Be Steadfast – Or Else!

Steadfast is defined by one dictionary as: firmly fixed in place; immovable; not subject to change; firm in belief, determination or adherence.   These are the qualities that are a must for all true Christians.   There are many things that can threaten our steadfastness.  We have tests and trials – something that we are promised – and some may give up or compromise; a spouse dies and the one left can be so upset that they can drift away; the local group dissolves as members die, move away or stop attending so that the group is longer viable; there is no group or church locally; members can move from one part of the country to another due to their job or family – and to an area that has no Sabbath services.   Excuses can be made about attendance where there is a group.   These are just some of the dangers that can threaten our steadfastness.   And being steadfast to the truth is an essential requirement in making it into God’s Kingdom.   It is just that serious.

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