This Week in The News

Recognizing Jerusalem as Capital of Israel and Moving US Embassy to Jerusalem

The New York Times wrote on December 6:

“President Trump on Wednesday officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, reversing decades of American foreign policy. Mr. Trump made the formal announcement during a speech in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House, with Vice President Mike Pence standing behind him.

“The following is a transcript of his remarks…

“‘In 1995, Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy Act urging the federal government to relocate the American Embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize that that city, and so importantly, is Israel’s capital. This act passed congress by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. And was reaffirmed by unanimous vote of the Senate only six months ago. Yet, for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the law’s waiver, refusing to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem or to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. Presidents issued these waivers under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace. Some say they lacked courage but they made their best judgments based on facts as they understood them at the time. Nevertheless, the record is in.

“‘After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result. Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel…

“‘It was 70 years ago that the United States under President Truman recognized the state of Israel. Ever since then, Israel has made its capital in the city of Jerusalem, the capital the Jewish people established in ancient times. Today, Jerusalem is the seat of the modern Israeli government. It is the home of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, as well as the Israeli Supreme Court. It is the location of the official residence of the prime minister and the president. It is the headquarters of many government ministries…

“‘Jerusalem is today and must remain a place where Jews pray at the Western Wall, where Christians walk the stations of the cross, and where Muslims worship at Al Aqsa Mosque.

“‘… consistent with the Jerusalem embassy act, I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This will immediately begin the process of hiring architects, engineers and planners so that a new embassy, when completed, will be a magnificent tribute to peace…

“‘The United States would support a two-state solution if agreed to by both sides. In the meantime, I call on all parties to maintain the status quo at Jerusalem’s holy sites including the Temple Mount, also known as Haram al-Sharif…

It is interesting that President Trump did not say that Jerusalem was the exclusive capital of Israel; that he declared support for a two-state solution if both sides agree (which will never happen; see next articles); that the status quo at the Temple Mount is not to be changed; and that Muslims are to be able to worship at the Al Aqsa Mosque. Finally, even though he recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital (not excluding the possibility that the eastern part of Jerusalem might ALSO become the capital of a Palestinian state), he signed a waiver delaying the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem for at least six months, and it is expected that he will continue signing waivers for the next 3 to 4 years, according to ABC News of December 5.

All in all, it seems his big announcement was “much ado about nothing,” except that it upset the rest of the world.

Trying to Please the Evangelicals?

Fox News wrote on December 5:

“There are millions of evangelical eyes on Trump, waiting to see if he will keep his campaign promise to move the embassy, longtime Pastor John Hagee told Fox News. ‘I can assure you that 60 million evangelicals are watching this promise closely because if President Trump moves the embassy into Jerusalem, he will historically step into immortality,’ Hagee said.

“‘He will be remembered for thousands of years for his act of courage to treat Israel like we already treat other nations. If he does not, he will be remembered as just another president who made a promise he failed to keep which would generate massive disappointment in that strong evangelical base that went to vote for him against Hillary Clinton,’ he added…

“A March 2016 Gallup poll found that the majority of Americans didn’t express an opinion when asked if the U.S. embassy should move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But of those who did have an opinion, Americans were split with 24 percent supporting a move and 20 percent disagreeing with relocation.”

Warnings and Reactions

The Daily Mail wrote on December 6:

“In Gaza, U.S. and Israeli flags were burned and in the West Bank Hamas declared Friday a ‘day of rage,’ raising the specter of mass violence in the occupied territories… Two leading Lebanese newspapers published front-page rebukes of Trump…”

AFP wrote on December 5:

“Warnings multiplied on Tuesday, with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warning Trump in a speech that the status of Jerusalem is a ‘red line’ for Muslims and could even prompt Turkey to cut ties with Israel.”

Newsmax wrote on December 6:

“Pope Francis… called on Wednesday for the city’s ‘status quo’ to be respected… The Vatican backs a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, with both sides agreeing on the status of Jerusalem as part of the peace process. Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of their future independent state, whereas Israel has declared the whole city to be its ‘united and eternal’ capital

“The Vatican and Israel established full diplomatic relations in 1994… The Vatican signed its first treaty with the ‘State of Palestine’ in 2015.”

The EUObserver wrote on December 6:

“Trump’s decision comes despite warnings by Germany, France, EU officials, and Arab and Muslim leaders that the Jerusalem move would make the conflict worse. Recognising Jerusalem ‘as the capital of Israel does not calm a conflict, rather it fuels it even more,’ German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel said… He called Trump’s plan ‘a very dangerous development’…

“Gabriel echoed French president Emmanuel Macron… [who] restated the EU and UN position that Israel and Palestine must share ‘Jerusalem as their capital’ in future.”

Deutsche Welle reported on December 6:

“Former German Ambassador to Israel Rudolf Dreßler told DW that the United States would seriously harm the Middle East peace process with an embassy move… Now Russia, China and the EU will take over this role [of negotiating with Israel and the Palestinians].

“… if renewed violence should become a reality — for instance, with a third intifada — then Germany and all of its EU partners will have a lot to deal with. We will have to determine how to reformulate the EU’s role against the backdrop of Trump and Netanyahu’s policies in Israel…”

Saudi Arabia Might Strike a Deal with Israel against Iran

Israel National News reported on December 3:

“A bombshell report suggests that Saudi Arabia [is] ready to sign a deal with the Jewish state… Prime Minister Netanyahu’s former national security advisor Yaakov Nagel told the Telegraph that Saudi Arabia is so desperate to ink an agreement with Israel that it is prepared to move forward despite lack of a Palestinian state. Saudi Arabia’s traditional position forbids negotiations with Israel until a two-state solution is implemented…

“Israel has long been rumored to be holding covert ties with Saudi Arabia and Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon said last week that Israel enjoys warm relations with many Arab countries despite the fact that these countries officially refuse to recognize Israel’s existence… ‘We are talking about a dozen Islamic countries, including the Arab countries that understand the potential of relations with Israel…’”

In the end, many Arab nations will join forces to fight Israel, and according to Psalm 83, Ishmael or Saudi Arabia will be one of them.

“UK Woos Israel as Relationship with EU Breaks Down”

The Times of Israel wrote on November 27:

“As Britain proceeds with the dissolution of its marriage to its long-term partner, the European Union, it has started to court new companions, among them Israel.

“Brexit — the process the UK has initiated for withdrawing from the EU, which is estimated to impact economic growth, create financial instability and cut jobs — is a challenge, but it also presents ‘huge’ opportunities for Israel, said Hugo Bieber, chief executive of the chamber of commerce UK Israel Business (UKIB), who led the chamber’s largest business delegation to Israel last week with a similar message to Israeli firms.”

The ongoing friendly relationship between the USA, the UK and Israel—many times in opposition to Europe’s viewpoint—will not continue.

Dealing with North Korea

The New York Times wrote on December 3:

“The news last week from the Korean Peninsula about yet another ballistic missile launch was déjà vu all over again. This one had an estimated range of 8,100 miles — long enough to hit Washington, D.C., or anywhere else in the continental United States. President Trump responded with angry tweets…

“… a military response is highly unlikely… All sides realize that the human and economic costs of another Korean war are simply unfathomable. Several American presidents have tried to persuade the Kim dynasty to abandon its nuclear ambitions, through a combination of sanctions and negotiations. But these efforts have been unsuccessful.

“… the United States and its allies ought to… wage financial warfare against Mr. Kim and his cabal. The United States must take the lead by ramping up a covert campaign against the regime’s criminal enterprises. This effort ought to include a full-court press of dirty tricks, coercion, heavy-handed threats and even direct action, all covert and deniable, against Kim’s financial wizards…

“Such tradecraft must also be applied outside North Korea and Asia against the businesses and banks in Europe, South America and elsewhere that enable Kim’s criminal empire to flourish… And as North Korea is recognized as a state sponsor of terror, helping groups like Hezbollah with arms and expertise, a numbing slew of lawsuits should be filed seeking damages; those damages will result in the forfeiture of North Korean assets — open and hidden — around the world…”

This may sound good, but it is nothing more than a balloon of hot air and wishful thinking. The idea that all countries would participate in such an endeavor is naïve and illusionary. Furthermore, the assertion that war is highly unlikely is very optimistic, to say the least. The sad truth is that nuclear war between the USA and North Korea is a distinct possibility, and the reaction of many countries, including of European nations, might be hostile towards the USA. Note the next articles.

Threat of Nuclear World War III

The Week wrote on December 4:

“My mind is consumed with thoughts of what could happen if my greatest fear comes true: that North Korea makes the tragic mistake of conducting the first atmospheric nuclear weapons test since 1980, spreading radioactive fallout throughout the Pacific Ocean and eventually around the world… Such a test would likely garner a military response from the Trump administration, a response that could very well take us down a path to war. And I have no illusions of what such a war would look like: nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons used; millions of people dead; trillions of dollars in damage… A Third World War is not even out of the question

“North Korea… could very well consider the Trump administration’s response a full-throated first step towards the destruction of its nuclear program or perhaps the realization of Kim’s worst fear: a move towards regime change. If that is the case, Pyongyang would feel it had nothing to lose, and would likely fire whatever nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons it has at any target in its sites. If America did not destroy all of Kim’s nuclear tipped missiles, and North Korea has indeed perfected all of the technological milestones needed to attack a U.S. city, which is possible, Pyongyang would certainly fire any and all remaining missiles towards America. Even just one nuclear detonation on a major U.S. city like Los Angeles could result in over a million casualties. You could easily assume there would be millions more casualties if North Korea successfully launched nuclear attacks on Seoul or Tokyo, with metro populations totaling 60 million…

“I have been in Washington for too long and know how this could all very well play out – indeed, how it most likely would play out. The optics of an above-ground test, a mushroom cloud spreading radioactivity all over the globe being amplified over and over by social media, would very likely be the straw that broke the nuclear camel’s back. A second Korean War would be almost unavoidable… It seems the choice for war or peace in Northeast Asia is in North Korea’s hands. I just hope they realize it.”

There will be wars and rumors of wars, for nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Europe Under Threat of North Korea

The Washington Post wrote on November 29:

“North Korea’s recent tests have also put a range of European capitals on the map of Pyongyang’s possible targets… Cities like Paris, London or Berlin are all located much closer to North Korea than Washington D.C…

“So far, North Korea has focused on its archenemy, the United States, even though European politicians have acknowledged that an escalation of the conflict could easily draw Europe into the dispute

“Yet… Europe’s role in pressuring it into halting its program remained mostly unchanged — and largely rhetorical. As well as condemning the missile tests, European top officials have also lashed out at Trump for threatening Pyongyang… Europe’s reluctance to fully support the U.S. stance toward handling the North Korea dilemma is likely being welcomed by Russia, which similarly condemned the test on Wednesday and indirectly appeared to warn the United States of overreacting…

“The measured response by the Kremlin, which is ironically known in Europe for its often aggressive military operations, and its striking similarity to Western Europe’s approach, likely has a lot to do with the fact that none of their capitals are currently in the sights of North Korea’s missiles. Yet, at the same time, the diplomatic solution they all favor has made little head way so far…”

Due to its policy of duplicity, Europe might very well find itself sitting between two chairs, not knowing where to turn. When the awakening comes, Europe might react with desperation and furor. In this context, the following article by Reuters, dated December 4, is interesting: “Last week, Norbert Roettgen, a member of Merkel’s conservative party and head of the foreign affairs committee in the Bundestag, decried a ‘deplorable’ lack of leadership in educating Germans about the need to invest more in their own defense and security.”

A Decisive Role for  Germany?

Bloomberg wrote on December 3:

“The [German] government believes that it can use its experience of reunification after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to give peace [with North Korea] a chance. The reasoning is both humanitarian, to avert the risk of nuclear brinkmanship, and economic self-preservation, to protect regional trade routes that are vital to its continued status as the world’s third-biggest exporter. An armed conflict ‘would be close to a catastrophe for us economically,’ Volker Stanzel, a former German ambassador to China, said in an interview…

“Relations were not always on ice. Back in 1984, when the Berlin Wall still stood as a bulwark between east and west, North Korea’s Kim Il Sung — the grandfather of Kim Jong Un — visited East Germany, touring a collective farm and reportedly receiving treatment at an East Berlin hospital. East German leader Erich Honecker reciprocated two years later with a trip to North Korea, where Kim Il Sung requested East German help in building a synthetic-fiber plant.

“Then in the spring of 2000, as Berlin was still getting to grips with its rediscovered role as the seat of government for a reunified Germany, a delegation from North Korea came knocking at the door of then-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s administration… Almost two decades on, the conflict has sharpened exponentially, though Merkel is taking a similar tack. In September, she suggested that the six-power talks that led to a deal with Iran to limit its nuclear activity could be a model for dealing with the U.S.-North Korean conflict. ‘Europe, and Germany in particular, should be ready to take a very active part’ in any such initiative, Merkel told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper…

“North Korea offers another chance for German leaders to show they’re serious about a more active global role, said Wolfgang Ischinger, a former German ambassador to the U.S. who heads the annual Munich Security Conference… Diplomacy may have its limits, however. Sweden and Norway also have established ties to Pyongyang without any noticeable outcome. While Germany’s goodwill is appreciated, any attempts at dialogue with Pyongyang are unlikely to be feasible, since North Korea doesn’t want a mediator or broker to talk to the U.S…

“Volmer, the former deputy foreign minister… says, Merkel is right to suggest stronger engagement on the issue. She shouldn’t ‘just leave it to an unpredictable duel between Trump and Kim Jong Un.’”

Even though any attempts by Germany to bring peace with North Korea through talks would be unsuccessful, it is still interesting that Germany sees itself more and more as a powerful influence on the world scene and the leader of Europe.

Germany vs. USA—“Relations Will Never Be the Same”

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 5:

“German Foreign Minister [and vice chancellor] Sigmar Gabriel… spoke about strained relations with the United States under the administration of President Donald Trump. ‘The US no longer sees the world as a global community, but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,’ Gabriel said. The Social Democrat argued that German foreign policy must be more daring, and not simply follow the line from Washington. ‘Germany can no longer simply react to US policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the US will never be the same’… Gabriel brushed off criticism that after 72 days without a new government, Berlin could hardly be called upon to take a prominent role in shaping global policy.”

The Hill added on December 6:

“German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said… that the Trump administration looks more and more at Europe as a ‘competitor or economic rival’ instead of as an ally… he also said that Germany needs to be able to ‘define our own position and, if necessary, draw red lines, in partnership, but oriented around our own interests.’”

Germany first?

A Radically Different Europe under a German Grand Coalition?

The Washington Post wrote on December 7:

“The Social Democrats (SPD) had repeatedly insisted they would not join Merkel’s conservatives in another grand coalition… but on Thursday… SPD delegates cleared the way for party leader Martin Schulz to begin negotiationswith Merkel as soon as next week…

“… the talks are not expected to yield agreement any time soon… And the negotiations could still fail… Schulz on Thursday appeared to widen the gap between himself and Merkel in one critical area, Europe, by proposing a far more integrated club that mirrors another union across the Atlantic. ‘I want a new constitutional treaty to establish the United States of Europe,’ Schulz said. The treaty, he said, would go into effect by 2025. European Union members that don’t accept the new agreement would be forced to leave the bloc

“French President Emmanuel Macron… has detailed a far-reaching plan to more tightly bind users of the euro currency through a common finance minister and budget…

“Schulz was reelected as SPD leader on Thursday with 82 percent of the vote…”

Deutsche Welle added on December 7:

“The SPD motion said the ‘open-ended’ talks could start as early as next week and would lead to three options: a new grand coalition; the acceptance of a Merkel minority government or, if negotiations fail, new elections.”

President Trump’s Military Expansion Only a Mirage?

Politico wrote on December 3:

“President Donald Trump came into office pledging the largest defense spending spree since the administration of Ronald Reagan — assuring the troops that they would see ‘beautiful new planes and beautiful new equipment.’ But that vision remains little more than a mirage, top Pentagon officials, lawmakers and defense industry executives lamented during a gathering this weekend at Reagan’s presidential library…

“During his insurgent presidential campaign, Trump promised to expand the Army from 476,000 active-duty to troops to 540,000. He [stated] that the Navy needs to be much larger, pledging to boost the number of warships from 275 to 350. More missile defense systems, an upgraded nuclear arsenal and hundreds of additional fighter aircraft were also on his wish list…

“But lawmakers and the administration have taken few concrete steps to lock in any sustained increase in defense spending close to the 3 percent to 5 percent a year that Defense Secretary James Mattis says is needed to make the vision a reality…

“Even as the Trump administration requested more military spending for this year, Pentagon officials were managing expectations — telling Congress that the buildup would not kick in until the administration’s upcoming budget for the 2019 fiscal year, which starts next October. Navy Secretary Richard Spencer said he hopes Congress will still reach an agreement that lets the administration put at least some of Trump’s pledges into motion… But he acknowledged doubts that Congress can do that, even if it lifts the budget caps.”

This does not look good for the effectiveness of the US military.

The Unpopular Senate Tax Bill

The Associated Press wrote on December 2:

“Republicans muscled the largest tax overhaul in 30 years through the Senate early Saturday, taking a big step toward giving President Donald Trump his first major legislative triumph after months of false starts and frustration on other fronts… Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell… shrugged off polls finding scant public enthusiasm for the measure, saying the legislation would prove its worth…

“The measure focuses its tax reductions on businesses and higher-earning individuals [and] gives more modest breaks to others…  Even an official projection of a $1 trillion, 10-year flood of deeper budget deficits couldn’t dissuade GOP senators from rallying behind the bill… Democrats derided the hastily written, scribbles-in-the-margin crafting of the bill in the final hours Friday night…”

The hastily revised 479-page bill was disseminated shortly before the final vote, without giving the senators a real chance to read, let alone absorb the bill. The Republicans are guilty of the same deplorable maneuvering which the Democrats engaged in when adopting Obamacare. Note the next article.

The New Senate Tax Bill—Blessing or Curse?

The Week wrote on December 2:

“In the dead of night, the Republican tax bill passed the Senate on a party-line 51-49 vote, with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) the lone dissenting Republican. It will now either have to be reconciled with the already passed House bill, and passed again by both chambers, or simply passed by the House as is and sent on to President Trump. But regardless of the coming parliamentary procedural hurdles, the lessons of Friday’s vote are clear: Some version of this tax bill is going to become law. And that is very bad for America.

“It’s almost wrong to call this legislative monstrosity a tax bill at all. It is more a top-to-bottom restructuring of American society – one which is a sharp attack on several bedrock American values: education, homeownership, and entrepreneurship

“The biggest single goal of this bill is a huge tax cut for the top 1 percent. The bill slashes taxes on corporations, increases tax benefits for foreign dividends, and cuts taxes for ‘pass-through’ corporations (which will immediately become the new hotness in tax shelter legal chicanery)…

“At every point Republicans relied on lies… They held no hearings… they did not even release the final text until the last possible moment. House Speaker Paul Ryan lied constantly about its contents. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin repeatedly promised an analysis ‘showing’ that the bill would not increase the deficit by turbo-charging growth. This was such a preposterous lie that he didn’t even bother faking the numbers. The secrecy prevented people from examining how it is stuffed full of quiet corporate handouts, only some of which have been discovered – like a big one to General Electric.

“This bill will explode the deficit. And make no mistake, when it does, Republicans… are going to immediately start demanding cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid – indeed, under congressional rules Medicare is due for a $25 billion cut in 2018 alone…”

If this is true, then Republicans have a lot to answer for, when judged by God.

Ending the Obamacare Mandate—Blessing or Curse?

The Hill wrote on December 2:

“Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step toward ending an unpopular part of the health-care law… The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

“It’s unclear what repeal of the mandate will mean for ObamaCare. Many experts and health-care groups warn that repeal will destabilize ObamaCare markets, leading to premium increases or insurers simply dropping out of certain areas…

“Moderate Republicans are now pushing for bipartisan ObamaCare fixes to help stabilize insurance markets, setting up a showdown with conservatives… Repealing the mandate also saves $300 billion over ten years in subsidies that otherwise would have been spent on consumers, according to the Congressional Budget Office, providing savings for the tax cuts. The CBO estimates that 13 million fewer people will have health insurance over the next decade without the mandate, and it projects that premiums will rise 10 percent. But it also projects markets will remain stable in ‘almost all areas of the country.’’

It would be devastating for many if premiums would indeed be raised again… given the abominable increase of premiums by greedy insurance companies, which ALREADY have taken place for 2018.

“Slightly Nervous” Outlook for 2018 Economy

Bloomberg wrote on December 4, 2017:

“As 2017 enters its final month… let’s just say what we see makes us slightly nervous about 2018… Pockets of the bond market… look troublesomely bubble-like… the flattening of the yield curve is worrying some bond investors… With government paper offering… meager returns, money has been flowing into corporate bonds…

“Sales of new corporate debt denominated in euros are also setting records this year…”

What this may mean is that the US economy is a bubble which may burst in 2018, and that the dollar is losing its economic strength, which may all be bad news for the US economy.

Most Destructive Wildfire Season in California’s History

The Huffington Post wrote on December 6:

“It’s been the most destructive wildfire season in California history, and it’s getting worse. Conditions in California are especially ripe for devastating fires at the moment, with tinder-dry undergrowth; strong, volatile winds; and terrain that’s difficult for firefighters to traverse. Those natural catalysts are compounded by the proximity of several current fires to large population centers.

“In just the past three days, multiple fires have started in the hills of Los Angeles and surrounding cities, burning more than 83,400 acres. As of Wednesday morning, most of them were barely contained, if at all.”

By Thursday evening, more than 100,000 acres had been burned in the Los Angeles area. In addition, as fire in San Diego broke out (the “Lilac” fire) which had burned more than 2,500 acres by 4:00pm.

AI’s Murderous Weapons

The Daily Star wrote on December 3:

“Chinese and Russian Artificial Intelligence (AI) are set (to) leave US systems in their dust… an earth shattering report… claimed the US has rapidly fallen behind its rivals… Former deputy SDI, Robert Work, said the Pentagon needed to pour billions into researching advanced computing and robotics, or risk Russia developing murderous AI machines. Moscow hardman Vladimir Putin believes the country will develop the best AI and become ‘the ruler of the world’. [The] Russian military [is] building drones, robots and cruise missiles that could make deadly decisions without the need of humans.

“The advancement has panicked US billionaire Eric Schmidt who said China was also gaining on the US and could overtake Washington in five years. [He said:] ‘Let’s talk about immigration. Shockingly, some of the very best people in AI are in countries that we won’t let into America… Iran produces some of the top computer scientists in the world. I want [them] here. I want them working for Alphabet and Google. It’s crazy not to let these people in.’”

These events are indeed ironic and at the same time devastating for the USA. We should also take note of the development of robots, drones and missiles, which could make DECISIONS without human input.

USA Withdraws from UN Global Compact on Immigration

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 3:

“The United States has announced it is withdrawing from the Global Compact on Migration. The non-binding UN migration pact was meant to boost international cooperation on migration issues… In September 2016, all 193 UN member states of the General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants. The non-binding declaration includes a set of pledges to protect migrants, foster migrant integration, develop guidelines on the treatment of vulnerable migrants and strengthen global governance of migration, among other issues.

“‘The New York Declaration contains numerous provisions that are inconsistent with US immigration and refugee policies and the Trump Administration’s immigration principles. As a result, President Trump determined that the United States would end its participation in the Compact process that aims to reach international consensus at the UN in 2018,’ the US statement said…

“The Trump administration has withdrawn from several international commitments made under the Obama administration, including the Paris climate accord and Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. In October, the United States said it will withdraw from UNESCO, citing what it called the UN culture and education body’s ‘anti-Israel bias.’”

The USA is becoming an exclusive country, and its voice is becoming irrelevant and undesired on the world scene.

US Supreme Court Upholds Muslim Travel Ban

The Washington Post wrote on December 5:

“The Supreme Court on Monday granted President Trump’s request to fully enforce his revised order banning travel to the United States by residents of six mostly Muslim countries while legal challenges to it proceed in lower courts. It was a victory for the White House, which has seen the courts trim back various iterations of the travel ban, and it bodes well for the administration if the Supreme Court is called upon to finally decide the merits of the president’s actions.

“Two lower courts had imposed restrictions on Trump’s new order, exempting travelers from the six countries who had ‘bona fide’ connections with relatives — such as grandparents, aunts or uncles — or institutions in the United States. Those exemptions to the president’s order, issued in the fall, were along the lines of those imposed by the Supreme Court last summer on a previous version of the travel ban.

“But in an unsigned opinion Monday that did not disclose the court’s reasoning, the justices lifted the injunctions, which had been issued by federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland… The latest iteration of the travel ban, the third Trump has issued, bars various people from eight countries: Syria, Libya, Iran, Yemen, Chad, Somalia, North Korea and Venezuela. Six of the countries have Muslim-majority populations.”

This means, the Supreme Court “overruled” without any explanation its prior ruling and struck exemptions for travelers from the six countries who have “bona fide” connections with relatives — such as grandparents, aunts or uncles — or institutions in the United States.

German Pilots Refuse to Carry Out Deportations; Appeals against Deportations Are Skyrocketing

Deutsche Welle reported on December 4:

“… the [German] government said that 222 planned flights were stopped by pilots who wanted no part in the controversial return of refugees to Afghanistan, which has been deemed a ‘safe country of origin’ in some cases, despite ongoing violence and repression in parts of the country.

“Some 85 of the refusals between January and September 2017 came from Germany’s main airline Lufthansa and its subsidiary Eurowings. About 40 took place at Dusseldorf airport… The majority of the canceled flights, around 140, took place at Frankfurt Airport, Germany’s largest and most important hub…

“Germany remains the main destination for refugees and migrants to the European Union — so much so that in 2017, Germany processed more asylum applications than all 27 other EU countries combined… the number of asylum seekers appealing their decisions has increased significantly… Nearly every second ruling made by the BAMF (the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) in the first half of the year was brought before a judge… the courts side with about one in every four asylum seekers who appeal their status. According to public broadcaster NDR, these suits have cost Berlin about €19 million ($22.5 million) from January to November 2017, an increase of €7.8 million from the previous year.

“In order to reduce the number of appeals and speed up deportations, the government has proposed a program to begin in February 2018 that would see rejected asylum seekers given 3,000 euros as an incentive to accept deportation.”

These highly unpopular developments are bound to give support to right-wing anti-immigration movements and parties in Germany, such as the AfD.

