Standing Watch


July 1, 2001


Church of God, ACF

George Meeker, Secretary
Larry Salyer, President
Jack Hendren
Rex Sexton
Rick Stafford


In order for us to pursue the original goals that were established at the founding of the Church of God, acf, and in order to reduce contention, dissension, and division amongst all of our people, we hereby submit our resignation from CGCF and from any corporate offices we may hold, effective this date.

We will continue to serve the brethren as we serve God, and in so doing, we must act according to our conscience in teaching, as we were taught under the tutelage of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the doctrines of God. God revealed these truths and they are precious indeed. We are firmly committed to preaching these doctrines and to preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God going forward from here as God leads us.

We have stood by far too long and watched you tear apart the progress made with the UCG task force by your violation of what was agreed upon in Cincinnati. You have told our brethren that there are no differences in the doctrines of the two Churches when there clearly are differences, especially in the presentation and implementation of those doctrines. In so doing, many brethren have left our fellowship, prematurely, based upon the things you have said.

You have continually ignored our questions relative to what happens to those brethren who will be left behind because of conscience, not even allowing time for positive discussions, which may have led to past errors being resolved. This has caused a certain distrust on the part of the brethren toward the leadership of CGCF.

You have gone outside the established government of the Church and are shutting down the organization. You have cancelled feast sites; you have discontinued internet services and the audio tape program; you have held unauthorized meetings with other fellowships while not providing a place of worship for brethren not willing to follow you to those meetings; you have discontinued all hall rentals so that the brethren are in jeopardy of having no place to meet for services in the near future; you have written letters to the members which have not revealed the truth concerning what is happening; and you have accused your fellow ministers who are not willing to follow you in your plan. When repeatedly questioned concerning these serious matters you have refused to respond.

Additionally, you now go to United as you shut down the organization you established just two years ago, supposedly for the purpose of providing a safe haven for brethren who had been maligned by others in the name of Christianity, and in so doing you leave brethren without a haven.

And, gentlemen, you have done this supposedly for the sake of “uniting” all of God's brethren. Shame on you! Had you spent the time over the past months focused on preaching the gospel and feeding the sheep God has put under your care, rather than in the name of “unity” pushing to join UCG while at the same time forsaking your brethren in CGCF, there would be no need for this letter.

We have proposed on several occasions in the past few months that you who desired to go to UCG at this time go ahead and leave us in peace, but rather than accepting our proposal for peace, you have accused us, maligned us with the brethren, and openly attacked us on the internet and now in the current member letter. You have gone into areas where there was peace in a congregation and have split those congregations down the middle. All of this you have done in the name of “unity”.

Well, gentlemen, you have accomplished your purpose. You have destroyed this organization and even very close friendships and you continue to attack. We are committed to continue this work that God commissioned us to do with total dedication.

You say you are concerned that you will not be able to have your meeting this morning. Well, you may now have your meeting in peace.

Amos asks the question, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” And, since we do not agree with the approach CGCF is now taking under its current leadership, either in doctrine or in direction, we feel we cannot continue to walk with you.

Our prayer is that in time all of God's people will be able to come together in the bond of peace through the unity of His Holy Spirit.


J. Edwin Pope Jean Carion
Warren Zehrung Rees Ellis
Norbert Link Joseph Musso
David Harris Bob Devine

















