And the Winner Is…?

In the coming days, months and even years, we will continue to hear about the current leadership in this country that has been put into place, and we will see how the world will be affected by it.  Currently, there is a lot of anger, frustration, disappointment, concern and shock being heard and felt across the globe due to Mr. Trump being elected President.  What the vast majority of people in this world fail to realize is that it HAD to be this way.  It made no difference when it came to voting for a specific candidate, because God saw to it whom He would place into office; and He did that for a specific reason.  Daniel 2:21 states, “He changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings, and raises up kings: He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.” It is clear from Scripture that God is in charge.  It is also clear that we have been given the knowledge to understand that God is in charge and anyone who votes for a specific political candidate, no matter what the reason may be to justify why he or she voted, clearly then DOES NOT understand God’s purpose.  It is not for us to decide who goes into office.

At the same time, Satan the Devil, who is the god of this world, also did his part in making sure that the next president would be the one who could cause more chaos and destruction in this world.  Satan currently is satisfied because he wants nothing more than to see mankind suffer (1 Peter 5:8).  He is very tricky and cunning, like a thief who comes “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” (John 10:10).  This is exactly why we need to be careful at ALL times and not get caught up in the politics of the world by voting, for example, thinking that we are thereby speeding up the process or trying to make this a better world or helping our country to become more prosperous.  See how Satan works who deceives the whole world?

So then, the question is, who is the real winner? It isn’t Mr. Trump because he doesn’t realize why he has been put into office, since it was God’s doing for the purpose of fulfilling prophecy, and Mr. Trump can very likely speed things up towards the Great Tribulation and the return of Jesus Christ.

It also isn’t Satan because he knows that he has a short time left insofar as prophecy is concerned (Revelation 12:10), since these things have to take place before he is defeated.

So the real winner here would be WE, the True Church, along with God the Father and Jesus Christ.  We need to understand what the purpose for all this is.  Should we be surprised that Mr. Trump has been elected as the next President?  What does the Bible say about the future for this nation, the modern house of Israel? (Compare Ezekiel 6:6; 7:19; Jeremiah 30:10; Amos 7:17).

Prophecy is indeed unfolding before our eyes, if we have eyes to see (Revelation 19:10; John 16:13; Matthew 24:32-33; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6); and we are eagerly waiting for the climax (Romans 8:23-25) because when we “see these things happening, [we] know that the kingdom of God is near” (Luke 21:31).

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