
The most recent event to captivate everyone’s attention here in the USA was the occurrence of the moon moving in front of the sun and blocking out light for a few minutes. But this is quickly fading away and attention is on the next event that will captivate people’s fleeting attention span—an “astronomical alignment” on September 23 is just around the corner (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11).

As the total solar eclipse was occurring on August 21, I went outside where I work and noticed all the people around me who had also come out to watch. It made me think of the Scripture where Christ talks about the end of this age and what it will be like. Matthew 24 extensively portrays days in the near future that are going to happen. Verses 29-31 talk about heavenly signs, even more stunning and breathtaking than what just happened.  Not that this recent occurrence and the coming event in September had or will have any relevance for Christ’s Second Coming, but I can just imagine people standing around in awe and fear when the prophesied heavenly signs do start to take place on a global scale.

We can predict when scientific events such as an eclipse are going to occur, but we cannot understand how to bring about peace. There is no end to the amount of physical knowledge that this world is able to produce. We keep inventing greater and greater things, but we cannot stop the inevitable from happening. Genesis 11:6 points out that man is able to accomplish incredible feats, but he is unable to answer or solve any of life’s true questions.

This world hates God, whether it realizes it or not. The false prophet and the beast will soon arise and captivate the nations to accomplish their will.

We are warned NOT to be captivated by Satan’s trickery (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11); rather, we are encouraged to continue loving the Truth and maintaining a close relationship with God (1 John 3:7-10, 19-20). We have heard this time and again, but what are we doing about it? How sure are we that we will be able to keep God’s commandments, statutes and judgments when this tumultuous time comes? Will we be able to stand or will we let other things come between us and God? The answer depends on how we act today, when we have the opportunity and the time to do so (Deuteronomy 8:1-20).

As we continue to watch the world around us implode, we know from Scripture the prophecies of the events which are going to happen. We have to stay captivated with the Truth and have a deep love of it if we wish to finish what we have started (Revelation 1:3; 2:10, 25; 3:11; 16:15; 22:7,12).  Now is the time to consider our ways and become wise, not being distracted and misled by foolish things. Zephaniah’s warning in chapter 1:14 should be a somber realization of what is going to occur in the not-too-distant future: “The great day of the LORD is near; It is near and hastens quickly. The noise of the day of the LORD is bitter; There the mighty men shall cry out.”

©2025 Church of the Eternal God