.] Comey also said that there was ‘no doubt’ in his mind that the Russian government tried to influence the 2016 election in the US through hacking, but added that he did not believe any of the votes were altered…

“Comey said that he decided to take notes after meeting Trump for the first time due to several factors, one of them being that he was ‘honestly concerned that [Trump] might lie about the nature of our meeting.’ Acknowledging reports of their interviews being recorded, Comey commented… ‘I hope there are tapes.’… Comey said it was ‘very disturbing’ to hear Trump tell him ‘I hope you can let this go’ on the probe into Flynn. ‘I took it as a direction […] This is what he wants me to do,’ he told the lawmakers…

“Comey also said that he purposefully leaked his notes on Trump [through a law professor to the New York Times] hoping that the media coverage would prompt the authorities to name a special prosecutor. US lawmaker subsequently appointed another ex-FBI head, Robert Mueller, as a special counsel to look into the alleged ties with Russia…

“He also commented on the one-on-one dinner in January this year, when Trump allegedly asked him if he was interested in staying on as head of the FBI for the full term. Comey said ‘common sense’ told him that Trump was looking to get something in exchange for him keeping his FBI job…

“Commenting on his firing, the ex-FBI head… accused the administration of trying to defame him by saying that the FBI was in ‘disarray’ and that Comey lost the trust of his top officials. ‘Those were lies, plain and simple,’ he told the Committee… Comey also openly disputed Trump’s account of their meetings, including the White House dinner. Previously, Trump had told the US media that Comey wanted to have dinner with him. The reason, according to Trump, was that Comey wanted to stay on as FBI chief. He said the statement was ‘untrue,’ adding that he never initiated the dinner where Trump allegedly asked him for his loyalty…

“However, Comey refused to say whether he believed that Trump engaged into obstruction of justice, saying it was ‘Bob Mueller’s job to sort that out’…”

James Comey also confirmed that President Trump himself was not under investigation while Comey was at the helm of the FBI, and testified that Trump did not ask him to end the Russia investigation. At the same time, he testified that Trump asked him to “lift the cloud” of investigation by declaring publicly the president was not the target of the FBI probe. Comey refused to do so, as he feared that he might have to publicly “clarify” the record in the future, if Trump would become part of a criminal investigation.

James Comey came across as a very sincere and honest witness. His credibility even increased when he admitted that he was not Captain Courageous and did not stand up to Donald Trump as he should or could have done on several occasions. He related the incident when Mr. Trump asked everybody to leave the room, including the Vice President, the Attorney General and others, to talk to Comey alone. At that moment, Comey said he became very disturbed and resolved to pay very close attention to every word Trump would be saying. On that occasion, Trump told him he “hoped” that Comey could end the investigation against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Comey’s credibility was further enhanced because of his critical comments about Democrats when they were in charge. Comey stated that when he was investigating Democrats, he was pressured by Democrats to shape his investigation.

The Washington Post wrote: “It suggests that no side was immune to meddling in the FBI’s independent investigations. Comey testified that when he was investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails during the 2016 presidential campaign, Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch (a President Barack Obama appointee) ‘directed me not to call it an investigation but instead to call it a matter.’ That, plus Lynch’s private tarmac meeting with former president Bill Clinton ahead of the FBI’s impending decision on whether Clinton may have criminally mishandled classified information, raised Comey’s ethics radar and persuaded him to announce the FBI’s findings ahead of schedule.”

One of the most awkward and embarrassing moments during the Committee’s hearing came when Senator John McCain questioned Comey, misspeaking himself several times by referring to Trump as Comey, and trying to draw a non-existing parallel between the investigation against Hillary Clinton and the Russian investigation. Although Comey tried to patiently explain to McCain the obvious difference between the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of her emails and the Russian investigation, McCain kept insisting that Comey had used a double standard. The New York Post commented: “Viewers went wild on Twitter, with some speculating about the 80-year-old’s health.”

After the hearing, President Trump’s private lawyer stumbled through a prepared statement, denying that Trump had ever asked or suggested to Comey to stop any investigation against Flynn and that he never demanded a loyalty declaration from Comey, and he was threatening him with legal action because of leaking “privileged communication” to the press. Subsequently, legal scholars explained that Comey’s memos do not constitute privileged communication (no executive privilege had ever been asserted), and in any event, due to Trump’s public declarations regarding his meetings with Comey and the reasons for his termination, any existing privilege would have been waived.

The Russian investigation will continue for months, if not years, and it must be said that Comey’s testimony was damaging to the President. His statement that Comey’s testimony vindicated him must be described as wishful thinking. Even before Comey’s testimony, Trump’s approval rate in the USA has sunk to an all-time low.

Battle Over Fishing Rights in UK Waters

Express wrote on June 2

“British fishermen have campaigned for the UK’s Brexit negotiators to return Britain’s territorial waters to them and block European firms from operating there… As Britain leaves the EU, it will likely also leave the political project’s Common Fisheries Policy, which allows member states’ fisherman to operate and compete fairly across the shared waters.

“Lorient’s fishermen [in France]  will be watching the Brexit talks closely, which kick off 11 days after Britain’s June 8 General Election, hoping Brussels can manage to negotiate them access to British waters… Mr Macron said: ‘… the interests of fishermen will be taken into account in a serious way as an industry that is among the most essential economic activities to our country, which we must defend.’…

“Ukip’s fisheries spokesman Mike Hookem issued a hands-off warning to the French, insisting bullies in Brussels cannot force the UK to give up its fishing rights. He said: ‘… unless Theresa May barters away our fishing grounds, we have the right under the UN’s UNCLOSE legislation to establish a 200-mile exclusive economic zone and stop EU boats fishing in our waters…  the French realise the value of fishing and that is why they are so keen to protect their right to fish British waters…'”

Leo Varadkar Next Prime Minister of Ireland

The Guardian wrote on June 2:

“Leo Varadkar’s victory in the Fine Gael leadership contest on Friday, which took place after outgoing PM Enda Kenny announced his resignation last month, marks another significant step forward for equality in the country, after 2015’s gay marriage referendum. As well as becoming Ireland’s first gay prime minister, Varadkar, 38, will also become the country’s youngest leader, and the first from an ethnic minority background. His position will be confirmed later this month when parliament resumes after a break…

“Although Varadkar’s centre-right politics are clearly conservative, he portrays the image of a new, progressive Ireland, symbolised best in May 2015 when the Republic voted overwhelmingly in favour of gay marriage

“LGBT groups in Ireland welcomed the domestic focus on Varadkar’s ideology. ‘I think it’s really significant that both his party and the media in Ireland focused on his policies, rather than him simply being a gay man who wants to lead the country,’ said Brian Finnegan, the editor of Gay Community News in Dublin. ‘It is a sign of how much Ireland has changed and moved on that no one really cares if he is gay here. Irish politicians were among the last sectors of our society to come out of the closet but now at least we’ve got one gay man and a lesbian, Catherine Zappone, both in the cabinet. That would have been unthinkable perhaps even 10 years ago.’

“Varadkar, a doctor educated at Trinity College Dublin, entered Irish politics in 2004… In 2014, he became Ireland’s minister for health and, after Fine Gael suffered losses in last year’s general election, he entered a minority coalition as minister for social protection. In the 2015 interview with RTE radio when he came out [declaring to be gay], Vradkar said: ‘It is part of my character, I suppose.'”

To be the first openly gay prime minister in a totally Catholic country is an interesting phenomenon.

Trump Heavily Criticized for His Tweets on London Terror Attacks

CNN wrote on June 4:

“US President Donald Trump appeared to misconstrue a statement while launching an attack on Twitter of London Mayor Sadiq Khan in the wake of the terror attacks which killed at least seven people. Trump, writing on Twitter Sunday, said: ‘At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!”‘ But when Khan said in a statement that there was no cause for alarm, he was referring specifically to a visible increase in police activity on the streets of London in the wake of the attack. ‘Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed,’ he said…

“Trump’s tweets have been heavily criticized by a number of British politicians, who are currently preparing for the country’s general election which is scheduled to take place on Thursday. Conservative politician Penny Mordaunt tweeted the transcript of Khan’s interview and said: ‘I’m standing with resilient London and him.’ Labour politician David Lammy said Trump’s tweet was ‘cheap, nasty and unbecoming of a national leader.’… Trump was also fiercely criticized by Brendon Cox, the husband of former British lawmaker Jo Cox, who was murdered by a right-wing fanatic in November 2016. ‘You represent the worst of your country...’ Cox wrote on Twitter…

“Trump’s tweets came the day after he touted his so-called travel ban in the wake of the London terror attacks, while also pledging assistance to Britain. Without referring explicitly to London, Trump wrote on his personal account: ‘We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!’ Eight minutes later, he tweeted, ‘Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the U. K., we will be there – WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!’

“Cecillia Wang, the deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, quickly accused Trump of exploiting the situation…

“Trump’s travel ban — which, among other things, would temporarily block entry into the US from six Muslim-majority countries — has been blocked by a number of federal court decisions. On Thursday, the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to allow the ban to go into…effect while the court considers its legality.”

The Telegraph wrote on June 4: “Donald Trump’s ugly tweets on London are a step too far – even for him.”

The Week wrote on June 6: “Trump had also spent Monday morning tweeting aggressively about his travel ban, prompting The Wall Street Journal editorial board to write Tuesday that ‘some people with a propensity for self-destructive behavior can’t seem to help themselves, President Trump apparently among them.’”

And the Fights Go On…

AFP wrote on June 5:

“President Donald Trump seized on the London terror attack to demand the US ban on travelers from some Muslim countries be reinstated Monday, sparking a diplomatic row with Britain and jeopardizing his legal defense of the measure in the process. In the wake of Saturday’s deadly attack, Trump renewed calls for a travel crackdown, while attacking London’s Muslim mayor, the media, Democrats, judges and opponents who accuse him of playing the politics of fear…

“The ‘special relationship’ with Britain became the latest casualty of that hardline stance Monday. With the seven victims of Saturday’s attack not yet buried, Trump repeatedly criticized London Mayor Sadiq Khan, whom he accused of playing down the terror threat… British officials — many of whom call London home — were incandescent with rage.

“Prime Minister Theresa May, who is under growing pressure to denounce Trump ahead of Thursday’s election, came to Khan’s defense… May had already faced pressure to criticize Trump or even withdraw his invitation for a state visit after he pulled out of a global climate deal and edged away from collective security arrangements under NATO…

“In the United States, many veteran diplomats and officials decried Trump’s remarks… The White House later tried to play down Trump’s tweets.

“Trump also found himself in hot water over his tough-talking tweets defending his ban on travelers from several Muslim countries, which is currently stalled in the federal courts. The White House has struggled to prevent the measures from being permanently struck down, insisting it is not a ‘ban’ and does not target Muslims — which would almost certainly be unconstitutional.

“Trump did not mince words. ‘People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!’ he tweeted. ‘In any event we are EXTREME VETTING people coming into the US in order to help keep our country safe. The courts are slow and political!’ he said, attacking the judiciary in a way that is rare in American politics.

“The husband of senior Trump aide Kellyanne Conway was among those who warned those remarks may pose legal problems for the administration at the Supreme Court. ‘These tweets… certainly won’t help’ get five votes on the Supreme Court.

“In a rare move on Friday, the Supreme Court expedited consideration of the case, ordering the American Civil Liberties Union — which represents the plaintiffs — to respond by June 12 to the Trump administration’s petition for court consideration. Once it receives the response, the high court could quickly rule on whether to take up the case.

“Trump called Monday for a ‘much tougher version’ of his travel ban and an ‘expedited’ hearing for the measure before the Supreme Court. Trump issued his initial travel ban by executive order in January, but that measure — which banned entry to nationals from seven countries for 90 days and suspended the nation’s refugee program for 120 days — was quickly halted by the courts. He then issued a second version, but that too was put on ice.”

President Trump might shoot himself in the foot with his tweets, ignoring the advice of counsel admonishing him NOT to continue tweeting his opinions which will undoubtedly be used against him in court.

Incredible! TSA May Ban Laptops from Cabins on DOMESTIC Flights

Baltimore.cbslocal wrote on June 7:

“[Perceived threats] prompted a ban on laptop and computer pads from airplane cabins flying from seven African and Middle Eastern countries this past spring. It could spread to domestic flights. ‘The Department of Homeland Security is currently considering the possible expansion of that laptop ban,’ says Lisa Farbstein, a TSA spokesperson. ‘No decision has been made.’’

Will this illogical craziness never stop?

US Senate Much Tougher than Trump on Jerusalem?

The Times of Israel wrote ion June 6:

“The US Senate unanimously passed a resolution on Monday that commemorates the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. Co-sponsored by 17 senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D), the text calls on the legislative body to recognize the half a century landmark since Israel captured the eastern part of the city during the 1967 Six Day War. ‘Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected,’ the resolution states, adding that ‘there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Jerusalem for 3 millennia.’

“It also says that ‘Jerusalem is a holy city and the home for people of the Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths”’ and advocates a two-state outcome based on direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians…

“Senators advanced this measure just after US President Donald Trump formally deferred — at least for now — his campaign pledge to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognize the city as Israel’s capital… The Senate Resolution ‘reaffirms the Jerusalem Embassy Act’ — the law mandating the move — and ‘calls upon the President and all United States officials to abide by its provisions.’…

Schumer, the Democratic Senate leader and one of the most prominent Jewish members of Congress, released a statement introducing the measure that implored the US to recognize Jerusalem as the Jewish state’s capital…  Such language also runs in stark contrast to a UNESCO resolution last month — titled ‘Occupied Palestine’ — that suggested Israel has no sovereign claim to Jerusalem.”

One has to ask the following questions; Why didn’t Mr. Schumer and his Democratic colleagues stand up to President Obama when he signed the waiver 16 times, preventing the US embassy from moving to Jerusalem? And how can a two-state outcome be achieved with Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the Jewish state when the Palestinians demand eastern Jerusalem to become the capital of their state? Sadly, the resolution seems to be nothing else than an anti-Trump balloon of hot air.

Arab Nations Isolate Qatar… Did the USA Create a Frankenstein Monster?

The New York Times wrote on June 5:

“On Monday… [Qatar’s] powerful neighbor Saudi Arabia, Egypt and at least three other Arab nations severed all ties with the country, escalating their accusations that the Qatari monarchy supported Sunni Islamist terrorism and Iranian designs on the region.

“Those Arab nations… surprised many by cutting off land, air and sea travel to and from Qatar. All but Egypt, which has 250,000 people working there, ordered their citizens to leave Qatar.

“The move created an immediate crisis for Qatar, whose only land border is with Saudi Arabia and which imports about 40 percent of its food from the Saudis. Residents said that people were stocking up on food and cash…

“Some analysts saw the sudden escalation as a sign that Saudi Arabia and its allies had been emboldened by the recent visit from President Trump, in which he publicly embraced the Saudis as a leading partner in fighting terrorism and countering Iran’s influence… But it could also end up hurting American efforts to build broader coalitions in the region, and weaken an ally that has provided a vital base for the American military in its campaign against the Islamic State.

“How, for example, could the American-led air campaign include warplanes from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates if those governments will no longer allow their military representatives to be based at, or even to visit, a major United States command center [in Qatar]? Beyond the military difficulties, several multinational corporations have operations in the feuding nationsQatar is hosting the 2022 World Cup, for instance, and is building facilities for the tournament that are part of an ambitious construction boom, including creating branches of major international museums and universities. About 80 percent of Qatar’s residents are foreign workers, including white-collar professionals and construction and service workers…”

Deutsche Welle added on June 5:

“The decisions plunged Qatar into chaos and ignited the biggest diplomatic crisis in the Gulf since the 1991 war against Iraq… Qatar… responded to the Arab states’ decision, suspending all flights to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain until further notice…”

Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world. At this point, Jordan and Kuwait did not join in the boycott. Qatar has tried to please both sides, thereby antagonizing everybody. While it has good relations with Iran and brokered deal with it, it hosts the largest American air base in the region and is helping to fight the Iranian-linked Houthi rebels in Yemen and supports insurgents fighting Assad of Syria. It is felt by observers that President Trump has given the Saudis carte-blanche authority to do what they want with Qatar.

Trump Takes Credit for Saudi Move Against Qatar–Sowing Confusion Again

The New York Times wrote on June 6:

“President Trump thrust himself into a bitter Persian Gulf dispute on Tuesday, taking credit for Saudi Arabia’s move to isolate its smaller neighbor, Qatar, and rattling his national security staff by upending a critical American strategic relationship. In a series of tweets, Mr. Trump said his call for an end to the financing of radical groups had prompted Saudi Arabia and four other countries to act this week against Qatar, a tiny, energy-rich emirate that is arguably America’s most important military outpost in the Middle East.

“… Qatar has long been accused of funneling money to the Muslim Brotherhood — which has officially forsworn violence but is still accused of terrorism by some countries — as well as to radical groups in Syria, Libya and other Arab nations. But it is also home to two major American command posts, including a $60 million center from which the United States and its allies conduct their air war on Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.

“Those contradictory roles may explain the mixed signals the administration sent after Saudi Arabia’s unexpected move. Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis initially tried on Monday to smooth over the rift, with Mr. Tillerson offering to play peacemaker and Mr. Mattis insisting it would have no effect on the campaign against the Islamic State. Less than 12 hours later, however, Mr. Trump discarded that approach by putting his thumb on the scale firmly in Saudi Arabia’s favor. His tweets… sowed confusion about America’s strategy and its intentions toward a key military partner…

“Mr. Spicer denied that the president was taking sides… Qatar’s ambassador… expressed surprise at Mr. Trump’s tweets… Pentagon officials said they, too, were taken aback by Mr. Trump’s tweets, particularly given the American military’s deep ties to Qatar… Mr. Trump’s tweets also appeared to contradict the American ambassador to Qatar, Dana Shell Smith, who this week retweeted a post of hers saying Qatar had made ‘real progress’ in curbing financial support for terrorists…”

Why President Trump would take credit for the Gulf states’ rift with Qatar is beyond anyone’s guess, given the fact that this poses an extremely unpleasant situation for the USA and its military base stationed there. Surely, Mr. Trump must realize this.

Germany Warns of Middle East Powder Keg

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 7:

“Germany’s foreign minister warned against deepening conflict in the Middle East… Sigmar Gabriel said ‘a deep dispute between neighbors is the last thing that is needed’ in a region already beset by crises and the threat of greater military conflict.

“Gabriel earlier told the ‘Handelsblatt’ newspaper he was concerned about escalating tensions and the US’ strategy of ‘pure confrontation’ with Iran, including arms sales to Saudi Arabia… ‘Such a Trumpification of relations with one another is particularly dangerous in a region that is already rife with crises,’ he said, in apparent reference to US President Donald Trump’s divisive and confusing statements… ‘The Middle East is a political and military powder keg.’…

“German Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin Schäfer said in a separate news conference on Wednesday that Trump’s stance differed from Berlin, while what he was hearing from the State Department was closer to the German line.”

UAE Threatens 15-Year Jail Term for Anyone Showing Sympathy Toward Qatar

Haaretz wrote on June 7:

“The United Arab Emirates has banned people from publishing expressions of sympathy toward Qatar and will punish offenders with a jail term of up to 15 years, the UAE-based newspaper Gulf News and pan-Arab channel Al-Arabiya reported on Wednesday.

“‘Strict and firm action will be taken against anyone who shows sympathy or any form of bias towards Qatar, or against anyone who objects to the position of the United Arab Emirates, whether it be through the means of social media, or any type of written, visual or verbal form,’ Gulf News quoted UAE Attorney-General Hamad Saif al-Shamsi as saying. On top of a possible jail term, offenders would also be hit with a fine of at least 500,000 dirhams, the newspaper said, citing a statement to Arabic-language media.”

Is this the UAE’s version of true democracy and freedom of speech and expression?

Terror Attacks in Iran

Reuters wrote on June 7:

“Suicide bombers and gunmen attacked Iran’s parliament and the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran on Wednesday morning, killing at least 12 people in a twin assault at the heart of the Islamic Republic… Islamic State claimed responsibility…

The rare attacks were the first claimed by the hardline Sunni Muslim militant group inside in the tightly controlled Shi’ite Muslim country. Islamic State has regularly threatened Iran, one of the powers leading the fight against the militants’ forces in neighboring Iraq and, beyond that, Syria…

“Islamic State has lambasted ‘heretic’ Shi’ite Iran for helping the Syrian and Iraqi governments battle Islamic State, which considers Shi’ites to be infidels…”

According to The Week, dated June 7, Iran accused Saudi Arabia of orchestrating the devastating twin attacks in Tehran.

Lebanon and Jordan Are Becoming Ridiculous

The Times of Israel wrote on June 6:

Jordan is considering banning the film ‘Wonder Woman’ because star Gal Gadot served in the Israel Defense Forces. Jordan’s Communications Commission is currently reviewing the film to determine whether it meets the country’s standards and laws, the Israeli news website Ynet reported.

“The review comes in the wake of Lebanon’s decision to ban the film as part of its total boycott of all things Israeli. Lebanon is officially at war with Israel and bans Israeli products. ‘We remind the Jordanians of their obligation to boycott the film, and we refuse to be partners to the crimes of the Zionists and to increase their profits from this film. The Arab audience will not be involved in projects that represent Zionism and the Israeli army,’ said a statement from one of the Jordanian campaigns against normalization with Israel, according to Ynet.

“Israel and Jordan signed a peace agreement in 1994. Gadot, 32, does not shy away from touting her Israeli heritage… The film, which opened in the United States on Friday, took in an estimated $103.1 million over the weekend and $223 million worldwide.”

How can we ever expect a peace agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbors with these kinds of hostile and rather childish attitudes?

Germany Planning of Moving Troops to Jordan

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 6:

“In light of Turkey’s decision to block a lawmakers’ visit, [Vice-Chancellor] Sigmar Gabriel said that Germany would soon start the process of finding another location for its troops… Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said the troops… would be moved to a base in Jordan. ‘It is unacceptable that our deputies cannot visit the troops,’ she said. ‘We are ready for a transfer,’ she said, adding that a ‘comparable alternative’ had been identified at the Azraq air base in Jordan and that King Abdullah supported the move…

On Wednesday, Germany’s cabinet recommended pulling troops from Turkey. Stationing them in Jordan would be an interesting move, given the fact that Jordan (biblical Ammon and Moab) will be spared from attacks by the future king of the North (Daniel 11:41). Also, Jordan is much closer to Jerusalem than Turkey. The airline distance from Jordan to Jerusalem is a little bit over 150 kilometers, while the airline distance from Turkey to Jerusalem is over 1,000 kilometers.

Why the German Chancellor Could Slip Up in Election 

Express wrote on June 1:

“Angela Merkel (CDU) could be in for a fight with Martin Schulz to win the next election [in September] despite the German Chancellor leading in the polls…

“Ms Merkel is up against Martin Schulz’s German Social Democratic Party (SPD)… And she is on course to defeat her rival according to a recent poll for German broadcaster ARD… The poll found that 49 per cent of respondents would vote for the current Chancellor… But while the CDU/CSU is out in front, nothing is safe in the 2017 race, according to one German publication.

“Online Focus warns that the 2005 ‘Bundestag’ elections show Ms Merkel cannot take the polls for granted. During the 2005 election, the Chancellor was out in front – but the situation quickly changed. The publication said: ‘The election campaign of 2005 offers many parallels to that of 2017… On the evening of the election, however, came the surprise: the SPD almost won. Gerhard Schroeder’s SPD was only one percentage point behind the Union…’

“Mr Schulz, 61, former European Parliament President was promoted to the SPD’s party’s leadership in March, and this has given the party a huge boost. Ms Merkel has a habit of clinging to power by adopting the policies of her opponents if she sees that they are popular. Mr Schulz, for example, has taken a hard line approach to Britain’s Brexit – and wants to help Brussels negotiate the rights of EU citizens over British ones… It’s yet to be seen whether Ms Merkel will begin to take a tougher approach on Brexit by adopting Mr Schulz’s policy in a bid to win over voters…

“Online Focus suggests that the race is still wide open and anyone can win. It added: ‘Forsa’s CEO, Manfred Güllner thinks… shifts are possible… if something unforeseen happens or the electoral participation continues to rise.’”

Bild added on June 3:

“The SPD is climbing… Candidate Martin Schulz (61) gained two points, reaching 27 percent. Previously, the SPD had lost 8 points in two months. The advantage of the CDU/CSU ist still very drastic, reaching 38 percent.“

One will have to wait and see what God has in mind.

“Pope at General Audience: Our Father in Heaven Needs Us”

Zenit wrote on June 7:

“Whether or not we ever feel that we can be without God, Pope Francis has reminded, that God cannot, however, be without us… this is a great mystery!’… Because we are God’s adoptive sons and daughters in the Holy Spirit, the Jesuit Pontiff reminded, ‘we share in the intimate relationship between Jesus and the Father…'”

Many years ago, this very question was raised and analyzed in the Church of God, as some felt the same way as the Pope… that God needs us. However, it was clearly emphasized that God does NOT need us. It is true that God WANTS us to be in His Family, but when we fail, He could even raise up children from stones (Matthew 3:9). The idea that God needs us and CANNOT BE without us gives us an unhealthy feeling of self-importance which can be very dangerous to our spiritual survival. Also, true Christians are not God’s “adoptive” children, but Spirit-begotten TRUE children of God, having received God’s very nature through the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit. God is not just adopting children; He is reproducing Himself through His children, like physical parents reproduce themselves through their children. That is why our intimate relationship with the Father and our elder brother, Jesus Christ, is so much more meaningful.

“Botched Vaccine Campaign Kills 15 Children in South Sudan”

Deutsche Welle wrote on June 2:

“Children in rural South Sudan died as a result of a bungled vaccination campaign to combat measles… An investigation into the deaths… found that the children died as a result of ‘the administration of a contaminated vaccine.’

