This Week in the News

Corona News in the USA

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“The US Navy said Thursday that personnel who refuse to be vaccinated will be expelled from the force… It has set a November 28 deadline for enlistees to be fully inoculated. If all US military services take the same hard line that the navy is taking, it could risk losing as many as 46,000 troop members.”

That is one way to accelerate America’s downfall and defenselessness. A total stupidity, which IS prophesied, one way or another, to happen.

Chicago Battlefield for Legal Action for and against Vaccination Mandate

AFP wrote on October 16:

“A Chicago judge on Friday banned a police union president from making public statements on the city’s Covid-19 policy as a stand-off over vaccine mandates sparked dueling lawsuits.

“The dispute between mayor Lori Lightfoot and police union head John Catanzara has made the city the latest flashpoint in a deeply polarized debate over vaccines and whether governments have the right to mandate them.

“Lightfoot sought and received an injunction against Catanzara Friday when the judge issued a 10-day restraining order that bans him from making statements that encourage members not to report their vaccination status.

“The police union filed its own lawsuit Friday against Lightfoot and Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown that seeks to force arbitration over the matter…

“Catanzara urged police officers to ignore the order and risk loss of pay… he predicted that if a large number of officers refused to be tested or report their vaccinations, Chicago would have a ‘police force at 50 percent or less…’”

Under Lightfoot’s orders, police officers must report their vaccination status. If they are not vaccinated, they must be tested twice each week, but they have to pay for the tests and must do it in their “free” time. This is supposed to last until the end of the year, and it is unclear as to what is supposed to happen then.

A judge is scheduled to decide the two pending lawsuits sometime next week.

Fauci Blames Unvaccinated, Ignores Science

Newsmax wrote on October 17:

“[Fauci] is sounding a continued warning about the unvaccinated causing a fifth wave of COVID-19 in the U.S… Dr. Fauci did not discuss the settled science that has revealed even vaccinated Americans can contract and spread COVID-19…

“Still, Fauci blames the unvaccinated – which critics argue many might have natural immunity from having overcome COVID-19 – for surges of the pandemic in the U.S….

“One very early and vocal critic has been Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kay, who has been an early proponent of natural immunity being an effective protection against COVID-19.

Science and data now support Paul’s long-held scientific hypothesis, leading to some high-profile clashes from Paul with Fauci and Biden administration health officials.”

But natural immunity does not make big Pharma rich…

Fully Vaccinated Colin Powell Dies of Corona

Breitbart wrote on October 18:

“General Colin Powell, the first black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State, died Monday morning from complications of COVID-19.

“He led a storied military career and emerged on the political scene as a Republican… His stature was considerably undermined after he was used to push the Iraq War on a flawed basis, and after he became a perennial supporter of Democratic presidential candidates….

“The White House indicated in a statement on Monday morning that Powell died from the coronavirus despite being ‘fully vaccinated,’ a revelation that is certain to fuel the continuing controversy about vaccines and mandates…”

CNN wrote on October 18:

“Powell had multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body’s immune response, as well as Parkinson’s, Peggy Cifrino, Powell’s longtime chief of staff, confirmed to CNN. Even if fully vaccinated against Covid-19, those who are immunocompromised are at greater risk from the virus.”

It was not revealed, though, whether Powell died because of any of those underlying health problems. In fact, as Breitbart reported, “Powell’s family did not mention any underlying conditions in their statement announcing his death.”

A doctor was presented by CNN, claiming that Powell died because some Americans have not been vaccinated yet. And Fox News quoted experts saying that Powell’s death “underscores the need for COVID-19 vaccine booster shots among older adults.”

So, two vaccines are not enough now; we need three or four. Truly, the pharmaceutical industry and all the doctors, politicians and everyone else connected monetarily with big pharma, must be jumping for joy… but they are doing it in secret.

A most famous German singer, Tony Marshal, was submitted to the hospital because of corona. He was also fully vaccinated. His wife, who was fully vaccinated as well, was also diagnosed with corona.

