Are You an Overcomer?; What Does the Bible Say About Smoking?

On July 29, 2017, Dave Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Are You an Overcomer?” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “What Does the Bible Say About Smoking?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 792

A Willing Attitude is a Winning Attitude; Alcoholism in the Bible

On July 22, 2017, Joe Bourque will present the sermonette, titled, “A Willing Attitude is a Winning Attitude,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Alcoholism in the Bible.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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A Road Less Traveled

by Michael Link

Roads are important as they lead us from one place to another, and there are many types of roads with different purposes and conditions.  We depend on roads to travel on daily, to get us from here to there.  But with all the roads that we count to reach our destination, how are we doing on our spiritual road?  We chose to go down a specific road, a road that will hopefully lead us in the right direction.  This is no ordinary road but one that contains many hazardous conditions—perhaps some detours and delays—and it is not an easy road to travel. Only a SELECT FEW will travel on this road.

Matthew 7:13-14 starts off by giving us a choice – we can either select the narrow way or the wide way.  When we have reached a fork in the road, which one do we take?  To put it into perspective, one road looks more appealing than the other, at first glance. The “left” road looks very attractive, tempting, enticing, and the majority would choose to take it full speed ahead, but they fail to see the trap that is set before them as it will ultimately lead to a dead end.  The road on the “right” looks less appealing, not to mention incredibly narrow requiring a considerable uphill effort as far as the physical eye can see, which may fail to realize where the road ends – far from death.  What choice will we make?  Many will choose the “left” way, but we must choose the “right” way.  Remember how Lot chose wrongly when he saw how “appealing” Sodom and Gomorrah looked in Genesis 13?

Focusing on our own road and the challenges we must go through to travel on it, we can see that, on occasion, the road can be quite hazardous and we need to be cautious at all times, pay attention by not letting distractions get in the way, watch what we are doing, and watch out for what lies ahead so we are prepared.  To elaborate on this analogy, there may be times when we may come across a road block.  This happens quite often where we face a condition in our path and get stuck, but it is only a delay. As a result, we need to find an alternate route, such as a detour, which still leads in the right direction.  We have to be careful that we don’t drift off course, meaning we must obey the signs and not try to put matters into our own hands, like finding a short cut that could lead us right into a “lake” if we’re not careful. We must realize our mistakes, as we are still human, and get back on track and find the connector that leads us right back onto the main road we are traveling.

The road of the world is difficult to avoid, that road on the “left,” as it will from time to time travel parallel with our road, and we have to make sure that it does not intersect, giving us an easy pathway to enter the wrong way!  There will be many opportunities and temptations along the way—wrong signs that we must ignore and warning signs that we must heed—if we want to reach our final destination.  We must be aware of U-turns as we are traveling on a one-way street.  We need to avoid going back into the world as we have come out of it.

Isaiah 35:8 talks about this road in the future, the road that we are presently on, which will become a Highway of Holiness—a road to Jerusalem, to Christ—and the time will come when everyone will have that chance to travel that road. The New American Standard Bible translates it as: “A highway will be there, a roadway, And it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, But it will be for him who walks that way, And fools will not wander on it.”  The unclean shall not pass over it, referring to those who choose not to be clean, who do not want to go the Way of Christ, but it shall be for others – those who want to live righteously, those who were blind and now can see, who were deaf and now can hear.

This is why we have chosen this road. We are still traveling on it and we will eventually reach our final destination and enter the narrow gate IF we remain focused, fruitful and faithful (Luke 13:24).

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by Norbert Link

We begin with North Korean threats and its ugly conduct in collaboration with its secret “allies,” including Russia and China; report on an apparent terrorist attack on German tourists in Egypt and a terrorist attack on the Temple Mount, while pointing out hostile reactions from Arabs and an abominable session of the Jordanian Parliament.

We continue with Israel’s objections to the “cease-fire” agreement between Russia and the USA pertaining to Syria amidst fears of Iranian ambitions in the area; and we report on Russia’s persecution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, its desire to play a hostile and threatening role in the Mediterranean, much to the chagrin of Europe; and the creation of “Little Russia” in Ukraine (Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Is Russia a Threat to the West?”).

We speak on setbacks of President Trump’s new Muslim travel ban and of the revised proposed GOP healthcare law, and its effect on the dollar; and we address President Trump’s planned visit to Great Britain. We also speak on genetically engineered hyper-muscular super-dogs and the potential consequences for humans.

We conclude with reports on the Catholic Church, citing a condemnatory Vatican-approved article against America’s religious fundamentalism, including certain ones in the White House, Evangelicals and American Catholics, and some puzzling comments by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Threat from North Korea

Deutsche Welle reported on July 15:

“Thermal images of North Korea’s main nuclear plant suggest that Pyongyang has reprocessed more weapons-grade plutonium than previously thought. The information, which comes from 38 North, a Washington-based think tank connected to Johns Hopkins University, likely means that the North can expand its nuclear weapons stockpile more rapidly than has been estimated up to now…

“Experts at 38 North estimated in April that North Korea could have as many as 20 nuclear bombs and could produce one more each month.”

North Koreans Work as Slave Laborers in Russia, China and Elsewhere

Fox News wrote on July 14:

“Brutal North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is shipping tens of thousands of impoverished citizens to Russia for the hard currency his cash-strapped regime desperately needs… Alarmed human rights groups say the North Korea workers in Russia are little more than slaves, subjected to everything from cruel and violent acts to ruthless exploitation at the hands of corrupt officials, while being forced to turn over large chunks of their pay to the North Korean government… A report issued earlier this year… estimates that about 50,000 North Korean laborers are working low-paying jobs in Russia. They send at least $120 million every year to the regime in Pyongyang…

“The U.S. State Department issued a report on human trafficking last month that concluded that North Korean workers in Russia had been subjected to ‘exploitative labor conditions characteristic of trafficking cases such as withholding of identity documents, non-payment for services rendered, physical abuse, lack of safety measures, or extremely poor living conditions.’

North Korean laborers work in other countries besides Russia. China uses large numbers of them, and Qatar has North Korean laborers helping build its World Cup stadium…”

We have not yet heard the last word from North Korea and its collaboration with countries such as Russia and China.

Speeding Towards World War Three

Express wrote on July 17:

“A joint US and Australian operation has seen the launch of a multi-million pound hypersonic missile capable of travelling at almost 13,000 kmh. The successful launch from a remote rocket range near Woomera, in South Australia, helped staunch fears that China and Russia were racing ahead in a new hypersonic arms race, and concerns over increasingly hostile missile tests by North Korea.

“The incredible speed would theoretically take a hypersonic glider from London to Australia in a little over one hour

“Just weeks ago, in May, members of US Congress raised concerns that the US was trailing behind Russia and China in the development of hypersonic weapons capabilities… Some experts fear once the technology is perfected, other nations will use them for nuclear warheads, and then the US will be forced to follow suit…

“There are fears [North Korea] could now even have the capability to fire a missile that could reach the US, potentially sparking World War 3…”

Attacks on German Tourists in Egypt

Deutsche Welle reported on July 15:

“A knife attack at the popular Red Sea resort of Hurghada in Egypt has left two German citizens dead and four other holidaymakers wounded… the alleged attacker, a 28-year-old university graduate from the Nile Delta province of Kafr el-Sheikh, shouted during the attack: ‘Stay away, I don’t want Egyptians.’ Although there has been no claim of responsibility yet, a source close to the investigation has told dpa news agency that the alleged attacker ‘communicated with [the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (IS) group] via internet and was given the task of attacking foreign tourists on Hurghada beaches’ by the extremist militia.

The attack is likely to affect Egypt’s tourism industry, which has already been suffering in the wake of the 2011 uprising against former President Hosni Mubarak and subsequent years of political turmoil. Terrorist attacks in the Sinai Peninsula have weakened the sector even more, such as the Russian airline blast in 2015 that killed 224 passengers or the recent ‘Islamic state’ (IS) attack which killed more than 20 Egyptian soldiers near the city of Rafah…

Many countries, including Germany, have issued travel warnings to Egypt in general and the Sinai Peninsula in particular. According to Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau, there is ‘a very concrete threat’ of a terrorist attack in Sinai – the highest among five threat levels. The German Foreign Ministry stresses the ‘risk of terrorist attacks’ as well as abduction in the country, adding that traveling to Egypt including the tourism hotspots of the Red Sea should be done ‘with caution.’”

Ultimately, Egypt will be invaded by a European army under German control.

Violence on the Temple Mount

The Times of Israel wrote on July 14:

Two police officers were killed in the shooting, which took place just outside the Temple Mount. The terrorists, three Arab Israelis, fled back to the holy site where they were shot dead after an exchange of fire with police…”

In a related article, The Times of Israel wrote on July 14:

“The trio, aged 19, 20 and 30, managed to stay under the radar of Israeli intelligence. They were able to strike without warning, and once again to fatally jar the exposed nerves of Israelis as regards the country’s Arab citizens… As Israelis, they carried blue identity cards, and were able to gain free access to the Temple Mount… In the Arab sector… weapons are readily available — either stolen from the IDF, or home produced.

“They selected the most resonant site, on the most resonant day of the week: The Temple Mount complex, on the day of Friday prayers… They knew that a shooting attack at the most incendiary spot in the Middle East would be likely to prompt a major escalation. They anticipated that a shooting spree at the Temple Mount compound, which would end with their deaths too, would gain massive media coverage — and knew that previous such incidents had set in motion a still more bloody chain of events… Friday’s trio… intended to set the Middle East ablaze.”

Jerusalem’s Holy Site Reopened… but Concerns Persist

Fox News and The Associated Press reported on July 16:

“Hundreds of Muslim worshippers visited a Jerusalem holy site Sunday after Israel reopened the compound following a rare closure in response to a deadly shooting last week that raised concerns about wider unrest. For the first time in decades, Israel closed the site — known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount — on Friday…

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that following consultations with security officials the site would be reopened Sunday afternoon with increased security measures that included metal detectors at the entrance gates and additional security cameras… Israel did not coordinate the changes with Jordan, which serves as the custodian of the Muslim-administered site… Jordan’s stance is that anything installed at the site must be approved by the Waqf, or Muslim administration, and cannot change the status quo… The Palestinian Minister of Jerusalem Adnan Husseini called for the security arrangements to return to how they were before the deadly attack, saying it ‘shouldn’t be an excuse for making changes.’…

“Gaza’s Hamas rulers called the act a ‘religious war’ and urged Palestinians to carry out more attacks… In the past two years, Palestinians have killed 45 Israelis, two visiting Americans and a British tourist in stabbings, shootings and car-ramming attacks. During that period, Israeli forces have killed more than 255 Palestinians, most of them said by Israel to be attackers while others were killed in clashes with Israeli forces…”

With hate-filled Arabs as Israel’s enemies, there will never be any peace in the Middle East prior to Christ’s return.

Now… Temple Mount Closed to Jewish Visitors

JTA wrote on July 19:

Police closed the Temple Mount to Jewish visitors after a group of Jews began praying at the site in violation of the rules there. Jerusalem District Commander Yoram Halevy ordered the closure on Wednesday over the Jewish group’s ‘violating the rules of conduct that apply to the holy site,’ according to Israel Police. The Jewish visitors brought prayer books to the site, Haaretz reported. One was warned not to use the book, and after a second took out one, the group was expelled…”

Jerusalem—Israel’s Undivided Capital

Israel National News reported on July 19:

“A law which would limit the government’s ability to divide the capital in any future final status agreement with the Palestinian Authority was approved in its first vote Wednesday afternoon. The Jerusalem Law… would require a supermajority of two-thirds of the entire Knesset, or 80 MKs, to approve any partition of the city…

“Jerusalem Affairs Minister Zeev Elkin praised Wednesday’s vote, saying the law would protect ‘Jerusalem’s status as the united capital of Israel, and make it very difficult for anyone in the future who would dare to divide it.’”

Jordanian Parliament Praises Terrorists

Times of Israel reported on July 16:

“The Jordanian parliament on Sunday praised the terrorists who carried out a shooting attack at the Temple Mount that killed two Israeli police officers, less than a day after King Abdullah II condemned the attack. The parliament also criticized Israel for closing the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary)…

“‘May the mercy of Allah be upon our martyrs who sowed and watered the pure land,’ said Parliament Speaker Atef Tarawneh. ‘We will raise our heads through the sacrifice of the young Palestinians who are still fighting in the name of the nation.’…

“Tarawneh blamed Israel for the attack, claiming that the ‘occupation’ of Jerusalem and the West Bank justified the killing. ‘The damage caused by the Israeli occupation to the holiest sites in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa are the reason for the continued resistance, we will not bow to oppression or tyranny,’ he said. ‘Israel’s continued and serious crimes that it commits are the reason for lighting the fire of revenge in the hearts of the generation who still receive hatred of the occupation as their inheritance.’

“The parliament… called on the international community to force Israel to end the ‘occupation and protect Palestinian rights.’ The parliament stood as a prayer was recited for the souls of the ‘martyrs’ who carried out the terror attack.”

This is such abominable conduct by the Jordanian Parliament.

Cease Fire in Syria–Netanyahu Opposes Trump

The Times of Israel wrote on July 16:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said he opposes the deal brokered by the United States and Russia that led to an open-ended ceasefire in southern Syria, saying it does not sufficiently address Iranian military ambitions in the area.

Placing himself at odds with US President Donald Trump on the issue, Netanyahu told journalists in Paris that the agreement perpetuates Iranian plans to set up a disruptive long-term presence on Israel’s northern border, something he has repeatedly vowed that the Jewish state won’t tolerate… ‘Israel is aware of Iran’s expansionist goals in Syria,’ a statement from Netanyahu’s office said… The prime minister said that while the plan aims to keep Iran 20 kilometers (12 miles) away from the Israeli border, it did not address Iran’s plans to cement its presence in Syria, which, he said, included the establishment of a naval and air force bases…

“Also on Sunday, a senior Israeli official strongly condemned the deal, calling it ‘very bad’ and saying it did not take into account Israeli security concerns, the Haaretz daily reported…

“Ceasefires have repeatedly collapsed in Syria’s six-year-old civil war, and it’s not clear if this one will last… Israel has repeatedly said it will not allow Iran to set up a permanent presence in Syria. Israel has carried out a number of airstrikes in Syria against suspected shipments of ‘game-changing’ weapons bound for Hezbollah…”

Israel against most of the rest of the world?

“Russian Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses”

The Associated Press and Newsmax reported on July 17:

“Russia’s Supreme Court has rejected an appeal of its nationwide ban on the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious denomination. The court’s appeals chamber has upheld the April approval of the Russian Justice Ministry’s call to halt Jehovah’s Witnesses activities and to declare it an extremist organization.

“The rejection of the religious group’s appeal allows Russia to liquidate the 395 Jehovah’s Witnesses congregations and seize their property. The group claims about 170,000 adherents in Russia.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses spokesman David Semonian said in a statement that ‘it’s very concerning that despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, powerful elements within Russia continue to frame our organization as extremist.’ Viktor Zhenkov, a Russian attorney for the group, said Monday’s ruling would be appealed to the European Court of Human Rights…”

It is expected that the Russian government will ignore any verdict in favor of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Religious Freedom Ended in Russia

BBC News wrote on July 17:

 “The group’s Russia spokesman, Yaroslav Sivulsky, said that ‘religious freedom in Russia is over’. ‘There were no real facts of any extremism on part of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It’s all about bad literature and intolerance. Now anyone who studies the Bible can be jailed,’ he said, quoted by Newsweek magazine.

“One pamphlet distributed by the group quoted the novelist Leo Tolstoy as describing the doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church as superstition and sorcery… Human rights group Sova has argued that an ‘official repressive campaign’ has been conducted against the movement for years and many of their members have been physically attacked.”

Newsmax wrote on July 18:

“Religious life in Russia is dominated by the Orthodox Church, which exerts considerable political influence and enjoys the support of President Vladimir Putin. Some Orthodox scholars view Jehovah’s Witnesses as a ‘totalitarian sect’.”

It seems rather obvious that the Russian Orthodox Church, in collaboration with Vladimir Putin, had their hands in this persecution. Russia’s abominable decision is met with little opposition from “Christian” countries all over the world, as traditional “Christian” churches do not consider the Jehovah’s Witnesses as a mainstream Christian denomination. Western leaders seem to be suspiciously silent on the matter. A shocking testimony of cowardice, if not worse. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Is Russia a Threat to the West?”.

Russia—a Threat to the West

Newsweek wrote on July 15:

“Russia’s support for the Syrian government in its war against jihadists and other insurgents has given Moscow a newfound military foothold in the Mediterranean… For years, Russia and NATO have been engaged in an international arms race, the likes of which have not been seen since the Cold War, and each side accuses the other of pushing the limits of peace among the world’s leading military powers. By coming to the rescue of an old ally in the Middle East, Russia may have secured a new, strategic entrance to the heavily contested theater of Europe

“Russia… is looking west. It’s contributed extensive naval resources, including 15 warships from its Black Sea Fleet, toward developing a Permanent Mediterranean Task Force as of July 5. The ships are based out of the coastal Syrian city of Tartous, where Moscow secured permission from Damascus to establish a naval base for nearly the next half a century. Russian warships and a submarine in the Mediterranean have already fired advanced, supersonic Kalibr cruise missiles against ISIS positions in Syria. The same nuclear-capable weapons could soon easily be in range of NATO targets as well, if they aren’t already.

“It may not end with Syria, either. Russia’s special forces have already reportedly been spotted in Egypt, potentially courting Libyan military leader Khalifa Hifter, who has become increasingly influential politically over his war-torn nation. Yemen… could also serve as a venue for Russian military ventures where the U.S. and its allies have significantly struggled to achieve their own objectives. As Russia and NATO’s rivalry plays out in the Baltics and other parts of Europe, the latter may find itself caught off guard by an expanding Russian sphere of influence reminiscent of Moscow’s Soviet legacy…”

Europe will not be caught off guard but is keenly aware of the situation. Finding itself in the middle between two competing military world powers, it sees no other alternative than to become a mighty military power itself.

“Little Russia: Ukraine Separatists Proclaim New State”

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 18:

“Rebel forces in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday announced that they plan to hold a referendum calling for the creation of a new state known as Malorossiya, which translates as ‘Little Russia.’… rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko said that the new state would aspire to include not only the areas under insurgent control, but also the rest of Ukraine… while the capital would be moved from Kiev to the insurgent bastion of Donetsk. Kiev would be reduced to a ‘historical and cultural center.’

“The self-proclaimed authorities in Donetsk have repeatedly expressed their intentions to join Russia. The Kremlin, however, has stopped short of annexing the area and denies to have propped up rebel groups with military support, despite overwhelming evidence suggesting otherwise…

“The German government decried the proposal for a new state as ‘completely unacceptable.’…

“The 2015 Minsk accord,  a ceasefire deal brokered by Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France, has hit a wall with clashes continuing along the frontlines. All sides have called for a restart in talks but progress continues to stall. Ukraine’s envoy for negotiations with the rebels, Yevgen Marchuk, told local media that Tuesday’s announcement ‘could block the negotiations entirely.'”

Euractiv and Reuters reported on July 18:

“Three former rebel leaders told Reuters in May that a top aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin decides how the pro-Moscow administration of eastern Ukraine is run and who gets what jobs there, challenging Kremlin denials that it calls the shots in the region.”

The big question is: Will Russia intervene militarily in Ukraine? Many observers believe so.

Finland Prepares for Russian Invasion

Express wrote on July 16:

“AN UNDERGROUND city is being prepared for habitation in case Russia invades Europe during a military exercise… Nato allies fear President Vladimir Putin’s true intentions leading to ‘serious doubts Moscow is revealing the true extent of its military exercises’. It has now been revealed Finnish soldiers are carrying out training to deal with a mass evacuation.

“A Helsinki City Planning document states the tunnels, which date back to the 60s will be ready when needed. It states: ‘The Underground Master Plan contains 40 new areas reserved as rock resources and 100 new space allocations for future rock construction… Approximately 9 million cubic metres, consisting of about 400 separate facilities or tunnels, have already been built under the city…’

“Much of the underground network is open to the public, and contains facilities such as swimming pools, ice hockey rinks and car parks. In June Finland agreed protocols which meant it would call on NATO to help defend it in the event of an invasion.”

A European Finance Minister and the German Engine

Euronews reported on July 13:

“Germany’s Angela Merkel has opened the door to having a Eurozone finance minister. She made the comment during a joint press conference on Thursday with French president Emmanuel Macron in Paris after a joint Franco-German cabinet meeting… The two leaders announced plans to build a joint fighter jet, with a roadmap planned for mid-2018, as part of a drive to cement their countries’ cooperation and strengthen the European Union… Singling out cyber-security the two leaders vowed to deepen European integration on defence, counter-terrorism and immigration

“The German Chancellor was questioned about Macron’s ideas for greater integration in the Eurozone… On his proposal for a single finance minister, parliament and budget, Merkel said she agreed in principle… Both leaders showed they were keen to revive the traditional German ‘engine’ within the EU…”

Grandparents and Other Close Relatives Must Be Exempt from Trump’s Travel Ban

The Week wrote on July 14:

“The Supreme Court last month ruled that the Trump administration could start enforcing the [travel] ban [against certain Muslim countries]… but not against people with ‘a credible claim of a bona fide relationship’ with someone in the U.S. The administration said it would make exceptions for spouses, parents, parents-in-law, children, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, fiancés, and siblings of people already in the country.

“U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson [from Hawaii] said in his decision that the list was too narrow, and that grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and other close relatives should be added. ‘Common sense, for instance, dictates that close family members be defined to include grandparents,’ he wrote. ‘Indeed, grandparents are the epitome of close family members. The government’s definition excludes them. That simply cannot be.'”

The judge is right, of course, but more importantly, the entire Muslim travel ban is deeply disturbing and morally wrong, as it includes refugees who are threatened with death in their radical home countries. Terrible memories of America’s objectionable indifference towards Jewish refugees in World War II come to mind, thereby having become culpable, to an extent, for the murder of millions of Jews by Nazi criminals. Is America repeating now its past mistakes?

Another Setback for Proposed GOP Healthcare Law

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 16:

“Republicans’ push to pass a sweeping new health-care law experienced another setback, as Senate leaders announced they would delay a long-promised vote after Sen. John McCain underwent an unexpected surgery Friday.

“President Donald Trump and GOP leaders in Congress were hoping the Senate would vote this week on a plan to overturn parts of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and make other changes to the health system, including deep cuts to the Medicaid program. But Saturday’s announcement that Mr. McCain was recovering from a surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye put those plans in doubt, leaving Republican leaders short of the votes they need to move ahead with the bill.

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) can’t afford more than two defections among the 52 GOP senators… Two senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have said they can’t support the bill, but for different reasons. Others have yet to commit—meaning just one more defection would derail the bill. Mr. McCain’s absence means GOP leaders are short of the votes this week for a procedural motion vote to begin consideration of the bill…

“Ms. Collins… said that eight to 10 Republicans had ‘deep concerns’ about the bill… Some GOP senators with a high profile in their states are weighing whether to be guided by the appeals for party unity if the health-care bill is unpopular among their constituents…

“Mr. Trump has at times advocated forcefully for the health-care legislation, even though he vowed repeatedly during the campaign that there would be no changes to the Medicaid program. He made an aggressive push when the House struggled with similar divisions and found itself initially unable to pass a bill earlier this year. He is now seeking to maintain a policy-oriented focus amid new allegations almost daily about Russian interference in the 2016 election… The difficulty for many Republicans is that supporting the bill or opposing it both carry political risk.”

Repeal Dead—Obamacare Remains Law of the Land

The Associated Press wrote on July 17:

“The latest GOP effort to repeal and replace ‘Obamacare’ was fatally wounded in the Senate Monday night when two more Republican senators announced their opposition to legislation strongly backed by President Donald Trump. The announcements from Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas left the Republican Party’s long-promised efforts to get rid of President Barack Obama’s health care legislation reeling. Next steps, if any, were not immediately clear…

“McConnell is now at least two votes short in the closely divided Senate and may have to go back to the drawing board or even begin to negotiate with Democrats, a prospect he’s threatened but resisted so far… It was the second straight failure for McConnell, who had to cancel a vote on an earlier version of the bill last month when defeat became inevitable.

