Current Events

European Special Report

As we watch the political climate of Europe–particularly the European Union member states–there is evidence of a growing undertow of dissatisfaction in many of the nations. A strong feeling of nationalism seems to be gathering beneath the surface–a potential backlash against political scandal, foreign workers and violent demonstrations by angry religious minorities grows more likely.

Riots in France

France has once again experienced an outbreak of racial unrest. Although violent acts are mostly limited to neighborhoods populated by immigrates and native born children of these people, the potential for riots on a larger scale has government officials concerned. Reuters (October 23, 2006)–as reported in–had this account of renewed violence in the poor suburbs of Paris:
“One year after three-week long riots shocked France, new attacks in ethnically mixed suburbs have put police on alert and led locals to warn that violence will explode in poor neighbourhoods if poverty and unemployment persist.

“‘For several weeks, we have seen escalating violence,’ said Frederic Lagache from the Alliance police union.

“‘We have the impression that some people in difficult neighbourhoods want to mark the anniversary of the November 2005 violence … by attacking police.'”

The article further quotes Sherifa Kasdi, a teacher in one of the ghetto-like suburbs where violence is growing: “A boy who wakes up, has nothing to do, is doing badly at school and has no job prospects — It’s all setting the stage for future riots…”

In an AP article appearing in USA Today (October 24, 2006), this comment was made concerning the state of affairs of many of the poor: “Any jobseeker in France’s down-and-out suburban housing projects knows that if you want work, it’s better to be named Alain than Mohamed.”

More Unrest in France

An Associated Press article appearing on (October 25, 2006) reported more unrest in France:

“Hundreds of youths from the poor, immigrant suburbs that erupted in riots last year marched through Paris Wednesday to present a collection of 20,000 complaints to lawmakers and urge the disenfranchised to make themselves heard with a vote, not violence.

Hours later, six to 10 young people forced passengers off a public bus in a western Paris suburb and then [set] the vehicle on fire, officials said.”

The article also noted: “The events came ahead of Friday’s first anniversary of the riots by disaffected youths from the housing projects where people of Arab and black African descent live outside France’s big cities. Many in the country fear new violence with rising tensions in recent weeks.”

Riots in Hungary

From (October 24, 2006): “Hungary’s prime minister and the main opposition party traded accusations of blame Tuesday for rioting that broke out in the capital and marred 50th anniversary commemorations of the uprising against the former communist government.
“The riots Monday in central Budapest injured 167 people and caused more than C$1 million in damage, authorities said.”

Unrest has continued to escalate as calls for Prime Minister Fernc Gyurcsany’s resignation for lying in this year’s earlier election gain a more violent tone. The article also stated: “Public health authorities said 167 people had been treated at hospitals, including 17 police – one of whom was seriously injured. Of the 150 civilians treated, 13 had serious injuries.”

UK Limits Migrants

Reacting to migration levels that strain its infrastructure and public services, the United Kingdom took decisive measures to stem the inflow of foreign workers. The (October 25, 2006) reported:

“There is to be a 20,000 annual limit on low-skilled workers entering Britain from Bulgaria and Romania when the former Soviet bloc countries join the European Union next January, the Government announced yesterday.”

This article also revealed a reason for this current move: “The decision to introduce restrictions follows the wildly inaccurate predictions of new arrivals before the entry of eight countries to the EU two years ago. Since then, more than 450,000 people have come to work in the UK, mostly from Poland and the Baltic states. That is 30 times greater than forecast, largely because Britain at the time was the only major economy to open up its labour market.”

Protective moves of this kind do find critics, because EU citizens are guaranteed free movement in member nations. Some see this as only superficial, believing that poor workers will continue to be exploited and that their presence will only exacerbate a growing problem.

Russia also Deals with Illegal Immigrants

The website of the Russian News & Information Agency (October 24, 2006) published an article reporting on steps now being taken in Russia to stabilize illegal immigration–the article stated:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged Tuesday to counter illegal immigration in the country, and at the same time to simplify the legalization of those living and working here.

“Millions of illegal immigrants from struggling former Soviet republics have flooded Russia since the breakup of the Soviet Union, bringing with them a rise in crime and a wave of xenophobic sentiment in response.”