Hesse Adopts G2 Rule for Supermarkets

The Local wrote on October 15:

“Supermarkets in Frankfurt and the surrounding region can now implement rules that only allow vaccinated and Covid-recovered people onto their premises.

“The new Covid health pass entry rules announced by the central state of Hesse have upped the pressure on the unvaccinated by allowing all shops to implement the so-called 2G rule at their doors.

“The 2G rule refers to public places being given the option to allow entry only to vaccinated(geimpft in German) or people who’ve recovered from Covid (genesen) and has so far been allowed in half of Germany’s states for certain public places like bars, restaurants, nightclubs and cinemas. [It excludes unvaccinated people who’ve tested (getestet) negatively for Covid.]…

“2G has proved controversial, with many people complaining that it excludes people who can’t [get] vaccinated and that it has the potential to widen societal divisions over the pandemic response.

“Many locations in the hospitality and entertainment sector have stuck to a 3G rule, which allows people to enter if they can show a negative Covid-19 test

“With several million German adults still to be vaccinated as the winter draws near, authorities have sought to up the pressure on them by making access to some parts of public life more difficult or costly. Eight federal states have allowed businesses and event organisers to adopt the so-called 2G option…”

Many have asked about the designations of G3 and G3 in Germany. The article makes this distinction clear.

Germany’s New Expensive Testing Rules

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 15:

“Germany’s new COVID-19 testing rules came into force on October 11. They are focused on the unvaccinated, who until now could take a free test and with a negative result go to a restaurant or other restricted area…[But now, they have to pay for the tests.]

“Janosch Dahmen, a physician and health expert for the Green Party’s parliamentary group, criticized the decision made by Chancellor Angela Merkel and all the regional state premiers…

“There have been many so-called breakthrough cases — cases when someone fully vaccinated is nonetheless infected with the virus. The RKI [Robert Koch Institute] has reported 80,000 breakthrough infections [in Germany alone]…”

Spahn’s Double-Talk

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 18:

“German Health Minister Jens Spahn has said that special rules relating to the coronavirus pandemic could end on November 25, the Bild newspaper reported on Monday.

“But many indoor rules requiring proof of negative test, vaccination and other hygiene measures would need to remain in place, the report added.”

Bild Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt Fired

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 20:

Bild tabloid Editor-in-Chief Julian Reichelt was fired after The New York Times detailed misconduct toward female employees. The case is now making waves internationally.

“Bild, which Julian Reichelt led since 2017, is the daily newspaper with the highest circulation in Germany and has shaped the country’s media landscape significantly since it was founded in 1952. Known for courting controversy, the media outlet often receives criticism: For example after launching a front-page attack on virologist Christian Dorsten, one of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s advisors, at the start of the pandemic…

“Behind the newspaper is the billion-euro Axel Springer publishing house… Axel Springer this August purchased US media outlet Politico for $1 billion. In 2015, the company bought Business Insider.

“The scandal perhaps marks a turning point in Germany’s #MeToo movement, which has already been well underway in the media scene in the US…. In 2016, Fox News journalist Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit which brought about an internal investigation at the network and led to a number of sexual harassment claims against Ailes, considered to be a kingmaker by the Republican party…

“In 1996, Ailes was hired by Rupert Murdoch, who was at the time CEO of media giant NewsCorp. He launched Fox News, hiring outspoken right-wing commentators like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. The network has since become known for its inflammatory statements and questionable stances, such as casting doubt on where Barack Obama was born; and, more recently, vaccine skepticism….”

When positions are advanced which do not reflect the mass media’s agenda, then they are described as “questionable stances.” It has been stated in Germany that the real reason Reichelt was fired was the constant attack of the left-liberal media on his stance in numerous situations. We have, from time to time, published editorials by Reichelt which were extraordinary and right to the point.