“Trump had kept his distance from the Senate process, but Monday night’s development was a major blow for him, too, as the president failed to rally support for what has been the GOP’s trademark issue for seven years…”

Newsmax added on July 17:

“That dooms one of the GOP’s top priorities to a humiliating, self-inflicted defeat…”

The Washington Post wrote on July 18:

“Hours after GOP leaders abandoned a bill to overhaul the law known as Obamacare, their fallback plan — a proposal to repeal major parts of the law without replacing them — quickly collapsed. A trio of moderate Republicans quashed the idea, saying it would irresponsibly snatch insurance coverage from millions of Americans… Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)… said he would nonetheless schedule a vote ‘early next week’ on the repeal plan. But he appeared to acknowledge that it seemed doomed…

“Trump told reporters… that he now plans to ‘let Obamacare fail…’ That way, he said, his party would bear no political responsibility for the system’s collapse…”

What a mess. A “political” success seems to be much more important to far too many involved players than an uncompromising willingness to stand up for what is right and true and fair and godly.

“Setback for Trump Agenda Leaves Dollar Stranded”

Reuters wrote on July 17:

“The dollar fell to a 10-month low on Tuesday, bearing the brunt of a selloff triggered by another setback to U.S. President Donald Trump’s agenda and scaled-back expectations for another rate hike at Federal Reserve this year. The announcement overnight that two Republican senators would not support the latest version of the healthcare bill… fed into a belief that Trump’s tax cuts and spending plans will come to nought…

“‘The reform momentum of the Trump administration has received another blow,’ said strategists at Morgan Stanley led by Hans Redeker, in a note to clients… ‘Clearly anything that comes along at the moment just corroborates the market’s negative attitude on the dollar,’ said Neil Mellor, senior FX strategist with Bank of New York Mellon in London.”

“Trump Certifying Iran Deal for 2nd Time Despite Slamming It”

JTA wrote on July 18:

“The Trump administration again recertified the Iran nuclear deal and pledged to strengthen its enforcement. The decision to recertify the deal Monday followed delays caused by President Donald Trump, who said during campaigning for the presidency that the agreement reached in 2015 by the Obama administration was the worst he had ever seen. The deal must be recertified every 90 days.

“Trump advisers… persuaded him to recertify… administration officials said they would toughen enforcement of the deal. A similar pledge was made at the last recertification three months ago; what tougher enforcement means precisely is not clear….”

Newsmax wrote on July 17:

“Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton wrote in The Hill that Trump is making a mistake by certifying the deal, as the evidence is clear Iran is violating the agreement… Bolton also said, since there is no chance of changing the Iranian deal, because Teheran would never agree to that, the U.S. should withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.”

Candidate Trump declared it was a disastrous and dangerous agreement and promised time and again that he would annul the deal.

Most Americans Reject Donald Trump

The Daily Mail wrote on July 17:

Seven out of 10 Americans believe Donald Trump’s behavior in office has been ‘unpresidential,’ and his Twitter binges aren’t swinging things in his favor. That stunning number is coupled with an astonishingly low 36 per cent overall approval rating, the worst recorded in 70 years. And more than half of Americans – 57 per cent – say the more they hear about Trump, the less they like him.”

Donald Trump Won’t Visit Britain Unless the People Like Him

The Sun wrote on July 16:

“[The] US President warns he will not visit until he can guarantee a good reception and pleas with Theresa May to help influence public… And he warned he won’t set foot here until the public start liking him.

“The US President made his shameless plea in a private conversation with Theresa May to plan his state visit — now postponed until next year. Two million people signed a petition calling for Mr Trump’s proposed trip to be axed. A transcript of the chat, seen by senior diplomats, reveals his touchiness.

“Mr Trump says: ‘I haven’t had great coverage out there lately, Theresa.’

“She replies awkwardly: ‘Well, you know what the British press are like.’

“He replies: ‘I still want to come, but I’m in no rush. So, if you can fix it for me, it would make things a lot easier. When I know I’m going to get a better reception, I’ll come and not before.’

“A source said: ‘He seemed to think the PM would be able to smooth the path for him to get a warm welcome. But she tried to explain she has no power to dictate how newspapers and media might decide to cover his visit. After all, we are not North Korea. He said he would not agree [to] a date until people support him coming.’”

“Downing Street would not comment.”

We have no comments, either.

Coming—Armies of Super-Humans?

Express wrote on July 15:

“ARMIES of SUPER-SOLDIERS were a step closer to reality today after China announced it was genetically engineering hyper-muscular SUPER-DOGS…

“Now the Chinese success has led to fears the same technology could be used to create weaponised super-humans – typifed in Marvel Comics by Captain America and his foes… An army of super-humans has been a staple of science fiction and superhero comics for decades – but the super-dog technology brings it closer to reality.”

This may not be as far-fetched as it may seem at first sight.

Vatican Accuses American Evangelicals and Roman Catholics of Being Close to Islamist Fundamentalism  

The Associated Press and NBC News reported on July 15:

“A close confidant of Pope Francis, writing Thursday in a Vatican-approved magazine, has condemned those within American presidential administrations who espouse the ideology of ‘Christian fundamentalism’ — naming White House chief strategist Steve Bannon as a proponent of such ‘apocalyptic geopolitics.’ In a damning article, the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, editor of the influential Jesuit journal La Civilità Cattolica, also took aim at conservative religious support for President Donald Trump, accusing activists of promoting a ‘xenophobic and Islamophobic vision that wants walls and purifying deportations.’…

“In a story entitled, ‘Evangelical Fundamentalism and Catholic Integralism: A Surprising Ecumenism,’ Spadaro criticized the way some American evangelicals and their Roman Catholic supporters mix religion and politics, saying they demonized opponents and promoted a ‘theocratic type of state.’ He added that their vision was ‘not too far apart’ from Islamic fundamentalism.

“The article — which was co-written by a Presbyterian pastor, the Rev. Marcelo Figueroa, who is editor of the Argentine edition of the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano — was published just days after evangelical leaders met Trump in the Oval Office and laid their hands on him in prayer… Last month the head of the Vatican’s Academy of Sciences said Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris accords would be a ‘slap in the face for the Vatican.’

“Articles in La Civilità Cattolica are read by the Vatican Secretariat of State before they are published. Under Francis, who is a Jesuit, the publication has become something of an ‘authoritative’ outlet for the Vatican, although it is not an official mouthpiece of the papacy… The political alliance between Catholics and American Protestants that is at the heart of Spadaro’s article emerged in the late 20th century… Spadaro said this relationship has ‘gradually radicalized,’ dividing the world into only good and evil and promoting division and hatred.

“The reverend specifically criticized the Catholic American media organization Spadaro said the media outlet framed the presidential election as a ‘spiritual war’ and Trump’s ascent to the presidency as ‘a divine election.’…”

The Bible shows that a military and religious Europe will attack the USA. The condemnation of religious fundamentalism in the USA—including Evangelicals and American Catholics—must be seen in this light as well.

Catholic Church on the Verge of Capsizing?

Breitbart wrote on July 16:

“The Catholic Church is a boat ‘on the verge of capsizing,’ said Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in a personal message for the funeral Mass of his close friend, Cardinal Joachim Meisner on Saturday. Given his inability to travel, the usually silent retired Pope delivered the message in writing, and had it read aloud in the Cologne Cathedral…In the text, Benedict said that Cardinal Meisner… ‘learned to let go and to live out of a deep conviction that the Lord does not abandon His Church, even when the boat has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing.’

“Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI turned 90 years old on Easter Sunday, after which he gave a rare birthday speech inside the Vatican expressing his thanksgiving to God for the gift of life… Benedict… retired as pope on Feb. 28, 2013, the first pontiff to do so in 600 years…”

One wonders what role, if any, former Pope Benedict might still play or may be playing on the world scene.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Please Explain 2 Corinthians 5:8

Here is the verse: “We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.”

This misunderstood verse has been repeatedly quoted to prove that people “go to heaven” when they die. But is that really what happens? Does the Bible state anywhere that heaven is the reward of the saved? Is anyone—especially the righteous who have died—in heaven with God and Jesus Christ right now?

Let’s consider some facts—unmistakable statements from the Word of God which prove that no person has ascended to heaven except Jesus Christ. That includes the apostle Paul, who died almost two millennia ago!

Following His resurrection (which was to spirit life), it is recorded that Jesus was taken to heaven—to be with God:

“Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven’” (Acts 1:9-11; also: verse 22).

(Note that Jesus will RETURN to the earth—He won’t stay in heaven, and that has tremendous bearing for understanding the fate of people after death!)

Not long after the establishment of the Church on the Day of Pentecost, persecution arose, and Stephen was martyred. As his life was about to end, he saw a vision, and it is testimony to the fact that Jesus Christ was at the right hand of God:

“But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said, ‘Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!’” (Acts 7:55-56; also: 2:33).

Consider what Peter preached with God’s inspiration about King David:

“‘Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day’” (Acts 2:29).

And to make it perfectly clear, Peter continues in his preaching, saying, “‘For David did not ascend into the heavens…’” (Acts 2:34).

But David knew that he would live again, writing:

“As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness” (Psalm 17:15).

Hundreds of years after David had died, God inspired His prophets to write about that time when David would indeed awaken from death:

“‘But they shall serve the LORD their God, And David their king, Whom I will raise up for them’” (Jeremiah 30:9; also: Ezekiel 34:23-24; 37:24-25).

These references about David’s future resurrection to rule over Israel are about a time when he will have been given ETERNAL LIFE in the Kingdom of God. Other righteous individuals are also mentioned in the same future sense—as Jesus clearly revealed:

“‘And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven’” (Matthew 8:11).

To His disciples, Jesus said:

“… ‘Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel’” (Matthew 19:28).

It is vital to understand the time frame when these and other righteous men and women (compare Hebrews 11) will be “present with the Lord.” Paul never taught that people would die and immediately “go to heaven.” In fact, he showed that not everyone would return to life at the same time:

“But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death” (1 Corinthians 15:20-26).

Here are more details about the resurrection of the “firstfruits”:

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17).

Now understand—these teachings by Paul unequivocally show that the firstfruits will only be “present with the Lord” following their resurrection or, as Paul reveals in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, their change to immortality.

However, this only accounts for a tiny part of humanity—there are countless billions of people who have lived and died and most of whom never even knew about God the Father or Jesus Christ. Revelation 20, verse 5, reveals that “the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished.” This explains in a little more detail about those who will be brought back from death to physical life at a time following the first resurrection (note that the first resurrection is a change to immortal life).

Do you grasp the unarguable proof contained in these Scriptures that no human being has yet “gone to be with the Lord”?

Paul clearly understood and taught that he would only be “present with the Lord” in the future Kingdom of God:

“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing” ( 2 Timothy 4:6-8).

The Bible reveals that God has given man a spirit component (Job 32:8). It is not self-aware and has no consciousness; it does not “live” on when a person dies, but it does retain a copy of all that constitutes each individual. Solomon wrote that “the dead know nothing” (Ecclesiastes 9:5). But he adds this remarkable statement:

“Then the dust (that is, the person) will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it” (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

While a person is dead, he or she has no consciousness. Death is compared with a dreamless sleep in the Bible. When a person is brought back to life, it appears to him or her that only a split second has passed since death. That is the reason why Paul said that he wanted to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. In the resurrection to eternal life, he will be “absent” from his physical temporary body, because he will receive a spiritual immortal body. In his mind, that “transformation” will occur in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52), and then he will indeed be always present with the Lord (compare again 1 Thessalonians 4:17).

It is God’s plan to give all people a chance to be with Him and with Jesus Christ in their Kingdom for eternity—in the new heaven and the new earth (compare Revelation 21 and 22).

That opportunity begins when He opens our minds to understand!

Lead Writer: Dave Harris

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Norbert and Johanna Link, along with Margaret Adair, are traveling to visit some of the brethren. During this time Mr. Link will present the sermon on July 22, 2017, in Woodburn, Oregon, and in Fort Collins, Colorado, on July 29, 2017.

A new Member Letter (July 2017) has been written and mailed to our subscribers. In this letter, Norbert Link writes about the distinction between patriotism and nationalism and the implications for Christians.

“Is Russia a Threat to the West?” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

The answer to this question is an unequivocal “Yes.” We address some of the many frightening Russian activities, both internationally and domestically. Russia, under Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church, is a military and religious dictatorship. In this program, we are especially focusing on Syria, the Mediterranean, Ukraine, North Korea and Russia’s ongoing persecution of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and show how the world is speeding towards nuclear World War III.

“Was Sagt die Bibel über Rauchen und “Kiffen?” (Teil 1),” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: “What Does the Bible Say about Smoking and Pot?” (Part 1).

“Edify,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Eric Rank, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Building enough strength to endure the trials in this world takes more work than any person can handle alone. The job of a Christian involves actively encouraging and building up one another so that we all can succeed.

“A Pattern That Binds,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

We are influenced by two opposing forces, good and evil. God has set forth His absolute truth and given us the choice to to either choose eternal life or total annihilation.

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

A Willing Attitude is a Winning Attitude; Alcoholism in the Bible

On July 22, 2017, Joe Bourque will present the sermonette, titled, “A Willing Attitude is a Winning Attitude,” and Norbert Link will present the sermon, titled, “Alcoholism in the Bible.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

Threat from North Korea

Deutsche Welle reported on July 15:

“Thermal images of North Korea’s main nuclear plant suggest that Pyongyang has reprocessed more weapons-grade plutonium than previously thought. The information, which comes from 38 North, a Washington-based think tank connected to Johns Hopkins University, likely means that the North can expand its nuclear weapons stockpile more rapidly than has been estimated up to now…

“Experts at 38 North estimated in April that North Korea could have as many as 20 nuclear bombs and could produce one more each month.”

North Koreans Work as Slave Laborers in Russia, China and Elsewhere

Fox News wrote on July 14:

“Brutal North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is shipping tens of thousands of impoverished citizens to Russia for the hard currency his cash-strapped regime desperately needs… Alarmed human rights groups say the North Korea workers in Russia are little more than slaves, subjected to everything from cruel and violent acts to ruthless exploitation at the hands of corrupt officials, while being forced to turn over large chunks of their pay to the North Korean government… A report issued earlier this year… estimates that about 50,000 North Korean laborers are working low-paying jobs in Russia. They send at least $120 million every year to the regime in Pyongyang…

“The U.S. State Department issued a report on human trafficking last month that concluded that North Korean workers in Russia had been subjected to ‘exploitative labor conditions characteristic of trafficking cases such as withholding of identity documents, non-payment for services rendered, physical abuse, lack of safety measures, or extremely poor living conditions.’

North Korean laborers work in other countries besides Russia. China uses large numbers of them, and Qatar has North Korean laborers helping build its World Cup stadium…”

We have not yet heard the last word from North Korea and its collaboration with countries such as Russia and China.

Speeding Towards World War Three

Express wrote on July 17:

“A joint US and Australian operation has seen the launch of a multi-million pound hypersonic missile capable of travelling at almost 13,000 kmh. The successful launch from a remote rocket range near Woomera, in South Australia, helped staunch fears that China and Russia were racing ahead in a new hypersonic arms race, and concerns over increasingly hostile missile tests by North Korea.

“The incredible speed would theoretically take a hypersonic glider from London to Australia in a little over one hour

“Just weeks ago, in May, members of US Congress raised concerns that the US was trailing behind Russia and China in the development of hypersonic weapons capabilities… Some experts fear once the technology is perfected, other nations will use them for nuclear warheads, and then the US will be forced to follow suit…

“There are fears [North Korea] could now even have the capability to fire a missile that could reach the US, potentially sparking World War 3…”

Attacks on German Tourists in Egypt

Deutsche Welle reported on July 15:

“A knife attack at the popular Red Sea resort of Hurghada in Egypt has left two German citizens dead and four other holidaymakers wounded… the alleged attacker, a 28-year-old university graduate from the Nile Delta province of Kafr el-Sheikh, shouted during the attack: ‘Stay away, I don’t want Egyptians.’ Although there has been no claim of responsibility yet, a source close to the investigation has told dpa news agency that the alleged attacker ‘communicated with [the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (IS) group] via internet and was given the task of attacking foreign tourists on Hurghada beaches’ by the extremist militia.

The attack is likely to affect Egypt’s tourism industry, which has already been suffering in the wake of the 2011 uprising against former President Hosni Mubarak and subsequent years of political turmoil. Terrorist attacks in the Sinai Peninsula have weakened the sector even more, such as the Russian airline blast in 2015 that killed 224 passengers or the recent ‘Islamic state’ (IS) attack which killed more than 20 Egyptian soldiers near the city of Rafah…

Many countries, including Germany, have issued travel warnings to Egypt in general and the Sinai Peninsula in particular. According to Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau, there is ‘a very concrete threat’ of a terrorist attack in Sinai – the highest among five threat levels. The German Foreign Ministry stresses the ‘risk of terrorist attacks’ as well as abduction in the country, adding that traveling to Egypt including the tourism hotspots of the Red Sea should be done ‘with caution.’”

Ultimately, Egypt will be invaded by a European army under German control.

Violence on the Temple Mount

The Times of Israel wrote on July 14:

Two police officers were killed in the shooting, which took place just outside the Temple Mount. The terrorists, three Arab Israelis, fled back to the holy site where they were shot dead after an exchange of fire with police…”

In a related article, The Times of Israel wrote on July 14:

“The trio, aged 19, 20 and 30, managed to stay under the radar of Israeli intelligence. They were able to strike without warning, and once again to fatally jar the exposed nerves of Israelis as regards the country’s Arab citizens… As Israelis, they carried blue identity cards, and were able to gain free access to the Temple Mount… In the Arab sector… weapons are readily available — either stolen from the IDF, or home produced.

“They selected the most resonant site, on the most resonant day of the week: The Temple Mount complex, on the day of Friday prayers… They knew that a shooting attack at the most incendiary spot in the Middle East would be likely to prompt a major escalation. They anticipated that a shooting spree at the Temple Mount compound, which would end with their deaths too, would gain massive media coverage — and knew that previous such incidents had set in motion a still more bloody chain of events… Friday’s trio… intended to set the Middle East ablaze.”

Jerusalem’s Holy Site Reopened… but Concerns Persist

Fox News and The Associated Press reported on July 16:

“Hundreds of Muslim worshippers visited a Jerusalem holy site Sunday after Israel reopened the compound following a rare closure in response to a deadly shooting last week that raised concerns about wider unrest. For the first time in decades, Israel closed the site — known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount — on Friday…

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that following consultations with security officials the site would be reopened Sunday afternoon with increased security measures that included metal detectors at the entrance gates and additional security cameras… Israel did not coordinate the changes with Jordan, which serves as the custodian of the Muslim-administered site… Jordan’s stance is that anything installed at the site must be approved by the Waqf, or Muslim administration, and cannot change the status quo… The Palestinian Minister of Jerusalem Adnan Husseini called for the security arrangements to return to how they were before the deadly attack, saying it ‘shouldn’t be an excuse for making changes.’…

“Gaza’s Hamas rulers called the act a ‘religious war’ and urged Palestinians to carry out more attacks… In the past two years, Palestinians have killed 45 Israelis, two visiting Americans and a British tourist in stabbings, shootings and car-ramming attacks. During that period, Israeli forces have killed more than 255 Palestinians, most of them said by Israel to be attackers while others were killed in clashes with Israeli forces…”

With hate-filled Arabs as Israel’s enemies, there will never be any peace in the Middle East prior to Christ’s return.

Now… Temple Mount Closed to Jewish Visitors

JTA wrote on July 19:

Police closed the Temple Mount to Jewish visitors after a group of Jews began praying at the site in violation of the rules there. Jerusalem District Commander Yoram Halevy ordered the closure on Wednesday over the Jewish group’s ‘violating the rules of conduct that apply to the holy site,’ according to Israel Police. The Jewish visitors brought prayer books to the site, Haaretz reported. One was warned not to use the book, and after a second took out one, the group was expelled…”

Jerusalem—Israel’s Undivided Capital

Israel National News reported on July 19:

“A law which would limit the government’s ability to divide the capital in any future final status agreement with the Palestinian Authority was approved in its first vote Wednesday afternoon. The Jerusalem Law… would require a supermajority of two-thirds of the entire Knesset, or 80 MKs, to approve any partition of the city…

“Jerusalem Affairs Minister Zeev Elkin praised Wednesday’s vote, saying the law would protect ‘Jerusalem’s status as the united capital of Israel, and make it very difficult for anyone in the future who would dare to divide it.’”

Jordanian Parliament Praises Terrorists

Times of Israel reported on July 16:

“The Jordanian parliament on Sunday praised the terrorists who carried out a shooting attack at the Temple Mount that killed two Israeli police officers, less than a day after King Abdullah II condemned the attack. The parliament also criticized Israel for closing the Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary)…

“‘May the mercy of Allah be upon our martyrs who sowed and watered the pure land,’ said Parliament Speaker Atef Tarawneh. ‘We will raise our heads through the sacrifice of the young Palestinians who are still fighting in the name of the nation.’…

“Tarawneh blamed Israel for the attack, claiming that the ‘occupation’ of Jerusalem and the West Bank justified the killing. ‘The damage caused by the Israeli occupation to the holiest sites in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa are the reason for the continued resistance, we will not bow to oppression or tyranny,’ he said. ‘Israel’s continued and serious crimes that it commits are the reason for lighting the fire of revenge in the hearts of the generation who still receive hatred of the occupation as their inheritance.’

“The parliament… called on the international community to force Israel to end the ‘occupation and protect Palestinian rights.’ The parliament stood as a prayer was recited for the souls of the ‘martyrs’ who carried out the terror attack.”

This is such abominable conduct by the Jordanian Parliament.

Cease Fire in Syria–Netanyahu Opposes Trump

The Times of Israel wrote on July 16:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said he opposes the deal brokered by the United States and Russia that led to an open-ended ceasefire in southern Syria, saying it does not sufficiently address Iranian military ambitions in the area.

Placing himself at odds with US President Donald Trump on the issue, Netanyahu told journalists in Paris that the agreement perpetuates Iranian plans to set up a disruptive long-term presence on Israel’s northern border, something he has repeatedly vowed that the Jewish state won’t tolerate… ‘Israel is aware of Iran’s expansionist goals in Syria,’ a statement from Netanyahu’s office said… The prime minister said that while the plan aims to keep Iran 20 kilometers (12 miles) away from the Israeli border, it did not address Iran’s plans to cement its presence in Syria, which, he said, included the establishment of a naval and air force bases…

“Also on Sunday, a senior Israeli official strongly condemned the deal, calling it ‘very bad’ and saying it did not take into account Israeli security concerns, the Haaretz daily reported…

“Ceasefires have repeatedly collapsed in Syria’s six-year-old civil war, and it’s not clear if this one will last… Israel has repeatedly said it will not allow Iran to set up a permanent presence in Syria. Israel has carried out a number of airstrikes in Syria against suspected shipments of ‘game-changing’ weapons bound for Hezbollah…”

Israel against most of the rest of the world?

“Russian Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Jehovah’s Witnesses”

The Associated Press and Newsmax reported on July 17:

“Russia’s Supreme Court has rejected an appeal of its nationwide ban on the Jehovah’s Witnesses religious denomination. The court’s appeals chamber has upheld the April approval of the Russian Justice Ministry’s call to halt Jehovah’s Witnesses activities and to declare it an extremist organization.

“The rejection of the religious group’s appeal allows Russia to liquidate the 395 Jehovah’s Witnesses congregations and seize their property. The group claims about 170,000 adherents in Russia.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses spokesman David Semonian said in a statement that ‘it’s very concerning that despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, powerful elements within Russia continue to frame our organization as extremist.’ Viktor Zhenkov, a Russian attorney for the group, said Monday’s ruling would be appealed to the European Court of Human Rights…”

It is expected that the Russian government will ignore any verdict in favor of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Religious Freedom Ended in Russia

BBC News wrote on July 17:

 “The group’s Russia spokesman, Yaroslav Sivulsky, said that ‘religious freedom in Russia is over’. ‘There were no real facts of any extremism on part of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It’s all about bad literature and intolerance. Now anyone who studies the Bible can be jailed,’ he said, quoted by Newsweek magazine.

