Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

“The Christmas Myth-Exposed?,” is the title of a new StandingWatch program, presented by Evangelist Norbert Link. Here is a summary:

Both former Pope Benedict XVI and former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, have questioned the accuracy of the Christmas “myth”-in particular the alleged time of Christ’s birth and the way in which the Nativity scene is commonly depicted. They claim that there were no animals present and that the wise men were not identified as three. There are of course many more Christmas assumptions and ideas which do not find support in the Bible. In this program, we show you what the Bible really says about Christmas and its customs, and we offer you a free reprint article about the wise men or “magi,” and our free booklet, “Don’t Keep Christmas.”

“Der Mythos des Weihnachtsfestes—Entlarvt?,” is the title of the German language program, which discusses the same topic as the SW mentioned above.

“Global Trailer–Angels, Demons and the Spirit World,” presented by Pastor Brian Gale, is now available for viewing.

“Die Propheten Hängen an der Liebe, Teil 2,” is the German sermon for this coming Sabbath. In English, the title is: “The Prophets Hang on Love, Part 2.”

“The Prophets Hang on Love, Part 1,” the sermon presented last Sabbath by Norbert Link, is now posted. Here is a summary:

According to the words of Jesus, all the Law and the Prophets hang on the two great commandments of love towards God and love towards neighbor. In this sermon, we will show how the first four of the Ten Commandments are covered in the Prophets, emphasizing that God is our only God who prohibits the worship of idols and who enjoins us to hallow His name and His weekly and annual Sabbaths.

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