Canada Keeps Persecuting Christian Pastor

Fox News wrote on October 16:

“The Polish-Canadian pastor who has been jailed for holding church services in Calgary, Alberta, said he will refuse to obey a court order mandating him to publicly echo the established opinions of medical experts regarding COVID-19. Pastor Artur Pawlowski was sanctioned by Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Adam Germain to 18 months of probation, according to a written ruling released Friday…

“In addition to tens of thousands of dollars in costs and fines, one condition of Pawlowski’s probation requires him to parrot ‘the majority of medical experts in Alberta’ regarding social distancing, mask wearing and vaccines, even when he speaks in church. ‘The final term of his probation order will be that when he is exercising his right of free speech and speaking against [Alberta Health Services] Health Orders and AHS health recommendations, in a public gathering or public forum (including electronic social media), he must indicate in his communications the following,’ wrote Germain, who appended a script:

“‘I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.’

“Pawlowski told Fox News he has no intention of complying with Germain’s sanction, which he condemned as ‘unconstitutional,’ ‘illegal,’ and a clear instance of ‘compelled speech like in China and North Korea.’ ‘This crooked judge wants to turn me into a CBC reporter or CNN reporter, that every time that I am in public, every time I’m opening my mouth, I am to pray their mantra to the government,’ he said.

“Pawlowski said the judge’s condition is ‘without precedent’ in Canada, an assertion echoed by his lawyer, Sarah Miller, who described Germain’s sanction as ‘bizarre’ and ‘likely unconstitutional’ under Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees freedom of expression…

“Germain took particular umbrage at Pawlowski’s speaking tour throughout the United States over the summer, during which he met with lawmakers and warned audiences that Western governments increasingly resemble the communist regime in Poland he fled as a young man…

“Pawlowski, whose probation also forbids him from leaving the province, suggested to Fox News that Germain’s attitude and sanctions prove the point he was trying to make throughout his U.S. tour. ‘When I grew up under the boots of the Soviets, the courts like this were called “show courts”’ he said.

“‘It was to show that the government can do with you whatever they want, and there is nothing you can do about it. And it’s just to scare the public, telling you, “See, we can finish off anyone we want.” They’re terrified of the truth. I’m not hiding. I’m not a criminal. I said I will not obey this court order. I refuse to obey a crooked judge’s order. He’s not a judge, he’s a political activist,’ he added.”

What is happening in Canada is truly shocking. One IS reminded of dictatorial socialist countries.

Rand Paul warns of Socialism

Breitbart wrote on October 16:

“Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) warned there were perils associated with big government socialism. Paul [said] beyond the economic consequences of socialism, historically, it ended with state-sponsored authoritarianism and violence

“‘I think now we’ve seen eight, nine months of big government socialism coming from Biden, and people are starting to understand that there are consequences… One of the consequences is prices are rising… Big government, socialism doesn’t work…”

It surely does not for the people, but governmental officials accumulate more and more autocratic powers.

US Marine Punished for Telling the Truth

Newsmax wrote on October 15:

“U.S. Marine Corps Judge Col. Glen Hines found [U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Stuart] Scheller guilty… [attorney] Buzbee told Newsmax that Scheller is being punished because he spoke truth to power

“… no matter which form of discharge Scheller gets, he’ll still lose his retirement pay and benefits, to the tune of at least $2 million, said Buzbee….

“Buzbee said that many people were ‘outraged and frustrated and upset’ by the withdrawal, particularly when a terrorist attack on Aug. 26 killed 13 U.S. military personnel at the Kabul International Airport during the evacuation proceedings. Here’s a man that served 17 years, and is three years from vesting retirement…’

“The attorney said Scheller’s message is resonating nationwide, and that he’s appreciating the support he’s received, but ‘let’s not forget, you know, they took a Marine who was distinguished and decorated and put him in the brig…

“‘He has stepped forward and set an example about accountability, and I don’t think it’s too much to ask for the individuals responsible for the planning or lack thereof with the withdrawal of Afghanistan to also step forward, when we see generals testifying in front of Congress trying to make the case that [it] was an operational and tactical success.’”

