How to Keep the Sabbath

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Many believe and teach that Christians are no longer obligated to observe the weekly Sabbath—the period from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. This conclusion is incorrect. True Christians know and have proven for themselves from the pages of the Bible that they are still duty-bound today to keep the weekly Sabbath, as it is holy time. We offer biblical proof in our free booklet, God’s Commanded Holy Days.

Questions often arise, however, as to HOW to keep the Sabbath. Are there any principles or passages in the Bible that tell us what kinds of activities are permitted and which are prohibited? Are we told how to apply those passages and concepts practically in specific situations?

In this booklet, we will address many of these questions that have perplexed Christians for decades. We will concentrate on God’s command not to do work on the Sabbath; not to pursue our own pleasure; and not to engage in business; and we will discuss whether or not we should eat out in a restaurant on the Sabbath. We will also speak on Church attendance on the Sabbath, as well as proper appearance and conduct during Church services. Finally, we will provide some guidelines for opening and closing prayers, and the delivery of sermonettes in Sabbath services. 

God’s Commanded Holy Days

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Are the Weekly Sabbath and Annual Holy Days Still Binding on Us Today?

Why did ancient Israel and  Judah have to go into captivity? Was God angry with them? And why does God warn this modern world that calamity is fast approaching? Is God angry with us?  Is there a correlation?

Could our failure to observe God’s weekly Sabbath and His annual Feast Days have anything to do with it? Before we shrug our shoulders and scoff at such an idea, let us review God’s Word—the Bible—to learn what our Maker has to say about our national, collective and individual sins.

To suggest that God still requires man to observe the Seventh-Day Sabbath and His annual Holy Days sounds strange, indeed, to most people. After all, weren’t those days given only to the Jews, ultimately to be replaced by Christians with Sunday and with such festivals as Christmas, Easter, and even Halloween? Wouldn’t the keeping of the Sabbath and the annual Feast Days mean returning to Old Testament rituals that were done away by Christ when He died for us? Weren’t the Sabbath and the annual Festivals just part of the Old Covenant that was replaced by the New Covenant?

Is That In the Bible? Man’s Holidays and God’s Holy Days

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Have you ever questioned the source of your beliefs? Do you base your beliefs on family or societal traditions, or do you base them on sound biblical doctrine? Do you know what the Bible teaches in regard to the beliefs you hold dear? Is it possible that you believe something that the Bible does not teach, or that you actually reject what the Bible does teach? Is it possible that you are deceived?

The Bible tells us that the whole world is deceived (Revelation 12:9).

And so, it should come as no surprise that many of man’s beliefs, customs, ideas and teachings are not based on God’s Word, the Bible, but, instead, on human concepts and traditions, which actually have their roots in the “god of this world”—Satan the devil (2 Corinthians 4:4, Authorized Version). There is no truth in Satan, and even though he masquerades himself as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14), God calls him and his demons “the rulers of the darkness of this age” (Ephesians 6:12).

The Ten Commandments

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The concept of the Ten Commandments—also referred to as the Decalogue—has been known since time immemorial, often being referred to in religious and even nonreligious articles, books, movies and TV shows. However, many false ideas are associated with these Commandments, as very few people truly understand their unique meaning and significance, resulting in opposition to keeping them today, even among professing Christians.

In this booklet, we will discuss many of the false interpretations and misconceptions about the individual commandments and the entire Decalogue, and we will show how the Ten Commandments ARE to be understood and what they mean for us today.

The Ten Commandments are listed in their entirety in Exodus 20 and in Deuteronomy 5.

Jesus Christ—A Great Mystery!

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Part 1

Did Jesus Exist?

Is there any historical proof that a person called Jesus Christ ever existed? Although it is sometimes claimed by atheists and agnostics that the very person of Jesus was an invention by early writers, very few educated people down through history have doubted the existence of Christ. There are more than 1,000 works of literature that were written very early in Church history affirming the existence of Christ, and much of it was written by pagans or Jews—people who acknowledged His existence, but denied that He was, indeed, the Son of God.