This article highlights what is becoming an issue for countries all over the earth–an influx of poor alien workers along with a rise in crime:

“Many traders in markets across Russia are from former Soviet republics in the Caucasus region and former Central Asian Soviet states, as well as China and Vietnam, and many are in the country illegally.

“The president said criminal groups control markets, whereas market administrations, agricultural producers and police play a secondary role there, adding that the situation has outraged many Russians.

“‘This is the key to the problems we have faced recently,’ Putin said, referring to a series of violent attacks on dark-skinned people in Russia and the two latest race-hate cases in a Moscow market and a northern town.

“An explosive device was detonated at the Cherkizovsky market in northeastern Moscow August 21, killing 11 people and injuring at least 49, mostly Asians.

“And two Russians were killed in a restaurant brawl with Chechen immigrants in the northern town of Kondopoga in early September, sparking racial mob violence in the community and a wave of anti-immigration protests elsewhere in the country.”

More Threats From Iran

As reported in the Jerusalem Post (October 20, 2006), both Israel’s prime minister and the Iranian president exchanged threatening words. This occurred as the U.N. Security Council ever-so-slowly draws up recommendations to curb Iran’s nuclear ambition.

According to this article: “Ahmadinejad called the UN Security Council and all its decisions ‘illegitimate’ and said the world body was being used as a tool of Iran’s enemies – the United States and Britain.”

Also reported was this ominous perspective held by the Iranian leadership–if not much of that nation’s population: “Across Iran, millions took to the streets on ‘Al-Quds Day,’ Arabic for Jerusalem – a national holiday established by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to assert Muslim claims on the holy city. Rallies took place in Cairo, Beirut, Baghdad and elsewhere across the Islamic world.

“Ahmadinejad, speaking to a crowd of hundreds of thousands in Teheran, threatened any country that supports Israel, and said the US and its allies had ‘imposed a group of terrorists’ on the region by their support of the Jewish state.

“…His comments came a day after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert warned that Iran would have ‘a price to pay’ if it does not give up its nuclear ambitions – and hinted Israel might be forced to take action.”

Bible prophecy shows that the modern descendants of the House of Israel will become the scorn of the rest of the world–and that will arise because of their national sins. The two sons of Joseph–Ephraim and Manasseh, the nations of the British Empire and the United States, respectively–bear the name and birthright of Israel (the name God gave to Jacob). The current nation called Israel actually occupies the land of Israel and is more properly understood to represent the House of Judah. Startling prophecies concerning the fate of these nations are finding fulfillment in the news headlines of today! To understand more, please read our free booklet, “The Fall and Rise of Britain and America,” available at Also, watch our video presentation at

Will the U.S. Win?

In a recent interview with journalists, President George Bush expressed his concerns and deep frustrations over the war in Iraq. Correspondent Byron York reported in the NRO–nationalreviewonline, October 25, 2006:

“…In today’s Iraq, the president conceded, it is the enemy, and not the United States, that is defining what victory means.

“The frustration in the room stemmed not so much from internal divisions and paralysis in the Iraqi government, or lagging indicators like oil and energy production. Rather, it came from the fact that American forces simply do not seem to be winning the war — on anyone’s terms — and that most Americans are disinclined to leave the troops in Iraq without some clear movement toward victory.”

By contrast to the earlier willingness of Americans to strike out at terrorism, this war in Iraq now seems to be going nowhere. Correspondent York writes:

“‘People, most of them, are out there saying, “What are you doing? Get after ‘em,’” Bush said. He’s heard it himself. “I’m from Texas,” Bush continued. “My buddies are saying, are you doing enough, not are you doing too little. They want to know, are we winning. They want to know, this mighty country, are we doing what it takes to win?”‘

“It would be fair to say that no one fully knew the answer to that question. At times during the conversation, the president seemed vexed — not beaten, not downcast, but vexed — by conditions in Iraq. Bush didn’t say so, but from his words it seemed hard to deny that in some significant measure the insurgents and the sectarian killers are in control in the country, and that the fate of the American mission is in their hands.”

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