In fact, all of those responsible, from the very top down, should have the decency to resign.

“America Is Breaking Down!”

The Rutherford Institute wrote on or about October 20:

“This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, racism, classism, fascism, fear-mongering, political correctness, cultural sanitation, virtue signaling, a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing government corruption and brutality, a growing economic divide that has much of the population struggling to get by, and militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment)—is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long.

“In New York City, for example, a 200-year-old statue of Thomas Jefferson holding the Declaration of Independence will be removed from the City Council’s chambers where it has presided since 1915. Despite Jefferson’s many significant accomplishments, without which we might not have the rights we do today, he will be banished for having been, like many of his day, a slaveowner…

“In Washington, DC, a tribunal of nine men and women spoke with one voice to affirm that the government and its henchmen can literally get away with murder and not be held accountable for their wrongdoing. The Supreme Court’s latest rulings are yet another painful lesson in compliance, a reminder that in the American police state, ‘we the people’ are at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to ‘serve and protect.’

“All across the country, from California to Connecticut and every point in between, men and women who have worked faithfully and diligently at their jobs for years are being terminated for daring to believe that they have a right to bodily integrity; that they should not be forced, against their conscience or better judgment, to choose between individual liberty and economic survival; and that they—and not the government, or the FDA, or the CDC, or the Corporate State—have dominion over their bodies. Conveniently enough… the government, corporations and pharmaceutical companies have been shielded from liability with blanket immunity laws that ensure we are little more than guinea pigs for their questionable experiments.

“And then in Pennsylvania, a man traveling on a commuter train harassed, assaulted and then raped a woman over the course of 40 minutes and more than two dozen train stops while fellow travelers, watching and filming the attack, did nothing. Not a single witness called 911. Not a single bystander intervened to help the woman. Despite the fact that the man was outnumbered and could have been overwhelmed by those on the train, no collective effort was made to ward off the attack. Only when it was too late, when the damage had been done and the train had pulled into its last stop, did police show up to intervene…

“This is madness, yet there is a method to this madness. This is how freedom falls and tyranny rises. Remember, authoritarian regimes begin with incremental steps: overcriminalization, surveillance of innocent citizens, imprisonment for nonviolent—victimless—crimes, etc. Bit by bit, the citizenry finds its freedoms being curtailed and undermined for the sake of national security. And slowly the populace begins to submit.“No one speaks up for those being targeted. No one resists these minor acts of oppression. No one recognizes the indoctrination into tyranny for what it is. Historically this failure to speak truth to power has resulted in whole populations being conditioned to tolerate unspoken cruelty toward their fellow human beings, a bystander syndrome in which people remain silent and disengaged—mere onlookers—in the face of abject horrors and injustice.

“… We can continue to spout empty political rhetoric about how great America is, despite the evidence to the contrary… We can zip our lips and bind our hands and shut our eyes… evil happens when bureaucrats (governmental and corporate) unquestioningly carry out orders that are immoral and inhumane; obey immoral instructions unthinkingly; march in lockstep with tyrants; mindlessly perpetuate acts of terror and inhumanity; and justify it all as just ‘doing one’s job.’”

Sadly, this is so true! Our free booklet, “Obeying God Rather Than Men,” includes much more information on this topic.

Crackdown on Free Speech

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“Amnesty said that many governments had used the pandemic as an opportunity to further restrict freedom of expression. ‘Communication channels have been targeted, social media has been censored, and media outlets have been closed down… Governments that have long kept a tight control over what is shared in the public domain with overly restrictive legislation, have used the pandemic as another excuse to apply laws to censor and silence criticism, debate, and the sharing of information… Other governments have used the widespread alarm and confusion generated by the pandemic to rush through new legislation and other emergency measures that are not only disproportionate but also ineffective to deal with issues such as misinformation.’

