Don’t Question… Just Believe?

The Bible warns us that a lack of zeal will be predominant in the end-time Church of the Laodiceans. Boldly standing up for the Truth seems to be a rare commodity these days. It may be perceived as uncomfortable or not important, and it might even cloud one’s perspective as to what God requires of us. To give a recent example, we posted in our last Update an article by Natural Health, dated May 16, addressing Dr. Judy Mikovits “jaw-dropping allegations” about Dr. Anthony Fauci and her viewpoint on the origin of the coronavirus and the role of the pharmaceutical industry. Many of Mikovits’ statements and claims are contained in a video, titled Plandemic. The mass media rejects Mikovits’ claims and the video has been repeatedly banned, removed and reposted.

But as Deutsche Welle wrote on May 15:

“Questioning the intelligence of anyone who criticizes coronavirus protection measures shows we haven’t learned from the polarization of the past and shuts the door on any chance for dialogue… What yesterday was considered a conspiracy theory has now become widely accepted fact… And yet many journalists, analysts and politicians still have a need to put everyone who thinks differently into a clear-cut cubbyhole…

“People have put up with so much over the last few weeks: Following stay-at-home orders and contact bans, trying to understand contradictory experts’ opinions on face masks… when these very people want to express their displeasure, concern or skepticism, they are, at best, called perfectly normal citizens who let themselves be manipulated by ‘conspiracy theorists!’… It is simply not enough to muzzle unwelcome criticism with derogative classifications…”

It is interesting that the Bible warns us not to say a “conspiracy” concerning “all that this people call a conspiracy,” nor to “be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled” (Isaiah 8:12).

To explain further why we published, for example, excerpts from the above-mentioned article by Natural Health about Dr. Mikovitz, we wrote the following in a recent Q&A:

“In all of this, we must understand that the Church is not engaged in politics. We do not endorse any political candidate or party, and we do not vote in governmental elections.  We do not, of course, participate in war, either. But this does not mean that we would not comment on wrong behavior and propaganda of politicians and social and religious leaders. In that light, we will publish articles with viewpoints different from the ‘official’ versions of the mass media, as long as those viewpoints appear relevant and seem to have merit, and it behooves the reader to evaluate those opposing views in the light of biblical values.”

This has been and will continue to be our stance, as it serves to discover the Truth. Subsequently however, we learned that the President of a large Church of God organization took the exact opposite approach, stating this in a letter:

“… a controversial video production has grown popular as an alternative political explanation for the origin and spread of the coronavirus. The video production, titled Plandemic, has entered the mainstream, with subsequent millions of views. Instead of reassurance, comfort and human solidarity during a painful crisis, it promotes division, assumes evil motives and sows doubt… Promoting such thinking certainly must not be our legacy as ambassadors for Christ… In some Church of God communities, this video production and other alternative explanations of the origins of the coronavirus have produced increasing confusion and division… It is not the Church’s role to judge the veracity of productions like Plandemic. As stated, we are not medical experts. But it is the Church’s role to teach and preach what Jesus commanded us: ‘A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another’ (John 13:34…)… It means we have respect for each other. It means we refrain from posting things that can cause offense. It means we don’t provoke one another negatively (Galatians 5:26).”

Even though this letter contains all kinds of contradictions and inconsistencies, it tells the audience in a nutshell to refrain from stating or posting any critical remarks which may question the official positions in government and the mainly left-wing mainstream media, as this might cause division, doubt and confusion. We are sorry to say, but standing up for the Truth will cause division, as Christ said.

Another large Church of God organization published this: “There are a lot of differing opinions flying about on the Internet and television at this time. Many question whether it was necessary to shut down nation after nation around the world. Before getting caught up in the emotions and politics of it all, never forget who is the prince of the power of the air, the one who is directing the course of this world. He is creating confusion and would love for the people of God to take their eyes off the goal.”

But what is that goal? Is it to blind ourselves to the Truth and accept, without thinking, what the left-wing mainstream media and the politicians want us to believe?

Both organizations also issued statements reflecting a dangerous lack of understanding regarding our approach towards human government, in that obedience and respect for authority were demanded while the concept of obeying God rather than men was totally ignored and not mentioned at all. We are not just focusing on these two groups, but quoting these excerpts as warning examples for all of our readers.

In a recent Q&A, we said this:

“The concept of submitting to human governments and their political propaganda must be seen in context. We have just completed a new booklet, which we have posted on our website, titled, “Obeying God rather than Men.” Printed copies should be available very soon. In this booklet, we point out that we must never obey man, when we would thereby violate God’s Law, in letter or in spirit. This also means that we cannot adopt and endorse man’s concepts and ideas when they are in opposition to God’s directives…”

In our new booklet on “Obeying God rather than Men,” we state the following, under the headline, “What the Mark of the Beast Means for Us Today”:

“True Christians understand that the Sabbath and the Holy Days must be kept, and that they must not instead accept the mark of the beast by worshipping on Sunday and pagan holidays, and by refusing to worship on God’s weekly and annual Sabbaths.

“But how does this play out in practice when the government prohibits Christian churches to meet and assemble on the Sabbath? They might not even place this prohibition under a religious mantle, but they might give some other reasons, such as the outbreak of a pandemic that would require people to stay at home. The weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days are commanded biblical holy assemblies or holy convocations (compare Leviticus 23). We should ask ourselves whether refusing to follow God’s command, because the government says so, would be pleasing to God (compare Hebrews 10:25; the Living Bible states: ‘Let us not neglect our church meetings, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near’).

“In the past, some Church groups have been far too quick to follow the guidance (not even at first a directive) of a particular government and have prohibited worship services worldwide for all of their members, even though the government of one particular country did not speak for other countries, and even though an alleged pandemic had not even reached some of the countries in which members lived. Other Church groups followed the subsequent directive of the government of their country, but did not limit their prohibition of services to that country, but prohibited all their members worldwide to meet anywhere.”

Much more is addressed in this new booklet, and we hope to be able to send printed copies very soon to our subscribers and to make them available to everyone who asks for them.

We are going to observe the Feast of Pentecost this Sunday, remembering when God bestowed His Holy Spirit on His apostles and many other disciples. God’s Spirit is a Spirit of Truth and of a sound mind. It is a Spirit being eager and anxious to find the Truth in whatever area —and it is not a Spirit of fear or of not wanting to know the Truth or even a willingness to suppress the Truth. Just believing and not questioning “official” explanations by the main-stream media and politicians is most certainly NOT what the Holy Spirit of God is all about. Rather, the Spirit of God “searches all things” (1 Corinthians 2:10), and so we, as future kings, are to search for and find the Truth (Proverbs 25:2), which will set us free from all error.

©2025 Church of the Eternal God