Current Events

by Norbert Link

We begin with President Trump’s first State of the Union address, which seemed to have failed in bringing about more unity between the two warring parties; and we continue with the unique and at times rocky relationship between the State of Israel and America’s evangelicals; the resurgence of atrocities in Afghanistan as an apparent response to America’s new security policies; further incredible facts about Hawaii’s incompetency in relationship to the false alarm of a nuclear attack; the conviction of most millennials that America is on the wrong track while President Trump’s approval rating is climbing; serious concerns for world conditions in 2018 due to President Trump’s unpredictability and his short temper; and the dark prospects of a trade war between Europe and the USA with terrible consequences for the entire world.

We continue with ongoing steps to unify continental Europe as a most powerful entity; address the coalition negotiations in Germany, under Angela Merkel and Manfred Schulz; speak about Austria’s role as a “bridge-builder”; point out the UK’s failing army; and point out further disagreement regarding Brexit talks. 

In the remaining part of this Current Events section, we speak on abominable “scientific” experiments with animals and humans, including by car manufactures in Germany and the USA; the cloning of chimpanzees and the creation of human-animal hybrids; the inevitability of a huge earthquake in Canada; and the rise of demonic activities in Ireland and elsewhere. We warn of dangerous statements by Pope Francis in this context [please see our new StandingWatch program, Demon Uprising or Medical Side Effects?”]; and we conclude with an article proving the existence of God as the Creator of our solar system.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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