Current Events

In this issue, we focus on the many inconsistent promises and declarations by Mr. Donald Trump and his “surrogates” and spokespersons, prompting the question as to when the “real” Donald Trump will stand up. Issues regarding mass deportations of illegal aliens with a criminal record; moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem; the creation of a Palestinian state; the building of a wall between the USA and Mexico and who will pay for it; the “repeal” of Obamacare; the Iran deal; international trade and “climate-change” agreements; tariffs for Chinese goods; prosecution of Hillary Clinton; entitlement programs; waterboarding; and the very survival of NATO are just a few of the many issues under discussion. Mr. Trump’s appointments of Republican National Committee chairman (and Washington insider) Reince Priebus as his White House chief of staff and (highly controversial) Stephen Bannon, his campaign CEO and executive of the conservative website ‘Breitbart,’ as his chief strategist and senior counselor, have perplexed many observers.

Some or many seem to feel that with the election of Mr. Trump as President, we have gained a few more years of peace and freedom. That is a very naive, dangerous and erroneous misconception. For the biblical truth on the matter, please view our new sermon, “God’s Control of the Weather.”

Russia’s neighboring countries, especially the Baltic states, are fearful of Mr. Putin and they are very concerned about America’s future conduct; while Bulgaria and Moldova elected pro-Russian leaders.

Europe is becoming anxious to create its own unified army, recognizing the fact that it is a “superpower” which “ought to” take care of its own affairs.

While most political leaders in the world are trying to cozy up to Mr. Trump, who in turn has found “warm words” for many of them, whom he had severely attacked during his campaigns, Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, has been a rare exception in continuing his criticism of Mr. Trump, which, according to many observers, has now gained him, at least in part, the proposal of Germany’s major parties for the German Presidency in February.

We conclude with articles about a nuclear agreement between India and Japan; as well as the most recent series of earthquakes in New Zealand which might have caused damages in excess of 1.4 billion US dollars.

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