“Around 300 children up to 5-years-old were treated during the four-day campaign which saw the local team using a single reconstitution syringe to mix multiple vaccine vials. The UNICEF-supplied vaccines were also kept in a building with inadequate refrigeration.

“Another 32 children suffered from fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, but were able to recover from their symptoms…

“The risk of measles remains high in South Sudan due to an ongoing military conflict that has killed tens of thousands and seen almost 2 million people flee the country. According to the UN, the country has suffered from measles outbreaks caused by a backlog of unvaccinated children.”

Some doubt that the account is accurate and feel that the cause for the tragic death of the children lies in the vaccines themselves, and not in any contamination or wrong administration.

Addiction to Legal Drugs

Express wrote on June 7:

“People seeking help for over the counter and prescribed drugs is on the rise. More worrying still, over the counter drug addiction will soon be more prevalent than for heroin… These [prescribed drugs] include codeine, and Benzodiazepines (also known as Benzo’s)…

“Eytan Alexander, founder of UKAT, said: ‘People believe that if they’re prescribed a drug or if they can buy it in their local corner shop, then they’re not an addict… [People] remain completely unaware that they have an addiction problem to Codeine or Benzo drugs, because they get them from their doctor, making it completely legal… most addicts are forced into continuing to take Codeine or Diazepam, for example, simply to cope with the horrific side effects of going cold turkey… It’s currently a hugely vicious cycle…  When in treatment it can take twice as long for a person with an addiction to pharmaceutical drugs to come “clean” compared to with heroin addiction.’”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What Does it Mean to be Unequally Yoked, and Why Does the Bible Prohibit it?

First of all, it would be helpful to define what “unequally yoked” means.

A yoke was a wooden beam cross the shoulders of two animals, usually oxen or horses, which harnessed them to do some task better together than they could have attempted singly. The success of the operation, however, depended on the compatibility or suitability of the two animals to each other. As it says in Deuteronomy 22:10: “You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey.”

Why? The differences in the internal temperaments and energies of the animals, and their external structures and sizes, as well as the fact that an ox does not tolerate the smell and breath of a donkey, would mean that the work would not be done very well, if it was done at all. The animals could well pull in different ways as well as in different directions. The yoke would become an irritation and a pain, a hindrance to each one instead of a help to both of them. Unnatural combinations lead to confusion and discord as does compromise with the world.  Apply these principles spiritually and we will quite clearly see the problems.

There are many examples in both the Old Testament and the New Testament about this principle.   Let us review some of these.

In Deuteronomy 7:3-6, we read: “Nor shall you make marriages with them. You shall not give your daughter to their son, nor take their daughter for your son.  For they will turn your sons away from following Me, to serve other gods; so the anger of the LORD will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly. But thus you shall deal with them: you shall destroy their altars, and break down their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images, and burn their carved images with fire.  For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.”

It is abundantly clear that God didn’t want them to become involved with paganism – they were a holy people.   To intermarry with them was therefore unlawful.   Today, we are holy to God and completely different from the society around us as well as being completely different to the many denominations of mainstream Christianity who have absorbed so many pagan customs.   This is a principle that we must not try and work our way around.

Matthew Henry’s Commentary states the following:

“This very thing – talking about mixed marriages had proved of fatal consequence to the old world and thousands in the world that now is[,] have been undone by irreligious ungodly marriages; for there is more ground of fear in mixed marriages that the good will be perverted than of hope that the bad will be converted.”

Further examples can be reviewed in Joshua 23:13 and 1 Kings 11:1-10 where the wisest man who ever lived, apart from Christ, fell into the same trap.   The marriages could well have been mostly political unions and this meant that Solomon tolerated and provided for the religions of his foreign wives.  Those of us with much less wisdom have to be even more careful.   Also please note Ezra 9:1-2; 10:10; Nehemiah 13:23-27.

Invariably, the bad nearly always superimposes itself over the good – that is just the way that it is.   How many brethren have we known who simply have had a problem attending the Feast because of an unconverted and difficult spouse?   Over the years, there have been so many difficult situations because God’s instructions have either been ignored or circumnavigated.

If we have been called and chosen, we should not let such things stand in the way of serving the living God who has called us.   Either God comes first or He doesn’t.   Of course, many members have been called after they were married, but the issue that we are addressing in this Q&A is about God’s people intending to marry outside the faith.

There are enough Old Testament examples to clearly show the dangers of marriage which do not conform to biblical instruction.   In Proverbs 3:5 we read: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” and 1 Corinthians 10:11, the apostle Paul wrote: “Now all of these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition…”

Amos 3:3 gives us sound advice: “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?”  This applies in any walk of life but surely none more so than in marriage.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 is very clear:  “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?  And what accord has Christ with Belial?   Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?  And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God.  As God has said: ‘I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.’  Therefore ‘Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.’  ‘I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty.’”

The New Bible Commentary states: “The apostle strongly exhorts Christians not to mix with unbelievers in the sense of sharing their lives.   Marriage is, of course, the supreme way of sharing in the life of another.   God dwells in the hearts and lives of believers, and God has no fellowship with Satan.   Therefore, believers cannot tolerate companionship with unbelievers in their distinctive activities.”

To be separate is to be different and to live in this world’s society means that a true Christian must have different standards of behavior. The reasons for not entering into an unequal yoke has to do with differences which exist between believers and unbelievers.    Note that these differences actually, and already, exist.   Many who have taken on an unequal yoke have eventually and tragically found out how opposite they are.   So many have also found that the wrong end of a yoke had distorted the right end, and whatever compromise had been reached is well below what would have been anticipated at the start.

It is always easier to be dragged down than to pull up!   To be unequally yoked can, for those Christians who are not too strong in the faith, be a real trial particularly when married to a strong-willed non-baptised spouse.   It can lead to spiritual shipwreck if the member is not very careful.   But why would anyone want to put themselves in that position anyway?   Isn’t our calling the most important thing in the world to us? If it isn’t, then it should be and nothing should divert us from the true path to which we have been called.

In 1 Corinthians 7:12-13 we read about an existing marriage: “But to the rest I, not the Lord, say: If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is willing to live with him, let him not divorce her.  And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him.”

However, what we are addressing in this Q&A is those who are baptised and are contemplating marriage, not those who are already married.

But those who are looking for a loophole can debate the definition of a believer which, biblically, is quite clear cut.   This can be a good opt-out clause.   If the definition of a believer can be re-constituted according to personal requirements, then the Scriptures can be made to fit in with those who may have a vested interest in this matter. We have to live by every Word of God.

A Christian is someone who has repented of their sins, accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, has been baptized and received the Holy Spirit and who lives an obedient Godly life, growing and overcoming as they strive to make it into God’s Kingdom.   We can surely see that the way of life that true Christians are to follow is a narrow and difficult way that needs faith.  God is only calling a few now and we should only marry those of the faith so that we don’t become unequally yoked. Let us be honest with Scripture about who is and isn’t a believer which must always be based on biblical evidence, irrespective of vested personal interests or circumstances.

What are the fruits of being unequally yoked?    Marriage is something that even two baptised members have to work hard at to make it a success and this is with two people who have committed themselves to true Christianity.   But consider that where there are “two minds” – a converted one and an unconverted one – further problems are bound to ensue.   Problems are things that we should be trying to eliminate, if possible, before they even arise!

In 1 Corinthians 7:39 we read: “A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.”

A marriage “in the Lord” means a marriage between two believers. This is the universally accepted understanding by virtually all biblical scholars.  The New Bible Commentary observes that “The command to marry only within God’s redeemed community was to be maintained throughout the Old and New Testaments.”

In our Q&A, “Is it a Biblical obligation or merely a Church tradition that God’s ministry officiate during a wedding or burial of Church members?” we stated the following:

“Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 that we are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Therefore, the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the USA, the Global Church of God in England, and the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada, will only officiate over a marriage between a man and woman, if both are baptized in the faith, and have received God’s Spirit.”

Surely this is clear enough that marriage should only be to other believers.  Of course, the lack of availability of a suitable mate in the true Church of God today can be seen as a problem.   Those who are single, male or female, and who may want to get married (not every single does want to marry) must ask themselves if they would make a good husband or wife if the situation arose.   Would they be a good catch?   Or are they too set in their ways to make all the necessary adjustments that are necessary when getting married?

We must be very, very careful that we don’t fall into the trap of trying to say that what Paul said was just an instruction for that time, some 2,000 years ago, and was fine for then but not for today.   That is the way of the world where people can “pick and mix” those bits that seem convenient whilst ignoring the inconvenient bits.   Such an approach allows the culture of the day to become more important than God’s clear instructions!   As we read, ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

It has been said that some marriages with a baptised member and someone who is not interested in the Church can be as good, and in some cases better, than a marriage between two baptised members.   In a small number of cases that may be true, but because we can come up with an exception here or there doesn’t negate clear biblical teaching on this matter.   That actually can be faulty reasoning to justify a wrong and inappropriate action.

It’s not what we think that’s important, it’s what God instructs which is always for our benefit and ultimate good.   We are to judge by the fruits and a marriage with a member and a non-member can cause considerable problems, not only for themselves but also for their children who can be pulled in two conflicting directions.   Anyone who wants to marry an unbaptised person cannot expect that God will convert their spouse. Of course, it might happen on occasion, due to God’s unmerited grace and mercy, as the unconverted mate is “sanctified” by God through the believing mate, making it possible for the unbeliever to have access to God, but invariably he or she does not take advantage of the privilege, and there is absolutely no biblical evidence and no biblical promise to say that it will happen.

We must always believe what the Bible instructs.   We can’t agree with everything in the Bible and exclude that one thing that impacts adversely on our lives, that one thing that we wished wasn’t there!  There may be those around who, through personal circumstances, have become unequally yoked but consider their understanding of the verses we have examined in this Q&A to be somewhat at variance with what Scripture clearly reveals. Whatever the Scripture says, let us be obedient to it and not use human reasoning to try and get around that which is clearly revealed.   A baptised member should only marry another baptised member.

This same principle can also apply to business relationships.   One commentator stated the following:

“The ‘unequal yoke’ is often applied to business relationships. For a Christian to enter into a partnership with an unbeliever is to court disaster. Unbelievers have opposite worldviews and morals, and business decisions made daily will reflect the worldview of one partner or the other. For the relationship [better: business partnership] to work, one or the other must abandon his moral centre and move toward that of the other. More often than not, it is the believer who finds himself pressured to leave his Christian principles behind for the sake of profit and the growth of the business.  Of course, the closest alliance one person can have with another is found in marriage, and this is how the passage is usually interpreted.”

There have been some instances where this biblical injunction has been ignored either in marriage (which we have largely covered in this Q&A) or in business by members, but because there have been some exceptions where it might have worked out, does not mean that these rare instances invalidate God’s instruction.

There is another way of understanding God’s prohibition to be unequally yoked. In our Q&A, “Would you please explain how we should apply Romans 16:17-18?” we stated:

“Paul’s message to the Corinthians regarding their affiliations left little room for compromising: ‘Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?” (2 Corinthians 6:14-15). People who do not continue in the truth of God are in grave danger of falling back into the world—the society whose god is Satan (compare 2 Peter 2). Their light will fade into darkness, and they will become an unbeliever.

“This is why we have such strong warnings against fellowshipping with dissident individuals. In his day, Paul had to contend with those who rejected the leadership of Christ—as we do in our time: ‘Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame–who set their mind on earthly things” (Philippians 3:17-19).

“[Those] who are blatantly rebellious and full of resentment and accusations, must be avoided. Understand that these attitudes are often masked by deceptive representations in order to justify themselves.”

In conclusion, we are instructed not to be unequally yoked and that should be good enough for the people of God.

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Trump Angers Israel–No Move of US Embassy to Jerusalem,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Donald Trump’s signing of a waiver that delays, if not prevents, the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem, and that in violation of his clear promise, has upset and angered Israelis and Evangelicals alike. It shows again the major disagreement and sharp differences between Israel and the USA. In addition, another political and highly controversial player, Turkey under dictator Erdogan, is trying to get control over the Temple Mount and eastern Jerusalem. Watch the special video at the end of this program.

“Is Evolution an Insult to Your Intelligence?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

It’s a provocative question, because many believe in Evolution, without ever having looked into the evidence. But do you really believe that you are the evolutionary product of a mollusk, as Charles Darwin stated, or the descendent of crabs, spiders, squids, cuttlefish, slugs and snails, as a new seven yearlong study claims? If you strongly disagree with such silly nonsense, what then is the alternative? Watch the special video at the end of this program.

A new Global Trailer, titled “Heaven and Earth,” has been produced by Pastor Brian Gale.

“Trump gegen Merkel und Europas Zukunft,” is the title of a NEW AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link. This new APS program talks about the recent events regarding Trump and Merkel, etc., and includes the German Ad video on the German booklet on Europe in Prophecy. Title in English: Trump vs. Merkel and Europe’s future.

“Volkszählung und Tod–Missverständnisse über König David (Teil 6),” is the title of the new German sermon for this Sabbath. This is Part 6 of the series on David and concludes the series. Title in English: “Absalom–Misunderstandings about King David, Part 5.”

“An Aberration,” is the title of the morning sermonette on Pentecost, present by Robb Harris.

“The Promise of Pentecost,” the morning sermon presented on Pentecost by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Before Abraham, before Adam and Eve—before time began, God made a promise. The promise was eternal life for His children, and Pentecost points to the fulfillment of this promise for those who believe and have the faith of Jesus Christ.

“Vessels of God,” the Offertory presented in the afternoon on Pentecost by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Many times the Bible mentions vessels or cups in both physical and spiritual realms. The Bible enjoins us to become vessels worthy of being used by God. What can we learn by looking at what God instructs us the use of these cups?

“How Is God’s Holy Spirit ONE Spirit?” the sermon presented in the afternoon on Pentecost by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

On the annual Feast Day of Pentecost, God gave His Holy Spirit to the New Testament Church. The Bible tells us that God’s Holy Spirit dwells in a true Christian, leading and motivating him or her. But what does this mean? Does only the Father have Holy Spirit, emanating from Him? Or does Jesus Christ have Holy Spirit as well, flowing out of Him? If so, which Holy Spirit dwells in a true Christian? The Holy Spirit of the Father, the Holy Spirit of Christ, or both? Who gives the Holy Spirit to a Christian? The Father, the Son, or both? And if it is true that a true Christian has received the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of Christ, how can the Holy Spirit be ONE Spirit?

“Strangers in the Night,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

According to the Bible, true Christians are strangers and pilgrims in the darkness of this world. But while they are in the world, they are not to be of this world and of the night. Rather, they are to be lights shining in the darkness. What practical consequence should that have for us?

“Longsuffering for Righteousness Sake,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Michael Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Why do we suffer? Is it necessary for our eternal salvation? God has long-suffering for us just as we do for Him as we eagerly wait for Christ’s return. How do we live a life pleasing God and what does He promise us in return?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Safety; The Thessalonian Struggle

On June 10, 2017, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Safety,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Thessalonian Struggle.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Current Events

We begin with reports on the deteriorating economic relationship between the USA and Europe; speak on Europe’s efforts to gain other trading partners and build up its military defense, including the creation of a new defense fund (at least partially in response to President Trump’s correct criticism); France’s attempts to deal with another terror attack; and the increasingly isolated role of the USA; and we address powerful and influential reactions within the USA to President Trump’s announcement to leave the Paris accord. We also report on President Trump’s nomination of Christopher A. Wray as the next FBI director, and former FBI director James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Focusing on the UK, we speak on an upcoming battle between Britain and France over important fishing rights and on Ireland’s new gay Prime Minister. We also address the strained and troubled relationship between the USA and the UK over President Trump’s tweets pertaining to the terrorist attacks in London; and we report on his tweets regarding his original and revised travel bans, angering and frustrating even his GOP supporters. We also address further plans by the TSA pertaining to laptops, and we speak on an unanimous resolution by the Senate which seems to be much tougher than President Trump’s stance on Jerusalem, but upon further scrutiny, seems to contain all kinds of inconsistent and contradictory positions, while placing Democrats in a really bad light.

We report on a surprising move of Arab nations under Saudi Arabian leadership against Qatar which hosts America’s largest airbase in the region; report on contradictory messages from President Trump and the State Department pertaining to Qatar and Germany’s subsequent warning; speak on terror attacks in Iran; some rather ridiculous positions by Lebanon and Jordan; and German plans to move their troops from Turkey to Jordan. At the same time, questions are raised whether Angela Merkel’s victory in September’s elections is really assured.

We conclude with a controversial statement by Pope Francis; the tragic death of many children in southern Sudan due to vaccinations against measles; and the danger of becoming addicted to prescribed legal drugs.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

Strangers in the Night; Longsuffering for Righteousness Sake

On June 3, 2017, Norbert Link will present the sermonette, titled, “Strangers in the Night,” and Michael Link will present the sermon, titled, “Longsuffering for Righteousness Sake.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Pentecost will be observed on Sunday, June 4, 2017. We will conduct live services in both the morning (10:00 AM Pacific Time) and afternoon (3:00 PM Pacific Time).

Morning Service: Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “An Aberration,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Promise of Pentecost.”

Afternoon Service: Kalon Mitchell will present the Offertory, titled, “Vessels of God,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “How is God’s Holy Spirit ONE Spirit?”

Update 785

Strangers in the Night; Longsuffering for Righteousness Sake

On June 3, 2017, Norbert Link will present the sermonette, titled, “Strangers in the Night,” and Michael Link will present the sermon, titled, “Longsuffering for Righteousness Sake.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Pentecost will be observed on Sunday, June 4, 2017. We will conduct live services in both the morning (10:00 AM Pacific Time) and afternoon (3:00 PM Pacific Time).

Morning Service: Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “An Aberration,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Promise of Pentecost.”

Afternoon Service: Kalon Mitchell will present the Offertory, titled, “Vessels of God,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “How is God’s Holy Spirit ONE Spirit?”

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The Choice is Yours

by Robb Harris

When Cain rose up and killed his brother, it was a premeditated act of rage finally surfacing. The choices he made in life preceding his brother’s murder could have only led to one outcome—sin.  Whatever Cain’s impulse that led him to commit that great sin, he let it fester and eventually gave in to it.  God saw this tendency and warned Cain of it, “So the LORD said to Cain, ‘Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it’ ” (Genesis 4:6-7). Cain chose to allow himself to be ruled by Satan and it led to his downfall.

But Cain wasn’t born a killer.  That desire was begotten by years of rejecting God.  Jude warns God’s chosen to “…contend earnestly for the faith…” (Jude 3) because it can easily be lost if we reject any part of God’s Truth.  Jude continues listing character traits with this sinful mindset, “Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries… But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves. Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain…” (Jude 8,10-11).  Cain rejected God and followed after his own base desires, desires influenced by Satan.

The same faith that Jude warns us to hold fast was part of Abel’s character.  “By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain…” (Hebrews 11:4).  God didn’t reject Cain’s sacrifice because He disliked fruit.  God disapproved of Cain’s attitude and the influence that was leading his actions.

John clearly states who Cain showed love for, “In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother’s righteous” (1 John 3:10-12).

Is it any wonder why this world is enamored with violence and murder—especially in these end times? The father of murder is raging against all godliness. Our sacrifice and our separation from this world delight God while causing Satan to seethe with anger.  And like a hungry lion, Satan is ready to tear us apart from the promise of eternal life.  Godly faith requires vigilance and an understanding when Satan’s influence is creeping into our life. Satan’s has readied himself to deter us from our Godly path.  Are we prepared to prove our faith to God?

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by Norbert Link

We begin with the unsatisfactory outcome of the G-7 summit in Sicily, due to major disagreements between America and the other participating nations. Europeans place the blame totally on President Trump’s behavior. He is being portrayed as the “ugly American, trampling America’s friends and trashing the trans-Atlantic alliance,” and it is suggested that his conduct in Europe was due to personal vindictiveness. Subsequently, Angela Merkel uttered harsh words, implying that the USA is “no longer a reliable partner” of Europe, and declaring that Europe has to “take its fate into its own hands.” While most agreed with Mrs. Merkel’s comments (excepting Trump supporters, accepting Mr. Trump’s statement that his trip was highly successful), Mr. Trump responded on Twitter, blasting Germany again over trade and defense.

The consensus is that the gap between the USA and especially Europe has become immense. While America is described as “dropping out as an important nation,” Angela Merkel is seen as the “leader of the free world” and the “most influential leader” in Europe; and Germany as becoming “an increasingly dominant power in a partnership with France.” The most recent events are described as ushering in a “new era” and beginning a “new chapter,” and it is also perceived that Russia is the beneficiary of the frosty relationship between the USA and Europe. Not unaware of this threat, Europe is anxious to build a powerful unified army.

We also address President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord on “Climate Change.”

In other news, we report on a terrible attack in Kabul, Afghanistan; Turkey’s attempts to get control over the Temple Mount; President Trump’s decision to sign a waiver regarding the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem; and British Airline’s ongoing debacle, due to the company’s unreliable new IT system. We also report on serious illogical considerations of the Trump administration to ban all laptops from aircraft cabins on all flights into and out of the country; and on an equally absurd and dangerous new law in Germany forcing Kindergartens to report parents for refusing to obtain vaccine advice.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Merkel Furious With Trump After “Unprecedented” G-7 Failure

Zerohedge reported on May 27:

“In the end it was not meant to be…  Needless to say, Merkel who had hoped to leave the Saturday summit with the G-7 agenda endorsed by everyone, including Trump, was furious at the US president… She concluded by noting the unprecedented breach of agreement within the ranks, perhaps a first in G-7 history… To be sure, it wasn’t just Merkel who was displeased with Trump… Trump’s lack of rapport with European leaders raises serious questions about his ability to effectively team up with critical U.S. allies…”

The Ugly American at G-7 Summit

The New York Times wrote on May 26:

“‘Trump shoves his allies,’ read the front page of Belgium’s Le Soir. ‘Boor in chief’ declared Germany’s financial newspaper Handelsblatt. An editorial in Le Monde called him ‘brutal and heavy-handed.’

“President Trump is… being portrayed as the ugly American, trampling America’s friends and trashing the trans-Atlantic alliance… Mr. Trump has switched from diplomat to disrupter… his behavior overlooks the fact that America’s most durable alliances are in Europe, not the Middle East, and that Europeans are not likely to buy Mr. Trump’s bluster… His harsh statements in Europe suggested that he could be [the] most divisive American leader to join this… club since it was first organized in 1975…

“To some extent, the difference in Mr. Trump’s tone may reflect the different reception he got in the Middle East… In Europe, Mr. Trump encountered a chillier audience that viewed him less as a conquering hero than as a wayward figure who needed to be put back on the right path. ‘The Europeans didn’t give him that royal welcome; they didn’t treat him like the king of the world,’ said Volker Perthes, the director of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs…”

Mr. Trump’s harsh words and his attacks on NATO, Germany and the other participating members at the G-7 summit might very well have been caused by his less than royal reception in Europe.

Gap Immense

Der Spiegel wrote on May 27 about the G-7 Summit:

“The gap between the USA and the other six nations is immense. The Trump Administration is on their way to international isolation…”

The magazine continued that the shattered relationship, as manifested during the G-7 summit, has been described by French President Emmanuel Macron as the last step before a divorce.

Merkel’s Remarks about USA and UK

Reuters/HuffPost wrote on May 29:

“Merkel sent shockwaves through Washington and London by saying on Sunday that Europe must take its fate into its own hands, implying that the United States under President Donald Trump and Britain after its Brexit vote were no longer reliable partners… After the meetings of NATO and the G7 group of wealthy nations, Merkel told a packed beer tent in Munich that the days when Europe could completely rely on others were ‘over to a certain extent.’ ‘I have experienced this in the last few days,’ Merkel said. ‘And that is why I can only say that we Europeans must really take our fate into our own hands – of course in friendship with the United States of America, in friendship with Great Britain and as good neighbors wherever that is possible also with other countries, even with Russia.’

“Her chief rival in Germany’s upcoming national elections, opposition leader Martin Schulz, denounced Trump on Monday for the way he ‘humiliated’ Merkel. ‘No freely elected head of government in our country  should allow him- or herself to be humiliated in this way, the way [Trump], like an autocratic leader, believed he could inflict humiliation in Brussels,’ Schulz said… ‘I reject with outrage the way this man takes it upon himself to treat the head of our country’s government. That is unacceptable.’ It’s not clear what incident Schulz is referring to, but he echoed Merkel’s controversial call for greater European independence on Twitter, asserting ‘the best answer to Donald Trump is a stronger Europe.’”

Leading German politicians are anxious to agree with Angela Merkel on her criticism of President Trump, also in light of the upcoming national elections in September and the huge unpopularity of Mr. Trump in Germany. Note the next article as well.

Germany Reacts to Trump

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 30:

Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel… spoke of the US ‘dropping out as an important nation.’ ‘That’s unfortunately a signal for a change in the world’s balance of power,’ he said. Gabriel also criticized the Trump administration for selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, its refugee policy, and its lack of commitment to fight climate change.

“Gabriel, who also serves as Germany’s vice chancellor, said that ‘anyone who accelerates climate change by weakening environmental protection, who sells more weapons in conflict zones and who does not want to politically resolve religious conflicts is putting peace in Europe at risk.’ ‘The short-sighted policies of the American government stand against the interests of the European Union,’ adding that the West ‘became weaker.’…

“In response to the crisis, Europe should be ‘sticking together and growing stronger’ and defend the ideas of democracy, liberalism, and openness, he said…”

A Fury of International Reactions—Russia the Beneficiary

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 29:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday prompted a fury of reactions…  In the US, the reaction was mixed, with Trump’s supporters dismissing Merkel’s comments while his opponents appeared to mourn the loss of the US’ special relationship with Germany…

“In analysis published by Israeli daily Haaretz, Daniella Peled of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting said the fallout of Trump’s visit to Europe has effectively undermined trust across the Atlantic. ‘It’s hard to think of a clearer sign of the massive and rapid damage Trump has done to decades-old partnerships than Merkel’s devastating speech,’ Peled said. ‘Angela Merkel has once again cemented her status as the new leader of the free world…’

“However, some highlighted that Trump’s ability to undermine the historic relationship between Berlin and Washington has served the interests of other actors. David Frum, senior editor of the US news magazine The Atlantic, said that Trump’s behavior has caused a rift between Germany and the US [and] has effectively served Russian interests. ‘Since 1945, the supreme strategic goal in Europe of the USSR and then Russia was the severing of the US-German alliance. Trump delivered,’ Frum said.