H.G. Wells wrote in “Outline of History”: “…one is obliged to say, ‘Here was a man. This part of the tale could not have been invented.’” Will Durant, professor of philosophy, and a non-Christian, wrote extensively about Christ’s existence and His effect on society in “The Story of Civilization.” The Encyclopedia Britannica refers to Christ more than 20,000 times—more than Socrates, Aristotle, Buddha, Napoleon, Confucius, Mohammed, or Shakespeare. It says in one instance: “These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus, which was disputed for the first time and on inadequate grounds by the end of the 18th, during the 19th, and at the beginning of the 20th centuries.”

Europe in Prophecy – The Unfolding of End-Time Events

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The Bible tells us to watch and be ready for the return of  Christ. But watch what? With so much going on in the world, how can we distinguish between important and unimportant news? Just where do we focus our attention?

We see a European power bloc developing. We hear of right-wing activities in Germany and Austria. We listen to the Catholic Church proclaim that it is the only true Church of Christ. Some speculate that these developments could lead to a European economic superstate with one single currency, one political and military system, and even one religion. But would this be a good thing? Would such a Europe be on good terms with the United States of America? Just what does it all mean?

Old Testament Laws — Still Valid Today?

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Foreward—Why This Booklet Was Written

Do the Old Testament laws apply to us today? How can we determine if they do, and to what extent? The answers to these questions require careful consideration of the Scriptures in order to fully appreciate why God gave these laws in the first place and what, if anything, they mean for us today.

When Jesus Christ came to this earth as a human being, He revealed the spiritual intent of God’s timeless Law; however, His death clearly abolished the literal application of certain temporary ritual provisions of Old Testament regulations. So then, those who correctly understand that Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the entirety of God’s “LAW,” must still determine WHICH portions of the LAW are spiritual and therefore still valid for us today.

When and How Will Christ Return?

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The Bible promises that Jesus Christ will return to this earth (John 14:3, 28) to establish the Kingdom of God, right here on earth, and His rulership over all nations (Revelation 20:4, 6). The Bible also gives us many indications as to when Christ’s return will occur. Prophetic Scriptures outline in detail the conditions pointing to His Second Coming.

In Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, Christ described events which would lead to His return and the end of THIS age, AND to the beginning of the Millennium—the NEW age of the wonderful world tomorrow!

He warned against ever-increasing religious deception (1 Timothy 4:1), wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes (Matthew 24:4-7). All of these events are referred to as the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:8). Mankind will encounter “perilous” or “stressful” times in these last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Scoffers will even deny that Christ will return as He said He would (2 Peter 3:3-4; Jude 17-18).

Are Jews and Christians at Odds with Jesus Christ?

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Why was the religious establishment usually at odds with Jesus when He was here on earth? Why are the Jews still waiting for their version of a Messiah, and is that expectation biblical? And why is traditional Christianity rejecting Jesus Christ?

In the first part of this booklet, we will endeavor to answer this question, by discussing the different religious groups who were all part of the Jewish establishment at the time of Jesus.

When we read the New Testament, it becomes obvious even to the most casual reader, that Jesus was constantly being followed and questioned by those members of the different religious groupings within the Jewish race during His ministry almost two thousand years ago.

God’s Law…or God’s Grace?

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The cover image for this booklet depicts two paths reflecting the erroneous beliefs that one must “have works” OR “have faith” in order to be saved! James addressed this controversy in chapter 2, verses 17-18—as we also do in the pages which follow. The cover image shows that the two paths lead to opposite directions, without reaching the same destination.


The topic of law and grace has been widely discussed among various Christian groups, yet it remains fundamentally confusing for many people. Traditional Christianity believes that Christ came to abolish the law of the Ten Commandments, and that we are absolved from any responsibilities simply because we are under grace. But is this true? How does one who claims to be a Christian know what to believe?

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