“One pamphlet distributed by the group quoted the novelist Leo Tolstoy as describing the doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church as superstition and sorcery… Human rights group Sova has argued that an ‘official repressive campaign’ has been conducted against the movement for years and many of their members have been physically attacked.”

Newsmax wrote on July 18:

“Religious life in Russia is dominated by the Orthodox Church, which exerts considerable political influence and enjoys the support of President Vladimir Putin. Some Orthodox scholars view Jehovah’s Witnesses as a ‘totalitarian sect’.”

It seems rather obvious that the Russian Orthodox Church, in collaboration with Vladimir Putin, had their hands in this persecution. Russia’s abominable decision is met with little opposition from “Christian” countries all over the world, as traditional “Christian” churches do not consider the Jehovah’s Witnesses as a mainstream Christian denomination. Western leaders seem to be suspiciously silent on the matter. A shocking testimony of cowardice, if not worse. Please view our new StandingWatch program, “Is Russia a Threat to the West?”.

Russia—a Threat to the West

Newsweek wrote on July 15:

“Russia’s support for the Syrian government in its war against jihadists and other insurgents has given Moscow a newfound military foothold in the Mediterranean… For years, Russia and NATO have been engaged in an international arms race, the likes of which have not been seen since the Cold War, and each side accuses the other of pushing the limits of peace among the world’s leading military powers. By coming to the rescue of an old ally in the Middle East, Russia may have secured a new, strategic entrance to the heavily contested theater of Europe

“Russia… is looking west. It’s contributed extensive naval resources, including 15 warships from its Black Sea Fleet, toward developing a Permanent Mediterranean Task Force as of July 5. The ships are based out of the coastal Syrian city of Tartous, where Moscow secured permission from Damascus to establish a naval base for nearly the next half a century. Russian warships and a submarine in the Mediterranean have already fired advanced, supersonic Kalibr cruise missiles against ISIS positions in Syria. The same nuclear-capable weapons could soon easily be in range of NATO targets as well, if they aren’t already.

“It may not end with Syria, either. Russia’s special forces have already reportedly been spotted in Egypt, potentially courting Libyan military leader Khalifa Hifter, who has become increasingly influential politically over his war-torn nation. Yemen… could also serve as a venue for Russian military ventures where the U.S. and its allies have significantly struggled to achieve their own objectives. As Russia and NATO’s rivalry plays out in the Baltics and other parts of Europe, the latter may find itself caught off guard by an expanding Russian sphere of influence reminiscent of Moscow’s Soviet legacy…”

Europe will not be caught off guard but is keenly aware of the situation. Finding itself in the middle between two competing military world powers, it sees no other alternative than to become a mighty military power itself.

“Little Russia: Ukraine Separatists Proclaim New State”

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 18:

“Rebel forces in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday announced that they plan to hold a referendum calling for the creation of a new state known as Malorossiya, which translates as ‘Little Russia.’… rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko said that the new state would aspire to include not only the areas under insurgent control, but also the rest of Ukraine… while the capital would be moved from Kiev to the insurgent bastion of Donetsk. Kiev would be reduced to a ‘historical and cultural center.’

“The self-proclaimed authorities in Donetsk have repeatedly expressed their intentions to join Russia. The Kremlin, however, has stopped short of annexing the area and denies to have propped up rebel groups with military support, despite overwhelming evidence suggesting otherwise…

“The German government decried the proposal for a new state as ‘completely unacceptable.’…

“The 2015 Minsk accord,  a ceasefire deal brokered by Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France, has hit a wall with clashes continuing along the frontlines. All sides have called for a restart in talks but progress continues to stall. Ukraine’s envoy for negotiations with the rebels, Yevgen Marchuk, told local media that Tuesday’s announcement ‘could block the negotiations entirely.'”

Euractiv and Reuters reported on July 18:

“Three former rebel leaders told Reuters in May that a top aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin decides how the pro-Moscow administration of eastern Ukraine is run and who gets what jobs there, challenging Kremlin denials that it calls the shots in the region.”

The big question is: Will Russia intervene militarily in Ukraine? Many observers believe so.

Finland Prepares for Russian Invasion

Express wrote on July 16:

“AN UNDERGROUND city is being prepared for habitation in case Russia invades Europe during a military exercise… Nato allies fear President Vladimir Putin’s true intentions leading to ‘serious doubts Moscow is revealing the true extent of its military exercises’. It has now been revealed Finnish soldiers are carrying out training to deal with a mass evacuation.

“A Helsinki City Planning document states the tunnels, which date back to the 60s will be ready when needed. It states: ‘The Underground Master Plan contains 40 new areas reserved as rock resources and 100 new space allocations for future rock construction… Approximately 9 million cubic metres, consisting of about 400 separate facilities or tunnels, have already been built under the city…’

“Much of the underground network is open to the public, and contains facilities such as swimming pools, ice hockey rinks and car parks. In June Finland agreed protocols which meant it would call on NATO to help defend it in the event of an invasion.”

A European Finance Minister and the German Engine

Euronews reported on July 13:

“Germany’s Angela Merkel has opened the door to having a Eurozone finance minister. She made the comment during a joint press conference on Thursday with French president Emmanuel Macron in Paris after a joint Franco-German cabinet meeting… The two leaders announced plans to build a joint fighter jet, with a roadmap planned for mid-2018, as part of a drive to cement their countries’ cooperation and strengthen the European Union… Singling out cyber-security the two leaders vowed to deepen European integration on defence, counter-terrorism and immigration

“The German Chancellor was questioned about Macron’s ideas for greater integration in the Eurozone… On his proposal for a single finance minister, parliament and budget, Merkel said she agreed in principle… Both leaders showed they were keen to revive the traditional German ‘engine’ within the EU…”

Grandparents and Other Close Relatives Must Be Exempt from Trump’s Travel Ban

The Week wrote on July 14:

“The Supreme Court last month ruled that the Trump administration could start enforcing the [travel] ban [against certain Muslim countries]… but not against people with ‘a credible claim of a bona fide relationship’ with someone in the U.S. The administration said it would make exceptions for spouses, parents, parents-in-law, children, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, fiancés, and siblings of people already in the country.

“U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson [from Hawaii] said in his decision that the list was too narrow, and that grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and other close relatives should be added. ‘Common sense, for instance, dictates that close family members be defined to include grandparents,’ he wrote. ‘Indeed, grandparents are the epitome of close family members. The government’s definition excludes them. That simply cannot be.'”

The judge is right, of course, but more importantly, the entire Muslim travel ban is deeply disturbing and morally wrong, as it includes refugees who are threatened with death in their radical home countries. Terrible memories of America’s objectionable indifference towards Jewish refugees in World War II come to mind, thereby having become culpable, to an extent, for the murder of millions of Jews by Nazi criminals. Is America repeating now its past mistakes?

Another Setback for Proposed GOP Healthcare Law

The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 16:

“Republicans’ push to pass a sweeping new health-care law experienced another setback, as Senate leaders announced they would delay a long-promised vote after Sen. John McCain underwent an unexpected surgery Friday.

“President Donald Trump and GOP leaders in Congress were hoping the Senate would vote this week on a plan to overturn parts of the 2010 Affordable Care Act and make other changes to the health system, including deep cuts to the Medicaid program. But Saturday’s announcement that Mr. McCain was recovering from a surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye put those plans in doubt, leaving Republican leaders short of the votes they need to move ahead with the bill.

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) can’t afford more than two defections among the 52 GOP senators… Two senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have said they can’t support the bill, but for different reasons. Others have yet to commit—meaning just one more defection would derail the bill. Mr. McCain’s absence means GOP leaders are short of the votes this week for a procedural motion vote to begin consideration of the bill…

“Ms. Collins… said that eight to 10 Republicans had ‘deep concerns’ about the bill… Some GOP senators with a high profile in their states are weighing whether to be guided by the appeals for party unity if the health-care bill is unpopular among their constituents…

“Mr. Trump has at times advocated forcefully for the health-care legislation, even though he vowed repeatedly during the campaign that there would be no changes to the Medicaid program. He made an aggressive push when the House struggled with similar divisions and found itself initially unable to pass a bill earlier this year. He is now seeking to maintain a policy-oriented focus amid new allegations almost daily about Russian interference in the 2016 election… The difficulty for many Republicans is that supporting the bill or opposing it both carry political risk.”

Repeal Dead—Obamacare Remains Law of the Land

The Associated Press wrote on July 17:

“The latest GOP effort to repeal and replace ‘Obamacare’ was fatally wounded in the Senate Monday night when two more Republican senators announced their opposition to legislation strongly backed by President Donald Trump. The announcements from Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas left the Republican Party’s long-promised efforts to get rid of President Barack Obama’s health care legislation reeling. Next steps, if any, were not immediately clear…

“McConnell is now at least two votes short in the closely divided Senate and may have to go back to the drawing board or even begin to negotiate with Democrats, a prospect he’s threatened but resisted so far… It was the second straight failure for McConnell, who had to cancel a vote on an earlier version of the bill last month when defeat became inevitable.

“Trump had kept his distance from the Senate process, but Monday night’s development was a major blow for him, too, as the president failed to rally support for what has been the GOP’s trademark issue for seven years…”

Newsmax added on July 17:

“That dooms one of the GOP’s top priorities to a humiliating, self-inflicted defeat…”

The Washington Post wrote on July 18:

“Hours after GOP leaders abandoned a bill to overhaul the law known as Obamacare, their fallback plan — a proposal to repeal major parts of the law without replacing them — quickly collapsed. A trio of moderate Republicans quashed the idea, saying it would irresponsibly snatch insurance coverage from millions of Americans… Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)… said he would nonetheless schedule a vote ‘early next week’ on the repeal plan. But he appeared to acknowledge that it seemed doomed…

“Trump told reporters… that he now plans to ‘let Obamacare fail…’ That way, he said, his party would bear no political responsibility for the system’s collapse…”

What a mess. A “political” success seems to be much more important to far too many involved players than an uncompromising willingness to stand up for what is right and true and fair and godly.

“Setback for Trump Agenda Leaves Dollar Stranded”

Reuters wrote on July 17:

“The dollar fell to a 10-month low on Tuesday, bearing the brunt of a selloff triggered by another setback to U.S. President Donald Trump’s agenda and scaled-back expectations for another rate hike at Federal Reserve this year. The announcement overnight that two Republican senators would not support the latest version of the healthcare bill… fed into a belief that Trump’s tax cuts and spending plans will come to nought…

“‘The reform momentum of the Trump administration has received another blow,’ said strategists at Morgan Stanley led by Hans Redeker, in a note to clients… ‘Clearly anything that comes along at the moment just corroborates the market’s negative attitude on the dollar,’ said Neil Mellor, senior FX strategist with Bank of New York Mellon in London.”

“Trump Certifying Iran Deal for 2nd Time Despite Slamming It”

JTA wrote on July 18:

“The Trump administration again recertified the Iran nuclear deal and pledged to strengthen its enforcement. The decision to recertify the deal Monday followed delays caused by President Donald Trump, who said during campaigning for the presidency that the agreement reached in 2015 by the Obama administration was the worst he had ever seen. The deal must be recertified every 90 days.

“Trump advisers… persuaded him to recertify… administration officials said they would toughen enforcement of the deal. A similar pledge was made at the last recertification three months ago; what tougher enforcement means precisely is not clear….”

Newsmax wrote on July 17:

“Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton wrote in The Hill that Trump is making a mistake by certifying the deal, as the evidence is clear Iran is violating the agreement… Bolton also said, since there is no chance of changing the Iranian deal, because Teheran would never agree to that, the U.S. should withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.”

Candidate Trump declared it was a disastrous and dangerous agreement and promised time and again that he would annul the deal.

Most Americans Reject Donald Trump

The Daily Mail wrote on July 17:

Seven out of 10 Americans believe Donald Trump’s behavior in office has been ‘unpresidential,’ and his Twitter binges aren’t swinging things in his favor. That stunning number is coupled with an astonishingly low 36 per cent overall approval rating, the worst recorded in 70 years. And more than half of Americans – 57 per cent – say the more they hear about Trump, the less they like him.”

Donald Trump Won’t Visit Britain Unless the People Like Him

The Sun wrote on July 16:

“[The] US President warns he will not visit until he can guarantee a good reception and pleas with Theresa May to help influence public… And he warned he won’t set foot here until the public start liking him.

“The US President made his shameless plea in a private conversation with Theresa May to plan his state visit — now postponed until next year. Two million people signed a petition calling for Mr Trump’s proposed trip to be axed. A transcript of the chat, seen by senior diplomats, reveals his touchiness.

“Mr Trump says: ‘I haven’t had great coverage out there lately, Theresa.’

“She replies awkwardly: ‘Well, you know what the British press are like.’

“He replies: ‘I still want to come, but I’m in no rush. So, if you can fix it for me, it would make things a lot easier. When I know I’m going to get a better reception, I’ll come and not before.’

“A source said: ‘He seemed to think the PM would be able to smooth the path for him to get a warm welcome. But she tried to explain she has no power to dictate how newspapers and media might decide to cover his visit. After all, we are not North Korea. He said he would not agree [to] a date until people support him coming.’”

“Downing Street would not comment.”

We have no comments, either.

Coming—Armies of Super-Humans?

Express wrote on July 15:

“ARMIES of SUPER-SOLDIERS were a step closer to reality today after China announced it was genetically engineering hyper-muscular SUPER-DOGS…

“Now the Chinese success has led to fears the same technology could be used to create weaponised super-humans – typifed in Marvel Comics by Captain America and his foes… An army of super-humans has been a staple of science fiction and superhero comics for decades – but the super-dog technology brings it closer to reality.”

This may not be as far-fetched as it may seem at first sight.

Vatican Accuses American Evangelicals and Roman Catholics of Being Close to Islamist Fundamentalism  

The Associated Press and NBC News reported on July 15:

“A close confidant of Pope Francis, writing Thursday in a Vatican-approved magazine, has condemned those within American presidential administrations who espouse the ideology of ‘Christian fundamentalism’ — naming White House chief strategist Steve Bannon as a proponent of such ‘apocalyptic geopolitics.’ In a damning article, the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, editor of the influential Jesuit journal La Civilità Cattolica, also took aim at conservative religious support for President Donald Trump, accusing activists of promoting a ‘xenophobic and Islamophobic vision that wants walls and purifying deportations.’…

“In a story entitled, ‘Evangelical Fundamentalism and Catholic Integralism: A Surprising Ecumenism,’ Spadaro criticized the way some American evangelicals and their Roman Catholic supporters mix religion and politics, saying they demonized opponents and promoted a ‘theocratic type of state.’ He added that their vision was ‘not too far apart’ from Islamic fundamentalism.

“The article — which was co-written by a Presbyterian pastor, the Rev. Marcelo Figueroa, who is editor of the Argentine edition of the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano — was published just days after evangelical leaders met Trump in the Oval Office and laid their hands on him in prayer… Last month the head of the Vatican’s Academy of Sciences said Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris accords would be a ‘slap in the face for the Vatican.’

“Articles in La Civilità Cattolica are read by the Vatican Secretariat of State before they are published. Under Francis, who is a Jesuit, the publication has become something of an ‘authoritative’ outlet for the Vatican, although it is not an official mouthpiece of the papacy… The political alliance between Catholics and American Protestants that is at the heart of Spadaro’s article emerged in the late 20th century… Spadaro said this relationship has ‘gradually radicalized,’ dividing the world into only good and evil and promoting division and hatred.

“The reverend specifically criticized the Catholic American media organization Spadaro said the media outlet framed the presidential election as a ‘spiritual war’ and Trump’s ascent to the presidency as ‘a divine election.’…”

The Bible shows that a military and religious Europe will attack the USA. The condemnation of religious fundamentalism in the USA—including Evangelicals and American Catholics—must be seen in this light as well.

Catholic Church on the Verge of Capsizing?

Breitbart wrote on July 16:

“The Catholic Church is a boat ‘on the verge of capsizing,’ said Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in a personal message for the funeral Mass of his close friend, Cardinal Joachim Meisner on Saturday. Given his inability to travel, the usually silent retired Pope delivered the message in writing, and had it read aloud in the Cologne Cathedral…In the text, Benedict said that Cardinal Meisner… ‘learned to let go and to live out of a deep conviction that the Lord does not abandon His Church, even when the boat has taken on so much water as to be on the verge of capsizing.’

“Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI turned 90 years old on Easter Sunday, after which he gave a rare birthday speech inside the Vatican expressing his thanksgiving to God for the gift of life… Benedict… retired as pope on Feb. 28, 2013, the first pontiff to do so in 600 years…”

One wonders what role, if any, former Pope Benedict might still play or may be playing on the world scene.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

This Week in the News

The G-20 Summit—What Is It?

The Telegraph wrote on July 8:

“The G20 is made up of the world’s leading industrialised and emerging economies. The Group of 20 accounts for 85 per cent of world GDP and two-thirds of its population. Much of the summit’s most important business takes place on the sidelines and in informal meetings… UK, US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Australia, South Africa, South Korea, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Argentina and Russia are… part of the club. A representative from the EU is also involved…

“The first G20 summit of world leaders was held in Washington in 2008, hosted by President George W. Bush, as countries coordinated a response to the global financial meltdown… Many believe the G20’s failure to deliver on many past pledges raises questions about the credibility of future promises.”

During the latest summit, not too many unanimous promises were made in the first place, due to the resistance of the USA, as the next articles will show.

G-20 Summit—Disagreements between USA and the Rest of the World

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 8:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel didn’t mince words on Saturday when talking about the results of the G-20 summit in Hamburg… She said that the disagreement with the U.S. was clearly stated in the [summit’s closing] declaration. She also said she doesn’t share the belief of some that the U.S. will ultimately return to the Paris climate agreement… adding that the closing declaration clearly enunciates the dissent between the U.S. and the other 19 members of the G-20…”

Remarkable Scale of Disharmony

The Mercury News wrote on July 8:

“President Donald Trump and other world leaders on Saturday emerged from two days of talks unable to resolve key differences on core issues such as climate change and globalization, slapping an exclamation point on a divisive summit that left other nations fearing for the future of global alliances in the Trump era. The scale of disharmony was remarkable… European leaders said that a chasm has opened between the United States and the rest of the world…

“The divisions were most bitter on climate change, where 19 leaders formed a unified front against Trump. But even in areas of nominal compromise, such as trade, top European leaders said they have little faith that an agreement forged today could hold tomorrow.”

The Distance Has Widened

AFP wrote on July 8:

“… the distance between the US leader and America’s long-standing partners has widened with his climate-sceptic opinions and ‘America First’ policy. The growing rift has turned this year’s G20 summit… into one of the stormiest in the forum’s history.”

The relationship between the USA under President Trump and Europe is deteriorating. Very soon, a strong leader will arise in Europe to stand up to American nationalism and protectionism, while introducing European nationalism in response. The results will be catastrophic for the entire world.

Europe—We Could Respond to Trump with Arms within Days

The Washington Post wrote on July 7:

“The growing international isolation of the United States under President Trump was starkly apparent Friday as the leaders of major world economies mounted a nearly united opposition front against Washington on issues ranging from climate to free trade… there were tough clashes with the United States and even talk of a possible transatlantic trade war…

“In one of the most consequential decisions of his young administration, Trump could… impose the restrictions on steel, a move that could affect trade with more than a dozen major countries. ‘We will respond with countermeasures if need be, hoping that this is not actually necessary,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told reporters, adding figuratively: ‘We are prepared to take up arms if need be.’ Juncker warned that Europe would respond in days, not months, if Trump announces the restrictions.

“The comments made for a remarkable display of disharmony as the gathering got underway. They also were a reflection of how European officials not only do not fear Trump but also see much to gain from opposing him. Trump is deeply unpopular in Europe, and politicians here can get a boost when they emphasize their differences…”

Even though Juncker’s comments might have been figurative now, they will become brutal reality in the near future.

Trump Mocked over Cyber Unit With Russia Plan

The Week wrote on July 9:

“President Trump sent out a string of tweets Sunday morning reflecting on the G-20 summit and specifically his first face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He recounted ‘strongly press[ing] President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election’ before arguing ‘it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia’ by ‘forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit’ with Moscow to prevent election hacking…

“Following his morning tweet, Trump was mocked by Democrats and Republicans alike, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who said on Meet the Press it was ‘not the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard – but it’s pretty close,’ and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who told CNN’s State of the Union he thought the U.S. ‘might as well mail our ballot boxes to Moscow.’ [Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tweeted that working ‘with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit” is akin to partnering with Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit”‘.] After dealing with jokes at his expense all day, Trump broached the topic again on Sunday night, this time backtracking from what he said 13 hours earlier [stating that it might not happen or may not work].”

President Trump had to realize very quickly that his cozying up to Vladimir Putin is deeply unpopular in the USA, including among many of his supporters.

Trump Loses Badly Against Putin

The EUObserver wrote on July 11:

The meeting between US president Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit, which took place on 7-8 July in Hamburg, confirmed the expected naivete of the American president… The fact that Trump and Putin discussed the Russian meddling into the US presidential election, and that Trump accepted Putin’s claims at face value that Russia was not involved is sad and naive.

“This is doubly so as all US security and intelligence agencies repeatedly confirm the exact opposite of what their Denier-in-Chief publicly tweets, while his inner circle is being investigated because of their Russian connections.

“I did not know whether to laugh or cry when Trump and Putin announced they wanted to set up a cyber security unit, so that election-tampering cybercrimes were ‘under control’. The image this idea brought to my mind was of creating an anti-burglary working group with a burglar who had just cleared out your house.

“But at least this farce will not create any real damage – except turning the US administration into a laughing stock and damaging the US’ global image – as the message from Trump is clear: Feel free to attack us, nothing will happen to you if you deny it nicely and with a smile.

“The real damage was done a bit later in the meeting, when Trump agreed to Putin’s ‘demand’ that the two countries will not interfere in each other’s affairs. Donald Trump has thus equated Russian election manipulations and repeated attacks on the US democratic system with a long-standing cornerstone of US policy, to support democracy and the rule of law around the world – especially in places where there is little of both.

“The Kremlin is undoubtedly excited about this result, as it allows it to claim that the growing civil unrest in Russia was caused by American meddling in Russian domestic affairs and not by the ever worsening economic and political situation in Russia. But many authoritarian politicians in Central Europe will be excited too, as they have built their career on fear-mongering and fighting an imaginary enemy labelled interchangeably as Washington, Brussels or Berlin.

“After Trump shot down free trade from the agenda, limited US involvement around the world, and refused to fight climate change he chose to kill the US support for democracy-building in countries where simply asking for a free election may land you in jail. And he did not even get anything in return for this enormous concession to Putin…

“There are far too many red flags raised by the Trump administration.

“To name only a few: making deals with Russia on Syria while cutting Europe out of the discussion; dithering about the validity of Nato’s mutual defence clause (Article 5) and transatlantic defence cooperation; closing the US to international trade and trying to dismantle the Paris agreement on climate change.

“All this means we need to work together, not only as the European Union, but also by engaging with other European countries to make sure they are not left behind… A few years ago I would not have expected myself to say that the EU is the leader of the West… [Trump] has done what Vladimir Putin’s threats have failed to do – unite us and make us focus on the future as we push forward in closer integration, defence and security cooperation, as well as forging trade deals that strengthen our economies.”

Again, we find that Europeans want to take their fate in their own hands, while deeply distrusting America’s reliability and Donald Trump’s competency.

Violence in Germany— Debacle for Merkel?

AFP wrote on July 8:

“The violent clashes in Hamburg meant that US First Lady Melania Trump was unable to join fellow leaders’ spouses on a tour of Hamburg harbour, while the car tyres of the Canadian delegation were slashed. Militants torched cars, smashed windows and broke up paving slabs to throw stones at riot police who resorted to water cannon and tear gas as helicopters buzzed overhead…

“… the influential Bild daily slammed Merkel in a stinging editorial, calling the summit a ‘debacle’ for the chancellor ahead of elections in September. ‘Of course the police did all it could. But the street belonged to the mob. The feeling of general security that the state must guarantee has ceased to exist in Hamburg over the last 48 hours,’ Bild thundered.”