“Agreeing with Frum’s comments on its benefits for Moscow, Ian Bremmer, founder and director of the consultancy Eurasia Group, said that the ‘most important postwar relationship,’ the transatlantic alliance, is ‘now unraveling.’ ‘There’s not been a statement like this from Germany in generations,’ Bremmer said.”

Macron Meets with Putin

The EUObserver wrote on May 29:

“Macron hosted Putin in Versailles to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Russian tsar Peter the Great’s visit to France… ‘Peter the Great is a symbol of Russia that wants to [be] open to… Europe,’ Macron noted… The celebration and the prestigious setting of the Versailles palace were considered to be a good opportunity to mend relations between France and Russia, as well as between Macron and Putin… During his presidential campaign, Hollande’s successor Macron was the target of Russian-sponsored media attacks and hacks. Putin also received Macron’s main opponent, far right leader Marine Le Pen, at the Kremlin…

“Asked by a journalist from RT [Russia Today], a Russian state media, why RT journalists were barred to access events at the end of his campaign, Macron explained that the media, as well as Sputnik, another Russian state outlet, had ‘spread slanderous falsehoods’ about him. ‘Russia Today and Sputnik did not behave as media outlets and journalists, they behaved as organs of influence and of lying propaganda,’ he said next to a stony-faced Putin.”

Emmanuel Macron’s meeting with Vladimir Putin received mixed coverage. While the will was emphasized to “work together”, it was also clear that mistrust and skepticism remained.

Europe’s Destiny

The Times of Israel/AFP wrote on May 30:

“Germany’s harsh words for Washington, traditionally a close ally, were highly unusual and came as relations have grown increasingly frosty… France’s Defense Minister Sylvie Goulard said that Trump’s broadside at NATO allies could boost efforts toward a common European defense policy… the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Twitter he ‘agreed’ with Merkel that ‘Europe’s destiny is in our own hands.’”

One of the consequences of the frosty relationship between Europe and the USA is indeed Europe’s desire to create a common defense policy; i.e., a unified European army. Due to perceived threats from Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin, military cooperation already exists in some parts of Europe. Note the next article.

Nordic Military Cooperation

Bloomberg wrote on May 29:

“With Vladimir Putin in the east and Donald Trump to the west, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is now telling Europe it has to stand up for itself. It’s a call that’s already being answered by the continent’s richest region. Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway have over the past two years been deepening their military cooperation to counter a deteriorating security situation in the Baltic and the Arctic… ‘There’s no doubt that Europe needs to take bigger responsibility, we have to spend more on defense and security,’ Erna Solberg, Norway’s prime minister, said…

“The broadest shifts in policy in the region have been seen in Finland and Sweden, which unlike Denmark and Norway aren’t members of NATO. The two neighbors have intensified military cooperation and also forged closer ties with the military alliance without outright joining NATO…”

The End of an Era

The New York Times wrote on May 28:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany [is] Europe’s most influential leader… Ms. Merkel’s strong comments were a potentially seismic shift in trans-Atlantic relations. With the United States less willing to intervene overseas, Germany is becoming an increasingly dominant power in a partnership with France

“‘This seems to be the end of an era, one in which the United States led and Europe followed,’ said Ivo H. Daalder, a former United States envoy to NATO who is now the director of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. ‘Today, the United States is heading into a direction on key issues that seems diametrically opposite of where Europe is heading. Merkel’s comments are an acknowledgment of that new reality.’”

Europe and the USA are drifting more and more apart.

A New Chapter

The Washington Post wrote on May 28:

“Merkel on Sunday declared a new chapter in U.S.-European relations after contentious meetings with President Trump last week… This is an enormous change in political rhetoric. While the public is more familiar with the ‘special relationship’ between Britain and the United States, the German-U.S. relationship has arguably been more important… Merkel is suggesting that… Germany and Europe are likely to take on a much more substantial and independent role than they have in the past 70 years

“Merkel’s rhetoric is clearly intended to imply that as the transatlantic relationship grows weaker, the European Union will grow stronger…  Merkel’s temperament is the polar opposite of Trump’s. She is highly cautious. This speech is not an impulsive move. Instead, Merkel is starting to make the case for a different E.U., one that is stronger, more self-reliant and disinclined to look to the United States for leadership. If she wins the upcoming German election decisively and is able to secure enough agreement from other European states to isolate the naysayers, she may set in motion a substantial long-term shift in the E.U.-U.S. relationship…”

“End of an era” and “a new chapter” are strong words. Mr. Trump must realize this too, and his reaction is predictable, but not helpful. Note the next article.

Trump Blasts Germany Again as Merkel-Modi Cite Mutual Values

Newsmax wrote on May 30:

“U.S. President Donald Trump ratcheted up a dispute with Germany over trade and defense as Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a demonstration of her ability to pivot from the U.S. to strengthen alternative global alliances. ‘We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military,’ the U.S. president posted on Twitter Tuesday. ‘This will change.’

The message came minutes after Merkel and Modi held a joint press conference in Berlin, at which the German leader called India a ‘reliable partner with respect to big projects.’ That contrasted with her comments in Munich on Sunday that reliable trans-Atlantic ties that formed the basis of German foreign policy since World War II ‘are to some extent over.’”

Mr. Trump was obviously not happy to hear that Angela Merkel viewed India as a reliable partner, while she did not think so regarding the USA.

Germany Reaches Out to China

Deutsche Welle reported on May 31:

“In a week during which a Europe-US rift seems to be deepening, the Chinese premier became the second major Asian leader to arrive in Berlin. Talks will focus on closer cooperation on trade and climate issues… This has been a week of Germany reaching out to Asia… ‘The EU and China consider the Paris Agreement as an historic achievement…,’ [a] nine-page draft joint statement said. ‘The EU and China underline their highest political commitment to the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement in all its aspects.’…

“The EU has also been increasingly looking to China for support of free trade, after a shift towards protectionism from the US…  As Li arrived in Germany, the country’s biggest lender Deutsche Bank announced US$3 billion (2.7 billion euros) worth of investments in cooperation with the China Development Bank.”

As the relationship between Europe and the USA is getting worse, Europe is looking for “allies” in others parts of the world.

German Trade

The New York Times wrote on May 30:

“Germany runs a chronic, yawning trade surplus with the United States, which Trump administration officials say Germany has widened by exploiting a weak euro to put American exports at a disadvantage. That, more than differences over NATO, Russia or climate change, is driving a wedge between the two countries

“Mr. Trump was continuing a drumbeat he began during his visit to Europe, when he told European Union officials that Germany was ‘very bad’ on trade. But the president’s campaign against Germany, while accurate on the statistics, overlooks the benefits in the German-American trade relationship, and overstates Berlin’s ability to do much about it.

German companies employ roughly 700,000 people in the United States. Carmakers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz have huge American assembly plants, which export vehicles to China and Latin America. BMW’s factory in Spartanburg, S.C., is the largest single exporter, by dollar value, in the American automotive industry…”

It is interesting that one never hears President Trump speaking about these figures.

Donald Trump Isolated and Unreachable?

CNN wrote on May 31:

“At 12:06 a.m. ET, the President of the United States tweeted this: ‘Despite the constant negative press covfefe.’ By 6 a.m., that tweet had been deleted. Shortly after, Trump tweeted this: ‘Who can figure out the true meaning of “covfefe” ??? Enjoy!’… Trump seemed to be trying to type ‘coverage’ and misspelled it. As he often does. Then he fell asleep and didn’t correct the mistake until he got up in the morning. We’ve all been there!…

“What we have today — and, really, what we have had since the day Trump came into the White House — is a deeply isolated President who spends lots of time, particularly at night and in the early morning, watching TV and tweeting. That lack of discipline reveals that there is simply no one who can tell Trump ‘no.‘ Or at least no one whom he will listen to.  That’s important. Especially now as speculation runs rampant that Trump is on the brink of a major staff overhaul and in the wake of communications director Mike Dubke resigning on Tuesday… Trump doesn’t think he needs advice… Trump’s ongoing Twitter presence is a perfect example of all of this.

“Time and time again, Republican elected officials have politely suggested that Trump use Twitter less and differently… Of late, as part of a much-promised reboot, there had been talk of a ‘team of lawyers’ vetting Trump’s tweets before he sent them out… Trump is neither willing nor able to change his stripes. He is a 70-year-old man (he will be 71 on June 14) who has had much success in his life. And he believes that the way in which he was elected president — against all odds and doing everything traditional politics says not to — is an affirmation that he is the only person who really understands his supporters and the mood of the country. That assumption is what leads him to ignore advice from advisers… Trump believes in Trump — first, last and always. Staff will come and go. But to expect anyone to change Trump in any way is to ignore, literally, his entire adult life.”

If all of this is true, that would make President Trump an extremely unpredictable person.

“No Feud Between Trump and Merkel”? Get Real!

The New York Times wrote on May 30:

“Sean Spicer, the press secretary… said Ms. Merkel’s call for Europe to go it alone actually vindicated Mr. Trump’s demand that Germany shoulder more responsibility for its defense…”

Mr. Spicer also added that President Trump was happy about Chancellor Merkel’s comments.

Newsmax wrote on May 31:

“President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel ‘have a good and productive relationship,’ and there is no feud going on between the two leaders over NATO, trade, or other issues, Germany’s ambassador to the United States, Peter Wittig, said Wednesday… ‘there are few leaders as committed to the transatlantic relationship as Merkel is to the friendship of the United States,’ Wettig continued. ‘That has not changed with President Trump.’…”

The comments by Sean Spicer and Peter Wittig are ridiculous and constitute an insult to the intelligence of Americans and Germans alike. The total opposite of their “assurances” has been clearly established, as can be seen by the articles quoted in this edition.

Trump Exits Paris Accord

The Daily Mail wrote on June 1:

Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris accord on climate change on [Thursday] afternoon – deriding it as bad for American jobs and bad for the environment…

“He complained in the White House’s Rose Garden that major polluters like China are allowed to increase their emissions under the agreement in a way that the US cannot. India is hinging its participation on billions of dollars of foreign aid. The deal is a ‘massive redistribution of United States wealth to other countries,’ he argued. ‘The Paris accord is very unfair at the highest level’ to the US. ‘This agreement is less about the climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States,’ Trump said.

“Trump said he would also end the United States’ participation in the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund, which he said lacks affirmative obligations… Trump said the Paris exit is ‘a reassertion of America’s sovereignty.’ ‘Foreign leaders in Europe, Asia and across the world should not have more to say with respect to the United States economy [than] our own citizens and their elected representatives,’ Trump proclaimed.

“Trump said he would be willing to get back in but only if he is allowed to renegotiate the terms of the United States’ participation…

“When White House sources said he was pulling out…, the reports set off worldwide condemnation led by the United Nations secretary general. Trump’s eldest daughter, Ivanka, had advised her father against an exit, as well as a series of world leaders…

“Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Google, Gap, Mars and Tiffany & Co. joined a group of large businesses in publishing an open letter to Trump asking him not to end the United States participation in the global warming agreement… Their ask ran as a full page ad in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal on Thursday… Emmanuel Macron, the newly elected French president, said at a weekend summit in Italy he was sure Trump would back the deal after listening to his G7 counterparts

“Economic Council chair Gary Cohn joined Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster in a campaign to remain in the accord… EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Vice President Mike Pence were strongly against staying in the pact… and three senior advisors to the president – Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller -– came in behind the Environmental Protection Agency head and the vice president.”

Diplomatic Repercussions

The Washington Post added on June 1:

“President Trump… is withdrawing the United States from the landmark Paris climate agreement… a move that honors a campaign promise but risks rupturing global alliances… More than 190 nations agreed to the accord in December 2015 in Paris, and 147 have since formally ratified or otherwise joined it, including the United States… It’s also heavily backed by U.S. and global corporations, including oil giants Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and BP

“Withdrawing the United States from the agreement could take years due to the accord’s legal structure and language, but such a move would weaken its goals almost immediately…  But the diplomatic repercussions of a U.S. withdrawal could be vast…”

 Deutsche Welle added on June 1:

“The US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change despite international condemnation, US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday… Political leaders from the European Union, China, fellow G7 member states, as well as the heads of investment firms with trillions of dollars in assets, more than 1,000 US companies including coal and oil producers, and even the pope had all lobbied Trump to stick to the agreement…

Syria and Nicaragua were the world’s only non-participants in the landmark accord, although Nicaragua did not participate as it thought it did not go far enough to address climate change…

“Trump’s protectionist policies and his reticence on climate change action have pushed Europe closer to China. ‘China has become a more important and strategic partner [than the USA],’ Merkel said at a joint news conference with Chinese Premier Li…”

The verdict on “man-made global warming” (now called “climate change”) is still out. Many arguments pro and con are advanced, and on June 1, Senator Rand Paul made an impassionate plea on CNN, questioning the accuracy of scientific data to prove man-made climate change. In addition, it is equally being debated back and forth whether the Paris accord would lead to less or more jobs and economic prosperity in the USA. What is important for us to note is the fact that President Trump kept his promise in regard to the Paris accord, and that his decision has led to international condemnation and the realignment of European allies with other countries than the USA.

Deadly Attack in Kabul, Afghanistan

Deutsche Welle reported on May 31:

“A massive truck bomb has hit Kabul’s highly secure diplomatic area, killing at least [90] people and wounding hundreds [at least 460, with the death-toll expected to rise considerably]. The German embassy was heavily damaged, although it’s unclear whether it was the target of the attack… Most of the Wednesday attack’s victims are well-to-do Afghans with jobs at foreign embassies and government offices. The attack site is in the downtown which is considered a safe place and people also go there for dining and shopping.

“The fact that such a place could be targeted has made the residents of Kabul very pessimistic about their security… the security situation in Afghanistan had deteriorated further… Afghan security forces control only about 57 percent of the country’s territory. Around 2.5 million people live in areas controlled by the Taliban and nine million more live in contested areas… The number of civilian victims, including many children, remains high…

“Kabul has in recent months sustained a series of terror attacks carried out by a resurgent Taliban, as well as the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) jihadi group. However, Wednesday’s blast is reported to have been particularly devastating, striking buildings and cars within a 1-kilometer radius. The US and British embassies [as well as the embassies of Iran, Turkey and France] are also located close to Kabul’s Zanbaq Square, where the explosion took place, as are the headquarters of NATO’s mission in Afghanistan…

“US Secretary of Defense James Mattis has warned that troops stationed in Afghanistan will face ‘another tough year’ in the fight against radical insurgent forces. The US currently deploys some 8,000 soldiers in the country, while there are a further 5,000 from NATO allies.  US President Donald Trump is soon expected to decide whether to bolster US troop numbers by a further 3-5,000, expanding the total US deployment to over 10,000 – a major operation but still a far cry from the 100,000 American troops posted in Afghanistan six years ago.”

The Washington Post added on May 31:

“The Afghan Taliban denied any role in the bombing… Security agencies had warned that both Taliban insurgents and regional affiliates of the Islamic State were planning to attack high-profile targets in the city in the early part of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month that began last week…”

It does not appear that the tragic Afghan war—the longest war in America’s history—will end any time soon.

Turkey Craves Control over Eastern Jerusalem and the Temple Mount

The Jewish Press reported on May 30:

“The Jerusalem municipality’s eastern Jerusalem experts have revealed in recent days that Turkey has been competing with Jordan over influence among Arab residents as well as over control of the Temple Mount… The city’s experts… also revealed that Turkey has begun pouring millions of dollars into NGO in eastern Jerusalem, in order to strengthen Ankara’s status among the Arab residents…

“‘The growing involvement of the Erdogan regime… shows that the Turkish actions in Jerusalem are part of a wider process of creating regional Turkish hegemony at the expense of other players,’ wrote the Jerusalem mayor’s advisers on the eastern part of the city…

“Earlier this month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Israel for ‘massacring the Palestinians,’ calling on the Turks to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque and dubbing Israel’s control of Jerusalem ‘an insult.’ He also… declared that ‘all Muslims must defend Jerusalem.’

“The experts added… ‘In recent years, the Turks have poured considerable sums of money into the Temple Mount for a number of activities: Koran reading groups, transporting worshipers to and from the mosque, Ramadan meals, renovations, and cleaning. As a rule, whether deliberately or not, Muslim groups on the Temple Mount are acting in favor of Turkey... Erdogan’s Turkey now enjoys unprecedented popularity among the residents of eastern Jerusalem… Turkish flags are often seen hanging from rooftops in the eastern part of the city and even on the Temple Mount, and Turkish culture is being revived, which is reflected in Turkish language courses, Turkish music and Turkish cuisine.’

“One hundred years after the last Turkish soldier was chased out of Jerusalem by the invading British Empire, ‘Turkey’s public support for the Palestinian cause and the Al-Aqsa conflict, and their channeling of millions of dollars into eastern Jerusalem, bear many fruits in the form of sympathy and support,’ the experts concluded, adding that the Turks’ ‘involvement is made possible by their cooperation with Muslim Brotherhood elements in the city, who are often being used as their allies and collaborators.'”

The Bible reveals that Turkey and Israel will end up in a fierce war.

Trump Signs Waiver

The Times of Israel wrote on June 1:

“US President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a waiver that delays for six months any plan to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, disappointing the Israeli government and backtracking on a key promise he made on the campaign trail throughout 2016. Announcing the move, the White House… said the president still stood by his promise to move the embassy…

“Trump was facing a Thursday deadline to renew the waiver… A 1995 law mandates the relocation of the embassy, but provides the president with the prerogative to postpone the move on national security grounds. Each of Trump’s three immediate predecessors — Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — repeatedly exercised that right. The most recent waiver, signed by Obama, expired on June 1. Without its renewal, the US government would have been legally obligated to proceed with moving the embassy.

“Israel captured East Jerusalem and the West Bank from Jordan during the 1967 Six Day War and later annexed it, a move never recognized by the international community. Israel declared the city its undivided capital, but the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would be seen as endorsing Israel’s claim to the city and rejecting the Palestinians’…”

Major Disagreement between Israel and USA

In a follow-up article, The Times of Israel wrote on June 1:

“Trump once again publicly disagreed with the Israeli government. The first time was the administration’s request to rein in settlement construction; Netanyahu insists that the settlements are no obstacle to peace… [The waiver] emphasized the sharp difference in how the White House and the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem view the dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process…

“Netanyahu doubled down on his argument, going as far as saying that keeping the embassy in Tel Aviv ‘drives peace further away by helping keep alive the Palestinian fantasy that the Jewish people and the Jewish state have no connection to Jerusalem.’… the statement about peace being more difficult to achieve highlighted a fundamental policy disagreement between Jerusalem and Washington…”

It is prophesied in the Bible that the relationship between the USA and Israel will gradually deteriorate.

Empty Promises

The Washington Post wrote on June 1:

The move postpones, if not outright reverses, a campaign pledge that Trump had used as a central example of how his approach to foreign policy would be different than either past presidents of both political parties…

“As a candidate, Trump promised to make the move, which he called a sign of unwavering U.S. support for Israel, on his first day in office

“Trump’s advisers have been divided about the move, with strategist Stephen K. Bannon reportedly a main advocate for making the move. Trump’s newly installed ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, was also on record as supporting a relocated embassy ‘in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem,’ before he was confirmed by the Senate…”

Whatever position one may want to take on the issue, it is clear that the Bible holds us responsible for what we promise. God demands of us that we keep our word, “even if it hurts” (compare Psalm 15:4).

Becoming a “True Politician”

The New York Times wrote on June 1:

“The decision is Mr. Trump’s latest shift away from campaign positions… He has reversed himself on declaring China a currency manipulator, backed off plans to lift sanctions against Russia, declared that NATO is not ‘obsolete’ after all, opted for now not to rip up President Barack Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran and ordered a punitive strike against Syria that he previously opposed in similar circumstances…”

There are many more “reversals,” which could be listed, constituting a “deviation” from pledges and promises.

British Airline’s Debacle

The Telegraph wrote on May 28:

“The British Airways IT crash has caused unprecedented disruption for the airline… Thousands of holidaymakers were stranded…  A BA statement… said travellers affected would be rebooked or have their ticket price refunded, but a spokesman said compensation would be looked at on a ‘case by case’ basis.

“British Airways have started sending passengers’ luggage back to them by courier, opening up the possibility that holidaymakers still hoping to get away this weekend will be in London even as their bags are driven to their home addresses elsewhere. It comes as hotels surrounding the airports charged extortionate prices to stranded holiday makers with some charging between £1,000 to £2,500 a room for the night… Passengers who had flights cancelled had little choice but to stay at the airport or check in to local hotels charging high prices…

“The chaos happened just after 11am on Saturday when the company’s unreliable new IT system crashed worldwide for the sixth time in a year. After thousands of furious complaints from customers left in the dark about their flights, bags and compensation, the company released a video online of CEO Alex Cruz apologising to passengers…”

Apart from the chaos and the apparently less than competent handling of the situation at Britain’s airports, especially appalling is the greed of hotels to charge exorbitant prices for stranded travelers. Man’s lust for money knows no bounds, and harsh godly punishment awaits those who are responsible for such inhumane conduct.

CNBC wrote on May 30:

“BA’s decision to spend £124 million on severance packages for hundreds of staff last year seems not – at least in the short term – to have been money well spent. An ever increasing number of the firm’s IT systems have been subcontracted out to third party companies, many of them overseas. And that move has prompted the airline employees’ unions, the GMB, to blame this weekend’s computer outage and subsequent PR debacle on BA’s decision to ax and outsource British IT jobs over the past 12 months.

“… the self-proclaimed world’s favorite airline has lost a lot of fans and goodwill – in the UK and beyond – over the past few days. Airline passengers understandably want a commitment from their carrier that they will arrive at their destination on time, with all their belongings, and without major inconvenience. That’s why a premium brand like British Airways fears the fallout from major screw ups like Saturday’s computer outage not only for the short-term financial ramifications, but also for the long-term damage it can have on perceived reliability…”

Sadly, outsourcing jobs to foreign companies for lesser compensation has become quite customary, but the results are quite often far from satisfactory.

Trump May “Very Likely” Ban Laptops from Aircraft Cabins for all Flights into and out of USA

CNBC wrote on May 28:

“The United States might ban laptops from aircraft cabins on all flights into and out of the country as part of a ramped-up effort to protect against potential security threats, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said on Sunday… Airlines are concerned that a broad ban on laptops may erode customer demand…Asked whether the government would expand such measures nationwide, Kelly said: ‘We might, and likely will.’”

The Telegraph added on May 30:

“US plans to extend a ban on carrying laptops on to transatlantic aircraft have been mired in confusion last night with Washington denying reports from Brussels that the plans had been scrapped… The EU and aviation industry have long opposed proposals to extend the ban on laptops and other large items, including iPads and e-readers… With no ban being announced, EU officials said that the proposals were off the table, suggesting that Washington had backed down… But within hours this was flatly contradicted in a statement issued on Mr Kelly’s behalf, insisting that the proposed ban was ‘still on the table’.

“… Opposition to the proposed ban has been led by the main airline trade body, the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s director general, said extending the ban could cost passengers $1.1 billion. Major airlines fear that denying executives the opportunity to work while in the air would lead to a catastrophic fall in the lucrative business class traffic on which they depend. According to one estimate, extending the ban to Europe, which would represent the biggest shake-up in aviation security since September 11, would hit 3,000 flights a week.

“Some experts have also questioned the effectiveness of the proposals, warning that putting thousands of lithium ion batteries into the hold of an aircraft could pose an even greater threat…”

One has to marvel about the lack of logic. If laptops are banned from aircraft cabins, but still placed in the aircraft with the other luggage, where is the elimination of any supposed threat? Laptops are already being screened separately by security when checking in. It appears that this new contemplated ban is counterproductive and might very well lead to great economic losses as customers might decide not to fly at all. Who in his right mind would place his laptop in the main luggage, as it could get lost (far too many pieces of luggage don’t arrive on time or at all at the correct destination), or it could be damaged, considering how the luggage is being (mis-)treated?

German Kindergartens Must Report Parents for Refusing Vaccine Advice

Reuters reported on May 26, 2017:

“Germany will pass a law… obliging kindergartens to inform the authorities if parents fail to provide evidence that they have received advice from their doctor on vaccinating their children… Parents refusing the advice risk fines of up to 2,500 euros ($2,800) under the law expected to come into force on June 1.

“Lack of public trust in vaccines has become an important global health issue. Experts say negative attitudes may be due to fears over suspected side-effects and hesitancy among some doctors. That is leading to greater activism among parents and public health officials. Last week, a German court ruled that a father could insist that his child be vaccinated over the objections of the child’s mother because it was in the child’s interest.”

These are of course only first steps, leading to the complete compulsion of vaccinations for all children; and that in spite of REAL DANGERS, even though they are being consistently and willfully ignored by politicians and insurance-dependent doctors.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What Does it Mean to “Deny Christ”?

Although many people identify themselves as Christian, and that amounts to almost one-third of the world’s population, the Bible indicates that in “the last times” false Christianity would arise. In response to His disciples’ questions about the end of the age and when He would return, we have this prophetic warning:

“And Jesus answered and said to them: ‘Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, “I am the Christ,” and will deceive many’” (Matthew 24:4-5).

