Current Events

by Norbert Link

In this issue, we concentrate on events in and pertaining to the USA, which show beyond a reasonable doubt that the USA is at the brink of total destruction. It has reached the point of no return, and is facing internal turmoil and “bankruptcy,” as well as the external threat of a nuclear attack. The irony is that the US leadership is not even considering and able to identify the future real enemy. At the same time, God has given the people of the USA and the UK the leadership they deserve. After all, God holds the people accountable for their many sins and transgressions and their unwillingness to change and to turn back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whom they have forgotten and whom they defy on a daily basis.

In this context, we speak on a catastrophe in North Korea and the coming European superpower and Germany’s ongoing struggle to form a viable and workable government; and we address the explosive situation regarding independence-seeking Catalonians, which has plunged Spain into the worst political crisis since the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.

We conclude with articles showing the utmost confusion of orthodox Christians who do not seem to know anymore what and whom to believe. We especially address paganism and the curse of the demonical “festival” of Halloween, showing WHY God is so angry and FURIOUS with our “Christian” nations. In this regard, please view our new StandingWatch program, “Worshipping Satan on Halloween.” We also publish reports on the terror attack in New York on Halloween and attempts to politicize the action of a deranged and demonically influenced terrorist.

Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.

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