AFP wrote on July 10:

“Nearly 500 police officers were injured in clashes with protesters during the G20 summit… after fresh riots broke out overnight. Violence continued to rage after G20 leaders returned home Saturday, with far-left protesters setting fire to a number of vehicles into the early morning hours, police said. Demonstrators gathered after the close of the summit in the Schanzen district, a stronghold for radicals which was the site of multiple confrontations since Thursday. Armed with glass bottles and targeting vehicles, many of which they set on fire, the rioters were pushed back by officers, using water cannon and tear gas…

“Earlier President Frank-Walter Steinmeier surveyed the damage and visited wounded officers in hospital with Hamburg Mayor Olaf Scholz, saying he was ‘shocked and dismayed’ by the ‘will to destroy shown by demonstrators against police and private citizens’ property’.

“… The explosion of violence at the meeting had sparked pointed questions over how Hamburg could descend into ‘mob rule’ and why Chancellor Angela Merkel chose a hotbed of leftist militancy as the venue. Hamburg, a vibrant port city, is a citadel of anti-capitalist radicals and authorities had long been bracing for possible violence on the sidelines of the summit.

“… The German police officers’ union GdP on Friday hit out at so-called black bloc anarchists, accusing them of ‘hijacking peaceful demonstrations by tens of thousands of people to deliberately attack’ police.”

The debate will continue, and it might have some influence on the September election.

Praying for the President

The Daily Mail wrote on July 12:

“Evangelical pastor Rodney Howard-Browne led a prayer circle alongside his wife Adonica in the White House [laying their hands on Donald Trump’s back] and then shared the image on Facebook…

“Mr Howard-Browne… wrote: ‘Yesterday I was asked by Pastor [and Trump’s “spiritual advisor”] Paula White-Cain to pray over our 45th President – what a humbling moment standing in the Oval Office – laying hands and praying for our President – Supernatural Wisdom, Guidance and Protection – who could ever even imagine – wow – we are going to see another great spiritual awakening.’

“Mr Howard-Browne’s teachings on the concept of ‘holy laughter‘ – an outpouring of joy caused by the Holy Spirit – helped to inspire the Toronto Blessing, which many believe to be an instance of mass blessing which took place in 1994.

“President Trump put his Christian faith at the front and center of his campaign for the presidency, and made a particular point of appealing to evangelicals… It was Trump’s positioning of himself as a defender of the faith – at one point vowing ‘to protect Christianity’ – that saw him ultimately defeat Ted Cruz to become the Republican nominee.

“And this latest image attracted a lot of support on social media.

“Writing on the Facebook post, Melinda S. Wiley wrote: ‘Thank you Jesus! Cover Your President Lord! Anoint him and fill him with the Holy Spirit for Your will to be done! Hallelujah! Thank you Abba!’

“Tammie Rogers added: ‘Praise God fill him Jesus with your spirit keep your hands on him. It’s time we have a president that puts America first and belief in the almighty God the one that can change everything…’

“But not everyone was convinced by the show of faith.

“Kenneth Averell said: ‘Lord help us all. How anyone sees Trump as the savior of the evangelicals is beyond me. Doesn’t have a Christian bone in his body. Doesn’t attend church. Multiple divorces. Adultery. Literally about every single commandment he’s broken. We’re all sinners, but c’mon, the evangelical right is choosing this guy to lead their ‘spiritual awakening’?”

IF there is a “spiritual awakening” in America, it most certainly will not be an awakening to the God of the Bible and His commandments. What we are observing is a belief in a totally false version of true Christianity with all its wrong doctrines and practices—taught by the fallen woman, Babylon the Great.

Category 5 Hurricane… White House in Chaos

The Washington Post wrote on July 11:

“The White House has been thrust into chaos after days of ever-worsening revelations about a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a lawyer characterized as representing the Russian government, as the president fumes against his enemies and senior aides circle each other with suspicion…  President Trump — who has been hidden from public view since returning last weekend from a divisive international summit — is enraged that the Russia cloud still hangs over his presidency and is exasperated that his eldest son and namesake has become engulfed by it…

“The disclosure that Trump Jr. met with a Russian attorney, believing he would receive incriminating information about Hillary Clinton as part of the Kremlin’s effort to boost his father’s candidacy, has set back the administration’s faltering agenda and rattled the senior leadership team. Even supporters of Trump Jr. who believe he faces no legal repercussions privately acknowledged Tuesday that the story is a public relations disaster — for him as well as for the White House. One outside ally called it a ‘Category 5 hurricane’… Even Vice President Pence sought to distance himself from the controversy, with his spokesman noting that Trump Jr.’s meeting occurred before Pence joined the ticket…”

Deutsche Welle added on July 11:

“In a televised interview on Tuesday, US President Donald Trump’s eldest son denied a meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 election campaign had yielded potentially explosive information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton… Hours earlier, Trump Jr. released an email thread [but only after he had been informed that the New York Times had the full story and was about to publish it] that showed him discussing an offer to receive damaging material on Clinton…

“… The emails are the first documentary evidence disclosed showing that a Trump family member was willing to accept a meeting with a Russian government source in order to help Trump score favorably in the 2016 election. The private meeting, first reported by the New York Times, is just one of the many threads in a deepening scandal surrounding Trump’s road to the White House. Several Congressional and FBI investigations are looking into whether Trump’s entourage colluded with Moscow to influence the outcome of last November’s presidential vote…”

Then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, also attended the meeting. 

The Week added on July 13:

Last month, President Trump’s attorneys were told about the email chain from June 2016 between Donald Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone setting up a meeting for Trump Jr. with a Kremlin-connected attorney…

“… on Wednesday, Trump told Reuters he first heard about it ‘two or three days ago.’… Yahoo News reports Trump’s chief lawyer in the Russia investigation, Marc Kasowitz, and Alan Garten, executive vice president and chief legal officer of the Trump Organization, found out about the emails in the third week of June, after they were discovered by Kushner’s lawyers.”

No Connection with the Kremlin?

The gatewaypundit wrote on July 11:

“More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya. [She] told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times… The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb… Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website…

“Natalia Veselnitskaya was sitting with Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, 8 days after cold-contacting Trump Jr. in Trump Tower.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 12 that her strong ties and close connections with Russian governmental agencies pose questions.

“Criminally Stupid”

The New York Post Editorial Board wrote on July 11:

“Democrats and the media are frothing to find something criminal in it all, with the most unhinged talking treason. What it clearly was, was criminally stupid.”

The Huffington Post wrote on July 12:

“Donald Trump Jr. has defended his meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer by saying he didn’t get anything out of it, but Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer isn’t buying it… ‘If you get a call to go to a certain place in the middle of the night to pick up stolen goods and it turns out the stolen goods don’t show up but the cops show up,’ he added, ‘I think you’re going to have a very weak story saying, “Well, I got swindled here.”… ‘This is a foreign power, and not just any foreign power, an adversary foreign power.’”

Whether legally relevant or not, the mistakes and misjudgments by some within the Trump clan are truly amazing.

How Donald Trump Jr. Changed His Story

The Associated Press wrote on July 12:

“President Donald Trump… dismissed the ongoing Russia investigation as the ‘greatest Witch Hunt in political history.’…

“Trump Jr.’s account of the meeting, its nature and purpose has evolved over the past several days… On Saturday, in his initial description of the encounter, Trump Jr. said it was a ‘short introductory meeting’ focused on the disbanded program that had allowed American adoptions of Russian children.

“A day later, Trump Jr. changed his account, acknowledging that he was told beforehand that Veselnitskaya might have information ‘helpful’ to the Trump campaign, and was told by her during the meeting that she had something about Clinton. In his most recent description of what occurred, on Tuesday, Trump Jr. said he had believed the information he would hear about Clinton would be political opposition research.”

FBI Nominee Wray Disputes ‘Witch Hunt’ Label for Russia Probe

Bloomberg News reported on July 12:

“Christopher Wray pledged ‘strict independence’ if confirmed to head the FBI, as senators focused on his ability to pursue investigations independently amid revelations about a meeting the president’s son held with a Russian lawyer during last year’s campaign… Pushing back on President Donald Trump’s repeated dismissals of the federal Russia probe now led by special counsel Robert Mueller, Wray said, ‘I do not consider Director Mueller to be on a witch hunt.’”

Revised GOP Health Bill Immediately in Danger of Failing

The Week wrote on July 13:

“Senate Republicans on Thursday released a revised draft of their plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare, and its chances of passage already look slim. The new bill puts an additional $70 billion toward covering out-of-pocket costs and $45 billion toward battling the opioid epidemic; adds a provision that would allow people to use health savings accounts to pay their premiums; and enables insurers to provide lower-premium plans that provide less coverage as long as they offer at least one plan that follows ObamaCare standards.

Cuts to Medicaid remain largely intact. Republican leadership is eyeing a vote next week, but Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Rob Portman (Ohio), and Rand Paul (Ky.) have already indicated their opposition, enough to defeat the bill.”

Recapture of Iraq’s Mosul from “Islamic State”

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 10:

“Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Monday formally announced victory over the ‘Islamic State’ (IS) militants who have held the city of Mosul for three years… US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called the liberation of Mosul after a nearly nine-month offensive a ‘critical milestone’ in the fight against the extremist group… The US president later also issued a statement saying that ‘the victory in Mosul’ signaled that IS’ ‘days in Iraq and Syria are numbered.’

“But Iraq’s prime minister warned that the work of creating stability in Mosul and clearing smaller IS cells still remained

“Many of those who have fled the city are unlikely to be able to return any time soon, the UN says, as the city has been extensively damaged in fighting. The Iraqi government has said that in the Old City, some 65 percent of buildings have been severely damaged, while destruction in western neighborhoods such as Zanjili is even greater. IS still controls areas south and west of Mosul, and is expected to wage an insurgency from its nearby strongholds…”

ISIS is by no means defeated, and it is feared that radical and demon-inspired ISIS terrorists and sympathizers will continue to murder innocent people in cowardly attacks around the world.

Germany Starts to Withdraw Troops from Turkey

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 9:

“Germany has started to withdraw troops from a Turkish air base where they have been supporting international operations against the so-called ‘Islamic State.’… A German defense ministry spokesman said on Sunday that the withdrawal… was the next step in one of several bilateral disputes between Germany and Turkey…

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday that a bilateral meeting with Turkish President Erdogan had revealed ‘deep differences’ between the two NATO allies… According to German news magazine Der Spiegel, two supply airplanes will be transferred to an air base near al Azraq in Jordan…”

The relationship between Germany and Turkey will not be getting any better, as long as dictator Erdogan is in power, and Turkey has no chance of obtaining membership in the EU. A transfer of German troops and equipment to Jordan is quite remarkable, as al Azraq is much closer to Jerusalem than the current base in Turkey.

Hebron Belongs to Israel

The Times of Israel wrote on July 9, 2017:

“Raging over a decision by a UN body to declare Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs a part of endangered Palestinian heritage, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday recited Biblical verses [Genesis 23:16-19] meant to prove the millennia-old Jewish connection to the West Bank site.

“… the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted to list Hebron’s Old City, home to the shrine holy as the burial place of Abraham and other biblical patriarchs and matriarchs, as an endangered Palestinian world heritage site…”

The Associated Press added on July 7:

“Hebron is part of the West Bank, a territory captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. The international community considers it to be occupied. Palestinians claim the West Bank is an integral part of a future independent state, a position that is widely backed internationally… In the meantime, Israel has built dozens of settlements in the West Bank housing about 400,000 Israelis. The Palestinians – and most of the world – consider these to be illegal obstacles to peace…

“Hebron is especially contentious. Several hundred ultranationalist settlers live in heavily guarded enclaves in the city, amid about 170,000 Palestinians. There is frequent friction between the two populations… Many of the Palestinians involved in the current wave of attacks that began in 2005 came from Hebron…”

There will be no peace between Israel and its neighbors until Christ returns. Current and future negotiations and talks will fail and Europe will try to impose “peace” in the Middle East with military means, but this will fail too.

Turmoil over Germany’s Sale of Submarines to Israel

JTA wrote on July 12:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal attorney in a corruption investigation into the purchase of German submarines was placed under house arrest. Police questioned David Shimron, 65, who is also a cousin and friend of Netanyahu, on Monday and placed him under house arrest for three days…

“Police suspect a series of crimes was committed surrounding the purchase of three submarines from the German company ThyssenKrupp, including bribery, fraud, tax evasion and money laundering. Germany has authorized the sale of the submarines to Israel, though with a clause that allows the deal to be canceled over the results of the investigation…

“Former Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon… said Netanyahu will be indicted in the affair. Yaalon, who served as defense minister in 2015 at the time of the deal, was opposed to the purchase. ‘Too many issues are under investigation,’ Yaalon said, also referring to investigations regarding gifts from businessmen overseas and an alleged deal with the editor of a major Israeli newspaper for favorable coverage…”

Are there any honest politicians out there? See the next article.

Corruption in Brazil

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 12:

“The presiding federal judge in Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s corruption trial told Brazilian media… that the ex-president will be facing a nine-and-a-half-year jail term for corruption and money laundering. He was accused of receiving a three-story beachfront  apartment in the Atlantic coast municipality of Guaruja in exchange for helping the OAS construction company obtain lucrative government contracts with the state oil company Petrobas… On multiple occassions, Lula has expressed his desire to run for president in 2018…

“Lula is one of the most prominent Brazilian politicians among the 179 individuals who faced charges in operation ‘Car Wash’ (Lava Jato), an extensive corruption probe that uncovered widespread bribery among Brazil’s elites. The investigation revealed that politicians received billions in kickbacks from construction firms… Former presidents Henrique Cardoso and Dilma Rousseff, who was impeached in relation to the Petrobas scandal, remain under investigation.”

Crazy Canadian Ruling

Israel National News wrote on July 10:

“John Alabi, 53, is a Christian and a landlord who lives in the Toronto area and is being ordered to pay a fine of $12,000 by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal because he failed to remove his shoes when he entered the apartment he was renting to a Muslim couple… His crime, according to the tribunal, is religious discrimination.

“The tenants were planning to move out of his rental home, and he says he gave the couple the required 24-hour’s notice that he would be showing the apartment to another tenant. They told him not to come while they were praying, and to text first. He agreed. But when they stopped answering his text messages, he showed up at the apartment.

“The Muslim tenants waited eight months before filing their grievance with the human rights tribunal, where they receive free representation, the Toronto Sun reported… The tribunal agreed he harassed them and failed in his duty to accommodate their religious needs – and awarded them $6,000 each – plus interest…”

We agree that this is a case of religious discrimination… by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal against a Christian.

Pope: Distorted World View by USA, Russia and Others

CNS wrote on July 8:

“Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica on Thursday that the United States of America and Russia, China, North Korea and Bashar al Assad’s Syria-have ‘a distorted vision of the world’…  ‘The danger concerns immigration,’ the pope continued… In the same interview, according to La Repubblica, Pope Francis said that Europe must take on a ‘federal structure.’”

If the Pope means by federal structure that Europe should become ONE entity under a federal head, then this is exactly what will happen.

Eradicated Diseases Can Easily Be Brought Back

Yahoo News reported on July 10:

“Only a few hundred years ago the world’s most feared disease was smallpox. Smallpox killed millions, and no one was safe. But thanks to a global campaign to eradicate the disease… smallpox no longer exists. No one has suffered from smallpox since 1978…

“But all that it would take to change that might be a bit of cash and some DNA. A group of researchers at the University of Alberta managed to recreate a relative of smallpox called horsepox,  another extinct virus. The team purchased DNA fragments from a commercial DNA company and combined them to create a fully-functioning horsepox genome, which they used to create more copies of the virus.

“The entire process took around half a year and cost the team about $100,000, meaning that it may be possible for another small lab to replicate the work. That team could recreate any pox virus-including the deadly smallpox-with minimal effort. There are even fears that terrorists or a rogue nation could resurrect smallpox for use as a biological weapon.

“If that does happen, it could be disastrous… it’s a bit worrying to realize that no matter how thoroughly we eradicate a disease, all it takes to bring it back again is a little money.”

This is indeed frightening, as the Bible predicts that diseases which were meant to have been eradicated, such as the Plague or the Black Death, will return.

Temperature Adjustments by Scientists to Support Global Warming

The Daily Caller wrote on July 5:

“A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years ‘are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.’ ‘Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published [global average surface temperature (GAST)] data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,’ according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician…

“Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for ‘biases’ in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend…”

We find again that “scientific” research and results are highly overrated.

Coffee Drinkers Live Longer and Have Lower Risks of Disease

On July 10, the San Diego Union Tribune published the following article:

“Coffee drinkers live longer, according to two large-scale studies released Monday that add to extensive research indicating coffee consumption is associated with better health. The studies examined the health histories of hundreds of thousands of people who were tracked over many years. They found that coffee-drinking reduced the risk of various diseases among people from several ethnicities, and this effect was seen in drinkers of regular or decaffeinated coffee. And the more coffee consumed, the greater the benefit.

“These are observational studies, not controlled clinical trials. So while they demonstrate an association, they don’t prove cause and effect. But at the least, researchers said the latest evidence reinforces a large body of previous reports indicating there’s no harm from coffee — and that it might very well benefit people’s health…

“Funded by the National Cancer Institute, [one California study] examined coffee-drinking habits among more than 180,000 whites, African-Americans, Latinos, Japanese-Americans and native Hawaiians. They were followed for an average of 16 years. [Another European study, which was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Consumers and International Agency for Research on Cancer] examined coffee-drinking among more than 520,000 adults from 10 European countries.

“The [California] study… found those drinking one cup of coffee daily had a 12 percent lower risk of death from heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, respiratory and kidney disease. For those drinking 3 cups a day, the risk reduction rose to 18 percent

“The [European] study… likewise found a lower death risk from various ailments, including digestive, circulatory and liver disease…

“The coffee tree is believed to have originated in Ethiopia. The beans were originally eaten for energy before the art of brewing the beverage was discovered. About 1,000 years ago, its use was first described in writing by Avicenna, the medieval Persian physician/philosopher. Coffee’s use spread throughout the Moslem world in the next few centuries. The first coffee houses opened in Istanbul and other parts of the Ottoman Empire. It gradually became popular in Europe, and gained predominance in the nascent United States as a patriotic alternative to drinking tea…”

Coffee drinkers have known these results for a long time—in spite of those “experts” who have been claiming that coffee is hazardous to your health.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

Update 791

Edify; A Pattern that Binds

On July 15, 2017, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Edify,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “A Pattern that Binds.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Rene Messier (Canada)

We find in the book of Revelation a statement in regard to perseverance. In Revelation 3:10, Christ is quoted as telling the Church in Philadelphia: “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

Other translations word it in this way:

“Because thou didst keep the word of my endurance, I also will keep thee from the hour of the trial that is about to come upon all the world, to try those dwelling upon the earth” (Young’s Literal Translation).

“Because you have obeyed my command to endure, I will keep you from the hour of testing that is coming to the whole world to test those living on the earth” (International Standard Version).

Notice, this is not just a suggestion, but rather a command.

The definition of “persevere” is to “continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.” For example, we may read that “his family persevered with his treatment.”

Synonyms for “persevere” are “persist, continue, carry on, go on, keep on, keep going, struggle on, hammer away, be persistent, be determined, see/follow something through, keep at it, press on/ahead, not take no for an answer, be tenacious, stand one’s ground, stand fast/firm, hold on, go the distance, stay the course, plod on, stop at nothing, leave no stone unturned.”

This important character trait must be active at the current time. We must be tenacious so that we can obtain what God has destined for us—eternal life in His Kingdom as His sons and daughters.

It is also emphasized that we need to persevere so that we can be protected from the great tribulation which shall come upon the whole earth.

It is not just a matter of hanging on to our dear physical life in a state of fear, but rather being engaged in the process of preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God to this world, even as we face more and more pressure from misguided governments, increased persecution and even martyrdom for some of God’s children.

The end of this present evil age will not come until our commission has been accomplished, according to God’s evaluation. Matthew 24:14 tells us: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

In the meantime, we are strongly admonished to put our shoulders to the plow with perseverance, to bring us to that point in time when the Kingdom can be established under a just and equitable rulership.

Let us ensure to persevere to that end.

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by Norbert Link

In the section, we begin with extensive reports on the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany, and the appalling violence committed by anarchists. We show the unparalleled disagreements and disharmony between the USA and the rest of the world. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled “G 20—Weak America Replaced by Strong Europe.” 

We report on a very recent odd prayer meeting for and with President Trump and the ongoing scandal involving his son’s controversial contact with a dubious Russian attorney during last year’s presidential campaign.

We continue with reports on the recapture of Iraq’s Mosul and the premature declaration that the days of ISIS are numbered; the transfer of German troops and supply airlines from Turkey to Jordan; and the fight over Hebron. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled,The Man of Sin in the Temple of God.” We also address corruption and bribery scandals in Israel and Brazil in high places.

We report on a crazy decision in Canada; the Pope’s evaluation of America’s and Russia’s world views; “eradicated” diseases which can easily be brought back; and scientific temperature “adjustments” to support man-made global warming.

We conclude with a revealing article about the consumption of coffee, debunking some unsubstantiated myths.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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The G-20 Summit—What Is It?

The Telegraph wrote on July 8:

“The G20 is made up of the world’s leading industrialised and emerging economies. The Group of 20 accounts for 85 per cent of world GDP and two-thirds of its population. Much of the summit’s most important business takes place on the sidelines and in informal meetings… UK, US, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Italy, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Australia, South Africa, South Korea, Japan, China, India, Brazil, Argentina and Russia are… part of the club. A representative from the EU is also involved…

“The first G20 summit of world leaders was held in Washington in 2008, hosted by President George W. Bush, as countries coordinated a response to the global financial meltdown… Many believe the G20’s failure to deliver on many past pledges raises questions about the credibility of future promises.”

During the latest summit, not too many unanimous promises were made in the first place, due to the resistance of the USA, as the next articles will show.

G-20 Summit—Disagreements between USA and the Rest of the World

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 8:

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel didn’t mince words on Saturday when talking about the results of the G-20 summit in Hamburg… She said that the disagreement with the U.S. was clearly stated in the [summit’s closing] declaration. She also said she doesn’t share the belief of some that the U.S. will ultimately return to the Paris climate agreement… adding that the closing declaration clearly enunciates the dissent between the U.S. and the other 19 members of the G-20…”

Remarkable Scale of Disharmony

The Mercury News wrote on July 8:

“President Donald Trump and other world leaders on Saturday emerged from two days of talks unable to resolve key differences on core issues such as climate change and globalization, slapping an exclamation point on a divisive summit that left other nations fearing for the future of global alliances in the Trump era. The scale of disharmony was remarkable… European leaders said that a chasm has opened between the United States and the rest of the world…

“The divisions were most bitter on climate change, where 19 leaders formed a unified front against Trump. But even in areas of nominal compromise, such as trade, top European leaders said they have little faith that an agreement forged today could hold tomorrow.”

The Distance Has Widened

AFP wrote on July 8:

“… the distance between the US leader and America’s long-standing partners has widened with his climate-sceptic opinions and ‘America First’ policy. The growing rift has turned this year’s G20 summit… into one of the stormiest in the forum’s history.”

The relationship between the USA under President Trump and Europe is deteriorating. Very soon, a strong leader will arise in Europe to stand up to American nationalism and protectionism, while introducing European nationalism in response. The results will be catastrophic for the entire world.

Europe—We Could Respond to Trump with Arms within Days

The Washington Post wrote on July 7:

“The growing international isolation of the United States under President Trump was starkly apparent Friday as the leaders of major world economies mounted a nearly united opposition front against Washington on issues ranging from climate to free trade… there were tough clashes with the United States and even talk of a possible transatlantic trade war…

“In one of the most consequential decisions of his young administration, Trump could… impose the restrictions on steel, a move that could affect trade with more than a dozen major countries. ‘We will respond with countermeasures if need be, hoping that this is not actually necessary,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told reporters, adding figuratively: ‘We are prepared to take up arms if need be.’ Juncker warned that Europe would respond in days, not months, if Trump announces the restrictions.