Deception began to work very quickly following the establishment of the Church of God. After only a few decades, JUDE wrote about the “faith”—that is, true Christianity—being under assault. His letter to the Church addresses the encroachment of men and doctrines opposing the truth:

“Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:3-4)

How were these “ungodly men” denying God and Jesus Christ? It was through heretical teachings. PETER wrote of those who deny Jesus through false doctrines:

“But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber” (2 Peter 2:1-3).

JOHN noted those who reject Jesus as being the Christ—the Messiah, meaning “anointed one”:

“Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that … [a]ntichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour” (1 John 2:18). (NOTE: The New King James Version rendering in this verse is: “that the Antichrist,” but “the” is not in the original and antichrist should not be capitalized—compare the King James Authorized Version. For a full discussion of this topic and the comments which follow, please refer to our Q&A: Who is the Antichrist Prophesied to Come?)


“Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also” (1 John 2:22-23).

Belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is an absolute requirement for salvation! (Compare 1 John 5:6, 10; John 3:16, 36; 6:40, 47; 11:25). This was the central fact which dominated the preaching of the gospel, and PETER, specifically identifying “Jesus Christ of Nazareth” (Acts 4:10), boldly proclaimed:

“‘Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved’” (Acts 4:12).

Even among those who seemingly acknowledge Jesus Christ, there is great confusion about Him—specifically, regarding His life as a human being. JOHN warned of those who were already denying that Jesus had come as a physical, mortal man:

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist [better: “the spirit of antichrist,” compare Authorized Version], which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world” (1 John 4:1-3).

This denial has tragic implications! JOHN further addresses deception which was arising in his day—and which still misleads concerning the doctrines of Christ:

“For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist” (2 John 1:7).

Quoting from our Q&A: Who is the Antichrist Prophesied to Come?:

“The spirit of antichrist DENIES the entire saving work of Jesus Christ–who He was before He became a man; who He was when in the flesh; who He is today; what He DOES today; and that He lives His life in the flesh of His disciples who OBEY Him.”

PAUL—and the ministry of his day—were confronted by those “who had a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:5). What these people claimed was not backed up in how they lived their lives:

“For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision…  They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work” (Titus 1:10, 16).

JESUS CHRIST had much to say about those who would deny Him:

“‘Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven’” (Matthew 10:32-33).

Note Revelation 3:8, quoting Christ as saying to the church in Philadelphia: “‘… I know your works… you… have kept My word and have not denied My name.”

Why would someone deny Christ? A major reason is because of persecution as a Christian, but JESUS warned that this would come:

“‘Remember the word that I said to you, “A servant is not greater than his master.” If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me’” (John 15:20-21).

When a person is called into the Truth, standing firm and not denying Christ will oftentimes be a great test. Again, this is something JESUS said would come—it is part of “counting the cost” (Luke 14:28):

“‘Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to “set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law”; and “a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.” He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it’” (Matthew 10:34-39).

JESUS explicitly taught that, “‘whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple’” (Luke 14:33). Otherwise, we are denying Christ.

In a similar manner, once a person is called, is baptized and has received God’s Holy Spirit, he or she must continue. To deny Christ’s Sacrifice and to turn back to sin as a way of life and to deny the faith (1 Timothy 5:8) is to reject eternal life (compare Hebrews 10:26-39; 6:4-6; Luke 9:62).

To deny Christ means to practice lawlessness (Matthew 7:23); to turn to and believe false doctrines (2 Timothy 4:3-4); to not grow in the grace and knowledge of Him (2 Peter 3:18); and, to not live as He lived (1 Peter 2:21). When we realize that we have become guilty in any of these areas, we must repent immediately.

Finally, consider this ominous warning from JESUS:

“‘For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels’” (Mark 8:38).

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A NEW Video Trailer presenting our booklet, “Heavens and Earth…Before and After the First Man!” has been produced by Michael Link.

A new Russian booklet (a translation of, “The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families”) has been posted on the German website. In addition, several new German articles have been posted on the German website.

“Trump’s New Attacks on NATO and Germany… What’s Next?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

President Trump’s behavior and statements in Brussels towards EU leaders and NATO members have continued a pattern which will lead to terrible consequences for America and the rest of the world. We should not gloss over these events as meaningless, because NATO members, Europeans and especially Germans are getting tired of Trump’s continuing accusations and demands and are determined to respond forcefully.

“Absalom–Missverständnisse über König David (Teil 5),” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon. Title in English: “Absalom–Misunderstandings about King David, Part 5.”

Wieso ist der Heilige Geist EIN Geist?” is the title of the German sermon for Pentecost. Title in English: “How is God’s Holy Spirit ONE Spirit?”

Under Satan’s Rule,” the introductory message presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Terrorist attacks by crazy suicide bombers; the utter deterioration of the relationship between USA and Europe; Europe’s preparation to create a powerful army; violence in the Middle East; ongoing threats from North Korea; apparitions of the “Virgin Mary”; ridiculous laws; complete misrepresentations of the biblical truth; and many other developments show us Satan’s handiwork. The White House is viewed as one the most haunted homes in America, with leading politicians having been involved in séances or communications with ghosts. This is Satan’s world, and he is anxious to bring about the Great Tribulation.

“Tiny Changes,” the sermon presented last week by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Life is a series of course corrections and changes. It is the tiniest changes that make the most impact. But the problem is that often times these small changes are the hard ones to see.  How can we make sure that the small choices we make daily are making up the large picture that we are striving for?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Merkel Furious With Trump After “Unprecedented” G-7 Failure

Zerohedge reported on May 27:

“In the end it was not meant to be…  Needless to say, Merkel who had hoped to leave the Saturday summit with the G-7 agenda endorsed by everyone, including Trump, was furious at the US president… She concluded by noting the unprecedented breach of agreement within the ranks, perhaps a first in G-7 history… To be sure, it wasn’t just Merkel who was displeased with Trump… Trump’s lack of rapport with European leaders raises serious questions about his ability to effectively team up with critical U.S. allies…”

The Ugly American at G-7 Summit

The New York Times wrote on May 26:

“‘Trump shoves his allies,’ read the front page of Belgium’s Le Soir. ‘Boor in chief’ declared Germany’s financial newspaper Handelsblatt. An editorial in Le Monde called him ‘brutal and heavy-handed.’

“President Trump is… being portrayed as the ugly American, trampling America’s friends and trashing the trans-Atlantic alliance… Mr. Trump has switched from diplomat to disrupter… his behavior overlooks the fact that America’s most durable alliances are in Europe, not the Middle East, and that Europeans are not likely to buy Mr. Trump’s bluster… His harsh statements in Europe suggested that he could be [the] most divisive American leader to join this… club since it was first organized in 1975…

“To some extent, the difference in Mr. Trump’s tone may reflect the different reception he got in the Middle East… In Europe, Mr. Trump encountered a chillier audience that viewed him less as a conquering hero than as a wayward figure who needed to be put back on the right path. ‘The Europeans didn’t give him that royal welcome; they didn’t treat him like the king of the world,’ said Volker Perthes, the director of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs…”

Mr. Trump’s harsh words and his attacks on NATO, Germany and the other participating members at the G-7 summit might very well have been caused by his less than royal reception in Europe.

Gap Immense

Der Spiegel wrote on May 27 about the G-7 Summit:

“The gap between the USA and the other six nations is immense. The Trump Administration is on their way to international isolation…”

The magazine continued that the shattered relationship, as manifested during the G-7 summit, has been described by French President Emmanuel Macron as the last step before a divorce.

Merkel’s Remarks about USA and UK

Reuters/HuffPost wrote on May 29:

“Merkel sent shockwaves through Washington and London by saying on Sunday that Europe must take its fate into its own hands, implying that the United States under President Donald Trump and Britain after its Brexit vote were no longer reliable partners… After the meetings of NATO and the G7 group of wealthy nations, Merkel told a packed beer tent in Munich that the days when Europe could completely rely on others were ‘over to a certain extent.’ ‘I have experienced this in the last few days,’ Merkel said. ‘And that is why I can only say that we Europeans must really take our fate into our own hands – of course in friendship with the United States of America, in friendship with Great Britain and as good neighbors wherever that is possible also with other countries, even with Russia.’

“Her chief rival in Germany’s upcoming national elections, opposition leader Martin Schulz, denounced Trump on Monday for the way he ‘humiliated’ Merkel. ‘No freely elected head of government in our country  should allow him- or herself to be humiliated in this way, the way [Trump], like an autocratic leader, believed he could inflict humiliation in Brussels,’ Schulz said… ‘I reject with outrage the way this man takes it upon himself to treat the head of our country’s government. That is unacceptable.’ It’s not clear what incident Schulz is referring to, but he echoed Merkel’s controversial call for greater European independence on Twitter, asserting ‘the best answer to Donald Trump is a stronger Europe.’”

Leading German politicians are anxious to agree with Angela Merkel on her criticism of President Trump, also in light of the upcoming national elections in September and the huge unpopularity of Mr. Trump in Germany. Note the next article as well.

Germany Reacts to Trump

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 30:

Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel… spoke of the US ‘dropping out as an important nation.’ ‘That’s unfortunately a signal for a change in the world’s balance of power,’ he said. Gabriel also criticized the Trump administration for selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, its refugee policy, and its lack of commitment to fight climate change.

“Gabriel, who also serves as Germany’s vice chancellor, said that ‘anyone who accelerates climate change by weakening environmental protection, who sells more weapons in conflict zones and who does not want to politically resolve religious conflicts is putting peace in Europe at risk.’ ‘The short-sighted policies of the American government stand against the interests of the European Union,’ adding that the West ‘became weaker.’…

“In response to the crisis, Europe should be ‘sticking together and growing stronger’ and defend the ideas of democracy, liberalism, and openness, he said…”

A Fury of International Reactions—Russia the Beneficiary

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 29:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday prompted a fury of reactions…  In the US, the reaction was mixed, with Trump’s supporters dismissing Merkel’s comments while his opponents appeared to mourn the loss of the US’ special relationship with Germany…

“In analysis published by Israeli daily Haaretz, Daniella Peled of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting said the fallout of Trump’s visit to Europe has effectively undermined trust across the Atlantic. ‘It’s hard to think of a clearer sign of the massive and rapid damage Trump has done to decades-old partnerships than Merkel’s devastating speech,’ Peled said. ‘Angela Merkel has once again cemented her status as the new leader of the free world…’

“However, some highlighted that Trump’s ability to undermine the historic relationship between Berlin and Washington has served the interests of other actors. David Frum, senior editor of the US news magazine The Atlantic, said that Trump’s behavior has caused a rift between Germany and the US [and] has effectively served Russian interests. ‘Since 1945, the supreme strategic goal in Europe of the USSR and then Russia was the severing of the US-German alliance. Trump delivered,’ Frum said.

“Agreeing with Frum’s comments on its benefits for Moscow, Ian Bremmer, founder and director of the consultancy Eurasia Group, said that the ‘most important postwar relationship,’ the transatlantic alliance, is ‘now unraveling.’ ‘There’s not been a statement like this from Germany in generations,’ Bremmer said.”

Macron Meets with Putin

The EUObserver wrote on May 29:

“Macron hosted Putin in Versailles to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Russian tsar Peter the Great’s visit to France… ‘Peter the Great is a symbol of Russia that wants to [be] open to… Europe,’ Macron noted… The celebration and the prestigious setting of the Versailles palace were considered to be a good opportunity to mend relations between France and Russia, as well as between Macron and Putin… During his presidential campaign, Hollande’s successor Macron was the target of Russian-sponsored media attacks and hacks. Putin also received Macron’s main opponent, far right leader Marine Le Pen, at the Kremlin…

“Asked by a journalist from RT [Russia Today], a Russian state media, why RT journalists were barred to access events at the end of his campaign, Macron explained that the media, as well as Sputnik, another Russian state outlet, had ‘spread slanderous falsehoods’ about him. ‘Russia Today and Sputnik did not behave as media outlets and journalists, they behaved as organs of influence and of lying propaganda,’ he said next to a stony-faced Putin.”

Emmanuel Macron’s meeting with Vladimir Putin received mixed coverage. While the will was emphasized to “work together”, it was also clear that mistrust and skepticism remained.

Europe’s Destiny

The Times of Israel/AFP wrote on May 30:

“Germany’s harsh words for Washington, traditionally a close ally, were highly unusual and came as relations have grown increasingly frosty… France’s Defense Minister Sylvie Goulard said that Trump’s broadside at NATO allies could boost efforts toward a common European defense policy… the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Twitter he ‘agreed’ with Merkel that ‘Europe’s destiny is in our own hands.’”

One of the consequences of the frosty relationship between Europe and the USA is indeed Europe’s desire to create a common defense policy; i.e., a unified European army. Due to perceived threats from Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin, military cooperation already exists in some parts of Europe. Note the next article.

Nordic Military Cooperation

Bloomberg wrote on May 29:

“With Vladimir Putin in the east and Donald Trump to the west, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is now telling Europe it has to stand up for itself. It’s a call that’s already being answered by the continent’s richest region. Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway have over the past two years been deepening their military cooperation to counter a deteriorating security situation in the Baltic and the Arctic… ‘There’s no doubt that Europe needs to take bigger responsibility, we have to spend more on defense and security,’ Erna Solberg, Norway’s prime minister, said…

“The broadest shifts in policy in the region have been seen in Finland and Sweden, which unlike Denmark and Norway aren’t members of NATO. The two neighbors have intensified military cooperation and also forged closer ties with the military alliance without outright joining NATO…”

The End of an Era

The New York Times wrote on May 28:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany [is] Europe’s most influential leader… Ms. Merkel’s strong comments were a potentially seismic shift in trans-Atlantic relations. With the United States less willing to intervene overseas, Germany is becoming an increasingly dominant power in a partnership with France

“‘This seems to be the end of an era, one in which the United States led and Europe followed,’ said Ivo H. Daalder, a former United States envoy to NATO who is now the director of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. ‘Today, the United States is heading into a direction on key issues that seems diametrically opposite of where Europe is heading. Merkel’s comments are an acknowledgment of that new reality.’”

Europe and the USA are drifting more and more apart.

A New Chapter

The Washington Post wrote on May 28:

“Merkel on Sunday declared a new chapter in U.S.-European relations after contentious meetings with President Trump last week… This is an enormous change in political rhetoric. While the public is more familiar with the ‘special relationship’ between Britain and the United States, the German-U.S. relationship has arguably been more important… Merkel is suggesting that… Germany and Europe are likely to take on a much more substantial and independent role than they have in the past 70 years

“Merkel’s rhetoric is clearly intended to imply that as the transatlantic relationship grows weaker, the European Union will grow stronger…  Merkel’s temperament is the polar opposite of Trump’s. She is highly cautious. This speech is not an impulsive move. Instead, Merkel is starting to make the case for a different E.U., one that is stronger, more self-reliant and disinclined to look to the United States for leadership. If she wins the upcoming German election decisively and is able to secure enough agreement from other European states to isolate the naysayers, she may set in motion a substantial long-term shift in the E.U.-U.S. relationship…”

“End of an era” and “a new chapter” are strong words. Mr. Trump must realize this too, and his reaction is predictable, but not helpful. Note the next article.

Trump Blasts Germany Again as Merkel-Modi Cite Mutual Values

Newsmax wrote on May 30:

“U.S. President Donald Trump ratcheted up a dispute with Germany over trade and defense as Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a demonstration of her ability to pivot from the U.S. to strengthen alternative global alliances. ‘We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military,’ the U.S. president posted on Twitter Tuesday. ‘This will change.’

The message came minutes after Merkel and Modi held a joint press conference in Berlin, at which the German leader called India a ‘reliable partner with respect to big projects.’ That contrasted with her comments in Munich on Sunday that reliable trans-Atlantic ties that formed the basis of German foreign policy since World War II ‘are to some extent over.’”

Mr. Trump was obviously not happy to hear that Angela Merkel viewed India as a reliable partner, while she did not think so regarding the USA.

Germany Reaches Out to China

Deutsche Welle reported on May 31:

“In a week during which a Europe-US rift seems to be deepening, the Chinese premier became the second major Asian leader to arrive in Berlin. Talks will focus on closer cooperation on trade and climate issues… This has been a week of Germany reaching out to Asia… ‘The EU and China consider the Paris Agreement as an historic achievement…,’ [a] nine-page draft joint statement said. ‘The EU and China underline their highest political commitment to the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement in all its aspects.’…

“The EU has also been increasingly looking to China for support of free trade, after a shift towards protectionism from the US…  As Li arrived in Germany, the country’s biggest lender Deutsche Bank announced US$3 billion (2.7 billion euros) worth of investments in cooperation with the China Development Bank.”

As the relationship between Europe and the USA is getting worse, Europe is looking for “allies” in others parts of the world.

German Trade

The New York Times wrote on May 30:

“Germany runs a chronic, yawning trade surplus with the United States, which Trump administration officials say Germany has widened by exploiting a weak euro to put American exports at a disadvantage. That, more than differences over NATO, Russia or climate change, is driving a wedge between the two countries

“Mr. Trump was continuing a drumbeat he began during his visit to Europe, when he told European Union officials that Germany was ‘very bad’ on trade. But the president’s campaign against Germany, while accurate on the statistics, overlooks the benefits in the German-American trade relationship, and overstates Berlin’s ability to do much about it.

German companies employ roughly 700,000 people in the United States. Carmakers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz have huge American assembly plants, which export vehicles to China and Latin America. BMW’s factory in Spartanburg, S.C., is the largest single exporter, by dollar value, in the American automotive industry…”

It is interesting that one never hears President Trump speaking about these figures.

Donald Trump Isolated and Unreachable?

CNN wrote on May 31:

“At 12:06 a.m. ET, the President of the United States tweeted this: ‘Despite the constant negative press covfefe.’ By 6 a.m., that tweet had been deleted. Shortly after, Trump tweeted this: ‘Who can figure out the true meaning of “covfefe” ??? Enjoy!’… Trump seemed to be trying to type ‘coverage’ and misspelled it. As he often does. Then he fell asleep and didn’t correct the mistake until he got up in the morning. We’ve all been there!…

“What we have today — and, really, what we have had since the day Trump came into the White House — is a deeply isolated President who spends lots of time, particularly at night and in the early morning, watching TV and tweeting. That lack of discipline reveals that there is simply no one who can tell Trump ‘no.‘ Or at least no one whom he will listen to.  That’s important. Especially now as speculation runs rampant that Trump is on the brink of a major staff overhaul and in the wake of communications director Mike Dubke resigning on Tuesday… Trump doesn’t think he needs advice… Trump’s ongoing Twitter presence is a perfect example of all of this.

“Time and time again, Republican elected officials have politely suggested that Trump use Twitter less and differently… Of late, as part of a much-promised reboot, there had been talk of a ‘team of lawyers’ vetting Trump’s tweets before he sent them out… Trump is neither willing nor able to change his stripes. He is a 70-year-old man (he will be 71 on June 14) who has had much success in his life. And he believes that the way in which he was elected president — against all odds and doing everything traditional politics says not to — is an affirmation that he is the only person who really understands his supporters and the mood of the country. That assumption is what leads him to ignore advice from advisers… Trump believes in Trump — first, last and always. Staff will come and go. But to expect anyone to change Trump in any way is to ignore, literally, his entire adult life.”

If all of this is true, that would make President Trump an extremely unpredictable person.

“No Feud Between Trump and Merkel”? Get Real!

The New York Times wrote on May 30:

“Sean Spicer, the press secretary… said Ms. Merkel’s call for Europe to go it alone actually vindicated Mr. Trump’s demand that Germany shoulder more responsibility for its defense…”

Mr. Spicer also added that President Trump was happy about Chancellor Merkel’s comments.

Newsmax wrote on May 31:

“President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel ‘have a good and productive relationship,’ and there is no feud going on between the two leaders over NATO, trade, or other issues, Germany’s ambassador to the United States, Peter Wittig, said Wednesday… ‘there are few leaders as committed to the transatlantic relationship as Merkel is to the friendship of the United States,’ Wettig continued. ‘That has not changed with President Trump.’…”

The comments by Sean Spicer and Peter Wittig are ridiculous and constitute an insult to the intelligence of Americans and Germans alike. The total opposite of their “assurances” has been clearly established, as can be seen by the articles quoted in this edition.

Trump Exits Paris Accord

The Daily Mail wrote on June 1:

Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris accord on climate change on [Thursday] afternoon – deriding it as bad for American jobs and bad for the environment…

“He complained in the White House’s Rose Garden that major polluters like China are allowed to increase their emissions under the agreement in a way that the US cannot. India is hinging its participation on billions of dollars of foreign aid. The deal is a ‘massive redistribution of United States wealth to other countries,’ he argued. ‘The Paris accord is very unfair at the highest level’ to the US. ‘This agreement is less about the climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States,’ Trump said.

“Trump said he would also end the United States’ participation in the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund, which he said lacks affirmative obligations… Trump said the Paris exit is ‘a reassertion of America’s sovereignty.’ ‘Foreign leaders in Europe, Asia and across the world should not have more to say with respect to the United States economy [than] our own citizens and their elected representatives,’ Trump proclaimed.

“Trump said he would be willing to get back in but only if he is allowed to renegotiate the terms of the United States’ participation…

“When White House sources said he was pulling out…, the reports set off worldwide condemnation led by the United Nations secretary general. Trump’s eldest daughter, Ivanka, had advised her father against an exit, as well as a series of world leaders…

“Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Google, Gap, Mars and Tiffany & Co. joined a group of large businesses in publishing an open letter to Trump asking him not to end the United States participation in the global warming agreement… Their ask ran as a full page ad in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal on Thursday… Emmanuel Macron, the newly elected French president, said at a weekend summit in Italy he was sure Trump would back the deal after listening to his G7 counterparts

“Economic Council chair Gary Cohn joined Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster in a campaign to remain in the accord… EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Vice President Mike Pence were strongly against staying in the pact… and three senior advisors to the president – Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller -– came in behind the Environmental Protection Agency head and the vice president.”

Diplomatic Repercussions

The Washington Post added on June 1:

“President Trump… is withdrawing the United States from the landmark Paris climate agreement… a move that honors a campaign promise but risks rupturing global alliances… More than 190 nations agreed to the accord in December 2015 in Paris, and 147 have since formally ratified or otherwise joined it, including the United States… It’s also heavily backed by U.S. and global corporations, including oil giants Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil and BP

“Withdrawing the United States from the agreement could take years due to the accord’s legal structure and language, but such a move would weaken its goals almost immediately…  But the diplomatic repercussions of a U.S. withdrawal could be vast…”

 Deutsche Welle added on June 1:

“The US will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change despite international condemnation, US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday… Political leaders from the European Union, China, fellow G7 member states, as well as the heads of investment firms with trillions of dollars in assets, more than 1,000 US companies including coal and oil producers, and even the pope had all lobbied Trump to stick to the agreement…

Syria and Nicaragua were the world’s only non-participants in the landmark accord, although Nicaragua did not participate as it thought it did not go far enough to address climate change…

“Trump’s protectionist policies and his reticence on climate change action have pushed Europe closer to China. ‘China has become a more important and strategic partner [than the USA],’ Merkel said at a joint news conference with Chinese Premier Li…”

The verdict on “man-made global warming” (now called “climate change”) is still out. Many arguments pro and con are advanced, and on June 1, Senator Rand Paul made an impassionate plea on CNN, questioning the accuracy of scientific data to prove man-made climate change. In addition, it is equally being debated back and forth whether the Paris accord would lead to less or more jobs and economic prosperity in the USA. What is important for us to note is the fact that President Trump kept his promise in regard to the Paris accord, and that his decision has led to international condemnation and the realignment of European allies with other countries than the USA.

Deadly Attack in Kabul, Afghanistan

Deutsche Welle reported on May 31:

“A massive truck bomb has hit Kabul’s highly secure diplomatic area, killing at least [90] people and wounding hundreds [at least 460, with the death-toll expected to rise considerably]. The German embassy was heavily damaged, although it’s unclear whether it was the target of the attack… Most of the Wednesday attack’s victims are well-to-do Afghans with jobs at foreign embassies and government offices. The attack site is in the downtown which is considered a safe place and people also go there for dining and shopping.

“The fact that such a place could be targeted has made the residents of Kabul very pessimistic about their security… the security situation in Afghanistan had deteriorated further… Afghan security forces control only about 57 percent of the country’s territory. Around 2.5 million people live in areas controlled by the Taliban and nine million more live in contested areas… The number of civilian victims, including many children, remains high…

“Kabul has in recent months sustained a series of terror attacks carried out by a resurgent Taliban, as well as the so-called “Islamic State” (IS) jihadi group. However, Wednesday’s blast is reported to have been particularly devastating, striking buildings and cars within a 1-kilometer radius. The US and British embassies [as well as the embassies of Iran, Turkey and France] are also located close to Kabul’s Zanbaq Square, where the explosion took place, as are the headquarters of NATO’s mission in Afghanistan…

“US Secretary of Defense James Mattis has warned that troops stationed in Afghanistan will face ‘another tough year’ in the fight against radical insurgent forces. The US currently deploys some 8,000 soldiers in the country, while there are a further 5,000 from NATO allies.  US President Donald Trump is soon expected to decide whether to bolster US troop numbers by a further 3-5,000, expanding the total US deployment to over 10,000 – a major operation but still a far cry from the 100,000 American troops posted in Afghanistan six years ago.”

The Washington Post added on May 31:

“The Afghan Taliban denied any role in the bombing… Security agencies had warned that both Taliban insurgents and regional affiliates of the Islamic State were planning to attack high-profile targets in the city in the early part of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month that began last week…”

It does not appear that the tragic Afghan war—the longest war in America’s history—will end any time soon.