“Gay Marriage in Austria Approved by Constitutional Court”

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 5:

“Austria’s top court has ruled that current laws are discriminatory and must be lifted by 2019. Same-sex couples have so far only been afforded ‘registered partnerships’… the court ruled that ‘the distinction between marriage and registered partnership … cannot be upheld at this day and age without discriminating against same-sex couples. The resulting discriminatory effect is seen in the fact that through the different title of the family status, people living in same-sex partnerships have to disclose their sexual orientation even in situations in which it is not, and must not be, relevant and … are highly likely to be discriminated against,’ the court said in its ruling…

“The ruling will remove the words ‘two people of different sex’ from the law on marriage… Austria has lagged behind several of its Western European neighbors in approving same-sex marriage. Even Germany surprisingly took the step in the run-up to last year’s general election, although critics said Chancellor Angela Merkel was primarily looking to neutralize a probable opposition talking point.”

Outrageous Decision in France

The Independent wrote on December 5:

“France has ordered a halal supermarket in Paris to close because it does not sell pork or wine. The Good Price mini-market in Colombes did not comply with the conditions of its lease, which stated the shop must act as a ‘general food store,’ the Court of Nanterre ruled.

“The local authority argued members of the local community were not being served properly because the shop did not sell pork or alcohol products. A bailiff’s report said the store almost exclusively stocked halal products.”

Spain vs. Catalonia

Deutsche Welle wrote on December 5:

“A Spanish judge withdrew a European arrest warrant for Catalonia’s exiled pro-independence leader Carles Puigdemont and four of his former ministers on Tuesday. Supreme Court magistrate Pablo Llarena said that the individual warrants were no longer valid as the alleged crimes were committed as a group and that the politicians under investigation had illustrated their ‘intention to return to Spain’ in order to run for upcoming elections in Catalonia. The judge kept a Spanish arrest warrant in place however, which means the Catalan leader would be detained immediately upon arrival in Spain…

“Puigdemont fled to Belgium after declaring his region independent from Spain in a referendum that saw voters in Catalonia vote overwhelmingly to secede from Madrid’s control – although the ballot was not sanctioned by Madrid and less than half of the electorate turned out to vote. The court’s decision came as campaigning began for Catalonia’s regional elections on December 21, called by Madrid after it dissolved Barcelona’s parliament over the ‘rebellion’ of its leaders… Along with Puigdemont and his ministers in Brussels, all eight are under investigation for rebellion, which can carry a prison sentence of up to 20 years.”

Jews Wrote Some of the Most Popular Christmas Songs

The Star, republished by JTA, wrote on November 30:

It’s hard to think of words or music that conjure up the Christmas season more quickly than the opening of ‘The Christmas Song.’ The images evoke a classic, timeless Christmas… And though the song has become a worldwide symbol of Christmas, like nearly all the modern songs that now define this fundamentally Christian holiday it was written by Jews… Those songs include: ‘Do You Hear What I Hear,’ ‘Silver Bells,’ ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,’ ‘Holly Jolly Christmas,’ ‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,’ ‘Winter Wonderland,’ ‘It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,’ ‘White Christmas’ and ‘Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!’…

“… Between 1881 and 1914 more than two million Jews left Russia, with America the prime destination. No single city was affected more by the influx of Jews than New York, where the Jewish population grew from approximately 80,000 in 1870 to 1.4 million in 1915, or almost 28 per cent of the city’s population… Forbidden from nearly all professions and restricted from pursuing higher education, a surprisingly large number found their way into the world of popular music…

“The overwhelming impulse among the children of Jewish immigrants was to assimilate, and the first step in becoming ‘American’ nearly always involved changing their names… Most not only left their names behind, but all traces of their Jewishness as well.

“… as the holiday season approaches, it is important to remember that they came from the children of Jewish immigrants, desperate to leave their pasts behind and join mainstream America. And today, at this polarizing moment in our history, when the place of immigrants in our society is under intense scrutiny, it might be valuable to remember that these songs of immigrants, songs that came out of America’s melting pot, have become the voice of the world’s Christmas.”

It is indeed paradoxical that President Trump’s fight against immigrants is accompanied with his desire to wish everyone a “Merry Christmas.” What is also remarkable is the tendency of many Jewish immigrants (who fled Russian persecution) to ignore their unpleasant past and leave their roots behind; only to have to deal with American persecution, while still being able to assimilate with mainstream views. Sadly, the embrace of the pagan Christmas season was the wrong kind of reaction.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

“Born at a Good Time”

by Delia Messier (Canada)

Before I was born, my mother lost a beautiful 5-day-old baby boy, Michael. Then a second son was born 1 ½ years after me, another beautiful perfect baby boy. The world revolved around him and special care was always given to him. Being too young to understand the pain of loss or the process of mourning, I thought that being a girl did not have very much value. So I decided that I wanted to be a boy. I would play real hard like a boy; I would climb the highest branches in the trees; I would lift the heaviest rocks; and I would win all of wrestling matches with the boys in the neighborhood.

I was very strong for a girl, and I really hoped that if I behaved in that way, maybe in time, I could become a boy, as I did not want to be a girl. Boys had more fun, so I felt. Climbing trees was way more fun than doing dishes. And most importantly, I thought that being a boy would make me special, so that I would be loved and appreciated more.

Being born in a similar situation today, what would I be doing or asking for? Would I fall victim to this horror that is happening to some confused children today? If I was a child today, knowing how I felt as a child then, would I be telling my parents that I am a boy; that I want to be a boy; that I want to “become” a boy? Would my parents cave in to my wants, being falsely influenced by this bizarre and deceived world today?

Being born at the right time gave me the chance to sort out who I was; to learn the reasons for my feelings then; and to understand the values and the significance and blessing of being a girl. I was born at a good time.

This Week in the News

Unprecedented Mass Murder in Egypt

BBC News reported on November 25:

“[More than] 300 people were killed at a North Sinai mosque during Friday prayers…

“After bombs were set off, dozens of gunmen waiting outside the mosque opened fire on those trying to escape. The assailants reportedly set parked vehicles on fire in the vicinity to block off access to the building, and fired on ambulances trying to help victims. Thirty children are among the dead and at least 100 people have been wounded…

“Egyptian security forces have for years been fighting an Islamist insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula, and militants affiliated with so-called Islamic State (IS) have been behind scores of deadly attacks in the desert region… Locals say the al-Rawda mosque is used by the local Sawarka tribe, which is known to cooperate with the security services against militants. It is also known to be popular with worshippers of Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam that is condemned by some jihadist groups. The head of IS’s ‘religious police’ in Sinai said last December that Sufis who did not ‘repent’ would be killed, after the group beheaded two elderly men reported to be Sufi clerics.

“The number of victims is unprecedented for an attack of this type… this is the first time that worshippers inside a mosque have been targeted by militants in North Sinai…  This is a major challenge to the Egyptian state…

“Journalists, including from state-sponsored outlets, have not been allowed to report from North Sinai in the last few years. Correspondents say that the frequency of attacks raises doubts about the effectiveness of military operations against militants…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 25:

“Egypt’s air force on Friday bombed ‘terrorist’ locations in the northern mountainous area around Bir al-Abed in response to the deadliest terror attack in the country’s history.’

Terrorism is a real threat which won’t go away. The fact that journalists have been prohibited from reporting on the threat in Northern Egypt does not give us much confidence. The claim that “we are winning the war against terrorism” is ludicrous. Note the next article.

The Global Threat of Terrorism

The Indian Express wrote on November 24:

“Terrorist networks like the ISIS and Al Qaeda may soon begin instructing recruits on how to create killer viruses just like bomb-making lessons, a senior European Union (EU) security expert has warned… terror networks based in the Middle East like Al Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS), could begin using the internet to instruct on the use of biological agents

“Tracing that the first edition of ‘Inspire’, Al Qaeda’s online propaganda magazine, had an article on ‘how to make a bomb in your mum’s kitchen… What if anyone will have a similar article on how to process a virus in your mum’s kitchen? Unfortunately, it’s probably easier than before for a lone actor to perpetrate an attack with catastrophic consequences’…”

Saudi Arabia vs. Iran

The Telegraph wrote on November 25:

“Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has called Iran’s supreme leader ‘the new Hitler of the Middle East’ and warned that as in European history, ‘appeasement doesn’t work’. In his first comments since a widespread anti-corruption purge Mohammad bin Salman fired his strongest criticism yet of Saudi Arabia’s regional arch-rival…”

No “sign” of a “king of the south.” Those who wait for one (because they misunderstand a prophecy in Daniel 11) might wait forever.

Media War Between USA and Russia Continues

NBC News wrote on November 25:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill allowing Russia to register international media outlets as foreign agents — a move largely seen as retaliation against the U.S. for similar crackdowns on Kremlin-funded media outlets… The move is seen as a quid pro quo after U.S. officials demanded that state-media outlet Russia Today, or RT, register as a foreign agent with the U.S. Justice Department…

“Even before Putin signed the bill into law, Russia’s Justice Ministry warned U.S. government-funded outlets like Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, along with its regional outlets, that they could be designated as foreign agents under the new law… Twitter has since banned RT, and Russian media outlet Sputnik from advertising on its platform…”

What did the USA expect? Such retaliation was to be certain.

North Korea’s New Threat

The New York Times wrote on November 29:

“North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday that flew both higher and longer than previous such launches, a bold act of defiance against President Trump after he put the country back on a list of state sponsors of terrorism.

“The president reacted cautiously to news of the launch, stating, ‘It is a situation that we will handle.’ But Defense Secretary Jim Mattis expressed greater concern, emphasizing what he said were technical advances on display in the 53-minute flight, which began when the missile was launched northeast of the capital, Pyongyang, and ended nearly 600 miles to the east, when it landed in the Sea of Japan… ‘The bottom line is, it’s a continued effort to build a threat — a ballistic missile threat that endangers world peace, regional peace, and certainly, the United States,’ the defense secretary said…

“David Wright, a scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, said the missile… exhibited a potential range of more than 8,000 miles, able to reach Washington or any other part of the continental United States…”

The Trump Administration announced Wednesday evening that further sanctions, including financial sanctions, will be imposed against North Korea. Many observers feel that these sanctions will be meaningless and won’t persuade the North Korean regime to cease and desist from its nuclear endeavors.

Express wrote on November 29:

“Speaking to the UN Security Council, [US ambassador Nikki] Haley said that ‘if war comes, make no mistake, the North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed’. She added: ‘We have never sought war with North Korea, and still today we do not seek it. If war does come, it will be because of continued acts of aggression like we witnessed yesterday.’”

Is a Grand Coalition Coming in Germany?

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 25:

“Germany’s chancellor has said that it would be ‘simply wrong’ to hold new elections after coalition talks collapsed. Her statement came as rival Social Democrats reconsidered a second ‘grand coalition’ with her CDU…

“But Germany may still have to wait a while longer for a new government — on Saturday, SPD deputy leader Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel said that no decision on entering a second grand coalition would be made before the party’s national conference on December 7-9…”

Few Good Options?

AFP wrote on November 25:

“Merkel now faces few good options short of new elections: asking the SPD to enter a new ‘grand coalition’, or running a minority government

“Polls show that, were Germany to stage an election re-run, results would be little different from September. If anything, it could see the AfD score an even more impressive result than it did the first time round.”

Merkel and Schulz under Pressure

The Associated Press wrote on November 26:

“On Sunday, the youth wing of Merkel’s Union bloc published a resolution stating that the conservatives must not enter a [grand] coalition [with the SPD] ‘at any price’

“The Social Democrats… have made clear they would demand a high price for cooperating again with Merkel’s Union bloc. ‘As things stand, Merkel is not in a position in which she can set conditions,’ prominent Social Democrat Malu Dreyer [said].”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 26:

“Merkel is not the only one facing internal pressure: Schulz also faced growing dissent within his party over his willingness to make a coalition with Merkel’s conservative bloc. The SPD’s youth branch, the Jusos, or ‘Young Socialists in the SPD,’ ended their two-day congress calling for their leaders to move more to the left rather than try out a new grand coalition… Other SPD leaders have also started setting conditions should the party enter into talks with Merkel’s conservatives…”

None of this looks good for Merkel, Schulz or a new German government. No wonder the ghost of Weimar begins to haunt some observers. Note the next article.

Any Successor to Merkel?

Foreign Policy wrote on November 28:

“Merkel is at her most nimble in high-stakes crises — doubly so when underestimated or threatened — and she has already persuaded Christian Democrats to rally behind her as she pursues a renewal of the coalition with Social Democrats that she has lead for the past four years.

“But there’s no guarantee that the Social Democrats’ base is in the mood to accept the necessary compromises — and even if it comes to fruition, another so-called grand coalition is unlikely to prove as stable as the previous iteration. Merkel’s coalition partners are apt to be more ornery, and the parliamentary opposition, which would be headed by the far-right Alternative for Germany party, far more disruptive. Meanwhile, CDU conservatives, long discontented with Merkel’s moderate style, are apt to loudly wonder why they should continue to follow her if she can’t guarantee election victories.

“In short, it’s now easier to imagine Merkel being toppled from power before the end of her coming four-year term. But that raises the principal question: Who would take over Germany’s most successful political party after her fall?…  ‘The simple fact is there’s currently no one in the CDU placed to succeed Merkel,’ explained Alan Posener of the conservative daily Die Welt. ‘Over the years she’s overpowered and driven out a dozen rivals, mostly men who thought they’d make a better chancellor.’

“But the fact that there isn’t anyone right now with the credentials or will to take down Merkel doesn’t mean there aren’t ambitious figures in the CDU who could one day do so — and maybe even sooner rather than later. And, given the ailing state of the Social Democratic Party, whoever does replace Merkel as leader of her party will, more likely than not, also become leader of Europe’s most powerful country.”

That coming German leader does not have to belong to the CDU. In addition, Die Welt (cited above in the article) wrote on November 29 that Angela Merkel and others (including Martin Schulz and Bavaria’s Horst Seehofer) are “yesterday’s people,” and that Germany needs new leaders.

AfD Won because of Merkel?

AFP wrote on November 26:

“The far-right Alternative for Germany party sees Chancellor Angela Merkel’s struggle to form a new government as proof of its growing power to upend the country’s political order… The AfD campaigned on the slogan ‘Merkel must go’, railing against her decision to let in more than one million mainly Muslim asylum seekers since 2015… Its election score was nearly 13 percent, snatching millions of votes from the mainstream parties and entering parliament for the first time with almost 100 seats in the Bundestag lower house.

“Apart from the current political volatility, [Parliamentary group leader Alexander] Gauland sees the wind at the AFD’s back due to an announcement this month by one of Germany’s biggest employers, Siemens, that it was slashing nearly 7,000 jobs globally. The industrial giant plans to close its sites in Goerlitz and Leipzig, both in the eastern state of Saxony which the AfD won outright in September. ‘That will probably help the AfD,’ Gauland said of the layoffs…

“[Gauland said:] ‘I have always been sceptical of solidarity pacts with parties that are supposedly similar… An exception though is the FPOe,’ Gauland added, citing ‘cultural’ ties with the Austrian far-right party now in talks to join a ruling coalition…”

Remember Weimar!

The Guardian wrote on November 25:

“… commentators in Germany have started to evoke the darkest days of the Weimar Republic, when short-lived minority governments ruled by emergency decrees. ‘Like in Weimar, the federal republic is now a multiparty system in which extreme parties have begun to paralyse the working of the parliamentary democracy,’ wrote Stephen Szabo, an expert on US-German relations…

“Born amid the chaos following the first world war, the Weimar Republic lasted, unofficially, from 1919 to 1933 and struggled to cope with extremism, hyperinflation and resentment at Germany’s treatment by the war’s victors. In order to reduce political conflicts, a proportional representation system was adopted, leading to a series of coalitions that struggled to govern… In January 1933 the president, Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler chancellor. That year, after the Reichstag fire, Hitler seized absolute power and Germany became a fascist dictatorship.”

EU Army No longer Just a Dream

Breitbart wrote on November 24:

“The European Union’s (EU) foreign minister has said the bloc is working at ‘full speed’ to create a unified ‘defence force’ on a ‘continental scale’…

Led by France and Germany, 23 member-states agreed to a common defence fund, which will see them develop and deploy armed forces together…

“The EU attempted to hide their plans for the defence force – including a centralised headquarters and ‘permanent structured defence co-operation’ – before the Brexit referendum, but they were leaked just weeks before the vote. This September, after the referendum, Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, was less secretive about his vision, openly calling for the bloc to rapidly push ahead with the creation of the army.

“The EU Foreign Secretary [said] Thursday: ‘Today we are building the European Union of Security and Defence. It is not a plan anymore, it is not a dream anymore, it is reality coming true. The dream of our founding fathers and mothers is finally coming true… All the building blocks of a Security and Defence Union are finally there, today. We can now project and develop our defence capabilities together; we can buy together, to ensure that we have all the capabilities we need, while spending efficiently; and we can act together much better than before, to manage or prevent crises, to strengthen our partners, to make our citizens more secure.’”

In spite of Germany’s current political turmoil, the EU’s plan for an European army is going forward. And no matter who the next German leader will be, that plan will become a speedy reality. In addition, the Austrian press ( reported on November 28 that the government plans to increase annual expenses for the Austrian military from presently 2 billion euros to over 3 billion euros.

Washington State Ill Prepared for Earthquakes

The website of reported on November 21:

“Washington State is considered second only to California in earthquake vulnerability, but it appears to be the least prepared state or province on the west coast including British Columbia…

“A key difference between California and Washington is that California experiences serious quakes more often than Washington. However, a much stronger magnitude 9 coastal earthquake along the Washington coast would also come with tsunami waves and be much like the 2011 Tohoku quake and tsunami that killed 16,000 people in northeastern Japan…”

It is mind-boggling to even imagine a huge earthquake and a massive tsunami devastating Washington state, but this is most certainly within the realm of possibility.

Trump Doubts that Obama Was Born in the USA

 CNN reported on November 29:

President Donald Trump has continued to question the legitimacy of former President Barack Obama’s birth certificate during private conversations in recent months, The New York Times reported… One sitting US senator quoted by the Times, ‘who listened as the President revived his doubts’ about the issue, ‘chuckled’ when speaking about what was said. Trump ‘has had a hard time letting go of his claim that Mr. Obama was not born in the United States,’ the senator… told The New York Times…

“Trump publicly questioned Obama’s citizenship for several years before saying in a news conference during the 2016 election that he believed, ‘President Barack Obama was born in the United States.’”

Hopefully, the reports are true and President Trump does entertain doubts regarding Barack Obama’s birthplace, as there are so many nagging questions as to the accuracy and truth of the “official” narration. Donald Trump should have NEVER declared that Obama WAS born in the United States, without ever giving any proof for that somewhat speculative assertion.

Scandal… Hospital Fires 50 Employees for Refusal to Get Flu Shots

NBC News wrote on November 23:

“About 50 employees of Essentia Health, an upper-Midwest hospital chain, didn’t go to work Wednesday… They were fired for refusing to get flu shots… Several states, including California, require hospitals to make flu vaccines mandatory and to record and publish their vaccination rates…

“Influenza is not the only vaccine that’s required for health care workers. Hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, chickenpox and whooping cough vaccines are also required… The Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and other groups all support mandatory immunization of health care workers — and all say there should be no opt-out except for medical reasons…

“Vanderbilt doesn’t fire people who refuse vaccination but makes them undergo counseling and then wear a mask during flu season…”

The ridiculous requirement of mandatory vaccinations is based on a complete denial of the serious real possibility of side-effects which are much worse than a flu. An ill-informed society has been manipulated by a left-liberal mass media and the greedy pharmaceutical industry to accept their demand for vaccinations. Those who refuse get fired. This is not happening in an autocratic country, but the USA. Vanderbilt’s alternative of wearing masks is a workable solution, but having to undergo counseling is of course stupid. Most of those who conscientiously refuse to get vaccinated are much better informed than those who just accept such intrusion without questioning.) Also note the next article, describing further autocratic and appalling measures by US agencies.

Dictatorial Measures of US Governmental Agencies

The New York Times wrote on November 18:

“Few people realize that the loans they take out to pay for their education could eventually derail their careers. But in 19 states, government agencies can seize state-issued professional licenses from residents who default on their educational debts. Another state, South Dakota, suspends driver’s licenses, making it nearly impossible for people to get to work… Firefighters, nurses, teachers, lawyers, massage therapists, barbers, psychologists and real estate brokers have all had their credentials suspended or revoked…

“Shannon Otto, who lives in Nashville, can pinpoint the moment that she realized she wanted to be a nurse… It took years of school and thousands of dollars of loans, but she eventually landed her dream job, in Tennessee, a state facing a shortage of nurses. Then, after working for more than a decade, she started having epileptic seizures. They arrived without warning, in terrifying gusts. She couldn’t care for herself, let alone anyone else. Unable to work, she defaulted on her student loans. Ms. Otto eventually got her seizures under control, and prepared to go back to work and resume payments on her debt. But Tennessee’s Board of Nursing suspended her license after she defaulted. To get the license back, she said, she would have to pay more than $1,500. She couldn’t…”

At the same time, the US system (contrary to many other Western countries) is set up in such a way that you can hardly study without getting some kind of a repayable loan. All of this is just so awful, merciless and barbaric. No wonder God has been withdrawing His blessing from a country which is becoming more and more heartless.

Bitcoin Soars to Record High

Newsmax reported on November 26:

“There might be something even bigger than Black Friday or Cyber Monday for those spending money this holiday weekend, as cryptocurrency mania led Bitcoin prices to soar over $9,400 Sunday afternoon [By Wednesday morning, it had reached about $11,200.00, but dropped again by Wednesday evening under $10,000.00.]

“‘The number of people opening up new accounts and buying bitcoin, even fractionally, is skyrocketing,’ billionaire Mark Cuban [said], a potential 2020 presidential candidate…

“‘Yet the people who have it as a true store of value have no reason to sell it as long as demand continues.’ Cuban added the price will continue to rise… ‘This growth has pushed mainstream institutions to take notice and capitalize,’ Fortune wrote Friday. ‘CME Group, the world’s largest options and futures exchange owner, announced it would offer Bitcoin futures by the end of the year.’”

Business Insider added that “the average bitcoin investor doesn’t plan to give up their bitcoin until the cryptocurrency reaches $196,165, or 21 times its current value.”

In light of the decreasing trust in shaky banks, corrupt governments and the endurable value of paper money in general, the arrival of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is an interesting phenomenon.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

My Calling; The Wrath of God

On December 2, 2017, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “My Calling,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Wrath of God.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 808

My Calling; The Wrath of God

On December 2, 2017, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “My Calling,” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “The Wrath of God.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Quitting Is Not an Option

by Michael Link

How often do we think about quitting?  There may be situations in our lives which can become so difficult that we get to the point where we believe that the only option we have left is to simply quit.  That is, quitting God’s Way of Life.  Are problems so intense that we can’t overcome them?  How often do we make mistakes in life?  How often do we fail?  Do we actually have a desire to succeed?

Michael Jordan, who is considered one of the best basketball players of all time, famously stated that through failure, he was able to become successful.  He said, “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career.  I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed.  I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.  And that is why I succeed.”  He didn’t quit when things got difficult, but instead he became motivated to overcome his failings and made an effort to become the greatest that he could be.  He also said, “I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying.”

Is this the kind of attitude we should have when it comes to our spiritual lives?  The Bible gives us the answer in many different ways.  Proverbs 10:4-5 tells us how to be productive.  “He who has a slack hand becomes poor, But the hand of the diligent makes rich. He who gathers in summer is a wise son; He who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame.” Ecclesiastes 9:10 tells us, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.”  It involves effort on our part, for we plan, but God directs (Proverbs 16:9).

We read many examples in the Bible of those who went through difficult times. God was always there to help in those situations, offering encouragement, strength, and patience.  Often times, God will test our reactions when we go through a particular trial for the purpose of succeeding.  The choice, however, is up to us, for God will not force us into obeying Him.  He provides us with all the tools we need to live a righteous and fruitful life.

We will continue to face challenges, especially in the society we live in, as the majority of the people we are in contact with do not believe what we do.  Some may tolerate or even respect our beliefs but they don’t agree with them.  What we are doing today as part of God’s Church is what God commands us to do, by proclaiming the message of the Kingdom of God and being examples, even though many will not listen.  But some will!  That is why we need to keep going, through our obedient example, for we do not know who will respond to be saved from the end time’s devastation that is coming upon this world.  In light of our desire to help others, do we have enough faith to overcome the trials and shortcomings that we go through, which is necessary for our success?  (Compare Hebrews 11:32-34.)

No, quitting is not an option. We have a goal for which we are striving.  “… I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:12-14).

In addition, we also need to remain confident that with God’s help, we will succeed.  “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: ‘For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.’ But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul” (Hebrews 10:35-39).

We must continue to be watchful and on guard as we keep moving forward. As times will get tougher, we will get stronger as we overcome, because it will all be worth it in the end.

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by Norbert Link

We begin with the horrible terrorist attack in Egypt and the fight against terrorism in general which this world is clearly losing; and we speak on the arch-rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia; the media war between Russia and the USA; and further threats from North Korea.

We continue with Germany’s difficult struggle of forming a workable government and report at the same time of the continuing successful European endeavor to form an EU army.

Turning to the USA, while allegations of sexual misconduct don’t seem to end (NBC’s “icon” Matt Lauer being the latest in a long line of alleged perpetrators), we speak on Washington state’s complete lack of preparedness for a possible huge earthquake; the resurfacing question of Obama’s birthplace which could be one of the biggest scandals in the 21th century if it should be determined that Obama was never a legitimate President of the USA; address the scandal of the termination of 50 employees for their refusal to get flu vaccinations; and focus on another scandal about governmental agencies revoking professional licenses for failure to promptly repay student loans.

We conclude with an interesting article on so-called “cryptocurrency mania.”

Where does all of this leave us? Please view our latest StandingWatch program, “You Have Been Warned!” Also, don’t miss our previous program, “The Radical Transgender War.”

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Unprecedented Mass Murder in Egypt

BBC News reported on November 25:

“[More than] 300 people were killed at a North Sinai mosque during Friday prayers…

“After bombs were set off, dozens of gunmen waiting outside the mosque opened fire on those trying to escape. The assailants reportedly set parked vehicles on fire in the vicinity to block off access to the building, and fired on ambulances trying to help victims. Thirty children are among the dead and at least 100 people have been wounded…

“Egyptian security forces have for years been fighting an Islamist insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula, and militants affiliated with so-called Islamic State (IS) have been behind scores of deadly attacks in the desert region… Locals say the al-Rawda mosque is used by the local Sawarka tribe, which is known to cooperate with the security services against militants. It is also known to be popular with worshippers of Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam that is condemned by some jihadist groups. The head of IS’s ‘religious police’ in Sinai said last December that Sufis who did not ‘repent’ would be killed, after the group beheaded two elderly men reported to be Sufi clerics.

