Is the New Testament Divinely Inspired? – Part 2


In the first instalment of this two-part series, we looked at quite a number of Scriptures that clearly show that the New Testament writings were considered part of God’s Word by those disciples living in the New Testament, and that God had approved their writings.

It could be said by critics that the New Testament writers were making grandiose claims personally by reflecting that their words carried the approval of God as part of the inspiration of the written Word of God.

However, two arguments countering that claim are as follows:

  1. We believe that God inspired the whole of the Bible which includes both the Old and New Testaments, and
  2. The consistency of the whole of the Bible.  We read on the website “scripturesubjects” the following: “The Bible was written over a span of 1,500 years by 40 authors living on three continents speaking three different languages with diverse educational and cultural backgrounds—yet it reads as one cohesive story from Genesis through Revelation. All 66 books of the Bible [in the way English Bibles order and count those books] are perfectly harmonious and consistent in their message, especially when answering and addressing life’s essential questions, ‘Where did we come from, and why are we here? Do we have a purpose? Does God exist, and if so, what is He like? Why is there suffering, evil, and trouble in the world? Is there life after death, and if so, where do we go and why?’

“If a survey were taken of twenty people from the same generation with similar backgrounds asking them these crucial questions, their responses would be diverse. Yet, the biblical writers’ content and doctrines are entirely coherent and congruent, fitting together within a logical framework. This fact is one powerful evidence of its divine origin.”

Therefore, it is entirely correct to embrace ALL Scripture, both Old Testament and New Testament, as approved by the great Creator God, given mercifully for our learning and understanding which leads to eternal life for all those called into His Church at this time and in previous generations, and for others to be given that same opportunity at a later time.

In our booklet The Authority of the Bible we read the following on pages 28 and 29 under the heading “The True Author and Preserver”:

“Beyond the rather blurry record that marks the transition of the early Christian faith into history’s background and the subsequent emergence of the Roman Catholic Church, another factor supersedes in accounting for WHO preserved the New Testament. The real AUTHOR of the inspired writings of the New Testament has also sustained His written Word throughout the ages. The proof of this statement is found in the words of Jesus Christ, when He said, ‘Sanctify them [set them apart] by Your truth, Your word is truth’ (John 17:17); and, ‘Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away’ (Matthew 24:35; also, compare parallel statements in 1 Peter 1:23, 25).

“These Scriptures, along with many others, point to the fact that the New Testament record would be preserved. Another quote from Jesus shows that His teachings would come before all men in all generations: ‘He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day’ (John 12:48).

“Consider one final answer as to who preserved the New Testament. The teachings of Christianity became a way of life for those who embraced what they learned! Note this statement by Paul: ‘For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe’ (1 Thessalonians 2:13; also, compare a parallel statement in 1 John 2:5).

“By taking to heart their calling to salvation, the faithful ones of countless generations have helped sustain and preserve a true understanding of the written Word of God. That same responsibility now falls upon us. We, too, must endeavor to uphold the teachings we have been given, just as those before us helped preserve the New Testament: ‘I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, HAVE KEPT MY WORD, and have not denied My name’ (Revelation 3:8).”

We further read in this booklet the following on pages 34-35 under the heading “God’s Word Endures Forever”:

“Jesus Christ Himself promised that God would ensure that His Word would be preserved for all eternity. He said in Matthew 5:18: ‘… one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.’

“Peter explained that ‘the word of the LORD endures forever’ (1 Peter 1:25). Paul instructed Titus to only ordain an elder if he would hold ‘fast the faithful word as he has been taught’ (Titus 1:9), expecting, of course, that ‘the word’ would be preserved. Jude challenged the brethren to ‘contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude 3). Again, true brethren were asked to stand up for the faith which had been taught and preserved in the sacred writings.

“We read that God’s end-time disciples would keep His Word (Revelation 3:8)—which requires that God’s Word had been preserved and would be available in the end time. In fact, some living in the end time would even be killed for keeping the Word of God (Revelation 20:4).

“Jesus is the personified Word of God (Revelation 19:13; John 1:1, 14; 1 John 1:1). As He is still alive today, so He made sure that His written Word—the entire Bible—would stay ALIVE as well. After all, the Word of God is ‘LIVING and powerful’ (Hebrews 4:12).

Who canonized the New Testament? It was God, but He inspired His apostles Paul, Peter and John to pronounce the decision which books and letters should be considered as sacred and infallible. And so, God ultimately used the apostle John to canonize the writings of the New Testament.”

From the website “the banner,” we read the following observations.

“So then, can we trust the New Testament?

“The answer is a resounding ‘Yes!’

“The New Testament manuscript copies we have were written relatively close to their originals, and we possess more manuscript copies than any other document of antiquity. Fewer than 1% of its variants are meaningful, and it has both Christian and non-Christian sources that affirm the events of the biblical account. If we are to question the reliability of the New Testament, I argue we should then question every other historical work, too, because the New Testament surpasses in authenticity any other work of antiquity.”

If we ignore any part of the Bible, then we can’t have the full picture of what God is trying to achieve in our lives.   We must use ALL of the Word of God.

Lead Writer: Brian Gale (United Kingdom)

©2025 Church of the Eternal God