“The comments made for a remarkable display of disharmony as the gathering got underway. They also were a reflection of how European officials not only do not fear Trump but also see much to gain from opposing him. Trump is deeply unpopular in Europe, and politicians here can get a boost when they emphasize their differences…”

Even though Juncker’s comments might have been figurative now, they will become brutal reality in the near future.

Trump Mocked over Cyber Unit With Russia Plan

The Week wrote on July 9:

“President Trump sent out a string of tweets Sunday morning reflecting on the G-20 summit and specifically his first face-to-face meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He recounted ‘strongly press[ing] President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election’ before arguing ‘it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia’ by ‘forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit’ with Moscow to prevent election hacking…

“Following his morning tweet, Trump was mocked by Democrats and Republicans alike, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who said on Meet the Press it was ‘not the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard – but it’s pretty close,’ and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who told CNN’s State of the Union he thought the U.S. ‘might as well mail our ballot boxes to Moscow.’ [Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) tweeted that working ‘with Putin on a “Cyber Security Unit” is akin to partnering with Assad on a “Chemical Weapons Unit”‘.] After dealing with jokes at his expense all day, Trump broached the topic again on Sunday night, this time backtracking from what he said 13 hours earlier [stating that it might not happen or may not work].”

President Trump had to realize very quickly that his cozying up to Vladimir Putin is deeply unpopular in the USA, including among many of his supporters.

Trump Loses Badly Against Putin

The EUObserver wrote on July 11:

The meeting between US president Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit, which took place on 7-8 July in Hamburg, confirmed the expected naivete of the American president… The fact that Trump and Putin discussed the Russian meddling into the US presidential election, and that Trump accepted Putin’s claims at face value that Russia was not involved is sad and naive.

“This is doubly so as all US security and intelligence agencies repeatedly confirm the exact opposite of what their Denier-in-Chief publicly tweets, while his inner circle is being investigated because of their Russian connections.

“I did not know whether to laugh or cry when Trump and Putin announced they wanted to set up a cyber security unit, so that election-tampering cybercrimes were ‘under control’. The image this idea brought to my mind was of creating an anti-burglary working group with a burglar who had just cleared out your house.

“But at least this farce will not create any real damage – except turning the US administration into a laughing stock and damaging the US’ global image – as the message from Trump is clear: Feel free to attack us, nothing will happen to you if you deny it nicely and with a smile.

“The real damage was done a bit later in the meeting, when Trump agreed to Putin’s ‘demand’ that the two countries will not interfere in each other’s affairs. Donald Trump has thus equated Russian election manipulations and repeated attacks on the US democratic system with a long-standing cornerstone of US policy, to support democracy and the rule of law around the world – especially in places where there is little of both.

“The Kremlin is undoubtedly excited about this result, as it allows it to claim that the growing civil unrest in Russia was caused by American meddling in Russian domestic affairs and not by the ever worsening economic and political situation in Russia. But many authoritarian politicians in Central Europe will be excited too, as they have built their career on fear-mongering and fighting an imaginary enemy labelled interchangeably as Washington, Brussels or Berlin.

“After Trump shot down free trade from the agenda, limited US involvement around the world, and refused to fight climate change he chose to kill the US support for democracy-building in countries where simply asking for a free election may land you in jail. And he did not even get anything in return for this enormous concession to Putin…

“There are far too many red flags raised by the Trump administration.

“To name only a few: making deals with Russia on Syria while cutting Europe out of the discussion; dithering about the validity of Nato’s mutual defence clause (Article 5) and transatlantic defence cooperation; closing the US to international trade and trying to dismantle the Paris agreement on climate change.

“All this means we need to work together, not only as the European Union, but also by engaging with other European countries to make sure they are not left behind… A few years ago I would not have expected myself to say that the EU is the leader of the West… [Trump] has done what Vladimir Putin’s threats have failed to do – unite us and make us focus on the future as we push forward in closer integration, defence and security cooperation, as well as forging trade deals that strengthen our economies.”

Again, we find that Europeans want to take their fate in their own hands, while deeply distrusting America’s reliability and Donald Trump’s competency.

Violence in Germany— Debacle for Merkel?

AFP wrote on July 8:

“The violent clashes in Hamburg meant that US First Lady Melania Trump was unable to join fellow leaders’ spouses on a tour of Hamburg harbour, while the car tyres of the Canadian delegation were slashed. Militants torched cars, smashed windows and broke up paving slabs to throw stones at riot police who resorted to water cannon and tear gas as helicopters buzzed overhead…

“… the influential Bild daily slammed Merkel in a stinging editorial, calling the summit a ‘debacle’ for the chancellor ahead of elections in September. ‘Of course the police did all it could. But the street belonged to the mob. The feeling of general security that the state must guarantee has ceased to exist in Hamburg over the last 48 hours,’ Bild thundered.”

AFP wrote on July 10:

“Nearly 500 police officers were injured in clashes with protesters during the G20 summit… after fresh riots broke out overnight. Violence continued to rage after G20 leaders returned home Saturday, with far-left protesters setting fire to a number of vehicles into the early morning hours, police said. Demonstrators gathered after the close of the summit in the Schanzen district, a stronghold for radicals which was the site of multiple confrontations since Thursday. Armed with glass bottles and targeting vehicles, many of which they set on fire, the rioters were pushed back by officers, using water cannon and tear gas…

“Earlier President Frank-Walter Steinmeier surveyed the damage and visited wounded officers in hospital with Hamburg Mayor Olaf Scholz, saying he was ‘shocked and dismayed’ by the ‘will to destroy shown by demonstrators against police and private citizens’ property’.

“… The explosion of violence at the meeting had sparked pointed questions over how Hamburg could descend into ‘mob rule’ and why Chancellor Angela Merkel chose a hotbed of leftist militancy as the venue. Hamburg, a vibrant port city, is a citadel of anti-capitalist radicals and authorities had long been bracing for possible violence on the sidelines of the summit.

“… The German police officers’ union GdP on Friday hit out at so-called black bloc anarchists, accusing them of ‘hijacking peaceful demonstrations by tens of thousands of people to deliberately attack’ police.”

The debate will continue, and it might have some influence on the September election.

Praying for the President

The Daily Mail wrote on July 12:

“Evangelical pastor Rodney Howard-Browne led a prayer circle alongside his wife Adonica in the White House [laying their hands on Donald Trump’s back] and then shared the image on Facebook…

“Mr Howard-Browne… wrote: ‘Yesterday I was asked by Pastor [and Trump’s “spiritual advisor”] Paula White-Cain to pray over our 45th President – what a humbling moment standing in the Oval Office – laying hands and praying for our President – Supernatural Wisdom, Guidance and Protection – who could ever even imagine – wow – we are going to see another great spiritual awakening.’

“Mr Howard-Browne’s teachings on the concept of ‘holy laughter‘ – an outpouring of joy caused by the Holy Spirit – helped to inspire the Toronto Blessing, which many believe to be an instance of mass blessing which took place in 1994.

“President Trump put his Christian faith at the front and center of his campaign for the presidency, and made a particular point of appealing to evangelicals… It was Trump’s positioning of himself as a defender of the faith – at one point vowing ‘to protect Christianity’ – that saw him ultimately defeat Ted Cruz to become the Republican nominee.

“And this latest image attracted a lot of support on social media.

“Writing on the Facebook post, Melinda S. Wiley wrote: ‘Thank you Jesus! Cover Your President Lord! Anoint him and fill him with the Holy Spirit for Your will to be done! Hallelujah! Thank you Abba!’

“Tammie Rogers added: ‘Praise God fill him Jesus with your spirit keep your hands on him. It’s time we have a president that puts America first and belief in the almighty God the one that can change everything…’

“But not everyone was convinced by the show of faith.

“Kenneth Averell said: ‘Lord help us all. How anyone sees Trump as the savior of the evangelicals is beyond me. Doesn’t have a Christian bone in his body. Doesn’t attend church. Multiple divorces. Adultery. Literally about every single commandment he’s broken. We’re all sinners, but c’mon, the evangelical right is choosing this guy to lead their ‘spiritual awakening’?”

IF there is a “spiritual awakening” in America, it most certainly will not be an awakening to the God of the Bible and His commandments. What we are observing is a belief in a totally false version of true Christianity with all its wrong doctrines and practices—taught by the fallen woman, Babylon the Great.

Category 5 Hurricane… White House in Chaos

The Washington Post wrote on July 11:

“The White House has been thrust into chaos after days of ever-worsening revelations about a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a lawyer characterized as representing the Russian government, as the president fumes against his enemies and senior aides circle each other with suspicion…  President Trump — who has been hidden from public view since returning last weekend from a divisive international summit — is enraged that the Russia cloud still hangs over his presidency and is exasperated that his eldest son and namesake has become engulfed by it…

“The disclosure that Trump Jr. met with a Russian attorney, believing he would receive incriminating information about Hillary Clinton as part of the Kremlin’s effort to boost his father’s candidacy, has set back the administration’s faltering agenda and rattled the senior leadership team. Even supporters of Trump Jr. who believe he faces no legal repercussions privately acknowledged Tuesday that the story is a public relations disaster — for him as well as for the White House. One outside ally called it a ‘Category 5 hurricane’… Even Vice President Pence sought to distance himself from the controversy, with his spokesman noting that Trump Jr.’s meeting occurred before Pence joined the ticket…”

Deutsche Welle added on July 11:

“In a televised interview on Tuesday, US President Donald Trump’s eldest son denied a meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 election campaign had yielded potentially explosive information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton… Hours earlier, Trump Jr. released an email thread [but only after he had been informed that the New York Times had the full story and was about to publish it] that showed him discussing an offer to receive damaging material on Clinton…

“… The emails are the first documentary evidence disclosed showing that a Trump family member was willing to accept a meeting with a Russian government source in order to help Trump score favorably in the 2016 election. The private meeting, first reported by the New York Times, is just one of the many threads in a deepening scandal surrounding Trump’s road to the White House. Several Congressional and FBI investigations are looking into whether Trump’s entourage colluded with Moscow to influence the outcome of last November’s presidential vote…”

Then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, also attended the meeting. 

The Week added on July 13:

Last month, President Trump’s attorneys were told about the email chain from June 2016 between Donald Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone setting up a meeting for Trump Jr. with a Kremlin-connected attorney…

“… on Wednesday, Trump told Reuters he first heard about it ‘two or three days ago.’… Yahoo News reports Trump’s chief lawyer in the Russia investigation, Marc Kasowitz, and Alan Garten, executive vice president and chief legal officer of the Trump Organization, found out about the emails in the third week of June, after they were discovered by Kushner’s lawyers.”

No Connection with the Kremlin?

The gatewaypundit wrote on July 11:

“More information leaked out today on Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya. [She] told NBC News on Monday she was not with the Kremlin as was reported by The New York Times… The law firm where Veselnitskaya is listed as managing partner, Kamerton Consulting, is based in a Moscow suburb… Her office in Moscow may be a shell. There is no working phone, email or website…

“Natalia Veselnitskaya was sitting with Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, 8 days after cold-contacting Trump Jr. in Trump Tower.”

Der Spiegel Online wrote on July 12 that her strong ties and close connections with Russian governmental agencies pose questions.

“Criminally Stupid”

The New York Post Editorial Board wrote on July 11:

“Democrats and the media are frothing to find something criminal in it all, with the most unhinged talking treason. What it clearly was, was criminally stupid.”

The Huffington Post wrote on July 12:

“Donald Trump Jr. has defended his meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer by saying he didn’t get anything out of it, but Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer isn’t buying it… ‘If you get a call to go to a certain place in the middle of the night to pick up stolen goods and it turns out the stolen goods don’t show up but the cops show up,’ he added, ‘I think you’re going to have a very weak story saying, “Well, I got swindled here.”… ‘This is a foreign power, and not just any foreign power, an adversary foreign power.’”

Whether legally relevant or not, the mistakes and misjudgments by some within the Trump clan are truly amazing.

How Donald Trump Jr. Changed His Story

The Associated Press wrote on July 12:

“President Donald Trump… dismissed the ongoing Russia investigation as the ‘greatest Witch Hunt in political history.’…

“Trump Jr.’s account of the meeting, its nature and purpose has evolved over the past several days… On Saturday, in his initial description of the encounter, Trump Jr. said it was a ‘short introductory meeting’ focused on the disbanded program that had allowed American adoptions of Russian children.

“A day later, Trump Jr. changed his account, acknowledging that he was told beforehand that Veselnitskaya might have information ‘helpful’ to the Trump campaign, and was told by her during the meeting that she had something about Clinton. In his most recent description of what occurred, on Tuesday, Trump Jr. said he had believed the information he would hear about Clinton would be political opposition research.”

FBI Nominee Wray Disputes ‘Witch Hunt’ Label for Russia Probe

Bloomberg News reported on July 12:

“Christopher Wray pledged ‘strict independence’ if confirmed to head the FBI, as senators focused on his ability to pursue investigations independently amid revelations about a meeting the president’s son held with a Russian lawyer during last year’s campaign… Pushing back on President Donald Trump’s repeated dismissals of the federal Russia probe now led by special counsel Robert Mueller, Wray said, ‘I do not consider Director Mueller to be on a witch hunt.’”

Revised GOP Health Bill Immediately in Danger of Failing

The Week wrote on July 13:

“Senate Republicans on Thursday released a revised draft of their plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare, and its chances of passage already look slim. The new bill puts an additional $70 billion toward covering out-of-pocket costs and $45 billion toward battling the opioid epidemic; adds a provision that would allow people to use health savings accounts to pay their premiums; and enables insurers to provide lower-premium plans that provide less coverage as long as they offer at least one plan that follows ObamaCare standards.

Cuts to Medicaid remain largely intact. Republican leadership is eyeing a vote next week, but Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Rob Portman (Ohio), and Rand Paul (Ky.) have already indicated their opposition, enough to defeat the bill.”

Recapture of Iraq’s Mosul from “Islamic State”

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 10:

“Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi on Monday formally announced victory over the ‘Islamic State’ (IS) militants who have held the city of Mosul for three years… US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called the liberation of Mosul after a nearly nine-month offensive a ‘critical milestone’ in the fight against the extremist group… The US president later also issued a statement saying that ‘the victory in Mosul’ signaled that IS’ ‘days in Iraq and Syria are numbered.’

“But Iraq’s prime minister warned that the work of creating stability in Mosul and clearing smaller IS cells still remained

“Many of those who have fled the city are unlikely to be able to return any time soon, the UN says, as the city has been extensively damaged in fighting. The Iraqi government has said that in the Old City, some 65 percent of buildings have been severely damaged, while destruction in western neighborhoods such as Zanjili is even greater. IS still controls areas south and west of Mosul, and is expected to wage an insurgency from its nearby strongholds…”

ISIS is by no means defeated, and it is feared that radical and demon-inspired ISIS terrorists and sympathizers will continue to murder innocent people in cowardly attacks around the world.

Germany Starts to Withdraw Troops from Turkey

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 9:

“Germany has started to withdraw troops from a Turkish air base where they have been supporting international operations against the so-called ‘Islamic State.’… A German defense ministry spokesman said on Sunday that the withdrawal… was the next step in one of several bilateral disputes between Germany and Turkey…

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday that a bilateral meeting with Turkish President Erdogan had revealed ‘deep differences’ between the two NATO allies… According to German news magazine Der Spiegel, two supply airplanes will be transferred to an air base near al Azraq in Jordan…”

The relationship between Germany and Turkey will not be getting any better, as long as dictator Erdogan is in power, and Turkey has no chance of obtaining membership in the EU. A transfer of German troops and equipment to Jordan is quite remarkable, as al Azraq is much closer to Jerusalem than the current base in Turkey.

Hebron Belongs to Israel

The Times of Israel wrote on July 9, 2017:

“Raging over a decision by a UN body to declare Hebron’s Tomb of the Patriarchs a part of endangered Palestinian heritage, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday recited Biblical verses [Genesis 23:16-19] meant to prove the millennia-old Jewish connection to the West Bank site.

“… the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted to list Hebron’s Old City, home to the shrine holy as the burial place of Abraham and other biblical patriarchs and matriarchs, as an endangered Palestinian world heritage site…”

The Associated Press added on July 7:

“Hebron is part of the West Bank, a territory captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. The international community considers it to be occupied. Palestinians claim the West Bank is an integral part of a future independent state, a position that is widely backed internationally… In the meantime, Israel has built dozens of settlements in the West Bank housing about 400,000 Israelis. The Palestinians – and most of the world – consider these to be illegal obstacles to peace…

“Hebron is especially contentious. Several hundred ultranationalist settlers live in heavily guarded enclaves in the city, amid about 170,000 Palestinians. There is frequent friction between the two populations… Many of the Palestinians involved in the current wave of attacks that began in 2005 came from Hebron…”

There will be no peace between Israel and its neighbors until Christ returns. Current and future negotiations and talks will fail and Europe will try to impose “peace” in the Middle East with military means, but this will fail too.

Turmoil over Germany’s Sale of Submarines to Israel

JTA wrote on July 12:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal attorney in a corruption investigation into the purchase of German submarines was placed under house arrest. Police questioned David Shimron, 65, who is also a cousin and friend of Netanyahu, on Monday and placed him under house arrest for three days…

“Police suspect a series of crimes was committed surrounding the purchase of three submarines from the German company ThyssenKrupp, including bribery, fraud, tax evasion and money laundering. Germany has authorized the sale of the submarines to Israel, though with a clause that allows the deal to be canceled over the results of the investigation…

“Former Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon… said Netanyahu will be indicted in the affair. Yaalon, who served as defense minister in 2015 at the time of the deal, was opposed to the purchase. ‘Too many issues are under investigation,’ Yaalon said, also referring to investigations regarding gifts from businessmen overseas and an alleged deal with the editor of a major Israeli newspaper for favorable coverage…”

Are there any honest politicians out there? See the next article.

Corruption in Brazil

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 12:

“The presiding federal judge in Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s corruption trial told Brazilian media… that the ex-president will be facing a nine-and-a-half-year jail term for corruption and money laundering. He was accused of receiving a three-story beachfront  apartment in the Atlantic coast municipality of Guaruja in exchange for helping the OAS construction company obtain lucrative government contracts with the state oil company Petrobas… On multiple occassions, Lula has expressed his desire to run for president in 2018…

“Lula is one of the most prominent Brazilian politicians among the 179 individuals who faced charges in operation ‘Car Wash’ (Lava Jato), an extensive corruption probe that uncovered widespread bribery among Brazil’s elites. The investigation revealed that politicians received billions in kickbacks from construction firms… Former presidents Henrique Cardoso and Dilma Rousseff, who was impeached in relation to the Petrobas scandal, remain under investigation.”

Crazy Canadian Ruling

Israel National News wrote on July 10:

“John Alabi, 53, is a Christian and a landlord who lives in the Toronto area and is being ordered to pay a fine of $12,000 by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal because he failed to remove his shoes when he entered the apartment he was renting to a Muslim couple… His crime, according to the tribunal, is religious discrimination.

“The tenants were planning to move out of his rental home, and he says he gave the couple the required 24-hour’s notice that he would be showing the apartment to another tenant. They told him not to come while they were praying, and to text first. He agreed. But when they stopped answering his text messages, he showed up at the apartment.

“The Muslim tenants waited eight months before filing their grievance with the human rights tribunal, where they receive free representation, the Toronto Sun reported… The tribunal agreed he harassed them and failed in his duty to accommodate their religious needs – and awarded them $6,000 each – plus interest…”

We agree that this is a case of religious discrimination… by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal against a Christian.

Pope: Distorted World View by USA, Russia and Others

CNS wrote on July 8:

“Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica on Thursday that the United States of America and Russia, China, North Korea and Bashar al Assad’s Syria-have ‘a distorted vision of the world’…  ‘The danger concerns immigration,’ the pope continued… In the same interview, according to La Repubblica, Pope Francis said that Europe must take on a ‘federal structure.’”

If the Pope means by federal structure that Europe should become ONE entity under a federal head, then this is exactly what will happen.

Eradicated Diseases Can Easily Be Brought Back

Yahoo News reported on July 10:

“Only a few hundred years ago the world’s most feared disease was smallpox. Smallpox killed millions, and no one was safe. But thanks to a global campaign to eradicate the disease… smallpox no longer exists. No one has suffered from smallpox since 1978…

“But all that it would take to change that might be a bit of cash and some DNA. A group of researchers at the University of Alberta managed to recreate a relative of smallpox called horsepox,  another extinct virus. The team purchased DNA fragments from a commercial DNA company and combined them to create a fully-functioning horsepox genome, which they used to create more copies of the virus.

“The entire process took around half a year and cost the team about $100,000, meaning that it may be possible for another small lab to replicate the work. That team could recreate any pox virus-including the deadly smallpox-with minimal effort. There are even fears that terrorists or a rogue nation could resurrect smallpox for use as a biological weapon.

“If that does happen, it could be disastrous… it’s a bit worrying to realize that no matter how thoroughly we eradicate a disease, all it takes to bring it back again is a little money.”

This is indeed frightening, as the Bible predicts that diseases which were meant to have been eradicated, such as the Plague or the Black Death, will return.

Temperature Adjustments by Scientists to Support Global Warming

The Daily Caller wrote on July 5:

“A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years ‘are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.’ ‘Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published [global average surface temperature (GAST)] data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,’ according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician…

“Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for ‘biases’ in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend…”

We find again that “scientific” research and results are highly overrated.

Coffee Drinkers Live Longer and Have Lower Risks of Disease

On July 10, the San Diego Union Tribune published the following article:

“Coffee drinkers live longer, according to two large-scale studies released Monday that add to extensive research indicating coffee consumption is associated with better health. The studies examined the health histories of hundreds of thousands of people who were tracked over many years. They found that coffee-drinking reduced the risk of various diseases among people from several ethnicities, and this effect was seen in drinkers of regular or decaffeinated coffee. And the more coffee consumed, the greater the benefit.

“These are observational studies, not controlled clinical trials. So while they demonstrate an association, they don’t prove cause and effect. But at the least, researchers said the latest evidence reinforces a large body of previous reports indicating there’s no harm from coffee — and that it might very well benefit people’s health…

“Funded by the National Cancer Institute, [one California study] examined coffee-drinking habits among more than 180,000 whites, African-Americans, Latinos, Japanese-Americans and native Hawaiians. They were followed for an average of 16 years. [Another European study, which was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Consumers and International Agency for Research on Cancer] examined coffee-drinking among more than 520,000 adults from 10 European countries.

“The [California] study… found those drinking one cup of coffee daily had a 12 percent lower risk of death from heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, respiratory and kidney disease. For those drinking 3 cups a day, the risk reduction rose to 18 percent

“The [European] study… likewise found a lower death risk from various ailments, including digestive, circulatory and liver disease…

“The coffee tree is believed to have originated in Ethiopia. The beans were originally eaten for energy before the art of brewing the beverage was discovered. About 1,000 years ago, its use was first described in writing by Avicenna, the medieval Persian physician/philosopher. Coffee’s use spread throughout the Moslem world in the next few centuries. The first coffee houses opened in Istanbul and other parts of the Ottoman Empire. It gradually became popular in Europe, and gained predominance in the nascent United States as a patriotic alternative to drinking tea…”

Coffee drinkers have known these results for a long time—in spite of those “experts” who have been claiming that coffee is hazardous to your health.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Why Are We Commanded to Be Thankful?

Do we realize that the Bible actually commands us to be thankful? Shouldn’t this be a voluntary action? What does God think about this subject and what has He inspired to be written down in His Holy Word? 1 Thessalonians 5:18 states “… give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (New International Version).

Why would God have inspired Paul to write this? In this fifth chapter, Paul is exhorting the Thessalonian brethren to continue living in a Godly manner. He is spelling out for them the things that they should keep in mind and practice in their Christian walk. One of the most challenging things to do is to remain thankful in every situation we encounter.

But how can we get into this state of mind?

It comes down to our willingness to obey God and our desire to serve in whatever capacity that we can. Paul was confident that it was God who gave him strength and that he was given the opportunity to be appointed to the service of God. He was thankful that even though he suffered mightily, he was not afraid to continue on (1 Timothy 1:12).