“The number of victims is unprecedented for an attack of this type… this is the first time that worshippers inside a mosque have been targeted by militants in North Sinai…  This is a major challenge to the Egyptian state…

“Journalists, including from state-sponsored outlets, have not been allowed to report from North Sinai in the last few years. Correspondents say that the frequency of attacks raises doubts about the effectiveness of military operations against militants…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 25:

“Egypt’s air force on Friday bombed ‘terrorist’ locations in the northern mountainous area around Bir al-Abed in response to the deadliest terror attack in the country’s history.’

Terrorism is a real threat which won’t go away. The fact that journalists have been prohibited from reporting on the threat in Northern Egypt does not give us much confidence. The claim that “we are winning the war against terrorism” is ludicrous. Note the next article.

The Global Threat of Terrorism

The Indian Express wrote on November 24:

“Terrorist networks like the ISIS and Al Qaeda may soon begin instructing recruits on how to create killer viruses just like bomb-making lessons, a senior European Union (EU) security expert has warned… terror networks based in the Middle East like Al Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS), could begin using the internet to instruct on the use of biological agents

“Tracing that the first edition of ‘Inspire’, Al Qaeda’s online propaganda magazine, had an article on ‘how to make a bomb in your mum’s kitchen… What if anyone will have a similar article on how to process a virus in your mum’s kitchen? Unfortunately, it’s probably easier than before for a lone actor to perpetrate an attack with catastrophic consequences’…”

Saudi Arabia vs. Iran

The Telegraph wrote on November 25:

“Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has called Iran’s supreme leader ‘the new Hitler of the Middle East’ and warned that as in European history, ‘appeasement doesn’t work’. In his first comments since a widespread anti-corruption purge Mohammad bin Salman fired his strongest criticism yet of Saudi Arabia’s regional arch-rival…”

No “sign” of a “king of the south.” Those who wait for one (because they misunderstand a prophecy in Daniel 11) might wait forever.

Media War Between USA and Russia Continues

NBC News wrote on November 25:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill allowing Russia to register international media outlets as foreign agents — a move largely seen as retaliation against the U.S. for similar crackdowns on Kremlin-funded media outlets… The move is seen as a quid pro quo after U.S. officials demanded that state-media outlet Russia Today, or RT, register as a foreign agent with the U.S. Justice Department…

“Even before Putin signed the bill into law, Russia’s Justice Ministry warned U.S. government-funded outlets like Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, along with its regional outlets, that they could be designated as foreign agents under the new law… Twitter has since banned RT, and Russian media outlet Sputnik from advertising on its platform…”

What did the USA expect? Such retaliation was to be certain.

North Korea’s New Threat

The New York Times wrote on November 29:

“North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday that flew both higher and longer than previous such launches, a bold act of defiance against President Trump after he put the country back on a list of state sponsors of terrorism.

“The president reacted cautiously to news of the launch, stating, ‘It is a situation that we will handle.’ But Defense Secretary Jim Mattis expressed greater concern, emphasizing what he said were technical advances on display in the 53-minute flight, which began when the missile was launched northeast of the capital, Pyongyang, and ended nearly 600 miles to the east, when it landed in the Sea of Japan… ‘The bottom line is, it’s a continued effort to build a threat — a ballistic missile threat that endangers world peace, regional peace, and certainly, the United States,’ the defense secretary said…

“David Wright, a scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, said the missile… exhibited a potential range of more than 8,000 miles, able to reach Washington or any other part of the continental United States…”

The Trump Administration announced Wednesday evening that further sanctions, including financial sanctions, will be imposed against North Korea. Many observers feel that these sanctions will be meaningless and won’t persuade the North Korean regime to cease and desist from its nuclear endeavors.

Express wrote on November 29:

“Speaking to the UN Security Council, [US ambassador Nikki] Haley said that ‘if war comes, make no mistake, the North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed’. She added: ‘We have never sought war with North Korea, and still today we do not seek it. If war does come, it will be because of continued acts of aggression like we witnessed yesterday.’”

Is a Grand Coalition Coming in Germany?

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 25:

“Germany’s chancellor has said that it would be ‘simply wrong’ to hold new elections after coalition talks collapsed. Her statement came as rival Social Democrats reconsidered a second ‘grand coalition’ with her CDU…

“But Germany may still have to wait a while longer for a new government — on Saturday, SPD deputy leader Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel said that no decision on entering a second grand coalition would be made before the party’s national conference on December 7-9…”

Few Good Options?

AFP wrote on November 25:

“Merkel now faces few good options short of new elections: asking the SPD to enter a new ‘grand coalition’, or running a minority government

“Polls show that, were Germany to stage an election re-run, results would be little different from September. If anything, it could see the AfD score an even more impressive result than it did the first time round.”

Merkel and Schulz under Pressure

The Associated Press wrote on November 26:

“On Sunday, the youth wing of Merkel’s Union bloc published a resolution stating that the conservatives must not enter a [grand] coalition [with the SPD] ‘at any price’

“The Social Democrats… have made clear they would demand a high price for cooperating again with Merkel’s Union bloc. ‘As things stand, Merkel is not in a position in which she can set conditions,’ prominent Social Democrat Malu Dreyer [said].”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 26:

“Merkel is not the only one facing internal pressure: Schulz also faced growing dissent within his party over his willingness to make a coalition with Merkel’s conservative bloc. The SPD’s youth branch, the Jusos, or ‘Young Socialists in the SPD,’ ended their two-day congress calling for their leaders to move more to the left rather than try out a new grand coalition… Other SPD leaders have also started setting conditions should the party enter into talks with Merkel’s conservatives…”

None of this looks good for Merkel, Schulz or a new German government. No wonder the ghost of Weimar begins to haunt some observers. Note the next article.

Any Successor to Merkel?

Foreign Policy wrote on November 28:

“Merkel is at her most nimble in high-stakes crises — doubly so when underestimated or threatened — and she has already persuaded Christian Democrats to rally behind her as she pursues a renewal of the coalition with Social Democrats that she has lead for the past four years.

“But there’s no guarantee that the Social Democrats’ base is in the mood to accept the necessary compromises — and even if it comes to fruition, another so-called grand coalition is unlikely to prove as stable as the previous iteration. Merkel’s coalition partners are apt to be more ornery, and the parliamentary opposition, which would be headed by the far-right Alternative for Germany party, far more disruptive. Meanwhile, CDU conservatives, long discontented with Merkel’s moderate style, are apt to loudly wonder why they should continue to follow her if she can’t guarantee election victories.

“In short, it’s now easier to imagine Merkel being toppled from power before the end of her coming four-year term. But that raises the principal question: Who would take over Germany’s most successful political party after her fall?…  ‘The simple fact is there’s currently no one in the CDU placed to succeed Merkel,’ explained Alan Posener of the conservative daily Die Welt. ‘Over the years she’s overpowered and driven out a dozen rivals, mostly men who thought they’d make a better chancellor.’

“But the fact that there isn’t anyone right now with the credentials or will to take down Merkel doesn’t mean there aren’t ambitious figures in the CDU who could one day do so — and maybe even sooner rather than later. And, given the ailing state of the Social Democratic Party, whoever does replace Merkel as leader of her party will, more likely than not, also become leader of Europe’s most powerful country.”

That coming German leader does not have to belong to the CDU. In addition, Die Welt (cited above in the article) wrote on November 29 that Angela Merkel and others (including Martin Schulz and Bavaria’s Horst Seehofer) are “yesterday’s people,” and that Germany needs new leaders.

AfD Won because of Merkel?

AFP wrote on November 26:

“The far-right Alternative for Germany party sees Chancellor Angela Merkel’s struggle to form a new government as proof of its growing power to upend the country’s political order… The AfD campaigned on the slogan ‘Merkel must go’, railing against her decision to let in more than one million mainly Muslim asylum seekers since 2015… Its election score was nearly 13 percent, snatching millions of votes from the mainstream parties and entering parliament for the first time with almost 100 seats in the Bundestag lower house.

“Apart from the current political volatility, [Parliamentary group leader Alexander] Gauland sees the wind at the AFD’s back due to an announcement this month by one of Germany’s biggest employers, Siemens, that it was slashing nearly 7,000 jobs globally. The industrial giant plans to close its sites in Goerlitz and Leipzig, both in the eastern state of Saxony which the AfD won outright in September. ‘That will probably help the AfD,’ Gauland said of the layoffs…

“[Gauland said:] ‘I have always been sceptical of solidarity pacts with parties that are supposedly similar… An exception though is the FPOe,’ Gauland added, citing ‘cultural’ ties with the Austrian far-right party now in talks to join a ruling coalition…”

Remember Weimar!

The Guardian wrote on November 25:

“… commentators in Germany have started to evoke the darkest days of the Weimar Republic, when short-lived minority governments ruled by emergency decrees. ‘Like in Weimar, the federal republic is now a multiparty system in which extreme parties have begun to paralyse the working of the parliamentary democracy,’ wrote Stephen Szabo, an expert on US-German relations…

“Born amid the chaos following the first world war, the Weimar Republic lasted, unofficially, from 1919 to 1933 and struggled to cope with extremism, hyperinflation and resentment at Germany’s treatment by the war’s victors. In order to reduce political conflicts, a proportional representation system was adopted, leading to a series of coalitions that struggled to govern… In January 1933 the president, Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler chancellor. That year, after the Reichstag fire, Hitler seized absolute power and Germany became a fascist dictatorship.”

EU Army No longer Just a Dream

Breitbart wrote on November 24:

“The European Union’s (EU) foreign minister has said the bloc is working at ‘full speed’ to create a unified ‘defence force’ on a ‘continental scale’…

Led by France and Germany, 23 member-states agreed to a common defence fund, which will see them develop and deploy armed forces together…

“The EU attempted to hide their plans for the defence force – including a centralised headquarters and ‘permanent structured defence co-operation’ – before the Brexit referendum, but they were leaked just weeks before the vote. This September, after the referendum, Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, was less secretive about his vision, openly calling for the bloc to rapidly push ahead with the creation of the army.

“The EU Foreign Secretary [said] Thursday: ‘Today we are building the European Union of Security and Defence. It is not a plan anymore, it is not a dream anymore, it is reality coming true. The dream of our founding fathers and mothers is finally coming true… All the building blocks of a Security and Defence Union are finally there, today. We can now project and develop our defence capabilities together; we can buy together, to ensure that we have all the capabilities we need, while spending efficiently; and we can act together much better than before, to manage or prevent crises, to strengthen our partners, to make our citizens more secure.’”

In spite of Germany’s current political turmoil, the EU’s plan for an European army is going forward. And no matter who the next German leader will be, that plan will become a speedy reality. In addition, the Austrian press ( reported on November 28 that the government plans to increase annual expenses for the Austrian military from presently 2 billion euros to over 3 billion euros.

Washington State Ill Prepared for Earthquakes

The website of reported on November 21:

“Washington State is considered second only to California in earthquake vulnerability, but it appears to be the least prepared state or province on the west coast including British Columbia…

“A key difference between California and Washington is that California experiences serious quakes more often than Washington. However, a much stronger magnitude 9 coastal earthquake along the Washington coast would also come with tsunami waves and be much like the 2011 Tohoku quake and tsunami that killed 16,000 people in northeastern Japan…”

It is mind-boggling to even imagine a huge earthquake and a massive tsunami devastating Washington state, but this is most certainly within the realm of possibility.

Trump Doubts that Obama Was Born in the USA

 CNN reported on November 29:

President Donald Trump has continued to question the legitimacy of former President Barack Obama’s birth certificate during private conversations in recent months, The New York Times reported… One sitting US senator quoted by the Times, ‘who listened as the President revived his doubts’ about the issue, ‘chuckled’ when speaking about what was said. Trump ‘has had a hard time letting go of his claim that Mr. Obama was not born in the United States,’ the senator… told The New York Times…

“Trump publicly questioned Obama’s citizenship for several years before saying in a news conference during the 2016 election that he believed, ‘President Barack Obama was born in the United States.’”

Hopefully, the reports are true and President Trump does entertain doubts regarding Barack Obama’s birthplace, as there are so many nagging questions as to the accuracy and truth of the “official” narration. Donald Trump should have NEVER declared that Obama WAS born in the United States, without ever giving any proof for that somewhat speculative assertion.

Scandal… Hospital Fires 50 Employees for Refusal to Get Flu Shots

NBC News wrote on November 23:

“About 50 employees of Essentia Health, an upper-Midwest hospital chain, didn’t go to work Wednesday… They were fired for refusing to get flu shots… Several states, including California, require hospitals to make flu vaccines mandatory and to record and publish their vaccination rates…

“Influenza is not the only vaccine that’s required for health care workers. Hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, chickenpox and whooping cough vaccines are also required… The Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and other groups all support mandatory immunization of health care workers — and all say there should be no opt-out except for medical reasons…

“Vanderbilt doesn’t fire people who refuse vaccination but makes them undergo counseling and then wear a mask during flu season…”

The ridiculous requirement of mandatory vaccinations is based on a complete denial of the serious real possibility of side-effects which are much worse than a flu. An ill-informed society has been manipulated by a left-liberal mass media and the greedy pharmaceutical industry to accept their demand for vaccinations. Those who refuse get fired. This is not happening in an autocratic country, but the USA. Vanderbilt’s alternative of wearing masks is a workable solution, but having to undergo counseling is of course stupid. Most of those who conscientiously refuse to get vaccinated are much better informed than those who just accept such intrusion without questioning.) Also note the next article, describing further autocratic and appalling measures by US agencies.

Dictatorial Measures of US Governmental Agencies

The New York Times wrote on November 18:

“Few people realize that the loans they take out to pay for their education could eventually derail their careers. But in 19 states, government agencies can seize state-issued professional licenses from residents who default on their educational debts. Another state, South Dakota, suspends driver’s licenses, making it nearly impossible for people to get to work… Firefighters, nurses, teachers, lawyers, massage therapists, barbers, psychologists and real estate brokers have all had their credentials suspended or revoked…

“Shannon Otto, who lives in Nashville, can pinpoint the moment that she realized she wanted to be a nurse… It took years of school and thousands of dollars of loans, but she eventually landed her dream job, in Tennessee, a state facing a shortage of nurses. Then, after working for more than a decade, she started having epileptic seizures. They arrived without warning, in terrifying gusts. She couldn’t care for herself, let alone anyone else. Unable to work, she defaulted on her student loans. Ms. Otto eventually got her seizures under control, and prepared to go back to work and resume payments on her debt. But Tennessee’s Board of Nursing suspended her license after she defaulted. To get the license back, she said, she would have to pay more than $1,500. She couldn’t…”

At the same time, the US system (contrary to many other Western countries) is set up in such a way that you can hardly study without getting some kind of a repayable loan. All of this is just so awful, merciless and barbaric. No wonder God has been withdrawing His blessing from a country which is becoming more and more heartless.

Bitcoin Soars to Record High

Newsmax reported on November 26:

“There might be something even bigger than Black Friday or Cyber Monday for those spending money this holiday weekend, as cryptocurrency mania led Bitcoin prices to soar over $9,400 Sunday afternoon [By Wednesday morning, it had reached about $11,200.00, but dropped again by Wednesday evening under $10,000.00.]

“‘The number of people opening up new accounts and buying bitcoin, even fractionally, is skyrocketing,’ billionaire Mark Cuban [said], a potential 2020 presidential candidate…

“‘Yet the people who have it as a true store of value have no reason to sell it as long as demand continues.’ Cuban added the price will continue to rise… ‘This growth has pushed mainstream institutions to take notice and capitalize,’ Fortune wrote Friday. ‘CME Group, the world’s largest options and futures exchange owner, announced it would offer Bitcoin futures by the end of the year.’”

Business Insider added that “the average bitcoin investor doesn’t plan to give up their bitcoin until the cryptocurrency reaches $196,165, or 21 times its current value.”

In light of the decreasing trust in shaky banks, corrupt governments and the endurable value of paper money in general, the arrival of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is an interesting phenomenon.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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What Does the Bible Say about Addiction and Slavery to Sin?

Actually, the Bible is full of Scriptures addressing this vital subject. Addiction in its many forms is wrong; be it addiction to cigarettes or illegal mind-altering drugs; be it addiction to wrong sexual practices, false ideas and philosophies; be it addiction to a lifestyle of sin; and be it even addiction to something which might not be prohibited per se (i.e. consumption of alcohol), but which becomes sinful due to wrong dependency.

Romans 6:12 tells us very clearly that if we let sinful conduct dictate our lives, we have become addicted to it: “Therefore do not let sin reign [“exercise dominion”, New Revised Standard Version] in your mortal bodies, that you should obey it in its lusts.”

Romans 6:16-22 gives us the following additional admonition:

“Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey [as your “master,” cp. Revised English Bible], whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness… for just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness… but now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.”

The word for “slave” is a translation of the Greek word douloo, which can have the meaning of servant or slave. While it may not always refer to someone under bondage (compare Philippians 2:7), it oftentimes does.

1Timothy 6:1 refers to “bond servants as are under the yoke” [“of slavery,” compare Revised Standard Version]. The Bible applies this word many times to the condition of being a slave to sin (John 8:34) whom God must set free (compare verse 36).

The Greek word can refer to people who are slaves of corruption or depravity; having been overcome by their sins and living in bondage or slavery to sin (2 Peter 2:19). The Living Bible writes: “For a man is a slave to whatever controls him.” The New Revised Standard Version states: “…people are slaves to whatever masters them.” And the New Jerusalem Bible says: “… if anyone lets himself be dominated by anything, then he is a slave to it.”

The Greek verb douloois  is derived from the noun doulos.   It means, “to enslave, to bring into bondage.” We might also say, it describes someone who is addicted to something. For instance, in Titus 2:3 Paul speaks of righteous older women who are “not given to much wine.” In the Greek, it says, “not being enslaved (Greek douloo) to wine.” The New Jerusalem Bible says: “no addiction to wine.” The Revised Standard Version says: “… not slaves to drink.”

Before our conversion, we were all captives of Satan the devil. But2 Timothy 2:26 expresses this hope: “… that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.” The Living Bible says: “Then they will come to their senses and escape from Satan’s trap of slavery to sin…”

A slave of sin is under the power of Satan, but he can be freed, and so Hebrews 2:14-15 tells us: “Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy (Living Bible: break the power of) him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” The New Jerusalem Bible says: “… [He] set free all those who had been held in slavery all their lives by the fear of death.”

Romans 6:6 explains to us that in our baptism, “our old man was crucified with [Jesus], that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.” Sin should not have any more dominion over us (verse 14). The Revised English Bible says: “Sin shall no longer be your master.”

Rather, we have become, quite literally, slaves of righteousness, because we don’t belong anymore to ourselves. Christ bought us, we are His property (1 Corinthians 6:20); He is our Master (John 13:13; Authorized Version); we are His slaves (Matthew 10:24-25; the word “servant” is a translation of the Greek, doulos, see discussion above; the New Revised Standard Version, the New American Bible and the New Jerusalem Bible all translate “slave”).

1 Corinthians 7:23 says: “You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.” That price is the precious blood of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 5:9).Hebrew 9:14 adds: “… how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”

On the other hand, as we saw above, we are warned not to allow others to enslave us. This can easily happen, when we are not grounded in the truth, as is explained in 2 Corinthians 11:20: “For you put up with it if one brings you into bondage, if one devours you, if one takes from you, if one exalts himself, if one strikes you in the face.”

We read in Galatians 2:4: “… false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage)…”

Quoting from our free booklet, Paul’s Letter to the Galatians:

“Paul says in verse 4 that they came to spy out the liberty in Christ. He refers to the liberty from sin; the liberty or freedom from the curse or the penalty for breaking the law, which is death; real freedom which Jesus promised all of us when He said: ‘When the Son of Man makes you free, you are free indeed’ (compare John 8:31–36). But as Peter points out, in 1 Peter 2:16, our freedom cannot be used as justification for sinful conduct. We are freed from the penalty of the law, not from the need to obey the law.

“Paul insists, in verse 4, that false brethren had come in and taught wrong doctrines to bring true members into bondage… That Greek word is also used in 2 Corinthians 11:20. It means, ‘to enslave thoroughly’…”

Our escape from the slavery of sin will include pain and suffering. We read in 1 Peter 4:1-2:“Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his life in the flesh for the lust of men, but for the will of God.”

It is grace from God when He allows us to suffer (1 Peter 2:19 and Philippians 1:29; cp. Revised English Bible; New American Bible; New Luther Bible 2009), as suffering frees us from sin.

Romans 8:16-17says:“The Spirit [itself] bears witness with our spirit that we ARE children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”

We must be very careful, however, that we, who are being freed from sin, don’t become again slaves to sin.

1 Corinthians 6:12 says in a very general sense: “I will not be brought under the power of (anything).” We are to conquer any addiction… whatever it might be. The Revised Standard Version says: “I will not be enslaved by anything.”

This includes, as 2 Corinthians 10:5 explains, the necessity of “bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” The New International Version says: ‘… we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

Paul points out that we were all at one time slaves to the false teachings, practices and philosophies of this present evil society. Galatians 4:3says:“Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage [“enslaved”, cp. New Revised Standard Version] under the elements of the world…”

Quoting from our free booklet, Paul’s Letter to the Galatians:

“… we all were in bondage ‘under the elements’ or ‘rudiments’ of the ‘WORLD’—that present evil world that he had referred to in the first chapter of Galatians. He makes similar statements in Colossians 2:8, 20 and also in Galatians 4:9, again talking about the elements or rudiments of the world, which he describes as ‘philosophy’ and ‘empty deceit,’ and the ‘tradition of men.’ Paul is talking about the way we lived before we were converted—following the rules, regulations, customs, traditions and philosophies of the world, which is presently ruled by Satan the devil.”

Following this, Paul asks the persistent question, in Galatians 4:9: “But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how it is that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage [“enslaved to them again,” cp. New Revised Standard Version]?”

The same warning is expressed through an allegory in Galatians 4:29, 31; 5:1:“But, as he who was born according to the flesh (Ishmael) then persecuted him who was born according to the spirit (Isaac), even so it is now… So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman [slave woman”, cp. New International Version] (Hagar; Mount Sinai; verse 25) but of the free (Sarah; heavenly Jerusalem; Verse 26)… Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage [“yoke of slavery”, cp. Revised Standard Version].”

Quoting from our free booklet, Paul’s Letter to the Galatians:

“Paul is describing in his symbolic allegory our spiritual battle, which goes on in our mind. God’s Spirit in us wars against our flesh. Our flesh ‘persecutes’ the Spirit of God and must therefore be cast out (compare James 4:4–5, 8; Romans 6:1–4; 8:5–9; and Colossians 2:11–13)…

“He explains that we must walk by the Spirit, which sets us free, not by the flesh, which brings us into bondage… As we have to cast out the fleshly desires and our human nature, Abraham had to cast out the bondwoman and her son (Galatians 4:30). And why? Because the son of the bondwoman, who was born according to the flesh, persecuted the son of the freewoman, who was born according to the Spirit (verse 29). And Paul continues to allegorize by saying that this is also the case today (same verse).

“How? It occurs when God’s Spirit in us wars with our flesh. Paul said that he did not do what he wanted to do, but that he gave in at times to his flesh, following its desires (Romans 7:13–25). As our flesh ‘persecutes’ our Spirit-begotten minds, so we must cast out the flesh and its desires, including temptations which might originate with Satan or this world…”

“Paul also points out, in verse 31, that we are no longer children of the bondwoman—children of bondage to death—if we let Christ live in us. It is Christ who sets us free from sin and death…”

Paul tells us in Romans 7:14 that even as a converted Christian, he sometimes felt to be “sold under sin”, which was still dwelling in him (verses 17, 20) and brought him into captivity (verse 23). He knew that he had to be freed from it, and he fully understood that victory could only come through Jesus Christ (verses 24-25).

God’s Holy Spirit can give us the power to overcome sin and to free us from every addiction, and Romans 8:15 explains that God’s Holy Spirit does not bring us into fearful bondage: “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to FEAR, but you received the spirit of adoption (sonship)…”

This passage does not negate the fact that we are Christ’s slaves and He is our Master who owns us, but this is a loving relationship, as perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). We are to become sons and daughters of God the Father and brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. We are His FRIENDS if we do what He tells us to do (John 15:14). As Philemon 15-16 shows, being a slave and a beloved brother and friend are not concepts, which necessarily exclude each other.

It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to put to death the deeds of the body (Romans 8:13). We are to walk in the Spirit, so that we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

Ephesians 4:7-8 tells us: “But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore He says, ‘When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive And gave gifts to men.” Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible explains this verse as follows: “…he led captivity captive; which is expressive of Christ’s conquests and triumph over sin, Satan, the world, death, and the grave; and indeed, every spiritual enemy of his and his people, especially the devil, who leads men captive at his will, and is therefore called captivity…”As Christ triumphed over His foes of Satan, sin, the world and even death, so He gives us the power and potential to do likewise.

We read that those who practice sin will not inherit the Kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21). It is Christ in us who empowers us, through His Holy Spirit, to conquer sin. Addiction and slavery to sin CAN and MUST become for us a thing of the past.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A new Member Letter (November 2017) has been written in which Norbert Link issues a powerful and sobering wake-up call to all who will heed! This letter has been mailed to our subscribers and is available on our website. Mr. Link also translated this letter into German, which is available at

“You Have Been Warned!” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link, which and which incorporates a new video trailer by Michael Link, titled, “How to Find the True Church of God.” Here is a summary:

World conditions become worse and worse, and the great tribulation cannot be far off. But what do YOU do with this knowledge? Do you belong to those who once had understanding of the Truth, but who have lost it? Are you compromising to appease your relatives and friends? Do you think that just a little bit of “giving in” does not matter?

Sie Sind Gewarnt Worden!” a new AufPostenStehen program presented by Norbert Link features the same subject matter as that of the StandingWatch program described above.

“The Radical Gender War,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Should we have a designation of a third gender, as many believe? Or perhaps as many as 70, as Facebook offers? What is behind the radical intersex and transgender war? Is transgenderism dangerous? Is insisting on two genders—male and female—discriminatory and politically incorrect? Do YOU know the answers?

“Der Radikale Geschlechtskrieg!” is the title of a new AufPostenStehen program, presented by Norbert Link—which covers the same material as described in the StandingWatch program above.

“Besiegen Sie Ihre Sucht nach Sünde?” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon. Title in English: “Do You Conquer Your Addiction to Sin?” (which is based on the Q&A in this Update).

