Worldwide Epidemic Inevitable

The nation has been hit with sickness, resulting in thousands of flu cases, including several of our own members who were affected by it.  But this isn’t only limited to the United States, as this particular flu has spread around the world.  Now considered an “epidemic,” ABC News reported on January 19: “A deadly flu epidemic spreading across the nation has now claimed the lives of at least 30 children, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday.  The report also shows that 8,990 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported across the nation between Oct. 1, 2017 and Jan. 13, 2018.”

The Independent added that this deadly “flu virus has been killing around 100 people per week in the US since mid-December, the Center for Disease Control has warned. A report published by the CDC with the latest figures showed there were 759 flu deaths between 7 October and 23 December.”

ABC News went on to report that “The CDC has identified a particular strain of influenza A, H3N2, as the culprit affecting thousands from coast to coast. Agency officials said 49 of 50 states have reported widespread flu activity at the same time.”

“‘This seems to be the worst flu season we’ve had here in the last 10 to 15 years,’ Dr. Adrian Cotton, chief of medical operations at the Southern California hospital, told ABC’s “Good Morning America.” ‘We’re seeing a lot more patients with the flu and the patients we’re seeing are a lot sicker than usual… lots of cases [are] happening, in lots of states, all at the same time.’”

The big question is, how does one protect him- or herself and prevent from getting the flu, or any other sickness for that matter?  A lot of controversies has been circulating around the effectiveness of the flu shot, whether or not this would really “prevent” or “protect” one from the flu.  The article of ABC News continues to say, “We know that the influenza vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu, but in this season it is not as effective as it is for the other viruses that circulate… It’s never too late to get the vaccine because the flu season can go on for months. It takes the vaccine about a week to really kick in. But if you’re at risk, which pretty much anyone out there is right now, [if] you haven’t gotten the flu shot, you should get vaccinated.”  That is what the CDC recommends, even though many who have gotten sick have also received the flu shot.

USA Today reported on December 29, 2017,  “‘It’s just one of those years where the CDC is seeing that this strain of flu is only somewhat covered by the vaccine that was given this year,’ said Jennifer Radtke, manager for infection prevention at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville. ‘They’re seeing that it’s anywhere from 10% to 33% effective, so any time there’s a mismatch between the vaccine and the circulating strain of the flu, you’re going to see more cases.’” Not only that, but “‘It can take up to two weeks to build full immunity to the flu after you are vaccinated,’ said Dr. Cara Christ, director of the Arizona Department of Health Services.”

Even though health officials still recommend that “getting a flu shot now is still one way to combat the virus even though it can’t promise total immunity,” they also advocate common sense by frequently washing and sanitizing your hands, covering your mouth when coughing, staying home when sick, staying away from sick people, avoiding touching your face and getting lots of rest and hydration—so if you do come in contact with a flu virus, your body is prepared to fight it off.   The article continues that “antiviral prescription drugs such as Tamiflu can lessen the severity of influenza for people who have had flu symptoms for two days or fewer and prevent complications such as pneumonia. But they also can have side effects, so a flu shot while you’re well should be your first choice.”  (Please read our article in the Current Events section of this Update regarding the dangerous side effects of this drug.)

The most significant course of conduct the majority of health officials leave out is the importance of prayer.  Where is God in all of this?  He is our ultimate Healer and we should pray to Him FIRST when we are sick (compare James 5:13-18).  Of course, we also must understand that we should seek medical attention when necessary, along with God’s guidance.

The fact is, times will get increasingly worse and the Bible prophesies that there will be sicknesses and diseases much more horrible than we have ever seen before, when together with war, famine and other disasters a fourth of the earth will be affected (Revelation 6:7-8) in various places around the world (Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:11).  Described in the Bible as the Day of God’s wrath, no flu shot or vaccine and no amount of money can prevent what is to come as described in Ezekiel 7:2-19.  New disease epidemics will appear (Deuteronomy 28:27-28, 35, 58-61).  But is there a way that we can be spared from this inevitable suffering?  Our free booklets: “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord”,  “Human Suffering, Why…and How Much Longer?” and “Is That In the Bible? The Mysteries of the Book of Revelation” go into much detail and also explain HOW we can protect ourselves from these terrible times that are coming upon us in the near future.

Yes, there is a way that we can be protected.  As we explain in our free booklet, “The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord,” Christ promises His people—who are counted worthy—a way to “escape all these things that will come to pass” (Luke 21:34–36; compare Revelation 3:10; Zephaniah 2:3; Psalm 31:19–20).   It is high time that we prepare ourselves NOW and take heed of the warnings the Bible proclaims, before it’s too late.

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