The Scripture in 1 Thessalonians with which we started mentions that in every circumstance there is the opportunity (as well as God’s will) for us to give thanks. This doesn’t mean that our trials (numerous as they may be) will be easy. No, in fact, they will become even harder as we draw close to the end, and Satan wants to destroy us by any means possible. The words “hard” and “difficult” are often used to describe something negative. In many cases, that’s appropriate. It is hard to watch a loved one fall ill and suffer, or watch others struggle through their own trials. It is difficult when a family member or a pet dies. Some situations are all pain and seemingly insurmountable.

In Matthew 19:26 Christ exhorts the disciples that things with men are indeed impossible but that with God all things are possible. Learning a lesson in a trial is hard, but the process is to develop the ability within us and in our minds to become more like, and in tune with, God. It allows us to seek His Will more thoroughly.  The easy path is more tempting; the difficult path is more rewarding.

Psalm 34 paints a picture of a time when David was feigning madness (1 Samuel 21:13-15) to get out of a situation that he got himself into, but look at his attitude. It was one of thanks and blessing for God for what he was going through, after God had delivered him, even though he had lied by his conduct. And despite many setbacks and failures, he never gave up on God and was always thankful.  Ephesians 5:20 states that we should give thanks to God the Father for EVERYTHING.

It is easy to be thankful in good times.  Deuteronomy 8:17-19 speaks of a warning that we should heed. When we stop being thankful, our hearts start to wander from God.  Appreciating good things is really just being glad that we are benefiting from them. But being truly full of thanks requires looking beyond our blessings to the One who blesses us. It is about being full of gratitude for ALL situations that we find ourselves in, because God loves us and wants us to overcome ALL things so that we can make it into His Kingdom.

In Daniel 6:10, we read of Daniel who knew what the law of the land said, and yet he decided to obey God and give thanks, as was his custom. Just because some man-made law ordered something foolish and was not in accordance with God’s law, it did not stop him from doing what was his custom. This shows that Daniel was truly thankful to God from the very center of his being. He was willing to take that risk of praying and giving thanks because that is what centered him and gave him purpose.

We read about the children of Israel who were coming out of Egypt and how after an innumerable amount of miracles for them, they didn’t remember them nor were thankful. In fact, we find just the opposite. After Caleb and Joshua and the other ten spies came back, showing the good produce they had acquired, the ten men convinced the entire nation (literally a nation of people) not to go in as God had commanded. They were no longer thankful for the blessings but rather were ready to go back to Egypt. They were stuck in their way of thinking. Fear gripped them. They displayed no faith or resilience that God would give them the land as He had promised! This fear spread like wildfire until it consumed the entire assembly.

We must not act likewise, by forgetting everything and falling into the trap of being fearful. There really is no need for this. We will be faced with what we NEED to be faced with, so that we grow according to God’s Will.

God is willing to bless us. He wants to bless us. He wants to protect and lead us.

It is easy to be thankful when we are blessed… but how much more should we be thankful when we are in hard spots? We must come to the point where we are able to give God thanks for whatever we are going through, good or bad. For if we truly believe in God, we will believe that He has called us for a purpose; that He allows us to go through trials; and that He makes the ways of escape, as well as opportunities to do good. We must truly be thankful from our core. When we persevere, we will gradually come to see over time that both the trials and God’s answers and blessings will be for our good.

Lead Writer: Kalon Mitchell

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Norbert and Johanna Link, along with Margaret Adair, will begin traveling next week to visit some of the brethren. During this time Mr. Link will present the sermon on July 22, 2017, in Woodburn, Oregon, and in Fort Collins, Colorado, on July 29, 2017.

“The Man of Sin in the Temple of God,” is the newest StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Jews will build a Third Temple on the Temple Mount, and this will cause unparalleled turmoil in the Middle East. Already today, Muslims are asked to “save” parts of the Temple Mount by building on the site, and Israel is charged with plans to build a synagogue and to open the “Gate of Mercy” on the eastern side of the Temple Mount. Expectations for the arrival of a red heifer in 2018 are high, which orthodox Jews maintain is necessary to purify the area and permit animal sacrifices and the building of a Temple. The world is already condemning Israel for its occupation of the West Bank, including Hebron, and it cannot rely on any help from the USA. Soon, European armies will occupy Israel, and the man of sin will sit in the Third Temple in Jerusalem, claiming to be God.

“Alkoholmissbrauch in der Bibel,” is the title of this Sabbath’s German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. Title in English: ” Alcohol Abuse in the Bible”

“Stranded on a Limb,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Robb Harris, is now posted.

“Does Your Life Matter?” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

With the unspeakable atrocities of war, persecution, slavery and abuse by those who have power over others, human life doesn’t seem to matter very much. That, however, is not the case. The life of every man, woman and child matters to God! The truth and certainty of this fact is revealed in the Word of God, and it is something we must understand!

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Edify; A Pattern that Binds

On July 15, 2017, Eric Rank will present the sermonette, titled, “Edify,” and Robb Harris will present the sermon, titled, “A Pattern that Binds.”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

Update 790

Stranded on a Limb; Does Your Life Matter?

On July 8, 2017, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Stranded on a Limb” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Does Your Life Matter?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

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by Kalon Mitchell

In 1776 the United States obtained independence from England. As was prophesied in the Bible, Manasseh became an incredible nation that has flourished by the grace of God. While America just celebrated its “Independence Day” on the 4th of July, there is something that we should remember and bring to mind.

The American Revolution, as it was called, was a revolt from a system of government, but was traded for another form of government. The term “revolution” is defined by as follows:

“An overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.”

This type of revolution that occurred many years ago was not the first time something like this had happened. In fact, the first “revolution” that ever occurred was when Satan decided to go his own way and attempt to fight with and throw God off His throne in heaven. Isaiah 14:12-17 vividly paints this picture. Not only did he decide to revolt, but he caused a third of the angels to follow in this revolution (Revelation 12:4). Satan has inspired and operated in this way by using man ever since (Ephesians 2:2).

An interesting episode of Satan’s handiwork in progress can be seen in 1 Samuel 8:4-22, where we find that Israel wished for a king to rule over them and lead them into battle, similar to the other nations around them. And even after Samuel’s great warning of what a king would do, they still desired to have a king. Interestingly, in verse 7, we find God’s answer to Samuel about the people’s desire: “..for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.”

The people no longer wanted God to rule over them. And is this not the same today? We find prophecies in the Bible that speak about the very days we find ourselves living in.

Let us review a few more Scriptures and ask ourselves, in looking at the world as a whole, if they do not describe what we see today. We are told that knowledge shall increase (Daniel 12:4), but this worldly knowledge cannot really help or save mankind. In Isaiah 59:7-9 we read a sad plight of these people who increase in knowledge but cannot and do not know the way to peace because their paths are darkened. 2 Timothy 4:3 describes people with itching ears, always looking for something new to help them. Isaiah 30:10 talks of those people who just want to hear smooth things and not the hard facts and the Truth. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 warns that acts of rebellion against God will lead to terrible times in the last days (those days that will occur before the return of Christ).

The day of a revolution is once again coming. The Church of the Eternal God and its international affiliates continue to exhort and warn that the downfall of America; Great Britain and certain countries of the Commonwealth of Nations, formerly known as the British Commonwealth, including Canada, Australia and others; and of the state of Israel is at hand. We see that God has removed His protection and His blessings from our nations because of the aforementioned Scriptures and the refusal to repent of sins. This has all been scripted out and prophesied about in the Bible because God knows man’s tendencies and He has designed His master plan in this way.

We will see the FINAL revolution with the return of Jesus Christ who will establish a government that is spiritual, righteous and pure. There will no longer be chaotic, maniacal human governments which are ruled by Satan, having caused serious pain, turmoil and agony for countless people. Instead, as we read in the 21st chapter of the Book of Revelation, a time will be ushered in which will be unprecedented in man’s history. That will be the true Independence Day for all of mankind.

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by Norbert Link

We address worldwide Independence days in July and point out interesting developments in Israel pertaining to the Temple Mount and the anticipated appearance of a “red heifer”; and continue with disturbing news about the required teaching in British pre-schools and elementary schools of the LGBT agenda and same-sex marriages in continental Europe. In this context, please view our new sermon, “Lot in Sodom.”

We report on a controversial new German law on the undefined and ambiguous concept of “hate speech,” and the perception that Germany and France will lead Europe, while Britain continues to try to sever remaining economic relationships with the continent.

In view of America’s withdrawal from the world scene and the pursuit of protectionism, which could lead to global trade war and the total downfall of America, other powers, such as Europe and Japan, attempt to enter into trade deals. While concerns exist between a military confrontation between the USA and North Korea, the sudden decline of the dollar and the fiasco faced by GOP Republicans in the fall manifest the real danger of a “train wreck” and looming “disaster” for the USA.

We continue with deeply disturbing articles about America’s Child Protective Services and foster homes; and the debunked myths of the false transgender ideology.

This week has also been seeing more tumult, from upheaval in the Catholic Church to the sudden reappearance of the Black Death in the USA.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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Independence Day in July Around the World

The newsletter of 123greetings wrote on July 2:

“While Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary of Confederation on 1st of July in the biggest Canada Day party in Ottawa over the entire long weekend, the United States of America is gearing up for Fourth of July jubilations. It is the day it attained its independence from Great Britain in 1776… Many other countries are celebrating Independence day in July which includes Venezuela, Somalia, Slovakia, Rwanda, Peru, Maldives, Liberia, Belgium, Bahamas [and] Argentina…”

It is interesting that all these “Independence days” are celebrated in July.

Israel’s Plot on the Temple Mount?

Israel National News wrote on June 27:

“Dr. Najah Bakirat, director of the Koran Academy at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, called on Muslims to save the northern and eastern parts of the Temple Mount from Jewish visitors and to prevent the ‘occupation’ from implementing its ‘destructive’ plans…

“According to Bakirat, there is an Israeli plan to build a synagogue and to open the ‘Gate of Mercy’ on the eastern side of the Temple Mount, which has been closed since the days of Saladin in 1187 CE…. He also said that Israel is interested in separating the northern part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a name he used to describe the entire Temple Mount, and erect a synagogue there. In order to thwart the plan, he urged Muslims… to build on the site

“The Palestinian Authority and radical Palestinian Arab Islamists… maintain that the two Holy Temples never existed. They claim the site as a solely Muslim and Palestinian Arab site.”

Whether or not Bakirat’s statements are nothing more than invented propaganda, ultimately, Israel WILL build a Third Temple on the Temple Mount. The claim that the first two Temples never existed is provocative ridiculous nonsense.

Israel No Sovereignty over Old Jerusalem?

Israel National News wrote on July 4:

“UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee passed a resolution condemning Israel for its policies in the Old City of Jerusalem Tuesday. Ten member states voted in favor of the resolution, three voted against it, and three states abstained. The resolution refers to Israel ‘the occupying power’ in its capital and denies Israel’s claims to the Old City and eastern Jerusalem.

Since Israel considers Jerusalem as its undivided capital, tensions in the region are bound to continue.

A Red Heifer in 2018?

Israel National News wrote on June 28:

“Raise a Red Heifer in Israel Project Update: Good News: Expecting Potential Red Heifers in 2018.

“Yitzchak Reuven shares an update on the Temple Institute’s Raise a Red Heifer in Israel project with the exciting news that five red angus cows are currently carrying potential red heifer candidates. This good news of course coincides with this week’s Torah reading of Chukat, in which the laws of the Red Heifer are presented.”

Although the Bible nowhere prescribes the existence and use of a red heifer as a prerequisite for the building of the Third Temple, many orthodox Jews believe that a red heifer is to be used first to “clean” the area of the Temple Mount. While many Jews reject this idea, it is interesting to see whether such a red heifer will be born.

UK Threatens to Close Jewish School for Not Teaching LGBT Agenda

Israel National News wrote on June 28:

“A private [Jewish] school with 212 students in northern London is in danger of being ordered to close after it failed its third inspection since February 2016 last month. The school, which teaches… girls ages three to eight, was reported as not giving students ‘a full understanding of fundamental British values’ because they do not teach the LGBT agenda…

“According to [the government,] the girls ‘are not taught explicitly about issues such as sexual orientation. This restricts the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development and does not promote the equality of opportunity in ways that take account of differing lifestyles.’…”

This policy of “understanding of British values” is shameful and abominable in God’s eyes, as is the concept explained in our next article.

Same-Sex Marriages Legal in Germany

The Independent wrote on June 30:

“Germany’s parliament has voted to legalise same-sex marriage by 393 votes to 226, despite Angela Merkel opposing the move… ‘For me, marriage in German law is marriage between a man and a woman and that is why I did not vote in favour of this bill today,’ she told reporters moments after the historic vote…

“Hundreds of members of the Bundestag rose to their feet in a spontaneous standing ovation…

“Ms Merkel, herself married twice, has always been unequivocal with her personal opposition to marriage equality, citing German law, her values as an evangelical Christian and those of her party, which describes its foundations as the ‘Christian understanding between people and their accountability before God’

“The Netherlands was the first European country to legalise same-sex marriage, back in 2001, followed by countries including Belgium, Spain, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Denmark, France and the UK…”

Please watch our new sermon, “Lot in Sodom.”

New German Law: “Delete Hate Speech or Pay Up”

The New York Times wrote on June 30:

“Social media companies operating in Germany face fines of as much as $57 million if they do not delete illegal, racist or slanderous comments and posts within 24 hours under a law passed on Friday…

“Technology companies and free speech advocates argue that there is a fine line between policy makers’ views on hate speech and what is considered legitimate freedom of expression

“The law will take effect in October, less than a month after nationwide elections, and will apply to social media sites with more than two million users in Germany. It will require companies including Facebook, Twitter and Google, which owns YouTube, to remove any content that is illegal in Germany — such as Nazi symbols or Holocaust denial — within 24 hours of it being brought to their attention. The law allows for up to seven days for the companies to decide on content that has been flagged as offensive, but that may not be clearly defamatory or inciting violence. Companies that persistently fail to address complaints by taking too long to delete illegal content face fines that start at 5 million euros, or $5.7 million, and could rise to as much as €50 million…

“Germany… has some of the most stringent anti-hate speech laws in the Western world… The standoff between tech companies and politicians is most acute in Europe, where freedom of expression rights are less comprehensive than in the United States…”

These are VERY dangerous developments. Who is to decide as to what constitutes hate speech? Is one engaging in hate speech when quoting biblical passages condemning homosexuality? Some hateful proponents of “anti-hate” speech laws would think so.

Germany and France to Lead Europe

The EUReporter wrote on June 27:

France and Germany will take the lead on post-Brexit reforms starting this year, the European Union’s second-in-command [Dutchman Frans Timmermans] said… Timmermans said Russia’s resurgence has… played a role in galvanising Europe, as did U.S. President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from a global deal on fighting climate change, and his vague stance on European security guarantees under NATO…

“The unity of the remaining 27 EU states is widely seen as crucial for the unprecedented Brexit talks…”

The evolving European power bloc will indeed be led by Germany, with the help of France and other core nations. Euro News added on July 3: “Fears the US will withdraw its security umbrella from Europe could push countries to develop their own nuclear weapons, according to a group that monitors global arsenals.”

Austria Uses Armored Vehicles to Prevent Migrants Stuck in Italy from Entering Austria

The Telegraph wrote on July 4:

“Austria has deployed armoured vehicles close to its border with Italy and will send up to 750 soldiers to block any migrants trying to head north… The move reflects deep concern in Vienna and elsewhere in Europe over the huge number of asylum seekers who continue to cross the Mediterranean from Libya – so far this year more than 85,000 have been rescued and brought to Italy…

“There are concerns that when Austria holds an election in October, the far-Right Freedom Party could do well unless the government can seize the initiative on migration and border security. With France and Switzerland closing their borders to migrants since last year, the tens of thousands in Italy have nowhere to go… Italy says it can no longer be expected to deal single-handedly with the vast number of asylum seekers… The Italian government has warned that after years of taking in hundreds of thousands of migrants, the country is now at breaking point…”

Sadly, because of perceived political “needs,” the individual lives of victims are being overlooked.

Britain Withdraws from London Fisheries Convention

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 2:

“Britain on Sunday said it would withdraw from the London Fisheries Convention, which allows some other European countries to fish within an area between 6 and 12 nautical miles (11 and 22 km) of its coastline… However, withdrawing from the convention will mean that UK vessels will also no longer be permitted to fish in the area 6 to 12 nautical miles off the coast of the other countries covered by the agreement: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands…

“The signing of the London Fisheries Convention pre-dates Britain’s EU membership, and would thus still be in force after the country leaves the EU unless it starts the withdrawal period now…

“Fishing rights were the subject of heated debate in the run-up to the June 2016 Brexit referendum…”

It is highly debatable whether Britain’s withdrawal from the Fisheries Convention will be to Britain’s advantage or disadvantage. In the end, Britain is doomed to fall.

Trade Deal Between Europe and Japan?

Reuters reported on July 1:

“Japan and the European Union are on the cusp of a wide-ranging free trade agreement that could help blunt the forces of protectionism sparked by U.S. President Donald Trump’s trade policies… Clinching a deal would offer Japan and Europe an important political victory and could raise questions about the U.S. government’s influence on the agenda for the global economy…

“European officials have been pushing for a reduction in Japanese tariffs on cheese and agriculture imports that are as high as 30 percent in return for phasing out tariffs on Japanese autos and auto parts… Japan and the EU have been negotiating a trade deal since 2013. The talks have taken on a greater sense of urgency since Trump walked away [from] the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), leaving the other 11 members of the Pacific Rim trading bloc, including Japan, in limbo.

As America withdraws from the world scene, the vacuum will be filled by other powers. Note the next article.

Deutsche Welle reported on July 6:

EU and Japanese officials have reached [an] agreement ‘in principle’ on a free trade deal. Both the EU and Japan have stressed that the pact is a rejection of the kind of protectionism US President Donald Trump advocates.”

The Washington Post added on June 6:

“Leaders from Japan and the European Union on Thursday announced their agreement on the broad strokes of a trade deal that will cover nearly 30 percent of the global economy, 10 percent of the world’s population and 40 percent of global trade.”

Making America Weak Again and Again

The Guardian wrote on July 2:

“This is the Trump paradox, five months into his presidency: the more he tries to assert US leadership, the less of a leadership role he plays. For someone who campaigned on the promise to make America great again, the reality of government has been an exercise in looking weak again and again… The scandals and investigations engulfing him are more profound and numerous than anything since Watergate…

“The Trump effect in the Middle East represents the kind of unpredictability that threatens to destabilize further a region already in turmoil. By improving relations with some allies, Trump has worsened relations with others. Along the way, he has jeopardized American national security interests

“Instead of promoting American leadership, Trump is leaving a vacuum in Europe that is being filled by the German-French alliance. With Britain busy with its own Brexit chaos, that leaves Trump and the US with fewer friends and less influence…

“But the pace and the depth of Trump’s decline is astonishing… The first six months do not bode well for Trump or America’s fortunes. If this is Trump’s idea of a stronger America, his foreign foes have less to worry about than his friends.”

Sadly, this analysis is very true. America’s allies feel compelled to look elsewhere for leadership, stability, national security, strength and economic growth.

US Import Restrictions May Lead to Global Trade War

The Guardian wrote on July 1:

“Chinese and European diplomats have warned Donald Trump against reported plans to restrict imports of steel and aluminum – a strategy that risks triggering a global trade war. By invoking a rarely used law from the cold war era, the US president could limit imports of goods deemed critical to national defence and satisfy the ‘America first’ elements of his support base…

“Trump… told a meeting of top officials at the White House on Monday that he wants to impose tariffs [on China and other countries] as high as 20% on the metal, as well as potentially on other imports such as aluminum, semiconductors, paper and washing machines…”

The World Looks Past the USA

CNN wrote on July 4:

“… increasingly, top foreign policymakers from Germany to Iraq and Canada to Asia are contemplating a period when US leadership that many took for granted may be less evident in global affairs…

“It’s not just uncertainty about American global strategy that is convincing some allied leaders to look past the United States. Trump’s unpopularity makes it much more difficult for them politically to support him…”

Bloomberg added on July 3:

“When world leaders meet in Hamburg on Friday [for the G-20 summit] , China and Germany will move in to usurp the U.S.’s role. The two industrial powerhouses of Asia and Europe are being nudged into an informal alliance to pick up the leadership baton that the U.S. is accused of having dropped since President Donald Trump’s inauguration earlier this year… Trump risks finding himself alone against a united front of European allies, neighbors such as Canada and Mexico, and America’s former Cold War foes…”

Very soon, America will find itself completely alone in the world.

War With North Korea?

Newsmax wrote on July 5:

“United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley on Wednesday said North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile launch was ‘quickly closing off the possibility of a diplomatic solution’ and vowed that the U.S. would use ‘our considerable military forces … if we must.’… Haley called Pyongyang’s missile launch on Tuesday ‘a clear and sharp military escalation…

“North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un said Tuesday that Pyongyang had successfully tested an ICBM that rose more than 1,741 miles and traveled 578 miles from the launch site… CNN reported Wednesday that U.S. intelligence officials believed that the two-stage missile had never been seen before and had the capacity to reach Alaska

“President Donald Trump also ripped China for continuing to trade with Pyongyang…”

War with North Korea is not beyond the realm of possibilities. But it would not be an easy and speedy task for America.

Donald Trump in Europe

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 6:

“If Donald Trump chose Warsaw for his first major European visit because he presumed there wouldn’t be protesters in the streets, Warsaw didn’t disappoint him… Trump didn’t let Warsaw down, either… ‘In the Polish people, we see the soul of Europe,’ he told them… ‘A strong Europe is a blessing for the West and for the world,’ the US president said.”

That Poland should be the soul of Europe is difficult to comprehend, and a strong Europe will decisively NOT be a blessing for the USA and the UK. On the other hand, “President Trump reaffirmed Article 5 of NATO, the alliance’s principle that an attack on one NATO nation is an attack on all of them, while calling out NATO nations for not spending enough on defense” (CNN, July 6).

 In Hamburg, ahead of the G-20 summit, which begins Friday, about 8,000 protesters clashed with the police.

The Week stated on July 6, “More than 20,000 officers will work during the summit, as 100,000 protesters are expected to march in Hamburg throughout the event.”

“Dollar Posts Biggest Quarterly Drop in Nearly Seven Years”

Reuters reported on July 1:

“The U.S. dollar… posted its biggest quarterly decline against a basket of rival currencies in nearly seven years… [amidst] doubts that U.S. President Donald Trump could enact his pro-growth agenda…

“The euro accelerated more than 7 percent against the greenback for its biggest quarterly percentage gain since the third quarter of 2010…”

The American economy is by no means as strong as the Trump Administration wants us to believe.

Republicans Stuck… Facing a Train Wreck

The Associated Press wrote on July 1:

“Republicans are stuck on health care, can’t pass a budget, and hopes for a big, bipartisan infrastructure package are fizzling. Overhauling the tax code looks more and more like a distant dream. The GOP-led Congress has yet to salt away a single major legislative accomplishment for President Donald Trump — and a summer of drift may lead to a logistical nightmare this fall… [It] is looking more and more like it’ll be a train wreck.

“… 20 GOP moderates signaled a revolt on the budget… announcing their opposition to an emerging plan to force cuts to government agencies and benefit programs such as food stamps…

“So it’s not just the Senate effort to repeal and replace Democrat Barack Obama’s health care law that’s foundering. The annual congressional budget measure — a prerequisite to this fall’s hoped-for tax effort — is languishing as well, as are the 12 annual spending bills that typically consume weeks of House floor time each summer.

“…are several other problems that need to be taken care of, including increasing the nation’s borrowing authority, preventing a government shutdown, and lifting budget ‘caps’ that are hobbling efforts to beef up the military. Unlike health care, the debt limit and a deal to fix the spending caps… can only be resolved with Democratic help. However… there’s no political pay-off, other than forestalling disaster.

