Positive Discrimination

In a previous editorial in Update #877, dated 24th May 2019, entitled “How They Love to Play with Words to Get Their Own Way!” I gave the example of how a young man in the UK was discriminated against because he was “a white, heterosexual male without disability’”, according to the report put out by the BBC.

This is a growing trend to try and impose politically correct language in the UK by an ever increasing liberal elite. This has also taken hold in many other countries, and it is important to see the hypocrisy and unfairness that has gripped our nations (Please also see our Q&A, entitled “Why is political correctness a potential problem for Christians and the Church of God today?” in Update #865, dated 22nd February 2019).

Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised, but it is important to be aware of what is going on so that we are not sucked into accepting that which should not exist in a properly functioning society. On the website findlaw.co.uk, we find the definition of “positive discrimination” as follows:

“Positive discrimination is the process of giving preferential treatment, especially in employment, to minority groups of society that have been prejudiced against in the past. It should be noted that ‘preferential treatment’ does not mean that these individuals will automatically be preferred to another candidate, but rather should two candidates be deemed a similar level, the individual from the minority group will be preferred. For example, should two candidates who are equally matched in skills go for a job and one is from a minority group and one isn’t, then positive discrimination will see that the former candidate will receive the job offer.”

Positive discrimination is an oxymoron which is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.

As long ago as 2011, a black TV presenter hit out at the Government’s new positive action law saying that “people should be judged on their ability and not skin colour.” She said that she was overjoyed to learn she had been picked to star in a TV series only to later discover that it was not wholly her ability to do the job, but her skin colour which helped land her the role.

Subsequently, she called on employers to pick the person they believe will be best at the job—and said those not selected for jobs and promotions must strive to make themselves more competitive instead. She said that when she discovered bosses had picked her because she was black, it bought her “crashing down” and prompted her to question whether other successes in her life were “real.”

In 2014, The Telegraph reported that William Fittall, Secretary General to the General Synod and the Church’s most senior official, told MPs and Peers that where male and female candidates are equally qualified for a position as bishop, it will be advised that the woman should be appointed over the man. This was in order to even out the gender imbalance in clerical positions as quickly as possible.

Christianity Today said that “Discrimination is an ugly word—used with increasing abandon to criticise those who fail to toe the line of tolerance.  The news that the Church of England will encourage bishop selection committees to use ‘positive discrimination’ to appoint women is therefore interesting, though not necessarily a surprise.”

What do we see from all of this?

First of all, the meaning of perfectly good English is twisted to suit what the establishment wants, and puts a positive spin on it.

Secondly, preferential treatment may be given to help multiculturism and can put members of the indigenous population at a disadvantage.

Thirdly, this legislation can be used to enable a woman bishop in the Church of England to be appointed over a male bishop when the Bible clearly shows that women should not be ordained to the ministry in the first place.

And fourthly, the idea that the best person for the job is put at risk, to say the least.

One internet commentator said that “Positive discrimination is still discrimination, calling it positive is a nonsense and a logical fallacy. If we have positive discrimination then: positive murder, positive rape, positive child abuse, positive stealing and positive money laundering and so on and so on.”

Good questions to always ask are whether such things will happen or be allowed in the coming Kingdom of God!

Jesus said in Matthew 5:37: “But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”   We are told to be clear-cut with our speech with no ambiguity or double meanings, and positive discrimination doesn’t fit into those categories and, therefore, won’t be allowed in the Kingdom of God.

In Isaiah 5:20 we read: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” We are certainly seeing that in many ways today—particularly with sexual practices and, perhaps, positive discrimination has quietly slipped under the radar in this respect!

There is no partiality with God (Romans 2:11), which is another reason why there will be no discrimination in the Kingdom of God.

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