“The Cup of Divinity and Salvation,” is the title of last Sabbath’s sermonette, presented by Frank Bruno. Here is a summary:

In this Sermonette, I draw the thread that is clear especially in Matthew in which our Lord utilizes the dual concept of the cup in different ways. First, to signify the coming new covenant between God and man. Secondly, our Lord, on the night of his betrayal expresses the most human emotion of asking the Father if the cup that would bear his death could pass him. Our Lord makes clear however that he will accept the Father’s will. We have all faced trials and human suffering—yet all pales in comparison to what Jesus faced on our behalf. Through his sacrifice we can have the opportunity for eternal life in the Kingdom.

“Walk Worthy,” is the title of last Sabbath’s sermon, presented by Eric Rank. Here is a summary:

What do we need to do to be counted worthy of the Christian calling we have received? How does our effort to live in a worthy manner relate to the free gift of salvation through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and our relationship to God?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

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This Week in the News


Deutsche Welle wrote on November 19:

“Germany’s Free Democrats have called off coalition talks with Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU and the Greens. FDP head Christian Lindner said that, after weeks of negotiations, the parties could not find a ‘basis of trust.’

“Germany will not be ruled by a so-called Jamaica coalition made up of Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU bloc, the Greens and the Free Democrats (FDP), after talks collapsed late on Sunday night. FDP head Christian Lindner announced that his party had walked out of the negotiations, saying ‘it is better not to govern than to govern badly.’ He added that the parties had failed to agree on a vision of how to modernize Germany…

“[It] remains unclear where this leaves Angela Merkel and her prospects of forming a new government. Her conservatives could choose to enter talks with just the Greens to form a minority government, or she may try to convince the Social Democrats (SPD) to join her to form a second consecutive grand coalition. Should both options fail, fresh elections would have to take place in the new year.”

Bild commented that Christian Lindner has become the villain of the nation.

Coalition Talks Collapsed… What’s Next?

AFP wrote on November 19:

“Merkel can in theory turn to the Social Democratic Party, which has been her junior coalition partner for the past four years. Mathematically, it would also be the most stable option as together, Merkel’s conservative alliance and the SPD have a crushing majority in parliament…

“Merkel can also remain chancellor but lead a minority government, as a candidate is elected to the post by parliamentarians. The Bundestag can be called to vote up to three times. If she wins a majority of the votes, Merkel could remain in office. But the veteran leader herself is not in favour of this high-risk option, saying that she wants a stable government. Such a minority government has also never been tested in post-war Germany…

A return to the polls [i.e., new elections] in early 2018 is the most probable option. Before new elections could be called under Germany’s Basic Law, the Bundestag lower house of parliament would have to be dissolved by the president. Normally the chancellor could trigger this by calling a confidence vote in parliament. But because Merkel is only the head of a caretaker government, she does not have this option.

“To move the process forward, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier could nominate Merkel for election by the Bundestag. If she failed to win an absolute majority, a second vote may be held within 14 days. If this too is inconclusive, a third round would be held in which a plurality of the votes could potentially suffice to keep Merkel in office. Steinmeier would then have one week to decide whether to recognise Merkel as chancellor or dissolve the Bundestag. If he chooses the latter, snap elections must be held within 60 days.”

None of the options are satisfactory, nor do they guarantee a stable government in Germany. It appears the time for dramatic change has come.

Fresh Elections Coming?

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 20:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Monday that she was ready to take her Christian Democratic (CDU) party into fresh elections… 63 percent of respondents said they want fresh elections if a grand coalition (between CDU and SPD) cannot be achieved…

“The German president is normally a largely ceremonial office, but Steinmeier has been thrust into the spotlight after what he characterized as ‘an unprecedented situation in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany.’… ‘In view of the results of the September 24 election, we are not available for a grand coalition,’ said SPD chairman and defeated chancellor candidate Martin Schulz in Berlin on Tuesday. Schulz said that the SPD had ‘no fear of fresh elections’ and saw no mandate for another alliance with Merkel’s conservatives…

“In a joint press conference, the leaders of the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), which took 12.6 percent of the vote on September 24, said that they were happy that Merkel had been unable to forge an alliance… The AfD believes that they will profit if new elections are called… The Left Party also called for a snap election, saying that it was the ‘logical democratic extension’ of the failed coalition talks.”

Pressure on SPD to Enter into Great Coalition with Merkel

AFP wrote on November 22:

“Pressure mounted Wednesday on Germany’s Social Democrat leader Martin Schulz to reconsider an alliance with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and stop Europe’s biggest economy from sinking into months of paralysis…

“President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who holds the power to call snap polls and who is himself a senior Social Democrat, has said that this ‘is the moment when all participants need to reconsider their attitude’. Steinmeier will meet Schulz on Thursday. [They did meet, but nothing was announced as to the outcome of that meeting.]

“The president has already held talks with the leaders of parties in the failed coalition talks – the pro-business FDP – which halted the negotiations – and the ecologist Greens. And he met with the leader of Merkel’s Bavarian allies the CSU on Wednesday.

“As the crisis shows no signs of abating, the Sueddeutsche daily reported that ‘in the SPD, unease is growing over its clear refusal of a grand coalition’. EU Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, also urged the SPD to reexamine its stance… ‘Resistance is growing’ against Schulz, Bild reported, adding that the ‘most prominent secret advocate for a new grand coalition is deputy chancellor Sigmar Gabriel’…

“SPD parliamentary group chief Andrea Nahles said on Monday she would not rule out backing a Merkel-led minority government. The party’s rank and file are also wondering if former European Parliament chief Schulz is the best man to lead them into any new election campaign…”

CDU’s Jens Spahn said it was up to the party (SPD) to decide whether it wanted to govern or “remain maliciously in the corner.” It was reported that Steinmeier will also speak to leaders of the AfD and the Left.

Would New Elections Change Anything?

AFP wrote on November 19:

“Merkel, a veteran leader with experience of countless nights of fraught EU negotiations, knows what is at stake — failure to forge a government essentially puts her chancellorship in peril.

“But fundamental differences between the parties… are unlikely to go away…”

Reuters wrote on November 20:

“Polls suggest a repeat election would return a similarly fragmented parliament [bringing] roughly the same result as the September election…

“The failure of coalition talks… was likened by newsmagazine Der Spiegel to the shock election of U.S. President Donald Trump or Britain’s referendum vote to leave the EU

“Even if the SPD or the FDP revisit their decisions, the price for either party to change its mind could be the departure of Merkel…”

The media had written in the past that if the Jamaica coalition fails, Merkel would have to step down.

German Newspaper Reactions

The Huffington Post wrote on November 20:

“The breakdown has plunged German politics into a deep political crisis… Here’s how German newspapers analyzed the developments:

“‘No trust, only losers,’ Spiegel Online headlined… ‘None of the parties involved strongly signaled they wanted the coalition to succeed. Merkel’s ”trusty old method” failed to work…’

“As the Taz summarized the situation: ‘The morning after: No power for nobody.’

“Bild warned that all parties will feel the ‘rightful anger’ of the voters if they would fail to come to an agreement.’

“The Rheinische Post argued neither new elections, nor the creation of a minority government, would help Germany’s global image. The far-right party Alternative for Germany would exploit the situation, the paper said…

“Finally, many newspapers agree that the current political crisis may be catastrophic for Merkel. ‘The failure of the Jamaica coalition could also sound the bell for the end of Merkel’s career,’ Rheinische Post wrote…”

When people are angry, unexpected reactions might be the result.

Out For Merkel?

Express wrote on November 22:

“Merkel’s worries continue as the latest polls reveal the majority of Germans did not want her to run as a candidate for Chancellor again… 54 per cent said she should not run for office, according to the polling institute Civey for Only 38.5 percent of Germans would welcome a renewed candidacy of the chancellor…

“There was also little comfort for the German leader in another poll published yesterday in Der Spiegel (showing) that support for the coalition between Mrs Merkel’s CDU and the CSU fell below 30 per cent to 29.2 per cent. This is believed to be their lowest ever level…

“There was no joy though either for the main opposition party the Social Democrats (SPD) which also suffered a decline in popularity…

“The inability of Mrs Merkel to secure sufficient support has seen Germany plunged into uncertainty… The situation has resulted in the co-founder of the Greens, Hans-Christian Ströbele, saying he could not envisage the chancellor staying in her role for much longer. In an interview with Swiss website Watson, he said: ‘The end of the chancellorship of Angela Merkel has already been announced by the outcome of the general election…”

“EU ‘Cannot Afford’ Lengthy German Deadlock”

The EUobserver wrote on November 21:

“German chancellor Angela Merkel’s failure to form a coalition government has raised concerns in Europe that the EU’s most powerful country will send the block into paralysis… French president Emmanuel Macron said… the situation was creating ‘real risks’. Dutch foreign minister Halbe Zijlstra said the delay in forming a new German government was ‘bad news for Europe.’… German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned that ‘incomprehension and worry would be big in particular in our European neighbours…’

“‘There is a need of leadership at EU level, and the EU cannot have momentum without Germany,” [Yann-Sven Rittelmeyer, from the European Policy Centre (EPC) in Brussels] told Euobserver… Recent proposals on the EU’s future by Macron and from the European Commission ‘are waiting for an answer from Germany,’ Rittelmeyer noted.

“… if the political deadlock ‘drags on, or even if there is new elections, or even a minority government, it’s a big setback for Europe,’ [Judy Dempsey, from the Carnegie Europe think tank in Berlin] told EUobserver.  She insisted that ‘it would [be] incredibly damaging for Europe if Germany doesn’t come up with a government soon.’…”

Germany knows this too. They will do everything they can to resolve the situation soon. But what will that solution look like?

Sexual Scandals Galore in the USA

The Huffington Post wrote on November 21:

“This is the toxic mentality of Capitol Hill… The byzantine process for making an official complaint shows just who Congress aims to protect:

“To make an official complaint, a sexual harassment victim has to call the Office of Compliance to get a password to fill out an online form. This is an office that, based on a survey by Roll Call in mid-2016, many women working on the Hill didn’t know existed. And victims must register a complaint within a 180 days of when the harassment occurred. Once formal complaints are made, those filing them are forced to get professional counseling for up to 30 days. After counseling, they have 15 days to decide whether they’ll drop the issue or move forward.

“Those moving forward must sign a temporary confidentiality agreement and begin 30 days of mediation. The accused is given a lawyer at taxpayer expense, the accuser has to pay for one. If agreements aren’t reached during mediation, there’s another 30-day ‘cooling-off period’ before complainants can request an administrative hearing or go to federal court. If agreements are reached, the complainants will likely have to sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to receive money from a hush fund at taxpayer expense… interns or those working on the Hill through a fellowship are on their own. This process isn’t open to them.

“On Monday night, BuzzFeed News published an explosive report detailing how Congress had come to four separate agreements with staffers over sexual harassment by the longest-serving current House member ― and the top Democrat on the chamber’s Judiciary Committee ― Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.

“Spokesmen for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and former Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told reporters that neither of their bosses were aware of the settlements that Conyers paid out with tax dollars. The  congressional hush fund has paid out more than $17 million over the last 20 years for employment abuse like sexual harassment. But Conyers, in at least one case, opted to pay an employee out of his staff budget, meaning the total paid out to keep victims of sexual harassment in Congress quiet could be much higher.”

The allegations against John Conyers are just the tip of the iceberg, even though they brought to light the despicable and absolutely abominable “procedure” adopted by Congress to protect the perpetrator and persecute or silence the victim. Others who have been recently accused by many women and men of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, molestation, indecent exposure and other inappropriate sexual behavior, include, just to name a few, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Roy Moore, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, Bill O’Reilly and three top executives of Disney. Some have admitted guilt, while most have denied any wrongdoing or kept silent.

Further, old allegations against Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct were brought back to the forefront this week, prompting Sean Hannity of the Fox Network to chastise the liberal mass media for suppressing those allegations and protecting the Clintons for many years.

While one is considered to be innocent until proven guilty, the picture of alleged terrible sexual transgressions is not a pleasant one. While President Trump spoke out against Democrat Al Franken, he answered reporters, when he was asked about Roy Moore, that Moore had denied all allegations, seemingly “endorsing” him as the Republican Senate candidate for Alabama. This was considered odd by many, given the allegations of sexual misconduct against Mr. Trump himself and the condemnation of Moore by many Republicans.

Space War Coming

National Post wrote on November 17:

“The world is at the cusp of a ‘New Space Age.’ Led by dynamic private-sector entrepreneurs pioneering new technologies and pursuing exciting new opportunities, the number of satellites has increased over the past five years by almost 50 per cent…

“While many of the most active ‘New Space’ companies are based in the United States, other countries too are in this amazing race. Space start-ups are booming in India. Singapore and Luxembourg are investing in future space capabilities such as orbital debris removal and space resource extraction. Australia, for the first time, is setting up a national space agency. Canada’s 2017 national budget included $80.9 million in investment over the next five years for space projects, including quantum encryption of communications.

“In the near future, the world is looking at a jump from about 1,500 satellites to tens of thousands, providing services such as low-cost Earth imagery, global Internet connectivity, asteroid mining, and even Moon and Mars exploration.

“… war in space is no longer unthinkable. Indeed, for the past few years, the United States Air Force has been waging a vocal campaign to convince policymakers, Congress, and the public that U.S. satellites are under imminent threat… Thus, the argument goes, the U.S. military must pour resources into preparing to fight in this domain, including building offensive weaponry based on the ground and in space…

“The same advances that are driving commercial and civil interest in new space missions have also enabled improved satellite attack capabilities…  satellites — which have been demonstrated and/or deployed by the United States, Russia, and China — could also be used to disable or destroy an enemy satellite… There may not be ways out of more serious military competition in space… The security of space is now central to human security for providing and improving the welfare of everyone on Earth, and even the planet itself…”

Since man’s creation, there have been wars on earth. Now, it appears that there will soon be wars in space. Wherever man’s influence can be felt, there is war, bloodshed and destruction. Very soon, we will face a man-made global catastrophe unparalleled in history.

Tobacco Company Admits: Our Products KILL People

 Newsmax wrote on November 20:

“Tobacco companies are to begin running TV and newspaper ads proclaiming their products are bad for you — really bad. The new initiative is part of a settlement between big tobacco and the Justice [Department] which found cigarette companies had violated racketeering laws and lied for decades about the dangers of smoking… one of the statements the ads must use is: ‘More people die every year from smoking than from murder, AIDS, suicide, drugs, car crashes, and alcohol combined.’

“Other pitches will read: ‘Secondhand smoke causes lung cancer and coronary heart disease in adults who do not smoke,’ and tobacco companies will admit they ‘intentionally designed cigarettes to make them more addictive.’

“Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States, annually killing 480,000 people and costing $170 billion in healthcare expenses, the Daily News says.”

Knowing this, why do people smoke and selfishly destroy the health of those exposed to second-hand smoke? Are they on a suicide mission? Have they lost all love and decency for the welfare of themselves, and others? Do they not understand that they will have to pay dearly for their ungodly conduct… either in this life or in the next—or, in all likelihood, in both?

Marijuana Overdose Cause for Death of 11-Month-Old Boy? wrote on November 17:

“Two poison control doctors claim to have documented the first known case of death by marijuana overdose, sparking a medical debate over what killed an 11-month-old baby in Colorado two years ago… They claim that damage to the child’s heart muscle, which was listed as the boy’s cause of death, was brought on by ingesting marijuana… The case report makes what amounts to a very bold statement in the scientific world… If correct, the phenomenon… would remain the only time a marijuana overdose is known to have caused a human death. Other doctors are deeply skeptical of the strong language used in the report…

“It’s widely accepted as fact that marijuana overdoses are not fatal. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration fact sheet on pot says simply that ‘no death from overdose of marijuana has been reported’ and the National Institutes of Health says there is ‘insufficient evidence’ to link THC overdose to fatalities…

“Both published accounts of this case clearly state that the autopsy shows that the 11-month-old boy died of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) which caused the heart to fail. The Nappe/Hoyte published case study takes the diagnosis a step further, theorizing that the myocarditis was caused by cannabis overdose, which then caused the baby boy’s heart to fail… Myocarditis is rare in children, and can often be fatal when diagnosed. In children, fatal myocarditis is usually caused by a virus called Coxsackievirus. The authors of the case report say that virus was ruled out in this case. Myocarditis has a long list of other known causes, mostly from infections by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites…

“9NEWS spoke to multiple ER doctors and medical researchers for this story. Many praised the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center as a top-tier institution for researching the issue, but none accepted this case as bulletproof evidence of a marijuana overdose death, though some were more open to the idea than others…Hoyte and Nappe wrote that the boy ate an ‘unknown dose of THC,’ and tell 9NEWS they aren’t sure exactly what product was involved or precisely when he ate it…

“Doctors on both sides of the debate agree on what parents should learn from this case. It’s the same advice they’ve given since marijuana first became legal in Colorado: keep it away from kids… Colorado has taken recent steps aimed at preventing accidental ingestion by children. In the years since legalization, the state has imposed new restrictions on the potency and design of edible marijuana products. New rules that took effect last month ban edibles that resemble existing non-marijuana candies and also bans shaping edibles in the form of people, animals, or fruit.

“Dr. Hoyte was careful to point out that even though he does believe THC led to this death, there are plenty of more harmful substances parents also need to worry about… Even if Hoyte and Nappe’s determination is confirmed, it’s worth noting that we would have more confirmed deaths from swallowed laundry and dish detergent pods than from marijuana…”

These kinds of sensational claims by two doctors help no one. One cannot approach a serious subject by disseminating false and wild speculations. We clearly reject the use of “recreational” marijuana, but it is politically objectionable, indefensible and highly offensive conduct by the Federal Government to continue to declare as a “crime” the use of medically prescribed marijuana for suffering patients in appropriate cases. Reports like the ones quoted herein only play into the hands of those who want to continue to support the pharmaceutical industry and the poisonous and dangerous substances (called “medications”) which they prescribe and market.

The Radical Transgender War

On November 22, the Daily Mail published the following article by Piers Morgan:

“Natasha Devon advised that teachers should no longer refer to female students as ‘girls’ or ‘ladies’, or to male students as ‘boys’… I’ve never heard such utter garbage in my entire life, and given I judged talent shows for six years that is a very high bar of garbage.

“Speaking as a father of four children – three boys and a girl – I’ll tell you what I think might just cause young kids more anxiety than being called ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ – and that is telling them they CAN’T be called ‘boys’ and ‘girls’.

“The simple reason is they were born boys and girls. Yes, they were all handed to their proud parents at birth with the words ‘Congratulations, you have a little boy’ or ‘Congratulations, you have a little girl.’ Not, ‘Congratulations, you have a non-binary, gender fluid creature of indeterminate sexuality.’

“These children will have spent years happily being boys and girls, and for the vast majority of them that’s exactly how they wish to remain. To banish these descriptive terms now is… the first step to banishing gender altogether, thus disrupting and destroying one of society’s strongest and until now, least contentious norms: i.e. that we’re all either male or female.

“I suspect the real reason for Natasha Devon’s speech can be found buried away as almost an afterthought. She said she was also advising the abandonment of the terms ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ to protect the feelings of transgender children

“This new gender war is being driven by the radical transgender community, which – like radical feminism to non-radical feminism – is a very different, far more aggressive, loud and extreme group to the non-radical transgender community… their campaign has been undeniably successful. That’s why Facebook currently provides over 70 different gender ‘options’, from ‘two-spirit person’ to ‘neutrois’ and ‘transmasculine’. One is simply: ‘neither’…

“I do care when massive pressure is applied on the rest of us to stop using words like ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ because it may offend the gender fluid brigade. I also care that kids as young as five are being encouraged to embark on a journey to change their gender and/or sex before they even really know what either of things even mean. Anyone who’s had children knows they go through all kinds of confusing emotional turmoil before, during and after puberty. Why add to that confusion by making them think that ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ are offensive terms?…

“Some schools have begun eliminating gender distinction in their sports programmes, so any boy who feels he’s a girl can play on the girls’ team… Other schools now allow boys who identify as girls… to use the female bathrooms

“Companies are being bullied and harangued into converting to non-gender-specific merchandise lest they get branded ‘trans bigots’ on social media. We see it in our high street stores and on our TV commercials. The problem gets even more acute when we consider sexual offenders in prison. Already, we are getting cases of male rapists identifying as female so they can switch to female prisons. It doesn’t take a genius to work out why they may want to do that…

“What does the word ‘gender‘ even mean? Well, check any dictionary and it will provide a simple answer—something like this: ‘The state of being male or female.’ Therefore we are all either boys or girls, men or women…”

Amen to that.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

The Cup of Divinity and Salvation; Walk Worthy

On November 25, 2017, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “The Cup of Divinity and Salvation,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Walk Worthy.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 807

The Cup of Divinity and Salvation; Walk Worthy

On November 25, 2017, Frank Bruno will present the sermonette, titled, “The Cup of Divinity and Salvation,” and Eric Rank will present the sermon, titled, “Walk Worthy.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Finishing the Race           

by Rene Messier (Canada)

One of the best motion pictures I have seen is “Seabiscuit.” It tells the story of a little race horse in the 1930’s. As the owner in the movie put it when asked why his horse kept winning: “The horse is too small, the jockey is too big, the trainer is too old and I am too stupid to know the difference.”

The jockey explained that it was not the size of the horse but it was the heart. Seabiscuit had “a heart” to run, beating all the competition at the time, which was an inspiration for everyone because he was seen as the underdog.

Paul reminds us that we are also in a race. 1 Corinthians 9:24 states: “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.”

Our spiritual goal as true Christians is not to come in first while nobody else gets a prize, but rather, to finish the race and to cross that finish line. But we need to have God’s help in this, and we must never give up or “take a break.”

There is a good lesson in the story about the race between the hare and the turtle (called “Slow and Steady”). The hare knew he could beat the turtle but got distracted. He lost his focus, paused to rest and fell asleep, while the turtle just trudged along at a steady pace. Once the hare woke up and realized that the race was about to be lost, he hurried to the finish line but it was too late—the turtle had already won. After that, as the story goes, the hare always reminded himself, “Don’t brag about your lightning pace, for Slow and Steady won the race!”

There is also an important lesson in the parable with the ten virgins, which is recorded in Matthew 25:1-13:

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.”

The foolish virgins thought they had enough oil (symbolizing God’s Holy Spirit) to see them through to the appearance of Christ, but because of the delay of the Bridegroom’s coming, they found themselves wanting. They went to get more oil but when they returned, the door of entry into the Kingdom was closed.

We cannot get into a mindset of “My Lord delays His coming” and lose focus, lest we lose out on our potential. As we approach the time of Christ’s Return, things will get harder and we will be tested and tried. There will be at least two types of people in God’s Church at the onset of the Great Tribulation—those who were focused and did what was required of them so that they will be protected at the Place of Safety, and those who lost focus and zeal and who perhaps allowed compromise to creep in; they will need more serious “refining” in the Tribulation so that they may also get their crown and white robes.

The question is, to which group will you belong?

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by Norbert Link

In this special edition, we report on the failure in Germany to form a coalition government, and the options are few, and all of them seem to be bad. A picture of current hopeless confusion has emerged. The future for Angela Merkel has become very uncertain, to say the least. Maybe a drastic change is in the making.

We also speak on the allegations of sexual misconduct by prominent public figures in entertainment and politics; the prospects of a coming space war; the deadly danger of tobacco; the highly questionable and speculative report that allegedly a marijuana overdose might have killed an 11-year-old boy; and an insightful article by Piers Morgan on the radical transgender war.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Deutsche Welle wrote on November 19:

“Germany’s Free Democrats have called off coalition talks with Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU and the Greens. FDP head Christian Lindner said that, after weeks of negotiations, the parties could not find a ‘basis of trust.’

“Germany will not be ruled by a so-called Jamaica coalition made up of Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU bloc, the Greens and the Free Democrats (FDP), after talks collapsed late on Sunday night. FDP head Christian Lindner announced that his party had walked out of the negotiations, saying ‘it is better not to govern than to govern badly.’ He added that the parties had failed to agree on a vision of how to modernize Germany…

“[It] remains unclear where this leaves Angela Merkel and her prospects of forming a new government. Her conservatives could choose to enter talks with just the Greens to form a minority government, or she may try to convince the Social Democrats (SPD) to join her to form a second consecutive grand coalition. Should both options fail, fresh elections would have to take place in the new year.”

Bild commented that Christian Lindner has become the villain of the nation.

Coalition Talks Collapsed… What’s Next?

AFP wrote on November 19:

“Merkel can in theory turn to the Social Democratic Party, which has been her junior coalition partner for the past four years. Mathematically, it would also be the most stable option as together, Merkel’s conservative alliance and the SPD have a crushing majority in parliament…

“Merkel can also remain chancellor but lead a minority government, as a candidate is elected to the post by parliamentarians. The Bundestag can be called to vote up to three times. If she wins a majority of the votes, Merkel could remain in office. But the veteran leader herself is not in favour of this high-risk option, saying that she wants a stable government. Such a minority government has also never been tested in post-war Germany…

A return to the polls [i.e., new elections] in early 2018 is the most probable option. Before new elections could be called under Germany’s Basic Law, the Bundestag lower house of parliament would have to be dissolved by the president. Normally the chancellor could trigger this by calling a confidence vote in parliament. But because Merkel is only the head of a caretaker government, she does not have this option.

“To move the process forward, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier could nominate Merkel for election by the Bundestag. If she failed to win an absolute majority, a second vote may be held within 14 days. If this too is inconclusive, a third round would be held in which a plurality of the votes could potentially suffice to keep Merkel in office. Steinmeier would then have one week to decide whether to recognise Merkel as chancellor or dissolve the Bundestag. If he chooses the latter, snap elections must be held within 60 days.”

None of the options are satisfactory, nor do they guarantee a stable government in Germany. It appears the time for dramatic change has come.

Fresh Elections Coming?

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 20:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Monday that she was ready to take her Christian Democratic (CDU) party into fresh elections… 63 percent of respondents said they want fresh elections if a grand coalition (between CDU and SPD) cannot be achieved…

“The German president is normally a largely ceremonial office, but Steinmeier has been thrust into the spotlight after what he characterized as ‘an unprecedented situation in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany.’… ‘In view of the results of the September 24 election, we are not available for a grand coalition,’ said SPD chairman and defeated chancellor candidate Martin Schulz in Berlin on Tuesday. Schulz said that the SPD had ‘no fear of fresh elections’ and saw no mandate for another alliance with Merkel’s conservatives…

“In a joint press conference, the leaders of the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), which took 12.6 percent of the vote on September 24, said that they were happy that Merkel had been unable to forge an alliance… The AfD believes that they will profit if new elections are called… The Left Party also called for a snap election, saying that it was the ‘logical democratic extension’ of the failed coalition talks.”