“First, Congress is off on vacation to return in July for a three-week session. Then comes the traditional month-long August recess. After Labor Day comes a four-week sprint to October and the deadline to avert a government shutdown with a temporary spending bill — and to forestall a disastrous default on U.S. obligations by lifting the debt limit, which is a politically toxic vote for many Republicans…”

A grim and unpleasant picture indeed. The Bible tells us that America is destined to experience a complete and utter downfall in these end times.

US Child Protective Services (CPS) and Foster Care Homes Accused of Outrageous Conduct on a Large Scale

The Huffington Post wrote on June 24:

“CPS agencies need children in their foster care to meet their federal mandates. The federal funding is distributed to local communities, meaning the more children in the foster care system, the higher the paychecks for those involved. These funds extend to foster parents, teachers, attorneys, doctors, judges, therapists, caseworkers and coaches, as well as to several sub-agencies

“64 percent of children are abused in foster care; people close to this industry believe the true number is closer to 87 percent… 80 percent of all foster care children are given sedation drugs… which entitles foster parents and all involved to larger payments… it is [a] CPS caseworker that decides what foster children be prescribed medication, not a doctor or therapist… caseworkers… benefit from legal immunity, meaning they cannot be held accountable for poor judgment or bad decisions that may lead to a missing child, child abuse or even a child’s death while in foster care…

“It takes one anonymous caller with a false allegation to have a child removed from a home. A caseworker may claim that a ‘parent has a history of mental illness’ or ‘a history of substance abuse,’ without referring to an incident, naming a doctor, referring to specialized diagnoses, or supplying medical records… in CPS courts parents are guilty until proven innocent, meaning a false allegation can lead to one’s children immediately being taken away, without a Hearing or Session.

“The majority of these parents are accused of ‘Abandonment,’ which covers a broad spectrum of situations, from parents working long hours at a minimum wage job, to a single mother with a terminal illness and even soldiers called to duty. And often, once the caseworker has placed the children in foster care and it is discovered that said allegations were false, caseworkers will look for other reasons to keep the children in CPS custody because of economic interests. Again, these allegations can lead to any child being placed into CPS/State Custody permanently…”

Since many outrageous examples of CPS misconduct were reported in the past, CPS agencies have earned a terrible reputation of incompetency, and much worse. But these facts, as described in this article, are of such despicable proportions that one must wonder why nothing is being done to correct these atrocities and perhaps dissolve CPS.

Myths of Transgender Ideology Exposed

The Daily Signal wrote on July 3:

“Twin studies prove no one is born ‘trapped in the body of the wrong sex.’ the idea that ‘feminized’ or ‘masculinized’ brains can be trapped in the wrong body from before birth… is a myth that has no basis in science… 75 to 95 percent of pre-pubertal children who were distressed by their biological sex eventually outgrew that distress. The vast majority came to accept their biological sex by late adolescence after passing naturally through puberty…

“There is an obvious self-fulfilling effect in helping children impersonate the opposite sex both biologically and socially. This is far from benign, since taking puberty blockers at age 12 or younger, followed by cross-sex hormones, sterilizes a child… the risks of cross-sex hormones include, but are not limited to, cardiac disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, strokes, diabetes, and cancers

“Advocates… allege that suicide is the direct and inevitable consequence of withholding social affirmation and biological alterations from a gender-dysphoric child… there is no evidence that harassment and discrimination, let alone lack of affirmation, are the primary cause of suicide among any minority group… Over 90 percent of people who commit suicide have a diagnosed mental disorder… Adults who undergo sex reassignment… have a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater than that of the general population…

“… professionals are using the myth that people are born transgender to justify engaging in massive, uncontrolled, and unconsented experimentation on children who have a psychological condition that would otherwise resolve after puberty in the vast majority of cases. Today’s institutions that promote transition affirmation are pushing children to impersonate the opposite sex, sending many of them down the path of puberty blockers, sterilization, the removal of healthy body parts, and untold psychological damage. These harms constitute nothing less than institutionalized child abuse.”

The false transgender ideology is extremely harmful to children and parents. Note the next article as well.

Becoming Transgender Through Pills and Drugs?

The Telegraph wrote on July 2:

“A fifth of male fish are now transgender because of chemicals… being flushed down household drains… Male river fish are displaying feminised traits and even producing eggs, the study found. Some have reduced sperm quality…

“The chemicals causing these effects include ingredients in the contraceptive pill, by-products of cleaning agents, plastics and cosmetics… More than 200 chemicals from sewage plants have been identified with oestrogen-like effects and drugs such as antidepressants are also altering fish’s natural behavior…”

If chemicals have these effects on fish, causing transgender, maybe they have similar effects on humans.

Pride Parade on Day of Atonement

JTA wrote on July 4:

“North Carolina’s Jewish community is expressing disappointment and anger over the scheduling of the state’s annual Pride parade and festival on Yom Kippur. The NC Pride event in Durham has been held on the last Saturday of September for the past 17 years, according to organizers. This year, Saturday Sept. 30 is Yom Kippur…

“Several Jewish groups have marched in the parade in recent years… The conflict comes on the heels of an incident at the Chicago Dyke march in which three Jewish women were asked to leave over their Jewish Pride flags, which include a Star of David in the center of a rainbow flag.”

Jewish groups don’t seem to have a problem with participating in Pride Parades, even on the weekly Sabbath… but they only object to the Pride Parade on Yom Kippur. It was also reported in the press that on July 3, Oregon became the first state in the US to allow residents to mark their gender as “not specified” on applications for driver’s licenses, learner’s permits and identity cards. Other states will surely follow Oregon’s “lead.” The Oregon Transportation Commissioner stated that “It’s fitting that this is before us during Pride Week in Oregon and Pride Month around the country.”

Turmoil in the Catholic Church

The Associated Press wrote on July 1:

“Pope Francis declined Saturday to renew the mandate of the Vatican’s conservative doctrine chief… Cardinal Gerhard Mueller’s five-year term ends this weekend and he turns 70 in December. The normal retirement age for bishops is 75.  Francis could have kept him on, but declined to do so. The two have clashed over the pope’s openness to allowing civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion. Mueller has insisted they cannot, given church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage. [Church teaching holds that unless these Catholics receive an annulment, or a church decree that their first marriage was invalid, they are committing adultery and cannot receive Communion unless they abstain from sex.] The Jesuit pope tapped the No. 2 in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Jesuit Monsignor Luis Ladaria Ferrer, to succeed Mueller.

“It was the second major shakeup this week, after Francis granted another Vatican hardliner, Cardinal George Pell, a leave of absence to return to his native Australia to face trial on sexual assault charges. Mueller and Pell were two most powerful cardinals in the Vatican, after the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, and their absences will likely create a power vacuum for the conservative wing in the Holy See hierarchy.

“Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI had tapped Mueller, his fellow German countryman, to lead the congregation in 2012. Benedict had taken a hard line against clerical sex abuse during his time as prefect of the congregation himself, and later as pope, defrocking hundreds of priests accused of raping and molesting children. It was also Benedict who insisted that bishops around the world send all cases of credibly accused priests to the congregation for processing, since bishops had for decades moved pedophiles around from parish to parish rather than sanction or report them to police…”

It will be interesting to see whether the conservative or the liberal wings will prevail in the Catholic Church.  What is happening in the Catholic Church mirrors to an extent what can be observed in some of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God organizations.

Gay Orgy in the Vatican

The Daily Mail wrote on July 5:

Vatican police have broken up a gay orgy at the home of the secretary to one of Pope Francis’s key advisers… The flat belonged to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is in charge of tackling clerical sexual abuse.”

The Black Death Is Alive

The website of npr wrote on June 29:

“Once known as the Black Death… the plague swept Europe 700 years ago, killing a third of the population — an estimated 25 million. It wiped out millions in China and Hong Kong in the late 1800s before people…

“Centuries later, the plague periodically pops up in countries across the globe — though at minor levels compared to its medieval heyday. In 2015, the World Health Organization recorded 320 cases across the globe, including 77 deaths. A flea-dwelling bacterium, Yersinia pestis, causes the scourge… the disease likely hitched a ride to the U.S. in 1900 on flea-infested rats, which had boarded steamships in Asia. Since then, infected fleas have taken up residence on [coyotes and] rodents including chipmunks, squirrels and prairie dogs across the southwest. New Mexico and neighboring states are nearly plague-perfect settings, with their buffet of possible rodent hosts…

“The plague can persist in rodent populations, especially wild ones, for a long time without affecting humans. But it can re-emerge… Once a rodent is infected, the illness can spread to wild carnivores that eat it, or to cats, dogs and people that come within flea-jump range… prairie dogs are particularly vulnerable to plague. If a whole colony gets the illness, the bacterium amplifies… As their rodent hosts die off, fleas will seek a new one… Sometimes, that new host can transport the fleas a few miles away and spread them to other animals. Cats and dogs can catch fleas while exploring outdoors, or they can drag infected rodents directly into the home. Sick cats, which are more susceptible to the disease than dogs, can also pass the infection to humans directly

“In places with poor access to health care, the illness can be deadly on a larger scale…”

The Bible prophesies that in the future terrible disease epidemics, including the plague, will be responsible for the death of many people. Note our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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Please Explain the Biblical Metaphors of Animals Used to Describe the Powers Prophesied to Fight and Destroy the Modern Tribes of Israel (Part 3)

In the last two Q&As, we discussed the biblical metaphors of fierce lions, destructive locusts, blazing-fast flying eagles, swift horses and quick leopards, when describing the future European power bloc; its political leader called the beast, the king of the North or King Jareb of Assyria; Europe’s military might, referred to as the Chaldeans and as Babylon; and Europe’s evolving powerful army and weaponry.

In this third and final installment, we will show further biblical comparisons between a future core Europe under German leadership, and devouring bears, savage wolves, tormenting scorpions and poisonous serpents and snakes.

Revelation 13:2 pictures the ancient Roman Empire and its ten European revivals as a “beast” with seven heads and ten horns. It states that the beast was “like a leopard,” but with further animal characteristics of a lion and a bear. We will recall that the Roman Empire (the beast) had emerged from previous powers, such as Babylon (pictured as a lion), Medo-Persia (pictured as a bear), and Greece (pictured as a leopard). Daniel 7:5 describes the bear in this way:

“And suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear… And they said thus to it: ‘Arise, devour much flesh!’”

The final European revival of the Roman Empire will also appear “suddenly” and “devour” many enemies. God will allow and even use the modern revival to punish Israel:

“So I will be to them like a lion; Like a leopard by the road I will lurk; I will meet them like a bear deprived of her cubs; I will tear open their rib cage; And there I will devour them like a lion. The wild beast shall tear them” (Hosea 13:7-8). The Revised Standard Version continues: “I will destroy you, O Israel; who can help you… I have given you kings in my anger, and I have taken them away in my wrath” (verses 9 and 11).

God uses an interesting comparison between a bear deprived of her cubs and a foolish godless person: “Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, Rather than a fool in his folly” (Proverbs 17:12). This comparison is quite adequate in our context, as God describes the modern nations of Israel and Juda as foolish (Jeremiah 4:22). Another comparison is found in Proverbs 28:15: “Like a roaring lion and a charging bear Is a wicked ruler over poor people.”

These metaphors and analogies are not accidental. They can be applied to the modern resurrection of the ancient Roman Empire, which will fight against self-righteous and ungodly Israel and Judah like a roaring lion and a raging bear robbed of her cubs.  When describing the end time just prior to the return of Christ, God says in Amos 5:18-19:

“Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD! For what good is the day of the LORD to you? It will be darkness, and not light. It will be as though a man fled from a lion [one characteristic of the revived Roman Empire], And a bear met him [another characteristic]! Or as though he went into the house, Leaned his hand on the wall, And a serpent bit him!” As we will discuss below in more detail, the serpent can refer to the modern Babylonian system, the “beast,” and also to Satan himself, who gives his power and authority to the beast (Revelation 13:4). God makes the point here that He does not prevent the terrible events and the brutal Gentile armies from proceeding during the Day of the Lord and that no one will escape if he is not protected by God.

We already quoted Jeremiah 5:6 in the first part of this series to the effect that no one will be safe from a lion and a leopard. But the passage adds the metaphor of another animal as well, beginning with verse 5: “… But these [the great men of Israel, same verse] have altogether broken the yoke And burst the bonds. Therefore a lion from the forest shall slay them, A wolf of the deserts shall destroy them; A leopard will watch over their cities. Everyone who goes out from there shall be torn in pieces, Because their transgressions are many. Their backslidings have increased. How shall I pardon you for this? Your children have forsaken Me And sworn by those who are not gods… Shall I not punish them for these things?… And shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?… For the house of Israel and the house of Judah Have dealt very treacherously with Me… They have lied about the LORD… And the prophets have become wind, For the word is not in them…” (Jeremiah 5:5-9, 11-13).

God announces in this passage that He will bring a mighty ancient nation against the people of Israel and Judah (verse 15)—the modern descendants of the ancient Assyrians and Chaldeans. He compares them with a lion from a forest, a wolf of the deserts, and a leopard, which will tear the people in pieces.

From the second part of our series, we are also familiar with the passage in Habakkuk 1:6-8, which describes the final rise of the modern Chaldeans—a bitter, hasty, terrible and dreadful nation. In verse 8, God says that they are “more fierce than evening wolves.”

So we see that God compares the final Babylonian/Chaldean system with fierce and destructive wolves which will tear the people in pieces… alluding to the kind of horrible nuclear and other modern weapons which will be used in the coming World War.

We also read that God will let this happen because modern Israel and Judah are described as devouring wolves (compare Zephaniah 3:3 and Ezekiel 22:27, referring to Jerusalem’s judges as wolves, leaving not a bone till morning, and also to Israel’s princes as wolves, tearing the prey, shedding blood, and destroying people). In Genesis 49:27, Benjamin (modern Norway and Iceland) is described as “a ravenous wolf,” who will devour the prey in the morning and who will divide the spoil at night. Benjamin’s fierceness is recorded in passages such as Judges 20:21, 25, when they fought against the other tribes of Israel, even though they were in the wrong.

Savage wolves are also used as metaphors for people who are opposed to God and His Church. Christ speaks about false prophets, coming to God’s people, as “ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15), and Paul warns the church at Ephesus that after his departure, savage wolves would come in among them, not sparing the flock (Acts 20:29). Christ said that those wolves would catch the unprotected and forsaken sheep and scatter them (John 10:12), because they trusted in uncaring hirelings and not in God’s true shepherds. Christ told His disciples that He would send them as sheep in the midst of wolves (Matthew 10:16). Especially in the end time, when the beast (the final revival of the Roman Empire as well as the final leader) will be manifested on earth, it will behave as a ravenous savage wolf against God’s people. While the world will admire, adore and even worship the beast, it will blaspheme God and persecute the saints (Revelation 13:6-8).

We already discussed in parts 1 and 2 the weapons used by the Babylonian system in Revelation 9, where they are compared with locusts which had teeth like lions’ teeth, and which were shaped like horses prepared for battle. Let’s notice how else these locusts are being described. We read in verses 3, 5 and 10:

“… And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power… Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man … They had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails. Their power was to hurt men five months…”

In Ezekiel 2:6-8, the rebellious people of the modern house of Israel are being compared with scorpions: “And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions; do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their looks, though they are a rebellious house. You shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious. But you, son of man, hear what I say to you. Do not be rebellious like the rebellious house…”

We find the same thought conveyed here, as we saw earlier, when reviewing other metaphors of animal characteristics, that God will be using the Babylonian system to fight the modern house of Israel with weapons which are compared with scorpions, because the people of the house of Israel are compared with scorpions. (Technically, the events described in Revelation 9 occur AFTER the war between Europe and the houses of Israel and Judah, which had already ended in victory for Europe and in defeat for America, the United Kingdom and other English-speaking nations, but the European weapons remain the same.)

God tells His people—as He told Ezekiel—not to be afraid of scorpions and serpents, because He gives them the power to overcome them. He promises that nothing will by any means hurt them (Luke 10:19). Even though He speaks primarily about Satan and his demons in Luke 10:19 (note verses 17-18, 20), comparing them with scorpions and serpents, He also promises protection from the terrible Babylonian weapons, described as tails of scorpions which will hurt the people of this world for five months.

We have repeatedly alluded to the animal metaphor of serpents and poisonous snakes, when referring to the modern Babylonian system, and need to emphasize a few more details:

The end-time weapons of the Babylonian system are compared with serpents as well. (You may also notice that in Revelation 9:13-21, the modern weapons of the kings of the East are described, which are very similar to the weapons of the last European revival of the ancient Roman Empire: We read of horses with heads like the heads of lions; we are told that fire, smoke and brimstone come out of their mouths; and that the horses have tails like serpents with heads [military commanders], with which they do harm. As the Babylonian system uses these kinds of destructive weapons against the kings of the East, so the kings of the East retaliate with similar weapons—only, that their retaliation will be much more fierce and destructive than the initial European attack).

Jeremiah 8:17 reveals that God will send the European power bloc against modern Judah, describing Judah’s attackers in this way: “‘For behold, I will send serpents among you, Vipers which cannot be charmed, And they shall bite you,’ says the LORD.”

On occasion, God compares evil people, such as the Pharisees and scribes, with serpents and brood or offspring of vipers (Matthew 23:33). In addition, He speaks of their evil words in such way: “Their throat is an open tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit; The poison of asps is under their lips; Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes” (Romans 3:13-18). To an extent, Paul echoes here what is written in Psalm 140:3: “They sharpen their tongues like a serpent; The poison of asps is under their lips.”

In Psalm 58:4, David compares the poison of a serpent and a deaf cobra, which has stopped its ears, will not heed and cannot be charmed or tamed, with the words and actions of evil persons with which they hurt and destroy.

Babylon’s modern weapons and warfare are also described in other prophecies, such as Jeremiah 46:22-24, where we read about Babylon’s attack on modern Egypt:

“‘Her noise shall go like a serpent, For they shall march with an army And come against her with axes, Like those who chop wood. They shall cut down her forest,’ says the LORD, ‘Though it cannot be searched, Because they are innumerable, And more numerous than grasshoppers. The daughter of Egypt shall be ashamed; She shall be delivered into the hand Of the people of the north [the king of the North and his armies].’”

Another very similar metaphor is applied to Babylon’s ancient and future war with Philistia or the Philistines (According to the Pulpit commentary, the Greeks called Philistia “Syria of the Philistines.” Today the Philistines can also be found among Palestinians and other violent groups in the Middle East):

“Do not rejoice, all you of Philistia, Because the rod that struck you is broken; For out of the serpent’s roots will come forth a viper, And its offspring will be a fiery flying serpent… Wail, O gate! Cry, O city! All you of Philistia are dissolved; For smoke will come from the north [the king of the North and his armies], And no one will be alone in his appointed times” [or, “without a straggler in the ranks,” or, “there are no deserters in those battalions”; compare New American Bible and New Jerusalem Bible] (Isaiah 14:29, 31).

The reference to a fiery flying serpent describes the swiftness of the attack and also modern weapons used by flying destructive machines, such as war helicopters and military airplanes. The destruction of “Philistia” is also vividly portrayed in Ezekiel 25:15, 17, when God will use modern Babylon for this purpose: “Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Because the Philistines dealt vengefully and took vengeance with a spiteful heart, to destroy because of the old hatred,’ therefore thus says the Lord GOD: ‘…I will execute great vengeance on them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD…’”

Modern Dan (Ireland and part of Denmark) is also compared with a serpent by the way and a viper by the paths that bites the horse’s heels so that its rider shall fall backwards (Genesis 49:17), picturing Dan’s deceitful and mischievous actions. God adds that Dan must wait for His salvation (verse 18, Revised Standard Version), and it is remarkable that no one from the tribe of Dan will be among the 144,000 (compare Revelation 7:1-8), who are to be protected from the plagues during the Day of the Lord. In addition, a sober warning of the destructive effect of the consumption of too much alcohol can be found in Proverbs 23:32, comparing the consequences of excessive drinking with the bites of a serpent and the stings of a viper.

As mentioned before, the Bible pictures Satan the Devil as the serpent of old who deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9; 20:2). Ultimately, Satan is responsible for all violence and warfare. He is the destroyer of mankind. But God offers us protection and help in time of need, promising us this: “You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot. Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation” (Psalm 91:13-16).

God protects us from human enemies and powers which want to do us harm. And He protects us from Satan and his demons, as we also read in Luke 10:17-20.

After Christ has returned to set up the rule of God on this planet, a transformation will take place. We mentioned this previously, but in conclusion, let us again review a marvelous and beautiful prophecy: Satan will be bound, unable to destroy or deceive, and incapable of influencing humans to go to war. And as animals will become peaceful and tame, so will be human powers—including real and figurative, symbolic fierce lions; destructive locusts; blazing-fast flying eagles, swift horses and quick leopards storming into battle; devouring bears; savage wolves; tormenting scorpions; and poisonous serpents and snakes.

Isaiah 11:6-8 tells us: “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, The leopard shall lie down with the young goat, The calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; Their young ones shall lie down together; And the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play by the cobra’s hole, And the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper’s den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD As the waters cover the sea.”

Lead Writer: Norbert Link

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Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

compiled by Dave Harris

Our new booklet, “How to Find the True Church of God,” has entered the second review cycle.

“Sacrificial System,” is the title of a new Global Trailer, presented by Pastor Brian Gale. Here is a summary:

Be prepared now, for an astonishing journey through the pages of history, as well as the prophecies that point to events that are yet to be fulfilled, and you will begin to see the bigger picture of how the sacrificial system and the tabernacle in the wilderness are very relevant in YOUR life today!

“Das Europa der gierigen Bären, bissigen Wölfe und giftigen Schlangen,” is the title of this Sabbath’s new German sermon, presented by Norbert Link. This is based on this week’s Q&A. Title in English: “The Europe of Devouring Bears, Savage Wolves and Poisonous Snakes.”

“Be Like Minded,” the sermonette presented last Sabbath by Kalon Mitchell, is now posted. Here is a summary:

How can we all become like-minded? We all want our own way at times. We all seek what is best for ourselves. This is human nature. But is that what God intended? How can we make sure that we are each being like-minded with each other, as well as with God and Christ? Is such a thing even humanly possible?

“Lot in Sodom,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Jesus warned us that the time of His Second Coming could be compared with the days of Lot and the conditions in Sodom. Was Lot a righteous man? Why did he live in Sodom? Why was Sodom destroyed?  Was it only because of homosexual conduct? Are there archeological proofs outside the Bible showing us that Sodom was indeed destroyed? Why did Lot’s daughters commit incest with their father? What can we learn from Lot’s life?

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How This Work is Financed

This Update is an official publication by the ministry of the Church of the Eternal God in the United States of America; the Church of God, a Christian Fellowship in Canada; and the Global Church of God in the United Kingdom.

Editorial Team: Norbert Link, Dave Harris, Rene Messier, Brian Gale, Margaret Adair, Johanna Link, Eric Rank, Michael Link, Anna Link, Kalon Mitchell, Manuela Mitchell, Dawn Thompson

Technical Team: Eric Rank, Shana Rank

Our activities and literature, including booklets, weekly updates, sermons on CD, and video and audio broadcasts, are provided free of charge. They are made possible by the tithes, offerings and contributions of Church members and others who have elected to support this Work.

While we do not solicit the general public for funds, contributions are gratefully welcomed and are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada.

Donations should be sent to the following addresses:

United States: Church of the Eternal God, P.O. Box 270519, San Diego, CA 92198

Canada: Church of God, ACF, Box 1480, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0

United Kingdom: Global Church of God, PO Box 44, MABLETHORPE, LN12 9AN, United Kingdom

Stranded on a Limb; Does Your Life Matter?

On July 8, 2017, Robb Harris will present the sermonette, titled, “Stranded on a Limb” and Dave Harris will present the sermon, titled, “Does Your Life Matter?”

The live services are available, over video and audio, at (12:30 pm Pacific Time; 1:30 pm Mountain Time; 2:30 pm Central Time; 3:30 pm Eastern Time; 8:30 pm Greenwich Mean Time; 9:30 pm Central European Time). Just click on Connect to Live Stream.