Turkey Craves Control over Eastern Jerusalem and the Temple Mount

The Jewish Press reported on May 30:

“The Jerusalem municipality’s eastern Jerusalem experts have revealed in recent days that Turkey has been competing with Jordan over influence among Arab residents as well as over control of the Temple Mount… The city’s experts… also revealed that Turkey has begun pouring millions of dollars into NGO in eastern Jerusalem, in order to strengthen Ankara’s status among the Arab residents…

“‘The growing involvement of the Erdogan regime… shows that the Turkish actions in Jerusalem are part of a wider process of creating regional Turkish hegemony at the expense of other players,’ wrote the Jerusalem mayor’s advisers on the eastern part of the city…

“Earlier this month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slammed Israel for ‘massacring the Palestinians,’ calling on the Turks to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque and dubbing Israel’s control of Jerusalem ‘an insult.’ He also… declared that ‘all Muslims must defend Jerusalem.’

“The experts added… ‘In recent years, the Turks have poured considerable sums of money into the Temple Mount for a number of activities: Koran reading groups, transporting worshipers to and from the mosque, Ramadan meals, renovations, and cleaning. As a rule, whether deliberately or not, Muslim groups on the Temple Mount are acting in favor of Turkey... Erdogan’s Turkey now enjoys unprecedented popularity among the residents of eastern Jerusalem… Turkish flags are often seen hanging from rooftops in the eastern part of the city and even on the Temple Mount, and Turkish culture is being revived, which is reflected in Turkish language courses, Turkish music and Turkish cuisine.’

“One hundred years after the last Turkish soldier was chased out of Jerusalem by the invading British Empire, ‘Turkey’s public support for the Palestinian cause and the Al-Aqsa conflict, and their channeling of millions of dollars into eastern Jerusalem, bear many fruits in the form of sympathy and support,’ the experts concluded, adding that the Turks’ ‘involvement is made possible by their cooperation with Muslim Brotherhood elements in the city, who are often being used as their allies and collaborators.'”

The Bible reveals that Turkey and Israel will end up in a fierce war.

Trump Signs Waiver

The Times of Israel wrote on June 1:

“US President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a waiver that delays for six months any plan to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, disappointing the Israeli government and backtracking on a key promise he made on the campaign trail throughout 2016. Announcing the move, the White House… said the president still stood by his promise to move the embassy…

“Trump was facing a Thursday deadline to renew the waiver… A 1995 law mandates the relocation of the embassy, but provides the president with the prerogative to postpone the move on national security grounds. Each of Trump’s three immediate predecessors — Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — repeatedly exercised that right. The most recent waiver, signed by Obama, expired on June 1. Without its renewal, the US government would have been legally obligated to proceed with moving the embassy.

“Israel captured East Jerusalem and the West Bank from Jordan during the 1967 Six Day War and later annexed it, a move never recognized by the international community. Israel declared the city its undivided capital, but the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state. Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would be seen as endorsing Israel’s claim to the city and rejecting the Palestinians’…”

Major Disagreement between Israel and USA

In a follow-up article, The Times of Israel wrote on June 1:

“Trump once again publicly disagreed with the Israeli government. The first time was the administration’s request to rein in settlement construction; Netanyahu insists that the settlements are no obstacle to peace… [The waiver] emphasized the sharp difference in how the White House and the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem view the dynamics of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process…

“Netanyahu doubled down on his argument, going as far as saying that keeping the embassy in Tel Aviv ‘drives peace further away by helping keep alive the Palestinian fantasy that the Jewish people and the Jewish state have no connection to Jerusalem.’… the statement about peace being more difficult to achieve highlighted a fundamental policy disagreement between Jerusalem and Washington…”

It is prophesied in the Bible that the relationship between the USA and Israel will gradually deteriorate.

Empty Promises

The Washington Post wrote on June 1:

The move postpones, if not outright reverses, a campaign pledge that Trump had used as a central example of how his approach to foreign policy would be different than either past presidents of both political parties…

“As a candidate, Trump promised to make the move, which he called a sign of unwavering U.S. support for Israel, on his first day in office

“Trump’s advisers have been divided about the move, with strategist Stephen K. Bannon reportedly a main advocate for making the move. Trump’s newly installed ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, was also on record as supporting a relocated embassy ‘in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem,’ before he was confirmed by the Senate…”

Whatever position one may want to take on the issue, it is clear that the Bible holds us responsible for what we promise. God demands of us that we keep our word, “even if it hurts” (compare Psalm 15:4).

Becoming a “True Politician”

The New York Times wrote on June 1:

“The decision is Mr. Trump’s latest shift away from campaign positions… He has reversed himself on declaring China a currency manipulator, backed off plans to lift sanctions against Russia, declared that NATO is not ‘obsolete’ after all, opted for now not to rip up President Barack Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran and ordered a punitive strike against Syria that he previously opposed in similar circumstances…”

There are many more “reversals,” which could be listed, constituting a “deviation” from pledges and promises.

British Airline’s Debacle

The Telegraph wrote on May 28:

“The British Airways IT crash has caused unprecedented disruption for the airline… Thousands of holidaymakers were stranded…  A BA statement… said travellers affected would be rebooked or have their ticket price refunded, but a spokesman said compensation would be looked at on a ‘case by case’ basis.

“British Airways have started sending passengers’ luggage back to them by courier, opening up the possibility that holidaymakers still hoping to get away this weekend will be in London even as their bags are driven to their home addresses elsewhere. It comes as hotels surrounding the airports charged extortionate prices to stranded holiday makers with some charging between £1,000 to £2,500 a room for the night… Passengers who had flights cancelled had little choice but to stay at the airport or check in to local hotels charging high prices…

“The chaos happened just after 11am on Saturday when the company’s unreliable new IT system crashed worldwide for the sixth time in a year. After thousands of furious complaints from customers left in the dark about their flights, bags and compensation, the company released a video online of CEO Alex Cruz apologising to passengers…”

Apart from the chaos and the apparently less than competent handling of the situation at Britain’s airports, especially appalling is the greed of hotels to charge exorbitant prices for stranded travelers. Man’s lust for money knows no bounds, and harsh godly punishment awaits those who are responsible for such inhumane conduct.

CNBC wrote on May 30:

“BA’s decision to spend £124 million on severance packages for hundreds of staff last year seems not – at least in the short term – to have been money well spent. An ever increasing number of the firm’s IT systems have been subcontracted out to third party companies, many of them overseas. And that move has prompted the airline employees’ unions, the GMB, to blame this weekend’s computer outage and subsequent PR debacle on BA’s decision to ax and outsource British IT jobs over the past 12 months.

“… the self-proclaimed world’s favorite airline has lost a lot of fans and goodwill – in the UK and beyond – over the past few days. Airline passengers understandably want a commitment from their carrier that they will arrive at their destination on time, with all their belongings, and without major inconvenience. That’s why a premium brand like British Airways fears the fallout from major screw ups like Saturday’s computer outage not only for the short-term financial ramifications, but also for the long-term damage it can have on perceived reliability…”

Sadly, outsourcing jobs to foreign companies for lesser compensation has become quite customary, but the results are quite often far from satisfactory.

Trump May “Very Likely” Ban Laptops from Aircraft Cabins for all Flights into and out of USA

CNBC wrote on May 28:

“The United States might ban laptops from aircraft cabins on all flights into and out of the country as part of a ramped-up effort to protect against potential security threats, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said on Sunday… Airlines are concerned that a broad ban on laptops may erode customer demand…Asked whether the government would expand such measures nationwide, Kelly said: ‘We might, and likely will.’”

The Telegraph added on May 30:

“US plans to extend a ban on carrying laptops on to transatlantic aircraft have been mired in confusion last night with Washington denying reports from Brussels that the plans had been scrapped… The EU and aviation industry have long opposed proposals to extend the ban on laptops and other large items, including iPads and e-readers… With no ban being announced, EU officials said that the proposals were off the table, suggesting that Washington had backed down… But within hours this was flatly contradicted in a statement issued on Mr Kelly’s behalf, insisting that the proposed ban was ‘still on the table’.

“… Opposition to the proposed ban has been led by the main airline trade body, the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s director general, said extending the ban could cost passengers $1.1 billion. Major airlines fear that denying executives the opportunity to work while in the air would lead to a catastrophic fall in the lucrative business class traffic on which they depend. According to one estimate, extending the ban to Europe, which would represent the biggest shake-up in aviation security since September 11, would hit 3,000 flights a week.

“Some experts have also questioned the effectiveness of the proposals, warning that putting thousands of lithium ion batteries into the hold of an aircraft could pose an even greater threat…”

One has to marvel about the lack of logic. If laptops are banned from aircraft cabins, but still placed in the aircraft with the other luggage, where is the elimination of any supposed threat? Laptops are already being screened separately by security when checking in. It appears that this new contemplated ban is counterproductive and might very well lead to great economic losses as customers might decide not to fly at all. Who in his right mind would place his laptop in the main luggage, as it could get lost (far too many pieces of luggage don’t arrive on time or at all at the correct destination), or it could be damaged, considering how the luggage is being (mis-)treated?

German Kindergartens Must Report Parents for Refusing Vaccine Advice

Reuters reported on May 26, 2017:

“Germany will pass a law… obliging kindergartens to inform the authorities if parents fail to provide evidence that they have received advice from their doctor on vaccinating their children… Parents refusing the advice risk fines of up to 2,500 euros ($2,800) under the law expected to come into force on June 1.

“Lack of public trust in vaccines has become an important global health issue. Experts say negative attitudes may be due to fears over suspected side-effects and hesitancy among some doctors. That is leading to greater activism among parents and public health officials. Last week, a German court ruled that a father could insist that his child be vaccinated over the objections of the child’s mother because it was in the child’s interest.”

These are of course only first steps, leading to the complete compulsion of vaccinations for all children; and that in spite of REAL DANGERS, even though they are being consistently and willfully ignored by politicians and insurance-dependent doctors.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 784

Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled; Tiny Changes

On May 27, 2017, Norbert Link will use the sermonette and announcement time for his message, titled, “Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled,” and Kalon Mitchell will present the sermon, titled, “Tiny Changes”.

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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The Land of Opportunities

by Rene Messier (Canada)

Many come to America because they look upon it as the land of opportunities. You may have perhaps heard the saying, “Only in America,” when someone makes a fortune in a business venture or earns money selling a patent.

Americans have liberties which many in other countries do not enjoy. Women can vote, drive cars, start their own business and go about freely—something they cannot do in some countries. There is no violent religious persecution at this time, although that could change rather rapidly. Right now, a person can pursue life, liberty and happiness as long as it is within the confines of the law.

There is relative safety and peace of mind in smaller rural areas. This is not true, of course, in larger cities where there is crime and violence. Americans enjoy freedom of speech which is protected by the First Amendment, without fear of imprisonment or death, which is a possibility in some countries.

But American freedoms cannot remotely compare with what God is promising true Christians. They have been offered a land of opportunity where there is true prosperity and peace. That land is the world tomorrow, the Millennium, when Christ returns to establish world rule under Himself with the resurrected saints as co-rulers. It will be a time of joy and true peace, with wars having been abolished.

Zechariah describes it this way in Zechariah 8:4-5:

“Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Old men and old women shall again sit In the streets of Jerusalem, Each one with his staff in his hand Because of great age. The streets of the city Shall be full of boys and girls Playing in its streets.’”

This scenario is hard to imagine, when we think of the violence and ghettos of our major cities today.

Notice, the citizens of Jerusalem will be of great age and the children will be safe to play in the streets of the city where there will be no more bombings or stabbings like we see today. We will rule as kings and priests, as Revelation 5:10 says: “And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.”  Kings will rule in accordance with God’s laws, and priests will teach God’s laws which describes part of our future responsibilities to spread the law of God over all the earth.

Isaiah 2:3-4 casts additional light on what lies ahead in the future: “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the LORD’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.”

What is pictured here is the true land of opportunity where there will be peace and harmony with one world religion, which is something we ought to be looking forward to. We are admonished in Revelation 3:11 to hold fast to the end: “Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.”

It is imperative to hold fast to the truth without compromise if we want to enjoy the benefits of becoming co-rulers with Christ. God is anxious to bestow on us the gift of eternal life and to grant us our reward of rulership, as well as the potential to be involved in this future land of opportunity.

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by Norbert Link

In this issue, we focus on the new terror attack in Manchester, Great Britain, as well as President Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome, and his highly controversial performance in Brussels.

We also address growing concerns regarding North Korea and Syria and report on the European push for an historically unprecedented army.

We conclude with new developments and research regarding the dangers of vaccinations which are ignored by most scientists; and with an article on evolutionary nonsense.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Terror Attack in Manchester… ISIS Claims Responsibility… Fear of Further Imminent Attacks

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 24:

“British police confirmed on Wednesday that the suicide bomber who killed 22 people [and wounded more than 60] at a Manchester concert was not acting alone… Police have identified 22-year-old Salman Abedi as the attacker who blew himself up at the Manchester Arena on Monday night at the end of a concert by pop singer Ariana Grande…

“Later on Wednesday, Libyan police confirmed they had arrested Abedi’s younger brother [20] in Tripoli on suspicion of links to the ‘Islamic State’ (IS) armed group… A third brother, Ismail, was arrested in Britain on Tuesday… On Wednesday morning, Manchester police arrested three men in the south of the city in connection with the bombing, taking the total number of suspects in custody in the UK to four. A fifth man was arrested in Manchester on Wednesday afternoon…

“With Abedi suspected of having had accomplices, the government late on Tuesday raised the official terror threat level to ‘critical,’ meaning that an attack was expected imminently. It marked the highest threat level in the UK in more than a decade. French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told local broadcaster BFM that the 22-year-old is thought to have also travelled to Syria, adding that he had proven links to the so-called ‘Islamic State’ jihadist group. UK Interior Minister Amber Rudd said that Abedi had recently returned to the UK from Libya…

“Rudd also expressed her displeasure at US officials for leaking information on the perpetrator to the media as the investigation was still unfolding… The minister said that as many as 3,800 troops could be deployed to patrol streets across the UK and guard vital locations, such as Buckingham Palace and the prime minister’s residence at Downing Street. Just under 1,000 soldiers have already been deployed, initially in London, then elsewhere… The Houses of Parliament have been closed for visits…”

As more and more facts come to light, we have no question that such horrendous acts are demonically inspired, and that the perpetrators ARE demonically influenced, if not possessed. As it was stated in the press: Looking at the face of the 22-year-old murderer means looking at pure evil.

What Could Be Done?

Deutsche Welle wrote in a related article on May 23:

“Once again, terrorism targets the center of a European city. Another attack on people – people just trying to have fun, people out for a good time. It was another suicide attack. And once again, the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (IS) has claimed responsibility, even before the police made anything public.

“The choice of venue to attack – the Manchester Arena – seems particularly horrible this time: a pop concert. This means that among the victims are many children and young people… [They] fall into the hands of such [a] brutal murderer… How sick must the person be who consciously targets such victims?

“Dealing with terrorist attacks has become like a deja vu experience. All the news outlets carry the same headlines… Then there [are] the meaningless and merely voyeuristic eye-witness reports… There are numerous reactions from the music world and politicians: They want to show their anguish… Everyone’s thoughts are with the victims. And all civilized nations are showing their solidarity with Britain. Whatever that actually means…

“Europe, which has become a regular target for Islamic terrorists, has by now a well-established routine for dealing with such shock. These are rituals that serve to hide the fact that there is no easy or quick, effective answer in dealing with the struggle against terrorism. And that no such answer will be found either.

“… People will still attend concerts, go to shopping centers, soccer games or, in Germany, go to the Protestant Church Assembly… they have accepted the possibility of terrorism as normal. Right-wing extremists… continue to rant about banning all Muslims from Europe…

“But still, there is more action that could be taken by politicians, there are other options: For example, by exercising tight controls over, and if necessary banning, all places of worship in which terrorists have been radicalized. These are actually all over Europe. Or, as pragmatically demonstrated on Sunday in Saudi Arabia by Donald Trump: He had a contract signed by over 50 heads of state – above all the King of Saudi Arabia – to prevent the direct, as well as indirect, financing of IS in their countries.

“It may be that this does little to prevent terrorist attacks in European cities – that remains to be seen. But it is definitely smarter than doing nothing, or stupidly bombing cities in [the] Middle East in which, of course, civilians also live.”

Sadly, in this world ruled by Satan the Devil and his evil and deranged demons, terrible murderous acts by insane individuals like the ones in Manchester will continue. The ONLY hope for this world and for true and lasting peace is the return of Jesus Christ.

Britain Stops Sharing Intelligence Information with the USA

The Huffington Post wrote on May 25:

“Angered that U.S. intelligence officials appeared to be leaking information about the Manchester terror attack, British authorities have stopped sharing details about the case, the BBC reports. Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham later confirmed the report, telling CNN that, ‘we quite frankly can’t risk it anymore.’…

“President Donald Trump called the leaks ‘deeply troubling.’ ‘The leaks of sensitive information pose a grave threat to our national security,’ he said. ‘I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.’”

Subsequently, The Week reported on May 25:

“British police are once again sharing intelligence information with the United States, following a suspension announced Thursday morning in the wake of several leaks about the Manchester bombing by U.S. officials to the media… Prime Minister Theresa May said Thursday she would ‘make clear to President Trump that intelligence shared between our security agencies must remain secure,’ and on Thursday night, Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations in the Metropolitan Police Service Mark Rowley said that after receiving ‘fresh assurances’ from the U.S., the two countries were once against sharing material.”

 America’s intentional, inadvertent or leaked sharing of sensitive and classified intelligence information has caused worldwide consternation, concern and outright anger.

Trump’s Deals with Saudi Arabia

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 20:

“The US has announced military deals worth $110 billion with Saudi Arabia… The $110 billion… deal for Saudi purchases of US defense equipment and services was one of several deals announced during Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia. The military sales deal is effective immediately, with another $350 billion set of deals to kick in over the next 10 years… US conglomerate General Electric also announced it had signed agreements and memorandums of understanding worth $15 billion with the oil-rich kingdom…

Russia and Iran – allies with Syria against the US-Saudi Arabia axis in the region – this year signed a large arms deal. The US-Saudi deal comes amid talk of a possible reconfiguration of Middle East alliances, and possibly global, ties. For Riyadh, the visit is an opportunity to rebuild ties with a key ally, strained under Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama who Sunni Arab Gulf states suspected of a tilt towards their Shiite regional rival Iran…

“After a welcoming coffee ceremony, Trump and his entourage were brought to the royal court where the president was awarded the Collar of Abdulaziz Al Saud, Saudi Arabia’s highest civilian honor. The streets of Riyadh were lined with US and Saudi flags and billboards featuring Trump and King Salman.

“US first lady Melania Trump did not cover her head when she arrived on Saturday along with her husband. Two years ago, then-citizen Trump criticized former first lady Michelle Obama’s decision to go bare-headed on a January 2015 visit with her husband. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, a senior White House adviser who is accompanying her father, also left her head uncovered…”

The different arms deals between competing parties only show that peace in the Middle East is a fanciful illusion. The incredible large arms deal with Saudi Arabia totally ignores the fact that Saudi Arabia is being sued in American courts by relatives and survivors of the September 11 terrorist attack, for having allegedly permitted or even actively pursued the attack.

President Trump’s wife and daughter did the right thing in not covering their heads. After all, they cannot be held responsible for Donald Trump’s prior condemnation of Michelle Obama.

Jared and Ivanka Kushner Received Rabbinic Dispensation to fly on the Sabbath…

JTA wrote on May 19:

“President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, have received rabbinic approval to fly with him on Shabbat to the Middle East and Europe… A White House official said the couple, who are Orthodox Jews, have received a rabbinical dispensation to join the president aboard Air Force One… Orthodox Jews observe a Sabbath prohibition on work, motorized travel and the switching on or off of any appliance that uses heat, electricity or fire.

“As a matter of consensus, the prohibitions do not apply to life-or-death situations or when violating the Shabbat has the potential of saving human lives (and according to some decisors, the lives of certain animals under specific circumstances).

“Trump has tasked Kushner with brokering a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The New York Times reported Thursday that as part of his effort to secure an arms deal worth about $110 billion with Saudi Arabia, Kushner called the CEO of defense contractor Lockheed Martin directly and asked her to reduce the cost of a missile defense system so that Saudi Arabia could buy it…”

… Or Did They?

 JTA wrote on May 21:

“Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, the prominent modern Orthodox rabbi who oversaw Ivanka Trump’s conversion to Judaism, said he did not give the first daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, a dispensation to fly on Air Force One on Shabbat.

“Lookstein told Isaac Herzog, leader of the opposition Zionist Union party, that it was ‘fake news’… Lookstein also told Herzog… that he had not been in contact with Ivanka Trump for several weeks…

“The couple also was seen traveling to meetings by car in Saudi Arabia Saturday…”

JTA added on May 24:

“Which Orthodox rabbi gave Jared and Ivanka permission to fly on Shabbat? We don’t know who it was, but we know who it wasn’t.

“It wasn’t Haskel Lookstein, who oversaw the First Daughter’s conversion to Judaism. It wasn’t Marvin Hier, who gave the invocation at President Donald Trump’s inauguration. It wasn’t Levi Shemtov, the spiritual leader at the synagogue in Washington, D.C., that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have attended. And it wasn’t Shmuley Boteach, the celebrity rabbi who has lavished praise on the president and taken a series of selfies with his advisers.

Those rabbis, on the record, denied giving their stamp of approval to the Friday night flight to Saudi Arabia — though none of them criticized the decision, and all refrained from commenting on it.”

Part of the orthodox teaching of modern Judaism is in complete opposition to the Bible. These burdensome pharisaical restrictions were strongly condemned by Jesus Christ. However, it is interesting that the White House’s announcement of a rabbinic dispensation (without giving the name of the rabbi or the timing) becomes a mystery in light of the prominent Orthodox rabbi’s denial that he gave any permission to travel on the Sabbath.

The Sabbath Controversy

JTA wrote on May 25:

“Based on conversations with a few Orthodox rabbis… flying on Shabbat is prohibited because flying the plane involves igniting a combustion engine, thereby lighting a fire. Lighting a fire is one of the few actions expressly prohibited on Shabbat by the Torah. But while that might be true for the pilot, it isn’t, really, for the passenger. After all, if I’m sitting in coach, I’m not literally flying the plane, much less turning it on or off. (Although some make the case that the additional weight of each passenger causes the engine to consume more fuel.) The reason observant Jews abstain from flying on Friday night and Saturday is because Jewish law prohibits traveling too far outside a city… on Shabbat. Unlike lighting a fire, that prohibition is mandated by rabbinic sources, not the text of the Torah itself — and therefore is less severe

“Jared and Ivanka’s national security duties might fall under the umbrella of pikuach nefesh — dealing with matters of life and death. But a few essays suggest that they might be exempt on different grounds: simply because they’re senior advisers of the president. That concept is called ‘karov l’malchut’ — roughly, ‘confidant of the king.’ It allows observant Jewish advisers of a ruler (or president) to violate rabbinic prohibitions in order to do their jobs. Because the advisers’ actions can safeguard (or endanger) Jewish welfare, they’re given more flexibility…

“Jared and Ivanka are two of the most powerful people in the country. As public officials, their actions affect hundreds of millions of people across the country and world. Nor is their Judaism private…”

The biblical command against lighting a fire on the Sabbath was given in the context of lighting a huge fire for the purpose of working for the construction of the tabernacle in the wilderness. It had and has absolutely nothing to do with igniting a combustion engine, switching on a light or an oven for cooking a meal. These are just pharisaical rules, making the Sabbath a burden, rather than a delight.

At the same time, exempting governmental officials from keeping the Sabbath is equally wrong. In this world ruled by Satan, it shows that Sabbath-keeping Christians could not be working in positions which would require them to disregard God’s Sabbath command.

Trump Speaks to the Muslim World

JTA wrote on May 21:

“US President Donald Trump called on Middle Eastern leaders to combat a ‘crisis of Islamic extremism’ emanating from the region, casting the fight against terrorism as a ‘battle between good and evil,’ not a clash between the West and Islam.  Trump’s address Sunday was the centerpiece of his two-day visit to Saudi Arabia, his first stop overseas as president. During a meeting of more than 50 Arab and Muslim leaders, he sought to chart a new course for America’s role in the region, one aimed squarely on rooting out terrorism, with less focus on promoting human rights and democratic reforms….

“Trump made almost no mention of Israel, his next stop on the tour Monday, leaving it off a list of countries fighting terror…

“The president has been enthusiastically embraced in Riyadh, where the ruling royal family has welcomed his tougher stance on Iran, its regional foe… Trump also devoted much of his speech to railing against Iran, accusing it of trying to destabilize the region…

“He notably refrained from using the phrase ‘radical Islamic terror,‘ which had been a staple of campaign speeches and which he had chided predecessor Barack Obama for refusing to utter… He once mused that he thought ‘Islam hates us’… But on Sunday, Trump was full of praise for Muslim world’s history and culture. He declared Islam ‘one of the world’s great faiths.’…”

News commentators have wondered whether we are observing a modern version of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Trump”…

What Happened to Saudi Arabia’s Abysmal Violation of Human Rights?

On May 22, The Times of Israel re-published the following article by the Associated Press:

“As President Donald Trump opened his keynote address in Saudi Arabia, he lavished praise on the ‘magnificent’ kingdom and ‘the grandeur of this remarkable place.’ Then he made clear there would be no public lecture from America on Saudi Arabia’s abysmal human rights record… Trump’s willingness to set aside human rights as a principal foreign policy has been one constant in his chaotic administration. Yet the absence of any public reference to the kingdom’s treatment of women and political opponents during his two-day visit was still jarring, particularly when contrasted with his affectionate embrace of the royal family…

“To be sure, Trump’s predecessors have also forged close ties with Saudi Arabia, an important US partner in the Middle East, and other nations with questionable human rights records. But in their own ways, former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush each vouched for American values in their dealings with those nations, including the kingdom…

“Saudi Arabia adheres to an ultraconservative interpretation of Islamic Shariah law where unrelated men and women are segregated in most public places. Women are banned from driving… Guardianship laws also require a male relative’s consent before a woman can obtain a passport, travel or marry. Often that relative is a father or husband, but in the absence of both can be the woman’s own son…

“Human rights didn’t go completely unnoticed on Trump’s trip. During a press briefing Saturday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson hammered Iran’s newly re-elected president [Hassan Rouhani] for his government’s oppressive policies. However, when reporters shouted out questions regarding Saudi Arabia’s human rights record — namely, one question about when the kingdom intends to allow women to drive — Tillerson ignored it.”