Pressure on SPD to Enter into Great Coalition with Merkel

AFP wrote on November 22:

“Pressure mounted Wednesday on Germany’s Social Democrat leader Martin Schulz to reconsider an alliance with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and stop Europe’s biggest economy from sinking into months of paralysis…

“President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who holds the power to call snap polls and who is himself a senior Social Democrat, has said that this ‘is the moment when all participants need to reconsider their attitude’. Steinmeier will meet Schulz on Thursday. [They did meet, but nothing was announced as to the outcome of that meeting.]

“The president has already held talks with the leaders of parties in the failed coalition talks – the pro-business FDP – which halted the negotiations – and the ecologist Greens. And he met with the leader of Merkel’s Bavarian allies the CSU on Wednesday.

“As the crisis shows no signs of abating, the Sueddeutsche daily reported that ‘in the SPD, unease is growing over its clear refusal of a grand coalition’. EU Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, also urged the SPD to reexamine its stance… ‘Resistance is growing’ against Schulz, Bild reported, adding that the ‘most prominent secret advocate for a new grand coalition is deputy chancellor Sigmar Gabriel’…

“SPD parliamentary group chief Andrea Nahles said on Monday she would not rule out backing a Merkel-led minority government. The party’s rank and file are also wondering if former European Parliament chief Schulz is the best man to lead them into any new election campaign…”

CDU’s Jens Spahn said it was up to the party (SPD) to decide whether it wanted to govern or “remain maliciously in the corner.” It was reported that Steinmeier will also speak to leaders of the AfD and the Left.

Would New Elections Change Anything?

AFP wrote on November 19:

“Merkel, a veteran leader with experience of countless nights of fraught EU negotiations, knows what is at stake — failure to forge a government essentially puts her chancellorship in peril.

“But fundamental differences between the parties… are unlikely to go away…”

Reuters wrote on November 20:

“Polls suggest a repeat election would return a similarly fragmented parliament [bringing] roughly the same result as the September election…

“The failure of coalition talks… was likened by newsmagazine Der Spiegel to the shock election of U.S. President Donald Trump or Britain’s referendum vote to leave the EU

“Even if the SPD or the FDP revisit their decisions, the price for either party to change its mind could be the departure of Merkel…”

The media had written in the past that if the Jamaica coalition fails, Merkel would have to step down.

German Newspaper Reactions

The Huffington Post wrote on November 20:

“The breakdown has plunged German politics into a deep political crisis… Here’s how German newspapers analyzed the developments:

“‘No trust, only losers,’ Spiegel Online headlined… ‘None of the parties involved strongly signaled they wanted the coalition to succeed. Merkel’s ”trusty old method” failed to work…’

“As the Taz summarized the situation: ‘The morning after: No power for nobody.’

“Bild warned that all parties will feel the ‘rightful anger’ of the voters if they would fail to come to an agreement.’

“The Rheinische Post argued neither new elections, nor the creation of a minority government, would help Germany’s global image. The far-right party Alternative for Germany would exploit the situation, the paper said…

“Finally, many newspapers agree that the current political crisis may be catastrophic for Merkel. ‘The failure of the Jamaica coalition could also sound the bell for the end of Merkel’s career,’ Rheinische Post wrote…”

When people are angry, unexpected reactions might be the result.

Out For Merkel?

Express wrote on November 22:

“Merkel’s worries continue as the latest polls reveal the majority of Germans did not want her to run as a candidate for Chancellor again… 54 per cent said she should not run for office, according to the polling institute Civey for Only 38.5 percent of Germans would welcome a renewed candidacy of the chancellor…

“There was also little comfort for the German leader in another poll published yesterday in Der Spiegel (showing) that support for the coalition between Mrs Merkel’s CDU and the CSU fell below 30 per cent to 29.2 per cent. This is believed to be their lowest ever level…

“There was no joy though either for the main opposition party the Social Democrats (SPD) which also suffered a decline in popularity…

“The inability of Mrs Merkel to secure sufficient support has seen Germany plunged into uncertainty… The situation has resulted in the co-founder of the Greens, Hans-Christian Ströbele, saying he could not envisage the chancellor staying in her role for much longer. In an interview with Swiss website Watson, he said: ‘The end of the chancellorship of Angela Merkel has already been announced by the outcome of the general election…”

“EU ‘Cannot Afford’ Lengthy German Deadlock”

The EUobserver wrote on November 21:

“German chancellor Angela Merkel’s failure to form a coalition government has raised concerns in Europe that the EU’s most powerful country will send the block into paralysis… French president Emmanuel Macron said… the situation was creating ‘real risks’. Dutch foreign minister Halbe Zijlstra said the delay in forming a new German government was ‘bad news for Europe.’… German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned that ‘incomprehension and worry would be big in particular in our European neighbours…’

“‘There is a need of leadership at EU level, and the EU cannot have momentum without Germany,” [Yann-Sven Rittelmeyer, from the European Policy Centre (EPC) in Brussels] told Euobserver… Recent proposals on the EU’s future by Macron and from the European Commission ‘are waiting for an answer from Germany,’ Rittelmeyer noted.

“… if the political deadlock ‘drags on, or even if there is new elections, or even a minority government, it’s a big setback for Europe,’ [Judy Dempsey, from the Carnegie Europe think tank in Berlin] told EUobserver.  She insisted that ‘it would [be] incredibly damaging for Europe if Germany doesn’t come up with a government soon.’…”

Germany knows this too. They will do everything they can to resolve the situation soon. But what will that solution look like?

Sexual Scandals Galore in the USA

The Huffington Post wrote on November 21:

“This is the toxic mentality of Capitol Hill… The byzantine process for making an official complaint shows just who Congress aims to protect:

“To make an official complaint, a sexual harassment victim has to call the Office of Compliance to get a password to fill out an online form. This is an office that, based on a survey by Roll Call in mid-2016, many women working on the Hill didn’t know existed. And victims must register a complaint within a 180 days of when the harassment occurred. Once formal complaints are made, those filing them are forced to get professional counseling for up to 30 days. After counseling, they have 15 days to decide whether they’ll drop the issue or move forward.

“Those moving forward must sign a temporary confidentiality agreement and begin 30 days of mediation. The accused is given a lawyer at taxpayer expense, the accuser has to pay for one. If agreements aren’t reached during mediation, there’s another 30-day ‘cooling-off period’ before complainants can request an administrative hearing or go to federal court. If agreements are reached, the complainants will likely have to sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to receive money from a hush fund at taxpayer expense… interns or those working on the Hill through a fellowship are on their own. This process isn’t open to them.

“On Monday night, BuzzFeed News published an explosive report detailing how Congress had come to four separate agreements with staffers over sexual harassment by the longest-serving current House member ― and the top Democrat on the chamber’s Judiciary Committee ― Rep. John Conyers of Michigan.

“Spokesmen for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and former Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told reporters that neither of their bosses were aware of the settlements that Conyers paid out with tax dollars. The  congressional hush fund has paid out more than $17 million over the last 20 years for employment abuse like sexual harassment. But Conyers, in at least one case, opted to pay an employee out of his staff budget, meaning the total paid out to keep victims of sexual harassment in Congress quiet could be much higher.”

The allegations against John Conyers are just the tip of the iceberg, even though they brought to light the despicable and absolutely abominable “procedure” adopted by Congress to protect the perpetrator and persecute or silence the victim. Others who have been recently accused by many women and men of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, molestation, indecent exposure and other inappropriate sexual behavior, include, just to name a few, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Roy Moore, Al Franken, Charlie Rose, Bill O’Reilly and three top executives of Disney. Some have admitted guilt, while most have denied any wrongdoing or kept silent.

Further, old allegations against Bill Clinton’s sexual misconduct were brought back to the forefront this week, prompting Sean Hannity of the Fox Network to chastise the liberal mass media for suppressing those allegations and protecting the Clintons for many years.

While one is considered to be innocent until proven guilty, the picture of alleged terrible sexual transgressions is not a pleasant one. While President Trump spoke out against Democrat Al Franken, he answered reporters, when he was asked about Roy Moore, that Moore had denied all allegations, seemingly “endorsing” him as the Republican Senate candidate for Alabama. This was considered odd by many, given the allegations of sexual misconduct against Mr. Trump himself and the condemnation of Moore by many Republicans.

Space War Coming

National Post wrote on November 17:

“The world is at the cusp of a ‘New Space Age.’ Led by dynamic private-sector entrepreneurs pioneering new technologies and pursuing exciting new opportunities, the number of satellites has increased over the past five years by almost 50 per cent…

“While many of the most active ‘New Space’ companies are based in the United States, other countries too are in this amazing race. Space start-ups are booming in India. Singapore and Luxembourg are investing in future space capabilities such as orbital debris removal and space resource extraction. Australia, for the first time, is setting up a national space agency. Canada’s 2017 national budget included $80.9 million in investment over the next five years for space projects, including quantum encryption of communications.

“In the near future, the world is looking at a jump from about 1,500 satellites to tens of thousands, providing services such as low-cost Earth imagery, global Internet connectivity, asteroid mining, and even Moon and Mars exploration.

“… war in space is no longer unthinkable. Indeed, for the past few years, the United States Air Force has been waging a vocal campaign to convince policymakers, Congress, and the public that U.S. satellites are under imminent threat… Thus, the argument goes, the U.S. military must pour resources into preparing to fight in this domain, including building offensive weaponry based on the ground and in space…

“The same advances that are driving commercial and civil interest in new space missions have also enabled improved satellite attack capabilities…  satellites — which have been demonstrated and/or deployed by the United States, Russia, and China — could also be used to disable or destroy an enemy satellite… There may not be ways out of more serious military competition in space… The security of space is now central to human security for providing and improving the welfare of everyone on Earth, and even the planet itself…”

Since man’s creation, there have been wars on earth. Now, it appears that there will soon be wars in space. Wherever man’s influence can be felt, there is war, bloodshed and destruction. Very soon, we will face a man-made global catastrophe unparalleled in history.

Tobacco Company Admits: Our Products KILL People

 Newsmax wrote on November 20:

“Tobacco companies are to begin running TV and newspaper ads proclaiming their products are bad for you — really bad. The new initiative is part of a settlement between big tobacco and the Justice [Department] which found cigarette companies had violated racketeering laws and lied for decades about the dangers of smoking… one of the statements the ads must use is: ‘More people die every year from smoking than from murder, AIDS, suicide, drugs, car crashes, and alcohol combined.’

“Other pitches will read: ‘Secondhand smoke causes lung cancer and coronary heart disease in adults who do not smoke,’ and tobacco companies will admit they ‘intentionally designed cigarettes to make them more addictive.’

“Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States, annually killing 480,000 people and costing $170 billion in healthcare expenses, the Daily News says.”

Knowing this, why do people smoke and selfishly destroy the health of those exposed to second-hand smoke? Are they on a suicide mission? Have they lost all love and decency for the welfare of themselves, and others? Do they not understand that they will have to pay dearly for their ungodly conduct… either in this life or in the next—or, in all likelihood, in both?

Marijuana Overdose Cause for Death of 11-Month-Old Boy? wrote on November 17:

“Two poison control doctors claim to have documented the first known case of death by marijuana overdose, sparking a medical debate over what killed an 11-month-old baby in Colorado two years ago… They claim that damage to the child’s heart muscle, which was listed as the boy’s cause of death, was brought on by ingesting marijuana… The case report makes what amounts to a very bold statement in the scientific world… If correct, the phenomenon… would remain the only time a marijuana overdose is known to have caused a human death. Other doctors are deeply skeptical of the strong language used in the report…

“It’s widely accepted as fact that marijuana overdoses are not fatal. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration fact sheet on pot says simply that ‘no death from overdose of marijuana has been reported’ and the National Institutes of Health says there is ‘insufficient evidence’ to link THC overdose to fatalities…

“Both published accounts of this case clearly state that the autopsy shows that the 11-month-old boy died of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) which caused the heart to fail. The Nappe/Hoyte published case study takes the diagnosis a step further, theorizing that the myocarditis was caused by cannabis overdose, which then caused the baby boy’s heart to fail… Myocarditis is rare in children, and can often be fatal when diagnosed. In children, fatal myocarditis is usually caused by a virus called Coxsackievirus. The authors of the case report say that virus was ruled out in this case. Myocarditis has a long list of other known causes, mostly from infections by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites…

“9NEWS spoke to multiple ER doctors and medical researchers for this story. Many praised the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center as a top-tier institution for researching the issue, but none accepted this case as bulletproof evidence of a marijuana overdose death, though some were more open to the idea than others…Hoyte and Nappe wrote that the boy ate an ‘unknown dose of THC,’ and tell 9NEWS they aren’t sure exactly what product was involved or precisely when he ate it…

“Doctors on both sides of the debate agree on what parents should learn from this case. It’s the same advice they’ve given since marijuana first became legal in Colorado: keep it away from kids… Colorado has taken recent steps aimed at preventing accidental ingestion by children. In the years since legalization, the state has imposed new restrictions on the potency and design of edible marijuana products. New rules that took effect last month ban edibles that resemble existing non-marijuana candies and also bans shaping edibles in the form of people, animals, or fruit.

“Dr. Hoyte was careful to point out that even though he does believe THC led to this death, there are plenty of more harmful substances parents also need to worry about… Even if Hoyte and Nappe’s determination is confirmed, it’s worth noting that we would have more confirmed deaths from swallowed laundry and dish detergent pods than from marijuana…”

These kinds of sensational claims by two doctors help no one. One cannot approach a serious subject by disseminating false and wild speculations. We clearly reject the use of “recreational” marijuana, but it is politically objectionable, indefensible and highly offensive conduct by the Federal Government to continue to declare as a “crime” the use of medically prescribed marijuana for suffering patients in appropriate cases. Reports like the ones quoted herein only play into the hands of those who want to continue to support the pharmaceutical industry and the poisonous and dangerous substances (called “medications”) which they prescribe and market.

The Radical Transgender War

On November 22, the Daily Mail published the following article by Piers Morgan:

“Natasha Devon advised that teachers should no longer refer to female students as ‘girls’ or ‘ladies’, or to male students as ‘boys’… I’ve never heard such utter garbage in my entire life, and given I judged talent shows for six years that is a very high bar of garbage.

“Speaking as a father of four children – three boys and a girl – I’ll tell you what I think might just cause young kids more anxiety than being called ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ – and that is telling them they CAN’T be called ‘boys’ and ‘girls’.

“The simple reason is they were born boys and girls. Yes, they were all handed to their proud parents at birth with the words ‘Congratulations, you have a little boy’ or ‘Congratulations, you have a little girl.’ Not, ‘Congratulations, you have a non-binary, gender fluid creature of indeterminate sexuality.’

“These children will have spent years happily being boys and girls, and for the vast majority of them that’s exactly how they wish to remain. To banish these descriptive terms now is… the first step to banishing gender altogether, thus disrupting and destroying one of society’s strongest and until now, least contentious norms: i.e. that we’re all either male or female.

“I suspect the real reason for Natasha Devon’s speech can be found buried away as almost an afterthought. She said she was also advising the abandonment of the terms ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ to protect the feelings of transgender children

“This new gender war is being driven by the radical transgender community, which – like radical feminism to non-radical feminism – is a very different, far more aggressive, loud and extreme group to the non-radical transgender community… their campaign has been undeniably successful. That’s why Facebook currently provides over 70 different gender ‘options’, from ‘two-spirit person’ to ‘neutrois’ and ‘transmasculine’. One is simply: ‘neither’…

“I do care when massive pressure is applied on the rest of us to stop using words like ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ because it may offend the gender fluid brigade. I also care that kids as young as five are being encouraged to embark on a journey to change their gender and/or sex before they even really know what either of things even mean. Anyone who’s had children knows they go through all kinds of confusing emotional turmoil before, during and after puberty. Why add to that confusion by making them think that ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ are offensive terms?…

“Some schools have begun eliminating gender distinction in their sports programmes, so any boy who feels he’s a girl can play on the girls’ team… Other schools now allow boys who identify as girls… to use the female bathrooms

“Companies are being bullied and harangued into converting to non-gender-specific merchandise lest they get branded ‘trans bigots’ on social media. We see it in our high street stores and on our TV commercials. The problem gets even more acute when we consider sexual offenders in prison. Already, we are getting cases of male rapists identifying as female so they can switch to female prisons. It doesn’t take a genius to work out why they may want to do that…

“What does the word ‘gender‘ even mean? Well, check any dictionary and it will provide a simple answer—something like this: ‘The state of being male or female.’ Therefore we are all either boys or girls, men or women…”

Amen to that.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Is There Any Scriptural Proof That God Is Identical With the Kingdom of God?

To answer this important question, we need to focus on several biblical revelations.

  • First, we need to understand that God IS a Family.

Jesus Christ—the Word or Logos or Son of God—was “WITH” God (Greek: theos) since all eternity, and He also “WAS” God (Greek: theos) (John 1:1-2). That means there were two God beings—Christ, the “Word of God” (Revelation 19:13) and God the FATHER.

Christ was clearly God before He came to this earth! Paul explains in 1 Timothy 3:16: “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: GOD was manifest in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory.”

Philippians 2:5–7 reads: “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of GOD, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, TAKING THE FORM OF A BONDSERVANT, and coming IN THE LIKENESS OF MEN.”

The Bible is also very clear that Christ IS God now! Notice Titus 2:11–14: “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our GREAT GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”

The word “God” is a NAME that can refer to both the Father and the Son. It is, in fact, a FAMILY name. Ephesians 3:14–15 confirms this truth, telling us that it is “the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole FAMILY in heaven and earth is NAMED.”

Note, too, how the New International Version renders Hebrews 2:11: “Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy ARE of the same FAMILY.”

In addition, the German Menge Bible includes in the annotation to Ephesians 2:19 that the term “household of God” means “members of the FAMILY of God” (in German, “Mitglieder der Gottesfamilie”).

In the Hebrew, the word for “God” is many times Elohim, but it is a word with plural meaning. That is the reason why we read that God (Elohim) said in Genesis 1:26: “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness.” And God also said in Genesis 3:22: “Behold the man has become like one of US, to know good and evil…”

The word Elohim or “God” can refer to either one of the two beings in the God-Family. When in Genesis 1:26, God or Elohim says, “Let US make man in OUR image,” one God being speaks to the other God being, referring to both of them as “Us.” And we know from the New Testament that God the Father created everything through Jesus Christ (compare Ephesians 3:9; Hebrews 1:1-2; Colossians 1:16).

It was Christ, then, who did the actual work of creating man, and He created man in His image. Christ is also the image of the Father (compare 2 Corinthians 4:3–4 and Colossians 1:15). Therefore, when Christ created man in His image, He also created man in the image of the Father. God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son look the same. Man, then, was created in the image of GOD—in the image of both God the Father and God the Son.

Ecclesiastes 12:1 reads, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth.” In the original Hebrew, the word for “Creator” is in the plural, which should be translated as “Creators.” Both the Father and the Son are Creators. God the Father created everything, including man, through Jesus Christ. We find a similar statement in Job 35:10, “But no one says, Where is God my Maker…?” In the original, it says, “Where is God my Makers?…”

Jesus Christ was the “I am”– the Eternal or Ever-living One. HE was the God of the Old Testament, dealing directly with the people, speaking to them and even manifesting Himself to them. It had to be Christ who did this, because He Himself said that no one has ever seen the form of “God” (the Father) or heard the voice of “God” (the Father). (compareJohn 1:18; 5:37; 6:46; 1 John 4:12).

The Jews thought that they worshipped the Father, erroneously thinking that He was the God of the Old Testament. That is why we read that Christ came to REVEAL the Father to them (Matthew 11:27; Luke 10:22). The Jews thought they knew the Father, not realizing that the God of the Old Testament was Jesus Christ—not God the Father.

Much more about the nature of the God FAMILY can be found in many of our free booklets, including God Is a Family; The Gospel of the Kingdom of God; and The Book of Zechariah—Prophecies for Today.

We also explain therein that God the Father was always the Father and that Jesus Christ was always the Son of God—showing that God was ALWAYS a Family, as the terms “Father” and “Son” signify at one time, the Church implied erroneously [and some still teach this misleading concept today] that God BECAME the Father and Jesus Christ BECAME the Son when Christ was conceived in Mary’s womb through the power of the Father’s Holy Spirit. This mistake or lack of clarification was because no distinction was made between Christ as the Son of God and Christ as the Son of Man. Christ was ALWAYS the Son of God, but when He became a human being in Mary’s womb, He BECAME the Son of Man. At that point, God the Father—the Father of Christ as the Son of God—became the Father of Christ as the Son of MAN.

  • It is the potential of man to become God—to be IN the God FAMILY.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26) to ultimately become God (1 Corinthians 15:49). The book of Psalms speaks of men as (potential) gods. Psalm 82:6 reads: “I said, ‘You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High.’” Jesus used this passage to prove that He was the Son of God (John 10:31-39). We read in Psalms 17:15 that David was looking forward to the time, when God would resurrect him from the dead and when he would “awake in Your likeness.” We also read that in the future, men will come to worship true (glorified) Christians (Revelation 3:9). No man nor powerful angels, but only God is worthy of worship (Acts 10:25-26; Revelation 19:10; 22:8-9).

True converted Christians are already part of the God Family. They are not yet glorified and born again, but they have been begotten into the Family of God. They ARE already the children of God (1 John 3:1-2), and they will be LIKE or by nature EQUAL WITH God and Jesus Christ, when they will be born into the God Family at the time of Christ’s return. They will be fully Spirit, fully God—no more flesh and blood (Romans 8:19-30).

Jesus Christ is the FIRSTBORN among many brethren, to be conformed to His image (Romans 8:29).The Bible tells us that those who are called today to salvation and remain faithful, will be what Christ is today. We will be like Him, as He is. We will share the Father’s and Christ’s very divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).

Romans 8:32 also clarifies this point: “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”

“All things” means exactly that—it includes God’s nature and glory (Romans 5:1-2; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Philippians 3:21; 2 Thessalonians 2:14); and it includes rule over the entire universe AND the unending future of God’s Kingdom. Man is to become a “joint heir” with Christ in “all things.”

We will become members of the God Family—God beings. We will be “like Christ”—sons and daughters of God, with Christ being our elder brother.

That is what it says in Ephesians 3:19. Paul wants us “to be filled”—ultimately—“with all the fullness of God.” What does this mean? It means that we will be glorified God beings (compare John 17:5; 22).

  • We will be IN the Kingdom of God.

When we will enter and become part of the God Family, as born-again Christians; that is, when will be IN the God Family, then we will also be IN the Kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 15:50-54 tells us that we cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, as long as we are flesh and blood. We must be changed to incorruptibility and immortality to be in God’s Kingdom.

John 3:3, 5-8 explains that we must be born again to be able to “see” and “enter” the Kingdom of God. We must BE BORN of the Spirit and BE Spirit in order to be in God’s Kingdom. Then, man cannot see us anymore (unless we materialize ourselves), as one cannot see the wind, even though one can most certainly hear the sound of the wind and notice it effects. When we make ourselves visible, we will appear as shining as the sun IN God’s Kingdom (Matthew 13:43).

It is our destiny to receive entrance into the “everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:11), as Christ is God, and so the Kingdom of God the Father is also the Kingdom of Christ (Matthew 26:29; Ephesians 5:5)—both are members of the Family of God.

  • The God Family IS the Kingdom of God.

Since God is a Family; since we are going to be part of and IN the God Family; and since we are going to be part of and IN the Kingdom of God, it logically follows that God must BE the Kingdom of God.

This conclusion is clearly taught in Scripture.

Christ is the KING of the Kingdom (under God the Father), and the terms King and Kingdom are often used interchangeably in the Bible (compare Daniel 2:37-39, where Nebuchadnezzar, the first king in the statue, is identified with his kingdom).

Christ, the King (John 18:37), rules in and over the Kingdom of God but not this world which is now ruled by Satan the devil (John 18:36). Christ, being part of God’s Kingdom, is and rules under God the Father who is the HIGHEST in the Godhead (John 14:28; Ephesians 1:17; Luke 1:32; 1 Corinthians 11:3).

In Matthew 12:25-26, Christ answered the evil and malicious accusation of the Pharisees claiming that He was casting out demons with the power of Satan, by identifying Satan (the ruler over the demonic realm) with his demonic kingdom (as Satan is the head of his kingdom; being part of it), saying this:

“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation… If Satan casts out Satan… how will his kingdom stand?”

Clearer still in Mark 3:23-24: “How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom (Satan) is divided against itself (Satan), that kingdom cannot stand.”

As a human king rules in and over his kingdom and is part of that kingdom; and as Satan rules in and over his demonic kingdom and is part of it; so God rulesin and over His Kingdom and is part of it. In other words, God beings constitute or are the Kingdom of God, ruling over creation.

In Herbert Armstrong’s booklet, Your Awesome Future, the following was stated very succinctly on page 15:

“… the kingdom of God will be dual:

  • A GOVERNMENT. A government—or kingdom—is compared to four things: (a) a KING, ruling over (b) people, subjects or citizens within (c) a definite jurisdiction of territory, with (d) laws and an organized system of administering them.
  • A FAMILY (as the kingdom of Israel was a family of the children of Israel)—in this case the Family of God—a family into which humans may be born, which shall be a GOVERNING or RULING family that shall have jurisdiction over ALL NATIONS—that is, the WHOLE Earth—and later, the entire universe.”

We read earlier that we are to inherit God’s glory. Notice what else we are to inherit: In 1 Thessalonians 2:12, Paul charges the brethren “to walk worthy of God who calls you into His own KINGDOM and glory.”  Not only into His glory—the glory that He has—but also into His Kingdom; that is, the Kingdom of which He is a part of and its Head.

Jesus told His disciples that prior to their death, some of them would “see the kingdom of God present with power” (Mark 9:1). Six days later, He took Peter, James and John and went with them to a high mountain, where they saw in a vision (Matthew 17:9) that He appeared in a glorified state, together with Elijah and Moses.They saw future events, when the Kingdom of God would rule on earth. Matthew 16:28 explains even more clearly what exactly Christ told the disciples prior to the vision: “Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming IN His kingdom.”

Many read over verses like these without catching their full meaning: Christ announced that some disciples would see, in a vision, the Kingdom of God in its power—not just the glorified Christ—but the glorified Christ IN His Kingdom. They would see the Kingdom of God coming and Christ in it as a member of the KINGDOM OF GOD.

