Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link and Margaret Adair have returned home following travelling over five-thousand miles to be with brethren in California, Oregon, British Columbia and Colorado. They will be observing the Fall Holy Days in Germany, so this trip was an especially important opportunity to encourage and strengthen members in these visits.

“Lehnen Juden Jesaja 53 ab?” is the title of this week’s German sermon. Title in English: “Do Jews Reject Isaiah 53?”

“By The Book,” the sermonette given last Sabbath by Dave Harris, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Recent events in the Church of God have given rise to people who all claim that they are following God’s lead—that they are going by the book, the Bible. Really?

“The Sufferings of the Apostle Paul,” the sermon given last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

Paul had to endure much hardship, but he never gave up. This sermon discusses many of his trials, including his unjust arrests and illegal imprisonments; several attempts to murder him; numerous false accusations against him by Jews and Greeks; and many conspiracies by unbelieving Jews with the declared goal of assassinating him. But Paul knew that his trials served a godly purpose. And we will see how he received strength to endure victoriously, becoming worthy for the Kingdom of God.

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