“The report said that China, where the virus first emerged at the end of 2019, had opened criminal investigations into 5,511 people by February 2020. These people had been charged with ‘fabricating and deliberately disseminating false and harmful information’ about the nature and extent of the outbreak, according to Chinese authorities. Russia...  introduced amendments that imposed criminal penalties for what it called ‘public dissemination of knowingly false information’ in the context of emergencies, Amnesty said. It also imposed administrative penalties for media outlets that publish such information, the report added…

“The London-based group warned that these laws and penalties were likely to stay in force even after the pandemic.”

Why Government Cover-Ups Succeed

The Ron Paul Institute published on October 19 the following article which was originally released by the Future of Freedom Foundation:“‘It’s not necessary to censor the news, it’s sufficient to delay the news until it no longer matters,’ Napoleon Bonaparte reportedly said. The same standard helps explain why Washington politicians and federal agencies usually get away with covering up their lies and abuses…“Cover-ups succeed because people defer to promises by government officials to investigate themselves.

This was how the Nixon-era Pentagon buried scores of Vietnam atrocities even after confirming the carnage… Nine thousand pages of documents were compiled confirming more than 300 war crimes, including seven other massacres of civilians by US troops… American soldiers faced more legal perils for reporting than for committing atrocities… As long as the government claimed to be investigating an alleged atrocity, the media downplayed the story…“The George W. Bush administration used similar charades to stifle the scandal over its worldwide torture regime. The only thing necessary for a successful cover-up was for the president first to continually proclaim that everything will be investigated, and then, months later, to proclaim that everything has already been investigated… In reality, none of the investigations had been independent, and none of the reports were available in full to the public… Yet, the Bush administration created the impression that anyone who refused to accept the good faith of the government’s self-investigations was acting in bad faith.

“… The Washington Post blocked or buried pre-war articles exposing the holes in the Bush team’s assertions on Iraq…

“But things will be different now that Joe Biden is president, right? Unfortunately, the media continues celebrating his election victory by ignoring almost all his falsehoods and failures. The mere fact that Biden is not Donald Trump will likely continue to give him a free pass from the media for at least another six months…”

The mass media bears great responsibility for not fulfilling its job.

A Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem?

JNS (Jewish News Syndicate) wrote on October 18:

“If Washington follows through on its plan to forcibly open a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem, it will be the greatest humiliation Israel has ever experienced. The Americans are well aware of Israel’s opposition to the move. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made that much clear in a meeting with President Joe Biden at the White House. Speaking at a conference hosted by The Jerusalem Post last week, Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar said: ‘I want to be perfectly clear: We oppose it. I heard that for the president, it’s a campaign promise. For us, it’s the promise of generations.’

“According to international law, the opening of a diplomatic mission or the altering of its status requires the written signature of the host country’s foreign minister—who in this case is Yesh Atid Party head Yair Lapid. Even if Lapid, who has sworn his allegiance to a unified Jerusalem countless times, was willing to align himself with the administration’s stance, he knows his authorization of the move would lead to the government’s collapse. That is why he has shifted to an opposing stance.

“Nevertheless, with Lapid by his side, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced in Washington: ‘We’ll be moving forward with the process of opening a consulate as part of deepening those ties with the Palestinians.’ Or in other words, we have decided to show contempt for Israel’s position.

“Blinken has not taken such a condescending stance on Iran, the Palestinians, the Chinese, or any other U.S. partner… And what do the Israelis get in return? A stinging slap in the face.”

America will turn more and more against Israel.

Is the Catholic Church Guilty of Tax Evasion in Israel?

Israel 365 wrote on October 14:

“Is the Pope evading taxes on Vatican property in Israel?… the Vatican’s churches claim to be houses of worship exclusively even though it is well documented that many of them double as hotels, restaurants, stores, and schools.

“… the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and other churches affiliated with the Vatican… demonized Israel, going so far as to imply that Jerusalem does not belong to the Jewish state…

“The Vatican’s excuse for their tax evasion is that according to the Holy See, ‘Jerusalem must be internationalized and become a corpus separatum (Latin for ‘separate body’).’”