The Bible strongly condemns the ancient and modern House of Israel for entering into alliances with nations opposed to God’s Way of Life. In many cases, those allies subsequently turned against each other. The restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia are indeed appalling and totally contrary to biblical injunctions.

“Iran President Hassan Rouhani Blasts Trump’s Saudi Summit”

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 22:

“Iran’s newly re-elected president has dismissed US President Donald Trump’s calls for the region to isolate Tehran. Peace in the Middle East could only be possible with Iran at the table, Rouhani said. At a press conference on Monday, Iran’s newly re-elected president, Hassan Rouhani, dismissed US President Donald Trump’s weekend summit with Arab leaders, describing it as ‘just a show with no practical or political value of any kind.’

“In his speech on Islamic extremism on Sunday, Trump also singled out Tehran as an agent of terrorism… Despite Trump’s confrontational rhetoric, Iran had nothing to do with the terror attacks on the US in September 2001, or subsequent attacks in Europe – including Germany, France and England… Rouhani also dismissed the US and Saudi government’s $110 billion dollar arms deal…

“However, while Rouhani’s greatest political achievement to date has perhaps been the 2015 agreement with six major powers, including the US, to curbing Iran’s nuclear program, the Iranian president insisted that ballistic missile tests would continue ‘if technically necessary’… adding that he would not need permission from the US to conduct such tests.

“Rouhani won this week’s Iranian presidential election with a resounding majority, a sign that most Iranians wish to keep on the president’s course of reform and modernization…”

It is not to be expected that the relationship between the USA and Iran will improve, which means that in the long run, the relationship between Russia (Iran’s ally) and the USA will not remain peaceful, either.

In the past, some uninformed religious “experts” claimed that Iran was to fulfill the role of the “king of the South,” mentioned in Daniel 11. Of course, at other times, they proclaimed that Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Osama bin Laden were to fulfill that role. These false predictions only show the limited biblical understanding of those “experts.”

60 US Evangelical Leaders Remind Trump of His Promise to Move Embassy to Jerusalem

The Jewish Press wrote on May 18:

“A group of about 60 US Evangelical leaders last week sent President Trump a letter calling on him to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move his embassy there from Tel Aviv, The Daily Caller reported. The letter, issued by American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI), cites the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and ordering the US President to move the Embassy there by May 31, 1999.

“Every American president before Trump has opted to sign a waiver twice a year explaining why it has been politically unfeasible to obey this law. Should President Trump choose to avoid the move, he, too, will have to sign such a waiver soon. The Christian leaders wrote Trump:

“‘Sadly, every US President since then has taken advantage of a provision in the law allowing its requirements to be waived for six months if “necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.” Such suspensions have been repeated semi-annually for two decades, and it is time to end America’s doublespeak.’ The Republican National Convention’s official 2016 Platform rightly stated, “We recognize Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish state and call for the American embassy to be moved there in fulfillment of US law.” Moreover, we were honored and grateful that you pledged to specifically uphold this policy in response to a request from the American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) coalition during your campaign. Many of our constituents cast their vote for you due to this commitment,’ the leaders reminded Trump…

“The letter was signed by, among others, Dr. Jerry Johnson, Dr. John Hagee, Gordon Robertson, and Dr. James Dobson.”

President Trump’s and the White House’s double-talk and flip-flops on the promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem is causing great concern among many evangelicals and Republicans, as well as conservative Israelis.

Trump Visits Western Wall as First Sitting American President

JTA reported on May 22:

“President Donald Trump visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to go to the holy site. Trump arrived there under heavy security Monday afternoon with his wife, Melania, daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner. No Israeli politicians or officials accompanied the family. U.S. officials reportedly had rejected a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the site with Trump

“Trump went to the men’s side, with his daughter and wife heading to the women’s section… The Trump family walked to the wall from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, one of the holiest sites in Christianity, which they visited first…”

President Trump’s refusal to allow Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accompany him on his visit to the Western Wall has caused some misgivings in Israel.

Peace, Peace… and There Is No Peace

The Times of Israel reported on May 22:

“The first day of US President Donald Trump’s first-ever visit to Israel was full of grand gestures, but it yielded very few clues as to how the leader of the free world intends to go ahead and turn his vision of Israeli-Palestinian peace into reality…

“Trump repeatedly denounced Iran and the nuclear deal that the previous administration negotiated with the regime, but did not say whether he will try to unravel the agreement…

“‘No injustice has spread more bitter fruit than the absence of a Palestinian state,’ Jordan’s King Abdullah told Trump on Sunday at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh. … The only way forward is a ‘just and comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian cause, based on the two-state solution and the Arab Peace Initiative,’ he stressed…

“Trump and Netanyahu both avoided endorsing Palestinian statehood or the idea of ‘two states for two peoples’…”

The Times of Israel added on May 24:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [said] Palestinian refusal to recognize the Jewish state and its capital in any borders is the root of the conflict, and pledging that the city, including the Temple Mount and Western Wall, will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty… the prime minister vowed the city would not be divided again…”

The Bible prophecies an unparalleled time of turmoil for the state of Israel and the Jewish people. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People.” 

Trump Meets the Pope

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 24:

“The US president and the head of the Catholic Church have clashed on a number of key issues. But both men emerged smiling from their private audience, with the president saying he ‘wouldn’t forget’ Pope Francis’ words… Pope Francis was a vocal critic of Trump’s plan to bar refugees from coming to the US and to build a wall on the border with Mexico. The pontiff called these policies ‘not Christian,’ and said the job of leaders was to build bridges, not walls. The then-presidential candidate fired back that it was ‘disgraceful’ for Francis to question his faith…

Melania Trump, who is reportedly herself a Catholic, appeared delighted to meet the pope and presented him with a small item to bless for her

“The president later met with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni… During his meeting…, Trump affirmed how happy he was to have met Pope Francis, reiterating what an ‘honor’ it was and saying ‘he is something.’”

The Associated Press wrote on May 24:

“Though both Trump and Francis are known for their unpredictability, papal visits with heads of state are carefully arranged bits of political and religious theater that follow a specific program, with little room for deviation or unwanted surprises. Trump, the 13th president to visit the Vatican, was also given a tour of the Sistine Chapel…

“The president’s prior anti-Muslim rhetoric… is the antithesis of what the pope has been preaching about a need for dialogue with Muslims. Francis also differs sharply with Trump on the need to combat climate change and economic inequality. And he could react to events this week, including the release of Trump’s budget, which would dramatically cut funding to programs that help the poor, and the president’s agreement to sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia…”

Melania Trump’s Faith

The Daily Mail reported on May 25:

“Melania Trump reveals she will be the first Catholic to live in the White House since the Kennedys. Melania Trump’s spokeswoman confirms that she’s a Catholic. The first lady met with Pope Francis on Wednesday at the Vatican, where he blessed a rosary for her. Then she went to a Vatican-affiliated pediatric hospital where she met with children, prayed in a chapel and laid flowers at the feet of a statue of Mary

“It’s unclear when Melania became a Catholic or when she was baptized. She and her sister weren’t baptized as infants and didn’t make their First Holy Communion along with other kids their age. Her father was a member of the Communist Party in Slovenia in order to work, and the party was official atheist. Melania opened a February presidential rally in Florida by surprising the president with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer… The president is a life-long Presbyterian, and they were married in a Florida Episcopal church.”

Strange Catholic Customs

The Telegraph wrote on May 24:

“Both the First Lady, Melania Trump, and the First Daughter, Ivanka Trump… chose to honour the traditional Vatican dress codes by wearing black, long sleeved dresses and veils – the former even choosing to honour her host nation by wearing Italian label Dolce and Gabbana…

“Traditionally, under Pope Benedict XVI and all those before him, the rule was that women should wear black to meet [the Pope], covering up with full sleeves and a mantilla, the lace veil traditionally worn in the Roman Catholic Church.  Only a handful of Queens and Princesses from Catholic regions are permitted to wear white… Michelle Obama wore a black dress with a mantilla when she met Pope Benedict XVI in 2009…”

It is not clear how the Catholic tradition originated that women AND MEN are to wear black when meeting the Pope in private. Could it be that the Pope who is wearing white and who is to be addressed in those meetings as “Holy Father,” is to be distinguished in that way from his guests, wearing black, to show the difference between the alleged “representative of God” and his guests living in and being part of the “darkness” of this world?

Obama vs. Trump

The Huffington Post wrote on May 25:

“Former President Barack Obama subtly knocked his successor, President Donald Trump on Thursday, while explaining the importance of taking in refugees and immigrants in need. ‘In the eyes of God, a child on the other side of the border is no less worthy of love and compassion than my own child,’ he said in Berlin during a conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel… Trump has taken on a decidedly more isolationist stance on immigration, banning Syrian refugees and visitors from other predominately Muslim countries and vowing to build a wall on the Mexican border…

“Other topics that… came up at Thursday’s event were defense spending, religion, and education―all issues that Trump and Obama tend to disagree on. Contending that poor education policies breed inequality, Obama said that, ‘no county will be successful if it leaves half of its children… uneducated and on the sidelines. We have to think of them as all of our children… The good news is that we know what to do, the bad news is that we haven’t convinced everybody of the necessity of doing it’…

Obama is extremely popular in Germany, and his appearance was greeted with a massive crowd and repeated applause. Trump, on the [other] hand, has clashed with Merkel on many key issues and has a negative approval rating among Germans…”

Merkel’s meeting with Obama in Germany was much more friendly and much less controversial than her subsequent meeting with Trump in Brussels.

Trump at EU Headquarters in Brussels

The EUObserver wrote on May 25:

“The EU and the US should defend common Western values rather than their own interests, European Council president Donald Tusk said on Thursday (25 May) after meeting US president Donald Trump in Brussels… The meeting [with Tusk and Juncker]… did not appear to bridge the gap between the EU and a US president who has expressed support for anti-EU political forces as well as sympathy for Russia…”

According to Deutsche Welle, dated May 25, Tusk also said that differences remained “over several key issues.”

Der Spiegel wrote on May 25 that Trump’s meeting with Tusk and Juncker was not that “amazing.”

Trump at NATO Headquarters

The Washington Post wrote on May 25:

“President Trump, speaking at a ceremony here Thursday to dedicate a memorial to NATO’s resolve in the wake of the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, publicly chastised his fellow alliance leaders for not being ‘fair to taxpayers of the United States.’

“Trump used the occasion of his maiden summit with NATO leaders, where he was invited to dedicate the September 2001 memorial, to remind its members that ‘23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they are supposed to be paying,’ and that they owe ‘massive amounts’ from past years. European leaders who gathered from across the alliance gazed at Trump without expression and offered modest applause at the end of a speech…”

Der Spiegel commented on May 25 that Trump’s demand for payment of “owed” money would have caused consternation of NATO members, as there is “no provision to pay missing funds into a NATO money pot.”   

Express wrote on May 25:

“Only the UK, Poland, Greece and Estonia and the US are currently meeting the NATO spending requirement [of 2 percent of GDP]… with Canada, Spain, Belgium, Italy and Hungary among the nations barely reaching the one per cent mark. Last year America spent 3.6 per of its GDP on defence, the highest ratio of any NATO member. The US currently funds around three-quarters of the alliance’s operations.”

“Trump Lukewarm on Nato Joint Defence”

The EUObserver wrote on May 25:

“US leader Donald Trump voiced half-hearted support for Nato… His words fell short of an explicit commitment to Article 5 of the Nato treaty, which says that allies, including the US, would defend each other if one of them was attacked… His speech had been meant to allay concern after he described Nato as ‘obsolete’ and said the US might not defend allies who did not pay their share. It was also meant to reassure Europe that he would protect it from Russia…

“Trump later belittled Montenegro’s prime minister, Dusko Markovic, by physically pushing him aside as the leaders took their places for photos…”

Trump Attacks Germany

The Huffington Post wrote on May 25:

“During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union (Juncker and Tusk), President Donald Trump said ‘the Germans are bad, very bad,’ according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel. Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. ‘See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,’ Der Spiegel reports he said. ‘We will stop this.’

“Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U. Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

“This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London. ‘Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, “You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,”’ the official said. ‘On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, “Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.”’ …

“Top political figures and Europe analysts have already labeled his trip a major failure…”

German newspapers, including Der Spiegel, Der Stern, Bild, Die Welt, and many others, sharply attacked and condemned Donald Trump for his “Rambo-style” appearance, his ignorance on trade matters, his refusal to commit to Article 5 of the NATO treaty, his demand for back pay, his attacks on Germany, his praise for the King of Saudi Arabia as a very wise man, and his comments that NATO needs to focus on “terrorism and immigration.”  Questions were asked what Trump actually wants—does he want NATO to fight against immigrants? Subsequently, according to The Week, dated May 25, “Press Secretary Sean Spicer later confirmed America’s commitment to Article 5 and said Trump wasn’t ‘trying to be cute.’”

Germany’s Position

The Associated Press wrote on May 25:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel says she is confident that Germany is on the right path with its defense spending… Merkel said Thursday that NATO leaders, meeting in Brussels, will confirm a decision from 2011 to increasing spending toward 2 percent of GDP by 2024

“Merkel also told reporters that she is pleased that NATO spending plans will also take into account what kinds of military equipment countries have and how much they are contributing to alliance operations. To meet the 2 percent guideline Germany would have to virtually double its military budget, spending more money on defense than Russia.”

Donald Trump will not accept Germany’s spending “toward” 2 percent of GDP “by 2024.” His demands of NATO members to pay immediately at least 2 percent of their GDP and “owed” money is bound to cause continued serious contention and controversy.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley on North Korea and Syria

Newsmax wrote on May 22:

“‘All options’ are on the table when it comes to North Korea and its growing aggression, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in an interview airing Monday. ‘We have made it clear, we don’t want to start a fight, so don’t give us a reason to have one,’ Haley told NBC…

“On Sunday, North Korea test launched a solid-fuel Pukguksong-2 missile, which flew about 310 miles and went 350 miles high before it fell into the Pacific Ocean. North Korea says it is ready to start mass-producing a new medium-range missile that can reach Japan and hit the United States major military bases there

“The ambassador, who has been traveling this week in the Middle East on a trip separate from the president’s, told [NBC] she has visited a refugee camp that is home to 80,000 Syrians, and while talking to families, she’s learned that they ‘just want to go home.’ ‘That’s what their prayer is every day, that one day Syria will be peaceful enough to go back,’ said Haley. But that won’t happen, she continued, unless Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is removed from office. ‘There’s no way there’s going to be a political solution and peace with Assad in charge,’ she said…

“When asked if the United States will lead the effort for regime change in Syria, Haley responded that ‘you’re going to hear me talk about how awful Assad is every chance I get.’”

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley minces no words. Her warnings regarding North Korea and Syria are very noteworthy. Note the following articles.

IS US Preparing for an Attack Against North Korea?

On May 24, Euraktiv published the following article by New York Times bestseller George Friedman:

“If it were to attack North Korea, the United States would try to destroy its nuclear facilities and eliminate the southern artillery batteries aimed at Seoul. And it would do so primarily through the air

“It’s unclear whether the United States would deploy ground forces; doing so would almost certainly incur US causalities. If the air campaign against North Korea failed to destroy its intended targets, Washington would have to consider sending in special operations forces… Any attack would begin by striking North Korean command centres, including political command centres…

“In Washington, many will claim that if President Donald Trump orders an attack, he will have done so only for political reasons. But such accusations ignore US policy on North Korea, which has stood stalwart for more than a decade. (Barack Obama even warned Trump that North Korea would be his biggest challenge in foreign policy.) It was inevitable that Pyongyang’s strategy would bring it close to, or push it over, the red line…

“The United States is advertising its preparations for war – itself an act of deterrence – and the advertisement isn’t lost on North Korea. But it’s not a bluff; bluffing in such a way is expensive and pretty ineffective. From what we can tell, North Korea appears to assume that an attack is all but inevitable but a risk it is willing to take…”

The Huffington Post added on May 24:

“U.S. President Donald Trump told his Philippine counterpart that Washington has sent two nuclear submarines to waters off the Korean peninsula, the New York Times said, comments likely to raise questions about his handling of sensitive information. The transcript of the call was first reported by the Intercept.

“Trump has said ‘a major, major conflict’ with North Korea is possible because of its nuclear and missile programs and that all options are on the table but that he wants to resolve the crisis diplomatically. North Korea has vowed to develop a missile mounted with a nuclear warhead that can strike the mainland United States, saying the program is necessary to counter U.S. aggression.

“… In a show of force, the United States has sent the nuclear-powered USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier to waters off the Korean peninsula, where it joined the USS Michigan, a nuclear submarine that docked in South Korea in late April.”

Asian Trade Deal without the USA

Reuters wrote on May 20:

“Japan and other members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreed on Sunday to pursue their trade deal without the United States…

China, putting itself forward as a global free trade champion in light of the U.S. shift, is pushing an agreement to encompass the vast majority of Asian economies. The Asia trade deal it favors is called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.”

The influence of the USA even in economic matters is slowly waning.

Court of Appeals Rules Against Trump’s Revised Travel Ban

The Associated Press wrote on May 25:

“President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban ‘speaks with vague words of national security, but in context drips with religious intolerance, animus and discrimination,’ a federal appeals court said Thursday in ruling against the executive order targeting six Muslim-majority countries. Trump’s administration vowed to take the fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a 10-3 vote, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the ban likely violates the Constitution. And it upheld a lower court ruling that blocks the Republican administration from cutting off visas for people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

“The Richmond, Virginia-based 4th Circuit is the first appeals court to rule on the revised travel ban unveiled in March. Trump’s administration had hoped it would avoid the legal problems that the first version from January encountered. A second appeals court, the 9th U.S. Circuit based in San Francisco, is also weighing the revised travel ban after a federal judge in Hawaii blocked it.

“The Supreme Court almost certainly would step into the case if asked. The justices almost always have the final say when a lower court strikes down a federal law or presidential action.”

“EU Member States Will Pay for Joint Military ‘Projects’”

The Daily Mail wrote on May 18:

“EU member states will pay for joint military ‘projects’ in a move previously opposed by Britain… The cash would form part of Franco-German efforts to develop a more integrated European defence to respond to threats on Europe’s borders.

Nineteen countries including France, Germany, Italy and Spain will start talks next month on the so-called Cooperative Financial Mechanism, or CFM, which could be running sometime next year…

“The steps, if agreed, would mark the biggest EU defence funding and research plan in more than a decade to reverse billions in cuts and send a message to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump that Europe wants to pay for its own security…

“Separately, the European Commission will propose in early June up to 400 million euros (£340 million) from the bloc’s joint budget until 2020 to develop new European military equipment and weapons… ‘This is the first time in the 60 years of EU history we are allocating common funds to defence,’ [an] official said.”

The push for the creation of a European Army under German-French leadership is growing stronger. Please note the next article as well.

France to Push for European Army

Express wrote on May 20:

“The new [French] Armed Forces Minister Sylvie Goulard announced her intention to get closer to Germany over new President Emmanuel Macron’s fears countries will start to look after their own interests, and not those of the bloc… Ms Goulard said in her first message to military and civilian personnel: ‘… work with Germany will be decisive.’…

“An advocate of closer EU integration, Macron backs a ‘multi-speed’ Europe, an idea that has earned growing support in Germany and other EU countries since Britain voted to leave the bloc…”

Such a multi-speed Europe or a Europe of core member states, in addition to the rest of Europe, is prophesied to occur soon.

Europe—a Political and Military Union

The Guardian wrote on May 23:

“By pursuing true political integration based on a common army and security partnership for the EU, Macron can guarantee his place in the history books. To achieve this goal, however, he will have to break from his predecessors, who always categorically ruled out a political union.

Combining Europe’s military forces under a joint command is the only way forward. Creating a fiscal union without a political union would for ever block the road to European unification… No one who wants to build a union for peace can afford to permit, much less encourage, such an outcome.”

These are strong words. “Combining Europe’s military forces under a joint command”—another way of speaking about an European Army—is the “ONLY way forward.”

NATO Will Formally Join Anti-‘Islamic State’ Coalition

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 24:

“Members of the military alliance [NATO] have agreed to formally join the coalition against the ‘Islamic State’ extremist group. France and Germany were said to have greenlighted the ‘purely symbolic’ plan…  Diplomats said the decision is mainly political because all 28 NATO members already contribute to the coalition fighting to retake areas of Iraq and Syria from the extremist group. Some, like Germany, only taking part in support roles such as reconaissance and logistics…

“The decision follows pressure from Trump, who has previously accused NATO of being ‘obsolete’ and called for European countries to step up their funding of the military group. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday that it would be an important step for the alliance to join the 68-nation anti-IS coalition. ‘I think they’re going to support NATO joining and becoming a formal member,’ he said, referring to Germany and France.

“… Although IS is on the verge of defeat in its Iraqi stronghold of Mosul and bracing for an assault against its de facto capital in Raqqa, Syria, there’s is rising concern that fleeing militants may move to other Middle East countries. US officials are also wary of leaving power vacuums in Iraq and Syria that could prompt Arab tribal fighters to turn on each other to gain control.”

This arrangement would obviously not only be “purely symbolic,” and the US would not be willing to treat it as such.

Italy Makes Vaccination Mandatory for Children

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 19:

“The Italian government has approved a law ordering parents to vaccinate children or face fines. The authorities have noted a rise in measles cases, which the cabinet blames on ‘the spread of anti-scientific theories.’

“The new legislation makes vaccines mandatory for 12 preventable diseases, including measles, chicken pox, polio, hepatitis B, and tetanus. Only children with immunizations would be eligible for nursery school, according to the Friday law. Parents would face large fines for sending non-vaccinated children to state childcare facilities or schools…

“Italy has noted a sudden spread of measles in recent years, with the number of infections rising from 250 in 2015 to 840 last year. Medical authorities have already detected over 2,395 cases since the beginning of 2017, and the US warned visitors to Italy to guard against the disease. Experts believe that the epidemic is due to people refusing to vaccinate their children. The world-wide anti-vaccination movement has been gaining traction in recent years, despite its theories being discredited by the scientific community. The public in Italy has been highly receptive to the debunked link about vaccines causing autism.”

This is, sadly, the policy adopted by many countries, which are following unproven “medical scientific” postulations that these vaccines are necessary to prevent the spread of epidemics. Thereby, they completely ignore the real danger of long-term complications which are dismissed as “fake news,” while it is claimed that those dangers have been “discredited” and “debunked” by scientists. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE! See the next article.

Unvaccinated Youth Have Much Lower Rates of Chronic Illnesses

The European Union Times wrote on May 19:

“The first peer-reviewed study comparing health outcomes of vaccinated children versus unvaccinated was recently published in the Journal of Translational Science by epidemiologists from the School of Public Health at Jackson State University. The study’s conclusions are likely to inflame the fierce debate over whether vaccines and a mercury-containing vaccine preservative may be culprits in the dramatic rise in certain neurodevelopmental disorders in our children, including autism.

“The ‘Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children’ implicates vaccines in a host of chronic illnesses now epidemic in our nation’s children. The team of scientists, led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Mawson, the author of more than fifty published studies, concluded that ‘In a final adjusted model designed to test for this possibility, controlling for the interaction of preterm birth and vaccination, the following factors remained significantly associated with NDD [neurodevelopmental disorders]: vaccination (OR 2.5, 95% CI: 1.1, 5.6), nonwhite race (OR 2.4, 95% CI: 1.1, 5.4), and male gender (OR 2.3, 95% CI: 1.2, 4.4). Preterm birth itself, however, was not significantly associated with NDD, whereas the combination (interaction) of preterm birth and vaccination was associated with 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD (95% CI: 2.8, 15.5) (Table 8).’ Jackson State is a leading university research center.

“The study suggests that fully vaccinated children may be trading the prevention of certain acute illnesses (chicken pox, pertussis) for more chronic illnesses and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) like ADHD and Autism. In order to find a large population of children who hadn’t received any vaccines, the Jackson State scientists utilized Homeschool organizations in four states and compared the incidence of a broad range of health outcomes in 666 children, 39% of whom were unvaccinated.

“Among the more concerning findings, vaccinated children had increased risks of autism (4.2 times), ADHD (4.2 times), learning disabilities (5.2 times) eczema (2.9 times), and an astounding 30 times the risk of allergic rhinitis compared to unvaccinated children.

“As would be expected, vaccinated children did have lower likelihood of two vaccine-preventable illnesses compared to unvaccinated children: chicken pox (7.9% vs. 25.3%), and pertussis (2.5% vs. 8.4%), but the scientists found no significant differences in rates of other vaccine-preventable illnesses like hepatitis A or B, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, meningitis or rotavirus…”

The problem with the “scientific world” denying the real dangers of vaccinations is that they are paid by or dependent on the pharmaceutical industry. The negative reaction by the mass media was to be expected, including horrific allegations that a middle-aged woman died of measles because she had not been vaccinated. And of course, any connection between vaccinations and autism was again completely denied by scientific “experts.”

Evolutionary Silliness

Express wrote on May 25:

“[A] seven yearlong study, which examined all known trace fossils across a 200 million year period, found that sea creatures made their way from the ocean, the shallow waters and eventually to spread across the world. The research revealed that once the critters reached land, there was a rapid evolutionary process followed by long periods of calm.