The same is expressed in Luke 23:42, where the repentant thief on the cross said: “Lord, remember me when you come INTO Your kingdom.” In other words, when you enter the Kingdom of God as a glorified Being.

It is a mystery to many people as to WHAT the Kingdom of God is (Matthew 13:11).

We are today co-workers for the Kingdom of God (Colossians 4:11); that is, we are co-workers for God—the Kingdom or ruling Family of God—and for His government which will be set up on earth soon.

We are to preach the gospel OF the Kingdom of God (Matthew 24:14)—the good news, which comes from God and which includes the message as to what God IS; that Christ will rule soon on earth; and that man can become God by inheriting, entering and becoming a part of the Kingdom or Family of God.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

A new booklet, “God’s Teaching on Sexual Relationships,” written by Brian Gale and Norbert Link, has entered its first review cycle. We anticipate publishing it early next year.

“Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians — How to Understand It,” is the title of a new Talking Points presentation by Pastor Rene Messier, and it is now posted.

“The Authority of the Bible,” is the title of a new Global Trailer presentation by Pastor Brian Gale, and it is now posted.

How to Find the True Church of God,” is a new trailer presented by Michael Link, and it is now posted for viewing.

Our latest French booklet, based on “God’s Commanded Holy Days,” has been posted.

We have begun posting on our German website translated installments of our booklet, “Teach Us to Pray!”

“Das Reich der Gottfamilie!” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “The Kingdom of the Family of God.”

“Treasures in Heaven,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Why pray? What if I don’t have my prayers answered? Does God really take notice? We all ask ourselves questions like this, but the Bible proves that prayer is vitally important—for us and for the eternal relationship we are building with God!

“Where is Hope?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Mankind is hastening its pace towards complete rejection of God. Without God’s influence, we lose the ability to foster lasting character traits.One of those traits, hope, is disappearing from the mindset of humanity—replaced by despair. Our war against this growing darkness can only be won if we are holding fast to godly traits that aren’t overcome by the influence of Satan.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

This Week in the News

Proposed Jamaica Coalition Not Popular in Germany

Express wrote on November 10:

“ANGELA Merkel is facing a domestic crisis after a poll suggested most Germans do not want the three-party coalition she is desperately trying to form. Following her election disaster, the German Chancellor is attempting to form a partnership with the Greens and pro-business FDP. But a poll published this week showed 52 per cent of Germans think the so-called Jamaica coalition would be bad for the country. Just 45 per cent thought it would be a good thing, a fall in support of 12 per cent from a previous survey last month. Three per cent were unsure. The poll, published yesterday, was commissioned by huge public service broadcaster ARD and surveyed 1,005 people…

“A piece published in the Die Zeit newspaper this week accused Mrs Merkel of ‘fidgeting’, lacking leadership and failing to grapple with policies to shape the nation’s future. The column contrasted the French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent speech on EU reform at the Sorbonne with ‘the almost complete absence of Angela Merkel in public’.”

Even if a Jamaica coalition comes into effect, it won’t last very long.

Showdown in Jamaica Coalition Talks

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 16:

“For over a month, four of Germany’s most unlikely political partners have been trying to decide whether they can form a viable coalition government. Their deadline to end exploratory talks — a precursor to formal negotiations — is early Friday morning.

“Before Thursday’s talks began, Merkel said ‘serious differences’ remain among the parties, but she also said she was confident an agreement could be reached.

“If the talks fail, Chancellor Merkel faces the prospect of wooing the Social Democratic Party (SPD) into another grand coalition government or possibly calling for new elections.”

EU Tightens the Screws Further on Britain

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 9, 2017:

“Britain on Friday was reminded once more that time is running out to advance Brexit negotiations as both London and Brussels remain in dispute over the final cost of the divorce. Chief European Union Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier told reporters that the bloc would need UK clarifications in two weeks to prepare for a December 14-15 summit. He said progress in negotiations on how much money Britain will owe the EU when it leaves the bloc in March 2019 was imperative if EU leaders were to allow discussions on future trade ties with Britain in December…

“Barnier’s remarks seem to tighten the screws still further on Britain after The Financial Times earlier cited an unnamed EU diplomat as saying the issue needed to be settled within two to three weeks. The Brexit bill is estimated by the EU at around €60 billion ($70 billion). But the UK has insisted that it should be more like €25 billion… the [British] government [made] clear late on Thursday that the country’s exit from the bloc would occur at exactly 2300 GMT on March 29, 2019… Prime Minister Theresa May’s minority Conservative government remains deeply divided over what kind of deal it is seeking with the EU…”

Britain will leave the EU, as prophesied, and the exit will NOT be advantageous for the country.

EU Signs Defense Pact

The EUreporter wrote on November 14:

“Foreign and defence ministers gathered at a signing ceremony in Brussels to represent 23 EU governments joining the pact, paving the way for EU leaders to sign it in December. Those governments will for the first time legally bind themselves into joint projects as well as pledging to increase defence spending and contribute to rapid deployments. ‘Today we are taking a historic step,’ Germany’s Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told reporters. ‘… it’s really a milestone in European development,’ he said.

“The pact includes all EU governments except Britain, which is leaving the bloc, Denmark, which has opted out of defence matters, Ireland, Portugal and Malta. Traditionally neutral Austria was a late addition to the pact… The club will be backed by a 5-billion-euro defence fund for buying weapons, a special fund to finance operations and money from the EU’s common budget for defence research…

“Despite an Anglo-French-led EU defence integration effort in 1998, Britain blocked formal collaboration on military matters, wary of the creation of an EU army. Defence integration was revived by France and Germany, with support from Italy and Spain, in a show of unity after Britons voted to leave the EU in June 2016.”

Quartz added on November 13:

It took 70 years… US president’s Donald Trump’s frequent accusations that EU countries do not pay enough into NATO has been one catalyst for them move forward… The other is that it could legitimately diminish the bloc’s dependence on US military support…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 13:

“With 23 of the EU’s current 28 member states joining the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), there seems to be a great deal of consensus among member states… The new defense union is expected to address immediate threats without having to rely on NATO for all of the EU’s defense needs…  Those who didn’t sign initially can still join at a later date and countries not living up to their expected commitments could be kicked out of the group…

“German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said it was important for Europe to stand on its own feet when it comes to security and defense – ‘especially after the election of the US President’…”

On November 13, Reuters ran an article about PESCO with the following headline: “EU countries agree to create a European mega-army.”

European Banks Might Freeze Customers’ Money

Express wrote on November 14:

“The European Central Bank has outlined plans to freeze cash deposits of customers at failing banks in order to halt collapses… The move could mean people with money in their bank accounts could not withdraw anything while the bank was in crisis talks…

“Most EU member states are behind the ECB’s new proposals…”

Military Coup in Zimbabwe

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 15:

“Longtime Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe was arrested along with other senior officials early Wednesday morning in what appeared to be a military seizure of power… Hours earlier, Major General SB Moyo had said on state television that the army’s takeover of state offices, the parliament, the airport and state broadcaster was ‘not a military takeover.’…

“Armored vehicles and soldiers were seen throughout the capital city, Harare, Wednesday morning as many people rushed to withdraw money from banks…

“Grace Mugabe — who reportedly fled to Namibia early Wednesday morning — had been publically positioning herself to succeed her husband as president. That ambition led to a public feud with former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa who had been seen as Mugabe’s likely successor before the president fired him in early November. Mnangagwa — nicknamed ‘Crocodile’ — is… popular with the country’s military…

“South African President Zuma urged the Zimbabwean government and army to resolve their differences amicably… The European Union and Britain also expressed concern and called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.”

This seems to be a usual power struggle which is not uncommon in many non-democratic countries.

War Between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon?

The New York Times wrote on November 9:

“Saudi Arabia ordered its citizens to leave Lebanon on Thursday, escalating a bewildering crisis between the two Arab nations and raising fears that it could lead to an economic crisis or even war. The order came after Saudi Arabia had stepped up its condemnations of Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Shiite militia that is the most powerful political and military force in Lebanon, and asserted that Lebanon had effectively declared war on Saudi Arabia.

“The developments plunged Lebanon into a state of national anxiety, with politicians, journalists and even parents picking up their children at school consumed with the question of what could come next. While analysts said a war was unlikely — because Saudi Arabia was not capable of waging one and Israel did not want one now — they worried that with so many active conflicts in the region, any Saudi actions that raised the temperature increased the risk of an accidental conflagration

“But even before the current crisis, fears were building in Lebanon that Israel… would instigate another war against Hezbollah…”

The Fight Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

The Guardian wrote on November 11:

The fall of Kurdish-held Kirkuk in northern Iraq to the Iraqi government, backed by Iran’s most prominent general, in October, starvation among the population of war-torn Yemen, a ballistic missile over Riyadh, and the apparently forced exit of the premier in Lebanon are all part of the same machinations – a great strategic power play between two regional heavyweights… Now, more than at any point in modern history, Iran and Saudi Arabia are squared off against each other as a race to consolidate influence nears a climax from Sana’a to Beirut and the tens of thousands of miles in between…

“The foundational split between the two main sects of Islam, over whether followers or descendants should succeed the Prophet Mohammed, has long been a starting point for attempts to explain the contemporary rivalry between Tehran and Riyadh…

“Iran now all but controls a land corridor that runs from Tehran to Tartous in Syria, on the Mediterranean coast, giving it access to a seaport a long way to its west… Among all its proxies, Hezbollah in Lebanon has been the most valuable – and potent. Hezbollah is the arrowhead of Iran’s projection against Israel…”

All of this shows that it is extremely unlikely that a king of the South will still arise in the Middle East, leading all Arab nations against Europe. Those who preach such an arrival of an end-time king of the South grossly misinterpret the Bible and seem to lack the spirit of prophecy, as Scripture, correctly understood, does NOT necessitate a future king of the South.

Iran-Iraq Quake

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 14:

“Iranian authorities on Tuesday scrambled to bring relief aid to thousands of people left homeless by an earthquake that killed at least 432 people and injured nearly 5,000 more. The national rescue service called off most searches for bodies trapped under rubble, saying it was unlikely survivors would be found.

“President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday arrived in Kermanshah province, a mostly Kurdish area hit hardest by the 7.3-magnitude tremor that struck the mountainous border region between Iran and Iraq Sunday… Around 15,500 homes were destroyed and another 15,000 damaged in Kermanshah province… Seven towns and nearly 2,000 villages were damaged… and several villages were completely destroyed…

“The earthquake has led to an outpouring of solidarity from Iranians across the country and millions more in the diaspora… Dozens of countries including Arab states, as well as Iran’s enemies the US and Israel, extended their sympathies to the Iranian people. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif thanked the international community for messages of sympathy and offers of assistance…”

Trump Meets Putin… Sort of…

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 11:

US President Donald Trump said on Saturday that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin assured him that Moscow did not interfere in the 2016 US election during their discussions on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Danang, Vietnam. ‘Every time he sees me, he said: “I didn’t do that.” And I believe, I really believe that when he tells me that he means it,’ Trump told reporters… He also noted that Putin is ‘very insulted’ by the accusation…

“Trump and Putin did not have a formal meeting at the APEC summit, but the two leaders met unofficially several times since late Friday and have even posed for a side-by-side photo… US officials may well be anxious to avoid any encounter between the two men that could be seen to reinforce the notion that they are in cahoots in any way

“Trump and Putin did issue a statement [saying] that the two leaders… confirmed their commitment to Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity…

Deutsche Welle added on November 12:

“Trump tried to distance himself from remarks suggesting he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin… ‘I believe that he feels that he and Russia did not meddle in the election,’ Trump said… ‘As to whether I believe it, I’m with our agencies.’”

It’s always better to think first before speaking.

Putin and Trump Invite Hezbollah and Iran to Stay in Syria

The Jewish Press wrote on November 11:

“According to their joint statement, President Trump and President Putin on Saturday met on the margins of the APEC conference in Da Nang, Vietnam, to confirm their determination to defeat ISIS in Syria. Meanwhile, the two presidents also agreed to let Iran and its two satellite terrorist groups, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah, to roam free in parts of Syria, including up against Israel’s northern border.

“Naturally, ISIS is far from being the only player in the Syrian civil war, nor is it a major player, at this stage… The two presidents also engaged in creative fantasy…

“That bit of newspeak coming from President Trump, after months and months of warnings from Prime Minister Netanyahu, is outright frightening… In the end, President Trump who has been so adamant about the folly of Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, is signing off on allowing the Iranian threat against the Jewish State to come in a thousand miles closer.

Amazing what ill-advised politicians are able to “accomplish.”

Trump vs. Xi Jinping

The Guardian wrote on November 10:

“Donald Trump has abruptly ended the diplomatic streak he displayed on his 12-day tour of Asia by launching a tirade against ‘violations, cheating or economic aggression’ in the region, just hours after heaping lavish praise on China… The speech was clearly, sometimes explicitly, focused on China and other countries he blamed for predatory economic policies…

“Trump addressed a largely mute and visibly stunned audience that included ministers from countries he accused of not ‘playing by the rules’… ‘The United States will no longer turn a blind eye to violations, cheating or economic aggression. Those days are over,’ he added. Previous US administrations had not done anything about the trade deficit, he said, ‘but I will … I am always going to put America first.’

“… The speech was markedly different from the reserved tone of the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, who spoke directly after Trump, although to much louder applause and cheers from the audience… Xi did not directly respond to Trump’s challenge on trade but sought to paint himself as a champion of economic openness, globalisation and the fight against climate change, in contrast to the isolationist US president…”

Trump in the Philippines

The Week wrote on November 12:

“President Trump arrived in the Philippines from Vietnam on Sunday, where he was greeted by controversial Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte [The international press refers to Duterte as the “Trump of the East”], who has been accused of human rights abuses including the promotion of extrajudicial killings.

“Trump offered Duterte mediation assistance in his country’s dispute with China over the South China Sea, calling himself ‘a very good mediator and arbitrator.’ Duterte declined the offer, saying the issue ‘is better left untouched’ because ‘nobody can afford to go to war.’”

Newsmax added on November 12:

“The Philippines has for decades been a key U.S. defence ally and although the base was closed in 1992, Subic [once home to one of the biggest U.S. naval facilities in the world] has since received a regular flow of retirees and visits by U.S. warships for repairs, resupply and exercises. About 220,000 Americans, many of them military veterans, live in the Philippines. An additional 650,000 visit each year…”

Trump’s Asia Tour Receives Mixed Reviews

The Week wrote on November 15:

“President Trump spent Wednesday morning tweeting about his ‘successful trip to Asia,’ although many regional experts were reluctant to share his characterization. ‘The principal takeaway from Trump’s big Asia trip: virtually zero progress on any issue that matters to the Americans,’ wrote Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group consultancy… ultimately no new measures were forged regarding North Korea, and Asian countries pressed ahead with the Trans-Pacific Partnership without the U.S.

“‘While Trump announced billions in new business deals, ‘most of those agreements were older, already agreed-upon, or only promises,’ The Associated Press writes. Additionally, Trump broke with his predecessors, avoiding confrontation with leaders on human rights records.”

 It seems to be a common feature in President Trump’s attempts to take credit for something which was already decided before. The highly praised decision by car manufacturing company FORD to keep jobs in the USA was apparently not reached due to President Trump’s negotiations and persuasion powers, but to FORD’s prior decision.

“Polish PM Calls for an EU Where Christianity Is Not Censored’

Reuters wrote on November 9:

Poland wants to be sure that Christian traditions are not subject to ‘ideological censorship’ in the European Union, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said on Thursday, emphasizing her party’s opposition to Muslim immigration. Along with Hungary, Poland has refused to take in any of its quota of the wave of refugees from Syria and elsewhere who have come to Europe since 2015, on the grounds that Muslim immigrants are a threat to their national security and stability.

“Szydlo’s eurosceptic Law and Justice (PiS) party appeals directly to the more socially conservative sections of Poland’s overwhelmingly Roman Catholic population… Szydlo said Christians in Europe should not need to feel uncomfortable or ashamed about their faith and traditions…”

60,000 Nationalists March in Poland

The Week wrote on November 12:

“An estimated 60,000 nationalists marched in Warsaw to celebrate Poland’s 99 years of independence on Saturday. While many simply waved Polish flags, some demonstrators threw red smoke bombs and carried signs with slogans like, ‘Europe must be white,’ ‘white Europe of brotherly nations,’ and ‘pray for an Islamic Holocaust.’

“They shouted chants including, ‘glory to our heroes,’ ‘pure Poland, white Poland,’ ‘refugees get out,’ and ‘death to enemies of the homeland.’ Among the marchers were supporters of Poland’s governing party, Law and Justice (PiS). Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak downplayed the racist elements in comments praising the ‘beautiful sight’ of Poles celebrating independence.”

JTA wrote on November 13:

“The sight of far-right activists… shouting anti-Semitic slogans during a nationalist march in the capital of Poland over the weekend shocked many around the world. It was an understandable reaction to witnessing tens of thousands in Warsaw marching near what used to be the largest Jewish ghetto during the Holocaust amid shouts of ‘Jews out’ and ‘Remove Jewry from power.’

“… on Monday, a spokesman for [Israel’s] Foreign Ministry called the Warsaw event ‘a dangerous march of extreme and racist elements,’ and urged Polish authorities to act against the organizers…”

These radical elements in Poland do not necessarily represent just a negligible portion of the population.

Pope Francis and the European Power Bloc

The website of wrote on October 30:

“From Brexit to Catalonia, as well as the rise of far-right parties in central Europe, the Catholic reaction has been almost uniformly to sound the alarm… On a dramatic weekend in which the Catalan regional government declared independence and the national government moved to restore direct rule, the archbishops of Barcelona and Madrid, as well as the president of the Spanish bishops’ conference, made clear their sadness at the independence bid

“Pope Francis backed that message on Saturday… warning against building trenches… [and] against ‘particular and nationalist agendas’ that threaten ‘the courageous dreams of the founders of Europe.’”

Uproar in the Catholic Church

The Associated Press wrote on November 11:

“Pope Francis on Saturday reaffirmed the ‘primacy’ of using one’s conscience to navigate tough moral questions in his first comments since he was publicly accused of spreading heresy by emphasizing conscience over hard and fast Catholic rules. Francis issued a video message to a conference organized by Italian bishops on his controversial 2016 document on family life, ‘The Joy of Love.’

“The document has badly divided the Catholic Church, with some commentators warning that it risked creating a schism given its opening to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics… Conservatives accused the pope of sowing confusion and undermining the church’s teaching on the indissolubility of marriage…”

The Wall Street Journal added on November 14:

“The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops chose a conservative archbishop for a key post Tuesday, signaling resistance to Pope Francis’s vision for the church among the Catholic hierarchy in the U.S… ‘It is clear since 2013 that a majority of them (the bishops) sees the message of Francis’ pontificate, esp. on life and marriage, as not adequate for the Catholic Church in the U.S.A.,’ Massimo Faggioli, a theologian at Villanova, said on Twitter after the vote…

“However, Catholic leaders are hardly in lockstep with the Trump administration on immigration, and made a point of echoing the pope on the issue of welcoming migrants…”

Germany’s Supreme Court Accepts Intersex People as Third Gender

AFP wrote on November 8:

“Germany’s top court Wednesday required parliament to legally recognise a ‘third gender’ from birth. Current regulations on civil status are discriminatory against intersex people, the Federal Constitutional Court said. Legislators must by the end of 2018 pass a new regulation to offer a third gender option in birth registers, added the court, ruling in favour of an appeal brought by an intersex person…

“The intersex person was registered as female, but a chromosome analysis found the plaintiff to be neither male nor female. Intersex is a broad term encompassing people who have sex traits, such as genitals or chromosomes, that do not entirely fit with typical binary notion of male and female. Intersex people can have features that are neither wholly female nor wholly male, or a combination or neither. People who identify as intersex are recognised on official documents in some countries including Australia, India, New Zealand and Nepal.”

Bild Online commented on November 8:

“About 160,000 people live in Germany who have male and female characteristics. Until now, the parents determine at the time of birth the designation of the child’s gender. The WHO [World Health Organization] considers Intersex people as suffering from a sickness or a birth defect… In the future, the government will not be allowed to send out letters anymore, addressing the recipients as “Ladies and Gentlemen.” Another designation will have to be found… Intersex people are different from transgender people. While the first category describes people who are not clearly male or female, transgender people clearly belong to one particular gender, but are ‘unsatisfied’ with it…”

Bild Online also wrote that sometimes, young intersex people are being operated on or receive hormones. In quoting an expert, the paper wrote that this is a wrong, harmful and traumatizing procedure.

In a follow-up article, Bild Online wrote on November 11 that the Duden, the standard dictionary of the German language, is unable to use a word (like “he” or “she”) describing intersex people. The designation of “it” has been rejected by the organization for intersex people. A spokesperson for the Duden explained that the publication can only include words which are spoken or written in colloquial usage, and there is no word at this point describing intersex people. It has also been discussed whether or not to omit any reference to gender in birth certificates.

 It seems to us that the WHO is correct in its evaluation of intersex people as suffering from a sickness or a birth defect, and that an official designation as “third gender” is just ridiculous, as would be the omission of gender for everyone in birth certificates.

Transgender Service Members

The Washington Post wrote on November 11:

“Anastasia Biefang… joined the German army as a man more than 23 years ago. Two years ago… she came out to her superiors and eventually to her entire unit… the Bundeswehr, Germany’s military, heralds her as a national role model. She is the first transgender commander in a force headed by a defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, who has made support for transsexual and homosexual personnel a top priority

“Trump… argued that ‘tremendous medical costs and disruption’ were behind his decision to reinstitute the ban on transgender service members… Trump’s battle to ban transgender servicemen and women is also feeding into a growing perception in Germany that Europe can no longer trust the United States as a reliable partner that shares its values

The word “value” is a strange choice in the context of the topic.

Dangers of Transgenderism

Christian Headlines wrote on November 10:

“A 14-year-old girl who began a transition to become a boy is speaking out about the dangers of transgenderism, particularly for young people. Noor Jontry… shares that her exploration of her gender began when she encountered young people online who were transitioning to another gender. She says she realized she wanted to be a boy because she wanted to be ‘masculine.’ ‘[B]eing masculine was about feeling safe,’ she said…

“Noor has come to believe that… most teens and young people who think they are trans are simply confused or going through a time of transition in life.

“When asked what she would say to other girls who think they are boys, she replied, ‘There’s nothing wrong with your body. To be straightforward, you will never be male… Stop hurting yourself. Not wanting to be female doesn’t mean you’re really male…’”

The entire transgender philosophy is not only ridiculous from a medical and biological standpoint; it is also abhorrent in the eyes of God.

Australians for Gay Marriage

The Washington Post wrote on November 14:

“Australians supported gay marriage in a postal survey that ensures Parliament will consider legalizing same-sex weddings this year… 62 percent of registered voters who responded in the unprecedented survey favored reform… A ‘no’ vote in the survey would have put marriage equality off the political agenda, perhaps for years…

“Ireland is the only other country to put same-sex marriage to a popular vote, but that referendum was binding. Irish voters in 2015 changed their constitution to allow marriage equality.

“In Australia, voting in elections and referenda is compulsory…

“Lawmakers opposed to gay marriage are already moving to wind back anti-discrimination laws, with debate in Australia intensifying over the possibility of gay wedding boycotts and refusals to provide a celebrant, venue, flowers or a cake…”

Australia is another Israelite country which continues to turn its back on God and His clear teachings.

Senate Republicans to Include Individual Mandate Repeal in Tax Plan

The Week wrote on November 14:

“Senate Republicans announced Tuesday they will be including a repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate in their tax plan.

“‘Repealing the mandate pays for more tax cuts for working families,’ wrote Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in a statement. President Trump has put heavy pressure on Republicans to repeal the ‘very unfair’ individual mandate, which is the portion of ObamaCare that requires individuals to purchase health care or face a fine.

“Its elimination would free up more than $300 billion over a decade, The New York Times reports, ‘because … a decline in the number of people with health coverage’ means ‘the government would spend less money on subsidized health plans.’”

Senate Democrats are of course opposed to this move; but they are opposed to the entire tax plan anyway.

House Passed Trump’s Tax Bill

CNBC wrote on November 16:

“House Republicans on Thursday passed a monumental bill to cut taxes on businesses and individuals, the biggest step yet in the GOP’s once-in-a-generation effort to overhaul the American tax system. The tax reform plan passed the chamber with 227 votes in favor and 205 against.

“To pass the bill, the House GOP had to overcome opposition from several of its members who live in high-tax blue states. Those lawmakers objected to the proposal’s curb on popular state and local tax deductions.

“The House plan would permanently chop the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent… It would reduce individual tax brackets to four from seven and make changes to several tax breaks. Among them, the bill would limit state and local deductions and the mortgage interest deduction, eliminate the personal exemption and nearly double the standard deduction…

“Despite passage of the bill Thursday, pitfalls await the party. Senate Republicans hope to pass their own bill as soon as the week after Thanksgiving… Several other Republicans in the Senate, where the GOP holds a slim two-seat majority, have expressed doubts about the upper chamber’s version…

“Should the Senate GOP pass its bill, the two chambers will have to craft a joint plan before Congress can pass final legislation… The Republican plan is expected to get no Democratic support throughout the process…

“Republicans say their plan will trim the tax burden on the middle class and push businesses to create jobs and boost wages. The message, so far, has not resonated with voters, according to a recent public opinion poll. Most Americans disapprove of the Republican tax plan…”

Missile Renaissance Blooms in the USA

CNBC wrote on November 11:

“Raytheon is building missiles that may feature prominently in the effort to repel a possible attack from North Korea. Tucked into next year’s $700 billion Defense authorization is a request for $4 billion, [still to be approved by both houses of Congress] which will go to missile defense… destined for U.S. and Japanese warships in the Pacific… Soon, the facility will start producing a next-generation version of the SM-3… capable of traveling even farther and higher to better intercept an intermediate-range ballistic missile…

“In addition to more funding at home, the makers of American missile defense systems are racking up big-ticket international orders. This week, Sweden said it wants to buy a $1 billion-plus Raytheon-made Patriot system. Other allies that have missile defense orders moving through negotiations and approvals include Japan, Poland and Saudi Arabia

“Raytheon… also makes… the exo-atmospheric kill vehicles [which] sit inside interceptors positioned in underground fields in Alaska and California. When an interceptor launches, the kill vehicle uses ‘hit-to-kill’ technology to target a warhead in space — then smashing into it at more than 10,000 miles per hour, pulverizing the threat upon impact.”

The business with weapon production blooms. Where will it end? Note the next article.

