This Week In The News
Current Events
by Norbert Link
In this edition, we are addressing the clash between Trump, Vance and Zelensky, and the consequences for the ongoing alienation between the USA and Europe, as well as Ukraine, Russia and NATO.
Throughout this section, we have underlined pertinent statements in the quoted articles, for the convenience and quick overview of the reader.
Going the Distance
“Going the Distance” is the musical song in the original Rocky movie, and there is quite a lesson to learn from it about determination, endurance and reaching for a goal. The movie and the song are based on an unknown boxer, Rocky Balboa, with aspirations of becoming the boxing champion and what he was willing to put his body through in exercise, diet and determination to reach that goal. Even though he did not gain the title, he showed an inspiring performance of endurance, even when fighting in the ring.
Our Christian lives are a continual battle to maintain our equilibrium in overcoming Satan and the pulls of the flesh. Thankfully, we have the perfect coach in our corner who gave us the perfect example of overcoming sin, enduring trials and attaining righteousness through obedience.
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Who and What is in Heaven? (Part 1)
These are very interesting questions and the only place that we can find this information is in the Word of God, the Bible.
The spiritual realm is a fascinating subject. Physical can’t see spirit. Our physical life now, however long or short, will be a fraction of our life as a Spirit-born member of God’s Family if we make it into the Kingdom of God.
In an article entitled “What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind”, Mr Herbert W Armstrong (1892-1986), former leader of the now defunct Worldwide Church of God, wrote that “God has had to plan to bridge the gap between MATTER (of which MAN is now wholly composed) and SPIRIT (which God now is, and man must become). The body that comes in the (first) resurrection is not the same body that was flesh and blood in this human lifetime. God does not turn flesh and blood matter INTO Spirit. The flesh and blood physical body, after death, decomposes and decays, but the spirit that was IN that body, like the sculptor’s mold, preserves all the form and shape, the memory, and the character INTACT. And that mold, being spirit does not change — even though the resurrection may take place thousands of years after death.”
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