What A Difference A Day Makes!

In the beginning, the Eternal God created the heavens and the earth as the abode of Lucifer and the one third of God’s angels placed under Lucifer’s authority. God gave them rulership of those areas of the universe assigned to Lucifer and, thus, also under Lucifer’s jurisdiction. Lucifer chose to rebel against God and His Ways and attempted, along with the angels assigned to him, to overthrow the throne of God and to take control of the entire universe. Lucifer and His angels failed in this attempt and were cast back down to the earth where they are to this day (Ezekiel 28). This is more fully explained in our booklet, “The Theory of Evolution — A Fairy Tale For Adults?

Commencing with verse 2 of Genesis 1, we find a record of the re-creation, or the re-establishment of the earth, which was made null and void in the cataclysmic battle between the angels who followed Lucifer and the angels of God. God recreated the earth in six days.

The joy of this re-creation came toward the end of the sixth day when God created man in the very image of God, according to the likeness of God the Father and of the One Who became Jesus Christ. In fact, it was by the very hands of this Being, Who became Jesus Christ, that all things in the heavens and on the earth were made. (John 1:1-4)

On the seventh day He ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day. He then blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it, He rested from all His work, which He had created and made (Genesis 2:1-3).

Yes, God established the seventh day as a day of rest and He tells us in His Word that He blessed the seventh day and that it is a day holy to Him. We are told to remember the seventh day and to observe it with the understanding that in so doing we recall all that was done during that first week when God re-created the earth and all that is in it. God also established other Holy Days, which you and I are commanded to keep. (For a complete analysis of these Days, their intent and purpose, write for our free booklet, “God’s Commanded Holy Days.”)

God has a purpose for each and every one of these special days noted in Scripture which He has established as holy to Him. Each day He has established reflects things He has done or events of the future and His Plan relative to those special days for the future.

But man has perverted all of Gods Holy Days and has failed in the right observance of those days. He has forgotten the purpose for which God originally established each holy day and why these days are so significant in God’s overall plan and purpose for mankind.

On numerous occasions God told His chosen people, Israel, not to enquire of the peoples in lands where He would lead them as to how those peoples worshipped their gods, saying, “… even so will I do to my God.” He specifically told them not to do that, because these peoples had done abominable things in the worship of their gods. Yet, today, most who call themselves Christians have forgotten the days God established for their good, but rather, have turned, have enquired of those pagan practices and have incorporated those practices into a system of worship whereby they try to please the One True God.

It is interesting that this year of 2004, May 1 falls on God’s Sabbath. And while the religions of the world, even so-called “Christian Religions,” for the most part will not be observing this Sabbath as commanded in God’s Word, the Holy Scriptures, but will rather attempt to worship the One True God on the first day of the week, the so-called “Lord’s Day,” in direct opposition to God’s command. And on this particular weekly Sabbath, many will observe a pagan day which the world refers to as “May Day.”

This day, “May Day,” is a special day of the pagans, a spring festival, established centuries ago, in celebration each year of the coming summer months. The day was set aside to appease and to please the pagan gods according to the customs of these pagan religions.

Many modern day pagans believe this festival was held and observed to the pagan god, “Belenus,” or “Bel,” a fire/sun god, most likely as a celebration of his mating with “Danu,” the primal earth mother. The indication is that the festival name means “Bel’s Fire.”

Some have associated this ritual to the “Baal” of Biblical times while others relate it to “Beltaine,” the worship of whom the Gauls brought to Britain during the Roman occupation. Others say there is no connection.

Notable traditions of this day’s celebrations were the “Maypole,” imported to England from Italy during the reign of Charles I or Elizabeth I. It is said that the pole itself probably represented the “tree of life” or “world tree.” The custom was to attach ribbons to the tree and weaving them together by dancers, thus, the Maypole dance. Perhaps you observed this ritual in your own experience as a youth without knowledge of its true meaning.

While God established His festivals, days holy to Him, all described in His Written Word, interestingly, within paganism, there are two types of festivals: 1) Esbats, which mark the changes in the moon; and 2) Sabbats, which recognize the changes in the sun. Of course, we all understand, these days have been inspired by the god of this world, Satan, the devil.

Esbats, traditionally, are times in which magic, divination, the development of psychic skills and such are practiced. Falling within this category is “Samhain.” This is pronounced “sow-een,” and is the pagan New Year’s Eve. It means “summer’s end,” and falls on the 31st of October. This day, today, is widely known as Halloween. The reason is that the “Christian Church” adopted the day in an effort to convert people to their religion. We also understand this day is recognized as the day of the dead, supposedly in honor of friends and relatives who have “passed away.” On this day these dead are invited back to spend an evening with those observing this day. Samhain is known by the names Halloween, Hallow mass, and All Saint’s Eve. (For additional insight into the origin of Halloween, see our Q&A in Update #114, dated October 24, 2003.)

Just opposite from this day of “Samhain” is the Sabbat festival of “Beltain.” “Beltain,” also known as “Beltane” or “May Day,” falls exactly six months from “Samhain,” on the 31st day of April, or as we reckon it, “May 1.” It is also opposite in its meaning, a day celebrating “life and love” with sexual undertones, rather than “death.” It is celebrated, if possible, with a large bonfire or candles, for the purpose of encouraging fertility. The May Pole, a phallic symbol, is the center piece of this festival and traditionally was danced around by maidens to draw a lover — not by children, as is currently practiced by modern religions.

It is certainly significant, especially to God, what days we observe and how we observe them. God tells us in His Word that He is not happy when we veer away from His Teachings, and in particular, in relation to His Holy Days.

What a difference a Day makes!

©2025 Church of the Eternal God