Bringing Weapons to Church Services

Newsmax wrote on November 10:

“A church in central New York has made it perfectly clear it allows its parishioners to carry weapons… The Lighthouse Mexico Church of God in Mexico, New York, posted a message on a sign outside the building that reads: ‘We say it again. We are not a gun-free zone.’…

“Pastor Ronald Russell has extended the invitation to those who attend his church that they are welcome to carry while worshipping… ‘People say “well, pastor, you’re talking about killing some,” and I say “well, if I don’t protect my people, I’m being complicit.”’…”

Apart from the unbiblical stance of the pastor, his faulty reasoning, and his obvious lack of trust in God’s protection; what if a potential perpetrator sneaks into his church with a weapon, determined to kill all the parishioners? To allow all in attendance to carry weapons would make the perpetrator’s job so much easier, as her or she would just blend in with the rest of the attendees,

The History of Veterans Day

Fox News wrote on November 10:

“‘While those who died are also remembered, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military – in wartime or peacetime,’ the Department of Veterans Affair says…

“The roots of Veterans Day go back nearly 100 years. Fighting during WWI stopped on Nov. 11, 1918 due to an armistice between the Germans and the Allies…  Nov. 11 was commemorated as Armistice Day by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919…

“A resolution passed by Congress in 1926, according to the federal agency, called for Nov. 11 to be remembered every year ‘with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations.’ In 1938, Armistice Day was officially made a legal public holiday…

“Many American soldiers lost their lives during WWII and the Korean War. In the wake of these wars, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954. In 1968, a bill was passed which called for Veterans Day to be observed on the fourth Monday in October starting in 1971… President Gerald Ford signed a bill in 1975  which pushed Veterans Day back to Nov. 11, with the changes taking place in 1978.

“Ford said in a statement that he felt ‘restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 will help preserve in the hearts and lives of all Americans the spirit of patriotism, the love of country, and the willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good symbolized by this very special day.’”

The Washington Post wrote on November 11:

“The original intent, established in the wake of World War I, was to celebrate world peace. Then the wars never ended, so Veterans Day changed

“Much has changed in the 98 years since Armistice Day was first observed. Now we honor not just servicemen, but servicewomen. Our wars are not fought with cannons, but with drones. The war to end all wars didn’t end war at all. Soldiers have fought and died all over the globe…”

November 11 is still being celebrated as Armistice Day in Europe, including in France. Fox News reported on November 11:

“Emmanuel Macron… commemorated his first Armistice Day as French president — marking the end of combat during World War I. During Saturday’s events, Macron paid homage to the wartime French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau by laying a wreath at his statue on the famed avenue. Clemenceau was a key architect of peace between the great powers… Next year France will host a grand Armistice centenary, marking 100 years since the war’s end in 1918 with envoys from 80 nations.”

The change from Congress’s declared purpose of Armistice Day to President Ford’s stated purpose of Veterans Day is both sad and unbiblical. God does not support the vain and futile attempts of man to bring peace through war and the taking of human lives. Please view Norbert Link’s sermonette, “Did Jesus Resort to Violence?”

The Return of the Black Death

Daily Mail wrote on November 12:

“A strain of plague… could mutate and become untreatable, an expert has warned. There are fears the disease could spread to Europe and America via plane travel as Ebola did in 2014, with ten African nations already put on alert for signs of infection…

“In total 2,000 people have been affected and 143 killed by the pneumonic plague in Madagascar’s worst outbreak in 50 years… The pneumonic plague [is] a more-deadly form of the bubonic plague which devastated Europe’s population in the 1300s. While the bubonic plague is spread through the bites of infected fleas, pneumonic plague is spread through the air, usually by coughing. Symptoms include severe fever, headaches and coughing, with patients often coughing up blood… It can be fatal within 72 hours of infection…

“The current outbreak is unusual as it has affected urban areas increasing the risk of transmission…”

Daily Star wrote on November 14:

“Infection and immunity expert Dr Matthew Avison, of University of Bristol, has revealed the outbreak in east Africa is likely to become more serious before the ‘crisis’ ends… Dr Avison said because the disease is ‘extremely rare’ it has been ‘resilient’ to antibiotics… However, he said if antibiotics are handed out quickly then the disease ‘can still be treated’. Failure to do so could result in the outbreak – the ‘worst in 50 years’ – spreading to other continents, including Europe and the US, he warned.”

We hear more and more about the resurfacing of disease epidemics which our advanced scientific “wonders” thought of having eradicated a long time ago.

Man Playing God

The website of wrote on November 8:

“Stem cell technology has advanced so much that scientists can grow miniature versions of human brains… called organoids… in the lab, but medical ethicists are concerned about recent developments in this field involving the growth of these tiny brains in other animals

“Scientists have debated whether these brains are ‘conscious,’ but the fact that they could be successfully implanted in lab animals raises a whole new set of ethical concerns for the researchers who work with them. One of the major concerns in the mini-brain scenario is that these organoids could grow to more advanced levels within lab animals, making the debate about mini-brain consciousness much more urgent…

“Putting human brain structures into non-human animals creates a thorny ethical area that raises people’s fears about medical research going too far into unfamiliar territory — and too quickly… In January, Salk Institute researchers developed human-pig chimeras, creating the possibility that pigs with human brain cells might also develop human consciousness…”

When is man’s scientific madness ever going to end?

Asteroid Hit the Earth at Precisely the “Right” Location and Time

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 9:

“The asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs should have had a very low chance of triggering mass extinction, scientists say. Had it struck most other spots on the Earth’s surface, the world could have been a different place. Dinosaurs might still be roaming the Earth if the celestial object that smashed into the present-day Gulf of Mexico had hit almost anywhere else on the planet. By hitting the rocky terrain of the Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago, however, the impact sent the soot into the air that would trigger a chain reaction and lead to mass extinction…

“Impacts on this scale are rare enough, but the object that initiated what scientists call the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event happened to also hit an area rich in hydrocarbon and sulfate. The force of the impact heated the materials, ‘forming stratospheric soot and sulfate aerosols and causing extreme global cooling and drought…”

“In 2014, the Edinburgh University paleontologist Steve Brusatte said dinosaurs might have survived the impact ‘if it had hit a few million years earlier or later… The asteroid hit at a particularly bad time,’ he wrote in the journal Nature… The impact might have been a stroke of bad luck for dinosaurs…”

Our free booklets,The Theory of Evolutionand, “Heavens and Earth” explain in detail as to what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 806

Treasures in Heaven; Where is Hope?

On November 18, 2017, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Treasures in Heaven,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Where is Hope?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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Until The End

by Kalon Mitchell

When someone makes the decision to become baptized, they enter into a covenant or contract with God. They exchange their person for a new person. Not physically of course, but spiritually (Romans 6:3-4).  This change comes at a very high price. When we make that momentous choice to leave behind our old life and person, we must not turn back. In Matthew 16:24-26, Christ tells us this new Way of Life, of living, is about denying those old things that hold nothing good for us.

Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 that the Israelites of old were weak, even though they had been physically redeemed or freed by God. They saw incredible miracles and signs, but this was NOT enough to keep them believing and staying motivated. Instead, they tended to only want and crave those evil things from which God was attempting to lead them away. And we are not immune to the sins Paul mentions. The stories of the Israelites and how God worked with them are written for our admonition. Do we take the time to study the stories, to put ourselves in their shoes and think about how we would have acted? The fact is, we can take the same principles and apply them to our situations today.

We have power, wisdom and understanding that God gives us through His Holy Spirit. No matter what the issue is, God says He will show us the way out. The question then is, are we seeking to find out the answer(s) diligently? Are we full-heartedly seeking to find out God’s Will and what He wants us to do?  And when we do find the answers, are we willing to accept them and take action? Or do we find ourselves not really wanting God’s answer, but just wishing to do things the way we want to?

Satan wants us to become fearful and unable to have a clear mind. He works to get us to doubt ourselves, to doubt our ability to overcome. Once he accomplishes this, people can lose confidence and faith in God. Those who succumb to this doubt can no longer see that it is God who gives them the power to overcome sin in ALL its various shapes and forms. Paul encourages us in 2 Timothy 1:7 to call upon His help for power, for true and proper love and also for a sound mind.  Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 that he trained his body, his spiritual body, to be in control of his mental and emotional state so that he could continue to fight properly. Satan attacked Christ by testing His resolve and His mental state, but Christ was able to fend him off through the proper use of Scripture.

As we see the end of this age drawing closer, what will we choose to do in regards to sin? Will we choose to no longer have a secret hidden love for sin and get rid of it through a deeper love for God the Father and Jesus Christ? Or will we let it continue to enslave us?

Matthew 24:13 says: “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” We cannot endure on our own. But we can decide to push on until the end. We cannot overcome sin on our own. But we can choose that we do not continue to want any part of it. Romans 15:4 reiterates the endurance and the encouragement that we need to pull from God’s Holy Scripture. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 pleads for us to read the Scriptures which will help strengthen our resolve as we see God’s Truth and recognize His help to become the type of people that He wants us to be. Hebrews 4:14-16 tells us that it is Christ, our High Priest, who overcame sin and who sits with the Father on His throne, sympathizing with what we go through. This is the reason why we should come BOLDLY to the throne of grace ANY time we need God’s power and strength. God the Father and Jesus Christ have not gone through the time, effort, trouble and pain to fashion us, just so that we fail.

Whether we live or die before Christ’s return, the true test will be if we will continue to endure until the end—the end of our natural life or the end of this present evil world at Christ’s return. Christ told us many times that this is a choice we will need to continue to make, especially as times become harder (Matthew 10:21-22; Revelation 2:3,7,10-11, 17, 19, 26; 3:3, 10, 19; Romans 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:16-17).  We have the opportunity and the choice to endure until the end. The question is, will we?

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by Norbert Link

In this issue, we begin with reports on developments in Germany and the ongoing Brexit negotiations; remarkable European advancements towards a “European mega-army”(please view in this regard our new StandingWatch program, “Europe’s New Defense Pact… Blessing or Curse?”), and frightening prospects for European customers of failing banks. We address the military coup in Zimbabwe; the powder keg in the Middle East and especially the escalating and extremely volatile situation pertaining to Lebanon, Iran and Saudi Arabia; as well as a powerful earthquake at the border between Iran and Iraq; and we speak on President Trump’s travel to China, Russia and the Philippines and his encounter with the leaders of these countries, while emphasizing an agreement between Trump and Putin which might prove to be extremely dangerous for Israel; and we focus on noteworthy and disconcerting events in Poland.

We continue with the upheaval in the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Francis’ clear “response” to some of his conservative critics, as well as reactions by the US bishops.

In the last portion of this section, we address a variety of “social” issues, including a decision by Germany’s constitutional court regarding intersex people;  the German military’s approach towards transgender service members and the dangers of transgenderism; Australia’s approval of gay marriages; an attempt to abolish Obama’s individual mandate in America’s healthcare law; America’s huge production of missiles and “kill vehicles”; the debate on whether or not to carry concealed weapons in worship services; and the history and sad transformation of the American Veterans Day.

We conclude with reports on a possible return of the Black Death; scientific experiments to grow miniature versions of human brains in animals; and remarkable explanations for the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Proposed Jamaica Coalition Not Popular in Germany

Express wrote on November 10:

“ANGELA Merkel is facing a domestic crisis after a poll suggested most Germans do not want the three-party coalition she is desperately trying to form. Following her election disaster, the German Chancellor is attempting to form a partnership with the Greens and pro-business FDP. But a poll published this week showed 52 per cent of Germans think the so-called Jamaica coalition would be bad for the country. Just 45 per cent thought it would be a good thing, a fall in support of 12 per cent from a previous survey last month. Three per cent were unsure. The poll, published yesterday, was commissioned by huge public service broadcaster ARD and surveyed 1,005 people…

“A piece published in the Die Zeit newspaper this week accused Mrs Merkel of ‘fidgeting’, lacking leadership and failing to grapple with policies to shape the nation’s future. The column contrasted the French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent speech on EU reform at the Sorbonne with ‘the almost complete absence of Angela Merkel in public’.”

Even if a Jamaica coalition comes into effect, it won’t last very long.

Showdown in Jamaica Coalition Talks

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 16:

“For over a month, four of Germany’s most unlikely political partners have been trying to decide whether they can form a viable coalition government. Their deadline to end exploratory talks — a precursor to formal negotiations — is early Friday morning.

“Before Thursday’s talks began, Merkel said ‘serious differences’ remain among the parties, but she also said she was confident an agreement could be reached.

“If the talks fail, Chancellor Merkel faces the prospect of wooing the Social Democratic Party (SPD) into another grand coalition government or possibly calling for new elections.”

EU Tightens the Screws Further on Britain

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 9, 2017:

“Britain on Friday was reminded once more that time is running out to advance Brexit negotiations as both London and Brussels remain in dispute over the final cost of the divorce. Chief European Union Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier told reporters that the bloc would need UK clarifications in two weeks to prepare for a December 14-15 summit. He said progress in negotiations on how much money Britain will owe the EU when it leaves the bloc in March 2019 was imperative if EU leaders were to allow discussions on future trade ties with Britain in December…

“Barnier’s remarks seem to tighten the screws still further on Britain after The Financial Times earlier cited an unnamed EU diplomat as saying the issue needed to be settled within two to three weeks. The Brexit bill is estimated by the EU at around €60 billion ($70 billion). But the UK has insisted that it should be more like €25 billion… the [British] government [made] clear late on Thursday that the country’s exit from the bloc would occur at exactly 2300 GMT on March 29, 2019… Prime Minister Theresa May’s minority Conservative government remains deeply divided over what kind of deal it is seeking with the EU…”

Britain will leave the EU, as prophesied, and the exit will NOT be advantageous for the country.

EU Signs Defense Pact

The EUreporter wrote on November 14:

“Foreign and defence ministers gathered at a signing ceremony in Brussels to represent 23 EU governments joining the pact, paving the way for EU leaders to sign it in December. Those governments will for the first time legally bind themselves into joint projects as well as pledging to increase defence spending and contribute to rapid deployments. ‘Today we are taking a historic step,’ Germany’s Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told reporters. ‘… it’s really a milestone in European development,’ he said.

“The pact includes all EU governments except Britain, which is leaving the bloc, Denmark, which has opted out of defence matters, Ireland, Portugal and Malta. Traditionally neutral Austria was a late addition to the pact… The club will be backed by a 5-billion-euro defence fund for buying weapons, a special fund to finance operations and money from the EU’s common budget for defence research…

“Despite an Anglo-French-led EU defence integration effort in 1998, Britain blocked formal collaboration on military matters, wary of the creation of an EU army. Defence integration was revived by France and Germany, with support from Italy and Spain, in a show of unity after Britons voted to leave the EU in June 2016.”

Quartz added on November 13:

It took 70 years… US president’s Donald Trump’s frequent accusations that EU countries do not pay enough into NATO has been one catalyst for them move forward… The other is that it could legitimately diminish the bloc’s dependence on US military support…”

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 13:

“With 23 of the EU’s current 28 member states joining the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO), there seems to be a great deal of consensus among member states… The new defense union is expected to address immediate threats without having to rely on NATO for all of the EU’s defense needs…  Those who didn’t sign initially can still join at a later date and countries not living up to their expected commitments could be kicked out of the group…

“German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said it was important for Europe to stand on its own feet when it comes to security and defense – ‘especially after the election of the US President’…”

On November 13, Reuters ran an article about PESCO with the following headline: “EU countries agree to create a European mega-army.”

European Banks Might Freeze Customers’ Money

Express wrote on November 14:

“The European Central Bank has outlined plans to freeze cash deposits of customers at failing banks in order to halt collapses… The move could mean people with money in their bank accounts could not withdraw anything while the bank was in crisis talks…

“Most EU member states are behind the ECB’s new proposals…”

Military Coup in Zimbabwe

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 15:

“Longtime Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe was arrested along with other senior officials early Wednesday morning in what appeared to be a military seizure of power… Hours earlier, Major General SB Moyo had said on state television that the army’s takeover of state offices, the parliament, the airport and state broadcaster was ‘not a military takeover.’…

“Armored vehicles and soldiers were seen throughout the capital city, Harare, Wednesday morning as many people rushed to withdraw money from banks…

“Grace Mugabe — who reportedly fled to Namibia early Wednesday morning — had been publically positioning herself to succeed her husband as president. That ambition led to a public feud with former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa who had been seen as Mugabe’s likely successor before the president fired him in early November. Mnangagwa — nicknamed ‘Crocodile’ — is… popular with the country’s military…

“South African President Zuma urged the Zimbabwean government and army to resolve their differences amicably… The European Union and Britain also expressed concern and called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.”

This seems to be a usual power struggle which is not uncommon in many non-democratic countries.

War Between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon?

The New York Times wrote on November 9:

“Saudi Arabia ordered its citizens to leave Lebanon on Thursday, escalating a bewildering crisis between the two Arab nations and raising fears that it could lead to an economic crisis or even war. The order came after Saudi Arabia had stepped up its condemnations of Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Shiite militia that is the most powerful political and military force in Lebanon, and asserted that Lebanon had effectively declared war on Saudi Arabia.

“The developments plunged Lebanon into a state of national anxiety, with politicians, journalists and even parents picking up their children at school consumed with the question of what could come next. While analysts said a war was unlikely — because Saudi Arabia was not capable of waging one and Israel did not want one now — they worried that with so many active conflicts in the region, any Saudi actions that raised the temperature increased the risk of an accidental conflagration

“But even before the current crisis, fears were building in Lebanon that Israel… would instigate another war against Hezbollah…”

The Fight Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

The Guardian wrote on November 11:

The fall of Kurdish-held Kirkuk in northern Iraq to the Iraqi government, backed by Iran’s most prominent general, in October, starvation among the population of war-torn Yemen, a ballistic missile over Riyadh, and the apparently forced exit of the premier in Lebanon are all part of the same machinations – a great strategic power play between two regional heavyweights… Now, more than at any point in modern history, Iran and Saudi Arabia are squared off against each other as a race to consolidate influence nears a climax from Sana’a to Beirut and the tens of thousands of miles in between…

“The foundational split between the two main sects of Islam, over whether followers or descendants should succeed the Prophet Mohammed, has long been a starting point for attempts to explain the contemporary rivalry between Tehran and Riyadh…

“Iran now all but controls a land corridor that runs from Tehran to Tartous in Syria, on the Mediterranean coast, giving it access to a seaport a long way to its west… Among all its proxies, Hezbollah in Lebanon has been the most valuable – and potent. Hezbollah is the arrowhead of Iran’s projection against Israel…”

All of this shows that it is extremely unlikely that a king of the South will still arise in the Middle East, leading all Arab nations against Europe. Those who preach such an arrival of an end-time king of the South grossly misinterpret the Bible and seem to lack the spirit of prophecy, as Scripture, correctly understood, does NOT necessitate a future king of the South.

Iran-Iraq Quake

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 14:

“Iranian authorities on Tuesday scrambled to bring relief aid to thousands of people left homeless by an earthquake that killed at least 432 people and injured nearly 5,000 more. The national rescue service called off most searches for bodies trapped under rubble, saying it was unlikely survivors would be found.

“President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday arrived in Kermanshah province, a mostly Kurdish area hit hardest by the 7.3-magnitude tremor that struck the mountainous border region between Iran and Iraq Sunday… Around 15,500 homes were destroyed and another 15,000 damaged in Kermanshah province… Seven towns and nearly 2,000 villages were damaged… and several villages were completely destroyed…

“The earthquake has led to an outpouring of solidarity from Iranians across the country and millions more in the diaspora… Dozens of countries including Arab states, as well as Iran’s enemies the US and Israel, extended their sympathies to the Iranian people. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif thanked the international community for messages of sympathy and offers of assistance…”

Trump Meets Putin… Sort of…

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 11:

US President Donald Trump said on Saturday that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin assured him that Moscow did not interfere in the 2016 US election during their discussions on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Danang, Vietnam. ‘Every time he sees me, he said: “I didn’t do that.” And I believe, I really believe that when he tells me that he means it,’ Trump told reporters… He also noted that Putin is ‘very insulted’ by the accusation…

“Trump and Putin did not have a formal meeting at the APEC summit, but the two leaders met unofficially several times since late Friday and have even posed for a side-by-side photo… US officials may well be anxious to avoid any encounter between the two men that could be seen to reinforce the notion that they are in cahoots in any way

“Trump and Putin did issue a statement [saying] that the two leaders… confirmed their commitment to Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity…

Deutsche Welle added on November 12:

“Trump tried to distance himself from remarks suggesting he believed Russian President Vladimir Putin… ‘I believe that he feels that he and Russia did not meddle in the election,’ Trump said… ‘As to whether I believe it, I’m with our agencies.’”

It’s always better to think first before speaking.

Putin and Trump Invite Hezbollah and Iran to Stay in Syria

The Jewish Press wrote on November 11:

“According to their joint statement, President Trump and President Putin on Saturday met on the margins of the APEC conference in Da Nang, Vietnam, to confirm their determination to defeat ISIS in Syria. Meanwhile, the two presidents also agreed to let Iran and its two satellite terrorist groups, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah, to roam free in parts of Syria, including up against Israel’s northern border.

“Naturally, ISIS is far from being the only player in the Syrian civil war, nor is it a major player, at this stage… The two presidents also engaged in creative fantasy…

“That bit of newspeak coming from President Trump, after months and months of warnings from Prime Minister Netanyahu, is outright frightening… In the end, President Trump who has been so adamant about the folly of Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, is signing off on allowing the Iranian threat against the Jewish State to come in a thousand miles closer.

Amazing what ill-advised politicians are able to “accomplish.”

Trump vs. Xi Jinping

The Guardian wrote on November 10:

“Donald Trump has abruptly ended the diplomatic streak he displayed on his 12-day tour of Asia by launching a tirade against ‘violations, cheating or economic aggression’ in the region, just hours after heaping lavish praise on China… The speech was clearly, sometimes explicitly, focused on China and other countries he blamed for predatory economic policies…

“Trump addressed a largely mute and visibly stunned audience that included ministers from countries he accused of not ‘playing by the rules’… ‘The United States will no longer turn a blind eye to violations, cheating or economic aggression. Those days are over,’ he added. Previous US administrations had not done anything about the trade deficit, he said, ‘but I will … I am always going to put America first.’

“… The speech was markedly different from the reserved tone of the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, who spoke directly after Trump, although to much louder applause and cheers from the audience… Xi did not directly respond to Trump’s challenge on trade but sought to paint himself as a champion of economic openness, globalisation and the fight against climate change, in contrast to the isolationist US president…”

Trump in the Philippines

The Week wrote on November 12:

“President Trump arrived in the Philippines from Vietnam on Sunday, where he was greeted by controversial Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte [The international press refers to Duterte as the “Trump of the East”], who has been accused of human rights abuses including the promotion of extrajudicial killings.

“Trump offered Duterte mediation assistance in his country’s dispute with China over the South China Sea, calling himself ‘a very good mediator and arbitrator.’ Duterte declined the offer, saying the issue ‘is better left untouched’ because ‘nobody can afford to go to war.’”

Newsmax added on November 12:

“The Philippines has for decades been a key U.S. defence ally and although the base was closed in 1992, Subic [once home to one of the biggest U.S. naval facilities in the world] has since received a regular flow of retirees and visits by U.S. warships for repairs, resupply and exercises. About 220,000 Americans, many of them military veterans, live in the Philippines. An additional 650,000 visit each year…”

Trump’s Asia Tour Receives Mixed Reviews

The Week wrote on November 15:

“President Trump spent Wednesday morning tweeting about his ‘successful trip to Asia,’ although many regional experts were reluctant to share his characterization. ‘The principal takeaway from Trump’s big Asia trip: virtually zero progress on any issue that matters to the Americans,’ wrote Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasia Group consultancy… ultimately no new measures were forged regarding North Korea, and Asian countries pressed ahead with the Trans-Pacific Partnership without the U.S.

“‘While Trump announced billions in new business deals, ‘most of those agreements were older, already agreed-upon, or only promises,’ The Associated Press writes. Additionally, Trump broke with his predecessors, avoiding confrontation with leaders on human rights records.”

 It seems to be a common feature in President Trump’s attempts to take credit for something which was already decided before. The highly praised decision by car manufacturing company FORD to keep jobs in the USA was apparently not reached due to President Trump’s negotiations and persuasion powers, but to FORD’s prior decision.

“Polish PM Calls for an EU Where Christianity Is Not Censored’

Reuters wrote on November 9:

Poland wants to be sure that Christian traditions are not subject to ‘ideological censorship’ in the European Union, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said on Thursday, emphasizing her party’s opposition to Muslim immigration. Along with Hungary, Poland has refused to take in any of its quota of the wave of refugees from Syria and elsewhere who have come to Europe since 2015, on the grounds that Muslim immigrants are a threat to their national security and stability.

“Szydlo’s eurosceptic Law and Justice (PiS) party appeals directly to the more socially conservative sections of Poland’s overwhelmingly Roman Catholic population… Szydlo said Christians in Europe should not need to feel uncomfortable or ashamed about their faith and traditions…”

60,000 Nationalists March in Poland

The Week wrote on November 12:

“An estimated 60,000 nationalists marched in Warsaw to celebrate Poland’s 99 years of independence on Saturday. While many simply waved Polish flags, some demonstrators threw red smoke bombs and carried signs with slogans like, ‘Europe must be white,’ ‘white Europe of brotherly nations,’ and ‘pray for an Islamic Holocaust.’

“They shouted chants including, ‘glory to our heroes,’ ‘pure Poland, white Poland,’ ‘refugees get out,’ and ‘death to enemies of the homeland.’ Among the marchers were supporters of Poland’s governing party, Law and Justice (PiS). Interior Minister Mariusz Blaszczak downplayed the racist elements in comments praising the ‘beautiful sight’ of Poles celebrating independence.”

JTA wrote on November 13:

“The sight of far-right activists… shouting anti-Semitic slogans during a nationalist march in the capital of Poland over the weekend shocked many around the world. It was an understandable reaction to witnessing tens of thousands in Warsaw marching near what used to be the largest Jewish ghetto during the Holocaust amid shouts of ‘Jews out’ and ‘Remove Jewry from power.’

“… on Monday, a spokesman for [Israel’s] Foreign Ministry called the Warsaw event ‘a dangerous march of extreme and racist elements,’ and urged Polish authorities to act against the organizers…”

These radical elements in Poland do not necessarily represent just a negligible portion of the population.