“Lead author Dr Nicholas Minter, from the University of Portsmouth’s School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, said: ‘When the first animals emerged from the oceans they had a blank canvas, there were no other animals there and so they diversified rapidly both in how they behaved and in the ecological roles, or the part they played, in the theatre of life.’ The population of the critters which went land-bound is small, but spiders emerged from crabs while slugs and snails came from the same families as squid and cuttlefish

“Dr Minter explained: ‘Not many from any one group, or Phylum, made the transition from sea to land or fresh water… Each [evolutionary] burst was an evolutionary experiment…’”

Have you ever read such incredible nonsense? What a waste of time and resources to come up with complete utter silliness! If you want to know the TRUTH, please read our free booklets, The Theory of Evolutionand Heavens and Earth… Before and After the First Man.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Will Physical Circumcision Be Practiced in the Millennium?

Before we answer this question, we need to set forth some basic understanding regarding the concept of physical circumcision.

As we will see, in the Old Testament, physical circumcision was a type or forerunner of spiritual circumcision (as the animal sacrifices were instituted temporarily, pointing to the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ). Compare Deuteronomy 10:16; 30:6; Jeremiah 9:25-26; Jeremiah 4:4.

In the New Testament, it is emphasized time and again that true Christians must be circumcised spiritually… not physically; compare Colossians 2:11. This is the reason why Paul tells us, in 1 Corinthians 7:18-19: “Was anyone called while circumcised? Let him not become uncircumcised. Was anyone called while uncircumcised? Let him not be circumcised. Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God is what matters.”

Notice, too, Romans 2:28-29: “For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly [i.e., by being circumcised, verse 27], nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.”

Finally, notice Galatians 5:6: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.” He adds in Galatians 6:15: “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.”

It also became clear in the New Testament that physical circumcision is no longer required and it would be even wrong, if it is done with the mistaken belief of circumcision being a health-law, or, even worse, that it is necessary for spiritual salvation.

Based on this understanding, we can proclaim dogmatically that physical circumcision is NOT a health law. We address this question in a Q&A, where we stated the following:

“God gave man timeless physical and spiritual laws, including health laws, as well as temporary ritual laws, which had a passing and time-related purpose. For instance, God told man that certain animal food is good to eat, while other animals are not fit for consumption (Leviticus 11; Deuteronomy 14). These are health laws, given for the good of man, which are still in effect today. In fact, they will still be in effect at the time of Christ’s return (compare Isaiah 66:16-17).

“The law of circumcision was clearly not a timeless health law, but a temporary ritual law. We should, first of all, consider why God commanded circumcision. God commanded the practice of circumcision as a sign of the covenant (Romans 4:11; Genesis 17:11), which God made with Abraham and his descendants, along with any who would want to come under the same covenant of promise. At the same time, circumcision constituted itself a covenant (Acts 7:8). But circumcision was not to be understood as a timeless health law. The reason is that the law of physical circumcision only came into effect long after the creation of man, and that it is no longer required today. If it were a health law, then it should have been in effect from the time of man’s creation, and God would still require it today, as He would not deprive man of something that is good for him…

“It is clear to us that God would not have asked Abraham and ancient Israel to become circumcised, if this procedure had been harmful to them, and if it had produced medical side-effects. At the same time, we must emphasize that God did NOT give this law as a health law. It was strictly a temporary ritual law, such as the laws of sacrifices and washings…

“We also read that Paul taught the Gentiles, who wanted to become Christians, that they did not have to become circumcised. IF circumcision were a health law, Paul would have taught them to violate and break one of God’s timeless physical health laws. This very concept, that Paul would have taught this, is preposterous.”

In addition, physical circumcision is clearly NOT required for spiritual salvation.

In our free booklet, Paul’s Letter to the Galatians,” we said the following, quoting from the Authorized Version:

“[Paul] states in Galatians 5:2–4:

“(Verse 2) Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. (Verse 3) For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. (Verse 4) Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”

“In these verses, Paul addresses those who were teaching the Galatians, that they must be circumcised to obtain justification and salvation. But Paul says in verse 2 that if the Galatians feel that they must be circumcised for their salvation, then Christ will profit them nothing and they have rejected grace (verse 4)…”

We might ask why God even introduced the temporary concept of physical circumcision and animal sacrifices, since they were not in force prior to Abraham or Moses, and since they are not in force today. The reason could be seen in the tremendous gravity of sin and the consequences of sin, causing the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to become a man, live as a man and die as a man, in order to save man from death.

The sacrificial law with its animal sacrifices was added because of transgression or sin against God’s spiritual law (Galatians 3:19; Romans 5:20). The introduction of circumcision might have been for a similar reason. Abraham and his household had come out of a godless environment of paganism and idolatry, so physical circumcision became a physical sign of separation from ungodliness. Animal sacrifices as well as physical circumcision were introduced to point to Jesus Christ’s supreme Sacrifice. He HAD to be physically circumcised and He had to die for us, so that we could have forgiveness of sin. He became sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) and a curse for us (Galatians 3:13).

We know that in the Millennium, animal sacrifices will be given temporarily… mainly by and for physical Israelites, but notice too Isaiah 19:21, showing that Egyptians and other nations, if they want to become part of Israel, will also give sacrifices on a very temporary basis. The answer why animal sacrifices will be given for a short time is addressed in chapter 8 of our free booklet, Biblical Prophecy… From Now until Forever:

“It is important to understand that the millennial sacrifices will NOT be brought for the purpose of forgiveness of sin! Only Christ’s shed blood accomplished this—once and for all! But God introduced the sacrificial system to ancient Israel because Israel had sinned and the sacrifices served as a reminder of their sins. Apparently, for the same reason in the Millennium, sacrifices will be brought so that carnal, unconverted people can begin to appreciate the awesome purpose and meaning of Christ’s Sacrifice and how God looks at sin…

“Physical Israelites will bring animal sacrifices to a new temple in Jerusalem at the beginning of the Millennium. These sacrifices will not be given for the purpose of obtaining spiritual forgiveness, but just to remind the people that they had sinned, and help them to focus on the ultimate Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As it was the case in Old Testament times, these sacrifices will be temporary and will be administered by physical Levites to physical unconverted people, so as to allow the transgressor to remain within the community of Israel.”

Since there will be, apparently on a very temporary basis, animal sacrifices after Christ’s return, will the practice of physical circumcision also be re-introduced? After all, Paul circumcised Timothy (Acts 16:3), even though he had made it clear that circumcision was no longer required. We state the following in a Q&A regarding this event:

“Timothy was circumcised because Paul wanted him to be used effectively for the preaching of the gospel. While it is not necessary for salvation, it is not wrong to perform… By circumcising Timothy, he became accepted as a Jew, and avoided unnecessary disputes… Paul did not want Timothy to become a stumbling block to the Jews… The circumcision of Timothy was an action performed to prevent unnecessary conflict…”

However, this particular incident cannot be used as a general injunction for circumcision; nor can it be used to state that, therefore, circumcision will be universally practiced in the Millennium. While we find passages in the Bible clearly saying that animal sacrifices will be given at the beginning of the Millennium, we would need to find passages which would express something similar for physical circumcision.

There seem to be only two biblical passages which address circumcision in the Millennium.

The first passage is in Isaiah 52:1, stating that “the uncircumcised and the unclean Shall no longer come to… Jerusalem, the holy city.”

However, it is overwhelmingly agreed that this passage does not address physical circumcision and the need to be physically circumcised in order to be allowed to enter the city of Jerusalem in the Millennium.

Barnes Notes on the Bible states:

“The uncircumcised and the unclean – The idea is, that those only should enter Jerusalem and dwell there who would be worshippers of the true God. The uncircumcised are emblems of the impure, the unconverted, and the idolatrous… the view of the prophet extended to the purer and happier times under the Messiah…”

The commentary of Jamison, Fausset and Brown agrees, stating:

“uncircumcised—spiritually… Christ’s kingdom shall be exalted…”

The Pulpit Commentary says:

“Henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised… When the influx of the Gentiles comes (Isaiah 42:6; Isaiah 49:6, 22, etc.), it will be one of Gentiles who are ‘circumcised in heart and lips,’ and no longer ‘unclean’ (Acts 10:15).”

The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges adds:

“… the uncircumcised and the unclean, i.e. not foreigners generally… but the ‘destroyers’ and ‘wasters’…”

The second passage can be found in Ezekiel 44:7-9, which states that “no one uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh” shall enter God’s sanctuary.

The explanation for this passage is similar to the one given for Isaiah 52:1.

Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible states:

(7) In that ye have brought into my sanctuary strangers,… Unregenerate men, who are in a state of alienation and estrangement to divine and spiritual things: strangers to God; to the true knowledge of him… strangers to the nature of sin, and the exceeding sinfulness of it; to the deceitfulness of sin, and the consequences of it; to true repentance for it, and to the right way of atonement of it, by the blood of Christ: strangers to the Gospel of Christ, and the truths of it; and to the saints and people of God:

“and uncircumcised in heart; who never were pricked in the heart for sin, or felt any pain there on account of it; never had the hardness of their heart removed, or the impurity of it discovered to them; never were filled with shame and loathing because of it; or ever put off the body of sins in a course of conversation…

“and uncircumcised in flesh; carnal, as they were born; men in the flesh… and do the works of it; having never been taught by the grace of God to deny ungodliness, and worldly lusts, and to abstain from fleshly ones: or, who put their trust in the flesh, in outward things, in carnal privileges, and external righteousness: these the Lord complains were brought “to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house: either to be members here, and partake of all the ordinances and privileges of the Lord’s house; or to officiate here as priests and ministers of the Lord…”

Elliott’s Commentary for English Readers states:

“(9) Shall enter into my sanctuary—To guard against the evils of the past, the command is now given that none of the strangers described shall even enter the sanctuary; but our version gives a wrong impression of this prohibition by rendering, “nor uncircumcised in flesh.” It should be, as in Ezekiel 44:7, “and.” The command is not that no uncircumcised person should be allowed to enter the sanctuary, for the residence of strangers among the Israelites is expressly provided for in Ezekiel 47:22-23; but the emphasis here, as before, is upon the ‘uncircumcised in heart.’ No godless heathen should be allowed to enter in to profane the Divine worship.”

From this it follows that there is no clear biblical passage suggesting that the practice of physical circumcision will be re-introduced in the Millennium as a requirement. Physical circumcision was never a health law or a law which was necessary for salvation. But as it is the case today, to circumcise one’s baby boy on the eighth day is a personal decision by the parents. It is not required, nor is it forbidden, as long as it is not done because of improper and unbiblical reasons or beliefs. We might therefore conclude that under certain circumstances, physical circumcision might be permitted in the Millennium, but that it would not be required.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Pentecost will be observed on Sunday, June 4, 2017. We will conduct live services in both the morning (10:00 AM Pacific Time) and afternoon (3:00 PM Pacific Time).

Ehebruch–Missverständnisse über König David (Teil 4),” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon. Title in English: “Adultery–Misunderstandings about King David, Part 4.”

“Success in Overcoming,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Overcoming the sin so prevalent in this world isn’t achieved by simply desiring it. We must continually attune our efforts so they bring the most fruit. If we wish to be successful we must allow scripture to focus our direction–guided by God’s Holy Spirit.

Zeal,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Zeal is about building and nurturing enthusiasm for living by God’s Truth. To become zealous and sustain this essential Christian quality is an important goal to work towards. But how can it be done? What are the benefits of being zealous, and what are the consequences if we are not?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Terror Attack in Manchester… ISIS Claims Responsibility… Fear of Further Imminent Attacks

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 24:

“British police confirmed on Wednesday that the suicide bomber who killed 22 people [and wounded more than 60] at a Manchester concert was not acting alone… Police have identified 22-year-old Salman Abedi as the attacker who blew himself up at the Manchester Arena on Monday night at the end of a concert by pop singer Ariana Grande…

“Later on Wednesday, Libyan police confirmed they had arrested Abedi’s younger brother [20] in Tripoli on suspicion of links to the ‘Islamic State’ (IS) armed group… A third brother, Ismail, was arrested in Britain on Tuesday… On Wednesday morning, Manchester police arrested three men in the south of the city in connection with the bombing, taking the total number of suspects in custody in the UK to four. A fifth man was arrested in Manchester on Wednesday afternoon…

“With Abedi suspected of having had accomplices, the government late on Tuesday raised the official terror threat level to ‘critical,’ meaning that an attack was expected imminently. It marked the highest threat level in the UK in more than a decade. French Interior Minister Gerard Collomb told local broadcaster BFM that the 22-year-old is thought to have also travelled to Syria, adding that he had proven links to the so-called ‘Islamic State’ jihadist group. UK Interior Minister Amber Rudd said that Abedi had recently returned to the UK from Libya…

“Rudd also expressed her displeasure at US officials for leaking information on the perpetrator to the media as the investigation was still unfolding… The minister said that as many as 3,800 troops could be deployed to patrol streets across the UK and guard vital locations, such as Buckingham Palace and the prime minister’s residence at Downing Street. Just under 1,000 soldiers have already been deployed, initially in London, then elsewhere… The Houses of Parliament have been closed for visits…”

As more and more facts come to light, we have no question that such horrendous acts are demonically inspired, and that the perpetrators ARE demonically influenced, if not possessed. As it was stated in the press: Looking at the face of the 22-year-old murderer means looking at pure evil.

What Could Be Done?

Deutsche Welle wrote in a related article on May 23:

“Once again, terrorism targets the center of a European city. Another attack on people – people just trying to have fun, people out for a good time. It was another suicide attack. And once again, the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (IS) has claimed responsibility, even before the police made anything public.

“The choice of venue to attack – the Manchester Arena – seems particularly horrible this time: a pop concert. This means that among the victims are many children and young people… [They] fall into the hands of such [a] brutal murderer… How sick must the person be who consciously targets such victims?

“Dealing with terrorist attacks has become like a deja vu experience. All the news outlets carry the same headlines… Then there [are] the meaningless and merely voyeuristic eye-witness reports… There are numerous reactions from the music world and politicians: They want to show their anguish… Everyone’s thoughts are with the victims. And all civilized nations are showing their solidarity with Britain. Whatever that actually means…

“Europe, which has become a regular target for Islamic terrorists, has by now a well-established routine for dealing with such shock. These are rituals that serve to hide the fact that there is no easy or quick, effective answer in dealing with the struggle against terrorism. And that no such answer will be found either.

“… People will still attend concerts, go to shopping centers, soccer games or, in Germany, go to the Protestant Church Assembly… they have accepted the possibility of terrorism as normal. Right-wing extremists… continue to rant about banning all Muslims from Europe…

“But still, there is more action that could be taken by politicians, there are other options: For example, by exercising tight controls over, and if necessary banning, all places of worship in which terrorists have been radicalized. These are actually all over Europe. Or, as pragmatically demonstrated on Sunday in Saudi Arabia by Donald Trump: He had a contract signed by over 50 heads of state – above all the King of Saudi Arabia – to prevent the direct, as well as indirect, financing of IS in their countries.

“It may be that this does little to prevent terrorist attacks in European cities – that remains to be seen. But it is definitely smarter than doing nothing, or stupidly bombing cities in [the] Middle East in which, of course, civilians also live.”

Sadly, in this world ruled by Satan the Devil and his evil and deranged demons, terrible murderous acts by insane individuals like the ones in Manchester will continue. The ONLY hope for this world and for true and lasting peace is the return of Jesus Christ.

Britain Stops Sharing Intelligence Information with the USA

The Huffington Post wrote on May 25:

“Angered that U.S. intelligence officials appeared to be leaking information about the Manchester terror attack, British authorities have stopped sharing details about the case, the BBC reports. Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham later confirmed the report, telling CNN that, ‘we quite frankly can’t risk it anymore.’…

“President Donald Trump called the leaks ‘deeply troubling.’ ‘The leaks of sensitive information pose a grave threat to our national security,’ he said. ‘I am asking the Department of Justice and other relevant agencies to launch a complete review of this matter, and if appropriate, the culprit should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.’”

Subsequently, The Week reported on May 25:

“British police are once again sharing intelligence information with the United States, following a suspension announced Thursday morning in the wake of several leaks about the Manchester bombing by U.S. officials to the media… Prime Minister Theresa May said Thursday she would ‘make clear to President Trump that intelligence shared between our security agencies must remain secure,’ and on Thursday night, Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Operations in the Metropolitan Police Service Mark Rowley said that after receiving ‘fresh assurances’ from the U.S., the two countries were once against sharing material.”

 America’s intentional, inadvertent or leaked sharing of sensitive and classified intelligence information has caused worldwide consternation, concern and outright anger.

Trump’s Deals with Saudi Arabia

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 20:

“The US has announced military deals worth $110 billion with Saudi Arabia… The $110 billion… deal for Saudi purchases of US defense equipment and services was one of several deals announced during Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia. The military sales deal is effective immediately, with another $350 billion set of deals to kick in over the next 10 years… US conglomerate General Electric also announced it had signed agreements and memorandums of understanding worth $15 billion with the oil-rich kingdom…

Russia and Iran – allies with Syria against the US-Saudi Arabia axis in the region – this year signed a large arms deal. The US-Saudi deal comes amid talk of a possible reconfiguration of Middle East alliances, and possibly global, ties. For Riyadh, the visit is an opportunity to rebuild ties with a key ally, strained under Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama who Sunni Arab Gulf states suspected of a tilt towards their Shiite regional rival Iran…

“After a welcoming coffee ceremony, Trump and his entourage were brought to the royal court where the president was awarded the Collar of Abdulaziz Al Saud, Saudi Arabia’s highest civilian honor. The streets of Riyadh were lined with US and Saudi flags and billboards featuring Trump and King Salman.

“US first lady Melania Trump did not cover her head when she arrived on Saturday along with her husband. Two years ago, then-citizen Trump criticized former first lady Michelle Obama’s decision to go bare-headed on a January 2015 visit with her husband. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, a senior White House adviser who is accompanying her father, also left her head uncovered…”

The different arms deals between competing parties only show that peace in the Middle East is a fanciful illusion. The incredible large arms deal with Saudi Arabia totally ignores the fact that Saudi Arabia is being sued in American courts by relatives and survivors of the September 11 terrorist attack, for having allegedly permitted or even actively pursued the attack.

President Trump’s wife and daughter did the right thing in not covering their heads. After all, they cannot be held responsible for Donald Trump’s prior condemnation of Michelle Obama.

Jared and Ivanka Kushner Received Rabbinic Dispensation to fly on the Sabbath…

JTA wrote on May 19:

“President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, have received rabbinic approval to fly with him on Shabbat to the Middle East and Europe… A White House official said the couple, who are Orthodox Jews, have received a rabbinical dispensation to join the president aboard Air Force One… Orthodox Jews observe a Sabbath prohibition on work, motorized travel and the switching on or off of any appliance that uses heat, electricity or fire.

“As a matter of consensus, the prohibitions do not apply to life-or-death situations or when violating the Shabbat has the potential of saving human lives (and according to some decisors, the lives of certain animals under specific circumstances).

“Trump has tasked Kushner with brokering a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The New York Times reported Thursday that as part of his effort to secure an arms deal worth about $110 billion with Saudi Arabia, Kushner called the CEO of defense contractor Lockheed Martin directly and asked her to reduce the cost of a missile defense system so that Saudi Arabia could buy it…”

… Or Did They?

 JTA wrote on May 21:

“Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, the prominent modern Orthodox rabbi who oversaw Ivanka Trump’s conversion to Judaism, said he did not give the first daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, a dispensation to fly on Air Force One on Shabbat.

“Lookstein told Isaac Herzog, leader of the opposition Zionist Union party, that it was ‘fake news’… Lookstein also told Herzog… that he had not been in contact with Ivanka Trump for several weeks…

“The couple also was seen traveling to meetings by car in Saudi Arabia Saturday…”

JTA added on May 24:

“Which Orthodox rabbi gave Jared and Ivanka permission to fly on Shabbat? We don’t know who it was, but we know who it wasn’t.

“It wasn’t Haskel Lookstein, who oversaw the First Daughter’s conversion to Judaism. It wasn’t Marvin Hier, who gave the invocation at President Donald Trump’s inauguration. It wasn’t Levi Shemtov, the spiritual leader at the synagogue in Washington, D.C., that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump have attended. And it wasn’t Shmuley Boteach, the celebrity rabbi who has lavished praise on the president and taken a series of selfies with his advisers.

Those rabbis, on the record, denied giving their stamp of approval to the Friday night flight to Saudi Arabia — though none of them criticized the decision, and all refrained from commenting on it.”

Part of the orthodox teaching of modern Judaism is in complete opposition to the Bible. These burdensome pharisaical restrictions were strongly condemned by Jesus Christ. However, it is interesting that the White House’s announcement of a rabbinic dispensation (without giving the name of the rabbi or the timing) becomes a mystery in light of the prominent Orthodox rabbi’s denial that he gave any permission to travel on the Sabbath.

The Sabbath Controversy

JTA wrote on May 25:

“Based on conversations with a few Orthodox rabbis… flying on Shabbat is prohibited because flying the plane involves igniting a combustion engine, thereby lighting a fire. Lighting a fire is one of the few actions expressly prohibited on Shabbat by the Torah. But while that might be true for the pilot, it isn’t, really, for the passenger. After all, if I’m sitting in coach, I’m not literally flying the plane, much less turning it on or off. (Although some make the case that the additional weight of each passenger causes the engine to consume more fuel.) The reason observant Jews abstain from flying on Friday night and Saturday is because Jewish law prohibits traveling too far outside a city… on Shabbat. Unlike lighting a fire, that prohibition is mandated by rabbinic sources, not the text of the Torah itself — and therefore is less severe

“Jared and Ivanka’s national security duties might fall under the umbrella of pikuach nefesh — dealing with matters of life and death. But a few essays suggest that they might be exempt on different grounds: simply because they’re senior advisers of the president. That concept is called ‘karov l’malchut’ — roughly, ‘confidant of the king.’ It allows observant Jewish advisers of a ruler (or president) to violate rabbinic prohibitions in order to do their jobs. Because the advisers’ actions can safeguard (or endanger) Jewish welfare, they’re given more flexibility…

“Jared and Ivanka are two of the most powerful people in the country. As public officials, their actions affect hundreds of millions of people across the country and world. Nor is their Judaism private…”

The biblical command against lighting a fire on the Sabbath was given in the context of lighting a huge fire for the purpose of working for the construction of the tabernacle in the wilderness. It had and has absolutely nothing to do with igniting a combustion engine, switching on a light or an oven for cooking a meal. These are just pharisaical rules, making the Sabbath a burden, rather than a delight.

At the same time, exempting governmental officials from keeping the Sabbath is equally wrong. In this world ruled by Satan, it shows that Sabbath-keeping Christians could not be working in positions which would require them to disregard God’s Sabbath command.

Trump Speaks to the Muslim World

JTA wrote on May 21:

“US President Donald Trump called on Middle Eastern leaders to combat a ‘crisis of Islamic extremism’ emanating from the region, casting the fight against terrorism as a ‘battle between good and evil,’ not a clash between the West and Islam.  Trump’s address Sunday was the centerpiece of his two-day visit to Saudi Arabia, his first stop overseas as president. During a meeting of more than 50 Arab and Muslim leaders, he sought to chart a new course for America’s role in the region, one aimed squarely on rooting out terrorism, with less focus on promoting human rights and democratic reforms….

“Trump made almost no mention of Israel, his next stop on the tour Monday, leaving it off a list of countries fighting terror…

“The president has been enthusiastically embraced in Riyadh, where the ruling royal family has welcomed his tougher stance on Iran, its regional foe… Trump also devoted much of his speech to railing against Iran, accusing it of trying to destabilize the region…

“He notably refrained from using the phrase ‘radical Islamic terror,‘ which had been a staple of campaign speeches and which he had chided predecessor Barack Obama for refusing to utter… He once mused that he thought ‘Islam hates us’… But on Sunday, Trump was full of praise for Muslim world’s history and culture. He declared Islam ‘one of the world’s great faiths.’…”

News commentators have wondered whether we are observing a modern version of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Trump”…

What Happened to Saudi Arabia’s Abysmal Violation of Human Rights?

On May 22, The Times of Israel re-published the following article by the Associated Press:

“As President Donald Trump opened his keynote address in Saudi Arabia, he lavished praise on the ‘magnificent’ kingdom and ‘the grandeur of this remarkable place.’ Then he made clear there would be no public lecture from America on Saudi Arabia’s abysmal human rights record… Trump’s willingness to set aside human rights as a principal foreign policy has been one constant in his chaotic administration. Yet the absence of any public reference to the kingdom’s treatment of women and political opponents during his two-day visit was still jarring, particularly when contrasted with his affectionate embrace of the royal family…

“To be sure, Trump’s predecessors have also forged close ties with Saudi Arabia, an important US partner in the Middle East, and other nations with questionable human rights records. But in their own ways, former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush each vouched for American values in their dealings with those nations, including the kingdom…

“Saudi Arabia adheres to an ultraconservative interpretation of Islamic Shariah law where unrelated men and women are segregated in most public places. Women are banned from driving… Guardianship laws also require a male relative’s consent before a woman can obtain a passport, travel or marry. Often that relative is a father or husband, but in the absence of both can be the woman’s own son…

“Human rights didn’t go completely unnoticed on Trump’s trip. During a press briefing Saturday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson hammered Iran’s newly re-elected president [Hassan Rouhani] for his government’s oppressive policies. However, when reporters shouted out questions regarding Saudi Arabia’s human rights record — namely, one question about when the kingdom intends to allow women to drive — Tillerson ignored it.”

The Bible strongly condemns the ancient and modern House of Israel for entering into alliances with nations opposed to God’s Way of Life. In many cases, those allies subsequently turned against each other. The restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia are indeed appalling and totally contrary to biblical injunctions.

“Iran President Hassan Rouhani Blasts Trump’s Saudi Summit”

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 22:

“Iran’s newly re-elected president has dismissed US President Donald Trump’s calls for the region to isolate Tehran. Peace in the Middle East could only be possible with Iran at the table, Rouhani said. At a press conference on Monday, Iran’s newly re-elected president, Hassan Rouhani, dismissed US President Donald Trump’s weekend summit with Arab leaders, describing it as ‘just a show with no practical or political value of any kind.’

