Letter to the Brethren – March 3, 2022

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Dear Brethren and Friends,

Physical things, by their nature, deteriorate and break down. No matter how much we pay for a vehicle, the first thing we will have to replace are the tires, and then brakes and muffler. Eventually, the alternator will fail as well as the fuel pump, the water pump, and the air-cottoned compressor; and if we have the vehicle long enough, the last two things which will break down are the transmission and finally the motor.

Even our physical bodies break down until we die. The patriarchs who lived at times over nine hundred years eventually died. Our physical bodies are not designed to live for eternity, and most of us would not want to live forever with a physical body and its limitations.

Thankfully, as life moves forward, those who remain faithful to their calling will receive a new spiritual body which will not break down, but which will last forever. Especially for those of us who are older and are living with bodies that are breaking down, that is very good news. We will have a body that is fully productive twenty-four hours a day, and which never runs out of energy. Never feeling tired nor exhausted is really something to look forward to.

Our responsibilities during the Millennium, as kings, are laid out for us, which involve providing
for the physical needs of the survivors, and also the spiritual needs which is the role of priests
(Revelation 5:10).

The object is to remove any barriers which might prevent physical or spiritual growth. There will not be any confusion as to which is the correct day to worship God, since the weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days will be in force and effect. There will be no other options as to how to worship God, and the choices to be made are obedience or disobedience, accompanied by blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience, so compliance will undoubtedly win out in the end in most cases.

Those who stubbornly refuse to submit to God’s authority and have committed the unpardonable sin will be destroyed in the lake of fire, which is a merciful way to deal with them, avoiding an eternity of rebellious and unhappy behavior. Once born-again members in the God Family, we will not and cannot sin in any way; by then, we will have proven our loyalty to God and He can entrust us with eternal life, not having to worry about attempts to overthrow His government.

What our ultimate fate will be is not spelled out in any great detail, but we will not be bored and we will be fully engaged with our new spiritual bodies in whatever God has in store for us

As we are experiencing the final stages of this sick world, reflecting the twisted and perverted mind of Satan, it behooves us to remain close to God and be involved in the finishing of the Work of preaching the gospel to the world as a witness, and of feeding the flock. This responsibility which is given to the ministry needs to be supported by the church members and by anyone who chooses to become a coworker in this great task. We must give a final warning to the modern Israelite nations and the entire world as doors open to do so, and we must all grow in grace and knowledge so that we can be counted worthy to stand before the Son of Man at His return. We will then receive our crown and move forward with tremendous tasks and achievements, according to what God has in store for us.

In Christ’s Service

Rene Messier (Canada)

©2025 Church of the Eternal God