Pope Francis and the European Power Bloc

The website of wrote on October 30:

“From Brexit to Catalonia, as well as the rise of far-right parties in central Europe, the Catholic reaction has been almost uniformly to sound the alarm… On a dramatic weekend in which the Catalan regional government declared independence and the national government moved to restore direct rule, the archbishops of Barcelona and Madrid, as well as the president of the Spanish bishops’ conference, made clear their sadness at the independence bid

“Pope Francis backed that message on Saturday… warning against building trenches… [and] against ‘particular and nationalist agendas’ that threaten ‘the courageous dreams of the founders of Europe.’”

Uproar in the Catholic Church

The Associated Press wrote on November 11:

“Pope Francis on Saturday reaffirmed the ‘primacy’ of using one’s conscience to navigate tough moral questions in his first comments since he was publicly accused of spreading heresy by emphasizing conscience over hard and fast Catholic rules. Francis issued a video message to a conference organized by Italian bishops on his controversial 2016 document on family life, ‘The Joy of Love.’

“The document has badly divided the Catholic Church, with some commentators warning that it risked creating a schism given its opening to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics… Conservatives accused the pope of sowing confusion and undermining the church’s teaching on the indissolubility of marriage…”

The Wall Street Journal added on November 14:

“The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops chose a conservative archbishop for a key post Tuesday, signaling resistance to Pope Francis’s vision for the church among the Catholic hierarchy in the U.S… ‘It is clear since 2013 that a majority of them (the bishops) sees the message of Francis’ pontificate, esp. on life and marriage, as not adequate for the Catholic Church in the U.S.A.,’ Massimo Faggioli, a theologian at Villanova, said on Twitter after the vote…

“However, Catholic leaders are hardly in lockstep with the Trump administration on immigration, and made a point of echoing the pope on the issue of welcoming migrants…”

Germany’s Supreme Court Accepts Intersex People as Third Gender

AFP wrote on November 8:

“Germany’s top court Wednesday required parliament to legally recognise a ‘third gender’ from birth. Current regulations on civil status are discriminatory against intersex people, the Federal Constitutional Court said. Legislators must by the end of 2018 pass a new regulation to offer a third gender option in birth registers, added the court, ruling in favour of an appeal brought by an intersex person…

“The intersex person was registered as female, but a chromosome analysis found the plaintiff to be neither male nor female. Intersex is a broad term encompassing people who have sex traits, such as genitals or chromosomes, that do not entirely fit with typical binary notion of male and female. Intersex people can have features that are neither wholly female nor wholly male, or a combination or neither. People who identify as intersex are recognised on official documents in some countries including Australia, India, New Zealand and Nepal.”

Bild Online commented on November 8:

“About 160,000 people live in Germany who have male and female characteristics. Until now, the parents determine at the time of birth the designation of the child’s gender. The WHO [World Health Organization] considers Intersex people as suffering from a sickness or a birth defect… In the future, the government will not be allowed to send out letters anymore, addressing the recipients as “Ladies and Gentlemen.” Another designation will have to be found… Intersex people are different from transgender people. While the first category describes people who are not clearly male or female, transgender people clearly belong to one particular gender, but are ‘unsatisfied’ with it…”

Bild Online also wrote that sometimes, young intersex people are being operated on or receive hormones. In quoting an expert, the paper wrote that this is a wrong, harmful and traumatizing procedure.

In a follow-up article, Bild Online wrote on November 11 that the Duden, the standard dictionary of the German language, is unable to use a word (like “he” or “she”) describing intersex people. The designation of “it” has been rejected by the organization for intersex people. A spokesperson for the Duden explained that the publication can only include words which are spoken or written in colloquial usage, and there is no word at this point describing intersex people. It has also been discussed whether or not to omit any reference to gender in birth certificates.

 It seems to us that the WHO is correct in its evaluation of intersex people as suffering from a sickness or a birth defect, and that an official designation as “third gender” is just ridiculous, as would be the omission of gender for everyone in birth certificates.

Transgender Service Members

The Washington Post wrote on November 11:

“Anastasia Biefang… joined the German army as a man more than 23 years ago. Two years ago… she came out to her superiors and eventually to her entire unit… the Bundeswehr, Germany’s military, heralds her as a national role model. She is the first transgender commander in a force headed by a defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, who has made support for transsexual and homosexual personnel a top priority

“Trump… argued that ‘tremendous medical costs and disruption’ were behind his decision to reinstitute the ban on transgender service members… Trump’s battle to ban transgender servicemen and women is also feeding into a growing perception in Germany that Europe can no longer trust the United States as a reliable partner that shares its values

The word “value” is a strange choice in the context of the topic.

Dangers of Transgenderism

Christian Headlines wrote on November 10:

“A 14-year-old girl who began a transition to become a boy is speaking out about the dangers of transgenderism, particularly for young people. Noor Jontry… shares that her exploration of her gender began when she encountered young people online who were transitioning to another gender. She says she realized she wanted to be a boy because she wanted to be ‘masculine.’ ‘[B]eing masculine was about feeling safe,’ she said…

“Noor has come to believe that… most teens and young people who think they are trans are simply confused or going through a time of transition in life.

“When asked what she would say to other girls who think they are boys, she replied, ‘There’s nothing wrong with your body. To be straightforward, you will never be male… Stop hurting yourself. Not wanting to be female doesn’t mean you’re really male…’”

The entire transgender philosophy is not only ridiculous from a medical and biological standpoint; it is also abhorrent in the eyes of God.

Australians for Gay Marriage

The Washington Post wrote on November 14:

“Australians supported gay marriage in a postal survey that ensures Parliament will consider legalizing same-sex weddings this year… 62 percent of registered voters who responded in the unprecedented survey favored reform… A ‘no’ vote in the survey would have put marriage equality off the political agenda, perhaps for years…

“Ireland is the only other country to put same-sex marriage to a popular vote, but that referendum was binding. Irish voters in 2015 changed their constitution to allow marriage equality.

“In Australia, voting in elections and referenda is compulsory…

“Lawmakers opposed to gay marriage are already moving to wind back anti-discrimination laws, with debate in Australia intensifying over the possibility of gay wedding boycotts and refusals to provide a celebrant, venue, flowers or a cake…”

Australia is another Israelite country which continues to turn its back on God and His clear teachings.

Senate Republicans to Include Individual Mandate Repeal in Tax Plan

The Week wrote on November 14:

“Senate Republicans announced Tuesday they will be including a repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate in their tax plan.

“‘Repealing the mandate pays for more tax cuts for working families,’ wrote Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in a statement. President Trump has put heavy pressure on Republicans to repeal the ‘very unfair’ individual mandate, which is the portion of ObamaCare that requires individuals to purchase health care or face a fine.

“Its elimination would free up more than $300 billion over a decade, The New York Times reports, ‘because … a decline in the number of people with health coverage’ means ‘the government would spend less money on subsidized health plans.’”

Senate Democrats are of course opposed to this move; but they are opposed to the entire tax plan anyway.

House Passed Trump’s Tax Bill

CNBC wrote on November 16:

“House Republicans on Thursday passed a monumental bill to cut taxes on businesses and individuals, the biggest step yet in the GOP’s once-in-a-generation effort to overhaul the American tax system. The tax reform plan passed the chamber with 227 votes in favor and 205 against.

“To pass the bill, the House GOP had to overcome opposition from several of its members who live in high-tax blue states. Those lawmakers objected to the proposal’s curb on popular state and local tax deductions.

“The House plan would permanently chop the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent… It would reduce individual tax brackets to four from seven and make changes to several tax breaks. Among them, the bill would limit state and local deductions and the mortgage interest deduction, eliminate the personal exemption and nearly double the standard deduction…

“Despite passage of the bill Thursday, pitfalls await the party. Senate Republicans hope to pass their own bill as soon as the week after Thanksgiving… Several other Republicans in the Senate, where the GOP holds a slim two-seat majority, have expressed doubts about the upper chamber’s version…

“Should the Senate GOP pass its bill, the two chambers will have to craft a joint plan before Congress can pass final legislation… The Republican plan is expected to get no Democratic support throughout the process…

“Republicans say their plan will trim the tax burden on the middle class and push businesses to create jobs and boost wages. The message, so far, has not resonated with voters, according to a recent public opinion poll. Most Americans disapprove of the Republican tax plan…”

Missile Renaissance Blooms in the USA

CNBC wrote on November 11:

“Raytheon is building missiles that may feature prominently in the effort to repel a possible attack from North Korea. Tucked into next year’s $700 billion Defense authorization is a request for $4 billion, [still to be approved by both houses of Congress] which will go to missile defense… destined for U.S. and Japanese warships in the Pacific… Soon, the facility will start producing a next-generation version of the SM-3… capable of traveling even farther and higher to better intercept an intermediate-range ballistic missile…

“In addition to more funding at home, the makers of American missile defense systems are racking up big-ticket international orders. This week, Sweden said it wants to buy a $1 billion-plus Raytheon-made Patriot system. Other allies that have missile defense orders moving through negotiations and approvals include Japan, Poland and Saudi Arabia

“Raytheon… also makes… the exo-atmospheric kill vehicles [which] sit inside interceptors positioned in underground fields in Alaska and California. When an interceptor launches, the kill vehicle uses ‘hit-to-kill’ technology to target a warhead in space — then smashing into it at more than 10,000 miles per hour, pulverizing the threat upon impact.”

The business with weapon production blooms. Where will it end? Note the next article.

Bringing Weapons to Church Services

Newsmax wrote on November 10:

“A church in central New York has made it perfectly clear it allows its parishioners to carry weapons… The Lighthouse Mexico Church of God in Mexico, New York, posted a message on a sign outside the building that reads: ‘We say it again. We are not a gun-free zone.’…

“Pastor Ronald Russell has extended the invitation to those who attend his church that they are welcome to carry while worshipping… ‘People say “well, pastor, you’re talking about killing some,” and I say “well, if I don’t protect my people, I’m being complicit.”’…”

Apart from the unbiblical stance of the pastor, his faulty reasoning, and his obvious lack of trust in God’s protection; what if a potential perpetrator sneaks into his church with a weapon, determined to kill all the parishioners? To allow all in attendance to carry weapons would make the perpetrator’s job so much easier, as her or she would just blend in with the rest of the attendees,

The History of Veterans Day

Fox News wrote on November 10:

“‘While those who died are also remembered, Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military – in wartime or peacetime,’ the Department of Veterans Affair says…

“The roots of Veterans Day go back nearly 100 years. Fighting during WWI stopped on Nov. 11, 1918 due to an armistice between the Germans and the Allies…  Nov. 11 was commemorated as Armistice Day by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919…

“A resolution passed by Congress in 1926, according to the federal agency, called for Nov. 11 to be remembered every year ‘with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations.’ In 1938, Armistice Day was officially made a legal public holiday…

“Many American soldiers lost their lives during WWII and the Korean War. In the wake of these wars, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954. In 1968, a bill was passed which called for Veterans Day to be observed on the fourth Monday in October starting in 1971… President Gerald Ford signed a bill in 1975  which pushed Veterans Day back to Nov. 11, with the changes taking place in 1978.

“Ford said in a statement that he felt ‘restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 will help preserve in the hearts and lives of all Americans the spirit of patriotism, the love of country, and the willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good symbolized by this very special day.’”

The Washington Post wrote on November 11:

“The original intent, established in the wake of World War I, was to celebrate world peace. Then the wars never ended, so Veterans Day changed

“Much has changed in the 98 years since Armistice Day was first observed. Now we honor not just servicemen, but servicewomen. Our wars are not fought with cannons, but with drones. The war to end all wars didn’t end war at all. Soldiers have fought and died all over the globe…”

November 11 is still being celebrated as Armistice Day in Europe, including in France. Fox News reported on November 11:

“Emmanuel Macron… commemorated his first Armistice Day as French president — marking the end of combat during World War I. During Saturday’s events, Macron paid homage to the wartime French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau by laying a wreath at his statue on the famed avenue. Clemenceau was a key architect of peace between the great powers… Next year France will host a grand Armistice centenary, marking 100 years since the war’s end in 1918 with envoys from 80 nations.”

The change from Congress’s declared purpose of Armistice Day to President Ford’s stated purpose of Veterans Day is both sad and unbiblical. God does not support the vain and futile attempts of man to bring peace through war and the taking of human lives. Please view Norbert Link’s sermonette, “Did Jesus Resort to Violence?”

The Return of the Black Death

Daily Mail wrote on November 12:

“A strain of plague… could mutate and become untreatable, an expert has warned. There are fears the disease could spread to Europe and America via plane travel as Ebola did in 2014, with ten African nations already put on alert for signs of infection…

“In total 2,000 people have been affected and 143 killed by the pneumonic plague in Madagascar’s worst outbreak in 50 years… The pneumonic plague [is] a more-deadly form of the bubonic plague which devastated Europe’s population in the 1300s. While the bubonic plague is spread through the bites of infected fleas, pneumonic plague is spread through the air, usually by coughing. Symptoms include severe fever, headaches and coughing, with patients often coughing up blood… It can be fatal within 72 hours of infection…

“The current outbreak is unusual as it has affected urban areas increasing the risk of transmission…”

Daily Star wrote on November 14:

“Infection and immunity expert Dr Matthew Avison, of University of Bristol, has revealed the outbreak in east Africa is likely to become more serious before the ‘crisis’ ends… Dr Avison said because the disease is ‘extremely rare’ it has been ‘resilient’ to antibiotics… However, he said if antibiotics are handed out quickly then the disease ‘can still be treated’. Failure to do so could result in the outbreak – the ‘worst in 50 years’ – spreading to other continents, including Europe and the US, he warned.”

We hear more and more about the resurfacing of disease epidemics which our advanced scientific “wonders” thought of having eradicated a long time ago.

Man Playing God

The website of wrote on November 8:

“Stem cell technology has advanced so much that scientists can grow miniature versions of human brains… called organoids… in the lab, but medical ethicists are concerned about recent developments in this field involving the growth of these tiny brains in other animals

“Scientists have debated whether these brains are ‘conscious,’ but the fact that they could be successfully implanted in lab animals raises a whole new set of ethical concerns for the researchers who work with them. One of the major concerns in the mini-brain scenario is that these organoids could grow to more advanced levels within lab animals, making the debate about mini-brain consciousness much more urgent…

“Putting human brain structures into non-human animals creates a thorny ethical area that raises people’s fears about medical research going too far into unfamiliar territory — and too quickly… In January, Salk Institute researchers developed human-pig chimeras, creating the possibility that pigs with human brain cells might also develop human consciousness…”

When is man’s scientific madness ever going to end?

Asteroid Hit the Earth at Precisely the “Right” Location and Time

Deutsche Welle wrote on November 9:

“The asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs should have had a very low chance of triggering mass extinction, scientists say. Had it struck most other spots on the Earth’s surface, the world could have been a different place. Dinosaurs might still be roaming the Earth if the celestial object that smashed into the present-day Gulf of Mexico had hit almost anywhere else on the planet. By hitting the rocky terrain of the Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago, however, the impact sent the soot into the air that would trigger a chain reaction and lead to mass extinction…

“Impacts on this scale are rare enough, but the object that initiated what scientists call the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event happened to also hit an area rich in hydrocarbon and sulfate. The force of the impact heated the materials, ‘forming stratospheric soot and sulfate aerosols and causing extreme global cooling and drought…”

“In 2014, the Edinburgh University paleontologist Steve Brusatte said dinosaurs might have survived the impact ‘if it had hit a few million years earlier or later… The asteroid hit at a particularly bad time,’ he wrote in the journal Nature… The impact might have been a stroke of bad luck for dinosaurs…”

Our free booklets,The Theory of Evolutionand, “Heavens and Earth” explain in detail as to what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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How Do You Understand the Concept of “Speaking in Tongues”?

The concept of “speaking in tongues” has been grossly misunderstood. However, in setting aside any human “traditions” and misinterpretations and just reviewing the Scriptures, there is really no reason for such confusion.

For instance, when Christ’s early apostles and disciples received the Holy Spirit AFTER Christ’s ascension on the Day of Pentecost, in 31 AD, they saw and heard a rushing wind and divided tongues as of fire, and they spoke with other clearly understood or understandable tongues or languages—not some kind of unidentifiable “gibberish.” As we will explain more fully below, Acts 2:7-11 reveals that the assembly heard the apostles speak “EACH IN OUR OWN LANGUAGE IN WHICH WE WERE BORN… Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—WE HEAR THEM SPEAKING IN OUR OWN TONGUES THE WONDERFUL WORKS OF GOD.”

The confusion regarding speaking in tongues is not only academic. As we point out in our free booklet, “Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” “Angels speak their own language, a language that is different from the languages of man. In 1 Corinthians 13:1, Paul says: ‘Though I speak with the tongues [languages] of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become [as] sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.’” As God’s holy and righteous angels have their own language, so do the fallen angels or demons. When people speak in “languages” that are unknown to man, expressing words which they themselves do not understand and being ignorant as to what they are actually saying, they might very well be under demonic influence, uttering words of demons.

We address the “tongue” question in great detail in our free booklet, “Baptism—a Requirement for Salivation,” where we say the following under, “Speaking with Tongues”:

“There are only three recorded events in the Bible when people spoke with tongues after receiving the Holy Spirit. These special events occurred to provide evidence that the people had, in fact, received the Holy Spirit…

“The first event is recorded in Acts 2, when the New Testament Church was born. God wanted to make it very clear that His disciples received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. The second event occurred in Acts 10, when, for the first time, Gentiles received the Holy Spirit. God did not want to leave any doubt that He had now opened the door of repentance and faith to the Gentiles (Acts 10:45–46; 11:15–18). The third event is the one in Acts 19… Here, God wanted to make it very clear that ONLY the baptism into Christ is sufficient to receive the Holy Spirit (and not, as in that case, the baptism into John)…

“We need to understand, too, what actually happened when people spoke with tongues in these given instances. Some claim that baptism with the Holy Spirit causes the baptized person to fall backwards, begin rolling on the floor, and speaking and screaming in an unintelligible way, allegedly showing that he or she has received the gift of the Holy Spirit and can now ‘speak in tongues.’

“However, that kind of conduct is not what is meant when the Bible talks about speaking in tongues. Acts 2 explains that speaking in tongues means speaking in another language. In Acts 2:4 we read: ‘And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.’ Beginning in verse 6 and continuing in verses 8 and 11, we find the explanation of ‘speaking with tongues.’ Verse 6: ‘…everyone heard them speak in his own language…’ (verse 8) ‘And how is it that we hear, each in our own language [Authorized Version: ‘tongue’] in which we were born?’… (verse 11) ‘We hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.’”

“The Greek word for ‘language’ in verses 6 and 8 is ‘dialektos,’ from which our word ‘dialect’ is derived. The Greek word for ‘tongue’ or ‘language’ in verses 4 and 11 is ‘glossa.’

“To speak in tongues, then, simply means to speak in a different language or dialect—but it is still a language or dialect ‘in which people are born.’ They speak in a dialect or language, which other people understand due to their background, environment or upbringing…

“Paul said specifically that ‘speaking in tongues,’ or speaking a different language, should not be done unless someone is present to interpret what is said… Note 1 Corinthians 14:4–5: ‘He who speaks in a tongue [Greek: ‘glossa’] edifies himself… he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues [Greek: ‘glossa’], unless he indeed interprets, that the church may receive edification.’

“In other words, if a minister preaches to the audience in a foreign language, the audience won’t understand him… Unless he or someone else who knows both languages interprets what he says, the audience is not benefited.

“Paul continues, in verses 9: ‘So likewise you, unless you utter by the tongue [Greek: ‘glossa’] words easy to understand, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air.’

“In the Greek, the word for ‘tongue’ and ‘language’ is the same; i.e., ‘glossa.’ The translator decided to sometimes use the English word ‘tongue’ and sometimes ‘language’… The Living Bible, for example, translates verse 9 this way, ‘In the same way, if you talk to a person in some LANGUAGE he doesn’t understand, how will he know what you mean?’ Clearly, speaking in a foreign tongue means speaking in a foreign language.

“Let’s note Paul’s command in 1 Corinthians 14:27–28: ‘If anyone speaks in a tongue [or foreign language; Greek: ‘glossa’; the Living Bible translates here, ‘No more than two or three should speak in an unknown LANGUAGE…’], let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in the church, and let him speak to himself and to God.’”

In addition, the Nelson Study Bible writes under “word focus”:

“tongue… The Greek term glossa means ‘tongue’ or ‘language.’ When the early believers were empowered by the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, they were given the ability to speak in many different languages, so that those visiting from all around the Roman world could hear the glories of God being uttered in their native tongue (Acts 2:4-11). The household of Cornelius also spoke in different languages when they were baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:46). And the same happened with the new disciples from Ephesus (Acts 19:6). From then on, some members of the early church regularly spoke in different languages as a way of praying to God, and others spoke in different languages in church meetings. When the languages were spoken in private, interpretation was not needed; when they were spoken in the meetings, Paul required interpretation so that others could understand and be edified (14:2-27).”

We need to emphasize again that the foreign languages which were spoken were not “unknown” to man; they were “known” languages, but not all the hearers present would be familiar with and understand the foreign language; hence, an interpreter was needed who was fluent in both the native and the foreign languages and who could convey to the hearer what the speaker had just uttered.

Unnecessary confusion has arisen because the Authorized Version added the word “unknown” several times in 1 Corinthians 14, translating, for example, verse 2 as, “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue…” As the Ryrie Study Bible explains, “The word ‘unknown’ is not in the original text and has been supplied by translators throughout this chapter. Though many understand these tongues to be ecstatic speech, it may well be that they were languages, as in Acts 2:4, 6, 8, 11.”

If we let the Bible interpret the Bible, it is clear that these “unknown” tongues were in fact known languages. They were NOT ecstatic speech. The Greek word is “glossa” in all instances, and this word always describes known languages, when applied to humans, and it never refers to any ecstatic speech.  The word “glossa” is used fifty times in the New Testament. It is rendered “tongue,” when describing the human organ as such (Mark 7:33; Luke 16:24); and it describes the use and utterance of the tongue (Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:11; James 1:26; 3:8; 1 John 3:18)—that is, speaking in a familiar language (Romans 3:13; 1 Peter 3:10) or a newly learned or acquired language (Mark 16:17; 1 Corinthians 14:18).

Many years ago, the (now defunct) Worldwide Church of God published a reprint article, titled, “What the New Testament Teaches about ‘Tongues.’”  It stated the following regarding the events in Acts 2:

“There can be no doubt that the ‘tongues’ of Acts 2 were real, intelligible foreign languages… The disciples ‘began to speak with other languages [glossa],’ so that… the crowd came together and were astounded [or confused] [sugcheo].’ These same root words are found in the Septuagint version (Greek translation) of the Old Testament in Genesis 11—the account of the confusion of languages in Babel! According to the Septuagint, in Genesis 11 God said, ‘Come, we will go down and confuse [sugcheo] their language [glossa] so that they will not understand one another’s speech… they were human languages in Babel—they were also human languages at Pentecost…”

The above-mentioned article also discusses in detail Paul’s statements in 1 Corinthians 14, showing that Paul is speaking exclusively about known human languages. We are giving you the following excerpts.

In addressing 1 Corinthians 14:1-3, it is stated that “Speaking in a language, although one of God’s gifts, is one of the lesser ones. It is not as important as speaking or preaching under inspiration.” In referring to verses 20-24, it is stated, “… tongues indeed function as a sign. This is also clear from Acts 2. But… they have the reverse effect if done in confusion and disorder…”

In this context, it is also interesting that in verse 21, Paul talks about people speaking with “other tongues and other lips”, quoting from Isaiah 28:11-12, which says that God will speak “with stammering lips and another tongue.” In both cases, the reference is clearly to human languages; continuing that even then the people will not hear. How true this is today for especially the stiff-necked and arrogant nations of the USA, the UK and Canada.

Addressing verses 29-33, the above-mentioned article points out that “the speakers must also be in control of themselves… No ‘seizure by the spirit’ here. No giving of one’s mind up to an outside force. The person under God’s inspiration is still able to control what he says and does.”

Concluding with verses 34-37, the article states that “women are to keep silent in the churches… women are not to participate, either as ‘tongue’ speakers or as speakers of any kind in the service.” This alone would disqualify many Pentecostal groups which allow women in their services to “speak in tongues.”

The Bible makes it very clear that speaking in or with tongues simply means, speaking in another language which is known to man. There is no record in the Bible that a human being ever spoke the language of an angel. 1 Corinthians 13:1 does not say something differently. There, Paul just states a theoretical proposition, without claiming that he could speak with the “tongue” of an angel. The Living Bible renders the meaning of this verse quite accurately: “If I HAD the gift of being able to speak in other languages… and could speak in every language there is in all of heaven and earth…”

In conclusion, the Bible does in no way endorse the false concept that a righteous person can or should speak in ecstatic “tongues”; fall backwards; begin rolling on the floor; and scream in an unintelligible way. Nor is the idea biblical that one can speak in a “tongue” which he or she does not know, while being ignorant as to what is being uttered. Rather, these would be symptoms of demonic influence.

The biblical concept of speaking in tongues means, speaking in a foreign human language. The speaker knows what he or she is saying, and the listener is able to understand the translator. God may have given the translator the “natural” talent to translate, but in some, if not many cases in God’s Church, He might give him or her additional and unusual abilities to fulfill the necessary and required task of a translator. Still, those who receive and are able to use those gifts must realize in humility that these are not the greatest gifts (1 Corinthians 14:1-5), even though they must be thankful to God that He does bestow such gifts on them, especially for the edification of His people.

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

“Europe’s New Defense Pact… Blessing or Curse?”is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

On November 13, 2017, European defense ministers signed the Permanent Structured Cooperation pact. This new military agreement has been hailed by some as a “historic step” and a “milestone in European development,” which was “70 years” in the making. Others, especially in Britain and Russia, look at this pact with great concern and warn of terrible consequences. What is this all about, and what does biblical prophecy reveal?

A Tech Team meeting was conducted via SKYPE on last Sunday morning, November 12, 2017. Hosted by Eric Rank, special emphasis was given to discussing our live stream service.

“Gewalttätige Christen?” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “Violent Christians?”

Did Jesus Resort to Violence?” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Did Jesus approve of killing in war? Would He support the changed purpose of Armistice Day to that of Veteran’s Day? Would He agree with the idea of bringing weapons to church services? Did He ever commit violence towards anyone? What can WE do to protect ourselves? Are guns the answer?

“Living a Full Life,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

What does it mean to live a full life as a Christian? When we look at the state of the world at this time, it is easy to think that Christ will come soon, so we just need to put out heads down and mind our own business. But the Bible is very implicit that we should be living our lives to the fullest extent possible every single day. So how do we accomplish this? What form does it come to take in our daily Christian lives?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations can be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

©2025 Church of the Eternal God