World News Headlines
{foreach:news.edition.sections,sectionID,section} {if:news.equals(,#News#)} {end:} {if:news.equals(,#Current Events#)} {end:} {end:}

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And Lawlessness Will Abound...
Angels, Demons, and the Spirt World
Are You Already Born Again?
Are You Predestined to Be Saved?
Baptism - A Requirement for Salvation?
Biblical Meditation, a Forgotten Art
Do We Have an Immortal Soul?
Don't Keep Christmas
Europe in Prophecy
Fall and Rise of Britain and America
God's Commanded Holy Days
God is a Family
Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Is God a Trinity?
Jesus Christ, A Great Mystery!
Should You Fight in War?
Sickness and Healing, What the Bible Tells Us
The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord
The Keys to Happy Marriages and Families
Theory of Evolution - A Fairy Tale for Adults
Tithing Today?


Recent Programs...

Things Have Changed
Why Sickness and Disease
Why Wars
Germany in Prophecy
What is the Beast
Who Rules this World
What's Ahead for the U.S.
Babylon the Great
The Abomination of Desolation
What Happened to Sin
Heaven and Hell
What's Wrong with the Legal System
Why Did Israel Fight
Train Your Child...
Who and What Is God
Why Were You Born
What Wrong With The Governmental System
I Will Return
How Good Is Your Word
Who Are You
Giving Account
A Better World
Why Mars
God and Politics
What the World Needs Now...
Change the Bible?
Is the U.S. Draft Coming
Europe and the Bull
Wrong Obedience
Who Was Jesus
Life After Death
King of the South
What is the Church
Why No Evolution
EU, US, and Halloween
Christ's Return and You
Balanced Living
Allies, Enemies and You
Hope for the Future?

Why the Catastrophe in Asia?
They Will Live Again!
Ghosts of Departed Ones?
Are You a Peacemaker?
The Last Days of Pompeii
Presumed Guilty?
Neverending Shootings?
Why Not Easter?
The Pope is Dead - What is Next?
Submitting to Authority
The Last Pope?

Why You?
What's Going on in Europe?
What To Do With Problems?
Can Europe Be Healed?
Why The Terror in London?
Noisy Neighbors
Right or Wrong?
Safe Air Traffic?
Returning to Our Christian Roots
More Disasters Will Strike...
The Beginning of Sorrows
How Close Are We?
How Convicted Are You?
What is Happening in Germany?
Happy Christmas?
Your Reaction to World News
Evolution or the Bible?
Stay Committed!
Beware of False Prophets!
Our Only Hope!
Europe and the Middle East
Why All This Violence?
Afghanistan's Radical Islam
Uproar in France



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