This Week in the News

Independence Day in July Around the World

The newsletter of 123greetings wrote on July 2:

“While Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary of Confederation on 1st of July in the biggest Canada Day party in Ottawa over the entire long weekend, the United States of America is gearing up for Fourth of July jubilations. It is the day it attained its independence from Great Britain in 1776… Many other countries are celebrating Independence day in July which includes Venezuela, Somalia, Slovakia, Rwanda, Peru, Maldives, Liberia, Belgium, Bahamas [and] Argentina…”

It is interesting that all these “Independence days” are celebrated in July.

Israel’s Plot on the Temple Mount?

Israel National News wrote on June 27:

“Dr. Najah Bakirat, director of the Koran Academy at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, called on Muslims to save the northern and eastern parts of the Temple Mount from Jewish visitors and to prevent the ‘occupation’ from implementing its ‘destructive’ plans…

“According to Bakirat, there is an Israeli plan to build a synagogue and to open the ‘Gate of Mercy’ on the eastern side of the Temple Mount, which has been closed since the days of Saladin in 1187 CE…. He also said that Israel is interested in separating the northern part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, a name he used to describe the entire Temple Mount, and erect a synagogue there. In order to thwart the plan, he urged Muslims… to build on the site

“The Palestinian Authority and radical Palestinian Arab Islamists… maintain that the two Holy Temples never existed. They claim the site as a solely Muslim and Palestinian Arab site.”

Whether or not Bakirat’s statements are nothing more than invented propaganda, ultimately, Israel WILL build a Third Temple on the Temple Mount. The claim that the first two Temples never existed is provocative ridiculous nonsense.

Israel No Sovereignty over Old Jerusalem?

Israel National News wrote on July 4:

“UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee passed a resolution condemning Israel for its policies in the Old City of Jerusalem Tuesday. Ten member states voted in favor of the resolution, three voted against it, and three states abstained. The resolution refers to Israel ‘the occupying power’ in its capital and denies Israel’s claims to the Old City and eastern Jerusalem.

Since Israel considers Jerusalem as its undivided capital, tensions in the region are bound to continue.

A Red Heifer in 2018?

Israel National News wrote on June 28:

“Raise a Red Heifer in Israel Project Update: Good News: Expecting Potential Red Heifers in 2018.

“Yitzchak Reuven shares an update on the Temple Institute’s Raise a Red Heifer in Israel project with the exciting news that five red angus cows are currently carrying potential red heifer candidates. This good news of course coincides with this week’s Torah reading of Chukat, in which the laws of the Red Heifer are presented.”

Although the Bible nowhere prescribes the existence and use of a red heifer as a prerequisite for the building of the Third Temple, many orthodox Jews believe that a red heifer is to be used first to “clean” the area of the Temple Mount. While many Jews reject this idea, it is interesting to see whether such a red heifer will be born.

UK Threatens to Close Jewish School for Not Teaching LGBT Agenda

Israel National News wrote on June 28:

“A private [Jewish] school with 212 students in northern London is in danger of being ordered to close after it failed its third inspection since February 2016 last month. The school, which teaches… girls ages three to eight, was reported as not giving students ‘a full understanding of fundamental British values’ because they do not teach the LGBT agenda…

“According to [the government,] the girls ‘are not taught explicitly about issues such as sexual orientation. This restricts the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development and does not promote the equality of opportunity in ways that take account of differing lifestyles.’…”

This policy of “understanding of British values” is shameful and abominable in God’s eyes, as is the concept explained in our next article.

Same-Sex Marriages Legal in Germany

The Independent wrote on June 30:

“Germany’s parliament has voted to legalise same-sex marriage by 393 votes to 226, despite Angela Merkel opposing the move… ‘For me, marriage in German law is marriage between a man and a woman and that is why I did not vote in favour of this bill today,’ she told reporters moments after the historic vote…

“Hundreds of members of the Bundestag rose to their feet in a spontaneous standing ovation…

“Ms Merkel, herself married twice, has always been unequivocal with her personal opposition to marriage equality, citing German law, her values as an evangelical Christian and those of her party, which describes its foundations as the ‘Christian understanding between people and their accountability before God’

“The Netherlands was the first European country to legalise same-sex marriage, back in 2001, followed by countries including Belgium, Spain, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Denmark, France and the UK…”

Please watch our new sermon, “Lot in Sodom.”

New German Law: “Delete Hate Speech or Pay Up”

The New York Times wrote on June 30:

“Social media companies operating in Germany face fines of as much as $57 million if they do not delete illegal, racist or slanderous comments and posts within 24 hours under a law passed on Friday…

“Technology companies and free speech advocates argue that there is a fine line between policy makers’ views on hate speech and what is considered legitimate freedom of expression

“The law will take effect in October, less than a month after nationwide elections, and will apply to social media sites with more than two million users in Germany. It will require companies including Facebook, Twitter and Google, which owns YouTube, to remove any content that is illegal in Germany — such as Nazi symbols or Holocaust denial — within 24 hours of it being brought to their attention. The law allows for up to seven days for the companies to decide on content that has been flagged as offensive, but that may not be clearly defamatory or inciting violence. Companies that persistently fail to address complaints by taking too long to delete illegal content face fines that start at 5 million euros, or $5.7 million, and could rise to as much as €50 million…

“Germany… has some of the most stringent anti-hate speech laws in the Western world… The standoff between tech companies and politicians is most acute in Europe, where freedom of expression rights are less comprehensive than in the United States…”

These are VERY dangerous developments. Who is to decide as to what constitutes hate speech? Is one engaging in hate speech when quoting biblical passages condemning homosexuality? Some hateful proponents of “anti-hate” speech laws would think so.

Germany and France to Lead Europe

The EUReporter wrote on June 27:

France and Germany will take the lead on post-Brexit reforms starting this year, the European Union’s second-in-command [Dutchman Frans Timmermans] said… Timmermans said Russia’s resurgence has… played a role in galvanising Europe, as did U.S. President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from a global deal on fighting climate change, and his vague stance on European security guarantees under NATO…

“The unity of the remaining 27 EU states is widely seen as crucial for the unprecedented Brexit talks…”

The evolving European power bloc will indeed be led by Germany, with the help of France and other core nations. Euro News added on July 3: “Fears the US will withdraw its security umbrella from Europe could push countries to develop their own nuclear weapons, according to a group that monitors global arsenals.”

Austria Uses Armored Vehicles to Prevent Migrants Stuck in Italy from Entering Austria

The Telegraph wrote on July 4:

“Austria has deployed armoured vehicles close to its border with Italy and will send up to 750 soldiers to block any migrants trying to head north… The move reflects deep concern in Vienna and elsewhere in Europe over the huge number of asylum seekers who continue to cross the Mediterranean from Libya – so far this year more than 85,000 have been rescued and brought to Italy…

“There are concerns that when Austria holds an election in October, the far-Right Freedom Party could do well unless the government can seize the initiative on migration and border security. With France and Switzerland closing their borders to migrants since last year, the tens of thousands in Italy have nowhere to go… Italy says it can no longer be expected to deal single-handedly with the vast number of asylum seekers… The Italian government has warned that after years of taking in hundreds of thousands of migrants, the country is now at breaking point…”

Sadly, because of perceived political “needs,” the individual lives of victims are being overlooked.

Britain Withdraws from London Fisheries Convention

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 2:

“Britain on Sunday said it would withdraw from the London Fisheries Convention, which allows some other European countries to fish within an area between 6 and 12 nautical miles (11 and 22 km) of its coastline… However, withdrawing from the convention will mean that UK vessels will also no longer be permitted to fish in the area 6 to 12 nautical miles off the coast of the other countries covered by the agreement: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands…

“The signing of the London Fisheries Convention pre-dates Britain’s EU membership, and would thus still be in force after the country leaves the EU unless it starts the withdrawal period now…

“Fishing rights were the subject of heated debate in the run-up to the June 2016 Brexit referendum…”

It is highly debatable whether Britain’s withdrawal from the Fisheries Convention will be to Britain’s advantage or disadvantage. In the end, Britain is doomed to fall.

Trade Deal Between Europe and Japan?

Reuters reported on July 1:

“Japan and the European Union are on the cusp of a wide-ranging free trade agreement that could help blunt the forces of protectionism sparked by U.S. President Donald Trump’s trade policies… Clinching a deal would offer Japan and Europe an important political victory and could raise questions about the U.S. government’s influence on the agenda for the global economy…

“European officials have been pushing for a reduction in Japanese tariffs on cheese and agriculture imports that are as high as 30 percent in return for phasing out tariffs on Japanese autos and auto parts… Japan and the EU have been negotiating a trade deal since 2013. The talks have taken on a greater sense of urgency since Trump walked away [from] the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), leaving the other 11 members of the Pacific Rim trading bloc, including Japan, in limbo.

As America withdraws from the world scene, the vacuum will be filled by other powers. Note the next article.

Deutsche Welle reported on July 6:

EU and Japanese officials have reached [an] agreement ‘in principle’ on a free trade deal. Both the EU and Japan have stressed that the pact is a rejection of the kind of protectionism US President Donald Trump advocates.”

The Washington Post added on June 6:

“Leaders from Japan and the European Union on Thursday announced their agreement on the broad strokes of a trade deal that will cover nearly 30 percent of the global economy, 10 percent of the world’s population and 40 percent of global trade.”

Making America Weak Again and Again

The Guardian wrote on July 2:

“This is the Trump paradox, five months into his presidency: the more he tries to assert US leadership, the less of a leadership role he plays. For someone who campaigned on the promise to make America great again, the reality of government has been an exercise in looking weak again and again… The scandals and investigations engulfing him are more profound and numerous than anything since Watergate…

“The Trump effect in the Middle East represents the kind of unpredictability that threatens to destabilize further a region already in turmoil. By improving relations with some allies, Trump has worsened relations with others. Along the way, he has jeopardized American national security interests

“Instead of promoting American leadership, Trump is leaving a vacuum in Europe that is being filled by the German-French alliance. With Britain busy with its own Brexit chaos, that leaves Trump and the US with fewer friends and less influence…

“But the pace and the depth of Trump’s decline is astonishing… The first six months do not bode well for Trump or America’s fortunes. If this is Trump’s idea of a stronger America, his foreign foes have less to worry about than his friends.”

Sadly, this analysis is very true. America’s allies feel compelled to look elsewhere for leadership, stability, national security, strength and economic growth.

US Import Restrictions May Lead to Global Trade War

The Guardian wrote on July 1:

“Chinese and European diplomats have warned Donald Trump against reported plans to restrict imports of steel and aluminum – a strategy that risks triggering a global trade war. By invoking a rarely used law from the cold war era, the US president could limit imports of goods deemed critical to national defence and satisfy the ‘America first’ elements of his support base…

“Trump… told a meeting of top officials at the White House on Monday that he wants to impose tariffs [on China and other countries] as high as 20% on the metal, as well as potentially on other imports such as aluminum, semiconductors, paper and washing machines…”

The World Looks Past the USA

CNN wrote on July 4:

“… increasingly, top foreign policymakers from Germany to Iraq and Canada to Asia are contemplating a period when US leadership that many took for granted may be less evident in global affairs…

“It’s not just uncertainty about American global strategy that is convincing some allied leaders to look past the United States. Trump’s unpopularity makes it much more difficult for them politically to support him…”

Bloomberg added on July 3:

“When world leaders meet in Hamburg on Friday [for the G-20 summit] , China and Germany will move in to usurp the U.S.’s role. The two industrial powerhouses of Asia and Europe are being nudged into an informal alliance to pick up the leadership baton that the U.S. is accused of having dropped since President Donald Trump’s inauguration earlier this year… Trump risks finding himself alone against a united front of European allies, neighbors such as Canada and Mexico, and America’s former Cold War foes…”

Very soon, America will find itself completely alone in the world.

War With North Korea?

Newsmax wrote on July 5:

“United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley on Wednesday said North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile launch was ‘quickly closing off the possibility of a diplomatic solution’ and vowed that the U.S. would use ‘our considerable military forces … if we must.’… Haley called Pyongyang’s missile launch on Tuesday ‘a clear and sharp military escalation…

“North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un said Tuesday that Pyongyang had successfully tested an ICBM that rose more than 1,741 miles and traveled 578 miles from the launch site… CNN reported Wednesday that U.S. intelligence officials believed that the two-stage missile had never been seen before and had the capacity to reach Alaska

“President Donald Trump also ripped China for continuing to trade with Pyongyang…”

War with North Korea is not beyond the realm of possibilities. But it would not be an easy and speedy task for America.

Donald Trump in Europe

Deutsche Welle wrote on July 6:

“If Donald Trump chose Warsaw for his first major European visit because he presumed there wouldn’t be protesters in the streets, Warsaw didn’t disappoint him… Trump didn’t let Warsaw down, either… ‘In the Polish people, we see the soul of Europe,’ he told them… ‘A strong Europe is a blessing for the West and for the world,’ the US president said.”

That Poland should be the soul of Europe is difficult to comprehend, and a strong Europe will decisively NOT be a blessing for the USA and the UK. On the other hand, “President Trump reaffirmed Article 5 of NATO, the alliance’s principle that an attack on one NATO nation is an attack on all of them, while calling out NATO nations for not spending enough on defense” (CNN, July 6).

 In Hamburg, ahead of the G-20 summit, which begins Friday, about 8,000 protesters clashed with the police.

The Week stated on July 6, “More than 20,000 officers will work during the summit, as 100,000 protesters are expected to march in Hamburg throughout the event.”

“Dollar Posts Biggest Quarterly Drop in Nearly Seven Years”

Reuters reported on July 1:

“The U.S. dollar… posted its biggest quarterly decline against a basket of rival currencies in nearly seven years… [amidst] doubts that U.S. President Donald Trump could enact his pro-growth agenda…

“The euro accelerated more than 7 percent against the greenback for its biggest quarterly percentage gain since the third quarter of 2010…”

The American economy is by no means as strong as the Trump Administration wants us to believe.

Republicans Stuck… Facing a Train Wreck

The Associated Press wrote on July 1:

“Republicans are stuck on health care, can’t pass a budget, and hopes for a big, bipartisan infrastructure package are fizzling. Overhauling the tax code looks more and more like a distant dream. The GOP-led Congress has yet to salt away a single major legislative accomplishment for President Donald Trump — and a summer of drift may lead to a logistical nightmare this fall… [It] is looking more and more like it’ll be a train wreck.

“… 20 GOP moderates signaled a revolt on the budget… announcing their opposition to an emerging plan to force cuts to government agencies and benefit programs such as food stamps…

“So it’s not just the Senate effort to repeal and replace Democrat Barack Obama’s health care law that’s foundering. The annual congressional budget measure — a prerequisite to this fall’s hoped-for tax effort — is languishing as well, as are the 12 annual spending bills that typically consume weeks of House floor time each summer.

“…are several other problems that need to be taken care of, including increasing the nation’s borrowing authority, preventing a government shutdown, and lifting budget ‘caps’ that are hobbling efforts to beef up the military. Unlike health care, the debt limit and a deal to fix the spending caps… can only be resolved with Democratic help. However… there’s no political pay-off, other than forestalling disaster.

“First, Congress is off on vacation to return in July for a three-week session. Then comes the traditional month-long August recess. After Labor Day comes a four-week sprint to October and the deadline to avert a government shutdown with a temporary spending bill — and to forestall a disastrous default on U.S. obligations by lifting the debt limit, which is a politically toxic vote for many Republicans…”

A grim and unpleasant picture indeed. The Bible tells us that America is destined to experience a complete and utter downfall in these end times.

US Child Protective Services (CPS) and Foster Care Homes Accused of Outrageous Conduct on a Large Scale

The Huffington Post wrote on June 24:

“CPS agencies need children in their foster care to meet their federal mandates. The federal funding is distributed to local communities, meaning the more children in the foster care system, the higher the paychecks for those involved. These funds extend to foster parents, teachers, attorneys, doctors, judges, therapists, caseworkers and coaches, as well as to several sub-agencies

“64 percent of children are abused in foster care; people close to this industry believe the true number is closer to 87 percent… 80 percent of all foster care children are given sedation drugs… which entitles foster parents and all involved to larger payments… it is [a] CPS caseworker that decides what foster children be prescribed medication, not a doctor or therapist… caseworkers… benefit from legal immunity, meaning they cannot be held accountable for poor judgment or bad decisions that may lead to a missing child, child abuse or even a child’s death while in foster care…

“It takes one anonymous caller with a false allegation to have a child removed from a home. A caseworker may claim that a ‘parent has a history of mental illness’ or ‘a history of substance abuse,’ without referring to an incident, naming a doctor, referring to specialized diagnoses, or supplying medical records… in CPS courts parents are guilty until proven innocent, meaning a false allegation can lead to one’s children immediately being taken away, without a Hearing or Session.

“The majority of these parents are accused of ‘Abandonment,’ which covers a broad spectrum of situations, from parents working long hours at a minimum wage job, to a single mother with a terminal illness and even soldiers called to duty. And often, once the caseworker has placed the children in foster care and it is discovered that said allegations were false, caseworkers will look for other reasons to keep the children in CPS custody because of economic interests. Again, these allegations can lead to any child being placed into CPS/State Custody permanently…”

Since many outrageous examples of CPS misconduct were reported in the past, CPS agencies have earned a terrible reputation of incompetency, and much worse. But these facts, as described in this article, are of such despicable proportions that one must wonder why nothing is being done to correct these atrocities and perhaps dissolve CPS.

Myths of Transgender Ideology Exposed

The Daily Signal wrote on July 3:

“Twin studies prove no one is born ‘trapped in the body of the wrong sex.’ the idea that ‘feminized’ or ‘masculinized’ brains can be trapped in the wrong body from before birth… is a myth that has no basis in science… 75 to 95 percent of pre-pubertal children who were distressed by their biological sex eventually outgrew that distress. The vast majority came to accept their biological sex by late adolescence after passing naturally through puberty…

“There is an obvious self-fulfilling effect in helping children impersonate the opposite sex both biologically and socially. This is far from benign, since taking puberty blockers at age 12 or younger, followed by cross-sex hormones, sterilizes a child… the risks of cross-sex hormones include, but are not limited to, cardiac disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, strokes, diabetes, and cancers

“Advocates… allege that suicide is the direct and inevitable consequence of withholding social affirmation and biological alterations from a gender-dysphoric child… there is no evidence that harassment and discrimination, let alone lack of affirmation, are the primary cause of suicide among any minority group… Over 90 percent of people who commit suicide have a diagnosed mental disorder… Adults who undergo sex reassignment… have a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater than that of the general population…

“… professionals are using the myth that people are born transgender to justify engaging in massive, uncontrolled, and unconsented experimentation on children who have a psychological condition that would otherwise resolve after puberty in the vast majority of cases. Today’s institutions that promote transition affirmation are pushing children to impersonate the opposite sex, sending many of them down the path of puberty blockers, sterilization, the removal of healthy body parts, and untold psychological damage. These harms constitute nothing less than institutionalized child abuse.”

The false transgender ideology is extremely harmful to children and parents. Note the next article as well.

Becoming Transgender Through Pills and Drugs?

The Telegraph wrote on July 2:

“A fifth of male fish are now transgender because of chemicals… being flushed down household drains… Male river fish are displaying feminised traits and even producing eggs, the study found. Some have reduced sperm quality…

“The chemicals causing these effects include ingredients in the contraceptive pill, by-products of cleaning agents, plastics and cosmetics… More than 200 chemicals from sewage plants have been identified with oestrogen-like effects and drugs such as antidepressants are also altering fish’s natural behavior…”

If chemicals have these effects on fish, causing transgender, maybe they have similar effects on humans.

Pride Parade on Day of Atonement

JTA wrote on July 4:

“North Carolina’s Jewish community is expressing disappointment and anger over the scheduling of the state’s annual Pride parade and festival on Yom Kippur. The NC Pride event in Durham has been held on the last Saturday of September for the past 17 years, according to organizers. This year, Saturday Sept. 30 is Yom Kippur…

“Several Jewish groups have marched in the parade in recent years… The conflict comes on the heels of an incident at the Chicago Dyke march in which three Jewish women were asked to leave over their Jewish Pride flags, which include a Star of David in the center of a rainbow flag.”

Jewish groups don’t seem to have a problem with participating in Pride Parades, even on the weekly Sabbath… but they only object to the Pride Parade on Yom Kippur. It was also reported in the press that on July 3, Oregon became the first state in the US to allow residents to mark their gender as “not specified” on applications for driver’s licenses, learner’s permits and identity cards. Other states will surely follow Oregon’s “lead.” The Oregon Transportation Commissioner stated that “It’s fitting that this is before us during Pride Week in Oregon and Pride Month around the country.”

Turmoil in the Catholic Church

The Associated Press wrote on July 1:

“Pope Francis declined Saturday to renew the mandate of the Vatican’s conservative doctrine chief… Cardinal Gerhard Mueller’s five-year term ends this weekend and he turns 70 in December. The normal retirement age for bishops is 75.  Francis could have kept him on, but declined to do so. The two have clashed over the pope’s openness to allowing civilly remarried Catholics to receive Communion. Mueller has insisted they cannot, given church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage. [Church teaching holds that unless these Catholics receive an annulment, or a church decree that their first marriage was invalid, they are committing adultery and cannot receive Communion unless they abstain from sex.] The Jesuit pope tapped the No. 2 in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Jesuit Monsignor Luis Ladaria Ferrer, to succeed Mueller.

“It was the second major shakeup this week, after Francis granted another Vatican hardliner, Cardinal George Pell, a leave of absence to return to his native Australia to face trial on sexual assault charges. Mueller and Pell were two most powerful cardinals in the Vatican, after the Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, and their absences will likely create a power vacuum for the conservative wing in the Holy See hierarchy.

“Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI had tapped Mueller, his fellow German countryman, to lead the congregation in 2012. Benedict had taken a hard line against clerical sex abuse during his time as prefect of the congregation himself, and later as pope, defrocking hundreds of priests accused of raping and molesting children. It was also Benedict who insisted that bishops around the world send all cases of credibly accused priests to the congregation for processing, since bishops had for decades moved pedophiles around from parish to parish rather than sanction or report them to police…”

It will be interesting to see whether the conservative or the liberal wings will prevail in the Catholic Church.  What is happening in the Catholic Church mirrors to an extent what can be observed in some of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God organizations.

Gay Orgy in the Vatican

The Daily Mail wrote on July 5:

Vatican police have broken up a gay orgy at the home of the secretary to one of Pope Francis’s key advisers… The flat belonged to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is in charge of tackling clerical sexual abuse.”

The Black Death Is Alive

The website of npr wrote on June 29:

“Once known as the Black Death… the plague swept Europe 700 years ago, killing a third of the population — an estimated 25 million. It wiped out millions in China and Hong Kong in the late 1800s before people…

“Centuries later, the plague periodically pops up in countries across the globe — though at minor levels compared to its medieval heyday. In 2015, the World Health Organization recorded 320 cases across the globe, including 77 deaths. A flea-dwelling bacterium, Yersinia pestis, causes the scourge… the disease likely hitched a ride to the U.S. in 1900 on flea-infested rats, which had boarded steamships in Asia. Since then, infected fleas have taken up residence on [coyotes and] rodents including chipmunks, squirrels and prairie dogs across the southwest. New Mexico and neighboring states are nearly plague-perfect settings, with their buffet of possible rodent hosts…

“The plague can persist in rodent populations, especially wild ones, for a long time without affecting humans. But it can re-emerge… Once a rodent is infected, the illness can spread to wild carnivores that eat it, or to cats, dogs and people that come within flea-jump range… prairie dogs are particularly vulnerable to plague. If a whole colony gets the illness, the bacterium amplifies… As their rodent hosts die off, fleas will seek a new one… Sometimes, that new host can transport the fleas a few miles away and spread them to other animals. Cats and dogs can catch fleas while exploring outdoors, or they can drag infected rodents directly into the home. Sick cats, which are more susceptible to the disease than dogs, can also pass the infection to humans directly

“In places with poor access to health care, the illness can be deadly on a larger scale…”

The Bible prophesies that in the future terrible disease epidemics, including the plague, will be responsible for the death of many people. Note our free booklet, “Biblical Prophecy—From Now Until Forever.”

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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