Again, we see that the Catholic church is showing its true colors relating to Israel.

Poland and the EU’s Move towards Totalitarianism

Deutsche Welle wrote on October 19:

“The top Polish court ruled on October 7 that parts of the EU treaties are ‘incompatible’ with the country’s constitution and that the latter takes precedence. It has been widely criticized by the European Commission and several member states, including France and Germany…

“The Polish prime minister defended the stance of Poland’s constitutional court over the primacy of Polish law and rejected comments suggesting the country was on a path to a possible ‘Polexit.’ ‘We should not be spreading further lies about Poland leaving the EU,’ he said.

“But he also accused the EU of ‘blackmail,’ saying ‘it is unacceptable to talk about financial penalties… I will not accept politicians wanting to blackmail and threaten Poland.’ Morawiecki went on to criticize the ‘creeping’ expansion of EU powers, pushed by the European Court of Justice (ECJ)…

“European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told EU lawmakers on Monday that she was ‘deeply concerned’ over the developments in Poland… She went on to mention the ‘Article 7 procedure’ as a ‘powerful tool’ to deal with violations from member states. Article 7 allows the EU to remove certain rights of member states, including stripping them of their voting rights

“Poland, along with Hungary, has threatened to use its veto power to block key EU legislation on climate change and migration. While there is no procedure to kick a member state out of the union, the evocation of Article 7 could leave Poland powerless in any negotiations.”

Europe and Emperor Justinian

Lowyinstitute wrote on October 19:

“Constantinople, the capital of ancient Byzantium, was dominated by a statue of Emperor Justinian. Legend has it that Justinian’s hand was lifted to the East to ward off prospective attacks from Persia, while his gaze was turned to the West, portending that the real threat to the capital came from that direction…

“Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, acknowledged… that ‘there are deeply troubling questions’ regarding the future of NATO [i.e., referring to the above-mentioned legend, the real threat would be coming from the West] and that the EU needs to develop independent security capacities through the establishment of a ‘European Defence Union’.

“The key power brokers of Europe – especially Macron, von der Leyen and, of course, the new German chancellor – would do well to heed Justinian’s strategic dictum: ‘keep cool and you will command everyone’. Keeping cool entails Europe seeing the current potential for US disengagement on the continent not as a looming security disaster, but as a golden opportunity… European interests should not be conflated with US interests. Europe pursuing more strategic autonomy sans-US involvement would help Europe avoid being sucked into a potential Sino-American Cold War.

“Justinian is remembered for his boldness. If European leaders can harness some of this courage to break free of their reliance on the United States, not only would it benefit European security and strategic flexibility on the continent, it might also help Europe fulfil its long-touted ‘super-power’ potential.”

And this is exactly what will happen.

Shatner’s Trip to Space and Prince William’s Criticism

Newsmax wrote on October15:

“After taking a trip to space, ‘Star Trek’ actor William Shatner is lamenting the short-sightedness of Prince William’s space science denial… ‘He’s got the wrong idea,’ Shatner, 90, [said]. ‘… this is a baby step into the idea of getting industry, all those polluting industries, off of Earth,’ he continued. ‘You can build a base 250, 280 miles above the Earth and send that power down here, and they catch it, and they then use it, and it’s there,’ he added…

“Prince William, 39, had been politicking for climate change while denying science of space exploration to BBC. ‘We need some of the world’s greatest brains and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live,’ William said. ‘It really is quite crucial to be focusing on this [planet] rather than giving up and heading out into space to try and think of solutions for the future,’ he added…

“‘The prince is missing the point,’ Shatner [said.] ‘The point is these are the baby steps to show people it’s very practical. You can send somebody like me up into space.’”

Wherever man has put his feet, he has polluted and destroyed the environment. At the same time, the idea of sending all the polluting industries and material (including perhaps radioactive material) into space is interesting in the light of what Christ may do when He has returned to govern this [polluted] Earth.

