And If It’s the Last Thing I Do?

Some feel that they are not an essential part of this Work because they are not appointed to some service in the Church of God. For no apparent reason, they allow feelings of discouragement and dejection to affect them.

Why is that?

Could it be that the adversary, Satan the devil, knows that discouragement and disheartenment are the easiest ways to prevent us from doing our part? Satan is desperately trying to get each of us to neglect and eliminate the gift of God’s Holy Spirit that we have received.

We read in 1 Timothy 4:14: “Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership.” The Living Bible renders: “Be sure to use the abilities God has given you…”

If Satan succeeds in making us neglect and eventually lose the gift of the Holy Spirit within us, then we will be forever unfit and unable to enter the Kingdom of God. John 15:6 writes: “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.”

What Satan hates above all else is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on this earth. That is because Satan and his demons will be stripped of their authority when this great event occurs (compare Revelation 20:3).

Therefore, Satan and his demons try day and night to prevent us from entering the Kingdom of God when the return of Christ to this earth takes place. 1 Peter 5:8 admonishes us: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” We are warned not to give the devil any room. We must recognize Satan’s schemes and resist him.

James 4:7 says: “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”

We need to understand the deception he is using today against God’s people, against us! Satan is trying to make us feel that the power that is in each of us, if we have been baptized in the proper way, namely the Holy Spirit of God, is not important or of great significance! Through this trickery of Satan, some have not fully made use of or even totally ignored the Holy Spirit that God has given us by grace. It is time to recognize this and to fight against it. We must be aware of this danger. 

The end-time Church has been given the great commission by Christ to preach the gospel to the whole world for a witness; a Work that cannot possibly be accomplished without the Holy Spirit of God!

Why is no other church outside the body of Christ proclaiming the true gospel of the Kingdom of God? They may understand and preach some parts of the Truth. But not a single one of them preaches the full true message of Christ – the gospel of the Kingdom of God! The Church of God is a body that Satan cannot control and prevent from proclaiming this important message because the Church is led and directed by God the Father and Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

Satan therefore tries to negatively influence the human instruments through which the Holy Spirit works and even render them useless. Therein lies the danger for every individual in the Church of God. We must surrender to God so that He can constantly fill us with His Holy Spirit of power! Only with this power will we be able to accomplish the Work He has commissioned us to do.

Without using the power of the Holy Spirit, we will fail. If not every member of the body is functioning properly, the body will not be as effective as it should be in carrying out the commission of Christ.

We are warned about false prophets in Matthew 7:15. Satan has always used such false prophets, which includes false “brethren” to stir up some in the Church against the ministry that GOD has appointed over them. And, brethren, he is still working in the same way, trying to get some to find errors and accuse the ministers of GOD, or to get others to slack off, become lazy and stop contributing to supporting this Work of GOD!

We need to recognize whom we are following when we fall into one or the other of these conditions. When some are hardened against those whom God uses to accomplish His Work, they begin to speak arrogantly about them (compare 2 Peter 2:10-15).

This should not sound strange to us. These people become dissatisfied when they can’t be at the pinnacle or center of the Church.

Vanity fills them so much that they are unwilling to be an active part of the body of Christ, whatever that part may be (compare Colossians 2:19). Satan knows that a member who separates him- or herself from the Church is in danger of withering spiritually and burning in the lake of fire. Thus, another one of the members of the body of Christ becomes useless (compare Ephesians 4:15-16) – a member who could have contributed not only in this time when there are so few laborers to fulfill God’s commission to His Church, but also to become a member of the coming Kingdom of God who could have inherited eternal life.

We must take “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5) and let Him instruct us through those He has called as His ministers. God has set His ministers over the Church members – the saints – for spiritual growth and perfection and for the “work of ministry” (compare Ephesians 4:11-12).

If we diligently seek to do the Work we have been called to do, rather than trying to do someone else’s work, we can confidently say, “Christ in me is my hope of glory!” The question is whether we go back to living our old life and its vanity, or whether Christ lives in us and accomplishes His Work through us as members of the body of Christ. Let us remember that we are now a part of the body of Christ if we live the Way He lived as a human being. And Christ was humble and willing to “do the last thing” – as the “last one.” We must follow this example.

Initial translation from German: Daniel Blasinger

©2025 Church of the Eternal God