“In his speech on Islamic extremism on Sunday, Trump also singled out Tehran as an agent of terrorism… Despite Trump’s confrontational rhetoric, Iran had nothing to do with the terror attacks on the US in September 2001, or subsequent attacks in Europe – including Germany, France and England… Rouhani also dismissed the US and Saudi government’s $110 billion dollar arms deal…

“However, while Rouhani’s greatest political achievement to date has perhaps been the 2015 agreement with six major powers, including the US, to curbing Iran’s nuclear program, the Iranian president insisted that ballistic missile tests would continue ‘if technically necessary’… adding that he would not need permission from the US to conduct such tests.

“Rouhani won this week’s Iranian presidential election with a resounding majority, a sign that most Iranians wish to keep on the president’s course of reform and modernization…”

It is not to be expected that the relationship between the USA and Iran will improve, which means that in the long run, the relationship between Russia (Iran’s ally) and the USA will not remain peaceful, either.

In the past, some uninformed religious “experts” claimed that Iran was to fulfill the role of the “king of the South,” mentioned in Daniel 11. Of course, at other times, they proclaimed that Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Osama bin Laden were to fulfill that role. These false predictions only show the limited biblical understanding of those “experts.”

60 US Evangelical Leaders Remind Trump of His Promise to Move Embassy to Jerusalem

The Jewish Press wrote on May 18:

“A group of about 60 US Evangelical leaders last week sent President Trump a letter calling on him to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move his embassy there from Tel Aviv, The Daily Caller reported. The letter, issued by American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI), cites the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and ordering the US President to move the Embassy there by May 31, 1999.

“Every American president before Trump has opted to sign a waiver twice a year explaining why it has been politically unfeasible to obey this law. Should President Trump choose to avoid the move, he, too, will have to sign such a waiver soon. The Christian leaders wrote Trump:

“‘Sadly, every US President since then has taken advantage of a provision in the law allowing its requirements to be waived for six months if “necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.” Such suspensions have been repeated semi-annually for two decades, and it is time to end America’s doublespeak.’ The Republican National Convention’s official 2016 Platform rightly stated, “We recognize Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish state and call for the American embassy to be moved there in fulfillment of US law.” Moreover, we were honored and grateful that you pledged to specifically uphold this policy in response to a request from the American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) coalition during your campaign. Many of our constituents cast their vote for you due to this commitment,’ the leaders reminded Trump…

“The letter was signed by, among others, Dr. Jerry Johnson, Dr. John Hagee, Gordon Robertson, and Dr. James Dobson.”

President Trump’s and the White House’s double-talk and flip-flops on the promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem is causing great concern among many evangelicals and Republicans, as well as conservative Israelis.

Trump Visits Western Wall as First Sitting American President

JTA reported on May 22:

“President Donald Trump visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to go to the holy site. Trump arrived there under heavy security Monday afternoon with his wife, Melania, daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner. No Israeli politicians or officials accompanied the family. U.S. officials reportedly had rejected a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the site with Trump

“Trump went to the men’s side, with his daughter and wife heading to the women’s section… The Trump family walked to the wall from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, one of the holiest sites in Christianity, which they visited first…”

President Trump’s refusal to allow Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accompany him on his visit to the Western Wall has caused some misgivings in Israel.

Peace, Peace… and There Is No Peace

The Times of Israel reported on May 22:

“The first day of US President Donald Trump’s first-ever visit to Israel was full of grand gestures, but it yielded very few clues as to how the leader of the free world intends to go ahead and turn his vision of Israeli-Palestinian peace into reality…

“Trump repeatedly denounced Iran and the nuclear deal that the previous administration negotiated with the regime, but did not say whether he will try to unravel the agreement…

“‘No injustice has spread more bitter fruit than the absence of a Palestinian state,’ Jordan’s King Abdullah told Trump on Sunday at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh. … The only way forward is a ‘just and comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian cause, based on the two-state solution and the Arab Peace Initiative,’ he stressed…

“Trump and Netanyahu both avoided endorsing Palestinian statehood or the idea of ‘two states for two peoples’…”

The Times of Israel added on May 24:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [said] Palestinian refusal to recognize the Jewish state and its capital in any borders is the root of the conflict, and pledging that the city, including the Temple Mount and Western Wall, will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty… the prime minister vowed the city would not be divided again…”

The Bible prophecies an unparalleled time of turmoil for the state of Israel and the Jewish people. For more information, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of the Jewish People.” 

Trump Meets the Pope

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 24:

“The US president and the head of the Catholic Church have clashed on a number of key issues. But both men emerged smiling from their private audience, with the president saying he ‘wouldn’t forget’ Pope Francis’ words… Pope Francis was a vocal critic of Trump’s plan to bar refugees from coming to the US and to build a wall on the border with Mexico. The pontiff called these policies ‘not Christian,’ and said the job of leaders was to build bridges, not walls. The then-presidential candidate fired back that it was ‘disgraceful’ for Francis to question his faith…

Melania Trump, who is reportedly herself a Catholic, appeared delighted to meet the pope and presented him with a small item to bless for her

“The president later met with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni… During his meeting…, Trump affirmed how happy he was to have met Pope Francis, reiterating what an ‘honor’ it was and saying ‘he is something.’”

The Associated Press wrote on May 24:

“Though both Trump and Francis are known for their unpredictability, papal visits with heads of state are carefully arranged bits of political and religious theater that follow a specific program, with little room for deviation or unwanted surprises. Trump, the 13th president to visit the Vatican, was also given a tour of the Sistine Chapel…

“The president’s prior anti-Muslim rhetoric… is the antithesis of what the pope has been preaching about a need for dialogue with Muslims. Francis also differs sharply with Trump on the need to combat climate change and economic inequality. And he could react to events this week, including the release of Trump’s budget, which would dramatically cut funding to programs that help the poor, and the president’s agreement to sell military equipment to Saudi Arabia…”

Melania Trump’s Faith

The Daily Mail reported on May 25:

“Melania Trump reveals she will be the first Catholic to live in the White House since the Kennedys. Melania Trump’s spokeswoman confirms that she’s a Catholic. The first lady met with Pope Francis on Wednesday at the Vatican, where he blessed a rosary for her. Then she went to a Vatican-affiliated pediatric hospital where she met with children, prayed in a chapel and laid flowers at the feet of a statue of Mary

“It’s unclear when Melania became a Catholic or when she was baptized. She and her sister weren’t baptized as infants and didn’t make their First Holy Communion along with other kids their age. Her father was a member of the Communist Party in Slovenia in order to work, and the party was official atheist. Melania opened a February presidential rally in Florida by surprising the president with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer… The president is a life-long Presbyterian, and they were married in a Florida Episcopal church.”

Strange Catholic Customs

The Telegraph wrote on May 24:

“Both the First Lady, Melania Trump, and the First Daughter, Ivanka Trump… chose to honour the traditional Vatican dress codes by wearing black, long sleeved dresses and veils – the former even choosing to honour her host nation by wearing Italian label Dolce and Gabbana…

“Traditionally, under Pope Benedict XVI and all those before him, the rule was that women should wear black to meet [the Pope], covering up with full sleeves and a mantilla, the lace veil traditionally worn in the Roman Catholic Church.  Only a handful of Queens and Princesses from Catholic regions are permitted to wear white… Michelle Obama wore a black dress with a mantilla when she met Pope Benedict XVI in 2009…”

It is not clear how the Catholic tradition originated that women AND MEN are to wear black when meeting the Pope in private. Could it be that the Pope who is wearing white and who is to be addressed in those meetings as “Holy Father,” is to be distinguished in that way from his guests, wearing black, to show the difference between the alleged “representative of God” and his guests living in and being part of the “darkness” of this world?

Obama vs. Trump

The Huffington Post wrote on May 25:

“Former President Barack Obama subtly knocked his successor, President Donald Trump on Thursday, while explaining the importance of taking in refugees and immigrants in need. ‘In the eyes of God, a child on the other side of the border is no less worthy of love and compassion than my own child,’ he said in Berlin during a conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel… Trump has taken on a decidedly more isolationist stance on immigration, banning Syrian refugees and visitors from other predominately Muslim countries and vowing to build a wall on the Mexican border…

“Other topics that… came up at Thursday’s event were defense spending, religion, and education―all issues that Trump and Obama tend to disagree on. Contending that poor education policies breed inequality, Obama said that, ‘no county will be successful if it leaves half of its children… uneducated and on the sidelines. We have to think of them as all of our children… The good news is that we know what to do, the bad news is that we haven’t convinced everybody of the necessity of doing it’…

Obama is extremely popular in Germany, and his appearance was greeted with a massive crowd and repeated applause. Trump, on the [other] hand, has clashed with Merkel on many key issues and has a negative approval rating among Germans…”

Merkel’s meeting with Obama in Germany was much more friendly and much less controversial than her subsequent meeting with Trump in Brussels.

Trump at EU Headquarters in Brussels

The EUObserver wrote on May 25:

“The EU and the US should defend common Western values rather than their own interests, European Council president Donald Tusk said on Thursday (25 May) after meeting US president Donald Trump in Brussels… The meeting [with Tusk and Juncker]… did not appear to bridge the gap between the EU and a US president who has expressed support for anti-EU political forces as well as sympathy for Russia…”

According to Deutsche Welle, dated May 25, Tusk also said that differences remained “over several key issues.”

Der Spiegel wrote on May 25 that Trump’s meeting with Tusk and Juncker was not that “amazing.”

Trump at NATO Headquarters

The Washington Post wrote on May 25:

“President Trump, speaking at a ceremony here Thursday to dedicate a memorial to NATO’s resolve in the wake of the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, publicly chastised his fellow alliance leaders for not being ‘fair to taxpayers of the United States.’

“Trump used the occasion of his maiden summit with NATO leaders, where he was invited to dedicate the September 2001 memorial, to remind its members that ‘23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they are supposed to be paying,’ and that they owe ‘massive amounts’ from past years. European leaders who gathered from across the alliance gazed at Trump without expression and offered modest applause at the end of a speech…”

Der Spiegel commented on May 25 that Trump’s demand for payment of “owed” money would have caused consternation of NATO members, as there is “no provision to pay missing funds into a NATO money pot.”   

Express wrote on May 25:

“Only the UK, Poland, Greece and Estonia and the US are currently meeting the NATO spending requirement [of 2 percent of GDP]… with Canada, Spain, Belgium, Italy and Hungary among the nations barely reaching the one per cent mark. Last year America spent 3.6 per of its GDP on defence, the highest ratio of any NATO member. The US currently funds around three-quarters of the alliance’s operations.”

“Trump Lukewarm on Nato Joint Defence”

The EUObserver wrote on May 25:

“US leader Donald Trump voiced half-hearted support for Nato… His words fell short of an explicit commitment to Article 5 of the Nato treaty, which says that allies, including the US, would defend each other if one of them was attacked… His speech had been meant to allay concern after he described Nato as ‘obsolete’ and said the US might not defend allies who did not pay their share. It was also meant to reassure Europe that he would protect it from Russia…

“Trump later belittled Montenegro’s prime minister, Dusko Markovic, by physically pushing him aside as the leaders took their places for photos…”

Trump Attacks Germany

The Huffington Post wrote on May 25:

“During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union (Juncker and Tusk), President Donald Trump said ‘the Germans are bad, very bad,’ according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel. Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. ‘See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,’ Der Spiegel reports he said. ‘We will stop this.’

“Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U. Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

“This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London. ‘Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, “You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,”’ the official said. ‘On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, “Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.”’ …

“Top political figures and Europe analysts have already labeled his trip a major failure…”

German newspapers, including Der Spiegel, Der Stern, Bild, Die Welt, and many others, sharply attacked and condemned Donald Trump for his “Rambo-style” appearance, his ignorance on trade matters, his refusal to commit to Article 5 of the NATO treaty, his demand for back pay, his attacks on Germany, his praise for the King of Saudi Arabia as a very wise man, and his comments that NATO needs to focus on “terrorism and immigration.”  Questions were asked what Trump actually wants—does he want NATO to fight against immigrants? Subsequently, according to The Week, dated May 25, “Press Secretary Sean Spicer later confirmed America’s commitment to Article 5 and said Trump wasn’t ‘trying to be cute.’”

Germany’s Position

The Associated Press wrote on May 25:

“Chancellor Angela Merkel says she is confident that Germany is on the right path with its defense spending… Merkel said Thursday that NATO leaders, meeting in Brussels, will confirm a decision from 2011 to increasing spending toward 2 percent of GDP by 2024

“Merkel also told reporters that she is pleased that NATO spending plans will also take into account what kinds of military equipment countries have and how much they are contributing to alliance operations. To meet the 2 percent guideline Germany would have to virtually double its military budget, spending more money on defense than Russia.”

Donald Trump will not accept Germany’s spending “toward” 2 percent of GDP “by 2024.” His demands of NATO members to pay immediately at least 2 percent of their GDP and “owed” money is bound to cause continued serious contention and controversy.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley on North Korea and Syria

Newsmax wrote on May 22:

“‘All options’ are on the table when it comes to North Korea and its growing aggression, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in an interview airing Monday. ‘We have made it clear, we don’t want to start a fight, so don’t give us a reason to have one,’ Haley told NBC…

“On Sunday, North Korea test launched a solid-fuel Pukguksong-2 missile, which flew about 310 miles and went 350 miles high before it fell into the Pacific Ocean. North Korea says it is ready to start mass-producing a new medium-range missile that can reach Japan and hit the United States major military bases there

“The ambassador, who has been traveling this week in the Middle East on a trip separate from the president’s, told [NBC] she has visited a refugee camp that is home to 80,000 Syrians, and while talking to families, she’s learned that they ‘just want to go home.’ ‘That’s what their prayer is every day, that one day Syria will be peaceful enough to go back,’ said Haley. But that won’t happen, she continued, unless Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is removed from office. ‘There’s no way there’s going to be a political solution and peace with Assad in charge,’ she said…

“When asked if the United States will lead the effort for regime change in Syria, Haley responded that ‘you’re going to hear me talk about how awful Assad is every chance I get.’”

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley minces no words. Her warnings regarding North Korea and Syria are very noteworthy. Note the following articles.

IS US Preparing for an Attack Against North Korea?

On May 24, Euraktiv published the following article by New York Times bestseller George Friedman:

“If it were to attack North Korea, the United States would try to destroy its nuclear facilities and eliminate the southern artillery batteries aimed at Seoul. And it would do so primarily through the air

“It’s unclear whether the United States would deploy ground forces; doing so would almost certainly incur US causalities. If the air campaign against North Korea failed to destroy its intended targets, Washington would have to consider sending in special operations forces… Any attack would begin by striking North Korean command centres, including political command centres…

“In Washington, many will claim that if President Donald Trump orders an attack, he will have done so only for political reasons. But such accusations ignore US policy on North Korea, which has stood stalwart for more than a decade. (Barack Obama even warned Trump that North Korea would be his biggest challenge in foreign policy.) It was inevitable that Pyongyang’s strategy would bring it close to, or push it over, the red line…

“The United States is advertising its preparations for war – itself an act of deterrence – and the advertisement isn’t lost on North Korea. But it’s not a bluff; bluffing in such a way is expensive and pretty ineffective. From what we can tell, North Korea appears to assume that an attack is all but inevitable but a risk it is willing to take…”

The Huffington Post added on May 24:

“U.S. President Donald Trump told his Philippine counterpart that Washington has sent two nuclear submarines to waters off the Korean peninsula, the New York Times said, comments likely to raise questions about his handling of sensitive information. The transcript of the call was first reported by the Intercept.

“Trump has said ‘a major, major conflict’ with North Korea is possible because of its nuclear and missile programs and that all options are on the table but that he wants to resolve the crisis diplomatically. North Korea has vowed to develop a missile mounted with a nuclear warhead that can strike the mainland United States, saying the program is necessary to counter U.S. aggression.

“… In a show of force, the United States has sent the nuclear-powered USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier to waters off the Korean peninsula, where it joined the USS Michigan, a nuclear submarine that docked in South Korea in late April.”

Asian Trade Deal without the USA

Reuters wrote on May 20:

“Japan and other members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreed on Sunday to pursue their trade deal without the United States…

China, putting itself forward as a global free trade champion in light of the U.S. shift, is pushing an agreement to encompass the vast majority of Asian economies. The Asia trade deal it favors is called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.”

The influence of the USA even in economic matters is slowly waning.

Court of Appeals Rules Against Trump’s Revised Travel Ban

The Associated Press wrote on May 25:

“President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban ‘speaks with vague words of national security, but in context drips with religious intolerance, animus and discrimination,’ a federal appeals court said Thursday in ruling against the executive order targeting six Muslim-majority countries. Trump’s administration vowed to take the fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a 10-3 vote, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the ban likely violates the Constitution. And it upheld a lower court ruling that blocks the Republican administration from cutting off visas for people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

“The Richmond, Virginia-based 4th Circuit is the first appeals court to rule on the revised travel ban unveiled in March. Trump’s administration had hoped it would avoid the legal problems that the first version from January encountered. A second appeals court, the 9th U.S. Circuit based in San Francisco, is also weighing the revised travel ban after a federal judge in Hawaii blocked it.

“The Supreme Court almost certainly would step into the case if asked. The justices almost always have the final say when a lower court strikes down a federal law or presidential action.”

“EU Member States Will Pay for Joint Military ‘Projects’”

The Daily Mail wrote on May 18:

“EU member states will pay for joint military ‘projects’ in a move previously opposed by Britain… The cash would form part of Franco-German efforts to develop a more integrated European defence to respond to threats on Europe’s borders.

Nineteen countries including France, Germany, Italy and Spain will start talks next month on the so-called Cooperative Financial Mechanism, or CFM, which could be running sometime next year…

“The steps, if agreed, would mark the biggest EU defence funding and research plan in more than a decade to reverse billions in cuts and send a message to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump that Europe wants to pay for its own security…

“Separately, the European Commission will propose in early June up to 400 million euros (£340 million) from the bloc’s joint budget until 2020 to develop new European military equipment and weapons… ‘This is the first time in the 60 years of EU history we are allocating common funds to defence,’ [an] official said.”

The push for the creation of a European Army under German-French leadership is growing stronger. Please note the next article as well.

France to Push for European Army

Express wrote on May 20:

“The new [French] Armed Forces Minister Sylvie Goulard announced her intention to get closer to Germany over new President Emmanuel Macron’s fears countries will start to look after their own interests, and not those of the bloc… Ms Goulard said in her first message to military and civilian personnel: ‘… work with Germany will be decisive.’…

“An advocate of closer EU integration, Macron backs a ‘multi-speed’ Europe, an idea that has earned growing support in Germany and other EU countries since Britain voted to leave the bloc…”

Such a multi-speed Europe or a Europe of core member states, in addition to the rest of Europe, is prophesied to occur soon.

Europe—a Political and Military Union

The Guardian wrote on May 23:

“By pursuing true political integration based on a common army and security partnership for the EU, Macron can guarantee his place in the history books. To achieve this goal, however, he will have to break from his predecessors, who always categorically ruled out a political union.

Combining Europe’s military forces under a joint command is the only way forward. Creating a fiscal union without a political union would for ever block the road to European unification… No one who wants to build a union for peace can afford to permit, much less encourage, such an outcome.”

These are strong words. “Combining Europe’s military forces under a joint command”—another way of speaking about an European Army—is the “ONLY way forward.”

NATO Will Formally Join Anti-‘Islamic State’ Coalition

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 24:

“Members of the military alliance [NATO] have agreed to formally join the coalition against the ‘Islamic State’ extremist group. France and Germany were said to have greenlighted the ‘purely symbolic’ plan…  Diplomats said the decision is mainly political because all 28 NATO members already contribute to the coalition fighting to retake areas of Iraq and Syria from the extremist group. Some, like Germany, only taking part in support roles such as reconaissance and logistics…

“The decision follows pressure from Trump, who has previously accused NATO of being ‘obsolete’ and called for European countries to step up their funding of the military group. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Wednesday that it would be an important step for the alliance to join the 68-nation anti-IS coalition. ‘I think they’re going to support NATO joining and becoming a formal member,’ he said, referring to Germany and France.

“… Although IS is on the verge of defeat in its Iraqi stronghold of Mosul and bracing for an assault against its de facto capital in Raqqa, Syria, there’s is rising concern that fleeing militants may move to other Middle East countries. US officials are also wary of leaving power vacuums in Iraq and Syria that could prompt Arab tribal fighters to turn on each other to gain control.”

This arrangement would obviously not only be “purely symbolic,” and the US would not be willing to treat it as such.

Italy Makes Vaccination Mandatory for Children

Deutsche Welle wrote on May 19:

“The Italian government has approved a law ordering parents to vaccinate children or face fines. The authorities have noted a rise in measles cases, which the cabinet blames on ‘the spread of anti-scientific theories.’

“The new legislation makes vaccines mandatory for 12 preventable diseases, including measles, chicken pox, polio, hepatitis B, and tetanus. Only children with immunizations would be eligible for nursery school, according to the Friday law. Parents would face large fines for sending non-vaccinated children to state childcare facilities or schools…

“Italy has noted a sudden spread of measles in recent years, with the number of infections rising from 250 in 2015 to 840 last year. Medical authorities have already detected over 2,395 cases since the beginning of 2017, and the US warned visitors to Italy to guard against the disease. Experts believe that the epidemic is due to people refusing to vaccinate their children. The world-wide anti-vaccination movement has been gaining traction in recent years, despite its theories being discredited by the scientific community. The public in Italy has been highly receptive to the debunked link about vaccines causing autism.”

This is, sadly, the policy adopted by many countries, which are following unproven “medical scientific” postulations that these vaccines are necessary to prevent the spread of epidemics. Thereby, they completely ignore the real danger of long-term complications which are dismissed as “fake news,” while it is claimed that those dangers have been “discredited” and “debunked” by scientists. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE! See the next article.

Unvaccinated Youth Have Much Lower Rates of Chronic Illnesses

The European Union Times wrote on May 19:

“The first peer-reviewed study comparing health outcomes of vaccinated children versus unvaccinated was recently published in the Journal of Translational Science by epidemiologists from the School of Public Health at Jackson State University. The study’s conclusions are likely to inflame the fierce debate over whether vaccines and a mercury-containing vaccine preservative may be culprits in the dramatic rise in certain neurodevelopmental disorders in our children, including autism.

“The ‘Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children’ implicates vaccines in a host of chronic illnesses now epidemic in our nation’s children. The team of scientists, led by the renowned epidemiologist Dr. Anthony Mawson, the author of more than fifty published studies, concluded that ‘In a final adjusted model designed to test for this possibility, controlling for the interaction of preterm birth and vaccination, the following factors remained significantly associated with NDD [neurodevelopmental disorders]: vaccination (OR 2.5, 95% CI: 1.1, 5.6), nonwhite race (OR 2.4, 95% CI: 1.1, 5.4), and male gender (OR 2.3, 95% CI: 1.2, 4.4). Preterm birth itself, however, was not significantly associated with NDD, whereas the combination (interaction) of preterm birth and vaccination was associated with 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD (95% CI: 2.8, 15.5) (Table 8).’ Jackson State is a leading university research center.

“The study suggests that fully vaccinated children may be trading the prevention of certain acute illnesses (chicken pox, pertussis) for more chronic illnesses and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) like ADHD and Autism. In order to find a large population of children who hadn’t received any vaccines, the Jackson State scientists utilized Homeschool organizations in four states and compared the incidence of a broad range of health outcomes in 666 children, 39% of whom were unvaccinated.

“Among the more concerning findings, vaccinated children had increased risks of autism (4.2 times), ADHD (4.2 times), learning disabilities (5.2 times) eczema (2.9 times), and an astounding 30 times the risk of allergic rhinitis compared to unvaccinated children.

“As would be expected, vaccinated children did have lower likelihood of two vaccine-preventable illnesses compared to unvaccinated children: chicken pox (7.9% vs. 25.3%), and pertussis (2.5% vs. 8.4%), but the scientists found no significant differences in rates of other vaccine-preventable illnesses like hepatitis A or B, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, meningitis or rotavirus…”

The problem with the “scientific world” denying the real dangers of vaccinations is that they are paid by or dependent on the pharmaceutical industry. The negative reaction by the mass media was to be expected, including horrific allegations that a middle-aged woman died of measles because she had not been vaccinated. And of course, any connection between vaccinations and autism was again completely denied by scientific “experts.”

Evolutionary Silliness

Express wrote on May 25:

“[A] seven yearlong study, which examined all known trace fossils across a 200 million year period, found that sea creatures made their way from the ocean, the shallow waters and eventually to spread across the world. The research revealed that once the critters reached land, there was a rapid evolutionary process followed by long periods of calm.

“Lead author Dr Nicholas Minter, from the University of Portsmouth’s School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, said: ‘When the first animals emerged from the oceans they had a blank canvas, there were no other animals there and so they diversified rapidly both in how they behaved and in the ecological roles, or the part they played, in the theatre of life.’ The population of the critters which went land-bound is small, but spiders emerged from crabs while slugs and snails came from the same families as squid and cuttlefish

“Dr Minter explained: ‘Not many from any one group, or Phylum, made the transition from sea to land or fresh water… Each [evolutionary] burst was an evolutionary experiment…’”

Have you ever read such incredible nonsense? What a waste of time and resources to come up with complete utter silliness! If you want to know the TRUTH, please read our free booklets, The Theory of Evolutionand Heavens and Earth… Before and After the First Man.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled; Tiny Changes

On May 27, 2017, Norbert Link will use the sermonette and announcement time for his message, titled, “Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled,” and Kalon Mitchell will present the sermon, titled, “Tiny Changes”.

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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