Russia’s and China’s Collaboration

Israel 365 wrote on October 18:

“It was recently revealed that in August, China tested a hypersonic missile that is capable of carrying a nuclear payload… the test showed that China had made astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than US officials realized…

“Hypersonic weapons travel long distances through the atmosphere at speeds of Mach 5-10 making them invulnerable to any air or missile defense system

“Along with China, the United States, Russia, and at least five other countries are working on hypersonic technology…

“The test comes at a sensitive time when tensions are high as China has made aggressive moves towards Taiwan.

“In addition, China and Russia are currently holding joint naval exercises in Russia’s Peter the Great Gulf called Joint Sea 2021…

“It is interesting to note that according to Mongolian tradition, their nation was descended from Magog. The Mongolian Empire once included sections of Russia, China, and North Korea. The Chinese and all the minority groups living in China are of the Mongoloid race, which stems from Noah’s son Japheth. Etymologists have conjectured that the name Mongol is derived from the name Magog.”

The Daily Mail added on October 17:

“The hypersonic missiles can reach speeds of up to 21,000 mph and can strike anywhere on Earth from space within minutes.”

Russia’s Blackmail of Europe and Ukraine

Express wrote on October 18:

“RUSSIA has dealt a hammer blow to the EU after refusing to pump more gas into the bloc despite Vladimir Putin claiming he would do so. It comes after European gas prices have soared to record highs and have left the bloc in the face of a gas crisis. Prices soared when Russia decided to decrease the flow of gas travelling into Europe following a deal for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Putin struck a deal to see the new pipeline transit gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, bypassing Poland and Ukraine. But as the pipeline awaits approval from German regulators, Mr Putin ordered a tightening of supplies to avoid EU rules from being applied to the system and to speed up the pipeline’s approval.

“Gas prices across Europe have now skyrocketed as supplies decrease and the continent prepares for a cold winter where even more pressure will be put on supplies. But now, state-owned Russian gas company, Gazprom, has reportedly said that it doesn’t even plan to send more gas via pipelines through Ukraine next month. Instead, it will send only limited supplies through Poland

“Mr Putin has fiercely denied the claims that Russia is using gas as a geopolitical weapon… But Mr Putin’s latest [move] has again displayed Moscow’s tight control on the gas market…

““Mr Putin’s use of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to control gas prices has threatened tensions with Ukraine. And after the latest of Gazprom’s gas flow restrictions through its neighbouring country, it has raised even more fears.

“… the boss of Ukraine gas giant Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, said: ‘The worst-case scenario is that there could be no gas flowing through Ukraine, it would allow him to blackmail Ukraine so could lead to either a full-scale war.

“‘For example, forget about Crimea, take back Donbass, the occupied regions, but on Putin’s terms, and basically the whole of Ukraine would become part of the Russian world.’

“Back in 2014, Russian troops took control of Crimea before annexing the peninsula after the region voted to join the Russian Federation in a disputed local referendum.”

Putin is using gas to blackmail Europe. In addition, Russia might indeed force a “unification” of Ukraine and Russia.

The Dangerous Experiments with Animal-to-Human Transplants

Newsmax wrote on October 19:

“Scientists temporarily attached a pig’s kidney to a human body and watched it begin to work… The kidney for this experiment came from a gene-edited animal, engineered to… avoid an immune system attack.

“… The dream of animal-to-human transplants… goes back to the 17th century with stumbling attempts to use animal blood for transfusions. By the 20th century, surgeons were attempting transplants of organs from baboons into humans, notably Baby Fae, a dying infant, who lived 21 days with a baboon heart.

“With no lasting success and much public uproar, scientists turned from primates to pigs…

“In the NYU case, researchers kept a deceased woman’s body going on a ventilator after her family agreed to the experiment…

“Experts say tests on nonhuman primates and last month’s experiment with a human body pave the way for the first experimental pig kidney or heart transplants in living people in the next several years….”

The question was raised: Should we do it only because we can?

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

©2024 Church of the Eternal God